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Peer mediation in play settings for minimally verbal students with autism Spectrum disorder


Abstract and Figures

Background and aims Peer-mediated interventions (PMIs) are effective strategies to foster socialization of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in natural settings. However, research examining the efficacy of peer mediation for students with ASD who have the greatest cognitive and language impairments remains limited. Additionally, previous studies essentially targeted communicative abilities of participants. To address this gap, the present study evaluated the effects of a play-based PMI on three socio-communicative skills (play, social engagement and imitation) of minimally verbal students with ASD who also have a comorbidity of intellectual disability (ID). Methods Seven children with ASD attending ordinary school settings and 14 typically developing (TD) preschoolers participated. Seven single-sex groups were formed, and children played together during two 30 min weekly sessions. TD children were trained according to the principles of the integrated play group model. We used a multiple-baseline design across participants to measure the effects of the intervention on play skills, social engagement and motor imitation of students with ASD. Results Outcomes revealed an intervention effect for most of the participants, despite some variations across children. After the peer training, four children increased their duration of functional/symbolic play, six children improved their duration of interactive play and five children increased their rates of motor imitation. Concerning maintenance gains, inter-individual differences are also important. Conclusions and implications These findings suggest that a play-based PMI may be a feasible option for targeting inclusive education and improving socio-communicative skills of some minimally verbal students with ASD who also have an ID. However, variations across children invite further research to clarify how individual factors can moderate the effects of PMIs in children with ASD who are the most impaired.
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Peer mediation in play settings for
minimally verbal students with autism
Spectrum disorder
Gaëtan Briet
University of NIMES, APSY-V, F-30021, Nîmes Cedex 1, France
Gaïd Le Maner-Idrissi
LP3C (Laboratoire de Psychologie, Cognition, Comportement, Communication),
Université Rennes, Rennes, France
Tanguy Seveno
Centre Hospitalier Guillaume Regnier, Rennes, France
Olivier Le Marec
ADAPEI Morbihan and EPSM Morbihan, Vannes, France
Sandrine Le Sourn-Bissaoui
LP3C (Laboratoire de Psychologie, Cognition, Comportement, Communication),
Université Rennes, Rennes, France
Background and aims: Peer-mediated interventions (PMIs) are effective strategies to foster socialization of children
with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in natural settings. However, research examining the efcacy of peer mediation
for students with ASD who have the greatest cognitive and language impairments remains limited. Additionally, previous
studies essentially targeted communicative abilities of participants. To address this gap, the present study evaluated the
effects of a play-based PMI on three socio-communicative skills (play, social engagement and imitation) of minimally verbal
students with ASD who also have a comorbidity of intellectual disability (ID).
Methods: Seven children with ASD attending ordinary school settings and 14 typically developing (TD) preschoolers parti-
cipated. Seven single-sex groups were formed, and children played together during two 30 min weekly sessions. TD children
were trained according to the principles of the integrated play group model. We used a multiple-baseline design across par-
ticipants to measure the effects of the intervention on play skills, social engagement and motor imitation of students with
Results: Outcomes revealed an intervention effect for most of the participants, despite some variations across children.
After the peer training, four children increased their duration of functional/symbolic play, six children improved their duration
of interactive play and ve children increased their rates of motor imitation. Concerning maintenance gains, inter-individual
differences are also important.
Conclusions and implications: These ndings suggest that a play-based PMI may be a feasible option for targeting inclusive
education and improving socio-communicative skills of some minimally verbal students with ASD who also have an ID.
However, variations across children invite further research to clarify how individual factors can moderate the effects of
PMIs in children with ASD who are the most impaired.
Corresponding author:
Gaëtan Briet, University of NIMES, APSY-V, F-30021, Nîmes Cedex 1, France.
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and dis-
tribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specied on the SAGE and Open Access page (https://us.
Research Article
Autism & Developmental Language
Volume 8: 117
© The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/23969415231204837
Peer-mediated intervention, Autism spectrum disorder, Minimally verbal children, Inclusive education, Play
Peer-mediated intervention (PMI) focuses on coaching typ-
ically developing (TD) children to interact socially with
peers who have disabilities (Boudreau et al., 2015). There
is a growing body of research demonstrating the efcacity
of PMIs for improving social participation of children
with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in inclusive settings
(Gunning et al., 2019). By mobilizing peers as the
primary intervention agents, this approach is a useful and
socially valid strategy for promoting school inclusion of
children with ASD (Hansen et al., 2014). PMIs have been
effective to improve a wide range of social outcomes for
students with ASD, including social initiations and social
responses (Hu et al., 2018), conversational abilities
(Thomas & Bambara, 2020), joint attention (Krier &
Lambros, 2021) and play skills (Kent et al., 2021). By pro-
viding opportunities for children with ASD to interact with
multiple social partners, peer mediation also increases the
possibility of skill maintenance and generalization (Chan
et al., 2009).
To date, PMIs are supported by sufcient high-quality
studies conducted by sufcient different research groups
for being considered evidence-based practices for children
with ASD (Kamps et al., 2017; Wong et al., 2015).
However, recent reviews demonstrated that research on
PMIs in participants with ASD who have the most cognitive
and language difculties is still limited (Chang & Locke,
2016; ODonoghue et al., 2021; Watkins et al., 2015).
First, the majority of studies enrolled participants without
intellectual disability (ID) and identied to be moderate
to high functioning. For example, Watkins et al. (2015)
observed that only three of the 14 studies they reviewed
were conducted in children noted to be low functioning
(i.e. few or no language skills and IQ < 55). Similarly,
Chang and Locke (2016) noted that most of the studies
enrolled participants who have at least average IQ and
who can communicate through two- or three-word
phrases minimum. Very recently, ODonoghue et al.
(2021) reviewed PMI studies for minimally verbal children
and observed that only four studies focused specically on
this population. Thus, as suggested by the authors of these
three reviews, it seems essential to us to include participants
with more complex needs in research on PMIs. Although it
is consistent with the general observation that this popula-
tion described as the neglected end of the spectrumis
rarely enrolled in scientic studies (Tager-Flusberg &
Kasari, 2013), the search for evidence-based practices
requires to consider the wide spectrum of ASD to determine
whether an intervention that is effective for verbal children
without an ID can also be effective for minimally verbal
children who often have an ID. Second, most of the PMI
studies conducted in minimally verbal children were
similar (ODonoghue et al., 2021) and focused on coaching
participants to use an augmentative and alternative commu-
nication system. Consequently, the target skills were often
restricted to communication behaviours. For instance,
Trottier et al. (2011) examined the relationship between a
PMI incorporating speech-generating devices and an
increase in appropriate communicative acts of two students
with ASD. Similarly, Thiemann-Bourque et al. (2016)
taught TD children to use the picture exchange communica-
tion system (PECS; Bondy & Frost, 1994) with four pre-
schoolers with ASD to increase their rates of
communication behaviours, modes and functions. Due to
the increasing trend to educate children with disabilities
in the mainstream school setting (Nilholm, 2021), including
those who require the highest levels of support, we feel it is
important to focus on students with ASD with the most sig-
nicant cognitive and language difculties while consider-
ing more diverse social outcomes than communicative
abilities. Practically, for these students who tend to be edu-
cated in specialized units within mainstream schools, PMIs
could enable them to interact regularly and positively with
TD peers who have been coached and thus really benet
from the social opportunities offered by the mainstream
setting (Hansen et al., 2014).
Play with objects is an important occupation during
childhood and play skills are central to childrens cognitive
and social development (Goldstein, 2012). However, chil-
dren with ASD often have difculty playing with peers
and are frequently observed playing alone (Anderson
et al., 2004). They also experience difculties with sym-
bolic play and frequently produce repetitive and sensory
play behaviours (González-Sala et al., 2021), which is a
barrier to engaging in shared play with TD classmates.
Thus, helping students with ASD to expand their play rep-
ertory and to increase their social exchanges with TD peers
is an important objective for PMI research (Charlop et al.,
2018). Among the existing programs within the literature,
the integrated play groups (IPG) model (Wolfberg, 2003;
Wolfberg et al., 2012) is certainly one of the best described
and validated to promote socialization and play in natural
settings for children with ASD. Grounded in social
2Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
constructivist theory (Vygotsky, 1978), this model focuses
on children with ASD active engagement in culturally
valued activity (i.e. play) through the guidance of more
capable peers (named as expert players) and the support
of an adult group facilitator. To date, a series of studies
using a single-case experimental design (Wolfberg &
Schuler, 1993; Yang et al., 2003; Zercher et al., 2001) or
a group experimental design (Wolfberg et al., 2015) have
been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the IPG
model. The accumulated ndings indicate that children
with ASD increased their complexity of play (functional
and symbolic) and were more socially engaged (playing
in parallel and in an interactive way) after their participation
in the IPG intervention. At the same time, they spend less
time playing alone and decreased their amounts of not
engaged and sensory play behaviour. Studies also showed
that gains were maintained when adult support was
removed (Wolfberg & Schuler, 1993; Yang et al., 2003;
Zercher et al., 2001) and generalized to unfamiliar peers
(Wolfberg et al., 2015). However, like previously noted
for PMI research as a whole, there is a lack of studies spe-
cically evaluating the effectiveness of the IPG model for
children who have an ID and who are minimally verbal.
The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness
of a play-based PMI on socio-communicative skills in chil-
dren with ASD who also have an ID and severe language
impairment. We adopted a single-case multiple baseline
design and asked whether an intervention adapted from
the IPG model and implemented in naturalistic school set-
tings can improve play skills, social engagement and imita-
tion skills. Specically, we addressed the following
research questions:
1. Was the intervention effective in improving play com-
plexity (from inoccupation and sensory play to func-
tional and symbolic play), social engagement (from
isolate and onlooker play behaviours to parallel and
interactive play) and motor imitation?
2. Was the intervention equally effective for all focal
3. Did the intervention effects maintain in the short term
when adult support was withdrawn?
Participants were recruited from two schools in western
France, each hosting a specialized unit for students with
ASD and collaborating with the university on research pro-
jects. Seven students with ASD (aged from 3;2 years to 8;9
years) attending a specialized unit and 14 TD students (aged
from 4;11 years and 5;10 years) attending an ordinary class-
room participated. This study complies with the terms of the
Declaration of Helsinki regarding ethical principles
applicable to research involving human beings. Written
consent was obtained from the parents of all children
included in the study. After age-appropriate explanations,
oral consent was also obtained from TD students. Since
children with ASD were not able to provide oral consent,
we were careful about their well-being during play sessions
and stopped the sessions in case of signicant discomfort.
Students with ASD. To be included in the study, participants
with ASD had to be enrolled in one of the two specialized
units collaborating with the university. Other inclusion cri-
teria were (a) a clinical record mentioning a diagnosis
of ASD conrmed by a child psychiatrist based on
ICD-10 (World Health Organization, 1992), DSM-IV-TR
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000) or DSM-5
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013) criteria, (b)
limited functional and/or symbolic play skills as demon-
strated by observations during free play, and (c) limited
social interactions with peers as demonstrated by observa-
tions on the playground. Although the diagnosis of ASD
was not conrmed by the research team for the study, all
participants were diagnosed by the psychiatrist of an
expert autism center following the national recommenda-
tions of the Haute Autorité de Santé. Participants with
ASD were identied as minimally verbal based on a stan-
dardized evaluation of language skills using the
Psychoeducational Prole-Third Edition (PEP-3; Schopler
et al., 2005) and the social cognitive evaluation battery
(Thiébaut et al., 2010). In addition, all children included
in this study used the PECS as the primary means of com-
munication. At the cognitive level, children meet the criteria
for a comorbid ID (DQ <70), as indicated by a measure of
intellectual functioning administered by a licensed psych-
ologist using the French version of the Snijders-Oomen
Nonverbal Intelligence Test (SON-R 21/2-7; Tellegen
et al., 2009). Further descriptions of participants with
ASD are provided in Table 1.
TD students. Children with ASD were paired with 14 TD
students to form seven play groups for the duration of the
study. To ensure that group members were familiar with
each other before the beginning of the study, TD students
were selected from preschool classrooms that already
shared times with students with ASD (e.g., lunch, recess)
before the beginning of the study. We also chose to
recruit preschoolers because functional and symbolic play
is predominant at this age (Lillard, 2015). As recommended
in PMI literature (Charlop et al., 2018), TD participants
were nominated by their teachers according to the ve fol-
lowing criteria: (a) children must be willing to participate in
the play sessions, (b) children must regularly attend school,
(c) children must be receptive to instructions given by adult,
(d) children must exhibit age-appropriate social and lan-
guage skills, and (e) children must have a sufciently
high academic level to compensate for absences from the
Briet et al. 3
Table 1. Description of participants with ASD
Expressive language and vocal imitation Play and interactions
Female, 8;9 years
24 Nonverbal
No intelligible words and no imitation of
Age equivalent in PEP-3: < 1 year
Did not show much interest
in toys
Stayed close to the adult and
observed other children
during recess
Male, 7;1 years
33 23 intelligible words production
Approximative novel words imitation
Age equivalent in PEP-3: 1;4 year
Used toys for sensory
Wandered in the playground,
self-stimulated and
occasionally observed other
Male, 5;11 years
46 23 intelligible words production
Approximative novel words imitation
Age equivalent in PEP-3: 1;5 year
Manipulated and explored
toys with occasional
functional uses
Played alone without paying
attention to other children
during recess
Male, 5;3 months
59 Fewer than 20 intelligible words and 2 words
sentences used in specic context (request
Novel words imitation
Age equivalent in PEP-3: 1;8 year
Did not show much interest
in toys
Wandered in the playground
and played alone without
paying attention to his peers
Male, 3;2 years
55 23 intelligible words production
Approximative sounds imitation
Age equivalent in PEP-3: 1;1 year
Manipulated objects but only
used a set of toys car in a
functional way
Wandered in the playground
and occasionally played
beside peers but did not
initiate interactions
Male, 7;4 years
42 Nonverbal
No intelligible word and approximative sounds
Age equivalent in PEP-3: < 1 year
Demonstrated functional play
acts but restricted to a
specic set of toys (baby doll
and feeding bottle)
Played alone and did not
initiate with peers
Male, 6;4 years
50 Fewer than 20 intelligible words and 2 words
sentences used in specic context (request
Approximative novel words imitation
Age equivalent in PEP-3: 1;6 year
Used toys for sensory
Wandered in the playground
and played with his own body
without paying attention to
his peer
Obtained from the Snijders-Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Test (SON-R 2
-7; Tellegen et al., 2009), by dividing the childrens intellectual developmental
age by their chronological age and multiplying the result by 100. A developmental Quotient (DQ) greater than or equal to 70 indicates no ID, a DQ
between 55 et 69 indicates a mild ID, a DQ between 40 and 54 indicates a moderate ID and a DQ below 40 indicates a severe ID (Lafont et al., 2023).
4Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
classroom during the play sessions. TD students included
twelve boys and two girls, with an average age of 5 years
and 4 months (SD =4 months).
All participants with ASD attended a specialized unit
located in an ordinary school and received comprehensive
intervention provided by a multidisciplinary team. They
were at school 24 h a week, just like their TD peers. They
received an intensive intervention based on structured
teaching (Schopler et al., 1995) and effective behavioural
and developmental approaches such as the Early Start
Denver Model (Rogers & Dawson, 2010). Thus, each
child had individualized educational objectives targeting
multiple core developmental domains such as social inter-
actions, communication, motricity and cognitive/academic
Following Wolfberg (2003)s guidelines, play groups
consisted of one child with ASD and two TD students to
create a natural social setting characterized by a higher pro-
portion of children without disabilities. Given students
same-sex afliative preferences during childhood (Martin
et al., 2013), single-sex play groups were formed to encour-
age social interactions that occur more likely in ecological
contexts. Six groups of boys and one group of girls were
therefore created. In each school, boys with ASD were ran-
domly assigned with two TD boys after participants recruit-
ment. All play sessions were conducted in a quiet room
adjacent to the students with ASDs classroom. In each
room, we used kitchenette furniture and a low shelf to
create a well-dened play area. All sessions were recorded
using a camera mounted on a tripod and placed in a corner
of the room outside the dened play area.
Based on Wolfberg (2003)s recommendations, toys were
selected to promote symbolic play and/or social interac-
tions. We ensured that there were equal numbers of male,
female and neutral objects, as the literature shows that
gender inuences the choice of objects both by TD children
(Le Maner-Idrissi, 1996) and by children with ASD (Harrop
et al., 2017). Based on Tap (1985)s classication, four
masculine toys (workbench, set of toy cars, re engine
and garage), four feminine toys (baby doll, accessories
like teat, feeding bottle and bib, tea set and cash register)
and four neutral toys (ball, jigsaw, magic slate and set of
small farm animals) were placed in the playroom. To
encourage participants to imitate each other, all toys were
available in two. In addition to its learning function, imita-
tion can be used to communicate in minimally verbal chil-
dren with ASD (Nadel, 2002). Thus, by providing two
identical copies of each toy, we aimed to promote
observational learning in students with ASD, while
hoping to facilitate social communication through
Experimental design
A single-case multiple baseline design (Kazdin, 2011;
Krasny-Pacini & Evans, 2018) across participants was
used to assess the effects of the intervention. Because the
observations could not start at the same time in the two
schools, this study incorporated non-concurrent multiple
baselines (Christ, 2007; Watson & Workman, 1981),
which is common in applied research such as this one
(Brain & Mirenda, 2019; Katz & Girolametto, 2013). In
such a design, participants were randomly assigned to pre-
determined baselines lengths to ensure that changes in
behaviour occurring after the introduction of the interven-
tion can be functionally related to the treatment.
Following the conventions of the non-concurrent baseline
design (Christ, 2007; Watson & Workman, 1981), partici-
pants of the present study were randomly assigned to base-
line lengths of 6, 8 or 10 sessions. Then, the intervention
was delivered for 10 sessions for all participants, which is
a similar treatment intensity used in other play-based
PMIs (Kent et al., 2021).
Thirty-min play sessions were conducted twice a week (on
Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays, depend-
ing on the participants) with the same experimenter present
for all groups. The experimenter was a licensed psycholo-
gist, trained in working with ASD children and preparing
a PhD in developmental psychology. Play sessions took
place on xed days and times to be predictable for partici-
pants and professionals. According to Wolfberg (2003)s
guidelines, a clear timeline was also established within
the play sessions: say hello and sing a song (5 min),
play together (20 min), put the toys away, sing a song
and say goodbye (5 min).
Baseline. During baseline, children were instructed to play
as usual without prompts or feedback from an adult. The
experimenter was seated in a corner of the room but inter-
acted as little as possible with the participants during play
sessions. He occasionally helped to x broken toys and
ensured that participants were safe during the sessions.
Peer coaching. The experimenter provided coaching to each
group of TD students during four 30-min sessions that
occurred in the same room as the play groups. Students
with ASD were not present during the coaching sessions.
The rst session consisted to read and discuss the childrens
book Mont petit frère superhéros(Roy & Mezher, 2010)
and to watch the animated lm Mon petit frère de la
Briet et al. 5
lune(available online at
v=T_2lhIy_8zo). Both describe the characteristics of a
child with ASD (strengths and difculties) as seen from
his sisters perspective. Thus, TD students were informed
about autism, using age-appropriate vocabulary. Then, the
experimenter led discussions about the importance of
accepting differences between individuals and playing
with peers that are different.
During the second session, behavioural strategies
adapted from Wolfberg (2003)s IPG model were taught
to the TD students. These strategies were divided into
three categories illustrating what they could DO, what
they could SAY and how to PRAISE their friend with
ASD. The DO category included the following specic
strategies: stay close, take his/her hand, point a toy, give
a toy, show how to play and take turns. The SAY category
included the following strategies: say his/her rst name to
get his/her attention, explain what you are doing, ask him
to give you a toy, encourage him to imitate you and ask
him what he wants to play with. Children were taught to
provide verbal instructions by using a language level appro-
priate to the students with ASD (i.e. short sentences of two
three words). Finally, the PRAISE category included
behaviours such as smiling, doing a high ve, clapping
and saying well doneor great. Three small posters (A4
size) depicting written instruction and pictorial representa-
tion of strategies belonging to the three broad categories
(DO, SAY and PRAISE) were used as visual support for
the children. For each strategy, the experimenter provided
a brief description and modelled at least one example of
its application.
During the last two coaching sessions, strategies were
reviewed with the children. Then, role play was conducted
to give each child opportunities to practice using the strat-
egies. The role play was conducted with the experimenter
as a player who needed support during the third session,
while children took turns playing the role of a player who
needed support during the last coaching session.
Feedback was provided at each attempt to use a strategy
during role play. Children were praised when the strategy
was executed correctly. When a strategy was misused
(e.g. did not call before showing how to play) or missed
(e.g. did not praise after correct play behaviours), the
experimenter provided corrective feedback by executing
the behaviour himself and then asking the child to do it
Intervention. During the intervention, conditions were the
same as in baseline, except that the experimenter encour-
aged TD children to use the newly learned strategies.
Posters depicting strategies and presented during peer
coaching were printed in A0 size and xed on the wall
inside the play area. TD students could look at them as
much as they needed. The experimenter provided verbal
feedback (e.g. show him how to drink,congratulate
him) and praise (e.g. keep going, its great) to the TD
children, but avoided being physically involved during
play sessions. During intervention sessions, TD children
were asked to work together to make sure their peer with
ASD had someone to play with but they were primarily
encouraged to structure play interactions on their own
(e.g. who plays with the child with ASD). When, after a rea-
sonable delay (12 min), the two TD children were
playing without the child with ASD, the experimenter
reminded them to use strategies to also play with him/her.
Follow-up. During follow-up, conditions were the same as in
baseline. The posters were removed from the wall and the
experimenter ceased to provide verbal feedback. Before
each session, TD children were instructed to continue to
play with the child with ASD while being informed that
the adult would no longer assist them in this. The follow-up
phase was conducted immediately after the intervention
sessions. Four follow-up sessions were recorded for all
groups, except for Damiens in which only three sessions
could be conducted.
Dependent variables
The rst author was the primary observer and coded-
dependent variables from the videos of play sessions
using The Observer XT software (Noldus Information
Technologies). Three socio-communicative domains includ-
ing play, social engagement and motor imitation were mea-
sured for all participants with ASD.
The play was coded by recording the duration
(in seconds) of the following four categories of behaviours
(adapted from Wolfberg et al., 2015): not engaged (the
child shows no interest in the toys), sensory play (the
child shows an interest in the toys, handling and exploring
them, but does not conventionally use them), functional
play (the child functionally uses the toys, performing
simple familiar routines involving real-life accessories,
directed to self, doll or peer) and symbolic play (the child
acts as though he was doing something else or being
someone else, with a representational or imaginative
Social engagement was coded by recording the dur-
ation (in seconds) of the following ve categories of beha-
viours (also adapted from Wolfberg et al., 2015): isolated
(the child pays no attention to his peers), onlooker (the
child remains at a distance from his peers, but shows an
interest in them, either watching them or looking at the
toys they are using, without directly joining in their
game), parallel (the child plays alongside his/her play-
mates by simultaneously using similar or identical toys,
but does not interact with them), common focus (the
child interacts with one or more playmates through
verbal exchanges, gifts of objects, turn taking, mutual
imitation or receiving help and instructions) and
6Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
common goal (the child and his peers cooperate in play
activities, explicitly planning each persons role and per-
forming additional actions in pursuit of a common goal).
Within play and social engagement domains, categories
of behaviours were considered mutually exclusive, so
that distinct behaviours could not be recorded at the
same time. The total duration of each of these behaviours
was collected for each session and then transformed into a
percentage of time to accommodate possible variations in
the total duration of play sessions and obtain comparable
data across sessions and participants.
Motor imitation was coded by counting the number of
behaviours per session that we then converted to a rate
per minute. A motor imitationoccurredwhenthe
student with ASD reproduced a gesture, a posture, a
body movement or an action involving an object that
had been performed by a TD child within the previous
10s. Imitation can be elicited or spontaneous. The
behaviour did not have to be strictly identical to the
model to be recorded, but it did have to resemble it
mixes with a fork).
Interobserver agreement
The rst author served as the primary data coder and three
students (a PhD student and two bachelors level in
psychology) served as reliability coders. All reliability
coders were independent of the experiment, previously
trained to collect reliability data, and blind to the experi-
mental phase they were coding. Reliability coders inde-
pendently coded 20% of randomly selected videos
within each condition for all participants. Inter-rater reli-
ability was calculated for play, social engagement and
motor imitation using a point-by-point-agreement
(Kazdin, 2011). An agreement occurred when both obser-
vers recorded the same behaviour at the same time for all
variables. For play and social engagement, a disagree-
ment occurred when the two coders recorded at the
same time subcategories that are different. For motor imi-
tation, a disagreement occurred when a coder recorded an
occurrence that was not observed by the second observer.
For all variables, the number of agreements was then
divided by the number of agreements plus disagreements
to yield a percentage. Mean interobserver agreement was
94% for play, 92% for social engagement and 96% for
motor imitation, demonstrating good reliability between
the two coders for all variables.
Treatment delity
The rst author and a PhD student in psychology exam-
ined the videos to ensure that the core components of
the intervention phase were met. For each group, 20%
of the intervention sessions were randomly selected and
examined independently by the two coders. Using an
8-item implementation checklist, they observed whether
(a) TD children used strategies from the SAY category
to help and play with the student with ASD, (b) TD chil-
dren used strategies from the DO category to help and
play with the student with ASD, (c) TD students praised
the student with ASD, (d) the posters were present in
the room, (e) the experimenter provided prompts to the
TD children, (f) the experimenter provided verbal feed-
back to the TD children, (g) the experimenter provided
praise to the TD children and (h) the experimenter did
not physically engage during the play session. Each of
these eight items was rated on a four-point scale (scored
from 0 to 3) according to its presence in the video
(always present, present during more than half of the
opportunities, present during less than half of the oppor-
tunities, never present). The treatment delity was then
calculated by dividing the score obtained by the best
score possible (i.e. 24) and multiplying by 100. The
average treatment delity during the intervention phase
was 81% (range: 6794). Cohens kappa value was
0.79, demonstrating a substantial interobserver agreement
for treatment delity.
Data analysis
We used visual inspection of individual data to examine
changes that occurred between phases, per the conventions
of the single-case design (Kazdin, 2011; Krasny-Pacini &
Evans, 2018). We examined changes from baseline to
intervention for each child in terms of level, trend and vari-
ability. The immediacy of change and the overlap of data
between phases were also considered. To supplement
visual analysis, we calculated a Tau-U effect size metric
for all our dependent variables. Although many methods
exist for calculating an effect size in single-case research,
we chose the Tau-U which was identied as one of the
most relevant (Parker et al., 2011a). Tau-U offers a non-
parametric effect size by calculating the non-overlap of
all pairs of data between baseline and intervention while
controlling for possible trend during baseline (Parker
et al., 2011b). We calculated Tau-U with a web-based cal-
culator (
Tau-U values range from 0.00 to 1.00 and effects size can be
interpreted as small (between 0.00 and 0.65), medium
(between 0.66 and 0.92) or large (between 0.93 and 1.00)
(Rakap, 2015).
Play skills
To investigate our rst research question, the four categor-
ies of play were grouped into only two variables according
to their level of complexity. Figure 1 shows the percentage
Briet et al. 7
of time spent in not engaged/sensory play behaviours and in
functional/symbolic play behaviours by children with ASD
during baseline, intervention and follow-up.
Among the seven participants, four exhibited stable base-
lines and demonstrated more variability in their play beha-
viours after the introduction of the intervention. Anna who
Figure 1. Percentage of time spent in categories of the play domain by children with ASD during baseline, intervention and follow-up.
8Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
was exclusively not engaged or in sensory play during base-
line (100.00%) increased her proportion of functional/sym-
bolic play during the intervention (averaging at 13.32%).
Changes appeared immediately after the introduction of the
intervention, with no overlapping data point between baseline
and intervention. Gains made by Anna then continued to
increase at the follow-up to reach an average of 21.42% of
functional/symbolic play. For Bastien, similar results were
noted as we also observed immediate changes in the two
play variables after the introduction of the intervention,
without overlap in data between baseline and intervention.
On average, his proportion of functional/symbolic play
increased from 0.00% to 12.02%, while his per cent of time
spent not engaged or in sensory play decreased from
100.00% to 86.98%. However, gains made by Bastien were
not maintained at follow-up, as we noted an overall percent-
age of functional/symbolic play during this phase (4.90%)
below the intervention level. For Damien, we observed a
very low percentage of functional/symbolic play during his
rst session, which then disappeared completely during the
following baseline sessions. After the introduction of the
intervention, we observed an increase in his overall level of
functional/symbolic play (from 0.13% to 22.88%) and a
decrease in his time spent not engaged or in sensory play
(from 99.87% to 77.12%). Despite some variability in data
within the intervention, the effect was immediate and no
overlap with the baseline was noted. Damien maintained
his gains during follow-up and exhibited an overall percent-
age of functional/symbolic play (18.04%) close to the inter-
vention condition. For Gary, no functional/symbolic play
behaviour was noted during baseline, as he was exclusively
not engaged or in sensory play. After the introduction of
the intervention, we observed immediate changes in variabil-
ity and level of his play behaviours. Overall, his percentage of
functional/symbolic play increased from 0.00% to 14.17%,
while his percentage of time spent not engaged or in
sensory play decreased from 100.00% to 85.83%, with no
overlap between baseline and intervention. He maintained
his gains during follow-up, exhibiting an overall percentage
of functional/symbolic play (13.57%) very similar to the
intervention. For the three other children (i.e. Caleb,
Esteban and Fabio), we did not observe a functional relation-
ship between intervention and play variables. We noted vari-
ability in data within the baseline, without an observable
change in variability, level or trend after the introduction of
the intervention. We also noted multiple overlapping data
points between baseline and intervention. The weighted
average Tau-U for both play variables across participants
was 0.73 [90% CI =0.550.91], suggesting a medium
effect of the intervention.
Social engagement
As we did earlier for the play domain, the ve categories of
social engagement were grouped into only three variables
according to their level of social play. Thus, Figure 2
shows the percentage of time spent isolated or onlooker,
in parallel play and play with a common focus or
common goal by children with ASD during baseline, inter-
vention and follow-up.
Among the seven participants, six exhibited stable base-
lines and demonstrated more variability in their social skills
after the introduction of the intervention. Anna, who was
exclusively isolated or an onlooker during baseline, spent
more time in play with a common focus/goal during the
intervention (averaging 25.18%). Changes were immediate
with no overlapping data point between baseline and inter-
vention. On average, Annas percentage of parallel play
also slightly increased from 0.00% in baseline to 4.49%
during the intervention, but the inconsistency of change
across sessions and the overlaps in data between phases
limited causal attribution. Gains made by Anna in play
with a common focus/goal continued to increase during
follow-up to reach 35.55%. For Bastien, play with a
common focus/goal increased after the introduction of the
intervention (from 0.00% to 13.70%), as well as his
overall percentage of parallel play (from 0.00% to
13.55%). Conversely, his percentage of time spent not
engaged or onlooker decreased from baseline (100.00%)
to intervention (73.11%). Changes observed on these
three variables were immediate with no overlap in data
between baseline and intervention. However, gains made
by Bastien dwindled at follow-up, as indicated by overall
percentages of parallel play (7.68%) and play with a
common focus/goal (3.60%) which were below interven-
tion levels. For Damien, percentages of parallel play and
play with a common focus/goal during the intervention
(averaging at 9.83% and 17.84%, respectively) were
above baseline (averaging at 0.25% and 0.08%, respect-
ively). Conversely, his overall percentage of time spent
not engaged or onlooker during the intervention (72.33%)
was largely below baseline (99.54%). Changes appeared
immediately after the introduction of the intervention with
no overlapping data point between baseline and interven-
tion. Damien maintained his gains during follow-up by
exhibiting, on average, 10.59% of parallel play and
19.41% of play with a common focus/goal. For Esteban,
very similar results were noted. He immediately increased
his percentages of play with a common focus/goal after
the introduction of the intervention (from 0.00% to
21.32% on average), without overlap in data with the base-
line. His percentages of parallel play also increased from
baseline (averaging 3.59%) to intervention (averaging
24.95%) with an immediate effect. Conversely, Estebans
overall percentage of time spent isolated or with onlookers
drastically decreased from 96.41% to 53.68%. During
Follow-up, Esteban maintained his gains by exhibiting,
on average, 18.90% of parallel play and 29.39% of play
with a common focus/goal. For Fabio, we noted an imme-
diate effect of the intervention on his proportions of parallel
Briet et al. 9
play which drastically increased from 3.25% in baseline to
24.14% during intervention. Despite more limited gains, his
percentages of play with a common focus/goal also
increased immediately after the introduction of the interven-
tion (from 0.00% to 3.38%), with no overlap in data with
the baseline. Conversely, his overall percentage of time
Figure 2. Percentage of time spent in categories of the social engagement domain by children with ASD during baseline, intervention
and follow-up.
10 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
spent not engaged or onlooker decreased from 96.75% in
baseline to 72.46% during intervention. The effect was
immediate with only two overlapping data points with a
baseline. Gains made by Fabio during intervention
dwindled at follow-up with 11.64% of parallel play and
0.24% of play with a common focus/goal. For Gary,we
observed an increase in percentages of play with a
common focus/goal after the introduction of the interven-
tion (from 0.25% to 20.86% on average) and a decrease
in percentages of time spent isolated or onlooker (from
99.53% to 70.48% on average). These changes were imme-
diate with no overlap in data between baseline and interven-
tion and maintained during follow-up with overall levels at
21.25% for play with a common focus/goal and 77.56% for
the time spent isolated or onlooker. His percentages of par-
allel play also increased immediately after the introduction
of the intervention and averaged above baseline (8.65%),
but dwindled and trended downward during follow-up
(averaging at 1.17%). For the last participant, Caleb,
visual analysis of data suggested that they were no effect
of the intervention on the social engagement variables.
Indeed, no change in variability, trend or level from base-
line to intervention was noted. Moreover, signicant over-
laps between the two conditions were observed. The
weighted average Tau-U was 0.88 [90% CI =0.701.00]
for the time spent isolated or onlooker and 0.77 [90% CI
=0.590.95] for parallel play, suggesting a medium effect
of the intervention. For play with a common focus/goal,
the weighted average Tau-U was 0.93 [90% CI =0.75
1.00], suggesting a large effect of the intervention.
Motor imitation
Figure 3 shows the rates of motor imitation exhibited by
children with ASD during baseline, intervention and
Among the seven participants, ve exhibited stable
baselines with a total absence of motor imitation and
then demonstrated more variability after the introduction
of the intervention. For Anna, motor imitation immedi-
ately increased to reach an average rate of 0.23 beha-
viours per minute during the intervention, which was
then maintained during follow-up at an average rate of
0.19 behaviours per minute. For Bastien, rates of motor
imitation also increased in level during the intervention
(averaging at 0.50 behaviours per minute), with immedi-
ate effect and no overlapping data point between baseline
and intervention. However, gains dwindled during
follow-up, occurring at an average of 0.25 behaviours
per minute. For Damien, motor imitation increased to
reach an average of 0.42 behaviours per minute during
the intervention. Change appeared immediately after the
introduction of the intervention, with no overlapping
data points between the two conditions. Damien main-
tained his gains during follow-up with motor imitations
occurring on average 0.41 times per minute. For
Esteban, a very similar pattern of change was noted. He
increased immediately his rates of motor imitation after
the introduction of the intervention (averaging at 0.36
behaviours per minute), without overlap with the base-
line. Then, he maintained his gains during follow-up
despite a slightly lower average rate of motor imitation
(0.21 behaviours per minute) than in intervention. For
Fabio, we observed a slight immediate increase in his
rates of motor imitation after the introduction of the inter-
vention (averaging at 0.09 behaviours per minute),
despite four intervention sessions with no behaviour
observed. However, Fabios motor imitations trended
downward during follow-up, occurring in only one
session and averaging 0.02 behaviours per minute. For
the two last participants (Caleb and Gary), there was no
observable change in variability, level or trend after the
introduction of the intervention. The two children exhib-
ited imitation behaviours in only two intervention ses-
sions, which is insufcient to support a functional
relationship between intervention and imitation improve-
ment. The weighted average Tau-U for motor imitation
across participants was 0.71 [90% CI =0.530.89], sug-
gesting a medium effect of the intervention.
The benets of PMIs for students with ASD are well docu-
mented in the literature (Gunning et al., 2019), but children
with the most substantial cognitive and language difculties
are largely understudied (Chang & Locke, 2016;
ODonoghue et al., 2021; Watkins et al., 2015). To
address this gap, the present study aimed to evaluate the
effectiveness of a play-based PMI adapted from the IPG
model (Wolfberg, 2003; Wolfberg & Schuler, 1993) in
seven minimally verbal participants with an ID.
Was the play-based PMI effective to improve
socio-communicative skills of minimally verbal
students who also have an ID?
Our results indicated that the IPG intervention led to socio-
communicative skills improvements in most of the partici-
pants. Within the play domain, four of the seven children
increased their functional/symbolic play behaviours, while
spending less time not engaged or in sensory play. A
similar pattern occurred in the social engagement domain
with increases in parallel play for ve children, increases
in common focus/goal for six children and collateral
decreases in isolate/onlooker play behaviours for six chil-
dren. These ndings suggest that the intervention led
most of the participants with ASD to demonstrate more
complex and social forms of play, which is consistent
with previous studies on the IPG model (Wolfberg et al.,
Briet et al. 11
2015; Wolfberg & Schuler, 1993; Yang et al., 2003).
Within the imitation domain, ve of the seven children
were more imitative after the introduction of the interven-
tion. Imitation is a crucial developmental skill (Edwards,
2014), and children with ASD often have particular
difculty imitating othersactions (Williams et al., 2004).
Thus, the fact that most of the children were able to
imitate their peers more frequently through the play-based
PMI is particularly notable. In addition, motor imitation
and play with toys predict later communication in children
Figure 3. Rates of motor imitation exhibited by children with ASD during baseline, intervention and follow-up.
12 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
with ASD (Toth et al., 2006), as well as expressive lan-
guage in those who are minimally verbal (Pecukonis
et al., 2019). Consequently, the joint improvement in play
and imitation skills that we observed in the present study
is particularly encouraging, as progress in these areas
could help minimally verbal children with ASD to
develop communicative and language abilities.
Overall, these ndings suggest that the IPG intervention
may be effective to improve the socio-communicative skills
of minimally verbal children with ASD who also have an
ID. However, despite some evidence for improvements
across play skills, social engagement and imitation skills,
there is a notable difference in the degree to which
these three domains responded to the intervention. The
weighted average Tau-U analyses indicated that the effect
of the intervention on play with a common focus/goal
[0.93. (90% CI =0.751.00)] was stronger than on func-
tional/symbolic play [0.73 (90% CI =0.550.91)] and
motor imitation [0.71 (90% CI =0.530.89)]. Thus, these
data suggest that play and imitation skills may be less
responsive to the IPG intervention than social engagement.
Although this is consistent with the primary aim of PMIs
which is to promote socialization (Charlop et al., 2018),
we presume that being aware of the interaction is probably
less demanding than producing new play behaviours or imi-
tating the actions of another, especially for children who
have substantial cognitive difculties such as those
included in the present study.
Was the play-based PMI effective for all children?
Although there is evidence of improvements across socio-
communicative domains for the majority of the participants,
our results suggest that the IPG intervention was not effect-
ive for all. One child in particular (Caleb) did not make pro-
gress in any domain after the PMI was introduced. Several
explications can be formulated. First, Caleb tended to avoid
social contact with his TD peers and to push back against
their social initiatives during intervention sessions. And
yet, a social approach may be critical to treatment response
for a program that emphasizes social interactions in an
inclusive setting (Ingersoll et al., 2001). For example,
Sherer and Schreibman (2005) observed that children who
had the best outcomes following pivotal response training
exhibited low levels of social avoidance and high levels
of social approach. Conversely, children who showed no
or minimal gains had high levels of social avoidance and
low levels of social approach. Second, Caleb frequently
exhibited disruptive behaviours (crying, running away) in
case of frustrations (e.g. broken toys or desired objects in
possession of a peer), which are identied as barriers to
social relationships and school inclusion within the litera-
ture (Majoko, 2016). It is therefore possible that disruptive
behaviours are also a barrier to the implementation of PMIs,
limiting interactions between peer coaches and children
with ASD. Thus, these results may suggest that for children
with ASD who are socially avoidant and who exhibit dis-
ruptive behaviours, a play-based PMI may not be the pre-
ferred approach for improving socio-communicative
skills. Another explanation based on the children assigned
with Caleb could also be advanced. It was in this group
that the implementation delity was the lowest (averaging
at 67%), partly because Calebs peers had more difculty
than other TD participants in the role of coach. They
needed very substantial support from the adult to under-
stand Calebs needs and to adjust their behaviour accord-
ingly. They also needed regular encouragement to stay
motivated to help Caleb. Although willing to participate
and identied as socially competent by their teacher,
these observations suggest that TD childrens characteris-
tics may also inuence the effects of the IPG intervention
and therefore explain Calebs non-evolution.
Beyond differences between Caleb and the other chil-
dren, our results also showed variability among children
who improved, suggesting that intervention was not
equally effective for all. For example, three children simul-
taneously increased their play skills, social engagement and
imitation skills, while the other three children improved in
only two of these domains. Within the play domain, it
seems that the intervention was particularly effective for
children who had the fewest skills at intake. Indeed, the
two children who substantially exhibited functional/sym-
bolic play behaviours in baseline did not progress after
the introduction of the intervention. Conversely, children
who mostly exhibited not engaged/sensory play behaviours
at intake increased their functional/symbolic play beha-
viours when the intervention was introduced. These obser-
vations are encouraging for the diversity of children who
can benet from the IPG intervention, although they are
not specic to this model. Kent et al. (2021), for instance,
indicated that children with the lowest pre-intervention
play scores improved more than those with the highest pre-
intervention play scores after another play-based PMI.
Practically, such ndings suggest that PMIs may be espe-
cially effective for supporting the emergence of new play
skills in children who have the least resources in this area.
Did the intervention effects maintain when adult
support was withdrawn?
Our results indicated that the gains observed in the IPG
intervention were not systematically maintained when
adult support was withdrawn. Maintenance skills concerned
three out of four children for functional/symbolic play, two
out of ve children for parallel play, four out of six children
for interactive play and three out of ve children for imita-
tion. These data suggest that skill maintenance was pos-
sible, although highly variable across children. We
propose to explain these differences through the interaction
Briet et al. 13
of two factors. First, we observed that students with ASD
who have not maintained their gains were paired with TD
children who had difculty implementing the intervention
and then drastically reduced their support during follow-up.
For example, Fabios peers showed wide uctuations in
their use of intervention strategies (indicated by an
average treatment delity score of 73%) and virtually
stopped helping him when adult support was withdrawn.
Although previous studies were more unanimous on the
capacity of TD peers to continue to carry out activities
without adult guidance (e.g.Harper et al., 2008; Zercher
et al., 2001), the youngest age of the children included in
the present study may explain their greatest difculty to
implement the intervention accurately and maintain their
support afterward. Second, it appears that the children
who maintained their gains tended to be those with the
most cognitive resources in the sample. For example,
Damien and Esteban who were the two participants with
the smallest cognitive delays maintained their gains, while
Bastien and Fabio who were two of the three children
with the most substantial cognitive delays did not maintain
their gains. Anna was the exception and maintained his
gains despite a very low DQ, but she also was the child
who received the highest level of peer support during and
after the intervention. This would suggest that minimally
verbal children who have the most cognitive difculties
need continued support to maintain their improvements
over time or that an intervention longer than ten sessions
is necessary to promote ongoing socio-communicative
Limitations and future directions
This study includes several limitations that may provide dir-
ection for future play-based PMI research with minimally
verbal students with ASD. A rst limitation has to do
with the fact that we considered motor imitation as a
whole, rather than in its different forms. Given that elicited
and spontaneous imitation respond to functions that are dif-
ferent (Nadel et al., 2004), is it possible that the measure-
ment of these two forms of imitation would reveal more
nuanced ndings about intervention effects. Additionally,
children with ASD were encouraged to imitate their TD
peers but intervention procedures did not include the
reverse strategy. To the extent that repeated imitation ses-
sions improve the social functioning of children with
ASD (Field, 2017), it would be relevant to explore
whether incorporating reciprocal imitation into a play-based
PMI could add value. Second, although we observed that
the maintenance of skills was possible immediately follow-
ing the completion of the intervention, we do not know how
long positive effects may persist, or whether they can be
transferred across settings and peers. Future research is war-
ranted to determine whether the gains made by minimally
verbal students with ASD who also have an ID can be
generalized and sustained throughout their childhood. In
addition, the difculties encountered by some TD peers in
implementing the intervention and in maintaining their
help without adult support raise questions about how they
experienced their role of coach during and after the PMI,
which would also merit further investigations. Third,
although we hypothesize that the variability in intervention
effects across groups can be explained by individual factors,
we do not have sufcient data to conrm this. Future
research is therefore needed to determine to what degree
TD childrens characteristics (e.g. ToM abilities, prosocial
behaviours) and children with ASDs characteristics (e.g.
cognitive abilities, social avoidance, challenging beha-
viours) inuence participants with ASDs response to a
play-based PMI. Finally, although the present study con-
forms to the standards for multiple baseline design across
participants by incorporating at least three different baseline
lengths (Krasny-Pacini & Evans, 2018), we recognize that it
is more common to have a different number of baseline ses-
sions for each participant.
The present study indicated that a play-based PMI
adapted from the IPG model can be implemented in
school settings for improving play, social engagement
and motor imitation of minimally verbal students with
ASD who also have an ID. Benets were noted for
most of the participants, although there were inter-
individual variations among children that appeared to
inuence performance during intervention and
follow-up. Thus, maintenance of the improvements was
possible without being systematic. Overall, these nd-
ings suggest that a play-based PMI adapted from the
IPG model may be a feasible option for addressing inclu-
sive education of students with ASD who have the most
cognitive and language difculties, especially for pro-
moting positive relationships with their peers.
However, the present study implemented the intervention
in a neutralroom in the school and further research is
needed to determine whether children with ASD requir-
ing the highest level of support and attending specialized
units could benet from an intervention that would be
directly implemented within a regular class.
The authors would like to thank the children and their parents for
their participation, as well as the professionals in the schools for
their help and contributions.
Declaration of conicting interests
The authors declared no potential conicts of interest with respect
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
14 Autism & Developmental Language Impairments
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following nancial support
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article:
the Caisse nationale de la solidarité et de lautonomie
[Iresp-17-AUT4-06]; the Region Bretagne [ARED 2015-2018],
the ADAPEI 56 [ARED 2015-2018] and the MSHB (for transla-
tion assistance).
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Briet et al. 17
... Autism is a severe developmental disability that manifests in the first three years of life, with behavioral symptoms occurring in 2 to 4 cases per 10,000 births. Autism is seen four times more frequently in boys than in girls (6)(7)(8). In fact, there is a significant positive overall relationship between COVID-19 anxiety in mothers and parent-child interaction, and a significant positive relationship with aggression (9,10). ...
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The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in reducing Alexithymia, enhancing psychological capital, and increasing subjective vitality in mothers diagnosed with COVID-19 who have autistic children. This was a quasi-experimental study employing a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design with a control group. The sample consisted of mothers diagnosed with COVID-19 having autistic children in the city of Mashhad, who were referred to the Ava Health Center (Total: 70 individuals). Data were collected using random cluster sampling, and finally, 30 individuals were selected and assigned to two groups of 15 participants each in the experimental and control groups. For data collection and evaluation of the desired characteristics and conditions, a demographic form and questionnaires on marital intimacy, forgiveness, and marital boredom were used. Participants in the experimental group underwent therapy in eight 90-minute sessions held twice weekly based on Bowen's (2009) family therapy protocol. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA with the SPSS-16 statistical software. The findings indicated that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy was effective in reducing Alexithymia (p = .004), increasing psychological capital (p = .001), and enhancing subjective vitality (p = .001) in the mothers with COVID-19 and autistic children (p > .05). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be utilized to improve Alexithymia, psychological capital, and subjective vitality in mothers diagnosed with COVID-19 who have autistic children.
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Inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mainstream schools has a positive impact on their social and daily living behaviors. Our objective was to identify clinical and socio-demographic variables promoting or limiting inclusion in mainstream school through childhood and adolescence. The EpiTED study is a long-term, prospective, multicenter cohort of 281 ASD children included before the age of 7, with a 10-year follow-up in France. Variables significantly linked to inclusion in mainstream school were identified using a mixed-effect logistic regression model: greater autonomy [OR = 1.45 (1.29–1.63)], lesser symptom severity [OR = 0.96 (0.92–0.99)] and fewer siblings [OR = 0.86 (0.75–0.99)]. In the multivariate model, the probability for a child of being included in mainstream school decreased over time [OR = 0.91 (0.85–0.97)], i.e. with age.
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Symbolic play is considered an early indicator in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and its assessment. The objective of this study was to analyze the difficulties in symbolic play experienced by children with ASD and to determine the existence of differences in symbolic play among children with ASD, children with other neurodevelopmental disorders and children with typical development. A scoping review was carried out in the Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, ERIC, and PsycInfo databases, following the extension for scoping reviews of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The number of papers included in the review was 22. The results confirm that children with ASD have greater difficulties with symbolic play than children with other neurodevelopmental disorders and children with typical development, even when controlling for their verbal age. Difficulties are greater in situations of free or spontaneous play. Results evidenced that the absence or deficiency in the symbolic play can serve as an early indicator of ASD between the first and second year of life, the developmental moment in which this type of play begins.
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Play is often used in interventions to improve social outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Play is a primary occupation of childhood and, therefore, an important outcome of intervention. The Ultimate Guide to Play, Language and Friendship (PLF) is a peer-mediated intervention for 6–11-year-old children with ASD. A total of 68 dyads were randomized to either a 10-week treatment first or waitlist control group. Results revealed a significant moderate intervention effect from pre- to post-intervention, which was maintained to the 3-month follow-up clinic session and generalized to the home environment. The findings support that the PLF intervention can be used to positively improve play in 6–11-year-old children with ASD. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, (ACTRN12615000008527; Universal Trial Number: U1111-1165-2708)
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Pragmatic language difficulties of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can significantly impact their ability to engage in socially appropriate conversations and form peer relationships. Using a multiple baseline design across participants, this study evaluated the effects of a novel peer-mediated intervention (PMI) on improving the social conversation of three high school students with ASD who engaged in high rates of inappropriate communication acts (e.g., perseveration, abrupt topic shifts). The PMI incorporated peer training, graphic/text cues and direct instruction for the students to reduce inappropriate communications while supporting appropriate initiations and topic maintenance responses. Results revealed that the PMI was highly effective in reducing the inappropriate communication acts of three students and increasing the appropriate communication acts of two students. Conversation gains generalized to untrained peers for all student participants. Social validity outcomes assessing intervention acceptability and conversation were highly positive. This study provides additional evidence that PMI can be individualized to address the unique pragmatic language needs of high school students with ASD.
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Since the Salamanca Statement was published in 1994 a massive amount of research has addressed the issue of inclusive education. Yet, there is a sense of lack of progress which seems to necessitate a critical look at the field while not neglecting advancements made. Such advancements concern the development of theory, a concept which is given a broad interpretation in the paper. Both theories with limited scope and more encompassing theories have been developed. However, from the point of view of Lewin´s well-known formulation ‘there is nothing as practical as a good theory’ there seems to be a lack of theories that have empirically been shown to be successful tools in the development of more inclusive school systems, schools and classrooms. The case study seems to be a methodological approach well suited for the development of such theories. Two examples from Sweden, one from the school level and one from the classroom level, are used to illustrate the potential of case-studies to develop theory in this area of research.
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In peer-mediated intervention (PMI), peers act as agents of intervention. Previous reviews in this area have not addressed the effectiveness of using PMI with children with autism who are minimally verbal. Following a systematic search, we reviewed 25 studies where PMI was used to increase communication in minimally verbal participants. The majority of these (n = 23) were single-case experimental design studies in settings that included preschools, elementary schools, and high schools. PMIs varied in the amounts of training offered to peers and the types of activities in which children engaged. Social communication increased across studies, with alternative and augmentative communication and spoken language measured in seven studies, respectively. We offer recommendations for future research in this area.
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Numerous studies have investigated the predictors of language in pre-verbal toddlers and verbally fluent children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present study investigated the concurrent relations among expressive language and a set of empirically-selected social communication variables—joint attention, imitation, and play—in a unique sample of 37 minimally verbal (MV) children and adolescents with ASD. Results revealed that imitation and play were significantly correlated with expressive language, even when controlling for non-verbal IQ, but joint attention was not. Imitation was the only predictor variable to reach significance within the regression model. Findings demonstrate that predictors of expressive language vary for subpopulations of the autism spectrum, and have broader implications for intervention design for older, MV individuals with ASD.
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a peer‐mediated intervention on joint attention (JA) and social play skills for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using a multiple baseline design. Peer‐mediated interventions are an evidence‐based practice, but there is limited research on using peers outside of the target student's classroom and using them with severely impacted students. In this study, the research team trained third‐grade peers to work with preschoolers with ASD in one‐on‐one play sessions. JA, parallel play, and common focus play were increased during intervention, while solitary and unoccupied play were decreased. Social validity was high as reported by participants. This study provides promising data for increased inclusion of severely impacted students, with benefits for all students involved.
Imitation guides the behaviour of a range of species. Scientific advances in the study of imitation at multiple levels from neurons to behaviour have far-reaching implications for cognitive science, neuroscience, and evolutionary and developmental psychology. This volume, first published in 2002, provides a summary of the research on imitation in both Europe and America, including work on infants, adults, and nonhuman primates, with speculations about robotics. A special feature of the book is that it provides a concrete instance of the links between developmental psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. It showcases how an interdisciplinary approach to imitation can illuminate long-standing problems in the brain sciences, including consciousness, self, perception-action coding, theory of mind, and intersubjectivity. The book addresses what it means to be human and how we get that way.
Background Peer-mediated interventions (PMI) are used to promote social interactions and academic engagement between individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their peers. Most PMI research has been conducted with preschoolers and students in the early elementary grades. There is a need for additional research examining the effectiveness of low-intensity PMI for older students. Method This study used a non-concurrent multiple-baseline, multiple-probe across participants design to investigate the effectiveness of a low-intensity PMI on engagement and communicative acts for middle-school aged students with ASD during lunch breaks at school. Nine typically developing peers received 40–50 minutes of peer coach training. Peer coaches were encouraged to interact with their classmate with ASD during lunch breaks at school, using the strategies they learned. They were provided with brief feedback and/or praise after each probe observation during intervention and follow-up. Results Results showed a functional relation between the intervention and both engagement and communicative acts, with three demonstrations of effect across participants. Indicators of mutual enjoyment were observed for the majority of probe observation sessions across groups. There was some maintenance of effect at 1–4 weeks follow-up. Social validity was high for both peer coaches and classroom teachers. Conclusions This study contributes to and extends the existing PMI research by including middle school students with varying intellectual and social-communication abilities. Schools may be more likely to adopt evidence-based interventions such as the one used in this study if they are also efficient.