Research ProposalPDF Available


Muhamad Alan, Mochamad SOELTON¹*, Noermija NOERMIJATI², Boris Alexander TKHORIKOV³,
Mohammed HOKROH⁴, Muhammad SADIQ⁵, and Mazatun NURHAYATI⁶
Name : Muhammad Alfain
Nim : 43121010083
Lecturer : Mochamad Soelton Dr.S.Psi,MM,CHRMP
Results Elderly Mentoring and Counseling Acvity was held from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on March 3,
2020 at Badui Tradional House, Kampung Jambu, Nagarapadan Village, Pul District, Serang Regency-
Banten will be done. Counseling parcipants and 28 elderly adults aged 58 to 88 years.
The acvies carried out are as follows: a.Movang older adults to improve mental health services
for older adults, b.Skilled and successful partners in regenerang Posbindu seniors in sub-districts
where Posbindu seniors do not exist, c.The ability and success of partner communies in implemenng
geriatric care for older people, d. Ability to perform nursing acvies or acvies in accordance with
connuously established geriatric care standards, including: B. Light exercise to strengthen
osteoporosis, improve blood circulaon and reduce acvies that can increase blood pressure.
Discussion These values have changed over me. Some facts are very alarming for some people whose
paerns of materialism, hedonism, and advice are becoming increasingly strong.
Some people think of parents as a burden. If we don't respect our parents, what will be the future of
this country? Your own family or other old communies? On the other hand, facts show that
Indonesia's populaon has doubled in the past 40 years, but the elderly populaon has also increased
from about 2 million in 1970 to 2,000 in 2010. It has doubled to more than 10,000 people. The average
life expectancy of the populaon is more than 60 years.
Professor Dr. Haryono Suyono, chairman of the Redatama Associaon of the Republic of Indonesia
(PWRI), revealed that the number of elderly people in Indonesia is esmated to reach approximately
29 million to 30 million in 2017. By 2050, that number will be 80 million, of which 35 to 36 million will
be between 60 and 69 years old.Organizaons that priorize talent development oer Sustainable
Rerement Readiness Programs. One is to allow employees to rere and naturally become producve
seniors. Older people are inially producve, able to transfer their knowledge and experience as
resource persons in their work and professional elds, competent in their professional elds, and
acvely involved in various elds, including the social eld.which is very common.
Organizaons/Foundaons, Educaon, and Special Hobby Groups In general, the acvies of upper-
middle-class older adults are not necessarily movated by economic moves, but rather by self-
actualizaon. For middle- and lower-class seniors, the government encourages them to remain
producve and manage their income.
Vizano, N., Lo, S., Sumarto, A., Karyatun, S., Thoullon, M., Naibaho, M., & Soelton, M. (2023).
Ulizing Waste Goods As A Medium Improving Entrepreneurial Enthusiasm At SrengsengJakarta. ICCD,
5(1), 272-277. hps://
Kurniawan, D., Marlapa, E., Soelton, M., Buana, D., Thoullon, M., Yusso, Y., & Naibaho, M. (2023).
Increase The Potenal of Quality Management To Expand The Relaonship With The
Pares. ICCD, 5(1), 507-513. hps://
Aulia, I., Soelton, M., Hanaah, A., Thoullon, M., Paijan, P., Karyatun, S., & Saraan, E. (2023).
Entrepreneurial Planning Strategy At Meruya Utara-Kembangan-Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 121-128.
Nandiwardana, A., Soelton, M., Permana, D., Karyatun, S., Asih, D., Widyanty, W., & Kharzai, M. (2023).
Used Goods Creaon For Sustainable Business At Srengseng-Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 86-92.
Ramli, Y., Permana, D., Shirana, A., Soelton, M., & Yuso, Y. (2023). Implemenng Innovaon
Strategic Against Sustainability Business On The Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises. ICCD, 5(1), 60-
65. hps://
Harwani, Y., Apriadi, I., Asih, D., Sihite, J., Soelton, M., & Yusso, Y. (2023). Product Innovaon
Expansion For Msme Groups In Bantarjaya Village Rancabungur Bogor. ICCD, 5(1), 115-120.
Arijanto, A., Soelton, M., Bagaskara, M., Karyatun, S., Sari, V., Yulianni, T., & Yusso, Y. (2023).
Strengthening Leadership Paerns For The Msme Group’s Sustainable At Bantarjaya-
RancabungurBogor. ICCD, 5(1), 501-506. hps://
Nawangsari, L., Siswan, I., & Soelton, M. (2023). Human Resources Management Strategy For
Business Sustainability In Msmes. ICCD, 5(1), 514-518. hps://
Wahyono, T., Karyatun, S., Soelton, M., Priyono, P., Prasetya, P., Arief, H., & Nandiwardana, A. (2023).
Increasing Family Entrepreneurship Opportunies. ICCD, 5(1), 129-
Yulianni, T., Marlapa, E., Asih, D., Srihadi, T., Rohman, A., & Soelton, M. (2023). Business Planning
Based On Green Management, Should Be Sustainable?. ICCD, 5(1), 135-140.
Marlapa, E., Srihadi, T., Yulianni, T., & Soelton, M. (2023). Socializaon Of Hr Management To
Encourage Msmes To Become Sustainable And Sustainable Enterprises In Marunda. ICCD, 5(1), 262-
265. hps://
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Research Proposal
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Name : Gina Arodatul Zanah NIM : 43121010133 Lecturer : Dr. Mochamad Soelton, S.Psi, MM, CHRMP, Psikolog Subject : HR Planning and Development Human Resource Management (HRM) is very much needed in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) because it can improve HR competency through increasing the knowledge and skills of MSMEs. Managing human resources for MSMEs is a skill that must be possessed by MSME players. HR management in MSMEs includes recruitment, selection, placement, development, compensation (wages), retention, evaluation, promotion and termination of employment. Managing human resources for MSMEs is a skill that must be possessed by MSME players. As the global economy develops, business competition is increasingly competitive. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have low competitiveness, one of the causes is low product quality, lack of product innovation and limited mastery of technology.
Increase The Potential of Quality Management To Expand The Relationship With The Parties
Increase The Potential of Quality Management To Expand The Relationship With The Parties. ICCD, 5(1), 507-513.
Used Goods Creation For Sustainable Business At Srengseng-Jakarta
Used Goods Creation For Sustainable Business At Srengseng-Jakarta. ICCD, 5(1), 86-92.
Implementing Innovation Strategic Against Sustainability Business On The Micro
  • Y Ramli
  • D Permana
  • A Shiratina
  • M Soelton
  • Y Yusoff
Ramli, Y., Permana, D., Shiratina, A., Soelton, M., & Yusoff, Y. (2023). Implementing Innovation Strategic Against Sustainability Business On The Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises. ICCD, 5(1), 60-65.
Product Innovation Expansion For Msme Groups In Bantarjaya Village Rancabungur -Bogor
  • Y Harwani
  • I Apriadi
  • D Asih
  • J Sihite
  • M Soelton
  • Y Yussoff
Harwani, Y., Apriadi, I., Asih, D., Sihite, J., Soelton, M., & Yussoff, Y. (2023). Product Innovation Expansion For Msme Groups In Bantarjaya Village Rancabungur -Bogor. ICCD, 5(1), 115-120.
Strengthening Leadership Patterns For The Msme Group's Sustainable At Bantarjaya-RancabungurBogor
Strengthening Leadership Patterns For The Msme Group's Sustainable At Bantarjaya-RancabungurBogor. ICCD, 5(1), 501-506.
  • T Wahyono
  • S Karyatun
  • M Soelton
  • P Priyono
  • P Prasetya
  • H Arief
  • A Nandiwardana
Wahyono, T., Karyatun, S., Soelton, M., Priyono, P., Prasetya, P., Arief, H., & Nandiwardana, A. (2023). Increasing Family Entrepreneurship Opportunities. ICCD, 5(1), 129-
Business Planning Based On Green Management, Should Be Sustainable?
  • T Yuliantini
  • E Marlapa
  • D Asih
  • T Srihadi
  • A Rohman
  • M Soelton
Yuliantini, T., Marlapa, E., Asih, D., Srihadi, T., Rohman, A., & Soelton, M. (2023). Business Planning Based On Green Management, Should Be Sustainable?. ICCD, 5(1), 135-140.
Socialization Of Hr Management To Encourage Msmes To Become Sustainable And Sustainable Enterprises In Marunda
  • E Marlapa
  • T Srihadi
  • T Yuliantini
  • M Soelton
Marlapa, E., Srihadi, T., Yuliantini, T., & Soelton, M. (2023). Socialization Of Hr Management To Encourage Msmes To Become Sustainable And Sustainable Enterprises In Marunda. ICCD, 5(1), 262-265.