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Optimising shared electric mobility hubs: Insights from performance analysis and factors influencing riding demand



In order to decarbonise the transport networks, systemic change is needed. One manifestation of this transformation is shared electric mobility, seeking to curtail car usage and ownership. This current case study aims to measure and optimise the operational performance of shared electric mobility hubs (eHUBs). From the performance results of eHUBs, one can get helpful insights to develop appropriate future planning and management policies for improving the transport chain. Incorporating data from September 2021 to October 2022, this research developed a novel dynamic two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) framework to assess the performance of the eHUB network in Inverness, Scotland. In the first stage, the DEA model computes relative efficiency scores related to the operational performance of the stations. The second stage focuses on network analysis and examining the factors that may influence the high or low obtained performance scores. Scrupulous analysis shows that the population in the catchment area of the eHUBs and the weather conditions (specifically, temperature) are among the most important factors influencing riding demand. The study also finds a weak association between eHUBs efficiency and proximity to public transport stops, suggesting that electric-assist bikes (e-bikes, pedelecs) may not strongly complement public transport, unlike bike-sharing systems. It indicates that e-bikes serve rather as a standalone mode for longer journeys. The findings of the case study can be used to improve sustainable mobility strategies, particularly related to e-bikes in other cities and urban areas.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
Available online 22 July 2023
2213-624X/© 2023 World Conference on Transport Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Optimising shared electric mobility hubs: Insights from performance
analysis and factors inuencing riding demand
Keyvan Hosseini , Agnieszka Stefaniec , Margaret OMahony , Brian Cauleld
Trinity Centre for Transport Research, Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Shared mobility
Electric mobility
Mobility hubs
E-bike sharing system
Data envelopment analysis
In order to decarbonise the transport networks, systemic change is needed. One manifestation of this trans-
formation is shared electric mobility, seeking to curtail car usage and ownership. This current case study aims to
measure and optimise the operational performance of shared electric mobility hubs (eHUBs). From the perfor-
mance results of eHUBs, one can get helpful insights to develop appropriate future planning and management
policies for improving the transport chain. Incorporating data from September 2021 to October 2022, this
research developed a novel dynamic two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) framework to assess the per-
formance of the eHUB network in Inverness, Scotland. In the rst stage, the DEA model computes relative ef-
ciency scores related to the operational performance of the stations. The second stage focuses on network
analysis and examining the factors that may inuence the high or low obtained performance scores. Scrupulous
analysis shows that the population in the catchment area of the eHUBs and the weather conditions (specically,
temperature) are among the most important factors inuencing riding demand. The study also nds a weak
association between eHUBs efciency and proximity to public transport stops, suggesting that electric-assist
bikes (e-bikes, pedelecs) may not strongly complement public transport, unlike bike-sharing systems. It in-
dicates that e-bikes serve rather as a standalone mode for longer journeys. The ndings of the case study can be
used to improve sustainable mobility strategies, particularly related to e-bikes in other cities and urban areas.
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Adopting sharing economy solutions, which emphasise possessing
less and sharing more, is one of the key strategies to tackle over-
consumption, achieving sustainability, and mitigating emissions
(Schanes et al., 2016; Miramontes et al., 2017). Shared mobility is rec-
ognised as a sharing solution to substitute for private automobility in the
transportation sector (Sopjani et al., 2020; Coenegrachts et al., 2021;
Della Mura et al., 2022). This substitution may decrease trafc congestion
osehans et al., 2021) and, if electried, can contribute positively to
reducing air pollution (Machado et al., 2018) and GHG emissions (Martin
and Shaheen, 2016; Cauleld and Kehoe, 2021) in urban settlements.
Shared mobility can also be a benecial tool for the progressive redis-
tribution of wealth to the more vulnerable parts of society underserved by
existing transport provisions (Hosseini and Stefaniec, 2023).
Shared mobility hubs are increasingly gaining popularity and in-
vestment at research and policy levels (Rongen et al., 2022). These hubs
offer integrated multimodal shared transport services and facilitate
intermodal transfers by providing an array of mobility options in prox-
imity (Miramontes et al., 2017). What distinguishes them from free-
oating car-sharing and bike-sharing systems is the specic geograph-
ical location of a hub, making multimodal trips more convenient and
creating a sense of a designated place for travel. A xed site can also
provide a suitable location for installing charging infrastructure where
shared electric vehicles can be recharged while parked (Liao and Cor-
reia, 2022).
Whether the added value of multimodal hubs is abundant (B¨
et al., 2023) or insubstantial compared to the monomodal car-sharing
scheme (Claasen, 2020), its potential to replace private car trips
should not be underestimated (ITF, 2018). This research focuses on
shared electric mobility hubs (eHUBs), which are on-street locations that
simultaneously build on multimodal and electric mobility services. As an
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K. Hosseini), (A. Stefaniec), (M. OMahony), brian.cauleld@ (B. Cauleld).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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journal homepage:
Received 17 January 2023; Received in revised form 19 July 2023; Accepted 21 July 2023
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
innovative pilot low-carbon mobility project, the eHUBS project
to deploy various electric micro-mobility options, such as e-bikes, e-
cargo bikes, and e-scooters. Currently, pilot eHUB networks are oper-
ating in ten cities in Europe. The goal of pilot projects such as the eHUBS
project is to modify mobility behaviour in society by replacing private
car trips with trips made by electric and micro-mobility means of
This work offers a unique framework for evaluating shared electric
mobility hubs and e-bike sharing systems. The presented analysis in this
research is informative in that it assesses the eHUB network by inves-
tigating multiple indicators, which recognises efciency improvement
directions within the mobility sector. The performance of eHUBs is
examined over 12 months extending the analysis to incorporate the time
factor. Furthermore, this study is the rst to measure the performance of
an e-bike sharing system using a data envelopment analysis (DEA)
framework and explore the factors inuencing the obtained efciency
scores. The dynamic slacks-based measure DEA approach (SBM) is
selected as a suitable model to provide an informative and compre-
hensive picture of the eHUB system, which can assist mobility decision-
makers in future developments and rearrangements. additionally, this
study contributes to a topical issue, given the concerted efforts made by
many governments towards shared mobility and electrifying trans-
portation. While policymakers are often sceptical about the outcomes of
the untested new forms of mobility, this research provides evidence for
the effective implementation of eHUB networks. Through these im-
provements and implications, the transport chain can advance toward
implementing challenging goals of climate neutrality and reducing pri-
vate car usage and ownership.
1.2. Previous work
The transportation sector serves as the backbone of the modern
economy. Due to its massive energy consumption, waste production, and
emission generation, it is necessary to appraise the efciency and sus-
tainability of different segments and aspects of this sector. Since DEAs
inception, dozens of studies have utilised it to estimate efciency and
sustainability in different parts of the transportation sector (Cavaignac
and Petiot, 2017). DEA has been applied for the sustainability assess-
ment of various transport case studies within a country (Chuti-
phongdech and Vongsaroj, 2022; Gandhi et al., 2022; Stefaniec et al.,
2020) and between several countries (Güner, 2021; Stefaniec et al.,
2021). In relation to the public transport domain, Cauleld et al. (2013)
employed DEA as an appraisal tool to examine optimal public transport
investment strategies. Suguiy et al. (2020) considered the quality of
service, satisfaction of the passengers, and operation efciency index to
measure the performance of the public transport network in 50 Brazilian
cities by using DEA. Including daily shared-bicycle ridership and the
number of shared-bicycle stations as indicators in their proposed DEA
framework, Tamakloe et al. (2021) analysed transit-oriented develop-
ment in Seoul.
Tavassoli et al. (2014) proposed a model based on the SBM to analyse
the technical efciency and service effectiveness of 11 Iranian airlines.
Gong et al. (2019) utilised an SBM-based model to compare 26 major
shipping companies. Tomikawa and Goto (2022) measured the ef-
ciency of the Japanese railway system before and after privatisation by
combining both radial and nonradial DEA. Using SBM, Quintano et al.
(2020) assessed the eco-efciency of 24 ports in Europe. In line with
other studies (Rashidi and Cullinane, 2019; Liu et al., 2017; Lee et al.,
2014; Cook et al., 2013), they conrmed that outcomes generated from
SBM are more precise and reliable compared to radial DEA models when
dealing with complex case studies. To effectively deal with complex
dynamic applications (when the system runs over separated time
periods), Tone and Tsutsui (2010) introduced the dynamic SBM model,
which investigates and evaluates DMUs in separated periods.
A few research papers also concentrate on the performance mea-
surement of shared mobility in urban settlements from different points
of view. Focusing on the efciency evaluation of Malm¨
os public bike-
sharing stations and their determinants, Caggiani et al. (2021)
employed DEA to identify the best-performing stations in the system. In
their model, they considered the usage trends of each station as outputs
and the characteristics of stations are among their inputs. They
concluded that their outcomes could assist service planners in reallo-
cating existing resources in the bike-sharing system. The turnover rate of
bike-sharing stations is dened as both the daily number of bikes rented
from a station divided by the same stations capacity and the daily
number of bikes returned to a station over the same stations capacity
enez et al., 2016). Aiming to improve the efciency of the bike-
sharing system in Seoul, Hong et al. (2020) utilised turnover rate and
balancing rate as outputs in their two-stage DEA-based framework. Also,
the number of bicycle racks and the ratio between the bicycle paths and
vehicle lanes are selected as inputs. They mentioned their short study
period (one month) as the main limitation of their work. In an effort to
reduce the occurrence of accidents involving micro-mobility, Prencipe
et al. (2022) employed input-oriented radial DEA to assess the safety of
urban areas. Their study was conducted in the city of Bari, Italy and
involved the consideration of various inputs including population size,
number of educational institutions, hospitals, and bus stops.
Apart from DEA, a number of studies explored electric micro-
mobility from diverse angles, using different analytical tools. For
instance, Bardi et al. (2019) constructed an ordered probit model to
identify the determinants of satisfaction levels and usage patterns in e-
bike sharing systems. De Kruijf et al. (2021) employed binary regression
analysis to investigate the relationship between e-cycling and weather
conditions in Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands. They concluded that e-
bike trips decrease at higher air temperatures. Noland (2021) analyzed
the effect of weather conditions on three shared micro-mobility modes,
namely e-scooters, e-bikes, and bicycles, in Austin, Texas, using Prais-
Winsten regression analysis. The author noted that higher average
temperatures increase the duration and distance of e-bike travel, while
lower temperatures, rain, and wind have an adverse effect on e-cycling.
1.3. Structure of the paper
The central aim of the current study is to provide quantitative
empirical evidence to handle policy-related concerns on the adoption of
shared mobility. This work develops an evaluation framework to mea-
sure the relative efciency of the eHUBs and identify the factors which
determine their performance to assist local authorities in the future
planning and management of these sites.
The rest of the research paper is organised as follows. Section 2
presents the methodology. Section 3 describes the case study, dataset,
our new proposed framework, and variables. Section 4 interprets the
studys outcomes and discusses key factors inuencing the operational
performance of eHUBs. Section 5 concludes the paper and provides
recommendations for policymakers.
2. Methodology
To measure the performance of eHUBs, the current study employs
the SBM-DEA approach for the following reasons. DEA and stochastic
frontier analysis (SFA) are two well-established quantitative approaches
for performance assessment. However, SFA, as a parametric method, is
suitable for single-output case studies. Thus, SFA is unt to appraise
complex systems such as the eHUB network when several outputs exist.
Conversely, as a nonparametric methodology, DEA can measure relative
performance in multi-input and/or multi-output cases (Wu et al., 2016).
Charnes et al. (1978) introduced radial DEA to measure the productivity
of the decision making units (DMUs). DEA is able to produce a single
eHUBS project website:
K. Hosseini et al.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
measure of performance for each DMU with multiple inputs consumed
to produce multiple outputs. It should be noted that DEA is a relative
efciency appraisal model. This means that DEA can assist decision-
makers in learning how well a DMU performs compared to its peers.
2.1. Dynamic slacks-based measure approach
Tone (2001) developed the nonradial efciency measure in DEA
called SBM. Unlike the radial model, the SBM model deals concurrently
with the input surpluses and the output shortfalls. The inefciency
components called slack variables are deducted from the unity, giving
each DMU a performance score (Tomikawa and Goto, 2022). In addi-
tion, SBM possesses greater discriminatory power than radial models to
rank DMUs (Rashidi and Cullinane, 2019). There are n DMUs that utilise
input X= (xij) Rm×n and output Y= (yij) Rs×n. The SBM method-
ology is unit-invariant and also monotone decreasing in each slack of
input s
i(i=1,,m) and output s+
r (r=1,,s) that represent input
surplus and output shortfall, respectively.
Based on the technology set, the relative efciency of the focal DMUo
may be generated from the linear program. We select output-oriented
SBM to calculate the operational performance scores of eHUBs, since
it is assumed that the regulators wish to enhance the electric mobility
system output and maximize prot. The efciency score of DMUo under
the constant returns to scale assumption is obtained by:
yro)s.t.xio =
A DMU is classied as SBM-output-efcient if the value of
o is equal
to unity. That is equivalent to having output slacks of size zero. The
model enables us to obtain projections onto the frontier for inefcient
DMUs. Based on the optimal solutions for λ*, s*, and s+*, the input
surplus and output deciency are computed.
To demonstrate the changes in performance over time, we apply the
modied dynamic SBM to measure the performance of each station
during each month of the 12-month sample. The selected input and
output are computed in T periods indexed t=1,,T. DMUs, indicators,
and parameters are identied by subscript or superscript t, which relates
them to the term. The model does not consider any additional carry-over
activities due to the absence of link indicators in the eHUB system
dataset. The dynamic system possibility set is dened as follows:
The output-oriented efciency
ot for period t can be computed from
the program below (Tone and Tsutsui, 2010):
yrot)],s.t.xiot =
it (i=1,,m;t
=1,,T),yrot =
rt (r=1,,s;t=1,,T),λt
it 0(∀i,t),s+
rt 0(∀r,t).
Because of the reciprocal of
ot, the output efciency score ranges
between zero and unity. To calculate the SBM estimates, we employ
R software.
2.2. Network representation
Network analysis is a tool that detects patterns in complex systems
such as bike-sharing systems (Wu and Kim, 2020; Xin et al., 2022;
Builes-Jaramillo and Lotero, 2022) and thus suits our case study. A
representation of the network of eHUB stations was constructed as a
graph and visualised using open-source software Gephi version 0.9.7
(Gephi, 2022). The network consists of nodes that represent the eHUB
stations, and edges that link these stations. The network is directed,
meaning that the ow of e-bikes into and out of each station was taken
into account. Round trips were also included in the analysis, ensuring a
comprehensive view of network operation. The weight of the edge
represents the bidirectional ow between a pair of stations, while the
nodes weight reects the number of round trips. The distance between
stations was not considered in this analysis. To measure the connectivity
of the stations, a degree centrality metric was applied (Wu and Kim,
2020). It is the sum of the in, out, and round trips from and to a given
The application of network analysis provides a comprehensive un-
derstanding of the dynamics and usage patterns inherent to the eHUB
network. It offers a clear depiction of the systems key strengths and
weaknesses, guiding future enhancement and effective planning for the
service providers. For instance, identifying the most active stations or
routes can provide insights for potential infrastructure upgrades or more
efcient redistribution of e-bikes across the network.
3. Case study
3.1. Study area
This case study develops a framework to evaluate the operational
performance of eHUB networks. The proposed framework is based on
dynamic DEA, which can compare units that utilise and produce the
same sets of inputs and outputs. The method is applied to evaluate the
performance of the eHUB system in Inverness (known as Hi-Bike In-
verness, developed by HITRANS company) covering the 12 months of
operation from its inception in October 2021 to September 2022. During
the study period, the network offered only one type of electric vehicle: e-
Inverness, the capital of the Scottish Highlands, is home to almost
50,000 inhabitants (The Scottish Government, 2022). By the end of
September 2022, there were three docking eHUBs in Inverness: Inver-
ness Campus, Inverness Railway station, and NatureScot Great Glen
House station (See Fig. 1). A docking eHUB has physical docks available,
and e-bikes can recharge their batteries there (Fig. 2). The Inverness
Campus station is situated nearby several higher education institutes.
Inverness Railway is located close to the central transit node of the city,
and NatureScot Great Glen House is in proximity to a large business
centre. Also, Inverness had three virtual (dockless) eHUBs available:
Eden Court Theatre station, Inverness Leisure station, and Raigmore
Hospital station (Fig. 1). A virtual eHUB is a GPS-dened zone where e-
bikes can be taken out or returned to the system, but there are no
charging facilities. The system has another virtual station (School of
Forestry station), but we do not consider it in our DEA analysis because
of data inconsistency. The Eden Court Theatre station operates beside a
cultural centre. Inverness Leisure station is on the doorstep of a com-
munity sports centre, and Raigmore Hospital station is located within a
hospital area. This diversication in the locations of current stations can
offer helpful information about the impact of the surrounding vicinity on
the performance of each station and provide insights for choosing sites
for new stations.
3.2. Data description
For operational efciency measurement of eHUBs based on previous
literature and the available data, the capacity of each station at the
K. Hosseini et al.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
eHUB system is considered as the sole input (Fig. 3). The eHUB network
in Inverness utilises a eet of 30 e-bikes circulating across all stations.
Each virtual station accommodates up to six e-bikes, while each docking
station has a capacity for 15. Outputs include the turnover station rate
based on arrival, balancing station rate, and monthly total length of trips
per station (in km). The turnover station rate (TO) expresses the stations
popularity as a destination point. In other words, it shows how often the
capacity of an eHUB is used by riders. Jim´
enez et al. (2016) calculated it
as the total number of daily arrivals (AR
) to the station i divided by the
stations capacity (C
The balancing station rate (BL) demonstrates the daily average oc-
cupancy of each eHUB. It shows whether there is a balance between the
number of e-bikes taken out from a station and put into a station within a
day. It is dened as the ratio between daily departure (DP
) and daily
arrival (Hong et al., 2020) of e-bikes at each station in the eHUB
BLi=1 |DPiARi
Finally, to compute the monthly total length of trips per station (LT
in km, we multiply the number of monthly departures from station i by
the monthly average distance of the trips started from station i. A
summary of the descriptive statistics of the relevant data is shown in
Table 1. The current research used data from six operating eHUBs in
Inverness, covering the 12 months from October 2021 to September
2022. To evaluate the performance based on the proposed framework,
we treat each eHUB in a particular month as an eHUB-month unit;
hence, we have 72 DMUs. High construct validity is concluded for our
DEA model because the number of eHUB-month units meets the rule of
thumb (Hosseini and Steniec, 2019) that the number of DMUs should
be bigger than triple the number of variables used for the DEA analysis.
As shown in Table 1, the minimum amount of monthly total length of
trips per station travelled in the system is zero, which is the case for
Inverness Leisure station in December 2021. Tone (2002) mentioned
two possible reasons for a DMU, having an output of size zero. First, the
DMU may never produce that specic output during the studied period,
in which case the indicator must remain untouched (zero). Second, the
DMU can generate that output, but incidentally, its observed value is
Fig. 1. Map of the eHUB network in Inverness.
Fig. 2. Inverness Campus eHUB with physical docks and shared e-bikes. (Photo
credit: Highlands and Islands Enterprise). Reprinted with consent.
K. Hosseini et al.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
zero. In this case, we must change the amount of the variable from zero
to a small positive number (for instance, 0.1). December 2021 is the only
month in which the average trip distance from Inverness Leisure station
was zero. Thus, we adjusted the average distance for Inverness Leisure
station in December from zero to 0.1 (see Hosseini and Stefaniec, 2019
for an opposite case).
Moreover, correlation analysis for the selected indicators was also
calculated and is presented in Table 2. The correlation coefcients are
signicantly positive at the 1% level, showing that the indicators are
signicantly related and suitable for use in the proposed dynamic SBM
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Empirical results
The core target of this study is to propose a comparative framework
to measure the operational performance of electric shared mobility hubs
and to offer quantitative evidence-based responses to policy-related
questions on adoption of shared mobility. To compare the eHUBs on
the real dataset, one specic input and three specic outputs were used
in the dynamic SBM model (Equation (3). In this study, we focus on the
eHUB network in Inverness, and during the study period, that network
offered just one type of electric vehicle: e-bikes. Using the most recent
data from the eHUBs, this research develops a dynamic two-stage DEA
framework to profoundly explore this mobility service over 12 months.
The performance scores generated from our model represent how suc-
cessfully each eHUB in the network utilises available facilities.
Furthermore, these scores are relative, indicating the performance of
each station in comparison to its peers. Therefore, low average perfor-
mance scores do not represent the low performance of the whole system
but rather the low performance of some stations compared to others
within the network.
Table 3 reports the assessment outcomes generated from the pro-
posed dynamic framework. The operational performance scores, ranging
between 0 and 1, are used to rank the 72 eHUB-month units. In the
dynamic SBM model, DMUs obtaining a score of 1 are efcient. In
general, higher efciency values represent better performance among
the DMUs. In this way, our proposed model can distinguish among
DMUs to identify the better performers. In other words, the higher their
score, the more relatively efcient they are. Conversely, a lower score
means poorer relative performance. Using arithmetic means, we also
computed the average efciency score by stations and average monthly
efciency scores to obtain the ranking (Table 3).
The following conclusions can be extracted from Table 3. Out of the
72 station-month DMUs, three were relatively efcient: Inverness
Campus in October 2021 and September 2022, and Raigmore Hospital in
November 2021. This shows our proposed models high discriminatory
power, which can detect inefciencies in complex transportation sys-
tems such as an eHUB network. Although Inverness Railway was not
fully efcient during any month of the study period, it has the highest
average efciency performance among the eHUBs. The Inverness
Campus station obtained the second-highest average efciency score.
The rst two more relatively efcient stations are docking stations.
Raigmore Hospital station ranked as the third-best performer among all
stations and the most efcient virtual station. Two virtual stations, Eden
Court Theatre and Inverness Leisure, obtained lower efciency scores
than their peers and ranked fourth and fth, respectively. Finally,
NatureScot Great Glen House appeared to be the most inefcient station.
Moreover, looking at time periods, InvernesseHUB network per-
formed better in September 2022, November 2021, and August 2022
than in other studied months. The rst six months of running the project
happened during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the other half occurred
after the pandemic restrictions were lifted in Scotland. The average
performance score of eHUBs in the pandemic period was slightly lower
(0.339) than in the post-pandemic period (0.439), however, no statis-
tically signicant difference in performance was observed between the
means of the two periods based on the results of the T-test (Banker et al.,
2010). The eHUB network started operating in September 2021, which
might be a reason for slightly lower scores during the rst few months.
For an established shared mobility network, periods of pandemic could
elicit an increased demand for such services. Wang and Noland (2021)
suggest that when public apprehension and the imposition of social
distancing detrimentally affect public transportation usage (Sogbe,
2021), alternatives such as shared bikes and other shared micro-mobility
solutions can serve as suitable substitutes for private cars. They
demonstrate that these alternatives could potentially avoid the switch
Fig. 3. Illustration of the proposed dynamic framework.
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of inputs and outputs for the proposed performance mea-
surement model.
Min Max Mean Std. Dev.
Station capacity 6.000 15.000 10.500 4.532
Turnover rate 0.005 0.753 0.174 0.163
Balancing rate 0.333 1.000 0.870 0.141
Monthly total length of trips (km) 0.000 2049.520 359.309 468.487
Table 2
Spearman correlation coefcients matrix of indicators.
Monthly total
length of trips
Station capacity 1
Turnover rate
0.350 1
Balancing rate
0.365 1
Monthly total
length of trips
0.395 1
Correlation is signicant at 1%.
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Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
from public transportation to private automobility when possible similar
pandemics hit in future.
4.2. Exploring the inuencing factors
As an intricate system, the low or high efciency of the trans-
portation chain can stem from multiple reasons. To investigate how
factors outside the boundary of the eHUB system inuence the perfor-
mance scores, we perform a squared correlation analysis between ob-
tained scores and the number of factors. Previous research pointed out
weather conditions (De Kruijf et al., 2021; Noland, 2021), population in
the catchment area (Mateo-Babiano et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2019), and
proximity to the public transport network (McBain and Cauleld, 2018;
Oeschger et al., 2020; Caggiani et al., 2021) as factors which may have
inuence the demand for micro-mobility sharing systems.
To evaluate the impact of weather conditions on the performance of
these 72 eHUB-month DMUs in Inverness, we calculate the correlation
coefcient between average performance scores (Monthly) and several
meteorological indicators. These weather indicators presented in
Table 4 were compiled from the data collected by the nearest meteo-
rological station in Nairn (The Meteorological Ofce, 2023). These in-
dicators include monthly average temperature (C), maximum
temperature (C), minimum temperature (C), number of frost days,
amount of rainfall (mm), and number of sunshine hours.
Weather conditions appear to importantly inuence the riding de-
mand at the studied eHUBs. The correlation coefcients related to
temperature are strong, positive, and signicant, representing that
higher temperatures increase riding demand at eHUBs (Table 5). This
nding is consistent with the results reported by Noland (2021), who
found that higher temperatures increase the demand for micro-mobility.
However, since the maximum recorded temperature in Inverness during
the study period was 20.1 C (Table 4), we were unable to explore the
inuence of excessively high temperatures on e-bike usage. Therefore,
our observation does not contradict the ndings of De Kruijf et al.
(2021), who demonstrated that high temperatures decrease e-cycling.
The maximum temperature recorded during their study period was 33.4
Furthermore, we nd neither a strong nor signicant correlation
related to number of frost days, the amount of rainfall, and the number
of sunshine hours per month. This may be attributed to the oceanic
climate of Inverness, characterized by a considerable level of precipi-
tation that persists throughout the year. It is worth mentioning that
there were no occurrences of frost days in October 2022, nor in the
period spanning from May 2022 to September 2022. Notably, the month
of December 2022, which exhibited the weakest performance score
(Table 3), recorded the highest number of frost days at 11 (Table 4). This
observation potentially suggests that the frequency of frost days may
have contributed to the diminished operational performance score
during December 2022.
We examine the effects of indicators such as population in the
catchment area of stations (within a radius of 400 m, a walkable dis-
tance), availability of public transportation (number of bus stops within
a radius of 1 km), number of round and one-way trips started from each
station, and weather conditions. It is worth mentioning that the popu-
lation in the catchment area was estimated based on HITRANSopen-
access geographic information. Also, the number of bus stops in prox-
imity to each station was obtained from Google Maps.
The Spearmans correlation coefcient between efciency scores and
population in the catchment area of stations equals 0.670, indicating a
strong signicant positive association between them (Table 6). There-
fore, the low performance of NatureScot Great Glen House and Inverness
Leisure stations could be due to the low population in their surrounding
Table 3
Performance score of eHUBs from October 2021 to September 2022.
Time period eHUBs
Eden Court
NatureScot Great Glen
October 2021 0.243 1.000 0.200 0.554 0.082 0.338 0.403 6
November 2021 0.397 0.627 0.327 0.716 0.126 1.000 0.532 2
December 2021 0.125 0.277 0.004 0.307 0.014 0.590 0.219 12
January 2022 0.096 0.214 0.048 0.389 0.050 0.614 0.235 11
February 2022 0.033 0.160 0.126 0.353 0.016 0.784 0.245 10
March 2022 0.420 0.576 0.225 0.609 0.072 0.489 0.398 7
April 2022 0.137 0.522 0.320 0.605 0.225 0.754 0.427 5
May 2022 0.151 0.386 0.102 0.624 0.120 0.584 0.328 9
June 2022 0.236 0.607 0.081 0.678 0.117 0.464 0.364 8
July 2022 0.639 0.564 0.308 0.770 0.206 0.238 0.454 4
August 2022 0.307 0.824 0.633 0.888 0.105 0.123 0.480 3
September 2022 0.647 1.000 0.648 0.889 0.154 0.133 0.579 1
Average (station) 0.286 0.563 0.252 0.615 0.107 0.509
Rank (station) 4 2 5 1 6 3
Table 4
Weather indicators on a monthly basis from October 2021 to September 2022 (The Meteorological Ofce, 2023).
Average Temperature
Maximum Temperature
Minimum Temperature
Number of frost days per
Number of Sunshine
October 2021 10.40 13.8 7 0 70.4 61.3
November 2021 7.30 10.4 4.2 2 56.7 35.7
December 2021 4.05 6.9 1.2 11 45.9 41.9
January 2022 6.10 8.7 3.5 2 25.3 56.1
Febuary 2022 4.65 7.7 1.6 4 95.2 76.1
March 2022 6.40 11.7 1.1 10 16.1 204.9
April 2022 7.65 11.6 3.7 3 75.4 137
May 2022 11.55 15.3 7.8 0 48.6 156.5
June 2022 13.95 18.6 9.3 0 29.4 209.6
July 2022 15.85 20.1 11.6 0 43.4 143
August 2022 15.40 19.5 11.3 0 31.8 172.1
September 2022 13.35 16.7 10 0 57.5 110.4
K. Hosseini et al.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
area compared to other stations. Conversely, the relatively high scores
obtained by Inverness Railway and Inverness Campus correspond to a
higher population in their catchment area. Also, the docks at the
NatureScot Great Glen House station are tucked away from the main
road and located beside the building entrance. This may cause low
visibility and, as a result, low performance for this eHUB. Also, the In-
verness Railway station stands beside the citys major transit point,
which can be another reason for the high efciency of this station. In the
case of the Inverness Campus station, its proximity to two universities
constitutes another reason for the high efciency scores of this station,
particularly in September and October. Given the above, we conclude
that the population in the walkable area around eHUBs is a crucial factor
to be considered when situating them.
Regarding proximity to public transport, this study found a weak but
signicant correlation coefcient (0.392) between obtained efciency
scores and the number of bus stops within a 1 km radius. However, no
signicant correlation was found when considering bus stops within a
400 m radius (Table 6). Therefore, this research is unable to conrm the
ndings of previous studies that examine bike-sharing systems and
propose that these systems complement public transport (Shaheen and
Chan, 2016; McBain and Cauleld, 2018; Caggiani et al., 2021). This
inconsistency may necessitate treating e-bike sharing systems differently
from bike sharing systems in terms of their relationship with public bus
transport. Specically, the stronger association with public transport for
bikes compared to e-bikes suggests a more complementary relation with
the former rather than the latter. This observation implies that e-bikes,
with their motor assistance, have the potential to overcome barriers
associated with traditional bike riding such as gradients and physical
effort. This enables them to cover distances that may have previously
required a combination of bikes and local public transport, though
further research is needed to conrm this assertion. Nevertheless, the
high efciency of Inverness Railway could demonstrate a positive rela-
tionship between shared e-micro-mobility and railway services, as well
as potentially other long-distance public transport modes. Situating
stations near transit hubs can also provide a traveller with a means to
cover the rst and last mile of a journey and, in doing so, contribute to a
modal shift toward sustainable transport.
4.3. Network representation of the eHUB system
Correlation analysis is also performed between the efciency scores
and the number of monthly round and one-way trips (Table 6). It in-
dicates a very strong association with respect to one-way trips and a
strong relationship to round trips. Of the total number of trips, one-way
trips constituted 62.15%, while the remaining 37.85% consisted of
round trips. This observation is signicant because some service pro-
viders in other pilot cities are currently focused exclusively on e-bike
round trips. Therefore, it is recommended that they consider including
the possibility of one-way trips in their future plans to accommodate this
popular travel preference. Additionally, excelling in providing both one-
way and round-trip options would enhance the overall usability and
appeal of the eHUB network. To more adequately investigate these ob-
servations, we perform a network analysis of the eHUB system.
A network representation of the eHUB stations provides useful in-
formation about the links between stations and the riding volume. The
graphs in Fig. 4 show the cumulative network ow in the period from
October 2021 to September 2022. The number of rides between stations
and round trips was expressed as a percentage of all trips in the network
in a given period to enable comparison over time. The number of in and
out trips were calculated, and the sum of the edges for these is reported.
The graphs show that the Inverness Railway-Inverness Campus
segment dominated the network and accounted for 66.30% of all trips
(including round trips) in the study period. Between the two stations, the
campus was more popular for round trips, which made up one-fth of all
trips taken within the network. However, the connectivity analysis
found that Inverness Railway attracted the highest number of eHUB
system users: 41.74% (Table 7).
A substantial number of journeys also used the route linking Inver-
ness Railway with Raigmore Hospital. The three points Inverness
Railway, Inverness Campus, and Raigmore Hospital are centrally
located in Inverness. The least popular were connections between sta-
tions located far apart, such as NatureScot Great Glen House-Raigmore
Hospital or Inverness Railway-School of Forestry. The lowest connec-
tivity was observed for Inverness Leisure, followed by NatureScot Great
Glen House and Eden Court Theatre (Table 7). School of Forestry was
not used continuously throughout the study period, hence cannot be
fully analysed.
5. Conclusions and policy implications
Using a novel dynamic DEA-based model, this research examines the
performance of a shared mobility system known as shared electric
mobility hubs (eHUBs) in Inverness, Scotland. We recognise the more
relatively efcient stations in eHUB network and the determinants of
their higher operational efciency. Identifying the features of better-
performance stations will assist service providers and policy makers in
designing and expanding the studied network and other similar mobility
systems more effectively. The ndings indicate that eHUB stations
located in close proximity to transit hubs and higher education in-
stitutions are more operationally efcient. The Inverness Railway and
Inverness Campus locations were proven to be great trip attractors, with
popularity rising on warmer days. The empirical evaluation of the
eHUBs in Inverness leads to the following conclusions and mobility
policies which can be generalised to e-bike-sharing systems in other
First, the analysis shows that the population within the walkable area
Table 5
Spearmans correlation coefcients between Average Performance scores and the weather indicators.
Number of frost days per
Number of Sunshine
Average Performance scores
0.486 0.189 0.119
Correlation is signicant at 5%.
Table 6
Spearmans correlation coefcients between performance scores and the selected indicators.
Population within a radius of
400 m
Bus stops within a radius
of 1 km
Bus stops within a radius of
400 m
Number of Round
Number of One-way
Total number of
0.224 0.567
Correlation is signicant at 1%.
K. Hosseini et al.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
around the eHUB stations is a critical factor in achieving optimal de-
mand for the service. Stations with a larger population in their catch-
ment area appeared to have better performance. For instance, the
Inverness Railway, with the highest population in its catchment area,
was the most efcient during the study period. Conversely, the
NatureScot Great Glen House station, located in a catchment area with
the lowest population, displayed the weakest efciency. In this study,
the catchment area was regarded as comprising only residents, but it is
important to acknowledge that travellers or tourists could also increase
the demand for e-bike services. An underlying factor that may explain
the effects of both could be the volume of pedestrian trafc; this data,
however, has not been available and, if collected, could be used in future
Second, while previous research (Shaheen and Chan, 2016; McBain
and Cauleld, 2018; Caggiani et al., 2021) indicates a complementary
relationship between bike-sharing systems and public transport, this
study reveals a weak association between the performance of e-bike
stations and public bus services. This highlights the potential of e-bikes
as a standalone mode of transportation for longer journeys. Equipped
with motor support, e-bikes effectively address obstacles such as dis-
tance, gradient, and physical exertion, thereby eliminating the necessity
of combining them with local public transport for complementing
extended travel. Moreover, e-bikes are well-suited for complimenting
long-distance travel, as evidenced by the popularity of the Inverness
Railway among eHUB users. Inverness Railway was most popular among
e-HUBs users indicating that long-distance travel rather than short-
distance is complimented by e-bikes. This has an implication for plan-
ning multi-modal transport by locating e-bike sharing stations at the
transit hubs rather than local public transport stops.
Third, the study reveals that virtual eHUB stations have lower per-
formance scores than docking eHUBs. Additionally, the NatureScot
Great Glen House station, despite being a docking station, receives the
lowest efciency score. This could be due to its location being tucked
away from the main road and adjacent to the building entrance, making
it difcult to nd. Hence, the lack of recognisability for both the
NatureScot Great Glen House station and dockless stations could be a
factor contributing to their lower operational performance. Although
frequent users might more readily locate virtual stations with time, this
may pose a difculty for new and sporadic riders. It is suggested that the
relationship between station recognisability and attracting e-bike users
requires further investigation, as existing literature does not provide
sufcient evidence, and this study was not specically designed to
establish a causal relationship. Nevertheless, increasing the stations
visibility in open-access geographic maps such as Google Maps or
placing the stations near main roads can enlarge the recognisability of
stations and may improve the systems performance.
Fourth, the impact of temperature was found to be considerable. The
results revealed that higher temperature increases the riding demand at
eHUBs. Interestingly, the amount of rainfall and number of sunshine
hours seem not to inuence the riding patterns. The oceanic climate of
Inverness, with a substantial precipitation level that persists throughout
the year, may be a reason for this. While no signicant correlation was
found between the number of frost days and the monthly performance
score, it is notable that December 2022, with the weakest performance
score, experienced the highest number of frost days. This observation
indicates that frost days may have played a role in the low operational
performance during December 2022. On the other hand, the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic on performance scores was not found to be
signicant. This might show that eHUBs could serve as substitutes for
private cars when the restrictions reduce public transport usage during
incoming pandemics.
Fifth, this study does not account for the quality of cycling infra-
structure in Inverness, although it is a crucial factor in attracting e-bike
users. The bicycle lanes in the city are scattered and disconnected. Also,
Inverness does not have sufcient segregated cycle infrastructure, which
affects the overall perception of the citys attractiveness for cyclists and
e-bike users. As shown in the case of Seville, demand for shared bikes
may rise if the local government invests in improving the provision of
infrastructure following the guideline rules proven effective in the
Spanish city (Marqu´
es et al., 2015). Good-practice network design fea-
tures include the segregation of bike lanes from motorised trafc,
bidirectionality of cycling trafc, continuity of paths without gaps,
uniform design and pavement, and connecting trip attractors with res-
idential areas (Cauleld et al., 2020).
Finally, we hope that this quantitative analysis serves as a
Fig. 4. Ehub stations network represented by nodes and edges.
Table 7
Connectivity of eHUB stations, whole period.
Station All trips (%)
Eden Court Theatre 4.81
Inverness Campus 36.31
Inverness Leisure 3.12
Inverness Railway 41.74
NatureScot Great Glen House 4.66
Raigmore Hospital 7.65
School of Forestry 1.71
Total 100
K. Hosseini et al.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) 101052
groundwork for future research and practical applications, facilitating a
more rigorous examination of the interconnected implications and
mechanisms of shared mobility and electric micro-mobility in trans-
portation system development and policy formulation. This case study
was conducted based on data from a small-medium-sized urban area.
Therefore, future research could analyse the electric shared mobility
systems in larger cities and metropolitan areas. Such future research
should complement our ndings by showing diverse perspectives and
may bring further practical insights into implementing electric shared
mobility systems.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Keyvan Hosseini: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing, Visualization, Project
administration. Agnieszka Stefaniec: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing original
draft, Writing review & editing, Visualization. Margaret OMahony:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Resources,
Writing original draft, Writing review & editing, Supervision, Project
administration, Funding acquisition. Brian Cauleld: Conceptualiza-
tion, Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Resources, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing, Supervision, Project admin-
istration, Funding acquisition.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
This research was supported by Interreg North-West Europe (Project
number: NWE 826). The sponsor neither had any direct involvement in
the conduct of this work nor had any inuence on the decision to publish
this research paper. The authors wish to acknowledge Ms Vikki Trelfer
for providing data.
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K. Hosseini et al.
... In recent years, incentivizing green travel modes has become a hot topic in the field of transportation [1][2][3][4]. Both designing appropriate incentivizing measures to guide travelers towards green travel mode choices and understanding the influencing factors leading to these choices are of importance for several reasons. ...
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There have been many implementations of carbon credit incentives (CCIs) for promoting green travel, but research on quantifying the effectiveness remains limited. To fill this gap, this study focuses on residents’ daily transportation mode choices under the incentive of carbon credits by employing an integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) model to adequately address the role of attitudinal variables related to carbon credits, such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intentions. Data from a questionnaire survey show that the ICLV model provides a richer and more nuanced understanding of the green mode choice than a traditional multinomial logit (MNL) model, where the AIC value of the ICLV model (3901.17) is smaller than that of the MNL model (3910.09). Carbon credits exhibit diverse impacts across various modes of eco-friendly transportation and specific demographic groups. Commuting trips reveal noteworthy positive associations between carbon credits and the use of bicycles as well as metro/bus services. Moreover, carbon credits exert a more pronounced influence on individuals with higher education levels, older age groups, and owners of new energy vehicles, whereas their impact on high-income individuals is relatively constrained. Furthermore, perceptions of carbon credits are pivotal, with perceived utility emerging as the most influential factor. The results provide a scientific basis for formulating more effective policies regarding carbon credit and incentive measures in the future.
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In car-dominated urban areas, shared electric micro-mobility offers a sustainable alternative to decarbonise and reshape mobility paradigms. This paper presents a comprehensive framework for evaluating Dublin's e-bike sharing system, comprising 12 stations (eHUBs). Using six months of real-world riding data, it employs data envelopment analysis to assess the eco-efficiency of each eHUB in utilising nearby infrastructure, population in the catchment area, and location to achieve desired economic, social, and environmental outputs. Results indicate an upward trajectory for the system's eco-efficiency. The returns-to-scale analysis provides insights into the system's scalability, suggesting that expanding the e-bike sharing system, along with infrastructural enhancements , would significantly increase ridership. Analysing decarbonisation, usage patterns, and spatial factors of eHUBs reveals the substantial potential of shared e-bikes if optimally used. The research highlights the need to reevaluate car-centric policies in favour of more inclusive and environmentally sustainable alternatives and proposes actionable policy recommendations to achieve this transformation.
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In an era grappling with car-dominant urban landscapes and forced car ownership, the burgeoning global interest in e-bike-sharing offers a sustainable alternative, reshaping urban mobility paradigms. This study examines Dublin's eHUB network to explore the eco-efficiency and decision-making implications of e-bike-sharing systems. To gauge its impact on climate change, actual CO2 savings were quantified across the study period. Three scenarios were considered to assess the decarbonisation potential of eHUBs, ranging from full replacement of car journeys with e-bikes to a more conservative estimate based on user surveys. Utilising daily GPS usage data from March to July 2023, the study employs data wrangling, inferential analysis, and Data Envelopment Analysis to assess the eco-efficiency of eHUB stations. Factors such as proximity to bike lanes, the city centre, and public transport were considered. A cluster analysis was performed based on their obtained performance scores. A spatial analysis further elucidated the factors contributing to the performance of these stations, revealing the positive influence of population density, bikes lanes, number of bus stops, and distance to city centre on the eHUB usage. Meteorological indicators such as windy and rainy conditions had a mildly negative effect on usage, whereas higher temperatures and sunny hours significantly boosted it. Overall, eHUBs have demonstrated significant potential for CO2 emission savings, requiring coordinated efforts across governmental, industrial, and individual levels to promote sustainable travel behaviours.
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Rapid urbanization has resulted in various challenges, including a decline in environmental quality, traffic congestion, housing tensions, and employment difficulties. To address these issues, the United Nations introduced the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. One of the specific targets, 11.2.1, aims to tackle transportation problems. This study focuses on Guilin City, which is designated as an innovation demonstration zone for the national sustainable development agenda. The research conducted in this study examines the state of public transportation in six urban areas of Guilin City from 2015 to 2021, utilizing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicator system, evaluation method, geospatial analysis, and entropy value method. The findings reveal that the coverage area of public transportation in the six urban areas of Guilin City expanded from 147.98 km2 in 2015 to 259.18 km2 in 2021. The percentage of the population with access to public transportation increased from 69.06% in 2015 to 71.63% in 2018 and further to 75.60% in 2021. While the accessibility of public transportation in the other four districts exceeds 90%, Lingui District and Yanshan District have lower accessibility, but it is gradually improving. The center of gravity for public transportation is also shifting towards the southwest, with Lingui District and Yanshan District experiencing gradual development. The evaluation score for sustainable development increased from 64.30 to 74.48, indicating a transition from a low sustainable development level to medium sustainable development level. Significant progress has been made in the indicators of the share of new energy buses, the rate of bus sharing, the coverage rate of bus stops, and the number of public transportation vehicles per 10,000 people. However, the indicators for the average distance between bus stops, the average speed of public transportation, and the density of public transportation routes are growing at a slower pace. The development of urban public transportation continues to improve, and the overall trend is positive. The sustainable development evaluation framework and positioning method proposed in this study serve as a reference for the sustainable development of Guilin City. Additionally, it provides insights for evaluating the sustainable development goals of public transportation in tourist cities like Guilin in China and worldwide.
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The world is running out of time to avoid cataclysmic climate impacts. Therefore, determining which decarbonisation strategies are more effective and inclusive in reducing anthropogenic dependency on fossil fuels is vital for governments’ decisions on investment. This research argues that the electrification of private automobility is neither effective nor equitable. Considering the current electricity mix of the grid, this electrification merely shifts the CO2 emissions and other pollutants from urban to rural areas. The strategy of private automobility electrification does not look beyond the problem of tailpipe emissions and hence cannot eliminate the deficiencies of the car-dependent system that require system-wide solutions, such as traffic congestion and road accidents. Prioritising this strategy not only maintains existing inequities but also increases social injustice and delays the implementation of more effective interventions. We argue that using private EVs structurally violates the biosphere and human communities in three ways: (1) production of inequities, (2) pollution and waste, and (3) the space of the exception (the ‘Electric Vehicle Bubble’). Finally, we conclude that eradicating private automobility is necessary to realise climate and transport justice. Focusing on inclusive strategies, such as supporting public transportation, shared mobility, and active travel modes, instead of offering incentives for EVs, are the means of progressive redistribution of wealth and can satisfactorily meet people’s basic needs and governmental climate targets.
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Electric micromobility represents a sustainable mobility option for specific classes of users and distance thresholds. Had this mobility solution been integrated into a comprehensive mobility framework from the beginning, it would have expanded the coverage and accessibility of urban transit services. Instead, slow and incoherent regulation has established a contrast between enthusiastic users (who consider electric micromobility vehicles “fun” and “easy to use”) and recalcitrant public opinion (wherein electric micromobility vehicles are deemed “unsafe” and “dangerous”). Beyond the few attempts made by transport experts to assess the capability of e-scooters to become a sound mobility option (through mobility surveys, pattern analysis, fleet and routing problems), safety and infrastructure design should be developed in a consistent way in order to guarantee a balanced transport setting. With respect to this challenge, a methodology framework is proposed to address the increasing proliferation of micromobility in the context of a coherent transport system. Special attention is devoted to those aspects that have received less attention from the scientific community, namely infrastructure and safe interactions at intersections. The similarities and differences between e-scooters and bikes, chosen in this study as the representative of traditional soft mobility modes, have been taken into consideration. To support the proposed approach, tests investigating e-scooter performance and the perception of both the modes at safety-critical nodes (such as intersections) under different conditions are presented, and the methodology can be applied to a variety of urban scales. The results can be adopted by local authorities, transport companies and e-mobility providers to optimize infrastructure and increase the number and quality of available mobility options.
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The bicycle sharing system in Medellin has become one of the alternatives in the city to achieve more sustainable transportation. To know how people use it on a daily basis is a fundamental resource to plan future expansions and to make the most out of the public investments. Therefore, we present an analysis of the bicycle sharing system and the emerging patterns according to its usage, based on exploratory data analysis and network theory approaches, we characterize users (single-trip vs. multi-trip users, female vs. male, and young vs. adult users). The results show that the main challenges for the future planning of the bicycle sharing system in Medellin are the inclusion of female users, which represents half of the potential users but are less prone to use the system. We also consider the foresight of the placement of new stations and infrastructure according to the purpose of the trip, the topographical configuration of the city, and the articulation with the integrated transportation system in the city.
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Whereas most shared mobility providers offer one type of shared electric or conventional vehicle, electric mobility hubs, or eHUBs, offer users access to a range of modes in publicly accessible locations. An apparent strength of eHUBs lies in their appeal to different user groups that may have vastly different mobility needs. However, to date, there is little evidence to support this claim. Consequently, based on a questionnaire sampling>2,500 potential eHUB users across five European countries, several of the factors that may influence the likely adoption of eHUBs were investigated using a multiple linear regression approach. In particular, factors such as respondents’ demographic characteristics, travel behaviour, and attitudes based on Diffusion of Innovation Theory and the Theory of Planned Behaviour, were considered as predictors of the intention to use either shared e-bikes, e-cargobikes, e-cars, and/or e-scooters. This analysis revealed that the intention to use different types of vehicles is indeed predicted by different combinations of factors, with holding a positive attitude towards shared mobility emerging as the strongest predictor across the board. Beyond attitudes, younger respondents, as well as regular cyclists and public transport users, expressed a greater interest in using all modes, except e-cars. Finally, current car drivers positively anticipate using shared electric cars. Taken together, our results suggest that the different shared electric modes offered by an eHUB may indeed appeal to different audiences, strengthening the case for shared mobility providers to diversify their fleets. However, the potential to replace trips by private car appears limited.
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The mobility hub concept has become increasingly popular within international research and policies, including in The Netherlands. However, judging by the (still) limited share of multimodality in the Netherlands, similar historical concepts seemed insufficient to prompting a fundamental shift from individual car use to multimodal transport. To enable planners to be better positioned to implement the mobility hub concept, we compared its value with that of related concepts that were previously implemented. Specifically, we examined historical Dutch policy documents and conducted expert and frontrunner interviews to evaluate the mobility hub as a policy concept. We first traced the evolution of the mobility hub, focusing on node and place-based concepts that have been implemented since the second half of the 20th century. We found that related concepts, such as Park and Ride (P + R) or transit-oriented development (TOD), have typically focused on improving transfers between collective and feeder transport, while interactions with land use have gained increased attention. We derived policy lessons from the implementation of these historical policy concepts. Our findings suggest that strategically chosen locations, integrated mobility systems, flanking policies, multi-level policy coherence and public–private cooperation are important considerations when implementing mobility hubs. Moreover, shared mobility, mobility as a service, vehicle electrification, and demand-responsive transit could advance the implementation of TOD, P + R, neighbourhood and rural hubs. In conclusion, the design of different types of mobility hubs should ideally be based on underlying policy objectives and adapted according to context.
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This study investigates airport performance in terms of efficiency and productivity change using regional and local airports in Thailand as a case study. The study employs data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index to analyze the technical efficiency scores and capture the total productivity change during 2009–2018 for 31 airports in Thailand. Using the BCC–data envelopment analysis–Malmquist model with an output-oriented framework, we found that most regional and local airports in Thailand operated technically inefficiently during the study period, whereas the total productivity change of most airports showed progress (around 8.4%). Decompositions of the Malmquist productivity index reported a positive change in technical efficiency and airport technology. This study also presents policy recommendations arising from the case study for airport practitioners.
Freight transportation provides a significant contribution to the growth of national economies. The uncontrollable greenhouse gas emissions have caught the attention of governments worldwide to achieve sustainability in freight transportation. This research aims to assess the performance of sustainable rail freight transportation (SRFT) using twelve sustainability indicators. We employed the proposed triple bottom line framework for SRFT performance evaluation of Indian Railways (IR). We applied content analysis for data collection from IR's annual reports, yearbooks, and annual statistical statements between the financial year 2007–08 and 2020–21. Sustainability assessment results revealed that IR delivered impressive environmental and social performances, while economic indicators reported mixed results. IR performed better in energy efficiency, emission factor, mean load factor, average unit cost, net tonne-km per wagon per day, accident rate, and average annual wage per employee. IR delivered poor results in land usage, freight market share, the average speed of freight trains, and employment generated during the assessment period. A sustainable performance comparison between rail and road freight transport revealed that IR needs to revamp freight transportation policies to increase its market share against road transport. An intermodal railroad should be the preferred mode of freight transport. The proposed comprehensive framework can be used as a benchmarking tool to compare the SRFT performance of emerging economies. The article concluded with managerial recommendations to facilitate policymakers in decisions regarding SRFT.
The COVID-19 pandemic breaking out at the end of 2019 has seriously impacted urban human mobility and poses great challenges for traffic management and urban planning. An understanding of this influence from multiple perspectives is urgently needed. In this study, we propose a multiscale geospatial network framework for the analysis of bike-sharing data, aiming to provide a new perspective for the exploration of the pandemic impact on urban human mobility. More specifically, we organize the bike-sharing data into a network representation, and divide the network into a three-scale structure, ranging from the whole bike system at the macroscale, to the network community at the mesoscale and then to the bicycle station at the microscale. The spatiotemporal analysis of bike-sharing data at each scale is combined with visualization methods for an intuitive understanding of the patterns. We select New York City, one of the most seriously influenced city by the pandemic, as the study area, and used Citi Bike bike-sharing data from January to April in 2019 and 2020 in this area for the investigation. The analysis results show that with the development of the pandemic, the riding flow and its spatiotemporal distribution pattern changed significantly, which had a series of effects on the use and management of bikes in the city. These findings may provide useful references during the pandemic for various stakeholders, e.g., citizens for their travel planning, bike-sharing companies for bicycle dispatching and bicycle disinfection management, and governments for traffic management.
Japanese National Railways (JNR) was privatized in 1987 and divided into six passenger companies and one freight company. Before the structural reform, JNR was a national monopoly that owned railroad assets and provided transportation services throughout the country under government regulation. The goal of the structural reform was to eliminate management inefficiency and improve operational performance while attaining high quality of railroad transportation services at reasonable prices. To ascertain if this goal has been achieved, we examine the performance of JNR and Japan's six passenger railway companies before and after privatization and divestiture. Using data envelopment analysis on a data set from 1965 to 2017, we calculated four types of efficiency measures related to cost, operations, revenue-earning and profit-earning, by combining four phases of the companies' business activities as input and output: cost, operational resource, operational output, and total revenue. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first holistic performance analysis of Japan's six railroad companies, using efficiency measures to assess the effects of the deregulation. The results reveal improvement in cost efficiency remains a vital issue for all six companies, and increasing trend of efficiency measures on operations is observed after the privatization. Mainland companies with an advantageous business environment do not necessarily have higher efficiency, holding more room for improvement. Further, we found that higher cost efficiency for some companies may be derived from a shrinking equilibrium in management based on a potential decline in demand, but such a passive operation could hinder managerial efforts to escape dependence on subsidy.