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Small-scale Kazantsev-Kraichnan dynamo in a MHD shell approach

IOP Publishing
Physica Scripta
  • Institute of Contineous Media Mechanics
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Abstract and Figures

The small-scale magnetic energy generation in a turbulent velocity field is studied by two different approaches. One of them is based on the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model developed for turbulence with short-time velocity correlations, and the other uses the shell model of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, describing the turbulent energy cascade on a finite number of spectral shells. We have found that the injection of weak magnetic field at the initial moment in both models leads to an exponential growth of magnetic energy and tried to determine whether these effects are of the same or different nature. The investigations have shown that the rates of growths and magnetic energy spectra in two approaches can be very much different, which can be attributed to the contradictions of the model assumptions and unknown correlation time. The discussion of these contradictions allows us to formulate a possible explanation, which is likely related to the fact that the small-scale magnetic field generation is under the influence of some spectral subrange, rather than the entire kinetic spectrum. Varying the correlation time of the velocity field and considering the spectral regions, we have determined the range of kinetic energy spectrum responsible for the small-scale dynamo generation.
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Phys. Scr. 98 (2023)115966
Small-scale Kazantsev-Kraichnan dynamo in a MHD shell approach
I Abushzada
, E Yushkov
, P Frick
and D Sokoloff
Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Physics Department of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS, Perm, Russia
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS, Troitsk, Russia
Keywords: small-scale dynamo, MHD shell model, Kazantsev-Kraichnan approach, short-correlated turbulence
The small-scale magnetic energy generation in a turbulent velocity eld is studied by two different
approaches. One of them is based on the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model developed for turbulence with
short-time velocity correlations, and the other uses the shell model of magnetohydrodynamic
turbulence, describing the turbulent energy cascade on a nite number of spectral shells. We have
found that the injection of weak magnetic eld at the initial moment in both models leads to an
exponential growth of magnetic energy and tried to determine whether these effects are of the same or
different nature. The investigations have shown that the rates of growths and magnetic energy spectra
in two approaches can be very much different, which can be attributed to the contradictions of the
model assumptions and unknown correlation time. The discussion of these contradictions allows us
to formulate a possible explanation, which is likely related to the fact that the small-scale magnetic
eld generation is under the inuence of some spectral subrange, rather than the entire kinetic
spectrum. Varying the correlation time of the velocity eld and considering the spectral regions, we
have determined the range of kinetic energy spectrum responsible for the small-scale dynamo
1. Introduction
Amplication of the magnetic eld in a ow of electrically conducting uid was suggested in the rst half of the
XX century as a suitable theoretical idea to explain the behavior of sunspots and the formation of the 11-year
solar cycle. In the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)approximation, this theory is based on averaging the magnetic
induction equation, which makes it possible to relate the dynamics of the rst and second magnetic eld
statistical moments to the characteristics of the velocity eld [1]. A natural simplication in such averaging is to
consider a statistically homogeneous in space and time velocity elds, in which the magnetic characteristics in a
certain situation can increase exponentially. The approach, which was developed in terms of the rst statistical
moment, i.e. mean magnetic eld, and used the ideas of E.Parker about the role of cyclonic motions [2]and the
mean-eld electrodynamics introduced in 60th by M Steenbeck, F Krause and K-H Rädler [3]resulted after a
long standing revision and modication in a contemporary theory of solar cycle and solar dynamo, geodynamo
and dynamo in spiral galaxies [4]. In all these mean-eld dynamo models, the generation of the eld requires the
mirror asymmetric turbulence or convection and differential rotation of convective regions.
However, the dynamo excitation can exist without these special drivers, just by the developed turbulence,
producing a magnetic eld on the turbulent motion scale. This process is known as the small-scale or turbulent
magnetic dynamo, see, e.g., [5].
The small-scale dynamo is an interesting phenomenon, which characterizes the transfer of the turbulent
kinetic energy to the energy of magnetic eld localized on the scales smaller than the typical velocity correlation
length. A specic feature of such transfer is the ability to operate in a mirror-symmetric turbulence with zero
22 August 2023
27 September 2023
5 October 2023
23 October 2023
© 2023 IOP Publishing Ltd
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The magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and probably also in the interstellar medium are believed to be generated by a small-scale dynamo. Theoretically, during its kinematic stage, it is characterized by a Kazantsev spectrum, which peaks at the resistive scale. It is only slightly shallower than the Saffman spectrum that is expected for random and causally connected magnetic fields. Causally disconnected fields have the even steeper Batchelor spectrum. Here we show that all three spectra are present in the small-scale dynamo. During the kinematic stage, the Batchelor spectrum occurs on scales larger than the energy-carrying scale of the turbulence, and the Kazantsev spectrum on smaller scales within the inertial range of the turbulence – even for a magnetic Prandtl number of unity. In the saturated state, the dynamo develops a Saffman spectrum on large scales, suggestive of the build-up of long-range correlations. At large magnetic Prandtl numbers, elongated structures are seen in synthetic synchrotron emission maps showing the parity-even E polarization. We also observe a significant excess in the E polarization over the parity-odd B polarization at subresistive scales, and a deficiency at larger scales. This finding is at odds with the observed excess in the Galactic microwave foreground emission, which is believed to be associated with larger scales. The E and B polarizations may be highly non-Gaussian and skewed in the kinematic regime of the dynamo. For dust emission, however, the polarized emission is always nearly Gaussian, and the excess in the E polarization is much weaker.
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We show that oppositely directed fluxes of energy and magnetic helicity coexist in the inertial range in fully developed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence with small-scale sources of magnetic helicity. Using a helical shell model of MHD turbulence, we study the high Reynolds number magnetohydrodynamic turbulence for helicity injection at a scale that is much smaller than the scale of energy injection. In a short range of scales larger than the forcing scale of magnetic helicity, a bottleneck-like effect appears, which results in a local reduction of the spectral slope. The slope changes in a domain with a high level of relative magnetic helicity, which determines that part of the magnetic energy related to the helical modes at a given scale. If the relative helicity approaches unity, the spectral slope tends to $-3/2$. We show that this energy pileup is caused by an inverse cascade of magnetic energy associated with the magnetic helicity. This negative energy flux is the contribution of the pure magnetic-to-magnetic energy transfer, which vanishes in the non-helical limit. In the context of astrophysical dynamos, our results indicate that a large-scale dynamo can be affected by the magnetic helicity generated at small scales. The kinetic helicity, in particular, is not involved in the process at all. An interesting finding is that an inverse cascade of magnetic energy can be provided by a small-scale source of magnetic helicity fluctuations without a mean injection of magnetic helicity.
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The phenomenon of magnetic field generation in an astrophysical plasma in the frame of developed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is considered. The functional quantum field renormalization group approach is applied to helical anisotropic MHD developed turbulence which is stabilized by the self-generated homogeneous magnetic field. The purpose of the study is to calculate the value as well as direction of the magnetic field in the stochastic dynamo model. The generated magnetic field is determined by ignoring divergent rotor part of Green function of the magnetic field. It is shown that the magnetic field direction is connected with unique existing vector n describing the anisotropic turbulence forcing.
Significance Our laser-plasma experiment has reproduced the physical process thought to be responsible for generating and sustaining magnetic fields in turbulent plasmas (the “fluctuation dynamo”), and has accessed the viscosity-dominated regime of relevance to most of the plasma in the universe. These measurements are also time resolved, which provides evolutionary information about the fluctuation dynamo (including the field’s growth rate) previously available only from simulations. The efficient amplification of large-scale magnetic fields seen in our experiment could explain the origin of large-scale fields that are observed in turbulent astrophysical plasmas, but are not predicted by current analytical calculations or idealized simulations of the fluctuation dynamo.
The Gledzer-Yamada-Ohkitani MHD shell model is used to describe dissipative events that take place in magnetized plasmas. In this review we summarize a series of works aimed to characterize the fractal features of the GOY shell model using various choices of the forcing terms, as an attempt to model the behavior of the Earth's magnetosphere driven by the solar wind. Usually, stochasticity in the shell model is included by using the solution of a Langevin equation in its forcing terms. We compare that method with cases where solar wind data spanning the full 23rd solar cycle is used to build the forcing terms of the shell model. Correlations are found between the fractal dimension of the forcing and the energy dissipation rate obtained from the shell model description. This shows that the GOY shell model is able to respond to statistical variations on the driving. Also, it shows that the fractal dimension, although it is a very simple measure of complexity, is able to capture variations both in the driving terms and in the output, along the solar cycle. These results are consistent with analogous studies of fractality for geomagnetic indexes such as Dst or SYM-H.
The evolution of a weak, random initial magnetic field in a highly conducting, isotropically turbulent fluid is discussed with the aid of the exact expression for initial growth of the magnetic energy spectrum. Equipartition arguments, the vorticity analogy, and the known turbulence approximations all are found inadequate for predicting whether the magnetic energy eventually dies away or grows exponentially. This is true for any ratio of magnetic diffusivity λ to kinematic viscosity ν. The possibilities of eventual growth and eventual decay are therefore both admitted, and, for each, the shape of the magnetic-energy spectrum in the case λ » ν is estimated by simple dynamical arguments. If there is growth, it is concluded that the magnetic spectrum below the Ohmic cut-off eventually reaches equipartition with the kinetic-energy spectrum roughly in the fashion predicted by Biermann and Schlu¨ter, with the principal exceptions that the spectrum of kinetic energy in the equipartition inertial range evolves to the form k−3∕2 and that equipartition is maintained, with rapidly falling spectrum, through part of the Ohmic dissipation range. The evolution of the magnetic spectrum in the weak-field λ » ν regime is also computed numerically with a simplified transfer approximation suggested by the Lagrangian-history direct-interaction equations. This calculation turns out to yield an eventual very weak exponential growth of magnetic energy.
The problem of a large-scale turbulent dynamo in a gyrotropic fluid is considered in the framework of the quantum-field formulation of stochastic magnetohydrodynamics. It is shown that the gyrotropy (parity nonconservation) leads to an instability which is stabilized by the spontaneous occurrence of a nonvanishing homogeneous mean magnetic field. The existence of specific long-lived perturbations of the Alfven waves in the dynamo regime is predicted, and the renormalization group and critical dimensions of all quantities are discussed.
A shell model of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, which allows one to conserve all the integrals of motion in both two and three dimensions, is proposed and studied. We demonstrate that this model reproduces basic facts known in the small-scale turbulent dynamo theory. In particular, we consider a process of redistribution of magnetic helicity generated by the mean-field dynamo, described in the model as magnetic forcing, into a small-scale magnetic field. We argue that the resulting equilibrium magnetic field spectrum strongly depends on the level of magnetic helicity and cross helicity, introduced by the large scales. The spectra with spectral index “-5/3” dominate if the cross helicity vanishes. If the level of cross helicity is high (correlated velocity and magnetic field) the spectra depend on the magnetic helicity: the strong magnetic helicity suppresses any cascade providing steep spectra, while the vanishing helicity of turbulent magnetic fields results in the occurrence of Kraichnan-Iroshnikov spectral index “-3/2.”