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Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Myasthenia Gravis: A study bidirectional Mendelian randomization

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Abstract and Figures

Background Previous studies have suggested a potential association between AITD and MG, but the evidence is limited and controversial, and the exact causal relationship remains uncertain. Objective Therefore, we employed a Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis to investigate the causal relationship between AITD and MG. Methods To explore the interplay between AITD and MG, We conducted MR studies utilizing GWAS-based summary statistics in the European ancestry.Several techniques were used to ensure the stability of the causal effect, such as random-effect inverse variance weighted, weighted median, MR-Egger regression, and MR-PRESSO. Heterogeneity was evaluated by calculating Cochran's Q value. Moreover, the presence of horizontal pleiotropy was investigated through MR-Egger regression and MR-PRESSO Results The IVW method indicates a causal relationship between both GD(OR 1.31,95%CI 1.08 to 1.60,P = 0.005) and autoimmune hypothyroidism (OR: 1.26, 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.47, P = 0.002) with MG. However, there is no association found between FT4(OR 0.88,95%CI 0.65 to 1.18,P = 0.406), TPOAb(OR: 1.34, 95% CI: 0.86 to 2.07, P = 0.186), TSH(OR: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.77 to 1.23, P = 0.846), and MG. The reverse MR analysis reveals a causal relationship between MG and GD(OR: 1.50, 95% CI: 1.14 to 1.98, P = 3.57e-3), with stable results. On the other hand, there is a significant association with autoimmune hypothyroidism(OR: 1.29, 95% CI: 1.04 to 1.59, P = 0.019), but it is considered unstable due to the influence of horizontal pleiotropy (MR PRESSO Distortion Test P < 0.001). MG has a higher prevalence of TPOAb(OR: 1.84, 95% CI: 1.39 to 2.42, P = 1.47e-5) positivity and may be linked to elevated TSH levels(Beta:0.08,95% CI:0.01 to 0.14,P = 0.011), while there is no correlation between MG and FT4(Beta:-9.03e-3,95% CI:-0.07 to 0.05,P = 0.796). Conclusion AITD patients are more susceptible to developing MG, and MG patients also have a higher incidence of GD.
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Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Myasthenia
Gravis: A study bidirectional Mendelian
suijian Wang
First Aliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College
Shaoda Lin ( )
First Aliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College
Xiaohong Chen
First Aliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College
Daiyun Chen
First Aliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College
Research Article
Keywords: Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, Graves disease, hypothyroidism, Mendelian randomization,
Posted Date: October 14th, 2023
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 
Read Full License
Additional Declarations: No competing interests reported.
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Previous studies have suggested a potential association between AITD and MG, but the evidence is
limited and controversial, and the exact causal relationship remains uncertain.
Therefore, we employed a Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis to investigate the causal relationship
between AITD and MG.
To explore the interplay between AITD and MG, We conducted MR studies utilizing GWAS-based
summary statistics in the European ancestry.Several techniques were used to ensure the stability of the
causal effect, such as random-effect inverse variance weighted, weighted median, MR-Egger regression,
and MR-PRESSO. Heterogeneity was evaluated by calculating Cochran's Q value. Moreover, the presence
of horizontal pleiotropy was investigated through MR-Egger regression and MR-PRESSO
The IVW method indicates a causal relationship between both GD(OR 1.31,95%CI 1.08 to 1.60,P = 0.005)
and autoimmune hypothyroidism (OR: 1.26, 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.47, P = 0.002) with MG. However, there is no
association found between FT4(OR 0.88,95%CI 0.65 to 1.18,P = 0.406), TPOAb(OR: 1.34, 95% CI: 0.86 to
2.07, P = 0.186), TSH(OR: 0.97, 95% CI: 0.77 to 1.23, P = 0.846), and MG. The reverse MR analysis reveals
a causal relationship between MG and GD(OR: 1.50, 95% CI: 1.14 to 1.98, P = 3.57e-3), with stable results.
On the other hand, there is a signicant association with autoimmune hypothyroidism(OR: 1.29, 95% CI:
1.04 to 1.59, P = 0.019), but it is considered unstable due to the inuence of horizontal pleiotropy (MR
PRESSO Distortion Test P < 0.001). MG has a higher prevalence of TPOAb(OR: 1.84, 95% CI: 1.39 to 2.42,
P = 1.47e-5) positivity and may be linked to elevated TSH levels(Beta:0.08,95% CI:0.01 to 0.14,P = 0.011),
while there is no correlation between MG and FT4(Beta:-9.03e-3,95% CI:-0.07 to 0.05,P = 0.796).
AITD patients are more susceptible to developing MG, and MG patients also have a higher incidence of
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Autoimmune thyroid disorders (AITD) emerge from an immune system malfunction, giving rise to an
immune onslaught against the thyroid gland(1).AITD stand as the most prevalent autoimmune disorders
and hold the position of being the most frequently observed pathological conditions of the thyroid
gland(2). This category encompasses two major clinical manifestations: Graves' disease (GD) and
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), both of which share a common characteristic—lymphocytic inltration of the
thyroid parenchyma(3). The dening clinical traits of GD and HT involve thyrotoxicosis and
hypothyroidism, correspondingly(4).The inltration of the thyroid by autoreactive lymphocytes and the
generation of antibodies against three primary thyroid antigens, namely thyroid peroxidase (TPO),
thyroglobulin (TG), and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), are instigated by the activation of
T- and B cell pathways(5).AITD's etiology is presently comprehended as multifactorial, resulting from the
intricate interplay between particular susceptibility genes and environmental exposures,with genetic
differences and susceptibility playing an important role in the etiology of GD and HT(6).
Myasthenia gravis (MG) exemplies a classic autoimmune disorder mediated by antibodies, primarily
affecting the neuromuscular junction(7).Antibody-mediated processes underlie MG, where antibodies are
generated against key components such as the acetylcholine receptor (AchR), the muscle-specic kinase
antibody (MuSK), and the agrin receptor low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-4 antibody (LRP4)
(8).The precise triggering of the autoimmune response in MG remains undisclosed, however, it is evident
that deviations within the thymus gland (hyperplasia and neoplasia) have a substantial role, particularly
in patients with anti-AChR antibodies(9, 10) and the development of the disorder is plausibly subject to
genetic predisposition(11).
MG and AITD exhibit certain similarities, such as both being organ-specic, antibody-mediated, and
contributing to ocular myopathy and exophthalmos(12).Some studies have documented the rising
incidence of thyroid disorders in MG, with a higher propensity for MG patients to develop HT and other
autoimmune thyroid disorders(13, 14).Patients diagnosed with HT and GD exhibited a heightened
subsequent risk of developing MG(15).However, there is a lack of consistency among the reported results,
with some studies indicating no clinical association between myasthenia symptomatology and thyroid
dysfunction, as well as no signicant impact on myasthenic symptoms when the endocrine disorders
improve(16).The relationship between AITD and MG is still a topic of ongoing debate, and observational
studies are susceptible to the inuence of reverse causality and confounding effects.To explore the
causal association between AITD and MG, we employed a bidirectional Mendelian randomization (MR)
approach in this study. This method utilized genetic variants obtained from genome-wide association
studies as instrumental variables (IVs) to mitigate biases commonly found in observational
epidemiological studies, such as reverse causation.
2.Materials and methods
2.1 Study design and the assumption of MR
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Employing a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) design, we ascertained the overall effects, with
the primary objective of assessing the connection between AITD and MG. In a separate two-step MR
investigation, we explored whether thyroid function characteristics acted as intermediaries in the impact
of AITD on MG. A reverse MR analysis was carried out to assess the reciprocal inuence of MG on
AITD(Figure1).The MR analysis was conducted under the following assumptions: (i) the single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) used as IVs were obtained from GWAS and displayed associations with the
exposures; (ii) the IVs were not associated with confounding factors; (iii) the IVs had an exclusive
inuence on the risk of outcomes solely through the exposures(17).
2.2 Data sources
FinnGen constitutes a substantial collaboration between the public and private sectors, with the objective
of gathering and scrutinizing genomic and health information from 500,000 individuals enrolled in
FinnGen biobanks(https://www.nngen./en). Within this framework, the FinnGen Biobank of European
descent has furnished the Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) data associated with ATID,
encompassing GD with 4,462 cases and 320,703 controls, as well as autoimmune hypothyroidism with
40,926 cases and 274,069 controls(18). We obtained the summary data for thyroid function GWAS from
the ThyroidOmics Consortium, an initiative established to investigate the factors inuencing thyroid
disorders and thyroid function(19). In a meta-analysis, the analysis of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
included data from 22 distinct cohorts, encompassing a total of 54,288 individuals, while analyses of free
thyroxine (FT4) were based on data from 19 cohorts involving 49,269 individuals(19).The GWAS
information for thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) was extracted from a separate meta-analysis
conducted on a general population of 18,297 individuals across 11 different populations. Among these
individuals, there were 1,769 cases with TPOAb positivity(20).Samples of individuals with MG were
gathered from collaborative sources in both the United States and Italy, constituting a total of 1,873 cases
and 36,370 controls(21). The diagnosis of MG relied on established clinical criteria, specically the
presence of characteristic, fatigue-induced muscle weakness, alongside electrophysiological and/or
pharmacological anomalies, and further conrmed by the presence of anti-acetylcholine receptor
antibodies(22).The complete information is in Table1.
Details of GWAS included in MR analyses.
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Traits Consortia Ethnicity Cases Control Sample
size PMID
Graves FinnGen Biobank European 4462 320703 325165 36653562
hypothyroidism FinnGen Biobank European 40926 274069 314995 36653562
TPOAb The ThyroidOmics
Consortium European 1769 16528 18297 24586183
FT4 The ThyroidOmics
Consortium European / / 49269 30367059
TSH The ThyroidOmics
Consortium European / / 54288 30367059
gravis HumanOmniExpress
arrays European 1873 36370 38243 35074870
2.3 Selection of genetic instrumental variables
To obtain IVs while satisfying the assumption of strong correlation between the exposure and SNPs, we
applied a genome-wide signicance threshold of P-value (P<5×10-8). Additionally, the datasets were
harmonized through the removal of variants in potential linkage disequilibrium (r2 =0.001, 10,000
kb).Subsequently,we standardized the effect estimates for both exposure and outcome variants and
eliminated any potential SNPs with incompatible alleles or palindromic SNPs(23).To assess the strength
of genetically determined IVs and avoid any bias towards weak IVs, we used F statistics (beta2/se2)
(24)and ensured that F>10 in line with the rst MR assumption(25, 26).
2.4 Mendelian randomization analyses
The main analysis utilized the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) approach under a random-effects model,
which accounts for heterogeneity across SNPs(27). We conducted several sensitivity analyses to ensure
the robustness of the primary analysis. The weighted median (WM) method, requiring over 50% of the
weight corresponding to valid IVs, was also employed to estimate the causal effects(28). Additionally, we
evaluated possible horizontal pleiotropy using MR-Egger intercepts(28, 29). To detect and correct for any
potential horizontal pleiotropic outliers, we utilized the MR-PRESSO framework, adjusting the IVW
estimate through outlier removal(30). Furthermore, we conducted a leave-one-out analysis to investigate
whether the effect estimates were impacted by any singular outlier variant.The analyses were conducted
using the R software (version 4.2.3) Two-Sample MR package.
Forward MR Analysis between AITD and MG
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After data screening, 24 SNPS were extracted from GD data, 117 SNPS were extracted from the
Autoimmune hypothyroidism data, 8 SNPS were extracted from TPOAb data, 41 SNPS were extracted
from TSH data, and 19 SNPS were extracted from FT4 data ( Supplementary1 Tables 1-5 ).The
assessment of the effects of these 24 valid IVs on MG consistently revealed a causal association
between GD and MG (OR 1.31,95%CI 1.08 to 1.60,P=0.005), and this direction of effect remained
consistent when employing both the MR-Egger and Weighted Median methods.Subsequent testing
revealed the presence of heterogeneity (Q-pval =1.180e-05), leading to the adoption of a random-effects
model to estimate the MR effect size. Neither evidence of horizontal pleiotropy was found through the MR
Egger intercept(egger intercept P=0.996), nor was there any signicant difference in results after
removing two outlier identied by the MR Presso test (MR PRESSO Distortion Test P=0.929).The results
remained stable before and after the correction(Supplementary2 Table1).The IVW method, upon analysis,
indicated a signicant association between autoimmune hypothyroidism and an increased risk of MG
(OR: 1.26, 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.47, P =0.002, Figure 1). This direction of effect was consistent with the
Weighted Median method, and the MR Egger intercept (egger intercept P=0.127) did not reveal any
evidence of pleiotropy. After removing six outliers with the MR Presso approach, the results remained
unchanged (MR PRESSO Distortion Test P = 0.620). Furthermore, the IVW method found no signicant
associations between TSH, FT4, and TPOAb with the risk of MG (refer to Figure 1). These consistent
ndings were replicated using alternative methodologies and through replicative
analyses(Supplementary2 Table1).
Reverse MR Analysis between MG and AITD
During the reverse MR analysis, six SNPs were extracted from the MG dataset and utilized as IVs. The
IVW method demonstrated a signicant association between MG and an increased risk of GD(OR: 1.50,
95% CI: 1.14to1.98, P =3.57e-3, Figure 2). This association was corroborated by the Weighted Median
method (OR: 1.21, 95% CI: 1.10to1.33, P =6.04e-5, Figure 2) and the Weighted Mode method (OR: 1.20,
95% CI: 1.10to1.31, P =9.30e-3, Figure 2). Moreover, the MR Egger intercept (Egger intercept P = 0.310)
did not indicate the presence of pleiotropy. After the removal of four outliers with the MR Presso
technique, the results remained stable (MR PRESSO Distortion Test P=1). Causal associations were also
observed between MG and autoimmune hypothyroidism, supported by the IVW method (OR: 1.29, 95% CI:
1.04to1.59, P =0.019, Figure 2), the Weighted Median method (OR: 1.12, 95% CI: 1.07to1.17, P =7.43e-8,
Figure 2), and the Weighted Mode method (OR: 1.12, 95% CI: 1.08to1.17, P =2.02e-3, Figure 2). However,
further MR Presso testing revealed the presence of pleiotropy (MR PRESSO Distortion Test P < 0.001),
indicating instability in the results.
Following harmonization, a combined total of 2 valid IVs were identied for the association between MG
and TPOAb, while 1 valid IV was found for the relationship between MG and FT4/TSH. The IVW method
revealed a causal relationship between MG and TPOAb (OR: 1.84, 95% CI: 1.39to2.42, P =1.47e-5,
Figure3), and the Wald ratio method indicated an association between MG and elevated TSH
(Beta:0.08,95% CI:0.01to 0.14,P =0.011,Figure4), whereas there was no observed correlation with FT4.
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F-statistics and Visualization of MR
F-statistics were employed to calculate the values for each valid IV, with none of them falling below 10
(Supplementary1 Tables9–14). The arrangement of gures from left to right includes forest plots, scatter
plots, funnel plots, and leave-one-out plots showcasing the MR Effect (Figure 5). The scatter plots exhibit
a positive correlation trend between ATID and MG, which is also evident in the reverse MR analysis. The
symmetrical funnel plots indicate result stability. The forest plots allow for the observation of the effects
of each SNP, while the leave-one-out analysis validates the signicance of the results(Figure 5).
This is the rst MR analysis conducted on AITD and MG. Previous case reports have described the co-
occurrence of GD and MG(31-34). However, the occurrence of thyroid-associated
ophthalmopathy(TAO)and MG together is extremely rare. A retrospective study of 1482 MG cases
revealed that only 20 cases (1.3%) were identied with TAO(35). The sequence of onset between AITD
and MG remains unclear. Studies have reported the TNF-α -863 polymorphism is likely to be associated
with MG combined with TAO(33).Both AITD and MG demonstrate a noticeable genetic predisposition(7,
36, 37). Thymoma or thymus hyperplasia is commonly linked to MG(7), and the amelioration of
neuromuscular symptoms following thymectomy suggests the involvement of a dysfunctional thymus in
the development of MG(38). The presence of thymus hyperplasia in GD was initially described in 1912
and is a prevalent nding (approximately 40% in histology) in patients with thyrotoxicosis(39-41).
Multiple lines of evidence indicate that thyroid hormones themselves induce thymus hyperplasia(42-44).
In this context, the promiscuous expression of the TSH receptor in thymocytes may be responsible for the
autoimmune-mediated expansion of the thymus in GD, facilitated by TSH receptor-stimulating
autoantibodies(45). Conversely, it has also been observed that the size of the thymus decreases after
thyroidectomy, reecting the correction of thyrotoxicosis as well as the reduction of the autoimmune
response against the TSH receptor(46).Reduction ofTPOAbfollowing Thymectomy in Patients
The existence of a correlation between AITD and MG remains a subject of debate. This study utilized MR
analysis to provide evidence supporting a causal relationship between AITD and MG based on genetic
variation. The ndings complement the conclusions drawn from previous observational studies. Our
results indicate a higher susceptibility of AITD patients to MG and a greater likelihood of MG patients
developing GD. However, the reliability of the results for Autoimmune hypothyroidism is considered
questionable due to the inuence of horizontal pleiotropy. Furthermore, MG patients exhibit a higher
prevalence of TPOAb positivity. Additionally, a positive correlation between MG and TSH is observed,
although further validation is required as only one SNP was analyzed.
Our study possessed evident advantages.Firstly, it stood as the inaugural research endeavor to analyze
the causal association between AITD and MG using bidirectional two-sample  Mendelian
randomization.Moreover, the exposure and outcome datasets were sourced from different databases,
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thereby mitigating the potential interference caused by sample overlap (33). The instrumental variables
(IVs) employed in our study were SNPs exhibiting strong associations (P5e-8) and high intensity (F-
statistics > 10). Consequently, the exposure and outcome samples in this study were more comparable,
lending greater credibility to our conclusions.Furthermore, our study incorporated a comprehensive
sensitivity analysis.
Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of our research. Firstly, the available GWAS data
for MG and TPOAb is currently restricted, comprising a small number of cases and a limited set of
extractable SNPs. To ensure further validation, larger sample sizes of GWAS data are required. Secondly,
we did not stratify the causal effects of GD and MG based on gender and age, which may introduce
potential heterogeneity due to variations in health status, age, or gender. Moreover, it is worth noting that
our study population consisted of Europeans, and therefore, the generalizability of our conclusions to a
global population may be limited.
In summary, our bidirectional two-sample MR analysis explores the relationship between AITD and MG,
elucidating the causal associations that retrospective studies fail to address from a perspective of
genetic variation. It reveals the bidirectional causal relationship between GD and MG, as well as the
causal relationship between hypothyroidism and MG. Furthermore, it indicates a higher prevalence of
TPOAb positivity in MG patients, potentially linked to elevated TSH levels. These ndings supplement the
evidence from previous observational studies.
Contributor Information
Suijian Wang,Department of Endocrinology, The First Aliated Hospital, School of Medicine,59
Changping Road,Shantou University,Shantou515041,China,
Shaoda Lin,Department of Endocrinology, The First Aliated Hospital, School of Medicine,59 Changping
Road,Shantou University,Shantou515041,China,
Xiaohong Chen,Department of Endocrinology, The First Aliated Hospital, School of Medicine,59
Changping Road,Shantou University,Shantou515041,China,
Daiyun Chen,Department of Endocrinology, The First Aliated Hospital, School of Medicine,59
Changping Road,Shantou University,Shantou515041,China,
Research design and conceptualization,S.W.,data management,S.W.,S.L.,Investigation and
analysis,S.W.,D.C.,Verication,S.W.,X.C.,visualization,D.C.,writing and review,S.L.,project integration and
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editor,S.W.,X.C,the manuscript has been reviewed and approved by all authors prior to its publication.
This work was supported by the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Special Funds (Project
No. 20211231071-33) and the Clinical Research Enhancement Program (Project No. 2014110108).
Availability of data and material
For access to the data utilized in this research, interested parties can contact the corresponding author
Conicts of interest
Not applicable
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Figure 1
A ow chart outlining the study design and the steps involved in MR analysis.
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Figure 2
Forest plots of causal effect estimates in forward MR. GD, Graves disease; SNP, single-nucleotide
polymorphism;IVW,inverse variance weighted.MG,Myasthenia gravis;TPOAb,thyroid peroxidase
antibody;FT4,free thyroxine4;TSH,thyroid stimulating hormone.
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Figure 3
Forest plots of causal effect estimates in reverse MR,GD, Graves disease; SNP, single-nucleotide
polymorphism;IVW,inverse variance weighted.MG,Myasthenia gravis;TPOAb,thyroid peroxidase antibody.
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Figure 4
Forest plots of causal effect estimates in reverse MR,IVW,inverse variance weighted.MG,Myasthenia
gravis;TPOAb,thyroid peroxidase antibody;FT4,free thyroxine4;TSH,thyroid stimulating hormone.
Figure 5
From left to right includes forest plots, scatter plots, funnel plots, and leave-one-out plots showcasing the
MR Effect.A,the MR Effect of GD on MG;B,the MR Effect of hypothyroidism on MG;C,the MR Effect of MG
on GD;D,the MR Effect of MG on hypothyroidism.
Supplementary Files
This is a list of supplementary les associated with this preprint. Click to download.
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Population isolates such as those in Finland benefit genetic research because deleterious alleles are often concentrated on a small number of low-frequency variants (0.1% ≤ minor allele frequency < 5%). These variants survived the founding bottleneck rather than being distributed over a large number of ultrarare variants. Although this effect is well established in Mendelian genetics, its value in common disease genetics is less explored1,2. FinnGen aims to study the genome and national health register data of 500,000 Finnish individuals. Given the relatively high median age of participants (63 years) and the substantial fraction of hospital-based recruitment, FinnGen is enriched for disease end points. Here we analyse data from 224,737 participants from FinnGen and study 15 diseases that have previously been investigated in large genome-wide association studies (GWASs). We also include meta-analyses of biobank data from Estonia and the United Kingdom. We identified 30 new associations, primarily low-frequency variants, enriched in the Finnish population. A GWAS of 1,932 diseases also identified 2,733 genome-wide significant associations (893 phenome-wide significant (PWS), P < 2.6 × 10–11) at 2,496 (771 PWS) independent loci with 807 (247 PWS) end points. Among these, fine-mapping implicated 148 (73 PWS) coding variants associated with 83 (42 PWS) end points. Moreover, 91 (47 PWS) had an allele frequency of <5% in non-Finnish European individuals, of which 62 (32 PWS) were enriched by more than twofold in Finland. These findings demonstrate the power of bottlenecked populations to find entry points into the biology of common diseases through low-frequency, high impact variants. Genome-wide association studies of individuals from an isolated population (data from the Finnish biobank study FinnGen) and consequent meta-analyses facilitate the identification of previously unknown coding variant associations for both rare and common diseases.
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Significance Our study, involving 1,873 patients and 36,370 healthy individuals, is an extensive genome-wide study of myasthenia gravis. Our genome-wide association and transcriptome-wide association analyses identified two signals, namely CHRNA1 and CHRNB1 , encoding acetylcholine receptor subunits, which were replicated in an independent cohort obtained from the UK Biobank. Identifying these genes confirms the potential utility of using genetics to identify proteins that are the antigenic targets of autoantibodies. We confirmed that the genetic abnormalities underlying early-onset and late-onset myasthenia gravis are different. Our data offer a broader insight into the genetic architecture underlying the pathophysiology of myasthenia gravis.
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Autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD) is the most frequent cause of acquired thyroid dysfunction, most commonly presenting either as Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Graves' Disease. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is characterized by the presence of thyroid-specific autoantibodies, more commonly anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies in the serum and the typical inhomogeneous echostructure of the thyroid on a thyroid ultrasound examination. Hashimoto's thyroiditis can for a long time be accompanied by normal thyroid function and hypothyroidism can only progressively be established. Graves' disease is much less frequent in childhood and adolescence and presents with overt hyperthyroidism. After the onset of puberty, ATD affects females with a higher incidence than males, while during the prepubertal period there is not such a clear preponderance of affected females. ATD can occur either isolated or in the context of other autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1D), celiac disease, alopecia areata, vitiligo, etc. Especially at the pediatric age, a higher incidence of ATD is also observed in the context of specific genetic syndromes, such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, or 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Nevertheless, although thyroid dysfunction may also be observed in other genetic syndromes, such as Prader-Willi or Williams syndrome, the thyroid dysfunction in these syndromes is not the result of thyroid autoimmunity. Interestingly, there is emerging evidence supporting a possible link between autoimmunity and RASopathies. In this review article the incidence, as well as the clinical manifestation and accompanied pathologies of ATD in specific genetic syndromes will be presented and regular follow-up for the early identification of the disorder will be proposed.
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Thyroid dysfunction is an important public health problem, which affects 10% of the general population and increases the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Many aspects of thyroid hormone regulation have only partly been elucidated, including its transport, metabolism, and genetic determinants. Here we report a large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for thyroid function and dysfunction, testing 8 million genetic variants in up to 72,167 individuals. One-hundred-and-nine independent genetic variants are associated with these traits. A genetic risk score, calculated to assess their combined effects on clinical end points, shows significant associations with increased risk of both overt (Graves’ disease) and subclinical thyroid disease, as well as clinical complications. By functional follow-up on selected signals, we identify a novel thyroid hormone transporter (SLC17A4) and a metabolizing enzyme (AADAT). Together, these results provide new knowledge about thyroid hormone physiology and disease, opening new possibilities for therapeutic targets.
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Although plasma proteins have important roles in biological processes and are the direct targets of many drugs, the genetic factors that control inter-individual variation in plasma protein levels are not well understood. Here we characterize the genetic architecture of the human plasma proteome in healthy blood donors from the INTERVAL study. We identify 1,927 genetic associations with 1,478 proteins, a fourfold increase on existing knowledge, including trans associations for 1,104 proteins. To understand the consequences of perturbations in plasma protein levels, we apply an integrated approach that links genetic variation with biological pathway, disease, and drug databases. We show that protein quantitative trait loci overlap with gene expression quantitative trait loci, as well as with disease-associated loci, and find evidence that protein biomarkers have causal roles in disease using Mendelian randomization analysis. By linking genetic factors to diseases via specific proteins, our analyses highlight potential therapeutic targets, opportunities for matching existing drugs with new disease indications, and potential safety concerns for drugs under development.
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Results from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) can be used to infer causal relationships between phenotypes, using a strategy known as 2-sample Mendelian randomization (2SMR) and bypassing the need for individual-level data. However, 2SMR methods are evolving rapidly and GWAS results are often insufficiently curated, undermining efficient implementation of the approach. We therefore developed MR-Base ( ): a platform that integrates a curated database of complete GWAS results (no restrictions according to statistical significance) with an application programming interface, web app and R packages that automate 2SMR. The software includes several sensitivity analyses for assessing the impact of horizontal pleiotropy and other violations of assumptions. The database currently comprises 11 billion single nucleotide polymorphism-trait associations from 1673 GWAS and is updated on a regular basis. Integrating data with software ensures more rigorous application of hypothesis-driven analyses and allows millions of potential causal relationships to be efficiently evaluated in phenome-wide association studies.
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Horizontal pleiotropy occurs when the variant has an effect on disease outside of its effect on the exposure in Mendelian randomization (MR). Violation of the 'no horizontal pleiotropy' assumption can cause severe bias in MR. We developed the Mendelian randomization pleiotropy residual sum and outlier (MR-PRESSO) test to identify horizontal pleiotropic outliers in multi-instrument summary-level MR testing. We showed using simulations that the MR-PRESSO test is best suited when horizontal pleiotropy occurs in <50% of instruments. Next we applied the MR-PRESSO test, along with several other MR tests, to complex traits and diseases and found that horizontal pleiotropy (i) was detectable in over 48% of significant causal relationships in MR; (ii) introduced distortions in the causal estimates in MR that ranged on average from -131% to 201%; (iii) induced false-positive causal relationships in up to 10% of relationships; and (iv) could be corrected in some but not all instances.
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The study aims to explore the correlation of HLA-DQ and TNF-α gene polymorphisms with ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) combined with thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO). From March 2009 to March 2015, 56 OMG patients complicated with TAO (OMG + TAO group), 134 patients diagnosed with OMG only (OMG group) and 236 healthy individuals (control group) were enrolled in this study. Polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP) was used for HLA-DQ genotyping and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RELP) for TNF-α genotyping. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit was applied to detect AchRAb level and chemiluminescence immunoassay to measure thyroid-associated antibody (T-Ab) level. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to analyze the risk factors for OMG combined with TAO. DQA1*0103 showed lower frequency in the OMG group than in the control group. DQA1*0301 showed increased and DQB1*0601 showed decreased frequency in the OMG + TAO group. DQB1*0501 showed higher frequency in the OMG and OMG + TAO groups than in the control group. Patients carrying TNF-α -863C > A (CA + AA) might confront with greater risks of OMG combined with TAO. Frequency of DQA1*0103/*0301 and DQB1*0501/*0601, and TNF-α -863C > A, -238G > A and -308G > A were associated with the levels of AchRAb and T-Ab antibodies. TNF-α -863C > A (CA + AA) and high level of T-Ab antibody were risk factors for OMG combined with TAO. Our results demonstrate that TNF-α -863 polymorphism is possibly correlated with the risk of OMG combined with TAO.
Objectives: The thymus plays a central role in immune tolerance, which prevents autoimmunity. Myasthenia gravis (MG) is commonly associated with thymoma or thymus hyperplasia, and it can coexist with autoimmune thyroid diseases. However, the role of the thymus in thyroid autoimmunity remains to be clarified, which we investigated here. Study design: The study design entailed the inclusion of consecutive MG patients and the measurement of anti-thyroid autoantibodies at baseline and, limited to autoantibody-positive patients, also at 24 and 48 weeks. One hundred and seven MG patients were studied. The main outcome measure was the behaviour of anti-thyroglobulin autoantibodies (TgAbs) and anti-thyroperoxidase autoantibodies (TPOAbs) over time in relation to thymectomy. Results: Serum TgAbs and/or TPOAbs were detected in ∼20% of patients in the absence of thyroid dysfunction. The prevalence of positive serum TgAbs and/or TPOAbs decreased significantly (p = 0.002) over the follow-up period in patients who underwent thymectomy, but not in patients who were not thymectomized. When the analysis was restricted to TgAbs or TPOAbs, findings were similar. On the same line, there was a general trend towards a reduction in the serum concentrations of anti-thyroid autoantibodies in patients who underwent thymectomy, which was significant for TPOAbs (p = 0.009). Conclusions: Our findings suggest a role of the thymus in the maintenance of humoral thyroid autoimmunity.
Objectives To estimate the prevalence of thyroid diseases and the cumulative risk of thyroid diseases during a follow‐up period after myasthenia gravis diagnosis (MG) compared with non‐MG control groups. Materials & Methods We used the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database linked to Registry of Catastrophic Illness database to identify patients with MG. The control groups were composed of those who did not have MG and were matched with the MG patients by sex, age and index date. We recorded thyroid disease histories before and after the index date. Results Our study included 5,813 MG patients and 29,025 control groups. The prevalence of thyroid diseases in the MG patients at diagnosis was 18.4%, which was nearly 3.9‐fold greater than that in the control groups. (Odds ratio [OR] 3.89, 95% Confidence interval [CI] 3.574–4.246) After excluding pre‐existing thyroid diseases, the incidence of comorbid thyroid diseases was 8.7% in the MG patients and 4% in the control groups. The MG patients had a 2.36‐fold increased risk of developing thyroid diseases compared to the control groups. (HR 2.36, 95% CI 2.10–2.66) The cumulative probabilities of developing thyroid diseases at 1,5,10 years after the index date were 21.6%, 24.9%, and 28.7%, respectively, in the MG patients, while the cumulative probabilities were and 6.5%, 8.8%, and 11.8%, respectively, in control groups (log‐rank test <.0001). Conclusions The current population‐based study showed a higher prevalence of pre‐existing thyroid diseases and a higher cumulative probability of thyroid diseases during follow‐up after MG diagnosis than in the general population.