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Exogenous Ketone Supplementation and Ketogenic Diets for Exercise: Considering the Effect on Skeletal Muscle Metabolism


Abstract and Figures

In recent years, ketogenic diets and ketone supplements have increased in popularity, particularly as a mechanism to improve exercise performance by modifying energetics. Since the skeletal muscle is a major metabolic and locomotory organ, it is important to take it into consideration when considering the effect of a dietary intervention, and the impact of physical activity on the body. The goal of this review is to summarize what is currently known and what still needs to be investigated concerning the relationship between ketone body metabolism and exercise, specifically in the skeletal muscle. Overall, it is clear that increased exposure to ketone bodies in combination with exercise can modify skeletal muscle metabolism, but whether this effect is beneficial or detrimental remains unclear and needs to be further interrogated before ketogenic diets or exogenous ketone supplementation can be recommended.
This content is subject to copyright.
Citation: Khouri, H.; Ussher, J.R.;
Aguer, C. Exogenous Ketone
Supplementation and Ketogenic
Diets for Exercise: Considering the
Effect on Skeletal Muscle Metabolism.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228. https://
Academic Editor: Antoni Sureda
Received: 1 September 2023
Revised: 23 September 2023
Accepted: 25 September 2023
Published: 30 September 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
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Exogenous Ketone Supplementation and Ketogenic Diets for
Exercise: Considering the Effect on Skeletal Muscle Metabolism
Hannah Khouri 1,2, John R. Ussher 3and Céline Aguer 1,2,4,*
1Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada;
2Institut du Savoir Montfort, Hôpital Montfort, Ottawa, ON K1K 0T2, Canada
3Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H5, Canada;
4Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University–Campus Outaouais,
Gatineau, QC J8V 3T4, Canada
In recent years, ketogenic diets and ketone supplements have increased in popularity,
particularly as a mechanism to improve exercise performance by modifying energetics. Since the
skeletal muscle is a major metabolic and locomotory organ, it is important to take it into consideration
when considering the effect of a dietary intervention, and the impact of physical activity on the
body. The goal of this review is to summarize what is currently known and what still needs to be
investigated concerning the relationship between ketone body metabolism and exercise, specifically
in the skeletal muscle. Overall, it is clear that increased exposure to ketone bodies in combination with
exercise can modify skeletal muscle metabolism, but whether this effect is beneficial or detrimental
remains unclear and needs to be further interrogated before ketogenic diets or exogenous ketone
supplementation can be recommended.
ketone bodies; ketogenic diet; ketone supplements; skeletal muscle; exercise; exercise
performance; metabolism
1. Introduction
Ketone bodies (hereinafter referred to as ketones) are produced by the liver during
periods of fasting or low carbohydrate availability to provide an alternative source of
energy to glucose and fatty acids [
]. Specifically, the ketones
-hydroxybutyrate (
and acetoacetate are synthesized from acetyl-CoA derived from hepatic fatty acid oxidation,
then they are exported to extra-hepatic tissues primarily for oxidation. The brain is a
major consumer of ketones during fasting, but other tissues such as the skeletal muscle
(hereinafter referred to as muscle) can also oxidize ketones for energy. This is advantageous
because it limits muscle proteolysis to generate amino acids, which can feed hepatic
glucose production. Importantly, the rate-limiting enzyme of ketogenesis is HMGCS2 (3-
hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2), and the enzymes BDH (
OHB dehydrogenase),
SCOT (succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid-CoA transferase; gene name Oxct1) and ACAT (acetoacetyl
CoA thiolase) sequentially catalyze the series of steps in ketone body oxidation, where
OHB can be reversibly converted to acetoacetate by BDH. Of note,
OHB exists as
two different enantiomers, D-
OHB and L-
]. The literature suggests that D-
OHB is involved in ketogenesis and ketolysis (and is therefore oxidized to produce
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)), whereas the role of L-
OHB and how it is produced
remains unclear [4].
In recent years, ketogenic diets (hereinafter referred to as keto diets) have increased
in popularity. The diet consists of very low levels of carbohydrates in combination with
high levels of fat and moderate levels of protein. As a result, the body enters a state of
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 2 of 22
ketosis, where it becomes dependent on burning fat and ultimately synthesizing ketones
for energy [
]. The levels of ketones in the organism can also be increased exogenously
without the need to limit carbohydrate intake via supplementation with ketone esters.
Ketone esters are typically consumed in a beverage and have been previously proven to
enter the bloodstream to temporarily increase circulating levels of ketones [6].
It has been proposed that a keto diet or exogenous ketone supplementation may be
beneficial with respect to exercise [
]. This hypothesis is based mainly on the presumption
that increased ketolysis could alter muscle fuel selection during exercise by favoring lipid
metabolism over carbohydrate metabolism. Our bodies also have a limited capacity to store
carbohydrates as glycogen, relative to the capacity to generate a lipid reserve. Therefore,
increasing fat utilization may be a mechanism to increase the amount of energy available
during exercise, especially in endurance activities. As such, a variety of studies (which
will be highlighted in this review) have investigated the potential effect of increased
ketolysis on exercise performance and the associated metabolic adaptations (e.g., muscle
glycogen). When considering the impact of a keto diet on metabolism and exercise, the
muscle is an important tissue to study, as it accounts for the majority of post-prandial
glucose uptake [
]. The muscle is equally a critical tissue to consider when investigating
factors related to physical activity, since it is required for locomotion [
]. Therefore, this
review will summarize what is known to date regarding the relationship between increased
ketolysis and exercise, with an emphasis on their effects on muscle metabolism.
2. Effect of Exercise on Muscle Ketone Body Metabolism
Parameters linked to ketone body metabolism include muscle ketolytic gene expres-
sion, enzyme activity and rates of ketolysis. Existing literature regarding the effect of
exercise and increased exposure to ketone bodies on these factors is outlined below. To
begin, the reported effect of a keto diet and exercise on the muscle expression of enzymes
involved in ketone body metabolism is variable. A 12-week keto diet (88% fat, 11% protein
and 1% carbohydrates) suppressed Oxct1 mRNA expression in the gastrocnemius muscle of
male mice (relative to a standard diet), but the combination of the keto diet and eight weeks
of treadmill exercise had no additional effect on Oxct1 expression [
], suggesting that
treadmill training does not counteract the negative effect of a keto diet on Oxct1 expression,
at least in mice. However, the same mice exposed to both a keto diet and exercise showed an
increased expression of Hmgcs2 mRNA in the gastrocnemius muscle. Meanwhile, exercise
alone or the keto diet alone did not alter the expression Hmgcs2. Therefore, the combination
of exercise training and a keto diet seems to have a positive effect on the expression of
enzymes involved in ketogenesis in mice, yet it remains unknown whether the muscle can
support ketogenesis even if Hmgcs2 is expressed. Next, an eight-week keto diet (76.1% fat,
8.9% protein and 3.5% carbohydrates) combined or not with exercise did not alter Oxct1
mRNA expression in the gastrocnemius or soleus muscle of male mice [
]. Yet, the mRNA
expression of Bdh was downregulated by the keto diet in the gastrocnemius muscle (mixed
muscle) but upregulated in the soleus (oxidative muscle). Although this effect was not
dependent on exercise, it highlights the potential variability in gene expression in different
muscle types in response to a keto diet or exercise. Further, the shorter-term keto diet may
explain why different results were reported as compared to the 12-week keto diet described
above. Since medium-chain triacylglycerols (TAGs) are believed to be more ketogenic
due to rapid uptake into the liver, a third study further separated an 8-week regimen
into either a keto diet with long-chain or medium-chain TAGs, with regular swimming
exercise. In general, male rats who performed the exercise regimen had higher SCOT
protein expression across all diets [
]. Further, SCOT protein expression was increased
in the epitrochlearis muscle with both keto diets relative to a control diet, but to a greater
extent with the medium-chain TAGs. This conclusion suggests that the composition of a
keto diet is an important variable to consider. Other studies took a different approach and
measured the effect of acute exercise on ketolytic gene expression independently of diet.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 3 of 22
For example, a single bout of treadmill running did not alter Bdh,Oxct1 or Acat expression
in mouse quadriceps muscle [13].
In addition to their expression, a small selection of studies investigated the impact of
exercise on the activity of enzymes involved in ketolysis. Following a 10-week treadmill
running program, SCOT activity was increased in the gastrocnemius muscle (mixed muscle)
of male rats [
]. A comparable study reported the same results, but they also measured
the activity of BDH and ACAT, which were also increased in the gastrocnemius muscle as
a result of the exercise regimen [
]. On the other hand, following 15 weeks of treadmill
running in male rats, SCOT activity was increased in the diaphragm (mixed muscle), but
no differences were reported in the intercostal muscle (glycolytic muscle) [
]. It should
be noted that these are respiratory muscles, not muscles involved in movement during
exercise. All together, these studies suggest that exercise increases SCOT activity, but
there may be variability between muscle types, potentially with a less important effect
observed in glycolytic muscles. Interestingly, it is also possible that metabolic diseases
impact the effect of exercise on SCOT activity, as a 10-week exercise program in diabetic
rats increased gastrocnemius SCOT activity to a greater extent than in rats without diabetes
(when measured relative to their sedentary counterparts) [
]. The greater increase is likely
because sedentary diabetic rats had lower SCOT activity than the rats without diabetes,
but regardless, the observation implies that exercise may protect against decreased muscle
ketolysis induced by diabetes (which may be connected to diabetic hyperketonemia).
Lastly, there have also been reports on the impact of exercise on the rate of ketone body
utilization in the muscle. For example, 12 weeks of treadmill running increased oxidation of
acetoacetate and D,L-
OHB in isolated gastrocnemius muscle from male rats [
]. Similarly,
the uptake of acetoacetate alone and a combination of acetoacetate and
OHB was increased
in perfused hindlimb muscles of trained relative to untrained male rats (although no
effect was reported for the uptake of
OHB alone) [
]. Contrarily, a single bout of
treadmill running did not alter maximal acetoacetate or
OHB supported respiration in
permeabilized fibers from the gastrocnemius of male rats [
]. It is possible that a prolonged
exercise program is necessary to induce alterations in ketone body oxidation or ketolytic
gene expression and activity, and the length of a keto diet or exercise program should be
taken into consideration.
Other studies have measured the levels of ketones in the muscle following exercise,
although it is unclear whether increased muscle ketones are indicative of increased ketone
body uptake and oxidation or decreased muscle ketolysis. For example, in male endurance
athletes who consumed a beverage supplemented with ketone esters during an exercise test,
the levels of D-
OHB in the muscle were higher 1 h post-exercise (relative to athletes who
consumed a beverage without ketone esters) [
]. However, the levels were also higher pre-
exercise, which implies that the D-
OHB may have been minimally oxidized by the muscle
during the activity. As another example, in
in vitro
C2C12 mouse muscle cells exposed to
forskolin (a cAMP pathway activator to mimic exercise), levels of
OHB were higher in
cell lysates and culture media than in control cells [19]. To the best of our knowledge, this
is the only study that suggests that the muscle may produce
OHB. Since the study cited
above concluded that Hmgsc2 is expressed in the gastrocnemius muscle of male mice, it
supports the possibility that the muscle is capable of undergoing ketogenesis, a hypothesis
that should be explored in more depth in the future.
To summarize, it appears that exercise training increases the expression of enzymes
involved in ketone body metabolism, as well as their activity and rates of ketolysis in
the muscle. However, variables such as the length and composition of the keto diet, and
the muscle type in question should be considered. Additionally, it should be noted that
the majority of studies on ketones, exercise and the muscle are conducted exclusively in
male rodents. However, although only measured in the plasma and not the muscle, it was
reported that the levels of serum acetoacetate and
OHB were higher in female than male
mice following a bout of endurance exercise [
]. This conclusion highlights the need to
introduce biological sex as a variable in experiments similar to the ones described here.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 4 of 22
Further, almost all of the studies presented in this section were performed in rodents or
rodent cell lines. As such, no conclusions can be drawn regarding the effect of ketone
bodies on ketolytic gene expression and enzyme activity in human muscle, a limitation that
should be investigated in future experiments.
3. Muscle PDK4 Activation Following a Keto Diet and Exercise
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is a mitochondrial enzyme complex that converts
pyruvate into acetyl-CoA, thereby controlling the entry of glucose into the Krebs cycle. In
the muscle, PDH is inhibited by phosphorylation via pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4
(PDK4). Of relevance, PDK4 expression has been shown to be enhanced in response to
an acute bout of exercise, as well as in response to fasting in order to spare glucose when
muscle glycogen levels are low [
]. Since keto diets are low in carbohydrates, they may
result in a lack of glucose available to build muscle glycogen, which could activate PDK4.
PDK4 expression may be also increased as a result of the high-fat nature of a keto diet,
which can activate PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor)
and induce the
transcription of PDK4 [
]. It is unknown whether ketones (which are derived from fatty
acids) can exert the same effect. In any case, several studies have reported that PDK4
expression was increased in the muscle in response to a keto diet or endurance exercise.
Namely, in the gastrocnemius muscle collected from male mice following a four-week keto
diet (with an unspecified composition) and both a single exhaustive treadmill running and
weight-bearing swimming test, the mRNA expression of Pdk4 was upregulated relative to
a control diet [
]. Pdk4 gene expression was also increased in the quadriceps muscle of
male mice on a six-week high-fat keto diet (83.9% fat, 16.1% protein and 0% carbohydrates)
relative to a control diet (although there was no additional effect of a three-week treadmill
running regimen, nor was there any differences in PDH activity or pyruvate oxidation) [
PDK4 protein expression was increased with both diet and swimming exercise in
male rats on the long-chain TAG keto diet described above (relative to the medium-chain
TAG or control diet) [
]. However, no effect was observed with the medium-chain TAGs
in the epitrochlearis muscle. As such, the authors proposed that a medium-chain TAG
keto diet may avoid inhibiting the glycolytic pathway. Based on this proposition, it is
possible that PDK4 is only activated in response to low glycogen levels, rather than a keto
diet or exercise themselves. Since medium-chain TAGs are more rapidly oxidized by the
liver, muscle glycogen could be somewhat spared due to quicker energy derivation from
fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis, which could explain why the diet did not alter PDK4
activity (relative to long-chain TAGs). The results showing increased PDK4 activity were
maintained in a clinical study, which found that a 10-day keto diet (80% fat, 15% protein
and 5% carbohydrates) increased PDK4 protein content in the vastus lateralis muscle
of participants who perform at least 6 h of endurance exercise per week (relative to a
control diet) [
]. However, interestingly, 10 days of exogenous D-
OHB supplementation
did not increase PDK4 expression in a similar group of participants, which raises the
possibility that the exogenous effect of ketones does not parallel the endogenous effects. It
should be noted that the participants consumed a control (i.e., not keto) diet while taking
the supplements, providing them access to carbohydrates. This supports the hypothesis
outlined above that PDK4 is increased in response to depleted muscle glycogen and not a
keto diet or supplementation. Consistent with this hypothesis is a study that concluded that
incubating muscle with ketones does not allow for PDH activation. In isolated epitrochlearis
muscle from male mice following a single bout of swimming, there was no impact of a 2 h
incubation with 4 mM D,L-
OHB on the phosphorylation of PDH at Ser293 (an indicator
of an activated state) [
]. A final study reported no change in PDK4 in response to ketones
and exercise. Specifically, Pdk4 mRNA expression was not altered in the mitochondria
isolated from the gastrocnemius muscle of male mice on a six-week keto diet (69.5% fat,
20.2% protein, 10.3% carbohydrates) combined with a resistance running wheel exercise
regimen [
]. This study differs from those presented above with respect to the type of
exercise (resistance rather than endurance), which may indicate that endurance exercise is
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 5 of 22
also linked to changes in PDK4 expression. It is also important to note that the diet in this
study was higher in carbohydrates (10% vs. 0–5% in studies discussed above), which could
theoretically result in a lower muscle glycogen depletion in response to exercise and thus,
no effect in PDK4 expression.
Overall, studies that report no change in PDK4 expression involve either resistance
exercise or ketone supplementation. Meanwhile, endurance exercise is consistently impli-
cated in studies reporting increases in PDK4 expression in subjects or rodents on a keto
diet. Therefore, parameters such as the type of exercise or the composition of the diet
may influence PDK4 expression. In any case, it remains unclear whether increased PDK4
expression connected to a keto diet or exercise leads to an impact on PDH activity or glu-
cose metabolism, a question that could be investigated in future studies. Further, whether
decreased muscle glycogen is in fact the mechanism for increases in PDK4 expression in
response to a keto diet and/or an exercise training regimen should be clarified.
4. Muscle Glycogen Stores Following Exercise and Exogenous or Endogenous
Ketone Supplementation
Muscle glycogen is a primary energy source during high-intensity exercise and is
typically depleted following an intense exercise bout or a very long endurance exercise [
Comparably, prolonged periods of decreased carbohydrate availability due to fasting are
known to decrease muscle glycogen levels [
]. To begin, it has generally been concluded
that endurance exercise training protects against the loss of muscle glycogen due to a
keto diet. For example, after four weeks on a keto diet (88% fat, 11% protein and 1%
carbohydrates), glycogen in the quadriceps of male mice was decreased relative to a
control diet [
]. However, when the diets were extended by an additional eight weeks in
combination with regular treadmill running (5 times per week, 30 min each time), there
were no differences in muscle glycogen in mice on the keto diet and exercise program
versus the control diet and exercise program (measured at least 24 h after the last bout
of exercise). Therefore, it appears that the endurance program protected against muscle
glycogen loss due to the keto diet. Consistently, in a comparable study using a six-week
keto diet (83.9% fat, 16.1% protein and 0% carbohydrates) with a three-week treadmill
running program during the second half of the diet (5 times per week, 1 h each time),
training increased quadriceps glycogen levels in both diets but there was no difference
between diets [
]. Similarly, in male endurance runners consuming a low carbohydrate
diet for at least six months (>60% fat, <20% carbohydrates), there were no differences
in muscle glycogen at rest, following a 180 min endurance running test (64% VO
nor following a subsequent 2 h recovery period relative to participants who had been
consuming a high carbohydrate diet [
]. Overall, this group of studies suggests that
increased ketolysis in combination with endurance training does not alter muscle glycogen
levels relative to a control diet and the same training program. To the same point, in the
muscle of the male rats given the keto diets with medium or long-chain TAGs described in
previous sections, glycogen in the epitrochlearis muscle was lower with both keto diets
relative to a control diet [
]. However, with swimming exercise, only the long-chain TAG
diet decreased muscle glycogen relative to a control diet and exercise (measured at least
20 h following the last bout of exercise). This finding is consistent with the conclusions
outlined above, since endurance exercise protects against muscle glycogen loss due to a
medium-chain TAG diet. However, the fact that the same conclusion was not reported
with the long-chain TAG diet supports the hypothesis outlined in the previous section that
medium-chain TAGs spare muscle glycogen, and therefore, did not alter PDK4 expression.
On the other hand, a 12-week keto diet (with an unspecified composition) in combi-
nation with a 2-week training program (high-intensity interval training and periodized
resistance and power exercises, plus endurance training once a week) resulted in decreased
muscle glycogen in a group of military personnel, but stable levels in individuals who
consumed a control diet with the exercise regimen [
]. The exercise program involved
mainly resistance activities, which may explain why the conclusion differs from the effect
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 6 of 22
of endurance exercise and a keto diet on muscle glycogen levels outlined above. Of note, in
the previous section, it was postulated that PDK4 expression was increased with endurance
exercise, and in response to low glycogen levels. This is contradictory to the general conclu-
sion in this section that endurance exercise may spare muscle glycogen. Therefore, muscle
glycogen levels and PDH should be investigated in the same studies or subjects going
forward to better understand the effect of ketones on glucose metabolism.
For comparison, a second set of studies investigated the impact of endogenous ketone
supplementation and exercise on muscle glycogen levels. For example, the addition of
ketones to a carbohydrate-rich beverage consumed before and during a 2 h bicycle exercise
at 45% VO
max, allowed male endurance athletes to have a smaller decrease in their muscle
glycogen reserves [
]. Similarly, the consumption of a drink with D-
OHB allowed male
athletes to replenish their muscle glycogen levels faster following an overnight fast and an
interval cycling exercise [
]. Likewise, the regular consumption of a ketone ester drink in
physically active males who followed a three-week endurance and high-intensity interval
training allowed for maintenance of their muscle glycogen levels following a 30 min time
trial while muscle glycogen was decreased in participants who did not receive the ketone
ester drink [
]. In contrast to the studies with a keto diet detailed above, this group of
studies suggests that exogenous ketone supplementation can spare muscle glycogen loss
due to either one exercise bout or exercise training. With that being said, a pair of studies
indicate that ketone ester supplementation had no effect on muscle glycogen. One study
subjected physically active males to a glycogen-depleting exercise involving the leg, then
provided them with a ketone ester drink and found that this did not alter muscle glycogen
levels at the end of a 5 h recovery period [
]. The same conclusion was made at the end of
a 3 h stimulated cycling race by male cyclists, who received D-
OHB before and during the
activity [
]. To determine the direct effect of ketones on muscle glycogen levels, isolated
epitrochlearis muscles from male mice following a single 60 min swimming exercise were
exposed to 1, 2 and 4 mM of D,L-
OHB for 2 h. Only 4 mM of D,L-
OHB increased
glycogen levels [
]. Therefore, it is possible that a higher concentration of ketones in the
muscle is needed to influence muscle glycogen levels, whereas lower concentrations do not
exert the same effect.
In conclusion, the effect of ketones and exercise on muscle glycogen levels are variable
and appear to depend particularly on whether ketone body levels are being increased
exogenously or endogenously. Additionally, it is possible that ketones have a signaling
effect during exercise, possibly to increase the storage of glycogen during the recovery
phase or decrease the use of muscle glycogen during the activity, therefore reducing the loss
of glycogen. This hypothesis would also support the postulation outlined in the previous
section that PDK4 is activated in response to low muscle glycogen levels.
5. Increased Ketolysis as a Potential Mechanism to Alter Exercise Performance
There have been several investigations into the effect of keto diets or exogenous
ketone supplementation on exercise performance, with mixed results. To begin, studies
implicating human participants and endurance exercise tests have reported a decrease
in exercise performance following a keto diet. Namely, a three-day keto diet (50% fat,
45% protein and 5% carbohydrates) decreased mean power output during two 30 s tests on
an exercise bike in male participants [
] and a 4-week keto diet (77% fat, 19% protein and
4% carbohydrates) decreased time to exhaustion on an incremental cycling test (an increase
of 30 W every 4 min until 120 W) in female participants [
]. These results were maintained
in physically active participants following a 10-day keto diet (80% fat, 15% protein and
5% carbohydrates): performance on an incremental cycling test (90 min at 70% VO
followed by incremental increases to fatigue) was decreased relative to a control diet [
On the other hand, an eight-week keto diet (approximately 68% fat, 25% protein and
5% carbohydrates) did not change performance on bench press and squat tests in male
bodybuilders [
]. Since this study measured the effect of the keto diet on resistance
exercise performance, this could explain why the conclusion differs from the endurance-
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 7 of 22
type studies outlined above. Next, in human participants, an eight-week cyclical keto
diet (keto diet on weekdays, high carbohydrate diet on weekends) combined with regular
strength and aerobic workouts increased performance on certain strength exercises (relative
to baseline) [
]. The improvement associated with the cyclical keto diet may be due to
the workout program administered to the participants rather than the diet itself, but the
cyclical design could warrant further investigation in comparison to a continuous keto diet
with respect to exercise performance.
Secondly, studies using rodents have shown that a period of increased ketolysis had
no impact on endurance exercise performance. As an example, a four-week keto diet (with
an unspecified composition) in male mice did not change running distance or time on an
exhaustive treadmill running test, nor swimming time on an endurance swimming test [
Similarly, while male rats consumed a six-week keto diet (69.5% fat, 20.2% protein and
10.3% carbohydrates) and had access to a voluntary running wheel, there was no difference
in cumulative running distance relative to mice on a control diet [
]. The same conclusion
was also drawn in female mice following an 8 h fast to induce ketosis: exercise duration
in an endurance treadmill running test was unchanged relative to mice who had not
fasted [
]. To finish summarizing the reported effect of a keto diet on exercise performance,
one report was made that a keto diet may contribute to improved exercise performance.
Specifically, an eight-week keto diet (76.1% fat, 8.9% protein and 3.5% carbohydrates) led to
a longer running time in male rats during an exhaustive running test (relative to a control
diet) [
]. The keto diet lasted longer than the regimens described above, which may
indicate that longer-term keto diets are needed to influence endurance capacity in rodents.
For comparison, a selection of studies also measured the effect of endogenous ketone
supplementation on exercise performance. In the study cited above that reported a decrease
in exercise capacity in active participants on a 10-day keto diet, supplementation of a
regular diet with D-
OHB for 10 days had no effect on performance in the cycling test [
Similarly, consumption of D-
OHB by male cyclists did not affect power output during
a subsequent 3 h stimulated race [
], a conclusion that was replicated in another group
of male cyclists administered a ketone ester drink during the race [
]. Together, these
studies suggest that ketone supplementation does not affect endurance performance in
human participants. Contrarily, in physically active males, three weeks of endurance
and high-intensity interval training in combination with a ketone ester drink resulted in
increased power output in the final 30 min of a 2 h endurance activity [
]. Likewise,
two weeks of D,L-
OHB supplementation in male mice resulted in increased distance,
time to exhaustion and maximal speed on a weekly treadmill test [
]. Yet, this increase
was not maintained after a total of six weeks. Two hypotheses can be drawn from this
conclusion: the effect of supplementation with D-
OHB differs from that of D,L-
OHB and
that ketone supplementation may only have a short-term influence on exercise performance.
An investigation using male endurance athletes also found that consuming a beverage with
40% of calories coming from ketone esters (relative to 100% carbohydrates) led to increased
distance covered in a time trial that was preceded by a 60 min cycle [
]. Although the
increase was minor (2%), the increased carbohydrate composition of the beverage may be
what allowed for the positive impact on endurance exercise performance.
Interestingly, one study took a thoughtful approach and measured exercise capacity
in male mice with a muscle-specific SCOT knockout. In this case, the knockout mice ran
for the same time and distance during a time-to-exhaustion treadmill test as wild-type
mice, implying that preventing muscle ketone body oxidation did not impact exercise
capacity [
]. Ketones have also been found to exert signaling in addition to metabolic
effects [
]; therefore, using muscle SCOT knockout mice would be an interesting addition
to future investigations on the relationship between ketones and exercise, as it could assist
in concluding whether ketone body oxidation is necessary for potential metabolic effects
induced by exercise.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 8 of 22
6. Alterations in AMPK and PCG1αActivation Following an Exercise and Keto Regimen
It is well known that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an energy-sensing
enzyme, that is activated by phosphorylation in most tissues, including the muscle, to gen-
erally stimulate energy-replenishing processes. Exercise is a prominent activator of AMPK,
as are high levels of AMP relative to ATP during fasting [
]. Yet of relevance to this review,
whether increased muscle ketolysis induces alterations in AMPK activation or activity has
not been elucidated. However, some studies have investigated the relationship between
AMPK, ketones and exercise in the muscle. To begin, one study found that a six-week
high-fat, no-carbohydrate diet (83.9% fat, 16.1% protein and 0% carbohydrates) combined
with a three-week treadmill running exercise regimen increased levels of phosphorylated
AMPK in the quadriceps muscle of male mice relative to mice subjected to the same exercise
regimen, but with a control diet [
]. In contrast, a single resistance exercise test following a
six-week keto diet (69.5% fat, 20.2% protein and 10.3% carbohydrates) in male rats did not
alter the levels of phosphorylated AMPK in the gastrocnemius muscle [
]. The variable
length (three weeks versus a single bout) and type (endurance versus resistance) of the exer-
cise, but also the difference in the diet composition (more carbohydrates in the second study)
could explain the different conclusions between these studies in rodents. Furthermore, a
clinical investigation of male volunteers involved in regular physical activity provided
mixed results. The participants consumed a ketone ester drink during the recovery period
following a glycogen-depleting exercise protocol in the leg, then muscle biopsies were
taken to measure AMPK phosphorylation. AMPK phosphorylation was decreased 90 min
post-exercise, but there was no difference 5 h post-exercise relative to participants who did
not consume the ketone ester drink [
]. This result may be different than the increased
phospho-AMPK levels observed in the rodent studies described above since the study used
human participants, and they were administered a single ketone supplement following
the bout of exercise (rather than a longer term keto diet which preceded muscle collection).
Comparably, the epitrochlearis muscle was harvested from male mice following a 60 min
swimming exercise, then subjected to 4 mM of D,L-
OHB ex vivo. Exposure to D,L-
for 15 min decreased the phosphorylation of AMPK and ACC (acetyl-CoA carboxylase, a
downstream target of AMPK), but not after 2 h [
]. As such, it is possible that increased
exposure to ketones following exercise results in only a brief decrease in muscle AMPK
activity, but as the ketone supply dwindles, AMPK activation begins to increase.
Comparably to AMPK, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-
) is a transcriptional coactivator that regulates energy metabolism, and its expres-
sion is enhanced by exercise in the muscle [
]. Although the results are limited, the effect
of a keto diet and exercise on muscle PGC1
has been investigated, with consistent results.
gene expression was enhanced in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle of male mice
following an eight-week exercise program, but there was no additional effect of a keto diet
(76.1% fat, 8.9% protein and 3.5% carbohydrates) combined with the exercise [
]. The same
conclusion was drawn by a similar study that also used the gastrocnemius muscle of male
mice following six weeks on a keto diet (69.5% fat, 20.2% protein and 10.3% carbohydrates)
and an exercise program [
]. To a different conclusion, a six-week high-fat diet with no
carbohydrates (83.9% fat, 16.1% protein and 0% carbohydrates) combined with three weeks
of exercise increased Pgc1
gene expression in the quadriceps muscle of male mice, but the
same effect was not seen with a control diet [
]. Since all three of these studies used male
mice and a similar type of exercise (running on a treadmill or a resistance-loaded wheel),
the variability may be due to the fact that the study which reported an increase in Pgc1
expression as a result of the keto diet did not subject the mice to the exercise program for the
whole length of the keto diet (as was the case for the pair of studies reporting no effect of a
keto diet on Pgc1
). In spite of these results, in the absence of studies investigating the effect
of ketones themselves on the muscle expression of PGC1
(e.g., exogenous supplements or
ex vivo exposure), it is unclear whether PGC1
is increased due to the high-fat component
of a keto diet, low muscle glycogen levels or as a direct result of increased ketolysis or
ketone levels.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 9 of 22
Overall, it is clear that ketones and exercise can act on regulators of energy-sensing
pathways (AMPK and PGC1
). However, it is not clear whether there is an additional
effect when they are considered in combination, and factors such as the type and length of
exercise, whether ketones are increased pre- or post-exercise, and the length of time post
ketone supplementation should be taken into consideration in future studies.
7. Influence of Increased Exposure to Ketones on Glucose Metabolism
In a post-prandial period (when blood glucose is high), insulin signals through insulin
receptors in the muscle, which leads to the phosphorylation and activation of a group of
proteins including IRS1 (insulin receptor substrate) and AS160 (Akt substrate of 160 kDa) [
This enables translocation of GLUT4 (glucose transporter type 4) to the membrane, and
glucose uptake into muscle cells. Given the shift away from glucose metabolism that is
essential to a keto diet, it is important to consider the impact on enzymes connected to
glucose oxidation. One study found that a 10-day keto diet (80% fat, 15% protein and
5% carbohydrates) in combination with at least 6 h of physical activity per week resulted in
increased plasma glucose and insulin levels following a glucose tolerance test. Although
not specific to the muscle, it raises the possibility that keto diets may have a negative
impact on insulin sensitivity. In contrast, exogenous supplementation of a normal diet with
ketones did not produce the same effect [
]. It is thus possible that the negative effect of
the keto diet on glycemia was due to the increased lipid content of the diet, rather than the
ketones themselves, and that the effect of exogenous ketones differs from that of a keto diet.
To begin, a collection of studies investigated the effect of keto diets on factors linked to
glucose metabolism. Namely, in trained male cyclists who had been on low carbohydrate,
high fat diets (with variable compositions) for at least six months: relative to participants
on a control diet, GLUT4 and IRS1 protein content was decreased in the muscle [
]. On
the other hand, another study found that ketones and exercise had no effect on muscle
glucose metabolism. In particular, a 6-week keto diet in male mice found that regular
running exercise increased GLUT4 gene expression in the gastrocnemius muscle, but that
there was no additional effect of the keto diet relative to a control diet [
]. The shorter
time frame for the keto diet could explain the difference in results: it is possible that keto
diets are more detrimental to the muscle in the long term. Interestingly, exercise may
protect against keto diet-related decreases in GLUT4 expression, as a 12-week keto diet
(88% fat, 11% protein and 1% carbohydrates) without exercise resulted in decreased gene
expression of GLUT4 and pyruvate kinase (which catalyzes the last step in glycolysis) in
the quadriceps muscle of male mice, but this effect was counteracted by combining the diet
with eight weeks of treadmill running [
]. Taken together, these studies indicate that keto
diets may be negatively impacting factors related to muscle glucose metabolism. However,
the persistence of this observation in the long term or following the cessation of the keto
diet is not known, nor is whether exercise can counteract these potential negative effects.
Further, it is well understood that high-fat diets can induce muscle insulin resistance,
which is a cause for concern due to the fact that keto diets are high in fat, and therefore,
a potential mechanism for any negative effects of a keto diet on glucose metabolism [
Another potential mechanism for these observations is that the low carbohydrate content
of keto diets can influence GLUT4 protein levels or other parameters linked to glucose
metabolism. In support of this postulation, previous studies have shown that while a
high-fat diet decreased muscle GLUT4 expression, a high-calorie carbohydrate diet did not
exert the same effect in mice [
]. Similarly, a four-week high carbohydrate, fat-restricted
diet in combination with daily swimming exercise led to decreased PDK4 expression and
increased muscle glycogen utilization in male rats during exercise relative to a control
diet [51].
Next, the effect of ketone bodies themselves may differ from the effect of keto diets
on muscle glucose metabolism. Namely, it was previously shown that administering a
ketone ester to mice with obesity leads to improved glucose tolerance [
]. Although not
connected to exercise, these results are interesting because the same conclusion was drawn
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 10 of 22
in mice with obesity and a muscle-specific SCOT knockout. This suggests that ketone esters
could exert a beneficial signaling effect on glucose metabolism, which contrasts with the
potential negative effect of keto diets described above. These results were also maintained
in individuals without obesity, where the administration of a ketone supplement prior
to a meal decreased post-prandial glucose levels, which further highlights the potential
signaling effect of exogenous ketones [
]. At the same time, ketone intake did not alter
plasma insulin levels or gastric emptying, which suggests that the ketones positively
impacted peripheral glucose uptake. Whether ketones improved peripheral insulin action
or insulin-independent glucose uptake in peripheral tissues requires further investigation.
However, other studies have reported that when exercise is introduced into the study
design, ketone bodies themselves can have a negative effect on glycolysis and insulin
signaling in the muscle. A study that provided male endurance athletes with a beverage
supplemented with an increased number of calories from ketone esters during a bicycle test
found that intramuscular glucose levels were increased at the end of the exercise (relative
to when the participants consumed a beverage higher in carbohydrates) [
]. The authors
propose that a state of ketosis leads to decreased muscle glycolysis, which was supported
by decreased levels of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (glycolytic
intermediates) in the muscle as a result of the ketone-supplemented beverage (relative
to the carbohydrate beverage). Comparably, in the epitrochlearis muscle of male mice
following a 60 min swimming exercise, ex vivo exposure to 4 mM of D,L-
OHB resulted
in increased AS160 phosphorylation after 15 min, but decreased AS160 phosphorylation
after 2 h [
], suggesting that short exposure to D,L-
OHB increases GLUT4 translocation
but longer exposure decreases it. Further investigations are warranted to determine how a
potential positive effect of exogenous ketones can be exploited. Overall, before providing
recommendations regarding keto diets or supplements for athletes, their impact on glucose
metabolism should be investigated further.
8. Secretion of IL-6 Following a Keto Diet and Exercise Regimen
The muscle can act as an endocrine organ, by producing and releasing small peptides
termed myokines. Myokines can be spontaneously released while at rest, but exercise
(whether acute or chronic) regulates myokine secretion [
]. As an example, interleukin
(IL)-6 is a myokine known to be dramatically increased in the circulation in response to
exercise and has also been linked to glucose metabolism in the muscle during exercise [
Specifically, it was found that IL-6 was increased in response to low glycogen levels in hu-
man muscle [
], which led to a postulation that it acts as an energy sensor during exercise
(and by extension, this potential effect may be applicable to a general state of carbohydrate
deprivation) [
]. With this in mind, a pair of studies suggest that ketones and exercise may
alter IL-6 levels. In male bodybuilders, an eight-week keto diet (approximately 68% fat,
25% protein and 5% carbohydrates) decreased plasma IL-6, in contrast to a control diet
which increased plasma IL-6. However, plasma levels do not necessarily reflect the quantity
of IL-6 secreted from the muscle since other tissues also secrete this cytokine [
]. A second
study measured IL-6 levels specifically in the soleus muscle of male mice administered a
keto diet for eight weeks (76.1% fat, 8.9% protein and 3.5% carbohydrates), with or without
regular exercise, and found that IL-6 mRNA was significantly increased as a result of
exercise, an effect that was enhanced with the keto diet [
]. Interestingly, this effect was not
maintained in the gastrocnemius muscle of the same mice, suggesting that the effect of the
keto diet on IL-6 expression may be specific to oxidative muscles. Also, the plasma levels
of IL-6 did not parallel the levels in the muscle: although plasma IL-6 was also increased
with exercise, a control diet enhanced this effect. Overall, the potential connection of IL-6 to
a keto diet in combination with exercise warrants further clarification. Similarly, alterations
in the secretion of other contraction-induced myokines in response to a keto diet should
also be investigated. When doing so, it should be taken into consideration that the high-fat
requirement of keto diets may induce inflammation, which could be the mechanism for
increased production of IL-6 or other myokines tied to an inflammatory response.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 11 of 22
9. Muscle TAG Levels Following Exercise and a Keto Diet or Ketone Supplementation
The muscle has lipid droplets which store TAGs, which can be metabolized to generate
fatty acids and ultimately ATP through fatty acid oxidation. These muscle TAG stores
are typically reduced following exercise [
], but very few studies have investigated the
impact of ketones and exercise on muscle TAGs, and those that have present conflicting
results. In a group of male cyclists and triathletes who received D-
OHB prior to a
stimulated cycling race, intramuscular TAGs were unchanged in a muscle biopsy following
the test [
]. However, in male endurance athletes, consuming a beverage with more
calories from ketone esters resulted in a greater decrease in intramuscular lipids following
a fixed-intensity bicycle exercise (relative to consuming a drink higher in carbohydrates) [
Lastly, in military personnel on a 12-week keto diet (with an unspecified composition)
combined with two weeks of exercise training, intramuscular TAGs increased at the end of
the program, whereas the levels decreased in individuals on a control diet [
]. The type
of exercise in this study differs from the others outlined in this section, as the participants
were mainly subjected to regular high-intensity interval training and periodized resistance
and power exercises, rather than an endurance cycling test. Similarly, the participants
followed a keto diet rather than taking ketone supplements. It is thus possible that the
higher muscle TAG content with the keto diet was the result of an increased consumption
of fat rather than increased muscle ketolysis or a signaling effect of the ketones themselves.
Going forward, the possible effect of a keto diet on muscle TAG levels should be taken into
consideration, as a surplus of muscle TAGs has been linked to conditions such as insulin
resistance when the individuals are inactive [58,59].
10. Impact of Ketones on Muscle Health Following Exercise
Finally, a variety of studies have investigated the impact of ketones in combination
with exercise on parameters related to overall muscle health in response to exercise. To
begin with recovery following exercise, a study in male mice found that an eight-week keto
diet (76.1% fat, 8.9% protein and 3.5% carbohydrates) led to an accelerated recovery phase
following a treadmill endurance test (measured by the amount of movement 24 h following
the test) [
]. However, another study had a group of recreational athletes perform a series
of eccentric knee extensors following an overnight fast. The participants drank a D-
beverage over the course of the day of the activity and for the two days following it. Muscle
soreness (evaluated subjectively) and muscle function (evaluated by repeating the test)
were not affected by the ketone ester supplementation during the recovery period [
Similarly, a six-week keto diet (69.5% fat, 20.2% protein and 10.3% carbohydrates) in male
rats leading up to a bout of running on a resistance-loaded running wheel had no effect
on post-exercise muscle protein synthesis [
]. Although there are only three studies
investigating the potential impact of ketones on muscle recovery and they had variable
designs and methods for quantifying recovery, it is possible that the type of exercise has an
effect, since no impact on muscle recovery was reported with activities with an increased
eccentric demand (i.e., the knee extensors and resistance running described above).
Some investigations were also made into the effect of a keto diet and exercise on
markers of muscle damage, particularly plasma levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
and creatine kinase (CK). For example, an eight-week keto diet (76.1% fat, 8.9% protein
and 3.5% carbohydrates) did not protect against increased plasma levels of LDH and CK
72 h following an endurance running test in male mice [
], nor did the consumption of
tablets containing
OHB prior to a 30 min bout of downhill running in male volunteers [
Contrarily, in male cyclists who consumed a keto diet (55% fat, 35% protein and 10% carbo-
hydrates) for approximately one week, then a ketone-supplemented tablet prior to a cycling
session, plasma CK and LDH were not increased 120 min post-exercise, as was observed
in the control group [
]. It is possible that the difference in the plasma collection time
post-exercise explains the variable results between these studies. Additionally, the type
of exercise may play a role in the effect of a keto diet on muscle damage, as for example,
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 12 of 22
downhill running has been shown to induce more muscular damage than flat and uphill
running due to increased eccentric contractions [64].
Next, muscle weight following a keto diet was also measured in one study but should
be investigated in more detail in future experiments given the conclusion. Specifically,
in participants with obesity, an eight-week low carbohydrate diet (<50 g per day) with
or without exercise decreased lean muscle mass relative to a control diet [
]. Lastly, the
consumption of a ketone supplement beverage had no effect on muscle tissue oxygenation
in male distance runners following a voluntary hypoventilation protocol [
], and only
slightly (3%) increased muscle oxygenation in a group of male cyclists who consumed a
ketone ester drink during a 3 h race [
]. However, administration of a ketone ester drink
for three weeks, plus regular endurance training in physically active males did improve
several parameters related to muscle angiogenesis [
]. The same protocol had previously
been shown to induce a positive effect on exercise performance, suggesting that increased
muscle angiogenesis may be a mechanism for improved exercise performance due to ketone
supplements [32].
Overall, the effect of ketones and exercise on muscle recovery, damage, weight and
oxygenation have not been studied in enough depth to draw conclusions, but they are
parameters that could be taken into consideration going forward.
11. Summary
As outlined above, there is a multitude of variables to consider when analyzing
the effect of ketones and exercise on the muscle. This includes but is not limited to the
muscle type being investigated (e.g., oxidative versus glycolytic), the type of exercise
(e.g., acute versus chronic, aerobic versus resistance), the length and composition of the
keto diet (e.g., medium versus long-chain TAGs, D versus L-
OHB) or the comparative
effect of exogenous ketone supplementation. Given the lack of research conducted in
this area and the variability between studies with respect to these parameters, it is often
difficult to draw clear conclusions based on the current literature regarding the relationship
between ketones and exercise in the muscle. Yet, there is evidence to suggest that exercise
increases parameters related to ketone body metabolism (e.g., ketolytic gene expression),
that PDK4 expression increases in response to low muscle glycogen, rather than as a direct
consequence of a keto diet or exercise, and that endurance exercise may spare muscle
glycogen loss due to increased exposure to ketones. It should be noted, however, that
these are only postulations based on the work conducted to date, so future experiments are
needed in order to validate these hypotheses. The effect of ketones and exercise on other
factors, such as exercise performance, myokine secretion and muscle TAG levels, remain
more ambiguous and should be taken into consideration when designing experiments in
the future. The effect of exercise in combination with either ketone supplements or a keto
diet on all the parameters linked to the muscle discussed in this review is summarized in
Figure 1and Table 1.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 13 of 22
Nutrients 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 23
glycogen loss due to increased exposure to ketones. It should be noted, however, that
these are only postulations based on the work conducted to date, so future experiments
are needed in order to validate these hypotheses. The effect of ketones and exercise on
other factors, such as exercise performance, myokine secretion and muscle TAG levels,
remain more ambiguous and should be taken into consideration when designing
experiments in the future. The effect of exercise in combination with either ketone
supplements or a keto diet on all the parameters linked to the muscle discussed in this
review is summarized in Figure 1 and Table 1.
Figure 1. Summary of articles investigating the effect of exercise with either ketone supplements or
a keto diet on various parameters in the muscle. Green = reported an increase or positive effect
relative to control groups, red = decrease or negative effect, purple X = no effect. The figure was
generated in part by using Servier Medical Art, which is provided by Servier and licensed under a
Figure 1.
Summary of articles investigating the effect of exercise with either ketone supplements or
a keto diet on various parameters in the muscle. Green
= reported an increase or positive effect
relative to control groups, red
= decrease or negative effect, purple X = no effect. The figure was
generated in part by using Servier Medical Art, which is provided by Servier and licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported license, as well as rawpixel, which is licensed under a
Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 14 of 22
Table 1. Summary of the current literature on the effect of ketone bodies and exercise on muscle metabolism.
Reference Study Population Study Design Key Finding(s)
[7] Male endurance athletes
Consumption of ketone ester beverage
during exercise test (2 h bicycle test at
45% VO2max)
Increased muscle D-βOHB levels pre-exercise and 1 h post-exercise
Reduced exercise-induced decrease in muscle glycogen reserve
Increased distance covered in a time trial after 60 min of cycling
Increased intramuscular glucose levels post-exercise
Greater decrease in intramuscular lipids due to exercise
[8] Male mice
8-week keto diet (76.1% fat, 8.9% protein,
3.5% carbohydrates)
8-week exercise regimen
No effect on soleus or gastrocnemius Oxct1 expression
Keto diet alone increased Bdh expression in soleus and decreased Bdh expression in
Exercise increased gastrocnemius and soleus Pgc1αexpression
Combination of diet and exercise increased soleus but not gastrocnemius IL-6 mRNA
[11] Male mice
12-week keto diet (88% fat, 11% protein,
1% carbohydrates)
8 weeks treadmill exercise
Keto diet alone decreased gastrocnemius Oxct1 expression, but no additional effect of exercise
Combination of diet and exercise increased gastrocnemius Hmgcs2 expression
Keto diet decreased muscle glycogen and GLUT4 and pyruvate kinase gene expression, which
were all reversed with the exercise regimen
[12] Male rats
8-week keto diet (comparison of
medium and long-chain TAGs)
8-week swimming exercise
Exercise increased epitrochlearis SCOT expression
SCOT expression increased with medium chain relative to long-chain TAGs
Increased PDK4 expression with long but not medium-chain TAGs
Both diets decreased muscle glycogen, which was reversed with exercise only for the
medium-chain diet
[13] Male and female mice Single bout of treadmill running
No effect on quadriceps Bdh,Oxct1 or Acat expression
Increased plasma ketones in female versus male mice
[14] Male rats 10-week swimming exercise Increased gastrocnemius SCOT activity
[15] Male rats 12-week treadmill running
Increased gastrocnemius SCOT, BDH and ACAT activity; and
Increased uptake of acetoacetate and D,L-βOHB in gastrocnemius
[16] Male rats 15-week treadmill running
Decreased SCOT activity in diaphragm
No effect on SCOT activity in intercostal muscle
[17] Male rats 14–28 weeks treadmill running
Increased uptake of acetoacetate and βOHB together in perfused hindlimb muscle
No effect on uptake of βOHB alone
[18] Male rats Single bout of treadmill running No effect on acetoacetate or βOHB-supported respiration in permeabilized gastrocnemius
[19] C2C12 cells Exposure to forskolin to mimic exercise Increased βOHB in cell lysates and culture media
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 15 of 22
Table 1. Cont.
Reference Study Population Study Design Key Finding(s)
[22] Male mice
4-week keto diet (unspecified
Single exhaustive treadmill and weight
bearing swimming test
Increased gastrocnemius Pdk4 expression
No change in running distance or time, or in swimming time
[23] Male mice
6-week high fat keto diet (83.9% fat,
16.1% protein, 0% carbohydrates)
3 weeks treadmill running
Increased quadriceps Pdk4 expression due to keto diet
No additional effect of exercise and no effect on PDH activity or pyruvate oxidation
Training increased glycogen levels independently of exercise
Increased phosphorylation of AMPK in the quadriceps
Increased Pgc1αexpression
Participants performing >6
weekly hours of endurance
10-day keto diet (80% fat, 15% protein
and 5% carbohydrates) or D-βOHB
Keto diet increased vastus lateralis PDK4 expression
No effect of supplements on PDK4
Keto diet decreased performance on incremental cycling test (90 min at 70% VO
max, followed
by incremental increases to fatigue), but supplements had no effect
Keto diet, but not ketone supplements, increased plasma insulin and glucose levels following
glucose tolerance test
[25]Epitrochlearis from male
Muscle harvested after swimming for
60 min
2 h incubation with 4 mM D,L-βOHB
No impact on PDH phosphorylation at Ser293
Increased glycogen levels
Decreased AMPK and ACC phosphorylation after 15 min, but no difference after 2 h
AS160 phosphorylation increased after 15 min, but decreased after 2 h
[26]Gastrocnemius from male
6-week keto diet (69.5% fat, 20.2%
protein and 10.3% carbohydrates)
6 weeks on resistance running wheel
No effect on Pdk4 expression
Increased Pgc1αexpression due to exercise
Exercise increased muscle Glut4 gene expression
[29] Male endurance runners Low carbohydrate diet (>60% fat, <20%
carbohydrates) for >6 months
No difference in muscle glycogen following an endurance running test and 2 h recovery period
[30] Military personnel 12-week keto (unspecified composition)
2-week mixed training program
Decreased muscle glycogen
Increased intramuscular TAGs
[31] Male athletes
Overnight fast and interval cycling
Consumption of D-βOHB beverage
Muscle glycogen was replenished more rapidly
[32] Physically active males
3-week endurance and interval training
Regular consumption of ketone ester
Maintenance of muscle glycogen following 30 min time trial
Increased power output in the final 30 min of a 2 h endurance activity
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 16 of 22
Table 1. Cont.
Reference Study Population Study Design Key Finding(s)
[33] Physically active males Glycogen depleting exercise in the leg,
then consumption of ketone ester drink
No change in muscle glycogen after 5 h recovery period
Decreased muscle AMPK phosphorylation 90 min post-exercise, but no difference after 5 h
[34] Male cyclists Consumption of D-βOHB before and
during a 3 h race
No change in muscle glycogen after the exercise
No effect in power output during the race
No effect on intramuscular TAGs
[35] Male participants 3-day keto diet (50% fat, 45% protein
and 5% carbohydrates)
Keto diet decreased mean power output in two 30 s exercise bike tests
[36] Female participants 4-week keto diet (77% fat, 19% protein
and 4% carbohydrates)
Keto diet decreased time to exhaustion on ingle incremental cycling test (increase of 30 W every
4 min until 120 W)
[37] Male bodybuilders
8-week keto diet (approximately 68% fat,
25% protein and 5% carbohydrates)
No effect on performance on bench press and squat tests
Decreased plasma IL-6
[38]Male and female
8-week cyclical keto diet (keto diet on
weekdays, high carbohydrate diet on
weekends) with regular strength and
aerobic workouts
Increased performance on certain strength exercises
[39] Male rats 6-week keto diet (69.5% fat, 20.2%
protein and 10.3% carbohydrates)
No effect on running distance on a voluntary running wheel throughout the 6 weeks
No effect on phosphorylation of AMPK in gastrocnemius
No effect on post-exercise muscle protein synthesis
[40] Female mice 8 h fast to induce ketosis No effect on endurance in treadmill running test
[41] Male rats
8-week keto diet (76.1% fat, 8.9% protein
and 3.5% carbohydrates)
Longer running time in male rats during an exhaustive running test
Did not protect against increased plasma levels of LDH and CK 72 h post endurance running
[42] Male cyclists Administration of ketone ester drink
during stimulated cycling race
No impact on power output during the race
Increased muscle oxygenation during the race
[43] Male mice
6 weeks of D,L-
OHB supplementation
Increased distance, time to exhaustion and maximal speed on a weekly treadmill test only after
2 weeks
[44] Male SCOT knockout mice Time to exhaustion treadmill test No difference in running time and distance
[48] Male cyclists
Low carbohydrate, high fat diet
(variable compositions) for at least
6 months
Decreased muscle GLUT4 and IRS1
[51] Male rats
4-week high carbohydrate, fat-restricted
diet and daily swimming exercise
Decreased PDK4 expression and increased muscle glycogen utilization
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 17 of 22
Table 1. Cont.
Reference Study Population Study Design Key Finding(s)
[60] Male mice
8-week keto diet (76.1% fat, 8.9% protein
and 3.5% carbohydrates)
Accelerated recovery phase following a treadmill endurance test
[61] Recreational athletes
Participants performed eccentric knee
extensors following overnight fast
Also consumed a D-βOHB beverage on
the day of the activity, and for the 2 days
Did not affect muscle soreness and muscle function during the recovery period
[62] Male participants Consumption of βOHB tablets prior to
30 min of downhill running
No effect on plasma LDH and CK post-exercise
[63] Male cyclists
Keto diet (55% fat, 35% protein and 10%
carbohydrates) for 1 week, and ketone
supplemented tablet prior to cycling
No effect on plasma LDH or CK 120 min post-exercise
[65] Participants with obesity 8-week low carbohydrate diet (<50 g
per day) with regular exercise
Keto diet decreased lean muscle mass
[66] Male distance runners
Consumption of ketone supplemented
Voluntary hypoventilation protocol
No effect on muscle tissue oxygenation
[67] Physically active males Ketone ester drink and regular
endurance training for 3 weeks
Improved parameters related to muscle angiogenesis
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 18 of 22
12. Limitations and Future Direction
A major limitation of this review is the overall lack of research studies that investigate
the connection between muscle, exercise and ketones. Many studies investigate two of these
factors, but few cover all three. This issue is further compounded by the high variability
in the design of studies pertinent to the goal of this review. Additional limitations and
recommendations for future studies are outlined below.
Firstly, it should be noted that the high-fat requirement of a keto diet may lead to
negative consequences in the muscle that are not due to increased ketone exposure in
itself (e.g., inflammatory responses). Future experiments which further investigate the
mechanisms for effects connected to a keto diet would assist in making this distinction. To
this point, continuing to explore the difference between keto diets and exogenous ketone
supplementation may be advantageous, because supplements eliminate the need for high
levels of dietary fat. As mentioned in the section on the effect of keto diets on glucose
metabolism, it is also possible that the low carbohydrate requirement of a keto diet is
negatively impacting GLUT4. Future studies could employ a high carbohydrate diet as a
control group to better elucidate the impact of carbohydrate deprivation on the muscle.
Going forward, separate study groups should be implemented to clearly investigate
the effect of a keto diet or exogenous ketone supplementation alone, exercise alone and a
combination of both variables. This will allow for clearer determinations into their effect
on the muscle, as many studies published to date do not make these distinctions (for
example, they only use participants who are physically active). Hence, clinical studies
should also make use of individuals who are sedentary, as the effect of ketones may be
variable in individuals without a significant background in physical activity. Increasing the
diversity of study designs and the associated participant profiles is necessary to obtain a
more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between ketone bodies and exercise
in the muscle.
Similarly, female participants or animals should be used more frequently, and con-
trasted to male subject groups, as almost all the research presented here used exclusively
male subjects/rodents. It is crucial that research in this area becomes more inclusive, as the
effect of increased ketolysis may be variable between biological sexes, and recommenda-
tions regarding keto diets and supplements may be vastly different for males and females.
In general, before recommendations are made regarding keto diets or exogenous
ketone supplementation, the long-term impact of these regimens on muscle metabolism,
particularly glucose oxidation, should be determined.
13. Conclusions
Overall, as summarized above, there is evidence to suggest that increased exposure
to ketones can influence (whether positively or negatively) muscle metabolism, but a
significant number of important questions pertaining to this area of research remain out-
standing. As the popularity of keto diets and ketone supplements continues to rise, an
increasing number of individuals are augmenting their exposure to ketone bodies through
their diet, athletes may be implementing the regimens into their training programs and
doctors are recommending these interventions to their patients. However, until more work
is conducted on the relationship between ketones, the muscle and exercise, it is uncertain
whether these recommendations and lifestyle alterations are beneficial or detrimental. As
such, future investigations into the connection between exercise and keto diets or exoge-
nous ketone supplementation is strongly encouraged, especially as they relate to skeletal
muscle metabolism.
Nutrients 2023,15, 4228 19 of 22
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, H.K. and C.A.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, H.K.;
Writing—Review and Editing, J.R.U. and C.A.; Supervision, C.A.; Funding Acquisition, J.R.U. and
C.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research was funded by The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Project
Grant number 173515. J.R.U. is a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (Pharmacotherapy of Energy
Metabolism in Obesity). This project was also supported by a CIHR Canada Graduate Scholar-
ship Doctoral Award (FBD-187636) and a Master’s scholarship provided by the Institut du Savoir
Montfort, both to H.K.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created in this review article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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During periods of prolonged fasting/starvation, the liver generates ketones (i.e., β-hydroxybutyrate [βOHB]) that primarily serve as alternative substrates for ATP production. Previous studies have demonstrated that elevations in skeletal muscle ketone oxidation contribute to obesity-related hyperglycemia, whereas inhibition of succinyl CoA:3-ketoacid CoA transferase (SCOT), the rate-limiting enzyme of ketone oxidation, can alleviate obesity-related hyperglycemia. As circulating ketone levels are a key determinant of ketone oxidation rates, we tested the hypothesis that increases in circulating ketone levels would worsen glucose homeostasis secondary to increases in muscle ketone oxidation. Accordingly, male C57BL/6J mice were subjected to high-fat diet-induced obesity, whereas their lean counterparts received a standard chow diet. Lean and obese mice were orally administered either a ketone ester (KE) or placebo, followed by a glucose tolerance test. In tandem, we conducted isolated islet perifusion experiments to quantify insulin secretion in response to ketones. We observed that exogenous KE administration robustly increases circulating βOHB levels, which was associated with an improvement in glucose tolerance only in obese mice. These observations were independent of muscle ketone oxidation, as they were replicated in mice with a skeletal muscle-specific SCOT deficiency. Furthermore, the R-isomer of βOHB produced greater increases in perifusion insulin levels versus the S-Isomer in isolated islets from obese mice. Taken together, acute elevations in circulating ketones promote glucose-lowering in obesity. Given that only the R-isomer of βOHB is oxidized, further studies are warranted to delineate the precise role of β-cell ketone oxidation in regulating insulin secretion.
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De novo capillarization is a primary muscular adaptation to endurance exercise training and is crucial to improving performance. Excess training load, however, impedes such beneficial adaptations, yet we recently demonstrated that such downregulation may be counteracted by ketone ester ingestion (KE) post‐exercise. Therefore, we investigated whether KE could increase pro‐angiogenic factors and thereby stimulate muscular angiogenesis during a 3‐week endurance training‐overload period involving 10 training sessions/week in healthy, male volunteers. Subjects received either 25 g of a ketone ester (KE, n = 9) or a control drink (CON, n = 9) immediately after each training session and before sleep. In KE, but not in CON, the training intervention increased the number of capillary contacts and the capillary‐to‐fibre perimeter exchange index by 44% and 42%, respectively. Furthermore, KE also substantially increased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression both at the protein and at the mRNA level. Serum erythropoietin concentration was concomitantly increased by 26%. Conversely, in CON the training intervention increased only the protein content of eNOS. These data indicate that intermittent exogenous ketosis during endurance overload training stimulates muscular angiogenesis. This likely resulted from a direct stimulation of muscle angiogenesis, which may be at least partly due to stimulation of erythropoietin secretion and elevated VEGF activity, and/or an inhibition of the suppressive effect of overload training on the normal angiogenic response to training. This study provides novel evidence to support the potential of exogenous ketosis to benefit endurance training‐induced muscular adaptation. image Key points Increased capillarization is a primary muscular adaptation to endurance exercise training. However, excess training load may impede such response. We previously observed that intermittent exogenous ketosis by post‐exercise and pre‐sleep ketone ester ingestion (KE) counteracted physiological dysregulations induced by endurance overload training. Therefore, we investigated whether KE could increase pro‐angiogenic factors thereby stimulating muscular angiogenesis during a 3‐week endurance training overload period. We show that the overload training period in the presence, but not in the absence, of KE markedly increased muscle capillarization (+40%). This increase was accompanied by higher circulating erythropoietin concentration and stimulation of the pro‐angiogenic factors vascular endothelial growth factor and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in skeletal muscle. Collectively, our data indicate that intermittent exogenous ketosis may evolve as a potent nutritional strategy to facilitate recovery from strenuous endurance exercise, thereby stimulating beneficial muscular adaptations.
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Ketogenic diet (KD) has been proven to be an optional avenue in weight control. However, the impacts of KD on muscle strength and exercise endurance remain unclear. In this study, mice were randomly allocated to normal diet and KD groups to assess their exercise tolerance and transcriptomic changes of the gastrocnemius. KD suppressed body-weight and glucose levels and augmented blood ketone levels of mice. The total cholesterol, free fatty acids, and β-hydroxybutyric acid levels were higher and triglycerides and aspartate aminotransferase levels were lower in KD group. There was no notable difference in running distance/time and weight-bearing swimming time between the two groups. Furthermore, KD alleviated the protein levels of PGC-1α, p62, TnI FS, p-AMPKα, and p-Smad3, while advancing the LC3 II and TnI SS protein levels in the gastrocnemius tissues. RNA-sequencing found that 387 differentially expressed genes were filtered, and Cpt1b, Acadl, Eci2, Mlycd, Pdk4, Ptprc, C1qa, Emr1, Fcgr3, and Ctss were considered to be the hub genes. Our findings suggest that KD effectively reduced body weight but did not affect skeletal muscle strength and exercise endurance via AMPK/PGC-1α, Smad3, and p62/LC3 signaling pathways and these hub genes could be potential targets for muscle function in KD-treated mice.
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Elevating blood ketones may enhance exercise capacity and modulate adaptations to exercise training; however, these effects may depend on whether hyperketonemia is induced endogenously through dietary carbohydrate restriction, or exogenously through ketone supplementation. To determine this, we compared the effects of endogenously‐ and exogenously‐induced hyperketonemia on exercise capacity and adaptation. Trained endurance athletes undertook 6 days of laboratory based cycling (“race”) whilst following either: a carbohydrate‐rich control diet (n = 7; CHO); a carbohydrate‐rich diet + ketone drink four‐times daily (n = 7; Ex Ket); or a ketogenic diet (n = 7; End Ket). Exercise capacity was measured daily, and adaptations in exercise metabolism, exercise physiology and postprandial insulin sensitivity (via an oral glucose tolerance test) were measured before and after dietary interventions. Urinary β‐hydroxybutyrate increased by ⁓150‐fold and ⁓650‐fold versus CHO with Ex Ket and End Ket, respectively. Exercise capacity was increased versus pre‐intervention by ~5% on race day 1 with CHO (p < 0.05), by 6%–8% on days 1, 4, and 6 (all p < 0.05) with Ex Ket and decreased by 48%–57% on all race days (all p > 0.05) with End Ket. There was an ⁓3‐fold increase in fat oxidation from pre‐ to post‐intervention (p < 0.05) with End Ket and increased perceived exercise exertion (p < 0.05). No changes in exercise substrate metabolism occurred with Ex Ket, but participants had blunted postprandial insulin sensitivity (p < 0.05). Dietary carbohydrate restriction and ketone supplementation both induce hyperketonemia; however, these are distinct physiological conditions with contrasting effects on exercise capacity and adaptation to exercise training. Exercise performance and adaptive responses to an endogenously‐ and exogenously‐induced hyperketonemia are markedly different.
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Previous studies suggest that sex differences in lipid metabolism exist with females demonstrating a higher utilization of lipids during exercise, which is mediated partly by increased utilization of muscle triglycerides. However, whether these changes in lipid metabolism contribute directly to endurance exercise performance is unclear. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of exercise substrate metabolism to sex differences in endurance exercise capacity (EEC) in mice. Male and female C57BL/6‐NCrl mice were subjected to an EEC test until exhaustion on a motorized treadmill. The treadmill was set at a 10% incline, and the speed gradually increased from 10.2 m/min to 22.2 m/min at fixed intervals for up to 2.5 h. Tissues and blood were harvested in mice immediately following the EEC. A cohort of sedentary, non‐exercised male and female mice were used as controls. Females outperformed males by ~25% on the EEC. Serum levels of both fatty acids and ketone bodies were ~50% higher in females at the end of the EEC. In sedentary female mice, skeletal muscle triglyceride content was significantly greater compared to sedentary males. Gene expression analysis demonstrated that genes involved in skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation were significantly higher in females with no changes in genes associated with glucose uptake or ketone body oxidation. The findings suggest that female mice have a higher endurance exercise capacity and a greater ability to mobilize and utilize fatty acids for energy. The findings of the study suggest that female mice have a higher endurance exercise capacity due to an increased ability to mobilize fatty acids and utilize both exogenous and endogenous fatty acids for energy within the skeletal muscle.
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The physiological effects of physical exercise are ubiquitously reported as beneficial to the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Exercise is widely promoted by medical professionals to aid both physical and emotional wellbeing; however, mechanisms through which this is achieved are less well understood. Despite numerous beneficial attributes, certain types of exercise can inflict significant significant physiological stress. Several studies document a key relationship between exercise and immune activation. Activation of the innate immune system occurs in response to exercise and it is proposed this is largely mediated by cytokine signalling. Cytokines are typically classified according to their inflammatory properties and evidence has shown that cytokines expressed in response to exercise are diverse and may act to propagate, modulate or mitigate inflammation in musculoskeletal health. The review summarizes the existing literature on the relationship between exercise and the immune system with emphasis on how exercise-induced cytokine expression modulates inflammation and the immune response.
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Exogenous ketone esters have demonstrated the capacity to increase oxygen availability during acute hypoxic exposure leading to the potential application of their use to mitigate performance declines at high altitudes. Voluntary hypoventilation (VH) with exercise reliably reduces oxygen availability and increases carbon dioxide retention without alterations to ambient pressure or gas content. Utilizing a double-blind randomized crossover design, fifteen recreational male distance runners performed submaximal exercise (4 × 5 min; 70% VO2 Max) with VH. An exogenous ketone ester (KME; 573 mg⋅kg–1) or iso-caloric flavor matched placebo (PLA) was consumed prior to exercise. Metabolites, blood gases, expired air, heart rate, oxygen saturation, cognition, and perception metrics were collected throughout. KME rapidly elevated R-β-hydroxybutyrate and reduced blood glucose without altering lactate production. KME lowered pH, bicarbonate, and total carbon dioxide. VH with exercise significantly reduced blood (SpO2) and muscle (SmO2) oxygenation and increased cognitive mean reaction time and respiratory rate regardless of condition. KME administration significantly elevated respiratory exchange ratio (RER) at rest and throughout recovery from VH, compared to PLA. Blood carbon dioxide (PCO2) retention increased in the PLA condition while decreasing in the KME condition, leading to a significantly lower PCO2 value immediately post VH exercise (IPE; p = 0.031) and at recovery (p = 0.001), independent of respiratory rate. The KME’s ability to rapidly alter metabolism, acid/base balance, CO2 retention, and respiratory exchange rate independent of respiratory rate changes at rest, during, and/or following VH exercise protocol illustrates a rapid countermeasure to CO2 retention in concert with systemic metabolic changes.
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Available evidence indicates that elevated blood ketones are associated with improved hypoxic tolerance in rodents. From this perspective, we hypothesized that exogenous ketosis by oral intake of the ketone ester (R)-3-hydroxybutyl (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (KE) may induce beneficial physiological effects during prolonged exercise in acute hypoxia. As we recently demonstrated KE to deplete blood bicarbonate, which per se may alter the physiological response to hypoxia, we evaluated the effect of KE both in the presence and absence of bicarbonate intake (BIC). Fourteen highly trained male cyclists performed a simulated cycling race (RACE) consisting of 3h intermittent cycling (IMT 180' ) followed by a 15-min time-trial (TT 15' ) and an all-out sprint at 175% of lactate threshold (SPRINT). During RACE, fraction of inspired oxygen (F i O 2 ) was gradually decreased from 18.6 to 14.5%. Before and during RACE, participants received either i) 75g ketone ester (KE), ii) 300 mg/kg body mass bicarbonate (BIC), iii) KE+BIC or iv) a control drink in addition to 60g carbohydrates per h in a randomized, crossover design. KE counteracted the hypoxia-induced drop in blood (SpO 2 ) and muscle oxygenation by ~3%. In contrast, BIC decreased SpO 2 by ~2% without impacting muscle oxygenation. Performance during TT 15' and SPRINT were similar between all conditions. In conclusion, KE slightly elevated the degree of blood and muscle oxygenation during prolonged exercise in moderate hypoxia without impacting exercise performance. Our data warrant to further investigate the potential of exogenous ketosis to improve muscular and cerebral oxygenation status, and exercise tolerance in extreme hypoxia.
Ketone bodies are an endogenous fuel source generated primarily by the liver to provide alternative energy for extrahepatic tissues during prolonged fasting and exercise. Skeletal muscle is an important site of ketone body oxidation which occurs through a series of reactions requiring the enzyme succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-CoA transferase (SCOT/Oxct1). We have previously shown that deleting SCOT in the skeletal muscle protects against obesity-induced insulin resistance by increasing pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity, the rate-limiting enzyme of glucose oxidation. However, it remains unclear whether inhibiting muscle ketone body oxidation causes hypoglycemia and affects fuel metabolism in the absence of obesity. Here, we show that lean mice lacking skeletal muscle SCOT (SCOTSkM-/-) exhibited no overt phenotypic differences in glucose and fat metabolism from their human α-skeletal actin-Cre (HSACre) littermates. Of interest, we found that plasma and muscle branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) levels are elevated in SCOTSkM-/- lean mice compared to their HSACre littermates. Interestingly, this alteration in BCAA catabolism was only seen in SCOTSkM-/- mice under low-fat feeding and associated with decreased expression of mitochondrial branched-chain aminotransferases (BCATm/Bcat2), the first enzyme in BCAA catabolic pathway. Loss- and gain-of-function studies in C2C12 myotubes demonstrated that suppressing SCOT markedly diminished BCATm expression, whereas overexpressing SCOT resulted in an opposite effect without influencing BCAA oxidation enzymes. Further, SCOT overexpression in C2C12 myotubes significantly increased luciferase activity driven by a Bcat2 promoter construct. Together, our findings indicate that SCOT regulates the expression of the Bcat2 gene, which, through the abundance of its product BCATm, may influence circulating BCAA concentrations.
New findings: What is the central question of this study? Does acute ketone monoester supplementation enhance the recovery of muscle force and modulate circulating cytokine concentrations after muscle-damaging eccentric exercise? What is the main finding and its importance? We report that ketone monoester supplementation increased plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations but did not attenuate the reduction in muscle force or the increase in plasma inflammatory cytokine concentrations that occurred after eccentric exercise. Notably we report novel data demonstrating a reduction in plasma TRAIL concentrations after eccentric exercise, highlighting TRAIL signaling as a possibly novel regulator of muscle recovery. Abstract: Introduction Muscle damaging eccentric exercise is associated with inflammation and impaired muscle force. β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB) reduces muscle protein breakdown during inflammation but whether oral ketone monoester supplementation accelerates recovery of muscle force after eccentric exercise is unknown. Methods Sixteen healthy males and females consumed thrice daily ketone monoester (27 g per dose; n = 8; 6 females; KES) or isocaloric maltodextrin placebo (n = 8; 4 females; PLA) drinks (randomized, double-blind, parallel group design) for 3 days beginning immediately after 300 unilateral eccentric quadriceps contractions during complete eucaloric dietary control (1.2 ± 0.1 g·kgBM-1 ·d-1 standardized protein). Bilateral muscle force measurements and venous blood sampling were performed before and 3, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h after eccentric exercise. Results Plasma β-OHB concentrations were greater in KES compared with PLA at 3 (0.56 ± 0.13 vs 0.22 ± 0.04 mM, respectively; P = 0.080) and 6 h (0.65 ± 0.41 vs 0.23 ± 0.02 mM, respectively; P = 0.031) post eccentric exercise. Relative to the control leg, isokinetic work (by 20 ± 21% in PLA and 21 ± 19% in KES [P = 0.008]) and isometric torque (by 23 ± 13% in PLA and 20 ± 18% in KES [P < 0.001]) decreased from baseline at 3 h in the eccentrically exercised leg, and remained below baseline at 48 and 72 h, with no significant group differences. Of eight measured plasma cytokines, IL-6 (P = 0.008) and MCP-1 (P = 0.024) concentrations increased after 6 h, whereas TRAIL concentrations decreased after 3 (P = 0.022) and 6 h (P = 0.011) post exercise with no significant group differences. Conclusion Oral ketone monoester supplementation elevates plasma β-OHB concentrations but does not prevent the decline in muscle force or alter plasma inflammatory cytokine profiles induced by eccentric exercise. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.