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Buffon, Species and the Forces of Reproduction

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Throughout the Histoire naturelle Buffon was ever aware of epistemological issues involving the reproduction of species, the only beings in nature. By the 1760s he had come to believe that empirical evidence, the source of all human knowledge, revealed that reproduction was a physical process, involving a common living (minute, active, and lively) matter and material forces, all of which he traced to the foundational force of gravitational attraction.
Journal of the History of Biology (2023) 56:479–493
Throughout the Histoire naturelle Buon was ever aware of epistemological issues
involving the reproduction of species, the only beings in nature. By the 1760s he
had come to believe that empirical evidence, the source of all human knowledge,
revealed that reproduction was a physical process, involving a common living (min-
ute, active, and lively) matter and material forces, all of which he traced to the
foundational force of gravitational attraction.
Keywords Buon · Histoire naturelle · Species · Reproduction · Moules
intérieurs · Gravitational attraction
In the early volumes (1749-1750s) of the Histoire naturelle, générale et particu-
lière (1749–1783) Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buon (1707–1788) developed
a concept of species that was at the center of his eorts to undermine the principles
of the prevailing eighteenth-century theory of generation. Species, he argued, are not
generations of similar individuals all created at once, nestled one within the other
back to the beginning of time as the followers of the emboîtement version of preexis-
tence assumed; they are, rather, the successive reproductions of prototypes.1
1 Buon’s thirty-six volumes of the Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière (Paris: l’Imprimerle
Royale, 1749–1789) has four large divisions: Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la descrip-
tion du cabinet du Roi (15 volumes, 1749–1767), Histoire naturelle des oiseaux (9 volumes, 1770–1783),
Supplément à l’Histoire naturelle (7 volumes, 1774–1784), and the Histoire naturelle des minéraux (5
volumes, 1783–1788). References will be cited by the title of the division, the division volume number,
and the page number. Abbreviations for the dierent divisions of the Histoire naturelle are as follows: HN
Accepted: 13 July 2023 / Published online: 27 July 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2023
Buffon, Species and the Forces of Reproduction
John H.Eddy1
John H. Eddy
1 Independent Scholar, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
1 3
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The eighteenth century has often been viewed as a period of relative decline in the field of microscopy, as interest in microscopes seemed to wane after an intense period of discovery in the seventeenth century. As such, developments in the field during the Enlightenment have been largely overlooked. This book therefore fills a considerable gap in the study of this life science, providing a thorough analysis of what the main concerns of the field were and how microscopists learned to communicate with each other in relevant ways in order to compare results and build a new discipline. Employing a substantial body of contemporary literature from across Europe, Marc J. Ratcliff is able to present us with a definitive account of the state of research into microscopy of the period. He brings to light the little known work of Louis Joblot, re-evaluates the achievements of Abraham Trembley and gives new weight to Otto-Friedrich Müller's important contributions. The book also connects changes in instrument design to an innovative account of microscopical research during the eighteenth century and the rich social networks of communication that grew during this period. Investigating the history of microscopical research from 1680 up to 1800 also shows how scholars progressively established a modern rule on which to shape their new discipline: balancing microscopical magnification with shared vision. This rule developed in response to the diminishing size of the microscopical object during the course of the eighteenth century, from dry minute organisms such as insects, to aquatic minute bodies such as polyps, and finally to aquatic invisible organisms, thus completing the scholar's quest to study the invisible. This book will be essential reading for historians of microscopy, epistemologists, and for historians of the life sciences in the modern period.
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I Have often heard the Common People say, that that Green Stuff or Weeds which are observed to drive upon the Water spring out of the Ground from under the Water.
The entry of time and history into biological systems of classification is perhaps the single most significant development in the history of biological systematics in the modern era. Darwin's claiming that descent is ‘… the hidden bond of connexion which naturalists have been seeking under the term of the natural system’, rather than seeing the answer in the multitude of previous attempts to resolve the problem in terms of morphological affinities, analogies, and complex relations of resemblance, marked the turning point in a long search into the meaning of biological taxonomy, and allowed the development of Darwin's insights by Haeckel, Plate and others into modern phylogenetic systematics.
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