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Data Governance and Quality Management in Data Engineering



Data has become one of the most valuable assets for organizations today. With the exponential growth in data, effectively governing and managing its quality is critical for gaining business insights and maintaining regulatory compliance. This paper examines the importance of data governance and quality management in data engineering. It outlines the fundamental principles, processes, and best practices for implementing robust data governance frameworks and quality management programs. The roles of key stakeholders, such as data owners, stewards, and engineers, are discussed. It also explores the challenges, such as inadequate data quality culture and lack of executive support. The focus is on new technologies, such as machine learning and automation, which can potentially improve data governance and quality. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for a holistic strategy, strong leadership, and a collaborative culture for successful data governance and quality management outcomes.
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology Volume 71 Issue 11, 40-45, November 2023
ISSN: 22312803 / © 2023 Seventh Sense Research Group®
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Original Article
Data Governance and Quality Management in Data
Alekhya Achanta1, Roja Boina2
1DataOps Engineer, Continental Properties Company Inc, Wisconsin, USA.
2Independent Researcher, North Carolina, United States of America.
Corresponding Author :
Received: 16 September 2023 Revised: 21 October 2023 Accepted: 08 November 2023 Published: 25 November 2023
Abstract - Data has become one of the most valuable assets for organizations today. With the exponential growth in data,
effectively governing and managing its quality is critical for gaining business insights and maintaining regulatory
compliance. This paper examines the importance of data governance and quality management in data engineering. It
outlines the fundamental principles, processes, and best practices for implementing robust data governance frameworks and
quality management programs. The roles of key stakeholders, such as data owners, stewards, and engineers, are discussed.
It also explores the challenges, such as inadequate data quality culture and lack of executive support. The focus is on new
technologies, such as machine learning and automation, which can potentially improve data governance and quality. The
paper concludes by emphasizing the need for a holistic strategy, strong leadership, and a collaborative culture for successful
data governance and quality management outcomes.
Keywords - Data governance frameworks, Data profiling and monitoring, Data validation and standards, Data quality
assurance, Metadata management.
1. Introduction
In the era of digitization, the ability to harness data has
revolutionized the competitive landscape for organizations.
In their pursuit to be data-centric, these entities continuously
amass vast troves of structured and unstructured data from
diverse avenues like social media, the Internet of Things,
sensors, clickstreams, and transactions (Ghavami, 2020).
While the potential to extract value from this data is
immense, there exists a significant research gap and
practical challenge: maintaining the quality of this data.
Poor-quality data can obfuscate genuine insights without
robust governance and judicious management, thereby
misguiding business strategies. Recent empirical studies
paint a dire pictureon average, businesses suffer a
staggering loss of over $15 million annually due to inferior
data quality. Furthermore, this compromised data quality
not only leads to flawed business decisions but also poses
severe regulatory risks, which have culminated in penalties
amounting to millions (Wang et al., 2022).
Given this backdrop, the criticality of instituting strong
frameworks and methodologies to govern and ensure data
quality cannot be overemphasized. This paper delves deep
into the realm of data governance and quality management,
particularly within the ambit of data engineering. Data
engineering, which encapsulates the myriad processes and
systems for procuring, housing, and dissecting data at scale,
forms the bedrock of any data-driven decision-making
mechanism. Our discourse begins by elucidating the
fundamental concepts of data governance and quality.
Following this, we highlight the pivotal role of data quality
management in the intricate pipelines of data engineering.
As we progress, the paper delineates the cardinal principles,
best practices, processes, and hierarchical roles pivotal for
ensuring data integrity. In addition, we probe into the
challenges that organizations grapple with and spotlight
emerging technological innovations poised to bolster data
governance and quality. Lastly, our exploration accentuates
the indispensable cultural shifts and leadership imperatives
that underpin effective governance and assiduous quality
management of data.
2. Defining Data Governance and Quality
Data governance refers to the overall strategy, policies,
standards, and processes that ensure high-quality data assets
across the organization. It establishes accountability and
oversight for managing data as a critical enterprise asset.
Data governance helps align regulatory, operational, and
strategic objectives with data strategies. Key activities
include developing data policies, standards, and procedures;
governing data architecture and quality; providing
stewardship and ownership; and monitoring compliance.
Effective data governance requires involvement across
functions - from legal, compliance, IT, and lines of business
to executive leadership.
Alekhya Achanta & Roja Boina / IJCTT, 71(11), 40-45, 2023
Data quality encompasses the precision, entirety,
coherence, and punctuality of the data validity and
uniqueness of data (Wende, 2007). High-quality data that
meets these characteristics enhances business value and
reduces risks. Data quality management involves practices
that ensure data adheres to quality requirements through its
lifecycle - from creation, acquisition, and storage to
processing, distribution, and archival. It provides standards
for data quality via metrics, monitoring, issue resolution,
and improvement initiatives (Wende & Otto, A Contingency
Approach To Data Governance, 2007).
3. Significance in Data Engineering Context
In data engineering pipelines, large volumes of data
flow through various phases like acquisition, storage,
processing, and consumption. Governance and quality must
be ingrained across these pipelines to drive confidence in
the data products. Data engineers are deeply involved in
developing and operating these pipelines. Hence, they must
adopt governance practices and build quality into data
infrastructure and processes (Dai, et al., 2016). Some key
reasons are:
3.1. Compliance
Various regulations like GDPR mandate data
governance through accountability, transparency, and
quality. This requires implementing policies, access
controls, lineage tracking, and quality checks in data
3.2. Trustworthy Analytics
Quality issues like errors, duplication, inconsistencies,
and incompleteness can propagate and get magnified in
downstream analytics, leading to incorrect insights.
Governance and quality help prevent "garbage-in, garbage-
3.3. Metadata
Governance requires rich metadata with definitions,
standards, and rules enabled by data catalogues,
dictionaries, and linage tools. This aids discoverability and
interoperability (Lis & Otto, 2020).
3.4. Monitoring
Continuous, automated data quality monitoring via
statistical profiling, rules, and machine learning models
helps identify issues early. Data engineers need to build
these capabilities.
3.5. Automation
Technologies like data quality rules engines and
machine learning can automate quality checks and
corrections, freeing up engineers.
With robust governance and quality, data teams save
significant time in non-value cleaning and reconciliation.
Governance provides standards, while quality management
helps systematically improve data assets (Koltay, 2016).
4. Fundamental Principles and Best Practices
Here is an elaboration on the fundamental principles
and best practices for data governance and quality:
4.1. Business Alignment
Business outcomes and requirements should drive data
quality initiatives rather than just IT preferences. The
priorities and use cases should come from business teams,
while technology teams enable implementation. This
ensures governance and quality efforts deliver maximum
business value.
4.2. Shared Accountability
Data quality cannot be the sole responsibility of IT
teams. Business teams who enter or depend on data for
decisions are equally accountable for reporting issues,
resolving them at source, and implementing quality
practices. A collaborative culture between data producers,
consumers, and enablers is essential.
4.3. Data Lifecycle Approach
Data quality must be assessed and managed across the
entire lifecycle - from creation, acquisition, storage, and
processing to consumption and archival. For example,
assess quality at intake, build checks into the ETL process,
profile before analysis, retain integrity during archival, etc.
This end-to-end view is critical.
4.4. Continuous Monitoring
Quality levels must be systematically measured via
metrics and monitored through dashboards. Issues must be
rapidly identified and resolved. Increase monitoring
coverage through automation using data quality tools.
Issue resolution - Superficial bug fixes result in quality
issues reappearing downstream. Root cause analysis to
identify systemic gaps and address those to prevent
Prevention over correction - Defining quality standards
upfront and building validations into systems versus
retrofitting quality is more efficient. Controls during entry
and processing prevent issues downstream.
4.5. Incremental Improvement
Start with a few critical metrics and data sets. Quick
wins build momentum for expanding systematically across
other data assets based on value, risk, etc.
4.6. Reusable Frameworks
Leverage consistent governance models across data
initiatives. Do not reinvent the wheel. Promote reuse of
metrics, policies, standards, and patterns.
Alekhya Achanta & Roja Boina / IJCTT, 71(11), 40-45, 2023
4.7. Risk-Based Approach
Priorities for data quality must be driven by business
risk and impact analysis. Focus on high-value, sensitive, or
compliance-related data first.
4.8. Master Data Foundation
High-quality customer, product, and financial master
data are necessary for reliable downstream analytics. Bad
master data amplifies downstream issues.
4.9. Security and Privacy
The governance framework must consistently
incorporate data security controls, access policies, and
privacy protections. These principles require change
management, executive mandate, shared accountability, and
robust processes. With persistent execution, data quality
becomes an organizational capability.
5. Key Roles and Responsibilities
The critical roles involved are Chief Data Officer,
Data/Domain Owners, Data Stewards, Data Engineers, Data
Architects, Data Analysts, and Legal/Compliance.
5.1. Responsibilities
5.1.1. Chief Data Officer (CDO)
Responsible for data strategy and governance at the
executive level. Establishes policies and standards and
focuses on data quality.
Evangelizes the importance of data quality across the
Sponsors data governance programs and drives
adoption top-down.
Chairs data stewardship committees and councils that
define governance practices.
Secures funding and investments for improvement
Measures effectiveness of governance through quality
metrics and benefits tracking.
5.1.2. Data/Domain Owners
Business teams who generate, consume and are
accountable for domain data.
Define business data requirements and quality needs for
their domain or functions.
Participate in stewardship committees to evaluate
proposals and issues.
Implement data quality practices mandated by
governance within their team.
Fix data quality issues at the source systems under their
5.1.3. Data Stewards
Cross-functional team that defines and oversees data
standards and quality.
Document data definitions, standards, rules, metrics,
and SOPs for governance.
Support data certification for critical data assets to
assure quality compliance.
Help troubleshoot data quality issues, analyze root
causes, and guide remediation.
Provide tools and training to data producers on quality
Monitor quality metrics and track issue resolution.
5.1.4. Data Engineers
Implement data quality checks, automation, and
monitoring per governance rules.
Embed data quality capabilities within data
infrastructure like ETL pipelines and models.
Support integration of new data quality tools like
profiling, cleansing, and matching.
Monitor data quality metrics across the data lifecycle
and report issues.
Remediate quality issues found in upstream systems
and pipelines.
5.1.5. Data Architects
Develop overall data models, architecture principles,
and standards for consistency.
Define the master data model for critical domains like
customer, product, finance, etc.
Create data dictionaries, taxonomy, and metadata
standards for governance.
Ensure architectural components follow recommended
data quality patterns and capabilities.
5.1.6. Data Analysts
Analyze reports and dashboards to detect data quality
issues that affect insights.
Report upstream data issues found in consumption
systems like BI tools.
Validate reports and metrics for accuracy and
Provide inputs to improve quality based on analytical
needs and pain points.
5.1.7. Legal/Compliance
Recommend policies based on regulatory and
compliance needs like GDPR and CCPA.
Conduct audits to ensure governance practices meet
compliance requirements.
Determine retention rules and access policies per
regulatory guidelines.
Enforce security standards for sensitive data like PII.
Validate quality practices to meet compliance
expectations around reporting accuracy.
Alekhya Achanta & Roja Boina / IJCTT, 71(11), 40-45, 2023
5.2. Key Governance Processes Enabled by the Above
Data quality standards - Dimensions, metrics,
acceptance criteria, frequency
Data policy and principles - Usage, integrity, retention,
security, access
Data models - Master, transactional, analytics,
integration models
Metadata standards - Define and maintain data
taxonomy, dictionaries, lineage
Issue tracking - Document issues found, severity, status,
root cause, remediation
Data quality tools - Select and implement automated
profiling, monitoring, and metadata tools
Training and communication - Increase quality
awareness and skills across teams
The interplay between the roles, supported by
standardized governance processes and executive
sponsorship, can help engrain data quality accountability
across the data lifecycle.
Stewards and IT teams enable the above processes
while analysts and engineers embed quality in upstream
pipelines. Collaboration between roles is vital for end-to-
end governance.
6. Challenges in Implementation
Lack of executive support - For data governance to be
effective, it must be championed and funded by
executive leadership. They must set the vision, strategy,
and urgency for enterprise-wide governance. Without
their active sponsorship, governance councils and
working groups will lack authority and struggle to drive
adoption. Executive focus on data quality and backing
for improvement programs is also essential.
Poor data culture - Data quality needs to be everyone's
responsibility, not just IT's. A culture that values high-
quality data avoids "data dumping" and fixes issues at
source requires behavioral change across teams. It is
difficult to promote shared accountability and break
siloed attitudes.
Data producers need to take more ownership, while
consumers should provide feedback.
Distributed systems - With data and workloads
increasingly distributed across multi-cloud architectures
in siloed groups, maintaining consistent governance
standards becomes challenging. Data in legacy systems
also creates fragmentation. Governance processes break
down due to a lack of visibility and coordination across
Inconsistent metrics - Measuring data quality through
standardized dimensions and metrics provides
necessary visibility. But, consistent definitions and
calculations across teams lead to clarity. The lack of
automated monitoring using quality metrics also
hampers systematic improvement.
Technical complexity - With hundreds of upstream data
sources, ETL pipelines, databases, and systems,
implementing end-to-end governance with checks,
controls, and monitoring is complex. Diverse
technologies and integration points make it worse.
Manual processes - Governance processes like
validating data against standards, visual inspection,
reconciliation, issue reporting, etc., remain
predominantly manual. This leads to limited coverage,
errors, delays, and rework.
Legacy practices - Ingrained processes not designed for
data quality continue unchecked.
Siloed teams unwilling to adopt new governance
practices and standards thwart progress.
Skill gaps - Data engineers, stewards, and architects
need diverse skills in data modeling, metadata
management, and statistical quality techniques. Lack of
these skills impedes design and implementation.
Addressing these requires a strategic focus on culture,
skills, systems integration, metrics standardization, issue
resolution processes, and increased automation.
7. Emerging Trends and Technologies
Several emerging technologies enable organizations to
enhance data governance and quality in a scalable manner:
1. Machine learning and rules engines automate quality
checks and issue remediation versus manual processes.
They can also find complex data relationships and root
cause issues.
2. Metadata management, data catalogs, and data lineage
tools provide visibility into data assets and their usage
across systems. This aids governance, reporting, and
issue resolution.
3. Data virtualization creates abstraction layers that
insulate consumers from underlying changes while
providing transformation capabilities. This facilitates
quality enhancement.
4. Data quality monitoring tools perform statistical
profiling, custom checks, and anomaly detection over
data. They generate metrics and dashboards to track
quality over time.
5. Natural language interfaces allow users to state quality
requirements and definitions in business terms rather
than technical queries. This simplifies governance
6. Cloud-scale data platforms provide built-in governance
capabilities for access control, lineage, provenance, and
compliance monitoring. Leveraging them accelerates
Alekhya Achanta & Roja Boina / IJCTT, 71(11), 40-45, 2023
7. Augmented data management via platforms that
automatically detect issues, recommend fixes, and
enable remediation helps continuously improve quality.
Adopting the above technologies helps enhance quality,
reduce manual efforts, and improve adoption across the data
lifecycle. However, more than technology is needed to
address the cultural and organizational challenges outlined
earlier. Holistic governance frameworks and change
management are vital for success.
8. Conclusion
Data has emerged as a strategic asset critical to the
digital transformation of organizations. As data volumes
grow across disparate systems, consistently governing and
managing its quality provides tremendous value but poses
challenges. This requires a systematic approach driven by
executive leadership, shared business-IT accountability, and
collaborative culture. Core principles include continuous
monitoring, prevention versus correction, and incremental
data quality improvement supported by standard processes.
Technologies like machine learning and cloud-scale
data platforms are valuable enablers. However, cultural
transformation and persistence are necessary to embed data
governance and quality across the data value chain - from
acquisition to consumption. With robust implementation,
organizations can accelerate their data-driven ambitions and
unlock more business value responsibly.
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Enterprises need data quality management (DQM) to respond to strategic and operational challenges demanding high-quality corporate data. Hitherto, companies have assigned accountabilities for DQM mostly to IT departments. They have thereby ignored the organizationalissues that are critical to the success of DQM. With data governance, however, companies implement corporate-wide accountabilities for DQM that encompass professionals from business and IT. This paper outlines a data governance model comprised of three components that build a matrix comparable to an RACI chart: data quality roles, decision areas, and responsibilities. The data governance model documents the data quality roles and their type of interaction with DQM activities. In addition, the paper identifies contingency factors that impact the model configuration. Companies can structure their company-specific data governance model based on these findings.
The rise of Big, Open and Linked Data (BOLD) enables Big Data Algorithmic Systems (BDAS) which are often based on machine learning, neural networks and other forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As such systems are increasingly requested to make decisions that are consequential to individuals, communities and society at large, their failures cannot be tolerated, and they are subject to stringent regulatory and ethical requirements. However, they all rely on data which is not only big, open and linked but varied, dynamic and streamed at high speeds in real-time. Managing such data is challenging. To overcome such challenges and utilize opportunities for BDAS, organizations are increasingly developing advanced data governance capabilities. This paper reviews challenges and approaches to data governance for such systems, and proposes a framework for data governance for trustworthy BDAS. The framework promotes the stewardship of data, processes and algorithms, the controlled opening of data and algorithms to enable external scrutiny, trusted information sharing within and between organizations, risk-based governance, system-level controls, and data control through shared ownership and self-sovereign identities. The framework is based on 13 design principles and is proposed incrementally, for a single organization and multiple networked organizations.
If managed correctly, data can become an organization's most valuable asset, helping it to remain competitive and agile, to proactively meet customer needs, and to keep costs in check. Companies and government organizations of all sizes are striving to manage data as an enterprise asset, to be shared and reused across multiple software applications and systems, business processes, and users throughout the organization. They're finding that they need to establish standards, policies, and processes for the usage, development, and management of data. They recognize that creating the right organizational structure and developing the technology infrastructure to support the governance of their data is also critical.