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В статті проаналізовані ігри кращих волейбольних команд Чемпіонату України у сезоні 2022-2023 років. Загальна кількість ігор (n=20). Надана експертна оцінка результатів втручання головного тренера в тактичні дії команди під час тайм-аутів (n=207); ефективності замін гравців (n=438); використання відео повторів (n=171). Мета – проаналізувати можливості головного тренера впливати на тактичні дії волейбольної команди під час змагань. Встановлено, що тренер професійної волейбольної команди корегує тактичні і технічні дії гравців під час змагань в залежності від ігрової ситуації та дій суперника. Він має право проводити заміни гравців, брати тайм аути та вимагати від суддів відео повтори спірних епізодів гри. Своїми діями головний тренер впливає на темп гри, емоційне та психологічне налаштування гравців. Він використовує штучно створені паузи в грі для надання тактичних настанов та порад щодо дій гравців у складних епізодах. Використання тайм-аутів у професійному волейболі є одними з найбільш ефективних засобів оперативного управління командою. Під час тайм аутів головний тренер корегує тактичні моделі дій гравців волейбольної команди. Найчастіше він акцентує увагу на зміні схеми взаємодії гравців, визначенні особливостей розташування волейболістів під час складних подач суперника; доведення до гравців особливостей організації дій у захисті та нападі. Встановлено, що у 63,3 % увага головного тренера волейбольної команди акцентується на організації дій у захисті, у 35,3 % на ефективному завершенні атакуючих дій. Заміни гравців найчастіше проводяться з метою зміни тактичної моделі гри команди і проводиться з метою: урізноманітнення тактичних дій команди; вирішення окремих ігрових епізодів на свою користь; отримання додаткових тактичних пауз у грі. Відео перегляд спірних епізодів гри проводяться з метою зміни рішення суддів. Встановлено, що позитивне рішення мають 29,82 % відео переглядів. Використання системи відео повторів позитивно впливає на об’єктивність прийняття суддівських рішень.

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Кокарев Б.В., Кокарева С.М., Щербій С.А., Гурєєва А.М., Черненко О.Є. Анотація. Стаття присвячена визначенню ефективності впровадження сучасних інноваційних методик оздоровчого фітнес-тренінгу в процес фізичної підготовки кваліфікованих спортсменок з пляжного волейболу шляхом удосконалення показників їх фізичної підготовленості та їх опосередкованому впливу на результат змагальної діяльності протягом спортивного сезону. Вперше представлено загальний опис та характеристику однієї з найсучасніших фітнес-методик Procedos і можливість її використання в комплексі з іншими методиками оздоровчого тренінгу для удосконалення фізичної підготовки у жіночому пляжному волейболі. Мета дослідження-оптимізація фізичної підготовленості волейболісток високої кваліфікації, які спеціалізуються у пляжному волейболі в підготовчому періоді річного циклу підготовки, на основі використання інноваційних фітнес-технологій. Під час проведення експериментального дослідження було використано наступні методи: аналіз спеціальної науково-методичної літератури; педагогічний експеримент; контрольні випробування; методи математичної статистики. Результати. Результати дослідження показали, що наприкінці спортивного сезону 2021 р. волейболістки мали в основному середні значення показників рівня спеціальної фізичної підготовленості. Результати цього сезону свідчили про досить високу ефективність тренувального процесу волейболісток 16-18 років в плані фізичної підготовки але не повністю задовольняли з точки зору спортивного результату. Після закінчення 2-ої частини експерименту (відповідає закінченню спортивного сезону 2022 р.) у спортсменок відзначалося не тільки достовірне покращення показників контрольних тестів з фізичної підготовки, а й висока позитивна якісна зміна рівня фізичної підготовленості. Переконливим додатковим підтвердженням високого ступеня ефективності використаних у роботі інноваційних фітнес-методик, запозичених з оздоровчого тренінгу для підготовки спортсменок високої кваліфікації, стали результати виступів найкращих представниць пляжного волейболу з числа спортсменок, які приймали участь в експерименті, у спортивному сезоні 2022 р. на найбільших міжнародних змаганнях. Результатами роботи обґрунтовано використання оздоровчих фітнес-технологій, таких як TRX, HIIT, Procedos, 6D-Sliding в процесі фізичної підготовки кваліфікованих спортсменок у пляжному волейболі. Висновки. Отримані в ході експерименту матеріали свідчать про те, що застосування в підготовчому періоді тренувального процесу волейболісток-пляжниць інноваційних фітнес-технологій для удосконалення їх фізичної підготовленості дозволило підвищити ефективність процесу фізичної підготовки в цілому, що дає підставу рекомендувати дану програму для практичного використання в системі спортивної підготовки волейболісток на етапі збереження вищої спортивної майстерності. Ключові слова: пляжний волейбол; фізична підготовка; фітнес-технології; 6D-Sliding; Procedos.
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The article analyzes the results of testing the effectiveness of the author’s fitness program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE” and identifies its impact on physical and morphofunctional indicators of student development during quarantine restrictions. The study involved 149 students aged 17-19 of Khmelnytskyi of Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy. Methods: Analysis of scientific and methodological sources, pedagogical modeling, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation, methods of functional state research (Ruffier test, Stange, Genchi, Yarotskyi, Recovery time after 20 squats), methods of physical condition research (running on the spot for 10 seconds; squats for 30 seconds, hyperextension, twisting the log scale (cm), lifting the torso to the buttocks from a supine position behind the head for 30 seconds, maintaining the position of the stop lying on the forearm, maintaining balance while standing on one leg with arms outstretched), methods of mathematical statistics. Results: The students of the experimental group improved their functional indicators of the development of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and vestibular stability. The increase was: the Stange test + 7.3 ±0.5 (s) (p <0.001) girls, + 9.2 ±0.4 (s) (p <0.001) boys; Genchi test + 4.6 ± 0.5 (s) (p <0.01) girls, + 5.4 ± 0.7 (s) (p <0.01) boys; Yarotskyi test + 7.5 ±0.4 (s) (p <0.001) girls, + 7.9 ±0.7 (s) (p <0.001) boys; recovery time after exercise improved - 8.5 ±2.5 (s) (p <0.01) girls and - 7.5 ±1.5 (s) (p <0.01) boys. The developed program contributed to the development of flexibility, improvement of speed-power and coordination abilities of students. Conclusions: Analysis of the dynamics of indicators of morphofunctional and physical condition of students shows the effectiveness of the program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE”.
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Background. Volleyball has developed into one of the fastest, strongest and spectacular sports nowadays, improving the speed of the game, strength of attacks and long rallies with a good defence technique. Statistics are often used for an objective analysis of volleyball parameters, coaches seeking to improve weaker aspects of the game and find new ways of training. Aims. The aim of the study was to calculate the effectiveness of all the attack players distributed in three positions, in the case of the CSU Medicina Tîrgu Mureş team, during the 2016-2017 National Volleyball Championship. Methods. Following our objective, we determined the quintiles and divided the value range of effectiveness: round 1-22 into five parts, with 5 grades from 1 to 5. The analysis of the relationship between the two variables and the intensity of this relationship was calculated with the Spearman rho r correlation coefficient. Results. For service in the first part of the championship, we registered the average score of 2.8 points, whereas in the second part the score was 3.2 points. As far as attack was concerned, in the first part of the championship the average score was 3 points compared with 2.4 points in the second part. The 3.5 points average in receiving was better in the first part of the championship than the 3 points in the second part. Conclusions. The data provided by us are important, but not exclusively as a support for training; the athletes' level of training and the way they interact with the court remain a determining factor in winning games.
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The purpose of this study was to analyse the variables (lost rallies and score difference) that determine the timeout effect (positive or no effect) in volleyball, in balanced and unbalanced sets. 232 timeouts, requested by the coaches of 66 male and female teams participating in the Spanish Championship in the Under-14 and Under-16 categories, were analysed. The variables considered in this study were timeout effects, lost rallies and score differences. To analyse the timeout effect, a binary logistic regression model was applied. The results of this model show that, in balanced sets, the variables that predict the timeout effect are the number of rallies (≤2 lost rallies) and the score difference (2–3 points), whilst in unbalanced sets, and the variable that predicts the timeout effect is the number of lost rallies (3 lost rallies). These results show the importance of bearing these variables in mind when timeouts are managed and requested by coaches, in order to optimise the team’s performance.
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The most efficient technique of scoring in volleyball is possible to be mentioned as attack. The numbers of efficient attacks performed after the 20th scores during the match are more important, and therefore this period should be managed more elaborately in terms of the technique and tactic. Therefore, it is considered that players’ presenting more productive performances with the drills related to the match after the trainings will be more efficient upon winning the match. The purpose of this study was to investigate the attacks performed after the 20th scores in 2017-2018 Volleyball Sultans League session according to the nationalities and positions. The study included totally 124 female players with natives (n=86) and foreigners (n=38) from 12 teams between 26 and 30 years old (28.25±1,62). The numbers of the attacks performed after the 20th scores of 17.918 rallies in 496 sets (except from the 5th set) of 125 matches played by 12 teams during the session were evaluated. All matches were recorded with a video recorder by the researcher. The videos were analyzed by the experts in 3 repetitions. Attack errors, blocked attack, bad attacks, good attacks, numbers of attacks, coverage and totals numbers of attacks performed after the 20th scores during the match were recorded in numbers. Lilliefors Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test indicated whether the study data were appropriate for the normal distribution or not (p<.05). In data analysis, descriptive statistics such as number, percentage, arithmetic average and standard deviation were used; and Independent Samples T-Test and One-Way Variance Analysis (One-Way ANOVA) were used for determining the difference between dependent and independent variables. Tukey HSD Post-Hoc test was performed for finding among which groups there were differences between the units in one-way variance analysis (ANOVA). While interpreting the data, 0.01 and 0.05 were accepted as the level of significance. The research data were analyzed using SPSS 21 statistical software. As result of the findings obtained in the study, it was determined that there were significant differences in whole attacks performed by the players in terms of nationalities and positions (p<0.05). In conclusion, because the 20th scores are referred the critic period called as the golden scores, foreigners and opposite spiker’s that had high level conditional abilities for winning had more attacks.
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This study investigated how elite volleyball coaches enhance team management by using statistical tools that describe players' behaviours. The focus was particularly on tool usability via a user-experience approach. Five elite male coaches volunteered to participate. Verbalisation data were collected during semi-structured interviews and examined by inductive content analysis (Biddle et al., 2001). The results showed that usability was linked to 15 raw themes (e.g. taking into account the value of the opponent) grouped into six first-order themes (e.g. to balance the statistical data) and then two high-order categories of experience (i.e. knowledge of the situated properties of the statistical tool and know-how for using the statistical tool). These results revealed that the coaches used the statistical tools in a situated, selective and parsimonious way and that their humanistic side was unaffected by the tool. Our findings emphasise that statistical tool use is not an addition to coaching activity but instead indicates a reorganisation in the activity. The key perspectives of this study are twofold: (a) the information focused on user experience should be included at the beginning of the design process to make statistical tools more relevant; (b) the list of knowledge and knowhow linked to the use of statistical tool may be included in guidelines for training program for coaching education.
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Coach education is a theme of great interest for research because its practice is often not theory driven. The increasing movements for coach professionalization and the need to deepen education and qualifications justify the need for greater theoretical support of the coaching processes. The purpose of this study was to examine the structure of volleyball coach education courses in countries with different levels of development in sport (i.e., Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Italy and France). The sample comprised the documents that regulate volleyball coach education in the five countries under study. Content analysis of the documents revealed some uniformity between the countries, with the exception of France. The analyzed courses focused on performance, revealing a education continuum which evolved from the first until the last level. French courses differ from the other by having more elaborate education proposals, which answered to coaches’ needs and distinguishing between participation-oriented and performance-oriented participation.
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Game analysis has an important role on the description of 'what happens' in competitions and should reach the ability to suggest new ways to enhance sport performances. In order to accomplish this goal is important that possible factors enables to influence these performances were considered. Quality of opposition is one of these factors. In this study, TwoStep Clusters analysis was used to classify group teams participated in FIVB Men's World Cup 2007 into competitive levels. The results show three different competitive levels ([1 st -4 th ], [5 th -7 th ], and [8 th -12 th ]). Chi-square tests were used to show the influence of quality of opposition, i.e. games against teams of different competitive levels, in the efficacy of some game actions (serve, attack and block). Results showed that the quality of the opposition influence the performance in some game actions.
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The aim of the study was to record the administration of time out in relation to the score, along with coaches' analysis of their comments and also the varieties of comments between teams which won and which lost the games. The sample was the 12 coaches of Greek A1 division championships. It was recorded 238 time outs in 12 official games in local period. The procedure was accomplished through video and sound recording during time out and then it was analyzed. The Instrument for Recording Coaches' Comments during Time-Outs (Hastie, 1999) was used. Analysis of frequencies showed that most of the coaches preferred to take time out after the first technical time out (9-16 points -36%) and especially after the second (17-21 points -39.3%). They also used time out mainly when the score was 2 points in favour to the opponent team 22%. As far as the variety kinds of comments that each coach used, it was found that most of those comments referred to game tactics (50.85%). Psychological comments were fewer (26.70%), while other comments were even less (19.61%). MANOVA (p<.05) didn't show any significant difference between the coaches comments and their final ranking (1-4, 5-8, 9-12).
Evaluation of individuals in a team sport setting is inherently difficult. The level of play of one individual is fundamentally tied to the level of play of the teammates. One way to think about evaluation of individuals is to ‘insert’ the posterior distribution of the parameter that measures individual play into an ‘average’ team, and see how the probability of success (or failure) changes. Using a Bayesian hierarchical logistic model, we can estimate both the average contribution to success of various positions, and the individual contribution of all the players in that position. In this paper, we use data from the 2018 World Championships in Volleyball to model both the position played and the players within each position. Using both the posterior distributions for the mean performance of the different positions, and the posterior distributions for the individual players, we can then estimate the change in the number of points scored for a team with a change from an average player to the individual under consideration. We compute both the points scored above average per set (PAAPS) and the points scored above average per 100 touches (PP100) for 168 men and 168 women playing five different positions. Contributions of the various position groups and of individual players within each position are evaluated and compared.
The timeout in sport is relatively well analysed in the literature. Nevertheless, no study concerns the relevance of the information transmitted to the players. Our study aims to determine the relevance of the content transmitted to the players during volleyball timeouts with a 3D device. We immerged 17 coaches into two sequences of a volleyball game. They had to think aloud during the game and talk directly to the players during the timeouts. Between the sequences, they also had to transcribe and rate all the observations they remembered. By comparing the observations made, the speech during the timeouts and the rating of the coaches’ observations, we obtained some interesting results. Few coaches transmitted all the observations considered as the most important to their players during the timeouts, but this selection of the information seemed better in a negative game context. Another result is that the coaches did not seem to be influenced by the short-term memory as the transmitted content rarely corresponded to the last observations made just before the timeout. This study offers perspectives in coaching analysis and education as the 3D device seems to be a tool allowing the study of aspects difficult to attain with other methods.
Performance in a volleyball match is the result of a dynamic and interactive process between two teams. The current study aimed to investigate the influence of the quality of opposition on skill performance indicators. A total of 550 teams’ performances (N = 550) from 275 sets of men’s European Championship 2019 was recorded and the effectiveness of 12 parameters from 5 basic volleyball skills was analyzed. A two-step cluster analysis was performed to divide 24 teams into three quality groups (upper, middle, lower) and 6 types of match status were created according to the quality of the opponents. Binomial logistic regression showed that for each type of match, the key performance factors that discriminate win and loss are differentiated, while the efficacy of attack win is associated with the success almost with all contexts studied. Other significant parameters were serve aces for matches between upper-quality teams, opponent’s errors for matches between teams of different quality and avoidance of blocked attacks for balanced matches. The findings emphasize the need for coaches to plan strategies that allow players with special serving abilities to risk for an ace, to enhance the side-out skills of their team and to work detailed on attack coverage systems.
Introduction. One of the major trends in the development of modern volleyball is the use of attacking actions from the back line of the playing court and force service in the jump that provides high efficiency of competitive activity of players in the team. However, at the present stage of the game development insufficient attention is paid to improve these technical and tactical actions in the system of the game of qualified volleyball players. The goal is to raise the efficiency of competitive activity of the qualified volleyball players in the attack by improving the attacking actions of the back line of the playing court and the power serve in the jump. Material. The study uses statistical data of the major international competitions: the 2012 Olympic Games, the 2010, 2014 World Championships, the 2010-2015 European Championships, the 2010-2015 World League. Totally 130 games were analyzed. The pedagogical experiment was conducted with participation of the Ukrainian Super League team «Burevestnik» to solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of competitive activity. The experiment involved 12 qualified volleyball players. Results. There were identified the features of the application of technical and tactical actions of attacking the qualified volleyball players, which were later used for evaluation, interpretation and modelling of technical and tactical actions of attacking players in different roles: the first, the second pace attack and «diagonal». It is proved that the use of specific exercises that simulate competitive activity in volleyball increases the efficiency of the main groups of technical and tactical actions in attack, which in the beginning of the pedagogical experiment was significantly lower when compared with the leading volleyball players of the world. Conclusions. The effectiveness of the pilot program implementation was confirmed statistically to be trustworthy (p <0.05) increasing the basic indicators of the competitive activity quality of «Burevestnik» team players. The efficiency of the main groups of technical and tactical actions in the attack significantly increased in comparison with the period before they start the pedagogical experiment.
This study analyzes the terminating actions (serve, attack, block and opponent error) resulting in point scoring for each team. These actions are then taken as reference indicators for observing the possibility of winning or losing a set in an elite men’s volleyball competition. A total of 45 matches were studied at the European Men’s Volleyball Championship held in September 2009 in Izmir and Istanbul (Turkey). Recordings were made of a number of game actions in a total of 168 sets. Analysis of these sets showed 132 ending in 25 points (78.57 percent) and 36 sets in more even matches (21.43 percent): 27 ending in more than 25 points (16.07 percent) and nine fifth or tie break sets (5.36 percent). Statistical analysis showed attacking to be the highest point-scoring technical action, but as matches became more even (sets with more than 25 points, or fifth and tie break sets), points scored by blocking became decisive for attaining victory in top-level competition. The number of errors made by each team is considerably lower at this level and points achieved through serving tend to be even.
Оцінка результатів змагальної діяльності у волейболі // Теорія і методика фізичного виховання і спорту
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Інноваційні методи розвитку фізичної підготовки кваліфікованих волейболістів на основі модельних характеристик // Вісник ЛНУ імені Тараса Шевченка
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Аналіз тактичних дій волейбольної команди // Актуальні проблеми розвитку освіти в сфері туризму, фізичної культури і спорту
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Тактична підготовка гравців волейбольної команди до змагань // Scientific Collection «InterConf
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Analysis of the efficiency of the attack from the second line, at the level of men senior
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Evaluating the performance of elite level volleyball players // Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. 2022. № 18(1). рр. 15-34
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Technical and tactical training of qualified Volleyball players by improving attacking actions of players in different roles // Journal of Physical Education and Sport
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Imas Y., Borysova O., Shlonska O., Kogut I., Marynych V., Kostyukevich V. Technical and tactical training of qualified Volleyball players by improving attacking actions of players in different roles // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2017. 17 (1), рр. 441 -446. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2017.01066. 20. Junior, N. K. M. (2021). Match Analysis for Elaborate the Volleyball Training: a Review // Journal of Sports and Games. 3 (1). рр. 1-7. DOI: 21.
Human resources management of educational development in sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine: comparative analysis (1992-2016)
  • O Mozolev
  • O Halus
  • I Bloshchynskyi
  • R Kovalchuk
Mozolev O., Halus O., Bloshchynskyi I., & Kovalchuk R. (2019). Human resources management of educational development in sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine: comparative analysis (1992-2016) // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019. № 19(1), рр. 185-192. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2019.s1028 26.
Relationship between performance in game actions and the match result. A study in volleyball training stages
  • F C Rabaz
  • R J Castuera
  • A G Arias
  • A M Domíguez
  • M P M Arroyo
Rabaz F. C., Castuera R. J., Arias A. G., Domíguez A. M. & Arroyo M. P. M. Relationship between performance in game actions and the match result. A study in volleyball training stages. // Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 2013. № 8(3), рр. 651-659. doi:10.4100/jhse.2013.8.Proc3.11 27.
Osoblyvosti planuvannia ta upravlinnia protsesom sportyvnoho trenuvannia voleibolnoi komandy [Peculiarities of planning and management of the sports training process of the volleyball team] // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoi akademii Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy
  • O Bahas
  • R Kovalchuk
Bahas O., Kovalchuk R. Osoblyvosti planuvannia ta upravlinnia protsesom sportyvnoho trenuvannia voleibolnoi komandy [Peculiarities of planning and management of the sports training process of the volleyball team] // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoi akademii Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy. Psykholohichni nauky. 2016. № 3, S. 29-39. [in Ukrainian].
Pidvyshchennia hrupovoi efektyvnosti voleibolnoi komandy na etapi spetsializovanoi bazovoi pidhotovky [Increasing the group effectiveness of the volleyball team at the stage of specialized basic training] // Fizychna aktyvnist, zdorovia i sport
  • S Voitenko
Voitenko, S. Pidvyshchennia hrupovoi efektyvnosti voleibolnoi komandy na etapi spetsializovanoi bazovoi pidhotovky [Increasing the group effectiveness of the volleyball team at the stage of specialized basic training] // Fizychna aktyvnist, zdorovia i sport. 2015. № 4 (22). S. 19-27. [in Ukrainian].
Otsinka rezultativ zmahalnoi diialnosti u voleiboli [Evaluation of the results of competitive activities in volleyball] // Teoriia i metodyka fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu
  • V Hamalii
  • O Shlonska
Hamalii V., Shlonska O. Otsinka rezultativ zmahalnoi diialnosti u voleiboli [Evaluation of the results of competitive activities in volleyball] // Teoriia i metodyka fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu. 2014. № 2. S. 3-8. [in Ukrainian].
Innovatsiini metody rozvytku fizychnoi pidhotovky kvalifikovanykh voleibolistiv na osnovi modelnykh kharakterystyk [Innovative methods of developing physical training of qualified volleyball players
  • M H Kovalov
Kovalov M. H. Innovatsiini metody rozvytku fizychnoi pidhotovky kvalifikovanykh voleibolistiv na osnovi modelnykh kharakterystyk [Innovative methods of developing physical training of qualified volleyball players based on model characteristics] // Visnyk LNU imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. 2020. № 1(332), S. 167-176. [in Ukrainian].
Analiz taktychnykh dii voleibolnoi komandy
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Kovalchuk R.O. Analiz taktychnykh dii voleibolnoi komandy [Analysis of tactical actions of the volleyball team]
Vykorystannia innovatsiinykh fitnestekhnolohii dlia udoskonalennia fizychnoi pidhotovky u zhinochomu pliazhnomu voleiboli [Using innovative fitness technologies to improve physical fitness in women
  • B Kokarev
  • S Kokareva
  • S Shcherbii
  • A Hurieieva
  • O Chernenko
Kokarev B., Kokareva S., Shcherbii S., Hurieieva A. & Chernenko O. Vykorystannia innovatsiinykh fitnestekhnolohii dlia udoskonalennia fizychnoi pidhotovky u zhinochomu pliazhnomu voleiboli [Using innovative fitness technologies to improve physical fitness in women's beach volleyball] // Sportyvni ihry. 2023. № 1(27), S. 4-17. [in Ukrainian].
Taktychna pidhotovka hravtsiv voleibolnoi komandy do zmahan [Tactical training of volleyball team players for competitions] // Scientific Collection «InterConf
  • O M Mozolev
Mozolev O.M. Taktychna pidhotovka hravtsiv voleibolnoi komandy do zmahan [Tactical training of volleyball team players for competitions] // Scientific Collection «InterConf». 2023. № 140. S. 695-700. [in Ukrainian].
Modeliuvannia tekhniko-taktychnykh dii kvalifikovanykh voleibolistiv u vidpovidnosti do zon maidanchyka [Modeling of technical and tactical actions of qualified volleyball players in accordance with the areas of the court] // Fizychna kultura
  • M Oliinyk
  • Е Doroshenko
Oliinyk M., Doroshenko Е. Modeliuvannia tekhniko-taktychnykh dii kvalifikovanykh voleibolistiv u vidpovidnosti do zon maidanchyka [Modeling of technical and tactical actions of qualified volleyball players in accordance with the areas of the court] // Fizychna kultura, sport ta zdorovia natsii. 2017. № 4. S. 93-98. [in Ukrainian].
Match Analysis for Elaborate the Volleyball Training: a
  • N K M Junior
Junior, N. K. M. (2021). Match Analysis for Elaborate the Volleyball Training: a Review // Journal of Sports and Games. 3 (1). рр. 1-7. DOI:
Study of the technical and tactical variables determining set win or loss in top-level European men's volleyball // Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
  • O Mozolev
  • O Halus
  • I Bloshchynskyi
  • R Kovalchuk
  • F C Rabaz
  • R J Castuera
  • A G Arias
  • A M Domíguez
  • M P M Arroyo
Mozolev O., Halus O., Bloshchynskyi I., & Kovalchuk R. (2019). Human resources management of educational development in sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine: comparative analysis (1992-2016) // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019. № 19(1), рр. 185-192. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2019.s1028 26. Rabaz F. C., Castuera R. J., Arias A. G., Domíguez A. M. & Arroyo M. P. M. Relationship between performance in game actions and the match result. A study in volleyball training stages. // Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 2013. № 8(3), рр. 651-659. doi:10.4100/jhse.2013.8.Proc3.11 27. Rodriguez-Ruiz D., Quiroga M. E., Miralles J. A., Sarmiento S., De Saá Y. & García-Manso J. M. Study of the technical and tactical variables determining set win or loss in top-level European men's volleyball // Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. 2011. № 7(1). рр. 1-15.