
Rozwiązania na rzecz integracji dzieci i młodzieży w szkołach krakowskich po wybuchu wojny w Ukrainie. Wnioski z badania pilotażowego

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The article presents the conclusions of a pilot survey study conducted in Cracow in September 2022. The author makes a diagnosis of educational activities undertaken in the municipality of Cracow, in the period from February 25 to June 30, 2022 (in the first four months from the outbreak of the war in Ukraine). She confronts them with the conclusions of in-depth interviews conducted with experts in the field of integration. Solutions regarded as “good practices”, such as additional Polish language lessons, psychological and pedagogical assistance, educational departments and intercultural assistantship, are rated the best. However, children and young people with refugee experience have little chance of learning the language, culture and geography of their country of origin. We can also indicate a few critical moments of the integration process (so-called rich points) that generate tensions in intercultural communication. These include ambivalent attitudes towards migrant children, youth and their parents. On the one hand, representatives of the majority of society show empathy and provide real help, on the other hand, they accuse migrants of being demanding and indecisive. The most difficult situation is currently faced by young people who do not know the Polish language and are forced to take exams in this language at the end of subsequent stages of education. This age group is particularly vulnerable to marginalization. The conclusions from the study also indicated areas requiring further, in-depth evaluation.

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The article focuses on the analysis of the process of inclusion of Ukrainian pupils in the Polish education system, after Russia's aggression on the territory of Ukraine, in the context of a number of legal, pedagogical and social challenges. The article discusses formal and legal aspects as well as individual problem areas of this process from the perspective of pu-pils, teachers, class tutors, school principals, pedagogues and psychologists working in Polish schools. The author used the method of analysis of formal and legal documents and conducted ethnographic research (virtual ethnography) of online publications on help, integration and educational support for children from Ukraine. She also analysed research reports related to the diagnosis of the educational situation of children and young people from Ukraine. In addition, in order to clarify the research issues, taking into account the needs of science and the needs of practice, she conducted empirical research. The first part of the article focuses on the analysis of legal aspects related to the inclusion of Ukrainian pupils in the Polish educa-tional system. The second part presents the results of research on the evaluation of the process of inclusion of Ukrainian pupils from different perspectives. The conclusions of the research indicate the need to continue language support, create adaptation programmes for foreign pupils and organise integration activities. In addition, the article highlights the importance of pedagogical and psychological support for Ukrainian pupils who have experienced difficulties related to the conflict in Ukraine. The article is a valuable contribution to the development of awareness and understanding of the process of inclusion of Ukrainian pupils in the Polish educational system after Russia's aggression on the territory of Ukraine. The presented anal-yses and conclusions can be used by policymakers, teachers and other stakeholders in further actions aimed at improving the quality of education for Ukrainian pupils in Poland.
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Edukacja polska stoi wobec wyzwania zapewnienia wsparcia szkołom i udzielenia pomocy uczniom z doświadczeniem migracji, bo uczniów tych każdego roku przybywa. W ostatnich pięciu latach ich liczba wzrosła pięciokrotnie. Warunkiem dobrej integracji i sukcesu ekonomicznego zarówno osób przyjeżdżających, jak i społeczeństwa przyjmującego jest dobrej jakości edukacja włączająca, oparta na solidnej znajomości języka i kultury kraju przyjmującego oraz na szacunku dla osób przybywających. Raport OECD "La résillience des élèves issues de l'immigration: Les facteurs qui déterminent le bien-etre", opublikowany w lutym 2018 roku wyraźnie wskazuje, że bariery językowe to najistotniejsze przeszkody w osiąganiu sukcesu społecznego uczniów z doświadczeniem migracji. W niniejszym tekście chciałybyśmy przedstawić naszą refleksje na temat pracy z uczniami z doświadczeniem migracji, a także zaprezentować materiały edukacyjne "W polskiej szkole" 1 , które powstały na zamówienie Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej w ramach projektu mającego na celu wspieranie uczniów cudzoziemskich oraz szkół prowadzących oddziały przygotowawcze. Jaki jest sens w zajmowaniu się rozwijaniem języka ucznia? Bez znajomości języka lub gdy poziom jego opanowania jest niski, łatwo o niską samoocenę, frustrację, rozczarowanie niezrozumienia. Dlatego tak ważna jest praca celowa i zaplanowana praca nad kompetencjami językowymi, szczególnie tymi związanymi z używaniem języka zarówno w jego odmianie mówionej, jak i pisanej. Takiego wsparcia przede wszystkim potrzebują uczniowie z doświadczeniem migracji w środowisku zinstytucjonalizowanej edukacji. Aby jednak tak się stało, aby język stał się skutecznym narzędziem komunikacji, trzeba wykonać 1 "W polskiej szkole" Wspieranie uczniów cudzoziemskich oraz szkół prowadzących oddziały przygotowawcze (materiały i szkolenia). Projekt współfinansowany jest przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej w ramach umowy nr MEN/2017/DSWM/1296. Materiały do pobrania na stronie
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This is a written version of a lecture delivered at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Eduction at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The original series of lectures can be viewed at In this “culture” lecture, the author explores the difficulties in using the concept in contemporary research with particular reference to its relational nature, its partiality, and the various problems that ethnography now addresses. In the end, the concept might have outlived its technical use, even as popular use increases.
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As a way of facilitating a positive development with regard to adaptation, all refugees are expected to go through the foreign language training programme as soon as possible after settlement. This is seen as a way to help refugees gain a greater participation in the host society. The current study aimed at evaluating the role of trauma and psychological distress on motivation for foreign language acquisition among refugees. A total of 12 schools participated in the study. The schools were situated in Middle of Norway. In all, 239 questionnaires were handed out, of which 191 (80%) were completed. It was found that, the most violent traumatic events seem to be negatively related with motivation for foreign language acquisition. Coping strategies came out as a positive predictor of motivation for language training. Continent of origin appears to make a difference, showing that Asian refugees were more motivated for language acquisition than Africans. The current study suggests that refugees’ past traumatic experiences influence their motivation to learn a foreign language. If successful foreign language acquisition is to be achieved, the refugees must be given the opportunity to deal with their traumatic past while embarking on acquisition of foreign language.
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This article summarizes a keynote lecture presented to the Advances in Qualitative Methods conference. The core problem is the following: A variety of research approaches are now summarized under the term qualitative, yet it is not clear what such approaches have in common. Four characteristics are offered that describe a prototype for what are here called “translation” studies: rich points, abductive logic, a puzzle-solving mode of analysis, and a complexity theory representation. The prototype includes, but is not limited by, the usual terms used to describe such research approaches, including the term qualitative itself. Three examples are offered to show how the prototype applies to public health intervention as well as research.
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This paper focuses on issues of access to productive literacy learning as part of socially just schooling for recently arrived refugee youth within Australia. It argues that a sole reliance on traditional ESL pedagogy is failing this vulnerable group of students, who differ significantly from past refugees who have settled in Australia. Many have been ‘placeless’ for some time, are likely to have received at best an interrupted education before arriving in Australia, and may have experienced significant trauma (Christie & Sidhu, 20067. Christie , P. and Sidhu , R. 2006 . Governmentality and ‘fearless speech’: Framing the education of asylum seeker and refugee children in Australia. . Oxford Review of Education , 32 ( 4 ) : 449 – 465 . [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®]View all references; Cottone, 200410. Cottone , C. 2004 . Cultural chasm: The changing cultural and linguistic demographic in Queensland schools and the need for reform. , Brisbane, , Australia : Youth Affairs Network of Queensland . View all references; Miller, Mitchell, & Brown, 200524. Miller , J. , Mitchell , J. and Brown , J. 2005 . African refugees with interrupted schooling in the high school mainstream: Dilemmas for teachers. . Prospect , 20 ( 2 ) : 19 – 33 . View all references). Australian Government policy has resulted in spacialized settlement, leaving particular schools dealing with a large influx of refugee students who may be attending school for the first time (Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, 2004; Sidhu & Christie, 200228. Sidhu , R. and Christie , P. 2002 . Sticks and stones will break my bones—and words will harm too. Australia's provision of education for asylum seeker children in detention. . Social Alternatives , 21 ( 4 ) : 11 – 16 . [CSA]View all references). While this has implications generally, it has particular consequences for secondary school students attempting to learn English literacy in short periods of time, without basic foundations in either English or print-based literacy in any first language (Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, 20065. Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues. 2006 . Late arrivals: The needs of refugee young people who resettle in late adolescence. , Victoria, , Australia : Author . View all references). Many of these students leave schools without the most basic early literacy practices, having endured several years of pedagogy pitched well beyond their needs. This paper suggests that schools must take up three key roles: to educate, to provide a site for the development of civic responsibility, and to act as a site for welfare with responsibility.
Migrants and minorities are always at risk of being caught in essentialized cultural definitions and being denied the right to express their cultural preferences because they are perceived as threats to social cohesion. Migrants and minorities respond to these difficulties in multiple ways - as active agents in the pedagogical, political, social, and scientific processes that position them in this or that cultural sphere. On the one hand, they reject ascribed cultural attributes while striving towards integration in a variety of social spheres, e.g. school and workplace, in order to achieve social mobility. On the other hand, they articulate demands for cultural self-determination. This discursive duality is met with suspicion by the majority culture. For societies with high levels of migration or with substantial minority cultures, questions related to the meaning of cultural heterogeneity and the social and cultural limits of learning and communication (e.g. migration education or critical multiculturalism) are very important. It is precisely here where the chances for new beginnings and new trials become of great importance for educational theorizing, which urgently needs to find answers to current questions about individual freedom, community/cultural affiliations, and social and democratic cohesion. Answers to these questions must account for both ‘political’ and ‘learning’ perspectives at the macro, mezzo, and micro contextual levels. The contributions of this edited volume enhance the knowledge in the field of migrant/minority education, with a special emphasis on the meaning of culture and social learning for educational processes.
In this study, I used qualitative interviews to explore the expectations of the parents in seven Chinese families who had recently immigrated to Canada. These parents grounded their expectations for their children in Chinese tradition, their deeply rooted cultural heritage. Their personal life experiences and acculturative attitudes also shaped their expectations. The parents' understanding of Canadian society and their perception that visible minorities are disadvantaged prompted them to form a minority ideology and also to advise their children to pursue science-related careers. The expectations of these parents were situationally motivated in different ways to conform to the Canadian socio- cultural context À l'aide d'interviews qualitatives, l'auteure a étudié les attentes des sept familles chinoises récemment arrivées au Canada. Les attentes de ces parents s'enracinent dans la tradition chinoise. Leurs expériences personnelles et leurs attitudes acculturatives façonnent également leurs attentes. Leur compréhension de la société canadienne et leur sentiment que les minorités visibles sont désavantagées les incitent à former une idéologie de la minorité et à conseiller à leurs enfants de viser une carrière dans les sciences. Les attentes de ces parents sont à divers égards motivées par une volonté de se conformer au contexte socioculturel canadien.
This study tested a four-step model consisting of family background, perceived parental support and demandingness, educational aspirations, and academic achievement. The model was estimated on data collected from eighth graders (N = 686) growing up in two cultural settings: transition to modernity (Israeli Arabs) and Western (Israeli Jews). LISREL analyses performed separately for the four ethnicity-by-gender groups showed good fit of the model and supported the predicted differences in the links between the latent variables across ethnicity and gender. Specifically, family background had direct and indirect effects on the academic achievement of Arab but not Jewish adolescents. The indirect family background-academic achievement path showed gender differences only for the Arab adolescents via educational aspirations for girls and parental demandingness for boys, and parental demandingness was directly related to academic achievement of Arab boys and Jewish adolescents. Discussion explained ethnic and gender differences in terms of demographic and sociocultural conditions.
Path analysis of the data collected on 107 5th-grade boys indicated that mothers' educational expectations were strongly related to their sons' academic performance. Decomposing this effect into paths indicated that half of the relevant variance between expectations and achievement was attributable to specific maternal behaviors (e.g., a positive relationship between achievement and reinforcement, a negative relationship between achievement and punishment). Similarly, effects of socioeconomic status (SES) on academic achievement decomposed almost equally into a direct effect and an effect mediated by the mothers' educational expectations. Results are related to a model that conceptualizes 2 classes of parental behaviors as determining children's academic achievement: (a) instigating behaviors, which act to create a favorable climate for academic pursuits, and (b) responsive behaviors, which involve reacting to information about the children's behavior in school. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
There has been, so far, little examination of how the treatment of conflict in the school curriculum can lead to political quiescence and the acceptance by students of a perspective on social and intellectual conflict that acts to maintain the existing distribution of power and rationality in a society. This paper examines two areas—social studies and science—to indicate how an unrealistic and basically consensus-oriented perspective is taught through a hidden curriculum in schools. The argument centers around the fundamental place that forms of conflict have had in science and the social world and on the necessity of such conflict. The paper suggests that a greater emphasis in the school curriculum upon the ideal norms of science, e.g., organized skepticism, and on the uses of conflict could counterbalance the tacit assumptions being taught.On n'a gure tudi jusqu' prsent comment la faon d'aborder le problme des incompatibilits dans le programme d'tudes peut contribuer la paix politique et l'acceptation par les tudiants d'une certaine perspective du conflit social et intellectuel qui contribue la prservation de l'actuelle rpartition de l'autorit et de la rationalit au sein d'une socit. La prsente communication tudie les deux domaines des sciences humaines et des sciences pures pour souligner comment, par le truchement d'un programme d'tudes camoufl, on enseigne dans les coles une attitude qui manque de ralisme et qui est essentiellement fonde sur la notion d'unanimit. Le raisonnement de l'auteur se fonde surtout sur la position fondamentale qu'occupent certaines formes de conflit dans le domaine de la science et des problmes sociaux et sur l'utilit de tels conflits. L'auteur estime que l'on pourrait faire contrepoids aux hypothses tacites enseignes l'heure actuelle, en mettant dans les programmes scolaires davantage l'accent sur les normes scientifiques idales, autrement dit sur un scepticisme mthodique et sur les avantages des conflits en question.
Angażuje różne podmioty: między innymi bliskich członków rodziny, dalekich krewnych, starych i nowych przyjaciół i współpracowników oraz rodziny nadal pozostające w kraju pochodzenia migrantów. Konieczne jest więc badanie migracji jako zjawiska systemowego
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i kontynentów. Angażuje różne podmioty: między innymi bliskich członków rodziny, dalekich krewnych, starych i nowych przyjaciół i współpracowników oraz rodziny nadal pozostające w kraju pochodzenia migrantów. Konieczne jest więc badanie migracji jako zjawiska systemowego, a nie czasowego i lokalnego.
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