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Research on Quanzhou Tourism Market and Tourism Development Strategies in the Context of Successful Application for Cultural Heritage



The report of the 20th Party Congress puts forward that we should insist on shaping tourism with culture and promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism. Quanzhou, as one of the first batch of 24 famous historical and cultural cities released by the State Council, is known as "Seaside Zulu". 2021, "Quanzhou: Song and Yuan China's World Maritime Commerce and Trade Center" was successfully bid as China's 56th World Heritage Site. As a city with a relatively developed tourism industry and deep cultural heritage, Quanzhou has many advantages in developing tourism, and should follow the pace of the Central Committee of the CPC to play a leading role in tourism development, actively stimulate domestic demand, and promote high-quality development. Through research and analysis, the project aims to provide reference for Quanzhou's experience in the subsequent development of tourism resources and tourism development, and at the same time make suggestions for the shortcomings.
Academic Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2771-3032 | Vol. 8, No. 1, 2023
Yijing Zheng1, Xinyi Wang2, Manning He3, Changfeng Xie4
1School of Finance and Public Administration, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233000, China
2School of Finance, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233000, China
3School of Accounting, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233000, China
4School of Business Administration, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233000, China
Abstract: The report of the 20th Party Congress puts forward that we should insist on shaping tourism with culture and
promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism. Quanzhou, as one of the first batch of 24 famous historical and cultural
cities released by the State Council, is known as "Seaside Zulu". 2021, "Quanzhou: Song and Yuan China's World Maritime
Commerce and Trade Center" was successfully bid as China's 56th World Heritage Site. As a city with a relatively developed
tourism industry and deep cultural heritage, Quanzhou has many advantages in developing tourism, and should follow the pace
of the Central Committee of the CPC to play a leading role in tourism development, actively stimulate domestic demand, and
promote high-quality development. Through research and analysis, the project aims to provide reference for Quanzhou's
experience in the subsequent development of tourism resources and tourism development, and at the same time make suggestions
for the shortcomings.
Keywords: Tourism development, High quality, Cultural and tourism integration, Quanzhou.
1. Introduction
On July 25, 2021, the successful application for the
inscription of "Quanzhou: World Center of Maritime
Commerce and Trade in Song and Yuan China" once again
proves the glorious history and traditional beliefs of the
exchanges and mutual understanding between ancient China
and other civilizations in the world, and shows to the
international community the Chinese people's broad vision,
broadmindedness, excellent wisdom, and the spirit of
unremitting self-improvement and courageous pioneering. It
is of great significance in strengthening cultural confidence
and promoting social and cultural development. In this
context, the central government and local governments have
introduced a series of supportive policies, and coupled with
the rapid development of the service industry in recent years,
Quanzhou's tourism industry has ushered in new
opportunities. During his visit to Fujian, General Secretary Xi
Jinping pointed out that tourism is an important part of the
cultural industry, and that it is necessary to strengthen the
integration and development of tourism and culture, excavate
and pass on the excellent traditional culture of Fujian, and
create tourism products with local characteristics and cultural
connotations. The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is an
important strategic opportunity for Quanzhou City to promote
the deep integration of culture and tourism, and to promote
the construction of a "strong cultural city". A few days ago,
"Quanzhou City" 14th Five-Year "Culture and Tourism
Reform and Development Special Plan" issued by the
proposed efforts to create a model city for the protection and
utilization of world heritage, deepen the construction of the
Minnan Cultural Ecological Reserve, promote the innovative
development of the national public cultural service system
demonstration area and the national cultural and tourism
consumption model city construction, and strive to 2025 By
2025, the city will have 130 million tourists and a total
tourism revenue of 200 billion yuan. This project focuses on
the research of current Quanzhou tourism market and tourism
development strategy. The strengths of Quanzhou's tourism
industry lie in the richness of its resources and the diversity
of its culture, while the weaknesses lie in the lack of
transportation and the lack of in-depth development of its
cultural uniqueness. Through the research and analysis, the
project aims to provide reference for the subsequent
development of tourism resources and tourism in Quanzhou,
and at the same time, to make suggestions for the
shortcomings. Quanzhou should seize the opportunity and
utilize its own advantages to promote the rapid development
of tourism.
2. Status quo of Quanzhou's cultural
tourism development
2.1. Policy support
Since the 14th Five-Year Plan, the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism has triggered the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the
development of culture and tourism, which means that
China's cultural undertakings will be further promoted, and
the cultural industry and tourism will usher in the
development of prosperity. On this basis, Quanzhou
Municipal Government has also introduced relevant policies
to support the cultural and tourism industry in Quanzhou, has
issued "Quanzhou City" 14th Five-Year "Culture and Tourism
Reform and Development Special Plan" "Quanzhou
Municipal People's Government on Accelerating the
Implementation of High-Quality Development of Tourism
Opinions" "Quanzhou City," "Culture and Tourism +" special
action plan, the "Culture and Tourism +" special action plan.
Quanzhou "Culture and Tourism +" Special Action Program"
and other relevant documents have been issued to strongly
support the development of tourism in the city.
In the first quarter of 2023 alone, Quanzhou received 56.4%
year-on-year growth in the number of domestic and foreign
tourists, as high as 1,736.57; tourism revenues increased by
78% year-on-year, with revenues exceeding 20 billion.
Quanzhou Municipal Government mentioned in the
relevant documents released that in 2025 the city's total
tourism revenue target exceeds 200 billion yuan. By the
Municipal Finance Bureau of Culture and Tourism Bureau as
the responsible unit, to increase financial support for the
investment adjustment of tourism, the establishment of
special funds for the integrated development of culture and
tourism, and optimize the direction of special funds support.
At the same time to strengthen organizational leadership, the
establishment of the Quanzhou City Tourism Industry
Development Leading Group, regular study of tourism
development of major issues, strengthen the performance
assessment and evaluation of tourism development.
2.2. Comparison of tourism before and after
the bid
Since the 44th World Heritage General Assembly of
UNESCO approved the inscription of Quanzhou, the city with
a long history and rich cultural heritage has entered a brand
new chapter. The process of listing Quanzhou on the World
Heritage List, titled "Quanzhou: World Maritime Trade
Center of Song and Yuan China", has had many twists and
Only three days after the success of Quanzhou's bid,
Quanzhou's tourism product orders increased by 7.51% year-
on-year, and scenic tourists on the day the news was
announced, Tongcheng Tourism Big Data showed that the
attention of Quanzhou tourism has risen 45% ringgit on the
Tongcheng Tourism platform. The search volume of related
keywords has increased by more than 30% YoY. As of July 28,
tourists for Quanzhou tourist attractions, hotels, train tickets,
bus tickets keyword search than the same period increased
three times. From the Baidu index search, since 2011,
Quanzhou's success in bidding for the heritage appeared in
nearly a decade of search heat high point. The number of year-
on-year growth of up to 139.73%. From the Baidu index
keyword search data, from the 25th, Quanzhou's search index
in Baidu climbed all the way up from the original nearly 5,000
all the way up to 10,262, surpassing Xiamen and Fuzhou to
become the so-called Baidu Fujian Province search heat on
WeChat's platform on the 25th day, Quanzhou's WeChat index
from more than 2,500 million to 146 million, a ringgit
increase of 475.33%.
The growth in tourism economy brought about by the
success of the bid is very obvious. In addition to the search
index, travel orders to Quanzhou have also begun to climb.
On the same-city travel platform alone, orders for Quanzhou's
tourism products increased by 7.15% year-on-year. The
number of tourists increased by 9.85% year-on-year and
13.82% sequentially. The increase in the number of tourists in
Quanzhou's scenic spots reached 139.73% year-on-year, hotel
orders increased by 19.75% year-on-year, and transportation
traffic increased by 16.75% year-on-year. And the major
tourism platforms and tourism public number, not only
launched the Quanzhou tourism topic, but also tailored the
world cultural heritage theme of related activities.
In the first half of 2023, Quanzhou City received a total of
38,159,200 domestic and foreign tourists, up 249.4% from the
same period last year. The total tourism revenue of 43.183
billion yuan, an increase of 60.8% over the same period last
year. Statistics from Alipay show that the amount spent on
culture and tourism in Quanzhou City in the first half of this
year increased by nearly 200% compared with the first half of
last year, and the number of foreign tourists increased by more
than 230% year-on-year.
In recent years, Chinese tourists are gradually increasing
their cultural demands on traveling and their interest in
Chinese history and national culture is also getting higher and
higher. The success of Quanzhou's bid for the heritage
undoubtedly provides a window for tourists to understand
Quanzhou, so that more people know the cultural history
behind Quanzhou, and will also bring new opportunities for
the development of Quanzhou's cultural and tourism industry.
2.3. Combination of online and offline
In order to improve the tourism infrastructure and services,
Quanzhou has made efforts both online and offline to build a
model city for the protection and utilization of world heritage.
On the one hand, Quanzhou has set up a world heritage
protection and management leading group, on the other hand,
promulgated the relevant management methods, for the
protection and management of Quanzhou world heritage
research and utilization and related activities for the
systematic standardization, in addition, during the May 1
Golden Week, in order to meet the tourists, Quanzhou also set
up 23 cultural and tourism services in the ancient city of the
one-stop set up a mobile public toilet bus as well as 25 simple
public toilets to coordinate the organs and enterprises and
institutions to open the internal parking lot on holidays to
enable the six animals to connect the parking lot to increase
the motor vehicle parking spaces more than 1,000 to enable
24 Units in the holiday open internal parking lot to enable the
six animals connected to the parking lot increased motor
vehicle parking spaces more than 1,000 to enable 24 in
addition to non-motorized parking lot to provide non-
motorized parking, I'm about 8,500, as far as possible to
improve the eating, living, traveling and shopping in the
various tourist facilities, to provide visitors with a
comfortable and convenient travel environment.
Quanzhou Municipal Culture and Tourism Group and
Alipay jointly launched an online cultural festival to launch a
series of new ways to play through the video card to launch
the matter story and other new ways to play in Alipay to watch
the video of the netizens up to more than 100,000,000 people,
a total of 550,000 people received non-heritage-themed skins.
Over the past two years, Quanzhou has developed diversified
online play and game experiences in conjunction with
different times on the basis of continuous promotion of
archaeological capacity building, making cultural relics and
culture come alive. On this basis, Quanzhou's cultural and
tourism group online launched the Quanzhou City wisdom
tourism cloud platform integrated ticket sales scenic spots
museums reservation route planning specialties introduction,
play strategy and other healing, the whole service, every day
about more than 10,000 people, use the small program for
service. In addition, Quanzhou also released a suitable
Quanzhou regional tourism card will be more than 30 scenic
spot ticket booking and purchase as well as the surrounding
accommodation buffet, accompanied by gifts and even car
maintenance services and other consumer projects linked
together for one-stop service.
2.4. Tourism facilities
Quanzhou City currently has a world-class non - six
national-level non - heritage 36 provincial fee 128 municipal
non - to 262 county fee 1,628 is the only city in the country
with the United Nations three major categories of non -
heritage projects.
As the starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road and
the first port in the East, the city was once a bright and
brilliant legend. During the Tang Dynasty, Quanzhou even
became a prosperous port city, and was a very famous port of
trade throughout the country.
At the same time, Quanzhou is also known as the Museum
of World Religions where there is the Kaiyuan Temple of the
Tang Dynasty, the Qingjing Temple, the oldest surviving
Islamic temple in China; the world's only surviving
Manichaean temple is also located here; and the Tianhou
Palace, where Mazu is worshipped, etc. Thirty religions have
left their traces here. More than thirty religions have left their
traces here.
2.5. Marketing
The inevitable trend in the development of cultural tourism
marketing is all-media marketing. In the all-media era, the
marketing methods of cultural tourism enterprises should be
diversified, and marketing channels should be diversified.
The ancient city of Quanzhou should seize the opportunities
and challenges of the all-media era to improve the visibility
and influence of the cultural tourism market.
First and foremost is to create a good Quanzhou cultural
tourism brand features IP. Quanzhou cultural tourism brand
IP shaping and dissemination, first of all, should start from
their image positioning, focusing on the East Asian cultural
capital, Haisi culture and other city positioning, with the
perspective of the whole media marketing integration and
communication with the outside world. At present, Quanzhou
has not yet formed and cultural creativity and tourism
integration of ip, branding landmark cultural tourism project
products. Can refer to Xi'an Datang Night City and the
"Twelve Hours of Chang'an" film and television IP
cooperation, will be used in the film and television building
song and dance with the theme of the neighborhood upgraded,
and ultimately the formation of a new flow of explosions.
Secondly, it is necessary to innovatively integrate new
media and traditional media. The integration of media is also
an inevitable trend nowadays, based on the construction of the
all-media Internet + tourism platform, to promote the further
integration of culture and tourism resources.
Whether it is traditional marketing or new media marketing
needs to specialize tourism products, which is the core of the
development of cultural tourism as well as competitive
advantage, in the process of Quanzhou cultural tourism all-
media marketing application, we should pay attention to the
characteristics of the tourism products, the development of
the non-heritage culture, HaiSi culture, MinNan culture,
religious culture and so on, which are the characteristics of
the culture of Quanzhou. In addition, Quanzhou also has rich
and colorful traditional opera cultural resources such as
Nanyin Liyuan Opera, string puppet system, etc. It can also
use music + tourism and other ways to transform traditional
opera culture into tourism products, enriching the
development of local culture and tourism.
3. SWOT analysis
3.1. Strengths analysis (Strengths)
During his visit to Fujian, General Secretary Xi Jinping
pointed out that tourism is an important part of the cultural
industry, and that it is necessary to strengthen the integration
and development of tourism and culture, to explore and pass
on the excellent traditional culture of Fujian, and to create
tourism products with local characteristics and cultural
connotations. Quanzhou is one of the first twenty-four famous
historical and cultural cities in China, with numerous
religious sites and cultural relics, and enjoys the reputation of
"Religious Resort" and "Museum of World Religions".
Quanzhou City will give full play to the advantages of the
main religious tourism resources, based on the development
of Buddhist tourism and coastal tourism, and strive to build
into a modern tourism city integrating natural ecological
landscapes, Buddhism, humanities, trade and entertainment.
As a seaside city in China, Quanzhou is located across the
sea from China's Taiwan, and is also a famous hometown of
overseas Chinese. According to statistics, many overseas
Chinese in our country have their ancestral home in
Quanzhou. Overseas Quanzhou people, mostly in the
Philippines, Singapore and other Southeast Asian business,
and Quanzhou people do not forget the tradition, and still
retain and inherit many cultural customs. The importance that
Fujianese people attach to their bloodline has promoted the
development of micro-tourism in Quanzhou.
3.2. Weaknesses analysis (Weaknesses)
Due to the short tourism time, Quanzhou accommodation
revenue is small, and the local tourism industry chain is not
complete. And the local tourism-related enterprises operate in
a self-centered manner, lack of combination and support with
other related enterprises, and the mutual benefit of resources
among peers is poor. Quanzhou still mainly relies on the
traditional way of tourism profitability to obtain income, and
does not rely on market development for timely
supplementation, which is not conducive to the long-term
development of micro-tourism.
Quanzhou lacks an advantageous tourism brand and an
effective tourism marketing strategy, making it difficult to
form a unique and strong main brand. Because the Silk Road
is one of the advantages of tourism, Quanzhou has so far
organized many related activities, as well as in 2021,
"Quanzhou: Song and Yuan China's World Maritime Trade
Center" project bidding for the heritage, but the official
publicity of Quanzhou culture and tourism in this regard is
not in place, the marketing ability is weak, and the final effect
of the publicity is limited.
Quanzhou is not a popular tourist city in China, and tourists
are mainly concentrated on weekends and holidays, showing
short-term and large-scale outbursts, thus making it prone to
problems such as traffic jams and insufficient infrastructure
supply. For example, Quanzhou's population is not
concentrated in the city, causing difficulties in the
development of public transportation, and so far there is no
rail transit. This is at a distinct disadvantage compared to the
Fuzhou and Xiamen areas.
Quanzhou tourism development by the management
system is not smooth, fragmentation, difficult to form
synergies, the role of the market to play a limited number of
constraints. Compared with Xiamen, Quanzhou government
exists "a small one less and scattered" problem.
"A small" refers to the jurisdiction of the Quanzhou
Municipal Government is small. For example, around the
Quanzhou Bay area, the city used to be only the East China
Sea in recent years before the Taiwan business district, the
others are in the Jinjiang, Shishi, Hui'an control range, the city
is very difficult to control the internal, must set up a municipal
planning committee to really unify the planning, the best is
the restructuring of the administrative divisions, the Shishi
and Jinjiang by the county-level city into a district.
The "one less" refers to the government's low tax revenue.
Quanzhou City has been the No. 1 prefecture-level GDP in
Fujian Province for more than a decade, but the government
is poorer than Xiamen. The government is poorer than
Xiamen's. With less money and a bigger territory, it is of
course difficult for municipalities to be more sophisticated.
"A scattering" refers to the scattering of towns and cities in
Quanzhou. The scattering of towns is a historical
phenomenon, but after so many years of municipal
construction, it is still difficult to form a whole urban area.
The connection between towns is weak, and basic municipal
roads are missing. The general plan of the proposed two-tier
Bay Road, the Hui, Quan, South, Jin, Shi string together, the
idea is good, but after ten years a line is not fully open, not to
mention Xiamen than the current four subway together to
repair, there is no unity and a strong planning and
management department, the scattered situation will always
3.3. Analysis of opportunities (Opportunities)
3.3.1. Quanzhou takes the lead in bidding for the
Quanzhou currently has 6 world-class non-legacy items, 36
national non-legacy items, 128 provincial non-legacy items,
262 municipal non-legacy items and 628 county non-legacy
items, and it is the only city in China that has the three major
categories of non-legacy items of the United Nations, which
are honors conducive to attracting foreign tourists to
Quanzhou. In addition, Quanzhou also combines the world
cultural heritage with the grafting of non-heritage, and
focuses on building 12 boutique lines in the summer, so that
tourists can enjoy the charm of history in the process of micro-
3.3.2. Development of new opportunities in the post
epidemic era
The economic catalyst after the epidemic increased the
demand for natural health and relaxation. And due to the
impact of the epidemic, tourists' habit of choosing travel
destinations has changed, and the preference for short-
distance travel has increased dramatically. Micro-tourism is
favored by more people because it is convenient, flexible and
close to nature, which meets people's needs for relaxation and
natural health. At the same time micro-tourism has become
the choice of attention due to its flexibility and adaptability.
Many tourism practitioners carry out the development of
online tourism products and experiences with the help of
digital technology and creative thinking to meet people's
demand for tourism. This transformation and upgrading has
enabled the micro-tourism industry to usher in greater growth
in the post-epidemic economic catalyst.
Micro-tourism has a low environmental impact and reduces
carbon emissions and environmental pollution because it
usually adopts environmentally friendly travel modes such as
walking and cycling, and consumes little transportation and
water resources. This environmentally friendly feature meets
the demand for sustainable development and promotes the
development of micro-tourism.
And compared with traditional tourism, micro-tourism
pays more attention to the exploration and utilization of local
resources, providing more economic opportunities for local
residents. This approach to local economic development is in
line with the concept of sustainable development and
promotes the development of micro-tourism.
3.3.3. Meeting the individual needs of different people
Meeting different people's individual needs is an important
driving force for the development of micro-tourism in
Quanzhou, which can provide tourists with rich and diverse
choices. Quanzhou has many historical and cultural
attractions as well as natural beauty, which provides a rich
resource base for micro-tourism. In Quanzhou, tourists can
choose to visit ancient streets and lanes, taste special food,
experience traditional handicrafts, participate in folk
activities and other personalized tourism activities.
In addition, Quanzhou's micro-tourism industry combines
online and offline, through the Internet and mobile
application platforms to provide tourism product booking,
guided tours, recommendations and other services. At the
same time, some micro-tourism products also make use of
offline experience, so that tourists can better feel the local
culture and flavor.
3.4. Threats analysis
3.4.1. Low degree of regionalization
Southern Fujian regional integration is not high, the
cooperation of the tourism industry has always been in a state
of fragmentation, the advantages of the region's poor
coordination of resources, Quanzhou micro-tourism is
difficult to take advantage of the strength of the surrounding
to a higher level. Regionally, by Xiamen's tourism
development and political development of the provincial
capital constraints; economically, the region's second industry
has obvious advantages, squeezing the development of
tourism space, making the tertiary industry tourism
development is not high, the competitiveness of the weaker
alternative, Quanzhou's tourism industry in all sorts of
extrusion under the seams of survival.
3.4.2. Lack of uniqueness of tourism resources and fierce
market competition
Under the pressure of Xiamen's tourism industry in full
swing, the entire southern Fujian region's tourism culture,
landscape features are highly similar, the lack of their own
unique characteristics, and Quanzhou has no distinctive
tourism resources and culture, compared with Xiamen's
diversified development, Quanzhou is particularly
monotonous. Therefore, in such a similar tourism
environment in the southern Fujian region, it is more
important for the regions to cooperate and exchange with each
4. Development Strategies
4.1. Increase the development of tourism
The government of Quanzhou City should increase the
investment in the development of tourism resources, optimize
the allocation of tourism resources and improve the efficiency
of tourism resources development. The first and foremost is
the need to strengthen the protection and development of
scenic spots with high tourism value, to enhance the quality
and attractiveness of scenic spots, by strengthening the
planning and management of tourist attractions to ensure the
sustainable development of scenic spots, and at the same time
to strengthen the investment and construction of tourist
attractions, to enhance the scenic spots' infrastructure and
service level. It can also strengthen the publicity and
promotion of the tourist attractions to improve the visibility
and reputation of the scenic spots and attract more tourists to
come and play.
4.2. Optimizing the structure of the tourism
Tapping and integrating tourism resources in Quanzhou
City, developing a number of distinctive and diversified
tourism products to meet the diversified tourism needs of
tourists. Using government power to convene professionals to
strengthen the excavation and integration of natural landscape,
history and culture, folk customs and other tourism resources,
to form a batch of tourism routes and products with
characteristics, while strengthening the investment and
construction of these products, to enhance the service level of
emerging tourism products, to prolong the industrial chain of
the tourism industry, and to form a revenue-generating
industry, so that the tourism industry can become another
impetus for the growth of the economy of Quanzhou City.
In order to enrich the tourism experience of tourists, the
government can also strongly support the development and
development of emerging tourism products such as rural
tourism, cultural tourism, ecological tourism, etc., strengthen
the planning and guidance of emerging tourism products, and
form a batch of emerging tourism routes and products with
special characteristics to satisfy the diversified tourism needs
of tourists from all sides.
4.3. Strengthening tourism infrastructure
Infrastructure is an important support for economic and
social development, the government should increase
investment in tourism infrastructure construction, improve
the comprehensive carrying capacity of tourism in Quanzhou
City. The first step is to strengthen the infrastructure
construction of tourist attractions, perfect infrastructure is the
basis for improving the services of scenic spots, which is
conducive to improving the quality and attractiveness of
scenic spots. The infrastructure of scenic spots includes
transportation, roads, catering, accommodation and so on, and
the travel and life experience of tourists is a vital part of the
tourists' playing experience. After the end of the epidemic, the
demand for tourism has increased massively, and the number
of tourists in each scenic spot is also increasing, which
requires that the scenic spot must continuously improve the
infrastructure construction, enhance the carrying capacity of
tourists, and provide tourists with a good travel experience.
Scenic area managers can work on the hardware conditions of
the scenic area to strengthen the infrastructure construction.
For example, improve the scenic area internal road to provide
a more spacious and comfortable tour road, increase public
transportation facilities such as shared sightseeing buses and
so on to improve the conditions of the scenic area internal
facilities, these improvement measures can make tourists feel
more comfortable, more intimate journey.
There is also a need to strengthen the construction of
external transportation, accommodation, catering and other
supporting facilities for tourism to improve the tourists'
experience. With the increase of population and urbanization,
the transportation problem fundamentally limits the
development of tourism in Quanzhou, and the scattered
attractions as well as the dense population sap the enthusiasm
of tourists. In addition, Quanzhou city has a large population,
the construction of rail transit is conducive to solving the
problem of traffic congestion in ordinary life, but also
convenient for tourists to play in the entire Quanzhou city, to
save the time of tourists in the traffic between the various
tourist attractions, improve the experience of playing.
4.4. Strengthening tourism publicity and
People nowadays get a lot of information through the
Internet, and the government should strengthen the publicity
and promotion of tourism in Quanzhou to improve its
popularity and reputation, which can be done through various
channels, such as strengthening cooperation with domestic
and foreign media as well as important domestic and foreign
tourism organizations and institutions.
Cooperation with domestic and foreign media can utilize
various channels to publicize and promote Quanzhou's
tourism resources and products, such as cooperation with
news media, publicizing and promoting Quanzhou's tourism
industry through news reports, special reports and other forms
of publicity and promotion; or cooperation with network
media, through microblogging, WeChat, Jitterbug, and other
new media platforms, to take the network live broadcasting,
Netflix introduction, VR tour of Quanzhou, etc. to publicize
and promote the tourism industry of Quanzhou. It is better to
focus on publicizing a certain aspect first and bring out other
tourism resources from it, from point to point, which is easier
to attract tourists. At the same time, the government needs to
strengthen the cooperation mechanism with the media to
improve the effect and influence of media promotion, so as to
really give full play to the role of the media. In addition,
cooperation with important domestic and foreign tourism
organizations and institutions, and active participation in
important domestic and foreign tourism exhibitions and
activities can also help to enhance the international influence
of tourism in Quanzhou, expand the source market, and
promote the tourism industry of Quanzhou to the world.
4.5. Upgrading tourism services
Service is an important link between scenic spots and
tourists, the level of service will largely affect the sense of
tourism experience in a region, the formation of the local
tourism impression, good, in place service can make tourists
satisfied and leave good memories, may also become one of
the opportunities for tourists to share with their friends or on
social accounts, which is conducive to the sustained
development of the local tourism industry, therefore, to
enhance the level of service in the tourism industry in
Quanzhou City is the key to promoting tourism development.
The government should strengthen the training and
management of tour guides, hotel attendants, travel agency
staff and other tourism employees to improve their business
quality and service level; strengthen the education of
professional ethics for employees to improve their service
awareness and service quality; and strengthen the
construction of incentive and constraint mechanisms for
employees to improve their motivation and work effect.
At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the
supervision of the tourism market, standardize the order of the
tourism market and protect the legitimate rights and interests
of tourists. On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the
supervision of market entities such as travel agencies, hotels
and scenic spots, and regulate the business behavior of market
entities; on the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the
management of tour guides, hotel attendants and other
practitioners, and regulate the service behavior of
practitioners. It is also necessary to strengthen the protection
and maintenance of the rights and interests of tourists, and
improve the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists.
4.6. Adoption of cloud tourism
Many tourists from other provinces may not be able to
spare enough time to travel to Quanzhou due to time
arrangement and other problems, so we can use cloud tourism
to let them feel the beauty of Quanzhou, make them initially
appreciate the scenery and human conditions of Quanzhou
through online, arouse their curiosity about Quanzhou and
make them interested. When they have enough free time, they
are likely to come to Quanzhou to travel and further
experience the regional culture and local customs of
Quanzhou. At the same time, the way of cloud tourism can
also increase the turnover of cultural and creative products.
4.7. Creating Quanzhou Specialty IP
In recent years, with the arrival of the era of universal
tourism, people's demand for tourism quality and experience
is getting higher and higher. Those "simple and rough" "copy
and imitate" tourism products can no longer meet the needs
of the majority of tourists. At this time, "tourism + IP"
development has become the focus of attention of many
tourism practitioners. Various theme parks and B&Bs are
emerging, and many super IPs have become the wind vane of
quality tourism. Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that IP has
become the core competitiveness in the new tourism era. A
good IP industry can make people quickly have a certain
understanding of it, and the IP image to a certain extent also
represents the style characteristics of its industry. The
Quanzhou government can focus on creating a cultural IP
with the local conditions and customs of Quanzhou, and
promote it through the live broadcast of Jitterbug, the
vigorous publicity of the stars of ancestral Quanzhou, the film
and television dramas, documentaries, etc., and take the IP as
the center of publicity to introduce the natural and humanistic
scenery of Quanzhou, and to shape the three-dimensional
image of Quanzhou in terms of food, celebrities, and wonders,
so as to facilitate the development of Quanzhou's tourism
industry in a better way.
This work is supported by the Anhui Province 2022
Provincial Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training
Program, Project No. S202210378098.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Research on tourism new media marketing strategy
  • Kai-Li Lai
Lai, Kai-Li. Research on tourism new media marketing strategy[J]. Business Economy,2021(3).
A review of new media marketing research in tourism destinations
  • Bao Shanshan
Bao Shanshan. A review of new media marketing research in tourism destinations[J]. Inner Mongolia Science and Economy, 2020(8).
Analysis of the current situation of research on the concept and mode of cultural tourism
  • Xiao Hong
  • Yang Chunyu
  • Song Fujuan
XIAO Hong,YANG Chunyu,SONG Fujuan. Analysis of the current situation of research on the concept and mode of cultural tourism[J]. Tourism Overview (the second half of the month),2013(18).
Quanzhou cultural industry and tourism integration development path and strategy
  • Zhou Jianbiao
Zhou Jianbiao. Quanzhou cultural industry and tourism integration development path and strategy[J]. Journal of Xiamen SAR Party School,2016(6).
Quanzhou or welcome new opportunities for cultural tourism development
  • Zhang Yaxin
Zhang Yaxin. Successful bid, Quanzhou or welcome new opportunities for cultural tourism development [N]. China City News, 2021-8-2(A15).
Quanzhou's successful bid: a new starting point for the Maritime Silk
  • Guan Zichen
  • Wu Qiyun
Guan Zichen, Wu Qiyun. Quanzhou's successful bid: a new starting point for the Maritime Silk Road[N]. Beijing Business News,2021-07-27(004).