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Abstract and Figures

Airborne laser scanning allows for efficient acquisition of accurate 3D data for large areas. Because georeferencing of the LiDAR data requires knowledge of the platform trajectory, the laser scanner system commonly comprises a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver/antenna and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The standard processing pipeline consists of GNSS/IMU integration, georeferencing, and subsequent adjustment of the laser data. Here, we consider a holistic GNSS/IMU/LiDAR-integration approach based on least-squares adjustment. The GNSS is loosely coupled, and the GNSS positions are obtained using either postprocessing kinematic or precise point positioning GNSS processing strategies using the open-source software RTKLib. In this contribution, we compare the resulting point clouds to those of a standard processing workflow and evaluate the impact of the different processing strategies on point cloud quality in terms of internal consistency and absolute accuracy for a airborne laser bathymetry (ALB) dataset. Although the GNSS solutions themselves differ strongly, both the PPK- and the PPP-derived point clouds show better strip differences (below 2.5 cm) and similar absolute accuracy (<4 cm RMSE w.r.t. reference targets after correction of constant datum shift) compared to the reference solution.
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F. Pöppl1
, G. Mandlburger1, N. Pfeifer1
1Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria - (florian.poeppl, gottfried.mandlburger, norbert.pfeifer)
KEY WORDS: Direct georeferencing, sensor orientation, sensor integration, trajectory estimation
Airborne laser scanning allows for efficient acquisition of accurate 3D data for large areas. Because georeferencing of the LiDAR
data requires knowledge of the platform trajectory, the laser scanner system commonly comprises a global navigation satellite
system (GNSS) receiver/antenna and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The standard processing pipeline consists of GNSS/IMU
integration, georeferencing, and subsequent adjustment of the laser data. Here, we consider a holistic GNSS/IMU/LiDAR-integration
approach based on least-squares adjustment. The GNSS is loosely coupled, and the GNSS positions are obtained using either post-
processing kinematic or precise point positioning GNSS processing strategies using the open-source software RTKLib. In this
contribution, we compare the resulting point clouds to those of a standard processing workflow and evaluate the impact of the
different processing strategies on point cloud quality in terms of internal consistency and absolute accuracy for a airborne laser
bathymetry (ALB) dataset. Although the GNSS solutions themselves differ strongly, both the PPK- and the PPP-derived point clouds
show better strip differences (below 2.5cm) and similar absolute accuracy (<4 cm RMSE w.r.t. reference targets after correction of
constant datum shift) compared to the reference solution.
Laser scanning is a widely used surveying technique based on
light detection and ranging (LiDAR) in conjunction with a scan-
ning mechanism. With the laser scanner mounted on a moving
platform, large areas may be efficiently mapped and digitally
represented as 3D point clouds. Here, we specifically consider
airborne platforms. The laser scanner measurements consist of
a range measurement together with one or two angular measure-
ments. To transform the ranging and angle measurements of the
laser scanner into a georeferenced coordinate system, the posi-
tion and orientation of the scanner are required. Commonly, a
global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver and antenna
as well as an inertial measurement unit (IMU) are integrated
with the laser scanner, which allows computing the required
trajectory (Pöppl et al., 2023a).
The industry-standard approach is fusion of GNSS and IMU data
using a Kalman filter, possibly followed by strip adjustment to re-
duce discrepancies between overlapping flight strips (e.g., Glira
et al. 2015 and Jonassen et al. 2023). Various strategies ex-
ist for GNSS and IMU integration (Groves, 2013), most com-
monly: loose coupling (using pre-processed GNSS positions),
tight coupling (using raw GNSS code and carrier phase measure-
ments), or deep coupling (e.g., inertial aiding of GNSS tracking
loop). While the tight coupling of GNSS and IMU is generally
expected to be more accurate and robust compared to a stand-
alone GNSS solution, a loose coupling of GNSS significantly re-
duces the complexity of the integration architecture and allows
interchangeable use of different GNSS processing modes and
software solutions. Strip adjustment, as an additional improve-
ment of the trajectory subsequent to the GNSS/IMU integra-
tion, may be seen as loose coupling of LiDAR to the navigation
In this contribution, we consider a sensor fusion architecture
based on loose coupling of GNSS and tight coupling of IMU
Corresponding author
and LiDAR. All measurements are considered simultaneously
in a joint least-squares adjustment procedure (see Fig. 1), which
is derived from the more general maximum a-posteriori (MAP)
problem (Pöppl et al., 2023a). Similar methodology has already
been applied in robotics applications (Cadena et al., 2016), pho-
togrammetry (Cucci et al., 2017) and laser scanning (Brun et
al., 2022). The advantage of tightly coupling IMU and LiDAR
is the possibility of correcting short-term trajectory errors with
less risk of deforming the point cloud than with classical strip
adjustment which disregards the underlying navigation data.
In our recent work, we presented a GNSS/IMU/LiDAR-integra-
tion procedure for true direct georeferencing(i.e., without ground
control) of airborne laser scanning data, together with possible
ways of accounting for time-correlated GNSS errors in such a
loose coupling (Pöppl et al., 2023b). We continue along the
same line of investigation and evaluate (1) the use of loosely
coupled GNSS in a joint GNSS/IMU/LiDAR-integration, (2)
the suitability and accuracy of GNSS processing using the open-
source RTKLib software in a high-end surveying application
and (3) the differences between a differential post-processed
kinematic (PPK) and a precise point positioning (PPP) solution.
This evaluation is performed for an airborne laser bathymetry
(ALB) dataset acquired with a high-end laser scanner, and
compares an industry-standard workflow with our GNSS/IMU/-
LiDAR-integration, the latter processed separately with PPK-
and with PPP-GNSS. Note that this is not a discussion of the
technical details of PPK and PPP processing, but rather an at-
tempt to analyze the the practical aspects of the RTKLib PPK-
and PPP-solutions with respect to the GNSS solutions them-
selves, the estimated platform trajectory as well as the internal
consistency and absolute accuracy of the final point cloud.
In Section 2, we describe the processing and evaluation meth-
odology. In Section 3, we present the dataset used and evaluate
the results, followed by a discussion and outlook in Section 4.
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1/W3-2023
2nd GEOBENCH Workshop on Evaluation and BENCHmarking of Sensors, Systems and GEOspatial Data
in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 23–24 October 2023, Krakow, Poland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2023. CC BY 4.0 License.
IMU raw
LiDAR point
Trajectory &
Plane extraction
& matching
Initial trajectory
Kalman lter
Point cloud
Figure 1. Processing workflow for the combined
GNSS/IMU/LiDAR integration.
The methodology for integrating the GNSS, IMU and LiDAR
measurements is based on MAP estimation. Measurements
yi, i = 1, . . . , n are modelled as explicit functions of the
(unknown) parameters xplus noise
yi=fi(x) + ϵi,
where the measurement errors ϵiare assumed to follow Gaussian
distributions N(0,Σi). Thus, the optimal (in the MAP sense)
parameters are given by the non-linear least squares (NLS) es-
= argmin
In other words, the least-squares estimate xminimizes the
difference between model predictions fi(x)and measurements
yifor the GNSS, IMU and LiDAR measurements.
For the specific measurement equations as well as the model-
ling of time-correlated GNSS errors, refer to Pöppl et al. (2023a)
and Pöppl et al. (2023b). The IMU measurements are used as
output by the sensors, with no additional pre-processing. The
LiDAR correspondences are derived from an initial georeferen-
cing (cf. Fig. 1) using voxel-based plane extraction and match-
ing. The GNSS measurement equations are adapted for use
with a gyro stabilization mount by accounting for the GNSS an-
tenna position, which varies with respect to the IMU coordinate
In a loosely coupled GNSS integration, the raw GNSS meas-
urements are pre-processed and the derived antenna positions
are included in the adjustment as observations. Here, we look
at the suitability of using RTKLib for GNSS processing in the
context of airborne laser scanning with high-end sensors. RTK-
Lib (Takasu et al., 2009) is an open-source GNSS processing
software capable of static and kinematic RTK, PPK and PPP
processing. RTKLib is widely used in research, especially ro-
botics (e.g., Li et al. 2020), but also integrated in commercial
GNSS products such as Emlid Studio (Emlid, 2023). RTK-
Lib is used here in two modes, PPK and PPP, to produce two
different solutions. In both cases, all available constellations
were used (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, Beidou) together with
final precise GNSS products and a 15 deg elevation mask. For
the PPK processing, RTKLib’s Kalman filter was run only in
forward direction due to difficulties with ambiguity resolution
in the combined forward-backward processing. For the PPP
processing, the current RTKLib versions (2.4.2+) are capable
of unstable and experimental ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR,
Takasu 2013). Gurturk et al., 2022 investigated the accuracy
of RTKLib’s (among others) PPK and PPP with ambiguity res-
olution for two aircraft flights, with PPP-AR achieving a posi-
tioning accuracy of 6 cm compared to a PPK reference solution.
However, we were unable to obtain any satisfactory results with
RTKLib’s PPP-AR and therefore use the demo5 version (Ever-
ett, 2022b) where ambiguity resolution is disabled for PPP. The
demo5 version of RTKLib is primarily developed for low-cost
receivers (Everett, 2022a), but has generally been more usable
and reliable than the standard version in our testing. However,
without ambiguity resolution, PPP is expected to be less accur-
ate compared to the results from Gurturk et al. (2022). A generic
antenna profile is available for the antenna, although use of this
profile yielded no noticeable improvement - suggesting that the
calibration may be inappropriate for this specific antenna unit
or due to effects of the aircraft fuselage (cf. Rao 2013, Ch. 5).
The two resulting GNSS solutions are used separately as input in
the adjustment procedure (Fig. 1) to obtain two trajectories. For
each trajectory, an initial georeferencing is performed and the
resulting point clouds are used (separately) for extracting and
matching planar features. Then, the adjustments are repeated,
now with GNSS, IMU and LiDAR measurements. The final
trajectories and georeferenced point clouds are then evaluated.
The evaluation is carried out for a RIEGL VQ-880-GII airborne
laser bathymetry (ALB) system, a high-end topo-bathymetric
laser scanner integrated with an Applanix AP60 GNSS/IMU
on a gyro stabilization mount. This ALB dataset was acquired
in February 2023 in the area of the pre-Alpine Pielach river,
near Loosdorf, Lower Austria (Fig. 2). In this area, high-quality
reference data is available and will serve as ground truth for eval-
uating absolute accuracy. The reference data was acquired by
RTK survey, with an expected accuracy of 1.5 cm in planimetry
and 4 cm in altimetry1.
Data from both the infrared and the green channel is included in
all analyses. For the PPK processing, a virtual reference station
(VRS) in the center of the study area is used due to the lack
of close-by physical base station. In contrast, the advantage
of PPP is of course the complete independence of any local
Fig. 3 shows the differences between the estimated GNSS an-
tenna positions of the PPK- and PPP-solutions. The two solu-
tions differ by up to 20 cm, especially for the height component.
In addition to the time-varying discrepancies, a constant offset
is present between both solutions (Table 1). After the adjust-
ment process, the final trajectories are again compared (Fig. 4).
The constant offset remains but the time-varying differences are
reduced. Within the scan strips the discrepancies are reduced
to below 2.5cm due to the LiDAR-derived observations. Out-
side of the flight strips, i.e., when the airplane turns and no
scan data is acquired, the differences largely remain (see Fig. 5
and Fig. 6). Note also that the difference becomes less noisy
after adjustment due to the introduction of the (same) IMU
measurements in both adjustments, which smooth out some of
the higher-frequency components.
In Fig. 7, the final point clouds of three processing runs are com-
pared: a) the proprietary workflow of tightly coupled GNSS/IMU
processing using Applanix’s POSPac software, followed by strip
adjustment using RIEGL’s RiPRECISION, b) our GNSS/IMU/-
LiDAR-integration with the PPK-GNSS positions and c) our
1According to the RTK service provider.
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1/W3-2023
2nd GEOBENCH Workshop on Evaluation and BENCHmarking of Sensors, Systems and GEOspatial Data
in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 23–24 October 2023, Krakow, Poland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2023. CC BY 4.0 License.
2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
X (East) [m]
Y (North) [m]
Figure 2. Platform trajectory and ALS point cloud colored by
reflectance. Coordinates are given in a locally defined Cartesian
coordinate system with east-north-up (ENU) axes.
Shift x / y / z [cm]
GNSS (before adjustment) -5.78 / 1.46 / -1.06
Trajectory (after adjustment) -5.89 / 2.22 / -0.54
Table 1. Average difference between PPK- and PPP-solutions.
GNSS/IMU/LiDAR-integration with the PPP-GNSS positions.
The strip differences are used as a measure of the internal
consistency of the point cloud; here, the proposed adjustment
method (both the PPK and the PPP variant) performs slightly
better than the standard workflow, with strip differences reduced
to below 2.5 cm (excepting vegetation). The distance to the ref-
erence data is determined by first selecting points within 1 m
of the reference target, then estimating a best-fitting plane and
computing the normal distance from the reference target’s po-
sition to the plane. In terms of absolute accuracy, all three
solutions exhibit a (different) datum shift with respect to the
reference targets. Because the reference targets are made up of
horizontal ground control points and sloped rooftops of varying
azimuth, the 3-parameter (X/Y/Z) datum shift may be recovered
by minimizing the root mean squared error (RMSE) of normal
distance between point cloud and ground truth (i.e., by linear
least-squares). Table 2 shows the estimated datum shifts for all
three solutions, as well as the RMSE after application of the
datum shift. The datum shifts are different, but of similar mag-
nitude (10 cm) and the RMSE (after shifting) for all solutions
is below 4cm. Note that while the PPK- and PPP-GNSS solu-
tions initially show time-varying differences of up to 20 cm to
50800 51000 51200 51400 51600 51800 52000 52200
Time [s]
GNSS difference [cm]
x y z
Figure 3. Differences in position between the PPK- and the
PPP-processed GNSS solution, over time. The mean differences
(cf. Table 1) are shown as dashed lines.
50800 51000 51200 51400 51600 51800 52000 52200
Time [s]
Trajectory difference [cm]
x y z
Figure 4. Differences in position between the final trajectories
after adjustment using PPK-GNSS and after adjustment using
PPP-GNSS, over time. Time periods marked in gray correspond
to the flight strips (i.e., where LiDAR data is acquired). The
mean differences (cf. Table 1) are shown as dashed lines.
Shift x / y / z [cm] RMSE [cm]
Proprietary -3.32 / 5.26 / -6.82 3.98
PPK-adjustment 0.74 / 8.93 / 1.76 3.76
PPP-adjustment -5.10 / 11.46 / 1.31 3.74
Table 2. Datum shift and RMSE for all three solutions, derived
by fitting the point clouds to the reference targets. Note that the
point cloud shifts for the PPK- and the PPP-adjustment differ by
-5.85 / 2.53 / -0.44 , which matches the average difference
between the trajectories in Table 1.
each other, this reduces to a maximum difference of 2.5 cm after
adjustment for both trajectory and point cloud. Unsurprisingly,
the initial constant difference in the GNSS positions (Table 1)
carries over to the datum shift (Table 2). This implies that while
short-term errors can be corrected by inclusion of the LiDAR
data, long-term effects (including constant shifts) cannot.
The height difference between the PPK and the PPP blocks are
shown in Fig. 8, and are below 2.5cm. The block differences
correlate highly with the position differences of the adjusted
trajectory, with the larger differences in the locations where the
trajectory solutions show a corresponding difference in posi-
tion (see Fig. 6). A closer look at the area marked with the black
rectangle in Fig. 8, where the block difference reaches 2cm and
suitable reference targets are available, confirms a positional
shift affecting the whole area which is also reflected in the ref-
erence target distances (see Fig. 9). Specifically, the locations
of all ground control points, as determined from the respective
point clouds, are shifted in height by 1-1.5 cm. Conversely in
the area of negative block difference, the ground control points
are shifted in the other direction. Therefore, it is unclear which
solution is superior as both strip differences and RMSE w.r.t.
reference are the same for PPK and PPP. But, both show similar
or better point cloud quality than the proprietary solution.
The constant datum shift between the PPK-solution and the ref-
erence data may have different reasons. It is possible that GNSS
processing errors, such as insufficient treatment of atmospheric
effects, may account for some of it. Since different base sta-
tions were used for the acquisition of the reference data (using
RTK-GNSS) and the kinematic processing (PPK), a possible
datum error somewhere along the processing chain cannot be
fully excluded. The RMSE after application of the datum shift
is in line with the expectations for the accuracy of the reference
data, but the constant offset is likely systematic. Still, this is not
limited to the RTKLib processing, as a different constant off-
set of similar magnitude was determined when processing with
the industry-standard proprietary workflows of the navigation
system and laser scanner manufacturers.
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1/W3-2023
2nd GEOBENCH Workshop on Evaluation and BENCHmarking of Sensors, Systems and GEOspatial Data
in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 23–24 October 2023, Krakow, Poland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2023. CC BY 4.0 License.
2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
-10 cm
-8 cm
-6 cm
-4 cm
-2 cm
0 cm
2 cm
4 cm
6 cm
8 cm
10 cm
Figure 5. De-meaned differences in position between the PPK- and the PPP-processed GNSS solution for X, Y and Z axes (ENU).
2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
-2.5 cm
-2.0 cm
-1.5 cm
-1.0 cm
-0.5 cm
0.0 cm
0.5 cm
1.0 cm
1.5 cm
2.0 cm
2.5 cm
Figure 6. De-meaned differences in position between the trajectory obtained from the PPK-GNSS/IMU/LiDAR adjustment and the
trajectory obtained from the PPP-GNSS/IMU/LiDAR adjustment, for X, Y and Z axes (ENU). In comparison to Fig. 5, this depicts the
remaining time-varying differences in platform position after exploiting the overlaps in the LiDAR data to correct trajectory errors.
(a) Proprietary solution.
(b) PPK-based solution.
(c) PPP-based solution.
-10 cm
-8 cm
-6 cm
-4 cm
-2 cm
0 cm
2 cm
4 cm
6 cm
8 cm
10 cm
Figure 7. Maximum pairwise height differences of all strips and normal distances to reference targets. The 98 reference targets are
made up of approximately 55 horizontal ground control points and 43 sloped rooftops. Their coordinates are shifted slightly for better
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1/W3-2023
2nd GEOBENCH Workshop on Evaluation and BENCHmarking of Sensors, Systems and GEOspatial Data
in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 23–24 October 2023, Krakow, Poland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2023. CC BY 4.0 License.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
-2.5 cm
-2.0 cm
-1.5 cm
-1.0 cm
-0.5 cm
0.0 cm
0.5 cm
1.0 cm
1.5 cm
2.0 cm
2.5 cm
Figure 8. Difference in average height between the point cloud
resulting from the PPK-GNSS/IMU/LiDAR adjustment and the
point cloud resulting from the PPP-GNSS/IMU/LiDAR
adjustment. The black rectangle marks the area shown in Fig. 9.
In summary, the results using RTKLib, and especially the neg-
ligible difference between PPP- and PPK-derived point clouds,
are promising. The final point cloud obtained using the GNSS/-
IMU/LiDAR-integrated georeferencing approach together with
open-source RTKLib-based GNSS processing proves to be com-
parable in quality to the results of an industry-standard workflow
of GNSS/IMU integration followed by strip adjustment. With
respect to loose coupling of the GNSS measurements, we con-
clude that (1) constant or long-term shifts intrinsically cannot
be eliminated by such an adjustment and (2) time-varying errors
are correctable if sufficient redundant information from over-
lapping LiDAR strips is present. The tight-coupling of IMU
and LiDAR helps to avoid block deformations, which may oc-
cur in control-free strip adjustment. More analysis is needed to
determine the minimum amount of overlap and optimal flight
patterns to guarantee sufficient correction of the GNSS errors.
If time-varying errors can be eliminated and only a constant
datum shift is present, this could be rectified by introducing
control points as usual, but requiring a much lower number of
control points as might otherwise be necessary.
While the results are encouraging, the RTKLib software is some-
what restricted in terms of usability (parametrization of the al-
gorithms, restrictions on input data formats, possibility to use
certain precise GNSS products for PPP). Additionally, RTKLib
is not yet capable of resolving ambiguities reliably and consist-
ently in PPP, and may also have difficulties with PPK ambiguity
resolution in airborne scenarios with longer baselines. Should
this be fixed, further improvements in the direct georeferencing
accuracy may be expected in the future. The block difference
between the PPK-derived point cloud and the PPP-derived point
cloud strongly imply a systematic effect, but the difference can-
not be explained by a datum shift. A larger study area, together
with dense ground truth data, would help further investigation.
However, such data is not yet (publicly) available as data ac-
quisition requires significant time and effort, especially for the
large spatial scale of representative airborne laser scanning data
acquisitions. When acquiring reference data for the purposes
of benchmarking different georeferencing methods, special care
must be taken to ensure the accuracy of the reference data is
sufficiently high, which is challenging considering the errors
are at the centimeter-level. In data acquisitions involving mul-
tiple measurement methodologies, and carried out by multiple
parties, one must ensure the use of a single consistent datum
for all acquired data. Even then, no fully standardized methods
have been established to date for comparison of trajectories and
point clouds. Introduction of suitable benchmark data together
with standardized methods for evaluation will enable the de-
velopment of more accurate and more efficient georeferencing
methods in the future.
This work was carried out as part of the project ZAP-ALS
(883660) funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency
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2Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft, Vienna, Austria,
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1/W3-2023
2nd GEOBENCH Workshop on Evaluation and BENCHmarking of Sensors, Systems and GEOspatial Data
in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 23–24 October 2023, Krakow, Poland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2023. CC BY 4.0 License.
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
-0.3 0.8
Exact locations
(a) PPK-based point cloud.
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
0.5 1.8
Exact locations
(b) PPP-based point cloud.
-10 cm
-8 cm
-6 cm
-4 cm
-2 cm
0 cm
2 cm
4 cm
6 cm
8 cm
10 cm
Figure 9. Strip differences and distances to reference targets of sub-area with high block differences, area marked in Fig. 8.
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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVIII-1/W3-2023
2nd GEOBENCH Workshop on Evaluation and BENCHmarking of Sensors, Systems and GEOspatial Data
in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 23–24 October 2023, Krakow, Poland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2023. CC BY 4.0 License.
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Conference Paper
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Kinematic laser scanning is an efficient and highly accurate method for the acquisition of 3D topographic data. A primary task in kinematic laser scanning is the transformation of the laser scanner measurements from a local scanner coordinate system to a global georeferenced coordinate system. This requires knowledge of the scanners' trajectory (position and orientation over time). The trajectory is typically computed via Kalman filtering of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) measurement data. However, this trajectory often exhibits significant errors, which become apparent when point clouds acquired at different times overlap spatially. In these overlapping areas, corresponding points may be exploited in a subsequent strip adjustment to improve the trajectory and the system calibration and therefore the final point cloud. However, ignoring the raw GNSS and INS measurements and their statistical properties can lead to over-optimistic estimates and deformation of the laser point cloud. In this contribution, a method is presented which integrates the GNSS position, raw inertial measurements and laser scanner correspondences into one adjustment and explicitly models the time-correlated stochastic errors of the GNSS positioning solution. This method for direct georeferencing considerably reduces the discrepancies between overlapping point clouds, as demonstrated on an airborne laser scanning dataset in comparison with an existing state-of-the-art strip adjustment implementation.
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With the objective of improving the registration of lidar point clouds produced by kinematic scanning systems, we propose a novel trajectory adjustment procedure that leverages on the automated extraction of selected reliable 3D point–to–point correspondences between overlapping point clouds and their joint integration (adjustment) together with raw inertial and GNSS observations. This is performed in a tightly coupled fashion using a dynamic network approach that results in an optimally compensated trajectory through modeling of errors at the sensor, rather than the trajectory, level. The 3D correspondences are formulated as static conditions within the dynamic network and the registered point cloud is generated with significantly higher accuracy based on the corrected trajectory and possibly other parameters determined within the adjustment. We first describe the method for selecting correspondences and how they are inserted into the dynamic network via new observation model while providing an open-source implementation of the solver employed in this work. We then describe the experiments conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework in practical airborne laser scanning scenarios with low-cost MEMS inertial sensors. In the conducted experiments, the method proposed to establish 3D correspondences is effective in determining point–to–point matches across a wide range of geometries such as trees, buildings and cars. Our results demonstrate that the method improves the point cloud registration accuracy (∼5× in nominal and ∼10× in emulated GNSS outage conditions within the studied cases), which is otherwise strongly affected by errors in the determined platform attitude or position, and possibly determine unknown boresight angles. The proposed methods remain effective even if only a fraction (∼0.1%) of the total number of established 3D correspondences are considered in the adjustment.
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The integration of survey-grade Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) with photogrammetric measurement studies conducted with an aircraft has the potential to meet the need for the use of ground control points (GCP). In photogrammetric studies, there are different GNSS techniques to provide the precise positioning of the aircraft. The precise point positioning (PPP) technique has become an alternative method to post-processing kinematic (PPK) methods in the evaluation of GNSS data gathered with an aircraft at high speed. In this study, GNSS data gathered from two different flights conducted for photogrammetric surveys in Izmir, Turkey were processed with different software (RTKLIB, gLAB, CSRS-PPP, and GRAFNAV) through PPP technique with the ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR) method to analyse the performance of this method versus PPK. Three-dimensional (3D) positioning analyses of coordinate differences obtained from mapping flights demonstrated a variation pattern mainly between 0 and 6 cm for both kinematic PPP and PPK results.
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Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) has drawn increasing interests in autonomous driving. However, LiDAR-SLAM suffers from accumulating errors which can be significantly mitigated by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Precise Point Positioning (PPP), an accurate GNSS operation mode independent of base stations, gains growing popularity in unmanned systems. Considering the features of the two technologies, LiDAR-SLAM and PPP, this paper proposes a SLAM system, namely P3-LOAM (PPP based LiDAR Odometry and Mapping) which couples LiDAR-SLAM and PPP. For better integration, we derive LiDAR-SLAM positioning covariance by using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Jacobian model, since SVD provides an explicit analytic solution of Iterative Closest Point (ICP), which is a key issue in LiDAR-SLAM. A novel method is then proposed to evaluate the estimated LiDAR-SLAM covariance. In addition, to increase the reliability of GNSS in urban canyon environment, we develop a LiDAR-SLAM assisted GNSS Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) algorithm. Finally, we validate P3-LOAM with UrbanNav, a challenging public dataset in urban canyon environment. Comprehensive test results prove that, in terms of accuracy and availability, P3-LOAM outperforms benchmarks such as Single Point Positioning (SPP), PPP, LeGO-LOAM, SPP-LOAM, and the loosely coupled navigation system proposed by the publisher of UrbanNav.
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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) consists in the concurrent construction of a representation of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. The paper serves as a tutorial for the non-expert reader. It is also a position paper: by looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: do robots need SLAM? Is SLAM solved?
Conference Paper
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Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) is an efficient method for the acquisition of dense and accurate point clouds over extended areas. To ensure a gapless coverage of the area, point clouds are collected strip wise with a considerable overlap. The redundant information contained in these overlap areas can be used, together with ground-truth data, to re-calibrate the ALS system and to compensate for systematic measurement errors. This process, usually denoted as strip adjustment, leads to an improved georeferencing of the ALS strips, or in other words, to a higher data quality of the acquired point clouds. We present a fully automatic strip adjustment method that (a) uses the original scanner and trajectory measurements, (b) performs an on-the-job calibration of the entire ALS multisensor system, and (c) corrects the trajectory errors individually for each strip. Like in the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm, correspondences are established iteratively and directly between points of overlapping ALS strips (avoiding a time-consuming segmentation and/or interpolation of the point clouds). The suitability of the method for large amounts of data is demonstrated on the basis of an ALS block consisting of 103 strips.
Trajectory estimation refers to the task of obtaining position and orientation estimates by fusing various sensor inputs. In kinematic mapping, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and inertial navigation systems (INS) are traditionally used to compute a trajectory which then serves as basis for direct or integrated orientation of the imaging sensors. As an inherently interdisciplinary problem, literature on trajectory estimation is broad. Apart from remote sensing itself, many recent advances come from autonomous navigation and robotics. This paper aims to provide a unified view of trajectory estimation with a focus on its role in kinematic mapping, specifically on the integration of GNSS, INS, laser scanners and cameras, as well as a survey of the related literature. Recent trends and challenges in trajectory estimation are identified and discussed.
It is well known that accurate aerial position and attitude control is beneficial for image orientation in airborne photogrammetry. The aerial control is traditionally obtained by Kalman filtering/smoothing inertial and GNSS observations prior to the bundle-adjustment. However, in Micro Aerial Vehicles this process may result in poor attitude determination due to the limited quality of the inertial sensors, large alignment uncertainty and residual correlations between sensor biases and initial attitude. We propose to include the raw inertial observations directly into the bundle-adjustment instead of as position and attitude weighted observations from a separate inertial/GNSS fusion step. The necessary observation models are derived in detail within the context of the so called “Dynamic Networks”. We examine different real world cases and we show that the proposed approach is superior to the established processing pipeline in challenging scenarios such as mapping in corridors and in areas where the reception of GNSS signals is denied.