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Blood meal identification reveals extremely broad host range and host-bias in a temporary ectoparasite of coral reef fishes

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Abstract and Figures

Appreciation for the role of cryptofauna in ecological systems has increased dramatically over the past decade. The impacts blood-feeding arthropods, such as ticks and mosquitos, have on terrestrial communities are the subject of hundreds of papers annually. However, blood-feeding arthropods have been largely ignored in marine environments. Gnathiid isopods, often referred to as “ticks of the sea”, are temporary external parasites of fishes. They are found in all marine environments and have many consequential impacts on host fitness. Because they are highly mobile and only associated with their hosts while obtaining a blood meal, their broader trophic connections are difficult to discern. Conventional methods rely heavily on detecting gnathiids on wild-caught fishes. However, this approach typically yields few gnathiids and does not account for hosts that avoid capture. To overcome this limitation, we sequenced blood meals of free-living gnathiids collected in light traps to assess the host range and community-dependent exploitation of Caribbean gnathiid isopods. Using fish-specific COI (cox1) primers, sequencing individual blood meals from 1060 gnathiids resulted in the identification of 70 host fish species from 27 families. Comparisons of fish assemblages to blood meal identification frequencies at four collection sites indicated that fishes within the families Haemulidae (grunts) and Lutjanidae (snappers) were exploited more frequently than expected based on their biomass, and Labrid parrotfishes were exploited less frequently than expected. The broad host range along with the biased exploitation of diel-migratory species has important implications for the role gnathiid isopods play in Caribbean coral reef communities.
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Oecologia (2023) 203:349–360
Blood meal identification reveals extremely broad host range
andhost‑bias inatemporary ectoparasite ofcoral reef fishes
GinaC.Hendrick1· MatthewD.Nicholson1· J.AndresPagan2· JohnM.Artim3· MaureenC.Dolan3,4·
Received: 3 January 2023 / Accepted: 13 October 2023 / Published online: 11 November 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023
Appreciation for the role of cryptofauna in ecological systems has increased dramatically over the past decade. The impacts
blood-feeding arthropods, such as ticks and mosquitos, have on terrestrial communities are the subject of hundreds of papers
annually. However, blood-feeding arthropods have been largely ignored in marine environments. Gnathiid isopods, often
referred to as “ticks of the sea”, are temporary external parasites of fishes. They are found in all marine environments and
have many consequential impacts on host fitness. Because they are highly mobile and only associated with their hosts while
obtaining a blood meal, their broader trophic connections are difficult to discern. Conventional methods rely heavily on
detecting gnathiids on wild-caught fishes. However, this approach typically yields few gnathiids and does not account for
hosts that avoid capture. To overcome this limitation, we sequenced blood meals of free-living gnathiids collected in light
traps to assess the host range and community-dependent exploitation of Caribbean gnathiid isopods. Using fish-specific
COI (cox1) primers, sequencing individual blood meals from 1060 gnathiids resulted in the identification of 70 host fish
species from 27 families. Comparisons of fish assemblages to blood meal identification frequencies at four collection sites
indicated that fishes within the families Haemulidae (grunts) and Lutjanidae (snappers) were exploited more frequently than
expected based on their biomass, and Labrid parrotfishes were exploited less frequently than expected. The broad host range
along with the biased exploitation of diel-migratory species has important implications for the role gnathiid isopods play
in Caribbean coral reef communities.
Keywords DNA barcoding· Parasite ecology· Resource selection· Blood feeding arthropods· Marine biology·
Community composition· Host selection
The stability and function of ecosystems is dependent upon
the myriad trophic connections that control the transfer of
energy within the system (Saint-Béat etal. 2015). Thus,
identifying trophic dynamics as revealed by food webs
is essential to the understanding of any ecosystem. His-
torically, trophic ecology has excluded cryptic organisms,
especially parasites, resulting in limited knowledge of their
role in community processes (Lafferty etal. 2008; Johnson
etal. 2010). With the rise in interest in both cryptic ecology
(Brandl etal. 2017; Pearman etal. 2018) and parasite ecol-
ogy, the impact that these organisms have on trophic struc-
ture is being rapidly unveiled (Lafferty etal. 2006; Brandl
etal. 2018, 2019; Timi and Poulin 2020).
Incorporating parasites into food web studies can be chal-
lenging due in part to the cryptic nature of most parasites,
Communicated by Joel Trexler.
* Paul C. Sikkel
1 Department ofMarine Biology andEcology, Rosenstiel
School ofMarine, Atmospheric andEarth Science,
University ofMiami, Miami, FL, USA
2 Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos
Genéticos, CIBIO – Universidade doPorto, Vairão, Portugal
3 Department ofBiological Sciences, Arkansas State
University, Jonesboro, AR, USA
4 Arkansas Biosciences Institute, Arkansas State University,
Jonesboro, AR, USA
5 Water Research Group, Unit ofEnvironmental Sciences
andManagement, North-West University, Potchefstroom,
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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Nearly all organisms must cope with parasitic infestation, and most research on parasite ecology in marine systems has focused on the variety of both direct and indirect impacts that parasites can have on hosts. In coral reef ecosystems, gnathiid isopods are one of the most common ectoparasites of fishes. For individuals infested with gnathiids, there is a heavy reliance on intraspecific mutualisms where specialist species groom or “clean” parasites off host fishes. However, gnathiids spend most of their time free-living and not associated with a host and are thus susceptible to consumption by non-cleaner fish species. Here, we investigated if non-cleaner and facultative (less specialized) cleaner fish consume ectoparasitic gnathiid isopods as often or in similar quantities as dedicated (highly specialized) cleaners. To do so, we sampled the gut contents of 797 fishes, representing 61 species and including both cleaner and non-cleaner fishes, to compare their consumption of gnathiid isopods. We found that although there is some site level variation, cleaner fishes eat significantly more gnathiids, and eat them more frequently, compared to non-cleaner fishes. Our results highlight the importance of both dedicated and facultative cleaners as consumers of ectoparasites and show that their role is unlikely to be supplanted by non-cleaner consumers. Furthermore, we suggest that different cleaner species act as complementary rather than redundant specialists.
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Understanding the scale of fish movements is essential to establish appropriate fisheries management boundaries. In Florida (USA), Permit (Trachinotus falcatus) is a valued recreational species as a sportfish and as table fare. The Permit fishery in Florida occurs in two geographic sectors: (1) in the Florida Keys and in Biscayne Bay, most anglers value Permit as a sportfish and generally practice catch and release; (2) north of the Florida Keys and Biscayne Bay, where a higher proportion of anglers are harvest oriented. In 2011, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) established a Special Permit Zone (SPZ) in the Florida Keys and Biscayne Bay to reduce harvest and to improve the shallow water flats fishery, but maintained regulations friendly to the harvest fishery in the remainder of the state. To determine the extent to which the SPZ is an effective spatial management tool to protect the South Florida sportfish fishery, we used a state-wide mark-recapture program and acoustic telemetry focused on tracking the northern fishery. Between March 2010 and August 2019, anglers dart tagged 1488 Permit, and we acoustically tagged 17 Permit. Only 28 dart-tagged fish were recaptured during the study period and just two of those had moved across the SPZ boundary; in addition, only one of the 17 telemetered fish migrated southward and was detected 3 km south of the SPZ boundary. These results corroborate previous research of Permit movements in the SPZ which also showed infrequent movement across the SPZ border. Thus, it appears that the current spatial approach to management of Permit in south Florida is appropriate.
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Human activities are altering the structure of ecological communities, often favouring generalists over specialists. For reef fishes, increasingly degraded habitats and climate-driven range shifts may independently augment generalization, particularly if fishes with least-specific habitat requirements are more likely to shift geographic ranges to track their thermal niche. Using a unique global dataset on temperate and tropical reef fishes and habitat composition, we calculated a species generalization index that empirically estimates the habitat niche breadth of each fish species. We then applied the species generalization index to evaluate potential impacts of habitat loss and range shifts across large scales, on coral and rocky reefs. Our analyses revealed consistent habitat-induced shifts in community structure that favoured generalist fishes following regional coral mortality events and between adjacent sea urchin barrens and kelp habitats. Analysis of the distribution of tropical fishes also identified the species generalization index as the most important trait in predicting their poleward range extent, more so than body or range size. Generalist tropical reef fishes penetrate further into subtropical and temperate zones than specialists. Dynamic responses of reef fishes to habitat degradation imply loss of specialists at local scales, while generalists will be broadly favoured under intensifying anthropogenic pressures. An increased focus on individual requirements of specialists could provide useful guidance for species threat assessments and conservation actions, while ecosystem and multi-species fisheries models should recognize increasing prevalence of generalists. Using a species generalization index calculated from a global dataset of reef fishes and their habitats, the authors show that generalist species respond more successfully to habitat disruption and are better able to move polewards in response to climate change.
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Gnathiid isopods, common fish ectoparasites, can affect fish physiology, behaviour and survival. Gnathiid juveniles emerge from the benthos to feed on fish blood. In the Caribbean, gnathiids are positively associated with dead coral and negatively associated with live coral, due to coral predation on gnathiids. However, such interactions were unstudied in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Due to recent extreme weather events (two cyclones and one mass warm-water coral bleaching event, 2014–2016), it is now urgent to understand the role of corals on the abundance of these ectoparasites. Here, to understand parasite–coral dynamics at the micro-habitat level, we examined substrate associations of gnathiid isopods on Lizard Island (GBR) using demersal plankton emergence traps. Additionally, we determined whether two abundant hard coral species, Goniopora lobata and Pocillopora damicornis, predate on gnathiids in a laboratory experiment using containers with gnathiids and fragments from each coral species or dead coral as controls. The abundance of gnathiids over natural substrates was higher for dead compared to live hard coral and sand, but not live soft coral. Moreover, we found that free-swimming gnathiids decreased in containers with live coral compared to dead coral controls. This was attributed to predation as we also directly observed a coral ingesting a gnathiid. Our results suggest that dead coral is a suitable microhabitat for gnathiids, but that live coral is not since live corals can predate on gnathiids. We propose that following extreme events, such as cyclones and heat waves, gnathiids might benefit from more dead coral substrate and a decrease in predation by the reduction in coral cover on the reef. We advocate that an increase in the frequency of extreme events may have cascading effects for the fish population through changes in the population of benthos-dependent ectoparasites.
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Development of effective conservation and management strategies requires assessments of ecosystem biodiversity status, especially in understudied hotspots of global fish diversity. Coral reefs are important habitats for fishes, with biodiversity hotspots known globally. We present the first data on molecular diversity of fishes of Mischief Reef, the largest atoll in the Nansha Islands. Partial sequences (650 bp) of mitochondrial COI gene (Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) are used to identify 209 individuals, representing 101 species, referable to 62 genera, 27 families, 8 orders, and 1 class. The most abundant orders are the Perciformes (176 specimens, 84.21%), Tetraodontiformes (13 specimens, 6.22%), and Beryciformes (13 specimens, 6.22%). Mean Kimura 2-Parameter genetic distances within genera, families, and orders are 4.51, 13.90, and 17.63%, respectively. We record Monotaxis heterodon from this region for the first time—a species that may previously have been misidentified as M. grandoculis. In addition, we recognized possible cryptic species of Lethrinus olivaceus based on significantly diverging barcode sequences. Barcode data provide new insights into fish diversity of Mischief Reef, important for developing further researches on this fauna, and for its conservation.
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Understanding vertebrate–vector interactions is vitally important for understanding the transmission dynamics of arthropod-vectored pathogens and depends on the ability to accurately identify the vertebrate source of blood-engorged arthropods in field collections using molecular methods. A decade ago, molecular techniques being applied to arthropod blood meal identification were thoroughly reviewed, but there have been significant advancements in the techniques and technologies available since that time. This review highlights the available diagnostic markers in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA and discusses their benefits and shortcomings for use in molecular identification assays. Advances in real-time PCR, high resolution melting analysis, digital PCR, next generation sequencing, microsphere assays, mass spectrometry, and stable isotope analysis each offer novel approaches and advantages to bloodmeal analysis that have gained traction in the field. New, field-forward technologies and platforms have also come into use that offer promising solutions for point-of-care and remote field deployment for rapid bloodmeal source identification. Some of the lessons learned over the last decade, particularly in the fields of DNA barcoding and sequence analysis, are discussed. Though many advancements have been made, technical challenges remain concerning the prevention of sample degradation both by the arthropod before the sample has been obtained and during storage. This review provides a roadmap and guide for those considering modern techniques for arthropod bloodmeal identification and reviews how advances in molecular technology over the past decade have been applied in this unique biomedical context.
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Ecosystem degradation due to anthropogenic activities is the primary issue of our times. Theoretical analyses as well as efforts to restore and manage ecosystems depend on comprehensive metrics of ecosystem function. In the case of complex ecosystems such as tropical coral reefs-especially where monitoring , management, and restoration are important-multiple metrics reflecting key functional groups are required to accurately reflect ecosystem function and when necessary, diagnose degree and kind of ecosystem degradation. We propose inclusion of the generalist ectoparasite functional group as a measure of ecosystem function of coral reefs. This functional group is adaptable to loss of other community members and may experience an increase in abundance as ecosystem function declines. Fish-parasitic gnathiid isopods are a member of this group, resident though inconspicuous in coral-reef communities. On Caribbean coral reefs, based on 938 light-trap samples, we observed a negative correlation between abundance of smaller-sized gnathiids and abundance of live coral, a natural predator of gnathiids. Plots grouped by coral cover-a measure of success of the ecosystem engineer-and ectoparasite abundance varied significantly in community composition including abundance of macroalgae, turf algae, and farming Stegastes spp. damselfish reflecting shifts in community structure. Changes in gnathiid abundance with respect to the abundance of organisms participating in each of the core functional processes driving coral-reef ecosystems reflect broad connectivity of gnathiid parasites across the ecosystem. We conclude that the hyperabundance of a small, cryptic, generalist parasite, when used in combination with a metric of abundance of the primary ecosystem engineer, can provide one nuanced measure of the ecosystem vulnerability to collapse.
Connectivity between habitats and ecological communities is a critical component of trophic structure. Coral reef systems include reef, seagrass, and mangrove habitats, and the movement of fishes is a key component of habitat connectivity among them. Fishes that undergo diel migrations between habitats are among the best-studied functional groups. Studies on their role in energetic connectivity between adjacent habitats have not considered the possible contribution of parasites. Some diel-migratory species are both highly susceptible to and disproportionately exploited by gnathiid isopods, temporary, tick-like parasites of marine fishes. By leaving the reef at night, diel-migratory fishes reduce their overall exposure to gnathiids, which are more active at night and more abundant in reef habitat. Here we show that for sites in both the Caribbean and the Great Barrier Reef, gnathiids are attached to diel-migratory fishes at the time they depart reef habitat. Because gnathiids associate temporarily with host fishes, they can be acquired by hosts in one habitat and can become dislodged and deposited in another. Field experiments in the Caribbean show that gnathiids from reef habitat dislodge in seagrass habitat, where they likely remain until their next feeding. Sequencing blood meals from free-living gnathiids in seagrass beds, where they are least abundant, shows that diel-migratory and other transient fishes are the most frequently exploited hosts, confirming that deposition of gnathiids in seagrass is facilitated mainly by migratory hosts. These findings have important implications for trophic, population-genetic, and disease connectivity involving gnathiid isopods and potentially other external parasites.
Assessing the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that shape the spatial distribution of genetic diversity of symbionts has been a topic of debate for decades. While host-mediated dispersal is an important driver of gene flow in many terrestrial metazoan symbionts, few studies have identified the drivers of symbiont genetic differentiation in the marine realm, where habitats are comparatively more homogeneous and long-distance dispersal is common. In the present study, we perform a meta-analysis of existing studies examining symbiont spatial genetic diversity to determine which symbiont- and host-related traits shape the patterns of genetic differentiation of metazoan symbionts, while also considering technical aspects of each study. Specifically, we wanted to assess the influence of biological traits and/or technical aspects in (1) detecting genetic differentiation in marine symbionts, and (2) shaping the minimum spatial scale at which genetic differentiation was detected. By assessing genetic diversity of mtDNA markers, we found that the spatial scale at which studies are conducted was a crucial predictor of both detection of genetic structure and scale at which differentiation of marine symbionts was detected. Symbiont-based traits did not influence genetic structure, however, host-mediated dispersal was the only biological trait that shaped genetic structure of marine symbionts by influencing the spatial distribution at which differentiation was detected.
Parasites play significant roles in the function of ecosystems and can make up a large proportion of overall biomass. Yet, fundamental aspects of their ecology are often understudied relative to other organisms. Gnathiid isopods are the primary ectoparasites of fishes in coral reef ecosystems. While some studies have investigated their host-detection capabilities, the means by which they seek hosts are largely unknown. Gnathiids are benthic and live on the bottom, and all collection efforts involving live hosts have thus far involved traps set at or near the reef substrate. We investigated the distance gnathiids will travel vertically in the water column to attach to a fish host. The majority of gnathiids collected were at or less than 1 m above the reef substrate, and gnathiids were collected in serially diminishing numbers at 2 and 3 m above it. No gnathiids were collected from any fish hosts set more than 3.5 m above the reef substrate. Results suggest that gnathiids will actively seek host fishes in situ and will travel further from their benthic habitat than previously known. By swimming into the water column, gnathiids can exploit larger, highly-mobile fishes, which can serve as a major source of dispersal.
Parasites can account for a substantial proportion of the biomass in marine communities. As such, parasites play a significant ecological role in ecosystem functioning via host interactions. Unlike macropredators, such as large piscivores, micropredators rarely cause direct mortality. Rather, micropredators impose an energetic tax, thus significantly affecting host physiology and behaviour via such sublethal effects. Recent research suggests that infection by gnathiid isopods (Crustacea) causes significant physiological stress and increased mortality rates. However, it is unclear whether infection causes changes in the behaviours that underpin escape responses or changes in routine activity levels. Moreover, it is poorly understood whether the cost of gnathiid infection manifests as an increase in cortisol. To investigate this, we examined the effect of experimental gnathiid infection on the swimming and escape performance of a newly settled coral reef fish and whether infection would lead to increased cortisol levels. We found that micropredation by a single gnathiid caused fast-start escape performance and swimming behaviour to significantly decrease and cortisol levels to double. Fast-start escape performance is an important predictor of recruit survival in the wild. As such, altered fitness related traits and short-term stress, perhaps especially during early life stages, may result in large scale changes in the number of fish that successfully recruit to adult populations.