

  • Sriwijaya State Polytechnice
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Web applications are most widely used by the user in the cooperative information portal. This web application type is used as a communication tool to distribute information to the general public relating to the the organization or company. State Polytechnic Sriwijaya develop information portal that is used to distribute information related to academic activities in the form of announcements and news that happens in the State Polytechnic Sriwijaya. Portal of information held by the State Polytechnic Sriwijaya has not implemented the quality factor of reusability in Web application development cycle. The purpose of this research is to implement JQuery as the application of the quality factor of reusability at the Polytechnic of Sriwijaya information portal. JQuery is applied on the portal interface to allow users to use the information portal. Results obtained from this study that more information portal interesting and attractive. Keywords : JQuery, Usabilitas, Aplikasi Web Abstrak Aplikasi web yang paling banyak digunakan oleh pengguna kooperasi berbentuk portal informasi. Jenis aplikasi web ini digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi untuk mendistribusikan informasi ke masyarakat umum berkaitan dengan organisasi atau perusahaan. Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya mengembangkan portal informasi yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan informasi berkaitan dengan kegiatan akademik berbentuk pengumuman dan berita yang terjadi di Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. Portal informasi yang dimiliki oleh Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya belum menerapkan factor kualitas usabilitas dalam siklus pengembangan aplikasi web. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan JQuery sebagai penerapan factor kualitas usabilitas pada portal informasi Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. JQuery diterapkan pada antarmuka portal untuk memudahkan pengguna menggunakan portal informasi tersebut. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini portal informasi yang lebih menarik dan atraktif. Kata kunci : JQuery, Usability, Web Application

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... Beberapa penelitian yang menerapkan rancang bangun aplikasi berbasis web seperti pada penelitian tentang Jquery Sebagai Komponen Usabilitas Antarmuka Aplikasi Web yang bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan JQuery sebagai penerapan faktor kualitas usabilitas pada portal informasi Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. Hasil implementasi JQuery diterapkan pada portal informasi web yang memudahkan pengguna dan memberikan informasi yang lebih menarik dan atraktif (Ganiardi, Salamah, & Kusumanto, 2015). ...
... Aplikasi web sekarang merupakan suatu perangkat lunak yang kompleks, menyediakan layanan-layanan yang interaktif, intensif dan customizable, dapat diakses melalui perangkat yang berbeda, dan menydiakan berlangsungnya transaksi pengguna, serta biasanya menyimpan data dalam suatu basis data (Ganiardi, Salamah, & Kusumanto, 2015). ...
... Proses pemanggilan fungsi-fungsi inilah yang memudahkan programer aplikasi web akan lebih mudah membuat antarmuka aplikasi web yang lebih interaktif. Kode-kode program yang dihasilkan lebih ringkas dan sederhana sehingga mudah dipahami (Ganiardi, Salamah, & Kusumanto, 2015). ...
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Communication, discussion, and file sharing between divisions in a company is something every employee often does. The problem in this research is that not all users are connected smoothly so that it hinders communication and file transfers and in communication between divisions they have to install various applications on cellphones and PC users. This reduces the duration of time and efficiency in work. To solve this problem, a web-based chat application was designed. Because the development of these applications must use a good and structured design. Web-based chat application was created to solve this problem. This web-based application can be accessed via a web browser without having to install the application on a cellphone or laptop user. Based on the design of a web-based chat application that has been created, it is expected to be a solution for discussing, communicating and sharing files between employees in a company. In addition, it is useful to keep in touch and share files without having to install applications on cellphone or laptop users. The result of this research is that this web-based chat application can be a solution to keep communicating between employees who have difficulty accessing the internet.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the public to follow the sophistication of technological developments, including activities in government public services.The website is one of the media that utilizes the internet and is used in disseminating information to the public. This study aims to determine the suitability of the Bekasi Immigration Office website with the standardization of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights' website and to obtain a website service quality value using the webqual 4.0 and IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) methods. The method used in this study is to do a qualitative and quantitative approach. The standardization of Kemenkumham pages consists of domain naming, display standards, accessibility, information interoperability, social media accounts and search engine optimization, in conjunction with webqual 4.0 method, there are three research variables, namely usability, information quality, and interaction quality. There are 100 respondents in the study. Results of the research, there are six categories of suitability for standardization that have not been fulfilled on the Kanim Bekasi website. Meanwhile website correlation index is good and the results of the IPA Cartesian diagram still have top priority indicators whose performance has not been maximized and it is necessary to improve each category and indicator which is deemed not sufficient to meet the expectations or interests of users.
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Sistem penguncian pintu saat ini masih menggunakan kunci konvensional, sehingga kurang efisien untuk rumah dengan banyak pintu karena terlalu banyak kunci yang harus dibawa. Selain itu kunci konvesional mudah dibuka oleh pencuri dan juga kunci dapat diduplikasi oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Sehingga dibutuhkan kunci yang lebih praktis dan efisien, dari masalah tersebut penulis mempunyai gagasan untuk menghasilkan alat pengaman pintu yang aman dan praktis berbasis RFID. Dengan memanfaatkan E-KTP sebagai RFID tag sebagai pengaman pintu rumah. Rancang bangun pengaman pintu rumah menggunakan mikrokontroler NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai pengendali rangkaian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development yaitu metode yang bertujuan menghasilkan atau mengembangkan produk tertentu. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa simulasi alat pengaman pintu dapat beroperasi dengan baik, sesuai rancangan yang dibuat. RFID reader yang digunakan memiliki frekuensi 13.56 Mhz yang diletakan pada pintu dapat membaca ID E-KTP serta dikirim ke server AWS dengan AWS EC2 sebagai infrastruktur website untuk ditambahkan informasi yang lain dan disimpan ke dalam database MySQL. Jika ID tidak terdapat pada database, Led merah akan menyala dan buzzer akan berbunyi. Jika ID terdapat pada database, Motor servo akan menarik Grendel pintu Led kuning akan menyala, dan akan menutup pintu kembali dalam waktu 10 detik
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Current Web applications are very complex and highly sophisticated software products, whose usability can greatly determine their success or failure. Defining methods for ensuring usability is one of the current goals of Web engineering research. Also, much attention is currently paid to usability by industry, recognising the importance of adopting methods for usability evaluation before and after application deployment. This chapter introduces principles and evaluation methods to be adopted during the whole application lifecycle for promoting usability. For each evaluation method, the main features, as well as the emerging advantages and drawbacks, are illustrated so as to support the choice of an evaluation plan that best fits the goals to be pursued and the available resources. The design and evaluation of a real application is also described for exemplifying the concepts and methods introduced.
Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach (SEPA), Ninth Edition, represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject. This text is also available in Connect. Connect enables the professor to assign readings, homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student's work.
Web-based systems and applications now deliver a complex array of functionality to a large number of diverse groups of users. As our dependence and reliance on the Web has increased dramatically over the years, their performance, reliability and quality have become paramount importance. As a result, the development of Web applications has become more complex and challenging than most of us think. In many ways, it is also different and more complex than traditional software development. But, currently, the development and maintenance of most Web applications is chaotic and far from satisfactory. To successfully build and maintain large, complex Web-based systems and applications, Web developers need to adopt a disciplined development process and a sound methodology. The emerging discipline of Web engineering advocates a holistic, disciplined approach to successful Web development. In this chapter, we articulate and raise awareness of the issues and considerations in large, complex Web application development, and introduce Web engineering as a way of managing complexity and diversity of large-scale Web development.
Web is a specific interactive system which is in a wide range of application areas, but there are with different degrees of usability problems. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a design method for Web usability. Based on the theory of user centered design (UCD) and usability engineering principles, Web usability design includes three aspects: user research, Web design, and Web evaluation. User research focuses on target users, and researches user's goal, behavior and views by user modeling based on personas. Web design focuses on information architecture design, readability design, search design and page design to design the self-described Web user interface with high-usability. Web evaluation is a measuring means for iterative process of Web usability design. The method will be a guideline to design and improve Web usability for designers.
Web Engineering -The Discipline of SystematicDevelopment of Web Applications
  • G Kappel
  • B Proll
  • S Reich
  • W Retschitzegger
Kappel, G., Proll, B., Reich, S., & Retschitzegger, W. 2006.An Introduction toWeb Engineering. In G. Kappel, B. Proll, S. Reich, & W.Retschitzegger, Web Engineering -The Discipline of SystematicDevelopment of Web Applications (pp. 1-21). Heidelberg, Germany:John Wiley & Sons, Ltd