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  • Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu


Bakıda anadan olmuş, orta məktəbi qızıl medalla, Azərbaycan Dövlət Universiteti Şərqşünaslıq fakültəsinin fars dili şöbəsini fərqlənmə diplomu ilə bitirmişdir. Azadə xanım görkəmli ədəbiyyatşünas alim Y.E.Bertelsin son aspirantlarından biri olmuş, klassik şeirimizin, ədəbi-bədii fikrimizin gözəl tədqiqatçısı kimi hələ gənc yaşlarından elmi ictimaiyyətdə özünə şərəfli mövqe tutmuşdu. O, 24 yaşında ikən “Füzulinin “Leyli və Məcnun” poeması” mövzusunda çox dəyərli dissertasiya yazıb filologiya elmləri namizədi alimlik dərəcəsi almışdır. Zəngin klassik Azərbaycan poeziyası onu elmin dərinliklərinə çəkib aparmış, axtarışlara, elmi-tədqiqat işlərinə həvəsini daha da artırmışdır. Gözəllik, zəriflik, ülvilik duyğuları, poeziyaya vurğunluq Azadə xanımı yeni-yeni əsərlər yazmağa ruhlandırmışdır. Onun 1971-ci ildə böyük uğurla müdafiə etdiyi “Azərbaycan epik şeirinin inkişafı yolları (XII-XVII əsrlər)” adlı doktorluq dissertasiyası Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatşünaslığında fundamental tədqiqat işi kimi xüsusi dəyərə malikdir. O, dahi şairimiz Nizami Gəncəvinin həyatını və böyük sənətini yüksək elmi-nəzəri səviyyədə tədqiq etmiş və filologiya elmləri doktoru adına layiq görülmüş ilk azərbaycanlı qadın alimdir. Azadə Cəfər qızı Rüstəmova elmi araşdırmalara başladığı ilk günlərdən indiyədək yazdığı onlarla sanballı elmi əsərin və məqalənin müəllifidir. Onun 1981-ci ildə “Nizami Gəncəvi” adlı kitabı Azərbaycan, rus, ingilis dillərində nəşr edilmişdir. Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutunun Orta əsrlər Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı şöbəsində əvvəlcə baş elmi işçi işləmiş Azadə xanım 1978-ci ildən bəri həmin şöbəyə rəhbərlik edir.
Ülvilik təcəssümü, Azadəlik carçısı
Cahangir Qəhrəmanov
Əməkdar elm xadimi, professor
Azadəlik carçısı. Azadə Rüstəmova – 90
(məqalələr, çıxışlar, xatirələr, ürək sözləri)
Tərtibçi və elmi redaktor: l.e.d. Fəridə Əzizova
Rəyçilər: l.f.d. Aygün Bağırlı, l.f.d. Safurə Quliyeva
Nəşriyyat redaktoru: Famil Cəfərli
Texniki redaktor: Səlminaz Qasımova
Korrektor: Flora Əliyeva
Art direktor: Sevinc Ələkbərova
Buraxılışa məsul: Rəad İsmixanov
Bakı, TEAS Press Nəriyyat evi, 2023, 472 səh.
ISBN 978 9952 563 34 4
Kitabın nəri hüququ TEAS Press Nəriyyat evinə
Bütün hüquqlar qorunur.
© TEAS Press Nəriyyat evi, 2023
Türkiyədə çap edilib.
AMEA Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutunun Elmi
urasının qərarı ilə çap olunur (4 oktyabr 2022-ci il tarixli
iclasın 6 saylı protokolu)
Azad lik
İsa Həbibbəyli. Klassik dbi irsin tdqiqind
frqli mrhl v müasirlik ......................... 168
Fəridə Əzizova. srlri qovuşduran alim. . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Фарида Азизова. Поступь столетий ............... 177
Farida Azizova. Tracing cohesion of time ...........184
Əlimuxtar Muxtarov. Azad Rüstmovanın
tdqiqatlarında Nizami Gncvinin dbi siması .....194
Alxan Bayramoğlu. Şair dühası v alim myinin
gülçin töhfsi, yaxud R. Azadnin mtnşünaslıq
faliyytin dair ................................... 200
Çingiz Sasani. dbiyyatşünas alim
R. Azadnin hyatı v yaradıcılıq yolu .............. 205
Zəkulla Bayramlı. Mnim tanıdığım Azad xanım ... 211
Solmaz Həyatova. Söz srrafı – Azad Rüstmova .... 216
Firudin Qurbansoy. Alimin dünya şöhrti ........... 225
Rasim Qurbanov. Azad xanım Rüstmovanın
tdqiqatlarında fls-dini v psixoloji thlil ........ 230
Laləzar Əlizadə. Klassik Azrbaycan poeziyasında
alleqoriya, simvol v rmz problematikası Azad
Rüstmovanın tdqiqlrind ....................... 236
Франгиз Ханджанбекова. Международная научная
конференция “Поступь столетий” ................ 249
Xalidə Xalid. Hamı bir nurun işığına toplandı... ..... 252
Əzizağa Nəcəfzadə. Azad Rüstmova Nizaminin
türklüyü v türklüy münasibti haqqında ........... 257
(1932, BAKI).
Filologiya elmləri doktoru (1971), “Şərəf nişanı” ordeni ilə təltif
olunub (1971), professor (1990), Əməkdar elm xadimi (1982),
AMEA - nın müxbir üzvü (2001).
(1932, BAKU).
A doctor of philology (1971), honored science worker of Azerbaijan
(1982), professor (1990), the corresponding member of Azerbaijan
National Academy of Sciences (2001).
(1932, БАКУ).
Доктор филологических наук (1971), награждена орденом
“Знак почёта” (1971), Заслуженный деятель науки (1982),
профессор (1990), член-корреспондент Национальной АН
Азербайджана (2001).
Bakıda anadan olmu, orta məktəb qızıl medalla,
Azərbaycan Dövlət Unverstet ərqünaslıq fakültə-
snn fars dl öbəsn fərqlənmə dplomu lə btr-
mdr. Azadə xanım görkəml ədəbyyatünas alm
Y.E.Bertelsn son asprantlarından br olmu, klassk
ermzn, ədəb-bəd fkrmzn gözəl tədqqatçısı
km hələ gənc yalarından elm ctmayyətdə özünə
ərə mövqe tutmudu. O, 24 yaında kən “Füzulnn
“Leyl və Məcnun” poeması” mövzusunda çox dəyər-
l dssertasya yazıb flologya elmlər namzəd alm-
lk dərəcəs almıdır.
Azadə Rüstəmova – 90
Zəngn klassk Azərbaycan poezyası onu elmn dərnlk-
lərnə çəkb aparmı, axtarılara, elm-tədqqat
lərnə həvə-
sn daha da artırmıdır. Gözəllk, zərk, ülvlk duyğuları,
poezyaya vurğunluq Azadə xanımı yen-yen əsərlər yazmağa
ruhlandırmıdır. Onun 1971-c ldə böyük uğurla müdafə
etdy “Azərbaycan
epk ernn nkafı yolları (XII-XVII
əsrlər)” adlı doktorluq dssertasyası Azərbaycan ədəbyyat-
ünaslığında fundamental tədqqat  km xüsus dəyərə
malkdr. O, dah armz Nzam Gəncəvnn həyatını və
böyük sənətn yüksək elm-nəzər səvyyədə tədqq etm və
flologya elmlər doktoru adına layq görülmü lk azərbay-
canlı qadın almdr.
Azadə Cəfər qızı Rüstəmova elm aradırmalara baladığı
lk günlərdən ndyədək yazdığı onlarla sanballı elm əsərn və
məqalənn müəllfdr. Onun
1981-c ldə “Nzam Gəncəv”
adlı ktabı Azərbaycan,
rus, ngls dllərndə nər edlmdr.
Nzam Gəncəv adına Ədəbyyat İnsttutunun Orta əsr-
Azərbaycan ədəbyyatı öbəsndə əvvəlcə ba elm ç
ləm Azadə xanım 1978-c ldən bər həmn öbəyə rəh-
bərlk edr.
Qadın, gözəllik və ülviyyət
Woman, beauty and sanctıty
Женщина, красота и величие души
Ensklopedk toplu. Azrbaycan, ngls v rus dllrnd.
Bakı, “Azrbaycan” nşryyatı, 2001, s. 241
Azadə Rüstəmova – 90
Doctor of Philology
Doctor of Philology, Professor and Associate Member
of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS),
Mrs Azade Jafar Rustamova (1932–2005) was born on 18
July 1932 in Baku. She left school 132 (now Education-
al Complex 132–134), having achieved a Gold Medal
and thereafter entered the Faculty of Oriental Studies at
Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University).
During her ve years at the university, Azade khanim
was taught Persian language and literature, together with
the history of oriental culture by such great scientists and
teachers as Mammadagha Sultanov, N.Z. Hatami, Ali
Azeri and Mubariz Alizadeh, and she graduated with hon-
ours. She began post-graduate studies at the former USSR
Academy of Sciences in Moscow in September 1952. In
1956, Azade khanim defended her degree thesis on the
theme of Fuzuli’s Leyli and Majnun under the tutorship
of Y.E. Bertels, the well-known orientalist and Associate
Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1957 to
her death, she worked at the Nizami Institute of Literature
of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (now ANAS).
In 1978, Azade khanim began working as the chief
of her department at the institute and did her utmost to
involvetalented young people in the study of literature,
Azadəlik carçısı
assisting them with her knowledge and passion and nur-
turing their talents. In 1982, she was awarded the title of
Honoured Scientist and, in 1990, received the academic
rank of Professor. In recognition of her scientic successes
in the study of the history of Azerbaijani National Litera-
ture, Azade khanim was rewarded with the ‘e Badge of
Honour’ order. In 2001, she was elected as an Associate
Member of ANAS. During her life in academia, she was
a member of numerous editorial and academic councils,
boards and organisations. She was the author of approxi-
mately 300 papers and 20 monographs and books. Azade
khanim prepared 20 candidates for doctorates of science.
She wasthe scientic editor of myriad books and antholo-
gies and participated as an opponent during the defence of
many theses. Her articles dealt with the minutiae of medie-
val authors’ oeuvres, and this renowned scholar represented
the history of Azerbaijani literature in numerous conferenc-
es dedicated to classical literary heritage, both within the
Republic of Azerbaijan and on an international level.
Professor Azade Rustamova was the chief editor and
one of the main authors of the second and third volumes
of the fundamental text entitled e History of Azerbaijani
Literature and the author of relevant sections in the
30-volume Literature of the Turkic Peoples, which is cur-
rently undergoing publication. e section focusing on
Azerbaijani literature in the Ancient and Middle Ages, ad-
dressed to Azerbaijani people living abroad, was written
by Azade khanim. e scholar’s collected papers, entitled
Our Spiritual Yesterday in Today’s Light, covering theoret-
ical issues and literary portraits, was published in 2012.
Azadə Rüstəmova – 90
Professor Azade Rustamova’s work was dedicated to the
study of the creative activity of the classic exponents of
Azerbaijani poetry, such as Khagani, Nizami, Falaki, Gazi
Burhanaddin, Avhadi Maraghai, Nasimi, Hagiri, Fuzuli,
Fadai, Amani and Masihi. She focused on an exploration
of the artistic and philosophical content, aesthetic ideal,
and individual originality of the aforementioned masters.
Professor Azade Rustamova was the rst female researcher
to select Ancient and Medieval Azerbaijani Literature as
her research topic.
Professor Rustamova particularly concentrated on the-
oretical issues, such as presentation of personage and char-
acter, conict and confrontation, the correlation of fanta-
sy and reality, and the problems of the ‘inner man’, and
‘secrets’ of artistry. Specic elements of genre and style in
classical poetry; its relationship to folklore; issues of suc-
cession and philosophy; and the interpretation of religious
and Su-mystic thought in poetry – all these literary and
critical aspects found their scientic interpretation in her
work. Azade khanim was one of our outstanding scholars,
possessing a strong analytical mind, applying comparative
literary methodology to achieve denitive results.
e scholar’s rst fundamental research work was the
monograph Development Directions in Azerbaijani Epic
Poetry (16th–17th centuries), written as the basis of her doc-
torate thesis. is work actually covers a period of approxi-
mately 600 years. Herein, Professor Rustamova elucidated
numerous predominant issues and themes in Azerbaijani
classical epic poetry and came to denitive conclusions.
Azade khanim revealed the deep philosophical meaning,
Azadəlik carçısı
Su-divine and psychological features, romantic spirit and
worldly essence of classical poetry, objectively evaluating
the role and position of numerous Azerbaijani poets, who
lived and created during diverse periods.
In her monograph, she investigated the Leyli and Majnun
poems by Nizami, Hagiri and Fuzuli; and the literary and
artistic versions of Khosrow and Shirin by Nizami, Arif
Ardabili and Kovsari. By comparing the various interpre-
tations of the same story, Professor Rustamova demon-
strated the uniqueness of each poet’s artistic solution, aes-
thetic approach and interpretation.
Her work entitled e Ghazal in Classical Azerbaijani
Poetry: History and Poetics of the Genre was the rst re-
search work dedicatedto the history of the origination of
the ghazal (a form of poetry only about love), its genus,
development and investigation of its poetics.
e majority of Professor Rustamova’s scientic activity
was directed towards the investigation and analysis of the
multifaceted oeuvres of Nizami and Fuzuli. She dedicated
numerous monographs and research works to the creative
work of these two masters, who are the two pinnacles of
Azerbaijani artistic and aesthetic thought. It is undeniable
that Azade khanim made an invaluable contribution to
Nizami and Fuzuli studies.
Beginning with her degree thesis and extending through
her doctorate dissertation, Azade khanim concentrated on
the personalities of Nizami and Fuzuli, their environment,
era and the historical conditions in which they lived. She
evaluated the social and individual factors shaping their
literary personalities.
Azadə Rüstəmova – 90
Her monograph Nizami Ganjavi: Life and Mastery dis-
cusses almost all aspects of creative activity undertaken by
the great poet from Ganja. e aforementioned monograph
was the rst theoretical and methodological research work to
study the 12th century poetic genius in the light of modern
thought, juxtaposed against the backdrop of national and in-
ternational Nizami studies. In this monograph, Nizami’s ro-
manticism was evaluated amidst such theoretical and literary
issues as the aesthetic categories of beauty and ugliness and
the notion of the ideal and the anti-ideal. Here the author
propounded signicant interpretations of compositional ar-
chitectonics (poetic form), poetics of the characters, etc. All
these problems and aspects found interesting and objective
scientic interpretations in her research.
In her monograph entitled e Ways of Development
in Azerbaijani Epic Poetry, Professor Rustamova investi-
gated the creative world of Nizami and his successors in
light of the continuity of literary traditions. In her work
Nizami and his Successors, Azade khanim investigated the
ancient primary sources upon which the author had based
his grandiose Khamsa. She considered their relations with
Nizami’s creative work, dug deep into historico-typologi-
cal thought, and outlined the innovations introduced by
Nizami to the culture of the Near and Middle East.
Amidst international experts in oriental studies, her
theme of Nizami and Precursors gave rise to many debates,
and still causes literary disputes. During these discussions,
which are sometimes biased, Nizami’s creative work was
considered in relation to that of his great precursor Firdowsi,
author of Shahname. Sometimes, in these debates, Nizami
Azadəlik carçısı
was presented as an imitator of his predecessor. is mon-
ograph disproved such judgments and is undoubtedly de-
nitive amongst the current literature.
Issues of methodology and genre in wider Eastern and
Azerbaijani poetry were invariably the focus of her at-
tention. Azade khanim developed a standard classica-
tion system for classical oriental romanticism. In Nizami
and his Precursors, she characterised the romanticism of
Firdowsi as “folkloric romanticism”, but that of Nizami as
“philosophical-poetic romanticism”.
Although there are legends with similar subjects or
topics to those in Nizami’s work, it should be remem-
bered that Firdowsi’s work was monumental, artistic and
historic-heroic. However, Professor Rustamova present-
ed Nizami as occupying the most important position in
Eastern literature since Firdowsi. To Azade khanim, new
genre parameters developed in his poetry, and Nizami
transformed development of the romantic epic in the clas-
sical period.
Nizami was the rst major literary artist to lay the
foundations of the tradition of the poetical Khamsa (Five
Books)in Eastern literature. His rst poem – e Treasure of
Mysteries – is the rst great didactic work in the Azerbaijani
poetic canon, due to its deep ideological and philosophi-
cal content; here the poetic thinker artistically describes his
philosophical concepts on the world, life, humankind and
his mission, living a worthy life and mortality.
In her monograph Nizami and his Precursors in Poet-
ry, the author paid great attention to the role of Susm
in Nizami’s creative activity. Over many centuries, Susm
Azadə Rüstəmova – 90
was an inuential system of thinking in the East. Forthis
reason, Professor Rustamova elucidated the Ganja Mas-
ter’s deep-rooted theosophy and its gnoseological roots.
Furthermore, she stated that Susm was not the basis for
Nizami’s concepts, but one of many philosophical con-
cepts shaping the poet’s world outlook.
Susm, its theoretical basis and the utilisation of Su
symbolism in syncretic Islamic culture were the main re-
search topics in Professor Rustamova’s monographs and
As early as 1958, she touched upon this theme in
one of her rst papers. Subsequently, she undertook a
great deal of theoretical and analytical research. Profes-
sor Rustamova considered Susm as an expression of the
mystic philosophical trend in the Islamic world outlook.
In the evolution of Susm, elements were appropriated
from Neoplatonism, Buddhism, Shamanism, Judaism and
Christianity, although Susm originates from Islam. Here
the author reveals the essence of the concept ‘vahdati vu-
jud’ (unity of nature or substance), which is the nucleus
of Su theosophy. However, she made it clear that Susm
is divided into numerous dierent trends.
Professor Rustamova proposed a standard classication
of Sufısm and the interpretation of Su symbolism in the
Eastern and, specically Azerbaijani, literature: ideological
Su poets; those who use Su symbols, due to the aesthet-
ic demands of the era; and great masters of the word, who
deeply understand the ideological basis of Susm, but are
not Su theorists when approaching its values. e latter
received the greatest attention in her research. Nizami and
Fuzuli were two giants from the third group.
Azadəlik carçısı
From her youth, Azade khanim took an overwhelm-
ing interest in Fuzuli’s creative work. Fuzuli was her ideal
throughout her youth. From the outset, she was under
the inuence of Fuzuli’s magical poems, and thus repeat-
edly touched upon the issues of Susm and Fuzuli. e
researcher observed the manifestation of Su symbol-
ism, both as an ideological model and as a poetic trope,
conrming her opinion with numerous observations and
quoting from the poet’s allegorical concepts, ghazals and
gassides (ancient poetic forms).
Simultaneously, the researcher addressed the fact that
Fuzuli sometimes disagrees with many Su postulates and
even tried to edit the thesis of this mystic theosophy.
In Professor Rustamova’s investigations, in the primary ex-
ample of artistic embodiment of the immortal Oriental das-
tan (epic) of love entitled Leyli and Majnun (in the versions
by Nizami and Fuzuli), we can trace the process of identifying
the resemblances and dierences between the Su conception
of divine love and ‘uzri’ love (platonic; non-physical) doctrine
that originated in Arabic verse and was popular in Muslim
Eastern poetry. “In Su philosophy of divine love, there are
many ideas coinciding with the conception of ‘uzri’ love, al-
though there are also dierences. e subject of love in Susm
is ‘It’ – ‘the One’ – ‘Allah’, in the works of the authors of Leyli
and Majnun, glorifying Su love, where Leyli – the beloved –
is the embodiment of absolute beauty, that is Allah; the lover
Majnun realises the absolute beauty in the personage of Leyli
and expresses his love for God. e image of Leyli and the
love of Leyli are the metatheses (tropes) playing the role of a
bridge towards reaching and uniting with God.
Azadə Rüstəmova – 90
But, in ‘uzri’ poetry, love is predestined by God and
prevails over the hearts of the two lovers. In this instance,
we are faced with inevitability and doom. is ‘uzri’ love
also emanates from heaven, but is not directed to God im-
mediately, instead being spiritual love, addressed by God
to earthly man.
One of the main features of Professor Rustamova’s
work was the fact that she generally focused on relatively
esoteric or under-researched aspects of creative works of
this or another literary master. From this perspective, her
monograph Fuzuli – inker and Movlana was ground-
breaking. Here, she traced the formation and evolution
of Master Fuzuli as Fuzuli the inker; in this compli-
cated process, she outlined the role of the great creatives
in ancient science and culture, such as Phales, Socrates,
Empedokles, Anaxagoras, Heraklit, Pythagoras, Democritus,
Aristotle and Plato, as playing integral roles in the process
of formation and evolution of their counterparts in the
Islamic East, such as Al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina, Imam Gazali
and Nasireddin Tusi.
While speaking of Professor Rustamova, it is impossi-
ble not to comment on her civic courage and civic virtue.
is was one of the main factors dening her scientic
activity. In 1985, the second volume of the nine-volume
History of World Literature was published at the M. Gorky
Institute of World Literature at the former USSR Academy
Sciences. For subjective reasons, the ethnogenesis of the
Azerbaijani people and the literature of the classical period
were subjected to preconceived and misrepresented inter-
pretation. Simultaneously, Azade khanum demonstrated
Azadəlik carçısı
herself, not only as a talented investigator, but also as
a brave and principled female scholar. Giving a talk
alongside the greatest experts in this sector, at the Sci-
entic Council of the Institute, she criticised the false,
preconceived positions concerning Azerbaijani people
and literature.
It is unfortunate that many contemporary publishers
did not publish that material for political reasons. e re-
port was only published as a review in the Proceedings of
the Academy of Sciences.
Professor Rustamova answered the Georgian academi-
cian Sh. Nutsubidzhe, who compared the creative works
of Nizami and Rustaveli through the distorting mirror of
ill-intentioned contrasting; to Apresyan, who placed a fth-
rate Armenian poet higher than Nizami and Khagani, and
many others. Although Azade khanim faced diculties and
obstacles, she always found the opportunity to explain and
inform scientic truths to audiences of all sizes.
e outstanding scholar Professor Azade Jafar Rustamova
demonstrated great national courage in her numerous
published papers and books, alongside her pioneering ac-
ademic prowess. Her legacy should never be forgotten.
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