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Breast/ovarian cancer genetic counseling: Do anxiety, depression, and health care‐related fears influence cancer worry and risk perception?

Cancer Medicine


Background The impact of family and personal cancer history and emotional factors, such as depression and anxiety, on disease representation has received limited attention in studies investigating the development of cancer‐related worry and risk perception within the context of genetic counseling. The current study endeavors to fill this gap by exploring the extent to which depression and anxiety influence cancer worry and risk perception, and the role of health care‐related fear as potential mediator in this relationship. Methods A sample of 178 women who underwent their first genetic counseling for breast/ovarian cancer, 52% of whom had previous cancer diagnoses, completed questionnaires assessing sociodemographic and clinical information, emotional distress in terms of anxiety and depression, cancer‐related worry, risk perception, and health care‐related fears. Results Results of mediation analyses showed that cancer‐related worry and risk perception increased with rising levels of depression and anxiety, with health care‐related fears acting as a mediator in the relationship of depression and anxiety with cancer worry and risk perception. Covariate analysis revealed that previous cancer diagnosis increases cancer‐related worry but not risk perception, while the number of family members affected by cancer increases both outcomes. Conclusion These findings emphasize the need for a holistic approach in genetic counseling and have implications for the clinical practice.
Cancer Medicine. 2023;00:1–10.
Received: 17 May 2023
Revised: 30 August 2023
Accepted: 30 August 2023
DOI: 10.1002/cam4.6518
Breast/ovarian cancer genetic counseling: Do anxiety,
depression, and health care- related fears influence cancer
worry and risk perception?
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
1Psychology Unit, IRCCS “Regina
Elena” National Cancer Institute,
Rome, Italy
2Department of Oncology, IRCCS
“Regina Elena” National Cancer
Institute, Rome, Italy
3Department of Psychology, University
of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Lara Guariglia, Psychology Unit,
IRCCS “Regina Elena” National Cancer
Institute– Via Elio Chianesi, 53 00144,
Rome, Italy.
Funding information
Ministero della Salute, Grant/Award
Number: rc2023
Background: The impact of family and personal cancer history and emotional
factors, such as depression and anxiety, on disease representation has received
limited attention in studies investigating the development of cancer- related worry
and risk perception within the context of genetic counseling. The current study
endeavors to fill this gap by exploring the extent to which depression and anxiety
influence cancer worry and risk perception, and the role of health care- related
fear as potential mediator in this relationship.
Methods: A sample of 178 women who underwent their first genetic coun-
seling for breast/ovarian cancer, 52% of whom had previous cancer diagnoses,
completed questionnaires assessing sociodemographic and clinical information,
emotional distress in terms of anxiety and depression, cancer- related worry, risk
perception, and health care- related fears.
Results: Results of mediation analyses showed that cancer- related worry and
risk perception increased with rising levels of depression and anxiety, with health
care- related fears acting as a mediator in the relationship of depression and anxi-
ety with cancer worry and risk perception. Covariate analysis revealed that pre-
vious cancer diagnosis increases cancer- related worry but not risk perception,
while the number of family members affected by cancer increases both outcomes.
Conclusion: These findings emphasize the need for a holistic approach in ge-
netic counseling and have implications for the clinical practice.
anxiety, BRCA 1/2 genetic mutation, cancer, cancer worry, depression, family history, genetic
counseling, health fears, psychological distress, risk perception
CARUSO et al.
Women diagnosed with breast and/or ovarian cancer or
with a family history of these types of cancers can un-
dergo genetic counseling to investigate whether they carry
the BRCA1/2 genetic mutation. The BRCA1/2 mutation is
associated with an increased risk of breast and/or ovarian
cancer, with carriers of the mutation having a risk respec-
tively of 72% and 44% for BRCA1 and 69% and 17% for
BRCA2.1 Identification of the mutation through genetic
screening and initiation of a genetic counseling process
offers the opportunity to increase prophylaxis, risk reduc-
tion interventions, monitoring, and surveillance for these
patients.2 Within genetic counseling, attention is focused
not only on medical data but also on the psychosocial
characteristics and issues of patients.
Women potentially carrying the BRCA1/2 genetic muta-
tions may have a complex psychological profile, both as a
result of their family members' experiences and their own
illness. Scientific evidence shows that symptoms of anxiety
and depression are significantly present in those undergoing
genetic counseling.3,4 Symptoms can develop in relation to
being carriers of the mutation, having had direct illness ex-
perience,5,6 having multiple family members with a history
of breast/ovarian cancer,7 being the first tested subject in the
family,8 and having to communicate the test outcome to their
family.9 From the cited studies, it clearly emerges how the
interaction between the individual and the family contrib-
utes to increase psychological distress. In patients carrying
the genetic mutation, there are multigenerational models of
the disease manifestation that can shape the development
processes and have an impact in terms of psychological dis-
tress with manifestations of anxiety and depression.10
The family manifestation of cancer also contributes to a
specific representation of the disease, such that women with
family illness experiences generate representations associ-
ated with greater concern for cancer development.11 These
data are consistent with Leventhal's self- regulation model,12
which posits that the representation of illness is generated
from external stimuli (witnessing a family member's illness
or acquiring information from the media or doctors) and
internal stimuli (direct experience of symptoms) through
processes in which elements of both emotional and cogni-
tive nature converge. The contribution of emotional factors
to the genesis of the disease representation is confirmed by
the works of Butler and Brand.4,13 In their studies, the dis-
ease representation and the self- concept, in which stigma
and vulnerability dimensions converge, are associated with
anxious symptomatology in these patients, showing that
women with negative emotional representations present a
higher level of anxiety and distress.
In the literature, it is not sufficiently clear what the re-
lationships are between psychological distress, illness
representation, risk perception, and cancer worry. The in-
vestigation of risk perception showed that these patients
may have a subjective and distorted perception of risk, but
it is not clear what the influence of emotional distress is
in this regard. Studies that have investigated the nature of
this relationship have yielded contrasting results. In Caruso
et al.,14 there were no correlations between anxiety, depres-
sion, and risk perception. In Vos et al.'s study,15 physical and
psychological changes, stigma, mastery, negativity, and can-
cer worry were correlated with risk perception not only for
oneself but also for one's relatives. In Cicero et al.'s study,16
risk perception seems to be a moderating and/or predictive
factor in the development of psychopathological symptoms,
and specifically influences anxiety levels more than depres-
sion levels. In fact, in their study,16 it is not possible to draw
definitive conclusions regarding the causal order of vari-
ables, and the directionality of significant relationships has
not been determined. The study by Lerman et al.17 indicates
the opposite, however, showing a direct influence of anxi-
ety on risk perception. The study was conducted on patients
undergoing genetic counseling and therefore adequately in-
structed on the actual risk probability associated with their
illness condition; the results indicated that counseling on
risk did not produce a better understanding in those patients
who at baseline had high levels of anxious concern.17 Thus,
anxiety seems to be a dimension that influences risk percep-
tion despite the stimuli processed at a cognitive level.
It is essential for the clinical practice to comprehend
the association between family experiences, psychological
distress, and risk perception. Risk perception is a relevant
empirical dimension as individuals who underestimate
their cancer risk are less likely to partake in health pro-
tective behaviors, while those who overestimate their risk
may worry excessively and undergo unnecessary visits
and checks.18
This study aims to investigate whether anxiety and de-
pression affect the perception of risk and worry regarding
cancer diagnosis or recurrence among those who have
had cancer, and whether health care- related fears medi-
ate these associations. In addition, the research aims to
explore how the presence/absence of the disease, consid-
ering the number of family members affected by cancer
as a covariate, influences the perceived risk of carrying
a genetic mutation or developing cancer and the level of
cancer- related worry.
Study design and procedures
This observational, single center, cohort study focuses
on women attending a specialized outpatient clinic for
CARUSO et al.
hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. The study considers
two subgroups of the population: asymptomatic women
without prior cancer diagnosis, and women already diag-
nosed with or having had breast or ovarian cancer, both
awaiting their first genetic counseling consultation. Inclu-
sion criteria were being 18 years or above, having at least one
first- degree relative with breast and/or ovarian cancer, hav-
ing family members who have not been previously tested
for the BRCA1/2 mutation, and not having undergone any
genetic counseling before. Exclusion criteria consisted of
women under 18 years, belonging to families already tested
for BRCA1/2 diagnosis, having previously undergone ge-
netic counseling, or waiting for a cancer screening result.
Prior to participation, potential participants were in-
formed of the study objectives and were required to com-
plete an informed consent form to take part in the study.
Participation was completely voluntary and no compen-
sation was offered. The study received formal ethical ap-
proval from the Ethical Committee of the “Regina Elena”
National Cancer Institute (RS1721/22/2699).
The following data were collected: sociodemographic and
clinical information, data from a self- report questionnaire
on emotional distress (anxiety, depression, and health-
related fears) and a self- report questionnaire on cancer-
specific distress and personal and genetic risk perception.
The sociodemographic and clinical data included age,
educational level, information on previous cancer diag-
nosis, and the number of first- degree relatives affected by
breast, ovarian, and/or other types of cancer.
Cognitive behavioral
assessment- hospital form
The Cognitive Behavioral Assessment- Hospital Form
(CBA- H19) is a 147- items questionnaire formed by Cards
A, B, C, and D and is commonly used in the psychologi-
cal assessment of patients with somatic diseases or people
attending medical screening or testing. The questionnaire
was validated on a sample of 4888 Italian adults formed by
patients with various somatic diseases including different
types of cancer (breast, ovarian, lung, and colon), individu-
als submitted to oncological screening, and healthy con-
trols.19 Card A of the CBA- H19 was used in the current study
to evaluate the emotional condition of patients. It is formed
by three subscales: A1– state anxiety (SA; 9 items) meas-
ures a general anxiety state; A2- health care- related fears
(HF; 5 items) evaluates fear reactions to situations related
to health management and diagnostic/curative treatments
or medical procedures; and A3- depressive reactions (DR;
5 items) investigates the presence of depressive thoughts.
The items require a true/false response (coded 1- 0).
Cancer worry scale- genetic
The cancer worry scale was originally developed to evalu-
ate the impact of receiving abnormal mammogram results
on women's breast cancer worries, their breast self-
examination (BSE) frequency and intentions to obtain
subsequent mammograms.20
The Italian version of the cancer worry scale– genetic
counseling (CWS- GC21) was modified to identify dimen-
sions that are relevant in the genetic counseling context,
such as worry about developing breast or ovarian cancer,
impact of worries on daily life, and risk perception in
women attending a counseling session for BRCA1/2 mu-
tations. The CWS- GC, used in the current study, was vali-
dated in a population of 304 Italian women, of whom 58%
were diagnosed for breast or ovarian cancer and the rest
were asymptomatic persons undergoing cancer genetic
testing. The CWS- GC consists of two independent indi-
ces, cancer worry (cw) and risk perception (RP). CW (five
items) measures the intensity and frequency of worries
about the possibility of developing cancer (or recurrence
for patients who have had cancer) and the impact of wor-
ries on mood and daily functioning. Items are answered
using a 5- point scale format from 0 (not at all/never) to
4 (very much/constantly). The overall cancer- related wor-
ries is obtained by adding and averaging the five items
after transforming them into a 0– 100 scale. RP (two items)
measures the perceived risk of having a genetic muta-
tion and of developing cancer (recurrently or for the first
time). Both items are evaluated through a visual analogue
scale ranging from “no perceived risk” (0%) to “highest
perceived risk” (100%). The overall perception of risk is
obtained by adding and averaging the two items.
Data analyses
Descriptive statistics was used to describe the sociode-
mographic characteristics of participants. Preliminary
analyses were performed to calculate the correlations
(Pearson's r coefficient) between the predictors, the medi-
ator, and the dependent variables. Analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA) was run to test for the effects of having had or
not a previous diagnosis of cancer on the dependent vari-
ables (i.e., cancer worry and risk perception), taking into
consideration the number of first- degree relatives with
cancer as a covariate.
CARUSO et al.
Two mediation models were subsequently tested:
Mediation model n. 1 with depressive reactions as the
predictor, health care- related fears as the mediator,
and cancer worry and risk perception as the dependent
variables. Mediation model n. 2 was the same as the
previous one except for the predictor that was state anx-
iety. In the mediation models were also entered as con-
founder variables having had or not a previous diagnosis
of cancer and the number of relatives with cancer, in the
case of their significant associations with the dependent
The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Statistical
analyses were performed with the software JASP version
0.16 [2013- 2021 University of Amsterdam].
The study involved 178 women, ranging in age from 27
to 77 years old, with a mean age around 52 years. Over
half of the participants had a high school qualification,
one- third held a university degree, and a minority of
them had a secondary school certificate. About half of
the participants had been diagnosed with cancer previ-
ously, in most cases unilateral breast cancer, while only
a few of them had ovarian cancer. Finally, the number
of first- degree relatives with cancer ranged from 0 to 11,
with a mean around 5. (Participants' characteristics are
reported in Table1).
Preliminary analyses
Pearson's correlations were significant between all the
psychological variables (see Table2). In addition, the
number of first- degree relatives with cancer significantly
correlated with both cancer worry (r = 0.21; p = 0.006) and
risk perception (r = 0.28; p < 0.001).
ANCOVA results regarding the effects of having or not
a diagnosis of cancer on cancer worry and risk percep-
tion, considering the number of relatives with cancer as
a covariate, were as follows. For cancer worry, the effect
of having had or not a diagnosis of cancer was significant
(F [1,173] = 6.49, p = 0.01), after controlling for the effect
of the number of relatives with cancer (F [1,173] = 10.20,
p = 0.002) (Levene's test was nonsignificant, p = 0.44).
Marginal means of cancer worry were 43.24 and 34.20
for having or not a cancer diagnosis, respectively, with
higher worries reported by patients having had a diagno-
sis of cancer. For risk perception, the effects of having had
or not a diagnosis was nonsignificant (F [1,173) = 0.40,
p = 0.53), after controlling for the effect of the number of
relatives with cancer (F [1,173) = 14.86, p < 0.001) (Lev-
ene's test was nonsignificant, p = 0.44). Marginal means
of risk perception were 49.08 and 48.95 for having had
or not a cancer diagnosis, respectively, indicating simi-
lar perception of risk between patients previously diag-
nosed and asymptomatic women attending the genetic
Subsequently, having had or not a cancer diagnosis and
the number of relatives with cancer were both entered
into the mediation model n. 1 for cancer worry, whereas
only the number of relatives with cancer was entered into
the mediation model n. 2 for risk perception.
TABLE  Participants' characteristics (n = 178).
Mean (standard
Age (years) 52.18 (10.92)
Educational level
Secondary school 23 (12.92)
High school 93 (52.25)
University degree 62 (34.83)
Previous diagnosis of
cancer (total)
93 (52.25)
Previous ovarian cancer 7 (7.53)
Previous breast cancer
86 (92.47)
Unilateral 77 (89.53)
Multiple contralateral 7 (8.14)
Multiple ipsilateral 2 (2.33)
Number of relatives with
4.60 (2.49)
Variable SA DR HF CW
State anxiety (SA)
Depressive reactions (DR) 0.53**
Health care- related fears (HF) 0.62** 0.27**
Cancer worry (CW) 0.56** 0.31** 0.57**
Risk perception (RP) 0.37** 0.20*0.27** 0.49**
*p < 0.01; **p < 0.001.
TABLE  Pearson's correlations
between psychological study variables.
CARUSO et al.
Mediation models
In the first mediation model, the predictor was depressive
reactions, the dependent variables were cancer worry and
risk perception, and health care- related fears acted as a
mediator. Having had or not a cancer diagnosis and the
number of relatives with cancer were confounding vari-
ables for cancer worry, and only the number of relatives
with cancer was a confounding variable for risk percep-
tion. The model explained 41% (R2 = 0.41) of the variance
in cancer worry and 16% (R2 = 0.16) of the variance in risk
perception. Health care- related fears partially mediated
the effect of depressive reactions on cancer worry and
fully mediated the effect of depressive reactions on risk
perception (see Table3 and Figure1). As depressive re-
actions increased, cancer worry and risk perception also
increased, with health care- related fears playing a partial
or full mediating role, while controlling for the effects of
having had or not cancer and the number of relatives with
In the second mediation model, the predictor was state
anxiety, the dependent variables were cancer worry and
risk perception, and health- care related fears acted as a
mediator. Having had or not a diagnosis of cancer and the
number of relatives with cancer were confounding vari-
ables for cancer worry, and only the number of relatives
with cancer was a confounding variable for risk percep-
tion. The model explained 44% (R2 = 0.44) of the variance
in cancer worry and 20% (R2 = 0.20) of the variance in
risk perception. Health care- related fears partially medi-
ated the effect of state anxiety on cancer worry and did
not mediate the effect of state anxiety on risk perception
95% Confidence
Direct effects Estimate
error z- value pLower Upper
DRCW 0.17 0.06 2.67 0.008 0.05 0.30
DRRP 0.16 0.08 1.92 0.06 −0.004 0.33
Indirect effects
DRHFCW 0.13 0.04 3.36 <0.001 0.05 0.21
DRHFRP 0.05 0.02 2.32 0.02 0.008 0.10
Total effects
DRCW 0.31 0.07 4.20 <0.001 0.16 0.45
DRRP 0.22 0.08 2.61 0.009 0.05 0.38
Note: Standardized estimates, robust standard errors, robust confidence intervals, ML estimator.
Abbreviations: CW, cancer worry; DR, depressive reactions; HF, health care- related fears; RP, risk
TABLE  Parameter estimates of
mediation model n. 1.
FIGURE  Path plot of mediation model n. 1. Diagnosis = having or not a diagnosis of cancer; Relatives = number of relatives with
cancer. Standardized estimates are presented.
CARUSO et al.
(see Table4 and Figure2). As state anxiety increased, can-
cer worry and risk Perception also increased, with health
care- related fears playing a partial mediating role for can-
cer worry only, while controlling for the effects of having
had or not cancer and the number of relatives with cancer.
The comparison of the two mediation models sug-
gests that state anxiety was a slightly superior predictor
(R2 = 0.44) of cancer worry, with the partial mediation of
health care- related fears, compared to depressive reac-
tions (R2 = 0.41). In terms of risk perception, state anxiety
also appeared to be a better predictor (R2 = 0.20) than de-
pressive reactions (R2 = 0.16). However, while the relation-
ship between depressive reactions and risk perception was
fully mediated by health care- related fears, the relation-
ship between state anxiety and risk perception was only
direct and not mediated by health care- related fears.
The exploration of risk perception and cancer- related
worry is a significant undertaking within the realm of psy-
chology research. Yet, the precise mechanisms underlying
these domains and the extent to which emotional and cog-
nitive factors interplay in this respect are still shrouded in
uncertainty. Current literature concerning risk perception
and psychological distress is relatively scant and outdated.
While contemporary studies have primarily examined
how emotional and cognitive dimensions correlate, they
have not delved deeply into the directionality of the as-
sociations between these variables.
The current study aimed to investigate the influence of
emotional factors, such as anxiety and depression, on the
perception of risk and cancer- related worry, and to explore
95% Confidence
Direct effects Estimate
error z- value pLower Upper
SACW 0.30 0.09 3.41 <0.001 0.13 0.47
SARP 0.31 0.08 3.70 <0.001 0.15 0.48
Indirect effects
SAHFCW 0.23 0.05 4.64 <0.001 0.13 0.33
SAHFRP 0.04 0.05 0.72 0.47 −0.06 0.14
Total effects
SACW 0.53 0.07 7.78 <0.001 0.40 0.67
SARP 0.35 0.07 5.09 <0.001 0.21 0.48
Note: Standardized estimates, robust standard errors, robust confidence intervals, ML estimator.
Abbreviations: CW, cancer worry; HF, health care- related fears; RP, risk perception; SA, state anxiety.
TABLE  Parameter estimates of
mediation model n. 2.
FIGURE  Path plot of mediation model n. 2. Diagnosis = having or not a diagnosis of cancer; Relatives = number of relatives with
cancer. Standardized estimates are presented.
CARUSO et al.
the mediating role of health care- related fears in these asso-
ciations. The results indicate that depression has a signifi-
cant effect on both risk perception and cancer- related worry.
As the level of depression increases, so does the intensity
and frequency of cancer- related worry as well as risk per-
ception. A previous study also found that women scoring
higher in a depression scale reported higher risk estimates
of developing breast cancer.22 Health care- related fears play
a crucial mediating role in this relationship by helping to
elucidate the effect of depression on risk perception, while
their role in mediating the association between depression
and cancer- related apprehension was comparatively minor.
Furthermore, the study found that state anxiety also has
an influence on risk perception and cancer- related worry.
As anxiety levels increase, both cancer- related worry and
risk perception also increase. Health care- related fears
have a significant mediating role in the relationship be-
tween anxiety and cancer- related worry, but they do not
mediate the effect of anxiety on risk perception.
The findings of this study are consistent with Leven-
thal's self- regulation model,12 which posits that individ-
uals' perception of illness impacts their responses to it.
Specifically, the perception of illness refers to how pa-
tients interpret information and personal experiences they
have accumulated over time. This may elucidate the role
of health care- related fears, which mediate the relation-
ship of depression and anxiety with risk perception and
cancer- related worry.
The present study provides evidence that anxiety is
a stronger predictor of cancer- related worry and risk
perception than depression. Moreover, our findings
suggest that anxiety has a direct impact on risk percep-
tion, which is not mediated by health care fears. These
results are consistent with previous research conducted
by Lerman,17 who demonstrated a correlation between
anxiety and risk perception, indicating that counseling
to correct risk perception is ineffective in women with
frequent intrusive thoughts about the disease. Women
with high levels of anxiety, according to the authors, are
less likely to perceive information as reliable, as anxi-
ety interferes with the process of attention and compre-
hension. Several subsequent studies have confirmed the
impact of anxiety on risk perception. Cull et al.23 found
that the best predictor of risk overestimation in a sam-
ple of women with a family history of ovarian cancer
was anxiety, with their health behavior being guided by
anxiety rather than objective risk. Meiser et al.24 found
that women at increased genetic risk with higher levels
of specific anxiety for cancer were more likely to overes-
timate the risk of ovarian cancer, especially if they had
a mother diagnosed with the disease. Ultimately, the
cited studies highlight the importance of considering
anxiety as a key factor in cancer- related risk perception
and suggest the need for tailored interventions to reduce
anxiety and prevent risk overestimation.
In order to fully examine the factors that contribute to
risk perception and cancer- related worry, we investigated
the potential influence of two additional variables: the
presence or absence of disease and the number of fam-
ily members affected by cancer. Previous research has
demonstrated that patients' family history of the disease
can impact their perception of risk. Chalmers et al.25
found that the timing of illness and death events within
a family can play a critical role in overestimating the risk.
Women, in particular, may develop a sense of vulnerabil-
ity through strong identification with family members
affected by cancer. A similar relationship between risk
perception and family history has also been identified in
studies of mutation carriers aged 18– 40 years.26– 30
However, despite existing research, there is a lack of
studies that have specifically examined how the presence
or absence of cancer and the number of family members
affected by cancer may impact cancer- related worry and
risk perception. Our findings suggest that the number
of family members affected by cancer does have an im-
pact on risk perception, whereas a previous cancer diag-
nosis does not. That is, the larger the number of family
members affected by cancer the higher the perceived risk
of having a genetic mutation and personally developing
cancer, consistently with the literature.25– 29 On the other
hand, patients having had cancer and asymptomatic
women attending a cancer genetic counseling manifest
the same level of perceived risk of having a genetic mu-
tation and developing cancer (recurrently or for the first
time). Conversely, both variables were found to have an
effect on cancer- related worry. That is, both having had
cancer and a larger number of family members affected
by cancer increase the worry about developing cancer and
its impact on personal daily life. It means that personal
and family experiences with cancer play a critical role in
increasing concern for one's personal health. These results
have important implications for understanding the com-
plex interplay of factors that contribute to perceptions of
risk and worry related to cancer.
In conclusion, this study provides insights into the
complex relationships between emotional factors, risk per-
ception, and cancer- related worry. Future research should
continue to investigate these areas to better understand
the underlying mechanisms and potential interventions to
improve psychological well- being in at- risk populations.
The present study is not without limitations, which
should be acknowledged to ensure a realistic
CARUSO et al.
interpretation of the findings. First, the outcomes re-
lied on self- reported data, which are vulnerable to vari-
ous biases and subjectivities. Second, the uncertainty
around screening procedures may itself have induced
anxiety and fear among participants, thus complicating
the interpretation of results of the regression models.
Additionally, patients' beliefs about the effectiveness of
screening may have interacted with fear to affect their
perception of risk. Third, given that the present study
adopted a cross- sectional design, it cannot infer causal-
ity, and longitudinal research in this area is warranted.
Fourth, the generalizability of the findings is limited by
the fact that the study's participants were highly edu-
cated women who were screened at a single institution.
Therefore, caution should be exercised in generalizing
the findings to other populations or screening con-
texts. Finally, the limited sample size of the study did
not allow exploring the influence of the type of cancer
previously diagnosed (breast or ovarian cancer) on the
selected outcomes as well as running separate media-
tion models for women who had or not a diagnosis of
cancer. Indeed, the number of patients who had ovarian
cancer was too small (n = 7) to allow reliable analyses
on the associations between the type of cancer and other
psychological variables in the study. This study suggests
that having had or not cancer influence cancer worry, so
it would have been reasonable to conduct separate me-
diation models for the two subgroups of women (with or
without a cancer diagnosis) in relation to cancer worry.
However, mediation conclusions are dependent on sam-
ple size. Using a sample that is too small may pose a
hindrance to adequately demonstrating the total effect.
Consequently, it is advised to employ moderate sample
sizes in mediation models.31 In our study, we deemed a
sample size ranging between 100 and 200 to be moder-
ate, while performing separate median models on the
two halves of our sample, both with a sample size below
100, might not give the researchers sufficient statistical
power to detect the total effect. Future research should
address this issue by involving a larger number of par-
ticipants, in order to reliably compare asymptomatic pa-
tients awaiting genetic screening with cancer patients,
also differentiating patients based on the type of cancer
using subgroups with appropriate sample sizes.
The information presented offers valuable insights for
health care professionals regarding the impact that
emotional well- being may have on cognitive function-
ing and accurate perception of reality. In light of this,
it is crucial for clinicians to adopt a holistic approach
to patient care that takes into account both the physi-
cal and psychological aspects of their patients' health.
To achieve this, effective communication strategies that
acknowledge and respect patients' subjectivity should
be prioritized while preserving their quality of life. Ad-
ditionally, psychologists have a critical role to play in
implementing targeted psychological interventions, in-
cluding patient assessment, facilitating communication
between health care teams and patients, and providing
treatment when necessary.
Failure to adopt a comprehensive approach to patient
care that accounts for psychological factors can lead to
significant negative impacts on the decision- making
process. In particular, this may result in inappropri-
ate allocation of medical care and diagnostic tests, as
well as inadequate control over preventive therapy op-
tions. Therefore, health care providers must prioritize a
patient- centered approach that addresses broader health
concerns and applies a multidisciplinary approach for
optimal patient management.
The scenario under consideration presents a clear com-
plexity, that can be discerned through a careful analysis
of the available data. Specifically, the patients' life expe-
riences, shaped by their own encounters with cancer or
those of their family members, engender a multifaceted
representation of the disease. This representation is char-
acterized by emotional factors such as anxiety and depres-
sion, as well as health care- related elements like fears
related to surgical intervention, medical testing, and in-
teractions with physicians. Such an interpretation of the
patient's condition is further augmented by their anxiety
and depression, which can exacerbate their perception of
personal vulnerability in terms of risk and concerns re-
lated to cancer.
Anita Caruso: Conceptualization (equal); data curation
(equal); investigation (equal); methodology (equal); pro-
ject administration (equal); resources (equal); supervision
(equal); validation (equal); writing – original draft (equal);
writing – review and editing (equal). Gabriella Maggi:
Conceptualization (equal); investigation (equal); writing –
original draft (equal); writing – review and editing (equal).
Cristina Vigna: Data curation (equal); writing – review
and editing (equal). Antonella Savarese: Writing – origi-
nal draft (equal); writing – review and editing (equal).
Laura Gallo- : Writing – original draft (equal); writing
review and editing (equal). Lara Guariglia: Concep-
tualization (equal); investigation (equal); methodology
CARUSO et al.
(equal); validation (equal); writing – original draft (equal);
writing – review and editing (equal). Giulia Casu: Data
curation (equal); formal analysis (equal); investigation
(equal); methodology (equal); supervision (equal); writ-
ing – original draft (equal); writing – review and editing
(equal). Paola Gremigni: Conceptualization (equal);
data curation (equal); formal analysis (lead); investigation
(equal); methodology (equal); software (equal); supervi-
sion (equal); writing – original draft (equal); writing – re-
view and editing (equal).
We thank Federica Falcioni, Administrative Assistant,
Scientific Direction, IRE. Open access funding provided
This work was financially supported through funding
from the institutional “Ricerca Corrente 2023.”
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The data that support the findings of this study are avail-
able from the corresponding author upon reasonable
Lara Guariglia
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How to cite this article: Caruso A, Maggi G,
Vigna C, et al. Breast/ovarian cancer genetic
counseling: Do anxiety, depression, and health
care- related fears influence cancer worry and risk
perception? Cancer Med. 2023;00:1-10. doi:10.1002/
... The concept of 'geneticization' raises deep questions about responsibility, education, and the societal impacts of HRD testing. Mediation analyses on a sample of 178 women undergoing their first genetic counselling session for breast/ovarian cancer showed that cancer-related worry and risk perception based on genetic counselling were associated with increased levels of depression and anxiety [38]. Further analysis revealed that cancer-related worry, but not risk perception, was heightened among those with a prior cancer diagnosis [38]. ...
... Mediation analyses on a sample of 178 women undergoing their first genetic counselling session for breast/ovarian cancer showed that cancer-related worry and risk perception based on genetic counselling were associated with increased levels of depression and anxiety [38]. Further analysis revealed that cancer-related worry, but not risk perception, was heightened among those with a prior cancer diagnosis [38]. Additionally, the number of family members affected by cancer was linked to increased cancer-related worry and risk perception [38]. ...
... Further analysis revealed that cancer-related worry, but not risk perception, was heightened among those with a prior cancer diagnosis [38]. Additionally, the number of family members affected by cancer was linked to increased cancer-related worry and risk perception [38]. Understanding patients' genetic health literacy, risk perception, and beliefs about disease and prevention is therefore paramount [38]. ...
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Purpose of Review Homologous recombination repair deficiency (HRD) increases breast cancer susceptibility and influences both prophylactic and active management of breast cancer. This review evaluates HRD testing and the therapeutic implications of HRD in a global context. Recent Findings Ongoing research efforts have highlighted the importance of HRD beyond BRCA1/2 as a potential therapeutic target in breast cancer. However, despite the improved affordability of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the discovery of PARP inhibitors, economic and geographical barriers in access to HRD testing and breast cancer screening do not allow all patients to benefit from the personalized treatment approach they provide. Summary Advancements in HRD testing modalities and targeted therapeutics enable tailored breast cancer management. However, inequalities in access to testing and optimized treatments are contributing to widening health disparities globally.
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Evaluated the impact of receiving abnormal mammogram results on women’s anxiety and breast cancer worries and on their breast self-examination (BSE) frequency and intentions to obtain subsequent mammograms. A telephone survey was conducted with 308 women 50 years old and older approximately 3 months following a screening mammogram. Subjects included women with suspicious abnormal mammograms, nonsuspicious abnormal mammograms, and normal mammograms. Women with suspicious abnormal mammograms exhibited significantly elevated levels of mammography-related anxiety and breast cancer worries that interfered with their moods and functioning, despite the fact that diagnostic work-ups had ruled out breast cancer. Women with moderate levels of impairment in mood or functioning were more likely to practice monthly BSE than women with either high or low levels of impairment. Breast cancer worries, perceived susceptibility to breast cancer, and physician encouragement to get mammograms all exhibited independent positive relationships to mammogram intentions. Key words: mammogram, health behavior, adherence, breast cancer, psychological
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Little is known about how women with a BRCA1/2 mutation develop an individual understanding of their breast and ovarian cancer risk and how this affects their psychological distress. In this study, we investigated associations between illness representations, coping strategies and psychological distress. N = 101 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers answered self-report questionnaires on illness representations, coping strategies, cancer worry and depressive symptoms. Women without cancer were compared to women with a previous cancer diagnosis. Illness representations explained 50% and 45% of the variability in cancer worry and depressive symptoms, respectively. Woman perceiving severe consequences (β = 0.29, p < 0.01) and having more concerns (β = 0.37, p < 0.01) were found to report more cancer worry. Perceiving information about the mutation as less coherent (β = −0.17, p < 0.05) and experiencing negative emotional responses (β = 0.60, p < 0.01) were both associated with more depressive symptoms. Women with a previous cancer diagnosis show patterns of illness representations that are potentially more distressing than women without a cancer diagnosis. Findings suggest that physicians involved in counseling should pay attention to illness representations of distressed women. Thereby, it would be possible to detect maladaptive thoughts associated with the mutation, address negative emotions and encourage adaptive coping strategies.
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Purpose To conduct a systematic review of international guidelines on screening and management of patients with BRCA-mutated breast cancer (BC). Methods Major electronic databases (MEDLINE and Embase; N=8) and gray literature sources were searched (January 2007 to February 2018). Latest guideline recommendations on genetic screening, counseling, and BC treatment of BRCA mutation carriers were summarized. Guidelines specific to germline BRCA (gBRCA) mutation were captured where available. Results A total of 3,775 records were retrieved and 32 guidelines were included; Europe (n=16), USA (n=11), Canada (n=3), Australia (n=1), and Japan (n=1) were included. Across and within guidelines, genetic counseling was recommended at multiple points in the care pathway, though the format was not always clearly defined. US guidelines emphasized that BRCA mutation testing should occur after specialized genetic counseling; other European guidelines are less prescriptive. BRCA testing eligibility criteria differed, with some guidelines being less restrictive; US National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) BC guidelines specified that HER2-negative BC patients eligible for single-agent therapy are eligible for gBRCA testing. Fast-track BRCA testing is recommended in the Netherlands if treatment choice will affect survival, but in the UK only as part of clinical trials. More recent European (European School of Oncology–European Society for Medical Oncology 3rd International Consensus Guidelines for Breast Cancer in Young Women 2017, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie 2017 in Germany) and US (NCCN) guidelines have updated recommendations regarding gBRCA-targeted poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor therapy in BC. Conclusion Regional and organizational guidelines differ for genetic screening, counseling, and treatment of patients with BRCA-mutated BC. Guideline harmonization would optimize identification and management of these patients.
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Background: The Cancer Worry Scale was revised to be used in breast cancer genetic counseling (CWS-GC). This scale is used to identify dimensions that are relevant in the genetic counseling context, such as worry about developing breast cancer, impact of worries on daily life, and risk perception in women attending a counseling session for BRCA1/2 mutations. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the psychometric properties of the CWS-GC in a sample of Italian women. Methods: A total of 304 women aged 19 to 90 years, 58% with history and 42% with no history of breast or ovarian cancer, participated in the study. Validity, reliability, and sensitivity to change of the CWS-GC were assessed. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis suggested a 2-factor structure of the CWS-GC measuring cancer worry and risk perception and with Cronbach's α coefficients of .90 and .70, respectively. Criterion validity was attested by substantial yet not overlapping correlations with anxiety and fear of medical procedures. In a subsample of 50 women, test-retest reliability at a 4-week interval ranged from 0.70 to 0.87, and the CWS-GC was able to detect small to medium changes 1 month after genetic counseling. Conclusions: Overall, the CWS-GC showed good psychometric characteristics in this population. Implications for practice: The CWS-GC would be appropriate for use by healthcare professionals to better understand how women react and adapt to information on genetic cancer risk to provide them with emotional support and encourage surveillance behaviors.
Objective Leventhal’s Common Sense Model (CSM) of self‐regulation highlights how specific beliefs about illness influence psychological outcomes. Little is known on how such beliefs relate to BRCA1/2 adjustment. Furthermore, beliefs about one’s self‐concept may be relevant to genetic conditions and may relate to psychological wellbeing. Methods 118 female BRCA1/2 carriers from an Irish University Hospital completed questionnaires for this cross‐sectional study. Outcomes measured were state anxiety and physical and mental health related quality of life. Explanatory variables included socio‐demographics, health anxiety, illness perceptions, coping and self‐concept. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted. Results 44% of participants had clinically significant state anxiety and 12% had clinically significant health anxiety. Vulnerability, stigma, mastery and health anxiety explained 42% of the variance in state anxiety. Previous mental health difficulty, vulnerability, stigma, mastery and health anxiety explained 40% of the variance in mental health related quality of life. Dysfunctional coping strategies were strongly related to the physical functioning aspect of quality of life. Conclusion BRCA‐specific beliefs related to self and health anxiety are important factors to consider in the adjustment to BRCA1/2 confirmation.
Importance The clinical management of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers requires accurate, prospective cancer risk estimates. Objectives To estimate age-specific risks of breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancer for mutation carriers and to evaluate risk modification by family cancer history and mutation location. Design, Setting, and Participants Prospective cohort study of 6036 BRCA1 and 3820 BRCA2 female carriers (5046 unaffected and 4810 with breast or ovarian cancer or both at baseline) recruited in 1997-2011 through the International BRCA1/2 Carrier Cohort Study, the Breast Cancer Family Registry and the Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer, with ascertainment through family clinics (94%) and population-based studies (6%). The majority were from large national studies in the United Kingdom (EMBRACE), the Netherlands (HEBON), and France (GENEPSO). Follow-up ended December 2013; median follow-up was 5 years. Exposures BRCA1/2 mutations, family cancer history, and mutation location. Main Outcomes and Measures Annual incidences, standardized incidence ratios, and cumulative risks of breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancer. Results Among 3886 women (median age, 38 years; interquartile range [IQR], 30-46 years) eligible for the breast cancer analysis, 5066 women (median age, 38 years; IQR, 31-47 years) eligible for the ovarian cancer analysis, and 2213 women (median age, 47 years; IQR, 40-55 years) eligible for the contralateral breast cancer analysis, 426 were diagnosed with breast cancer, 109 with ovarian cancer, and 245 with contralateral breast cancer during follow-up. The cumulative breast cancer risk to age 80 years was 72% (95% CI, 65%-79%) for BRCA1 and 69% (95% CI, 61%-77%) for BRCA2 carriers. Breast cancer incidences increased rapidly in early adulthood until ages 30 to 40 years for BRCA1 and until ages 40 to 50 years for BRCA2 carriers, then remained at a similar, constant incidence (20-30 per 1000 person-years) until age 80 years. The cumulative ovarian cancer risk to age 80 years was 44% (95% CI, 36%-53%) for BRCA1 and 17% (95% CI, 11%-25%) for BRCA2 carriers. For contralateral breast cancer, the cumulative risk 20 years after breast cancer diagnosis was 40% (95% CI, 35%-45%) for BRCA1 and 26% (95% CI, 20%-33%) for BRCA2 carriers (hazard ratio [HR] for comparing BRCA2 vs BRCA1, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.47-0.82; P=.001 for difference). Breast cancer risk increased with increasing number of first- and second-degree relatives diagnosed as having breast cancer for both BRCA1 (HR for ≥2 vs 0 affected relatives, 1.99; 95% CI, 1.41-2.82; P<.001 for trend) and BRCA2 carriers (HR, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.08-3.37; P=.02 for trend). Breast cancer risk was higher if mutations were located outside vs within the regions bounded by positions c.2282-c.4071 in BRCA1 (HR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.11-1.93; P=.007) and c.2831-c.6401 in BRCA2 (HR, 1.93; 95% CI, 1.36-2.74; P<.001). Conclusions and Relevance These findings provide estimates of cancer risk based on BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carrier status using prospective data collection and demonstrate the potential importance of family history and mutation location in risk assessment.
Oncological Genetic Counselling (CGO) allows the identification of a genetic component that increases the risk of developing a cancer. Individuals’ psychological reactions are influenced by both the content of the received information and the subjective perception of their own risk of becoming ill or being a carrier of a genetic mutation. This study included 120 participants who underwent genetic counselling for breast and/or ovarian cancer. The aim of the study was to examine the relation between their cancer risk perception and the genetic risk during CGO before receiving genetic test results, considering the influence of some psychological variables, in particular distress, anxiety and depression. Participants completed the following tools during a psychological interview: a socio-demographic form, Cancer Risk Perception (CRP) and Genetic Risk Perception (GRP), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Distress Thermometer (DT). The data seem to confirm our hypothesis. Positive and significant correlations were found between the observed variables. Moreover, genetic risk perception determined an increase in depressive symptomatology and cancer risk perception led to an increase in anxious symptomatology, specifically in participants during cancer treatment. The present results suggest the importance of assessing genetic and cancer risk perception in individuals who undergo CGO, to identify those who are at risk of a decrease in psychological well-being and of developing greater psychological distress.
Variation in the levels of distress in women at increased risk of breast cancer has been reported, yet there is limited understanding of the factors that are associated with heightened distress in this population. This study took a theoretical approach using Leventhal's Self Regulatory Model (SRM) to understand variation in distress levels. The study examined the associations between perceptions of breast cancer and distress in women at increased risk of breast cancer, and a comparison sample with no experience of the disease in their social environment. Questionnaire data from 117 women at increased risk of breast cancer and 100 comparison women were analysed. Women at increased risk of breast cancer showed comparable levels of general distress but significantly higher levels of cancer specific distress than the comparison group. There were few differences in illness perceptions between the samples, although a number of cognitive perceptions of breast cancer were related to both general and cancer specific distress in the increased risk sample, but not in the comparison sample. The results suggest that the SRM provides a useful framework to explore the psychological response to genetic risk. Further research is required in this population to examine illness perceptions in more detail, validate quantitative measures of illness perceptions, and examine interactions between risk perception and the SRM constructs.
The aim of this study is to prospectively determine the factors contributing to whether unaffected women from BRCA1/2 families reported that clinicians proposed psychological consultations and that they had attended these consultations during the genetic testing process. A prospective study was performed on a national cohort, using self-administered questionnaires to determine the rates of proposal and use of psychological services at the time of BRCA1/2 test result disclosure (N = 533) and during the first year after disclosure (N = 478) among unaffected French women from BRCA1/2 families who had undergone genetic testing for BRCA1/2. Multivariate adjustment was carried out using logistic regression models fitted using generalized estimation equations, with the genetic testing centre as the clustering variable. At the time of BRCA1/2 test result disclosure, a psychological consultation was proposed by cancer geneticists to 72% and 32% of the carriers (N = 232) and noncarriers (N = 301), respectively (p < 0.001). One year after disclosure, 21% of the carriers had consulted a psychologist, versus 9% of the noncarriers (p < 0.001). Both the proposal and the uptake depended on the women's BRCA1/2 mutation carrier status (proposal adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 4.9; 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.4-7.2; uptake AOR: 2.2; 95% CI 1.2-4.0), their level of education (proposal AOR: 1.7; 95% CI 1.1-2.7; uptake AOR: 4.5; 95% CI 1.7-12.1) and the distress they experienced about their genetic test results (proposal AOR: 1.02; 95% CI 1.01-1.03; uptake AOR: 1.04; 95% CI 1.02-1.06) CONCLUSIONS: Determinants of the proposal/uptake of psychological consultations in the BRCA1/2 testing process highlight the need for inventive strategies to reach the different types of women's profiles. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.