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Contrast Enhancement Ultrasound Improves Diagnostic Accuracy for Thyroid Nodules: A Prospective Multicenter Study


Abstract and Figures

Objective To evaluate potential improvements in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules when conventional ultrasound (US) is combined with contrast-enhanced US (CEUS). Methods We recruited 515 participants with 323 malignant and 192 benign nodules, who underwent both US and CEUS examinations at 8 different medical centers in China between October 2020 and October 2021. We assessed the malignancy of thyroid nodules in US using the American College of Radiology (ACR) Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TIRADS). Diagnostic criteria for US and US + CEUS were developed by investigators based on evaluations of sonographic features. Using multivariate logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, we compared diagnostic performance between the 2 methods based on criteria identified by investigators and via statistical models. Results On the basis of diagnostic criteria identified by investigators, we measured statistically significant differences in area under the curve (AUC) values between ACR TIRADS (0.83) and CEUS TIRADS (0.87; P < .001). On the basis of diagnostic regression models, we found statistically significant differences in AUC values between US (0.76) and US + CEUS (0.84; P = .001). Models based on US + CEUS outperformed those based on US alone (Akaike information criterion of 347.7 and significant improvement in integrated discrimination). These results were confirmed by similar analyses applied to a validation cohort. Conclusion The accuracy of conventional US for differentiating between benign and malignant thyroid nodules can be improved by combining this approach with CEUS.
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Contrast Enhancement Ultrasound Improves Diagnostic
Accuracy for Thyroid Nodules: A Prospective Multicenter
Jianming Li,
*Jianping Dou,
*Huarong Li,
Fan Xiao,
Jie Yu,
Mingxing Xie,
Ping Zhou,
Lei Liang,
Guiming Zhou,
Ying Che,
Cun Liu,
Zhibin Cong,
Fangyi Liu,
Zhiyu Han,
and Ping Liang
Department of Interventional Ultrasound, Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
Department of Ultrasound, Aero-space Center Hospital, Beijing 100049, China
Department of Ultrasound Medicine, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan
430022, China
Department of Ultrasound, Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Guangdong 410008, China
Department of Ultrasound, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, Tianjin 300052, China
Department of Ultrasound, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116011, China
Department of Ultrasound, Jinan Central Hospital, Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan
250199, China
Department of Ultrasound, Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Changchun 130021, China
Correspondence: Zhiyu Han, MD, Department of Interventional Ultrasound, Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, 28 Fuxing Road, Beijing
100853, China. Email:; or Ping Liang, MD, PhD, Department of Interventional Ultrasound, Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General
Hospital, 28 Fuxing Road, Beijing 100853, China. Email:
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
**These authors are co-corresponding authors.
Objective: To evaluate potential improvements in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules when conventional ultrasound (US) is combined with
contrast-enhanced US (CEUS).
Methods: We recruited 515 participants with 323 malignant and 192 benign nodules, who underwent both US and CEUS examinations at 8
different medical centers in China between October 2020 and October 2021. We assessed the malignancy of thyroid nodules in US using the
American College of Radiology (ACR) Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TIRADS). Diagnostic criteria for US and US + CEUS were
developed by investigators based on evaluations of sonographic features. Using multivariate logistic regression and receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) analysis, we compared diagnostic performance between the 2 methods based on criteria identified by investigators and
via statistical models.
Results: On the basis of diagnostic criteria identified by investigators, we measured statistically significant differences in area under the curve
(AUC) values between ACR TIRADS (0.83) and CEUS TIRADS (0.87; P < .001). On the basis of diagnostic regression models, we found
statistically significant differences in AUC values between US (0.76) and US + CEUS (0.84; P = .001). Models based on US + CEUS
outperformed those based on US alone (Akaike information criterion of 347.7 and significant improvement in integrated discrimination).
These results were confirmed by similar analyses applied to a validation cohort.
Conclusion: The accuracy of conventional US for differentiating between benign and malignant thyroid nodules can be improved by combining
this approach with CEUS.
Key Words: thyroid nodule, thyroid carcinoma, ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound
Abbreviations: ACR, American College of Radiology; AUC, area under the curve; CEUS, contrast-enhanced ultrasound; CNB, core needle biopsy; EFSUMB,
European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology; FNA, fine needle aspiration; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; TIRADS,
Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; US, ultrasound.
Received: 24 August 2023. Editorial Decision: 19 November 2023. Corrected and Typeset: 6 December 2023
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Endocrine Society.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The global incidence of thyroid nodules has increased substan-
tially during the past 3 decades, partly as a consequence of the
widespread use of ultrasound (US) for diagnosis [1]. Reliable
diagnosis of malignant and benign nodules is critical for prog-
nostic purposes and to avoid overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and
overuse of medical resources. The American College of Radi-
ology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (ACR
TIRADS) is a risk stratication system that provides standar-
dized guidelines for US-based diagnosis and management of
thyroid nodules [2, 3].
Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, 8, 1–11
Advance access publication 28 November 2023
Clinical Research Article
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A prior study has shown that when compared or integrated
with gray-scale US features, vascular information by using
Doppler/Power Doppler did not provide any added benet
for predicting thyroid malignancy [4]. Following this nding,
vascular characteristics were no longer used to classify thyroid
nodules in clinical practice, and some scholars have ques-
tioned whether vascular information from contrast media
contributes to US-based diagnostic performance.
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), a modality that is
currently adopted in clinical practice, is primarily used for the
evaluation of liver lesions, showing substantial clinical value
for this purpose [5]. Some practitioners have adopted CEUS
for visualizing unique microvascularization via microbubbles
and have provided suggestive evidence that CEUS may improve
the diagnosis of thyroid cancer compared with conventional US
[6-10]. Notwithstanding the promising results of these retro-
spective studies, guidelines from the European Federation of
Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)
characterize research into CEUS as still exploratory and do
not therefore recommend this methodology for clinical diagno-
sis of thyroid nodules [11]. This lack of certainty about the ef-
cacy of CEUS probably reects the paucity of reports that
have prospectively evaluated the diagnostic performance of
this methodology for thyroid cancer diagnosis.
In this study, we rst evaluate diagnostic performance for
differentiating between benign and malignant thyroid nodules
using conventional US and US combined with CEUS in the
prospective multicenter study. Diagnostic performance was
quantied using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) ana-
lysis and compared across methods with reference to criteria
identied by investigators as well as statistical models.
Materials and Methods
This prospective multicenter diagnostic study was conducted
between October 1, 2020, and October 1, 2021. It was ap-
proved by the institutional review board of the 9 participating
medical centers, and written informed consent was obtained
from all participants. The owchart in Fig. 1 describes the
overall study design, including participant selection, ap-
proaches for identifying diagnostic criteria based on statistical
models, and the criteria formulated by investigators for differ-
entiating between benign and malignant thyroid nodules. We
constructed a derivation cohort from data collected between
October 1, 2020, and May 1, 2021, and a validation cohort
from data collected between May 2, 2021, and October 1,
Participant Selection
We adopted the following inclusion criteria: (i) age 18 years;
(ii) examination with nonenhanced (conventional) US and
Figure 1. Flowchart of this pilot study.
2 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1
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CEUS; and (iii) presence of thyroid nodule visible on US that
warranted biopsy or surgery. The exclusion criteria were as
follows: (i) history of neck surgery; (ii) pregnancy or allergy
to contrast agents; (iii) poor image quality due to breathing
or nonstandard procedures; and (iv) thyroid nodules without
denitive conrmation of benign or malignant pathology.
Both conventional US and CEUS examinations were per-
formed using a GE LOGIQ E9 general imaging system (GE
Healthcare) equipped with a high-frequency linear array
probe (L 2-9-D) and contrast pulse sequencing. The mechan-
ical index was 0.2, and the focal zone was 10 to 25 mm for
CEUS. The Sonazoid contrast agent solution was obtained
by mixing 16 μL of dry powder preparation with 5 mL of ster-
ile saline. The contrast agent solution was injected intraven-
ously as a bolus at a dose of 1.2 mL, followed by a ush of
5 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for each CEUS
Image Acquisition
The US examinations were carried out at the Radiology
Departments of participating medical centers. After obtaining
conventional US images across longitudinal and transverse
sections, 2 mL of the Sonazoid solution was injected into the
antecubital vein and then ushed with 5 mL saline solution.
The thyroid was scanned across transverse and longitudinal
sections from the point of contrast administration to the re-
gion of contrast wash-out for a total of 5 minutes. During
the rst 3 minutes, images were acquired continuously.
During the subsequent 2 minutes, image acquisition lasted 5
seconds every 30 seconds. The US and CEUS images were
stored in DICOM format on the hard drive of the GE
LOGIQ E9 general imaging system.
Image Evaluation by Radiologists
Eight senior radiologists (with more than 10 years of experience
in thyroid US imaging), who were blind to clinical information
regarding patients, independently evaluated diagnostic sono-
graphic features from thyroid glands that contained a nodule
on both US and CEUS images. They were based at the partici-
pating medical centers and scored each nodule with reference to
both ACR TIRADS classication criteria and CEUS TIRADS
criteria. The latter criteria were based on TIRADS in combin-
ation with information about enhancement patterns (hypo-
enhancement vs hyper-enhancement) and enhancement margin
(smooth vs blurred). The CEUS TIRADS criteria were adapted
from prior studies [12] and incorporated our results on the ap-
plication of CEUS to the evaluation of thyroid nodules
(Table 1).
The image dataset, alongside the associated evaluation out-
comes produced by the 8 on-site senior radiologists, was sent
to the analysis unit of the main medical center for additional
evaluation (using the same methodology) by 2 experts (with
more than 15 years of experience in thyroid US imaging).
These 2 experts were blind to the outcomes produced by the
8 senior radiologists.
Evaluation of Sonographic Features
We recorded sonographic features from conventional US im-
ages in accordance with guidelines produced by the ACR
2017 [2], the Kwak Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data
System [13], the Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology
(KSThR2020) [14], the American Thyroid Association 2015
[15], and the EFSUMB [11]. The features were several thyroid
nodules (single or multiple), their position (isthmus, left lobe,
or right lobe), taller-than-wide shape (yes or no), morphology
(regular or irregular), margin (smooth or blurred), internal
echogenicity (hyper-echo, iso-echo, heterogeneous-echo, hypo-
echo, or marked hypo-echo), calcication (no calcication, mac-
rocalcication, or microcalcication), acoustic halo (uneven
thickness, uniform or no halo), posterior echo (attenuation, en-
hancement, or no change), extra-thyroid invasion (yes or no),
and blood ow (no ow, internal ow, peripheral ow, or
internal and peripheral ow) within each nodule. For CEUS,
we recorded enhancement intensity (hyper-enhancement,
iso-enhancement, or hypo-enhancement), enhancement uni-
formity (heterogeneous or homogeneous), enhancement margin
(smooth or blurred), ring enhancement (hyper-enhancement
ring, hypo-enhancement ring), and wash-out (yes or no).
Reference Standard
The interval between image acquisition and nal conrmation
of pathology (via ne needle aspiration [FNA], core needle bi-
opsy [CNB], or surgery) did not exceed 1 month, during which
there was no clinical intervention. We regarded the following
as reference standards: (a) histopathologic ndings from CNB
according to the Korean proposal [16]; (b) cytological ndings
from FNA according to the Bethesda system; all nodules were
conrmed from surgical resection.
Statistical Analysis
Diagnostic criteria based on statistical models
To establish diagnostic criteria based on statistical models, we
applied univariate analysis and multivariable logistic regres-
sion analysis to the clinical and sonographic features that
were used to assess the association between malignant nodules
and risk factors. We assessed the potential relation between
clinical and sonographic features indicative of malignancy us-
ing Pearson correlation coefcients for all types of variables in-
volved (whether rank, continuous, or other). For continuous
variables, we performed comparisons between benign and ma-
lignant thyroid nodules using Student t tests or Mann-Whitney
U tests. For categorical variables, we used either χ
or Fisher
exact tests. When applicable, model selection was performed
using the forward stepwise approach. We assessed the
goodness-of-t of the multivariable logistic regression models
using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test.
Table 1. The CEUS TIRADS diagnostic criteria
CEUS TIRADS The CEUS diagnostic criteria
Hypo-enhancement and blurred enhanced
Hypo-enhancement or blurred enhanced margin
Iso-/hyper-enhancement and smooth enhanced
Abbreviations: ACR, American College of Radiology; CEUS,
contrast-enhanced ultrasound; TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting and
Data System.
Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1 3
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Diagnostic criteria identied by investigators
Investigators relied on ACR TIRADS to formulate diagnostic
criteria for conventional US. The ACR TIRADS classication
categories (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) indicate the probability of a
thyroid nodule being malignant. Each nodule identied
by conventional US was assigned a TIRADS score by the
On the basis of prior reports [6, 17, 18] and results from
our analysis, we established diagnostic features for
CEUS-based nodule characterization based on the enhance-
ment pattern and margin in the nodule region. We formulated
the CEUS TIRADS diagnostic criteria (Table 1) using the fol-
lowing procedure. If the CEUS criteria indicated a benign en-
hancement pattern (iso-enhancement, hyper-enhancement,
and smooth enhancement margin), we subtracted 1 level
from the TIRADS classication score, unless the nodule was
originally assigned a TIRADS score of 2 or less. If the CEUS
criteria suggested a malignant enhancement pattern (hypo-
enhancement and blurred margin), we added 1 level to the
TIRADS classication score. If the diagnosis based on the
CEUS criteria was uncertain (hypo-enhancement or blurred
margin), the TIRADS classication was left unmodied.
We generated receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
curves to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the criteria
developed by investigators with respect to ACR TIRADS
and CEUS TIRADS. For each ROC curve, we measured the
area under the curve (AUC). Pathological results were used
as the reference standard. The optimal cutoff values for the
prediction of malignant thyroid nodules were identied using
the highest Youden index and were selected to maximize sen-
sitivity and specicity. The Delong test was used to compare
AUC values using different criteria.
We used kappa coefcients to assess interobserver consist-
ency between senior radiologists and experts in scoring diag-
nostic criteria developed by investigators.
The statistical power associated with our sample size was ad-
equate for our intended measurements. To justify this conclu-
sion, we consider the following target values: sensitivity and
specicity of combined CEUS around 80%, signicance level
of .05, degree of certainty (power) of 0.90, and prevalence
Table 2. Clinical features of benign and malignant thyroid nodules
Clinical features Derivation cohort P value Validation cohort P value
Benign (N = 122) Malignant (N = 249) Benign (N = 70) Malignant (N = 74)
Age, Mean ± SD 49.07 ± 12.78 43.81 ± 11.74 <.001
48.69 ± 12.58 42.28 ± 10.80 <.001
Mean diameter, Mean ± SD 1.67 ± 1.12 0.96 ± 0.68 <.001
1.88 ± 1.15 0.99 ± 0.91 <.001
Sex: No. (%) .387 .476
Male 31 (29.5) 74 (70.5) 18 (25.7) 23 (31.1)
Female 91 (34.2) 175 (65.8) 52 (74.3) 51 (68.9)
Concomitant disease: No. (%) .886 .836
No 91 (33.1) 184 (66.9) 50 (71.4) 54 (73.0)
Yes 31 (32.3) 65 (67.7) 20 (28.6) 20 (27.0)
History of neck surgery: No. (%) .035
No 119 (32.3) 249 (67.7) 68 (97.14) 74 (100.0)
Yes 3 (100.0) 0 2 (2.86) 0 (0.0)
History of neck cancer: No. (%) .329 NA
No 121 (32.7) 249 (67.3) 70 (100.0) 74 (100.0)
Yes 1 (100.0) 0 0 0
Thyroid disease: No. (%) <.001
No 109 (37.8) 179 (62.2) 69 (98.6) 68 (91.9)
Yes 13 (15.7) 70 (84.3) 1 (1.4) 6 (8.1)
BMI, Mean ± SD 24.6 ± 4.71 24.2 ± 4.65 .433 24.24 ± 3.23 24.00 ± 5.03 .807
FNA: No. (%) <.001
II 82 (95.4) 2 (0.9) 33 (86.8) 2 (4.3)
III 1 (1.2) 1 (.5) 2 (5.3) 0 (0.0)
IV 1 (1.2) 0 (0.0) 1 (2.6) 0 (0.0)
V 2 (2.4) 52 (24.0) 2 (5.2) 5 (10.6)
VI 0 (0.0) 162 (74.7) 0 (0.0) 40 (85.1)
CNB: No. (%) <.001
II 32 (88.9) 1 (3.1) 30 (93.8) 1 (3.7)
III 2 (5.6) 1 (3.1) 1 (3.1) 1 (3.7)
IV 2 (5.6) 3 (9.4) 1 (3.1) 2 (7.4)
VI 0 (0.0) 27 (84.4) 0 (0.0) 23 (85.2)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CNB, core needle biopsy; FNA, ne needle aspiration.
P indicates a statistically signicant difference.
4 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1
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rate of 0.50. With a target loss rate of 10%, these objectives
translate into a minimum of 165 participants for inclusion in
this study. Our sample size exceeded this target value.
We set our threshold for statistical signicance at P < .05.
We performed all analyses with version 19 of MedCalc and
version 3.6.1 of the R software (
We used PASS.15 to estimate the sample size.
Demographic Characteristics
Participants were enrolled from 8 university teaching hospi-
tals throughout China. We assigned 371 participants (249
malignant and 122 benign nodules) to the derivation cohort
and 144 participants (74 malignant and 70 benign nodules)
to the validation cohort. For both cohorts, participants with
malignant nodules were younger (P < .001) with (on average)
smaller nodules (P < .001). In the derivation cohort, those pa-
tients did not present a history of neck surgery (P = .035) and
experienced more frequent occurrences of thyroid disease
(P < .001) compared with participants carrying benign nod-
ules (Table 2). The FNA specimen results were as follows: of
the 303 cases (derivation cohort) and 85 cases (validation co-
hort), 84 and 35 cases were benign, 2 and 2 cases were inde-
terminate, 1 and 1 cases were follicular neoplasm, 54 and 7
cases were suspicious for malignancy, 162 and 40 cases
were malignant, in the derivation and validation cohort,
respectively (Table 2). The CNB specimen results: of the
68 cases (derivation cohort) and 59 cases (validation cohort),
33 and 31 cases were benign, 3 and 2 cases were indeterminate,
Table 3. Univariate analysis of US and CEUS sonographic imaging
features for benign and malignant thyroid nodules in the
derivation cohort
US imaging features Benign
(N = 122)
(N = 249)
P value
Number: No. (%) .538
Single 54 (32.9) 110 (67.1)
Multiple 68 (32.9) 139 (67.1)
Position: No. (%) .353
Isthmus 3 (20) 12 (80)
Left lobe 64 (35.8) 115 (64.2)
Right lobe 55 (31.1) 122 (68.9)
Taller-than-wide shape: No. (%) <.001
No 88 (43.3) 115 (56.7)
Yes 34 (20.2) 134 (79.8)
Morphology: No. (%) <.001
Regular 57 (51.8) 53 (48.2)
Irregular 65 (24.9) 196 (75.1)
Margin: No. (%) <.001
Smooth 58 (63.7) 33 (36.3)
Blurred 64 (31.4) 216 (68.6)
Internal echo: No. (%) <.001
Hyper-echo 2 (40) 3 (60)
Iso-echo 12 (66.7) 6 (33.3)
Heterogeneous-echo 39 (76.5) 12 (23.5)
Hypo-echo 65 (23.9) 207 (76.1)
Marked hypo-echo 4 (16) 21 (84)
Calcication: No. (%) <.001
No calcication 75 (46.6) 86 (53.4)
Macrocalcication 18 (37.5) 30 (62.5)
Microcalcication 29 (17.9) 133 (82.1)
Acoustic halo: No. (%) .005
Uneven thickness 8 (18.6) 35 (81.4)
Uniform 6 (75) 2 (25)
No 108 (33.8) 212 (66.3)
Posterior echo: No. (%) .213
Attenuation 15 (28.3) 38 (71.7)
Enhancement 7 (53.8) 6 (46.2)
No change 100 (32.8) 205 (67.2)
Extra-thyroid invasion: No. (%) .213
Yes 6 (13.6) 38 (86.4)
No 116 (35.5) 211 (64.5)
Blood ow: No. (%) .007
No ow 25 (27.5) 66 (72.5)
Internal ow 36 (40.9) 52 (59.1)
Peripheral ow 9 (16.4) 46 (83.6)
Internal and peripheral ow 52 (38) 85 (62)
ACR TIRADS: No. (%) <.001
1 30 (100) 0
2 35 (76.1) 11 (23.9)
3 21 (47.7) 23 (54.3)
4 32 (16.1) 167 (83.9)
5 4 (7.7) 48 (92.3)
Table 3. Continued
US imaging features Benign
(N = 122)
(N = 249)
P value
CEUS imaging features
Enhancement intensity: No. (%) <.001
Hyper-enhancement 15 (75) 5 (25)
Iso-enhancement 71 (48.3) 76 (51.7)
Hypo-enhancement 36 (17.6) 168 (82.4)
Enhancement uniformity: No.
Heterogeneous 57 (26.1) 161 (73.9)
Homogeneous 65 (42.5) 88 (57.5)
Enhancement margin: No. (%) <.001
Smooth 41 (62.1) 25 (37.9)
Blurred 81 (26.6) 224 (73.4)
Ring enhancement: No. (%) .001
Hyper-enhancement ring 28 (56) 22 (44)
Hypo-enhancement ring 14 (36.8) 24 (63.2)
No 80 (28.3) 203 (71.7)
Wash-out: No. (%) .322
Yes 22 (28.2) 56 (71.8)
No 100 (34.1) 193 (65.9)
Abbreviations: ACR, American College of Radiology; CEUS,
contrast-enhanced ultrasound; TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting and
Data System; US, ultrasound.
Indicates statistically signicant P values.
Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1 5
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5 and 3 cases were follicular neoplasm, 27 and 23 cases were
malignant, in the derivation and validation cohort, respectively
(Table 2).
Diagnostic Performance for Criteria Based on
Statistical Models
Table 3 details a univariate analysis of US and CEUS sono-
graphic features for discriminating malignant from benign thy-
roid nodules. With the aid of the multivariate logistic regression
model, we selected the following sonographic features as part
of the diagnostic criteria derived from statistical models
(Table 4): taller-than-wide shape, margin, internal echo, and
calcications for US-based features; enhancement intensity
and enhancement margin for CEUS-based features. We found
statistically signicant differences in odd ratios and high correl-
ation for all these features (Fig. 2). On the basis of the results of
multivariate analysis and correlation analysis, we selected the
above US and CEUS features for inclusion in the regression
When applied to the derivation cohort, the AUC value for
the US + CEUS model (0.84; 95% CI, 0.80–0.88) was higher
than the corresponding value for the US model (0.76; 95%
CI, 0.72–0.81; P = .001; Fig. 3A). This result was conrmed
with reference to the validation cohort: again, the US +
CEUS model produced a signicantly higher AUC value
(0.86; 95% CI, 0.80–0.91) than the US model (0.80; 95%
CI, 0.72–0.86; P = .036; Fig. 3B). The Akaike information cri-
terion and the improvement in integrated discrimination pro-
vide evidence that the model based on US + CEUS features
outperformed the US model when discriminating between ma-
lignant and benign thyroid nodules (Table 5).
Diagnostic Performance of Criteria Identified
by Investigators
In accordance with the criteria formulated by investigators
(Table 6), we measured a signicant difference in AUC values
between ACR TIRADS (0.83; 95% CI, 0.78–0.86) and CEUS
TIRADS (0.87; 95% CI, 0.84–0.91; P < .001) with reference
to the derivation cohort (Fig. 3C). This result was conrmed
with reference to the validation cohort: the AUC value for
CEUS TIRADS (0.91; 95% CI, 0.85–0.95) was again higher
than the AUC value for ACR TIRADS (0.84; 95% CI, 0.77–
0.90; P < .001; Fig. 3D).
Participants With Special Benefits From CEUS
On the basis of the nal results from ACR TIRADS and CEUS
TIRADS, these criteria supported correct diagnosis for 299
cases (84 benign and 215 malignant). Of the misdiagnosed
participants, 17 cases (3 benign and 14 malignant) were cor-
rectly diagnosed only by CEUS TIRADS (Fig. 4A). In these
participants, 3 benign nodules were evaluated as TIRADS-3,
5 malignant nodules as TIRADS-1, and 9 malignant nodules
as TIRADS-2 (Fig. 4B). Three benign nodules and one malig-
nant nodule were evaluated as smooth margin by US. Thirteen
malignant nodules were evaluated as blurred margin by US
(P < .001; Fig. 4C). On the basis of CEUS, 3 benign nodules
were evaluated as hyper-enhancement or iso-enhancement,
and 14 malignant nodules were evaluated as hypo-enhancement
(P < .001; Fig. 4D). In addition, 2 benign nodules and 1 malig-
nant nodule were evaluated as smooth enhancement margin.
One benign nodule and 13 malignant nodules were evaluated
as blurred enhancement margin (please refer to Fig. 4E).
Interobserver Agreement
We found good interobserver agreement between on-site radi-
ologists and experienced radiologists with respect to both
ACR TIRADS and enhancement patterns (k = 0.776 and
k = 0.808, respectively).
CEUS is an imaging modality that is increasingly being used
for thyroid nodule diagnosis. To our knowledge, this is the
Table 4. Results from multivariate logistic regression models applied
to US and CEUS sonographic features for differentiating between
benign and malignant thyroid nodules in the derivation cohort
Modality Level OR 95% CI P
US features
Yes 2.16 1.16, 4.00 .015
Margin Blurred 2.34 1.23, 4.44 .0097
Calcication Microcalcication 2.97 1.62, 5.44 .0004
Internal echo Marked
2.94 1.38, 6.24 .005
CEUS features
Hypo-enhancement 2.87 1.62, 5.09 .0003
Blurred 3.10 1.48, 6.50 .0028
Abbreviations: CEUS, contrast-enhanced ultrasound; OR, odds ratio; US,
Indicates statistically signicant P values. Figure 2. Univariate correlation matrix for US and CEUS features
associated with malignant thyroid nodules. Abbreviations: Cal,
calcification; TM, thyroid margin; TW, taller-than-wide; IE, internal echo;
EI, enhancement intensity; ETM, enhancement margin.
6 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1
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rst prospective multicenter study that has evaluated the clinic-
al value of CEUS in thyroid (Fig. 5). We explored its diagnostic
performance in the case of thyroid nodules by comparing US
alone with a combination of both US and CEUS. Notably,
our results indicate that CEUS may improve diagnostic accur-
acy when applied in combination with conventional US, and
this may therefore carry implications for future revisions of
the EFSUMB guidelines which, at present, do not recommend
CEUS for clinical use.
The ACR TIRADS scheme proposed by the American
College of Radiology emphasizes the value of sonographic
features and serves as a standardized system for differentiating
Figure 3. The discrimination power of US and US + CEUS models was assessed via receiver operating characteristic curves in the derivation cohort (A)
and validation cohort (B). The discrimination power of ACR TIRADS (US) and CEUS + TIRADS criteria was assessed via receiver operating characteristic
curves in the derivation cohort (C) and validation cohort (D). Abbreviations: ACR, American College of Radiology; CEUS, contrast-enhanced ultrasound;
TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; US, ultrasound.
Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1 7
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between benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Its recom-
mendations were agreed upon by wide consensus [19]. In add-
ition to relying on this established system, our study produced
consistent results from 2 comparative analytical strategies. On
the basis of diagnostic criteria developed through statistical
models, we found that the combined strategy (US + CEUS)
produced a signicantly higher AUC value (0.84) than that
obtained from US alone (0.76, P < .001). The method based
on US + CEUS features produced higher AUC values for the
derivation (0.84) and validation cohorts (0.86), alongside im-
provements in integrated discrimination. Although at the op-
timal cutoff values using the highest Youden index, the
specicity of the CEUS + US model is slightly lower than
that of the US model, the sensitivity and AUC of the CEUS
+ US model are signicantly higher than that of the US model
in the validation cohort. When the analysis was based on diag-
nostic criteria developed by investigators, AUC values were
signicantly different between ACR TIRADS and CEUS
TIRADS with reference to both cohorts.
Our baseline analysis applied to the derivation cohort
shows that prior occurrence of thyroid disease was a risk fac-
tor for thyroid cancer. Several studies have proposed that
Hashimoto thyroiditis or nodular goiter may be related to po-
tential malignant transformations [20]. The multivariate lo-
gistic regression model based on sonographic features from
US and CEUS methodologies identied several signicant
risk factors for the diagnosis of malignant thyroid nodules,
such as taller-than-wide shape, margin, internal echo, and cal-
cications visible under US imaging. Hypo-enhancement and
an unclear enhancement margin were signicantly associated
with malignant nodules. In our study, all malignant nodules
were identied as papillary thyroid cancers. The high predom-
inance of papillary structures can explain the enhancement
features of papillary thyroid cancers throughout the tumor
on microscopy: according to the classication criteria devel-
oped by the World Health Organization, papillary thyroid
cancer always presents as an invasive neoplasm with poorly
dened morphologies on macroscopic evaluation [21].
Hypo-enhancement is the most frequent predictor of malig-
nancy on CEUS, with high sensitivity, specicity, and accur-
acy values of 77.3%, 93.9%, and 90.0%, respectively [6].
The blurred enhancement margin observed on CEUS was
similar to the blurred margin on the US, although this feature
may be magnied on CEUS. Other enhancement features,
such as ring enhancement, were predictive of benign lesions,
while heterogeneous enhancement helped detect malignant le-
sions, as reported by Zhang et al [17].
Our nal results conrmed that 17 cases (3 benign and 14
malignant) were incorrectly diagnosed by TIRADS, but
correctly diagnosed by CEUS TIRADS. In particular, en-
hancement intensity and enhancement margin from CEUS
provide auxiliary diagnostic value. Our ndings suggest
that the diagnostic value of CEUS in combination with US
was higher than conferred by US alone. This result is broadly
Table 5. Comparison of diagnostic performance for criteria from statistical models based on US and US + CEUS
AIC Cutoff AUC (95% CI) Sensitivity (95% CI) Specicity (95% CI) AUC
Derivation cohort
US model 366.4 0.514 0.76 (0.72-0.81) 71.5% (65.4-77%) 72.1% (63.3%-79.9%) 0.08 .001
0.05 <.001
347.7 0.610 0.84 (0.80-0.88) 83.1% (77.9%-87.6%) 72.9% (64.2%-80.6%)
Validation cohort
US model 163.5 0.514 0.80 (0.72-0.86) 68.9% (57.1%-79.2%) 82.9% (72.0%-90.8%) 0.06 .036
0.23 <.001
140.5 0.543 0.86 (0.80-0.91) 87.8% (78.2%-94.3%) 75.7% (64.0%-85.2%)
value: Comparison of the area under the curve between US model and US + CEUS model.
value: Comparison of the improvement in integrated discrimination between US model and US + CEUS model.
Abbreviations: AIC, Akaike information criterion; AUC, area under the curve; CEUS, contrast-enhanced ultrasound; IDI, integrated discrimination
improvement; US, ultrasound.
Indicates statistically signicant P values.
Table 6. Comparison of diagnostic performance for criteria formulated by investigators based on ACR TIRADS and CEUS TIRADS
Diagnostic criteria Cutoff AUC (95% CI) Sensitivity (95% CI) Specicity (95% CI) AUC difference P
Derivation cohort
ACR TIRADS 3 0.83 (0.78-0.86) 86.4% (81.4%-90.4%) 70.5% (61.6%-78.4%) 0.04 <.001
CEUS TIRADS 3 0.87 (0.84-0.91) 91.9% (87.9%-95.0%) 72.9% (64.2%-80.6%)
Validation cohort
ACR TIRADS 3 0.84 (0.77-0.90) 85.1% (75.0%-92.3%) 75.7% (64.0%-85.2%) 0.07 <.001
CEUS TIRADS 3 0.91 (0.85-0.95) 89.2% (79.8%-95.2%) 77.1% (65.6%-86.3%)
value: Comparison of the area under the curve between ACR TIRADS and CEUS TIRADS.
Abbreviations: ACR, American College of Radiology; AUC, area under the curve; CEUS, contrast-enhanced ultrasound; TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting
and Data System.
Indicates statistically signicant P values.
8 Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1
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consistent with prior studies [6, 7, 10]. For example, Huang
et al [18] reported a signicantly higher AUC value for CEUS
(0.835) compared with TIRADS (0.738). At the same time,
other studies (such as [7]) did not report any obvious
improvement from using CEUS in place of US. We attribute
the improved reliability and resolving power of our results to
the adoption of a prospective design and the large sample
used in this study. Therefore, CEUS examinations could
Figure 4. Participants with special benefits from CEUS. Final diagnostic results from ACR TIRADS and CEUS TIRADS (A). Seventeen participants with
benefits from CEUS were misdiagnosed by ACR TIRADS (B). Margin is the only US feature that helps in the diagnosis of these patients (C). Enhancement
intensity (D) and enhancement margin (E) on CEUS can help in the diagnosis of these patients.
Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1 9
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justify the appropriate use of contrast media in combination
with US and clinical information.
Our study had major limitations. Our sample contains a lar-
ger number of malignant than benign nodules. This inherent
selection bias was likely inevitable because our participants
presented suspicious nodules on US that warranted biopsy
or surgery, and these procedures are typically performed on
nodules that are suspicious for malignancy. For patients
with surgery for benign nodules, the main reasons were that
there were compressive symptoms or that the results of the
FNA nodule biopsy and CNB were indeterminate and the pa-
tient was anxious so ultimately opted for surgical resection of
the thyroid nodule.
In conclusion, on the basis of diagnostic criteria formulated
by investigators and on those identied by statistical models,
we found evidence that contrast-enhanced ultrasound could
provide complementary information to conventional US for
the diagnosis of benign and malignant nodules. This nding
should prompt radiologists to combine CEUS with ultrasound
for effective diagnosis of thyroid nodules.
This work was supported by Grants 82102044 from the
National Scientic Foundation Committee of China (NSFC)
(grantor: J.L.) and China International Medical Foundation
(grantor: J.L.).
Author Contributions
J.L., J.P.D., H.L., and P.L.: study conception and design. F.X.,
F.L., and J.L.: data analysis. J.Y., M.X., P.Z., L.L., G.Z., Y.C.,
C.L., and Z.C.: data collection. J.L.: manuscript drafting.
Z.Y.H. and P.L.: manuscript revising. All authors: nal ap-
proval of the manuscript.
All authors declared that they do not have anything to disclose
regarding funding or conict of interest with respect to this
manuscript; the authors declare that they have no known
competing nancial interests or personal relationships that
could have appeared to inuence the work reported in this
Data Availability
Some or all datasets generated during and/or analyzed during
the current study are not publicly available but are available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics Statement
The local ethics committee approved the study (identier
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Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1 11
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Imaging plays a key role in the diagnosis and characterization of thyroid diseases, and the information provided by imaging studies is essential for management planning. A referral guideline for imaging studies may help physicians make reasonable decisions and minimize the number of unnecessary examinations. The Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology (KSThR) developed imaging guidelines for thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer using an adaptation process through a collaboration between the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency and the working group of KSThR, which is composed of radiologists specializing in thyroid imaging. When evidence is either insufficient or equivocal, expert opinion may supplement the available evidence for recommending imaging. Therefore, we suggest rating the appropriateness of imaging for specific clinical situations in this guideline.
Background The role of contrast-enhanced US (CEUS) in reducing unnecessary biopsies of thyroid nodules has received little attention. Purpose To construct and externally validate a thyroid imaging reporting and data system (TI-RADS) based on nonenhanced US and CEUS to stratify the malignancy risk of thyroid nodules. Materials and Methods This retrospective study evaluated 756 patients with 801 thyroid nodules who underwent nonenhanced US, CEUS, and fine-needle aspiration and received a final diagnosis from January 2018 to December 2019. Qualitative US features of the thyroid nodules were analyzed with univariable and multivariable logistic regression to construct a CEUS TI-RADS. The CEUS TI-RADS was validated with use of internal cross-validation and external validation. Results A total of 801 thyroid nodules in 590 female (mean age, 44 years ± 13) and 166 male (mean age, 47 years ± 13 [SD]) patients were included. Independent predictive US features included nodule composition at CEUS, echogenicity, nodule shape, nodule margin, echogenic foci, extrathyroidal extension, enhancement direction, peak intensity, and ring enhancement. The CEUS TI-RADS showed a higher area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.93 (95% CI: 0.92, 0.95; P < .001 in comparison with all other systems), a biopsy yield of malignancy of 66% (157 of 239 nodules), and an unnecessary biopsy rate of 34% (82 of 239 nodules). In the external validation, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, biopsy yield of malignancy, and unnecessary biopsy rate of CEUS TI-RADS were 0.89 (95% CI: 0.84, 0.92), 61% (65 of 106 nodules), and 39% (41 of 106 nodules) for the first external validation set and 0.90 (95% CI: 0.85, 0.94), 57% (56 of 99 nodules), and 43% (43 of 99 nodules) for the second external validation set. Conclusion A contrast-enhanced US (CEUS) thyroid imaging reporting and data system was created with thyroid nodule malignancy risk stratification according to the simplified regression coefficients of nonenhanced US and qualitative features of CEUS. Clinical trials registration no. ChiCTR2000028712 Published under a CC BY 4.0 license. Online supplemental material is available for this article.
Objectives To evaluate the diagnostic performance of the American College of Radiology (ACR) Thyroid Image Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS), contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), and a modified TI-RADS in differentiating benign and malignant nodules located in the isthmus. Methods This retrospective study was approved by the institutional review board. Informed consent was obtained. Grayscale ultrasound (US) and CEUS images were obtained for 203 isthmic thyroid nodules (46 benign and 157 malignant) in 198 consecutive patients (156 women, mean age: 44.7 years ± 11.3 [standard deviation]; 47 men, mean age: 40.9 years ± 11.0). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of the diagnostic performance of the ACR TI-RADS, CEUS, and the modified TI-RADS were evaluated. Results Lobulated or irregular margins (P = 0.001; odds ratio [OR] = 9.250) and punctate echogenic foci (P = 0.007; OR = 4.718) on US and hypoenhancement (P < 0.001; OR = 20.888) on CEUS displayed a significant association with malignancy located in the isthmus. The most valuable method to distinguish benign nodules from malignant nodules was the modified TI-RADS (AUC: 0.863 with modified TR5), which was significantly better than the ACR TI-RADS (AUC: 0.738 with ACR TR5) (P < 0.001) but showed no significant difference with respect to CEUS (AUC: 0.835 with hypoenhancement) (P = 0.205). The diagnostic value was significantly different between CEUS and the ACR TI-RADS (P = 0.028). Conclusion The modified TI-RADS could significantly improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of thyroid nodules located in the isthmus.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, characterized by thyroid-specific autoantibodies, is one of the commonest autoimmune disorders. Although the exact etiology has not been fully elucidated, Hashimoto's thyroiditis is related to an interaction among genetic elements, environmental factors and epigenetic influences. Cellular and humoral immunity play a key role in the development of the disease; thus, a T and B cells inflammatory infiltration is frequently found. Histopathologic feature of the disease includes lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, lymphoid follicle formation with germinal centers, and parenchymal atrophy. Moreover, the occurrence of large follicular cells and oxyphilic or Askanazy cells is frequently associated to Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Clinically, Hashimoto's thyroiditis is characterized mainly by systemic manifestations due to the damage of the thyroid gland, developing a primary hypothyroidism. Diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is clinical and based on clinical characteristics, positivity to serum antibodies against thyroid antigens (thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin), and lymphocytic infiltration on cytological examination. The mainstream of treatment is based on the management of the hypothyroidism with a substitution therapy. A relationship between Hashimoto's thyroiditis and a possible malignant transformation has been proposed in several studies and involves immunological/hormonal pathogenic links although specific correlation is still debated and needs to be further investigated with prospective studies.
Background The present study was undertaken to systematically review the literature on the reliability of using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to assess thyroid nodules. To avoid the potential bias in studies using a cytological standard of reference, here we aimed to meta-analyze data from studies adopting histological diagnosis as the gold standard. Methods A comprehensive literature exploration of PubMed and Scopus was conducted. The search was updated until June 2018 and references of the retrieved articles screened. Only original articles reporting the histological follow-up of nodules previously undergone CEUS evaluation were eligible for inclusion. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of CEUS were calculated by DerSimonian and Laird method (random-effects model). Results The literature search retrieved 1885 articles, and 14 were included for the study. There were Chinese, Italian, German, and Austrian authors. All studies used SonoVue. The overall number of reported nodules was 1515, of which 775 were classified as positive at CEUS and 740 as negative. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of CEUS were 85% (95% CI 83–88), 82% (95% CI 77–87), 83% (95% CI 77–88), and 85% (95% CI 81–88), respectively. Moderate inconsistency was present for specificity and PPV. There was publication bias for sensitivity and NPV. Conclusions CEUS reaches good performance in discriminating between malignant and benign thyroid lesions.
We explored the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography (US) in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC), studying nodular growths according to size via 3-D color Doppler US (3-DCDUS) and contrast-enhanced US (CEUS). A total of 109 patients undergoing CEUS and surgery of thyroid nodules at the First Hospital of China Medical University between January 2017 and December 2018 were selected for the study, including 77 with post-operative pathologically confirmed PTMC (test group) and 32 with nodular goiter (controls). All nodules were ≤1.0 cm in maximum diameter. After 3-DCDUS, each patient underwent Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) grading. In both groups, receiver operating characteristic curve analysis of anteroposterior (AP) nodule diameters was conducted, establishing a cutpoint for probable malignancy by CEUS. In the test group (n = 77), grading was as follows: TI-RADS 4a, 23; TI-RADS 4b, 40; TI-RADS 4c, 14. More patients had heterogeneous enhancement or hypo-enhancement (n = 55) than uniform hyper-enhancement or uniform iso-enhancement (n = 22) by contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS). Control group (n = 32) grading was as follows: TI-RADS 3, 1; TI-RADS 4, 21; TI-RADS 4b, 10. Fewer patients had heterogeneous enhancement or hypo-enhancement (n = 12) than uniform hyper-enhancement or uniform iso-enhancement (n = 20) by CEUS. The diagnostic accuracy of 3-DCDUS or CEUS differed significantly from that of 3-DCD-US + CEUS (p < 0.05), whereas 3-DCDUS and CEUS performed similarly (p > 0.05). At AP diameters of 0.66 cm, the Youden index for diagnosing malignancy by CEUS was maximal. When nodules below this threshold were excluded, both CEUS and 3-DCDUS + CEUS improved significantly in diagnostic accuracy (p < 0.05). CEUS is useful in determining the status (benign vs. malignant) of thyroid nodules, with significantly better accuracy at AP diameters ≥0.66 cm.
Background: The thyroid imaging reporting and data system (TI-RADS), classified and determined the risk of thyroid nodule malignancy with ultrasound scanning. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is newly developed methods which could measure perfusion features. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the value of diagnosing thyroid nodules using TI-RADS combined with CEUS and determine whether improvements were made to the diagnostic accuracy. Methods: The features of conventional ultrasonography (US) and CEUS ion 117 case of thyroid nodules samples, which were confirmed by fine-needle aspiration and/or surgery, were retrospectively analyzed. The independent US and CEUS predictors for malignancy were determined and quantified using logistic regression analysis. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to compare the diagnostic efficiency of each method in predicting malignant solid thyroid nodules. Results: The TI-RADS + CEUS combination had the highest accuracy (94.02%), sensitivity (94.74%), specificity (93.33%), PPV (93.10%) and NPV (94.92%), significantly greater than that of TI-RADS alone and CEUS alone (χ2 = 8.746, P < 0.001; χ2 = 9.825, P < 0.001). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of TI-RADS alone, CEUS alone, and combined use of TI-RADS and CEUS were 0.871, 0.884, and 0.942, respectively. The following conventional US and CEUS features based on logistic regression analysis showed significant predictive value for thyroid malignant nodules: Obscure margin, calcification, hypoechoic, low enhancement, rim-like enhancement. Conclusions: TI-RADS in combination with CEUS has superior diagnostic efficiency in the discrimination of benign and malignant thyroid lesions, compared with TI-RADS and CEUS alone.
In 2017, the Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) Committee of the American College of Radiology (ACR) published a white paper that presented a new risk-stratification system for classifying thyroid nodules on the basis of their appearance at ultrasonography (US). In ACR TI-RADS, points in five feature categories are summed to determine a risk level from TR1 to TR5. Recommendations for biopsy or US follow-up are based on the nodule's ACR TI-RADS level and its maximum diameter. The purpose of this article is to offer practical guidance on how to implement and apply ACR TI-RADS based on the authors' experience with the system.©RSNA, 2018.