ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Effectiveness of child sexual abuse prevention programs on knowledge acquisition: A meta-analytical study

Child Abuse & Neglect 146 (2023) 106489
Available online 5 October 2023
0145-2134/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Invited review
Effectiveness of child sexual abuse prevention programs on
knowledge acquisition: A meta-analytical study
Marta Ferragut
, M. Victoria Cerezo
, Margarita Ortiz-Tallo
Raquel Rodríguez-Fernandez
Department of Psychobiology and Methodology of Behavioral Sciences, Psychology and Speech Therapy Faculty, University of Malaga, Spain
Asociacion Con, Ciencia, Escuela de Psicoterapia y Creatividad, Malaga, Spain
Department of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences, Psychology Faculty, Distance Learning National University (UNED), Spain
Prevention programs
Child sexual abuse
Abuse and trauma
Background: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a type of maltreatment considered a global health
problem. CSA is a traumatic experience with important consequences for the victims health. It is
essential to report the effectiveness of CSA prevention programs to offer society useful tools to
combat this abuse.
Objective: We aimed to study the effectiveness of CSA prevention programs on the knowledge
acquisition based on comparing pre- and post-treatment changes, and also if their effectiveness is
related to program-related and methodological variables.
Participants and settings: Standardised mean change (with studies that report pre-post program
measures) of the effectiveness of CSA prevention programs published between 2014 and 2021
was carried out.
Methods: The general effectiveness of these programs and whether the results were inuenced by
program-related variables (the duration, the target population, participants age, or the type of
intervention) or by methodology-related factors (the agent who taught them, the geographical
area where they were carried out or the way the programs were evaluated) were analysed. A total
of 43 samples analysing knowledge about CSA as a dependent variable were included.
Results: The results reported a combined effect size considered large (d
= 0.96, 95 % CI
[1.10, 0.82], p <.001). High inter-study heterogeneity was observed in the meta-analysis,
although only the geographic area where the studies were conducted appears as a signicant
Conclusions: In conclusion, the prevention programs included in this analysis signicantly
improved the participants knowledge acquisition.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Psychobiology and Methodology of Behavioral Sciences, Psychology and Speech Therapy Faculty,
University of Malaga, C/ Doctor Ortiz Ramos, 12, Ampliacion de Teatinos, 29010 Malaga, Spain.
E-mail address: (M. Ferragut).
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Received 26 May 2023; Received in revised form 24 September 2023; Accepted 27 September 2023
Child Abuse & Neglect 146 (2023) 106489
1. Introduction
1.1. Child sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a type of maltreatment that involves the participation of a minor in sexual activity that they cannot
understand, for which they are not prepared, and in which they are not in a position to give their consent (World Health Organization
(WHO), 2017). Abuse may or may not include physical contact, with abuse through electronic means becoming increasingly frequent,
especially in new generations (Ferragut et al., 2021a; Finkelhor et al., 2022). There are key aspects to be considered when dening
CSA: a power dynamic, where the child is in a position of inequality; the exploitation of the childs vulnerability to their detriment; and
the absence of consent (Mathews & Collin-V´
ezina, 2019). This abusive experience is considered a global health problem because it can
produce signicant consequences for the physical, psychological, social, and sexual health of the victims both during childhood and
their subsequent adult development (Guiney et al., 2022; Noll, 2021; Selengia et al., 2020).
The worldwide prevalence of CSA has been the subject of numerous studies, often yielding diverse results. Different studies nd
different prevalence rates depending on the method of data collection, the instruments applied, differences in denitions of CSA used
(whether they use behaviourally-specic questions), or the population included in the analysis (Barth et al., 2013; Mathews et al.,
2020; Pan et al., 2020; Pereda et al., 2009; Stoltenborgh et al., 2011). However, in general, it can be considered a widespread problem
in society, and the data are alarming (Mathews et al., 2023; Singh et al., 2014). The European Council estimates that 1 in 5 minors are
victims of CSA, and recent research in our country nds prevalences ranging between 2.8 % and 18.5 %, depending on the different
types of abusive experiences evaluated (Ferragut et al., 2021a), analysing the data retrospectively in a nationally representative
sample. Consistently, in prevalence studies, females report higher rates in almost all types of CSA (Barth et al., 2013; Ferragut et al.,
2021b; Guziak, 2020), although the most recent study conducted with the Spanish population has indicated that there are no sig-
nicant differences between males and females in terms of certain types of abuses, particularly those involving penetration (Ferragut
et al., 2021a).
As mentioned earlier, there are numerous and varied consequences of CSA on the victims and they affect the physical, psycho-
logical, sexual and social health of those who suffer this experience. CSA has been linked to signicant sequelae that affect childrens
development (Friedrich et al., 2001; Noll, 2021; Putnam, 2003) and their subsequent adult life (Easton et al., 2011; Guiney et al., 2022;
Hornor, 2010; Maniglio, 2009; Ortiz-Tallo & Calvo, 2020; Sarasua et al., 2013). Many victims of CSA subsequently experience dif-
culties in intimate relationships and often have to struggle to feel joy, as if they had no right to love and/or sex (Echeburúa-Odriozola,
2020). Although the specic impact of CSA may depend on variables such as the victims age when the abuse began, their relationship
with the perpetrator, and the frequency or duration of the abuse (Hornor, 2010), suffering this experience is associated with a high
lifetime risk of suicide (Dube et al., 2001; Sapp & Vandeven, 2005). The impact of these consequences intensies when the victim
delays disclosing their situation, as they may not be able to seek help promptly, increasing the risk of the situation becoming chronic
and resulting in long-lasting consequences.
In addition, it is a severe type of abuse that is difcult to detect (Save the Children, 2012), estimating that 85 % of cases remain
concealed from society and the authorities (Save the Children, 2017). It is worth noting that victims often face signicant barriers
when attempting to disclose such situations (Alaggia et al., 2017; Lemaigre et al., 2017).
The need to detect CSA early is evident through the analysis of its consequences. For this purpose, it is considered essential to
address knowledge about CSA, demolishing myths and providing tools and resources with real and updated information. The lack of
knowledge, together with misperceptions on the subject, can be an obstacle to engaging people in its prevention (Ferragut et al., 2020;
Rueda et al., 2021).
The victims shame, the pact of silence to which they are subjected, the lack of resources in society, and the closeness of the
perpetrators make this problem difcult to approach. It is necessary to emphasise prevention, providing effective tools to help detect
the abusive situation, the disclosure of those who suffer CSA, and the management and help of responsible adults.
1.2. CSA prevention programs
Numerous efforts have been made to develop CSA prevention programs, especially in school contexts, as schools have been
considered optimal places to work universally on prevention and education (Wurtele & Kenny, 2010). These programs often include
tools for minors, providing them with knowledge and skills to recognise and avoid potentially sexually abusive situations, as well as to
minimise harm by seeking appropriate help in case of abuse or attempted abuse (Walsh et al., 2018). In addition, some prevention
programs involve adults by offering strategies to respond quickly and effectively to potential disclosures so that they can protect
children from further abuse. In general, these programs aim to transfer the knowledge and skills learned by the child or adolescent in
the classroom to real-life situations (Gubbels et al., 2021; Walsh et al., 2018).
Most of the published prevention programs are conducted in school contexts and target minors. Studies have been published that
analyse the effectiveness of this type of program. A broad variety of programs and a multitude of evaluation measures are used. Some
meta-analyses and systematic reviews report an improvement in minorsknowledge about sexual abuse, with interventions to detect
and disclose abuse proving effective (Del Campo & F´
avero, 2020; Gubbels et al., 2021; Walsh et al., 2018).
Prevention programs are designed to reduce the incidence of CSA experiences or, at the very least, to detect them early. The initial
step involves enhancing the knowledge of both children and adults to aid in the identication of CSA. The knowledge imparted in these
programs typically encompasses a range of topics, including understanding ones own body (naming and identifying private parts),
M. Ferragut et al.
Child Abuse & Neglect 146 (2023) 106489
setting personal boundaries, recognizing inappropriate touches, distinguishing between good and bad secrets, and identifying
manipulation techniques used by perpetrators, as well as identifying trusted adults with whom to communicate (Walsh et al., 2018).
These types of knowledge are often assessed using standardised and published instruments, such as the Childrens Knowledge of Abuse
Questionnaire (CKAQ) developed by Tutty (1995), the Child Sexual Abuse Myth Scale created by Collings (1997), or through ques-
tionnaires specically designed by program authors to evaluate the knowledge imparted by each program.
Recently, a meta-analysis of prevention programs for all forms of child maltreatment in the school context has analysed which
variables of these interventions may inuence their effectiveness (Gubbels et al., 2021). In particular, the duration of the program and
the number of sessions signicantly moderate the effect size of improving childrens knowledge. Programs with a longer duration and
more sessions report signicantly stronger effects on knowledge about CSA, indicating that knowledge gains can be achieved by
increasing the time spent learning about prevention and child maltreatment (Gubbels et al., 2021). At the same time, larger effect sizes
are found for programs with shorter sessions, arguing that programs in which content is divided into shorter segments allow the
children to pay attention to the entire session, leading to greater content retention (Davis & Gidycz, 2000). Finally, it has been shown
that participatory methodologies, which involve minors in the sessions and use recreational resources such as games, puppets, music or
videos may increase the effectiveness of these programs (Davis & Gidycz, 2000; Gubbels et al., 2021; Scholes et al., 2014).
Some previous studies have also evaluated the effectiveness of CSA prevention programs targeting parents and educators. A recent
systematic review (Rudolph et al., 2023) revealed that studies consistently reported positive outcomes for parents who participated in
prevention programs. These outcomes included improved behavioral intentions, response efcacy, capabilities, and self-efcacy,
although ndings on knowledge and parental attitudes towards sexual abuse were less consistent. Some studies have also
conrmed that adults who have adequate training can be highly effective as educators in transmitting knowledge and skills about
sexual abuse (Wurtele & Kenny, 2010).
When analysed together, school programs that actively involve participantsparents show the largest effect sizes in preventing CSA
(Gubbels et al., 2021). Research suggests that preschoolers are more likely to learn skills when they are introduced by their parents and
they have the opportunity to repeatedly rehearse these skills through role-playing in different settings (Boyle & Lutzker, 2005;
Deblinger et al., 2001).
Although a number of meta-analyses on child sexual abuse interventions have been published in recent years, some have focused on
maltreatment (Cohen & Katz, 2021; Gubbels et al., 2021), others on online abuse (Patterson et al., 2022), and those that have directly
addressed child sexual abuse interventions have not focused on knowledge but on other processes such as self-compassion (Zhan et al.,
There are two recent meta-analysis that analyzes the effectiveness of CSA knowledge prevention programs. Walsh et al. (2018)
included studies up to 2015 (although only one study was analysed that year), of programs carried out only in a school context with
students in countries mainly of medium-high socioeconomic status, and >60 % of the programs were carried out in the United States.
The authors nd that childrens participation in activities of CSA prevention programs at school increases self-protection skills and
knowledge about CSA (Walsh et al., 2018). On the other hand, Lu et al. (2022) includes studies since 1986, but only three of them are
published from 2018, being the last studie published in 2020. This meta-analysis results informed that larger interventions (more than
three sessions) and those with older children (upper 8 years old) are more effective.
We highlight that during the last few years, a wide variety of interventions aimed at preventing CSA are being implemented, which
were not included in these meta-analysis. Therefore, it is crucial to continually providing scientic knowledge about the effectiveness
of these programs and their particularities (Lu et al., 2022; Walsh et al., 2018) with the more recent literature.
The scientic literature has highlighted the importance of reporting the effectiveness of CSA prevention programs (essential to
eradicate this type of abuse). Therefore, considering the growing number of scientic articles that analyse the programs, the scarcity of
data on their specicities and on programs that include prevention tools and strategies targeting the adults in charge of the minors, a
meta-analysis study was carried out on the effectiveness of CSA prevention programs that analyse the knowledge acquired and that
have published the effectiveness data before 2022. Specically, the objective of this paper is to answer the following questions:
- What is the overall effectiveness of the prevention programs on knowledge acquisition about CSA, based on comparing pre- and
post-treatment changes?
- Are the program knowledge outcomes related to their duration, and/or to other characteristics such as the participantsage, the
target population, or the type of intervention; and/or to other methodological characteristics of the studies, such as the agent who
delivers them or the mode of evaluation of the programs?
2. Method
2.1. Search and selection of studies
This meta-analysis of the effectiveness of CSA prevention programs was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines (Page et al.,
2021) and the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Higgins et al., 2022). For the literature search, the
following inclusion criteria were considered: 1) being a study that analysed the effectiveness of a CSA prevention program by
measuring knowledge of CSA in one or more samples of participants; 2) being published between January 2014 and December 2021; 3)
collecting quantitative data before and after implementing the prevention program; and 4) being written in English or Spanish.
Excluded were studies that: 1) evaluated another dependent variable other than knowledge; 2) even if they applied a prevention
program about knowledge of CSA, they did not report quantitative data on its effectiveness; 3) were not primary studies (i.e.,
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systematic reviews or meta-analyses); 4) included measurements only after participation in the program (no pre-data).
We searched into the following databases to identify the studies: PsycInfo, Eric (both via EBSCO Host), Web of Science (via
Clarivate platform), and Scopus (via Scopus platform). The search equation was prevention programAND child sexual abuseAND
knowledgelimited to the abstract sections, using the lters to narrow the years of publication to the results between January 2014
and December 2021. The owchart reects the results obtained in the search process (see Fig. 1). This search was done between March
and September 2022.
2.1.1. Titles and abstracts screening
Of the total documents extracted from the database search (n =348), after discarding duplicates and studies that did not include
prevention programs, programs that were not on CSA, and review studies or meta-analyses, 77 papers evaluating CSA prevention
programs were examined.
2.1.2. Full text screening
Of the 77 works examined, 19 were excluded due to one of the exclusion criteria. Finally, of the articles evaluated as eligible (n =
58), those that did not include data necessary to calculate the effect size (n =16), those written in a language other than English or
Spanish (n =3), those that did not analyse knowledge about sexual abuse separately (n =1), or those that included data repeated in
another previous article (n =1) were discarded.
2.1.3. Data extraction
A total of 31 pre-post studies were included in the meta-analysis (Bustamante et al., 2019; Czerwinski et al., 2018; Daigneault et al.,
Fig. 1. Search owchart.
M. Ferragut et al.
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2015; Dale et al., 2016; Edwards et al., 2020; G´
amez-Guadix et al., 2021; Gushwa et al., 2019; Hudson, 2018; Jin et al., 2017; Jones
et al., 2020; Kim & Kang, 2017; Mamani-Benito et al., 2020; Martin et al., 2020; Morris et al., 2017; Muller et al., 2014; Navaei et al.,
2018; Nickerson et al., 2018; Nickerson et al., 2019; Nurse, 2017; Orak & Okanli, 2021; Ozgun & Capri, 2021; Pulido et al., 2015;
Samson & Kulkarni, 2019; Tunc et al., 2018; Tutty et al., 2020; Urbann et al., 2020; Vi˜
nas et al., 2015; Warraitch et al., 2021; Weeks
et al., 2021; Wulanyani et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2014). Seven out of the 31 studies include more than one treatment group. Every
treatment group was included as specic sample in the meta-analysis, resulting in a total of 43 samples analysed.
This meta-analysis included all the studies published in scientic journals between 2014 and 2021. The coding of countries was
carried out according to their geographical area, with 6 categories: Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and
Turkey; that is, 5 categories similar to the existing continents, except for Turkey, which has been considered separately due to its
belonging to two different continents. Specically, studies were found in 13 different countries on all the continents, with Europe being
the geographical area that provides the most samples in research. Most of the programs took place in the school context, in person, and
with a school-aged population. More than half were implemented by professionals, included a participatory methodology, and used an
evaluation instrument developed during the research (see Table 1).
Table 2 shows the summary data of all the included studies and their main coded characteristics: rst author, year of publication,
geographical area of the study, sample size, type of population, percentage of males, mean age of the sample, mean knowledge about
pre- and post-treatment CSA, and pretreatment standard deviation for meta-analysis of related groups.
3. Results
We used the standardised mean change index to analyse the effect size of the studies, comparing the means of pre-post-treatment
To perform a combined effect-size estimation of the 43 selected studies following a random-effects model, as taking into account
both intra- and inter-study variability makes it a more realistic model. We used the R Studio program and the metafor package to carry
Table 1
Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis of related samples (pre-post).
Characteristics N studies (Percentage) Mean
Methodological Sample size <200 33 (76.74) 65.19
>200 10 (23.26) 10,106.60
Type of instrument Author elaboration 25 (58.14)
Standardised 18 (41.86)
Program Number of sessions 4.07
Treatment duration (days) 17.29
Type of program Participatory 31 (72.09)
Non-participatory 1 (2.33)
Not explicit 11 (25.58)
Type of intervention Face-to-face 37 (86.05)
Web 4 (9.30)
Book 1 (2.32)
Not explicit 1 (2.32)
Program implementer Professionals 31 (72.09)
Teaching staff 9 (20.93)
Parents 1 (2.32)
Not explicit 2 (4.65)
Participants Mean age Minors 33 (76.74) 9.16
Adults 10 (23.26) 37.22
Context Academic 35 (81.39)
Religious 1 (2.33)
Social 6 (13.95)
Rural 1 (2.33)
Geographical area of the study Europe 12 (27.91)
Australia 3 (6.98)
North America 11 (25.58)
Asia 9 (20.93)
South America 3 (6.98)
Turkey 5 (11.63)
Extrinsic Year of the study 2014 2 (4.65)
2015 3 (6.98)
2016 1 (2.33)
2017 5 (11.63)
2018 10 (23.26)
2019 5 (11.63)
2020 10 (23.26)
2021 7 (16.28)
Publication Source Scientic journal 43 (100)
N total samples =43.
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out these calculations. The combinated effect size obtained by the model is 0.96 (standard error =0.07), with a CI of [1.10, 0.82],
indicating an effect size considered large and statistically different from zero. Fig. 2 presents the Forest Plot, showing the results of the
effect sizes and their CIs for each study, as well as the graphic representation of the weights assigned to each one.
As can be seen, one study presents a very broad CI, although it has a small assigned weight, which may be an atypical case that
could be inuencing the results. To analyse these possible inuences, the leave1out function of the metafor package was applied, which
allows for analysing the size of the combined effect and the inter-study variance if one of the primary studies is eliminated each time.
This analysis found no substantial variation by eliminating any of the primary studies, so we decided not to rule out any of them.
In general terms, the representativeness of the obtained combined effect relies heavily on the homogeneity of the effect sizes among
themselves. To investigate this, we conducted a heterogeneity analysis, which revealed signicant differences in the effect sizes among
the studies. This became evident as the Q coefcient reached high and statistically signicant values (Q(42) =536.2089; p <.0001).
Furthermore, the I
statistic has a value above 94 %, which is considered very high [69], so it can be assumed that the effect sizes of the
included studies are heterogeneous.
The values obtained in the Q and I
statistics of the random effects model indicate a high heterogeneity of the effect sizes of the
studies, so we must examine what moderating variables could be the cause of this heterogeneity. For this purpose, each moderating
variable was analysed by applying regression models (meta-regression). As shown in Table 3, most of the combined effect sizes of each
category were signicant (except for the South America category of the Geographic Area variable), showing the effectiveness of the
programs in the studies included in all these categories. However, when comparing the differences between these effect sizes, only the
geographical area showed statistically signicant results to explain the variability of the effect size between categories (QM =16.14, p
<.05). However, after including this variable as a moderator in the model, there was still unexplained variance in the effect sizes (QE
=489.31, p <.0001). The inclusion of the geographical area as moderator was conrmed through a likelihood ratio test, conrming
Table 2
Coding of the studies included in the meta-analysis of related groups (pre-post).
Id Authors Publcation year Area N Population type % Females Mean age Pre-mean Post-mean Pre-SD
1 Muller 2014 Europe 137 Minors 47.40 9.08 0.63 0.79 0.16
2 Zhang 2014 Asia 78 Minors 50.00 4.17 2.04 3.50 0.95
3 Daigneault 2015 North America 372 Minors 56.00 16 8.23 8.99 1.29
4 Pulido 2015 North America 195 Minors 55.40 8.26 13.29 15.14 3.84
5 Vi˜
nas 2015 South America 86 Minors 45.00 6 11.53 12.94 1.55
6 Dale 2016 Australia 131 Minors 49.62 6.14 11.19 13.12 2.27
7 Jin 2017 Asia 159 Minors 52.20 7.91 6.69 9.24 2.36
8 Jin 2017 Asia 170 Minors 58.80 7.77 6.56 8.36 2.36
9 Kim 2017 Asia 39 Minors 43.60 10.56 7.59 7.97 1.25
10 Morris 2017 North America 695 Minors 51.32 9 0.56 0.83 0.2
11 Nurse 2017 North America 538 Adults 61.70 39 54.87 59.79 5.65
12 Czerwinski 2018 Europe 151 Minors 44.40 8.65 39 46.01 8.76
13 Czerwinski 2018 Europe 60 Minors 58.30 8.6 38.5 46.57 9.09
14 Hudson 2018 Europe 53 Adults 81.20 9.2 13 2.5
15 Hudson 2018 Europe 14 Adults 92.90 7.8 12.8 3.1
16 Hudson 2018 Europe 16 Adults 92.90 9.01 12.8 3.8
17 Hudson 2018 Europe 92 Adults 68.50 9.3 12.6 4.8
18 Hudson 2018 Europe 77 Adults 87.70 9.25 13 4.9
19 Navaei 2018 Asia 31 Adults 96.75 37.7 7.3 9.3 1.4
20 Nickerson 2018 North America 226 Adults 88.50 39.01 68.51 68.84 6.65
21 Tunc 2018 Turkey 40 Minors 42.50 4.75 5.9 20.2 6.14
22 Bustamante 2019 South America 407 Minors 53.56 9.2 60.97 68.67 14.27
23 Gushwa 2019 North America 61 Adults 97.00 34.5 71.41 89.66 20.98
24 Nickerson 2019 North America 1151 Minors 49.00 7.19 17.26 18.89 3.14
25 Samson 2019 Asia 100 Minors 12.5 12.91 19.33 4.81
26 Wulanyani 2019 Asia 37 Minors 18.52 43.52 12.48
27 Edwards 2020 North America 48 Minors 62.50 10 0.72 0.78 0.12
28 Jones 2020 Australia 45 Minors 53.12 9.7 14.02 15.22 0.3
29 Jones 2020 Australia 48 Minors 53.12 9.7 13.54 15.08 0.33
30 Mamani-Benito 2020 South America 28 Minors 42.90 10.18 22.89 28.32 9.93
31 Martin 2020 Asia 40 Adults 35.9 22 29.47 3
32 Urbann 2020 Europe 63 Minors 45.65 9.66 4.79 5.93 1.59
33 Urbann 2020 Europe 63 Minors 45.65 9.66 3.24 5.02 1.16
34 Urbann 2020 Europe 63 Minors 45.65 9.66 6.3 9.64 3.22
35 Tutty 2020 North America 1114 Minors 6.5 4.7 7.3 2.2
36 Tutty 2020 North America 5084 Minors 10 6 8.3 2.5
37 Gamez-Guadix 2021 Europe 320 Minors 53.70 13.41 6.96 9.87 1.95
38 Orak 2021 Turkey 20 Minors 9.65 6.55 7.75 1.32
39 Orak 2021 Turkey 23 Minors 9.65 7.48 9.83 1.41
40 Orak 2021 Turkey 20 Minors 9.65 7.35 9.55 1.42
41 Ozgun 2021 Turkey 29 Minors 34.48 8.32 18.96 35.86 5.4
42 Warraitch 2021 Asia 15 Minors 100.00 12.4 1.73 9.33 1.22
43 Weeks 2021 North America 1159 Minors 51.86 0.7 0.78 0.16
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Fig. 2. Forest plot.
Table 3
Moderator analysis for the effect size.
Moderator K ES SE Z P 95 % CI Tau
Agent 39 Professionals 1.48 0.69 2.17 <0.05 2.83
0.16 (SE =
(p <
(p =.71)
Teaching staff 0.92 0.15 6.02 <0.0001 1.21
Instrument 42 Author
1.00 0.09 10.84 <0.0001 1.18
(SE =0.04)
(p <
(p =.43)
Standardised 0.89 0.11 8.05 <0.0001 1.11
42 North America 0.71 0.12 5.78 <0.0001 0.95
(SE =0.05)
(p <
(p =
.007) South America 0.66 0.25 2.62 <0.05 1.15
Asia 1.12 0.17 6.53 <0.0001 1.45
Australia 1.73 0.36 4.77 <0.0001 2.44
Europe 1.02 0.14 7.64 <0.0001 1.29
Turkey 1.64 0.30 5.39 <0.0001 2.23
Sample type 42 Adults 0.91 0.16 5.80 <0.0001 1.21
0.16 (SE =
(p <
(p =.68)
Minors 0.98 0.08 11.88 <0.0001 1.14
Mean age 34 Intercept 0.97 0.08 12.05 <0.0001 1.13
0.17 (SE =
(p <
(p =.51)
Age 0.01 0.01 0.66 0.51 0.01 0.02
Nr of sessions 39 Intercept 0.99 0.08 12.43 <0.0001 1.15
0.18 (SE =
(p <
(p =.59)
Nr of sessions 0.01 0.03 0.54 0.59 0.04 0.07
34 Intercept 1.02 0.09 10.80 <0.0001 1.78
(SE =0.07)
(p <
(p =.94)
Duration 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.94 0.01 0.01
Note: k (sample size); ES (combined effect size); SE (standard error); z (statistic value); Tau
(residual inter-study variance); I
(percentage of vari-
ability due to heterogeneity); QE (residual variance test with its probability); QM (moderator test with its probability).
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through ANOVA that the difference between the model that includes the moderator and the one that does not was signicant, F(2, 7) =
16.75, p =.005. The studies carried out in Australia showed the largest effect sizes, followed by Turkey, Asia, and Europe, with the
American continent presenting smaller effect sizes.
Finally, we analysed the possible publication biases of the study. Specically, the Egger test was performed to study the asymmetry
of the Funnel Plot. The results revealed publication bias (z = 6.39, p <.0001), showing in Fig. 3 an asymmetry that supports this
suspicion of publication bias.
4. Discussion
CSA is a global problem affecting an alarming number of children and producing signicant health consequences. Prevention
programs seek to provide society with tools to detect and respond effectively to this abuse. The present study proposed to carry out a
meta-analysis on the effectiveness of the CSA prevention programs carried out between 2014 and 2021 that analysed the knowledge
acquired, published efcacy data, and compared pre-post-intervention measures. Specically, the objective of this work was to
determine the effectiveness of prevention programs on knowledge acquisition about CSA; whether the results of these programs are
related to their duration, characteristics such as the participantsage, or the type of target population; whether the results of these
interventions are inuenced by methodology-related characteristics of the studies, such as where they were carried out, the agent
delivering them, or the mode of program evaluation; and nally, whether or not the efcacy data reported by the studies that analyse
intragroup changes (pre-post measures) are similar.
A total of 31 primary studies (with 43 different units of analysis or samples and a total of 13,669 participants) were analysed, which
included knowledge about CSA before and after the prevention program as a dependent variable and that had at least a group with pre-
and post-treatment measures. The results obtained a combined effect size considered large (d
= 0.96, 95 % CI [1.10, 0.82], p <
.001), so it can be said that the CSA prevention programs included in this analysis signicantly improved participantsknowledge after
the intervention. Therefore, it seems that carrying out eminently participatory prevention programs with more than three sessions,
focused to school-aged population and in school contexts can be an effective intervention for participants to increase their knowledge
about this type of abuse, in line with previous studies (Lu et al., 2022; Walsh et al., 2018).
However, the results of the Cochran Q statistic and the I
index show that the effect sizes analysed are heterogeneous, which led to
an examination of which moderating variables could be affecting this variability of the effect sizes. The geographical area where the
study was carried out is the only variable of those analysed that explains part of the variability between the effect sizes of the pre-
vention programs, although even taking this variable into account, there is still unexplained variance. Four of the six geographic areas
included nd effect sizes >1, with Australia and Turkey reporting the largest sizes, followed by Asia and Europe. The American (both
north and south) continent presents the lowest sizes. All of them achieve a signicant improvement in the post-measures of knowledge
compared to the baseline. On the other hand, when continuous variables are taken into account, such as participants average age,
number of sessions, and treatment duration; as well as the rest of the qualitative variables: the agent who imparts the progams, mode of
evaluation of the programs or instrument and type of sample, the moderator test was nonsignicant and there was still a signicantly
high amount of unexplained variance after including these variables. This heterogeneity in effect sizes showed that there may be
specic variables that statistically inuence the improvement of knowledge, although they do not seem to be included in this study.
To study and ensure the validity of the meta-analysis, we considered the sources of potential threats, such as study quality, ho-
mogeneity, and publication bias. Regarding the quality of the primary studies, we considered the reporting quality. Methodological
quality was specically taken into account by including pre-test measures of knowledge in the analysis. The studies presented in this
meta-analysis could include a heterogeneity problem, as the CSA prevention programs included many different variables to assess their
effectiveness. To overcome this heterogeneity, only studies that analysed knowledge as a dependent variable were included in the
analysis. The form of knowledge evaluation was also a variable in this analysis. Different standardised instruments were used and, in
addition, about half of the included studies used an author-elaborated instrument, which hindered the homogeneity of results.
Moreover, the tests performed found publication bias. The selective publication of studies based on their ndings poses a risk to the
validity of any meta-analysis.
This meta-analysis has some limitations that must be taken into account. A large number of studies had to be excluded for not
reporting sufcient data for analyses. Some variables could be having a moderating effect that could not be taken into account, as most
of the articles included little information about the programs carried out (for example, about 20 % of the studies included in the meta-
analysis did not report whether or not the programs used a participatory methodology). The different assessment instruments used
could also affect the results, but the high variability of the instruments, both standardised and developed for each study, hindered their
analysis. On the other hand, some concentrations of data in specic variables made it impossible to compare their categories. For
example, about 90 % of the included studies were conducted in a school setting, and >80 % of the interventions were face-to-face. No
differences between genders have been conducted in this meta-analysis due to the scarce data reported in the studies, without dis-
aggregated information in the articles regarding the disparities in knowledge acquisition between boys and girls. Finally, its worth
noting that our search strategy was limited to using simple terms in the abstract sections of scientic literature, excluding grey
literature. Therefore, its possible that some relevant research may not have been included.
To improve the quality of meta-analyses in the eld of CSA prevention programs, the studies analysing the effectiveness of these
programs should present exhaustive explanations and details of the characteristics of the interventions: how they were carried out,
under what conditions, what topics were included in the program or what application methodology was used. This could signicantly
help to codify the studies and analyse these variables as potential moderators. In addition, the use of standardised instruments that can
accurately assess research-dependent variables would provide consistency and homogeneity for future meta-analyses on efcacy.
M. Ferragut et al.
Child Abuse & Neglect 146 (2023) 106489
Finally, it could be valuable for authors of future primary studies to consider and include disaggregated information in their articles
regarding the disparities in knowledge acquisition between boys and girls.
To conclude, we can state that the results of this work show that these prevention programs are helpful in improving the partic-
ipantsknowledge. To evaluate the possible inuence of other variables and analyse in depth the variability in the effect sizes, it would
be interesting for future meta-analyses to analyse possible moderating variables such as the specic characteristics of the treatments.
The studies included herein analyse knowledge through questionnaires generally designed for this knowledge, so it may be inuencing
the high effect sizes. In addition, it is necessary, or even essential, to also report in the manuscript on the reliability and validity data of
the instruments developed to assess the variables studied. Therefore, it may be advisable to include other dependent variables, such as
behaviours or self-protection skills, to analyse in depth the effectiveness of these programs. In short, prevention programs report
sufcient effectiveness to continue working and directing efforts to provide resources to minors and their responsible adults, as well as
to society. Research is responsible for shedding light on this path by disseminating results, analysing possibilities for improvement, and
guiding towards a safer society for children.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
Funding for open access charge: Universidad de M´
alaga / CBUA.
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M. Ferragut et al.
... These programs should provide knowledge and skills to recognize and avoid potentially risky situations, minimize harm, and seek appropriate help in cases of attempted abuse and sexual abuse. Additionally, prevention programs should involve adults by offering strategies to respond effectively to potential disclosures and protect adolescents from future abuse (Ferragut et al., 2023). ...
Sexual abuse is a public health problem due to its negative impact on physical and mental health. This study aimed to determine the association between sexual abuse and the use of psychoactive substances among high-school adolescents in Colombia. A cross-sectional analytical study was designed in which tenth and eleventh-grade students were included. Overall, a history of sexual abuse was explored with the Trauma Symptom Checklist, and lifetime substance use was assessed with the United States Centers for Disease Control Youth Risk Behavior Questionnaire. The prevalence of sexual abuse was 17.4%, lifetime alcohol use was 77.4%, cigarette 22.4%, cannabis 11.6%, cocaine 2.7%, and other substances 5.1%. History of sexual abuse was associated with alcohol use (OR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.10–2.30), cigarette (OR = 2.08, 95% CI 1.51– 2.85), cannabis (OR = 2.43, 95% CI 1.66–3.56), cocaine (OR = 2.51, 95% CI 1.25–5.04) and use of other substances (OR = 2.33, 95% CI 1.31–4.13). The history of sexual abuse is related to the use of substances in high school adolescents in the Caribbean Region of Colombia. More studies are needed to identify the impact of sexual abuse on short-term and lifelong mental health.
Full-text available
Objectives To estimate the prevalence in Australia of each type of child maltreatment; to identify gender- and age group-related differences in prevalence. Design, setting Cross-sectional national survey; mobile telephone interviews using random digit dialling (computer-generated), Australia, 9 April – 11 October 2021. Retrospective self-report data using validated questionnaire (Juvenile Victimisation Questionnaire-R2 Adapted Version (Australian Child Maltreatment Study). ParticipantsPeople aged 16 years or more. The target sample size was 8500 respondents: 3500 people aged 16–24 years and 1000 respondents each from five further age groups (25–34, 35–44, 45–54, 55–64, 65 years or more). Main outcome measures Proportions of respondents reporting physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exposure to domestic violence to age 18 years, assessed with the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire-R2 Adapted Version (Australian Child Maltreatment Study), overall and by gender and age group, and weighted to reflect characteristics of the Australian population aged 16 years or more in 2016. Results Complete survey data were available for 8503 eligible participants (14% response rate). Physical abuse was reported by 32.0% of respondents (95% confidence interval [CI], 30.7–33.3%), sexual abuse by 28.5% (95% CI, 27.3–29.8%), emotional abuse by 30.9% (95% CI, 29.7–32.2%), neglect by 8.9% (95% CI, 8.1–9.7%), and exposure to domestic violence by 39.6% (95% CI, 38.3–40.9%). The proportions of respondents who reported sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect were each statistically significantly larger for women than men. The reported prevalence of physical abuse by respondents aged 16–24 years was lower than for those aged 25–34 years, and that of sexual abuse was lower than for those aged 35–44 years, suggesting recent declines in the prevalence of these maltreatment types. Conclusions Child maltreatment is common in Australia, and larger proportions of women than men report having experienced sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect during childhood. As physical and sexual abuse may have declined recently, public health policy and practice may have positive effects, justifying continued monitoring and prevention activities.
Full-text available
The aim of this study was to use longitudinal population-based data to examine the associations between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and risk for adverse outcomes in multiple life domains across adulthood. In 937 individuals followed from birth to age 45y, we assessed associations between CSA (retrospectively reported at age 26y) and the experience of 22 adverse outcomes in seven domains (physical, mental, sexual, interpersonal, economic, antisocial, multi-domain) from young adulthood to midlife (26 to 45y). Analyses controlled for sex, socioeconomic status, prospectively reported child harm and household dysfunction adverse childhood experiences, and adult sexual assault, and considered different definitions of CSA. After adjusting for confounders, CSA survivors were more likely than their peers to experience internalizing, externalizing, and thought disorders, suicide attempts, health risk behaviors, systemic inflammation, poor oral health, sexually transmitted diseases, high-conflict relationships, benefit use, financial difficulties, antisocial behavior, and cumulative problems across multiple domains in adulthood. In sum, CSA was associated with multiple persistent problems across adulthood, even after adjusting for confounding life stressors, and the risk for particular problems incremented with CSA severity. The higher risk for most specific problems was small to moderate, but the cumulative long-term effects across multiple domains reflect considerable individual and societal burden.
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Purpose The purposes of this systematic review were to systematically summarize components in existing school-based child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs and identify predictors for program effectiveness. Method Building upon the most comprehensive systematic review on this topic, we conducted systematic searches in both English-language from September 2014 to October 2020 and Chinese-language from inception to October, 2020. Meta-regressions were performed to identify predictors for program effectiveness. Results Thirty-one studies were included with a total sample size of 9049 participants. Results from meta-analyses suggested that interventions are effective in increasing participants’ CSA knowledge as assessed via questionnaires ( g = 0.72, 95% CI [0.52–0.93]) and vignette-based measures ( g = 0.55, 95% CI [0.35–0.74]). Results from meta-regression suggested that interventions with more than three sessions are more effective than interventions with fewer sessions. Interventions appear to be more effective with children who are 8 years and older than younger children. Discussion CSA is a global issue that has significant negative effects on victims’ physical, psychological, and sexual well-being. Our findings also provide recommendations for future research, particularly in terms of optimizing the effectiveness of school-based CSA prevention programs, and the better reporting of intervention components as well as participant characteristics.
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Online child sexual abuse is highly prevalent in current society, in part, due to how technologically advanced children and adults have become. While much of the focus has been on perpetrator intervention, it is prudent to consider responses safeguarding children from potential perpetrators. Therefore, this review aimed to identify all the available empirical research on the prevention methods linked to education and awareness to determine the approaches' effectiveness, successes, and failures to aid future interventions. Databases were systematically searched for studies published between 2000 to 2020. Nine studies providing different prevention methods for online child sexual abuse were selected. A total sample of n = 672 and a descriptive approach was used for this study. While the interventions seemed to improve knowledge retainment of online safety, there was no significant change for risky online behavior. These findings provide specific suggestions for future interventions, particularly those focusing on risky online behaviors.
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El abuso sexual online de menores es el proceso a través del cual un adulto consigue victimizar sexualmente a un menor valiéndose de Internet. Este estudio tiene como objetivos analizar los mitos y las creencias erróneas que muestran los menores sobre el abuso sexual online, y desarrollar y evaluar la eficacia de un programa de prevención específico de estas creencias erróneas. Participaron 395 adolescentes (52,8% chicas), entre 12 y 16 años (M= 13,33; DT= 1,01) que completaron medidas de autoinforme. Se encontró que el 19% y el 13%, respectivamente, habían sufrido alguna solicitud sexual o alguna interacción sexual online con un adulto. La mayoría de los adolescentes desconocía que el abuso sexual online es una forma de acoso sexual y que los chicos también pueden ser víctimas de éste. Tras la realización del programa de prevención, el grupo que recibió la intervención mostró un nivel de conocimientos superior al grupo control en ocho de los 11 ítems. Estos hallazgos abren la posibilidad de tomar de conciencia de la problemática y trabajar en su prevención.
This systematic review is the first to synthesize knowledge of parental involvement in child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs. Guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria, 24 intervention evaluations met the inclusion criteria of aiming to change parental knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, behavioral intentions, self-efficacy, response-efficacy, or capabilities for prevention of CSA. Included papers were identified via a combination of electronic database searches (PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, World Health Organization's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform,,, Global ETD, Open Access Theses & Dissertations, EThOS, and Trove) and direct communication with researchers. Improvement post intervention was found most commonly for parental behavioral intentions and response-efficacy, closely followed by parental behaviors, then capabilities, self-efficacy, knowledge, and lastly, parental attitudes. Improvements in behaviors, intentions, and response-efficacy occurred in 88 to 100% of the studies in which they were addressed, improvements in self-efficacy and capabilities occurred in 67 to 75%, and improvements in knowledge and attitudes occurred in only 50 to 56%. Many of the included evaluation studies suffered from methodological and reporting flaws, such as high participant attrition, lack of control group, lack of statistical tests, missed testing time points, and a lack of (or short) follow-up. Future parent-focused CSA prevention evaluations must address these concerns by conducting rigorous empirical research with sound methodologies and comprehensive reporting. Furthermore, study designs should consider measuring the real-world impact of increases in assessed parent variables, including their ability to prevent sexual victimization of children.
Importance: Sexual abuse is increasingly facilitated by technology, but the prevalence and dynamics of such offenses have not been well delineated, making it difficult to design prevention strategies. Objective: To examine the frequency and characteristics of online and technology-facilitated sexual abuse against children and youth. Design, setting, and participants: In this nationally representative online survey study performed from November 19 to December 29, 2021, young adults aged 18 to 28 years were asked retrospectively about their childhood (<18 years) experiences of online and technology-facilitated abuse. The 2639 participants were sampled from an online panel. Main outcomes and measures: Participants were asked questions about 11 different kinds of online and technology-facilitated sexual abuse with follow-up questions about their dynamics and offenders. Prevalence rates were calculated for several cross-cutting concepts (online child sexual abuse, image-based sexual abuse, self-produced child sexual abuse images, nonconsensual sexting, online grooming by adults, revenge pornography, sextortion, and online commercial sexual exploitation). Survey weights were applied to obtain population prevalence estimates. Results: A total of 2639 individuals (48.5% male, 49.8% female, and 1.8% other gender; 23.7% Hispanic, 12.6% non-Hispanic Black, 53.9% non-Hispanic White, 4.8% other race, and 5.0% ≥2 races) were surveyed. Childhood (before 18 years of age) prevalence rates were as follows: online child sexual abuse, 15.6% (SE, 1.0%); image-based sexual abuse, 11.0% (SE, 0.9%); self-produced child sexual abuse images, 7.2% (SE, 0.7%); nonconsensual sexting, 7.2% (SE, 0.7%); online grooming by adults, 5.4% (SE, 0.5%); revenge pornography, 3.1% (SE, 0.5%); sextortion, 3.5% (SE, 0.6%); and online commercial sexual exploitation, 1.7% (SE, 0.3%). The prime age of vulnerability across all categories was 13 to 17 years. Perpetrators in most categories were predominantly dating partners, friends, and acquaintances, not online strangers. Conclusions and relevance: The results of this national survey study suggest that a considerable portion of youth have experienced online child sexual abuse. Professionals planning prevention and intervention strategies for online sexual abuse should understand that dynamics include diverse episodes that are often extensions of dating abuse, sexual bullying, and sexual harassment, not only events perpetrated by adult internet predators.
The prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) is difficult to assess, and rates vary widely across studies due to methodological and sample differences. In Spain, prevalence data from representative samples are lacking. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of different CSA experiences in a sample that was representative of the Spanish population in terms of gender, age, and region. The sample comprised 1,071 (539 male and 532 female) Spanish adults ( M age = 45.37; SD = 14.84). Participants completed an anonymous online survey about different types of CSA and were asked whether they had disclosed the experience at the time. Prevalence was analyzed as a function of gender and generation. Results indicated prevalence rates ranging from 2.8% to 18.5%, depending on the type of experience. The most common experience suffered during childhood was being shown pornographic material, while that with the lowest prevalence was being forced to perform a sexual act involving penetration. Prevalence was higher in females than males for eight of the ten experiences considered. Young adults from Generation Z were the most likely to report having suffered three of the CSA experiences, two of them related to technology. Only 27.5% of respondents said that they had told someone about the abuse at the time, mainly their mother (more common among females) or a friend/peer (more frequent among males). The results suggest that CSA is prevalent in Spain, with considerable rates for several types of abusive experience, especially among females and the youngest generation. The implications of the results are discussed. The findings may inform social policy and the development of effective prevention programs.
Background This systematic review aims to estimate the extent to which childhood maltreatment influences self-compassion in later life. Method Four English databases (Web of Science, PsycINFO, PubMed, and PsycARTICLES) and three Chinese databases (China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, and Weipu) were systematically searched. We extracted data related to the associations between child maltreatment and self-compassion and pooled them using random effect models. Findings A total of 20 eligible studies were included involving 6,877 participants in the analyses. Overall child maltreatment was negatively related to self-compassion ( r = −.28, p < .001); emotional abuse and neglect were negatively related to self-compassion ( r = −.28, p < .01; r = −.31, p < .01, respectively) at a moderate level; and physical abuse, sexual abuse, and physical neglect were negatively related to self-compassion ( r = −.12, p < .01; r = −.10, p < .01; and r = −.22, p < .001, respectively) at a small level. Conclusion The results indicate that overall and subtypes of maltreatment are associated with decreased self-compassion, and child intervention programs focused on self-compassion should be designed to protect the well-being of individuals with a history of childhood maltreatment.
This project employed a randomized-control design to evaluate the effectiveness of the MBF Child Safety Matters® (CSM) curriculum. Six Georgia schools across 3 counties agreed to participate, and 136 K – 5th grade classrooms were randomized to either receive the CSM curriculum or be a wait-list control and to receive the curriculum after the evaluation. In total, 2,414 students participated at pretest (1195 CSM and 1219 control) and 2,260 participated at posttest (1159 CSM and 1101 control). Pre/posttests were collected from all students prior to the delivery of the CSM curriculum and again approximately a month later to measure knowledge gains related to child safety. Intervention students displayed a greater increase in knowledge for the information taught in the CSM program as compared to students who did not receive the intervention (d = .29).