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Degradation of "Pink camera"



Instagram's addiction methods
Degradation of ”Pink camera”
April 2023
1 Introduction
Instagram is a social media platform that was launched in 2010 and has become
a global phenomenon. Available as a free app on both iOS and Android devices,
Instagram allows users to share and discover photos and videos with their fol-
lowers, as well as engage with other users through likes, comments, and direct
One of Instagram’s hallmark features is its focus on visual content. Users
can upload and edit photos and videos, apply filters, and add captions, hashtags,
and location tags to their posts. Instagram’s emphasis on visual aesthetics has
made it a popular platform for showcasing personal creativity, photography,
fashion, art, and lifestyle.
Over the years, Instagram has introduced several features that have sig-
nificantly impacted how users interact with the platform. Instagram Stories,
launched in 2016, allows users to share temporary photos and videos that dis-
appear after 24 hours, giving a more real-time and ephemeral feel to content.
IGTV, launched in 2018, is a long-form video platform within Instagram that
allows users to share longer videos. Reels, launched in 2020, is a short-form
video format that competes with other popular platforms like TikTok.
Instagram has also become a hub for businesses, influencers, and content
creators. Brands and businesses use Instagram to promote their products and
services, collaborate with influencers, and connect with customers. Influencers
and content creators leverage Instagram to build their personal brand, share
their content, and connect with their audience. Instagram’s shopping features,
such as shoppable posts and Instagram Checkout, have transformed it into an
e-commerce platform for businesses to sell products directly to users.
However, Instagram has also faced criticism and concerns over issues such
as privacy, cyberbullying, mental health impacts, and the spread of misinfor-
mation. The pressure to present an idealized version of life on Instagram, the
addictive nature of social media, and the negative effects of cyberbullying and
comparison can impact users’ mental health and well-being.
Despite its challenges, Instagram continues to be a widely used and influ-
ential social media platform, with a diverse user base ranging from individuals
to businesses to content creators. It has become an integral part of popular
culture, shaping trends, fostering creativity, and connecting people from around
the world through visual storytelling.
2 Meme-Hub
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of mobile users increased rapidly,
with many people being introduced to social media. Instagram, which was
previously used mainly by knowledgeable people, found its way into the hands
of ordinary individuals. Instagram turned into a Meme-Hub, with the number
of meme pages growing and many people creating their own content. I installed
Instagram on my phone after completing school in late 2019. I didn’t follow
any celebrities, as I installed this pink app solely for the sake of memes. I
rarely opened the app during the day, and I remember that Instagram used to
be a Photography-Hub, popular among artists and photographers. However,
during the pandemic, it became common for everyone to have Instagram on
their phones.
3 Reels
As the usage of Instagram increased among the general population, there was
also an increase in inappropriate content being posted, including explicit or abu-
sive memes, starting from 2021. This made the experience of using Instagram
slightly uncomfortable. Although Instagram is known for its photographical
content, they introduced a new feature called ”Reels”. Instagram was serious
about increasing the time spent by users on the platform through Reels. Unlike
posts or photos that users typically spend around 3-4 seconds on, Reels videos
were designed to be longer, with users spending nearly 20 seconds per video.
Instagram introduced Reels as a means to increase user engagement and pro-
Initially, Instagram introduced memes or photos with music, allowing users
to spend time staring at the photo while listening to the music. However, this
feature became irritating for many, leading to the creation of a new hashtag to
stop the posting of photos with music. Later, Instagram introduced Reels, but
not many users paid attention to it as they saw it as a time-wasting feature. To
promote Reels, Instagram started suggesting videos on the home page, carefully
selecting videos that would capture users’ interest and encourage them to use
Reels. They initially focused on pet and cute dog/cat videos, which gained im-
mense popularity with millions of likes and plays on the home page and explore
page. Subsequently, Instagram introduced a feature in the settings that displays
the amount of time spent on the app, leading to speculation about Instagram’s
hidden intentions with this information.
It scans the time spent on Instagram and suggests Reels in a way that en-
courages users to spend more time on the app. If your time spent is low, it
suggests videos with millions of views and likes. However, if your time spent
is above the desired threshold set by Instagram, it will show random videos as
Reels, even if you haven’t used Reels before or expressed interest in them. The
suggested list will only feature popular and viral videos, which encourages users
to stick with Reels. I confirmed this through my two Instagram accounts, one
of which I use regularly and the other sparingly.
You may have also noticed a small UI update in Instagram version,
where the Reels icon and Notification icon were swapped. This seemingly simple
change has a significant psychological impact. Additionally, when you view the
music used in a video, Instagram provides a list of other videos that have used
the same music, along with a prominent ”Use Audio” button on the music page,
which makes it more enticing for users to click.
After the ban of TikTok, content creators from TikTok were looking for an
alternative platform to continue their work, and many video content creators
migrated to Instagram. As more people started using and watching Reels, Insta-
gram has been focusing on video content. However, I recently uploaded a photo
of my drawing on my art account with regular hashtags in the caption, but
the hashtag effect has decreased by 45 percent after the introduction of Reels.
Instagram seems to prioritize promoting Reels and not suggesting photos or
posts through hashtags as much. Even if you start procrastinating with Reels,
Instagram doesn’t bother about suggestions, as you’re already addicted, and
they will show you all kinds of videos, including cringy, senseless, and unworthy
ones. However, users keep scrolling through them.
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