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Rockburst prediction and prevention in underground space excavation



The technical challenges associated with deep underground space activities have become increasingly significant. Among these challenges, one major concern is the assessment of rockburst risks and the instability of rock masses. Extensive research has been conducted by numerous scholars to mitigate the risks and prevent occurrences of rockburst through various assessment methods. Rockburst incidents commonly occur during the excavation of hard rock in underground environments, posing severe threats to personnel safety, equipment integrity, and operational continuity. Thus, it is crucial to systematically document real cases of rockburst, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms and triggering conditions. This understanding will contribute to the advancement of rockburst prediction and prevention methods. Proper selection of an appropriate rockburst assessment method is a fundamental aspect in underground operations. However, there is a limited number of studies that summarize and compare different prediction and prevention methods of rockburst. This paper aims to address this gap by analyzing global trends using CiteSpace software since 1990. It discusses rockburst classification and characteristics, comprehensively reviews research findings related to rockburst prediction, including empirical, simulation, mathematical modeling, and microseismic monitoring methods. Additionally, the paper presents a compilation of current rockburst prevention measures. Notably, the paper emphasizes the significance of control strategies, which provide key insights into the effective utilization of stored energy within rock. Finally, the paper concludes by suggesting six directions for implementing intelligent management techniques to mitigate hazards during underground operations and reduce the probability of rockburst incidents.
Research paper
Rockburst prediction and prevention in underground space excavation
Jian Zhou
, Yulin Zhang
, Chuanqi Li
, Haini He
, Xibing Li
School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Laboratory 3SR, CNRS UMR 5521, Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble 38000, France
Received 30 November 2022; received in revised form 10 May 2023; accepted 23 May 2023
Available online 22 July 2023
The technical challenges associated with deep underground space activities have become increasingly significant. Among these chal-
lenges, one major concern is the assessment of rockburst risks and the instability of rock masses. Extensive research has been conducted
by numerous scholars to mitigate the risks and prevent occurrences of rockburst through various assessment methods. Rockburst inci-
dents commonly occur during the excavation of hard rock in underground environments, posing severe threats to personnel safety,
equipment integrity, and operational continuity. Thus, it is crucial to systematically document real cases of rockburst, allowing for a
comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms and triggering conditions. This understanding will contribute to the
advancement of rockburst prediction and prevention methods. Proper selection of an appropriate rockburst assessment method is a fun-
damental aspect in underground operations. However, there is a limited number of studies that summarize and compare different pre-
diction and prevention methods of rockburst. This paper aims to address this gap by analyzing global trends using CiteSpace software
since 1990. It discusses rockburst classification and characteristics, comprehensively reviews research findings related to rockburst pre-
diction, including empirical, simulation, mathematical modeling, and microseismic monitoring methods. Additionally, the paper presents
a compilation of current rockburst prevention measures. Notably, the paper emphasizes the significance of control strategies, which pro-
vide key insights into the effective utilization of stored energy within rock. Finally, the paper concludes by suggesting six directions for
implementing intelligent management techniques to mitigate hazards during underground operations and reduce the probability of rock-
burst incidents.
Keywords: Rockburst; Underground space; Scientometric analysis; Characteristic analysis; Rockburst prediction; Rockburst prevention
1 Introduction
Rockburst is a significant and hazardous phenomenon
that can occur during underground projects involving hard
and brittle rock. It is characterized by its destructiveness,
suddenness, and complexity (Feng et al., 2012; Zhao
et al., 2021; Meng et al., 2021; Askaripour et al., 2022).
The literature reveals that rockburst induced by deep min-
ing can be attributed to various factors, including geologi-
cal factors (such as rock formations, folds, fractures, and
the nature of the ore body), tectonic factors, excavation
factors, and mining design factors (such as excavation
sequence, roadway shape, and pillar design) (Chen &
Zhou, 2023; Jiang et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020; Wang
et al., 2019a; Yang et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2021a; Zhou
et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2018). However, in excavation areas
where the in-situ stresses are sufficiently high and certain
cracks exist, the sudden release of elastic energy stored
within the rock mass can rapidly trigger a rockburst, lead-
ing to phenomena such as shock, spalling, and zonal disin-
tegration (Cai, 2013;Sun et al., 2021). Rockburst poses a
substantial threat to the safety of workers, equipment,
and subsurface structures and galleries. Suorineni et al.
(2014) describes rockburst as a profound challenge in deep
underground engineering, often referred to as a ‘‘cancer
due to its detrimental effects.
2467-9674/Ó2023 Tongji University. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.
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E-mail addresses: (J. Zhou), (X.
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Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
Given the increasing depths of civil engineering and
mining activities in underground projects, seismic activity
resulting from excavation and rockburst issues has become
inevitable and cannot be effectively prevented (Li et al.,
2019). Although rockburst occurrences are likely to take
place in early underground projects, the first officially doc-
umented case of rockburst was reported in a tin mine in
England (Zhou et al., 2012). Since then, numerous inci-
dents of varying intensity and impact have been reported
in projects such as mines, tunnels, shafts, underground lab-
oratories, and hydroelectric facilities in countries such as
China, the United States, South Africa, Australia, and
Canada, coinciding with the deepening of operating depths
(Li et al., 2017b). Figure 1 provides an overview of excava-
tion depths in various regions, as documented by Li et al.
(2017b), Rehman et al. (2021),Xi et al. (2017), and
Hudson and Feng (2015). Notably, over 20 mines in
Canada have encountered rockburst accidents. In the Uni-
ted States, between 1936 and 1993, a total of 172 recorded
rockburst events resulted in 78 fatalities and 158 injuries
(Mark, 2016; Pu et al., 2019). Despite a decline in mining
activities, Germany reported more than 40 cases of rock-
burst from 1983 to 2007, all of which caused significant
injuries and fatalities. In China, numerous metal mines
have faced challenging dynamic hazards such as mine tre-
mors, roof collapse, high-intensity rockburst incidents,
and extensive destabilization of goaf. These hazards are
notoriously difficult to predict and effectively prevent (Du
et al., 2022; Li & Gu, 2002; Pu et al, 2019; Zhou et al.,
2020, 2015b, 2016b). Hence, prioritizing prevention and
the control of these problems is of utmost importance in
underground excavation.
Based on the information presented above, rockburst
incidents commonly arise in areas characterized by high
in-situ stress and brittle hard rock formations. The man-
agement of high magnitudes of in-situ stress represents a
primary challenge when undertaking underground projects
in deep environments. Failure to adopt appropriate exca-
vation techniques in high-stress environments will inevita-
bly lead to large-scale engineering disasters. Moreover,
the occurrence of rockburst directly disrupts project oper-
ations and production, thereby significantly impacting the
economic benefits of the company. Therefore, it is crucial
to have the ability to effectively summarize typical rock-
burst cases and visually review the research field, as this
provides a factual foundation for in-depth investigations
into the mechanisms and classifications of rockburst. The
visual analysis process is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Due to the complex nature of rockburst, effective predic-
tion and prevention of rockburst poses significant chal-
lenges (Zhou et al., 2010). The causes of rockburst in
hard rock mines are multifaceted, involving unclear mech-
anisms, uncertain causes, and inaccurate location determi-
nation, leading to severe consequences. Figure 3 provides a
Fig. 1. Excavation depths for typical underground project.
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 71
detailed illustration of these specific factors. However,
given the multitude of influential factors contributing to
rockburst, establishing a general mechanical theory of
rockburst mechanism, particularly regarding fault slip
bursts, remains elusive and necessitates further research.
These challenges are inherent to the deep engineering envi-
ronment. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider the
selection of prediction and prevention technologies based
on the engineering geological conditions of the rock mass.
The remaining sections of this paper are structured as
follows. In Section 2, the global collaborations, hotspots,
and trends in the field of rockburst are analyzed using
CiteSpace software (Chen, 2006).Section 3 provides a sum-
mary of typical cases of rockburst in underground projects
and elucidates the corresponding rockburst characteristics.
Traditional methods of rockburst prediction and microseis-
mic monitoring techniques are reviewed in Section 4.Sec-
tion 5 presents the underlying control strategies and
support methods for mitigating rockburst, emphasizing
the framework for safe and efficient excavation. The future
directions of excavation in underground space are dis-
cussed in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, comprehensive
conclusions are drawn based on the extensive review con-
ducted in this study.
2 Scientometric review on rockburst
The occurrence of rockburst hazards during under-
ground excavation represents a significant scientific chal-
lenge that demands attention. These hazards arise from
the sudden and intense release of accumulated high-
magnitude strain energy in deep underground engineering.
However, due to an unclear understanding of the progres-
sive failure process, effectively addressing these challenges,
including precise prediction and effective prevention of
rockburst, remains highly difficult. Consequently, this issue
has become a universal concern worldwide, as evidenced by
documented cases in countries such as South Africa (Leger,
1991), Canada (Simser, 2019), the United States (Blake &
Hedley, 2003), China (Zhou et al., 2012; Zhang et al.,
2011), and others (Barton et al., 1974). Rockburst incidents
occur in various contexts, including the construction and
resource extraction of deep mines, hydroelectric tunnels
and chambers, nuclear waste geological treatment, and
deep physical underground laboratories. These incidents
lead to significant economic losses, casualties, and schedule
delays. In general, there exists a positive linear correlation
between the number and severity of rockburst events and
the depth of excavation.
Fig. 2. Research methodology of visual review for rockburst research.
72 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
To date, there has been a limited number of papers pro-
viding a comprehensive analysis of the overall research sta-
tus of rockburst. As scholars increasingly focus their
attention on rockburst research, it is necessary to conduct
a systematic analysis of the current state of this field. Such
analysis can help identify the existing knowledge gaps and
explore potential research directions. Various software
options are available today for visual analysis, each with
its own advantages and limitations. Among these options,
CiteSpace stands out due to its comprehensive features, its
focus on analyzing the evolutionary path of the research
field, and its ability to highlight emerging and cutting-
edge topics. These features align well with our goal of con-
ducting a thorough analysis. For this study, CiteSpace soft-
ware is employed to perform a scientometric analysis of
2,645 English literature articles from the Web of Science
Core Collection (WOSCC) database. The literature search
in WOSCC includes the following criteria: subject = (rock
burst or rock burst), language restricted to English, and the
time span is set from 1990 to 2022.
2.1 Global cooperation analysis
Given the numerous research efforts devoted to the
field of rockburst, it is imperative to display the spatial
distribution of articles in a quantitative manner through
co-country analysis. Figure 4(a) illustrates the leading
countries that have made substantial contributions to
rockburst research. The top 5 countries with the highest
number of publications are China (1584 articles), the US
(171 articles), Australia (153 articles), Canada (130 arti-
cles), and Russia (122 articles), respectively. Notably,
these countries initiated research on rockburst in the con-
text of underground excavation at an early stage and
have made significant contributions to the field. Further-
more, the innovative research results in rockburst mainly
come from these countries, which indicates their domi-
nant position in the target domain. It is worth paying
special attention to China, Australia, Canada, and Rus-
sia, as these countries have a correlated significant role
in the field. As a developing country, China has realized
the importance of disaster management and conducted
in-depth research on rockburst over the last two decades.
Jiang et al. (2010) introduced a novel energy index for
simulating rockburst conditions during tunneling activi-
ties at the Jinping II hydropower plant. This index was
computed by capturing the peak and trough values of
elastic strain energy intensity before and after brittle
damage occurred. In a study by Feng et al. (2004),
indoor tests were conducted to analyze the evolution
Fig. 3. Status of underground space excavation.
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 73
mechanism of sandstone damage. Real-time CT tech-
niques were employed to subject sandstone specimens
to triaxial loading with chemical corrosion. Computed
tomography images and CT values of the sandstone
specimens were obtained during compression, microfrac-
ture, and expansion until failure at different loading
levels. Tang (1997) proposed a rock failure process anal-
ysis (RFPA) method based on finite element theory to
simulate the process of rock damage. Subsequently,
Wang et al. (2006) investigated the rockburst model of
ore pillars using the RFPA 2D program. Zhu et al.
(2010) developed a numerical model for the dynamic dis-
turbance of rockburst in underground excavated cavities.
Canada and the United States have also made significant
contributions to the field of rockburst research over a
considerable period. Kidybinski (1981) proposed a series
of rockburst propensity indices for coal mines. Kaiser
et al. (1992) published rockburst assessment procedures
for underground mining engineering. The co-occurrence
analysis of countries reveals a close collaboration
between researchers and research institutions in promi-
nent mining countries. Cook (1965, 1983) provided valu-
able insights and observations on the origin of rockburst
in South Africa and the stability of rockburst events.
Co-institution analysis enables the identification of core
research strengths in the field and provides a scientific eval-
uation of the academic impact of these institutions. Figure 4
(a) illustrates the top 9 institutions based on publication fre-
quency. The institution with the highest publication fre-
quency is China University of Mining and Technology,
followed by Shandong University and the Chinese Acad-
emy of Sciences. These higher education institutions spe-
cializing in the mining industry have emerged as major
contributors to current rockburst research. In Canada,
prominent institutions include McGill University (24 arti-
cles) and the University of Toronto (21 articles). Addition-
ally, several internationally renowned scientific institutions,
such as the Russian Academy of Sciences (86 articles) and
Monash University (20 articles), have made significant con-
tributions. Notably, the top 3 publishers in terms of institu-
tional affiliation are all Chinese institutions, indicating the
prominent position and high level of attention given to
rockburst research within the Chinese academic commu-
nity. While global communication has become more acces-
sible with the rapid expansion of the Internet, institutional
cooperation remains largely dominated by institutions
and disciplines with similar interests, resulting in less inter-
disciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Fig. 4. (a) Research countries and issuing institutions in the field of rockburst and percentage of publications, and (b) annual volume of documents.
74 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
Figure 4(b) illustrates the publication count pertaining
to the domain of rockburst. Evidently, there exists a dis-
cernible upward trend in the number of published papers
within this field, accompanied by a J-shaped growth in cita-
tion frequency. This observation signifies the escalating
global interest in the topic of rockburst.
2.2 Research frontier analysis
Keywords serve as the core and summary of an article,
providing a concise description and condensation of the
research content. Thus, keywords with high frequency
can effectively identify the hot topics within the research
domain of rockburst. Table 1 presents the detailed results
of burst keywords, with the highest occurrence intensity
observed for ‘rockburst’ at 8.93. This indicates that rock-
burst has been a persistent hazard in underground excava-
tion from 1999 to 2010. The seismic intensity of rockburst
has had a lasting and widespread impact since its initial
occurrence in 1999. Over the past decade, keywords such
as ‘‘electromagnetic radiation,‘‘numerical simulation,
‘‘mathematical models,and ‘‘microseismic monitoring
have been employed in rockburst prediction. Researchers
have also shown great interest in studying the ‘‘rockburst
mechanismand ‘‘energy releaseto elucidate the pro-
cesses involved in pillar burst and fault-slip burst move-
ment, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the
occurrence mechanism and its impact. The burst strength
of keywords such as ‘rock support’ and ‘rockburst disaster’
reaching 3.91 and 4.07, respectively, indicates that security
concerns related to deep mining have been a significant
focus for various countries. Overall, the diverse range of
these keywords reflects the extensive topics of interest in
this field over a specific time span. The keyword time-line
graph (Fig. 5) provides a general overview of rockburst
studies. Early rockburst research primarily focused on deep
excavation, mine seismicity, and rockburst damage.
Experts employed rock mechanics engineering knowledge
and conducted physical model experiments to explore the
damage process of rockburst, leading to the proposal of
prediction methods such as acoustic emission. Subse-
quently, various prediction methods, including stress
strength, energy release, numerical simulation, machine
learning, and microseismic monitoring, have been
expanded upon to enhance our understanding of failure
mechanisms and facilitate preventive measures. Notably,
rockburst research is progressing in integration with the
field of artificial intelligence. For example, Adoko et al.
(2013) employed fuzzy inference system and adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system to classify 174 rockburst
cases in China. Similarly, Zhou et al. (2016a) used ten
supervised learning methods to classify 246 rockburst
events. A comprehensive review of recent advances in rock-
burst prediction was conducted by Zhou et al. (2018),
which highlights the application of machine learning tech-
niques, among other methods, to improve the accuracy of
prediction models
3 Rockburst statistical analysis
The objective of rockburst classification is to identify the
crucial point for statistical analysis of rockburst occur-
rences in underground excavations. Before conducting the
statistical analysis, it is essential to precisely establish the
definitions and classification of rockburst and understand
their underlying mechanisms. The challenges associated
with rockburst discussed earlier are considered some of
the most difficult in the field. Numerous researchers have
conducted scientific analyses focusing on the deep rock
environment and stress conditions throughout the excava-
tion process (Meng et al., 2012, 2013).
Regarding rockburst phenomena during excavation,
Oliver et al. (2022) identified three rockburst mechanisms
in Ontario’s Canadian mines (Fig. 6). Strainburst-induced
Table 1
Top 15 keywords with the strongest citation bursts.
Keywords Strength Begin End 1999–2021
Earthquake 8.93 1999 2010
Electromagnetic radiation 4.04 2000 2004
Fracture 5.39 2004 2011
Growth 4.72 2005 2015
Numerical simulation 5.07 2006 2016
Rockburst 27.73 2008 2015
Rock mechanics 6.06 2008 2015
Hard roof 5.01 2012 2017
Deep mining 4.31 2012 2017
Rockburst hazard 4.07 2012 2014
Rock support 3.91 2012 2013
Stress–strain state 3.83 2012 2018
Energy release 3.64 2013 2016
Event 3.44 2013 2017
Longwall mining 3.56 ‘2014 2018
Notes: The blue section shows the time span from 1999 to 2021. The red part indicates the time span from the occurrence to the termination of the burst
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 75
stress is concentrated behind the excavation face, and the
region between this stressed zone and the free face can
become unstable, resulting in sudden failure and ejection
of rock material into the opening. In pillar burst, stress is
concentrated in the core of the pillar, leading to overstress-
ing, sudden failure, and material ejection into surrounding
openings. For fault-slip burst, changes in the stress acting
on the locking point can alter the shear stress (s) and
clamping normal stress (r
). Deng and Gu (2018) treated
rockburst as a structural instability problem and classified
it into three categories based on the magnitude of dynamic
stimulation force: intrinsic rockburst, triggered rockburst,
and induced rockburst. Keneti and Sainsbury (2018) char-
acterized 26 rockburst events and concluded that the causes
of rockburst are related to rock loading conditions and
rock properties (Fig. 7). Russenes (1974) assessed rock-
burst intensity based on changes in the environmental state
(e.g., damage noise, shape, and characteristics) at the time
of occurrence, resulting in a classification into four grades.
The Canadian Rockburst Research Project employed the
depth and geometry of rock damage zones to classify
rockburst damage as minor, moderate, and severe
Fig. 5. Timeline chart for rockburst keywords. (#0: acoustic emission; #1: coal burst; #2: rock burst; #3: microseismic monitoring; #4: rock bursts; #5:
depth; #6: failure; #7: rock discontinuity).
Fig. 6. Three typical rockburst types and mechanisms.
76 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
(Kaiser et al., 1996; Kaiser & Cai, 2012). In China, Chen
et al. (2015) proposed a quantitative method for evaluating
rockburst classification based on the energy dissipated by
rockburst radiation and the extent of surrounding rock
In recent years, there has been an increase in the con-
struction and excavation of deep and long underground
space projects. Extensive literature highlights the chal-
lenges in accurately predicting and preventing hazards such
as high-energy rockburst and mine seismicity in these deep
environments. Rockburst is one of the most prominent and
complex issues encountered in such projects. Therefore, it
is crucial to compile and analyze rockburst data from var-
ious sources to provide reference experiences for evaluation
and prevention, as well as theoretical support for in-depth
dynamic disaster research. To assess the occurrence and
severity of rockburst, Zhou (2015a) compiled 102 cases of
rockburst in hard rock mines in China (Fig. 8(a)). They
developed a classification model utilizing variables such
as maximum tangential stress around the excavation
(MTS or r
), uniaxial compressive strength of rock (UCS
or r
), uniaxial tensile strength of rock (UTS or r
), stress
concentration factor (SCF or r
), rock brittleness index
(B = r
), and elastic strain energy storage index (W
The stochastic gradient boosting method was used to ana-
lyze the data and determine the relative importance of each
variable. The results (Fig. 8(c)) indicate that the Wet index
is the most sensitive in predicting rockburst intensity, fol-
lowed closely by MTS. SCF and B are more sensitive than
UTS and UCS. Furthermore, Heal (2010) collected 254
databases of rockburst events in Canada and Australia
(Fig. 8(b)), considering variables such as SCF, ground
support capacity (GSSC), geological structures (GS),
excavation structures (ES), and peak particle velocity
(PPV) at the site. The same analysis method was employed
to identify the main controlling factors of rockburst occur-
rence, as depicted in Fig. 8(d). PPV is the most sensitive
index in assessing the tendency for rockburst damage, fol-
lowed by ES. SCF is more sensitive than GSSC and GS.
These research findings demonstrate the feasibility and
practicality of artificial intelligence-driven methods in rock-
burst studies. By gaining a comprehensive understanding
of the primary controlling variables of rockburst occur-
rence, the risk can be effectively mitigated in the design
of underground projects.
3.1 Disaster statistics analysis
Drawing systematic conclusions from a limited sample
size or a small number of mine rockburst instances poses
significant challenges. To establish the general patterns of
rockburst, statistical analysis was conducted on several
typical cases of underground hard rock engineering (refer
to Appendix A). The analysis considered factors such as
the maximum burial depth, rock characteristics, and
observed rockburst phenomena. The statistical results indi-
cate that rockburst events occurring below 1000 m depth
are predominantly of weak to moderate intensity, with a
few cases classified as severe. The macro manifestations
of rockburst include the rattling sound of rocks, rock ejec-
tion, tunnel fragmentation, roof collapse, and surrounding
rock failure. In the initial stages, rockburst incidents above
1000 m depth are typically minor to moderate in severity.
However, as excavation progresses and the construction
area expands, the intensity of rockburst tends to increase
and may reach high or severe levels in the later stages. At
Fig. 7. Factors contributing to rockburst.
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 77
this point, rockburst events are accompanied by loud blast-
ing sounds, noticeable surface tremors, intermittent crack-
ing sounds, and occasional dull popping sounds. These
findings lead to the conclusion that, irrespective of the type
of hard rock and burial depth, rockburst incidents of vary-
ing severity can occur in practical engineering scenarios.
3.2 Rockburst characteristics analysis
This review aims to collect and compile information on
the characteristics and causes of rockburst phenomena in
typical hard rock projects worldwide. Additionally, it pro-
vides a grading of rockburst severity, serving as a founda-
tion and guidance for the development of subsequent
disaster management measures to mitigate rockburst risks
in deep excavations. Based on the experience gained from
treating typical rockburst projects, this review extensively
describes the classification and characteristics of rockburst,
as presented in Table 2. The ratio between the maximum
shear stress and the uniaxial compressive strength of the
rock serves as the fundamental criterion for determining
the level of rockburst. Subsequently, various factors
including movement characteristics, sound characteristics,
phenomenological characteristics, incision shape character-
istics, time characteristics, and the degree of damage are
employed to identify appropriate prevention strategies.
4 Rockburst prediction
Before delving into the discussion of suitable prevention
measures for different types of rockburst, it is essential to
provide a comprehensive overview of rockburst prediction.
The prediction of rockburst events is crucial in effectively
preventing and controlling rock damage in underground
Fig. 8. Data visualization of rockburst and feature importance in underground projects. Dataset visualization: (a) Zhou (2015a) rockburst cases, and (b)
Heal (2010) rockburst cases; Feature importance: (c) Zhou (2015a) rockburst cases, and (d) Heal (2010) rockburst cases.
78 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
excavation and mining projects, considering the complex
nature of this phenomenon. Since the 1960s, extensive
research has been conducted on various techniques for
forecasting rockburst occurrences. Researchers have made
efforts to develop, refine, and calibrate prediction methods
using diverse approaches. The prediction methods for
rockburst can be broadly categorized into five aspects:
empirical methods, simulation techniques, mathematical
algorithms, rockburst charts, and monitoring technologies,
as depicted in Fig. 9.Figure 10 presents a refined and
adapted representation of the major advancements in
empirical, numerical, statistical, and intelligent classifica-
tion methods for rockburst evaluation from 1965 to 2021,
based on the temporal analysis of various classification
methods summarized by Zhou et al. (2018).
4.1 Empirical criteria method
In the initial stages of engineering design and construc-
tion, empirical criteria are commonly employed to assess
the quality of rock mass and evaluate the risk of rockburst,
providing practical guidance for project design and sup-
port. The empirical criteria encompass both single-
indicator and multi-indicator integrated criteria, utilizing
a range of indicators to determine the classification of rock-
burst intensity based on the analysis of physical tests and
mechanical factors in engineering case studies. Building
upon the main achievements and theoretical methods of
rockburst prediction, numerous single index criteria have
been proposed to assess rockburst risks. These criteria
include the Torchaninov criterion (Turchaninov et al.,
1972), Barton criterion (Barton et al., 1974), Tao Zhenyu
criterion (Tao, 1988), Russense criterion (Russenes,
1974), Hoek criterion (Brown & Hoek, 1980), Wet’s strain
energy storage index (Kidybin
´ski, 1981), Excavation vul-
nerability potential (Heal et al., 2006), Potential stress fail-
ure (Mitri, 2007), Erlang mountain method (Wang et al.,
1999), Hou criterion (Hou and Wang, 1989), Composite
index criterion (Tan et al., 1991), Rockburst vulnerability
index (Qiu et al., 2011), maximum stored elastic strain
energy index ES (Guo et al., 2011), improved brittleness
index BIM (Zhang et al., 2017) and rockburst danger index
(Dou et al., 2012), and others. The empirical criteria serve
as important qualitative tools for gaining a comprehensive
understanding of rock engineering issues, particularly when
reliable object label information is available. The results
obtained from these criteria for assessing rockburst poten-
tial can provide early risk warnings for underground exca-
vation projects. The various approaches and methods
associated with empirical criteria will be explained and
compared in detail in the subsequent discussion.
In the context of predicting rockburst events, single-
indicator criteria, primarily stress and energy approaches,
are widely recognized as the primary indicators for classify-
ing the intensity of rockburst. The former focuses on
geomechanical characteristics and induced stress levels,
while the latter considers the stored elastic energy within
Table 2
Rockburst classification and characteristics (Russenes, 1974; Chen et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2018; Ke, 2021).
Classification No rockburst Light rockburst Medium rockburst Heavy rockburst Serious rockburst
Movement features No stability
Wall caving Wall caving, spalling Spalling and even ejection New fracture face
Failure type The crack
occurred inside
rock mass
slight spalling and slabbing in the
surface of the surrounding rock mass;
the rock mass was slightly ejected
severe spalling and slabbing of the
surrounding rock mass; the rock
mass was obviously ejected
A great deal of rock mass
was suddenly ejected; the
failure range was extensive
A large block of rock mass was suddenly
ejected with intensive seismicity and the
stability of the whole carve was seriously
Sound features No noises Light noises Strong cracking noises Rock noises of gun shot
Loud sounds like dull thunder
Depth of failure (D
)<0:5m 0:5:0m 1:02:0m >3:0m
Size of ejected
<10 cm 10–30 cm 30–80 cm 80–150 cm >150 cm
Damage degree No support system
and construction
are affected
Neither the support system nor
construction are damaged
The shotcrete lining could be
damaged among rock bolts,
construction is slightly affected
Support system is
destroyed and construction
are affected.
Support system is seriously destroyed, and
construction is seriously affected.
Prevention methods No support system Appropriate safety measures rock bolt and shotcrete lining are
constructed in time
Set up inverted arch if
Use special means to prevent
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 79
the rock mass (Cook, 1963). Among stress estimation
approaches, the rock brittleness coefficient and tangential
stress criterion have demonstrated reliable results in fore-
casting rockburst intensity. These criteria rely on simple
assessments of rock mass properties, which can be deter-
mined through practical experiments and provide realistic
values. Energy approaches, on the other hand, are more
commonly used to evaluate the severity of rockburst. These
methods offer greater insights into the causes of rockburst
by comparing the results with seismicity data collected in
burst-prone areas. Another reason for the adoption of
energy methods is that the energy evolution of the rock
mass, including storage, release, and dissipation, is directly
associated with rockburst occurrence. Hence, compared to
other criteria, energy-based approaches are more likely to
indicate the tendency for rockburst. Multi-index indicators,
such as the five factors criterion, have gained popularity as
they consider multiple indicators and significant rock prop-
erties, enabling a more comprehensive assessment of rock-
burst intensity. The empirical criteria and severity
classification methods employed in the assessment of rock-
burst disasters in underground excavation projects are
highly regarded for their practicality and feasibility. Pre-
dicting rockburst potential and classifying rockburst sever-
ity are two fundamental aspects in evaluating rockburst
approaches. The severity classification follows four levels:
none, weak, moderate, and severe (Russenes, 1974). In
most cases, the thresholds for intensity levels are deter-
mined based on analytical and statistical characteristics
of the region where rockburst events have been recorded,
or through engineering experience (Zhou et al., 2012;
Feng et al., 2013). However, the classification of rockburst
intensity may vary across different projects, and using the
same threshold as evaluation criteria presents significant
drawbacks. For instance, Kidybin
´ski (1981) suggested that
a Wet index greater than 5 indicates the potential for severe
rockburst, while Singh (1987) proposed that Wet < 10
corresponds to no or weak rockburst intensity, based on
experimental findings for hard rock samples from the Sud-
bury area in Ontario, Canada. The variety of rockburst cri-
teria makes it difficult for frontline engineers to accurately
determine the severity of rockburst disasters (Zhou et al.,
4.2 Simulation technology
Various types of rockburst occurrences are influenced by
a multitude of geomechanical parameters, which have a
significant impact on the underlying mechanisms and
observable characteristics of rockburst. In addition to these
contributing factors, the magnitude and orientation of
in situ stresses, dynamic disturbances, excavation geome-
try, and advancement rate also play a crucial role in deter-
mining the severity, shape, and location of rockburst
events. As mentioned earlier, empirical criteria for rock-
burst primarily include energy criteria and stress criteria.
These methods find extensive application in different
aspects of rock engineering, such as classifying the severity
of rockburst and serving as input parameters for numerical
simulation methods. According to Gu (2013), numerical
methods and physical experiments have become essential
tools for tackling scientific problems that were previously
difficult to address when there is ample labeled information
available to engineers and researchers. Numerical simula-
tion experiments constitute the majority of research efforts
related to rockburst prediction. Zubelewicz and Mroz
(1983) utilized the finite element method (FEM) and kinetic
methods to simulate the destabilization damage of rock
masses and investigate the dynamic behavior of rockburst.
Bardet (1989) demonstrated the effectiveness of FEM in
predicting surface instability and proposed that FEM can
be employed to analyze rockburst problems by considering
them as surface instability issues, as evidenced by the eigen-
value method. Mu
¨ller (1991) compared the performance of
Fig. 9. Major methods of rockburst prediction.
80 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
FEM-based and finite difference method (FDM)-based
approaches in simulating rockburst, and it was found that
FDM is the more appropriate method. It is evident that
dynamic damage plays a significant role in the formation
and occurrence process of rockburst. However, capturing
the true development processes of instantaneous behavior
using numerical simulations can be challenging. To assess
rockburst hazards, Tajdus
´(1997) developed a three-
dimensional numerical stress field calculation model based
on the ratio of induced stress to original stress conditions.
To investigate the effect of non-uniformity on rock frac-
ture, Ishida et al. (2009) proposed a simulation of uniaxial
compression tests using a discrete element method (DEM)
program. Additionally, many experts have conducted var-
ious physical model tests. Notably, several researchers in
China (Xu et al., 2002; Li et al., 2001; Yang, 1993) have uti-
lized similar materials in their experiments to model rock-
burst during tunnel construction. Lu et al. (2008)
proposed an analogous materials model to simulate stress
wave propagation behavior and the damage process of
hard rock. Du et al. (2016) studied the damage behavior
of granite, red sandstone, and cement mortar using an
advanced test system that combines genuine triaxial static
stress and local dynamic disturbance. The test results
revealed that sandstone and granite experienced slab spal-
ling in true triaxial unloading tests, while no significant
fractures occurred under low amplitude local dynamic
loading. However, the degree of rock damage increased
with higher local dynamic loading amplitude, regardless
of the loading direction. In another study, Du et al.
(2022) investigated the mechanical characteristics of
rectangular prismatic rock samples and isolated columns
made of granite, marble, and sandstone with various
height-to-breadth and width-to-thickness ratios under uni-
axial compressive stress.
Future studies will require a significant number of engi-
neering instances to be statistically examined, as it is cur-
rently not possible to establish a suitable classification
system for rockburst solely through numerical simulation
without an acceptable energy criterion. Although physical
model tests have limitations compared to numerical simu-
lation methods, they still offer certain advantages. For
instance, while it may not be possible to fully simulate
the real engineering environment (including excavation dis-
turbances and methods) or incorporate artificial boundary
conditions in rockburst simulations, physical model tests
provide a high degree of restoration of the engineering
environment and yield credible data results. As a result,
some scholars continue to employ physical model tests to
address complex issues encountered during the excavation
of hard rock.
4.3 Mathematical modeling method
The precision of rockburst predictions relies heavily on
the quantity and quality of the data used (Qiu & Zhou,
2023; Shi et al., 2010). Mathematical models are commonly
developed using collected input and output data, allowing
them to handle diverse data types. Therefore, it is feasible
to construct suitable mathematical models based on empir-
ical criteria for data-driven prediction of previous rock-
burst cases. Data-driven prediction can be broadly
Fig. 10. Major work on mathematical methods, numerical simulations and empirical criteria. The red and white outer boxes represent the English and
Chinese literature respectively. The different color blocks depict author information and methods for different research directions.
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 81
categorized into two groups: uncertainty theory and
machine learning.
In situations where there is insufficient rockburst data,
statistical-based methods or artificial intelligence tools have
limitations in their application. Considering that the influ-
encing factors of rockburst are stochastic and fuzzy, uncer-
tainty theories have been introduced in rockburst studies
(Zhou et al., 2018). These theories include unascertained
mathematical theory (Jin et al., 2017), fuzzy mathematical
theory (He et al., 2021), catastrophe theory (Qiao et al.,
2021), grey system theory (Pei et al., 2013), cloud models
(Liu et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020), rough set theory (Jia
et al., 2014), extension theory (Zhang et al., 2020c), attri-
bute mathematical theory (Wen, 2008), interval number
theory (Wang et al., 2019b), and set pair analysis (Chen
et al., 2008), as shown in Fig. 11. Recently, several hybrid
comprehensive evaluation models have been utilized for
rockburst assessment. The multidimensional connected
cloud model proposed by Wang et al. (2020) offers a sim-
pler and more convenient approach for practical applica-
tions compared to the one-dimensional cloud model.
Liang et al. (2019) employed an extended multi-attribute
boundary approximation area comparison method based
on triangular fuzzy numbers to evaluate rockburst tenden-
cies in four critical areas of the Kaiyang phosphate mine.
Liu et al. (2019) developed a rockburst classification model
based on rough set and cloud model theory, which was val-
idated using five rockburst cases. Zhou et al. (2022a) com-
bined four indicators and utilized set pair analysis to
evaluate coal burst liability, creating an improved connec-
tion cloud model (ICCM). The results indicate that the
ICCM exhibits significantly superior classification index
accuracy and Kappa coefficient of 0.88 and 0.772, respec-
tively, compared to other conventional uncertainty
The machine learning approach has several advantages
over other methods, as it does not require prior knowledge
about the relationship between input and output variables,
thereby reducing human intervention. This has made it a
popular choice for researchers in solving nonlinear prob-
lems. Various machine learning algorithms such as support
vector machines (SVM) (Zhou et al., 2012), logistic regres-
sion classifiers (Li & Jimenez, 2018), decision trees (DT)
(Shirani & Taheri, 2019), Bayesian networks (N. Li et al.,
2017a;C. Li et al., 2021), random forest (RF) and
gradient-boosting machine (GBM) (Zhou et al., 2016a),
and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) (Afraei et al., 2019) have
been employed for classification and prediction of rock-
burst. Ensemble learning is a method of enhancing learning
ability by combining multiple weak classifiers (Wang et al.,
2021). Recently, Li et al. (2022a) proposed a deep forest
rockburst prediction model based on a database of 329
actual rockburst cases. The model achieved a final test set
accuracy of 90.48% and a performance gain of 12.7%. In
another study, Li et al. (2022b) utilized a Bayesian opti-
mization and synthetic minority oversampling tech-
nique + Tomek Link approach to build a feedforward
neural network model based on 314 rockburst examples.
Similarly, Li et al. (2022c) developed rockburst prediction
methods using combined trees, such as random forest,
extremely randomized tree, adaptive boosting machine,
gradient boosting machine, extreme gradient boosting
machine, light gradient boosting machine, and category
gradient boosting machine, using the same rockburst data-
set. They integrated three voting, bagging, and stacking
procedures with a Bayesian optimization algorithm to
enhance model performance. Zhang et al. (2020b) com-
bined seven classifiers and nine data interpolation methods
to solve the rockburst severity classification problem. The
results showed a 15.4% improvement in accuracy over the
best individual classifier. Yin et al. (2021) used the ensem-
ble learning stacking idea to predict the rockburst potential
by developing four ensemble learning models: KNN-
Recurrent neural network (RNN), SVM-RNN, Deep neu-
ral network (DNN)-RNN, and KNN-SVM-DNN-RNN.
Zhou et al. (2021b) developed a hybrid model combining
of firefly algorithm and artificial neural network (ANN)
to deal with various complex relationships of rockburst
in deep hard rock mines.
4.4 Microseismic monitoring technology
Rockburst events involve complex processes of rock
deformation and fracture extension. The utilization of
microseismic monitoring technology allows for the acquisi-
tion and analysis of information regarding the develop-
ment of rock fractures through a microseismic system
(Fig. 12). Figure 12(a) illustrates the operational mode of
a typical microseismic positioning system in metal mines.
Over the years, three major challenges in underground
space excavation have been the significant errors in locat-
ing disaster sources, difficulties in identifying microseismic
signals, and the lack of accurate warning and protection
mechanisms (Zhu et al., 2021). In addressing these chal-
lenges, Li and Dong (2014) proposed a theoretical system
for microseismic source location without pre-velocimetry
and developed fully automatic software for processing
microseismic data based on wave velocity determination
without pre-measurement, resulting in a significant
improvement in localization accuracy. Perol et al. (2018)
conducted an initial exploration of deep learning algo-
rithms for microseismic localization. They employed con-
volutional neural networks to initially localize
microseismic events into six major regions, followed by cal-
culating the seismic wave delay time in underground mines
and identifying the location of the earthquake source. Fig-
ure 12(b) represents the microseismic flow diagram, while
Fig. 12(d) depicts microseismic signal identification and
learning (Ma et al., 2015).
Microseismic location systems typically require both
speed and accuracy. However, the pursuit of high precision
often leads to longer computation times. To address this
issue, Zhou et al. (2022b) applied three metaheuristic algo-
rithms to enhance the performance of Cross-correlation
82 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
stacking and increase computational efficiency. The effec-
tiveness of this approach was demonstrated through engi-
neering applications at the Fankou Pb-Zn mine in China.
The virtual field optimization method (VFOM), which is
a rapid and precise microseismic locating technique, has
gained popularity within the mining community. It can
accurately locate microseismic sources even in the presence
of significant picking errors. However, the VFOM’s objec-
tive function complexity, particularly when multiple sen-
sors are used, may result in longer localization times. To
overcome these challenges, Zhou et al. (2021c) utilized
two heuristic algorithms to improve the location efficiency
of the VFOM with minimal accuracy loss and to avoid
convergence to local optimal values.
According to Cai et al. (2007), acoustic emission and
microseismic activity are low-energy seismic events associ-
ated with sudden inelastic deformation, such as the abrupt
movement of existing fractures, generation of new frac-
tures, or fracture propagation. These events occur within
a specific volume of rock and emit detectable seismic
waves. Figure 12(c) illustrates the key distinction between
acoustic emissions and microseismic events, which lies in
the higher seismic motion frequencies of the former com-
pared to the latter. Sensors are capable of recording the
seismic waves radiated by rock microcracks to a certain
extent. Subsequently, specialized software is employed to
interpret the data and determine the source characteristics
of microseismic events, including their time, location,
energy, magnitude, and apparent stress. Each microseismic
event contains detailed information about the stress varia-
tion within the targeted rock volume. By analyzing the
source parameters of numerous microseismic events, it
becomes possible to predict the tendency, location, and
severity of rockburst through an in-depth analysis of
microseismic data. Notably, while earthquakes and mine
rockbursts can be sensed by humans, microseismic events
associated with underground excavation can only be
detected by sensors (Ma et al., 2021).
4.5 Comments for different forecasting methods
An important finding of the current review is that
researchers have extensively employed various intelligent
methods to address the significant issue of rockburst pre-
diction. This trend is expected to contribute to the develop-
ment of reliable and effective models in this field. In the
context of forecasting rockburst events, approaches can
be broadly categorized into four main types: empirical,
simulation, mathematical, and microseismic monitoring
methods. Empirical models possess distinct advantages in
providing fair findings. Their ease of use for engineering
applications and straightforward form are particularly
noteworthy. However, some conventional classification
thresholds for these models are inconsistent or even signif-
icantly different, raising concerns about their effectiveness.
Another significant advantage of empirical criteria is their
reduced reliance on data pretreatment processes and train-
ing settings compared to mathematical or numerical meth-
ods. Simulation technology, as revealed in the review,
generally requires less data compared to mathematical
modeling techniques. It allows for easy manipulation of
influencing parameters under controlled circumstances.
Fig. 11. Suggested methods for assessing hard rock rockburst using a data-driven approach.
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 83
However, accurately simulating defects can often be chal-
lenging due to their unpredictability and complexity, lead-
ing to significant computational costs. Mathematical
models are evolving rapidly, with the introduction of new
and sophisticated technologies in this field. These advance-
ments hold the potential for improvements or even signifi-
cant breakthroughs in rockburst prediction. Additionally,
these models offer simplicity in calculations and the ability
to forecast future scenarios. However, a notable limitation
is the requirement for a substantial amount of rockburst
data to accurately determine important model parameters.
In contrast, microseismic monitoring technologies have the
advantage of immediately and continuously collecting
essential data, providing accurate insights into the forma-
tion mechanism and evolution patterns of rockburst. This
enables timely assessment and prediction of rockburst
events. Nevertheless, deriving meaningful patterns from
large volumes of microseismic data remains a pressing chal-
lenge in this area.
Overall, comparing the superiority of different methods
is challenging without conducting comprehensive evalua-
tions under the same conditions. Each approach is still
under development and has its own advantages and disad-
vantages. Consequently, there is no standardized method
or approach that can universally evaluate the effectiveness
of all projects in underground space excavation. The level
of precision and data accessibility play crucial roles in
determining the appropriateness of a particular model for
rockburst forecasting.
5 Rockburst prevention
5.1 Rockburst support design principles and control
The reduction of rockburst risk often relies on the selec-
tion of effective advance prediction methods. It is com-
monly recognized among scholars that accurate
prediction of rockburst occurrences necessitates the deter-
mination of their location, timing, intensity, and underly-
ing mechanisms. However, due to the inherent instability
of rock mass characteristics and various boundary condi-
tions (such as high in-situ stress, pressure relief, and signif-
icant disturbances), the design of rockburst support must
prioritize ground control methods rather than relying
solely on uncertain predictions. A critical line of defense
is the implementation of burst-resistant support systems,
which aim to prevent or mitigate damage and ensure oper-
ational safety. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly com-
prehend the principles and objectives of support design
during the initial phase of project development.
In contrast to conventional rock support methods that
focus on managing loose rock in shallow zones and pre-
venting gravity-induced rockfalls, support design in
burst-prone ground must take different variables into
account. Dou et al. (2021) suggested that the root cause
of tunnel damage and surrounding rock deformation at
high stress levels is due to strong shock waves that cause
sharp increases in rock stress in a short period of time.
Fig. 12. Microseismic monitoring diagram. (a) Application of microseismic monitoring systems in hard rock mines, (b) microseismic monitoring flow
chart, (c) seismic motion wave frequency spectrum and field of application of acoustic emissions and microseismic events techniques, and (d) recognition
and studying of microseismic signals.
84 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
Thus, support design in burst-prone areas must consider
the ability to withstand dynamic loads and significant
deformations resulting from rock dilation. Engineers must
conduct a rockburst severity division, evaluate the require-
ments for rock support, and choose appropriate support
measures based on the site characteristics. Kaiser and Cai
(2012) introduced six principles of consideration for rock-
burst support, as shown in Fig. 13. The first principle is
to avoid rockburst occurrences as much as possible by
using hefty rock support to sustain the rock without reduc-
ing its loads or counteracting its stresses. Methods based
on this principle include adjusting the size or shape of the
stope, transforming the position of the roadway, using
alternative excavation shapes, changing the mining
sequence, or switching mining techniques. The second prin-
ciple suggests that yielding support should be applied to
burst-prone ground. Brittle rock may experience significant
impact energy and undergo significant rock dilation when
it cracks. Therefore, the yielding support system must be
flexible and able to absorb dynamic energy, as well as com-
bine with the surrounding rock as a whole to reinforce the
rock mass. The third principle emphasizes the importance
of considering the weakest link, which is typically the
retaining element. In significant rockburst occurrences,
the contact between bolts and the mesh often fails. There-
fore, one critical element to consider is the performance of
the connections between bolts and the mesh. The choice of
surface support components and the strength of the con-
nections must be matched with the bearing capacity of
the bolts. Additionally, the design principle should incor-
porate the integrated system approach. The retaining ele-
ments and surface support elements form the
fundamental components of a rock support system. How-
ever, some support components may only function effec-
tively in specific environments. Therefore, it is necessary
to integrate all support components into a cohesive and
integrated system. The fifth principle emphasizes simplicity
and cost control in design. Clients are unlikely to adopt
rock support products that are complex and expensive to
manufacture. Simplicity also contributes to efficiency.
While many businesses strive to reduce costs and stream-
line operations to enhance competitiveness, they cannot
compromise on safety. Statistics indicate that the financial
losses resulting from security incidents far outweigh the
benefits of cost control. In other words, the cost of prevent-
ing burst-prone grounds is significantly lower than the eco-
nomic losses caused by rockburst accidents. The final
principle is the predictability and adaptability of the rock
support system. It is unrealistic to create a design that can-
not be modified, as the burst-prone ground environment
and the classification of rockburst severity are constantly
changing. Therefore, a successful strategy for managing
burst-prone ground involves a well-adapted and flexible
rock support system. These fundamental principles serve
as a guide for steering support design in the right direction
for specific projects.
According to Kaiser and Cai (2012), the comprehensive
approach employed in managing the entire mining or tun-
neling process is referred to as the strategy in underground
excavation. In essence, the utilization of diverse tools or
methods to address field problems necessitates strategic
thinking. Rockburst control strategies can be classified into
two categories: active induction and passive protection.
The passive support method comprises three key compo-
nents: ground preconditioning, alternate mining tech-
niques, and rockburst support. Active induction aims to
harness the high stress and stored energy within and sur-
rounding deep hard rock, employing regulation and con-
trolled release to enhance the rock environment and
induce controlled self-fracturing. The overall control strat-
egy is illustrated in Fig. 14.
To address dynamic instability issues, the core element is
the risk management strategy, which is an extension of the
control strategy. Notably, Diederichs (2018) introduced the
well-known ‘‘Butterflyrisk management strategy for rock-
burst in hard rock excavations (refer to Fig. 15). The but-
terfly risk management consists of two components: the
propensity to disaster and its resulting consequences. The
hazard potential component identifies rockburst triggers
and outlines a contractor control sequence from top to bot-
tom. The consequence aspect addresses potential hazards
and prioritizes their handling once they occur. The imple-
mentation of a microseismic monitoring system is crucial
for situational awareness in advance. Additionally, incor-
porating ‘‘Managementmeasures is recommended to mit-
igate the impact of dynamic fractures.
A crucial aspect of disaster prevention and control in
burst-prone zones involves the timely implementation of
rockburst prevention and control measures. Failure to do
so can result in a significant increase in support costs. Dur-
ing the design phase of underground excavation, it is essen-
tial to accurately estimate the occurrence time of rockburst
to enhance the effectiveness and practicality of prevention
and control strategies. While various techniques for rock-
burst prevention and control are available, further investi-
gation is needed to determine the efficacy of specific
measures. Therefore, in order to effectively guide support
work in burst-prone areas, it is necessary to outline the
specific actions and contents of rockburst risk prevention
and management. Figure 16 presents a comprehensive
guide for preventing and controlling rockburst in deep
hard rock mines. This figure illustrates the five processes
involved in rockburst risk prevention and control, namely
type identification, risk assessment, selection of prevention
and control methods, design work, and efficacy verifica-
tion. The specific details of each process are represented
by the corresponding color blocks below the figure.
5.2 Rockburst support methods
It is well-established that mining-induced rockburst is a
complex phenomenon that frequently occurs during deep
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 85
underground construction. Extensive efforts have been
devoted to understanding the causes of rockburst and
devising effective support strategies for burst-prone zones.
Consequently, a substantial body of research has been con-
ducted on rockburst support methods. The widely utilized
‘‘New Austrian Methodis commonly adopted for tunnel
support design (Kolymbas, 2005; Meng et al., 2011;
Rehman et al., 2020). Independently, Pan et al. (2021)
developed the asymmetric support method of full-section
anchor cable spraying, which significantly enhances the
ability of the surrounding rock in roadways to withstand
rockburst damage and further elucidates the principle of
asymmetric damage. Wu et al. (2021) introduced a new
synergistic support method for deep hard rocks, employing
the synergistic approach of ‘‘pressure relief - support pro-
tectionto effectively enhance the rock bolting capacity. Li
et al. (2007) examined the damage characteristics of the
surrounding rock in a stope roadway following a
rockburst, providing insights into how rockbolt support
maintains stress balance and supports the roadway. Subse-
quently, a high-strength composite support method was
Currently, rockbolts are extensively employed to rein-
force underground excavation projects, making them the
primary safety protection method. Conventional bolts are
typically characterized by their load-bearing capacity or
ductility. However, due to the dynamic and destructive nat-
ure of rockburst events, it is essential for the supporting
structure to possess robustness to withstand the kinetic
energy of ejected rock and toughness to absorb energy
emitted from the rock mass. Evidently, the conventional
method is not the ideal choice for rockburst support due
to its limited energy absorption capacity. In contrast,
energy-absorbing rockbolts have emerged as a novel type
of support device that has garnered considerable attention.
These bolts exhibit a high energy-absorbing capacity,
Fig. 13. Six basic rockburst support design principles based on field experience.
86 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
enabling them to bear substantial loads and accommodate
significant rock displacement. Consequently, they prove to
be effective support mechanisms during dynamic failure
Energy-absorbing bolts offer a dual advantage of high
deformation capacity and resistance. On one hand, they
can absorb a significant amount of energy from the sur-
rounding rock before reaching equilibrium. On the other
hand, they reinforce the rock mass and enhance its
mechanical condition. The development of energy-
absorbing bolts has attracted considerable attention from
scholars (Wang et al., 2020). Bolts with strong energy
absorption capacity have gained international recognition
as essential components of underground engineering sup-
port systems (Wu et al., 2022). Since their invention,
researchers have continuously optimized and improved
each component of energy-absorbing bolts to enhance their
effectiveness. Figure 17 illustrates some typical energy-
absorbing bolt designs. These bolts dissipate energy
through buffering interactions with the surrounding rock,
effectively reducing impact energy and forming a cohesive
unit with the rock mass to withstand impact loads. This
Fig. 14. Rockburst control strategy.
Fig. 15. Management of risk of rockburst in underground space excavations. (Modified from Diederichs, 2018).
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 87
ensures the safety of underground construction projects
and maintains the stability of the support system. Further-
more, significant advancements have been made in the
structural design of rockbolts. Jing et al. (2020) investi-
gated the load-bearing changes and evolutionary character-
istics of deformation damage in tunnel surrounding rock
Fig. 16. Guidance on rockburst risk prevention and control in underground space excavation. Blue indicates rockburst type identification; green indicates
rockburst risk assessment; yellow indicates prevention and control measure selection; pink indicates prevention and control measure design; purple
indicates prevention and control effectiveness verification.
88 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
after the installation of rockbolts, obtaining process curves
for structural deformation and fracture damage. Jiao and
Ju (2021), based on the strength characteristics, impact
damage, and stress state changes of rock bolt weighing
members, derived an impact damage criterion for bolts.
Huang et al. (2020) studied the deformation mode and pro-
posed a mechanism for deep large deformation damage in
anchored structures. Wang et al. (2014) examined the tan-
gential stress acting on the surrounding rock and investi-
gated the overall structural mechanics law of rock bolts
and the support effect on the surrounding rock as a whole.
Looking ahead, future underground construction projects
will involve even deeper excavations and challenging envi-
ronments, characterized by high stress, high temperature,
and great lifting depth. These conditions will test the capa-
bilities of support technologies.
5.3 Safe and efficient excavation concept for deep hard rock
Deep hard rock environments are characterized by high
levels of stress, and the process of deep rock excavation
involves rapid unloading of the highly stressed rock mass,
accompanied by dynamic disturbances such as blasting
impact, large-scale collapses, and even seismic activity in
the surrounding mining area. The key to technological
advancement in deep hard rock mining lies in transforming
the unconventional rock fractures induced by mining dis-
turbances in deep, high-stress rock into controlled frac-
tures, and effectively regulating the energy release of the
deep, high-stress rock. Li et al., (2017b) proposed the con-
cept of ‘‘turning harm into profitfor the safe and efficient
exploitation of deep earth resources, as depicted in Fig. 18.
The three primary factors influencing deep mining and dis-
aster mitigation are high stress, high ground temperature,
and great lifting depth. These factors can be transformed
from sources of catastrophe into advantageous factors.
High stress facilitates the fracturing of hard rock and
enables better control of rock blocks. High ground temper-
ature accelerates the interaction between minerals and
leaching fluids in in-situ leach mining. The high water pres-
sure in great lifting depth promotes the use of high-pressure
equipment or underground power sources for efficient
water supply. Figure 19 presents an overview of the strate-
gies to achieve an effective transformation of these three
6 Future directions
In the foreseeable future, the field of underground exca-
vation is expected to undergo a rapid transition towards
intelligent technologies. Figure 20 illustrates various
emerging technologies such as deep learning, intelligent
robots, digital technology, 5G networks + VR/AR, Inter-
net of Things, and digital twins, which will progressively
play a crucial role in rockburst prediction and prevention.
The integration of these technologies will enhance the
precision and effectiveness of rockburst prediction and pre-
vention, reduce the workload and risks faced by miners,
and foster the sustainable development of the mining
industry (Li et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020a; Tang et al.,
2019; Pan & Zhang, 2021).
(1) Deep learning
Deep learning (DL), a cutting-edge data-driven technol-
ogy, has recently shown promise in engineering applica-
tions, presenting both opportunities and challenges.
Compared to traditional methods, DL algorithms have
demonstrated remarkable predictive capabilities across
various fields and hold great potential for rockburst predic-
tion (Bergen et al., 2019; Merghadi et al., 2020;Yu & Ma,
2021). Mining data typically encompass geological infor-
mation, groundwater conditions, ground stress, blasting
parameters, and more, which can be analyzed and modeled
using DL algorithms to enhance the accuracy of rockburst
prediction. For instance, DL models can be employed to
classify and cluster geological data, identifying potential
anomalies in the structural behavior of rock masses and
enabling the forecast of rockburst probability and severity.
Furthermore, DL algorithms can automatically segment
and identify rock masses, thereby improving the accuracy
and efficiency of mine design.
(2) Intelligent robots
Intelligent robots are experiencing rapid advancements
and are increasingly being adopted in hard rock engineer-
ing for semi-automatic or fully automated applications.
Two primary types of robots are utilized: ground-based
robots and aerial robots. The widespread use of intelligent
robots has brought significant benefits to mine inspection,
mining operations, and blasting activities. These robots
aid in better predicting and avoiding rockburst incidents,
while facilitating the identification of potential rock-
related issues. Equipped with sensors and cameras, intelli-
gent robots can continuously monitor the conditions of
the rock mass and the underground environment. The
gathered information is then relayed to miners for analysis
and decision-making processes. Furthermore, the autono-
mous inspections and processing capabilities of intelligent
robots alleviate the workload and risks faced by miners.
(3) Digital technology
The increasing convergence and evolution of new digital
technologies and applications have resulted in the frequent
utilization of digital creation, digital transactions, and dig-
ital assets. Empowered by digital technology, traditional
industries are swiftly undergoing digital transformation,
bringing forth new revolutions across various sectors. In
the field of mining engineering, digital technology has
gained widespread adoption and provides crucial data
and information to support rockburst prediction and
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 89
prevention. For instance, digital technology enables the
creation of 3D geological models, allowing for accurate
analysis and prediction of rock distribution and structure.
Additionally, digital technology facilitates the optimization
and adjustment of blasting parameters, thereby reducing
the risk of rockburst incidents.
(4) 5G networks + VR/AR
Leveraging the advancements in fifth-generation net-
work technology, the combination of Virtual Reality
(VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) is rapidly evolving,
offering enhanced user experiences. The integration of 5G
networks with VR/AR technologies has found extensive
application in mine design and training, enabling miners
to better comprehend the rock mass conditions and mine
environment, thereby improving their ability to prevent
rockburst incidents. For instance, VR technology can
establish a comprehensive mine scene model and provide
immersive virtual reality displays, allowing miners to intu-
itively perceive the rock structure and underground envi-
ronment. Moreover, AR technology facilitates intelligent
management and monitoring of mine equipment and tools,
thereby reducing the risk of rockburst occurrences.
(5) Internet of Things (IoT) technology
IoT refers to a network of interconnected physical
devices that collect real-time operational data and
resources within a project. The utilization of IoT technol-
ogy in mine monitoring and management has become a
common practice, as it enables equipment connectivity,
Fig. 17. History of energy absorbing bolts.
Fig. 18. Framework for the development of safe and efficient exploitation from deep earth resources.
90 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
real-time monitoring, and enhances the capacity for rock-
burst prediction and prevention. For instance, IoT technol-
ogy enables the networking and data sharing among
sensors and monitoring equipment within mines, enabling
real-time monitoring and early warning systems for the
underground environment and the state of the rock mass.
Additionally, IoT technology facilitates the tracking and
localization of miners and equipment, timely identification
and treatment of engineering disasters, and improves the
efficiency and accuracy of rockburst prediction and
(6) Digital Twins
Digital twin technology, which digitizes the physical
world and creates a three-dimensional model, enables
real-time monitoring and simulation (Pan & Zhang, 2021;
Min et al., 2019). By employing digital twin technology,
miners can gain a comprehensive understanding of the sub-
surface environment and the condition of the rock mass,
thereby enhancing their capabilities for rockburst predic-
tion and prevention. Specifically, digital twin technology
can establish a virtual representation of the mine, enabling
real-time monitoring and simulation of the state and
changes within the rock mass, facilitating the estimation
of rockburst possibilities. Additionally, digital twin tech-
nology enables the simulation and optimization of blasting
parameters and engineering schemes, thereby enhancing
the accuracy and efficiency of rockburst prediction and
7 Conclusion
A growing body of research has emerged in recent years
to address the global challenge of rockburst risk reduction.
To comprehensively understand the current state and pro-
gress of this field, it is imperative to conduct thorough and
quantitative literature studies. One commonly used tool for
analyzing global trends since 1990 is the software CiteS-
pace. Analysis of publications reveals that China, the US,
Australia, Canada, and Russia are the top five countries
contributing significantly to the field. This indicates their
notable contributions to rockburst research. Furthermore,
an examination of co-institutions demonstrates that while
global communication has strengthened with the rapid
expansion of the Internet, institutional cooperation primar-
ily occurs among organizations and disciplines with similar
interests, with limited interdisciplinary and cross-
disciplinary collaboration. Notably, the analysis of the
timeline graph indicates that prediction is currently the
most prominent research area, with a strong connection
to artificial intelligence.
In rockburst classification, selecting the appropriate cri-
teria is crucial due to the existence of numerous indicators.
Different criteria are applied depending on factors such as
lithology, geological zone, and burial depth. Therefore, it is
essential to systematically document the basic information
of typical rockburst incidents and statistically analyze their
characteristics. This will provide a comprehensive
understanding of the mechanisms and conditions that
trigger rockburst events and facilitate the improvement of
Fig. 19. ‘‘Turning harm into profitstrategy for the three high environments.
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 91
classification criteria. Based on this foundation, it can be
inferred that hard rocks, including granite, gneiss, horn-
blende, silica, and other hard brittle rocks, are typically
found at depths of 300 meters or more where rockburst
phenomena occur.
As the depth of excavations increases, the occurrence of
dynamic rock failure events, such as rockburst, becomes
more likely. Extensive research has been conducted to
investigate the causes and mechanisms of rockburst. One
triggering mechanism of rockburst is the increase in tan-
gential stress and decrease in radial stress caused by exca-
vation. Various approaches for predicting rockburst in
underground engineering have been explored, including
empirical criteria, numerical simulations, mathematical
methods, microseismic monitoring, and rockburst charts.
A comprehensive review of these approaches is presented.
However, comparing the superiority of these methods
under the same conditions is challenging as each method
is still in development and has its own advantages and lim-
itations. Furthermore, as excavations reach greater depths,
severe rockburst events become inevitable and preventive
strategies must be regularly employed. Understanding the
mechanics of rockburst and identifying the key parameters
that affect rockburst damage are crucial steps in designing
effective rockburst support systems. Additionally, it is
essential to comprehend two key prevention strategies,
namely rockburst control strategy and butterfly risk man-
agement approach, along with the seven design principles
for rockburst support. It is of utmost importance that
any rockburst support design adheres to guidelines for
preventing rockburst risk. By outlining concrete actions
and considerations for rockburst risk prevention and
management, the practical aspects of support design in
burst-prone grounds can be defined. Lastly, acknowledging
Fig. 20. Directions for the development of underground space excavation based on intelligent technology.
92 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
the negative effects of subterranean excavation, including
high ground temperature, great lifting depth, and high
stress, the design process for rock support should aim to
transform the challenging excavation environment into
favorable and controllable elements. However, due to the
unpredictable nature of dynamic destruction and the
uncertain surrounding contributing factors, there is still
limited confidence in predictive means and preventive
In recent decades, digital technology has rapidly
advanced, and the utilization of big data has expanded in
the field of traditional underground engineering. Particu-
larly, the application of cutting-edge technologies has gar-
nered significant attention. It has been observed that
various cutting-edge methodologies have made substantial
contributions to the modernization of the underground
engineering industry, resulting in a more reliable, auto-
mated, time-saving, and cost-effective excavation process.
Implementing future directions that incorporate cutting-
edge science, such as DL, IoT, sensing technology, and
more, can decrease the risk of engineering disasters. These
directions can assist project decision-makers in effectively
managing the challenging and hazardous tasks associated
with excavation while promoting the development of intel-
ligent disaster mitigation and preparedness.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
This research is partially supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation Project of China (Grant
Nos. 42177164 and 72088101), and the Distinguished
Youth Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China
(Grant No. 2022JJ10073).
Appendix A Statistics on rockburst examples of typical hard rock projects in China
Projects Burial
depth (m)
Rock properties Rockburst phenomenon
Tongguan Gold Mine,
Shaanxi, China
360–730 Mixed rocks, mixed granites, plagioclase,
gneisses, f = 10–16, complex tectonic
stresses, brittle and hard.
Minor rockburst, where rock fragments
are dislodged, often with loud noises and
local ejections from the surrounding rock.
Yangtze Valley Mine,
Henan Qinling
Mining Company,
335–450 Quartz-mica gneiss, medium to coarse
grained structure, gneissic. The lithology is
hard and brittle with well-developed
After compression and expansion of the
450 m level, a sudden rock burst occurred
on the roof, resulting in a large area of
flaky gang within 10 m of the shaft above
and a large area of sprayed protective
anchor mesh falling off..
Baima Iron Ore Mine,
400–600 Rocks of high strength and good integrity,
hornblende orthoclase.
Rockburst occurs from the construction
surface 5 to 8 m, 8 m away from the
strongest performance. The form of
expression is shear damage and splitting
damage 2 kinds, mainly ejected and burst
2 kinds of phenomena.
Chengchao Iron Ore
Mine, China
430–568 Mainly amphibolite, amphibolite, dacite,
diorite, granite, granite porphyry and
quartz amphibolite.
Rockburst occurs in shafts or chambers in
areas of concentrated stress due to large
scale blasting vibrations during shaft
development and quarry cutting work.
Hongtushan Copper
Mine, China
400–1077 Mixed granites, gneisses, metamorphic
rocks, high tectonic stresses.
The main forms of rockburst are pit
flakes, block ejections and roof falls. A
strong rockburst occurs when a sound
similar to a large blast is emitted and the
ground is usually felt as a distinct tremor.
(continued on next page)
J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98 93
Appendix A (continued)
Projects Burial
depth (m)
Rock properties Rockburst phenomenon
Selenium Flag River
Phosphate Mine,
518 Granite greenstone. The intensity and frequency of rockburst
increased significantly as the project
progressed, with varying degrees of
rockburst occurring during the
construction of the 518-deep ramp below
the shaft, and creating a great potential for
construction safety.
Waya IV Mine, China 586.18 This is a brittle, hard, siliceous dolomite.
The fissures are mostly filled with calcite
and other impurities due to the influence
of faults, and the joints are well developed.
Rockburst accompany the entire
production process, and are frequent
during the process of back mining and
roadway boring. Rockburst and slagging
and roof eruptions occur from time to
time, accompanied by a gradual increase
in the size of the mining area.
Sanshan Island Gold
Mine, China
555–960 Granite. Rockburst such as rock rattles and small
rock ejections occurred during the
construction of the southern flank of the
555 m middle section and the 960 m
middle section ramp at the mine.
Ashel Copper Mine,
550–1100 Elastic energy index Wet = 2.3, pyrite
(88.74 MPa), brittleness factor B
= 25.95.
The manifestations are cracking of
concrete spraying in the roadway, collapse
of large pieces of the surrounding rock,
shelling of the surrounding rock,
deformation of the supporting steel arch
and brittle ejection of the surrounding
Chener Gold Mine,
580–943 Quartz veins It occurred in a large section, causing
rapid ejection of broken rock, flaking off
on both sides of the roadway, and severe
dislodgement of the top of the constructed
Xinjiang Water
Diversion Tunnel,
600–720 Metamorphic granite, amphibolite and
mica-quartz schist are medium to hard
rocks of average strength, with
undeveloped joints and fissures and intact
rock masses.
Rockburst begins along the weak points of
the section joints, the rock falls in response
to the sound, followed by the sound of
flake and block spalling.
Bayu Tunnel, China 3260–
Hornblende Black Cloud Granite. The main manifestations are the bending
and bulging of rock slabs caused by tensile
action and the spalling of rock flakes
caused by shear action.
Station, China
2300 Granite pegmatite veins. The rocks have a
mean uniaxial compressive strength of
139 MPa.
The roof arch of the branch cavern has
suffered a more serious rockburst.
Cao Guo Shan Tunnel,
903.8 Granite. At K35 + 480 (burial depth 507 m) there
was a slight block drop and abnormal
sound, which is a slight rockburst
94 J. Zhou et al. / Underground Space 14 (2024) 70–98
Appendix A (continued)
Projects Burial
depth (m)
Rock properties Rockburst phenomenon
Qinling Water
Transfer Tunnel,
1260 Semipelagic rocks. Average field test rock
strengths range from 75 to 230 MPa.
Four strong rockbursts occurred
consecutively on the excavation face, with
the bursting of the slag body mostly in
large pieces
Jinping Secondary
Station, China
Marl, limestone, sandstone and slate.
Rocks are relatively intact. Uniaxial
compressive strength of the rock ranges
from 55 to 114 MPa.
A number of rockbursts occurred during
the construction of the tunnel, mainly in
the arch of the cavern, and most of the
rock blocks were spalling in flakes and
layers, with rough fracture surfaces,
showing tensional damage.
Sanzuling Tunnel,
Lalin Railway,
450 Granite and amphibolite. There are local
stress concentrations after excavation.
The presence of rock crumbling
phenomenon, the area is generally in the
2–4 m
, individual more than 8 m
, burst
pit depth of about 50 cm, mostly occurring
near the arch waist.
Gangmu La Mountain
Tunnel, China
300–760 Clinopyroxene, amphibolite and gneiss. This is manifested by the loosening and
stripping of the structural face, forming a
wedge or trapezoidal shaped burst pit in
the wall of the surrounding rock.
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... Moreover, the intensity can reach 5-6 points on the MSK-64 scale in the nearest settlements or at the industrial sites of open pits or mines. According to long-term observations, the magnitude of technogenic earthquakes does not exceed 1-4, although some may reach a magnitude of 4.5-5 on the Richter scale [43]. ...
... Magnitude is not measured in points, so it is correct to call "an earthquake of magnitude". Sometimes an empirical formula is used, obtained by different methods of measuring the energy class and earthquake magnitude [43]: ...
... The analysis of publications on technogenic seismicity has shown that, despite the successes achieved, there is no simple and accessible method for predicting such a formidable and hazardous phenomenon, as the consequences of intervention in the rock mass [48]- [51]. A famous scientist in the field of seismic exploration and geophysics [43] notes that "for the 150-year history of its existence, engineering geology has not made a single prediction of a technogenic disaster". ...
Purpose. Determining a relationship between the shear/failure of the rock mass and the technogenic earthquakes caused by them during underground mining of ore deposits with the derivation of an equation for the dependence of the technogenic earthquake indicators for the conditions of the Zhezkazgan copper-ore field. Methods. The research methodology consists of studying and analyzing early research on technogenic earthquakes by the method of statistical data processing. Calculation of rock mass deformation distribution in the study area is based on numerical modeling in the Comsol Multiphysics 5.6 and MATLAB 2020 software package environment. Calculations are performed based on solving a plane problem using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Findings. Based on the transition from the failure area to subsidence and shear values of the overlying rock mass stratum, an equation for the dependence of the earthquake magnitude on the numerical values of the mass subsidence or shear has been obtained. Originality. For the first time, based on the physics and geomechanics of rock mass shear processes, empirical-analytical formulas have been obtained that make it possible to predict the technogenic earthquake magnitude during underground mining of ore deposits in the conditions of the Zhezkazgan copper-ore field. Practical implications. Preliminary predictive calculations made by the obtained formulas for the conditions of the active mine No. 31 of the East-Zhezkazgan mine, ТОО Kazakhmys Smelting, show acceptable results of magnitude value, comparable to in-situ measurements during field mining. This prediction makes it possible to pre-calculate the technogenic earthquake magnitude at the stage of designing mining operations and make appropriate scientifically sound decisions during further mining of the field.
... With underground activities progressing to deeper depths, rockbursts are expected to become more prevalent [2]. Therefore, developing classification models for evaluating rockburst intensity is critical for the design of safe and sustainable mining projects [10,11]. ...
... The development of classification models for rockburst has been widely studied [11,12]. Since the pioneering study by Cook et al. [1], numerous models have emerged over the past decade, including empirical [13,14] and numerical [14,15] models, aimed at either classifying rockbursts or predicting their potential [16]. ...
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The scientific community recognizes the seriousness of rockbursts and the need for effective mitigation measures. The literature reports various successful applications of machine learning (ML) models for rockburst assessment; however, a significant question remains unanswered: How reliable are these models , and at what confidence level are classifications made? Typically, ML models output single rockburst grade even in the face of intricate and out-of-distribution samples, without any associated confidence value. Given the susceptibility of ML models to errors, it becomes imperative to quantify their uncertainty to prevent consequential failures. To address this issue, we propose a conformal prediction (CP) framework built on traditional ML models (extreme gradient boosting and random forest) to generate valid classifications of rockburst while producing a measure of confidence for its output. The proposed framework guarantees marginal coverage and, in most cases, conditional coverage on the test dataset. The CP was evaluated on a rockburst case in the Sanshandao Gold Mine in China, where it achieved high coverage and efficiency at applicable confidence levels. Significantly, the CP identified several ''confident" classifications from the traditional ML model as unreliable, necessitating expert verification for informed decision-making. The proposed framework improves the reliability and accuracy of rockburst assessments, with the potential to bolster user confidence.
... Deep mining faces dynamical disasters, such as rockburst, coal bump, mine earthquake, large-scale destabilization of the goaf, roof collapses, water surges, and so on. Many scholars (Feng et al. 2017;Shukla et al. 2021;Ke et al. 2021;Zhou et al. 2021b; Kishore and Khandelwal 2022;Chen and Zhou 2023;He et al. 2023;Qiu and Zhou 2023;Jiang et al. 2017a, b;Wang et al. 2023;Wei et al. 2022;Zhou et al. 2024) have researched rockburst, coal bump and mine earthquake, and have achieved encouraging results. However, in English, rockburst and coal bump have different names. ...
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Rockburst, coal bump, and mine earthquake are the most important dynamic disaster phenomena in deep mining. This paper summarizes the differences and connections between rockburst, coal bumps and mine earthquakes in terms of definition, mechanism, phenomenon, evaluation index, etc. The definition and evolution progress of the three disaster categories are summarized, as well as the monitoring, early warning, and prevention measures are also presented. Firstly, by combining theoretical research with specific technologies and engineering field cases, the main categories and failure mechanisms of rockburst, coal bumps and mine earthquakes are introduced. Then, the evaluation indexes of coal bump and mine earthquake are summarized, and a new evaluation index of rockburst is given. Finally, the characteristics of monitoring, early warning technologies and prevention methods of rockburst, coal bumps, and mine earthquakes are discussed in technology and application. At last, the future directions of rockburst, coal bump and mine earthquake are put forward.
... Conducting a co-occurrence analysis of research institutions offers valuable insights into the core research strengths within a particular field and enables a scientific evaluation of the academic impact of these institutions [20][21][22]. In Figure 3B, we present the top ten research institutions globally in terms of the number of articles published, shedding light on their pivotal role in the field of TBM performance research. ...
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This study employs scientometric analysis to investigate the current trajectory of research on tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance and collaborative efforts. Utilizing software tools like Pajek 5.16 and VOSviewer 1.6.18, it scrutinizes literature from 2000 to 2021 sourced from the Web of Science (WOS). The findings illuminate TBM research as an interdisciplinary and intersectoral field attracting increasing national and institutional attention. Notable contributions from China, Iran, the United States, Turkey, and Australia underscore the global significance of TBM research. The recent upsurge in annual publications, primarily driven by Chinese research initiatives, reflects a renewed vigor in TBM exploration. Additionally, the paper presents a succinct evaluation of TBM advantages and drawbacks compared to conventional drill and blast methods, discussing key considerations in excavation methodology selection. Moreover, the study comprehensively reviews TBM performance prediction models, categorizing them into theoretical, empirical, and artificial intelligence-driven approaches. Finally, rooted in metaverse theory, the discourse delves into the immersive learning model and the architecture of a TBM metaverse. In the future, the immersive training and learning model diagram can be employed in scenarios such as employee training and the promotion of safety knowledge. Additionally, the TBM metaverse architecture can simulate, monitor, diagnose, predict, and control the organization, management, and service processes and behaviors of TBMs. This will enhance efficient collaboration across various aspects of the project production cycle. This forward-looking perspective anticipates future trends in TBM technology, emphasizing societal impact and enhancement of economic benefits.
... Traditional methods for predicting rock bursts rely on empirical observations, geological surveys, and numerical modeling techniques, which often lack accuracy and fail to capture complex patterns in the data [5]. The shortcomings of these methods are the reliance on simplifying assumptions and the inability to capture complex interactions between various factors. ...
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Rock bursts represent a formidable challenge in underground engineering, posing substantial risks to both infrastructure and human safety. These sudden and violent failures of rock masses are characterized by the rapid release of accumulated stress within the rock, leading to severe seismic events and structural damage. Therefore, the development of reliable prediction models for rock bursts is paramount to mitigating these hazards. This study aims to propose a tree-based model—a Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM)—to predict the intensity of rock bursts in underground engineering. 322 actual rock burst cases are collected to constitute an exhaustive rock burst dataset, which serves to train the LightGBM model. Two population-based metaheuristic algorithms are used to optimize the hyperparameters of the LightGBM model. Finally, the sensitivity analysis is used to identify the predominant factors that may incur the occurrence of rock bursts. The results show that the population-based metaheuristic algorithms have a good ability to search out the optimal hyperparameters of the LightGBM model. The developed LightGBM model yields promising performance in predicting the intensity of rock bursts, with which accuracy on training and testing sets are 0.972 and 0.944, respectively. The sensitivity analysis discloses that the risk of occurring rock burst is significantly sensitive to three factors: uniaxial compressive strength (σc), stress concentration factor (SCF), and elastic strain energy index (Wet). Moreover, this study clarifies the particular impact of these three factors on the intensity of rock bursts through the partial dependence plot.
... is of great significance [4][5][6]. In the future, the development of geothermal energy will tend to develop and utilize deep geothermal energy and high-temperature magma energy and gradually focus on the comprehensive utilization of geothermal heating, refrigeration, hot springs, and bathhouses [7][8][9][10]. ...
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Rock burst, an important kind of geological disaster, often occurs in underground construction. Rock burst risk assessment, as an important part of engineering risk assessment, cannot be ignored. Liquid nitrogen fracturing is a new technology used in the geological, oil, and gas industries to enhance productivity. It involves injecting liquid nitrogen into reservoir rocks to induce fractures and increase permeability, effectively reducing rock burst occurrences and facilitating the flow of oil or gas toward the wellbore. The research on rock burst risk assessment technology is the basis of reducing rock burst geological disasters, which has important theoretical and practical significance. This article examines the temperature treatment of two types of rocks at 25 °C, 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, and 400 °C, followed by immersion in a liquid nitrogen tank. The temperature difference between the liquid nitrogen and the rocks may trigger rock bursting. The research focused on analyzing various characteristics of rock samples when exposed to liquid nitrogen. This included studying the stress–strain curve, elastic modulus, strength, cross-section analysis, wave velocity, and other relevant aspects. Under the influence of high temperature and a liquid nitrogen jet, the wave velocity of rocks often changes. The structural characteristics and possible hidden dangers of rocks can be understood more comprehensively through section scanning analysis. The stress–strain curve describes the deformation and failure behavior of rocks under different stress levels, which can help to evaluate their stability and structural performance. The investigation specifically focused on the behavior of rocks subjected to high temperatures and liquid nitrogen. By analyzing the stress–strain curves, researchers were able to identify the precursors and deformation processes that occur before significant deformation or failure. These findings have implications for the mechanical properties and stability of the rocks.
... One of the main risks to worker safety in deep shaft mines is the rapid, unpredictable, and hazardous nature of rockbursts, which makes mining safe and effective difficult [1]. Numerous countries' deep shaft mines have reported experiencing rockburst events since the first rockburst phenomenon was documented in the Altenbergtin mine in Germany [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The mechanism and classification of rockbursts are expressed in Figure 1. ...
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The rapidly expanding area of rockburst prediction has drawn a lot of interest because of its enormous potential to lower the risk of engineering disasters, enhance mine production safety, and protect employee lives. Consequently, the goal of this research is to forecast the rockburst intensity class for the prediction objective by optimizing four single machine learning models (SVM, DT, CNN, and RF) utilizing fifteen optimization algorithms (Bayes, SSA, DBO, SCA, SA, PSO, SO, POA, GWO, IGWO, AVOA, CSA, GTO, NGO, and WSO). The hybrid models were trained using a ten-fold cross-validation, and each hybrid model's performance was examined statistically. The SMOTE method then oversampled the original dataset in order to examine how the data equalization issue affected the hybrid models. The findings demonstrate that, in the original dataset, all optimization strategies increase the accuracy of the DT, CNN, and RF models; however, the balanced original dataset has a greater impact on the SVM models. And once the dataset is balanced, every optimization algorithm improves the accuracy of the SVM model and decreases the accuracy of the DT model; however, for the CNN and RF models, the majority of optimization algorithms improve the accuracy while only a small percentage of them do the opposite. An essential reference value for the development of later rock burst prediction models is provided by this study.
Rockburst is one of the most hazardous geological disasters in underground engineering due to its complex causes and destructive nature. To address this, there is an imperative for methodologies that can predict rockbursts quickly and effectively to mitigate preemptively the risks and damages. In this study, 259 rockburst instances were analyzed, employing six rockburst feature parameters: maximum tangential stress (σθ), uniaxial compressive strength of rock (σc), uniaxial tensile strength of rock (σt), stress coefficient (σθ/σt), rock brittleness coefficient (σc/σt), and elastic energy index (Wet) as inputs. By integrating three novel meta-heuristic algorithms—dingo optimization algorithm (DOA), osprey optimization algorithm (OOA), and rime-ice optimization algorithm (RIME)—with support vector machine (SVM), hybrid models for long-term rockburst trend prediction were constructed. Performance evaluations through fivefold cross-validation revealed that for the no rockbursts, DOA–SVM (Pop = 200) demonstrated superior predictive performance, achieving an accuracy of 0.9808, precision of 0.9231, recall of 1, and an F1-score of 0.96. For moderate rockbursts, OOA–SVM (Pop = 100) emerged as the most effective, registering an accuracy of 0.9808, precision of 0.9545, recall of 1, and an F1-score of 0.9767. For light and severe rockbursts, DOA–SVM, OOA–SVM, and RIME–SVM showcased comparable predictive outcomes. However, these hybrid models outperformed traditional SVM models optimized with conventional algorithms in terms of accuracy across all rockburst hazard levels. Moreover, the hybrid models underwent additional validation with a new dataset of 20 rockburst instances collected globally, confirming their robust efficacy and exceptional generalization capabilities. An ensuing analysis using local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) on the six key feature parameters revealed a significant positive correlation between σθ and Wet with the severity of rockbursts. These results not only affirm the superior optimization performance of the DOA, OOA, and RIME algorithms but also their substantial potential to enhance the predictive accuracy of machine learning models in forecasting long-term rockbursts.
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The technological difficulties related with blasting operations have become increasingly significant. It is crucial to give due consideration to the evaluation of rock fragmentation and the threats posed by environmental effect of blasting (EEB). To address these challenges, numerous scholars have conducted extensive research employing various assessment techniques with the aim of mitigating risks and preventing the emergence of unfavorable EEB. The occurrence of EEB is prevalent during the excavation of hard rock, and it presents significant hazards to personnel safety, equipment integrity, and operational continuity. Therefore, conducting a systematic review of EEB is of utmost importance as it enables a comprehensive understanding of the contributing factors. Such an understanding plays a vital role in advancing EEB prediction and prevention methods. The careful selection of an appropriate EEB assessment method is a crucial aspect of blasting operations. However, there is a lack of comprehensive discussions on the applications of machine learning (ML) and optimization algorithms (OA) in addressing various EEB. Only a limited number of papers have briefly touched upon this topic. Therefore, the primary objective of this paper is to bridge this gap by conducting an analysis of global trends using CiteSpace and VOSviewer software from the year 2000 onwards. It comprehensively explores EEB classification and definition, encompassing air overpressure (AOp), ground vibration, dust, backbreak, flyrock, and rock fragmentation. Furthermore, the paper provides a compendium of the most recent ML and OA prediction techniques used to addresses EEB. Finally, the paper concludes by proposing future directions for exploring innovative approaches that combine data-driven ML techniques with knowledge-based or physics-based methods. Such integration has the potential to mitigate hazards during blasting operations and reduce the likelihood of unfavorable EEB occurrences.
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Rockburst is a frequent challenge during tunnel and other underground construction and is an extreme rock damage phenomenon. Therefore, it is very crucial to accurately estimate the damage potential of rockburst events. Microseismic (MS) monitoring can be used to obtain the relevant MS parameters for short-term rockburst prediction in real time that reflect the evolution of short-term rockburst. In this study, short-term rockburst potential data containing 7 MS parameters (cumulative number of events, cumulative released energy, cumulative apparent volume, event rate, energy rate, apparent volume rate, and incubation time) and 91 rockburst events (none rockburst, low rockburst, moderate rockburst, and high rockburst) were collected from the Jinping Hydropower Station diversion tunnel project in China. The objective of this paper is to propose an ensemble learning (EML) model based on the LévyFlight-Jaya optimization (LFJaya) and fivefold cross-validation (CV) method to achieve an accurate prediction of short-term rockburst damage potential using MS information. The EML consists of light gradient boosting machine (LGBM), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), and logistic regression (LR), with seven MS parameters as the EML inputs and four rockburst levels as target variables. 70% and 30% of the cases were randomly selected for training and testing, respectively. Five metrics (accuracy, kappa, precision, recall, and F1-score) and nonparametric statistical tests were used to evaluate the performance of the model. It can be observed from the results of this study that the proposed EML has a higher test accuracy (89.29%) than the multiple base classifiers used in the study. With the use of the ensemble model, the decision boundary becomes more precise and overfitting is significantly improved. Additionally, the internal decision-making process of EML was elucidated through an analysis of the model parameters using SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) and Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME). It was discovered that the cumulative released energy, the number of MS events, and the cumulative apparent volume (which reflects the number and strength of rock fractures) exert a significant influence on the prediction of short-term rockburst potential. Finally, developed graphical user interface (GUI) accurately predicted six instances of rockburst in the deeply buried tunnel of Jinping. Verification results indicated that the proposed EML exhibits strong generalization and can effectively utilize MS information to achieve precise short-term rockburst potential predictions.
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Rockburst is a difficult problem in underground resource development and infrastructure construction. With scientific and technological progress, more research technologies and methods to prevent rockburst have been proposed and applied. Research content has become more comprehensive, and positive progress and achievements have been made. However, due to the complexity of rockburst control factors and the sudden occurrence of rockburst, the occurrence mechanism and accurate prediction of occurrence intensity and time are still difficult worldwide problems. In this paper, the research development and achievements of rockburst are reviewed. Firstly, various definitions and types of rockburst are briefly summarized. Then, research progress and achievements in four aspects are comprehensively reviewed, including methods and techniques of rockburst research (theoretical research, numerical simulation, physical model tests and in situ monitoring), mechanism of rockburst, classification and prediction of rockburst (empirical criteria, in situ monitoring, mathematical model approaches and rockburst chart) and prevention and control of rockburst. Of particular significance is that the classification and prediction with prevention and control are summarized in detail. Finally, limitations, deficiencies and some promising directions for future research are listed.
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In the context of complex geological environments, coal burst liability (CBL) evaluation struggles with uncertainty and fuzziness of indices and with obtaining satisfactory accuracy. Therefore, an improved connection cloud model (ICCM) is proposed for CBL evaluation based on set pair analysis referring to four indices. The numerical characteristics of the ICCM, namely expectation (Ex), entropy (En), hyper-entropy (He) and parameter (f), were determined by set pair analysis and classification standards. Then, the index measurement-based entropy weight method and the analysis hierarchy process (AHP) were used to measure clearly the importance of each index. Finally, Euclidean distance was employed to classify the CBL objectively, making full use of the valuable information mined from the data. An updated CBL database (of 147 data records) was constructed to validate the potential of the proposed algorithm for CBL classification. Additionally, a graphical user interface was developed to make the CBL evaluation visible. The classification metrics of the ICCM, i.e., accuracy and Kappa coefficient, were 0.88 and 0.772, respectively, which were better than those of the other conventional uncertainty methods. The results reveal that the proposed ICCM is a prospective tool for uncertainty information treatment and subjectivity removal in the field of coal burst control.
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The occurrence of rockburst can cause significant disasters in underground rock engineering. It is crucial to predict and prevent rockburst in deep tunnels and mines. In this paper, the deficiencies of ensemble learning algorithms in rockburst prediction were investigated. Aiming at these shortages, a novel machine learning model, deep forest, was proposed to predict rockburst risk. The deep forest combines the characteristics of deep learning and ensemble models, which can solve complex problems. To develop the deep forest model for rockburst prediction, 329 real rockburst cases were collected to build a comprehensive database for intelligent analysis. Bayesian optimization was proposed to tune the hyperparameters of the deep forest. As a result, the deep forest model achieved 100% training accuracy and 92.4% testing accuracy, and it has more outstanding capability to forecast rockburst disasters compared to other widely used models (i.e., random forest, boosting tree models, neural network, support vector machine, etc.). The results of sensitivity analysis revealed the impact of variables on rockburst levels and the applicability of deep forest with a few input parameters. Eventually, real cases of rockburst in two gold mines, China, were used for validation purposes while the needed data sets were prepared by field observations and laboratory tests. The promoting results of the developed model during the validation phase confirm that it can be used with a high level of accuracy by practicing engineers for predicting rockburst occurrences.
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Sarcoidosis is a rare multisystem granulomatous disease traditionally considered to be of unknown etiology. The notion that sarcoidosis has no known cause is called into question with the increasing number of case reports and epidemiologic studies showing associations between occupational exposures and disease published in the past 10–20 years. Occupational exposures for which associations are strongest and most consistent are silica and other inorganic dusts, World Trade Center (WTC) dust, and metals. Occupations identified as at‐risk for sarcoidosis include construction workers; iron‐foundry and diatomaceous earth workers; WTC emergency responders; and metal workers. We report here 12 cases of sarcoidosis in a cohort of hard‐rock miners in Northern Ontario, Canada. To our knowledge sarcoidosis has not been reported previously in hard‐rock miners. The cases are all male and Caucasian, with average age 74 years. At the time of diagnosis, two were never smokers; six, former smokers; and four, current smokers. Five have extrapulmonary sarcoidosis: two cardiac and three endocrine (hypercalciuria). Using occupational histories and air sampling data from the gold, uranium, and base‐metal mines in which they worked, we examined exposure of each case to respirable crystalline silica (RCS). The annual mean RCS exposure for the 12 cases was 0.14 mg/m3 (range: 0.06–1.3 mg/m3); and the mean cumulative RCS exposure was 1.93 mg/m3 years (range: 0.64–4.03 mg/m3 years). We also considered their exposure to McIntyre Powder, an aluminum powder used for silicosis prophylaxis.
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Rockburst is a severe geological hazard that restricts deep mine operations and tunnel constructions. To overcome the shortcomings of widely used algorithms in rockburst prediction, this study investigates the ensemble trees, i.e., random forest (RF), extremely randomized tree (ET), adaptive boosting machine (AdaBoost), gradient boosting machine, extreme gradient boosting machine (XGBoost), light gradient boosting machine, and category gradient boosting machine, for rockburst estimation based on 314 real rockburst cases. Additionally, Bayesian optimization is utilized to optimize these ensemble trees. To improve performance, three combination strategies, voting, bagging, and stacking, are adopted to combine multiple models according to training accuracy. ET and XGBoost receive the best capabilities (85.71% testing accuracy) in single models, and except for AdaBoost, six ensemble trees have high accuracy and can effectively foretell strong rockburst to prevent large-scale underground disasters. The combination models generated by voting, bagging, and stacking perform better than single models, and the voting 2 model that combines XGBoost, ET, and RF with simple soft voting, is the most outstanding (88.89% testing accuracy). The performed sensitivity analysis confirms that the voting 2 model has better robustness than single models and has remarkable adaptation and superiority when input parameters vary or miss, and it has more power to deal with complex and variable engineering environments. Eventually, the rockburst cases in Sanshandao Gold Mine, China, were investigated, and these data verify the practicability of voting 2 in field rockburst prediction.
Coal burst is a catastrophic event that induced by a large variety of certainty and uncertainty factors, and many methods have been proposed to evaluate the risk of this hazard. Conventional evaluation models or empirical criteria are influenced by the complex modelling process or undesirable accuracy. In this study, a total of 147 groups of coal burst records were used to establish the empirical classification model based on elastic energy index (Wet) and impact energy index (Kc). The classification boundaries of coal burst liabilities (CBLs), which was fitted to quantitatively analyze the risk level, and its distribution characteristics are displayed on 2D chart using Kriging method. Additionally, 43 groups of test samples were collected to further validate the reliability of the constructed spatial interpolation model. The results revealed that the classification performance of Kriging model outperforms other uncertainty-based method with accuracy 91%. It can be a valuable and helpful tool for designers to conduct the geological hazard prevention and initial design.
Rockburst prediction is of vital significance to the design and construction of underground hard rock mines. A rockburst database consisting of 102 case histories, i.e., 1998–2011 period data from 14 hard rock mines was examined for rockburst prediction in burst-prone mines by three tree-based ensemble methods. The dataset was examined with six widely accepted indices which are: the maximum tangential stress around the excavation boundary (MTS), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and uniaxial tensile strength (UTS) of the intact rock, stress concentration factor (SCF), rock brittleness index (BI), and strain energy storage index (EEI). Two boosting (AdaBoost.M1, SAMME) and bagging algorithms with classification trees as baseline classifier on ability to learn rockburst were evaluated. The available dataset was randomly divided into training set (2/3 of whole datasets) and testing set (the remaining datasets). Repeated 10-fold cross validation (CV) was applied as the validation method for tuning the hyper-parameters. The margin analysis and the variable relative importance were employed to analyze some characteristics of the ensembles. According to 10-fold CV, the accuracy analysis of rockburst dataset demonstrated that the best prediction method for the potential of rockburst is bagging when compared to AdaBoost.M1, SAMME algorithms and empirical criteria methods.
Microseismic location systems tend to be high-speed and precise. However, the requirement of high precision tends to slow down the calculation speed. Fortunately, metaheuristics are able to alleviate this problem. In this research, metaheuristic algorithms are used to improve the performance of cross-correlation stacking (CCS). CCS has able to provide excellent location accuracy as it uses more information in the entire waveform for location. However, this method often requires more calculation time due to its complex mathematical modeling. To overcome this problem, various metaheuristic algorithms (i.e. moth flame optimization (MFO), ant lion optimization (ALO) and grey wolf optimization (GWO)) have been used to improve CCS. It has been found that appropriate control parameters can improve the metaheuristic algorithm performance manyfold. So, these control parameters have been adjusted based on three different perspectives, i.e. success rate (SR), computational efficiency and convergence performance. The results show that these models are able to provide better location efficiency compared to the full grid search (FGS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) based on ensuring good location accuracy. It is also found that MFO is significantly better than the other metaheuristic algorithms. In addition, the superiority of CCS over traditional location methods is verified through comprehensive tests, and the influence of the speed model and the number of sensors on the location performance of CCS was tested.
The rockburst prediction becomes more and more challenging due to the development of deep underground projects and constructions. Increasing numbers of intelligent algorithms are used to predict and prevent rockburst. This paper investigated the drawbacks of neural networks in rockburst prediction, and aimed at these shortcomings, Bayesian optimization and the synthetic minority oversampling technique+Tomek Link (SMOTETomek) were applied to efficiently develop the feedforward neural network (FNN) model for rockburst prediction. In this regard, 314 real rockburst cases were collected to establish a database for modeling. The database was divided into a training set (80%) and a test set (20%). The maximum tangential stress, uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength, stress ratio, brittleness ratio, and elastic strain energy were selected as input parameters. Bayesian optimization was implemented to find the optimal hyperparameters in FNN. To eliminate the effects of imbalanced category, SMOTETomek was adopted to process the training set to obtain a balanced training set. The FNN developed by the balanced training set received 90.48% accuracy in the test set, and the accuracy improved 12.7% compared to the imbalanced training set. For interpreting the FNN model, the permutation importance algorithm was introduced to analyze the relative importance of input variables. The elastic strain energy was the most essential variable, and some measures were proposed to prevent rockburst. To validate the practicability, the FNN developed by the balanced training set was utilized to predict rockburst in Sanshandao Gold Mine, China, and it had outstanding performance (accuracy 100%).