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Integrating Geospatial Technology in Learning: An Innovation to Improve Understanding of Geography Concepts

  • Herzen University


This research discusses the integration of geospatial technology in geography learning as an innovation to improve students' understanding of geography concepts. This research uses literature study method to investigate the importance of geospatial technology integration in geography learning with the aim of improving students' understanding of geography concepts. The results show improvements in visualization of abstract concepts, introduction of global and local concepts, development of analytical skills, and more active student interaction. Constraints such as facility availability and teacher training were also recognized. The integration of geospatial technology opens up opportunities for more engaging and effective contextualized learning in the digital era.
Sinergi International Journal of Education
E-ISSN: 2988-4926
Volume. 1, Issue 2, August 2023
Page No: 60-74
60 | Sinergi International Journal of Education
Integrating Geospatial Technology in Learning: An Innovation to Improve
Understanding of Geography Concepts
Susan E Manakane1, Philia Christi Latue1, Heinrich Rakuasa2
12Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia
3Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Correspondent: 3
Received : May1, 2023
Accepted : August 18, 2023
Published : August 31, 2023
Citation: Manakane, S, E., Latue, P, C.,
Rakuasa, H. (2023). Integrating Geospatial
Technology in Learning: An Innovation to
Improve Understanding of Geography
Concepts. Sinergi International Journal of
Education, 1(2), 60-74.
ABSTRACT: This research discusses the integration of
geospatial technology in geography learning as an innovation
to improve students' understanding of geography concepts.
This research uses literature study method to investigate the
importance of geospatial technology integration in geography
learning with the aim of improving students' understanding
of geography concepts. The results show improvements in
visualization of abstract concepts, introduction of global and
local concepts, development of analytical skills, and more
active student interaction. Constraints such as facility
availability and teacher training were also recognized. The
integration of geospatial technology opens up opportunities
for more engaging and effective contextualized learning in the
digital era.
Keywords: Geography Learning, Geography Concepts,
Geospatial Technology
This is an open access article under the
CC-BY 4.0 license
In the era of globalization and advances in information technology, education is required to
continue to innovate in presenting learning materials in a more interesting, effective and contextual
manner. One of the branches of science that plays an important role in understanding the
relationship between humans and their environment is geography (Manakane, 2011; Purwantara
et al., 2023). Geography is no longer just about maps and coordinates, but also involves a deeper
understanding of spatial patterns, regional dynamics, and human interaction with the environment
(Kolvoord et al., 2019). In this context, geospatial technologies have emerged as innovative tools
that have the potential to change the way we teach and understand geography. These technologies
include Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and various tools that enable visualization of
geographic data in the form of interactive maps and spatial analysis (Curtis, 2019). The integration
of geospatial technology in learning can provide students with a deeper and more contextualized
understanding of geography concepts.
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Geography education has special challenges, especially in explaining abstract and complex
concepts such as population migration patterns, ecosystem interactions, and the impacts of climate
change (Pearce et al., 2022). This is where geospatial technology comes in. Using this technology,
teachers can help students visualize data that was previously difficult to understand in the form of
text or static images (Manakane, 2017). Through interactive maps, students can explore geography
concepts in the context of a real region, connecting those concepts to the real world. In addition,
geospatial technology's ability to perform spatial analysis allows students to think critically and
develop problem-solving skills (Nurida et al., 2022). They can manipulate geographic data, identify
patterns, and construct arguments based on the findings of the analysis. This not only enriches
students' understanding, but also helps them develop skills that are relevant in the real world.
However, while the potential offered by geospatial technology is promising, successful
implementation requires a good understanding of how to integrate it into learning. Teachers need
to be trained to use GIS software and understand how to optimize this technology in presenting
geography materials (Lee, 2023). In addition, technical challenges such as infrastructure and device
accessibility must also be addressed to ensure that all students can benefit. Based on the above
background, the research aims to discuss the positive implications of integrating geospatial
technology in geography learning (Kenna, 2022). Through a more in-depth analysis of the benefits
and challenges of implementing this technology, we can understand how geospatial technology
can be a useful innovation in improving the understanding of geography concepts and bringing
more engaging and contextualized learning for students.
This research uses the literature study method to investigate the importance of geospatial
technology integration in geography learning with the aim of improving students' understanding
of geography concepts. The literature study method was used because the focus of this research is
on the theoretical and contextual analysis of the literature relevant to the topic discussed. The
literature selection process was conducted by detailing the inclusion criteria that included literature
that addressed the use of geospatial technology in the context of geography education and its
impact on the understanding of geography concepts. The literature sources obtained included
scientific journals, research articles, books, and academically verified online sources. Data obtained
from the literature were analyzed through a comprehensive descriptive approach. An in-depth
understanding of how geospatial technology can be integrated in geography learning was explored
through a literature review involving related concepts, theories, case studies, and research results.
The literature analysis includes the advantages of using geospatial technology, its impact on
students' understanding, and its challenges and implications in the educational context.
Benefits of Geospatial Technology Integration
The integration of geospatial technology in geography learning has a number of significant
benefits. One of them is its ability to transform abstract concepts into visualizations that are more
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tangible and easy to understand. Students can see patterns of human movement, population
distribution, and interactions between humans and the environment in the form of interactive
digital maps, which helps internalize concepts better (Kolvoord et al., 2019). According to
Alibrandi & Goldstein, (2015), the benefits of geospatial technology integration in geography
learning are diverse and contribute significantly to students' understanding and engagement in
learning geographic concepts. One of the main benefits is its ability to transform abstract concepts
into visualizations that are more tangible and easily understood. In learning geography, many
concepts are difficult to understand through text or oral explanations alone. Geospatial
technology, particularly Geographic Information Systems (GIS), allows students to visually depict
information in the form of interactive digital maps (Manakane et al., 2023). Through these maps,
concepts such as human movement patterns, population distribution, and interactions between
humans and the environment can be clearly illustrated, so that students can better internalize the
concepts (Sinha et al., 2017).
Visualization of geographic data through geospatial technology also helps students develop a
deeper understanding of spatial relationships (Egiebor & Foster, 2019). In geography, it is
important to understand how phenomena are interconnected and influenced in different locations.
By viewing information in the form of interactive maps, students can understand the spatial
distribution of various factors and how the interactions between them form distinctive patterns
(Fargher, 2018). In addition, the integration of geospatial technology also encourages students'
active involvement in the learning process. In conventional learning, students are often passive
recipients of information. However, by using geospatial technology, students can conduct
independent exploration of geographic data, create questions and test their own hypotheses. This
creates a more interactive learning experience and allows students to take an active role in building
their understanding. The utilization of geospatial technology also brings benefits in developing
students' analytical skills (Bearman et al., 2016). Through geographic data manipulation and spatial
analysis, students can identify distribution patterns, spatial correlations and hotspots. This helps
students hone their critical thinking and analytical skills in analyzing geographic information in
greater depth (Bearman et al., 2016).
Thus, the integration of geospatial technology in geography learning has great benefits in
transforming abstractions into real visualizations, developing an understanding of spatial
relationships, encouraging students' active involvement, and developing their analytical skills. In
an era where technology is an integral part of everyday life, the utilization of geospatial technology
in learning not only sharpens students' learning experience, but also prepares them to face the
challenges of an increasingly complex world.
Analytical Skills Development
The utilization of geospatial technology also encourages the development of students' analytical
skills. By manipulating geographic data, students can perform in-depth spatial analysis, such as
identifying distribution patterns, spatial correlations, and hotspots. This ability is very relevant in
honing critical thinking skills and analyzing information systematically. The development of
analytical skills in the context of utilizing geospatial technology in geography learning is something
that cannot be ignored. Geospatial technologies, especially Geographic Information Systems
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(GIS), provide powerful tools for students to hone their analytical skills in understanding complex
geographic phenomena.
By manipulating geographic data through geospatial technology, students can perform more in-
depth spatial analysis. They can identify distribution patterns that may be difficult to see with the
naked eye, such as human movement patterns or the distribution of flora and fauna in a region.
Through this analysis, students can draw richer insights into how geographical elements interact
and form certain patterns. The ability to identify spatial correlations is one of the outcomes of
utilizing geospatial technology. Students can evaluate the relationship between two or more
geographical variables at various locations and identify whether there is a positive, negative, or no
correlation at all. This teaches them to see the broader relationships between geographic elements
and understand the extent to which such interactions affect the dynamics of a region.
In addition, the ability to recognize hotspots or areas of high concentration of occurrence in spatial
analysis is a valuable skill in geography. Students can identify areas that may experience significant
problems or changes, such as areas with high pollution levels or areas prone to natural disasters.
This provides a deeper insight into the dynamics of the region and helps students understand the
impact of certain factors. The development of analytical skills gained from utilizing geospatial
technology is highly relevant in honing students' critical thinking skills (Muñiz Solari, Demirci, &
van der Schee, 2015a). In conducting spatial analysis, students need to systematically analyze data,
identify patterns or trends that may exist, and draw conclusions based on existing evidence. This
encourages students to develop the ability to think logically, objectively, and critically in processing
information (Doering et al., 2014). Thus, the utilization of geospatial technology in geography
learning not only enhances the understanding of geographic phenomena, but also significantly
enriches the development of students' analytical skills. The ability to perform spatial analysis,
identify correlations, and recognize hotspots not only has an impact on improving analytical skills,
but also provides valuable provisions for students in facing complex real-world challenges (Buzo-
Sánchez et al., 2022).
Active and Contextual Interaction
The use of geospatial technology allows students to actively interact with the subject matter. They
can conduct independent explorations, formulate questions and test their own hypotheses based
on existing data. This encourages deeper student participation and engagement, thus enriching the
learning process. According to Hedden et al., (2017), the active and contextualized interaction
generated by the use of geospatial technologies in learning is one of the crucial aspects that
contribute to the effectiveness of geography education. These technologies provide opportunities
for students to take an active role in the exploration of subject matter, creating a dynamic learning
environment and focusing on whole student engagement.
With geospatial technology, students can take on the role of "explorers" or "researchers" in
understanding geographic phenomena (Jamil et al., 2019). They can conduct independent
exploration of digital maps, data visualizations, and other geographic information. This encourages
students to develop greater curiosity and motivates them to seek deeper understanding of various
geography concepts (van den Bergh et al., 2013). Students' ability to formulate questions and test
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hypotheses based on existing data is a direct result of active interaction with geospatial
technologies. They can formulate research questions that encourage them to explore certain
concepts in depth. Furthermore, by collecting and analyzing geospatial data, students can test their
own hypotheses and develop a more solid understanding of the concepts being studied (Reyes-
Bueno & Loján-Córdova, 2022).
This active and contextual interaction brings a positive impact on students' engagement in the
learning process. In a learning environment that allows them to think critically, formulate questions
and test understanding through data exploration, students feel they have a greater role in their
learning (Schultz & DeMers, 2020). This has an impact on increasing students' motivation, interest
and responsibility towards their learning process. In traditional learning scenarios, students may
be more passive in receiving information from the teacher. However, with geospatial technology,
the role of students changes to be more proactive. They not only receive information, but also
engage in data collection, analysis and interpretation. This creates a more student-centered learning
environment and allows them to develop critical, analytical, and creative thinking skills. As such,
the active and contextualized interactions enabled by geospatial technologies in geography learning
are instrumental in creating a more immersive, relevant and powerful learning experience (Kalamas
Hedden et al., 2017). Through independent exploration, question formation and hypothesis
testing, students not only gain a better understanding of geography concepts, but also develop
cognitive skills essential in facing real-world challenges.
Introduction to Global and Local Concepts
Geospatial technology allows students to better understand the relationship between global and
local phenomena. Through mapping and analyzing geographic data, students can identify the
impact of global events such as climate change or natural disasters at the local level. This helps
them realize the complex interrelationship between the global scale and its impact in their region.
According to Béneker & Palings, (2017), the introduction of global and local concepts in geography
learning becomes richer and more relevant thanks to the utilization of geospatial technologies.
These technologies, particularly Geographic Information Systems (GIS), provide students with the
opportunity to better understand the complex interactions between global phenomena and their
impacts at the local level (Alibrandi & Goldstein, 2015).Through mapping and analyzing
geographic data, students can clearly observe how global events affect their local area (Rakuasa et
al.. 2023). For example, by looking at global climate data and correlating it with local weather data,
students can see how global climate change impacts the weather patterns they experience on a
daily basis (Rakuasa & Latue, 2023). This helps students understand the concept of climate change
in their real-life context (Vanzella Castellar et al., 2021).
The impact of other global events, such as natural disasters or global economic changes, can also
be analyzed in a local context through geospatial technology (Guo et al., 2018). Students can map
the locations of natural disasters, see how global economic changes affect local industries, or
identify the impact of human migration due to global events. This helps students understand how
events around the world have consequences that can be felt in their daily lives. With the
introduction of global and local concepts through geospatial technology, students can also see how
human interactions with the global environment affect local areas. For example, they can track
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international trade flows or global human movement patterns, and observe how these impact the
social, economic and cultural aspects of their region (Chankseliani et al., 2021). The utilization of
geospatial technology in the introduction of global and local concepts provides a tangible
dimension that is impossible to achieve through plain text explanations (Walshe, 2017). Students
can visually see how global events interact with the region where they live, linking abstract concepts
to their experienced reality. This helps students build a more holistic understanding of how the
global and local worlds are interconnected in complex patterns, preparing them to become open-
minded global citizens who understand the dynamics of an increasingly connected world (Béneker
& Palings, 2017).
Introduction to Spatial Concepts
The integration of geospatial technologies can also help develop an understanding of spatial
concepts. Students can learn about relative location, direction, distance and distribution in a more
tangible context. These skills are potentially useful in everyday life, such as navigation and
understanding maps. According to Jo & Hong, (2020), the introduction of spatial concepts
becomes more profound and meaningful through the integration of geospatial technologies in
learning. These technologies, especially Geographic Information Systems (GIS), provide students
with the opportunity to understand important concepts such as relative location, direction,
distance and distribution in a more tangible context and interact directly with geographic data (van
der Schee et al., 2015).
In learning geography, the concept of relative location becomes easier to understand with the help
of geospatial technology. Students can visually see how a location relates to other locations through
interactive digital maps. This helps them understand where a place is in relation to other places,
which is crucial in understanding inter-regional linkages (Walshe, 2017). The ability to understand
direction and orientation can also be developed through geospatial technology. Students can
manipulate digital maps to see how cardinal and compass directions apply in real contexts. This is
not only relevant in geography, but also in everyday life, such as in navigation or understanding
maps (Béneker & Palings, 2017). The concept of distance also becomes more concrete with the
help of geospatial technology. Students can measure the distance between two locations using a
distance measuring device on a digital map. This helps them understand the concept of distance
visually and practically (Béneker & Palings, 2017). In addition, students can observe how distance
affects relationships between places, such as the impact of distance on trade flows or human
Geographic distribution can also be better explained and understood through geospatial
technology. Students can see how elements such as population, resources, or other geographic
phenomena are distributed within a given region (Muñiz Solari, Demirci, & van der Schee, 2015b).
This helps students understand distribution patterns and the factors that influence them. The
introduction of spatial concepts through geospatial technology has practical applications in
everyday life. Students not only understand the concepts theoretically, but can also relate them to
real situations such as the use of maps in navigation or the understanding of urban patterns
(Béneker & Palings, 2017). Thus, the integration of geospatial technology not only helps students
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understand geography more deeply, but also provides useful skills and understanding in various
life contexts.
Exploring Students' Research Potential
Geospatial technology provides opportunities for students to develop research projects based on
geographic data. They can design research on topics that interest them, collect and analyze
geographic data, and present the results visually in digital maps. According to Kerski, (2003),
exploring students' research potential through the use of geospatial technology is one of the
important benefits that can be obtained in learning geography. These technologies, particularly
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), provide students with the opportunity to take on the role
of active and creative researchers in the exploration of topics of interest to them (Muñiz Solari,
Demirci, & Schee, 2015).
With geospatial technology, students can design their own research projects based on their
interests and passion for geography. They can choose relevant and interesting topics, such as
analysis of population movement patterns, flora and fauna distribution, local climate change
impacts, or urbanization issues (Healy & Walshe, 2020). The ability to choose topics that match
personal interests helps to increase student motivation and engagement in the research process.
Furthermore, students can collect geographic data through various sources, such as digital maps,
data from government agencies, or even field measurements. With geospatial technology, data
collection becomes more efficient and accurate. For example, students can use a distance
measuring device in a digital map to measure the distance between certain locations or identify
coordinate points precisely (Schlemper et al., 2019). After collecting the data, students can analyze
it using various geospatial analysis tools provided by the technology. They can identify distribution
patterns, conduct hotspot analysis, or map spatial relationships between selected variables. The
results of the analysis can be interpreted in the context of geography and used to draw insightful
conclusions (Zwartjes & de Lázaro y Torres, 2019).
One of the main advantages of utilizing geospatial technology in exploring students' research
potential is the ability to present research results visually in the form of interactive digital maps.
Students can design maps that reflect their findings and analysis, explain distribution patterns or
correlations found, and visualize the impact of certain events or factors (Kenna, 2022). As such,
geospatial technologies provide a unique platform for students to develop research, analysis and
problem-solving skills. Through research projects based on geographic data, students not only
understand geography concepts in greater depth, but also develop critical, analytical, and creative
thinking skills that are invaluable in academic development and preparation for the real world.
Challenges and Constraints
While the integration of geospatial technology offers many benefits, there are also challenges that
need to be overcome. Adequate facilities, training for teachers in the use of these technologies,
and equitable access for all students are needed to maximize the benefits (Kedron et al., 2021).
The challenges and constraints in integrating geospatial technology in geography learning are
indeed crucial aspects that need to be understood (Metoyer & Bednarz, 2017). Although this
technology has great potential in improving the understanding of geography concepts, there are
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several obstacles that need to be overcome to optimize its benefits. One of the main challenges is
the availability of adequate facilities. The implementation of geospatial technology requires access
to hardware such as computers or tablets, as well as a stable internet connection. Unfortunately,
not all schools or regions have equal access to these facilities. Inequality in technology access can
lead to gaps in participation and learning between students who have access and those who do not
(ANUNTİ et al., 2020).
In addition, teacher training is also a key factor in the successful integration of geospatial
technology. Teachers need to have a deep understanding of how to operate GIS software, apply
interactive maps in teaching, as well as facilitate spatial analysis (Jant et al., 2020). This training is
not only about using the tools, but also about how to integrate these technologies with existing
curriculum content. Another challenge is ensuring equitable access for all students (Béneker &
Palings, 2017). The integration of geospatial technologies will only be successful if all students
have equal access to devices and connectivity (van der Schee et al., 2015). Economic or
infrastructure disparities in some regions may hinder the potential benefits of these technologies.
Efforts are needed to ensure that access to technology is not limited to certain groups.
In addressing these challenges, collaboration between the government, schools, higher education
institutions and the private sector is essential. The government can facilitate access to technology
in remote areas, while higher education institutions can provide training to teachers (Gress &
Tschapka, 2017). In addition, the development of more intuitive and easy-to-use devices and
applications can help overcome technical barriers. In conclusion, while the integration of
geospatial technology brings great benefits to geography learning, challenges such as access to
facilities, teacher training, and equitable access for students need to be taken seriously. Only by
addressing these challenges can the full potential of geospatial technology be realized in improving
students' understanding of geography concepts and preparing them for an increasingly complex
and globally connected world (Guo et al., 2018).
Teachers' Perspective on Implementation
The role of teachers in the implementation of geospatial technology is very important. Teachers
need to have a deep understanding of these technologies as well as creativity in designing engaging
and effective lessons (Žalėnienė & Pereira, 2021). Teachers' ability to guide students in analyzing
and understanding geographic information also plays a key role. Teachers' Perspective on the
Implementation of geospatial technology in geography learning is a central element that influences
the success of the implementation of this technology (Turan et al., 2018). Teachers have a very
important role in guiding students and creating meaningful and impactful learning experiences. In
this regard, there are several aspects of the teacher's perspective that need to be considered.
Deep Understanding of Geospatial Technology: As learning facilitators, teachers should have a
deep understanding of geospatial technologies, including the basic concepts of GIS, the use of
software, and how to interpret geographic data (Karolčík et al., 2016). This understanding enables
teachers to recognize the potential of geospatial technology and apply it effectively in the
curriculum. Creativity in Learning Design: Teachers need to develop creativity in designing
engaging and relevant lessons using geospatial technologies (SAĞDIÇ & DEMİRKAYA, 2014).
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They can integrate interactive maps, actual geographic data, and tasks that encourage students to
perform spatial analysis (Golightly & Muniz, 2013). Creativity in the use of technology can make
learning more engaging and have a deeper impact on student understanding. Facilitation of
Analysis and Understanding: Teachers have a key role in guiding students in analyzing and
understanding geographic information presented through geospatial technologies (Hawa et al.,
2021). They can help students recognize patterns, make inferences, and relate geography concepts
to real cases. These abilities help students develop critical thinking and spatial thinking skills.
Adaptation to Students' Needs: Teachers need to adapt teaching by considering students' needs
and learning styles (Guo et al., 2018). The integration of geospatial technology can help teachers
provide a variety of learning methods that can reach different types of students. Teachers need to
understand how these technologies can be used to improve student engagement and
Continuity of Professional Development: The implementation of geospatial technology requires
continuous professional development for teachers (Hawa et al., 2021). Teachers must constantly
update their knowledge on the latest developments in geospatial technology and the best teaching
strategies (Lane & Bourke, 2019). Support from educational institutions and specialized training
for teachers are essential in optimizing the use of these technologies. In conclusion, teachers'
perspectives determine the effectiveness of geospatial technology integration in geography
learning. Deep understanding, creativity in designing lessons, ability to guide students' analysis and
understanding, and continuous professional development are key factors that ensure that these
technologies are optimally used to improve students' understanding of geography concepts
(TOMČÍKOVÁ, 2020).
Integrating geospatial technology in geography learning provides a number of significant benefits.
The results of this study show that utilizing geospatial technology in a learning context is an
innovation that has the potential to improve students' understanding of geography concepts. Here
are some of the key benefits that can be identified:
1. Visualization of Abstract Concepts: The integration of geospatial technologies allows abstract
geography concepts to be better explained and understood through visual representations.
Geographic data can be transformed into interactive digital maps that visualize human
movement patterns, population distribution, and the relationship between people and the
environment. Students can relate theoretical concepts to the real world through more tangible
2. Introduction to Global and Local Concepts: Through geospatial technology, students can
observe how global events affect the local level. They can see the complex relationships
between global phenomena, such as climate change or natural disasters, and their impact in
their region. This helps students understand the broader interconnections between global and
local scales.
3. Analytical Skill Development: The use of geospatial technology encourages the development
of students' analytical skills. Through spatial analysis and manipulation of geographic data,
students can identify distribution patterns, spatial correlations and hotspots. This ability hones
critical thinking skills and analyzes information systematically
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4. Active and Contextual Interaction: Geospatial technology allows students to actively interact
with geography concepts. They can conduct independent explorations, formulate questions,
and test hypotheses based on existing data. This encourages deeper student engagement and
enriches the learning process.
5. Digital Skills Development: The integration of geospatial technologies helps students develop
digital skills that are increasingly important in the modern world. Students learn to operate GIS
software, collect and analyze data, and present results in digital formats.
6. Differentiated Learning Experience: Geospatial technology provides a different and interesting
learning experience. Students not only listen to explanations from the teacher, but are also
involved in mapping, data analysis and visualization creation. This increases students'
enthusiasm and interest in learning geography.
7. Improved Quality of Learning: The integration of geospatial technology enables a more
contextualized and applicable learning approach. Students not only understand theoretical
geography concepts, but can also see how these concepts operate in the real world.
By combining these benefits, the integration of geospatial technology in geography learning creates
a more powerful, interactive and motivating learning environment. Through this innovation,
geography learning not only teaches theoretical concepts, but also helps students develop analytical
skills, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of human interaction with the environment.
In this study, the integration of geospatial technology in geography learning has been tested as an
effective innovation in improving students' understanding of geography concepts. The results
show that the use of geospatial technology allows visualization of abstract concepts, introduces
global and local dimensions in a more connected manner, and stimulates the development of
students' analytical skills. The use of this technology also encourages students' active interaction
with learning materials, making learning more interesting and contextualized. Through a project-
based approach, students engage in geographic data exploration, spatial analysis and interactive
mapping. The integration of geospatial technology also helps students develop digital skills that
are relevant in the modern era. However, challenges such as facility availability and teacher training
remain to be overcome to ensure this integration provides maximum benefits. Thus, this study
makes an important contribution to the understanding of the positive value of geospatial
technology integration in geography learning. The results support the view that geospatial
technology is not just an additional tool, but an innovation that can have a significant impact in
improving students' learning and understanding of geography concepts.
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... The results of the tsunami hazard modeling in Kairatu Barat sub-district will be an important foundation for local governments, disaster management agencies and communities to develop disaster preparedness and mitigation plans. Public education and socialization on evacuation and preparedness measures in the face of tsunami hazards is essential (Rakuasa & Mehdila, 2023;Manakane et al., 2023). The development of a tsunami early warning system is also one of the critical steps in dealing with this hazard (Pakniany et al., 2022). ...
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Modeling of tsunami-prone areas in Kairatu Barar Sub-district, Seram Bangian Barat Regency, is an important step in improving community safety and preparedness against tsunami threats. With this modeling, tsunami hazards can be better understood, more accurate early warning systems can be developed, and more effective risk reduction plans can be planned. In addition, the modeling also helps to improve people's understanding of tsunami hazards and the actions to be taken in emergency situations. The modeling results are instrumental in designing preventive measures, appropriate evacuation plans and improving disaster preparedness in the region, which can save lives and reduce damage from future tsunamis.
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Urban sprawl is an increasing problem in many cities around the world including Ambon City. Monitoring urban sprawl is critical to understanding its impact on the environment and quality of life. This study used Landsat 4 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 - Year 1990, 1995, Landsat 5 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 - 2000, 2005, Landsat 7 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 - 2010, Landsat 8 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 - 2015 and Landsat 9 Level 2, Collection 2, Tier 1 Year 2 - Year 2020 satellite image data which were dodowloaded and analyzed on Google Earth Engine. The results showed that the area of built-up land in Ambon City from year to year experienced an increase in area. In 1990 built-up land in Ambon City was 2,772.78 ha, in 1995 built-up land had an area of 2,237.06 ha, in 2002 built-up land in Ambon City had an area of 1,503.19 ha. In 2000 built-up land in Ambon City experienced a decrease in area, as a result of the 199-1999 riots or social conflicts in Ambon City. In 2005 built-up land had an area of 2,589.57 ha, in 2010 built-up land had an area of 2,340.40 ha, in 2015 built-up land had an area of 3,993.17 ha and in 2020 built-up land continued to experience an increase in area of 4,085.54 ha. Research results enable stakeholders to make evidence-based decisions, plan urban development more efficiently, and involve communities in decision-making. With a data-driven approach and advanced technology, it is expected that cities like Ambon City can develop sustainably and harmonize urban growth with environmental sustainability and people's quality of life
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Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan teknologi WebGIS dan ArcGIS StoryMaps dalam diseminasi objek wisata di Pulau Moa, Maluku Barat Daya. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana platform tersebut dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk mempromosikan keindahan alam dan budaya Pulau Moa kepada calon wisatawan. Metode penelitian melibatkan pengumpulan data geospasial objek wisata, pembuatan peta interaktif, dan penyusunan cerita berbasis lokasi dengan memanfaatkan fitur-fitur interaktif ArcGIS StoryMaps. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam lokasi objek wisata alam di Pulau Moa, Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya yang sangat berpotensi dikembangkan diataranya yaitu Pantai Tiakur, Pantai Liukety, Pantai Syota, Gunung Kerbau, Pantai Seradona dan Pantai Gerdasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan ini memberikan kemampuan untuk menciptakan presentasi yang kaya multimedia, meliputi peta interaktif, gambar, dan narasi, yang mampu meningkatkan pemahaman dan daya tarik terhadap objek wisata di Pulau Moa. Harapannya, strategi ini dapat menjadi sarana efektif dalam mempromosikan Pulau Moa sebagai destinasi pariwisata menarik dan berkelanjutan, serta memberikan kontribusi positif pada perkembangan ekonomi lokal.
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Monitoring land surface temperature in Seram Island using cloud computing-based geospatial technology, Google Earth Engine, could help to understand global climate and weather changes, and provide important information for scientists, governments, and non-governmental organizations to make decisions related to climate change mitigation and natural disaster management. This study aims to analyze the spatial pattern of land surface temperature change on Seram Island based on the cloud computing Google Earth engine. This research uses Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 8-day global satellite image data, which are accessed and analyzed in Google Earth Engine and Arc GIS. The results of this study show that the value of land surface temperature on Seram Island in 2017 is 14.7089ᵒC at the lowest value and 30.1012ᵒ C at the highest value and it increased in 2022 where the lowest temperature value is 14.0452ᵒC and the highest temperature is 32.639ᵒC. Built-up land and open land areas on Seram Island have very high surface temperature values compared to forests and plantations which have low land surface temperatures. Analysis of land surface temperature in Seram Island Regency could provide important information for the local government to make policies and plans for sustainable regional development.
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This study aims to investigate the potential of narrative-based geospatial technologies (NGSTs) in the teaching of regional geography to preservice geography teachers (PGTs). Reflective journals gathered from students who took a StoryMaps-based European regional geography class were analyzed using phenomenography. The results showed that NGSTs are useful for cultivating PGTs’ understanding of and insights into regional geography studies and teaching through the integration of regional geography narratives, map layers, and multimedia technologies. These results provide meaningful insights into the education of PGTs, the practice of regional geography education, and the use of narrative-based geospatial technologies in the geography classroom.
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Action-oriented pedagogies are becoming an increasingly popular instructional approach within higher education, encouraging students to learn by doing and to actively participate in the construction of knowledge, forming part of learning-centred and research-centred approaches to teaching and learning thought to assist deep learning. Such pedagogies are also critical for attending to broader societal challenges through education for sustainable development (ESD). Despite pedagogical shifts, assessment methods remain largely centred on more traditional written methods such as exams or essays, even though there is a growing recognition of the diversity of learners within higher education institutions, coupled with recent drives for adoption of universal design principles for learning (UDL). Within this context, this paper reports on the use of audio podcasts for assessment in a final year urban geography module. Reflective statements completed by the students were analysed to examine the utility of learner-generated research-based podcasts for learning and assessment in urban geography, focussing on the depth of learning, creativity, and the development of graduate attributes. Podcasts have received little attention as a tool for teaching, learning and assessment within Geography, yet innovations in assessment can enhance the profile and popularity of Geography in higher education and beyond.
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The emergence of new technological tools for territorial analysis, such as cloud-based GIS, or GIS viewers, compels us to closely examine its usefulness in geographic education. Specifically, it raises the professors and teachers’ questions: what to teach? how to teach? and what will students learn? This research responds to these three questions by interviewing Spanish experts who know how to use these tools to teach geography at university and secondary school levels. The Delphi technique was applied to achieve this, which established consensus and led to the following results from experts’ own experience: (1) that GIS help to understand territory in an experiential and non-memoristic way and (2) they enable the development of spatial thinking. This paper concludes that changes in methodologies and integrate technical knowledge into teacher training are needed.
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Forest fires have become a habitual threat in all types of ecosystems, which is the reason why it is necessary to improve management of the territories and optimization of prevention and means of extinction. This study compares three machine learning techniques: logistic regression, logistic decision tree, and multivariate adaptive regression spline to identify areas susceptible to forest fires in the Loja canton. In the training of the machine learning models, a multitemporal database with 1436 points was used, fed with the information from seven variables related to fuel moisture, proximity to anthropic activities, and ground elevation. After analyzing the performance of the three models, better results were observed with the LMT, thus offering application ease for local decision-makers. The results show that the technique used allowed generating a model with a good predictive capacity and that the maps resulting from the model can be updated in short periods of time. However, it is necessary to highlight the lack meteorological data availability at the local level and to encourage future researchers to implement improvements in this regard.
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Education for the environment and sustainable development is the one important thing for being studied. At formal school in Indonesia, it was integrated into the subject matter like social science, natural science, geography, or biology. The study about geography education for promoting sustainability had not been thoroughly done in Indonesia. Therefore, this study examined and investigated articles about geography learning and sustainability in Indonesia from 2010 to 2020. The materials were searched through the Garuda and ERIC application, by using keywords related to geography education. It was selected to published articles in journals indexed by Scopus and Sinta. The data were analyzed by a qualitative method with a content analysis approach. The foci of analysis are topics of sustainability elements, learning methods and models, learning media and resources, and students’ assessment in geography learning. All of these were investigated in concern to their relationships and achievements to sustainable development goals (SDGs). As a result, the topics of geography education in Indonesia have contained three main elements of sustainability, namely environment which the most stated, then social, and economic. The learning model and method that was mostly used was outdoor learning with contextual method. The learning media that mostly mentioned were maps, while the learning resources were local wisdom. Aspects of students’ assessment that mostly studied in geography education for promoting sustainability were students’ knowledge, attitude, and skills. Overall, this study has shown that the topics related to sustainability elements contained in the articles on geography education in Indonesia includes their learning components.
Transmission teaching which centres around traditional lecturing discounts the variety of different learners and individual aptitudes. Physical Geography as a discipline has historically provided a range of teaching methods beyond lecturing which embrace field and laboratory activities, frequently adapting new research technologies to further student learning. While technological trends are increasing the demand for Geography graduates with GIS, modelling, or programming skills, Geography lecturers should remain open to using other technological advances as teaching tools. Using an example of low-cost environmental sensors, this paper demonstrates how technologically-focused exercises can effectively solidify a range of geographical skills through experiential learning. Using Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model to identify the key learning processes, we compare low-cost environmental sensor training to the UK’s current Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s (QAA) Geography benchmarks. We also consider the practical applications of this technology as a learning tool for Physical Geography. In comparison with a student evaluation, this paper provides an initial basis to support additional qualitative investigations into the learning outcomes of independent, technology-based learning activities.