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Exploring Instruction Set Architectural Variations: x86, ARM, and RISC-V in Compute-Intensive Applications

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Abstract and Figures

p> As computational demands continue to evolve in the modern era, the choice of hardware architecture plays a pivotal role in optimizing the performance of compute-intensive applications. This research paper delves into the exploration and comparison of three prominent hardware architectures: x86, ARM, and RISC-V, within the context of compute-intensive applications. The study begins with a comprehensive overview of these architectures, highlighting their distinctive features, and strengths. Subsequently, we investigate their suitability and adaptability in diverse compute-intensive workloads. Our analysis encompasses a wide spectrum of parameters, including computational throughput, power efficiency, scalability, and architectural flexibility. We scrutinize the architectural intricacies that impact the execution of compute-intensive tasks, shedding light on both the advantages and limitations of each architecture. We used the gem5 simulator to compare these Instruction Set Architectures (ISA). We run different benchmarks on gem5 with different ISA and different configurations and compare the result. Based on these results we predict which architecture is better in which scenario. Gem5 is not a cycle accurate simulator but it’s a model accurate. In conclusion, "Exploring Architectural Variations: x86, ARM, and RISC-V in Compute-Intensive Applications" offers a comprehensive insight into the nuances of hardware selection for compute-intensive workloads. Our findings aid system architects, researchers, and technology enthusiasts in making informed decisions about the most suitable architectural choice for their specific compute-intensive applications, ultimately contributing to advancements in computational performance and efficiency </p
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Exploring Instruction Set Architectural Variations: x86, ARM,Exploring Instruction Set Architectural Variations: x86, ARM,
and RISC-V in Compute-Intensive Applicationsand RISC-V in Compute-Intensive Applications
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24-08-2023 / 28-08-2023
Ali, Wajid (2023). Exploring Instruction Set Architectural Variations: x86, ARM, and RISC-V in Compute-
Intensive Applications. TechRxiv. Preprint.
Exploring Instruction Set Architectural Variations:
x86, ARM, and RISC-V in Compute-Intensive
Wajid Ali
Electrical Engineering dept
University of Engineering and
AbstractAs computational demands continue to evolve in
the modern era, the choice of hardware architecture plays a
pivotal role in optimizing the performance of compute-intensive
applications. This research paper delves into the exploration
and comparison of three prominent hardware architectures:
x86, ARM, and RISC-V, within the context of compute-intensive
applications. The study begins with a comprehensive overview
of these architectures, highlighting their distinctive features,
and strengths. Subsequently, we investigate their suitability and
adaptability in diverse compute-intensive workloads. Our
analysis encompasses a wide spectrum of parameters, including
computational throughput, power efficiency, scalability, and
architectural flexibility. We scrutinize the architectural
intricacies that impact the execution of compute-intensive tasks,
shedding light on both the advantages and limitations of each
architecture. We used the gem5 simulator to compare these
Instruction Set Architectures (ISA). We run different
benchmarks on gem5 with different ISA and different
configurations and compare the result. Based on these results
we predict which architecture is better in which scenario. Gem5
is not a cycle accurate simulator but it’s a model accurate. In
conclusion, "Exploring Architectural Variations: x86, ARM,
and RISC-V in Compute-Intensive Applications" offers a
comprehensive insight into the nuances of hardware selection
for compute-intensive workloads. Our findings aid system
architects, researchers, and technology enthusiasts in making
informed decisions about the most suitable architectural choice
for their specific compute-intensive applications, ultimately
contributing to advancements in computational performance
and efficiency.
Keywordscomputer architecture, gem5, ISA comparison,
Intensive workloads
In the realm of computer architecture, Intel's x86 design
has long championed peak performance, catering primarily to
the demanding needs of personal computers and servers.
Conversely, ARM diligently pursued energy efficiency
enhancements, targeting the mobile devices and wearable
technology sectors. However, the relentless march of
technological progress has ushered in a convergence of
objectives [2]. Intel, a stalwart in the realm of traditional
computing, has expanded its horizons by producing
processors for handheld devices. Simultaneously, ARM,
synonymous with energy-efficient mobility, has ventured into
the realm of servers. This intriguing shift marks a departure
from the well-defined roles these architectures once occupied.
In today's landscape, where x86 and ARM-based
processors engage in head-to-head competition, it is
imperative to scrutinize their performance capabilities across
a diverse spectrum of applications. Furthermore, the hardware
industry has witnessed a seismic transformation with the
advent of RISC-V, an open-source architecture that challenges
established conventions. As these architectural forces
converge and compete, our research embarks on a
comprehensive journey to assess their respective strengths and
weaknesses across various application domains. In this rapidly
evolving technological arena, where x86 and ARM
architectures realign their objectives, and RISC-V disrupts the
traditional hardware paradigm, this study serves as an
indispensable compass. It illuminates the nuanced capabilities
and far-reaching implications of these architectures, providing
invaluable insights for decision-makers navigating the
complex landscape of contemporary computing
environments. Two primary types of instruction set govern
modern computer architectures: CISC (Complex Instruction
Set Computer), exemplified by x86, and RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer), represented by ARM. The RISC
architecture stands out for its streamlined instruction set,
which contrasts with the complexity of CISC. A key
distinction lies in how these architectures access memory. In
the RISC paradigm, memory access is achieved through
dedicated instructions, namely, 'LOAD' and 'STORE.' In
contrast, CISC architectures embed memory access methods
within other instructions, resulting in variable instruction
lengths. While this approach reduces the number of
instructions required to execute a program, thereby easing the
compiler's workload in translating high-level instructions to
assembly-level equivalents, it places a higher demand on
hardware to support these intricate instructions. RISC
architectures, on the other hand, employ fixed-length
instructions, simplifying the decoding process. This shift,
however, places a greater burden on the compiler to efficiently
convert high-level instructions to their assembly-level
counterparts. Nevertheless, the reduced hardware complexity
in executing these straightforward instructions facilitates
pipelining. With RISC architectures steadily improving their
hardware efficiency, Intel embarked on a development path
that incorporates RISC-like micro-architecture to harness
these advantages. This entails the translation of x86
instructions into RISC-like instructions within the hardware
before execution. While this approach maintains the
appearance of traditional x86 operation to external observers,
it internally executes RISC-like instructions [2]. In order to
check which ISA is better many experiments are already done
but these experiments and research is on the real hardware our
experiment is on the gem5 simulator which is the model
accurate simulator [3]-[5]. Gem5 is the simulator that made by
the merging of two simulator M5 by the University of
Michigan and gems by the University of Wisconsin.Gem5 has
various ISA like MIPS, RISCV, X86, ARM, ALPHA,
POWER and SPARC. There are different prebuilt boards in
gem5 like X86 board, ARM board and RISC-V board. There
are two modes of simulation sys-call emulation and full
system. In the sys-call emulation we don’t use any Disc image
however while doing a full system simulation we need a
proper Disc image. We can also use the kernel or terminal
during the full system simulation of that Disc image by using
m5 terms. There are different cache models like Ruby cache
by gems and Classic cache by m5. There are different memory
access options also present in it like Timing memory access
and atomic memory access. We can use different CPU models
such as KVM, in-order, out-order, Timing and Atomic.
According [1] the gem5 is the cycle accurate model but
according to the latest study it is known that gem5 is not the
cycle accurate it’s a model accurate simulator we can validate
any model on gem5 because it is not cycle accurate but we can
build a different model and test it on the gem5.
RISC is far better than CISC when it come into the highly
intense computing [4]. The concept of RISC is normally
integrated in the CISC. In some early research the author
compares the in-order and out-order CPU available in gem5.
Early investigations have suggested that in the realm of highly
parallel computing environments, RISC architectures may
offer advantages over CISC counterparts [4]. Furthermore, the
incorporation of RISC principles into CISC designs seems to
be an ongoing trend in the field [6].
A comprehensive study conducted by [7] extensively
compared ARM and x86 microprocessors within the gem5
framework. The assessment encompassed both in-order and
out-of-order CPU models and featured an evaluation based on
four critical performance metrics: average cycles-per-
instruction (CPI), L2 cache miss rate, throughput, and total
energy consumption. Their analysis, executed using the
MiBench benchmark suite, notably showcased the ARM
microprocessor's superior performance across most scenarios
when compared to its x86 counterpart.
Another comprehensive exploration, undertaken by [5],
involved an in-depth analysis of x86, ARM, and RISC-V
Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs) within the gem5
framework. This investigation employed three distinct
configurations: in-order, out-of-order1, and out-of-order2.
McPAT was utilized to estimate power consumption, and
simulations relied on benchmarks drawn from SPEC2006 and
BEEBS. The findings from this research point towards the
remarkable performance and energy efficiency of the ARM
ISA, surpassing both RISC-V and x86 architectures.
Interestingly, the performance distinction between ARM and
RISC-V proved to be marginal.
In subsequent research efforts, [3] and [8] leveraged the gem5
framework to delve into the ramifications of altering cache
parameters on overall system performance. These studies
provided valuable insights into the intricate relationship
between cache configurations and the optimization of
hardware architectures for improved system performance.
In this research paper we used different benchmarks and run
the Radix Sort Algorithm with the help of Timing CPU. This
algorithm sort the given reverse sorted array.
A. Workload
For the comparison of different ISA, we use the C language
code of the Radix Sort of different number of arrays then
compile it with the compiler. As my host machine is X86 so
for X86, we simply compiled my C code by the following
gcc RadixSort.c -o Radixsort
For the ARM and RISC-V we used the cross compiler we
cross compiled our C code to form the corresponding
binaries. For ARM we used the following command:
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc --static -o RadixSort RadixSort.c
For the RISC-V we used the cross-compiler for RISC-V to
compile our C code
riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc --static -o RadixSort RadixSort.c
The binaries that we made are then simulate by the gem5.
B. Configuration of gem5
Initially, we prepared the gem5 program executables.
Specifically, we utilized the executable for all three
Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs). To create these
executables, we executed the following commands:
For RISCV: scons build/RISCV/ -j{nproc}
For ARM: scons build/ARM/ -j{nproc}
For X86: scons build/X86/ -j{nproc}
To determine the appropriate number of threads to use, we
employed the "nproc" command in the terminal. This
command provided us with the number of available threads on
our machine, helping us optimize the build process.
A. Timing simple CPU with no cache hierarchy :
We created a Python script where we utilized a Simple CPU
configuration that doesn't include any cache. The CPU
operated at a clock frequency of 1 gigahertz (1GHz).
1) Sim Ticks
The data in Table 1 SimTicks illustrates fluctuations in Sim-
Ticks, with values presented in billions.
Table 1 SimTicks
No elements in Array
Figure 1 visually represents the fluctuation of Sim-Ticks
across different ISA configurations.
2) SimOps
The data in the Table 2 illustrates the fluctuations in SimOps,
with values presented in Millions.
Table 2 SimOps 1
No of elements in array
Figure 2 visually represents the fluctuation of Sim-Ticks
across different ISA configurations.
Figure 2
a) Histograms to compare results
The Figure 3 shows the histogram for efficient comparison of
the ARM, X86 and RISC-V architectures
Figure 3
The Figure 4 shows the histogram to compare SimOps
Figure 4
3) CPI (Cycle per Instruction)
We run the Radix sort on different sizes of array then
calculate the average CPI (cycle per instruction) of each ISA.
The average CPI value for ARM is 65.23, RISC-V 77.01 and
for X86 is 83.
The figure 5 shows the histogram to compare the average CPI
(Cycle per Instruction) of different ISA’s
Table 3 CPI
Cycle per Instruction
The cycle per instruction (CPI) statistics in gem5 provide
critical insights into the efficiency and performance of
computer architectures and microarchitectures. CPI is a
fundamental metric that quantifies the average number of
clock cycles required to execute a single instruction. It serves
as a key indicator of how effectively a processor utilizes its
computational resources. By analyzing CPI statistics in
gem5, researchers and engineers can gain a deeper
understanding of the instruction execution efficiency within
a given simulation or real-world scenario. These statistics are
instrumental in pinpointing performance bottlenecks,
optimizing processor designs, and benchmarking various
architectural configurations, making CPI a cornerstone
metric for performance evaluation and improvement in
computer systems.
Figure 1
Figure 5
4) Overall performance
Upon a comprehensive examination of various performance
metrics and statistics produced by gem5, a clear pattern
emerges regarding the performance of the three different
Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs).
First and foremost, ARM stands out as the top performer
among the trio. It consistently exhibits significantly higher
speed and efficiency compared to both RISC-V and X86.
This superior performance can be attributed to ARM's
architectural advantages and optimizations.
While ARM takes the lead, RISC-V follows closely behind.
RISC-V demonstrates commendable performance and
efficiency, making it a strong contender. Although it may not
match ARM's speed, it still outpaces X86 by a notable
Conversely, X86 emerges as the least performing ISA in this
evaluation. The primary factor contributing to X86's slower
performance is its reliance on CISC (Complex Instruction Set
Computing) architecture. This inherently complex
architecture results in slower execution times when compared
to the more streamlined and efficient ARM and RISC-V
In conclusion, the assessment reveals a clear hierarchy in
terms of performance, with ARM leading the pack, followed
by RISC-V, and X86 trailing as the slowest ISA. These
findings underscore the importance of selecting the
appropriate ISA for specific computing tasks to achieve
optimal performance.
In conclusion, this paper presented a comprehensive
comparative analysis of three prominent CPU architectures:
X86, ARM, and RISC-V. The study focused on evaluating
the performance of these architectures through the execution
of a specific application, Radix Sort, utilizing a simplified
CPU timing model. The key performance parameters
investigated included Sim-Ops (simulation operations), Sim-
Ticks (simulation ticks), and CPI (cycles per instruction).
After an in-depth examination and analysis of these
parameters, it is evident that the ARM architecture emerges
as the clear leader in terms of speed and efficiency. Following
ARM, the RISC-V architecture demonstrates commendable
performance, albeit slightly behind ARM. In contrast, the
X86 architecture lags behind both ARM and RISC-V in terms
of performance for the Radix Sort application. This research
underscores the significance of architecture selection when
considering the execution of specific applications. The
findings highlight that, for Radix Sort, opting for the ARM
architecture would result in the fastest execution, while
RISC-V offers a competitive alternative.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed mentors,
Umer Shahid from the University of Engineering and
Technology Lahore and Ayaz Akram from the University of
California, Davis, for their unwavering dedication, expert
guidance. Their profound knowledge and insightful feedback
were instrumental in shaping our research and guiding us
towards meaningful outcomes. Furthermore, we wish to
express our sincere thanks to the Digital Design Research Lab
(DDRC Lab) within the Electrical Engineering Department at
the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. Their
invaluable contributions, including access to cutting-edge
resources, technical expertise, and collaborative spirit, have
played a pivotal role in our research endeavors. The synergy
between our team and DDRC Lab has been integral to the
seamless execution and completion of our collective work,
underscoring the importance of strong academic partnerships
and collaborative research environments in achieving
meaningful advancements in our field.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Conference Paper
Design space exploration (DSE) of complex embedded systems that combine a number of CPUs, dedicated hardware and software is a tedious task for which a broad range of approaches exists, from the use of high-level models to hardware prototyping. Each of these entails different simulation speed/accuracy tradeoffs, and thereby enables exploring a certain subset of the design space in a given time. Some simulation frameworks devoted to CPU-centric systems have been developed over the past decade, that either feature near real-time simulation speed or moderate to high speed with quasi-cycle level accuracy, often by means of instruction-set simulators or binary translation techniques. This paper presents an evaluation in term of accuracy in modeling real systems using the GEM5 simulator that belong to the first class. Performance figures of a wide range of benchmarks (e.g. in domains such as scientific computing and media applications) are captured and compared to results obtained on real hardware.
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One of the most significant recent developments in computer processor technology is the RISC (reduction-instruction-set-computer) microprocessor. Under certain circumstances, RISC devices offer significant advantages over their conventional CISC (complex-instruction-set-computer) counterparts. A brief comparison of the principal features of both RISC and CISC processors is presented
Simulation of ARM and x86 microprocessors using in-order and out-oforder CPU models with gem5 simulator
  • A A Abudaqa
  • T M Al-Kharoubi
  • M F Mudawar
  • A Kobilica
A. A. Abudaqa, T. M. Al-Kharoubi, M. F. Mudawar, and A. Kobilica, "Simulation of ARM and x86 microprocessors using in-order and out-oforder CPU models with gem5 simulator," in 2018 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 2018, pp. 317-322.