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Development of Supplementary Learning Material in Cookery for Grade 10 Learners



In the context of this study, the researcher assessed the competencies of the Grade 10 learners in Cookery, specifically, this study described their level of competencies in preparing appetizers, preparing salad and dressing, preparing sandwiches, preparing desserts, and preparing egg dishes as basis for the development of valid supplementary learning materials. Interestingly, this developmental study revealed that they were excellent in terms of preparing egg dishes. Also, the developed supplementary learning materials in video format are based on the competencies below excellent level. Last, the level of validity of the developed supplementary materials is very high. Findings revealed that, the learners are closely approaching mastery in terms of required competencies. Additionally, video format of supplementary learning materials on preparing appetizer, preparing salad and dressing, preparing sandwiches, and preparing desserts were developed, and are valid, responsive, acceptable, useful, and quality. It is recommended that the competencies of students should be improved further by using supplementary learning material and other intervention materials and activities. Teachers should use the developed supplementary learning materials as additional instructional materials in teaching cookery to learners. Future studies should look into the effectiveness of the developed supplementary learning materials, and other variables in assessing the performance of learners in cookery course.
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 1
Development of Supplementary Learning Material in
Cookery for Grade 10 Learners
Jomar Romero Cabreros*
*Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College Santiago Campus Philippines.
Corresponding Email: *
Received: 02 June 2023 Accepted: 18 August 2023 Published: 01 October 2023
Abstract: In the context of this study, the researcher assessed the competencies of the Grade
10 learners in Cookery, specifically, this study described their level of competencies in
preparing appetizers, preparing salad and dressing, preparing sandwiches, preparing
desserts, and preparing egg dishes as basis for the development of valid supplementary
learning materials. Interestingly, this developmental study revealed that they were excellent
in terms of preparing egg dishes. Also, the developed supplementary learning materials in
video format are based on the competencies below excellent level. Last, the level of validity
of the developed supplementary materials is very high. Findings revealed that, the learners
are closely approaching mastery in terms of required competencies. Additionally, video
format of supplementary learning materials on preparing appetizer, preparing salad and
dressing, preparing sandwiches, and preparing desserts were developed, and are valid,
responsive, acceptable, useful, and quality. It is recommended that the competencies of
students should be improved further by using supplementary learning material and other
intervention materials and activities. Teachers should use the developed supplementary
learning materials as additional instructional materials in teaching cookery to learners.
Future studies should look into the effectiveness of the developed supplementary learning
materials, and other variables in assessing the performance of learners in cookery course.
Keywords: Experiential Course, Cookery, Cooking Skills, TLE Education, Vocational
The secondary school curricula in the nation include a course called Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE). The goal of the TLE course is to give the students the practical
skills they will need for the workplace through training, performance demonstrations, and other
hands-on activities. It gives students in high school practical experiences, technical knowledge,
and competence in fields including home economics, entrepreneurship, and many facets of
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 2
Agri-Fishery Arts, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, and Information and Communication
Technology make up the K12 Basic Education Program (BEP), which also uses TLE as one
of its nomenclatures. Among these four components, one of the foci of secondary schools is
Home Economics course specifically cookery.
In addition to the K12 Program of DepEd, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (RA)
10533, also known as the Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by
Strengthening its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education,
Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes, provides clear direction for cooking
course instruction (, 2013).
The study of Siachifuwe (2017) found that teachers find it challenging to achieve students’
academic performance goals because there aren’t any instructional resources or tools available
at the school. Due to this, it is challenging for teachers to present their lectures as planned,
which in turn affects how effectively pupils comprehend the subject matter.
In spite of the problems confronting cookery course instruction, it is undeniable that learners
and teachers thrive and succeed. This is accentuated by the attainment of the learning
competencies in the light of inadequacy of resources. The importance of the cooking course
necessitates an evaluation of the learning experience. It is obvious that improving the teaching
and learning process for cooking depends on assessing the learning abilities.
In the light of the aforementioned matters, the researcher found it interesting to assess the
competencies of Grade 10 learners in Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Sta. Maria and
Tagudin Campuses. This study hopes to provide information that could serve as bases of the
schools in improving their journey to quality and excellence. Likewise, this study hopes to
provide an output in video format that could help the teachers in teaching the pertinent skills,
knowledge, and competencies in cookery. Notably, at a time when Tiktok, Youtube, and other
social media platforms are gaining popularity among students, offering supplemental materials
in video formats is in line with new trends in education. After all, utilizing videos in educational
settings provides benefits to learners. Which include fostering group learning, assisting
learning in the areas of movement, color, and sound, bringing surroundings from outside of the
classroom into the classroom, and encouraging tangible and enduring learning.
Framework of the Study
Theories in Education.
Progressive education places a strong emphasis on the value of experiential learning. Dewey
believed that "hands-on" learning produces the finest results. Dewey is thus positioned as a
proponent of the pragmatism-based educational philosophy. Realists claim that one must come
into contact with reality. The connection between students and their surroundings is essential
for adaptation and learning, in line with Dewey's educational theory. His view of the classroom
was firmly rooted in democratic principles, which favored an equal voice for everyone in the
instruction. Learning by doing is an educational philosophy put out by American philosopher
John Dewey.
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 3
Lavelle et al., it has been demonstrated that learning how to cook as a young child or teenager
is positively related to current use of cooking and food skills, cooking practices, cooking
attitude, and diet quality. This finding suggests that learning how to cook early in life may have
associations with health, cooking behaviors, and food sustainability. Garduque (2012) as cited
by Juan (2014), learning theories alone is insufficient; we also need practical skills. These
technical skill development and livelihood initiatives could aid students and recent graduates
in securing skilled employment in the future.
Food literacy can benefit from interventions that focus on enhancing cooking confidence and
consumption of fruits and vegetables, with disadvantaged and low-socioeconomic groups
benefiting more. To draw stronger conclusions about how cooking programs are helping to
improve diet and health, consistency across study designs, delivery, and measurement of
outcomes over short and long terms is required (Garcia et al., 2016).
Legal Bases of Cookery Course.
The Republic Act No. 10533, an act enhancing the Philippine basic education system by
strengthening its curriculum and increasing the number of years for basic education, and
appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes, was passed by the government in response
to the Philippines trailing other nations in terms of access to basic education (Macanas, 2016).
Cookery Course.
The Commercial Cookery course is a hands-on, skill-oriented technical vocational course that
focuses on the students' skill competences, which are a critical component of their academic
performance. The equipment, facilities, and space required for the aforementioned course are
provided by private establishments since they recognize their importance. The Cookery
Curriculum Guide leads to the Level II National Certificate (NC II). In Cookery, some of the
skills they will learn from the course include preparing appetizers, preparing salad and dressing,
preparing sandwiches, preparing desserts, and preparing egg dishes.
Students may obtain a Certificate of Competency (COC) or a National Certificate Level I (NC
I) after finishing Grade 10. A student can earn a National Certificate Level II (NC II) in the
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track if they complete the Technical-Vocational-
Livelihood track in Grade 12 and pass the competency-based test given by the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Through NC I and NC II, graduates'
employability in sectors including trade, electronics, and agriculture is enhanced.
Unquestionably, the ability to cook is a practical life skill that has been associated with higher
diet quality, including increased consumption of fruits and vegetables and knowledge of
healthier meal options (McGowan et al., 2015). Cooking was identified as the fifth most
important life skill for modern living (the highest non-tech talent) in a UK research of 2000
residents, behind mastering online banking, using a mobile device, and conducting internet
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 4
Statement of the Problem
This study developed a Supplementary Learning Material in Cookery for Grade 10 learners.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: What is the level of
competencies of the learners along the following: preparing appetizers; preparing salad and
dressing; preparing sandwiches; preparing desserts; preparing egg dishes? What supplementary
learning material can be developed for cookery students? What is the validity level of the
Supplementary Learning Material?
Review of Literature
The theory of experiential learning is a style of instruction in which teachers give learners the
chance to learn by doing without taking into account their prior knowledge from the workplace
or their personal lives. According to Bohn & Schmidt (2008), it can be broadly described as
"the process by which a learner creates meaning from direct experience". In 1984, Kolb
presented his theory on experience learning. In order to pinpoint the traits that determine the
nature of experiential learning, he draws on research by Dewey, Lewin, and Piaget (Kolb,
Reicks et al. (2014) evaluated 28 cooking skills intervention programs and concluded that these
treatments may have a positive impact on food preferences, dietary outcomes, and other health-
related outcomes. An increasingly common prerequisite for promoting good health is having
the ability to cook (Lang & Caraher, 2001). Dietetic professionals must have the necessary
skills in order to take the lead in performing cooking skill interventions (Begley & Gallegos,
Supplementary Learning Material.
Strategic Intervention Material or Supplementary Learning Material, Bunagan (2012), is
intended to re-teach the concepts and abilities that have not yet been learned. Students are given
this information to assist them master competency-based abilities that they were unable to
acquire in a typical classroom setting. Both material improvement for teachers and student
learning approaches are included. It is a multifaceted approach to helping pupils learn
effectively and independently. He made other distinctions between SIM and modules. The
subject of this intervention material is the skill that the pupils weren't able to grasp in regular
class. Kits, textbooks, magazines, newspapers, photos, recordings, slides, transparencies,
videos, video discs, workbooks, and electronic media, such as music, movies, radio, software,
CD-ROMs, and internet services are additional examples of instructional materials. The term
"instructional materials" refers to a variety of printed and non-printed resources used in schools
that are intended to help students learn (Dahar, 2011). Instructional material plays a critical
role in the teaching and learning process. It enhances student retention and makes the teaching-
learning process more engaging (Nicholls, 2000; Raw, 2003). Albaico et al. (2014) claimed
that as students learn best by doing, having outstanding instructional materials has a significant
impact on student learning. Its adequate amounts of units in relation to the number of learners
go along with its excellent instructional materials.
On the use of video materials in teaching, Tony Blakes (2012) noted that video is not being
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 5
used in higher education as much as it should be. He argued that it should not be an “extra”
component of the learning design but should be utilized in a more integral manner. Despite the
lower cost of video, teachers are still reluctant to use it in higher education. Since most higher
education is text-based, instructors are not familiar with the potential of video in the classroom.
Erebus International (2007), for maximum learning outcomes, it is suggested that not only
modules but also videolar instructions be created. Learning media are useful instruments for
encouraging and supporting management of the learning process, enabling students to quickly
pick up knowledge, abilities, processes, and traits outlined in the curriculum requirements.
Natural media, print media, technical media, and varied local learning networks are a few
examples of the different types of learning media. By setting attainable, realistic learning goals
within a personalized study plan, these promote learning, enhance classroom management
strategies, and motivate achievement for greater use of existing educational resources (Rillo,
1995). Many students find that hearing about lessons is not enough; they also need to see them,
as stated by a particular professor. Students will benefit immensely from the use of films,
attractive diagrams, and visuals that have a beautiful appearance when explaining an operation
or a skill. Documented classes allow students to study at their own pace by being recorded by
video cameras, technology, and other recording devices. Students can view these courses as
needed and whenever they don’t understand them. This can be accomplished by utilizing a
document camera to display the lesson or by using more sophisticated technology like a video
or other technological tool. It should be noted that children learn best when instruction is
combined with a picture; a visual is not always an effective teaching tool. To keep students
interested, mix up your usage (Linde, n.d.).
The effectiveness of an instructional strategy depends on the students' learning requirements.
Teachers must take into account both the kids' learning styles and emotional requirements. The
creation of educational resources is essential to the teaching-learning process. According to
Dahar (2011), there is a significant correlation between the use of instructional resources and
secondary students' academic achievement. The Department of Education has recommended
strategic intervention material as a teaching tool to raise students' performance across subject
Research Design
This study used developmental as its research design. Developmental research is defined as the
systematic study of designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs, processes,
and products that must meet criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness (Richey, 1994)
cited by Bongolan (2018). In this study, developmental research design was considered,
wherein development of Supplementary Learning Material for the cookery subject in video
format based on competencies below excellent level was undertaken. The Supplementary
Learning Material in video format were validated by five (5) experts.
Population and Locale of the Study
The respondents of the study were the Grade 10 learners in Cookery using total enumeration.
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 6
Table 1. Population of the study
ISPSC Campuses
Grade 10 Learners
Sta. Maria
Research Instrument
Questionnaire adapted from DepEd was used in evaluating the Instructional Materials with
slight modification used as the instrument in gathering the evaluation of experts on the
Supplementary Learning Material in video format.
Treatment of Data
In the analysis and interpretation of data, mean was used to described the level of skill
competency of the Grade 10 learners in Cookery and the level of validity of the developed
supplementary materials.
Data Categorization
To validate the Supplementary Learning Material, the following 5-point Likert scale was used:
Basis for the Development of Supplementary Learning Material: Competency Rating lower
than 95 statistical limit
This data gathered with the use of historical data through documentary analysis, have been
analyzed and interpreted. The results are shown in tabular forms to facilitate better
Statistical Limit
Descriptive Rating
Overall DR
4.21 5.00
Very Valid (VV)
Very High (VH)
3.41 4.20
Valid (V)
High (H)
2.61 3.40
Moderately Valid (MV)
Moderate (M)
1.81 2.60
Less Valid (LV)
Fair (F)
1.00 1.80
Least Valid (LsD)
Poor (P)
Statistical Limit
95 100
90 94
85 89
80 84
75 79
Descriptive Rating
Excellent (E)
Very Satisfactory (VS)
Satisfactory (S)
Needs Improvement (NI)
Unsatisfactory (U)
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 7
Level of Competencies of the Grade 10 Learners in Cookery
Table 2. Level of cookery competency of the Grade 10 learners
Statistical Limit
95 100
90 94
85 89
80 84
75 79
Descriptive Rating
Excellent (E)
Very Satisfactory (VS)
Satisfactory (S)
Needs Improvement (NI)
Unsatisfactory (U)
The learners were excellent in terms of preparing egg dishes as supported by the 95.29 mean
rating. This means that they can prepare excellent egg dishes. This also accentuates the fact
that they possess the required knowledge and skills in preparing egg dishes. Thus, they master
this competency.
Developed Supplementary Learning Materials
Cookery course enables learners to become more knowledgeable, competent and skilled in all
aspects of cooking, including food preparation and food safety. Notably, providing additional
materials in video form aligns with emerging trends in education, particularly at a time when
TikTok, Youtube, and other social media platforms are gaining traction among students.
Utilizing videos in educational settings benefits students. Benefits of using videos in the
classroom include encouraging group learning, aiding learning in dimensions of movement,
color, and sound, bringing outside-of-class environments into the classroom, and promoting
concrete and long-lasting learning. In fact, Mayer (2001) claimed that multimedia components
that engage many senses, such as movies used in learning environments, boost student
motivation and engagement. Using movies as teaching resources has even another benefit,
according to Dale's cone of experience. It is obvious that learning will be simpler and more
meaningful the more senses that are used in the learning environment (Kosterelioglu, 2016).
In developing the supplementary learning materials, the researcher aims to achieve the
following: provide additional instructional materials for teachers who are teaching cookery
course; bridge teaching with the needs of the learners towards maximum learning experiences;
and enhance the level of competency of the students in the specified competencies in cookery.
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 8
Table 3. Level of validity of the developed supplementary learning materials
A. Content
1. Content is suitable to the student’s level of development
2. Material contributes to the achievement of specific objectives of the
subject area and grade/year level for which it is intended.
3. Material provides for the development of the psychomotor skills for
students’ performance.
4. Material arouses interest of the students.
5. Adequate warning/cautionary notes are provided in topics and
activities where safety and health are of concern.
B. Format
1. Size of letters are appropriate to the intended user.
2. Spaces between letters and words facilitate reading.
3. The letters/words are readable and appropriate.
4. There are no typographical and other errors (e.g., inappropriate, or
unclear illustrations, missing labels, wrong captions, etc.)
5. Harmonious blending of elements (e.g., illustrations and text)
C. Quality
1. The video conveys huge amounts of information in a short time.
2. It increases an individual’s understanding of the topic/lesson.
3. The video attracts the audience and engage them in the performance.
4. The video is a high-definition video having (720p) to (1080p)
5. The video displays better quality pixels that store lots of details such
as color, contrast, and shadow, etc.
Supplementary Learning Materials.
The developed supplementary learning materials are composed of five (5) video clips. The
videos are centered on preparing appetizers, preparing salad and dressings, preparing
sandwiches, preparing desserts, and preparing egg dishes.
Level of Validity of the Developed Supplementary Learning Materials
As shown in the table 3, content posted the highest mean rating of 4.92 described as very high.
The results indicate that the developed supplementary materials contain inputs or information
that are responsive and suitable to the needs of the learners. The materials can be used to get
the attention of the learners and possess the quality needed for an instructional material.
Clearly, the content and quality of the proposed material is responsive (Terano, 2015) since
alignment of the objectives and content is implied. This is vital in material development in
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 9
education. In fact, Corpuz and Salandanan (2013) highlighted the teaching materials’ content
and quality should respond to the needs of the learners.
The created video materials offer higher benefits for student learning when compared to
traditional teaching (Greenberg & Zanetis, 2012). The findings support a study by
Pekdağ (2010) that found the use of videos in teaching and learning environments is effective
in three areas: improving learning and memory, motivating students to learn more, and aiding
in knowledge visualization.
Notably, the rating suggests that the materials were formatted in a way that the fonts,
transitions, and other elements of audio-visual instructional materials meet the standards and
criteria. However, the format of the supplementary materials can still be improved for
maximum acceptability. Videos and their formats are suitable for the character of today's youth
and can be used in the classroom today for instructional purposes (Gentry, 2008). According
to Zhang et al. (2006), in video practices, the learner masters the actual objects and movement
patterns through observation, and the films offer opportunities for in-depth learning. Videos
used in learning environments will in this context assure the effectiveness of hearing and vision
senses by allowing interaction between the video and the students, as opposed to the content
delivered in the classroom during traditional presentations (Kosterelioglu, 2016).
Overall, the level of validity of the developed supplementary materials is very high as
supported by the 4.82 overall mean. This suggests that the output of the study is useful, suitable,
responsive, and can improve the quality of teaching and learning experiences in cookery. Also,
the developed output meets the standard of the evaluators. By combining different learning
elements, such as visuals, movement, and music, instructional materials in video format
undoubtedly offer potential for in-depth learning (Kosterelioglu, 2016). This ensures control
over information reception and permits learning to occur at individual rates (Greenberg &
Zanetis, 2012).
The following conclusions are drawn: The learners are closely approaching mastery in terms
of required competencies. Video format of supplementary learning materials on preparing
appetizer, preparing salad and dressing, preparing sandwiches, and preparing desserts can be
developed. The developed supplementary learning materials in video format are valid,
responsive, acceptable, useful, and quality.
The following recommendations are offered: The competencies of students should be improved
further by using supplementary learning material and other intervention materials and
activities. Teachers should use the developed supplementary learning materials as additional
instructional materials in teaching cookery to learners. Future studies should look into the
effectiveness of the developed supplementary learning materials. Future studies may look into
other variables in assessing the performance of learners in cookery course.
Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 10
The researcher wishes to acknowledge with heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation the
unending guidance and support, time, effort, love and concern of the following individuals that
made the completion of this study possible. To Dr. Gilbert R. Arce, SUC President III, for all
his support and encouragement. Dr. Anna Marie D. Barroga, his adviser, for her unending
assistance, support, guidance, and help. Dr. Jonathan L. Dela Cruz, his statistician, for all her
priceless efforts in the statistical analysis of the gathered data. Dr. Ranec A. Azarias, his
English Critic, for patiently reviewing and editing the manuscript in order to come up with
good research. The respondents, for their cooperation, patience, and valuable time in providing
their responses for this research.
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Journal of Learning and Educational Policy
ISSN : 2799-1121
Vol : 03 , No. 06 , Oct-Nov 2023
Copyright The Author(s) 2023.This is an Open Access Article distributed under the CC BY
license. ( 12
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Full-text available
The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of technological competence (teacher, Internet, smart classroom), to obtain academic performance of students of higher level of the Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon. We applied qualitative and quantitative methods, and simultaneously, a statistical design allowed us to make more reliable calculations. We also used two instruments: surveys and assessment test the research question. This study shows how much academic performance is generated from the use of technological competence in the classroom, and how the financing institutions to provide results in a benefit to the student. There is a needed to develop technical competence to opens up new educational possibilities in the classroom and critical thinking.
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Purpose of Review Community-based interventions aiming to improve cooking skills are a popular strategy to promote healthy eating. We reviewed current evidence on the effectiveness of these interventions on different confidence aspects and fruit and vegetable intake. Recent Findings Evaluation of cooking programmes consistently report increased confidence in cooking skills in adults across different age groups and settings. The effectiveness of these programmes on modifying eating behaviour is less consistent, but small increases in self-reported consumption of fruit and vegetables are also described. Lack of large samples, randomization and control groups and long-term evaluation are methodological limitations of the evidence reviewed. Summary Cooking skill interventions can have a positive effect on food literacy, particularly in improving confidence on cooking and fruit and vegetable consumption, with vulnerable, low-socieconomic groups gaining more benefits. Consistency across study designs, delivery and evaluation of outcomes both at short and long terms are warranted to draw clearer conclusions on how cooking programmes are contributing to improve diet and health.
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This study investigates the effect of the availability and the use of instructional material on academic performance of students in Punjab (Pakistan). Instructional material plays very important role in the teaching learning process. Population of the study comprised all secondary and higher secondary schools, secondary teachers and secondary students in Punjab. Overall, a total of 288 schools, then 20 students and 10 teachers from each school were randomly selected as the sample of the study. The study used the value added approach. School Profile Proforma, a questionnaire for teachers and Result Sheet were the instruments of the study. Pearson correlation was used to find out the relationship (association) and Stepwise Regression analysis with linear function was used to find out the differential impact (causal-relationship). The study identified that there is a great deficiency in the availability and the use of instructional material. The study concluded that the less availability, misallocation and the deficiency in the use of instructional material lead to the wastage of resources, the less effectiveness of instructional material and lower academic performance. The policy implications of the study are that instructional material can have an enormous effect if is properly allocated, equalized per student and efficiently used with the standard quantity and quality.
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Objective Cooking programs are growing in popularity; however, an extensive review has not examined their overall impact. Therefore, this study reviewed previous research on cooking/home food preparation interventions and diet and health-related outcomes among adults and identified implications for practice and research. Design Literature review and descriptive summative method. Main Outcome Measures Dietary intake, knowledge/skills, cooking attitudes and self-efficacy/confidence, health outcomes. Analysis Articles evaluating the effectiveness of interventions that included cooking/home food preparation as the primary aim (January, 1980 through December, 2011) were identified via Ovid MEDLINE, Agricola, and Web of Science databases. Studies grouped according to design and outcomes were reviewed for validity using an established coding system. Results were summarized for several outcome categories. Results Of 28 studies identified, 12 included a control group with 6 as nonrandomized and 6 as randomized controlled trials. Evaluation was done postintervention for 5 studies, pre- and postintervention for 23, and beyond postintervention for 15. Qualitative and quantitative measures suggested a positive influence on main outcomes. However, nonrigorous study designs, varying study populations, and the use of nonvalidated assessment tools limited stronger conclusions. Conclusions and Implications Well-designed studies are needed that rigorously evaluate long-term impact on cooking behavior, dietary intake, obesity and other health outcomes.
Instructional material is a very important tool in the teaching-learning process in a classroom situation. This is in a form of textbooks, reference texts, the chalk and blackboard, computer aided presentations and other materials that are important and useful during discussions and teachings. This study focused on the development and evaluation of an instructional material in Differential Equations for engineering programs. The simplified text with workbook in differential equations for engineering was developed for the purpose of giving the students quality material for their learning processes. The developed material was based in accordance with the minimum requirements of the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for engineering programs in the course Differential Equations. The acceptability of the material was evaluated in terms of its contents and structure and format. It was evaluated by two categories of evaluators namely, engineering professors and engineering students. The average weighted means are 4.85 in terms of the contents and 4.83 in terms of the structure and format. Based on these results, the researcher found out that the developed material is highly acceptable for use in engineering programs and responsive of the high requirement for engineering curriculum.
Background: Previous research has highlighted an ambiguity in understanding cooking related terminology and a number of barriers and facilitators to home meal preparation. However, meals prepared in the home still include convenience products (typically high in sugars, fats and sodium) which can have negative effects on health. Therefore, this study aimed to qualitatively explore: (1) how individuals define cooking from 'scratch', and (2) their barriers and facilitators to cooking with basic ingredients. Methods: 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants (aged 18-58 years) living on the island of Ireland, eliciting definitions of 'cooking from scratch' and exploring the reasons participants cook in a particular way. The interviews were professionally transcribed verbatim and Nvivo 10 was used for an inductive thematic analysis. Results: Our results highlighted that although cooking from 'scratch' lacks a single definition, participants viewed it as optimal cooking. Barriers to cooking with raw ingredients included: 1) time pressures; (2) desire to save money; (3) desire for effortless meals; (4) family food preferences; and (5) effect of kitchen disasters. Facilitators included: 1) desire to eat for health and well-being; (2) creative inspiration; (3) ability to plan and prepare meals ahead of time; and (4) greater self-efficacy in one's cooking ability. Conclusions: Our findings contribute to understanding how individuals define cooking from 'scratch', and barriers and facilitators to cooking with raw ingredients. Interventions should focus on practical sessions to increase cooking self-efficacy; highlight the importance of planning ahead and teach methods such as batch cooking and freezing to facilitate cooking from scratch.
Domestic cooking skills (CS) and food skills (FS) encompass multiple components, yet there is a lack of consensus on their constituent parts, inter-relatedness or measurement, leading to limited empirical support for their role in influencing dietary quality. This review assessed the measurement of CS and FS in adults (>16 years); critically examining study designs, psychometric properties of measures, theoretical basis and associations of CS/FS with diet. Electronic databases (PsychInfo), published reports and systematic reviews on cooking and home food preparation interventions (Rees et al. 201245. Rees, R, Hinds, K, Dickson, K, O'Mara-Eves, A, Thomas, J. 2012 Communities that cook: a systematic review of the effectiveness and appropriateness of interventions to introduce adults to home cooking. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.View all references; Reicks et al. 201446. Reicks, M, Trofholz, AC, Stang, JS, Laska, MN. Impact of cooking and home food preparation interventions among adults: outcomes and implications for future programs. J Nutr Educ Behav 2014;46(4):259–276.View all references) provided 834 articles of which 26 met the inclusion criteria. Multiple CS/FS measures were identified across three study designs: qualitative; cross-sectional; and dietary interventions; conducted from 1998–2013. Most measures were not theory-based, limited psychometric data was available, with little consistency of items or scales used for CS/FS measurements. Some positive associations between CS/FS and FV intake were reported; though lasting dietary changes were uncommon. The role of psycho-social (e.g., gender, attitudes) and external factors (e.g. food availability) on CS/FS is discussed. A conceptual framework of CS/FS components is presented for future measurement facilitation, which highlights the role for CS/FS on food-related behaviour and dietary quality. This will aid future dietary intervention design.
For hundreds of years verbal messages - such as lectures and printed lessons - have been the primary means of explaining ideas to learners. In Multimedia Learning Richard Mayer explores ways of going beyond the purely verbal by combining words and pictures for effective teaching. Multimedia encyclopedias have become the latest addition to students' reference tools, and the world wide web is full of messages that combine words and pictures. Do these forms of presentation help learners? If so, what is the best way to design multimedia messages for optimal learning? Drawing upon 10 years of research, the author provides seven principles for the design of multimedia messages and a cognitive theory of multimedia learning. In short, this book summarizes research aimed at realizing the promise of multimedia learning - that is, the potential of using words and pictures together to promote human understanding.