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Global Perspectives of Intensive Animal Farming and Its Applications



Agricultural farming outputs are dependent upon the production type because different farming systems create different products. Intensive animal farming is widely used for the production of products that have societal importance, including meat, milk, wool, leather, fur, eggs, and honey. To ensure their timely production with limited cost, advanced technological processes, and chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers in large amount) are carried out in this intensive factory farming. Amongst animal farming, the livestock sector is the fastest-growing agricultural sector. The global shift toward intensive animal farming for high productivity yield has rendered a negative impact on the environment and biodiversity and is now an alarming sign for global warming. It has also resulted in soil, water, and air pollution due to the emission of greenhouse gases from the waste generated by these animals. Rapid use of antimicrobials in these farming systems has led to the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens. Therefore, an integrated and comprehensive approach covering the nonmarket outputs of the farming system is required for monitoring these global trends.
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Global Perspectives of Intensive
Animal Farming & Its Applications
ShumailaManzoor, ZainabSyed
and MuhammadAbubabakar
Agricultural farming outputs are dependent upon the production type because
different farming systems create different products. Intensive animal farming is
widely used for the production of products that have societal importance, including
meat, milk, wool, leather, fur, eggs, and honey. To ensure their timely production
with limited cost, advanced technological processes, and chemicals (pesticides, herbi-
cides, and fertilizers in large amount) are carried out in this intensive factory farm-
ing. Amongst animal farming, the livestock sector is the fastest-growing agricultural
sector. The global shift toward intensive animal farming for high productivity yield
has rendered a negative impact on the environment and biodiversity and is now an
alarming sign for global warming. It has also resulted in soil, water, and air pollution
due to the emission of greenhouse gases from the waste generated by these animals.
Rapid use of antimicrobials in these farming systems has led to the emergence of
drug-resistant pathogens. Therefore, an integrated and comprehensive approach
covering the nonmarket outputs of the farming system is required for monitoring
these global trends.
Keywords: intensive animal farming, factory farming, high production, technological
processes, global warming
. Introduction
Intensive animal farming [1, 2] or livestock farming is an intensive agriculture
type that is destined to increase animal production by providing them all necessities
and a favorable environment while reducing the rearing cost [3]. The environment
provided to the animals here includes nutrition, shelter, water, optimum temperature
and humidity, and veterinary management. It is also known as factory farming [4].
The term Factory farming meansany globally adopted farming system where
flock of animals are kept under one roof in a confined setting, that is, a cage or stall”
[5]. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), “a farm with
1000 cattle or 125,000 chickens is referred as factory farming system” [6]. However,
according to the European Union (EU), “farm carrying 40,000 chickens is referred
to as factory farm or macro-farm” [7]. The products of the animal farming industry
are milk, meat, egg, and other animal products which are readily available for human
Intensive Animal Farming - A Cost-Effective Tactic
consumption and are much-liked food amongst people across the globe. Feeding
the entire world is the sustainable development challenge in the coming few years.
Meat plays a major role in this. The demand for meat has increased rapidly over the
past 50years and it has tripled now [8]. According to the estimates of Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), approximately 68.1 billion
animals were slaughtered in 2012 for meat [9]. However, this figure increased to 80
billion in 2018. Poultry meat is the most popular meat worldwide [8].
Based on the above estimates, every individual on Earth is provided with an aver-
age of 42.9kg of meat. In developed nations, average 76.2kg of meat is consumed by
individuals and, on the contrary, in developing nations, 33.4kg of meat is consumed
by individual on average basis [10]. Asia (42.1%) is the largest producer of livestock
followed by America (31.4%), Europe (19.0%) [11], and Africa (5.5%). Besides
meat, animals also provided us with milk (5.7 billion tons) and eggs (72 million tons)
[11]. Chicken laid 1.25 billion eggs; other poultry laid about 87 million eggs. Much
of the animals’ products discussed above came from those animals who were raised
by someone else on our behalf and amongst them, the majority were reared using
intensive animal farming [11]. Factory, intensive, industrial animal farming, and
concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) all are used for a modern form of
intensively rearing of fowl, fish for their various edible products, including their meat
(i.e., flesh and fat) and other forms of animal protein (i.e., dairy and eggs). Intensive
farming can also be defined as an economic pursuit involving domestic animals
for human uses such as obtaining honey, fur, leather, wool, and fertilizer. The sole
purpose of this type of farming is to ensure maximum production with maximum
profit [12]. According to Archambeaud [13], intensive farming is a farming type
where agricultural machinery is employed for achieving higher productivity, that is,
the excessive usage of pesticides, fertilizer, or disease or weed-resistant chemicals.
This high productivity yield also renders a negative impact on the environment and
biodiversity [13] which will be discussed later in this chapter.
. History
Intensive animal farming is the most recent advancement in agriculture history
which is also the result of scientific and technological developments. In the late nine-
teenth century, innovations were made in mass production. Later, in early twentieth
century; vitamin discovery and their associated role in animal nutrition was the hall-
mark of Industrial Revolution because it allowed poultry to be raised at the domestic
level [14]. Moving further, antibiotics and vaccines discovery have further lightened
the livestock by reducing the number of disease-causing pathogens [15]. Chemicals
used in World War II gave the idea of synthetic pesticide discovery [14]. The develop-
ment of transport networks and technology enabled the distribution of agricultural
products over long distances.
The era of high-put farming began in Britain in 1947, when the new Agriculture
Bill provided subsidies to farmers to promote more production by introducing new
technologies to reduce Britain’s dependence on imported meat. According to United
Nations “the intensification of livestock production” was found to ensure food
security [16]. In 1966, the United States, Great Britain, and other developed countries
began large-scale farming of beef and dairy cattle and domestic pigs [17]. From the
heartland of America and Western Europe, factory farming became globalized in
the later twentieth century and continues to expand, replacing traditional livestock
Global Perspectives of Intensive Animal Farming & Its Applications
farming practices in an increasing number of countries. In 1990, intensive animal
husbandry accounted for 30% of world meat production, and by 2005 this had risen
to 40% [17]. Worldwide meat production in 2020 was 328 million tons which suggests
that the demand for meat has reached 90% [18].
. Global perspectives
Globally, more than 70 billion animals are slaughtered every year for food. On the
basis of data provided by UN FAO, the five major groups of animals slaughtered are
cows, chicken, goats, sheep, and pigs [19]. It is expected that by 2050, intensive farm-
ing production will double with the major advancement taking place in less indus-
trialized countries. This expansion has had serious consequences because only the
livestock sector generates about 18% of greenhouse gas which is more than any kind
of transport. Moreover, 70% of the Earth’s surface is directly or indirectly involved in
livestock production leading to land degradation, environmental pollution, and other
health-associated issues [20]. These problems will not go away on their own if more
and more extensive farming systems are being shifted toward intensive animal farms
where animals are raised in confinement at high stocking density using advanced
machinery and biotechnology. Intensive farming production systems were the norms
of Europe and America, but now this practice is increasingly becoming common in
Asia and Latin America. According to UN reports, the global shift of farming systems
and environmental problems associated with these systems has not given much
importance which is why they now have become a serious concern [21].
There are numerous problems associated with intensive animal farming system, a
few of which is discussed below:
. Increased emission
As in intensive farming system, animals are raised indoors, therefore large amount
of energy is required for heating, cooling, and ventilation as well as for feed produc-
tion and transportation producing more emissions of carbon dioxide and anthropo-
genic nitrous oxide (which stays in the atmosphere for up to 15years) and has more
global warming potential leading to depletion of ozone layer. The livestock sector
generates 64% ammonia emissions thereby contributing to acid rain and acidification
of biodiversity [22].
Worldwide, farm animals are also a source of methane emission. Methane has 23
times more global warming potential than carbon dioxide. The operation of intensive
farm animals leads to increased emission of methane because of animal diet which
also causes diseases in animals and emits 50% more methane than animals feed on
grasses in open lands. The only reason is that in intensive system animals are raised on
a concentrated high-protein diet (made up of 50% corn and 80% soybean). This food
is cheap and easy to produce and animals by eating such diets put on weight faster.
This emission of greenhouse gases will continue to increase as the intensive farming
system spread to more and more developing countries [22].
. Climate changes
Developing countries suffer more from the impact of climate change because
of abrupt increase in hunger and disease. This is because developing nations have
Intensive Animal Farming - A Cost-Effective Tactic
limited coping capacities and they are dependent upon climate-sensitive food and
water supply chains. Climatic changes are responsible for food scarcity in developing
sectors. Excessive flooding, storms, loss in biodiversity, land degradation, and water
and air pollution affect developing countries mostly because of health, poverty, and
infrastructure constraints [23].
. Loss in biodiversity
Animal waste and droppings are not treated properly, as farmers often dispose
of their waste in rivers, where they pollute the water and impend the biodiversity of
the ecosystem. Waste products of poultry emit ammonia and nitrous oxide leading to
nitrogen pollution of water and soil [24]. Uneven use of pesticides and fertilizers can
also pollute soil, water, and air [25]. The continuous degradation of environment and
loss in biodiversity is an alarming sign for global warming [25].
. Land degradation
Land degradation due to deforestation is also one of the major problems. Animals
reared for meat, milk, and eggs production are already covering one-third of the
Earth planet surface. Cattle ranching is the primary cause of deforestation because
forested lands are cut and cleared for making proper room for animal grazing and
meat production [26]. The meat thus produced is exported to developed countries.
The high meat demand in developed countries is rendering negative impact on the
meat-producing country both due to deforestation and soil erosion. Besides grazing,
high-quality protein feed production is also putting pressure on land. The number of
those protein diets continues to increase as intensive farming increases. The employ-
ment of large area of land for feed production is resulting in loss of biodiversity, soil
erosion, and increased greenhouse gases emission [27].
. Antimicrobial resistance
Increasing demand for animal protein in intensive farming system has led to
an increase in antimicrobial use (AMU) leading to the emergence and spread of
antimicrobial resistance (AMR) [28]. Antimicrobials are mostly used in intensive
animal farming to prevent or treat infection and are also given in animal diets
for rapid growth [29]. Previous reported literature has shown that 73% of the
antimicrobials available locally are given to animals raised for food. AMU in food-
producing animals can also affect humans, leading to antimicrobial resistance. The
widespread use of antimicrobials in farms can also contaminate the environment,
leading to the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens. Therefore, monitoring the
global trends of antimicrobial use in intensive farming system is important to
track progress associated with antimicrobial stewardship programs carried across
regions [28].
. Types of livestock farming
Based on the production processes, livestock farming is of different types which
are described below in detail:
Global Perspectives of Intensive Animal Farming & Its Applications
. Intensive animal farming
It is also known as conventional or high-put farming system [2]. In intensive
animal farming, to ensure healthy and faster animal production, animals are housed
with adequate nutrients, feed, and temperature. Breed selection in this system is made
up of different production types. It is both labor and capital-intensive. The primary
goal of intensive farming is the attainment of high production [30].
. Semi-intensive animal farming
In semi-intensive farming mode, animals are housed and fed but they are allowed
to move or graze around the farm to forage within a confined area inside the farm
premises [31].
. Extensive animal farming
It is also known as a low-intensity or low-input farming system. In extensive farming
systems, rearing is carried out on open areas of the lands, that is, pastures, meadows,
and mountains so that animals can get maximum benefit from the natural products.
The farming system is applicable to the animals who are intended to be adapted to the
field [32]. This system supports the preservation of the ecological unit. In this type of
farming, external resources like pesticides and fertilizers are used in low quantity [33].
. Organic animal farming
Organic farming is a type of animal farming system whose primary aim is to
produce high-quality food without the use of synthetic chemicals, that is, chemical
fertilizers or pesticides, etc. Additionally, animals are grown in open spaces and fed
on natural resources [34].
Livestock represents all animal types like buffaloes, cattle, goats, sheep, horses,
and pigs, etc. and they are reared primarily for milk, meat, and wool production.
Livestock farming is associated with the production of eggs, milk, and meat from
domesticated animals [35].
The basic purpose of these farming systems is the production of agricultural
products such as cereal, crops, rice, sheep, fish, and fowl. These all-farming systems
are dependent on plants as their primary food source, which in turn, rely on the soil.
Merely, the production of farming is influenced by the type of farming system and
agricultural action chosen. Figure  [36] depicts the typological classification of the
farming system.
. Pros and cons of intensive animal farming
Cattle farming has been an important part of society for years, ever seeing that people
started domesticating animals to improve the quality of their life. However, as with most
forms of farming, inclusive of agriculture, cattle farming too has strengthened, specifi-
cally in current many years. This has made livestock products more easily available and
cheaper to buy; that is especially important in case one assumes that staples along with
milk, honey, eggs, and meat are all merchandise in cattle farming [37].
Intensive Animal Farming - A Cost-Effective Tactic
However, intensive livestock farming practices have on several occasions raised
major concerns regarding food protection, animal welfare, and environmental
effects—to the extent that cattle farming is often called “factory farming” [38].
. Pros of intensive animal farming
The contribution of livestock farming to the country GPD (Gross domestic prod-
uct) is about 883 billion dollars, but this amount does not include the services availed
from retailers, butchers, and transport units and supplied to feed producers and
equipment producers. Besides its role in economic development, the livestock sector
increases the life expectancy of individuals by providing food security to about 1.3
billion people. Nowadays, it is the fastest-growing agricultural sector of the country’s
economy [39].
Figure 1.
Typological classification of major farming systems [36].
Global Perspectives of Intensive Animal Farming & Its Applications
Intensive animal farming has been made possible by farming management prac-
tices that have helped to increase yield and production while bringing down the cost
at a confined place. For example, farming units employing the practice of concen-
trated animal feeding operation (CAFO) have enabled farm owners to rear more
animals in a restricted area, thereby maximizing the land potential [39].
. Cons of intensive animal farming
Though animal farming has efficiently increased the production of animal prod-
ucts at a limited cost, yet the external products (cost-saving techniques) that have
been used for ensuring the steady production of products have negatively impacted
health and the environment [39].
In a confined environment, where flocks of animals are kept under one roof
has increased the chances of animals becoming more susceptible to diseases. In
low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), livestock diseases have been trans-
mitted to about 2.4 billion humans. To reduce the burden of zoonotic diseases,
farmers frequently administered antibiotics to their animals leading to the evolu-
tion of drug-resistant pathogens [39]. Besides this, some farmers kept animals
to live in stressful conditions. Unfortunately, practices persist where animals are
transported long distances to the market in inhumane conditions or slaughtered in
painful ways.
Keeping in view the above-described pros and cons of intensive animal farming, a
few more advantages and disadvantages are listed in the Table given below:
. Methodology
. Guidelines
A meta-analysis-based study was designed to review the intensive animal farm-
ing system in Pakistan. The study was carried out according to the guidelines of
“Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRIMA)”
(Page etal., 2021).
Intensive animal farming
Advantages Disadvantages
Cheaper and better-quality food products Cost of external resources (pesticides and fertilizers)
Rational use of land Cost of technical equipment
Limited manual work Trained personnel are needed for technological operations
Faster production using the modern
Machinery replaces labor; hence less people are involved in
agricultural operations
Global food safety and security Damage landscape, environment, soil, and wild-life
Table 1.
Advantages and disadvantages of intensive animal farming [40].
Intensive Animal Farming - A Cost-Effective Tactic
. Literature search
An online search of international database sources, that is, Google Scholar,
Research Gate, and Google was carried out to identify relevant studies reported from
Pakistan from 2015 to 2023. A total of 310 searches were carried out. The reference
list of the searched studies was further reviewed for any relevant publication. The
duplicate article found using the above-mentioned databases was removed using
EndnoteX7 (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA). The searched sources of 500
articles are given in Table.
. Keywords
The following keywords were searched: Livestock farming, intensive animal farm-
ing, and application of intensive animal farming in Pakistan.
. Studies inclusion criteria
The eligible studies were selected for inclusion in this meta-analysis when the
following criteria were met. (1). Full-text articles available in English language.
(2). Studies reported from different regions of Pakistan. (3). Cross-sectional and
retrospective studies. (4). Sample size provided. (5). Studies reporting the effect of
climatic changes and antimicrobial use in livestock.
. Studies exclusion criteria
Studies were excluded based on the following exclusion criteria: (1). Duplicated
data or review articles and conference abstracts. (2). Articles without full text. (3).
Articles with abstract only. (4). Data reported from other regions of the world. (5).
Research articles conducted before 2015.
. Comparison of intensive and extensive farming system
For better understanding of the advantages of intensive farming system, a
comparison was undertaken for analyzing the efficiency of intensive and extensive
farming system. Different farming practices, that is, amount of milk production and
farming technical efficiency were measured between the two farming practices.
. Statistical analysis
This meta-analysis was computed using random effects model with Open-Meta
Analyst version 10.10. The heterogeneity of the studies was checked using Cochrans
Source Number of Articles
Google Scholar 300
Google 10
Total 310
Table 2.
Number of articles obtained from searching international databases.
Global Perspectives of Intensive Animal Farming & Its Applications
Q test. The variation across studies was observed by the forest plot as well as the
inverse variance index (I2). Values of I2 (25, 50, and 75%) were considered as low,
medium, or high heterogeneity, respectively. In this meta-analysis, the heterogeneity
value was >75%, therefore, the DerSimonian and Laird random effects models with
95% CI. Funnel plot analysis was carried out if heterogeneity was of moderate to high
level. Subgroup meta-analyses were then employed by publication year.
. Results
. Selection of studies
The aim of the present study was to determine intensive animal farming practices
employed in Pakistan and investigate the effect of different factors on livestock
production. Different international databases, including Google Scholar and Google,
were searched (from 2015 to 2023) to identify studies that addressed the intensive
animal farming activities in Pakistan.
For this meta-analysis, a total of 310 articles were identified in the initial search.
Out of 310 searches, 254 articles were excluded because of their irrelevance and not
being reported from Pakistan. Case reports, conference abstracts, and review articles
were also excluded. 50 articles were also excluded for reasons of being duplicates,
titles and not having full text. Six relevant articles were selected because they met the
inclusion criteria, and their full texts were reviewed. The flow diagram of the selec-
tion process of the included studies is shown in Figure .
The characteristic of the included study is shown in Table given below:
Figure 2.
Flow diagram showing selection criteria of the selected studies.
Intensive Animal Farming - A Cost-Effective Tactic
Researcher Year Study aim Country Results Conclusion Study
Weigh t
Umair etal., 2020 To determine
trends of
use in dairy
Defined daily
dose was 47.71
out of 1000 cows
usage in dairy
16.87% [41]
Abid etal., 2016 Impact of
change on 450
55% were
to extreme
temperature, and
insect attack,
and 35% are
vulnerable to soil
and lack of
toward climate
16.82% [42]
2019 Use of
in food-
High consumption
of antimicrobials
was se en in 30
flocks. The annual
use of medically
antimicrobials was
The frequent
used were
16.13% [43]
Habib etal., 2016 Analysis of
food supply in
Pakistan Crop residues
(58.8%) were
the predominant
food source
for livestock
followed by
crude protein
food sources
were rarely
available for
16.65% [44]
Shahzad &
2020 Impact of
conditions on
540 farmers
It was found
that climate-
related risks
had (Extreme
temperature and
rainfall) severely
impacted soil,
crop rotation,
and farmers’
should be
adopted to
cope with the
16.84% [45]
M. Riaz 2022 Livestock-
105 responses
were collected
from farm
Livestock sector
is dynamic
for Pakistan’s
17% to energy
and 33%
to protein
Farmers in
were using
for milk
practices and
were not
common in
rural systems.
16.67% [46]
Table 3.
Traits of the studies included in the meta-analysis.
Global Perspectives of Intensive Animal Farming & Its Applications
. Forest plot
Significant heterogeneity values were observed in the forest plot built for intensive
animal farming activities carried out in Pakistan. included studies The heterogene-
ity values of the included studies was (Tau^2 = 0.178, P = <0.001, I^2 of 99.17%), as
shown in Figure .
For analyzing trends in intensive animal farming practices being overtaken in
Pakistan, a subgroup analysis was performed based on year. As depicted in Figure ,
substantial heterogeneity was seen during the study period.
. Comparison between intensive and extensive animal farming
The animal feeding pattern and milk production system were compared in a
study carried out in Sri Lanka where the author concluded that animals reared in the
intensive farming system had highest herd size (3.7 animal unit) with better feeding
level when compared with extensive farming system (2.7 animal unit). The aver-
age milk production under extensive systems was significantly lower (P<0.01) at
3.9 animal units per day compared to 5.41 animal units per day under the intensive
farming system. Livestock farming is an important source of income for peoples of Sri
Figure 3.
Forest plot of intensive animal farming and its 95% confidence interval (CI). The pooled prevalence was
calculated using a random-effect model. Ev/Trt=No. of VRSA positive isolates/Total no. of samples.
Figure 4.
Subgroup analysis of intensive animal farming carried out in Pakistan in different time periods.
Intensive Animal Farming - A Cost-Effective Tactic
Author details
ShumailaManzoor1*, ZainabSyed2 and MuhammadAbubabakar1
1 National Veterinary Laboratory, Islamabad, Pakistan
2 Alama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan
*Address all correspondence to:
Lanka and dairying under an intensive farming system is proven more profitable than
an extensive farming system [47].
In Bangladesh, performance traits of buffalo selected randomly from 14 farms under
both intensive and extensive systems were evaluated and it was found that dry milk yield
and live weight were considerably higher in the intensive farming system. Reproductive
traits were moderately higher under the intensive farming system. Intensive farming
system is currently under application in Bangladesh for better milk production [48].
. Conclusions
Intensive animal farming has both positive and negative impact on the environ-
ment and biodiversity depending upon the agricultural production. Intensive animal
farming has provided society with marketable goods which can also be exported to
foreign countries. The farming output uses market values which are limited because
positive and negative outwardness are created along with the product goods and ser-
vices in the agricultural activities. Therefore, the integrated/comprehensive approach
covering market and nonmarket farming system output is required.
Replace the entirety of this text with acknowledgments. Usually, the acknowledg-
ments section includes the names of people or institutions who in some way contrib-
uted to the work, but do not fit the criteria to be listed as the authors.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
© 2023 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Global Perspectives of Intensive Animal Farming & Its Applications
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Diseases passed to humans from animals (zoonoses) constitute 75% of emerging infectious diseases. Farmed animals are considered a high zoonotic risk, especially poultry and pigs as evidenced by recent outbreaks of avian and swine influenza. This review sought to collate recent knowledge of the disease risks from keeping pigs and chickens intensively and in close proximity to each other. Recent knowledge on influenza viruses compounds the public health concerns; no longer are concerns about “mixing vessel” hosts limited to pigs, but several other animal species too at a high level of probability—most notably chickens and humans. More generally, scientific literature establishing positive associations between intensive animal farming, human population growth, reduced biodiversity, and increased zoonoses risks is abundant. This includes the publication of relevant systematic reviews. The collected scientific evidence on this issue is clear: there is exceptionally strong evidence for a link between low animal welfare levels and high zoonotic risks, exacerbated by animal crowding, low genetic diversity, compromised hygiene, and high animal stress levels which compromise immune systems. Based on this evidence, further industrialized animal farms—especially poultry and pig farms or a mix thereof, and particularly in areas that already have a high concentration of farmed animals—should not generally be permitted to proceed. Instead, efforts should concentrate on supporting arable agriculture (or transitions toward this) and de-intensifying remaining animal farms, in alignment with One Health/One Welfare approaches within which animal health and welfare are integral parts of any farming operation. Among numerous other factors, this would involve reducing stocking densities down to 11 kg/m² (around five chickens/m²) for meat chickens, and down to one pig/1.5 m² for pigs (assuming a 100 kg pig).
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Photo by Jo-Anne McArthur on Unsplash ABSTRACT The UK-based campaign group Scrap Factory Farming has launched a legal challenge against industrial animal agriculture; the challenge is in the process of judicial review. While a fringe movement, Scrap Factory Farming has already accrued some serious backers, including the legal team of Michael Mansfield QC. The premise is that factory farming is a danger not just to animals or the environment but also to human health. According to its stated goals, governments should be given until 2025 to phase out industrialized “concentrated animal feeding organizations” (CAFOs) in favor of more sustainable and safer agriculture. This paper will discuss the bioethical issues involved in Scrap Factory Farming’s legal challenge and argue that an overhaul of factory farming is long overdue. INTRODUCTION A CAFO is a subset of animal feeding operations that has a highly concentrated animal population. CAFOs house at least 1000 beef cows, 2500 pigs, or 125,000 chickens for at least 45 days a year. The animals are often confined in pens or cages to use minimal energy, allowing them to put on as much weight as possible in as short a time. The animals are killed early relative to their total lifespans because the return on investment (the amount of meat produced compared to animal feed) is a curve of diminishing returns. CAFOs’ primary goal is efficiency: fifty billion animals are “processed” in CAFOs every year. The bioethical questions raised by CAFOs include whether it is acceptable to kill the animals, and if so, under what circumstances, whether the animals have rights, and what animal welfare standards should apply. While there are laws and standards in place, they tend to reflect the farm lobby and fail to consider broader animal ethics. Another critical issue applicable to industrial animal agriculture is the problem of the just distribution of scarce resources. There is a finite amount of food that the world can produce, which is, for the moment, approximately enough to go around.[1] The issue is how it goes around. Despite there being enough calories and nutrients on the planet to give all a comfortable life, these calories and nutrients are distributed such that there is excess and waste in much of the global North and rampant starvation and malnutrition in the global South. The problem of distribution can be solved in two ways: either by efficient and just distribution or by increasing net production (either increase productivity or decrease waste) so that even an inefficient and unjust distribution system will probably meet the minimum nutritional standards for all humans. This essay explores four bioethical fields (animal ethics, climate ethics, workers’ rights, and just distribution) as they relate to current industrial agriculture and CAFOs. l. Animal Ethics Two central paradigms characterize animal ethics: welfarism and animal rights. These roughly correspond to the classical frameworks of utilitarianism and deontology. Welfarists[2] hold the common-sense position that animals must be treated well and respected as individuals but do not have inalienable rights in the same ways as humans. A typical welfare position might be, “I believe that animals should be given the best life possible, but there is no inherent evil in using animals for food, so long as they are handled and killed humanely.” Animal rights theorists and activists, on the other hand, would say, “I believe non-human animals should be given the best lives possible, but we should also respect certain rights of theirs analogous to human rights: they should never be killed for food, experimented upon, etc.” Jeremy Bentham famously gave an early exposition of the animal rights case: “The question is not Can they reason?, nor Can they talk?, but Can they suffer? Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being?” Those who take an animal welfare stance have grounds to oppose the treatment of animals in CAFOs as opposed to more traditional grass-fed animal agriculture. CAFOs cannot respect the natural behaviors or needs of animals who evolved socially for millions of years in open plains. If more space was allowed per animal or more time for socialization and other positive experiences in the animal’s life, the yield of the farm would drop. This is not commercially viable in a competitive industry like animal agriculture; thus, there is very little incentive for CAFOs to treat animals well. Rampant abuse is documented.[3] Acts of cruelty are routine: pigs often have teeth pulled and tails docked because they often go mad in their conditions and attempt to cannibalize each other; chickens have their beaks clipped to avoid them pecking at each other, causing immense pain; cows and bulls have their horns burned off to avoid them damaging others (as this damages the final meat product, too); male chicks that hatch in the egg industry are ground up in a macerator, un-anaesthetized, in the first 24 hours of their life as they will not go on to lay eggs. These practices vary widely among factory farms and among jurisdictions. Yet, arguably, the welfare of animals cannot be properly respected because all CAFOs fundamentally see animals as mere products-in-the-making instead of the complex, sentient, and emotional individuals science has repeatedly shown them to be.[4] ll. Climate Ethics The climate impact of farming animals is increasingly evident. Around 15-20 percent of human-made emissions come from animal agriculture.[5] and deforestation to create space for livestock grazing or growing crops to feed farm animals. An average quarter-pound hamburger uses up to six kilograms of feed, causes 66 square feet of deforestation, and uses up to 65 liters of water, with around 4kg of carbon emissions to boot – a majority of which come from the cattle themselves (as opposed to food processing or food miles).[6] According to environmentalist George Monbiot, “Even if you shipped bananas six times around the planet, their impact would be lower than local beef and lamb.”[7] The disparity between the impact of animal and plant-based produce is stark. Not all animal products are created equally. Broadly, there are two ways to farm animals: extensive or intensive farming. Extensive animal farming might be considered a “traditional” way of farming: keeping animals in large fields, as naturally as possible, often rotating them between different areas to not overgraze any one pasture. However, its efficiency is much lower than intensive farming – the style CAFOs use. Intensive animal farming is arguably more environmentally efficient. That is, CAFOs produce more output per unit of natural resource input than extensive systems do. However, environmental efficiency is relative rather than absolute, as the level of intensive animal agriculture leads to large-scale deforestation to produce crops for factory-farmed animals. CAFOs are also point-sources of pollution from the massive quantities of animal waste produced – around 1,000,000 tons per day in the US alone, triple the amount of all human waste produced per day – which has significant negative impacts on human health in the surrounding areas.[8] The environmental impacts of CAFOs must be given serious ethical consideration using new frameworks in climate ethics and bioethics. One example of a land ethic to guide thinking in this area is that “[it] is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”[9] It remains to be seen whether CAFOs can operate in a way that respects and preserves “integrity, stability, and beauty” of their local ecosystem, given the facts above. The pollution CAFOs emit affects the surrounding areas. Hog CAFOs are built disproportionately around predominantly minority communities in North Carolina where poverty rates are high.[10] Animal waste carries heavy metals, infectious diseases, and antibiotic-resistant pathogens into nearby water sources and houses. lll. Workers’ Rights The poor treatment of slaughterhouse workers has been documented in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic, where, despite outbreaks of coronavirus among workers, the White House ordered that they remain open to maintain the supply of meat. The staff of slaughterhouses in the US is almost exclusively people with low socioeconomic status, ethnic minorities, and migrants.[11] Almost half of frontline slaughterhouse workers are Hispanic, and a quarter is Black. Additionally, half are immigrants, and a quarter comes from families with limited English proficiency. An eighth live in poverty, with around 45 percent below 200 percent of the poverty line. Only one-in-forty has a college degree or more, while one-in-six lacks health insurance. Employee turnover rates are around 200 percent per year.[12] Injuries are very common in the fast-moving conveyor belt environment with sharp knives, machinery, and a crowd of workers. OSHA found 17 cases of hospitalizations, two body part amputations per week, and loss of an eye every month in the American industrial meat industry. This is three times the workplace accident rate of the average American worker across all industries. Beef and pork workers are likely to suffer repetitive strain at seven times the rate of the rest of the population. One worker told the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) that “every co-worker I know has been injured at some point… I can attest that the line speeds are already too fast to keep up with. Please, I am asking you not to increase them anymore.”[13] Slaughterhouses pose a major risk to public health from zoonotic disease transmission. 20 percent of slaughterhouse workers interviewed in Kenya admit to slaughtering sick animals, which greatly increases the risk of transmitting disease either to a worker further down the production line or a consumer at the supermarket.[14] Moreover, due to poor hygienic conditions and high population density, animals in CAFOs are overfed with antibiotics. Over two-thirds of all antibiotics globally are given to animals in agriculture, predicted to increase by 66 percent by 2030.[15] The majority of these animals do not require antibiotics; their overuse creates a strong and consistent selection pressure on any present bacterial pathogens that leads to antibiotic resistance that could create devastating cross-species disease affecting even humans. The World Health Organization predicts that around 10 million humans per year could die of antibiotic-resistant diseases by 2050.[16] Many of these antibiotics are also necessary for human medical interventions, so antibiotics in animals have a tremendous opportunity cost. The final concern is that of zoonosis itself. A zoonotic disease is any disease that crosses the species boundary from animals to humans. According to the United Nations, 60 percent of all known infections and 75 percent of all emerging infections are zoonotic.[17] Many potential zoonoses are harbored in wild animals (particularly when wild animals are hunted and sold in wet markets) because of the natural biodiversity. However, around a third of zoonoses originate in domesticated animals, which is a huge proportion given the relative lack of diversity of the animals we choose to eat. Q fever, or “query fever,” is an example of a slaughterhouse-borne disease. Q fever has a high fatality rate when untreated that decreases to “just” 2 percent with appropriate treatment.[18] H1N1 (swine flu) and H5N1 (bird flu) are perhaps the most famous examples of zoonoses associated with factory farming. lV. Unjust Distribution The global distribution of food can cause suffering. According to research commissioned by the BBC, the average Ethiopian eats around seven kilograms of meat per year, and the average Rwandan eats eight.[19] This is a factor of ten smaller than the average European, while the average American clocks in at around 115 kilograms of meat per year. In terms of calories, Eritreans average around 1600kcal per day while most Europeans ingest double that. Despite enough calories on the planet to sustain its population, 25,000 people worldwide starve to death each day, 40 percent of whom are children. There are two ways to address the unjust distribution: efficient redistribution and greater net production, which are not mutually exclusive. Some argue that redistribution will lead to lower net productivity because it disincentivizes labor;[20] others argue that redistribution is necessary to respect human rights of survival and equality.[21] Instead of arguing this point, I will focus on people’s food choices and their effect on both the efficiency and total yield of global agriculture, as these are usually less discussed. Regardless of the metric used, animals always produce far fewer calories and nutrients (protein, iron, zinc, and all the others) than we feed them. This is true because of the conservation of mass. They cannot feasibly produce more, as they burn off and excrete much of what they ingest. The exact measurement of the loss varies based on the metric used. When compared to live weight, cows consume somewhere around ten times their weight. When it comes to actual edible weight, they consume up to 25 times more than we can get out of them. Cows are only around one percent efficient in terms of calorific production and four percent efficient in protein production. Poultry is more efficient, but we still lose half of all crops we put into them by weight and get out only a fifth of the protein and a tenth of the calories fed to them.[22] Most other animals lie somewhere in the middle of these two in terms of efficiency, but no animal is ever as efficient as eating plants before they are filtered through animals in terms of the nutritional value available to the world. Due to this inefficiency, it takes over 100 square meters to produce 1000 calories of beef or lamb compared to just 1.3 square meters to produce the same calories from tofu.[23] The food choices in the Western world, where we eat so much more meat than people eat elsewhere, are directly related to a reduction in the amount of food and nutrition in the rest of the world. The most influential theory of justice in recent times is John Rawls’ Original Position wherein stakeholders in an idealized future society meet behind a “veil of ignorance” to negotiate policy, not knowing the role they will play in that society. There is an equal chance of each policymaker ending up poverty-stricken or incredibly privileged; therefore, each should negotiate to maximize the outcome of all citizens, especially those worst-off in society, known as the “maximin” strategy. In this hypothetical scenario, resource distribution would be devised to be as just as possible and should therefore sway away from animal consumption. CONCLUSION Evidence is growing that animals of all sorts, including fish and certain invertebrates, feel pain in ways that people are increasingly inclined to respect, though still, climate science is more developed and often inspires more public passion than animal rights do. Workers’ rights and welfare in slaughterhouses have become mainstream topics of conversation because of the outbreaks of COVID-19 in such settings. Environmentalists note overconsumption in high-income countries, also shining a light on the starvation of much of the low-income population of the world. At the intersection of these bioethical issues lies the modern CAFO, significantly contributing to animal suffering, climate change, poor working conditions conducive to disease, and unjust distribution of finite global resources (physical space and crops). It is certainly time to move away from the CAFO model of agriculture to at least a healthy mixture of extensive agriculture and alternative (non-animal) proteins. - [1] Berners-Lee M, Kennelly C, Watson R, Hewitt CN; Current global food production is sufficient to meet human nutritional needs in 2050 provided there is radical societal adaptation. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 6:52, 2018. 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Demand for animal protein is rising globally and has been facilitated by the expansion of intensive farming. However, intensive animal production relies on the regular use of antimicrobials to maintain health and productivity on farms. The routine use of antimicrobials fuels the development of antimicrobial resistance, a growing threat for the health of humans and animals. Monitoring global trends in antimicrobial use is essential to track progress associated with antimicrobial stewardship efforts across regions. We collected antimicrobial sales data for chicken, cattle, and pig systems in 41 countries in 2017 and projected global antimicrobial consumption from 2017 to 2030. We used multivariate regression models and estimated global antimicrobial sales in 2017 at 93,309 tonnes (95% CI: 64,443, 149,886). Globally, sales are expected to rise by 11.5% in 2030 to 104,079 tonnes (95% CI: 69,062, 172,711). All continents are expected to increase their antimicrobial use. Our results show lower global antimicrobial sales in 2030 compared to previous estimates, owing to recent reports of decrease in antimicrobial use, in particular in China, the world’s largest consumer. Countries exporting a large proportion of their production are more likely to report their antimicrobial sales data than countries with small export markets.
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Increasing biodiversity, and in particular animal diversity, is often described as a promising means of adapting livestock systems to potential hazards and facilitating the agroecological transition. However, the majority of farmers, consultants, teachers, and researchers still find it difficult to view biodiversity as an asset in livestock management. Here, we develop a conceptual framework and provide perspectives to support the analysis of animal diversity and its management in livestock farming systems, in order to realise the benefits of this approach.
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Intensive livestock farming has become indispensable to meet the rapidly increasing demand for animal-based nutrition in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where antimicrobials are frequently used for treatment and prophylactic or metaphylactic purposes. However, very little is known about the trends of antimicrobial use (AMU) in dairy animals in LMICs. The objective of this study was to quantify AMU in two large commercial dairy farms in Pakistan. A retrospective study was conducted at two large corporate commercial dairy farms located in Punjab province for the year 2018. AMU was calculated using three metrics: active ingredient (AI; kg) and milligrams per population unit (mg/PU; mg/kg), which quantifies the amount of AI used, and antimicrobial treatment incidence (ATI; DDDA/1,000 cow-days), which estimates the per-day number of treatments to 1,000 cows. Total on-farm AMU was found to be 138.34 kg, 65.88 mg/kg, and 47.71 DDDA/1,000 cow-days. Measured in ATI, aminoglycosides (11.05 DDDA/1,000 cow-days), penicillins (8.29 DDDA/1,000 cow-days), and tetracyclines (8.1 DDDA/1,000 cow-days) were the most frequently used antimicrobial classes. A total of 42.46% of all the antimicrobials used belonged to the critically important antimicrobials for human medicine as defined by the World Health Organization. Considerably high AMU was found compared to other farm-level studies across the world. This was the first study to quantify AMU in the dairy industry in Pakistan. Our results showed that corporate commercial dairy management practices are associated with increased antimicrobial consumption and highlight the need for antimicrobial stewardship programs to encourage prudent use of antimicrobials in commercial dairy.
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The red meat processing industry has an important place in the food industry in Turkey. However, there are significant problems that limit the contribution of the industry to the red meat sector, particularly with regard to the livestock enterprises which are the source of raw materials. The aim of this paper is to identify the problems of the red meat processing industry, and to suggest solutions to these problems, through a case study of Izmir and Afyonkarahisar provinces, which together provide a useful representation of the structural characteristics typically found in the red meat sector in Turkey. In this study, a total of 71 face-to-face surveys were conducted with the managers of slaughterhouses (19), meat combines (13) and meat and meat product processing plants (39). The current situation of the enterprises and their problems were examined, particularly with regard to raw material supply, production and marketing. High and unstable prices of raw materials, combined with high costs, are the major problems. In order to resolve the problems in the industry, horizontal and vertical integration needs to be improved throughout the entire supply chain, starting from livestock farming through to the point where the end product reaches the final consumer.
We aimed to verify whether a low number of relevant animal-based indicators was able to discriminate 33 semi-intensive (grazing during the day and confinement during the night with access to an outdoor paddock; S-INT) and 8 intensive farms (permanent confinement with access to an outdoor paddock; INT) located in the Mexican semi-desert. In addition, we implemented the resource-based assessment scheme Animal Needs Index (ANI) with the identified animal-based indicators to compare the overall level of welfare in INT and S-INT. In particular, we used a protocol made up of 2 parts. The first comprised 4 evaluation sheets (locomotion, flooring, environment, management) and resource-based indicators derived from ANI, and the second one comprised a set of validated animal-based measures focusing on physical conditions and clinical signs of disease derived from the Animal Welfare Indicators scheme and reported in 2 additional sheets. The scoring system was also derived from ANI, with partial scores for each sheet to be summed to obtain the total score. A total of 1,116 dairy goats were assessed. All the observations and recordings were performed by an expert veterinarian evaluator assisted by an auxiliary, and longevity was retrieved from the farm records. The prevalence of animals displaying dirtiness, ocular discharge, abscesses, and claw overgrowth were higher in INT than in S-INT. Disbudding was routinely performed in INT only. Therefore, scurs, indicating improper disbudding, were recorded only in INT. In addition, the longevity of goats raised in S-INT was higher than in INT. Conversely, the prevalence of goats affected by anemia (i.e., FAMACHA scores >2) or lean (i.e., body condition score <2) tended to be higher in S-INT than in INT. No significant differences between the 2 groups of farms were detected for wounds, nasal discharge, integument alterations, fecal soiling, uterine prolapse, and subclinical mastitis. The results obtained using only animal-based measures were confirmed when resource-based variables were also included in the assessment, as 3 out of 6 sheets of the evaluation scheme (i.e., flooring, environment, and health—physical conditions) were scored higher in the S-INT than in the INT. As a consequence, the total score was also higher for S-INT than for INT. We conclude that the selected set of validated animal-based measures was able to discriminate between farms from different production systems. In particular, higher welfare levels were observed in S-INT farms, where the animals were allowed to spend most of the day on natural pasture, compared with INT farms, where the animals were constantly confined. Nevertheless, a certain degree of improvement should also be promoted in terms of anemia and body condition in S-INT farms.
Extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change pose a formidable challenge to many farmers worldwide. In this article, we analyze farmers' adaptation to extreme weather conditions using climate-smart farm practices (CSFP), and the impact of adoption of these adaptation strategies on farm performance, using recent farm-level data from three agro-ecological zones of Pakistan. Most of the earlier studies on Pakistan used methods that did not account for unobserved characteristics such as innate skills and risk preferences, resulting in inconsistent estimates. We employ an endogenous switching regression model to account for potential endogeneity and selection bias arising from observable and unobservable factors. The empirical results show that adoption of CSFP contributes to higher farm net returns. The findings further reveal that adoption of these practices significantly reduces volatility of farm net returns and farmers' exposure to downside risk. We also find that access to extension services and education of the household head positively influence the likelihood of adapting CSFP in response to extreme weather conditions.