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The article conducts a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of methods and tools used to implement and manage automated accounting systems for e-commerce enterprises. The key parameters and performance indicators of automated accounting systems at these enterprises are determined. It is noted that the combination of several methods can provide the best objective image (slice) of the efficiency of the accounting system at a particular time, and their systematic application allows to trace the dynamics of this efficiency. A combination of evaluation indicators is proposed, which allows solving specific problems of evaluating the efficiency of the accounting system through the use of the methods discussed in the article. Practical recommendations on the selection, implementation and management of automated accounting systems in online stores have been formed in terms of the potential to attract IT companies and solve specific problems of e-commerce enterprises.
27. Oktober, 2023 rich, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft 123
DOI 10.36074/logos-27.10.2023.37
ORCID ID: 0009-0009-0771-8465 Oleksii Zarichuk
Senior Software Engineering Manager
Sponsor United Redmond
Abstract: The article conducts a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of methods and
tools used to implement and manage automated accounting systems for e-commerce
enterprises. The key parameters and performance indicators of automated accounting
systems at these enterprises are determined. It is noted that the combination of several
methods can provide the best objective image (slice) of the efficiency of the accounting
system at a particular time, and their systematic application allows to trace the dynamics of
this efficiency. A combination of evaluation indicators is proposed, which allows solving
specific problems of evaluating the efficiency of the accounting system through the use of the
methods discussed in the article. Practical recommendations on the selection,
implementation and management of automated accounting systems in online stores have
been formed in terms of the potential to attract IT companies and solve specific problems of
e-commerce enterprises.
Introduction. The modern business environment is characterized by the rapid
development of information technologies, one of the practical applications of which is
automated systems in various business areas. This development creates challenges
for enterprises that face the need to assess the effectiveness of such systems, in
particular in such business activities as e-commerce, due to the fact that the issue of
efficiency is becoming critical for maintaining the competitiveness of enterprises in
the market conditions.
Thanks to automated systems, e-commerce enterprises have the opportunity to
speed up the processes of accounting, production and delivery of goods, as well as
improve the quality of customer service.
In this context, the accounting system in e-commerce is the basis for supporting
the information base for decision-making and analysis, which requires special
attention and has significant development potential in terms of applied information
technology and software solutions. However, scientific and practical research in this
area is currently insufficient. In particular, some attention has been paid to automation
as an element of process management development [7; 8; 11], as well as one of the
key aspects of digitalization and digital transformation [1; 10].
At the same time, the automation of accounting systems is primarily the subject
of attention of scientists and practitioners in accounting and management accounting
[4; 5], but to a much lesser extent - information technology specialists [3], which
necessitates consideration of the issues of analyzing the effectiveness of automated
Grundlagen der modernen wissenschaftlichen Forschung
accounting systems in e-commerce in terms of the potential for involving IT
companies and information technology specialists in improving these systems in view
of the potential to solve specific accounting and analytical problems of e-commerce
enterprises. Understanding and proper use of advanced accounting techniques and
tools can help improve the competitiveness of these enterprises and increase
customer satisfaction.
The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the
effectiveness of the methods and tools used for implementation and management of
automated accounting systems for e-commerce enterprises. Achieving this goal is
associated with solving the following tasks:
1. Identification of key parameters and performance indicators of automated
accounting systems at e-commerce enterprises.
2. Comparative analysis of modern methods used for automated accounting at
e-commerce enterprises.
3. To propose practical recommendations for the selection, implementation and
management of automated accounting systems in online stores in terms of the
potential to attract IT companies and solve specific problems of e-commerce
Research results. The efficiency of automated accounting systems is an
important factor in the success of e-commerce enterprises. Determining the key
parameters and indicators that reflect the level of efficiency of such systems allows
online retailers to improve their operations and increase customer satisfaction. In this
context, a study of the existing achievements in the field of analyzing the efficiency of
enterprises allows us to form the following list of the main blocks of parameters and
performance indicators of automated accounting systems of e-commerce
enterprises [2; 9; 10]:
1. Financial result: among the key indicators in this category, the most important
are total revenue, net profit, profitability, and expenses, which reflect the financial
stability and profitability of the online store.
2. Customer aspect: customer metrics include customer satisfaction, average
check, conversion, and repeat purchase rate, and indicate how well the store meets
customer needs and expectations.
3. Internal processes: important indicators in this category include order
processing and delivery time, inventory levels, and transaction costs, which indicate
the efficiency of internal processes and optimization of the online store.
4. Training and development: staff training and development are important
parameters for the use of automated accounting systems, ensuring the correct
operation of systems and increasing their efficiency.
These parameters and indicators are key to determining the effectiveness of
automated accounting systems for e-commerce enterprises. Their analysis and
consideration allow stores to improve their operations, satisfy customers, and ensure
financial success. These parameters and indicators, namely their combinations and
application to solve specific problems, are components of the accounting and analytical
tools implemented in certain methods, among which the author considers it necessary
to single out the most effective and common in the accounting and analytical practice
of e-commerce enterprises methods that allow to analyze the effectiveness of
automated accounting systems (Table 1). The implementation of the methods
presented in the table allows to analyze the use of automated accounting systems of
e-commerce enterprises, among which the most common are the following:
- ERP systems, which help integrate various aspects of the business and allow
you to control finances, supply chain and customer operations;
27. Oktober, 2023 rich, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft 125
- CRM systems aimed at managing customer relationships and helping to
maintain a customer base and ensure better communication with them;
- Data analytics and machine learning systems that analyze customer habits
and forecast demand;
- Cloud-based systems that provide access to data and processing functions
from any location and device.
The procedure for choosing a specific methodology for a particular automated
accounting system depends on the specific needs and objectives of the e-commerce
enterprise. If an enterprise seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the accounting
system in a comprehensive manner, taking into account not only financial indicators
but also customer satisfaction, internal processes, and development, then the
Balanced Scorecard may be the best solution. Customer feedback can be useful if a
business wants to get immediate feedback from consumers. Machine learning and
data analytics will be useful when an enterprise has a large amount of data and wants
to identify hidden trends and patterns.
At the same time, combining several methods can provide the best objective
image (slice) of the efficiency of the accounting system at a particular point in time,
and their systematic application allows you to track the dynamics of this efficiency.
It is important to take into account the specific features and goals of the
enterprise when choosing a methodology and using its results for decision-making.
Let us consider the author's development of a combination of three methods used for
automated accounting at e-commerce enterprises, with a description of formulas for
assessing a specific parameter - customer satisfaction, with a description of the
components: Table 1
Comparative analysis of methods and tools used for automated accounting at
e-commerce enterprises
Continuation of the tab. 1
Description of
Practical application
1) Balanced Scorecard
allows you to
measure the
effectiveness of
the accounting
system based
on four aspects:
training and
can help determine
whether the
accounting system
contributes to profit
growth (financial
aspect), improves
customer service
(customer aspect),
and ensures the
efficiency of
operations (internal
process aspect)
- a wide range of
indicators that take
into account not only
financial results but
also aspects of
satisfaction, internal
processes and
- allows to take into
account the long-term
and short-term goals
of the enterprise
- a complex
process of
developing and
implementing an
system at an
- requires
resources and
time for data
collection and
2) ROI-analysis
allows you to
determine how
quickly the
company will
receive a return
on investment in
the accounting
system, can be
critical for
making a
decision on
If an online store
has invested in an
accounting system
and made a profit for
the year, the ROI
calculation will help
determine whether
this investment was
- - easy to calculate
and understandable
for many
- - allows you to
measure the return
on investment
- ignores aspects
other than
financial ones;
- may not take into
account the long-
term impact of
the accounting
system on the
Grundlagen der modernen wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Description of
3) Machine learning
and data analytics
allow you to
identify hidden
patterns in data
and provide
forecasts for
data analysis can
identify patterns of
customer behavior
and help an online
store optimize its
product range and
- the ability to identify
complex patterns and
trends in data that may
be inaccessible to
classical methods;
- helps to optimize
processes and predict
4) Customer feedback
evaluating the
effectiveness of
systems, allows
you to take into
feedback and
ratings on the
quality of service
and convenience
of shopping can
be important
sources of
information for
assessing the
- provides direct
information on
customer satisfaction
and service quality;
- allows you to quickly
respond to changes in
their preferences
[ author's development]
1) Balanced Scorecard:
 
 (1)
Where CS Customer satisfaction.
W1, W2, W3, W4 weights for each aspect (the sum of weights equals 1);
FI Financial indicator profit or ROI.
Customer aspect is an indicator of customer satisfaction obtained through
surveys or feedback.
IP Internal processes are an indicator of the efficiency of the company's internal
TD Training and development is an indicator of the growth of employees' knowledge
and skills.
2) ROI-analysis:    2)
Where CS Customer satisfaction.
ROI Return on investment in the accounting system.
 ROI Importance Factor a weighting factor to take into account the importance
of this indicator.
3) Machine learning and data analytics:
 
 (3)
where CS Customer satisfaction.
W5, W6 weights for each aspect (the sum of the weights equals 1).
PCS Predicted customer satisfaction is the result of data analy sis to predict
customer preferences and satisfaction.
PI Process Improvement assessing the improvement of internal processes
through the use of data analytics.
Thus, the proposed combination of evaluation indicators allows solving specific
27. Oktober, 2023 rich, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft 127
problems of evaluating the efficiency of the accounting system through the use of the
methods discussed in the article. Just as with the assessment of the customer
satisfaction aspect, it is possible to assess the impact of automation of accounting in
online stores on other parameters of the enterprise.
It should also be noted that IT companies play an important role in ensuring the
relationship between the increase in the level of automation of accounting systems
and, as a result, the competitiveness of companies in the field of online commerce.
The specificity of their support in this context is to address the following issues:
- Development and integration of accounting systems.
- Data analysis and forecasting.
- Security and data protection.
- Infrastructure and cloud solutions.
- Mobile applications and interfaces.
- Demand and inventory forecasting
- User support and staff training.
Problems that IT companies can solve in this context include the integration of
different systems. IT companies can also help online retailers address customer
requirements and create a user-friendly interface, as well as protect against cyber
threats and malicious attacks. In this context, IT companies act as key players in
creating and maintaining efficient automated accounting systems that affect customer
satisfaction and, as a result, the competitiveness of companies. It should also be
borne in mind that the selection, implementation and management of automated
accounting systems in online stores is an important strategic task. The author
formulates the following recommendations for the optimal use of these systems (Fig.
1). By following these practical recommendations, you will be able to maximize the
benefits of implementing such systems and ensure business development.
Conclusions. Analyzing the effectiveness of automated accounting systems is
an important task for increasing the competitiveness and customer satisfaction of e-
commerce enterprises. The article examines the methods and tools that help solve
this problem and identifies their advantages and disadvantages. For example, the
Balanced Scorecard provides a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of the
accounting system, taking into account various aspects, but requires significant
efforts to implement and evaluate. ROI analysis is easy to measure and understand,
but may ignore aspects other than financial. Machine learning and data analytics can
reveal hidden trends and patterns in the data, but require specialists and a large
amount of data.
The article defines the key parameters and indicators of efficiency of automated
accounting systems at enterprises. It is noted that the combination of several methods
can provide the best objective image (slice) of the efficiency of the accounting system
at a particular time, and their systematic application allows to trace the dynamics of
this efficiency. In support of this, a combination of evaluation indicators is proposed,
which allows solving specific problems of evaluating the efficiency of the accounting
system through the use of the methods discussed in the article. Practical
recommendations on the selection, implementation and management of automated
accounting systems in online stores have been formed in terms of the potential to
attract IT companies and solve specific problems of e-commerce enterprises.
The scientific value of the article lies in the generalization and systematization
of information. The article examines and compares different approaches to analyzing
the efficiency of automated accounting systems, which provides a clear picture of
Grundlagen der modernen wissenschaftlichen Forschung
different methods and their application in the field of online commerce. The article
also identifies key aspects of performance analysis, such as financial result, customer
aspect, internal processes, training and development, which can help practitioners
focus on the most important aspects. The article provides a comparative analysis of
different approaches and gives readers the opportunity to choose the one that best
suits their needs and objectives.
In general, the article has a significant potential for practical value for e-
commerce enterprises, as it helps to understand which methods and tools may be
most appropriate for use in practice. The prospects for further development of this
experience are to continuously improve analysis methods and use the latest
technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to obtain more
accurate, fast and efficient results. Thus, the analysis of the efficiency of automated
accounting systems is an integral part of e-commerce development, and this article
helps to unlock its potential for practice and science.
Fig. 1. Areas of analysis of the effectiveness of automated accounting
systems in e-commerce
Before choosing an accounting system, it is necessary to carefully
analyze the needs and goals of the online store, determine which
processes need automation, and which indicators are key for the business
Analysis of
needs and goals
Based on the analysis, you should choose the accounting system that best
meets the requirements of the online store, and it is important to take into
account the scale of the system, its ability to integrate with other systems
Choosing the
right system
It is necessary to carefully plan the process of implementing the
accounting system at the level of steps, responsible persons, terms
and budget, staff training and support during implementation
Staff should be provided with appropriate training on the use of the
accounting system to help maximize the system's potential and
avoid errors
Staff training
After implementing the accounting system, it is important to
constantly monitor its effectiveness and results, make adjustments
to the system, optimize processes and improve its functionality
Monitoring and
If necessary, experts or consultants with experience in the selection and
implementation of accounting systems should been gaged, whose knowledge
and experience may be important for successful implementation
Involvement of
Data security standards and measures should be carefully followed,
as customer information and financial data are highly valuable
Ensuring data
Business and technology are constantly changing, so the accounting
system should be able to quickly upgrade and adapt to new
Increasing the productivity and competitiveness of an e-commerce enterprise
27. Oktober, 2023 rich, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft 129.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Teoretychni ta praktychni aspekty rozvytku Internet-ekonomiky [Digital technologies in business and management: world experience. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the Internet economy
  • S O Bila
Bila, S. O. (2021). Tsyfrovi tekhnolohiyi v biznesi ta upravlinni: svitovyy dosvid. Teoretychni ta praktychni aspekty rozvytku Internet-ekonomiky [Digital technologies in business and management: world experience. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the Internet economy].Drohobych: POSVIT.
Elektronna komertsiya v epokhu dydzhytalizatsiyi
  • O V Vynohradova
  • N O Yevtushenko
  • I S Kryuchok
Vynohradova, O. V., Yevtushenko, N. O. & Kryuchok, I. S. (2020). Elektronna komertsiya v epokhu dydzhytalizatsiyi [E-commerce in the age of digitalization]. Black Sea Economic Studies, (1), 55-60.
Doslidzhennya vplyvu avtomatyzatsiyi obliku na rivenʹ zadovolenosti kliyentiv v internetmahazynakh [Study of the influence of accounting automation on the level of customer satisfaction in online stores
  • O Zarichuk
Zarichuk, O. (2023). Doslidzhennya vplyvu avtomatyzatsiyi obliku na rivenʹ zadovolenosti kliyentiv v internetmahazynakh [Study of the influence of accounting automation on the level of customer satisfaction in online stores]. Grail of Science, (31), 228-238.
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  • I S Kovova
Kovova, I. S. (2021). Oblik tovariv v umovakh didzhytalizatsiyi [Accounting of goods in conditions of digitization]. Collection of scientific works of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, (50), 122-129.
Internet-torhivlya: oblik ta opodatkuvannya
  • O V Leha
Leha, O. V. (2019). Internet-torhivlya: oblik ta opodatkuvannya [Internet trade: accounting and taxation]. Black Sea Economic Studies, (43), 161-166. Retrieved from:
Elektronna torhivlya: orhanizatsiyni ta oblikovi aspekty. Ekonomichnyy, orhanizatsiynyy ta pravovyy mekhanizm pidtrymky i rozvytku pidpryyemnytstva [Electronic trade: organizational and accounting aspects. Economic, organizational and legal mechanism of support and development of entrepreneurship
  • O V Leha
  • L V Yaloveha
  • T B Pryydak
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  • O V Olʹshansʹkyy
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  • A Yu Yeremenko
Pokhylʹko, S. V. & Yeremenko A. YU. (2023). Biznes-modelʹne proektuvannya elektronnoyi komertsiyi: efektyvnistʹ dropshypinhutayoho transformatsiya [Business model design of e-commerce: efficiency of dropshipping and its transformation]. Economy: realities of time. Scientific journal, (1 (65)), 69-77.
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  • V O Tkachuk
Tkachuk, V. O. (2021). Elektronnyy biznes: perevahy ta ryzyky v period tsyfrovoyi transformatsiyi [Electronic business: advantages and risks in the period of digital transformation]. Economics, management and administration, (1), 28-36.