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Diversity and distribution of the genus Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in Arunachal Pradesh, India



A taxonomic investigation on the genus Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, India was carried out during 2018-2022. The present revisionary studies have reported 7 taxa from Arunachal Pradesh. All the recorded species are enumerated here with taxonomic keys and notes based on morphological characters of living plants, along with the distributional ranges and colored photographs.
Diversity and distribution of the genus
Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in Arunachal
Pradesh, India
Momang Taram and Hui Tag*
Plant Systematics and Ethnobotanical Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh -791112,
Arunachal Pradesh, India
Corresponding author email:;
Article No.: MTJBR09; Received: 20.04.2022; Reviewed: 18.05.2022; Revised: 15.06.2022; Accepted and Published: 30.06.2022
A taxonomic investigation on the genus Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, India was carried out during
2018-2022. The present revisionary studies have reported 7 taxa from Arunachal Pradesh. All the recorded species are enumerated he re with
taxonomic keys and notes based on morphological characters of living plants, along with the distributional ranges and colored photographs.
Keywords: Rhynchotechum, Gesneriaceae, Diversity, Arunachal Pradesh, India
1. Introduction
State of Arunachal Pradesh is reported as richest botanical province
in India, which harbors about 50% of the India’s flora, and 4% of them
are reported to be endemic to the region (Taram et al., 2020c; Borah
et al., 2019). Wide range of agro-climatic conditions and altitudinal
variations found in the region confers ideal habitat for the
proliferation of phyto-diversity in different vegetation types found in
the state of Arunachal Pradesh (Taram et al., 2020b). Arunachal
Pradesh harbors highest number of Gesneriad members among the
states of North Eastern India. Gesneriaceae is one of the flowering
plant families in the order Lamiales which comprises around 3400
species and roughly a one-third of its total species are distributed in
the New world and two-third in Old world in tropical and subtropical
moist forest (Taram et al., 2021). In India, Gesneriaceae shows
maximum diversity of genera in Northeastern Region of India while
maximum species diversity have been reported from states of Assam
and Arunachal Pradesh (Roy 2017).
The genus Rhynchotechum Blume is an important genus of the
Gesneriaceae, which belonging to sub-family Didymocarpoideae,
tribe Trichosporeae and sub-tribe Leptoboeinae (Weber et al., 2013;
Moller et al., 2017). Th e genus was described by Blume in 1826, and
it comprises a group of understorey subshrubs, cymose inflorescences
with relatively small flowers (white to pink) with short corolla tube
and indehiscent white berries. They are found to be distributed in
tropical and subtropical Asia from India to China, north to the
Ryukyus in Japan, south through the Philippines and the Malay
Peninsula to Sumatra and east to Papua New Guinea (Anderson and
Middleton, 2013). Rhynchotechum Blume has been revised recently
by Anderson and Middleton (2013) who recognized a total of 16
species, excluding the recently described species: R. nirijuliense
Taram & D. Borah (Taram and Borah, 2020) and R. lalashanense S.S.
Ying vide POWO (2020);
In India, a total of ten species of Rhynchotechum have been reported
which include: R. alternifolium C.B.Clarke, R. calycinum C.B.Clarke,
R. ellipticum (Wall. ex D.Dietr.) A.DC., R. gracile B.M.Anderson, R.
hookeri (C.B. Clarke) B.M. Anderson, R. nirijuliense Taram & D.
Borah, R. obovatum (Griff.) B.L.Burtt, R. parviflorum Blume, R.
permolle (Nees) B.L.Burtt and R. vestitum Wall. ex C.B.Clarke
(Anderson and Middleton, 2013; Sinha and Datta, 2016; Möller et al.,
2017; Roy, 2017; Roy et al., 2019; Taram et al., 2020; Taram & Borah
2020) from which nine species (with the exception of R. permolle)
are distributed in North East India while R. nirijuliense and R.
calycinum are reported to be endemic to Northeast India. Among the
ten species, eight species of Rhynchotechum have been reported from
Arunachal Pradesh (Anderson and Middleton, 2013; Sinha and
Dutta, 2016; Roy et a l., 2019; Taram and Borah, 2020; Taram et al.,
2020a) but the present field investigation has recorded seven
Rhynchotechum species with immense foliar and floral diversity
found in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Although Gesneriaceae is economically less important but many
Gesneriads are reported as ethno-botanically significant for some
tribal communities (Roy 2017). Taram et al (2021) have reported 21
ethno-botanically significant Gesneriads of Arunachal Pradesh which
includes the seven Rhynchotechum species. The presen t field
investigation has reported taxonomic diversity of Rhynchotechum
species of Arunachal Himalaya along with their current taxonomic
status, distribution and endemism range.
2. Materials and methods
The present taxonomic revisionary study was carried out during the
year 20182022 along different altitudinal ranges in the state of
Arunachal Pradesh. Extensive field surveys were conducted in
different districts of Arunachal Pradesh during different seasons of
the year. Flowering and fruiting seasons were recorded and flowering
twigs were collected from the field and photographed using a digital
camera (Nikon COOLPIX B600, Nikon India Pvt. Ltd). GPS
coordinates were recorded using Garmin GPS (Etrex 10 device, Asim
Navigation India Pvt. Ltd). The specimens collected from each field
visits were processed using standard herbarium methods (Jain and
Rao, 1977) and voucher specimens were deposited in ARUN, ASSAM,
CAL, E and Herbarium of Arunachal University (RGUH/HAU),
Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal
Pradesh for future reference. Morphological observations were made
ISSN: 2394-4315 (Print)
ISSN: 2582-2276 (Online)
Journal of Bioresources 9 (1): 4853, January June 2022
journal webpage:
©JBR2022 Published by Centre with Potential for Excellence in Biodiversity, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh,
India. Visit:; Email:; Phone: +91-8131871644
on both fresh and dried specimens. Morphological characters were
compared with those reported in the literatures: Wang et al (1998),
Giri et al (2008), Anderson and Middleton (2013), Sinha and Dutta
(2016), Roy (2017), Roy et al. (2019), Taram and Borah 2020, Taram
et al. (2020a) and digital images of type specimens housed in K, E,
PE, ASSAM, ARUN and CAL (>herbcat;;>).
3. Results
3.1. Taxonomic treatment
Rhynchotechum Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 775. 18 26. Synonym: Isanthera Nees. In Trans. Linn. Soc. London xvii: 82. 1834; Corysanthera
[Wall ex] Endl. Gen. Pl.719. 1839; Cheilosandra [Griff ex] Lindley, veg. Kingd. 672. 1847; Chiliandra Griff. Notulae, iv, 150. 1854 et Ic. Pl. Asiat.
T 438. 1854. Type: Rhynchotechum parviflorum Blume.
Key to the Rhynchotechum species of Arunac hal Pradesh
1a. Inflorescence often with solitary peduncles from leaf axils; leaves whorl of 3 or alternate…………………………………………………2
1b. Inflorescence with a reduced/absent peduncle so that the branches appear fascicled from leaf axils; leaves opposite………….3
2a. Leaves and peduncles opposite or whorled; leaves abaxially sub-glabrous between the veins……………………………………………..R. obovatum
2b. Leaves and peduncles alternate; leaves abaxially woolly between the veins…………………………… ………………..………………………..……R. alternifolium
3a. Plants hispid, hairs stiff; calyx lobes distinctly caudate…………………………………………………………………………………………..……… ..R. vestitum
3b. Plants woolly pubescent, sub-glabrous at maturity, hairs not stiff;
calyx lobes triangular to linear acuminate, only rarely somewhat caudate……………………… …………………………….……………………….4
4a. Compact Inflorescences; calyx segments glabrous, fruits globose………………………………………………………..………………………….R. calycinum
4b. Inflorescence and calyx segments scabrous or villous/sericeous, fruit ovoid to ellipsoid…………………………………………………… 5
5a. Inflorescence spreading, pedicels and calyx lobes often scabrous, the hairs conspicuously multicellular; ovary glabrous …………….R. ellipticum
5b. Inflorescence pendulous, pedicels and calyx lobes sericeous or sub-glabrous; ovary glabrous to short pubescent………………..6
6a. Lateral veins of lamina more than 30, berry ovoid………………….....….……………………………………………………………………………………….R. nirijuliense
6b. Lateral veins of lamina less than 30; berry ellipsoid or broadly ovoid.…………………..………………………………………………………………….R. parviflorum
Figure 1. Distribution of Rhynchotechum species in Arunachal Pradesh.
Journal of Bioresources 9 (1): 4853
Figure 2. A-R. alternifolium, B- R. calycinum, C- R. ellipticum, D- R. nirijuliense, E- R. obovatum, F- R. vestitum, G- R. parviflorum
Journal of Bioresources 9 (1): 4853
Momang & Tag, 2022
(3.1.1) Rhynchotechum alternifolium C.B.Clarke in A.DC. &
C.DC., Monogr. Phan. 5(1): 198. 1883; C.B.Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Bri t.
India 4: 374 1884; Sinha & Dutta, Nelumbo 58:39.2016.
Synonym: None
Type: India, Upper Assam, by lake Brahmakoondo [Brahmakund],
Griffith 3850 (K).
Stems glabrescent. Leaves alternate to sub-opposite. Inflorescence
spreading, 520 cm long, 45-branched; peduncle 2.511.5 cm long;
bracts linear to triangular. Calyx lobes oblong to ovate-elliptic,
glabrous to sparsely sericeous. Corolla white, exterior glabrous; upper
lip with darker patch, 33.5 × 5 mm, apices obtuse; lower lip 4.55 ×
7 mm; lower lobes 2.252.5 × 22.5 mm, apices rounded to obtuse;
tube 1.5 mm long. Stamens inserted near the base of the corolla tube;
filaments c.1 mm long. Ovary slightly puberulent; style 57 mm long;
stigma apex globose to truncate. Fruit ovoid, glabrous.
Flowering and fruiting: February, August and November.
Habitat and ecology: Growing in evergreen and mixed forests at
an elevation from 350 800 m msl in association with
Rhynchotechum obovatum, Boeica fulva, Begonia burkilii, Begonia
dicrassine, Thladiantha species, Polygala arillata, Urtica species
and many more.
Distribution: India (Arunachal Pradesh) and Myanmar
Specimen examined: India, Arunachal Pradesh, Changlang,
Namdhapa National Park, 450 m msl, 12 August 2021
(3.1.2). Rhynchotechum calycinum C.B.Clarke in A.DC. &
C.DC., Monogr. Phan. 5(1): 199. 1883; C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit.
India 4: 374. 1884; Burkill, Rec. Bot. Surv. India 10: 330. 1925;
G.D.Pal & Thoth., Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30: 173. 1988; Giri et al., Mat.
Fl. Arunachal Pradesh 2: 234. 2008; Kumar, A., Floristic Diversity of
Arunachal Pradesh (Upper Subansiri District) 343. 2013; G. D. Pal,
Fl. Lower Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh 2: 176. 2013; Sinha
and Datta, Nelumbo 58: 40. 2016
Synonym: None
Type: India, Upper Assam, on the banks of the river Soondra,
Unknown s.n. (holo K).
Stem glabrous. Lea ves opposite; petiole sessile. Inflorescence
axillary, pendulous compact, 1 - 4 cyme per axil, 2-4 -branched;
peduncle 2-4 cm long, glabrous; bracts elliptic to lanceolate, acute,
sub entire; first bract 1.82.5 cm × 0.7 - 1 cm, second bract 1.3 -2 cm
× 0.4-0.8 cm; pedicels sub-glabrous. Calyx creamy white, lobes
triangular or oblong to linear, apices acute to obtuse, 0.50.8× 0.2-
0.3 cm, glabrous, margin entire. Corolla white, exterior glabrous.
Stamens yellow inserted near the base of the corolla tube,
didynamous; filaments 12 mm long. Disk annular. Ovary glabrous;
style 0.3 - 0.4 cm long. Fruit ellipsoid to globose, 2.52.75 × 22.25
mm, glabrous.
Flowering and fruiting: June - August.
Distribution: Endemic to Northeast India (Arunachal Pradesh,
Habitat and ecology: Growing on the margins of primary forest,
often in moist and shady conditions, along streams side or road sides
at an elevation from 300 -700 m msl. It grows with an association
with Musa species, Begonia burkilli, Strobilanthus species,
Elatostemma species, Urtica species, Calocasia species, Ferns,
Alpinia species, Amomum species etc.
Specimen examined: India, Arunachal Pradesh, Lower Siang
district, on the way to Koyu, 530 m amsl, 12 July 2019, Momang
Taram (982, 983) (ARUN, RGUH/HAU)
(3.1.3). Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Wall. ex D.Dietr.) A.DC. in
DC., Prodr. 9:285.1845; C.B.Clarke, Commelyn. Cyrtandr. Bengal.
131, pl. 41. 1874; in A.DC. & C.DC., Monogr. Phan. 5(1): 196.1883; in
Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 373. 1884; Kumar A., Floristic Diversity of
Arunachal Pradesh (Upper Subansiri District) 343. 2013; G. D. Pal,
Fl. Lower Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh 2:178. 2013; Sinha
and Datta, Nelumbo 58: 39. 2016
Synonym: Chiliandra obovata Griff. Not Pl. Asiat 4: 150. 1854.
Corysanthera e lliptica Wall. ex D. Dietr Syn. Pl. 3: 582. 1843.
Rhynchotechum latifolius Hook. f., et Thomson ex C. B. Clarke
Commelyn. Cyrtandr. Bengal. t. 94.1874.
Type: Mts Sylhet, F. de Silva, W. Gomez & H. Bruce in Wallich 6411
Stems 60180 cm tall. Leaves opposite; petiole 14 cm long; lamina
elliptic to narrowly elliptic. Inflorescence spreading, pink, 1.213.5
cm long, 26 branched; peduncle reduced ; axes short yellow-rusty
villous becoming scabrous to sub-glabrous higher up; bracts linear to
triangular, first bract 36 mm long, second bract 35 mm long;
pedicels, scabrous to sub-glabrous. Calyx pink to pale pink, lobes
triangular to linear acuminate with apices rounded, 34.5 × c.11.5
mm. Corolla red-purple, exterior scabrous with glandular hairs.
Stamens inserted near the base of the corolla tube; filaments c.1 mm
long; anthers purple, c.11.5 mm diameter, slightly puberulent. Ovary
11.5 × 11.75 mm, glabrous to rarely puberulent with glandular
hairs; style 67 mm long; stigma apex globose to truncate. Fruit
broadly ovoid, 34.5 × 34. 5 mm, glabrous.
Flowering & Fruiting: July to November
Distribution: India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Burma.
Habitat and ecology: Growing in primary and secondary forests,
typically in shady and moist conditions along road side, stream side
and on rocky places.
Specimen examined: India, Arunachal Pradesh, Papum Pare
district, Jote road, 19 September 2019, Momang Taram 1020
(ARUN); India, Arunachal Pradesh, Papum Pare district, 430 m amsl,
19 September 2018, Momang Taram 813 (RGUH/HAU)
(3.1.4). Rhynchotechum nirijuliense Taram & D. Borah in
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 72(1): 125129. 2020. Type: India,
Arunachal Pradesh, Papum Pare district, Nirjuli, Bage Hills, tropical
bamboo forest, 27°7'19"N, 93°43'56"E, 166 m, 1 May 2019, M. Taram
& D. Borah 0157 (holotype CAL; isotypes ASSAM, ARUN, E).
Stems to 2 m tall. Leaves opposite; almost sessile, petiole if present
0.51.2 cm long. Inflorescence axillary, pendulous; peduncle reduced
or absent, branches 46 from each node, axes densely villous; bracts
ovate to ovate lanceolate, navicular, undulate, deeply grooved along
the midvein, paired, each at the axil of the first branches, 1012 × 4
6 mm; bracteoles paired, one per branch, pale pink, ovate, entire,
membranous, midvein prominent, 11.2 × 0.81 cm; pedicels 0.3
1.5 cm long, silky villous. Calyx divided to near the base, tube 12mm
long, lobes ovate lanceolate, with broadly acuminate apices, 710 ×
1.82.2 mm, equal to or longer than the corolla, villous outside,
glabrous inside. Corolla pink, exterior glabrous; tube 23 mm long.
Stamens inserted near the base of the corolla tube; filaments c. 1 mm
long; anthers c. 1.5 mm diameter, glabrous; staminode
inconspicuous. Ovary ovoid, 11.5 × 11.2 mm, glabrous; Fruits
ovoid, 1.21.5 × 0.70.9 cm, glabrous.
Flowering and fruiting: flowers from April to May, fruiting is from
May onwards.
Distribution: India (Arunachal Pradesh).
Habitat and ecology: It occurs in damp and shady areas alongside
streams and grows in association with Begonia aborensis, Impatiens
laevigata, Impatiens ma rianae, Impatie ns porrecta, Litsea
lancifolia, Pseuderanthemum latifolium, Strobilanthes secunda etc.
Specimen examined: India, Arunachal Pradesh, Papum Pare
district, Nirijuli, Bage Hills, 27°7'19"N, 93°43'56"E, 166 m, 1 May
2019, M. Taram & D. Borah 0157.
(3.1.5). Rhynchotechum obovatum (Griff.) B.L.Burtt, Notes
Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 24: 38. 1962; Chun (ed.), Fl. Hainan. 3:
528.1974.; C.B.Clarke in A.DC. & C.DC., Monogr. Phan. 5(1): 198.
1883; in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 374. 1884.
Synonym: Chiliandra obovata Griff., Not. Pl. Asiat. 4: 150.1854
Type: Griff., Icon. Pl. Asiat. 4: pl. 438 (1854) (K [K000249997]
Stems 60100 (120) cm tall. Leaves whorled (of 3), rarely opposite
to alternate lower down; petiole 16 cm long. Inflorescence axillary,
spreading, 511 cm long, up to 4 branched, branches purple tinged;
peduncle 2.55.5 cm long, axes short yellow-rusty villous; bracts
linear subulate; pedicels 0.31 cm. Calyx villous(outside), glabrous
Journal of Bioresources 9 (1): 4853
(inside), green-pale pink, 0.40.5 x 0.100.12 cm,lobes triangular
with rounded or slightly caudate apices; corolla white or pale pink,
glabrous to slightly puberulent exteriorly; tube 1.52 mm long. Ovary
1.52.5 x 11.75 mm, glabrous to rarely puberulent, with glandular
hairs; style 5.57.5 mm long; stigma apex globose/ rounded to
truncate. Fruit ovoid.
Flowering and fruiting: July - September.
Distribution: Bangladesh, India, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia and China.
Habitat and ecology: Growing in wet to dry primary and secondary
evergreen forests, sometimes disturbed areas or on gentle to steep
slopes, at 1972120 m.
Specimen examined: India, Arunachal Pradesh, Lower Subansiri
District, Potin, 23 July 2019, Momang Taram 1020 (ARUN,
(3.1.6). Rhynchotechum parviflorum Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned.
Ind. 775. 1826; C.B.Clarke in A.DC. & C.DC., Monogr. Phan. 5(1): 195.
1883 in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 373. 1884; Vietnam 3(1): 25. 199 3;
Taram et al., in JOTT 12(1): 1520815211. 2020
Synonym: Cyrtandra microcarpa C.B.Clarke in
Candolle & Candolle, Monogr. Phan. 5: 195.1883.
Type: Java, Seribu mountains, Blume s.n. [0834014]
Stems 20 180 cm tall. Leaves opposite, rarely sub-opposite; petiole
1.7 5 cm long. Inflorescence axillary, pendulous, 1.36 cm long, 2
4-branched; peduncle reduced/absent; axes rusty-yellow villous to
sub-glabrous, rarely with glandular hairs present; bracts linear to
triangular or subulate; pedicels 0.11.1 cm long, yellow-rusty villous.
Calyx purplish red or green to pinkish brown, lobes triangular with
apices rounded, rarely somewhat caudate, 0.2 0.4 cm × 0.751.5
mm, yellow-rusty villous to sub-glabrous or scabrous with glandular
hairs. Corolla white to pale purple, exterior glabrous to slightly
puberulent. Stamens inserted at 0.50.75 mm above the base of the
corolla tube. Ovary 0.751.25 × 0.751.5 mm, short pubescent to
puberulent; style white, 1.53.25 mm long; stigma white, apex
truncate to globose. Fruit widely ellipsoid or widely ovoid, 0.30.4 ×
0. 20.5 cm, glabrous.
Flowering and fruiting: recorded in all months.
Distribution: India, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Sumatra,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Indonesian New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
and the Philippines.
Habitat and ecology: It usually prefers cliffs near perennial
streams in primary forests as well as in secondary forests and damp
groves near roadsides at an elevation from 300-800 m msl. It grows
in associations with Diplazium esculentum, Henckelia pumila,
Boeica clarkei, Rhynchotechum vestitum, Pilea insolens, Pilea
umbrosa, Mycetia mukerjiana, Cyclosorus parasiticus,
Strobilanthes hamiltoniana, Justicia sp. Etc.
Taxonomic note: Rhynchotechum hookeri can be recognised by its
fairly compact and sub-glabrous inflorescences. It differs from R.
parviflorum in its more entire leaves, its smaller inflorescence, its
less puberulent ovary, and its typically longer style (Anderson and
Middleton 2013). But these characteristics mentioned for R. hookeri
has been observed in the R. parviflorum populations in Arunachal
Pradesh. Occurrence of R. hookeri is doubtful in Arunachal Pradesh.
(3.1.7). Rhynchotechum vestitum (Griff.) Wall. ex C.B.Clarke,
Commelyn. Cyrtandr. Bengal. 132, pl. 92. 1874; C.B.Clarke in A.DC.
& C.DC., Monogr. Phan. 5(1):197. 1883; in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4:
373. 1884; Kanjilal et al. in Fl. of Assam 3:399.1939; Giri et. al., Mat.
Fl. Arunachal Pradesh 2: 234. 2008; A. Mukherjee et. al., Pleione 2
(2): 160. 2008; Kumar, A., Floristic Diversity of Arunachal Pradesh
(Upper Subansiri District) 343. 2013; G. D. Pal, Fl. Lower Subansiri
District, Arunachal Pradesh 2: 179. 2013; Sinha and Datta, Nelumbo
58: 41. 2016.
Synonym: Corisanthera vestita Griffith, Itin. Notes 124. 1848.
Type: Bhutan, 3300 ft, Griffith 426 [ K000249996]
Stems 60 180 cm tall. Leaves opposite; petio le 27 cm long; blade
appressed hispid. Inflorescence appressed axillary, 2 - 4 cymes per
axil, 1.2 6 cm long, 24-branched; peduncle 0.5 1.5 cm long (rarely
reduced; bracts triangular to linear; pedicels 0.41.5 cm long, densely
long yellow to pink hispid. Calyx whitish to greenish, lobes triangular
with apices caudate, 0.40.8 cm × 0.2-0.4 cm, densely long hispid.
Corolla pink to white, glabrous both sides; tube 0.10.2 cm long.
Stamens inserted at c. 0.1 cm above the base of the corolla tube,
slightly didynamous. Ovary 0.10.2 cm × 0.10.2 cm, slightly
puberulent with or without glandular hairs; style 0.20.4 cm long;
stigma apex truncate to globose. Fruit white ovoid to widely ovoid.
Flowering and fruiting: March - September.
Distribution: India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Sumatra
and Java.
Habitat and ecology: Growing in rainforests, so metimes
disturbed, in damp and shady conditions, in loam on granite and
limestone, sometimes in ravines, at 4501220 m.
Specimen examined: India, Arunachal Pradesh, Upper Subansiri
District, Daporijo, 27 July 2019, Momang Taram 1025 (ARUN)
4. Discussion
India has the highest number of Rhynchotechum species (10 spp.) in
the world, of which the distribution of 80% (8 spp.) of the species are
restricted to Northeastern region of India. R. calycinum and R.
nirijuliense are narrowly endemic to North East India. The number
of Rhynchotechum species reported from Arunachal Pradesh in
present studies is much higher than Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan,
Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua New Gunia and Sri Lanka with 1 species
each; Bhutan, Loas, Philippines and Thailand with 2 species each;
Hongkong with 3 species; Bangladesh and Taiwan with 4 species
each; Indonesia and Vietnam with 5 species each and China with 6
species. However, the number of species in Arunachal Pradesh
(excluding R. hookeri) is equal to Myanmar (7 species each) (Vide
GRC rbge). R. ellipticum, R. vestitum and R. parviflorum are
abundantly distributed in primary and secondary forest along the
stream sides and roadsides while R. calycinum, R. alternifolium, R.
nirijuliense and R. obovatum have been reported to have narrow
range of geographical area highly vulnerable to reduction of present
population size due to habitat destruction. Therefore, natural habitat
conservation and protection is necessary to conserve these rare
Rhynchotechum species in Arunachal Pradesh.
5. Conclusion
The present field investigation has recorded seven species of
Rhynchotechum from Arunachal Pradesh (India) and all the reported
species are ethnobotanically significant to the tribal communities
such as Adi, Galo, Tagin, Nyishi and Lisu. Rhynchotechum species are
locally called as Joko/Jok (Nyshi and Galo), Joku (Tagin) and
Byongkot/Jongkot (Adi). These species are used in different ways:
tender shoot of R. obovatum and R. alternifolium is served as
vegetable, young leaves of R. ellipticum, R. parviflorum and R.
nirijuliense are consumed as addictives, fruit of R. vestitum is eaten
raw and leaves fermented with soyabean, and twig of R. ellipticum
and R. parviflorum are used in local rituals specifically perform
during funeral.
The authors are thankful to the Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills,
Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh, India for providing laboratory and
logistic facilities to carry out the PhD research work on Gesneriaceae
flora of Arunachal Pradesh. The authors are deeply thankful to Prof.
A.P. Das and Dr. Jintu Sharma for their constructive comments on
nomenclatures and inputs.
Author’s contributions
First author (MT) conducted field and literature survey, developed
first of the manuscript. Second author (HT) conceptualized the
research, literature studies, language editing and finalized the
Conflict of interests
Authors have no conflict of interests
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©JBR2022 Published by Centre with Potential for Excellence in Biodiversity, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh -791112, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh,
India. Visit:; Email:; Phone: +91-8131871644
Journal of Bioresources 9 (1): 4853
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The present study is an outcome of floristic surveys of East Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh, carried out during 2016–2019, and also a compilation of earlier published reports. Vegetation analysis of this area along with a checklist of 508 taxa is presented. A total of 503 species, one subspecies and four varieties of native flowering plants belonging to 348 genera and 102 families are reported. Among these, 11 taxa are endemic to India, two Critically Endangered, one Vulnerable, one Near Threatened, two Data Deficient, and others either Least Concern or Not Evaluated as per IUCN criteria. The study also documents two new distributional records for the flora of Arunachal Pradesh, and range extension of six lesser-known endemic species. The most dominant families were found to be Poaceae (27 species), followed by Lamiaceae (23 species), Gesneriaceae (22 species), and Rubiaceae (20 species). The number of new taxa described from the region, endemism, and the Red Listed plants strongly reflect the floristic importance of the region, which is in dire need of conservation.
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The present study was aimed to document the traditional ethnobotanical knowledge in Komkar-Adi Biocultural Landscape of Upper Siang District in Arunachal Pradesh (Eastern Himalaya), India. Data was collected from three villages of Geku circle, Upper Siang District between the year 2016-2019, covering more than 50% of the total households using semi-structured questionnaires, personal interviews, focused group discussions and transect walk with the core respondents. A total of 301 taxa falling in 203 genera and 85 families are recorded from the Komkar-Adi Biocultural Landscape (KABL), invariably used as food, medicine and cultural materials which is directly and indirectly linked with livelihood security, community survival, protection and preservation of the traditional culture and nature. Use value (UV) of all the reported species ranges between 0.017 and 0.051. A total of 48 ethnomedicinal plant species including herbs, shrubs and trees used for curing 35 different ailments were recorded. Comparison of three different indices CI, RFC and RI, indicating species ranking based on each index and the three basic values of the study, viz. FC, UR and NU for each species were also calculated. Urtica dioica, Solanum spirale, Paris polyphylla, Curcuma longa, Clerodendrum colebrookeanum, and Begonia silletensis are found to be the most important plants for treating different ailments by the community.
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A new species of Rhynchotechum (Gesneriaceae), Rhynchotechum nirijuliense Taram & D.Borah, is described from Nirijuli of Papum Pare district in Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. The new species is compared to Rhynchotechum ellipticum and R. calycinum. A detailed description, colour photographs and notes on the distribution and ecology of the new species are provided.
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Rhynchotechum parviflorum is reported for the first time from Mainland India. Colored photograph and additional details are provided.
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The Himalayas form a graceful and vast abode of floristic and faunal elements and also represent diverse human cultures spreading through its length and breadth. Eastern Himalayas, a biodiversity hotspot is not only a home to the world’s highest mountains but is also amongst the highest diversity rich areas of the world. The easternmost part of the Indian Himalayas harbors many special vegetation types, depending upon altitudinal and climatological stratification. Arunachal Pradesh is one of the richest states in the region in terms of biodiversity, owing to its unique geographical position and altitudinal gradients. The article ventures preliminary account of flowering plant diversity of Nagula wetland complex of Arunachal Pradesh, which has more than 100 alpine freshwater lakes fed by melting snow. The altitude ranges from 3,500–4,500 meters above mean sea level. The study recorded a total of 106 species, falling under 68 genera and 32 families. Asteraceae is the most dominant family followed by Orobanchaceae, Gentianaceae, etc. If the area’s natural vegetation is conserved without any disturbance that will maintain not only the pristine beauty but also the rich and original biological elements of the area. A high proportion of angiosperms of this area can be adopted for ornamental gardens, and some others can be tested for their medicinal properties.
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Rhynchotechum Blume is a very interesting genus of the family Gesneriaceae differing from other genera having clustered cymose inflorescence and white berry fruit. Burtt and Wiehler (1995) placed Rhynchotechum in the tribe Cyrtandreae under the subfamily Cyrtandroideae. Six species viz., R. calycinum, R. ellipticum, R. hookeri, R. vestitum, R. alternifolium and R. gracile under the genus have been recorded from Indian part of Eastern Himalaya. Two species R. calycinum and R. ellipticum have ethnobotanical importance. The genus has been studied in details on the basis of herbarium specimens available in different herbaria (CAL, ASSAM, ARUN and Lloyd Botanic Garden Herbaria) and the relevant literature pertaining to Eastern Himalaya. Distribution map and phonological calendar of the studied species have been provided to show their diversity. Key words: Rhynchotechum, Cyrtandreae , Gesneriaceae, Eastern Himalayas, India.
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For the Gesneriaceae of India the consequences of revised generic circumscriptions and the new classification based on molecular phylogenetic work are summarised and outlined. An identification key, genus descriptions and some considerations on the biogeographic distribution of the genera in India are provided. The current genus count in India is 23, with Briggsia Craib having disappeared and Cyrtandromoea Zoll. being excluded from Gesneriaceae. The Indian species formerly included in Boea Comm. ex Lam. and Paraboea (C.B. Clarke) Ridl. are now included in Dorcoceras Bunge and Middletonia C. Puglisi, respectively. Oreocharis Benth. is newly recorded for India due to the transfer of Briggsia muscicola (Diels) Craib to Oreocharis. The Indian genera are from both tribes of subfamily Didymocarpoideae, namely Epithemateae and Trichosporeae. The genera are represented in three out of four subtribes of tribe Epithemateae and six out of ten subtribes in tribe Trichosporeae, thus, in total the Indian genera are represented in nine out of fourteen subtribes in the subfamily Didymocarpoideae. Subtribe Jerdoniinae is endemic to India. This high level of diversity underlines the biogeographical and historical importance of India for the family Gesneriaceae.
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A new formal classification of Gesneriaceae is proposed. It is the first detailed and overall classification of the family that is essentially based on molecular phylogenetic studies. Three subfamilies are recognized: Sanangoideae (monospecific with Sanango racemosum), Gesnerioideae and Didymocarpoideae. As to recent molecular data, Sanango/Sanangoideae (New World) is sister to Gesnerioideae + Didymocarpoideae. Its inclusion in the Gesneriaceae amends the traditional concept of the family and makes the family distinctly older. Subfam. Gesnerioideae (New World, if not stated otherwise with the tribes) is subdivided into five tribes: Titanotricheae (monospecific, East Asia), Napeantheae (monogeneric), Beslerieae (with two subtribes: Besleriinae and Anetanthinae), Coronanthereae (with three subtribes: Coronantherinae, Mitrariinae and Negriinae; southern hemisphere), and Gesnerieae [with five subtribes: Gesneriinae, Gloxiniinae, Columneinae (5the traditional Episcieae), Sphaerorrhizinae (5the traditional Sphaerorhizeae, monogeneric), and Ligeriinae (5the traditional Sinningieae)]. In the Didymocarpoideae (almost exclusively Old World, especially E and SE Asia/Malesia) two tribes are recognized: Epithemateae [with four small, but morphologically and genetically very distinctive subtribes: Loxotidinae (monogeneric with Rhynchoglossum), Monophyllaeinae, Loxoniinae and Epithematinae (monogeneric)] and Trichosporeae (the earliest name at tribal rank for the ‘‘Didymocarpoid Gesneriaceae’’). The last is subdivided into ten subtribes: Jerdoniinae (monospecific), Corallodiscinae (monogeneric), Tetraphyllinae (monogeneric), Leptoboeinae, Ramondinae (Europe), Litostigminae (monogeneric), Streptocarpinae (Africa and Madagascar), Didissandrinae, Loxocarpinae and Didymocarpinae. Didymocarpinae is the largest subtribe (ca. 30 genera and .1600 species) and still requires intensive study. It includes the most speciose genera such as Cyrtandra, Aeschynanthus, Agalmyla, Didymocarpus, Henckelia, Codonoboea, Oreocharis and Primulina and the types of the traditional tribes Didymocarpeae, Trichosporeae and Cyrtandreae.
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The genus Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) is revised. It consists of 16 species, three of which are newly described here: Rhynchotechum burmanicum B.M.Anderson from Burma, R. gracile B.M.Anderson from Northeast India, and R. vietnamense B.M.Anderson from Vietnam. A new combination is made for Rhynchotechum hookeri (C.B.Clarke) B.M.Anderson. A key and descriptions of all species are provided.