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Earthquake in Peninsular Malaysia: What Should We Learn from Affected Countries?



Peninsular Malaysia is lucky enough in the sense that it isn't located on the Ring of Fire, the hotspot for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Nevertheless, since 2007, Malaysia has experienced about 40 cases of mild tremor (reported at 1.1 to 2.8 on the Richter scale) recorded at Bentong, Manjung, Jerantut, and Negeri Sembilan, respectively. Such events prove that there is an earthquake risk in Peninsular Malaysia, and this scenario leads to a crucial question, if a more significant tremor (caused by an earthquake) happens in Peninsular Malaysia, the local communities are ready and prepared for it? The main attempt of this study is to discover the preparedness of communities across the globe against earthquakes, and since the experience with disaster damage increases preparedness, several recommendations based on these global experiences have been suggested to strengthen local preparation against earthquake catastrophes. Based on the review, it can be concluded that structure, survival, behavioral factors, positive community-institution relationships, and individual differences (e.g., experience, marital status, educational background, etc.) play influential roles in strengthening the community's preparation against the earthquake catastrophe.
Earthquake in Peninsular Malaysia: What Should
We Learn from Affected Countries? , Zeinab
, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah
Syafila Kamarudin , Dzulhailmi
, Jeffrey Lawrence D’Silva
Zaremohzzabieh a
& Nor Aini Mohamed
aInstitute for Social Science Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor,
bFaculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
Serdang, Selangor, cFaculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400,
Serdang, Selangor
Corresponding Author’s Email:
Peninsular Malaysia is lucky enough in the sense that it isn’t located on the Ring of Fire, the
hotspot for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Nevertheless, since 2007, Malaysia has
experienced about 40 cases of mild tremor (reported at 1.1 to 2.8 on the Richter scale)
recorded at Bentong, Manjung, Jerantut, and Negeri Sembilan, respectively. Such events
prove that there is an earthquake risk in Peninsular Malaysia, and this scenario leads to a
crucial question, if a more significant tremor (caused by an earthquake) happens in Peninsular
Malaysia, the local communities are ready and prepared for it? The main attempt of this study
is to discover the preparedness of communities across the globe against earthquakes, and
since the experience with disaster damage increases preparedness, several recommendations
based on these global experiences have been suggested to strengthen local preparation
against earthquake catastrophes. Based on the review, it can be concluded that structure,
survival, behavioral factors, positive community-institution relationships, and individual
differences (e.g., experience, marital status, educational background, etc.) play influential
roles in strengthening the community’s preparation against the earthquake catastrophe.
Keywords: Earthquake Preparedness, Natural Disasters, Community Preparedness,
Peninsular Malaysia
One of the most hazardous events on earth is the occurrence of natural disasters, such
as earthquakes, which are difficult for humans to prevent. However, by being well-prepared,
they may greatly lessen the harm caused by these catastrophes. People's losses are
significantly decreased when they are sufficiently prepared for this tragedy (Onuma et al.,
Vol 13, Issue 17, (2023) E-ISSN: 2222-6990
To Link this Article: DOI:10.6007/IJARBSS/v13-i17/19833
Published Date: 06 December 2023
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
2017). Despite the benefits of planning ahead, many individuals neglect to do so when it
comes to preparing for disasters in general and earthquakes in particular (Sattler et al., 2000).
People frequently neglect to make structural adjustments to their homes, get insurance, or
even store an emergency first aid kit (Kelman, 2020).
Any sudden shaking of the ground caused by seismic waves resonating through the
earth's rocks is referred to as an earthquake. Seismic waves are produced when a certain type
of energy that has been stored inside the earth's crust is rapidly released, such as when two
rock masses that are pushing against one another suddenly split and slide. Earthquakes most
typically occur on geologic faults, which are small regions where rock masses move to one
another. The bulk of the world's fault lines are found within the massive tectonic plates that
make up the Earth's crust.
There were thousands of reported cases of earthquakes and tremors every day;
however, the timing and the magnitude of each tremor are still erratic. Since an earthquake
is an unpredictable disaster, individual readiness to face this disaster is less encouraging (Oral
et al., 2015). Sutton and Tierney (2006) explained that preparedness for natural disasters such
as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, droughts, or hurricanes is
crucial and critical for households, businesses, and communities, but many still need to be
prepared. However, one of the options to mitigate damages and losses from the earthquake
impact is adequate preparation before the disaster (Ao et al., 2021).
The higher the preparation of an individual to face the disaster, the lower the number
of damages and losses incurred (Oral et al., 2015). According to Ishiwatari et al. (2020),
preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters and emergencies has
become a priority for everyone. Every community should have a preparedness plan to reduce
the disruptive impacts of a natural disaster on communities.
There are four phases of disaster management, according to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA, 2015), prevention or mitigation, readiness, response, and
recovery. The phases of prevention/mitigation and readiness, also known as hazard
adjustment phases in the context of social psychology literature, are a part of pre-disaster
management. Governments and people can prepare for disasters and the resulting damage
in two ways: by purchasing insurance and by gathering and storing emergency supplies, such
as supplies of food and water, a radio, energy sources, and medicine (Spittal et al., 2006).
Following the National Research Council (2006), preparedness intersects with both two areas,
acting as a temporal connector between the pre-impact and post-impact phases of a disaster
event. Hazards research focuses on pre-disaster hazard vulnerability analysis and mitigation,
while disaster research emphasises post-disaster emergency response and recovery.
UNISDR (2015) defined readiness as the ability of governments, organisations,
community groups, and people "to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the
impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions". To support citizens,
communities, states, local and tribal governments, and professional emergency workers as
they prepare for disasters, mitigate the effects of disasters, respond to post-disaster
community needs, and begin practical recovery efforts, preparedness is defined by FEMA
(2015) as leadership, training, readiness and exercise support, as well as technical and
financial assistance. The act of being ready for a situation or occurrence entails gathering the
necessary supplies, such as food, water, cooking utensils, portable emergency lights, and
documentation. It is crucial to use them to organise all of these materials. The discipline of
emergency management considers preparation as actions made before a crisis that allow for
efficient response and quicker recovery. Establishing roles and duties for emergency activities
as well as securing the funding to support them are all part of preparation (FEMA, 2015).
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
Governments often see individual preparedness duties as including tasks like learning about
pertinent threats, creating an emergency communications plan, and keeping emergency
supplies on hand (FEMA, 2015).
Five units comprise the units of preparedness analysis: people, homes, organisations,
communities, and societies. Additionally, preparation measures seek to make sure that the
tools are available and that individuals who will need to utilise them are knowledgeable on
how to do so in the case of a disaster. Developing and planning processes to ensure readiness,
creating disaster plans, gathering the supplies needed for an effective response, and
developing skills and competencies to guarantee the successful completion of disaster-
related tasks are some of the common activities associated with disaster preparedness.
Earthquake in Malaysia
Malaysia is inclined to earthquake disaster due to a pressure impacted by a shift of two
earth's crust blocks. Malaysia is not part of the Ring of Fire (a significant area in the basin of
the Pacific Ocean). Thus, the occurrence of earthquakes is not decisive and may not cause loss
of life or property. The earthquake phenomenon in Malaysia is the shift of the earth's plate,
which causes cracks in the earth's crust area. This crack produces tectonic friction of the
earth's shaft crust and a tremor from the seismic point. According to the Meteorological
Department of Malaysia, since 2007, Malaysia has experienced about 40 weak earthquakes.
There were 37 tremors reported in Bentong, Pahang, and three tremors were described in
Manjung, Perak, and Jerantut, Pahang. There were 29 tremors testified in Bentong, Pahang,
between 2007 and 2009. However, the reading for these tremors was between 1.1 and 2.8
Richter scale. Thus, the record showed that Peninsular Malaysia may be at risk of moderate
earthquakes, leading to loss of lives and property damage. The recent earthquake in Sabah
with a reading of 5.9 Richter scale, while Peninsular Malaysia is still free of severe
earthquakes. However, after the 2006 Acheh 9.0 Richter Scale earthquake, there is no more
assurance that Malaysia will be free from tremors. Malaysia is closely located in a country
actively prone to earthquakes and volcanoes, like the Philippines and Indonesia, which makes
Malaysia experience low to moderate tremors whenever a strong-scale earthquake strikes
these neighboring countries. In his research, Prof. Dr. Felix Tongkul, Director of the Research
and Innovation Center, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) concluded that Malaysia may shortly
experience a moderate earthquake (Sinar Daily, 2023).
Earthquake Preparedness
There has been an increase in earthquake preparedness literature recently, according
to Bhandari et al (2023) there are various lists of who needs to be prepared, what needs to
be prepared, and how it should be done. For people throughout the world, disaster
preparedness can mean different things. A series of actions performed by a civilization, a
community, or a person to lessen the impacts of an earthquake is referred to as earthquake
preparation. The steps taken to be prepared might include locking up large things, altering
the building, stockpiling supplies, and having insurance, emergency supplies, and evacuation
plans. People should be prepared for catastrophes by what/who is anticipated to be
pretentious in various areas of cities and nations, as noted by Ward (2020). Numerous studies
measuring earthquake readiness have indicated that many individuals are not prepared for
the effects of natural disasters (Spittal, 2003; Karanci et al. 2012; Momani and Salmi, 2012;
Hemond and Robert, 2012; Norman et al., 2012; Oral et al., 2015; Bhandari et al., 2023).
A Study from Bhandari et al (2023) about increasing earthquake preparedness
knowledge perception and practice among Nepalese immigrants residing in Japan through an
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
educational intervention. In total, 165 participants responded to the questionnaire. The
generalized equation model showed that the knowledge score of earthquake preparedness
was 4.01 points higher immediately after the intervention [95% CI (2.785.24), p-
value < 0.001] compared to baseline with a further increase by 7.02 points [95% CI (5.96–
8.09), p-value < 0.001] at two weeks follow up. However, the practice score increased only by
2.83 points [95% CI (2.513.14), p-value < 0.001] immediately after the intervention with a
similar increase at two weeks and 12 weeks follow-up period [OR: 2.62, 95% CI (2.292.96),
p-value < 0.001]. The educational intervention, when conducted in the native language, can
increase both the knowledge and practice score of earthquake preparedness.
Paton et al (2015) conducted on the level of community preparedness toward
earthquakes revealing that most respondents have adequate preparedness for structure and
survival. This study was led by quantitative research of 293 Canterbury, New Zealand
respondents. The findings showed that they have a place, or a room built to keep themselves
safe from the earthquake. They ration an adequate supply of food, drinking water, and
medical. The results also specified that the community scored an excellent mark on planning
and community-agency cooperation. Most respondents clarified that the psychological
preparedness aspect is not significant as they believed they have the strength to face the
earthquake disaster. Nevertheless, the analysis showed a weakness in the community
concerning the obligation for psychological preparedness, for example, in handling post-
disaster trauma.
According to research on household readiness for natural disasters in Japan (Onuma et
al., 2017), experience with disaster damage makes people more prepared, although the
influence differs depending on the category of items. Additionally, the preparation of items
from the Basic Preparedness (BP) and Evacuation Preparedness (EP) categories is positively
influenced by prior evacuation experience. Additionally, those affected by the Great East
Japan Earthquake (GEJE) in 2011 were comparatively well prepared. However, GEJE
evacuation experience only has a big influence on readiness. Additionally, Onuma et al (2017)
discovered that some places with a higher potential for future large-scale earthquakes are
less prepared than other regions. Spittal et al (2006) conducted quantitative research on 652
Wellington, New Zealand respondents. In this research, Spittal et al (2006) asked their
respondents about the 23 important items needed to face an earthquake disaster. The
analysis indicated that most respondents prepared themselves with an object like a flashlight
and a first aid kit. Moreover, they also prepared themselves with food and drinking water
ration, and cooking gas as is prepared to face an earthquake. However, most respondents did
not specified the meeting point before the disaster or provided perishable objects at a specific
Another research by Oral et al (2015) examined how well people in Turkey's Eastern
Anatolia region were prepared for earthquakes, and the results revealed a strong correlation
between the location of residence, previous earthquake experience, and preparation. 174
respondents participated in this quantitative survey, which employed this methodology.
According to Oral et al (2015), people who had previously experienced earthquakes were
more prepared than those who hadn't. Additionally, those who owned a house had taken
more precautions than those who did not, and married people had done more to prepare
than single or widowed people. Residents of Erciş and Aşkale felt substantially better
prepared for an earthquake than those in Erzurum, according to a comparison of respondents
with major earthquake experience and those who had no significant earthquake experience.
A quantitative study was carried out by Ainuddin and Routray (2015) to explore the
level of preparedness and community awareness toward earthquake disaster risk. This
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
research was conducted in Baluchistan, Pakistan, with 200 respondents. This research focuses
on investigating these aspects: potential impact, vulnerability to disaster, perception towards
risk, and resilience. All these four aspects are interrelated to one another. Furthermore,
Ainuddin and Routray (2015) clarified that the weakness in social, economic, physical, and
community institutions makes the community vulnerable to disaster risk. The weak level is
dependent on resilience and community perception of disaster risk.
Ikizer et al (2016) discovered factors associated with preparedness and psychological
resilience in a sample of 360 survivors of the two earthquakes in Van, Turkey in 2011. Using a
survey with measures on various pre-, within-, and post-disaster variables, it has been shown
that preparedness and psychological resilience were influenced by multiple factors, providing
empirical evidence for a multifactorial understanding of preparedness and resilience.
Furthermore, the study extended the traditional ways of resilience assessment by including
stress-coping ability and severity of trauma-related symptoms as indicators of psychological
resilience simultaneously. Findings were discussed considering the implications for research
and interventions in the aftermath of natural disasters.
According to an Istanbul-based study (Sakiroglu, 2019) that looked at the factors that
influence earthquake preparedness behaviour found that only 19% of the participants had
done anything to prepare for one. The findings showed a substantial relationship between
earthquake readiness and the degree of exposure to previous seismic experiences, avoidance,
self-efficacy, and outcome efficacy. When taking into account important predictors, the
degree of earthquake preparedness behaviour is increased by the severity of exposure to
prior earthquake experiences and the perception that being prepared is effective; it is
decreased by the perception that being prepared is difficult and by avoiding the impact of the
event's scale (Sakiroglu, 2019).Another research, by Hoffmann and Muttarak (2017), looked
at how well earthquake and tsunami preparedness is among people living along Thailand's
Andaman coast in the province of Phang Nga. This study found that formal education may
help people be more prepared for disasters since it improves people's cognitive and learning
abilities as well as their access to information. The researchers also discovered a link between
formal education and adopting precautions, which is assessed at the individual, family, and
community levels. The study group without prior catastrophe experience shows a favourable
relationship between disaster preparedness and household member education. The results
also demonstrate that those with high educational attainment benefit most from disaster-
related training. They also reside in a neighbourhood where more women have at least a
secondary education, which increases the possibility of disaster preparedness. According to
Hoffmann and Muttarak (2017), formal education can improve preparedness for disasters and
lessen susceptibility to them.
Baytiyeh and Naja (2016) made an effort to investigate how Lebanon's institutions were
preparing students for potential seismic catastrophes. A study of 860 students from a range
of fields at Lebanese colleges was conducted to gauge how well-prepared they were for
earthquakes and how their college experiences influenced that degree of preparedness. The
investigation suggested that higher educational institutions had little impact on students'
required degree of readiness, whereas the data indicated a low level of seismic preparedness.
Güngörmüş et al (2012) conducted a study in the city of Erzurum to determine people's
knowledge and behaviours regarding earthquake preparedness at home. The study's findings
revealed that although people have enough knowledge about earthquake preparation to
prevent earthquake damage, they are not taking enough precautions. Although the
population has a high degree of information regarding earthquake readiness, they are not
prepared for an earthquake since they are unable to put this knowledge into practise. Long-
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
term training programmes should be used to alter the behaviours. To achieve this, it is
necessary to make sure that public organisations that will support behaviour change are
established as well as extensive, long-lasting, and resourceful public training programmes.
Based on the findings of literature review across the globe, a recommendation for local
communities in Peninsular Malaysia to take precautions against natural disasters, particularly
earthquakes. Small-scale evidence that has occurred in several areas such as Pahang, Perak,
and Negeri Sembilan has qualified that Peninsular Malaysia is at an unsafe level and the
people need to be cautious and prepared to face this disaster. Although Peninsular Malaysia
has not experienced severe tremors, it is a good initiative for the communities in every state
involved to be prepared for devastating disasters. Earthquake lessons learned and
experiences from the countries mentioned above, such as Japan, Thailand, Turkey, Pakistan,
New Zealand, and Lebanon, may provide much guidance for the community’s preparedness
to face the earthquake.
Some crucial elements of earthquake preparedness need to be addressed by the communities
in Peninsular Malaysia. The elements comprising structure, survival activities, planning,
behavioral factors, positive community-institution relationship, and individual differences
(e.g., Experience, marital status, educational background, etc.) play an influential role in
strengthening a community’s preparation against the earthquake disaster. These initial
availability before the earthquake can indirectly help the local community be more alert and
prepared whenever the disaster strikes. Although Peninsular Malaysia has not experienced
any large-scale earthquake catastrophe as is happening in other countries, one day Peninsular
Malaysia may experience a tremor. In addition, it is also recommended that future studies be
conducted on the local community in Peninsular Malaysia, especially those who have
experienced minor tremors as recorded by the National Meteorological Department, to
investigate the level of earthquake preparedness in the state involved. The following is further
explained in detail about these essential elements for earthquake preparation.
Different elements go into earthquake preparation, and each element's level of
readiness might vary. Most earthquake readiness strategies concentrate on acts that may
improve survival both before and after an earthquake. The structural aspect of readiness is
the first part, which consists of actions that might lessen harm. The structure involves
anchoring bookcases and other large things, securing and strengthening a home and its
contents, or fortifying structures to stop them from collapsing (Tournier et al., 2023). Since
most earthquake deaths and injuries are caused by buildings or other structures collapsing on
people, this damage-reducing aspect of preparation is crucial for people's outcomes during
earthquakes (Tournier et al., 2023). Therefore, this hazard mitigation is essential for the
residents to protect themselves from overhanging home appliances. Positioning the home
appliances correctly, such as rearranged cupboards, latched cupboards, secure furniture, and
reinforced structures at home in a specific position, can help people to reduce the danger of
an earthquake. Residents who experience tremors like Pahang, Perak, and Negeri Sembilan
can implement the well-structure in their home’s preparation by carefully arranging the home
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
Survival Activities
Making house preparations for earthquakes as part of your daily survival routine is
another strategy to lower your chance of experiencing an earthquake. Collecting and keeping
supplies and learning strategies like having emergency supplies like a first-aid kit for simple
survival, water, a battery radio, and a torch are examples of survival activities (Yayla and
Şahinöz, 2020). People's perceptions of readiness revealed their conviction that being ready
mostly involved possessing the "basics" needed for safety or survival. Earthquake-prone
nations like Japan, New Zealand, and Turkey have advocated the concept that each home
should make preparations that make it easier for people to deal with, adapt to, and recover
from the effects of earthquakes. Individuals can take precautions by learning how to survive,
as well as through participating in social activities that promote earthquake readiness
(Kirschenbaum 2002, 2004; Lindell et al., 2009; Yayla and Şahinöz, 2020; Tournier et al., 2023;
Spittal et al., 2008). Because they can prepare all the materials in their house, such as having
a torch, radio, first-aid kit, saved food, and stored water, as well as how to switch off the gas,
provide first aid, and secure the water heater, being prepared for survival activities is crucial.
Residents of Peninsular Malaysia can obtain all the knowledge and expertise from other
nations to prepare everything in their homes to aid in their readiness before or after the
tremor occurs.
The next element of earthquake preparedness is family earthquake planning. Planning
reflects cognitive preparation and resource allocation, such as family instruction, saving
money, neighborhood planning, contact officials, work preparedness, and earthquake
insurance purchasing. Family earthquake planning is essential to ensure people know and
understand how to handle the situation if the earthquake happens in their place. More time,
money, and emotions are engaged in helping their town survive an earthquake by those who
are more closely connected to it. Encourage those who are more prepared to create strategies
for communal readiness. These strategies would aid the underprepared and encourage the
hesitant to prepare so they may participate in the process. The residents in Peninsular
Malaysia can take the initiative by purchasing earthquake insurance for all their family
members, knowing a neighborhood earthquake plan, instructing the families on the
earthquake, and learning the right contact person, such as contacting disaster officials in
every state involved.
Behavioral Factors
Behavioral or psychological factors are also one of the most essential elements of
earthquake preparedness. Behavioral characteristics affect or arise in the mind; related to a
person's mental and emotional state. The perceived effectiveness of preparation is the factor
predicting catastrophe preparedness. People think that because earthquakes are strong
natural occurrences, actions made by humans to lessen loss will be ineffective. Some
individuals believe it is difficult to prevent earthquake damage because they only consider
the severity of the earthquake and ignore the impact of building design (McClure et al., 2017).
The behavioral factor may affect the actions and thoughts of individuals, especially the
community in Peninsular Malaysia that they need to be reminded about earthquakes, worry
if a disaster happens in their state, and concerned that relatives or family members are living
or studying in the countries experiencing an earthquake, and avoid themselves to go to the
countries that are active in the earthquake.
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
Positive Community-Institution Relationship
Positive community-institution relationship reflects people's active involvement in their
community. One of the programs that can educate people about earthquake preparedness is
the Public Hazard Education Program, which may reduce a person's perceived risk and level
of readiness. The importance of community-institutional collaboration in the planning and
execution of earthquake preparation initiatives cannot be overstated. The implementation of
community-based projects in Peninsular Malaysia must take several factors into account.
They include how to convince people that they are in danger, how to open a line of
communication with service providers, and how to engage communities in earthquake
preparations without relying on the government. Communities may need to have all the tools
or information (physical, financial, and informational, for example) needed to deal with
sporadic, difficult, and dangerous incidents. The ability and willingness of civil defence and
emergency management agencies to interact with communities in a way that empowers them
rather than imposing solutions upon them can help people improve their disaster
preparedness planning and be a part of society (Becker et al., 2017). Communities that have
received enough cultural, social, and psychological training are better equipped to deal with
disasters and their aftermath. The National Catastrophe Management Agency (NADMA) was
created for Malaysians to act as a focal point and coordinating body to make it easier to
implement catastrophe plans. The top policy- and decision-making body for disaster risk
management in the nation is this organisation. It has a vital role in ensuring the safety of
people and the country's well-being by fostering cooperation among various parties as a team
to build and enhance the community's capacity and preparedness in disaster management.
Individual Differences
According to Turner et al (2022), individual differences and demographic variables such
as income, experience, marital status, educational background, age, gender, and
homeownership are also elements that have anything to do with earthquake readiness, either
directly or indirectly. According to Turner et al (2022), the factors given may constitute a
predictive construct that represents community ties or engagement. A sense of investment
in a way of life and a location as well as access to a social support network with like-minded
others who are interested in disaster preparedness are examples of community ties. These
factors might indicate a person's sense of responsibility for themselves and others.
In other words, the community's preparation before the crisis will have a significant
impact on its capacity to cope, adapt, and recover quickly and efficiently. Communities that
make more preparations before an earthquake are likely to take fewer different actions after
the earthquake in a particular earthquake preparedness scenario (Zaremohzzabieh et al.,
2021). Furthermore, government, community, and individual levels may all have a role in
preparing for earthquakes (Shaffril et al., 2021). The neighbourhood should prioritise
earthquake preparedness efforts and mobilise its residents and resources. The community
and organisations involved in catastrophes must enhance their capacity. Risk reduction must
be made feasible at all levels, from the individual to the society to the provincial and federal.
With full-swing preparedness given by the government, community, and individuals, it is
hoped that communities will be readier and prepared for all aspects to face if an earthquake
happens in any country, including Malaysia.
Vol. 1 3, No. 17, Community Development. 2023, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2023
This study was supported by Universiti Putra Malaysia’s Putra Grant, 2017/9579300.
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This study aims at increasing earthquake preparedness knowledge perception and practice among Nepalese immigrants residing in Japan through an educational intervention. A single arm quasi experimental study was conducted among Nepalese immigrants residing in Japan. An educational intervention was prepared along with a 52 itemed questionnaire. In total, 165 participants responded to our questionnaire. Majority of them were male (67.88%), and the mean age was 32.78 years. Generalized equation model showed that the knowledge score of earthquake preparedness was 4.01 points higher immediately after the intervention [95% CI (2.78–5.24), p-value < 0.001] compared to baseline with a further increase by 7.02 points [95% CI (5.96–8.09), p-value < 0.001] at two weeks follow up. However, the practice score increased only by 2.83 points [95% CI (2.51–3.14), p-value < 0.001] immediately after the intervention with a similar increase at two weeks and 12 weeks follow up period [OR: 2.62, 95% CI (2.29–2.96), p-value < 0.001]. The educational intervention, when conducted in native language, can increase both the knowledge and practice score of earthquake preparedness hence, information related to earthquake preparedness in Nepali languages in the government websites of Japan could potentially increase information seeking behavior of people.
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Deep earthquakes occur down to 700 km depth where pressure is up to two orders of magnitude greater than in the crust. Rupture characteristics and propagation mechanisms under those extreme conditions are still poorly constrained. We invert seismic waveforms for the spatial dimensions, duration and stress drop of deep‐focus earthquakes (Mw 6.7–7.7) in the Kuril subduction zone. We find stress drops of ∼1–10 MPa and rigidity‐corrected spatial dimensions and durations similar to crustal earthquakes. Radiated efficiency >1 is observed, suggesting that undershooting is prevalent in deep earthquakes, consistent with laboratory derived weakening mechanisms. Comparisons with subduction models suggest across‐slab propagation within regions with temperatures T < ∼ 1,000°C, similar to shallow events. Hence, despite different triggering mechanisms, the same physics seems to control the rupture propagation of both shallow and deep earthquakes.
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Community preparedness in facing natural hazards such as earthquakes is extremely important. Although there are numerous studies on community preparedness for earthquakes, the effort to systematically review this particular research topic has been challenging since it fails to incorporate the review procedures, presenting a considerable challenge for scholars to replicate or interpret. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a systematic literature review concerning community preparedness for earthquakes. The review processes included five key methodological steps, namely guided by review protocol, formulation of research questions, systematic searching strategies based on identification, screening, and eligibility on several established databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Emerald, Taylor Francis, Springer Link, and Sage Journals, followed by quality appraisal, and data extraction and analysis. Seven main themes were also discovered based on the thematic analysis: (1) infrastructure-related; (2) information seeking and sharing, and experience sharing; (3) related programmes, training and campaign; (4) strong social relationships; (5) survival kits and supplies; (6) involvement, planning, training in evacuation or emergency drills; and (7) life-saving techniques and life protection. These seven themes were divided into 18 sub-themes.
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Earthquake preparedness can reduce casualties and economic losses caused by earthquakes effectively. Existing literature confirms that people's knowledge and perception of earthquakes can affect their actions concerning earthquake preparedness greatly. However, studies have mostly focused on developed countries. Meanwhile, China, particularly its rural regions, has been neglected. In addressing this deficiency, this study examines 5 counties and 10 villages that were seriously affected by the 2008 Wenchuan (Sichuan) earthquake. Using an on-site survey of residents, earthquake perceptions and their impact on disaster preparedness behavior were examined empirically. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and random-effect logistic regression analysis were used. The results reveal that two factors considerably influence disaster preparedness behavior. First, residents with autonomous earthquake information access tend to be more prepared. Second, residents who are more sensitive about earthquakes (high perceived risk of occurrence) tend to be more prepared for earthquakes. Evidently, knowledge and awareness of earthquakes have a positive impact on the disaster preparedness of residents living in rural earthquake-prone regions. Consequently, government agencies should enhance the earthquake education of local residents as part of the national effort to mitigate the adverse effects of future earthquakes.
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The world faces difficulties to manage disasters while making efforts of slowing the spread of COVID-19. The paper aims at proposing policies and approaches to manage dual disasters of flooding and COVID-19. It reviews on-going efforts of organizations in the humanitarian assistance, water and sanitation, disaster management and health sectors. Based on review works the policy was recommended. The objective of the policy is to protect human life, in particular, vulnerable groups, from the human security perspective. Local organizations and communities play an important role in disaster management, and risk information supported by scientific knowledge is essential. As the experience of disaster management show various organizations including health and water should be coordinated to conduct measures.
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This study aims at understanding the role of education in promoting disaster preparedness. Strengthening resilience to climate-related hazards is an urgent target of Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals. Preparing for a disaster such as stockpiling of emergency supplies or having a family evacuation plan can substantially minimize loss and damages from natural hazards. However, the levels of household disaster preparedness are often low even in disaster-prone areas. Focusing on determinants of personal disaster preparedness, this paper investigates: (1) pathways through which education enhances preparedness; and (2) the interplay between education and experience in shaping preparedness actions. Data analysis is based on face-to-face surveys of adults aged �15 years in Thailand (N = 1,310) and the Philippines (N = 889, female only). Controlling for socio-demographic and contextual characteristics, we find that formal education raises the propensity to prepare against disasters. Using the KHB method to further decompose the education effects, we find that the effect of education on disaster preparedness is mainly mediated through social capital and disaster risk perception in Thailand whereas there is no evidence that education is mediated through observable channels in the Philippines. This suggests that the underlying mechanisms explaining the education effects are highly context-specific. Controlling for the interplay between education and disaster experience, we show that education raises disaster preparedness only for those households that have not been affected by a disaster in the past. Education improves abstract reasoning and anticipation skills such that the better educated undertake preventive measures without needing to first experience the harmful event and then learn later. In line with recent efforts of various UN agencies´in promoting education for sustainable development, this study provides a solid empirical evidence showing positive externalities of education in disaster risk reduction.
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Motivating household preparedness for earthquakes can be difficult, especially given the infrequent and varying nature of major events. Past research has shown that people's experiences contribute to their beliefs about whether, and how, they should prepare for earthquakes. Direct experience of a disaster can be a strong motivator of preparedness; however, most people will not directly experience a large damaging earthquake in their lifetimes. They instead need to rely on experience of small earthquakes, experience of different disasters, adverse life experiences (e.g. accidents), or vicarious experience. This paper explores the influence of such experiences on earthquake preparedness. The research found that experience has seven different influences on the preparedness process including: prompting thinking and talking; raising awareness and knowledge; helping individuals understand the consequences of a disaster; developing beliefs; developing preparedness; influencing emotions and feelings; and prompting community interaction on disaster issues.
The study aims to predict household earthquake preparedness in Malaysia using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in its original form and an extended model including community participation and community-agency trust. A survey was undertaken in 2019 with 550 Malaysian residential households in four locations. The structural equation modeling (SEM) method was used in this study for the analysis of data. The findings demonstrated support for the extended model of TPB and showed that attitude, subjective norms, community participation, and community-agency trust were significant predictors of behavior intention to engage the household in earthquake preparedness. In both models, the intention of the household to earthquake preparedness is an important positive contributor to actual preparedness. The study has shown that, contrary to our expectations, perceived behavioral control in both models has no significant effect on the intent to prepare. The results also displayed that the original TPB constructs contributed 26% and 32% of the variance in intentions to prepare and actual earthquake preparedness behavior, whilst the inclusions of community participation and community-agency trust slightly increased the explained variance by 31.2% and 39.5% respectively. As a result, the extended model of TPB provided a good fit with the data and explains slightly better amounts of variance in intention to prepare in comparison to the original TPB model. Adding constructs in the original TPB model considerably contributes to improving our understanding of household preparedness for future earthquake disaster risk.
During the early part of 2020, there has been an abundance of critically important research on Covid-19 from medical, epidemiological and virological disciplines. There is now an urgent need for sociologists to engage theoretically and empirically on the social impact of issues related to Covid-19. As we have moved further into 2020, governments around the world have imposed different types of restrictions on social life, in order to quell the spread of Covid-19 and ‘flatten the curve’. These have included imposing various degrees of social isolation and restrictions on things like social gatherings, travel, sport and leisure activities, and going to work/school/university. This commentary explores the ways in which different branches of social theory can shed light on the implications of Covid-19 restrictions for social life ‘as we know it’. The broad fields of social theory in the commentary cover concepts such as risk, trust, fear, uncertainty and happiness. The process of developing the social theory driven research agenda contained within this commentary took a rather unusual route – it started by re-reading Jean-Paul Sartre’s ideas on existentialism, which led to me painting a visual sociology of Covid-19 (an image of my painting is provided), and ultimately to this piece.