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AIDIOS: Acyclic Immutable Decentralised Information Optimised Storage



AIDIOS (Acyclic Immutable Decentralised Information Optimised Storage) is a novel decentralised storage protocol(complete with API), designed to store & access versioned data on existing blockchain networks. This storage protocol is engineered to integrate seamlessly with existing blockchain networks like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and more. This is achieved through a proprietary data protocol called, KeyWeave, which facilitates on-chain indexing and versioning of data without external database dependencies. KeyWeave also generates user controlled addresses without the need to access private keys. These options offer great flexibility for developers when choosing the most suitable storage solution, based on cost, availability and overall immutability. For example, BTC is widely accepted as the most established, decentralised and trusted network protocol. This whitepaper outlines the technical architecture of AIDIOS, its operational efficiency and potential applications(within high stake environments). Background On networks like Bitcoin, it is possible to store small pieces of (arbitrary)data directly within a transaction. This can be done by crafting a raw transaction and leveraging a special field within a transaction known as 'op_return'. However, although this is a useful feature, it is limited in the fact that for networks like Bitcoin, the data has to be less than 80 Bytes, and Bitcoin Cash, slightly more at 220 Bytes. This small amount of (unversioned, unindexed) data is often not enough for real contextual meaning(as would be the case for NFT metadata, or other structured json). Often there is only room for a single hash. AIDIOS removes these limitations, and offers a solution which allows for any data size to be stored, while offering versioned and persistent access of this data, free of charge. This data(tied to the supplied public key) is versioned, and eternally available. On networks like Bitcoin Cash, the cost of storage is around £0.04 per KB, with free retrieval. Although other 'decentralised' storage solutions exist, these come with caveats.
AIDIOS: Acyclic Immutable Decentralised Information Optimised Storage
Author: Jamie Gilchrist
Affiliation: Developer of AIDIOS
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 01/09/23
AIDIOS (Acyclic Immutable Decentralised Information Optimised Storage) is a novel
decentralised storage protocol(complete with API), designed to store & access versioned
data on existing blockchain networks. This storage protocol is engineered to integrate
seamlessly with existing blockchain networks like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and more.
This is achieved through a proprietary data protocol called, KeyWeave, which facilitates
on-chain indexing and versioning of data without external database dependencies.
These options offer great flexibility for developers when choosing the most suitable storage
solution, based on cost, availability and overall immutability. For example, BTC is widely
accepted as the most established, decentralised and trusted network protocol. This
whitepaper outlines the technical architecture of AIDIOS, its operational efficiency and
potential applications(within high stake environments).
On networks like Bitcoin, it is possible to store small pieces of (arbitrary)data directly within a
transaction. This can be done by crafting a raw transaction and leveraging a special field
within a transaction known as ‘op_return’. However, although this is a useful feature, it is
limited in the fact that for networks like Bitcoin, the data has to be less than 80 Bytes, and
Bitcoin Cash, slightly more at 220 Bytes. This small amount of (unversioned, unindexed)
data is often not enough for real contextual meaning( as would be the case for NFT
metadata, or other structured json). Often there is only room for a single hash. AIDIOS
removes these limitations, and offers a solution which allows for any data size to be stored,
while offering versioned and persistent access of this data, free of charge. This data(tied to
the supplied public key) is versioned, and eternally available. On networks like Bitcoin Cash,
the cost of storage is around £0.04 per KB, with free retrieval.
Although other ‘decentralised’ storage solutions exist, these come with caveats. For systems
like IPFS, data stored requires constant hosting( this is voluntary), and there is no guarantee
of data persistence as a result. IPFS is not decentralised by default, both in terms of
authority and resources. Until a sufficient number of peers( not under centralised control)
actively host the content, it can not be considered decentralised data. In contrast, data
stored by AIDIOS is absolutely immutable, and persistent. It fundamentally is as persistent
as the Bitcoin network itself.
Table of Contents
Technical Overview
KeyQeave Examples
Status Bits
Checksums and Data Integrity
API Endpoints
Use Cases
Cost comparisons
API & Protocol Performance
Security Measures
Future Work
1. Introduction
Traditional centralised storage solutions are effective(especially for large amounts of data),
however they lack certain properties which would make them suited to high importance,
trustless data. AIDIOS proposes a radical shift from these conventional methods, by
introducing a decentralised storage protocol, that leverages established blockchains to offer
a wide array of benefits, such as, immutability, one time process(no running) costs and
globally verifiable data.
2. Objectives
Produce an inherently secure and redundant storage protocol, which leverages established
blockchain protocols, to create truly decentralised and ‘forever’ storage.
To provide an effective solution to store critical( or high importance, niche use case) data, in
a cost efficient manner.
To create a protocol and hierarchical structure which allows for rapid, organised,
fault-tolerant decentralised storage and retrieval of data.
To develop a fully fleshed storage protocol & framework to enable developers who work with
multiple technologies to integrate them with AIDIOS seamlessly.
To abstract away blockchain complexities from the developer, offering a standardised API
and SDK.
To allow for more structured, versioned arbitrary data to be stored on blockchain networks,
thus removing the normal associated restrictions and complexities when dealing with
op_return in isolation.
3. Technical Overview
3.1 KeyWeave
The backbone of AIDIOS is a data structure protocol called KeyWeave. KeyWeave allows for
the efficient storage/retrieval of versioned data across multiple transactions. The structure
ensures both data integrity and efficient data retrieval. KeyWeave works by tweaking an
original(supplied) public key in such a way as to encode versioning, metadata and indexing
information about the data into the blockchain framework directly. This system allows for
scalable storage/retrieval of data across many (delta-encoded)parts, while abstracting all the
details and nuances from the user, providing a seamless file or object storage and retrieval
As an additional feature, the addresses which are created by AIDIOS, are fully owned by the
original key pair holder. We achieve this without having access to any sensitive information,
and our steps can be repeated on the user's private key(locally and offline) to generate the
new keys for these addresses. This novel method ensures that we can produce valid
addresses(spendable) for the user, but never have access to any private keys in the process
Keyweave: Ownership and Security
One of the significant features of KeyWeave is that users retain full ownership of their data.
The addresses generated through the tweaking process are intrinsically linked to the user's
original public key. This means, while AIDIOS handles the data storage, the control and
ownership remain with the user. Importantly, AIDIOS does not require access to the user's
private key. The tweaking process can be replicated by the users on their private key( while
offline and completely secure), allowing them to generate the same set of private keys
themselves which are connected to said public keys and addresses.
KeyWeave: Scalability
KeyWeave is designed for scalability, accommodating large(in the context) datasets, by
segmenting them into fully indexed and rapidly retrievable delta encoded shards. In all
cases, a single root transaction contains the condensed form tweaking sequences required
to generate all the public keys, thus addressing and rebuilding the data. In order to access
the data, the original public key must be supplied, without this it is not possible(by design) for
anyone to locate the data shards from the root alone. This is because although the root
contains the tweaking information required, it must be applied to the original public key used
when storing.
KeyWeave: Practical implications
Blockchain networks(like bitcoin) are utilised for use cases outside of finance already, with
services such as Proof Of Existence and many others. However, often data is a reference
only( via a single hash) of data stored off-chain somewhere, acting as a timestamped
anchor. Some data(very critical data) requires absolute guarantees with regard to data
integrity, persistence and availability.
By utilising KeyWeave, AIDIOS can address common challenges in blockchain data storage,
such as limitations of holistic versioned and fully (on-chain) indexed data systems. With
AIDIOS more context can be included( such as being in structured json format), or storing
small data sets directly, for ultimate persistence.
3.1.1 How KeyWeave works:
Key Tweaking:
Involves altering a base public key using additional data ( version number,
metadata, and identifier) to produce a unique, derived public key, and
subsequently, a Bitcoin address.
Example: Base public key 3021f… is tweaked to produce a unique new key
023d.. And subsequent address mzAfr2..
Versioning and Indexing of Data Parts:
Each file version is stored with a unique identifier.
A file is split into several parts(depending on network constraints), and each
part is indexed.
Example: File Version 1 is split into 3 parts, indexed(expressed in simple
form) as 1_1, 1_2, 1_3.
Root Transaction and OP_RETURN Data:
The root transaction contains metadata about file versions and their parts.
OP_RETURN data in the root transaction is a condensed representation of all
parts and versions.
For multiple versions and parts, the OP_RETURN data encapsulates this
complexity in a concise format.
The purpose of tweaking a public key is to create a new public key that is related to the
original, but appears completely random to anyone who doesn't know the message used to
create the tweak(the preimage).
The tweaked public key P' is calculated as follows:
P' = P + H(P || m) * G
P is the original public key.
m is the message or additional data(in this case the data versioning, delta encoding,
metadata and associated checksums).
H is a cryptographic hash function (e.g., SHA-256).
G is the generator point of the elliptic curve.
|| denotes concatenation.
3.1.2 KeyWeave Example
The following illustration shows what the KeyWeave system looks like at a high level. Each
of the components(nodes) are transactions. Each data part(or shard) has a dedicated Public
Key, Public Address and a transaction, with a singular root node which encapsulates all the
information required to run the sequence of tweaks needed to index the entire data set. One
of the unique properties of this system is that each of these addresses is owned by the
original key holder. I.e the Public key supplied: The user can apply the same tweaks as we
have to their private key, enabling them to spend from the address, even though AIDIOS
was never given any sensitive information. In the example below, we show a data structure
containing 6 data shards, and a root transaction.
Note: without supplying the public key, finding the root node alone would not allow for the
rebuilding of the data, by design. This is because the tweaking information needs to be
applied to the original public key which was used to store the data.
Example: Root Transaction for 2 Versions with 6 Parts
Let's consider a scenario where we have 2 versions of a file, each version having 3 parts.
Versions and Parts:
Version 1: Parts 1_1, 1_2, 1_3
Version 2: Parts 2_1, 2_2, 2_3
Root Transaction OP_RETURN Structure:
The OP_RETURN data includes identifiers for each part of each version.
It uses a compact format to list versions and their respective parts.
Structure: V1:P[1-3];V2:P[1-3]
V1 and V2 denote versions 1 and 2.
P[1-3] indicates parts 1 to 3 for each version.
This structure efficiently encapsulates information about multiple versions and
parts, keeping the OP_RETURN data concise, allowing for scaling with the
number of parts.
Potential for Unlimited Parts and Versions:
The design allows for representing an extensive number of parts and
By using ranges and compact identifiers, the system can scale to handle
many revisions and parts without significantly increasing the size of the
For instance, V1:P[1-100];V2:P[1-100]... can represent hundreds of parts
across multiple versions within a manageable size.
Data Retrieval Process
Fetching Data:
To retrieve a specific version, AIDIOS reads the root transaction's
It then identifies the parts associated with the desired version.
Reconstructing the File:
Each part is fetched from its respective transaction on the blockchain.
The parts are reassembled in the correct order to reconstruct the full file for
the specified version.
4. Status Bits
AIDIOS employs an intelligent bit-vector, referred to as Status Bits, to encode important
metadata. This bit-vector is a compact way to include critical information about the data,
such as its type, part number, and checksum.
'version': (0, 8), # The version of the of schema used(currently v1.0.0)
( 256 places)
'node_type': (8, 10), # Data and root.
'total_parts': (23, 31), #parts file is sharded into
'part_number': (31, 39),# tells the position of the fragment
'checksum': (39, 71), # data integrity each node and it's children.
4.1: Status Bits Encoding
The Status Bits are encoded in such a way that they provide a compact yet comprehensive
representation of the metadata associated with each data part.
Since each bit-vector component Sis uniquely mapped to a metadata attribute, the Status
Bits encoding is both compact and lossless.
4.2 Checksums and Data Integrity
AIDIOS employs SHA-256 for checksums for each data shard but uses only the first 32 bits.
The choice for 32 bits is a trade-off between the level of data integrity assurance and the
storage space required.
4.2.1: Checksum Integrity
The 32-bit checksum provides a sufficient level of data integrity while optimising for storage
space. Given that SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function with a near-zero probability of
collision, truncating it to 32 bits still provides a high level of assurance against data
5. API Endpoints
The AIDIOS API provides several endpoints that facilitate easy interaction with the protocol.
They are designed with REST principles in mind, offering intuitive methods for storing and
retrieving data. The API documentation provides examples in multiple programming
languages, from Python to Java and Go. There is also a simplified web interface available at
Store a versioned file:
curl -X POST -F"file=@file.txt" -F
41dc02c0cc6" -F"encrypt=no"
{"message":"File stored successfully with root transaction
Retrieve by version:
curl -X GET
{"content":"SmFtaWUgbmV3IHRlc3QgZmlsZQo=","message":"File retrieved
Retrieve by root txid:
Check total versions by Public Key:
curl -X GET
6. Use Cases
ADIOS has a wide range of use cases when considering high-impact applications which can
leverage, independently verifiable, immutable storage:
Healthcare records
Educational records
Financial data
Land registration
Decentralised voting
Content Management
Decentralised Identity Documents
Auditible Environmental control
Power system data
Data Governance
& many more applications
7. Cost comparisons
Direct cost comparisons become slightly difficult when considering AIDIOS. There is no
other solution which allows for versioned storage of data(beyond op_return limits) on existing
blockchain networks. AIDIOS can run in a dedicated ‘Store all data on chain’ mode, or for
providing verbose metadata storage(where the data is stored elsewhere, such as IPFS, for
7.1 Comparing equivalent storage in Ethereum V Bitcoin Cash
A basic cost comparison
Ethereum Storage Costs:
500 bytes: $393.75
1 KB: $806.40
2 KB: $1612.80
ADIOS (Bitcoin Cash) Storage Costs:
500 bytes: $0.02 (approximately 2 cents)
1 KB: $0.04
2 KB: $0.07
- In each of the above, AIDIOS(when combined with Bitcoin Cash) is over
13000X more cost effective than Ethereum.
8. Performance:
In regards to performance, AIDIOS presents a unique combination of efficiency, inherent
security scalability, and cost-effectiveness. When compared to classical storage systems(
SAN, NAS, for example), the performance results might seem lacklustre. However the
comparison between traditional storage, and the immutable( and independently verifiable,
highly available) nature of data stored with AIDIOS is difficult to directly compare
against.Traditional storage solutions prioritise speed and capacity, often at the expense of
security and verifiability. AIDIOS, in contrast, offers fully immutable data storage that is not
only independently verifiable, resistant to tampering, and one-time cost, but also guarantees
high availability.
Below are the performance results for AIDIOS. In this test we assume:
4X Tests, 500 Bytes, 1KB, and 2KB and 5KB
Response times are in milliseconds and seconds(where relevant).
Each test was conducted 10 times to determine a mean value for each.
Concurrency tests were also done( up to 10X, with no noticeable change in response
AIDIOS version 0.2.1 is tested
AIDIOS is hosted on a single (small) EC2 instance for testing.
9. Security Measures
AIDIOS employs a multi-layered security architecture that includes access control . AIDIOS
treats input data as binary, and so developers are free to encrypt data at source. Much of the
underlying security is inherited by the blockchain design AIDIOS leverages. Simply put,
Bitcoin is a secure protocol, which is tried and tested.
Immutability: Blockchain transactions ensure that once data is stored, it cannot be
altered, guaranteeing integrity.
Privacy: Each part and version is associated with a unique, tweaked address,
enhancing privacy and security.
Efficiency: The condensed representation of parts and versions in the root
transaction allows for efficient storage and retrieval, even as the number of versions
and parts grows.
Data can (optionally) be encrypted at source, or via a built in encryption provided by
the API.
10. Future Work
Future developments for AIDIOS include the integration of more advanced cryptographic
techniques, the development of further SDK’s and support for multiple chains.
Planned performance improvements aim to further reduce response times across the board.
Digital signatures(Schnorr) are used to verify subsequent updates to the records/files.
11. Conclusion
By leveraging innovative data structures backed by solid cryptographic techniques, AIDIOS
offers an immutable, scalable, and cost-effective solution for storing high-impact data. The
protocol's versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, with the potential to
have a transformative impact on various sectors. In terms of cost-efficiency alone, it poses a
real value-add for developers looking to integrate applications leveraging specialised
12. Glossary
AIDIOS (Acyclic Immutable Decentralised Information Optimised Storage):A storage
protocol, designed for efficient, scalable, fault tolerant storage and management of
records on existing blockchain networks.
Blockchain:A peer-to-peer digital network, with a decentralised and distributed
op_return: An opcode used in Bitcoin-like to mark transaction outputs as ‘provably
unspendable’, then allowing for the addition of arbitrary data.
KeyWeave: A proprietary l data structure protocol at the core of AIDIOS, inspired by
Merkle trees and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology, allowing for efficient and
decentralised storage.
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): A graph with no directed cycles, commonly used in
data processing, scheduling, and/or data storage solutions.
SHA-256: An industry standard cryptographic hash function producing a 256-bit
(32-byte) hash value, most commonly represented as a base64 representation.
Status Bits: An intelligent bit-vector developed for AIDIOS to encode essential
metadata about the data being stored.
UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output): The output of a blockchain
transaction(earlier) that has not been spent and can be used as an input in a new
API (Application Programming Interface): An interface offering protocols and tools,
allowing multiple programming languages to communicate with a given software.
SDK (Software Development Kit): A set of software tools with libraries that
developers use to create applications for specific platforms.
SAN (Storage Area Network): A fast network providing access to centralised,
block-level data storage.
NAS (Network-Attached Storage):A multi protocol file sharing server, allowing
multiple clients to connect to store and retrieve information, typically as a logically
mounted volume.
Decentralised Storage: A method where data is stored across a network of
decentralised nodes rather than centralised servers or systems. This is different from
‘distributed’ storage, and the concepts are unique to blockchain.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): A fork of Bitcoin. It increases the op_return size to 220Bytes,
and increases the block size (to 32MB), allowing more data to be stored and
transactions to be processed.
Ethereum: An alternative open-source, blockchain-based platform featuring smart
contract(turing complete) functionality.
Node: A point of intersection/connection within a network, typically representing a
device or system, or other construct.
13. References
Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.
Merkle, R. C. (1987). A Digital Signature Based on a Conventional Encryption Function.
Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., & Stein, C. (2009). Introduction to Algorithms
(3rd ed.).Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition (
AIDIOS powers Bitlab: Documentation |
14. Appendix
API documentation
SDK documentation
15. Acknowledgments
I would like to thank Hal Finney for creating the first ‘reusable proof of work’, Satoshi for
bringing Bitcoin to the world, and to all the other open source contributors since, who have
then worked tirelessly to help realise the full potential of blockchain and other Distributed
Ledger Technologies.
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