Research ProposalPDF Available


Mochamad SOELTON, Noermijati NOERMIJAT, Boris Alexander TKHORIKOV,
Mohammed HOKRO, Muhammad SADI, and Mafizatun NURHAYATI
Name : Muhammad Khadaffi
Nim : 43121010111
Subject : Organizational Behavior
Lecturer: Dr. Mochamad Soelton, S.Psi, MM, CHRMP, Psikolog
presents a community service analysis aimed at improving the performance of elderly posbindu
and activating sub-districts that do not yet have elderly posbindu, as well as increasing the
happiness of the elderly group. The study was conducted in Cileungsir, Nagarapadang Village,
Petir District, Serang Regency, Banten, Indonesia. The purpose of the study was to provide
counseling and assistance to develop an active posbindu, increase awareness of the elderly
around them, and motivate Elderly Posbindu cadres to care for their respective elderly areas in
handling genotric care. The article also discusses the prevalence of non-communicable diseases
(NCDs) in Indonesia and the government's efforts to control NCDs through the PTM Integrated
Development Post (Posbindu). The study found that with the transfer of technology, the
community will receive genotric care training for posbindu cadres as partner communities.
Therefore, it is accompanied by counseling and training on genotric care that can provide added
value to these activities. Thus the training can be carried out for the elderly who can provide
happiness and health for members of the Elderly group as partners. The article concludes that
empowering posbindu cadres is necessary to improve the health of the elderly and control
NCDs in the community.
The article provides a detailed background of Nagarapadang Village, including its history,
population structure by age group and gender, and the health situation in the village. It also
discusses the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Indonesia and the
government's efforts to control NCDs through the PTM Integrated Development Post
(Posbindu). The article concludes that empowering posbindu cadres is necessary to improve
the health of the elderly and control NCDs in the community.
The study's findings and recommendations are based on the specific context of Nagarapadang
Village and the efforts to improve the well-being of the elderly population. The article provides
valuable insights into community development and health promotion initiatives targeted at the
elderly population in Indonesia.
Vizano, N., Lo, S., Sumarto, A., Karyatun, S., Thoullon, M., Naibaho, M., & Soelton, M.
Ulizing Waste Goods As A Medium Improving Entrepreneurial Enthusiasm
At Srengseng-
Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 272-277.
Kurniawan, D., Marlapa, E., Soelton, M., Buana, D., Thoullon, M., Yusso, Y., & Naibaho,
M. (2023). Increase The Potenal of Quality Management To Expand
TheRelaonship With The Pares.
ICCD, 5(1), 507-513.
Aulia, I., Soelton, M., Hanaah, A., Thoullon, M., Paijan, P., Karyatun, S., & Saraan, E.
(2023). Entrepreneurial Planning Strategy At Meruya Utara-Kembangan-
Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 121-128. hps://
Nandiwardana, A., Soelton, M., Permana, D., Karyatun, S., Asih, D., Widyanty, W., &
Kharzai, M. (2023). Used Goods Creaon For Sustainable Business At
Srengseng- Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 86-92. hps://
Ramli, Y., Permana, D., Shirana, A., Soelton, M., & Yuso, Y. (2023). Implemenng
Innovaon Strategic Against Sustainability Business On The Micro, Small And
Medium Enterprises. ICCD, 5(1), 60-65. hps://
Harwani, Y., Apriadi, I., Asih, D., Sihite, J., Soelton, M., & Yusso, Y. (2023). Product
Innovaon Expansion For Msme Groups In Bantarjaya Village Rancabungur -
Bogor. ICCD, 5(1), 115- 120. hps://
Arijanto, A., Soelton, M., Bagaskara, M., Karyatun, S., Sari, V., Yulianni, T., & Yusso,
Y. (2023). Strengthening Leadership Paerns For The Msme Group’s
Sustainable At
Bogor. ICCD, 5(1), 501-
Nawangsari, L., Siswan, I., & Soelton, M. (2023). Human Resources Management
Business Sustainability In
Msmes. ICCD, 5(1), 514-518.
Wahyono, T., Karyatun, S., Soelton, M., Priyono, P., Prasetya, P., Arief, H., &
Nandiwardana, A. (2023). Increasing Family Entrepreneurship Opportunies.
ICCD, 5(1), 129-134. hps://
Yulianni, T., Marlapa, E., Asih, D., Srihadi, T., Rohman, A., & Soelton, M. (2023).
Business Planning Based On Green Management, Should Be Sustainable?.
ICCD, 5(1), 135- 140. hps://
Marlapa, E., Srihadi, T., Yulianni, T., & Soelton, M. (2023). Socializaon Of Hr
Management To Encourage Msmes To Become Sustainable And Sustainable
Enterprises In Marunda.
ICCD, 5(1), 262-265.
Soelton, M., Permana, D., Ramli, Y., Hanaah, A., Karyatun, S., Srihadi, T., & Risman, A.
Business Plan Counseling In Creang Micro-Entrepreneurship At
Kemanggisan-Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 266-271.
Asih, D., Soelton, M., Siolemba Paro, S., Ramli, Y., Nurhaya, M., & Yusso, Y. (2023).
Markeng Invasion For MSME Groups At Bantarjaya-Bogor. ICCD, 5(1), 278-
283. hps://
Putra Saraan, E., Arief, H., Ramli, Y., Permana, D., & Soelton, M. (2023). Introducon
ofSharia Financing Contracts For The Indonesian Msmes. ICCD, 5(1), 296-301.
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Research Proposal
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Name : Tiara Nabilah Nim : 4312101034 Lecturer : Dr. Mochamad Soelton, S.Psi, MM, CHRMP, Psikolog Subject : HR planning and development Human Resource Management (HRM) is a part of management that focuses more on paying attention to potentials or assets in the form of human resources which function as the main capital in internal improvement of business organizations.
Research Proposal
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Name : Gina Arodatul Zanah NIM : 43121010133 Lecturer : Dr. Mochamad Soelton, S.Psi, MM, CHRMP, Psikolog Subject : HR Planning and Development The classic problems faced by MSMEs are internal problems, namely the low professionalism of MSME management staff, limited capital and lack of access to banking and markets, as well as the ability to master technology which is still lacking. The main problem of a small industry is not only to achieve a stable high level of performance but also to maintain a position in the market while competing with all the unexpected challenges that will come the situation in Bantarjaya Village, several problems can be formulated as obstacles.
Utilizing Waste Goods As A
  • N Vizano
  • S Lo
  • A Sumarto
  • S Karyatun
  • M Thoullon
  • M Naibaho
  • M Soelton
Vizano, N., Lo, S., Sumarto, A., Karyatun, S., Thoullon, M., Naibaho, M., & Soelton, M. (2023). Utilizing Waste Goods As A Medium Improving Entrepreneurial Enthusiasm At Srengseng-Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 272-277.
Increase The Potential of Quality Management To Expand TheRelationship With The Parties
  • D Kurniawan
  • E Marlapa
  • M Soelton
  • D Buana
  • M Thoullon
  • Y Yussoff
  • M Naibaho
Kurniawan, D., Marlapa, E., Soelton, M., Buana, D., Thoullon, M., Yussoff, Y., & Naibaho, M. (2023). Increase The Potential of Quality Management To Expand TheRelationship With The Parties. ICCD, 5(1), 507-513.
  • I Aulia
  • M Soelton
  • A Hanafiah
  • M Thoullon
  • P Paijan
  • S Karyatun
  • E Saratian
Aulia, I., Soelton, M., Hanafiah, A., Thoullon, M., Paijan, P., Karyatun, S., & Saratian, E. (2023). Entrepreneurial Planning Strategy At Meruya Utara-Kembangan-Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 121-128.
Used Goods Creation For Sustainable Business At Srengseng-Jakarta
  • A Nandiwardana
  • M Soelton
  • D Permana
  • S Karyatun
  • D Asih
  • W Widyanty
  • M Kharzai
Nandiwardana, A., Soelton, M., Permana, D., Karyatun, S., Asih, D., Widyanty, W., & Kharzai, M. (2023). Used Goods Creation For Sustainable Business At Srengseng-Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 86-92.
Implementing Innovation Strategic Against Sustainability Business On The Micro
  • Y Ramli
  • D Permana
  • A Shiratina
  • M Soelton
  • Y Yusoff
Ramli, Y., Permana, D., Shiratina, A., Soelton, M., & Yusoff, Y. (2023). Implementing Innovation Strategic Against Sustainability Business On The Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises. ICCD, 5(1), 60-65.
Product Innovation Expansion For Msme Groups In Bantarjaya Village Rancabungur -Bogor
  • Y Harwani
  • I Apriadi
  • D Asih
  • J Sihite
  • M Soelton
  • Y Yussoff
Harwani, Y., Apriadi, I., Asih, D., Sihite, J., Soelton, M., & Yussoff, Y. (2023). Product Innovation Expansion For Msme Groups In Bantarjaya Village Rancabungur -Bogor. ICCD, 5(1), 115-120.
Increasing Family Entrepreneurship Opportunities
  • T Wahyono
  • S Karyatun
  • M Soelton
  • P Priyono
  • P Prasetya
  • H Arief
  • A Nandiwardana
Wahyono, T., Karyatun, S., Soelton, M., Priyono, P., Prasetya, P., Arief, H., & Nandiwardana, A. (2023). Increasing Family Entrepreneurship Opportunities. ICCD, 5(1), 129-134.
Business Planning Based On Green Management, Should Be Sustainable?
  • T Yuliantini
  • E Marlapa
  • D Asih
  • T Srihadi
  • A Rohman
  • M Soelton
Yuliantini, T., Marlapa, E., Asih, D., Srihadi, T., Rohman, A., & Soelton, M. (2023). Business Planning Based On Green Management, Should Be Sustainable?. ICCD, 5(1), 135-140.