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A remarkable case report of an interrupted inferior vena cava with hemiazygos and transhepatic continuation


Abstract and Figures

Inferior vena cava (IVC) interruption with azygos/hemiazygos continuation is an extremely uncommon congenital vascular anomaly, which may present with multiple variants. As a result, it is challenging to find in the literature the same anatomical variant. We report a unique case of an interrupted IVC with hemiazygos and transhepatic continuation in an 83-year-old female patient. The case was evaluated by performing Computed Tomography (CT) as imaging modality, with a multiphase protocol, able to detect accurately this complex vascular anomaly. The purpose of this case report is not only to present this remarkable case but also to briefly show the types of interrupted IVC, starting from the anatomy and the embryology of the IVC and the azygos system, and to discuss the value of imaging in detecting the vascular anomaly.
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Acta Biomed 2023; Vol. 94, N. 5: e2023238 DOI: 10.23750/abm.v94i5.15085 © Mattioli 1885
Case report
A remarkable case report of an interrupted inferior vena
cava with hemiazygos and transhepatic continuation
Federica Masino1, Gianmichele Muscatella1, Manuela Montatore1, Rossella Gifuni1,
Giuseppe Guglielmi1,2,3
1Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Foggia University School of Medicine, Foggia, Italy; 2Radiology
Unit, “Dimiccoli” Hospital, Barletta, Italy; 3Radiology Unit, Hospital IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, San Giovanni
Rotondo, Italy
Abstract. Inferior vena cava (IVC) interruption with azygos/hemiazygos continuation is an extremely
uncommon congenital vascular anomaly, which may present with multiple variants. As a result, it is chal-
lenging to find in the literature the same anatomical variant. We report a unique case of an interrupted IVC
with hemiazygos and transhepatic continuation in an 83-year-old female patient. e case was evaluated by
performing Computed Tomography (CT) as imaging modality, with a multiphase protocol, able to detect ac-
curately this complex vascular anomaly. e purpose of this case report is not only to present this remarkable
case but also to briefly show the types of interrupted IVC, starting from the anatomy and the embryology
of the IVC and the azygos system, and to discuss the value of imaging in detecting the vascular anomaly.
Key words: hemiazygos continuation, inferior vena cava, interrupted IVC, transhepatic continuation
e Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) is a wide retrop-
eritoneal vein that drains deoxygenated blood from
the lower limbs, pelvic, and abdominal viscera to the
heart's right atrium (1).
e azygos venous system is a paired paraverte-
bral venous pathway in the posterior thorax that pro-
vides collateral circulation between the Superior Vena
Cava (SVC) and the IVC. e azygos, hemiazygos, ac-
cessory hemiazygos, and left superior intercostal veins
form an H-shaped arrangement which is typical of the
azygos venous system (2).
Interruption of IVC is a rare congenital anomaly
in which venous return from the lower body occurs
via azygos or hemiazygos venous system (3). e term
interrupted” is used to indicate a complete agenesis as
well as an anomalous course.
e anomaly primarily results from abnormal re-
gression or persistence of embryological veins (antero-
cardinal, post-cardinal, sub-cardinal, supra-cardinal,
and vitelline veins) that formed the five embryologic
segments of the final structure of the IVC (iliac, sub-
renal, renal, suprarenal, hepatic including suprahepatic
and retrohepatic) (1,3).
In most cases, the interruption of the IVC oc-
curs because of a failed anastomose between the right
subcardinal vein and the vitelline vein, resulting in
the agenesis of the infrarenal IVC and the interrup-
tion at the suprarenal segment. In this circumstance,
Acta Biomed 2023; Vol. 94, N. 5: e2023238
the suprarenal IVC reroutes to drain via the azygos
vein, while the hepatic IVC only receives the hepatic
veins (4).
In other cases, the suprahepatic IVC may be ab-
sent or hypoplastic, resulting in direct drainage into
the right atrium. In this circumstance as well the azy-
gos system would be enlarged.
Subrenal interruption or absent IVC also has
been reported but is less common (2).
ese anatomical variants represent an asymp-
tomatic condition if associated with well-developed
azygos/hemiazygos continuation, but they may pre-
sent with recurrent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
of the lower limbs, leg swelling, leg pain, varices
of lower extremities, abdominal pain, and rarely
e interruption of the IVC may be isolated or
associated with other anomalies, such as congenital
cardiac disease, polysplenia (left isomerism), abnormal
abdominal situs, and azygos lobe.
In an asymptomatic condition it is typically de-
tected incidentally in the early to middle ages of
life (5,6).
To study the vascular anomaly, imaging modalities
include echocardiographic techniques, Color-Doppler
imaging, CT-angiography, and ICV-angiography, that
help to detect interrupted ICV, to identify the anomalous
course of the main vessels and to evaluate the dilatation
of the azygos system caused by increased flow. Espe-
cially, angiography is important to recognize the exact
anatomy of the drainage for surgical purposes. ere-
fore, detection of these venous anomalies is significant
because it would hamper right heart catheterization via
the femoral vein approach as well as cardiopulmonary
bypass surgery and pacemaker placement (7).
Case presentation
An 83-year-old Caucasian woman came for the
first time to our department to undergo a Total-Body
CT with medium contrast administration for a lung
tumor follow-up. Other CTs were already performed
in other clinics, but reports were not brought to view
at the time of the investigation.
She referred to not having a prior history of
coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure,
hypertension, diabetes, or a history of deep venous
e study protocol followed the investigation
motivation as per medical request and consequently, it
was not the most appropriate for the study of vascular
anomalies. erefore, it was performed a multiphase
examination including a first unenhanced scan, fol-
lowed by post-contrast scans including an arterial and
portal venous phase, with a 64-detector scanner. In
order to better evaluate the anomaly, post- processing
reconstruction on all planes (axial, coronal, sagit-
tal), also with MIP application, and 3D images were
At first look, the most evident imaging find-
ing about the vascular anomaly concerned the non-
visualized IVC in the usual right side of the aortae.
In this case, the paired common iliac vein joined
a distended hemiazygos vein that received the left renal
vein to end continuing in the accessory hemiazygos
e enlarged accessory hemiazygos made a visualiz-
ing arch that followed externally the one of the aortae,
to join in the end the SVC, which appeared enlarged
as well (Figure 1).
e suprahepatic veins flew out directly into the
right atrium, but one of them passed entirely through
the liver and continued outside originating a transhe-
patic continuation, that joined the confluence between
the azygos vein and the right renal vein. From the
right common iliac vein, a wide atypical vein departed
joining the confluence. In this way, the connection be-
tween the azygos and hemiazygos veins was obtained
(Figure 2).
e azygos vein followed its typical connection
with the SVC through its arch, but its origin was
anomalous, considering it started after it overpassed
at L1-L2 level the diaphragmatic pillar from the con-
fluence between the right renal vein, the transhepatic
vein, and an anomalous vein. (Figure 3)
Acta Biomed 2023; Vol. 94, N. 5: e2023238 3
Figure 1. Portal phase of a Whole Body-CT scan with MIP application. a) sagittal plane showed the accessory hemiazygos arch
from the Superior Vena Cava (SVC) and the continuation of the hemiazygos vein. b) coronal plane showed the accessory hemiazy-
gos arch, the entire course of the hemiazygos vein flowing at the left side of the vertebral column, its origin from the common iliac
veins. At the L1-L2 level, the hemiazygos overpassed the diaphragmatic pillar (*) c) axial plane images showed the entire arch on
the left side of the aortae and the accessory hemiazygos arch joining the Superior Vena Cava. Blue: Superior Vena Cava; Light blue:
accessory hemiazygos arch.
e interruption of the ICV with azygos system
compensation is a complex and rare vascular anomaly
that presents multiple variants.
In the case presented the patient had got: an in-
trahepatic interrupted ICV with the suprahepatic veins
flowing out directly in the right atrium; a transhepatic
continuation of one suprahepatic vein connected to the
azygos vein; an enlarged hemiazygos system as main
Acta Biomed 2023; Vol. 94, N. 5: e2023238
Figure 2. Portal phase of Whole-Body CT scan. a) curved reformatted image of the transhepatic continuation of one of the
suprahepatic veins. ere was no shunt with the portal system, as there was no communication with the splenic-portal axes (colored
in orange) b) showed the anomalous vein originating from the right common iliac vein, the confluence of the right renal vein, and the
azygos vein, the transhepatic continuation. c) and d) showed respectively the origin from the right common vein and the continuation
in the liver. Green arrow: origin; Yellow arrow: confluence; Blue arrow: transhepatic continuation; Red asterisk: azygos vein.
Figure 3. Portal phase of a Whole-Body CT scan with MIP application. a) axial plane showed the typical azygos arch. b) axial plane
showed from right to left the azygos vein, the aortae, and the enlarged hemiazygos. c) coronal plane showed the azygos overpassing
the diaphragmatic pillar at the L1-L2 level and its confluence with the right renal vein and the transhepatic continuation. Yellow:
azygos; Red: aortae; Green: hemiazygos.
Acta Biomed 2023; Vol. 94, N. 5: e2023238 5
drainage system. All conditions are rare and unusually
to find simultaneously (7).
e role of imaging in the detection of this type of
vascular anomaly is essential: CT in the case presented
allowead a good differentiation of all vessels and the
detection of the type of variant as well as the enlarge-
ment of all the azygos system.
What makes this anatomical variant truly unusual
can be summarized as follows:
- the interruption of the ICV was intrahepatic
and not at a suprarenal level, which is the most
common variant.
- the compensating main vessel corresponded to
the accessory hemiazygos and the hemiazygos
vein, with the latter that totally substitutes the
absent ICV. erefore, it originated from the
two paired common iliac veins.
- the arch formed by the accessory hemiazygos
vein embracing that of the aorta.
- the continuation of the accessory hemiazygos
vein directly with the hemiazygos vein.
- the transhepatic continuation of one of the su-
prahepatic veins, originating an intrahepatic
- the confluence among the azygos vein, the tran-
shepatic continuation, and the right renal vein.
- the connection through a collateral vein be-
tween the confluence above-mentioned and the
right common iliac vein, originating a shunt
between the azygos and the hemiazygos system
(Figure 4).
Hemiazygos' continuation of an interrupted IVC
has several variations, including three possible paths
for blood in the hemiazygos vein to reach the right
atrium. In the first paths, the hemiazygos vein joins
the azygos vein at T8–T9. In this route, the findings
at more cranial levels are like azygos continuation with
enlargement of the distal azygos vein, as well as the
enlargement of the hemiazygos vein itself. e sec-
ond path involves a persistent left SVC, and blood
flows from the hemiazygos vein into the accessory
Figure 4. 3D reconstruction of the main vessels involved in
this vascular anomaly from a posterior and anterior view (a)
compared to a schematic drawing of normal anatomy and the
aberrant abdominal venous pathways of this reported case (b).
a) showed the arch, the hemiazygos continuation until the di-
vision in the common iliac veins and the wide vein from the
right common iliac vein connecting the transhepatic continu-
ation, the right renal vein, and the azygos vein. In b) veins are
numbered as follows: 1 inferior vena cava IVC; 2 renal vein;
3 common iliac vein; 4 accessory hemiazygos arch; 5 hemiazygos
vein; 6 suprahepatic veins; 7 transhepatic continuation; 8 azygos
vein; 9 wide vein connecting the right common iliac vein with
the confluence of 2, 7 and 8.
hemiazygos vein and left SVC and then into the cor-
onary sinus, all of which are dilated. e third path,
which is the one reported in this case, the hemiazygos
vein drains to the accessory hemiazygos vein to join
into an usual right SVC (2,8).
Acta Biomed 2023; Vol. 94, N. 5: e2023238
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6. Chen SJ, Wu MH, Wang JK. Clinical implications of congen-
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7. Sahin H, Pekcevik Y, Aslaner R. Double inferior vena cava
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Received: 7 August 2023
Accepted: 7 September 2023
Giuseppe Guglielmi, Prof, MD
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Foggia
University School of Medicine
Viale L. Pinto 1, 71121, Foggia (FG), Italy
Radiology Unit, “Dimiccoli” Hospital, Viale Ippocrate, 15,
70051 Barletta (BT), Italy
Radiology Unit, IRCCS “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza”
Viale Cappuccini 2, 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo (FG), Italy
ICV interruption with hemiazygos continuation
is a benign condition and, in this case, as vasculariza-
tion was well compensated, no treatment was needed.
Otherwise, the knowledge of the condition was crucial
for the patient in case of necessary surgical interven-
tion (9).
In addition, a misdiagnosis could have been done
considering that this anomaly at chest x-ray in the pos-
terior anterior film could present as an enlargement of
the mediastinal shadow (that might be confused with
adenopathy of aortic pathology) while, in the lateral
film, ICV shadow should be absent; or at Transesoph-
ageal Echocardiography (TEE) the dilated azygos or
hemiazygos vein lies adjacent to the descending aorta
might mimic an aortic pathology (5,10).
Considering that interrupted ICV is commonly
associated with other congenital anomalies, especially
in the cardiac field, a prompt search for additional
pathologies was evaluated. Moreover, excluding por-
tosystemic shunting was important for determining
management as persistent congenital portosystemic
shunts could be associated with significant morbid-
ity. In the case reported, there was no correlation with
other congenital anomalies and there was no evidence
of an association with the tumor affecting the patient.
e two conditions can be considered independent.
In conclusion, we reported a case of a rare venous
anomaly characterized by an interrupted ICV with a
developed hemiazygos and transhepatic continuation.
Both conditions are extremely rare, and their combina-
tion is poorly described in the literature.
e presented case gave the occasion to empha-
size the importance of imaging in the detection of
complex vascular anomalies, such as the one described.
Physicians should be aware of this unusual vascular
anomaly both to avoid misdiagnosis and to aid surgical
Inform Consent: Consent to participate and for publication. Writ-
ten informed consent for publication was obtained from the patient.
Conflict of Interest: Each author declares that he or she has no
commercial associations (e.g. consultancies, stock ownership, equity
interest, patent/licensing arrangement etc.) that might pose a con-
flict of interest in connection with the submitted article.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Background/purpose Inferior vena cava (IVC) interruption is rare and can be detected through prenatal or postnatal imaging. It usually occurs in patients with heterotaxy syndrome with bilateral left-sidedness (left isomerism or polysplenia syndrome), indicating a laterality defect. However, its long-term outcomes remain unclear. Methods This retrospective study included a patient cohort with evidence of IVC interruption based on imagining data (1980–2019) selected from our institutional database. Results We included 34 (male/female = 14/20) patients with IVC interruption. Most of the patients had left isomerism of the bronchopulmonary situs (96.4%) and cardiac atrial situs (90.3%). Splenic anomalies, including polysplenia (35.7%), lobulated spleen (39.3%), inversus solitary spleen (10.7%), and asplenia (3.6%), were common. Normal cardiac structure was noted in four (11.8%) patients. Congenital heart disease (CHD) was noted in 30 patients: 7 with simple CHD and 23 with severe CHD. Bradycardia occurred in 47.1% of the patients and was not associated with CHD. Splenic variations were not associated with CHD or bradycardia. The survival rates for the 10-, 20-, and 40-year age groups were 0.880, 0.792, and 0.441, respectively; severe CHD was the only risk factor. Conclusion IVC interruption can present as an isolated lesion and be associated with CHD. Although bradycardia was common among the patients, CHD severity was the only risk factor for survival. Patients with IVC interruption commonly have left isomerism at the atrial and bronchopulmonary situs, but the spectrum of splenic abnormalities is wide, including polysplenia, lobulated spleen, solitary inversus spleen, and, rarely, asplenia.
Full-text available
The inferior vena cava (IVC) is the largest vein in the body, draining blood from the abdomen, pelvis and lower extremities. This pictorial review summarises normal anatomy and embryological development of the IVC. In addition, we highlight a wide range of anatomical variants, acquired pathologies and a common pitfall in imaging of the IVC. This information is essential for clinical decision making and to reduce misdiagnosis.
Full-text available
Interruption of the inferior vena cava (IVC) with azygos continuation is a rare congenital anomaly, in which the IVC is interrupted below the hepatic vein and venous return beyond this point is restored by the dilated azygos and hemiazygos veins draining into the superior vena cava. A case of the interruption of the IVC with azygos/emyazygos continuation for the absence of the hepatic segment of IVC, left renal vein duplication, and polysplenia is reported. The embryologic, clinical, and radiological significance are discussed. The diagnosis is suggested by X-ray, but contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography is the method of choice to diagnose this venous anomaly and reveals the aberrant vascular structures. Awareness of different congenital anomalies of IVC is important to surgeons and cardiologists and is necessary for radiologists to avoid diagnostic pitfalls and for preoperative planning: they should be remembered because they can influence several surgical interventions and endovascular procedures. Accidental ligation of the azygos vein is fatal and cardiac catheterization using the lower extremity vein is troublesome in patients with this condition.
Full-text available
Rationale: Azygos and hemiazygos continuation of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is uncommon. It is rare especially when it is not associated with congenital heart disease or deep venous thrombosis. Patient concerns: We report an interesting case of an interstitial lung disease with an interrupted IVC with azygous and hemiazygos continuation. A 67-year-old man suffered from cough and shortness of breath. Diagnoses: Computed tomography revealed absence of the hepatic segment of the IVC with azygos and hemiazygos continuation. The patient did not have congenital anomalies of the remaining thoracoabdominal vasculature and viscera. The diagnosis of azygos and hemiazygos continuation of IVC was made by inferior venacavography. Interventions: There was no significant association between interstitial lung disease and expanded azygos and hemiazygos veins. The patient was treated with corticosteroids. Outcomes: After 6 months of follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic. Lessons: It is important to recognize the enlarged azygos vein at the confluence with the superior vena cava and in the retrocrural space to avoid misdiagnosis as a right-sided paratracheal mass or retrocrural adenopathy.
Full-text available
The duplication of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is a rare congenital anomaly, which also has some variations regarding the complex embryological development of the IVC. In the typical form, infrarenal IVC segments are duplicated and the left IVC joins the left renal vein, which crosses anterior to the aorta in the normal fashion to join the right IVC. In variant forms, the interruption of the intrahepatic segment of the IVC, azygos or hemiazygos continuation, or retroaortic course of the renal vein may be seen. An intrahepatic venous shunt accompanying a double IVC variant is an extremely rare anomaly. We report a case of 40-year-old female patient with double IVC, hemiazygos continuation, intrahepatic IVC interruption, and a transhepatic venous shunt.
Full-text available
With the increased use of cross-sectional imaging, systemic venous anomalies are more frequently being recognized in asymptomatic patients. Accurate characterization of systemic venous anomalies plays a major role in the appropriate selection of a surgical approach or interventional procedure. In this article, we review common and uncommon inferior vena cava (IVC) anomalies. We describe the embryological basis and clinical implications of these anomalies, particularly from an interventional radiology perspective. We also discuss the complications and treatments of these anomalies.
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To present the prevalence, clinical, and imaging findings of interruption or congenital stenotic lesions of the inferior vena cava (IVC), associated malformations, and their clinical relevance. Between March 2004 and March 2006, 7972 patients who had undergone consecutive routine abdominal multidetector row computed tomography were analyzed for interruption or stenotic lesion of the IVC. Prevalence of interruption (n=8) or congenital stenosis (n=4) of the IVC occurred in 12 (0.15%) of 7972 patients. Four patients with interruption and four patients with congenital stenosis of the IVC were symptomatic with DVT (n=4), leg swelling (n=4), leg pain (n=2), lower extremity varices (n=2), hepatic vein thrombosis (n=1), and hematochezia (n=1). All four of the asymptomatic patients were from the interruption group, and these patients had interrupted IVC with well-developed azygos/hemiazygos continuation. Eight symptomatic patients did not have a well-developed azygos/hemiazygos continuation, and drainage of lower extremity was mainly from collateral veins. Additional findings in eight symptomatic patients were abdominal venous collaterals (n=8), venous aneurysm (n=2), lower extremity varices (n=2), varicocele (n=2), and pelvic varices (n=1). Interruption or stenosis of the IVC are rare on routine abdominal CT examinations and may cause different clinical findings depending on the variant drainage patterns or collaterals. Interrupted IVC is commonly asymptomatic if associated with well-developed azygos/hemiazygos continuation, whereas commonly symptomatic if well-developed azygos/hemiazygos continuation is not present.
Congenital anomalies of the superior and inferior vena cava result from abnormal embryogenesis of cardinal veins. Duplication of superior vena cava (SVC) occurs in 0.3% of the general population of which only 8% drain into the left atrium. The prevalence of double inferior vena cava (IVC) is around 0.2–3%. The reported incidence of unilateral renal agenesis ranges from 1:1100 to 1:5000, and the association of double IVC with renal agenesis has been reported in only 11 cases in the literature. The conglomeration of such rare anomalies incidentally noted in a single patient is reported in this study. A 32-year-old man was referred to our department for Computed Tomography (CT) scan of the thorax. The patient was found to have dorsal kyphoscoliosis with hemivertebrae. The SVC was duplicated with the right SVC draining into the right atrium and the left SVC draining into the left atrium. The left kidney was not visualized in the abdomen. There was dual IVC with no intercommunicating interiliac vein. The right IVC maintained its normal course, while the left IVC continued as hemiazygos vein and joined left SVC in the thorax. Also noted was the aberrant origin of the right subclavian artery. This is the first reported case of combined superior and inferior vena caval anomalies along with left renal agenesis in a single patient in the literature. A review on the embryological basis is also described in this article.