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Abstract and Figures

Compelling evidence supports the hypothesis that stress negatively impacts cancer development and prognosis. Irrespective of its physical, biological or psychological source, stress triggers a physiological response that is mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic adrenal medullary axis. The resulting release of glucocorticoids and catecholamines into the systemic circulation leads to neuroendocrine and metabolic adaptations that can affect immune homeostasis and immunosurveillance, thus impairing the detection and eradication of malignant cells. Moreover, catecholamines directly act on β-adrenoreceptors present on tumor cells, thereby stimulating survival, proliferation, and migration of nascent neoplasms. Numerous preclinical studies have shown that blocking adrenergic receptors slows tumor growth, suggesting potential clinical benefits of using β-blockers in cancer therapy. Much of these positive effects of β-blockade are mediated by improved immunosurveillance. The present trial watch summarizes current knowledge from preclinical and clinical studies investigating the anticancer effects of β-blockers either as standalone agents or in combination with conventional antineoplastic treatments or immunotherapy.
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Trial watch: beta-blockers in cancer therapy
Killian Carnet Le Provost
, Oliver Kepp
, Guido Kroemer
, and Lucillia Bezu
Equipe Labellisée Par La Ligue Contre Le Cancer, Université de Paris, Sorbonne Université, INSERM UMR1138, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers,
Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France;
Metabolomics and Cell Biology Platforms, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Université Paris Saclay,
Villejuif, France;
Pôle de Biologie, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, AP-HP, Paris, France;
Gustave Roussy, Département d’anesthésie, Chirurgie
et Interventionnel, Villejuif, France
Compelling evidence supports the hypothesis that stress negatively impacts cancer development and
prognosis. Irrespective of its physical, biological or psychological source, stress triggers a physiological
response that is mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic adrenal
medullary axis. The resulting release of glucocorticoids and catecholamines into the systemic circulation
leads to neuroendocrine and metabolic adaptations that can aect immune homeostasis and immuno-
surveillance, thus impairing the detection and eradication of malignant cells. Moreover, catecholamines
directly act on β-adrenoreceptors present on tumor cells, thereby stimulating survival, proliferation, and
migration of nascent neoplasms. Numerous preclinical studies have shown that blocking adrenergic
receptors slows tumor growth, suggesting potential clinical benets of using β-blockers in cancer therapy.
Much of these positive eects of β-blockade are mediated by improved immunosurveillance. The present
trial watch summarizes current knowledge from preclinical and clinical studies investigating the antic-
ancer eects of β-blockers either as standalone agents or in combination with conventional antineoplastic
treatments or immunotherapy.
Received 6 September 2023
Revised 11 November 2023
Accepted 13 November 2023
beta-blockers; cancer;
catecholamines; stress
Stress typically leads to the co-activation of the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic adrenal
medullary (SAM) axis, resulting in the systemic elevation of
stress hormones, namely glucocorticoids produced by the adre-
nal cortex and catecholamines (including epinephrine and
norepinephrine) that are released from the adrenal medulla
into the circulation.
Catecholamines act on adrenergic recep-
tors (ARs), thus increasing heart rate and blood pressure to
prepare the organism for a fight-or-flight response.
belong to the G-protein-coupled receptor super-family and
are categorized into α- and β-ARs based on their location and
function. α-ARs are divided into two classes: α1-AR, predomi-
nantly found on blood vessels, which increase blood pressure
upon activation, and α2-AR, mainly located within solid
organs such as the pancreas, where they control insulin synth-
esis. β-receptors can be further classified into three types:
β1-AR (found in the heart, blood vessels, kidney, and ciliary
muscle), β2-AR (located in the lungs and ciliary muscle), and
β3-AR (present only in smooth muscle tissue). β-ARs play
a major role in stimulating cardiovascular functions and pro-
moting the relaxation of the smooth muscles in bronchi and
blood vessels. Table 1
β-blockers are specific antagonists targeting β-ARs. The first
synthetic molecules dichloroisoprenaline and pronethalol were
derived from epinephrine in the late 1950s, but were with-
drawn from clinical use several years later due to severe
cardiotoxic side effects.
However, in 1962, propranolol,
a non-cardioselective agent that targets both β1 and β2 recep-
tors, was found to promote negative chronotropic, bathmotro-
pic, inotropic, and dromotropic cardiac effects and a decrease
in kidney renin production (resulting in decreased blood pres-
sure), thus providing safe clinical use.
Subsequently, cardio-
selective agents including acebutolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, and
nebivolol were introduced. These agents specifically target
β1-ARs, thus limiting side effects such as vaso- and broncho-
constriction. Currently, β-blockers are broadly used in clinical
practice, primarily for regulating dysrhythmia, and arterial
hypertension, preventing heart attacks and migraines, as well
as for treating glaucoma. However, misuse of these agents can
cause severe hypotension, bradycardia, asthenia, asthma or
Raynaud’s syndrome, and contraindications, such as cardiac
conduction disturbances or chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease have to be respected. Table 1
β-blockers can be subdivided into two pharmacological
classes: phenylethanolamines and aryloxypropanolamines.
Phenylethanolamines are composed of an aromatic group
linked to an ethylamine substituted by a hydroxyl on position
1. β -blockers of this class such as sotalol or labetalol are non-
cardioselective and act on-target on β1 receptors while often
causing off-target β2 receptor-mediated side effects.
Compounds from the group of aryloxypropanolamines includ-
ing carvedilol, nebivolol and propafenone possess an aromatic
group linked to a propylamine substituted by a hydroxyl on
CONTACT Guido Kroemer; Lucillia Bezu Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Equipe labellisée par la Ligue contre
le cancer, Université Paris Cité, Sorbonne Université, Inserm U1138, Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France
2023, VOL. 12, NO. 1, 2284486
© 2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a
repository by the author(s) or with their consent.
Table 1. Adrenergic receptors and their main agonists and antagonists in clinic use (non-exhaustive list).
Receptors Endogenous agonists affinity
agonists Agonist properties
α1 Epinephrine < norepinephrine Epinephrine, norepinephrine,
Smooth muscle constriction in viscera, skin, sphincter, mucosa, vessels, iris mydriasis Alfuzosin, hydroxyzine, tamsulosin
α2 Epinephrine = norepinephrine Clonidine, dexmedetomidine,
Smooth muscle constriction, decreased insulin and glucagon production, decreased thyroid
hormone production, decrease platelet aggregation
Diverse antipsychotics
β1 Epinephrine Dobutamine, epinephrine,
Chronotropic, dromotropic, inotropic, bathmotropic effects, increased renin production Atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, nebivolol,
propranolol, timolol
β2 Epinephrine > norepinephrine Epinephrine, isoprenaline,
salbutamol, terbutaline
Smooth muscle relaxation, vessels dilatation, enhanced lipolysis, bronchodilatation Propranolol, timolol
β3 Epinephrine = norepinephrine Amibegron, mirabegron,
Enhanced lipolysis smooth muscle relaxation of bladder and bowel SR 59230A
position 2 and have an additional methyl group on the amine
chain, which increases their activity and selectivity. Of note, the
size of the aromatic group of a β-blocker determines its ability
to activate adrenergic receptors. Thus, a small aromatic group
as the one of epinephrine allows activation of adrenergic recep-
tors, whereas a voluminous group such as the one of pronetha-
lol induces an antagonistic effect. Moreover, a β-blocker
becomes cardioselective if its activity on β1 receptors is higher
than that on β2 receptors. Agonistic activity on β1 receptor
allows vasodilatation that decreases blood pressure, while acti-
vating β2 promotes side effects such as bronchoconstriction.
This selectivity is due to a hydrogen group inducing
a preferential interaction with the β1 receptor.
Cardioselective β-blockers include acebutolol, atenolol, biso-
prolol, and nebivolol, while the most employed non-cardiose-
lective β-blockers are propranolol, sotalol and timolol.
(Figure 1)
Surgical removal of the primary tumor plays a crucial role in
improving the overall survival of cancer patients. However, the
physical excision of the tumor by the surgeon can release
circulating tumor cells, which can spread micrometastases to
distant organs. Additionally, surgical procedures can cause
stress such as pain, nociception, inflammation, and tissue
damage, which in turn trigger a cascade of local and systemic
signaling pathways, activating corticotropic signaling. This
results in the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH), catecholamines, and cortisol, proportional to the
stress caused during surgery, leading to critical neuroendocrine
and metabolic changes known as ‘glucocorticoid stress’.
Moreover, stress hormones released into the systemic circula-
tion can negatively impact both humoral and cellular
Thus, ACTH inhibits the synthesis of immuno-
globulins by plasma cells, while catecholamines can act on
adrenoceptors expressed on natural killer (NK) cells, periph-
eral mononuclear cells and CD4
T lymphocytes,
ing the production of intracellular cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP) and protein kinase A (PKA), alto-
gether abrogating chemotaxis, migration and cytotoxic
Moreover, glucocorticoid stress can impact
type I interferon (IFN) production by dendritic cells, as well
as the release of IFN- γ by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs),
thus broadly compromising adaptive antitumor immune
Studies in a rat mammary adenocarcinoma
model also showed that injection of catecholamines inhibited
NK cell-mediated tumor lysis and suppressed resistance to NK-
sensitive metastasis.
Furthermore, endogenous stress hor-
mones have been shown to activate β2-ARs and downstream
cAMP-PKA signaling pathways that increased the activity of
matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), further promoting the dis-
semination of malignant cells. They were also shown to stimu-
late STAT3 signaling in cells surrounding the tumor tissue,
leading to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including
IL-6 and IL-8, and an increase in the secretion of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), thus promoting tumor
growth and neovascularization, respectively.
In a murine
model of pancreatic cancer, chronic stress increased levels of
circulating steroids and adrenal tyrosine resulting in impaired
immune responses, with a decreased response of ex vivo sple-
nocytes to lipopolysaccharide, a decrease in cytotoxic
T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) expression in
cells, and an increase in regulatory T cells in the tumor
bed, altogether stimulating tumor growth and impacting on
overall survival.
In yet another study using a murine model of
MDA-MB-231 breast cancer, stress-induced epinephrine pro-
duction was found to promote tumor growth in a time- and
concentration-dependent manner.
Additionally, in an obser-
vational retrospective trial, Cox regression analysis revealed
low serum epinephrine as a predictor of positive prognosis.
Thus, breast cancer patients with low serum epinephrine levels
had a significantly better overall (OS) and disease-free survival
(DFS) compared to patients with high epinephrine levels.
Surprisingly, colon cancer cells are also able to produce immu-
noregulatory glucocorticoids to suppress the activation of
immune cells. Finally, many data support that both endogen-
ous as well as exogenous corticoids might diminish therapies-
induced anti-tumor response. In summary, while oncological
interventions are crucial for achieving remission in clinical
routine, they paradoxically decrease the immunosurveillance
necessary to avoid immune escape thus promoting the devel-
opment of secondary lesions due to ‘glucocorticoid
Figure 1. Chemical structures of the most employed cardioselective β-blockers (a) and non-selective β-blockers (b). Red = aryloxypropanolamine and
green = phenylethanolamine β-blockers.
Psychosocial stress has been suggested as a putative cause of
cancer incidence and mortality for a long time, however, deter-
mining a cause–effect relationship has been challenging and was
not firmly established.
The influence of persistent corticotropic
signaling on major antitumor immunological effectors, such as
NK cells, dendritic cells (DC), and T-lymphocytes, has been
explored through various approaches.
T lymphocytes obtained
from the serum of stressed individuals exhibited a shift in pheno-
type from Th1 to Th2, potentially affecting immune signaling
Moreover, in both animal models and human studies,
psychosocial stress was found to negatively impact NK cell activity
and promote tumor growth. In a murine colon carcinoma model,
social isolation stress decreased splenic NK cell activity while
increasing angiogenesis leading to the formation of secondary
Conversely, NK cells from ovarian cancer patients
became more efficient at lysing tumor cells after receiving psy-
chosocial support during the perioperative period.
preclinical data suggest that psychosocial stress activates β-adre-
nergic signaling and promotes tumor progression. Thus, in
a murine hepatocellular carcinoma model, restraint stress pro-
moted tumor growth and increased norepinephrine levels
through β-adrenergic signaling.
In an orthotopic ovarian carci-
noma model, mice subjected to restraint stress experienced
increased tumor growth and VEGF-mediated vascularization,
which correlated with the level of circulating stress hormones.
However, premedication with propranolol, a β-blocker with
anxiolytic properties, reversed the tumor-promoting effects.
Similar results were observed in mice exposed to psychosocial
stress through crowded or isolated housing conditions where
stress-enhanced melanoma and fibrosarcoma growth was
decreased by the oral administration of propranolol.
In a social
defeat model in mice; we observed stress-elevated plasma corti-
costerone levels and an increase in the expression of glucocorti-
coid-inducible factor Tsc22d3 that blocked type I Interferon (IFN)
responses in dendritic cells (DC) and T cells, thus dampening
therapeutic responses against carcinogen-induced and transplan-
table tumors. In this setting, the administration of a glucocorticoid
receptor antagonist reversed the negative impact of psychosocial
stress on therapeutic outcomes.
Taken together, these findings
suggest that effectively preventing or managing psychological
stress by pharmacological strategies could significantly improve
oncological prognosis. However, putative effects of psychological
and medical stress on cancer induction and progression are cur-
rently discussed, and additional clinical data are expected to sup-
port this evidence and to further substantiate cause–effect
Preclinical investigations
β-ARs can be found on the cell surface of different types of
primary and metastatic tumor cells directly linking persistent
stress with oncogenesis and disease progression.
epinephrine, norepinephrine, and other AR agonists can directly
act on malignant cells, leading to various pro-tumorigenic effects
including enhanced proliferation and increased migratory
These stress mediators also cause intra-
cellular hypermetabolism, as evidenced by the accumulation of
lipid droplets in MCF-7 breast cancer cells treated with AR
agonists in vitro.
Several downstream molecular mediators
have been identified as responsible for pro-tumorigenic β-AR
signaling, including the intracellular second messengers cAMP
and PKA, which transactivates epidermal growth factor receptor
and triggers the initiation of the mitogen-activated
protein kinase 1 (MAP2K1 better known as MEK1)/mitogen-
activated protein kinase 1(MAPK1) and MAPK3 (better known
as ERK1/2) cascade
thus stimulating cyclin D1, cyclin E2, and
cyclin-dependent kinases CDK 4/6 to promote proliferation.
Moreover, β-AR signaling leads to the activation of cytosolic
phospholipase-A2, the release of arachidonic acid (AA), as well
as to an increased expression of the AA-metabolizing and
tumor-growth-promoting enzymes cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
and 5-lipoxygenase in cancer cells.
PKA also upregulates
transcription factors including nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB),
activator protein 1 (AP1), and cAMP response element-binding
protein (CREB) in the context of lung and pancreatic adenocar-
cinoma development.
Additionally, β-AR activation results in
enhanced retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation and sup-
presses Rap1B prenylation, leading to reduced cell–cell adhesion
and a migratory phenotype.
Interestingly, the auto-
crine secretion of epinephrine by certain cancer cells can stimu-
late β-AR, and this effect is further increased by oncogenic
factors such as nicotine.
Altogether these observations sup-
port the hypothesis that β-AR antagonists have clinical potential
by halting malignant disease and decreasing the incidence of
recurrences as suggested by the inverse correlation between the
incidence of prostate adenocarcinoma and the use of antihyper-
tensive drugs including β-blockers (n = 2442, HR = 0.7, 95%
The exploration of different types of β-AR has been subject
to extensive research. However, among cardioselective β-
blockers, the nonselective propranolol appears to be particu-
larly effective.
Propranolol acts on both β1 and β2 receptors
and showed the capacity to effectively mitigate oxidative stress
as well as pro-tumorigenic inflammatory response such as IL-6
and TNF-α production.
Additionally, propranolol impairs
tumorigenesis in a time- and concentration-dependent manner
through various molecular and cellular processes.
Moreover, AR antagonists, including propranolol, have
shown potential to reverse stress-induced tumorigenesis and
disease progression.
Thus, by blocking β-adre-
nergic signaling and counteracting the metastatic potential of
epinephrine and norepinephrine, propranolol inhibits the
invasion of malignant cells and reduces their metastatic spread
to distant organs.
Propranolol can intercept voltage-gated
sodium channels expressed in malignant cells that are crucial
for cell mobility and additionally impair the enzymes MMP2
and MMP9, which dysregulate anti-tumor immunity and facil-
itate the migration of malignant cells through the extracellular
Moreover, AR antagonists can halt cellular prolif-
eration through anti-mitotic effects paralyzing the cell cycle at
G0/G1/S phase or G2/M phase, strongly affecting DNA
AR antagonists also exhibit antiangiogenic
properties by decreasing the expression and activity of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) thus further impacting can-
cer progression.
Of note β-blockers can induce distinct types of cellular
stress including autophagy,
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
stress and mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in the
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and affecting
glucose metabolism,
altogether triggering apoptotic or
necro(pto)tic cell death
of cancer cells. In addition,
these stresses deeply contribute to the anti-cancer
especially by enhancing immune infiltration of
the tumor microenvironment.
AR antagonists also exert
trans-inhibitory effects on certain signaling pathways and
transcription factors involved in carcinogenesis. Epidermal
growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently overexpressed in
epithelial tumors, resulting in elevated levels of intracellular
cAMP and PKA, which promotes angiogenesis, invasiveness,
and renders cells resistant to apoptosis. Both propranolol and
atenolol can prevent the development and progression of
tumors by competitively decreasing intracellular cAMP and
PKA levels.
Moreover, propranolol can arrest the cell
cycle in various malignant cell types by downregulating
components of the pro-invasive signaling pathways ERK/
COX-2 or EGFR-Akt/ERK1–2, as well as by modifying the
phosphorylation level of survival (Akt, p53, GSK3β) and
mitogenic regulators (p44/42 MAPK, p38 MAPK, JNK,
CREB), ultimately leading to cancer cell
Finally, β-AR antagonists have
been shown to reverse nicotine-induced mitogenic and pro-
tooncogenic factors such as COX-2, ERK1/2, PGE2, PKC,
and VEGF in colon, gastric, and lung cancer cells in
a dose-dependent manner.
Carvedilol, yet another β- and β-AR antagonist, exerts cyto-
toxic effects on many human hematopoietic and solid tumor
cell lines.
Compared with other adrenergic agents, carvedilol
exhibits a unique Ca
mobilization capacity by exerting con-
trol over extracellular Ca
influx and the release of Ca
ER stores. The carvedilol-orchestrated increases in cytosolic
movement triggers cytotoxicity and inhibits the migra-
tory capacity of human osteosarcoma, hepatoma and oral
cancer cells in a concentration-dependent manner.
Carvedilol inhibits signaling pathways promoting invasiveness,
including the cAMP, PKA/SCR, PKCs/Src pathways.
Moreover, carvedilol inhibits EGF-mediated malignant skin
transformation in a dose-dependent manner by impairing
AP-1 activation.
Conversely, atenolol, another β1-AR spe-
cific antagonist, failed to prevent neoplastic transformation
after application to mouse epidermal cells JB6 P.
Until now β3-AR blockade was less investigated. However,
an increased expression of β3-AR was reported for neuroblas-
toma and melanoma.
Moreover, β3-ARs favor the recruit-
ment of tumor-associated pro-inflammatory and pro-tumor
effectors such as fibroblasts and M2 macrophages. The use of
β3-AR antagonists, such as SR59230A and L-748 337, report-
edly impacts tumor vasculature and reduces the growth of
SR59230A induces a significant reduction of
mitochondrial activity, halting ATP synthesis and triggering
the generation of reactive oxygen species, resulting in tumor
cell death.
Moreover, the inhibition of β3-AR reduces the
proliferation of neuroblastoma by dysregulation of bioactive
lipid sphingosine kinase 2/sphingosine 1-phosphate metabo-
lism, which is implicated in various cancers and anticancer
therapy resistance.
Furthermore, β3-AR antagonists were
shown to reduce the phosphorylation of the mTOR/p70S6K
pathway, thus reducing malignant growth.
β-AR antagonists have shown a significant potential in
mitigating the immunosuppressive effect of chronic stress,
thereby improving immunosurveillance. Thus, propranolol
was shown to suppress stress-induced lung metastases in
a preclinical model of murine breast cancer, while nadolol
decreased the incidence of metastases promoted by surgical
stress by 50%.
In various models of subcutaneous
cancers, propranolol prevented a stress-induced ileopathy
that led to immunosuppressive dysbiosis.
also suppresses the progression of hematopoietic cancers
such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia by impairing α-adre-
nergic signaling activated during psychological stress.
Furthermore, α-blockers decrease the number of myeloid-
derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). Conversely, MDSCs are
induced by α2 adrenergic signaling in response to chronic
β-adrenergic receptors play an important role in shaping the
immune orientation of the tumor microenvironment.
Thus, decreasing adrenergic stress by different approaches
including physiological manipulation such as placement of
mice in a thermoneutral environment, genetic interventions
such as the knockout of β-AR or pharmacological β-blockade,
increases glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in tumor-
infiltrating lymphocytes. Reduction of adrenergic stress upre-
gulates the expression of the costimulatory molecule CD28,
stimulates cytokine release
and enhances the ration of cyto-
toxic over regulatory T cells. It also increases the secretion of
granzyme B and IFN-γ contributing to immune-mediated anti-
cancer responses in mice.
Additionally, SR59230A pro-
motes the differentiation of stromal cells and increases the
abundance of lymphoid, myeloid, and NK progenitor cells in
the tumor microenvironment. Altogether, these effects may
inhibit tumor progression, inflammation and angiogenesis.
Propranolol has demonstrated a remarkable synergism with
current antineoplastic therapies. Specifically, it enhances radio-
sensitivity, thereby increasing radiotherapy-induced abscopal
antitumor effect and exerts T cell-dependent immune response
that effectively slows tumor growth. Moreover, propranolol
decreases the expression of prometastatic, proinflammatory
and proangiogenic genes such as EGFR, COX-2 and VEGF,
respectively, thus impairing cell viability and inducing
The cytotoxic effects of conventional chemotherapeutic
agents such as platinum salts, anthracyclines (such as doxor-
ubicin), 5-fluorouracil, mitotic spindle poisons (such as tax-
anes or vincristine), topoisomerase inhibitors and gemcitabine
were increased in the presence of β-blocking agents including
β-blocking agents also boosted the antic-
ancer effect in combination with targeted therapies such as
U0126 (a MAPK inhibitor),
sorafenib (a multikinase
vemurafenib (a B-Raf gene inhibitor),
and suni-
tinib (an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase).
Importantly, propra-
nolol was found to decrease the expression of programmed
death receptor-1 (PD-1) in tumors and to increase CD8
T cell
infiltration within the tumor microenvironment, thus enhan-
cing the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade.
If combined with the antitumor vaccine STxBE7, propranolol
strongly enhanced the amount of tumor infiltrating CD8
T cells, although without improving their activity.
Even agents without any direct antitumor activity have been
found to potentiate the cytotoxic effects of β-blockers. Thus,
the combination of propranolol with metformin, an oral anti-
diabetic agent, revealed an unexpected synergistic inhibitory
effect on proliferation, invasion, and migration in vitro and
reduced tumor growth and metastasis in vivo.
when combined with the COX-2 inhibitor etodolac, proprano-
lol increased the cytotoxicity of NK cells, reduced postsurgical
local relapse and metastasis and improved overall free-
In conjunction with 2-deoxy-D-glucose
(2DG), propranolol significantly reduced glucose metabolism
associated with alterations in mitochondrial morphology and
the subsequent activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress,
autophagy, proliferative arrest ultimately resulting in
Altogether, this underscores the potential of AR
blocking agents alone or in combination with additional med-
ication as novel anticancer (immuno)therapies. Table 2,
Figure 2.
Published clinical trials
The aforementioned preclinical findings spurred the initiation
of numerous clinical trials most of which are observational (12
retrospective trials, 1 prospective trial and 6 meta-analyses).
Retrospective studies come from cohorts of oncological patients
treated with β-blockers for a history of cardiovascular disease or
arterial hypertension or from data extracted of prospective trials
with incidental use of β-blockers. Most of the results concluded
to a positive impact of β-blockers on oncological outcomes. β-
blockers significantly decreased tumor growth and the risk of
metastasis into distant organs. As a result, most analyses
reported a strong positive correlation between the use of β-
blockers and overall and progression free-survival in various
treated solid tumors.
These positive and encouraging
results need to be confirmed in prospective randomized con-
trolled trials. Indeed, these studies involved many sources of bias
such as combination of antihypertensive drugs (β-blockers plus
angiotensin-II-receptor inhibitor or angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors) and positive effects of β-blockers on cardio-
vascular mortality. Only three trials failed to report prognostic
effects of β-blockers
except a better response to pembro-
lizumab in the treatment of stage III melanoma.
Only one
study reported negative effects of β-blockers in a cohort of HER2
+ breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab, where
β-blocker appeared to decrease survival (PFS adjusted HR =
2.21, 95%[1.56–3.12]; p < 0.001 and OS adjusted HR = 2.46,
95%[1.69–3.57]; p < 0.001)
. However, the higher rate of mor-
tality observed in this trial might involve cardiovascular mortal-
ity or immune toxicity. Table 3
Nine prospective interventional or randomized controlled
trials have been published. One study enrolled 25 participants
with multiple myeloma to receive either propranolol in titrated
doses or placebo for 5 weeks. This trial concluded on the
tolerability and the efficacy of propranolol to minimize β-
adrenergic stress during hematopoietic cell transplantation. It
also showed successful engraftment and effective response
against myeloma when propranolol was administered.
Safety and efficacy of β-blockers on adrenergic stress during
the treatment of 26 ovary cancers were also confirmed.
as a standalone agent during breast cancer and melanoma care,
propranolol increases immune cell infiltration into the tumor
bed and significantly reduces the risk of recurrence.
When associated with conventional antineoplastic treatments
such as taxanes or anthracyclines, β-blockers are also perfectly
tolerable and safe.
Moreover, propranolol potentiates the
immune effects of pembrolizumab against melanoma.
Combined with anti-COX-2 during the peri-operative period
of breast and colorectal cancer surgery in three randomized
controlled trials, propranolol minimizes surgical stress,
improves tumor molecular markers, reinforces the anti-
tumor immune response, impairs pro-inflammatory and meta-
static transcription factors and finally decreases the risk of
Finally, a few prospective studies all reported promising
oncological outcomes. Thus, the study of Ramondetta et al.
showed that patients with ovary cancer treated with proprano-
lol had 55.5% complete response, 33.3% partial response, 5.6%
stable response, and only 5.6% progressive disease
. In the
randomized controlled trial by De Giorgi et al. the administra-
tion of β-blocker to patients with melanoma decreased the risk
of recurrence (80%, HR = 0.18, 95% CI [0.04–0.89], p = 0.03)
with a DFS 89% vs 64% (p = 0.04). Treatment with β-blocker
also decreased the rate of progressive disease (15.8% vs 41.2%)
and death (10.5% vs 17.7%).
Associated with pembrolizu-
mab, β-blockers allowed to achieve 7 partial responses and 1
stable disease in a cohort of 9 metastatic melanoma patients.
Of note, four studies notified cardiovascular events such as
hypotension and bradycardia due to the consumption of
β-blockers without major consequences.
Table 4
Completed clinical trials
The primary focus of these trials was to study the effect of β-
blockers as standalone agents. Among these trials,
NCT01544959 evaluated the possibility of substituting fentanyl
with esmolol for anesthesia induction, followed by metoprolol
during mastectomy, with the aim to manage hemodynamic,
perioperative pain and postoperative nausea and vomiting.
NCT02596867, a non-randomized phase II trial, studied the
effect of β-adrenergic blockade with 0.75 mg/kg propranolol,
administered twice daily for 3 weeks, prior to surgical resection
of breast cancer. The trial assessed the tumor proliferative
index using Ki-67 before and 3 weeks after propranolol admin-
istration and assessed the capacity of propranolol to decrease
tumor proliferation in breast cancer. Similarly, the early phase
I study NCT02013492 evaluated the potential of propranolol
administered for 4 weeks in patients with locally-recurrent or
metastatic solid tumors to decrease tumor growth by inhibiting
the effects of adrenergic hormones on the tumor cells.
Furthermore, the study NCT03861598 aimed at establishing
a correlation between circulating tumor cells and favorable
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results in patients with
grade IV glioblastoma receiving chemotherapy with
a combination of escalated doses of carvedilol. Further trials
investigated whether the synergistic effects observed between
β-blockers and conventional chemotherapies observed in pre-
clinical studies were assessable in clinical practice. Both
NCT01308944 and NCT01504126 aimed at confirming
Table 2. Antitumor effects of β-blockers.
Cancer type β-blocker Cell lines; animal model; patient sample Mode of action Ref.
Propranolol Murine angiosarcoma SVR and
hemangioendothelioma EOMA cells; canine
angiosarcoma Emma, Frog and SB cells
Concentration-dependent inhibition of proliferation,
migration and tumor growth; apoptosis induction
Bone sarcoma Propranolol, carvedilol Canine osteosarcoma OSCA 32, OSCA 40 cells;
human osteosarcoma HOS cells and Ewing
sarcoma A673 cells
Concentration-dependent inhibition of viability;
enhanced radiosensitivity
Breast cancer Atenolol,
(β3 antagonist)
Human breast cancer MCF-7 cells Reduced adrenaline and isoprenaline induced lipid
droplets cAMP, PKA, EPAC-dependent way
Breast cancer Propranolol Murine breast tumor 4T1 cells Reduction of inducible MDSC in vitro; inhibition of IL-
6 expression
Breast cancer, colon
Propranolol Murine CT26.CL25, B16-F10, 4T1 cells, C57BL/6 and
BALB/c mice
Potentiation of abscopal antitumor effects and T cell
immune responses to radiotherapy; reduction of
Breast cancer Propranolol Murine breast cancer 4T1 and AT-3 cell, C57BL/6 and
BALB/c mice
Reduction of MDSCs and impairment of
immunosuppressive function
Breast cancer Propranolol Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells Inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels,
inhibition of lateral motility and invasion
Breast cancer Propranolol, ICI 118,551
(selective β2 blocker)
Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells Inhibition of viability by downregulation of ERK, COX-
2 pathways; cell cycle arrest; apoptosis
Breast cancer Propranolol Murine breast cancer 4T1 cells, BALB/c, NSG and
C57BL/6 mice
Suppression of stress-induced lung metastasis
Breast cancer Propranolol Murine breast cancer 4T1 cells, BALB/c and C57BL/6
Increased CTL/Treg ratio and decrease PD-1
expression in the TME; potentiation of anti-PD-1
checkpoint blockade
Breast cancer Propranolol Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231, IBH-6 cells Inhibition of migration
Breast cancer Propranolol Human breast SK-BR-3 cells Anti-proliferation; decreased p44/42 MAPK, p38
MAPK, JNK, and CREB signaling, increased
phosphorylation of survival/apoptosis regulators
AKT, p53, and GSK3β).
Breast cancer Propranolol Human breast M-406, MCF7, MDA-MB-231 cells;
murine breast cancer M-234p, 4T1 cells; BALB/c
and CBi mice
Synergistic effects with metformin, inhibition of
viability, migration, invasion, mitochondrial
function, tumor growth and metastasis
Breast cancer Propranolol; CGP-20712A
(β1 antagonist);
ICI-118,551; L-748,337
Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells; BALB/c
nude mice
Inhibition of invadopodia formation (role in invasion
via Src pathway)
Breast cancer Propranolol Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells Inhibition of migration
Breast cancer Carvedilol Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells Inhibition of migration and invasion via inhibition of
Src pathway
Breast cancer Propranolol Murine breast cancer 4T1 cells, human breast cancer
MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells
Decreased HK-2 expression; inhibition of glucose
Breast cancer Propranolol Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468,
MDA-MB-435S cells
Reversed norepinephrine-mediated adhesion
promoted by the release of GROα and β1 integrin
Breast cancer Propranolol Human breast cancer MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and
SKBR3 cells, glioblastoma U87 cells, lung
carcinoma A549 cells, neuroblastoma SK-N-SH
cells; NMRI nude mice
Anti-proliferation (dose-dependent); anti-
angiogenesis; synergistic effect in vitro and in vivo
with 5-fluorouracil and paclitaxel in cell type and
dose dependent manner
Breast cancer Propranolol Human estrogen responsive breast cancer MCF-7,
ZR-75, MDA-MB-361; estrogen non-responsive
breast cancer MDA-453, MDA-435, MDA-468 cells
Short exposure of MDA-453 to propranolol increases
GIRK1 mRNA (potassium channel) and decrease
B2-adrenergic mRNA levels
Breast cancer Atenolol, propranolol, ICI
Human estrogen responsive breast cancer MCF-7,
ZR-75, MDA-MB-361; estrogen non-responsive
breast cancer MDA-453, MDA-435, MDA-468 cells
Inhibition of DNA synthesis
Cervical cancer Propranolol Human cervical carcinoma Siha, HeLa cells Anti-proliferation by suppressing cGMP/PKG
pathway; inhibition of clone formation; apoptosis
Colorectal cancer Propranolol Human colorectal cancer HCT116, HT29, RKO cells Apoptosis induction; decreased mitochondria and
proteins involved in oxidative phosphorylation;
reduced metastatic potential, viability and
Colorectal cancer Propranolol Murine colorectal cancer CT26 cells; BALB/c mice Decreased tumor growth by activating CD8
T cells
and by inhibiting AKT/MAPK pathway
Colorectal cancer Atenolol, carvedilol,
propranolol, ICI 118,551
Human colorectal cancer HT-29 cells Reversion of AR agonists-induced proliferation
Colorectal cancer Propranolol Murine colorectal cancer CT26 cells; BALB/c mice Improved resistance to metastasis in combination
with etodolac
Colorectal cancer Atenolol, propranolol, ICI
Human colorectal cancer SW1116, SW480, SW620,
DLD1, HCT116, Colo205, HT29 cells, BALB/c mice
Inhibition of viability and tumor growth (G1-phase
cell cycle arrest and inhibition of EGFR-Akt/ERK1/2
pathway), apoptosis induction
Colorectal cancer Atenolol, ICI 118,551 Human colorectal cancer HT-29 cells Dose-dependent inhibition of nicotine-induced
tumor growth, microvessel densities; expression of
Colorectal cancer Atenolol, propranolol Human colorectal cancer SW 480 cells Inhibition of norepinephrine-promoted migration
Table 2. (Continued).
Cancer type β-blocker Cell lines; animal model; patient sample Mode of action Ref.
Butoxamine (β2
antagonist), ICI 118,551
Human skin epidermoid carcinoma A-431 cells Inhibition of VEGF-A-induced angiogenesis;
decreased tumor development
Gastric cancer Propranolol Human gastric cancer MKN45, NUGC3 cells Inhibition of tumor growth, viability (G1 cycle arrest),
and migration; apoptosis induction; decreased
expression of P-CREB-ATF and MEK-ERK pathways;
suppression of MMP2, MMP9 and VEGF expression
Gastric cancer Propranolol
ICI 118,551
Human gastric cancer HGC27, MKN45, MGC803,
BGC823, SGC7901, AGS cells
G1/S phase cell cycle arrest; apoptosis; inhibition of
tumor growth, proliferation, invasion, and
metastasis by inhibiting ERK1/2-JNK-MAPK
pathway and transcription factors (NFkB, CREB,
Gastric cancer Propranolol Human gastric cancer SGC7901l cells; nude mice Potentiation of radiotherapy effects, decreased
tumor growth, decreased expression of NFkB and
then COX-2, EGFR, VEGF expression)
Gastric cancer ICI 118,551 Human gastric cancer NCI-N87, MGC803, HGC27,
BCG823 cells
Decreased catecholamine-stimulated MUC4
expression involved in the resistance of
trastuzumab in HER2
gastric cancer
Gastric cancer Propranolol Human gastric cancer SGC7901, BCG823 cells Inhibition of proliferation (G0/G1 arrest and G2/M
arrest) in a concentration-dependent manner;
apoptosis; decreased expression of NFkB, VEGF,
Gastric cancer Propranolol Human gastric cancer SGC7901, BCG823 cells Potentiation of radiation effects, decreased viability
and clonogenic potential, apoptosis through the
inhibition of NFkB/VEGF/EGFR/COX-2 pathways
Gastric cancer Atenolol,
ICI 118,551
Human gastric cancer AGS cells Reversion of nicotine-induced expression of PKC,
ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and COX-2 with cell
Glioma Propranolol C6 rat glioma Inhibition of TNFα-induced proliferation
Kidney cancer Propranolol, ICI 118,551 Patient derived ccRCC cells; human renal cell
carcinoma 786-O cells
Decreased viability; decreased oxidative stress and
mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines
Kidney cancer Propranolol, ICI 118,551 Human renal cell carcinoma 786-O cells; NSG mice Apoptosis induction; inhibited expression of HIF2α,
CAIX, VEGF; impaired nuclear internalization of
HIF2α and NFkB/p65, reduced tumor growth
Leukemia Propranolol Human leukemia Molt-4, Jurkat, U937 cells Decreased VEGF and MMP2 activity
Leukemia SR59230A
(β3 antagonist)
Human myeloid leukemia K562, KCL22, HEL, HL60
Apoptosis induction, doxorubicin-resistance
Leukemia Propranolol Human pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia Nalm-6
cells; NCID mice
Reversed stress effect of by decreasing tumor burden
and dissemination
Liver cancer Propranolol Murine hepatocellular carcinoma H22 cells; BALB/c
Inhibition of tumor growth induced by chronic stress
and inactivation of CXCL5-CXCR2-ERK pathway
Liver cancer Propranolol Murine hepatocellular carcinoma H22 cells Inhibition of tumor growth; prevention of the
redistribution of splenic myeloid cells
Liver cancer Propranolol Human liver cancer HepG2, HepG2.2.15, HL-7702
Anti-proliferation; apoptosis induction; S-phase cycle
Liver cancer Carvedilol Wistar rats with hepatic cirrhosis Decreased hepatocarcinogenesis by suppression of
circulating IL-6, ALT, AST, ALP, Bilm, and hepatic IL-
6, STAT-3, MDA levels and hydroxyproline content
Liver cancer Carvedilol Human hepatoma HA59T cells Increased intracellular calcium; apoptosis
Liver cancer ICI 118,551 HCC cell lines, C57BL/6 mice Autophagy; HIF1α destabilization; tumor growth
suppression; improved anti-tumor activity of
Lung cancer Atenolol, betaxolol,
esmolol, metoprolol,
pindolol, propranolol,
Human lung carcinoma A549, H1299 cells Apoptosis, necrosis induction; inhibition of lung
cancer cell colony formation
Lung cancer ICI 118,551 Human NSCC lung cancer UMSCC103, Cal33 cells Inhibition of p38 and NFkB oncogenic pathways;
affect ERK and PI3K pathways, Nrf2-Keap1 stability
and its nuclear translocation; induction of ROS and
oxidative stress; synergistic effect with U0126
(MAPK inhibitor) on viability and induction of
Lung cancer Propranolol Patient-derived head and neck cancer cells Inhibition of proliferation and viability
Lung cancer Esmolol,
ICI 118,511, nadolol
Human lung cancer A549, MRC-5 cells Apoptosis
ROS induction
Lung cancer Propranolol Rat breast cancer MADB106 cells; F344 rats Combined with etodolac (COX-2 inhibitor): reduction
of tumor retention induced by surgery, increase
NK cytotoxicity
Lung cancer Nadolol Rat breast cancer MADB106 cells; F344 rats Decrease surgery-induced metastasis
Melanoma Propranolol, ICI 118,551 Murine melanoma B16F10 cells Inhibition of AR agonist induced proliferation
Table 2. (Continued).
Cancer type β-blocker Cell lines; animal model; patient sample Mode of action Ref.
Melanoma SR59230A Murine melanoma B16F10 cells Decreased tumor growth, proliferation and viability;
induced differentiation of stromal cells in the TME,
promote hematopoietic differentiation; increased
number of NK cells
Melanoma Propranolol Human melanoma MEL270, OMM2.5, MP41, MP46,
WM115, WM266.4 cells
Anti-proliferation; anti-migration; VEGF reduction;
cell cycle arrest; apoptosis
Melanoma SR59230A Human melanoma A375 cells Reversion of reduction of mitochondrial activity
mediated by β3-AR/UCP2 axis
Melanoma Propranolol Human melanoma A375 cells; patient derived-
melanoma cells; NOD/SCID mice
Synergistic effect with sunitinib (anti-proliferation,
cell cycle arrest through suppressing ERK/Cyclin
D1/Rb/Cyclin E, decrease tumor growth)
Melanoma Propranolol MT/ret mice Decreased angiogenesis, proliferation and survival;
decreased infiltration of immunosuppressive
myeloid cells in TME
Melanoma Propranolol Human melanoma A375 cells, patient derived
melanoma cells; BALB/c mice
Cell cycle arrest; apoptosis via AKT/MAPK pathway
Melanoma L 748,337 Murine melanoma B16F10 cells Decreased tumor growth, neoangiogenesis and
proliferation; increased tumor cell death
Melanoma Propranolol Patient derived melanoma cells Anti-proliferation; anti-angiogenesis; apoptosis;
decreased tumor growth
Melanoma SR59230A
L 748,337
Murine melanoma B16F10 cells Anti-proliferation; apoptosis; decreased tumor
Melanoma Propranolol Human melanoma A375, Hs29-4T cells Decrease mobility and released IL6/VEGF induced by
Melanoma Metoprolol,
ICI 118 551
Murine melanoma B16F10 cells Potentiation of anti-PD-1 checkpoint blockade
Multiple myeloma Bisoprolol,
ICI 118 551
Human multiple myeloma LP-1, OPM-2, RPMI-8226,
ANBL-6, XG-2 cells
Apoptosis; autophagy; mitochondrial respiratory
chain alteration; decreased glycolysis; increased
chemosensitivity to melphalan and bortezomib
Neuroblastoma Propranolol Human neuroblastoma KELLY, CHLA-20, LAN-5, IMR-
32, SK-N-BE1, SK-N-BE
c, SK-N-SH, SK-
Inhibition of growth and proliferation; apoptosis via
activation of p53 and p73; synergistic effect with
SN-38 (topoisomerase I inhibitor)
Neuroblastoma Atenolol, butoxamine,
carvedilol, labetalol,
metoprolol nebivolol,
Human neuroblastoma BE
-C, SHEP, SK-N-SH cells Synergistic effect with vincristine (anti-angiogenic,
anti-mitochondrial, anti-mitotic, pro-apoptotic
effects, decrease tumor growth)
Neuroblastoma SR59230A Human neuroblastoma SK-N-BE
and BE
C cells;
murine neuroblastoma Neuro-2A cells; NCI A/JCr
Decreased proliferation; inhibition of tumor growth
and progression through blockade of SK2/S1P
Neuroblastoma SR59230A Neuroblastoma cell lines from patients Anti-proliferation; Inhibition of tumor growth and
colony formation through the inactivation of the
mTOR/p70S6K pathway
Osteosarcoma Carvedilol Human osteosarcoma MG63 cells Anti-proliferation
Increase in intracellular calcium level, which may lead
to cytotoxicity
Osteosarcoma Propranolol Human osteosarcoma MG63, U2OS cells Decreased tumor growth; anti-mitotic; G0/G1 cycle
arrest; impaired colony formation, 3D spheroid
growth, cell chemotaxis and capillary-like tube
formation; alteration of cytoskeleton
OSCC Propranolol Human tongue cancer SCC-9, SCC-25, Cal27 cells Dose- and time-dependent decrease in viability;
downregulated p-P65 NFkB and VEGF expression;
inhibited cell migration; synergism with CDDP and
OSCC Propranolol OSCC cells; BALB/c mice Reversed anti-migratory effect induced by AR agonist
OSCC Propranolol 4NQO induced oral carcinogenesis in Wistar rats Decreased occurrence of tumors; decreased thickness
of OSCC; reduced pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6
and TNF-alpha
OSCC Propranolol Human tongue cancer SCC-9, SCC-25 cells Reversion of migratory effect of norepinephrine
OSCC Carvedilol Human oral cancer OC2 cells Apoptosis
OSCC Propranolol Human tongue cancer TCa8113 cells; human salivary
adenoid cystic carcinoma ACC cells
Reversed migratory and mitogenic effect of
Esophagus cancer Atenolol,
ICI 118,551
Human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
HKESC-1 cells
Reversion of proliferative effect of epinephrine
Esophagus cancer Atenolol,
ICI 118,551
Human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
HKESC-1 cells
Inhibition of proliferative effects mediated by
epidermal growth factor
Ovary cancer Propranolol Murine ovarian cancer HeyA8, SKOV3ip1, A2780,
RMG-II, MB-231 cells
Reversion of AR agonist and daily stress-induced
tumor growth and angiogenesis.
Pancreas cancer ICI 118,551, metoprolol Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma MIA PaCa-2,
BxPC-3 cells
G1/S phase cell cycle arrest; apoptosis; anti-
proliferative, anti-invasive effect
feasibility of administering β-blockers before, during and after
surgical ovarian cancer debulking until completion of che-
motherapy to mitigate depression and anxiety and to evaluate
an impact on immune response and survival. The randomized
multicenter phase 2 study NCT01857817 was designed to eval-
uate clinical benefits and changes in circulating prostate-
Table 2. (Continued).
Cancer type β-blocker Cell lines; animal model; patient sample Mode of action Ref.
Pancreas cancer Atenolol, propranolol, ICI
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patient cohort Synergistic effects with gemcitabine on survival
Pancreas cancer Propranolol Human pancreatic carcinoma Panc-1 cells Reversion of pro-tumor effects of norepinephrine
Pancreas cancer Propranolol Human pancreatic cancer Colo-357, BxPC-3, MIA
PaCa-2, Panc-1, PaTus cells; murine pancreatic
cancer 6606PDA, TD1, TD2, Panc02 cells; C57BL/6
Reversion of catecholamine-induced proliferation
and migration
Pancreas cancer ICI 118,551 Human pancreatic cancer BxPC-3, MIA PaCa-2 cells Synergistic effect with gemcitabine (anti-proliferative
and pro-apoptotic effects); inhibition of NFkB
Pancreas cancer Metoprolol, propranolol,
ICI 118,551
Human pancreatic cancer BxPC-3, MIA PaCa-2 cells Anti-proliferative and anti-invasive effect by
inhibition of cAMP/PKA and Ras, NFkB, AP-1, CREB,
Pancreas cancer Propranolol Human pancreatic cancer BxPC-3, MIA PaCa-2 cells Reversion of the invasive effect of norepinephrine
Pancreas cancer Propranolol Nitrosamine-induced pancreas cancer in Syrian
golden hamsters
Anti-tumor effect by blocking cAMP-dependent
intracellular signaling, cAMP-dependent release of
EGF and PKA-dependent release of VEGF
Pancreas cancer Butoxamine, metoprolol,
Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma PC-2 cells Apoptosis
Pancreas cancer Propranolol Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma Panc-1 cells Reversion of the pro-tumor effect (tumor growth) of
AR agonist
Pancreas cancer Propranolol Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma Panc-1, HPAF-II,
Capan-1 cells; BALB/c-Foxn1nu mice
Reversion of proliferative and invasive effects
induced by the activation of AR by chronic stress
Prostate cancer Propranolol Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma PC-3 cells Propranolol + 2DG (glycolysis inhibitor) induced
autophagy, anti-proliferative effects, apoptosis,
mitochondrial morphology alteration,
endoplasmic reticulum stress, and suppression of
tumor growth
Prostate cancer Propranolol Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma PC-3 cells; BALB/
c mice
Reversion of norepinephrine-induced lumbar lymph
Prostate cancer ICI 118,551 Human prostate cancer C42 cells Prevention of stress-induced effects
Bladder cancer,
prostate cancer
Propranolol Human prostate cancer C4, human prostate cancer,
human urinary bladder carcinoma T24 cells
Apoptosis; inhibition of MAPK pathway
Thyroid cancer Propranolol Human thyroid cancer K1, BCPAP, ATC, BHP27 cells Inhibition of tumor growth; apoptosis; cell cycle
arrest; decreased expression HK2 and GLUT1;
Synergism with vemurafenib
Uveal melanoma Carvedilol Human uveal melanoma Mel270, 92–1, UPMD2,
UPMM3 cells
Inhibition of tumor growth; prevention of long-term
survival; additive cytotoxic effect with radiation
Colorectal cancer,
Propranolol Murine melanoma B16-OVA cells, colorectal cancer
CT26.CL25 cells; C57BL/6NCr and BALB/c mice
Decreased tumor growth in stressed mice; reduced
checkpoint receptors; increased glycolysis/
mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative
phosphorylation and CD28 expression in TILs;
increased expression of anti-tumor cytokines
Lung cancer, skin
Carvedilol Murine epidermal cancer JB6 P
cells; human lung
cancer A549 cells
Inhibition of EGF-induced malignant transformation;
inhibition of EGF-mediated activator protein-1
(AP-1) activation
Breast cancer,
Colorectal cancer,
liver cancer
Atenolol, propranolol, ICI
Human breast cancer MCF7, colorectal cancer HT29,
liver cancer HepG2 cells
Anti-proliferative, anti-migratory and anti-invasive
Lung cancer,
Propranolol Murine melanoma B16F10.9,
Lewis lung carcinoma 3LL cells; C57BL/6J mice
Combined with COX-2 inhibitor etodolac: improved
overall survival and recurrence free-survival;
reversed surgical glucocorticoid stress: increase NK
cytotoxicity and expression of Fas ligand and
CD11a; decreased corticosterone level
Breast cancer, cervix
Carvedilol Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231; melanoma Fem-
x; cervix adenocarcinoma HeLa, leukemia K562
Anti-proliferative effect
Propranolol Murine melanoma B16, fibrosarcoma Meth A cells;
C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice
Inhibit psychological stress-enhanced tumor growth
/ Atenolol, propranolol, ICI
Preclinical in vivo model (xenografts) Inhibition of cell viability and xenograft growth;
decreased phosphorylation of AKT/MEK/ERK;
activation of CD8
T cells in TME
/ Propranolol Mouse model of vaccine-based immunotherapy
(C57BL/6J and OT-IxSJL) + TC1 expressing HPV16-
Improved efficacy of antitumor STxBE7 vaccine by
enhanced the CD8
T cell infiltration
specific antigen (PSA) of the VT-122 protocol consisting of
a co-administration of 22 mg propranolol plus etodolac 340 mg
in clinically progressive prostate cancer. Table 5
Ongoing clinical trials
Most registered currently ongoing studies aim at evaluating the
clinical impact, in particular overall survival and disease-free
survival, after administration of β-blockers during the manage-
ment of various solid tumors and hematological malignancies.
Some of these trials also investigate potential advantages aris-
ing from the combination of β-blockers with additional antic-
ancer or non-anticancer agents.
β-blockers as single agents
The randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial
MELABLOCK (NCT02962947) is designed to evaluate the
efficacy and safety of a daily dose of 80 mg propranolol in
patients with stage II/IIIA melanoma. NCT04518124 consists
of a single arm propranolol administered in a dose of 40–80 mg
2–3 times per day immediately after diagnosis of cutaneous
angiosarcoma extending over a period of 3–6 weeks. Clinical
and histological responses defined as a decrease in Ki-67 index
will be measured until study completion. The early phase
I interventional trial NCT03245554 intends to enroll in total
80 patients with gastric adenocarcinoma or non-metastasized
colon cancer without any prior treatment. Propranolol will be
administered for 1 week as a neoadjuvant treatment during the
preoperative period and CT-scan and Ki-67 index will be used
to evaluate tumor growth. NCT02944201 aims to investigate
whether β-blockers administered to prostate cancer patients
from the point of diagnosis until prostatectomy can decrease
tumor growth measured by Ki-67 index and TUNEL assay
performed on prostatectomy tissues. Notably, the phase II
study NCT05679193 presents as a large randomized controlled
trial that aims to assess the potential of a 3 weeks propranolol
regimen in reducing recurrences after robot-assisted laparo-
scopic prostatectomy, a surgical procedure significantly less
inflammatory and stressful as compared to conventional lapar-
otomy. The study will assess changes in catecholamines and
PSA levels during the perioperative period, the bioavailability
of propranolol as well as the impact on anesthesiological and
surgical strategies including the use of vasopressors, and the
occurrence of complications. Finally, NCT05312255 focuses
on the evaluation of immune effects, stress reduction and
quality of life in non-chemotherapeutic interventions such
as physical activity, specific nutritional regimen and propra-
nolol treatment in patients with multiple myeloma.
β-blockers combined with conventional anticancer
Four interventional clinical trials are planned to examine safety
and efficacy of propranolol administered in combination with
conventional chemotherapy to potentiate antitumor responses.
NCT04005365 aims at incorporating propranolol into neoad-
juvant chemotherapy in gastric cancer patients with the aim to
improve overall response. NCT02641314 aims at administering
a combination of propranolol with NSAID (celecoxib) anti-
neuroblastic drugs (cyclophosphamide, etoposide and vinblas-
tine) in children and adolescents with recurrent or progressive
neuroblastoma. The primary objective is to demonstrate the
non-inferiority in survival compared with controls, while as
secondary outcomes safety, tolerance, and disease response
rate will be assessed. NCT03108300 aims at assessing overall
and progression-free survival in patients with metastatic soft
tissue sarcoma co-administered propranolol 40 mg twice daily
and doxorubicin. NCT02897986 is a dose escalation trial to
determine the maximal tolerated dose of vinorelbine adminis-
tered in combination with daily oral propranolol in children
and teenagers with refractory solid tumors. NCT04682158
aims to determine the safety and efficacy of propranolol com-
bined with standard neoadjuvant chemoradiation, as well as an
impact on overall survival and pathologic response rate in
patients undergoing esophageal cancer resection. The rando-
mized phase II clinical trial NCT04493489 focuses on safety
and efficacy of propranolol in adjuvant BCG therapy after the
transurethral resection of bladder cancer and evaluates the
capacity of the combination treatment to decrease relapses
over a 2-year period. Table 6
Figure 2. Scheme of the biological effects of β-blockers. cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; COX-2, cyclooxygenase 2; EGFR, epithelial growth factor receptor; ER,
endoplasmic reticulum; IL, interleukin; MDSCs, myeloid-derived suppressor cells; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; NK, natural killer; PKA, protein kinase A; TME, tumor
microenvironment; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. Created with
Table 3. Published observational studies (prospective, retrospective, and meta-analyses) investigating the inhibition of adrenergic signaling pathway in cancer patients.
Cancer Beta-blockers Conventional anticancer agents Results Study Ref.
Brain cancer β-blockers NA 225 patients included. Control of tumor growth (p=0.001), tumor progression (p=0.0001) and higher survival
(p=0.015). Strong correlation between β-blockers and survival (p=0.049)
Breast cancer (HER2+) Atenolol, bisoprolol,
Trastuzumab PFS adjusted HR=2.21, 95%CI[1.56–3.12]; p<0.001
OS adjusted HR=2.46, 95% CI[1.69–3.57]; p<0.001
Breast cancer (HER2-) Atenolol, bisoprolol,
Docetaxel and/or ramucirumab Improved PFS (15.5 vs 8.3 months); p=0.038
No significant difference in OS
Breast cancer Atenolol, bisoprolol,
propranolol, timolol
NA Reduction in metastasis (p=0.026), tumor recurrence (p=0.001) and longer disease-free interval (p=0.01). A 57%
reduction in risk of metastasis (HR=0.430; 95%CI[0.200–0.926], p=0.031). A 71% reduction in mortality after 10
years (HR=0.291; 95%CI[0.119–0.715]; p=0.007). No significant difference in vascular invasion.
Breast cancer β-blockers NA 46 245 patients included. Survival HR=0.44; 95%CI[0.26–0.73] with I
=78%. DFS HR=0.71; 95%CI[0.19–1.03] Meta-analysis
Colo-rectal cancer β-blockers Chemotherapy (2628 patients)
Radiotherapy (1427 patients)
4794 patients included. β-blockers decreased mortality (adjusted OR=0.88; 95%CI[0.77–1.00]; p=0.04) Retrospective
Carvedilol, nadolol,
propranolol, timolol
NA 47 studies (28 RCT + 19 cohorts) included. No significant association between propranolol (OR=0.94;95%CI [0.62–
1.44]) or timolol (OR=1.32; 95%CI [0.44–3.95]) and HCC incidence. Risk of HCC decreased by 26% and 38% with
nadolol (OR=0.74; 95%CI[0.64–0.86]; p=0.796) and carvedilol (OR=0.62; 95%CI[0.52–0.74]; p=0.776).
Carvedilol, propranolol,
nadolol, timolol
NA 23 studies were included (totaling 2618 patients). β-blockers do not reduce mortality. Meta-analysis
Lung cancer Landiolol Adjuvant chemotherapy (8
28 patients included in the landiolol group and 29 in the control group. HR for RFS in the landiolol group was 0.41;
95%CI[0.13–1.34]; p = 0.1294.
HR for RFS in the landiolol group without adjuvant chemotherapy was 0.50; 95%CI[0.15–1.62];
p = 0.2363.
Lung cancer Selective agents:
Non selective agents:
labetolol, nadolol,
propranolol, sotalol
Radiotherapy (100% patients)
Chemotherapy (90% patients)
722 patients (155 patients received β-blockers). Univariate analysis: better Distant Metastasis Free Survival
(p<0.01), DFS (p<0.01), and OS (p=0.01) compared with no β-blockers. Multivariate analysis: better DMFS
(HR=0.67; p=0.01), DFS (HR=0.74; p=0.02), and OS (HR=0.78; p=0.02)
Melanoma β-blockers NA 121 patients (30 patients treated with β-blockers). A 36% risk reduction of progression each year in the treated
group (95%CI[11%-54%]; p=0.002)
Melanoma Selective agents:
acebutolol, atenolol,
celiprolol, esmolol,
carteolol, carvedilol,
nadolol, oxprenolol,
pindolol, practolol,
propranolol, sotalol,
± pembrolizumab No prognostic effect of β-blockers on RFS (HR=0.67; 95%CI [0.38–1.19] in the pembrolizumab group and HR=1.15;
95%CI [0.80–1.66] in the placebo group).
Table 3. (Continued).
Cancer Beta-blockers Conventional anticancer agents Results Study Ref.
Ovary cancer Atenolol, bisoprolol,
oxprenolol, pindolol,
NA Extension of at least 8 years post-surgery if use non selective β-blockers Retrospective
Ovary cancer Metoprolol No chemotherapy (9 patients)
IV platinum (146 patients)
IV-IP platinum (30 patients)
Metoprolol given before and during cytoreduction for 70 patients vs 115 patients (control group). OS was
significantly higher in β-blocker group (44.2 vs 39.3 months; p=0.01). In multivariate analysis, β-blocker was
associated with significant improvement in OS (HR 0.68; 95%CI[0.46–0.99]; p=0.046).
Ovary cancer Acebutolol, atenolol,
talinolol, soltalol
carboplatin, gemcitabine No difference in PFS (7.79 vs 7.62 months; p=0.95) and OS (21.2 vs 17.3 months; p=0.18) between β-blockers
group and control group.
Prostate cancer β-blockers No hormono- radio- or
chemotherapy prior surgery
(exclusion criteria)
11 117 men were included. β-blockers at time of surgery were significantly associated with a lower risk of
treatment for cancer recurrence (adjusted HR=0.64; 95% CI[0.42–0.96]; p=0.03)
Solid tumors Atenolol, bisoprolol,
carvedilol, labetalol,
nebivolol, solatol
Immunotherapy (PD-1, PD-L1,
CTLA-4 inhibitors)
± chemotherapy
11 studies included (=10 156 patients). No association between β-blockers and OS (HR=0.97; 95%CI[0.85–1.11]) or
PFS (HR=0.98; 95%CI[0.90–1.06]). Significant better response to immunotherapy in the cohort (OR=0.42; 95%CI
[0.19–0.94]; p=0.036) and lung cancer subgroup (OR= 0.25; 95%CI [0.08–0.83]); p=0.024)
Solid tumors Acebutolol, atenolol,
carvedilol, celiprolol,
metoprolol, nadolol,
oxprenolol, pindolol,
propranolol, timolol
NA Reduction in risk of cancer (HR=0.33 95%CI[0.13; 0.83]; p=0.019). In the meta-analysis sub-analysis: lower risk of
cancer (MH-OR=0.93 95%CI[0.86; 1.01]; p=0.070).
and meta-
Solid tumors β-blockers Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in
some studies
20 cohorts and 4 case controls (76 538 patients). β-blockers were given after the diagnosis of cancer. HR all causes
mortality=0.89 (95%CI [0.81–0.98]). HR cancer mortality=0.89 (95%CI [0.79–0.99]).
Solid tumors β-blockers Immunotherapy (PD-1, PD-L1,
CTLA-4 inhibitors)
13 studies included (=3 331 patients). Concomitant use of NSAIDs, β-blockers and metformin is not associated
with improved OS or PFS.
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; DMFS, distant metastasis free survival; HR, hazard ratio; IV, intravenous; IP, intraperitoneal; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression free-survival;
RFS, recurrence free-survival.
Table 4. Published interventional and randomized controlled trials investigating the inhibition of adrenergic signaling pathway in cancer patients.
Cancer Beta-blockers
Conventional anticancer
treatment Results Cardiovascular effects Study Phase Ref.
Breast cancer (HER2+) Propranolol Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
(taxanes/ anthracyclines)
10 patients included. Propranolol started at 20mg and then increased to
80mg daily. Feasibility of combining propranolol with chemotherapy.
Bradycardia in 3 patients Interventional II
Breast cancer Propranolol No neoadjuvant chemotherapy
(exclusion criteria)
60 patients randomized to receive placebo or propranolol (escalating
doses 80-160mg daily for 7 days before surgery). Reduction in
intratumoral mesenchymal polarization and increase in immune cell
Minimal reduction in blood
pressure (<20 mmHg)
and heart rate (<10
Bradycardia in 1 patient
Hypotension in 3 patients
Breast cancer Propranolol + etodolac NA 38 patients randomized to receive propranolol + etodolac 5 days before
and 6 days after surgery or placebo. Significant decrease in epithelial
to mesenchymal transition, prometastatic/proinflammatory
transcription factors and tumor-infiltrating monocytes. Increase in
tumor-infiltrating B cells. Abrogation of serum IL-6 and C-reactive
protein levels, and IL-12/IFNγ production.
Breast cancer Propranolol With or without parecoxib
No neoadjuvant chemo- or
radiotherapy (exclusion
101 women were randomized to receive propranolol ± parecoxib or
placebo before and after mastectomy. β-blockers reduced surgical
stress-induced Treg cells. No additive or synergic effect with
Propranolol group:
significant decrease in
heart rate during the per-
operative period
Colo-rectal cancer Propranolol + etodolac NA 34 patients included to receive propranolol + etodolac for 5 days before
and 15 days after surgery or placebo. Significant improvement
(p<0.05) of tumor molecular markers. In compliant patients group,
recurrence rates were 0% in the treatment group and 29.4% in the
placebo group (p=0.054).
Melanoma Propranolol Pembrolizumab 9 patients included in three groups (10 mg, 20 mg or 30 mg propranolol
twice a day). Association with immunotherapy was safe, tolerable,
increased IFN-γ and decreased IL-6.
10 mg group: 2 partial responses and 1 stable disease
20 mg group: 2 partial responses and 1 progressive disease
30 mg group: 3 partial responses
Hypotension in 1 patient
(30 mg)
Interventional I
Melanoma Propranolol NA 53 patients included (19 received propranolol). β-blockers are associated
with a 80% risk reduction in recurrence (HR=0.18; 95%CI [0.04–0.89];
Propranolol group 15.8% disease progression and 10.5% death vs
41.2% and 17.7% in the control group.
DFS 89% propranolol group vs 64% at 3 years, p=0.04). Cox model : HR
DFS 0.18, 95%CI [0.04–0.89], p=0.03; HR OS 0.64, 95%CI [0.1–3.96],
Multiple myeloma Propanolol Melphalan 25 patients included. Feasibility to recruit and treat multiple myeloma
during hematopoietic cell transplantation.
Hypotension in 1 patient RCT II
Ovary cancer Propranolol Carboplatin and paclitaxel 26 patients included. Feasibility of propranolol before chemotherapy or
surgery. Decrease in adrenergic stress markers.
55.5% complete response/33.3% partial response/5.6% stable
response/5.6% progressive response
NA Interventional I
Abbreviations: DFS, disease free-survival; HR, hazard ratio; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Table 5. Completed and terminated clinical trials investigating the inhibition of adrenergic signaling pathway in cancer patients (not yet published).
Cancer Drug Assessed outcomes Status Phase Co-therapy Study NCT
Breast cancer Esmolol Metoprolol –Postoperative consumption of narcotic
–Impact of postoperative acute and chronic pain
–Nausea, vomiting
Completed NA As a single agent RCT NCT01544959
Breast cancer Propanolol –Decrease in tumor proliferative index (Ki-67) Terminated II As a single agent Interventional NCT02596867
Breast cancer Propranolol –Number of patients with pathologic complete response at 6 months Completed II Combined with neoadjuvant
Interventional NCT01847001
Gliobla-stoma Carvedilol –Correlation between RT-qPCR assay for circulating tumor cells and the
change in response to MRI results
–Evaluate response
Terminated Early phase I Combined with standard
Interventional NCT03861598
Ovary cancer Propanolol –Feasibility of concurrent β–blocker administration with chemotherapy
–Blood markers
–Immunohistochemistry of angiogenic markers on tumor samples
Completed I Concurrent chemotherapy Interventional NCT01308944
Ovary cancer Propanolol –Complete 6 cycles of chemotherapy
–Change in mood state
–DFS and OS
–Change in immune response
(IL-6, IL-8, VEGF)
Completed Early phase I Combined with chemotherapy Interventional NCT01504126
Prostate cancer Propanolol –Change in PSA
–Time to symptom progression
–Change in correlative biomarkers
Terminated II Combined with etodolac RCT NCT01857817
Solid tumors Propanolol –Toxicity
–Change in VEGF
–Effect of β-adrenergic blockade on the TME and on the host immune
–DFS and OS
Completed Early Phase I As a single agent Interventional NCT02013492
Abbreviations: CRS, cytokine release syndrome; DFS, disease-free-survival; IL, Interleukin; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; ORR, overall response rate; OS, overall survival; PSA, prostate specific antigen; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; TME, tumor microenvironment; VEGF, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor.
Table 6. Ongoing clinical trials investigating the inhibition of adrenergic signaling pathway in cancer patients.
Cancer Drug Outcomes Status Phase Co-therapy Study NCT
Angio-sarcoma Propanolol –Clinical and histological
response (decrease of >30%
of Ki-67 index)
Recruiting II As a single agent Interventional NCT04518124
Bladder Propanolol –Two-year recurrence-free
Not yet recruiting II Combined with BCG vaccine RCT NCT04493489
Breast Propanolol –Cytotoxic activity of NK cells,
levels of NKT cells,
lymphocytes, monocytes
and granulocytes; cytokine
levels; In vitro cytokine
secretion; levels of cortisol
and VEGF.
−5-year recurrence
Unknown NA Combined with etodolac during
perioperative period
RCT NCT00502684
Colo-rectal Propanolol −5-year DFS
–Tumor-infiltrating leucocytes.
Pro-tumor and
inflammatory cytokines
–Adverse effects (Clavien-
Dindo classification,
depression, anxiety, global
distress, fatigue)
Recruiting II Combined with etodolac during
perioperative period
RCT NCT03919461
Colo-rectal Propanolol –Recurrence
–Magnitude and duration of
surgically induced immune
–Morbidity. Mortality
Unknown III Combined with etodolac during
perioperative period
RCT NCT00888797
Esophagus Propanolol −5-year DFS and OS. Recruiting II Combined with chemoradiation RCT NCT04682158
Gastro-esophagus Propanolol –Toxicities and adverse events
Not yet recruiting II Combined with pembrolizumab,
fluorouracil, oxaliplatin and
Interventional NCT05651594
Gastric Propanolol –ORR Unknown II Combined with neochemo-therapy Interventional NCT04005365
Gastro-intestinal Propanolol –Tumor size (Computed
tomography and Ki-67)
Unknown Early phase I As a single agent Interventional NCT03245554
Liver Propanolol –Failure free survival
–Clinical benefit response
Unknown II Combined with etodolac and sorafenib RCT NCT01265576
Liver, pancreas, gallbladder Propanolol –Efficacy in boosting the
effects of immunotherapy
–Feasibility. Safety
Not yet recruiting II Combined with durvalumab,
gemcitabine, paclitaxel,
tremelimumab, cisplatin
Interventional NCT05451043
Lung Landiolol −2-year relapse-free survival
and OS after surgery
–additional treatment after
recurrence. Safety events.
Postoperative complications
Unknown III As a single agent RCT No NCT
Melanoma Propanolol –Dose limiting toxicities
Recruiting I/II Combined with pembrolizumab Interventional NCT03384836
Melanoma Propanolol –DFS. OS. Mortality
–Long-term safety
Unknown II/III As a single agent RCT NCT02962947
Melanoma Propranolol –PFS. ORR. OS Not yet recruiting I Combined with ipilimumab and
Interventional NCT05968690
Table 6. (Continued).
Cancer Drug Outcomes Status Phase Co-therapy Study NCT
Multiple myeloma Propanolol –Changes in immune cell
–Changes in the gut
–Comparison in bone markers
–Changes in body composition
–Changes in stress, anxiety,
fatigue, functional status,
nutritional behavior before
and after intermittent
fasting and stress-related
Recruiting NA As a single agent Interventional NCT05312255
Neuro-blastoma Propanolol –Event free survival
–Disease control rate at 6 and
12 months
–Hospitalization days.
–Number of transfusion days
–Drop-out rate
Recruiting II Combined with celecoxib, cyclo-
phosphamide, vinblastine,
Interventional NCT02641314
Pancreas β-blockers –DFS. OS. Recruiting NA As a single agent or combined with
aspirin, metformin, ACE-inhibitors,
Pancreas Propanolol –Recurrence
–Tumor-infiltrating leukocytes.
Protumor and inflammatory
–Adverse effects (Clavien-
Dindo classification,
depression, anxiety, global
distress, fatigue)
Recruiting II Combined with etodolac RCT NCT03838029
Prostate Carvedilol –Change in biomarkers (Ki-67,
TUNEL assay) in prostate
–Change in serum PSA
Not yet recruiting II As a single agent prior to surgery Interventional NCT02944201
Prostate Propanolol –Feasibility
–Safety and tolerability
–Changes in catecholamines
levels in perioperative
period. Serum level of PSA
–Change in distress
–Surgical complications
Proportion of patients
requiring vasopressors.
Procedure time. Blood loss.
–Tumor-infiltrating leucocytes.
–Prognostic and predictive
Recruiting II As a single agent RCT NCT05679193
Sarcoma Propanolol –DFS. OS Unknown II Combined with doxorubicin Interventional NCT03108300
Solid tumors
Hematolo-gical malignancy
Metoprolol –Safety and tolerability
–Efficacy for CRS control and
Recruiting I/II Combined with CAR-T cells therapy ±
infliximab, etanercept, tocilizumab
and/or other agents
Interventional NCT04082910
Table 6. (Continued).
Cancer Drug Outcomes Status Phase Co-therapy Study NCT
Solid tumors Propanolol –Decrease in toxicity of
Unknown I Combined with vinorelbine Interventional NCT02897986
Urothelial Propanolol –DFS. ORR. OS.
–Adverse events
Recruiting II Combined with pembrolizumab Interventional NCT04848519
Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin; CAR-T cells, chimeric antigenic receptor-T cells; CRS, cytokine release syndrome; DFS, disease-free survival; NK, natural killer; ORR, overall
response rate; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression free survival; PSA, prostate specific antigen; RCT, randomized controlled trial; TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling.
β-blockers combined with immunotherapy
Five interventional trials (NCT05651594, NCT05451043,
NCT03384836, NCT04848519, NCT01265576, NCT05968690)
aim at exploring the addition of β-AR antagonists to immu-
notherapy (with pembrolizumab, durvalumab, tremelimumab,
ipilimumab or nivolumab) alone or together with standard
chemotherapy in the treatment of unresectable advanced and/
or metastatic digestive adenocarcinoma, stage III/IV melanoma
and urothelial cancers. The primary objective is to evaluate the
efficacy of β-blockade in boosting immunotherapy as measured
by response evaluation criteria in solid tumors (RECIST).
Secondary explorative objectives encompass correlations of bio-
markers (such as immune effectors, circulating cytokines and
stress) with efficacy, progression-free survival and overall
NCT04082910 will test the β1 adrenergic receptor blocker
metropolol for its ability to control and prevent of cytokine
release syndrome (CRS) in patients with lymphoma and leu-
kemia enrolled for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell
infusion. Safety and tolerability of metropolol will be con-
firmed by evaluating heart rate and blood pressure, while the
efficacy in the control of CRS will be assessed by monitoring
body temperature and serum IL-6 levels.
β-blockers combined with other agents
Four prospective trials (NCT00502684, NCT03919461,
NCT00888797, NCT03838029) aim at combining β-blockers
with COX-2 inhibitors before, during, and after breast or
colorectal cancer surgery to evaluate the impact on immune
effector activity and tumor-infiltrating leucocytes. Moreover,
cytokine secretion and serum levels of cortisol and VEGF will
be assessed alongside psychological examinations. Oncological
outcomes such as morbidity and mortality will be assessed in
a 5-year follow up. Lastly, the monocentric observational pro-
spective study NCT04245644 will evaluate if the combination
of β-blockers with four chemopreventive agents (angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitors, aspirin, metformin, and statin)
can improve the overall and disease-free survival in 800
patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Stress-related hormones and signaling via β-adrenergic recep-
tors impact oncogenesis. Preclinical researches and pilot clinical
trials support the hypothesis that β-blockers administered at
clinically relevant concentrations during anticancer therapy
extend the lifespan of individuals with malignant disease.
Whether this effect is due to the direct blockage of β-AR and/
or due to an indirect systemic effect via the reduction of stress
and corticotropic activity is still under discussion. Indeed, upon
physical, biological, and psychological stress, the corticotropic
HPA axis is activated releasing substantial amounts of immu-
nosuppressive catecholamines and cortisol. Catecholamines are
ligands of β-AR located at the plasma membrane of cytolytic
immune effectors, negatively impacting mobility and activity,
but also on β-AR present on cancer cells where they can stimu-
late proliferation, invasion, and migration. Of note, different β-
AR subtypes are present with a strong predominance of the β2
ICI 118 551, the most selective β2-AR antagonist,
demonstrated consistent antitumor activity while no or partial
effects were observed with the β1-specific blocker atenolol.
The implication of β1-receptors is still uncertain, and further
investigation is required to understand the contribution of each
type of receptor in tumor development. Selective β3-AR antago-
nists have been even less studied, however, preclinical data
noticed antiproliferative and apoptotic effects, suggesting
β3-AR could be a target for anticancer therapy.
At present, in the field of oncology, preference is giving
to nonspecific β-blockers such as propranolol, which tar-
gets both β1/2 ARs. However, it is important to consider
potential side effects arising from dual β1/2 blocking. Due
to the expression of β-ARs at the tumor cell surface, some
research has explored the use of carvedilol, a α-blocker,
with alpha-blocking property and has demonstrated an
anti-tumor effect. Thus, reduced tumor cell proliferation
was observed following the use of α2-AR agonists such as
clonidine, a common anti-hypertensive agent.
might indicate a crosstalk between α2- and β2-ARs in
stimulating cancer cell growth. Further research is needed
to elucidate the pro- or anti-tumor profiles of α-ARs.
An interesting aspect was advanced with clinical trial
NCT01544959 in which authors hypothesized that fentanyl,
an opioid used to control acute pain during induction and
maintenance of anesthesia, could be replaced by β-blockers.
Opioids have been ascribed with pro-tumorigenic effects, such
as stimulating tumor cell migration by the activation of MMPs,
activation of the oncogene c-MYC and inhibition of anti-
angiogenic TSP-1.
Alternative techniques such as
“opioid-free-anesthesia”, a specific protocol mixing local anes-
thetics, ketamine, magnesium and dexmedetomidine, are
emerging for the management of acute pain during the per-
operative period. In this setting, due to their anti-tumor effect
and immunostimulatory properties, β-blockers appear as an
appealing option for opioid replacement. Reportedly, β-adre-
nergic stimulation inhibits the primary phase of CD8
T lymphocytes activation, thus providing a rationale for the
administration of β-blockers together with T cell targeted
Surgical glucocorticoid stress is significantly activated by
local and systemic inflammatory pain that can be caused by
surgical tissue damage and is mediated by pro-tumorigenic
COX-2. Several randomized controlled trials advanced the
possibility to potentiate antitumor effects by blocking sympa-
thetic signaling and managing pain with a combination of β-
AR antagonists and COX-2 inhibitors (NCT00502584;
NCT03919461; NCT00888797; NCT03838029). COX-2 inhibi-
tors belong to the family of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) and previous observational clinical trials sup-
ported the notion that NSAIDs might improve oncological
outcomes. Thus, Desmedt et al. observed that intraoperative
administration of ketorolac, a COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor,
significantly reduced the incidence of distant recurrences after
breast cancer surgery.
In a study involving 327 women
undergoing mastectomy, Forget et al. reported a significantly
lower recurrence rate (p = 0.019) after administration of ketor-
olac prior to surgery, while other analgesics, such as sufentanil,
ketamine and clonidine, showed no effect.
A retrospective
analysis in a cohort of 720 breast cancer patients revealed that
injection of the NSAIDs ketorolac and diclofenac during con-
servative breast cancer surgery correlated with improved dis-
ease-free (HR = 0.57, p = 0.01) and overall survival (HR = 0.35,
p = 0.03).
Finally, in a propensity score matching study
involving 2502 patients with non-small cell lung cancer, immu-
notherapy combined with the administration of NSAIDs was
associated with a better overall survival (HR = 0.85,
p < 0.001).
In vitro, ketorolac was found to decrease prolif-
eration, migration and angiogenesis, and to enhance the sensi-
tivity of renal cancer to apoptosis. In mice, ketorolac caused
tumor growth inhibition when used as a standalone agent or
combined with sunitinib.
In a model of head and neck
squamous cell carcinoma, COX-2 inhibition showed additive
and synergistic effects with EGFR inhibitors enhancing tumor
cell death both in vitro and in vivo, especially in PIK3CA-
mutated cancers.
Altogether, the combination of COX-2
inhibitors with β-blockers seems to be a promising option to
potentiate antitumor responses.
In addition, activation of β-ARs in response to surgical
stress promotes the survival of circulating tumor cells and
increases the incidence of metastases. Surgical glucocorti-
coid stress can be optimally managed by spinal anesthesia
or epidural anesthesia during the perioperative period.
By controlling stress and inflammatory pain, medullar
anesthesia also positively impacted oncological outcome
by decreasing the incidence of recurrence. However, these
analgesic procedures are contraindicated in bleeding disor-
ders, infection, backbone osteosynthesis or upon patient
refusal, necessitating alternative analgesia techniques. In
this case, anxiolytic premedication (the day before and 2 h
before surgery), for instance with benzodiazepines, can
control surgical stress. Premedication has four main objec-
tives: i) decreasing the level of anxiety and its physical
consequences such as tachycardia, perspiration and poly-
pnea; ii) minimizing the intensity of biochemical reactions
and metabolic activity; iii) enhancing the analgesic potency
of anesthetics; and iv) blocking parasympathetic effects
induced by anesthesia and surgery such as salivary hyper-
secretion, nausea, vomiting, laryngeal spasms, and dys-
rhythmia. Here, β-blockers offer an appealing
premedication option because they address all the afore-
mentioned objectives without the known side effects of
benzodiazepines such as sleepiness, confusion, and balance
disorder. In contrast to other cardiologic agents targeting
the angiotensin system, β-blockers are not contraindicated
prior to anesthetic procedures. To reverse or inhibit the
surgical glucocorticoid stress-induced immune system sup-
pression, β-blockers used at a dose not triggering hypoten-
sion, could be considered for cancer patients, especially in
the case of contraindication for medullar anesthesia. So far,
specific guidelines for the use of β-blockers during the
preoperative period are still lacking, and the efficacy of
such premedications still requires further demonstration.
All forms of stress, be they physical, biological, or of psycho-
logical origin, can activate sympathetic signaling pathways
promoting the release of catecholamines and other stress med-
iators into the systemic circulation. Catecholamines promote
the proliferation, migration, and invasion of tumor cells, while
suppressing the cytolytic function of immune effectors,
through direct interaction with β-AR located on their plasma
membrane. β-blockers can counteract such deleterious effects
by competitively interfering with the binding of catechola-
mines to AR. Promising results from preclinical and clinical
pilot studies suggesting that β-blockade can improve the out-
come of cancer treatments now await confirmation in ongoing
prospective randomized controlled trials. The facts that
β-blockers are already approved and widely used for cardio-
vascular indications may accelerate their deployment in onco-
logical practice.
AA arachidonic acid
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
AP-1 activator protein 1
AR adrenergic receptor
BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate
CAR-T cells chimeric antigenic receptor-T cells
ccRCC clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
CDDP cisplatin
CI confidence interval
COX-2 cyclooxygenase 2
CREB cAMP response element-binding protein
CRS cytokine release syndrome
CTLA4 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4
CTLs cytotoxic T lymphocytes
DC dendritic cell
DFS disease-free survival
EGF epidermal growth factor
EGFR epithelial growth factor receptor
ER endoplasmic reticulum
ERK extracellular signal-regulated kinase
5-FU 5-fluorouracil
HPA hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
HR Hazard ratio
HPA hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
IFN interferon
IL interleukin
MAPK mitogen activated protein kinase
MDSCs myeloid-derived suppressor cells
MMP matrix metalloproteinase
NFkB nuclear factor kappa B
NK natural killer
NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
ORR overall response rate
OS overall survival
OSCC oral squamous cell carcinoma
PD-1 programmed death receptor 1
PFS progression-free survival
PGE2 prostaglandin E2
PKA/C protein kinase A/C
PSA prostate-specific antigen
RCT randomized controlled trial
RFS recurrence-free survival
ROS reactive oxygen species
TME tumor microenvironment
TUNEL terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP
nick end labeling
VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor
VHL Von Hippel Lindau
KCLP receives funding from the Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) Ile-
de-France (Année-recherche Pharmacie). OK receives funding from
Institut National du Cancer (INCa) and Agence Nationale de la
Recherche (ANR); GK is supported by the Ligue contre le Cancer
(équipe labellisée); ANR Projets blancs; AMMICa US23/CNRS
UMS3655; Association pour la recherche sur le cancer (ARC);
Cancéropôle Ile-de-France; Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale
(FRM); a donation by Elior; Equipex Onco-Pheno-Screen; European
Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJPRD); European Research
Council (ICD-Cancer), European Union Horizon 2020 Projects
Oncobiome and Crimson; Fondation Carrefour; INCa; Institut
Universitaire de France; LabEx Immuno-Oncology (ANR-18-IDEX-
0001); a Cancer Research ASPIRE Award from the Mark
Foundation; the RHU Immunolife; Seerave Foundation; SIRIC
Stratified Oncology Cell DNA Repair and Tumor Immune
Elimination (SOCRATE); and SIRIC Cancer Research and
Personalized Medicine (CARPEM). This study contributes to the
IdEx Université de Paris ANR-18-IDEX-0001.
Disclosures statement
OK and GK have been holding research contracts with Daiichi Sankyo,
Eleor, Kaleido, Lytix Pharma, PharmaMar, Osasuna Therapeutics,
Samsara Therapeutics, Sanofi, Tollys, and Vascage. GK is on the Board
of Directors of the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation France. GK is
a scientific co-founder of everImmune, Osasuna Therapeutics, Samsara
Therapeutics and Therafast Bio. OK is a scientific co-founder of Samsara
Therapeutics. GK is in the scientific advisory boards of Hevolution,
Institut Servier and Longevity Vision Funds. GK is the inventor of patents
covering therapeutic targeting of aging, cancer, cystic fibrosis and meta-
bolic disorders. GK’s brother, Romano Kroemer, was an employee of
Sanofi and now consults for Boehringer-Ingelheim. GK’wife, Laurence
Zitvogel, has held research contracts with Glaxo Smyth Kline, Incyte,
Lytix, Kaleido, Innovate Pharma, Daiichi Sankyo, Pilege, Merus,
Transgene, 9 m, Tusk and Roche, was on the on the Board of Directors
of Transgene, is a cofounder of everImmune, and holds patents covering
the treatment of cancer and the therapeutic manipulation of the micro-
biota. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the writing of
the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results. The other authors
declare no conflicts of interest.
The author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the work
featured in this article.
Lucillia Bezu
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... Previous basic research indicates that many analgesic agents used in clinical practice, such as local anesthetics, intravenous hypnotics or beta-blockers, might positively influence oncological outcomes. [82][83][84] Here, we compiled evidence suggesting that the α2-AR agonist DEX, which is currently used in intensive and anesthetic care for its sedative and anxiolytic properties, exerts direct cytolytic effects on malignant cells and induces indirect anti-tumor immunity by reducing inflammatory pain with the consequent production of stress hormones and protumorigenic cytokines. Indeed, acute pain and inflammation favor oncogenesis by generating broad surgical stress responses. ...
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Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is a highly selective α2-adrenoceptor agonist that is widely used in intensive and anesthetic care for its sedative and anxiolytic properties. DEX has the capacity to alleviate inflammatory pain while limiting immunosuppressive glucocorticoid stress during major surgery, thus harboring therapeutic benefits for oncological procedures. Recently, the molecular mechanisms of DEX-mediated anticancer effects have been partially deciphered. Together with additional preclinical data, these mechanistic insights support the hypothesis that DEX-induced therapeutic benefits are mediated via the stimulation of adaptive anti-tumor immune responses. Similarly, published clinical trials including ancillary studies described an immunostimulatory role of DEX during the perioperative period of cancer surgery. The impact of DEX on long-term patient survival remains elusive. Nevertheless, DEX-mediated immunostimulation offers an interesting therapeutic option for onco-anesthesia. Our present review comprehensively summarizes data from preclinical and clinical studies as well as from ongoing trials with a distinct focus on the role of DEX in overcoming (tumor microenvironment (TME)-imposed) cancer therapy resistance. The objective of this update is to guide clinicians in their choice toward immunostimulatory onco-anesthetic agents that have the capacity to improve disease outcome.
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Surgical excision of the primary tumor represents the most frequent and curative procedure for solid malignancies. Compelling evidence suggests that, despite its beneficial effects, surgery may impair immunosurveillance by triggering an immunosuppressive inflammatory stress response and favor recurrence by stimulating minimal residual disease. In addition, many factors interfere with the immune effectors before and after cancer procedures, such as malnutrition, anemia, or subsequent transfusion. Thus, the perioperative period plays a key role in determining oncological outcomes and represents a short phase to circumvent anesthetic and surgical deleterious factors by supporting the immune system through the use of synergistic pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. In line with this, accumulating studies indicate that anesthetic agents could drive both protumor or antitumor signaling pathways during or after cancer surgery. While preclinical investigations focusing on anesthetics’ impact on the behavior of cancer cells are quite convincing, limited clinical trials studying the consequences on survival and recurrences remain inconclusive. Herein, we highlight the main factors occurring during the perioperative period of cancer surgery and their potential impact on immunomodulation and cancer progression. We also discuss patient management prior to and during surgery, taking into consideration the latest advances in the literature.
Background Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most widespread type of primary liver cancer. Diethylnitrosamine (DEN), a hepatotoxic hepatocarcinogenic compound, is used to induce HCC in animal models. The non‐selective β‐blocker propranolol demonstrated antiproliferative activity in many cancer types. Objective This investigation aimed to evaluate the anticancer effect of propranolol against DEN‐induced HCC in rats. Methods Thirty adult male rats were divided into the following groups: Group I (C, control), Group II (HCC); received DEN, 70 mg/kg body weight (b.wt.) once a week for 10 weeks, to induce HCC, and Group III (HCC/Prop); received DEN for 10 weeks for HCC induction, then received 20 mg/kg b.wt. propranolol, intraperitoneally for four successive weeks. Results HCC was developed in rats' livers and confirmed via significant liver architecture changes, significantly elevated activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), α‐fetoprotein (AFP), total‐ and direct‐bilirubin (Bil), and a decline in albumin (ALB) level in serum. HCC group demonstrated elevated levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), HIF‐1α, IL‐8, NF‐κB, PGE2, TGF‐β1, VEGF, and CD8, but significant decline of GSH, and IL‐10 level, with suppression of the antioxidant enzymes' activities. In addition, the gene expression of the hepatic inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and LAG‐3 were up‐regulated. Moreover, the protein expression of p‐PKC was up‐regulated, while that of PD‐1 and PD‐L1 were down‐regulated in the liver tissues of the HCC group. However, propranolol ameliorated the investigated parameters in the HCC/Prop group. Conclusion Propranolol exhibited an anticancer effect and thus can be considered as a promising treatment for HCC. Blocking of PD‐1/PD‐L1 and LAG‐3 signals participated in the anti‐tumor effect of propranolol on HCC.
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Although there is little direct evidence supporting that stress affects cancer incidence, it does influence the evolution, dissemination and therapeutic outcomes of neoplasia, as shown in human epidemiological analyses and mouse models. The experience of and response to physiological and psychological stressors can trigger neurological and endocrine alterations, which subsequently influence malignant (stem) cells, stromal cells and immune cells in the tumour microenvironment, as well as systemic factors in the tumour macroenvironment. Importantly, stress-induced neuroendocrine changes that can regulate immune responses have been gradually uncovered. Numerous stress-associated immunomodulatory molecules (SAIMs) can reshape natural or therapy-induced antitumour responses by engaging their corresponding receptors on immune cells. Moreover, stress can cause systemic or local metabolic reprogramming and change the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota which can indirectly modulate antitumour immunity. Here, we explore the complex circuitries that link stress to perturbations in the cancer-immune dialogue and their implications for therapeutic approaches to cancer.
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Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a serious complication of cirrhosis. Currently, non-selective beta-blockers (NSBBs) are commonly used to treat portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis. The latest research shows that NSBBs can induce apoptosis and S-phase arrest in liver cancer cells and inhibit the development of hepatic vascular endothelial cells, which may be effective in preventing HCC in cirrhosis patients. Aim: To determine the relationship between different NSBBs and HCC incidence in patients with cirrhosis. Methods: We searched the Cochrane database, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and Web of Science. Cohort studies, case‒control studies, and randomized controlled trials were included if they involved cirrhosis patients who were divided into an experimental group using NSBBs and a control group with any intervention. Based on heterogeneity, we calculated odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) using random-effect models. We also conducted subgroup analysis to explore the source of heterogeneity. Sensitivity analysis and publication bias detection were performed. Results: A total of 47 studies included 38 reporting HCC incidence, 26 reporting HCC-related mortality, and 39 reporting overall mortality. The HCC incidence between the experimental group and the control group was OR = 0.87 (0.69 and 1.10), p = 0.000, and I ² = 81.8%. There was no significant association between propranolol (OR = 0.94 and 95%CI 0.62–1.44) or timolol (OR = 1.32 and 95%CI 0.44–3.95) and HCC incidence, while the risk of HCC decreased by 26% and 38% with nadolol (OR = 0.74 and 95%CI 0.64–0.86) and carvedilol (OR = 0.62 and 95%CI 0.52–0.74), respectively. Conclusion: Different types of NSBB have different effects on the incidence of patients with cirrhosis of the liver, where nadolol and carvedilol can reduce the risk. Also, the effect of NSBBs may vary in ethnicity. Propranolol can reduce HCC incidence in Europe and America. Systematic Review Registration: identifier https://CRD42023434175 , .
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Background: Clinical trials investigating the effects of beta-blockers (BBs) on cancer are underway. Evidence from preclinical research suggests that BBs could serve as anticancer agents and immune boosters. There is conflicting evidence regarding the effect of BB use on clinical outcomes in patients with breast cancer. Objectives: The study aimed to determine whether BB use is associated with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients receiving anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) treatment for advanced breast cancer. Design: Retrospective hospital-based study. Methods: The participants enrolled were breast cancer patients with advanced HER2-positive status who initiated trastuzumab monotherapy or concomitant therapy with trastuzumab and any dose of BB. The patients were enrolled between January 2012 and May 2021 and divided into three groups based on whether they received a BB or not in the therapeutic regimen: BB-/trastuzumab+, BB+ (non-selective)/trastuzumab+, and BB+ (selective)/trastuzumab+. PFS and OS were the primary and secondary endpoints, respectively. Results: The estimated median PFS in the BB-/trastuzumab+, BB+ (non-selective)/trastuzumab+, and BB+ (selective)/trastuzumab+ groups was 51.93, 21.50, and 20.77 months, respectively. The corresponding OS was 56.70, 29.10, and 27.17 months. The intergroup differences in these durations were significant. Both PFS [adjusted hazard ratio (HR): 2.21, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.56-3.12; p < 0.001]) and OS (adjusted HR: 2.46, 95% CI: 1.69-3.57; p < 0.001) were worse when BBs were used. Conclusion: Our study provides important evidence that BB use potentially has a negative effect on patients with HER2-positive advanced breast cancer. Nevertheless, despite the study's results, cardiovascular disease (CVD) should be appropriately treated in patients with HER2-positive advanced breast cancer. Other types of drugs can be used to treat CVD, but BB use should be avoided. Large real-world database and prospective studies should be conducted to validate the results of this study.
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Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most difficult-to-treat form of kidney cancer with a median 5-year survival of 10% under metastatic setting. In RCC, although cytoreductive nephrectomy is common, approximately 20–30% of patients will develop recurrent cancer after surgery, which highlights the need for an effective therapy. Rho-GTPases viz, Rac-1 and Cdc42 are the central regulators of cancer cell migration and invasion and thus metastasis in multiple cancer types. Hence, we elucidated the role of Ketorolac, a modulator Rho-GTPases against RCC through potentiation of tumor suppressor Par-4. The effect of Ketorolac alone and in combination on proliferation, apoptosis, cell-cycle progression, migration, tumor inhibition and their related markers were studied. Moreover, Ketorolac’s impact on metastasis by influencing Rac-1/HIF-1α/DDX3/β-catenin signalling was studied with respect to its ability to modulate the expression of tumor suppressor Par-4, and this mechanism was confirmed by siRNA knockdown studies. Ketorolac induced cytotoxicity in a panel of renal cells including patient derived tumor cells with IC50 2.8 to 9.02 mM and 0.28 to 3.8 mM in monolayer and anchorage independent clonogenic assays respectively. Ketorolac caused significant down regulation of proliferation (Ki-67, Cyclin D1, pRB and DDX3), migration/invasion (Rac-1, Cdc42, and Tiam1), and angiogenesis (HIF-1α and VEGF) markers as studied by gene and protein expression. Moreover, it caused a significant upregulation of tumor suppressor Par-4 known to be downregulated in RCC. This mechanism was further confirmed by using siRNA knockdown studies where we could demonstrate a negative relation between the expression of Par-4 and Rac-1/Cdc42. Importantly, Ketorolac alone and in combination with Sunitinib showed tumor growth inhibition (TGI) of 73% and 86% respectively in xenograft model. This anti-tumor activity was further corroborated by down regulation of Rac-1/Cdc42/HIF-1α/DDX3/β-catenin signalling. This is the first report which implicates the role of Ketorolac against RCC by acting as a small molecule secretagogue causing upregulation of Par-4 in autocrine and paracrine manner. Consequently, these findings suggest that Par-4 can serve as a valuable therapeutic target and a prognostic marker for the treatment of RCC.
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Physiologically, β-adrenoceptors are major regulators of lipid metabolism, which may be reflected in alterations in lipid droplet dynamics. β-adrenoceptors have also been shown to participate in breast cancer carcinogenesis. Since lipid droplets may be seen as a hallmark of cancer, the present study aimed to investigate the role of β-adrenoceptors in the regulation of lipid droplet dynamics in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Cells were treated for up to 72 h with adrenaline (an endogenous adrenoceptor agonist), isoprenaline (a non-selective β-adrenoceptor agonist) and salbutamol (a selective β2-selective agonist), and their effects on lipid droplets were evaluated using Nile Red staining. Adrenaline or isoprenaline, but not salbutamol, caused a lipid-accumulating phenotype in the MCF-7 cells. These effects were significantly reduced by selective β1- and β3-antagonists (10 nM atenolol and 100 nM L-748,337, respectively), indicating a dependence on both β1- and β3-adrenoceptors. These effects were dependent on the cAMP signalling pathway, involving both protein kinase A (PKA) and cAMP-dependent guanine-nucleotide-exchange (EPAC) proteins: treatment with cAMP-elevating agents (forskolin or 8-Br-cAMP) induced lipid droplet accumulation, whereas either 1 µM H-89 or 1 µM ESI-09 (PKA or EPAC inhibitors, respectively) abrogated this effect. Taken together, the present results demonstrate the existence of a β-adrenoceptor-mediated regulation of lipid droplet dynamics in breast cancer cells, likely involving β1- and β3-adrenoceptors, revealing a new mechanism by which adrenergic stimulation may influence cancer cell metabolism.
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Tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) and their precursor mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are often detected together in tumors, but how they cooperate is not well understood. Here, we show that TAM and CAF are the most abundant nonmalignant cells and are present together in untreated human neuroblastoma (NB) tumors that are also poorly infiltrated with T and natural killer (NK) cells. We then show that MSC and CAF-MSC harvested from NB tumors protected human monocytes (MN) from spontaneous apoptosis in an interleukin (IL)-6 dependent mechanism. The interactions of MN and MSC with NB cells resulted in a significant induction or increase in the expression of several pro-tumorigenic cytokines/chemokines (TGF-β1, MCP-1, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-4) but not of anti-tumorigenic cytokines (TNF-α, IL-12) by MN or MSC, while also inducing cytokine expression in quiescent NB cells. We then identified a TGF-β1/IL-6 pathway where TGF-β1 stimulated the expression of IL-6 in NB cells and MSC, promoting TAM survival. Evidence for the contribution of TAM and MSC to the activation of this pathway was then provided in xenotransplanted NB tumors and patients with primary tumors by demonstrating a direct correlation between the presence of CAF and p-SMAD2 and p-STAT3. The data highlight a new mechanism of interaction between TAM and CAF supporting their pro-tumorigenic function in cancer.
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The immune system is recognized as an important factor in regulating the development, progression, and metastasis of cancer. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a major immune-suppressive cell type by interfering with T cell activation, promoting effector T cell apoptosis, and inducing regulatory T cell expansion. Consequently, reducing or eliminating MDSCs has become a goal of some systemic immunotherapies. However, by systemically reducing MDSCs, unwanted side effects can occur. Near-infrared photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) is a newly developed treatment that selectively kills targeted cells without damaging adjacent normal cells. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antitumor efficacy of MDSC-directed NIR-PIT utilizing anti-Ly6G antibodies to specifically destroy polymorphonuclear (PMN)-MDSCs in the tumor microenvironment (TME) in syngeneic mouse models. PMN-MDSCs were selectively eliminated within tumors by Ly6G-targeted NIR-PIT. There was significant tumor growth suppression and prolonged survival in three treated tumor models. In the early phase after NIR-PIT, dendritic cell maturation/activation and CD8⁺ T cell activation were enhanced in both intratumoral tissues and tumor-draining lymph nodes, and NK cells demonstrated increased expression of cytotoxic molecules. Host immunity remained activated in the TME for at least one week after NIR-PIT. Abscopal effects in bilateral tumor models were observed. Furthermore, the combination of NIR-PIT targeting cancer cells and PMN-MDSCs yielded synergistic effects and demonstrated highly activated host tumor immunity. In conclusion, we demonstrated that selective local PMN-MDSCs depletion by NIR-PIT could be a promising new cancer immunotherapy.
Catecholamine stimulation over adrenergic receptors results in a state of hypercoagulability. Chronic stress involves the release and increase in circulation of catecholamines and other stress related hormones. Numerous observational studies in human have related stressful scenarios to several coagulation variables, but controlled stimulation with agonists or antagonists to adrenergic receptors are scarce. This systematic review is aimed at presenting an updated appraisal of the effect of adrenergic receptor modulation on variables related to human hemostasis by systematically reviewing the effect of adrenergic receptor-targeting drugs on scale variables related to hemostasis. By searching 3 databases for articles published between January 1st 2011 and February 16th, 2022 reporting effects on coagulation parameters from stimulation with α- or β-adrenergic receptor targeting drugs in humans regardless of baseline condition, excluding records different from original research and those not addressing the main aim of this systematic review. Risk of bias assessed using the Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2). Tables describing a pro-thrombotic anti-fibrinolytic state induced after β-adrenergic receptor agonist stimulation and the opposite after α1-, β-adrenergic receptor antagonist stimulation were synthesized from 4 eligible records by comparing hemostasis-related variables to their baseline. Notwithstanding this low number of records, experimental interventions included were sound and mostly unbiased, results were coherent, and outcomes were biologically plausible. In summary, this systematic review provides a critical systematic assessment and an updated elaboration, and its shortcomings highlight the need for further investigation in the field of hematology.
Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) are commonly used in the management of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but response is suboptimal. Preclinical data suggest ICI efficacy may be enhanced with concomitant nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications. Patients and methods: In this retrospective study, the Veterans Health Administration Corporate Data Warehouse was queried for patients diagnosed with NSCLC and treated with ICI from 2010 to 2018. Concomitant NSAID use was defined as NSAID dispensation by a VA pharmacy within 90 days of the any ICI infusion. To mitigate immortal time bias, patients who started NSAIDs 60 or more days after ICI initiation were excluded from analysis. Survival was measured from start of ICI. Results: We identified 3634 patients with NSCLC receiving ICI; 2336 (64.3%) were exposed to concomitant NSAIDs. On multivariable analysis, NSAIDs were associated with better overall survival (HR = 0.90; 95% CI, 0.83-0.98; P = .010). When stratifying by NSAID type, diclofenac was the only NSAID with significant association with overall survival (HR = 0.75; 95% CI, 0.68-0.83; P < .001). Propensity score matching of the original cohort yielded 1251 patients per cohort balanced in characteristics. NSAIDs remained associated with improved overall survival (HR = 0.85; 95% CI, 0.78-0.92; P < .001). Conclusion: This study of Veterans with NSCLC treated with ICI demonstrated that concomitant NSAIDs are associated with longer OS. This may indicate that NSAIDs can enhance ICI-induced antitumor immunity and should prospectively validated.
Historically, cancer research and therapy have focused on malignant cells and their tumor microenvironment. However, the vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems establish long-range communication between the tumor and the host. This communication is mediated by metabolites generated by the host or the gut microbiota, as well by systemic neuroendocrine, pro-inflammatory and immune circuitries—all of which dictate the trajectory of malignant disease through molecularly defined biological mechanisms. Moreover, aging, co-morbidities and co-medications have a major impact on the development, progression and therapeutic response of patients with cancer. In this Perspective, we advocate for a whole-body ‘ecological’ exploration of malignant disease. We surmise that accumulating knowledge on the intricate relationship between the host and the tumor will shape rational strategies for systemic, bodywide interventions that will eventually improve tumor control, as well as quality of life, in patients with cancer. Moving away from the traditional ‘tumor-centric’ view, the authors explore how systemic biology, as well as aging, co-morbidities and co-medications, all interact and influence cancer development and progression.