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Our Experience of Placement of Airway Sems in Three Different Scenarios of Lung and Esophageal Malignancy


Abstract and Figures

Malignant central airway obstruction refers to the obstruction of the trachea, and right or left main bronchus due to neoplastic growth. The airway is generally compromised by ∼50% at presentation when the patient develops symptoms. Diagnosis is done by flexible bronchoscopy and imaging. However, treatment is challenging due to recurrence, and increased vascularity of tumors, owing to dreaded complications of bleeding and airway compromise. Tracheoesophageal fistula is an abnormal communication of the trachea with the esophagus. It occurs in advanced stages of esophageal and lung malignancy. Bronchoscopy and airway stenting is the palliative treatment option due to the advanced stage of the disease. We present three different case scenarios of thoracic malignancies who underwent airway stenting.
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Our Experience of Placement of Airway Sems in
Three Different Scenarios of Lung and
Esophageal Malignancy
Sarath Chandra Kadur Srikanta Rao1Nandakishore Baikunje1Chandramouli Mandya Thimmaiah1
Rajesh Venkataram2Giridhar Belur Hosmane1
1Department of Pulmonary Medicine, KS Hegde Medical Academy,
Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
2Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Yenepoya Medical College,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
J Health Allied Sci
Address for correspondence Giridhar B. H., MD, PhD, Department of
Pulmonary Medicine, KS Hegde Medical Academy, Deralakatte,
Mangaluru 575018, Karnataka, India
Central airway obstruction can be of benign or malignant
etiology, of which malignancy is the more common cause.
Malignant central airway obstruct ion occurs in 20 to 30% of
patients with lung cancer and is usually associated with poor
prognosis. Timely therapeutic intervention, endobronchial
debulking and tracheobrochial stenting give immediate re-
lief to the patient by improving the airway lumen and hence a
better quality of life.
Tracheoesophageal stula (TEF) is a pathological communi-
cation of the trachea and the esophagus. It can be congenital or
acquired. It can be further classied as benign etiology or
malignant etiology. Thoracic malignancy such as carcinoma
lung or esophagus can lead to TEF by direct extension of the
tumor, as a result of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or
pre-existing stent erosion into the adjacent structures. Due to
the advanced stage of malignancy, most patients will be eligible
only for palliative proceduressuch as endobronchial stenting as
compared with surgery. Hereby, we present three such scenari-
os of tracheobronchial stenting for palliative purpose.
Case Presentation
Case 1
A woman in her late 40s presented with a diagnosis of carcinoma
middle one-third of the esophagus with systemic hypertension
presented with a history of cough, expectoration, and exertional
dyspnea since 4 weeks. Expectoration was mucoid in consistency,
nonfoul smelling, and not blood-stained. There were no com-
plaints of fever, chest pain, orthopnea, or paroxysmal dyspnea.
She also had complaints of dysphagia, generalized weakness, and
loss of weight. Her dysphagia was more to solids than liquids. She
central airway
Abstract Malignant central airway obstruction refers to the obstruction of the trachea, and right
or left main bronchus due to neoplastic growth. The airway is generally compromised
by 50% at presentation when the patient develops symptoms. Diagnosis is done by
exible bronchoscopy and imaging. However, treatment is challenging due to recur-
rence, and increased vascularity of tumors, owing to dreaded complications of
bleeding and airway compromise. Tracheoesophageal stula is an abnormal commu-
nication of the trachea with the esophagus. It occurs in advanced stages of esophageal
and lung malignancy. Bronchoscopy and airway stenting is the palliative treatment
option due to the advanced stage of the disease. We present three different case
scenarios of thoracic malignancies who underwent airway stenting.
article published online
November 8, 2023
ISSN 2582-4287.
© 2023. The Author(s).
This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited.
Thieme Medical and Scientic Publishers Pvt. Ltd., A-12, 2nd Floor,
Sector 2, Noida-201301 UP, India
Original Article
Article published online: 2023-11-08
was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma esophagus 1 year
ago for which she had received radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
On examination, she had a saturation of 90% in room air, a heart
rate of 100 bpm, a respiratory rate of 25 breathsper min, biphasic
stridor, and respiratory distress. She had made multiple hospital
visits for recurrent respiratory infections and was under follow-
up with her oncologist for regular chemotherapy and radiation
therapy. She underwent a diagnostic bronchoscopy in her local
hospital that revealed the central airway obstruction secondary to
the extension of the esophageal growth into the trachea. She was
referred to our center for further management of the endotra-
cheal obstruction.
All relevant investigations were done. A blood workup
showed leukocytosis. Liver and renal function tests were
within normal limits. CECT showed soft tissue density-
enhancing mass lesion measuring 20 2327 m m in the
upper thoracic esophagus at D1 and D2 levels. Anteriorly, it is
seen inltrating the tracheal lumen causing luminal stenosis
The patient was started on oxygen via nasal cannula at 2
L/min, antibiotics, steroids and bronchodilator nebulization.
Oxygen taperedto room air gradually.Repeat CT thorax and 3D
reconstruction of the central airways were done to nd out the
extent of the lesion. The lesion was located at a distance of
52.9 mm from the subglottis and the extent of the lesion was
17.2 mm. The lesion caused a near-total occlusion of the
trachea leaving behind a narrow opening of 2.4 mm for venti-
lation (Figs. 12)Aexible self-expanding metallic stent of
6 cm in length was chosen to have a margin of 2 cm on either
side of the lesion. The patient was intubated with the rigid
tracheoscope under general anesthesia in the operating room.
Under direct vision with the telescope, the guidewire was
passed through the narrowlumen beyond the lesionand a self-
expanding stent was deployed. (Fig. 3) The patient was
extubated on the table, she tolerated the procedure well.
Post-procedure repeat CT thorax was done to assess the stent
expansion and placement. Tracheal lumen patency was re-
established.The patients respiratory distress reduced and was
discharged the next day on steroids, antibiotics, and antihy-
pertensives. She was advised to follow up on her chemothera-
py and radiotherapy course.
The patient presented after 5 months of tracheal stent
placement wi th complaints of cough and expec toration since
4 weeks. On examination, saturation was 95% in room air
with bilateral equal air entry, and normal vesicular breath
sounds. Repeat chest X-ray and repeat bronchoscopy were
done, which conrmed the position of the stent. She was
treated symptomatically and is undergoing regular
Fig. 1 Pre procedure airway measurements Distance of the stenosis
from subglot tis - 52.9 mm. Length of stenosis 17.2 mm. The patent
lumen at the stenosed part 2.4 mm.
Fig. 2 Bronchoscopic view of the intraluminal growth in the trachea
causing near-total obstruction.
Fig. 3 Post procedure post endotracheal stenting CT thorax view of
the stenosed part.
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Vol. 14 No. 1/2024 © 2023. The Author(s).
Airway Sems Placement in Lung and Esophageal Malignancy Rao et al. 67
Case 2
The second case is about a female patient in her late 50s
who presented with a history of cough, expectoration since
4 months. She had gradually progressive breathlessness
since 2 months. She also had an evening rise in temperature
and loss of weight. However, there was no dysphagia,
hoarseness of voice, or abdominal complaints. On examina-
tion, oxygen saturation was 98% in room air, pulse rate was
90 bpm, blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg, respiratory rate
was 20 breaths per min. Respiratory system examination
revealed bilateral equal air entry, no added sounds. Patient
had undergone exible bronchoscopy in another hospital
which diagnosed an intraluminal growth in the lower end of
the trachea causing luminal narrowing histopathologically
diagnosed as nonsmall cell lung cancer squamous cell
carcinoma. CT thorax and image 3D reconstruction of the
central airways was performed to conrm the obstruction,
examine for distal airway patency, and nd the extent of the
lesion. The intraluminal lesion was located in the lower end
of the trachea arising from the right later wall of the
trachea. The lesion extended for 22.4 mm with the narrow-
est part of the lumen measur ing 1.3 mm. Under general
anesthesia, rigid bronchoscopic intubation was done, a
exible bronchoscope was used to pass the guidewire
beyond the lesion. Self-expanding metallic stent deployed
under uoroscopic guidance. It is worth noting the difcul-
ty while deploying the stent that the stent was getting
deployed much proximally as expected. The stent had to be
withdrawn out through the rigid bronchoscope to be
reloaded and redeployed much distally to the expected
stent placement location. The stent position was conrmed
by a exible bronchoscope and chest X-ray. Tracheal lumen
re-established thereby immediately relieving the patients
symptoms (Fig. 4). The patient was referred to a medical
oncologist for further management.
Case 3
The third case was a male patient in his sixth decade presented
with a cough since 1 month, vomiting since 1 month, fever
episodes on, and off since 1 week. The patient also had a history
of weight loss and loss of appetite. On examination, he had an
oxygen saturation at 96% in room air, pulse rate was 95 beats
per min, and respiratory rate was 18 breaths per min. Respira-
tory system examination revealed equal air entry bilaterally and
crepitations in infra scapular and mammary areas. Upper
gastrointestinal scopy was done with a biopsy from the mid-
dle-third of the esophagus, which turned out to be squamous
cell carcinoma. The patient was referred to look for a trachea
esophageal stula. Flexible bronchoscopy was done, which
showed a stulous opening connecting the trachea and esoph-
agus at the lower end of the trachea just above the carina
(Figs. 5 and 6). Rigid bronchoscopy was done under general
anesthesia. The challenge during the stent placement was that
after deployment of the stent, the polyvinyl bead at the distal
end of the stent deployer dislodged and remained behind in the
airway. The polyvinyl bead of the stent deployer had to be
removed. Because the conical part was difcult to grasp with
rigid forceps, fogarty balloon was passed distal to it and slowly
withdrawn. The stent was reloaded and deployed under uoro-
scopic guidance(Fig. 7). The rent in the air way was covered by
the stent. The patients presenting symptoms reduced.
Fig. 5 Tr ach eo esop hagea l stula in the lower end of the trachea.
Fig. 4 Re-established lumen after endotracheal stenting.
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Vol. 14 No. 1/2024 © 2023. The Author(s).
Airway Sems Placement in Lung and Esophageal Malignancy Rao et al.68
Malignant central airway obstruction refers to a neoplastic
narrowing of the trachea, right and left main bronchus. Obstruc-
tive lesions are classied into intraluminal (intrinsic), extra-
luminal (extrinsic), or a combination of both. The neoplastic
etiology can be a primary lung tumor or adjacent tumors such as
esophageal, laryngeal, mediastinal tumors, or lymphoma.
Symptoms are dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, wheezing, or post
obstruction pneumonia. Our patient had cough, wheezing,
exertional dyspnea along with swallowing difculty.
Diagnosis is by exible bronchoscopic examination and
visualization of the trachea bronchial obstruction. Once
diagnosed, treatment is challenging due to the following
reasons a) difcult to debulk the tumor with a exible
bronchoscope owing to bleeding and the need for rigid
bronchoscopy and b) the risk of airway compromise and
need for a pre-decided plan of hemostasis such as electro-
cautery and APC.1The aim of treatment in malignant central
airway obstruction is to re-establish the patency of the
airway lumen. In case of an intrinsic obstruction, this can
be achieved by tumor debulking by cryoprobe, multiple
biopsies, and coring the tumor with the beveled edge of
the tracheobronchoscope. To maintain patency and prevent
the lumen to be compromised, a tracheobronchial stent may
be placed. In case of an extrinsic compression causing airway
luminal narrowing, the patient benets by the placement of
an airway stent along with treating the cause.2In our case,
the patient underwent a check bronchoscopy with exible
bronchoscope, followed by rigid bronchoscopy and tracheal
stenting with a self-expanding metallic stent.
A rigid tracheo-bronchoscope is the instrument of choice
in case of airway manipulation due to its larger lumen and
ability to use varied instruments along with ventilation.2
Because the lesion of interest in our case was in the mid-part
of the trachea, a rigid tracheoscope was used.
Airway stents have an important role in rapid and effec-
tive symptom-relieving in central airway obstruction. Stents
can be silicone, metallic, or hybrid material. Further metallic
stents are classied into uncovered, covered, and partially
covered stents. The choice of stent depends on the patients
pathology.3Metallic stents are difcult to remove as com-
pared with silicone stents due to the ingrowth of granuloma
and tumor tissue around the stent. The general consensus is
that metallic stents are used in malignant obstruction as the
stent will be left in place for the rest of the patients lifetime,
whereas silicone stents can be removed easily in the benign
condition once the cause is treated. The US FDA recommends
against using metallic stents in benign conditions.4The
commonest type of stent being used around the world is
the covered self-expandable metal stents (SEMS). Covered
SEMS mean use was 44%, followed by the silicone stents
(37%), Y stents (15%), uncovered SEMS (12%), and Montgom-
ery T tube (5%).5
TEF often occurs with tracheal and esophageal malignan-
cies. Approximately 5 to 15% of patients develop TEF due to
esophageal malignancy, while 1% are caused by bronchogen-
ic carcinoma.6Patients usually present with cough while
having food or uids, purulent bronchitis, and pneumonia. In
view of advanced disease in malignancy patients, surger y is
often not possible. Such patients are ideal for tracheal
stenting with or without esophageal stenting.
Learning Points/Take Home Messages
Malignant central airway obstruction is a common
SEMS placement provides immediate symptom relief in
lung malignancy with central airway obstruction and
tracheoesophageal stula on palliative care.
It establishes airway patency and improves the quality of
Conict of Interest
None declared.
Fig. 6 Conicaldistalendpieceofthestentdeployer.
Fig. 7 Endo luminal view of Y stent after deployment.
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Vol. 14 No. 1/2024 © 2023. The Author(s).
Airway Sems Placement in Lung and Esophageal Malignancy Rao et al. 69
1Mehta AC, Jain P, eds. Interventional Bronchoscopy: A Clinical
Guide, Respirator y Medicine 10. Springer Science þBusiness
MediaNew York2013
2Ernst A, Herth FJF, eds. Principles and Practice of Interventional
Pulmonology. Springer Science þBusiness MediaNew York2013
3Folch E, Keyes C. Airway stents. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2018;7
4Lund ME, Force S. Airway stenting for patients with benign air way
disease and the Food and Drug Administration advisory: a call for
restraint. Chest 2007;132(04):11071108
5Mathew R, Hibare K, Dalar L, Roy WE. Tracheobronchial stent
sizing and deployment practices airway stenting practices around
the world: a survey study. J Thorac Dis 2020;12(10):54955504
6Reed MF, Mathisen DJ. Tracheoesophageal stula. Chest Surg Clin
N Am 2003;13(02):271289
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Vol. 14 No. 1/2024 © 2023. The Author(s).
Airway Sems Placement in Lung and Esophageal Malignancy Rao et al.70
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Background: Tracheobronchial stents types, uses, techniques for deployment and extraction have practice variations around the world. Methods: We collected responses by sending an online survey of 8 questions to world interventional bronchology member societies and social media groups. Results: There were 269 respondents from 47 countries. Europe had 97 respondents from 22 countries. There were 8 respondents from Australia, 7 from Africa (3 countries) and 7 from 4 countries in South America (SA). North America (NA) had 72 respondents from 3 countries. Asia had 78 respondents from 14 countries. For stent placements 15% [41] used fiberoptic bronchoscope (FB) only. Rigid bronchoscopy (RB) was solely utilized by 38% [102]. Forty-six percent [123] used a combination of RB and FB (P value <0.00001). For stent extraction 13% [19] used FB alone, 57% [85] used RB, and 36% [54] used a combination of RB and FB (P value <0.00001). Placement of stents were 50.5% [135] only by direct visualization. Twenty-three percent [61] always used fluoroscopic guidance. Twenty-six-point-five percent [71] used fluoroscopy in certain cases (P value <0.00001). Sixty percent [162] decided stent sizing by measurements of stenotic and non-stenotic areas on radiology. Twelve percent [32] respondents used sizing devices. Sixty-five percent [177] used a ruler and bronchoscope to measure stenotic areas. Thirty-eight percent [104] used visual estimation and experience. Seven percent [19] used serial balloon dilatation size. To prevent clogging of stents, 22% [59] prescribed mucolytics. Seventy-three percent [195] nebulized saline, 26% [70] had Mucomyst Nebulization, 24% [65] Nebulized bronchodilators and other methods 11% [30] were advised. Covered self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) 44% was the commonest type of stent used around the world. Silicone stents 37%, Y stents 15%, uncovered SEMS 12%, Montgomery T tube 5% followed. Polyflex stents 3% and custom-made stents 3% were least used. Biodegradable stents were used by 7.5%, and not used by 92.5%. Conclusions: Tracheobronchial stent practice norms have slowly evolved, but its practice variations lack uniformity, and have sparse evidence-based studies for its direction.
Full-text available
Since 1990 and the creation of the first strictly endoluminal aiway silicone stent, commercially available, by Jean-François Dumon in Marseille, it became possible to solve or palliate complex airway diseases that, previously, could either be managed by difficult surgical procedures associated with high morbidity and mortality, or led to patients death secondary to respiratory distress. Since that time, other silicone and metallic stents have been designed but the Dumon stent remains the gold standard in airway stenting. This chapter will describe the different silicone stents, their indications, technique of placement, advantages and drawbacks.
Stents and tubes to maintain the patency of the airways are commonly used for malignant obstruction and are occasionally employed in benign disease. Malignant airway obstruction usually results from direct involvement of bronchogenic carcinoma, or by extension of carcinomas occurring in the esophagus or the thyroid. External compression from lymph nodes or metastatic disease from other organs can also cause central airway obstruction. Most malignant airway lesions are surgically inoperable due to advanced disease stage and require multimodality palliation, including stent placement. As with any other medical device, stents have significantly evolved over the last 50 years and deserve an in-depth understanding of their true capabilities and complications. Not every silicone stent is created equal and the same holds for metallic stents. Herein, we present an overview of the topic as well as some of the more practical and controversial issues surrounding airway stents. We also try to dispel the myths surrounding stent removal and their supposed use only in central airways. At the end, we come to the long-held conclusion that stents should not be used as first line treatment of choice, but after ruling out the possibility of curative surgical resection or repair.
Acquired TEF is a rare complication that can occur from a variety of causes. The most common etiology of nonmalignant TEF is as a complication of intubation with cuff-related tracheal injury. Most patients present with increased secretions, pneumonia, and evidence of aspiration of gastric contents while the patient is on mechanical ventilation. When diagnosed after extubation, the most frequent sign of TEF is coughing after swallowing. A high index of suspicion is required in patients at risk for developing a TEF. The diagnostic evaluation is by bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy. When the diagnosis has been made, the immediate goal should be to minimize tracheobronchial soilage by placing the cuff of a tracheostomy tube distal to the fistula. Reflux of gastric contents is diminished by placement of a gastrostomy tube, and adequate nutrition is facilitated by inserting a jejunostomy tube. Surgical correction is required because spontaneous closure is rare, but surgery should be postponed until the patient is weaned from mechanical ventilation because positive pressure ventilation after tracheal repair carries an increased risk of anastomotic dehiscence and restenosis. An anterior cervical collar incision can be used for most cases of post-intubation TEFs. The esophagus should be closed in two layers over a nasogastric tube and buttressed with a pedicled strap muscle flap. If the tracheal defect is small, primary repair can be employed. In most cases, however, the best results can be achieved with tracheal resection and reconstruction. The patient should be extubated at the completion of the case, if possible. With this strategy, as first described by Grillo and colleagues [27], single-stage repair can be performed safely and with a high success rate. Malignant TEFs cannot be cured because of the underlying incurable disease process. As with nonmalignant TEFs, the principal complications are tracheo-bronchial contamination and poor nutrition. Without prompt palliation, death occurs rapidly, with a mean survival time of between 1 and 6 weeks in patients who are treated with supportive care alone. The most common primary tumor causing malignant TEF is esophageal carcinoma. The other frequent cause is lung cancer. Patients present with signs and symptoms typical of TEF, including coughing after swallowing. Diagnosis is made by barium esophagography, and the location and size of the fistula is determined by bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy. Treatment must correct the two problems of airway contamination and poor nutrition. The most effective treatments are esophageal bypass and esophageal stenting. Bypass is demonstrated to resolve respiratory soilage and allow fairly normal swallowing, but it should be reserved for patients who can tolerate a major operation. Stenting can be offered to nearly all patients regardless of their physiologic condition. Stenting also limits aspiration and allows swallowing. Esophageal exclusion is rarely indicated in the current era of familiarity with stenting techniques. Direct fistula closure and fistula resection do not yield satisfactory results. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy combined might offer a survival benefit compared with supportive care alone. The complication of TEF secondary to malignancy is a devastating problem that carries a bleak prognosis, but when it is performed promptly after the diagnosis of a malignant TEF, esophageal bypass or stenting improves survival and quality of life for these unfortunate patients.
The FDA advisory highlighted an ongoing concern held by many pulmonologists and surgeons: stents are being employed in patients with benign airway obstruction without consideration for other therapeutic modalities and without consideration of the possible long-term complications inherent with the use of SEMS. The members of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) Interventional and Chest Diagnostics Network Steering Committee fully support the FDA warning. Although there are no universally agreed-on guidelines defining proficiency for stent placement, all physicians who utilize endotracheal/bronchial therapies should be familiar with the ACCP and the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society guidelines regarding recommended provider training requirements, clinical experience, and competency.15–¹⁶ Furthermore, all physicians who perform airway stenting should report all adverse device events to the FDA as well as discuss them in their conferences on morbidity and mortality. Current stent technology is far from ideal, and it will be a long time before a stent is developed that is not associated with significant airway problems. Therefore, recognizing the potential complications prior to stent placement is the best way to avoid them.