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Understanding Roles of Non-Government Organizations and how these are Useful to Senior Citizens



Non-government organizations have one of the primary goals of promoting community well-being. The members are implementing tasks and activities, which are facilitating in promoting well-being and goodwill of community members. In this research paper, emphasis is put upon the factor that how these are proving to be useful to senior citizens. The senior citizens are individuals, who are above 60 years of age. These individuals are experiencing various types of social problems, i.e. poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness and crime and violence. These social problems have unfavorable effects on the physical and psychological health and well-being, hence, they approach non-government organizations in order to take help from them. The individuals employed in non-government organizations are well-equipped in terms of different types of job duties. Furthermore, the individuals are augmenting their information in terms of methods and approaches that are facilitating in doing well in their job duties and generating desired outcomes. As a consequence of honing analytical, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, individuals will contribute efficiently in doing well in their job duties, hence, desired outcomes will be generated. Hence, it is well-understood, senior citizens are taking help from non-government organizations in order to recuperate from social problems and promote enhancement of overall standards of living. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire an efficient understanding of the roles of non-government organizations and how these are useful to senior citizens. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, roles of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior citizens, measures to be implemented by non-government organizations in carrying out job duties satisfactorily and understanding the relationship between non-government organizations and senior citizens.
Understanding Roles of Non-Government Organizations
and how these are Useful to Senior Citizens
Dr. Radhika Kapur
Non-government organizations have one of the primary goals of promoting
community well-being. The members are implementing tasks and activities, which are
facilitating in promoting well-being and goodwill of community members. In this research
paper, emphasis is put upon the factor that how these are proving to be useful to senior
citizens. The senior citizens are individuals, who are above 60 years of age. These individuals
are experiencing various types of social problems, i.e. poverty, illiteracy, unemployment,
homelessness and crime and violence. These social problems have unfavorable effects on the
physical and psychological health and well-being, hence, they approach non-government
organizations in order to take help from them. The individuals employed in non-government
organizations are well-equipped in terms of different types of job duties. Furthermore, the
individuals are augmenting their information in terms of methods and approaches that are
facilitating in doing well in their job duties and generating desired outcomes. As a
consequence of honing analytical, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, individuals
will contribute efficiently in doing well in their job duties, hence, desired outcomes will be
generated. Hence, it is well-understood, senior citizens are taking help from non-government
organizations in order to recuperate from social problems and promote enhancement of
overall standards of living. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire an efficient understanding of
the roles of non-government organizations and how these are useful to senior citizens. The
main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, roles of non-government
organizations in promoting enhancement of senior citizens, measures to be implemented by
non-government organizations in carrying out job duties satisfactorily and understanding the
relationship between non-government organizations and senior citizens.
Keywords: Activities, Communities, Enhancement, Job Duties, Measures, Non-
Government Organizations, Roles, Senior Citizens
India has a rich tradition of philanthropic and voluntary activities for alleviating the
sufferings and concerns of senior citizens, belonging to deprived, marginalized and
economically weaker sections of the society (Utuk, 2014). The senior citizens, who are frail
and weak and do not have any means of support are required to obtain support and help from
non-government organizations (NGOs). Furthermore, when senior citizens are homeless and
do not have any other means of support are major beneficiaries of NGOs. In the year 1960,
there has been an increasing number of NGOs within the country, due to increasing
disappointment and discontent among senior citizens. These grassroots movements are
concerned with the plight of the disadvantaged and exploited sections of society. During this
period, senior citizens did not have access to certain facilities, they were residing in the
conditions of poverty and backwardness mainly within rural communities. Therefore, the
establishment of NGOs was mainly to bring about improvements in the status of senior
The processes of social changes, i.e. urbanization, modernization and globalization
led to an increase in utilization of technologies. The senior citizens also are making use of
different types of technologies for number of purposes, i.e. leisure and recreation,
communication, generating information in terms of various subjects and so forth. As a
consequence of making use of different types of technologies, senior citizens are incurring
the feelings of pleasure and contentment. Furthermore, NGOs make provision of information
among senior citizens regarding employment opportunities. The reason being, in their old age
as well, they aspire to get engaged in different types of employment opportunities in
accordance to their capabilities. The senior citizens, belonging to all communities aspire to
work to sustain their living conditions in an effective manner. The reason being, they do not
tend to be dependent on their family members for financial resources. Hence, through seeking
help from NGOs, the senior citizens are making use of technologies and they are also
generating information in terms of employment opportunities. Therefore, it is well-
understood, NGOs are rendering an important contribution in leading to up-gradation of
living conditions of senior citizens.
Roles of Non-Government Organizations in promoting enhancement
of Senior Citizens
In India, throughout the country, mainly in urban communities, there have been
establishment of NGOs. Their primary objective is to promote community well-being. In
other words, the individuals, who are employed in NGOs are making use of their educational
qualifications, skills and abilities in promoting well-being of individuals, belonging to
underprivileged sections of the society. In old age, it is apparently understood that senior
citizens are overwhelmed by different types of health problems and illnesses (Chapter – II,
n.d.). In some cases, they do not have anybody around to take care of them, hence, they are
required to obtain help and assistance from NGOs. The individuals employed in NGOs are
required to utilize different types of methodologies and techniques, which would be favorable
to senior citizens. In other words, they would render an important contribution in bringing
about improvements in their overall quality of lives. The roles of NGOs are regarded as vital
in promoting community well-being. Furthermore, they are acknowledged in alleviating the
social problems of poverty, illiteracy, backwardness, unemployment, homelessness and crime
and violence. Therefore, roles of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of
senior citizens are acknowledged and are stated as follows:
Communicating in an Effective Manner
The individuals, who are employed in NGOs are required to communicate in an
effective manner with senior citizens. The main objective of communicating is to find out in
terms of the problems and concerns of senior citizens. The communication processes takes
place face to face or over the phone. The speakers and listeners are required to be well-
equipped in terms of communication ethics, i.e. making use of polite language and decent
words; treating each other with respect and courtesy; making provision of factual information
in terms of different subjects and possessing an approachable nature and an amiable attitude.
After generating information in terms of different types of problems and concerns, the
individuals are required to be well-versed in terms of methodologies and procedures, which
would be facilitating in putting into operation different types of solutions. Furthermore,
inculcation of traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness is essential in
generating desired outcomes. These traits are honed by workforce in NGOs in order to
promote well-being among senior citizens. Therefore, communicating in an effective manner
is regarded as one of the indispensable roles of non-government organizations in promoting
enhancement of senior citizens.
Implementing Counseling and Guidance Services
The individuals, who are employed in NGOs are implementing counseling and
guidance services with senior citizens. In putting into operation these services, the individuals
first and foremost are required to generate information in terms of causes of problems and
concerns of senior citizens. Furthermore, they generate information in terms of how these
problems and concerns are having unfavorable effects on senior citizens. After augmenting
their understanding, they generate information in terms of methodologies and procedures,
which would be useful to senior citizens. The up-gradation of analytical and critical-thinking
skills would be facilitating in putting into operation job duties in an appropriate manner. As a
consequence, the counselors will be able to make selection of useful methodologies and
procedures in order to benefit the counselees. Furthermore, inculcation of traits of morality,
ethics, diligence and conscientiousness is essential in doing well in their job duties and
generating desired outcomes. These traits are honed by workforce in NGOs in order to put
into operation their job duties in a well-ordered and disciplined manner. Therefore,
implementing counseling and guidance services is one of the significant roles of non-
government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior citizens.
Leading to Up-gradation of Motivation Levels
The senior citizens, belonging to all communities, categories and socio-economic
backgrounds have the main goal of leading to up-gradation of overall standards of living. In
order to achieve this goal, they are required to get engaged in different types of job duties and
responsibilities. Furthermore, they are required to generate information in terms of
methodologies and procedures, which would be useful in achieving desired goals. The NGOs
help the senior citizens in leading to up-gradation of motivation levels. As a consequence,
their mind-sets will be stimulated and they will put in efforts to their best abilities in doing
well in their job duties and generating desired outcomes. The motivation levels will be
facilitating in augmenting competencies, abilities and aptitude among senior citizens. The
implementation of effective communication processes is regarded as the key in leading to up-
gradation of motivation levels among senior citizens. This is primarily, when they are made
to understand that they are capable and can render an efficient contribution in promoting
enrichment of their overall living conditions. Therefore, leading to up-gradation of
motivation levels is a vital role of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement
of senior citizens.
Augmenting Literacy Skills
In the present existence, when senior citizens are focusing on leading to up-gradation
of overall standards of living, they need to possess at least the basic literacy skills of reading,
writing and arithmetic. The possession of basic literacy skills will enable senior citizens in
acquiring an efficient understanding of different types of subjects and concepts. The NGOs
are providing support and assistance in leading to up-gradation of literacy skills among senior
citizens. There are organization of classes. Within these, teaching-learning methods,
teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies are put into operation in accordance to
the needs and requirements of senior citizens. The literacy skills are utilized in putting into
operation different tasks and activities, i.e. management of household responsibilities,
communicating with others in a satisfactory manner, transferring to various places and
leading to up-gradation of overall living conditions. Hence, it is comprehensively understood
by senior citizens that augmenting literacy skills will be advantageous on a comprehensive
basis. As a consequence, they will be able to render an efficient contribution in promoting
enrichment of their personality traits and living standards. Therefore, augmenting literacy
skills is a crucial role of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior
Honing Technical Skills
With advancements taking place and with advent of technologies, individuals,
belonging to all occupations, fields and socio-economic backgrounds are making use of
technologies. The technical skills are the skills that are related to utilization of technologies,
i.e. computers, lap-tops, I pads, scanners, printers, photo-copiers, audio-visual aids,
smartphones and so forth. The senior citizens also are making use of different types of
technologies for number of purposes, i.e. leisure and recreation, communication, generating
information in terms of various subjects and so forth. The NGOs are providing support and
assistance in leading to up-gradation of literacy skills among senior citizens. There are
organization of classes. Within these, teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials
and instructional strategies are put into operation in a satisfactory manner. The main objective
is to ensure, senior citizens are able to utilize technologies for their own purpose. In most
cases, they make use of mobile phones for communicating and leisure and recreation
purposes. As a consequence of making use of different types of technologies, senior citizens
are incurring the feelings of pleasure and contentment. Therefore, honing technical skills is
an expedient role of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior
Augmenting Competencies and Abilities
The senior citizens are provided with the opportunities to augment competencies and
abilities by the workforce that are employed within NGOs. The different types of
competencies and abilities are, planning, organizing, controlling, managing, administrating,
emotional intelligence, systems thinking, putting in efforts to one’s best abilities, possessing
the abilities to work under stress, coping with various types of problems in an adequate
manner and carrying out different types of tasks and activities in a satisfactory manner. The
senior citizens are overwhelmed by various types of health problems and illnesses, but they
are required to develop an optimistic approach. They need to reinforce the viewpoint that
they are capable of promoting enhancement of overall standards of living. Hence, they need
to appropriately listen to the methodologies and procedures that are imparted to them by
NGO workers. Acquiring an efficient understanding of one’s goals and objectives and ways
that are facilitating in achieving these are regarded as essential in leading to up-gradation of
competencies and abilities. Furthermore, it is vital to overcome the feelings of
apprehensiveness and vulnerability. Therefore, augmenting competencies and abilities is an
eminent role of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior citizens.
Getting engaged in Employment Opportunities
The main objective of getting engaged in employment opportunities is to bring about
improvements in one’s financial positions. The NGOs make provision of information among
senior citizens in terms of different types of employment opportunities, suitable to them. The
reason being, in their old age as well, they aspire to get engaged in different types of
employment opportunities in accordance to their capabilities. The senior citizens, belonging
to all communities aspire to work to sustain their living conditions in an effective manner.
The reason being, they do not tend to be dependent on their family members for financial
resources. Hence, through seeking help from NGOs, the senior citizens are generating
information in terms of various types of employment opportunities. Some of these are,
implementing manual job duties, providing tuition classes to individuals, belonging to
economically weaker sections of the society and so forth. In this manner, senior citizens are
helped to bring about improvements in their financial positions. As a consequence, they are
able to incur the feelings of pleasure and contentment. Therefore, getting engaged in
employment opportunities is a favorable role of non-government organizations in promoting
enhancement of senior citizens.
Encouraging participation in Religious Activities
The research studies have indicated that senior citizens form the viewpoint that in
twilight years of their lives, they will be able to promote enhancement of overall personality
traits and standards of living, when they are encouraged to participate in religious activities.
The senior citizens take pleasure in listening to religious hymns and religious sermons. They
have reinforced the viewpoint that getting engaged in services of Almighty will prove to be
facilitating in leading to enhancement of overall quality of lives. Furthermore, they make
visits to religious places on the basis of their religious groups in order to reinforce peace of
mind. The NGOs make provision of information in terms of different types of religious
activities. The senior citizens take pleasure in making visits to cowsheds and feed cows.
Furthermore, they feed the birds, as they understand that feeding animals and birds would
prove to be favorable in promoting their well-being and goodwill. In other words, promoting
well-being of others will render an important contribution in bringing about improvements in
one’s overall quality of lives. Therefore, encouraging participation in religious activities is a
useful role of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior citizens.
Protection from Crime and Violence
It is unfortunate to note that senior citizens within homes in both urban and rural
communities are subjected to crime and violence by family members. The different types of
criminal and violent acts are, verbal abuse, physical abuse, neglect, mistreatment, grievous
hurt and financial exploitation. As a consequence, the senior citizens get affected both
physically as well as psychologically. They approach NGOs with the main objective of
seeking help to recuperate. The workforce of NGOs subject the doers to disciplinary action.
The reason being, they are harassing their elderly family members and affecting their health
conditions. The unfavorable effects are experienced by senior citizens in a major or minor
form. In order to recuperate they require counseling and guidance services and medical and
health care facilities. Furthermore, they are helped to get separated from abusive family
members. Hence, the services of NGOs are acknowledged, when they are protecting senior
citizens from various types of criminal and violent acts. As a consequence, improvements
will be brought about in health conditions of senior citizens, both from physical as well as
psychological perspectives. Therefore, protection from crime and violence is a suitable role
of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior citizens.
Participation in Social Work
The senior citizens form the viewpoint that, they will be able to promote enhancement
of overall personality traits and standards of living, when they are getting engaged in
promoting community well-being. Through seeking help from NGOs, the senior citizens are
generating information in terms of various types of activities that would promote social work.
The social work is put into practice free of cost. These activities include, providing tuition
classes to individuals, belonging to economically weaker sections of the society in terms of
academic subjects and various types of extra-curricular and creative activities. Furthermore,
when they are from medical professions, they provide medical and health care facilities to
disadvantaged sections of the society. In addition, counseling and guidance services are
provided in terms of various concerns, i.e. education, employment, health care, family,
relationships etc. Furthermore, they make donations of various items, i.e. food, clothing,
kitchen appliances, books, bags, stationary, blankets, monetary donations and so forth.
Hence, it is well-understood, senior citizens are participating in social work and incur the
feelings of pleasure and contentment. Therefore, participation in social work is an
advantageous role of non-government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior
Measures to be implemented by Non-Government Organizations in
Carrying out Job Duties satisfactorily
The workforce employed in non-government organizations are required to up-grade
analytical and critical-thinking skills. These are the skills that are facilitating in conducting
analysis of the situations. As a consequence, they will be able to put into operation different
types of methodologies and procedures in a satisfactory manner. Furthermore, critical-
thinking skills are facilitating in implementing rational, logical and methodological thinking.
In this manner, the decision-making processes are put into practice in a well-ordered and
regimented manner. The individuals in leadership positions among NGOs and other staff
members are required to augment information in terms of different types of measures, which
are to be implemented by non-government organizations in carrying out job duties
satisfactorily (Concepts and Functions of NGOs, n.d.). One of the important aspects that
needs to be taken into account is, positivity needs to be reinforced in putting into operation all
the measures. These are, implementing recruitment and selection methods adequately; being
well-informed regarding job duties and methodologies; augmenting skills and abilities;
inculcating the traits of morality and ethics; implementing the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness and generating information regarding various factors.
These are stated as follows:
Implementing Recruitment and Selection Methods adequately
Within NGOs, the recruitment and selection of human resources are required to take
place in an adequate manner. The human resources are required to make use of their skills
and abilities in a satisfactory manner. The job duties and responsibilities are complicated and
tedious, hence, when human resources will be capable, they will contribute efficiently in
promoting enrichment of overall structure of NGOs. In the effective implementation of this
job duty, there are various factors that need to be taken into account, i.e. educational
qualifications, competencies, abilities, aptitude and work experience. These are facilitating in
recruiting and selecting competent and trained personnel. The hiring authorities need to be
well-versed in terms of different types of methods and approaches. One of the important
aspects is, positivity needs to be reinforced in putting into operation all the methods.
Therefore, implementing recruitment and selection methods adequately is regarded as one of
the indispensable measures to be implemented by non-government organizations in carrying
out job duties satisfactorily.
Being well-informed regarding Job Duties and Methodologies
Within NGOs, all the members, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy are
required to be well-versed in terms of different types of job duties and methodologies. After
generating information in terms of different types of job duties and responsibilities, the
individuals are required to be well-versed in terms of methodologies and procedures. These
are referred to ways in carrying these out in an adequate manner. One of the important
aspects that needs to be taken into account is, positivity needs to be reinforced in putting into
operation all types of job duties and methodologies. Furthermore, inculcation of traits of
morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness is essential in doing well in one’s job duties
and generating desired outcomes. These traits are honed by workforce employed within
NGOs in order to promote well-being and goodwill of senior citizens. Therefore, being well-
informed regarding job duties and methodologies is one of the significant measures to be
implemented by non-government organizations in carrying out job duties satisfactorily.
Augmenting Skills and Abilities
The human resources are required to put emphasis on augmenting skills and abilities
on regular basis. The different types of skills that need to be honed are, communication skills,
decision-making skills, critical-thinking skills, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, time-
management skills, technical skills, creative skills, artistic skills, presentation skills, personal
skills, public-speaking skills, professional skills, leadership skills, negotiation skills and
intellectual skills. On the other hand, abilities, which need to be honed are, planning,
organizing, controlling, managing, administrating, emotional intelligence, systems thinking,
putting in efforts to one’s best abilities, possessing the abilities to work under stress, coping
with various types of problems in an adequate manner and carrying out different types of
tasks and activities in a satisfactory manner. These are facilitating in putting into operation all
types of job duties satisfactorily and generating desired outcomes. Hence, all the members
need to put emphasis on augmenting skills and abilities throughout their jobs. Therefore,
augmenting skills and abilities is an expedient measure to be implemented by non-
government organizations in carrying out job duties satisfactorily.
Inculcating the Traits of Morality and Ethics
It is understood on a comprehensive basis that all the members aim to put into
operation their job duties and responsibilities in a well-ordered manner. Hence, in order to do
well in these and generate desired outcomes, the inculcation of traits of morality and ethics is
regarded to be of utmost significance. As a consequence, individuals will render an important
contribution in doing well in their job duties. Furthermore, they will meet the expectations of
other individuals. In addition, individuals will differentiate between various types of
appropriate and inappropriate aspects. As a consequence, all members will put in efforts to
one’s best abilities, possess the abilities to work under stress, cope with various types of
problems in a satisfactory manner and carry out different types of tasks and activities in an
appropriate manner. These are facilitating in putting into operation all types of job duties
satisfactorily and generating desired outcomes. Hence, all the members need to put emphasis
on reinforcing these traits throughout the implementation of their job duties. Therefore,
inculcating the traits of morality and ethics is an eminent measure to be implemented by non-
government organizations in carrying out job duties satisfactorily.
Implementing the Traits of Diligence, Resourcefulness and Conscientiousness
Within NGOs, there are some job duties that are complicated, some are manageable,
some can be implemented in less amount of time, whereas, others are more time-consuming
and some are implemented on an individual basis, whereas, others are carried out through
working in collaboration with other members. All the members need to put emphasis on
reinforcing the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness throughout the
implementation of their job duties. It is apparently understood that there are occurrences of
various types of problems and challenging situations within the course of putting into practice
job duties. Hence, augmenting traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness is
facilitating in overcoming all types of setbacks. Furthermore, all the members will contribute
efficiently in coping with various types of problems in a satisfactory manner and carrying out
different types of tasks and activities in an appropriate manner. In addition, desired goals will
be achieved in a well-ordered and satisfactory manner. Therefore, implementing the traits of
diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness is an advantageous measure to be
implemented by non-government organizations in carrying out job duties satisfactorily.
Generating Information regarding various Factors
All the members, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy are required to be
well-informed in terms of various factors, i.e. leading to up-gradation of communication
skills and interactive abilities; being well-informed in terms different types of job duties and
responsibilities; augmenting information regarding methodologies and procedures; utilizing
modern, scientific and innovative methods and materials; augmenting different types of skills
and abilities; inculcating the traits of morality and ethics; implementing the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness; taking out sufficient amount of time for all types of
job duties and activities; coping with various types of problems and challenging situations in
a satisfactory manner; carrying out different types of tasks and activities in an appropriate
manner; developing mutual understanding with other members and leading to up-gradation of
overall structure of NGOs. As a consequence of acknowledging and implementing all these
factors, the individuals will carry out all types of job duties in an appropriate manner.
Furthermore, enrichment will take place of the overall structure of NGOs. Therefore,
generating information regarding various factors is a meaningful measure to be implemented
by non-government organizations in carrying out job duties satisfactorily.
Understanding the Relationship between Non-Government
Organizations and Senior Citizens
Within NGOs, all the members, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy are
required to be well-versed in terms of different types of job duties and methodologies. After
generating information in terms of different types of job duties and responsibilities, the
individuals are required to be well-versed in terms of methodologies and procedures. These
are referred to ways in carrying these out in a well-ordered and satisfactory manner. One of
the important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, positivity needs to be reinforced
in putting into operation all types of job duties and methodologies (Clendenon, 2018).
Furthermore, inculcation of traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness is
essential in doing well in one’s job duties and generating desired outcomes. These traits are
honed by workforce employed within NGOs in order to promote well-being and goodwill of
senior citizens. Therefore, individuals are able to understand the relationship between non-
government organizations and senior citizens, when job duties and methodologies are put into
operation in a well-ordered and satisfactory manner.
All the members, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy need to put
emphasis on reinforcing the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness
throughout the implementation of their job duties. It is apparently understood that there are
occurrences of various types of problems and challenging situations within the course of
putting into practice job duties and responsibilities. Hence, augmenting traits of morality,
ethics, diligence and conscientiousness is facilitating in overcoming all types of setbacks
(Connors, 2016). The individuals will augment motivation and concentration levels towards
putting into operation different types of job duties and methodologies. Furthermore, all the
members will contribute efficiently in coping with various types of problems in a satisfactory
manner and carrying out different types of tasks and activities in an appropriate manner. In
addition, desired goals will be achieved in a well-ordered and satisfactory manner.
Furthermore, all members will contribute efficiently in promoting well-being and goodwill of
senior citizens. Therefore, one is able to understand the relationship between non-government
organizations and senior citizens, when traits of morality, ethics, diligence and
conscientiousness are implemented.
All the members, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy are required to be
well-informed in terms of various factors, i.e. leading to up-gradation of communication
skills and interactive abilities; making wise and productive decisions; being well-informed in
terms of job duties and responsibilities; augmenting information regarding methodologies and
procedures; utilizing modern, scientific and innovative methods and materials; augmenting
different types of skills and abilities; inculcating the traits of morality and ethics;
implementing the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness; taking out
sufficient amount of time for all types of job duties and activities; overcoming setbacks;
forming positive viewpoints regarding all factors within workplace; developing mutual
understanding with other members and leading to up-gradation of overall structure of NGOs.
As a consequence of acknowledging and implementing all these factors, the individuals will
carry out all types of job duties in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, enrichment will take
place of the overall structure of NGOs. Therefore, an understanding of the relationship
between non-government organizations and senior citizens is acquired, when all these factors
are put into operation.
NGOs have the primary objective of promoting community well-being. Roles of non-
government organizations in promoting enhancement of senior citizens are, communicating
in an effective manner, implementing counseling and guidance services, leading to up-
gradation of motivation levels, augmenting literacy skills, honing technical skills, augmenting
competencies and abilities, getting engaged in employment opportunities, encouraging
participation in religious activities, protection from crime and violence and participation in
social work. Measures to be implemented by non-government organizations in carrying out
job duties satisfactorily are, implementing recruitment and selection methods adequately;
being well-informed regarding job duties and methodologies; augmenting skills and abilities;
inculcating the traits of morality and ethics; implementing the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness and generating information regarding various factors.
It is vital to understand the relationship between non-government organizations and senior
citizens. Finally, it can be stated, senior citizens are enhancing their living conditions,
through obtaining help from NGOs.
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Clendenon, M. (2018). What exactly is Maturity and How Do You Develop It? Retrieved
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