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Fractured sternal wire causing a cardiac laceration


Abstract and Figures

Background Hemopericardium is a serious complication that can occur after cardiac surgery. While most post-operative causes are due to inflammation and bleeding, patients with broken sternal wires and an unstable sternum may develop hemopericardium from penetrating trauma. Case presentation We present the case of a 62-year-old male who underwent triple coronary bypass surgery and presented five months later with sudden anterior chest wall pain. Chest computed tomography revealed hemopericardium with an associated broken sternal wire that had penetrated into the pericardial space. The patient underwent a redo-sternotomy which revealed a 3.5 cm bleeding, jagged right ventricular laceration that correlated to the imaging findings of a fractured sternal wire projecting in the pericardial space. The laceration was repaired using interrupted 4 − 0 polypropylene sutures in horizontal mattress fashion between strips of bovine pericardium. The patient’s recovery was uneventful and he was discharged on post-operative day four without complications. Conclusion Patients with broken sternal wires and an unstable sternum require careful evaluation and management as these may have potentially life-threatening complications if left untreated.
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Khouzam et al. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery (2023) 18:358
case of a 62-year-old male who underwent triple coro-
nary bypass surgery and presented five months later with
hemopericardium as a result of a broken sternal wire
penetrating into the pericardial space causing a cardiac
Case presentation
e patient is a 62-year-old Caucasian male with a his-
tory of surgical myocardial revascularization performed
five months ago at a different institution who presented
to our emergency department with a sudden onset of
anterior chest wall discomfort radiating to his neck and
both shoulders. e pain was associated with dizziness,
nausea and diaphoresis. ere were no precipitating fac-
tors. e patient took three aspirins without relief of his
Hemopericardium is a potential life-threatening compli-
cation that can occur after a sternotomy [1]. Most cases
of post-operative hemopericardium are caused by infec-
tion or bleeding within the pericardial space, leading to
the accumulation of blood [2]. Penetrating and blunt
trauma are also a widely recognized cause of hemoperi-
cardium, though are not often thought of in the context
of post-cardiac surgery complications. We present a
Journal of Cardiothoracic
Matthew S. Khouzam
1Loyola University Medical Center, Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood,
2Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, AdventHealth, Orlando, Florida, USA
Background Hemopericardium is a serious complication that can occur after cardiac surgery. While most post-
operative causes are due to inflammation and bleeding, patients with broken sternal wires and an unstable sternum
may develop hemopericardium from penetrating trauma.
Case presentation We present the case of a 62-year-old male who underwent triple coronary bypass surgery
and presented five months later with sudden anterior chest wall pain. Chest computed tomography revealed
hemopericardium with an associated broken sternal wire that had penetrated into the pericardial space. The patient
underwent a redo-sternotomy which revealed a 3.5 cm bleeding, jagged right ventricular laceration that correlated to
the imaging findings of a fractured sternal wire projecting in the pericardial space. The laceration was repaired using
interrupted 4 0 polypropylene sutures in horizontal mattress fashion between strips of bovine pericardium. The
patient’s recovery was uneventful and he was discharged on post-operative day four without complications.
Conclusion Patients with broken sternal wires and an unstable sternum require careful evaluation and management
as these may have potentially life-threatening complications if left untreated.
Keywords Hemopericardium, Broken sternal wire, Unstable sternum, Cardiac laceration, Case-report
Fractured sternal wire causing a cardiac
Matthew S. Khouzam1*, Kristina Jacobsen2, Joseph H. Boyer2, Ahmad Zeeshan2, David Spurlock2, Tomer Z. Karas2,
Jorge E. Suarez-Cavelier2, Daniel Rinewalt2, Linda Bogar2, Scott Silvestry2, George J. Palmer2, Kevin D. Accola2 and
Nayer Khouzam2
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Khouzam et al. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery (2023) 18:358
symptoms. His past medical history was significant for
essential hypertension, dyslipidemia, non-insulin-depen-
dent diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and gout.
He had a previous left sided thoracentesis performed six
weeks ago for a symptomatic left pleural effusion.
On examination, the patient appeared acutely ill. He
had a body mass index of 36.6kg/m². He was diaphoretic.
He was tachycardic with a pulse rate of 102bpm, regu-
lar sinus rhythm on telemetry. His systolic blood pres-
sure was 132 mmHg without pulsus paradoxus. He had
no jugulovenous distention. ere was visible paradoxical
movement of his sternum that, according to the patient,
has been present several weeks after his original surgery.
An electrocardiogram showed no evidence of ischemia
or acute injury. Chest roentgenograms revealed a large
left sided pleural effusion and two fractured lower ster-
nal wires (Fig.1). It is also noteworthy that a chest X-ray
from five months prior only revealed one broken sternal
wire (Fig.2). Echocardiography revealed a small to mod-
erate sized hemopericardium, without evidence of tam-
ponade physiology.
Computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the chest
confirmed the large left sided pleural effusion with asso-
ciated left lung atelectasis. ere were also findings sug-
gestive of sternal dehiscence with diastasis of the sternal
bone. Two lower sternal wires demonstrated wire frag-
ments which projected posteriorly and appeared to pen-
etrate the anterior pericardial space. ere was a small
to moderate sized hemopericardium present. No active
extravasation of contrast was present.
e patient was emergently taken to the operative suite.
Intraoperative, transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)
confirmed a moderate-sized hemopericardium with
blood and blood clots in the pericardial space. e clot
was visualized overlying the right ventricle. ere was
no evidence of early, diastolic collapse of either the right
atrium or right ventricle. Both right and left ventricular
function were preserved. Shortly thereafter, his hemo-
dynamics began to deteriorate, necessitating volume
administration, and pressor support with epinephrine.
Systemic heparinization, 4mg/kg of heparin, was admin-
istered, and the patient was placed on femoral artery –
femoral vein cardiopulmonary bypass.
A redo-sternotomy incision was made. All sternal wires
and wire fragments were removed. Findings revealed
complete dehiscence of the sternal bone from the
manubrium to the xiphoid with a tremendous amount
of granulation tissue present. Dark blood was welling
up between the sternal bone halves. Dense mediasti-
nal adhesions were present and lysed as encountered.
Mediastinal exploration revealed a large clot overly-
ing the free wall of the right ventricle. Beneath the clot,
we identified a 3.5cm bleeding, jagged right ventricular
laceration that correlated with the CTA findings of the
lower fractured sternal wire projecting in the pericardial
space. Digital control of the laceration was performed.
Limited dissection of the right heart was performed to
Fig. 1 A) Computed tomography angiography at the level of the left atrium demonstrating sternal bone diastasis (blue arrow), fractured sternal wire
angulating into the pericardial space (yellow circled arrow), hemopericardium (red arrow), and left pleural effusion (green arrow)
B) Computed tomography angiography at the level of the diaphragm demonstrating sternal bone diastasis (blue arrow), fractured sternal wire angulating
into the pericardial space (yellow circled arrow), hemopericardium (red arrow), and left pleural effusion (green arrow)
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Khouzam et al. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery (2023) 18:358
allow a tension-free repair of the cardiac laceration. e
jagged, right ventricular laceration was repaired using
interrupted 4 0 polypropylene sutures in horizontal
mattress fashion between strips of bovine pericardium
(Fig.3). Further inspection revealed no other pathology.
After volume loading the heart and confirming that the
repair was solid, the patient was easily weaned from car-
diopulmonary bypass without difficulty. TEE revealed
good biventricular function. e sternum bone was
debrided and closed using sternal plates. e patient’s
hospital course was uneventful and he was discharged on
post-operative day four.
is case demonstrates a patient who presented with
chest discomfort post-bypass surgery and was found to
have a small to moderate-sized hemopericardium as a
result of a fractured sternotomy wire projecting poste-
riorly into the pericardial space resulting in a cardiac
wound. In our patient, the fractured and posteriorly
angulated sternal wire is thought to have been a result
Fig. 2 Lateral chest X-ray from five months prior demonstrating a fractured sternal wire located at the posterior sternal table (arrow)
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Khouzam et al. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery (2023) 18:358
of his sternal instability. is case highlights the impor-
tance of evaluating patients with an unstable sternum
who have recently undergone a sternotomy as this can
lead to a sternal wire fracture and potential angulation.
Although sternal wire fractures occasionally appear on
post-operative follow-up chest roentgenograms, they are
often thought of as nonspecific findings or even omitted
from the final radiology report [35]. Findings of central
sternal lucency and loss of sternal wire alignment raises
the suspicion for sternal nonunion/dehiscence. More-
over, this radiologic findings, particularly in the context
of an unstable sternum, may result in the fractured wire
angulating and penetrating the pericardium causing seri-
ous cardiovascular injury.
Post-sternotomy hardware complications include ster-
nal wire rotation, migration, displacement, rupture, and
fracture [6]. e incidence of each of these complications
has not been elucidated. e mechanism for wire-frac-
ture is hypothesized to be multifactorial, with mechani-
cal distortion during sternal closure and chemical
erosion from contact with bodily fluids being the main
contributing factors [3]. e breaking of sternal wires
has the potential to cause serious complications, with the
literature reporting cases of fractured fragmented wire
embolizing to the lung [7] and migration and puncture
of the wire fragments into the ascending aorta [8]. We
present however, to the best of our knowledge, the first
reported case of a direct sternal wire puncture into the
pericardial space.
Other, more common sequelae of post-sternotomy
hardware complications include sternal instability and
sternal dehiscence, which when combined, have an
estimated prevalence of 1–3% [9]. ere are several
patient-specific risk factors that can contribute to sternal
dehiscence, including chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease, obesity, trauma, and diabetes mellitus. In addition,
certain operative and post-operative factors may also
increase the risk of sternal dehiscence, such as prolonged
time on pump, procedures involving the internal thoracic
artery, repeat surgery, and prolonged post-procedure
ventilation. [10]. Sternal dehiscence is usually evident
clinically, but may be clinically occult in a small subset
Fig. 3 Surgical image demonstrating repaired jagged right ventricular laceration
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Khouzam et al. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery (2023) 18:358
of patients [4]. In the modern day, surgeons often close
sternotomies by placing wires in figure-of-8 fashion,
as it increases the area of contact between the wire and
the sternum and is associated with lower rates of wire
loosening or fracturing [11]. In high risk patients, some
surgeons augment their sternal closures with additional
hardware such as plates or clips, though recent studies
have shown that these often have little to no impact on
post-operative morbidity [12, 13].
Treatment of sternal wire fractures, particularly in
patients with an unstable sternum, is often left up to the
individual surgeon, as the literature is limited to case
reports only [7, 8]. Central sternal lucency and loss of
sternal wire alignment on post-operative chest X-rays
should alert the clinician of sternal malunion/dehiscence.
We recommend that sternal wire fractures in this set-
ting should be removed given the potential of angulation
and penetration into the mediastinum. In our patient,
after repairing the cardiac wound, the sternal bone was
repaired using sternal plates.
In conclusion, recognizing and managing an unstable
sternum in patients who have undergone a recent ster-
notomy is important. A combination of a broken ster-
nal wire with sternal instability may lead to serious and
potentially life-threatening complications such as cardiac
perforation from an angulated sternal wire. Prompt diag-
nosis and surgical intervention are essential in treatment
in such patients.
CTA Computed tomography angiography
TEE Transesophageal echocardiogram
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.
Supplementary Material 1
Authors’ contributions
MK composed the initial draft of the manuscript. KJ, JB, AZ, DS, TK, JS-C, DR, LB,
SS, GP, KA, and NK edited and revised the information. All authors have read
and approved the final manuscript.
Not applicable.
Data Availability
Not applicable.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Patient consented for participation in research.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Received: 28 May 2023 / Accepted: 4 November 2023
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Full-text available
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate, by means of a systematic review, the efficiency of new methods for sternal closure in order to prevent sternal wound complications after sternotomy. Methods: The method of study was a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. We included studies that used rigid plates, thermoreactive clips, cables and flat wires, in comparison with the standard closure method. Patients included adults, regardless of gender and race. Results: Seven clinical trials were included involving 1810 patients. Five trials were carried out in the USA, 1 in Australia and 1 in Italy, and the trials include both male and female patients. The included studies compared conventional sternal closure with new closure methods (rigid plate, thermoreactive clips, cables and flat wires). The new sternal closure methods make little or no difference compared to the standard closure when we analyse deep sternal wound infection [risk ratio 0.38, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.02-7.63; I2 = 74%; 5 studies], superficial wound infection (risk ratio 1.34, 95% CI 0.46-3.92; I2 = 11%, 3 studies) and death (risk ratio 1.16, 95% CI 0.42-3.21; I2 = 0%, 3 studies), but pain score was lower in new sternal closure methods (mean difference -0.57, 95% CI -0.98 to -0.16, I2 = 0%, 3 studies). There were no meta-analyses of sternal union, hospital stay, reoperation or mechanic ventilation time because of the high heterogeneity between the studies in terms of these outcomes. Conclusions: New sternal closure methods probably make little or no difference regarding the prevention of sternal complications in the postoperative period when compared to the standard closure method.
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To evaluate the incidence, characteristics, and haemodynamic consequences of pericardial effusion after cardiac surgery. Clinical, echocardiographic, and Doppler evaluations before and 8 days after cardiac surgery; with echocardiographic and Doppler follow up of patients with moderate or large pericardial effusion after operation. Patients undergoing cardiac surgery at a tertiary centre. 803 consecutive patients who had coronary artery bypass grafting (430), valve replacement (330), and other types of surgery (43). 23 were excluded because of early reoperation. Size and site of pericardial effusion evaluated by cross sectional echocardiography and signs of cardiac tamponade detected by ultrasound (right atrial and ventricular diastolic collapse, left ventricular diastolic collapse, distension of the inferior vena cava), and Doppler echocardiography (inspiratory decrease of aortic and mitral flow velocities). Pericardial effusion was detected in 498 (64%) of 780 patients and was more often associated with coronary artery bypass grafting than with valve replacement or other types of surgery; it was small in 68.4%, moderate in 29.8%, and large in 1.6%. Loculated effusions (57.8%) were more frequent than diffuse ones (42.2%). The size and site of effusion were related to the type of surgery. None of the small pericardial effusions increased in size; the amount of fluid decreased within a month in most patients with moderate effusion and in a few (7 patients) developed into a large effusion and cardiac tamponade. 15 individuals (1.9%) had cardiac tamponade; this event was significantly more common after valve replacement (12 patients) than after coronary artery bypass grafting (2 patients) or other types of surgery (1 patient after pulmonary embolectomy). In patients with cardiac tamponade aortic and mitral flow velocities invariably decreased during inspiration; the echocardiographic signs were less reliable. Pericardial effusion after cardiac surgery is common and its size and site are related to the type of surgery. Cardiac tamponade is rare and is more common in patients receiving oral anticoagulants. Echo-Doppler imaging is useful for the evaluation of pericardial fluid accumulations after cardiac surgery. It can identify effusions that herald cardiac tamponade.
Background While literature shows rigid plate fixation has superior outcomes over wire cerclage techniques, a patient population clearly benefitting from initial sternal plating over standard closure has not been identified. Data on plating as primary sternal closure in the morbidly obese patient remains sparse. Methods A single-center retrospective study was performed on 564 consecutive patients undergoing complete median sternotomy from July 2014 to July 2017. Post-operative outcomes of patients with a body mass index ≥ 35kg/m² were compared between sternotomies with standard wire cerclage closure and those with sternal plate reinforcement. The primary endpoint was postoperative sternal complication defined as deep sternal wound infection, acute sternal dehiscence, chronic sternal disunion, or non-infectious sternal wound complication requiring operative intervention. Results 32.6% of sternotomies (184/564) were performed on patients with a body mass index ≥ 35kg/m². Of this group, 31.5% (58/184) underwent sternal closure with titanium plate reinforcement and 68.5% (126/184) underwent traditional chest closure. The overall sternal complication rate was 4.9% (9/184), consisting of 6/126 non-plated patients and 3/58 plated patients (4.8 vs. 5.2%, P=0.80). Conclusions Sternal plate reinforcement for sternotomy closure of patients with a body mass index ≥ 35kg/m² produced no difference in post-operative sternal complication rates.
The body is a hostile environment for wire sutures. Although the problems of electrochemical corrosion, direct chemical attack on the suture, and inflammation produced in reaction to the suture have been largley eliminated by the use of austenitic stainless steel wires, failure of the wires may still occur due to mechano-chemical cracking -- the combined effect of insignificant stresses, usually from cold working, and insignificant chemical potentials produced by body fluids. Although stainless steel wire remains a satisfactory material for sternotomy closure or for reattaching costal cartilages, the two spectacular complications of a broken wire point out the need for care in using wire sutures. Bending, twisting, kinking and knotting must be avoided as much as possible.
The first case of spontaneous cardiac tamponade caused by wire suture for sternotomy closure is presented. The proper analysis of bloody pericardial fluid, including simultaneous aspirate and venous hematocrit, oxygen content, and coagulation studies, is emphasized. In addition, the causes of acute hemopericardium are reviewed. Spontaneous cardiac tamponade as a potential late complication of cardiac surgery should be considered in the postoperative patient who presents with pericarditis or a sudden change in cardiac status.
Over a 5-year period from 1985 to 1989, 2760 patients underwent open heart surgery at the University Hospital of Wales. Of these, 44 (1.6%, 35 men, mean age 61 years) developed median sternotomy dehiscence 2-40 (median 9) days after surgery. Infection was an associated factor in 18 patients (41%) and Staphylococcus aureus the predominant isolate in seven of those. Thirty-seven patients underwent rewiring of the sternotomy wound and seven patients underwent debridement, removal of wires and delayed closure. In those undergoing rewiring, sternal stability was maintained in 34 patients (92%). There were seven deaths (16%), of which two were considered to be wound-related. Median hospital stay of survivors was 34 (range 16-84) days. Comparison with 88 matched controls by univariate analysis showed preoperative chronic obstructive airways disease, reduced FEV1/FVC ratio (both P < 0.001) and smoking (P < 0.05) were all more common in the dehiscence group. In addition, reoperation for bleeding (P < 0.05), prolonged bypass time, postoperative ventilation period and length of stay in the intensive care unit (all P < 0.001) were more common in the study group.
To investigate the incidence and clinical significance of postoperative pericardial effusion (PE), the presence of PE was evaluated by echocardiography, 1 and 2 weeks postoperatively, in 50 patients after insertion of a valve prosthesis and in 100 patients after coronary bypass surgery (50 patients receiving a combination of aspirin and dipyridamole and 50 receiving warfarin). PE was found during either procedure in 77% of patients and was marked in 29%. Symptoms of postpericardiotomy syndrome (p less than 0.05), pericardial friction rub (p less than 0.01), atrial arrhythmias (p less than 0.05), cardiac enlargement (p less than 0.01), and pleural effusion (p less than 0.05) were detected more frequently in patients with PE than in those without PE. PE was not related to the type of antithrombotic therapy, the rate of coronary bypass graft occlusion, or the type of cardiac surgery. However, the use of the left internal mammary artery as a coronary bypass graft was associated with a slightly higher incidence of PE (p less than 0.05). One patient (0.7%) required surgical drainage of PE. It was concluded that PE is a common and benign finding after cardiac surgery and usually disappears without specific therapy.
A study was conducted to look for radiographic indicators that might provide a clue to threatened separation of the median sternotomy closure. To evaluate this problem, we studied two groups of patients. In group A the postoperative plain chest roentgenograms of 50 consecutive patients having cardiac operations were reviewed until the time of their complete recovery from the operation. Sternal problems were not identified in these patients clinically. However, chest roentgenograms showed that one patient had a displaced sternal wire and another had a classic sternal separation as judged by the change in wire topography. In the second series of patients, group B, 10 patients with clinical separation of the sternum were similarly evaluated. In seven of the 10 an early subtle change in position of one or more sternal wires preceded clinical detection of separation by 1 to 8 days, and a gross change in the sternal wire positions preceded clinical diagnosis in five patients by 1 to 6 days. The appearances of the wires by roentgenogram showed four common patterns. These findings indicate that thoracic surgeons and radiologists alike do not always carefully examine the appearance of the sternal wires on the postoperative roentgenograms. Subtle changes or gross changes in the position of the wires is an indicator of sternal separation. Therefore, the topography of the sternal wires should be scrutinized along with the other postoperative changes seen on roentgenograms after median sternotomy.
A case is reported in which a broken sternal wire migrated such that it penetrated the ascending aorta. Computed tomographic scan and angiography confirmed this wire to be protruding into the ascending aorta. The wire was removed at median sternotomy without problems.
The purpose of this study is to assess the frequency of various sternal wire abnormalities on chest radiographs of patients with sternal dehiscence and to determine the role of radiography in detecting or confirming this complication. We used our computerized hospital information system to identify all patients with a diagnosis of sternal dehiscence from January 1993 through June 1998. Clinical data were obtained by retrospective chart review. A chest radiograph from the date of diagnosis was compared with the first postoperative radiograph obtained after median sternotomy. Each radiograph was retrospectively reviewed by two radiologists who assessed three sternotomy wire abnormalities: displacement (offset of one or more wires in relation to others in the vertical row), rotation (alteration in the axis of a wire compared with its orientation on a baseline radiograph), and disruption (unraveling or fracture of a wire). We also reviewed a series of postoperative radiographs in a group of matched controls who had an uneventful postoperative course with no clinical evidence of dehiscence. The study cohort included 19 patients, 13 men and six women, who were 49-84 years old (mean, 66 years). The chest radiographs revealed sternal wire abnormalities in 17 (89%) of 19 patients with sternal dehiscence, including displacement in 16 (84%) of 19 patients, rotation in 10 (53%) of 19 patients, and disruption in four (21%) of 19 patients. The mean number of displaced wires per patient was 2.3 (range, 1-5). The mean distance of maximal displacement was 20 mm (range, 6-45 mm). Radiographic abnormalities preceded the clinical diagnosis in 13 (68%) of 19 patients. We observed no case of sternal wire displacement, rotation, or disruption in the control group. Sternal wire abnormalities, most notably displacement, are present in most patients with sternal dehiscence; radiographic abnormalities precede the clinical diagnosis in most cases.