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An Efficient Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Feature Selection Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System


Abstract and Figures

The detection rate of network intrusion detection systems mainly depends on relevant features; however, the selection of attributes or features is considered an issue in NP-hard problems. It is an important step in machine learning and pattern recognition. The major aim of feature selection is to determine the feature subset from the current/existing features that will enhance the learning performance of the algorithms, in terms of accuracy and learning time. This paper proposes a new hybrid filter-wrapper feature selection method that can be used in classification problems. The information gain ratio algorithm (GR) represents the filter feature selection approach, and the black hole algorithm (BHA) represents the wrapper feature selection approach. The comparative analysis of network intrusion detection methods focuses on accuracy and false positive rate. GBA shines with exceptional results: achieving 96.96% accuracy and a mere 0.89% false positive rate. This success can be traced to GBA's improved initialization via the GR technique, which effectively removes irrelevant features. By assigning these features almost zero weights, GBA hones its ability to accurately spot intrusions while drastically reducing false alarms. These standout outcomes underline GBA's superiority over other methods, showcasing its potential as a reliable solution for bolstering network security.
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Received: July 30, 2023. Revised: August 27, 2023. 261
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
An Efficient Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Feature Selection Approach for Network
Intrusion Detection System
Samer Saeed Issa1 Sinan Q. Salih2* Yasir Dawood Salman3 Faris Hasan Taha4
1Computer science department, Al-Rafidain University College, Baghdad, Iraq
2Technical College of Engineering, Al-Bayan University, Baghdad, Iraq
3Department of Technical Computer Engineering, Dijlah University College, Baghdad, Iraq
4Department of Medical Equipment Technology Engineering, College of Engineering Technology,
Al-Kitab University, Kirkuk, Iraq
* Corresponding author’s Email:
Abstract: The detection rate of network intrusion detection systems mainly depends on relevant features; however,
the selection of attributes or features is considered an issue in NP-hard problems. It is an important step in machine
learning and pattern recognition. The major aim of feature selection is to determine the feature subset from the
current/existing features that will enhance the learning performance of the algorithms, in terms of accuracy and
learning time. This paper proposes a new hybrid filter-wrapper feature selection method that can be used in
classification problems. The information gain ratio algorithm (GR) represents the filter feature selection approach, and
the black hole algorithm (BHA) represents the wrapper feature selection approach. The comparative analysis of
network intrusion detection methods focuses on accuracy and false positive rate. GBA shines with exceptional results:
achieving 96.96% accuracy and a mere 0.89% false positive rate. This success can be traced to GBA's improved
initialization via the GR technique, which effectively removes irrelevant features. By assigning these features almost
zero weights, GBA hones its ability to accurately spot intrusions while drastically reducing false alarms. These
standout outcomes underline GBA's superiority over other methods, showcasing its potential as a reliable solution for
bolstering network security.
Keywords: Information security, Intrusion detection systems, Optimization, Feature selection, Black hole algorithm.
1. Introduction
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) play a critical
role in securing information and communication
systems. They are designed to detect and identify
network traffic that poses a threat. IDS employ
various soft computing models, such as artificial
neural networks, Bayesian networks, genetic
algorithms, fuzzy logic, and decision trees, to
effectively identify anomalies and misuse. Feature
selection is a crucial aspect of IDS, as it involves
selecting relevant attributes and eliminating
irrelevant ones from datasets, enhancing the
performance of data learning models.
Signature-based IDS, a common classification of
IDS, is capable of recognizing patterns in traffic or
application data that may indicate a potential attack.
It maintains a database of attack signatures and
regularly updates it to ensure efficient detection. On
the other hand, anomaly-based IDS compares all
activities against predefined patterns to identify any
abnormal behavior [1-3].
The main purpose of an IDS is to detect network
attacks and promptly alert system administrators. An
effective IDS should be capable of efficiently
identifying malicious attacks and implementing
appropriate countermeasures. This research aims to
improve and enhance the accuracy of IDS systems, as
current systems have limitations in their detection
capabilities. The IDS employs a range of soft
computing models, including artificial neural
networks, Bayesian networks, fuzzy logic, J84,
Received: July 30, 2023. Revised: August 27, 2023. 262
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
decision trees, and genetic algorithms [4-6]. The
techniques used in misuse and anomaly detection
systems can be categorized into three main types:
knowledge-based detection, statistical-based
detection, and machine learning detection [2, 7].
Numerous machine learning techniques have
been employed to enhance the attack detection
threshold and accuracy of IDS systems. These
techniques have been instrumental in developing
effective classification and clustering models that can
distinguish between attacks and normal network
behaviour. Accurately identifying intrusions within
the vast amount of network traffic has always
presented a challenging task for IDS systems [8]. The
training data may contain some irrelevant features
that do not aid in the detection process. These
unimportant features are usually redundant and can
add noise to the classifier's design. As a result, it's
important to select data with useful characteristics
that will help classifier performance improve [9-11].
While acquiring enough training data can be
challenging, the size of the required training samples
can be reduced by performing feature selection. This
process helps enhance the overall performance of
classification algorithms. Feature selection, also
known as attribute reduction, is a widely studied and
significant topic across various domains, including
machine learning, signal processing, data mining, and
pattern recognition[12-14].
Attributes reduction is the process of selecting
significant attributes and eliminating irrelevant ones
from a dataset, resulting in a more efficient data
learning model. The pruned dataset maintains an
accurate representation of the original data features
essential for describing the data. [12, 15-17]. The
selection of features is a challenging NP-hard
problem, and developing an efficient algorithm using
the minimum attribute reduction method is a
significant task [18, 19].
Recently, swarm-based and evolutionary
methods such as ant colony optimization (ACO) [12,
20, 21], genetic algorithm (GA) [16, 22, 23], and
artificial bee colony (ABC) [24, 25] have been
explored in this context. In addition, particle swarm
optimization (PSO) [9, 26] and harmony search
algorithm (HSA) have been used to handle the
problems of features selection [27, 28].
The study conducted by [29] introduced a meta-
heuristic optimization method called the "black hole"
algorithm, inspired by the gravitational pull of black
holes on neighbouring stars. The development of the
BHA algorithm was founded on the interaction
between the black hole and its neighbouring stars.
The primary contributions of this research are as
A hybrid filter-wrapper algorithm, information
gain ratio - black hole algorithm (GBA), was
introduced. Information gain ratio determined
feature importance, while BHA optimized star
positions for feature selection, using Naïve
Bayesian classifier as the objective function.
The algorithm was tested on benchmark problems,
particularly NSL-KDD dataset, aiming to enhance
accuracy and detection rate of network intrusion
detection systems by selecting the optimal feature
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
explains the problem of feature selection, while
section 3 explains the proposed algorithm in details.
The results and discussion are presented in section 4.
Finally, section 5 presents the conclusion of the study.
2. Preliminaries
2.1 The feature selection problem
Feature selection is a crucial step when working
with datasets that contain a large number of features.
The primary goal of feature selection is to reduce the
features set by eliminating redundant features and
retaining informative ones to improve the efficiency
of classifiers. One significant advantage of feature
selection is the reduction in data volume required for
the learning process, resulting in faster computation,
lower memory usage, and improved accuracy and
speed of classification.
The problem of feature selection is known to be
NP-hard [18, 19]. Assuming we have a dataset D with
#F features, the total number of features in the dataset
is DS = D × #F. The concept of feature selection
involves selecting #f features from the entire feature
subset (#f < #F), aiming to maximize an objective
function such as classification accuracy. This
optimization problem involves two major decisions:
the value of #f and the optimal subset of features
within the subset. Given a set of features #F, the
subset feature selection problem aims to identify a
subset L #F that satisfies |L| = #f and maximizes
(or minimizes) the objective function:
O(L) = 󰇛󰇜   (1)
Efficient objective functions play a crucial role in
subset feature selection, but finding a universal
function that suits all data mining problems is
challenging. The objective function typically focuses
on the accuracy of classifiers.
Feature selection methods can be classified into
filter, wrapper, embedded, and hybrid models. Filter
Received: July 30, 2023. Revised: August 27, 2023. 263
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
methods address feature selection by conducting
statistical analysis of datasets without incorporating
learning algorithms. These methods are typically fast
in feature selection, such as information gain [30-32],
information gain ratio[31], gini index[32], and fisher
score [33]. However, the filter approach treats each
feature independently, potentially disregarding
dependencies among features that could impact the
performance of the classification model when
compared to others [12].
Wrapper-based models evaluate subset features
using learning algorithms as the objective function
for prediction and performance assessment [34].
There are two main types of wrapper approach:
Sequential feature selection (SFS) algorithms and
heuristic search algorithms. SFS algorithms can be
further categorized into backward selection and
forward selection algorithms. Backward selection
algorithms commence with an empty set of features
and progressively include more features until
reaching the maximum objective function.
Conversely, in forward selection, the algorithms
begin with a full set of features and progressively
remove some features to maximize the objective
function. Backward selection algorithms are
computationally intensive as they gradually eliminate
features, causing longer execution times, particularly
for large datasets. In contrast, forward selection
algorithms can make early suboptimal choices,
potentially missing valuable features or selecting less
beneficial ones as they progressively add features.
Balancing computational efficiency and optimal
feature selection is crucial when using these methods.
In contrast, heuristic search algorithms are used
to optimize objective functions by evaluating
different subsets. These algorithms generate multiple
subsets of data either by exploring a search space or
generating problem-specific solutions. The main
challenge of wrapper-based models is the high
computational cost associated with obtaining subset
features. Typically, a learning algorithm is trained
and tested on individual subsets to evaluate classifier
accuracy, with significant computational time spent
on training predictors for high-dimensional datasets
[12, 19].
Embedded models integrate feature selection into
training, particularly in binary decision trees. Hybrid
methods blend filter and wrapper approaches, using
filters to reduce dimensionality before generating
diverse subsets[18]. Hybrid models focus on
integrating filter and wrapper-based approaches to
achieve high-performing learning algorithms while
minimizing computational time compared to filter-
based methods.
One example of a hybrid approach involves the
combination of a genetic algorithm and mutual
information for identifying relevant subset features in
classification tasks [35]. Instead of solely optimizing
the classification error rate, this method optimizes the
mutual information between predictive labels and
true class labels in a trained classifier. Real-world
datasets were used to validate this optimized
approach, and the results demonstrated that the
hybrid method outperformed filter-based methods in
terms of accuracy. Thus, it was concluded that the
hybrid method is more efficient than the wrapper
method. This approach can suffer from prolonged
convergence times due to their inherent randomness,
making them computationally demanding, especially
for large datasets. Additionally, Hu et al. explored the
use of filter and wrapper methods for discovering
biomarkers in cancer classification using microarray
gene expression data [36].
The Fisher's ratio, in a combination of methods,
was utilized as the filtering technique. Rigorous
testing on real datasets demonstrated that the hybrid
approach achieved superior computational efficiency
compared to the wrapper method. Moreover, the
results indicated a significant advantage of the hybrid
approach over the simple filter method. Long et al.
introduced a novel and self-adaptive firefly algorithm
known as DbFAFS. [37]. This method aimed to
address the limitations of the classical firefly
algorithm in exploring new search spaces,
particularly in local areas, Additionally, Ahmed et al.
presented BAMI, a hybrid algorithm based on the Bat
algorithm that combined elements from Naïve Bayes
and mutual information [38]. The results indicated
that BAMI was more efficient than the conventional
Bat algorithm with Naïve Bayes (BANV). As a result,
it was concluded that BAMI had significantly
reduced computation time compared to BANV. Both
FA and BA require careful parameter tuning, which
can be time-consuming and complex, affecting their
efficiency and ease of implementation.
Due to it ease of implementation, and lack of
controlling parameters, Black hole algorithm is
utilized in this study as a wrapper feature selection
3. Black hole algorithm (BHA)
As mentioned earlier, the BHA algorithm is
primarily based on the concept of a region in space
characterized by a high concentration of mass,
resulting in a strong gravitational force that prevents
anything from escaping its pull. This region, known
as the event horizon, leads to the permanent loss of
any object that enters it. The BHA consists of two
main components: the migration of stars that have
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International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
crossed the event horizon and their subsequent re-
initialization. The algorithm operates as following: a
set of stars (where = denotes the number of
stars), are randomly positioned within the search
space. The star with the best evaluation function is
designated as the black hole, denoted as , which
remains stationary unless a star with a superior
solution is discovered. The number represents the
total number of candidate stars actively searching for
the optimal solution. The movement of each star
towards the black hole in each generation can be
determined using the following equation:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜
 (2)
The equation uses the variable "  " to
represent a randomly generated number ranging from
0 to 1. In BHA, any star that is located within a
distance less than the event horizon to the black hole
will vanish. The event horizon is defined by a radius
(R) that can be calculated as follows:
 (3)
In the BHA algorithm, the fitness values of 
and the individual stars (represented by and ,
respectively) are used to evaluate their performance.
The variable denotes the total number of stars or
individual solutions in the algorithm. If the distance
between an individual solution and the black hole is
less than a specified radius ( ), the individual
solution collapses, and a new individual solution is
randomly generated and distributed in the solution
space. One advantage of the BHA is its parameter-
less nature, which simplifies its implementation.
Unlike some other heuristics, the BHA has the ability
to converge to the global optimum in all runs and is
not prone to being trapped in local optima[29, 39-42].
In this study, the BHA was selected as the feature
selection method for enhancing the detection rate of
IDS due to its simplicity, ease of implementation, and
absence of specific parameters.
4. The proposed algorithm (GBA)
The primary objective of developing a hybrid
model for feature selection is to strike a better balance
between the computational efficiency of filter models
and the performance accuracy of wrapper models. In
traditional wrapper models like BHA, all stars are
randomly initialized with selected features at random
positions. In the proposed algorithm, all stars in the
swarm are initialized with favourable positions,
ensuring that the population starts the search process
from a promising starting point. Moreover, the
incorporation of the selection of good features aims
to strategically guide the search effort and facilitate
the convergence of the population towards the best-
known solution. Fig. 1 depicts the main flowchart of
the proposed modification to the standard BHA. By
combining the strengths of filter and wrapper
approaches, our GBA algorithm significantly
enhances the accuracy and detection rate of network
intrusion detection systems. This strategic integration
of feature assessment, initialization, and optimization
offers a theoretical foundation for the algorithm's
effectiveness and its outperformance of the existing
techniques, as we will demonstrate through rigorous
evaluation on benchmark datasets.
The key steps in the proposed algorithm are as
I. Initialization:
This step initiates with the calculation of the gain
ratio of each feature in the data set using the
following Equation:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜 (4)
where IG is the gain value of a feature which
can be calculated using Eq. (5); IV represents the
intrinsic value, which is the generated potential
information from the partitioning of the training set,
corresponding to the partition’s outcomes on
attributes, IV can be calculated using Eq. (6).
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜 (5)
The GR output for each feature is a real number,
but for the purpose of the proposed method, binary
digits are used to represent features. The binary
representation uses "0" for non-selected features and
"1" for selected features. To convert the gain ratio
into binary format within the range [0,1], the
following equation was utilized:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 (7)
Where is the position of a star, the sigmoid
value for 󰇛󰇜 is 󰇛 󰇜 and U is the
uniform distribution.
II. Fitness function
The main aim of the proposed algorithm is to
minimize the classification error rate on the
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International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
Figure. 1 The main flowchart of GBA for feature selection
validation set while maximizing the number of non-
selected features, which are considered irrelevant.
This objective is expressed in Eq. (8).
To compute the fitness function, a classifier is
employed, and in this research, the Naïve Bayesian
classifier was used to assess the accuracy.
  󰇟󰇠
󰇟󰇠󰇛 󰇜󰇟󰇠
󰇟󰇠 (8)
where  is the selected features;  is the
classifier error rate, specifically the 5- cross-
validation error rate obtained after training the Naïve
Bayesian classifier; and is a constant value limited
to the range [0,1] controlling the significance of
classification performance concerning the number of
selected features.
III. Execute BHA steps:
Read the inputs: Dataset, number of stars, number
of iterations.
Initialize the size of each star based on the output
of gain ration method.
Generate random stars (i.e., Solutions) randomly in
the search space.
Encode the solutions in binary via Eq. (6).
Evaluate each star using the fitness function.
Set the best star in terms of the fitness value as
black hole ().
Update the position of each solution via the
following equation:
  󰇛󰇜
󰇛 󰇜 (9)
Where  represents the Black Hole or the best
solution in the current iteration, and  and
 represent the new and the old position of the
start respectively.
The updated position, should be re-converted into
binary form, because the binary values or the
sequence of 0s and 1s have changed. The continuous
values should convert using Eq. (4). Then, the star
should be re-evaluated using the fitness function.
Calculate and check the event horizon ()
 (10)
In this step, the new positions for all stars are
evaluated whether they have crossed the event
horizon or not. The event horizon () is calculated in
each iteration based on the cost of the black hole
using the following equation:
The cost of each star in the population is
compared with the value of , the star with cost lower
than is eliminated and regenerated using
The stop condition in the proposed GBA algorithm
is the number of iterations, which is a fixed number.
The algorithm stops when the algorithm reached
that number, otherwise the algorithm executes the
movement and regenerating steps again. To be
Received: July 30, 2023. Revised: August 27, 2023. 266
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
more specific, if the number of loops still lower
than the number of iterations, then go back.
Calculate the final results using the evaluation
metrics, and print the final results.
5. Results and discussion
A novel hybrid filter-wrapper feature selection
algorithm for selecting optimal subset features was
proposed in this study. With this algorithm, it is
aimed that the minimum number of selected features
which provides the highest rate of classification
accuracy will be selected.
In this paper, black hole algorithm has been used
as a wrapper feature selection and hybridized with
information gain ratio method, which represents a
filter feature selection method, the proposed
algorithm called GBA. In order to test GBA, five
datasets are used in the experiments and comparison
results. The datasets have various number of
instances (rows) and features as representative a
various number of issues, as shown in Table 1.
GBA has been tested and compared with well-
known algorithms, which are particle swarm
optimization (PSO) [43], genetic algorithm (GA) [44],
Standard Firefly algorithm [45] and Bat algorithm[38,
46]. These algorithms used the Naïve Bayesian
classifier for calculating the fitness function same as
the GBA. Furthermore, the parameters settings for
the studied algorithms are presented in Table 2.
The results are divided into three parts, first part
shows the final number of selected features. While
second part displays the classification accuracies
among two different classifiers for the selected subset
features. The last part shows the average number of
iterations, which illustrates the speed and the
performance of the proposed algorithm.
Table 3 provides the results of the comparison
between GBA and the other algorithms, in terms of
the number of selected features from the original
datasets. The best results obtained from the proposed
algorithm or the comparative algorithms have been
highlighted in bold. It is obvious that GBA obtained
results better than PSO, GA and the standard FA. The
obtained results showed that the proposed GBA and
BA are with same performance. To test the difference
in performance among all the algorithms, the
Wilcoxon test was performed and the results of the
study are presented in Table 4. The results confirmed
a significant difference in the performance of the
studied algorithms (GBA, PSO, GA and FA) except
for BA which had a similar performance with the
proposed algorithm.
The experiment above illustrated the resulted
features, which is the first part of the test. The second
Table 1. The datasets properties
Table 2. Parameters settings
Swarm Size
Fitness function constant
No. of Runs
Migration Fraction
Crossover Fraction
Pulse Rate ()
Min Frequency ( )
Max Frequency ()
Decrease Sound Loudness
Weighting Value (δ)
Weighting Value(Φ)
Table 3. Average of selected features
Table 4. Wilcoxon test results
vs. GA
vs. FA
vs. BA
part evaluates the classification accuracy obtained by
GBA and other algorithms. The experiment has been
done 10 times by using two different well-known
classifiers, JRip and J48, with 5-fold cross validation.
The average accuracies obtained by these classifiers
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International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
Table 5. Accuracy using J48 classifier
3 
Table 6. Accuracy using JRip classifier
1 
Figure. 2 Comparison between different feature selection
are shown in Tables 5 and 6 respectively.
Table 2 presents the performance of the evaluated
algorithms in selecting feature subsets. It can be
observed that the proposed GBA and BA achieved
the smallest number of features across the datasets.
Notably, GBA demonstrated significant differences
in performance compared to the benchmarking
algorithms (PSO, GA, and FFA), except for BA
which showed similar performance to GBA (Table 3).
It is worth noting that GBA even reduced the number
of features to a single feature in three datasets (Table
3). When evaluating the feature subsets, considering
the interaction between classification accuracy and
the number of selected features by GBA in
comparison to the benchmarking algorithms, three
sets of results can be obtained:
1. In some cases, GBA achieved the same
classification accuracy as the benchmarking
algorithms while using a reduced number of
features. This is demonstrated in datasets Exactly,
Exactly2, and M-of-N with similar classification
accuracies in the J48 classifier (Table 5). Similar
results were observed for the Exactly2 dataset in
the JRip classifier (Table 6). In contrast, the other
benchmarking algorithms (excluding BA) selected
more features, indicating the presence of redundant
features. This was particularly evident in the
Exactly2 dataset, where different numbers of
selected features yielded the same level of
2. In other cases, GBA reduced the number of features
and simultaneously increased the classification
accuracy. This is evident in the HearEW and Vote
datasets using the J48 classifier (Table 5) where
GBA and BA outperformed the other algorithms.
Similarly, in the Exactly and Vote datasets using
the JRip classifier (Table 6), GBA and BA
achieved superior performance. It should be noted
that FA yielded the same classification rates as
GBA and BA in the Exactly dataset. The
differences in the number of selected features can
be attributed to the presence of noisy features that
affected the accuracy of the classification process,
as observed in the Vote dataset.
3. In some instances, selecting a smaller feature
subset led to slightly lower classification accuracy.
This can be seen in the HeartEW and M-of-N
datasets using the JRip classifier (Table 6), where
PSO and GA exhibited better classification rates
compared to GBA and BA. However, GBA and BA
still achieved the same classification rates,
outperforming FA.
Finally, the results in Table 4, obtained through
the Wilcoxon test, indicate that GBA is statistically
superior or equal to all other selected algorithms.
6. GBA for IDS
An IDS, as previously defined, is a security tool
utilized for the efficient protection of information and
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International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
communication systems. Its main purpose is to detect
and identify potentially harmful network traffic.
Similar to firewalls and antivirus software, an IDS
also has access control capabilities. The classification
of IDS types, as depicted in Fig. 5 of [47], relies on
their detection techniques, particularly differentiating
between signature-based and anomaly-based
detection systems. Signature-based IDS can identify
familiar patterns of malicious traffic or application
data by comparing them to a database of attack
signatures. On the other hand, anomaly-based IDS
identifies deviations from established behaviour by
analysing all activities.
For an IDS system to be effective, it should
possess certain key characteristics. Firstly, it needs to
exhibit accuracy in detecting attacks, minimizing
false positive and false negative alarms. Secondly,
the system should be extensible, allowing for the
updating of various components such as signal
analyzers and wireless channels. This extensibility
also enables the deployment of multiple monitors in
different geographical locations, enhancing the
coverage of the wireless network. Lastly, adaptability
is crucial to reduce the cost and time required for
updating the wireless IDS (WIDS) [48].
In the development of IDS that utilizes machine
learning techniques, a crucial aspect is designing
appropriate features to distinguish normal behaviours
from system or network attacks [49]. The lack of
public datasets for objective evaluation has hindered
the systematic assessment of the proposed features'
effectiveness in developing intrusion detection
systems. To address this issue, MIT Lincoln
Laboratory [50] provided the 1999 KDDCUP dataset,
while Tavallaee et al. [51] offered a modified version
called the NSL_KDD dataset. These datasets have
been widely used in studies to objectively evaluate
the performance of proposed IDS systems.
In the realm of automatically detecting such
attacks, IDSs primarily rely on packet monitoring to
identify abnormal behaviours. Machine learning
techniques are commonly employed to recognize
these abnormal traffic patterns. Two popular machine
learning approaches for attack detection are
classification-based and clustering-based methods.
However, certain methods may not be effective when
dealing with large volumes of data. Moreover, traffic
data often contains numerous features, many of
which are irrelevant or redundant. To address this,
feature selection algorithms are utilized to eliminate
these unnecessary features. In this section, we apply
the proposed algorithm to an IDS dataset and evaluate
its performance using GBA.
The performance of the achieved feature subsets
by the proposed GBA is assessed using various
Figure. 3 The classification of IDS
metrics, including accuracy, detection rate, false
alarm rate, and mean. These metrics have been
extensively utilized in previous studies to evaluate
algorithmic performance [52]. The metrics are
commonly defined as follows:
 
 (12)
 
 (13)
 
 (14)
For the evaluation purposes, all the attack types
were converted into a single class called ‘Attack’,
while the rest were called ‘Normal’. The GBA was
used for the best subset features selection for the
binary classification problem of IDS. The data was
subdivided into two parts, 70% for training and 30%
for testing. The performance of the standard BHA
and GBA was evaluated through 20 runs, employing
varying numbers of stars and iterations. The objective
was to compare the effectiveness of GBA and BHA
in identifying the optimal subset of features with
improved accuracy and detection rates. Four
population sizes, namely 10, 20, 30, and 40, were
utilized in this study, while the number of iterations
was fixed at 100. The results of these investigations
are presented in Table 7.
From the Table 7, it is obvious that GBA had a
better accuracy compared to BA; in other words,
GBA attained an accuracy of 96 % using 10 swarms
while BHA achieved the same accuracy using higher
number of swarms (Stars = 40). As a result, GBA was
able to solve the problem at a faster rate than BA,
meaning that GBA required a less computational
complexity than BHA. Figs. (3-6) illustrate the
comparison between BA and GBA using different
swarm sizes and the same number of iterations.
In summary, the GBA algorithm outperforms the
BA algorithm in terms of accuracy, detection rate,
and false alarm rate across different cases and
Received: July 30, 2023. Revised: August 27, 2023. 269
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
Figure. 4 BA & GBA with stars = 10
Figure. 5 BA & GBA with stars = 20
Figure. 6 BA & GBA with stars = 30
Figure. 7 BA & GBA with stars = 40
iterations. The GBA algorithm demonstrates greater
robustness and reliability in identifying network
intrusions while minimizing false alarms. These
results highlight the effectiveness of the hybrid filter-
wrapper feature selection method (GBA) in
enhancing the performance of network intrusion
detection systems. It is essential to consider these
findings when choosing an appropriate algorithm for
intrusion detection applications, as it can
significantly impact the overall security and
reliability of a network. In next subsection, GBA is
going to be compared against several state of arts
7. Comparison with state-of-arts
In this subsection, we present a comprehensive
comparison between the GBA and several other state-
of-the-art algorithms for network intrusion detection.
The evaluation is based on key performance metrics,
including accuracy, detection rate, and false alarm
rate. By analyzing the results, we aim to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm and
highlight the advantages of GBA in enhancing
intrusion detection systems. Table 8 presents this
comparison. The presented study is compared against
the other related works based on the same dataset,
which NSL-KDD. These studies were utilized
different feature selections methods, and different
classification algorithms.
The presented table offers a comparative analysis
of various models and algorithms for network
intrusion detection, focusing on accuracy (A%) and
false positive rate (FPR%). Among the examined
approaches, GBA stands out with exceptional
performance, achieving an impressive accuracy of
96.96% and an exceptionally low false positive rate
of 0.89%. One of the key factors contributing to
GBA's superiority lies in its enhancement of the
initialization step. By applying the GR technique,
GBA effectively removes the most unrelated features
from the original dataset. This is achieved by
calculating the weight for each feature, resulting in
their weights being almost zero. Consequently, GBA
benefits from a highly refined and relevant feature
subset, leading to its outstanding performance in
accurately detecting network intrusions while
minimizing false alarms. The notable influence of
this enhanced initialization distinguishes GBA from
other contemporary models and algorithms,
Table 8. Results comparison
Majority Voting + GR , IG ,
Ensemble + PSO
Received: July 30, 2023. Revised: August 27, 2023. 270
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.6, 2023 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.22
Table 7. Results of BA and GBA
positioning it as a promising and dependable solution
for network intrusion detection, thereby augmenting
the overall security of network systems.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, we present GBA, a hybrid filter-
wrapper approach. GBA combines the information
gain ratio model with the black hole algorithm and
utilizes the Naive Bayes classifier. The goal of GBA
is to leverage the efficiency of the filter approach
while achieving higher accuracy similar to the
wrapper approach. We identify the most relevant
features using the information gain ratio, which are
then used to replace the randomly selected features
during the search initialization in GBA. The main
contribution is the strategic integration of the
information gain ratio to enhance search initialization
in GBA, leading to improved feature selection
efficiency and accuracy.
To evaluate the performance of GBA, we
compare it with other algorithms such as PSO, GA,
FA, and BA using five selected datasets. The results
show that GBA outperforms the benchmarking
algorithms in terms of accuracy, except for BA,
which achieves similar performance to GBA.
Statistical tests reveal that GBA achieves
significantly lower computation time across all tested
datasets. Moreover, the introduced novel feature
selection technique, GBA, enhanced intrusion
detection system accuracy. GBA's success, achieving
96.96% accuracy and 0.89% false positive rate, is
attributed to GR-based initialization, outperforming
standard BHA and demonstrating potential for
network security enhancement.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Author contributions
Conceptualization, SSI and FHT; methodology,
SQS and YDS; software, SQS; validation, SSI, FHT,
and SQS; formal analysis and investigation, YDS;
data curation, SSI and SQS; writingoriginal draft
preparation, SQS and YDS; writingreview and
editing, SSI and FHT.
This work was supported by Al-Bayan University,
College of Technical Engineering.
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Notation list
The position of the star
the fitness value
Information Gain
Gain Ratio
Intrinsic Value
Entropy Function
Error Rate
Number of Selected Features
True Positive and Negative
False Positive and Negative
Classification Accuracy
Detection Rate
False Alarm Rate
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Network intrusion detection systems play an important role in protecting the network from attacks. However, Existing network intrusion data is imbalanced, which makes it difficult to accurately detect minority attacks, and the training and detection time of deep neural network detection systems is relatively long. According to these problems, this paper proposes a network intrusion detection system based on adaptive synthetic (ADASYN) oversampling technology and LightGBM. First, we normalize and one-hot encode the original data through data preprocessing to avoid the impact of the maximum or minimum value on the overall characteristics. Second, we increase the minority samples by ADASYN oversampling technology to solve the problem of the low detection rate of minority attacks due to the imbalance of the training data. Finally, the LightGBM ensemble learning model is used to further reduce the time complexity of the system while ensuring the accuracy of detection. Through experimental verification on the NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017 data sets, the results show that the detection rate of minority samples can be improved after ADASYN oversampling, thereby improving the overall accuracy rate. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm is up to 92.57%, 89.56% and 99.91% respectively in the three test sets, and it consumes less time in the training and detection process, which is superior to other existing methods.
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Hourly river flow pattern monitoring and simulation is the indispensable precautionary task for river engineering sustainability, water resource management, flood risk mitigation, and impact reduction. Reliable river flow forecasting is highly emphasized to support major decision-makers. This research paper adopts a new implementation approach for the application of a river flow prediction model for hourly prediction of the flow of Mary River in Australia; a novel data-intelligent model called emotional neural network (ENN) was used for this purpose. A historical dataset measured over a 4-year period (2011–2014) at hourly timescale was used in building the ENN-based predictive model. The results of the ENN model were validated against the existing approaches such as the minimax probability machine regression (MPMR), relevance vector machine (RVM), and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) models. The developed models are evaluated against each other for validation purposes. Various numerical and graphical performance evaluators are conducted to assess the predictability of the proposed ENN and the competitive benchmark models. The ENN model, used as an objective simulation tool, revealed an outstanding performance when applied for hourly river flow prediction in comparison with the other benchmark models. However, the order of the model, performance wise, is ENN > MARS > RVM > MPMR. In general, the present results of the proposed ENN model reveal a promising modeling strategy for the hourly simulation of river flow, and such a model can be explored further for its ability to contribute to the state-of-the-art of river engineering and water resources monitoring and future prediction at near real-time forecast horizons.
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A Web attack protection system is extremely essential in today’s information age. Classifier ensembles have been considered for anomaly-based intrusion detection in Web traffic. However, they suffer from an unsatisfactory performance due to a poor ensemble design. This paper proposes a stacked ensemble for anomaly-based intrusion detection systems in a Web application. Unlike a conventional stacking, where some single weak learners are prevalently used, the proposed stacked ensemble is an ensemble architecture, yet its base learners are other ensembles learners, i.e. random forest, gradient boosting machine, and XGBoost. To prove the generalizability of the proposed model, two datasets that are specifically used for attack detection in a Web application, i.e. CSIC-2010v2 and CICIDS-2017 are used in the experiment. Furthermore, the proposed model significantly surpasses existing Web attack detection techniques concerning the accuracy and false positive rate metrics. Validation result on the CICIDS-2017, NSL-KDD, and UNSW-NB15 dataset also ameliorate the ones obtained by some recent techniques. Finally, the performance of all classification algorithms in terms of a two-step statistical significance test is further discussed, providing a value-added contribution to the current literature.
Cloud computing security is the most critical factor for providers, cloud users, and organizations. The various novel approaches apply host‐based or network‐based methods to increase cloud security performance and detection rate. However, due to the virtual and distributed environment of the cloud, conventional network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) have been unreliable in handling these security attacks. Therefore, we design a methodology that incorporates feature selection and classification using ensemble techniques to provide efficient and accurate intrusion detection to address these problems. This proposed model combines the three most effective feature selection techniques (gain‐ratio, chi‐squared, and information gain) to offer a qualifying result and four top classifiers (SVM, LR, NB, and DT) using enhanced weighted majority voting. Moreover, we proposed an experimental technique using a new dataset called Honeypot. All experiments utilized three datasets: Honeypots, Kyoto, and NSL: KDD. In addition, the results of this experimental study were compared with other approaches and performed the statistical significance analysis. Finally, the results reveal that the proposed intrusion detection based on the Honeypot dataset was better and more efficient than other methods because we have an accuracy of 98.29%, FAR of 0.012%, DR of 97.9%, and AUC = 0.9921.
A robust network intrusion detection system (NIDS) plays an important role in cyberspace security for protecting confidential systems from potential threats. In real world network, there exists complex correlations among the various types of network traffic information, which may be respectively attributed to different abnormal behaviors and should be make full utilized in NIDS. Regarding complex network traffic information, traditional learning based abnormal behavior detection methods can hardly meet the requirements of the real world network environment. Existing methods have not taken into account the impact of various modalities of data, and the mutual support among different data features. To address the concerns, this paper proposes a multi-dimensional feature fusion and stacking ensemble mechanism (MFFSEM), which can detect abnormal behaviors effectively. In order to accurately explore the connotation of traffic information, multiple basic feature datasets are established considering different aspects of traffic information such as time, space, and load. Then, considering the association and correlation among the basic feature datasets, multiple comprehensive feature datasets are set up to meet the requirements of real world abnormal behavior detection. In specific, stacking ensemble learning is conducted on multiple comprehensive feature datasets, and thus an effective multi-dimensional global anomaly detection model is accomplished. The experimental results on the dataset KDD Cup 99, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CIC-IDS2017 have shown that MFFSEM significantly outperforms the basic and meta classifiers adopted in our method. Furthermore, its detection performance is superior to other well-known ensemble approaches.
In the current digital era, one of the most critical and challenging issue is ensuring cybersecurity in information technology (IT) infrastructures. Indeed, with the significant improvement of technology, hackers have been developing ever more complex and dangerous malware attacks that make the intrusion recognition a very difficult task. In this context, the existing traditional analytic tools are facing severe challenges to detect and mitigate these threats. In this work, we introduce a statistical analysis and autoencoder (AE) driven intelligent intrusion detection (IDS) system. Specifically, the proposed IDS combines data analytics, statistical techniques with recent advances in machine learning theory to extract optimized and more correlated features. The validity of the proposed IDS is tested using the benchmark NSL-KDD database. Experimental results show that the designed IDS achieves better classification performance as compared to deep and conventional shallow machine learning as well as recently proposed state-of-the-art techniques.