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Tourism policy Governance Transformation on Post COVID in Indonesian Super Priority Destination



Penelitian ini dilakukan karena COVID-19 memiliki dampak besar pada seluruh industri nasional termasuk industry pariwisata. Sehingga beberapa industri-industri besar seperti pertambangan, kegiatan ekspor- impor dan lini lainnya mengalami gangguan yang besar dan tidak diketahui kapan pandemic COVID-19 berakhir. Masalah pandemic COVID-19 telah muncul diseluruh dunia, lambatnya penanganan, tindakan, antisipasi, konflik kepentingan dan minimnya perhatian terhadap fasilitas kesehatan mengakibatkan pandemic ini semakin mudah untuk menyebar. Peneliti memaparkan keberlanjutan pariwisata Indonesia, terutama Destinasi Wisata Super Prioritas oleh Kementrian Pariwisata dan Ekomomi Kreatif, serta dampak yang dihadapi industri pariwisata selama pandemi COVID-19. Selain itu memaparkan tanggapan pemerintah berupa kebijakan baru terhadap industri pariwisata di era pasca pandemi COVID-19. Pandemi COVID-19 tidak hanya berdampak pada krisis kesehatan tetapi juga krisis ekonomi global, ekonomi nasional dan industri nasional termasuk industri pariwisata. Pemaparan dalam penelitian menampilkan keberlanjutan Destinasi Wisata Super Prioritas serta dampak yang dihadapi industri pariwisata selama pandemi COVID-19 dan memaparkan tanggapan pemerintah berupa kebijakan baru terhadap industri pariwisata di era pasca pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan mix methode dengan pendekatan eksploratif, yaitu memahami masalah secara mendalam, memetakan masalah kemudian melakaukan peninjauan langsung kelapangan/observasi, melakukan wawancara mendalam (indeph interview) serta mengumpulkan data langsung dari lapangan. Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode campuran merupakan penelitian yang diaplikasikan bila peneliti memiliki pertanyaan yang perlu diuji dari segi process dan outcomes-nya, serta menyangkut kombinasi antara metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam satu penelitian. Sehingga berfokus pada process dan outcomes, maka desain mix methode research (MMR) biasa digunakan dalam penelitian program
Strategy for Improving Tourism Management in
Indonesian Tourist Destinations
Tourism Management Strategy
Utilization of technology in tourism development:
Good tourism management can become branding in increasing tourism visits
through digital. Social media is used to attract visitor interest and provide
information related to tourist attractions
Sustainable Tourism Management Transformation
Transformation of tourism management based on the environment and
in line with achieving SDGs. Some regulations are appropriate and
refer to achieving the work targets of the central, regional and
stakeholder governments in sustainable tourism development, which
emphasises creating sustainable, social, economic, cultural and
environmental management.
Development from an economic perspective can increase the contribution of tourism GDP and
foreign exchange earnings from the tourism sector, including:
(1) Increasing the quality of tourism goods products through SMEs.
(2) Identify typical products (food and souvenirs) that can be developed using natural
products in SME-based areas through community self-help.
(3) Increasing and looking for tourist attractions that have unique characteristics by
cultivating diversification so that they are related and supportive
(4) There is a supporting capacity for utilizing the government budget in strengthening and
developing SMEs.
(5) Sustainable promotion of tourist attractions abroad, involving the community and all
interested parties.
Dessy Rachmawatie, Dr., M.Si.
Nur Fitri Mutmainah, S.IP.,MPA
Tiara Khairunnisa, S. IP., M.IP.
Tourism Policy and Governance
Transformation on Post-COVID in
Indonesian Super Priority
The development of the tourism sector continues to
contribute to the country's foreign exchange income, local
dosmestic income (pendapatan asli daerah/PAD), and the
development of a region. It is closely linked to economic
activities such as, hotels, restaurants, and transportation,
accelerating growth and creating jobs. However, the COVID-
19 pandemic has significantly impacted the other sectors,
reducing foreign tourist visits to Indonesia.
The COVID-19 virus come to Indonesia in the beginning of
2020 brought big problems to economics and social
sector. This virus also spread out quickly and had a
massive impact on the tourism sector. This negative impact
can be seen through several indicators, such as the decline
in foreign tourists and the reduction in hotel occupancy
rates in Indonesia. This can be seen after analyzing data
using NVivo regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the
tourism sector (figure 1).
COVID-19 pandemic changes the social structure, which are restrictions on
mobility and prohibitions on crowdin. In tourism, it is not only the
government that is the main pillar in establishing this sector. All elements
within a country are critical to the functioning and continuity of tourism life.
These three stakeholders are working together to achieve a goal, namely
improving and rebuilding the tourism sector, which is experiencing a crisis
due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Table 1 shows collaboration between three interrelated actors in dealing with
the tourism sector problem. These three actors are the government, the
private sector and society. There are three indicators used to assess the role
of each actor. The first indicator is innovation, the second is resilience, and
the third is sustainable development. Of each indicator, the dominant private
sector received the highest score; this raises questions regarding the
government's performance in managing the tourism sector during COVID-19
for approximately one year.
Strengthening Empowerment through SME contribution
Prof. Eko Priyo Purnomo, S.IP., M.Si., M.Res., Ph.D
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