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A Deep Analysis of Blockchain Technology from Socio-Economic and Technological Perspectives: Intrinsic Barriers and Potential Impact

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Abstract and Figures

Our aim is to understand technological and socio-economic barriers to blockchain solutions that are intrinsic in the blockchain technology stack itself (permissionless as well as permissioned). On the basis of that, we want to understand the future potentioal impact of blockchain technology. We provide an argumentation against the theoretical background of Williamson's instutional analysis framework, and triangulate the insights with results from four design science research efforts. We (i) characterize cryptocurrency as one-tiered collateralized money. We (ii) review potential blockchain solutions against defined essential modes of communications. We review (iii) well-known scalability issues and potential denial-of-service attacks through a new probabilistic model. We (iv) characterize a typical neglection of physical network infrastructure in blockchain technology discussions. We (v) describe four successful blockchain solutions and explain their design. There is (vi) no evidence that the proclaimed ``blockchain revolution'' can disrupt our institutional stack; instead, it can only happen in the boundaries of the current institutional stack. Nevertheless, it is possible to (vii) design useful blockchain solutions. The findings of this research enable policy makers, decision makers and information systems architects alike to make informed decisions about blockchain technology and its application. Given its theoretic foundation in new institutional economics, triangulated with comprehensive results from design science efforts, this study is the first of its kind in the area of blockchain technology research. <br
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A Deep Analysis of Blockchain Technology from
Socio-Economic and Technological Perspectives:
Intrinsic Barriers and Potential Impact
Ahto Buldas1, Dirk Draheim2, Takehiko Nagumo3,4, and Anton Vedeshin5
1Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
2Information Systems Group, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
3Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, Japan
4Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, Tokio, Japan
53D Control Systems Ltd., San Francisco, USA
Abstract. Purpose: Our aim is to understand technological and socio-economic barriers to blockchain
solutions that are intrinsic in the blockchain technology stack itself (permissionless as well as per-
missioned). On the basis of that, we want to understand the future potentioal impact of blockchain
Design/methodology/approach: We provide an argumentation against the theoretical background of
Williamson’s instutional analysis framework, and triangulate the insights with results from four design
science research efforts.
Findings: We (i) characterize cryptocurrency as one-tiered collateralized money. We (ii) review potential
blockchain solutions against defined essential modes of communications. We review (iii) well-known
scalability issues and potential denial-of-service attacks through a new probabilistic model. We (iv)
characterize a typical neglection of physical network infrastructure in blockchain technology discussions.
We (v) describe four successful blockchain solutions and explain their design. There is (vi) no evidence
that the proclaimed “blockchain revolution” can disrupt our institutional stack; instead, it can only
happen in the boundaries of the current institutional stack. Nevertheless, it is possible to (vii) design
useful blockchain solutions.
Practical implications: The findings of this research enable policy makers, decision makers and in-
formation systems architects alike to make informed decisions about blockchain technology and its
Originality: Given its theoretic foundation in new institutional economics, triangulated with compre-
hensive results from design science efforts, this study is the first of its kind in the area of blockchain
technology research.
Keywords: Blockchain ·distributed ledger ·monetary system ·transaction cost economics ·new
institutional economics
1 Introduction
Triggered by the quick, unexampled spread of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin [1] since its introduction in 2009
and its immense resonance in media, we have seen, in the last decade, a phlethora of envisioned blockchain
solutions. Often, such envisioned blockchain solutions claim to be disruptive. Such blockchain disruptiveness is
often fundamental, i.e., it takes the form of (or is embedded into an overall) proclaimed blockchain revolution,
i.e., goes beyond the total transformation (and take-over) of an existing business model or even business
(sub-)domain, as is the target of the usual start-up (with Booking, Uber, Airbnb as prominent examples).
The proclaimed blockchain revolution targets the shake-up of whole vertical and horizontal markets, today’s
monetary system [2], the institutional design of the state including the judiciary system [3], i.e., whole societies
and political systems. But how realistic is such a blockchain revolution? Is it the blockchain revolution
that enacts a shake-up of the institutions around us? Or does the blockchain revolution need to rely on a
hypothetical re-design of the institutional design instead? How critical is the blockchain revolution when it
comes to the design of concrete blockchain technologies, let them be permissionless or permissioned? It is
such questions which have motivated us to compile the recent paper and we hope that we can bring some
light to them, at least to create some awareness for them.
In service of these questions, we contribute and extend the following, mutually dependent discussions,
compare also with [4]:
We characterize cryptocurrency as one-tiered uncollateralized M1 money.
We define essential modes of business communications (message authentication, signature, registered
letter, contract, order etc.) and how they are digitized classically. We review potential blockchain solutions
for these modes of communications, including socio-economic considerations.
At the technical level, we discuss (i) scalability issues and potential denial-of-service attacks and (ii) a
characteristic neglection of physical network infrastructure.
We look into four successful blockchain solutions (that we have designed over the last years) and explain
their design:
Guardtime: A tamper-proof timestamping service.
3DPrinterOS: An automated manufacturing software ecosystem.
Agrello: an electronic identity and digital signature solution.
Thinnect: a sensors-as-a-service marketplace.
We proceed as follows. In Sect. 2, we summarize essential preliminaries and some theoretical background6.
We discuss related work throughout the paper and review some selected, important literature in Sect. 3. In
Sect. 4, we characterize Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general as an uncollateralized, one-tier M1 money.
In Sect. 5, we explain modes of business communications and their possible blockchain realization. In Sect. 6
we discuss intrinsic technological barriers of permissionless blockchain technology. In Sect. 7, we discuss
a series of successfull blockchain-based solutions. Section 8 aims at compiling a high-level decision maker
discussion. It provides a scheme of requirements for the potential use of distributed ledger technology6. We
finish the paper with a conclusion in Sect. 9.
2 Preliminaries and Theoretical Background
We start with a discussion of the Bitcoin vision in Sect. 2.1 as it laid the foundation for blockchain technology,
proceed with an explanation of blockchains and distributed ledgers in Sect. 2.2 and 2.3. Then, we provide a
brief explanation of Williamson’s new institutional economics that we need in our analysis in Sect. 2.4.
2.1 The Bitcoin Vision
The Bitcoin vision was published in 2008 as a white paper by the anonymous author (or author collective)
Satoshi Nakamoto [1]. The aim was to create a peer-to-peer payment system that works free from third party
intervention in which payments were instant and irreversible. “Ordinary” bank money was not considered
suitable for free electronic commerce as banks may (in principle) delay and revert payments and for
security reasons require too much sensitive personal information from their clients. The Bitcoin system can
be described as a fully automated financial transaction provider the rules of which are public and cannot be
6Sections 2.2, 2.3 and 8 are based on a technical report (cryptographic algorithm lifecycle study) by AS Cybernet-
ica [5] that has been ordered by the Information Systems Authority RIA (Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet) of the Republic
of Estonia in 2018.
broken due to the principal design of the system. Payment orders are automatically processed in accordance
with these rules and are added to an append-only public ledger that can be verified by everybody.
The syntax and semantics of the ledger (as a data structure) are supposed to guarantee its verifiable
uniqueness a successful verification of the ledger must be unique, i.e., so that alternative versions of the
ledger cannot exist. In Bitcoin, this is supposed to be guaranteed via the proof-of-work consensus protocol:
the idea is, that creating a correctly verified ledger would take so much energy that the existence of alter-
native/parallel versions of the ledger is beyond reasonable doubt. As reverting a payment means rewriting
the ledger, it would not possible for any individual or any organisation to delay or revert payments, i.e., the
Bitcoin vision needs to consider potential double spend attacks and DoS (denial-of-service) attacks as purely
theoretical threats. Note that verifiable uniqueness of the ledger means that it is not important at all how
and by whom the ledger was created. Only the data of the ledger itself is important for verification.
Automation assumes data processing, which certainly needs a machine. Now, it is possible to identify
Bitcoin with the machine that is needed to run its data processing, and, henceforth, we can therefore talk
about the Bitcoin machine. In the Bitcoin vision, such a Bitcoin machine has to be flawless and unstoppable.
Destroying the machine would stop the payments. This necessarily leads us to the following considerations:
(i) What is the Bitcoin machine and which organisation runs it? By assumption, such a machine cannot be
under control of any organisation as such an organisation would be able to stop the machine. Therefore,
the Bitcoin machine is a network of servers that are run on voluntary basis. All network nodes (servers)
maintain the exact same copy of the Bitcoin ledger.
(ii) But what guarantees that there are sufficiently many volunteers that run a server? For that, Bitcoin
has an incentive mechanism. Each volunteer who wins a round in the infinitely repeating proof-of-work
consensus race is paid with a certain amount of Bitcoin currency (a fixed (coinbase) reward, plus variable
transaction fees). Volunteers are economically motivated as far as the Bitcoin “currency” presents some
economical value to them.
(iii) But what is the economical value of the Bitcoin “currency”? Bitcoin has an economic value if it is accepted
as payment in exchange of goods or services (in marketplaces) or currency (in financial markets).
Given (i) above, we have that Bitcoin is a technical machine, given (i-ii), we have that Bitcoin can be
characterized as a “social machine”. It is the latter that explains the emergence of a whole new research area
called cryptoeconomics.7.
2.2 Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers
Some would identify blockchain with Bitcoin, i.e., with the Bitcoin blockchain. Others would at least insist
that a blockchain is run with a proof-of-work consensus such as introduced in the Bitcoin vision. Some prefer
not to speak about blockchains at all and prefer to talk about distributed ledgers instead. Again others would
insist on a subtle difference between blockchains and distributed ledgers, i.e., saying that a blockchain is a
data structure, whereas a distributed ledger is the electronic document realized by a blockchain. As long
as they are no standardized definitions, we are rather agnostic towards terminology. For example, for the
sake of this paper, we talk about blockchains often also merely as data structures, i.e., independent of the
concrete kind of consensus mechanism used by the concrete blockchain technology.
A blockchain is a data structure composed of successive data blocks. Each new block is either created after
a fixed time period or as a result of some other event, such as successful mining. The content of the blocks
as a data structure represents a specifically encoded ledger, which records events that may have informal,
commercial or legal significance. The blockchain format is known to its operators and users. The integrity of
a blockchain is ensured by iterative hashing. A hash is calculated for each block by applying a hash function
to the block’s data and the hash of the previous block. The integrity of the hashes is ensured through the
use of:
digital signatures, i.e., digital signatures of persons authorised in some way (with public keys),
hashed time-stamping that uses a publication mechanism, or
non-interactive time-stamping in the form of special formatting rules for blocks that make the creation
of valid blocks a computationally complicated task (proof-of-work).
The blockchain is usually stored and managed in the form of a distributed ledger, with multiple parties
keeping a copy of the ledger, which then implies the use of a handshake protocol between the components.
However, also centralized blockchain system exist. The original and surely the most popular application of
blockchains is cryptocurrency, where the ledger displays user account balances and inter-user payments in a
“currency” defined by the ledger itself and not necessarily in one of the traditional currencies. Nevertheless,
cryptocurrency may be traded on the stock exchange and exchanged for traditional money, which makes it
hard to distinguish between traditional currency and cryptocurrency and as official vs. non-official currency.
The most widely recognised cryptocurrency system is Bitcoin, which establishes and uses Bitcoins and
Satoshis as currency.
Blockchain systems can be
Centralized, where the ledger is managed as a centralised service by one legal entity. For example the
Permissioned ledgers, in which the provision of services is distributed between a number of fixed actors
acting on a contractual or other legal basis. For example, Ripple9, which enables interbank transactions,
or Sovrin10, which is managed by financial institutions and is seeking to build a global decentralised
identity system.
Permissionless ledgers, where service providers are not fixed and, in principle, anyone can start operating
the service. For example, Bitcoin11,12 and the early versions of Ethereum13 .
Most permissionless blockchain systems include an independent cryptocurrency. The reason for that is
that in the absence of an inter-operator contract, there are usually no other incentives to guarantee voluntary
management of the blockchain.
Aledger is a constantly updated electronic document that records events of informal, commercial or legal
significance. The ledger format depends on its field of use. A ledger has an organisational and a technical
structure. Organisationally, the ledger includes:
Users: Persons or entities who/which add entries to the ledger as appropriate. Users are usually identified
in the ledger by their public key, which is mostly associated with traditional digital signatures, such as
RSA, DSA, ECDSA, etc. The public key or its hash is generally treated as an account number.
Operators: Persons or entities who ensure the validity, maintenance, and operation of the ledger. Opera-
tors only accept and add items to the ledger meeting the format. Operators may have to personally add
data to the ledger if it is required by the format.
Technically, operators are viewed as automatically acting entities. In legal terms, operators can be either
legal or natural persons, and their participation in the management of a ledger may not be subject to
regulation by any law. For example, Bitcoin system operators operate on a voluntary basis and in most cases
It is important to note that although the ledger maintenance activities of the operators may not be
subject to regulation by any law, the contents of the ledger may have legal significance if the users have so
defined. For example, if a ledger manages inter-user payments and account balances, the records may include
items such as payer, payee, paid amount, etc. The ledger format may require that the transaction item must
be accompanied by a digital signature of the payer (for example with a traditional signing algorithm such
as RSA, CDSA, etc.), the paid amount may not exceed the amount available on the payer’s account and so
forth. Now, if account balances are defined as entries and a payment with valid formatting is added to the
ledger, the operator must also modify the entries representing the respective balances.
Formally, the format of a ledger can be represented as a set of verifiable conditions. The verification of
such conditions can be a complex task, especially, if users can dynamically extend them, as is possible, e.g.,
with smart contracts that we discuss in due course in Sect. 2.3.
If there are multiple ledger operators, then the ledger is called a distributed ledger. In such a case,
entries sent by users are received, directly or indirectly, by all operators managing the ledger independently.
Distribution may be required for two main reasons:
Trust. A solution with a single operator is not deemed sufficiently reliable considering the potential for
Reliability (Availability, Resilience). A solution with a single operator is not deemed sufficiently reliable
considering the possibility that an operator may become unavailable due to network issues or other
technical issues.
Distributed ledgers need some form of consensus mechanism. Albeit trust and reliability are the two
driving forces to step from a centralized to a decentralized solution, trust and reliability remain an issue in
centralized solution. Actually, establishing trust is the essential (intrinsic) issue of permissionless distributed
ledgers, but it might also be an issue in permissioned blockchains. Network problems may cause a situation
where all operators do not receive all entries, and thus received entries may vary across operators. Again,
to ensure consistency across all copies of the ledger, a consensus protocol between operators is required.
Strategies for reaching consensus can be divided into several classes:
Agreement protocols, in which the next block is agreed upon between operators only if all preceding
blocks are agreed upon and consistent across the board.
Nakamoto consensus (proof-of-work), which uses a uniform chain comparison criterion; if there are two
chains, then one of them is “stronger” and the operators always prefer the strongest chain (more precisely:
a decision is made for the strongest chain in terms of accumulated difficulties (longest-difficulty valid
chain [6]); if an alternative chain of equal length (and same strength) is formed and distributed later, it
does not replace the main chain.) [1, 6].
Proof-of-stake, in which operators who have more cryptocurrency gain priority in block creation.
Operators participating in an agreement protocol may have different versions of a block. The agreement
protocol must be designed in such a way that a sufficiently large number of properly functioning operators
involved in that protocol reach a consensus on the same version of that block. Agreement protocols are
usually time and message-intensive. If the number of operators is very high, the use of an agreement protocol
by all operators might become impractical or even impossible. Therefore, some blockchain technologies (e.g.,
Algorand14) use lottery-based scaling coalition. The main drawback of blockchain technologies based on
agreement protocols is that the agreement protocol must necessarily succeed before the creation of new
blocks. If, for some reason, it gets stuck, then it disrupts the entire ledger management.
The main purpose of the Nakamoto consensus is to create stabilize on a joint blockchain as fast as
possible, in a situation where, the chains of properly functioning operators have longest possible identical
initial segments of the chain. An operator who managed to create the next block, sends it to other operators,
who try to attach it to the ‘previous’ known blocks to chain them up. The correct chain will be chosen
based on the chain comparison criteria. It is important to understand that although a new block Bt+1 refers
unambiguously (based on hash values) to some earlier block Bt, there may not be an existing consensus
about the previous block Bt, and it is therefore possible that later on, a chain B0, . . . , Bt1, B0
t, B0
t+1, where
the blocks B0
tand B0
t+1 might not match blocks Btand Bt+1, is deemed the valid chain. It may happen
that block Btcontains some entry r, but later, the ‘winning’ blocks B0
tand B0
t+1 do not contain the entry r.
Therefore, a situation may arise where some recently added entry ris removed from the ledger.Keeping that
in mind, operators typically keep a separate account for incoming entries. If any entry ris removed from
the ledger, the operator will re-enter it into the ledger as soon as possible. Malicious miners can exploit the
potential removal of a blockchain entry for a so-called double spend attack.
As the Nakamoto consensus is based solely on chain comparison and does not assume that the entire
preceding chain is synchronised, protocols based on Nakamoto consensus are much more reliable during poor
network conditions than agreement protocols. At the same time, the possibility to remove freshly added
items and to wait for the ledger to “stabilise” should be considered.
Finding a block with a specified strength is called mining. In the Bitcoin system, mining is about shuffling
a 64-bit parameter in each block so that the hash value of that parameter would smaller as a set target value
(the lower the target value, the higher the difficulty). Proof-of-work aims to protect the integrity of the ledger
by making it difficult to modify “old” entries, as changing block would also require changing all subsequent
(later) blocks.
Proof-of-stake is an alternative to proof-of-work that helps increase operators’ economic incentives. Proof
of stake requires that operators have a sufficient amount of personal cryptocurrency in the system and there-
fore have enough economic incentive to maintain the system. The rules for creating a block and determining
its difficulty are created in such a way that operators who have more cryptocurrency gain priority in block
creation. For example, the right to create a block may be decided by lottery, where the likelihood of winning
is proportional to the amount of cryptocurrency possessed.
2.3 Smart Contracts
A smart contract [7, 8] is an entry in the ledger that represents a contract between users. A smart contract
consists of a predicate term and programmed instructions for modifying the content of the ledger. Smart
contracts may contain complex calculations. The blockchain system of Ethereum13, for example, allows rules
to be written in the full-fledged third-generation programming language Solidity. As incentive mechanism, a
smart contract format may allow for charging a fee based on the number of instructions that the contract
signers have to pay to the operator of the smart contract system.
As an instructive example, two users could bet if the hash of a block created after a certain time period is
an odd or an even number: if the hash comes up as even, then one user pays a certain amount of cryptocur-
rency units to the other user and vice versa. To achieve such behavior of the ledger, a contract description
is stored in the ledger and both parties attach their digital signatures (which are also stored in the ledger)
to the contract. The task of the operator is to monitor the smart contract and to update the balances of the
contract partners when agreed-upon time has elapsed and the hash of the next block has been calculated.
Here, it is assumed that the ledger blocks contain the time of their creation as entries. If it is required by
the smart contract technology that the predicate term may depend only on the (bit) content of the ledger
(i.e., must not depend on any external parameters), it would be even necessary, that the blocks contain their
creation times.
As another example, if we would like to create a sports results tote-board based on blockchain technology,
the program that implements the predicate term could access a trusted external sports result database. As
another solution, the ledger could also store the sport results itself. Of course, the validity predicate cannot
include result verification logic, however, it may require that the stored results are signed and verifiable using
a fixed set of trusted public keys. Still, also in the latter solution, the values need to enter the ledger and,
therefore, also in the latter solution, the predicate term in dependent on external values, albeit indirectly.
We might describe smart contracts that are dependant on external values as embedded smart contracts
(“contracts embedded in the world” [8]). Embedded smart contracts are smart contracts per se, as they show
in envisioned application scenarios as found in [8] or many white papers of respective ICOs (initial coin
Level Purpose Frequency
L1 (social theory) Embeddedness: informal institutions,
customs, traditions, norms, religion
Often noncalculative;
100–1000 years
L2 (economics of property rights) Institutional
Environment: formal rules of the game esp. property
(polity, judiciary, bureaucracy)
Get the institutional
environment right. 1st-order
10–100 years
L3 (transaction cost economics) Governance: play of
the game esp. contract (aligning governance
structures with transactions)
Get the governance structure
right. 2nd-order economizing.
1–10 years
L4 (Neo-classical economics / agency theory): resource
allocation and employment (prices and quantities,
incentive alignment)
Get the marginal conditions
right. 3rd-order economizing.
Table 1. Economics of institutions; compiled from Williamson 1998 [9].
2.4 New Institutional Economics
We have chosen Williamson’s new institutional economics [9] as a theoretical reference framework to strengthen
(to provide anchors for) many of our arguments throughout the paper. In Table 1, we have compiled the
“four levels of social analysis” of new institutional economics (from Fig. 1 in [9]), L1 trough L4, which con-
tinuously evolve, at different pace and with different volatility; where they all influence each other (back
and forth, even across several levels) in this evolvement. Level L1 is about culture at the societal level; level
L2 is about laws, regulations and government; level L3 is about organizational governance in so far it con-
cerns inter-organizational transactions; whereas level L4 is the most fine-grained level of individual actors. It
makes sense to study large, complex socio-technical systems with the help of such an institutional analysis
framework, compare with Koppenjan and Groenewegen [10]. We are interested in two kinds of questions,
i.e., in how far emerging technologies impact institutional design at the different levels of analysis, on the
one hand, and (vice versa) in how far changes to institutional design are prerequisites (or at least enablers)
for the successful introduction of emerging technologies. Here, not only the amount but, in particular, the
level of impact makes a difference in the degree of disruptiveness of a technology.
3 Related Work
The multi-author volume [11] (edited by Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn) provides an interdisciplinary assess-
ment of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency from several perspectives of social sciences as well as technology studies.
The discussion ranges from new forms of organizations over the cashless society to the impact of global
governance. The potential impact of blockchain technology (as an emerging technology) is analyzed in terms
of normative implications, dis-/empowerment, decentralization, ethics, legitimacy etc.
In [12, 13], Arvind Narayanan and Jeremy Clark review a series of seminal papers and contributions
in cryptography that are related to Bitcoin technology11 (as described in [1]): linked timestamping [14]
(including the Guardtime solution described in Sect. 7.1), merkle trees, byzanthine fault tolerance, proof-of-
work, Hashcash. This way, the paper also increases the understanding of the building blocks of blockchain
With [15], Jan Mendling et al. provide a mature analysis of the potential of blockchain technology for
business process management (BPM) [16] (and the challenges thereof). Due to its de-centralized nature,
the significant potential of blockchain technology for enabling cross-organizational business process is ex-
plained. First, the authors eleborate a thorough understanding of the utiliziation of blockchain technology in
terms of the established BPM lifecycle. Next, they reflect on the potential of blockchain technology beyond
the boundaries set by the established BPM lifecycle, i.e., in terms of the BPM capability areas of Rose-
mann and vom Brocke [17]: strategy, governance, information technology, people, and culture. The authors
conclude with identifying and characterizing seven future research directions relevant to the adoption of
blockchain technology for (and its impact on) business process management, i.e., (i) executing/monitoring
blockchain-based systems, (ii) analysing/engineering blockchain-based processes, (iii) redesigning processes
for blockchain readiness, (iv) evolution/adaptation of blockchain technology, (v) identification/discovery of
processes that are amenable for blockchain technology, (vi) impact of blockchain technology on strategy and
governance, (vii) cultural shifts needed for (enacted by) the adoption of blockchain technology.
In [18], Rikken, Janssen and Kwee have compiled a catalogue of governance challenges of blockchain
technology, in particular decentralized autonomous organizations. The findings are based on a combina-
tion of structured literature review (51 papers) and interviews (two industry experts; two researchers). The
challenges has been categorized with respect to several layers (infrastructure, application, company, institu-
tion/country) and stages (design, operate, evolve/crisis) to have them prepared for further analysis. Based
on that, the key findings are as follows. As opposed to classical applications, blockchain-application show
complex relationships (“entanglement”) between applications and infrastrusture; governance models can be-
come complicated for a blockchain application, as the application might be “dependent on the governance of
the infrastructure”; applications based on permissioned blockchain technology are amenable to established
governance models (even if challenging with respect to governance); whereas, research is needed on (new) gov-
ernance models for applications based on permissionless blockchain technology (in particular, decentralized
autonomous organizations)
In [19], Janssen et al. have developed a conceptual framework for the analysis of blockchain technology
adoption (as reference point for both practioners and researchers in the field). Through a focused literature
review (of a mix of 30 relevant research papers and expert reports) they have identified various relevant factors
grouped into the three categories (institutional, market, technical) of the institutional analysis framework
of Koppenjan and Groenwegen [10], i.e., institutional: norms and cultures, regulations and legislations,
governance; market: market structure, contacts and agreements, business process; technical: information
exchange and transactions; distributed ledger; shared infrastructure. Furthermore, they characterize the key
challenges that come with each of the several factors and indicate that the factors depend on each other in
mutual, complex relationships.
In [20], Nitin Upadhyay compiles a framework for adoption of blockchain technology based on a systematic
literature review (805 initially found papers; 89 resulting papers) regarding three research questions, i.e., (i)
challenges, (ii) opportunities, and (iii) kind of applications addressed by research on blockchain technology.
From the resulting papers, 23 propositions on the adoption of blockchain technologies have been compiled
an categorized according to the following groups: innovation characteristics, organizational characteristics,
environmental characteristics, user acceptance characteristics. The paper concludes with a compilation of
open research questions in the categories of management, impact and application.
With [21], Shermin Voshmgir provides a comprehensive treatment of the past, present and future of the
blockchain vision. Based on a thorough review of distributed ledger technologies in its various facets (network,
security, control etc.), she aims to explain the disruptive potential of blockchain technology to transcend the
Web (as we currently know it) into the vision of a next generation Internet (Web3) based on distributed ledger
technology as “collectively maintained public infrastructure”[21] encompassing smart contracts, decentralized
autonomous organizations (DAOs), token economics and decentralized finance (DeFi). The proposed concepts
are evaluated by a large series of conceptual and real-world use cases from various categories (asset tokens,
purpose-driven tokens, tokenized social networks, basic attention tokens (BAT), token-curated registries
With [6], Andreas M. Antonopoulos provides a comprehensive description of the Bitcoin implementation.
After an explanation of Bitcoin basics (terminology, use cases, wallets etc.), he explains, in detail, the
data structures and algorithms of the Bitcoin implementation (on the basis of the Bitcoin Core reference
implementation), and how they work together in realizing transactions and blockchain consensus. Several
further, auxiliary topics such as scripting, security and example blockchain applications are treated as well.
4 Bitcoin as an Uncollateralized, One-Tier M1 Money
4.1 Today’s Monetary System
Governments do not print money out of thin air, simply by fiat; instead, they are steering the money
supply via a set of complex measures in a tiered, collateralized monetary system in these endeavors they
are supported by resp. team together with independent, legally trusted, accountable institutions. Today’s
monetary system is tiered. It relies on the interplay of a central bank with commercial banks in guaranteeing
the money supply needed for the functioning of a country’s economy. Different countries might have different
monetary systems, not only with respect to their concrete steering parameters, but also with respect to
their design; however, the basic mechanism of money supply is always the same. The crucial point is in
the distinction between central bank money and commercial bank money. Only a small fraction of money
exists as physical currency (cash/coin), actually, less than 10% of the money is cash/coin. Most of the money
exists as pure deposit in banks. Money creation is a permanent process. Money is created and destroyed
continuously by the commercial banks via their credit function. Whenever a credit is granted, new money is
created. Whenever a credit is payed back, money is destroyed. This means, that it is the commercial bank
that creates money out-of-nothing (not the government). A common, often heard, but false explanation of
the credit function of the commercial bank is as follows: the bank collects money from customers who want
to deposit their money; then the bank redistributes the collected money via granting credits; for this service
they get paid via the interests of the credits. No; actually, the bank can just grant credits out-of-nothing;
however, only within in the narrow boundaries of regulated mechanisms, mainly: collaterals (as described in
the sequel) and capital adequacy ratios.
When granting a credit, the bank creates a number in its books: new book money has emerged. Henceforth,
the customer who got the credit can use this book money freely in financial transactions; no cash is needed
for that. Only institutions that have the legal, official status of a commercial bank and therefore belong
to the network of commercial banks of a country can grant credits and create book money. Basically,
everybody can found a commercial bank. But becoming a commercial bank is not easy, i.e., an institution
needs to proof that it is capable of complying with all the necessary regulations and laws of the financial
system. Therefore, founding a bank needs a major investment. Whenever a commercial bank grants a credit,
it requires a collateral for the credited amount from the debtor. The banks needs that as a security. And the
bank is obliged to. It is not up to the bank to decide about collaterals. It is regulated, which kind of assets
may be accepted for which kind and which amount of credits; likewise, with which kind of procedures the
trustworthiness of the debtor has to be checked, with which kind of procedure the collateral in question has
to assessed. Furthermore, a commercial bank needs to hold deposit money at the central bank. This way,
the central bank has the role of a reserve bank. Only a small fraction of the credit amount granted by a
commercial bank has to be deposited by the commercial bank at the central bank, e.g., with respect to the
European central bank, this is currently 1%. All this is regulated, and the commercial bank needs to comply;
otherwise, it risks its status as a commercial bank and can even become subject of criminal investigations.
Banks have regular audits (specialized audits with respect to financial institution laws; far beyond the usual
financial audits that are conducted anyhow in each enterprise that is listed on the stock exchange); and they
are surveilled by national financial surveillance authorities.
As a result, almost all the money is collateralized in today’s monetary systems. This is a crucial concept
meant to create particularly stable monetary systems; an un-speculative money is the ideal target. The
narrative (which is a mantra told by cryptocurrency evengalists) that, with the abolishment of the gold
standard back in the days, governments started to print money out of thin air is not just something like an
oversimplification: it is simply wrong. If a credit cannot be paid back, the bank gains ownership over the
collateral and tries to turn it into money in order to erase the credit this is how the collateral works as a
security. The buyer of a collateral in this process will usually need a credit for this purchase, and s/he will
need to provide a collateral for that new credit: this way the credit system is not merely about the creation
and destruction of money, it is rather about a steady transformation of collateral anchors. It is fair to say
that almost all money is collateralized; some small credits might not, at least they are usually secured with
the reputation of the debtor, i.e., the debtor’s creditability, depending on proven income and credit history.
Also, some of the physical currency of the country might not have collaterals. Again, it would be wrong
to say (as the cryptocurrency evangelists want to teach us) that with the abundance of the gold standard
all physical currency collaterals vanished. Actually, many countries still have gold reserves, e.g., Germany
a gold reserve of 3.3367 t (as of December 2019), which amounts to more than 170 Mill. USD15 (e.g., way
more than 10% of cash in Germany, that can be estimated as 1.4 Bill. USD in 2019). But countries do not
only hold gold reserves; they hold also other reserves, i.e., reserve currency (i.e., forex: currency of a foreign
country) and stock.
The idea behind having (almost all) money collateralized is about stabilizing the respective monetary
system. Money owners can trust in the money as they can trust in the real-world assets that are bond to
money via the collaterals. This way, money is turned from a purely speculative asset into a less speculative
asset. The idea is, of course, that a collateral asset has the value of the money amount that it is securing.
This way, we defer our trust into the value of some virtual, monetary asset to trust into the value of some
real-world asset. The real-world asset is there and can be assessed, by the human decision maker; and this is
where the stabilization of the monetary system comes from. The system has flaws, of course. Indeed, it leads
to a recursive problem as follows. Even in the light of existing regulations and laws, it cannot be guaranteed
that the collateral assets actually have the value that they secure, i.e., the fact that they do so is again
speculative. Still, the circumstance that a collateral asset might not have the value as it supposed to have,
is less speculative, than trusting into the degree of acceptance of a purely monetary value. The described
recursive trust problem is intrinsic, and cannot be resolved easily. A further threat to the system is in failure
of the collateral assessment procedures that the commercial banks are obliged to but this is an external
threat to the concept of the tiered monetary system. An over-assessment of collateral assets is exactly what
have happened in the subprime mortgage financial crisis in the years of 2007–2010.
The stability of today’s monetary system can be threatened by its still intrinsic speculative components
(which cannot be eliminated completely due the recursive nature of the collateral trust problem) and by non-
compliance issues of human actors. Still, even if the monetary system cannot absolutely guarantee stability:
it is designed for stability; and each new designed monetary system needs to be as stable as the established
one; only after that, it can be even more stable. Cryptocurrency evangelists sometimes teach us about further
threats to the established monetary systems, e.g.: that a criminal government might deliberately provoke a
financial crisis in order to gain absolute control over its citizens (the conspirative nature of such and similar
theories makes it hard for us to bring arguments against or in favor of such theories).
4.2 Cryptocurrency and Today’s Monetary System Compared
The tiers in today’s monetary systems are called M0, M1, M2 and M3. The exact definitions of which
kind of money is included in which tier varies from country to country (also, their might be further tier
names such as MB and MZM in the US system), however, this should not concern us too much here,
as there are strong similarities between the systems. Roughly, it can be said that M0 money consists of
commercial bank deposits plus cash deposits at commercial banks, M1 money consists of demand deposits
(book money that can be instantly accessed by the owner for financial transactions) at commercial banks
plus circulating cash (in wallets and cash registers), whereas M2-M3 contains saving, time deposits, large-
time deposits and others. So, it is fair to say that M0 is the central bank money, M1 is the money that is
used in purchasing (buyer/seller financial transactions), and M2-M3 is about all kinds of other money. For
us, this rough (imprecise) categorization is enough to characterize Bitcoin (and any kind of cryptocurrency
that follows the Bitcoin paradigm) as M1 money: it can be used in purchasing (in so far and as long as it
is accepted in payments in exchange for goods or services, compare with Sect. 2.1). In so far, it is like cash
and book money. It is an electronic asset. In so far, it is like M1 money, as, in practice, today’s book money
is always realized electronically.
We characterize Bitcoin as a one-tiered, uncollateralized money. Bictoin lacks a crucial function of today’s
regulated monetary systems: the credit function. In today’s monetary systems the credit function is bound
sine-qua-non to the creation of collateralized money. And this is the crucial insight: as everyone is used to
15 with a gold price of 1519.50 USD as of 31th December 2019
talk about collaterals of a loan, it is important to see that it is the issued money that is collateralized
collateralized money. In the same vein, Bitcoin is an uncollateralized money. Money creation (money issuance)
in the Bitcoin system is a side-effect of the proof-of-work consensus mechanism (as incentive for the so-called
mining efforts). But via mining, no collateral is bound to the created (mined) Bitcoin. Therefore, Bitcoins
are purely speculative assets.
5 Modes of Business Communications
From a purely observational perspective, economy manifests in interactions between actors. Economy can
be considered as a the entirety of these interactions. Looking at an economy merely as a huge play of
interactions would not equip us with any better understanding of it. Here is, where theory building needs
to start, eventually, to come up with hypotheses on structures and laws governing the interactions. The
transactions of transaction cost economics are interactions. But they are also composed of many smaller
interactions. Business interactions show in business communications. When it is said that a certain (emerging)
IT technology would lower transaction costs, this can mean several things depending on which institutional
level is primarily affected.
It could mean that the technology is disruptive in a revolutionary manner (the “blockchain revolution” is
something that is heard often) at Williamson institutional level L2 compare with Table 1. Its emergence
would allow for opening protected rooms in the society/economy in which players do not need to adhere
to the established “formal rules of the game esp. property (polity, judiciary, bureaucracy)” [9]. Opening
such protected (private) rooms is in the tradition of cypherpunks (see “A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto”16 by Eric
Hughes [22] and “The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto”17 by Timothy C. May [23]) and it is fair to count leading
figures of the blockchain community to the cypherpunk scene, e.g., Hal Finney (inventor of RPoW (reusable
proof-of-work; receiver of the first Bitcoin transaction).
Then, in these opened rooms, new forms of organizations and co-operations would become possible at level
L3 (“get the governance structure right” [9]) that would drastically decrease or even eliminate transaction
costs (a recent example in that vein is the Ethereum decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) [24]). We
call such arguments L2/L3-level arguments. We learned form transaction cost economics why people might
form organizations at all: to separate transactions into external and internal transactions with the purpose
of economizing. Now, L2/L3-level arguments (on reducing transactions costs) seem to have an opposite
direction: decreasing transaction costs by deconstruction of established forms of companies hand-in-hand
with deconstructing the established institutional stack.
The other strand of argumentation is more straightforward. It is about increasing the efficiency and effec-
tiveness of business communications, directly, by the exploitation of best available tools. If established forms
of communications are simply replaced, the changes are just about “getting marginal conditions right” [9],
i.e., happen at level L4, compare with Table 1. Sometimes, business processes need to be re-engineered on
behalf of the introduction of new IT technology. Actually, technology is a major driver in the business process
re-engineering of Hammer and Champy [25], compare also with [26–30]. Then, there are not only cost-savings
with respect to the business communications themselves, but indirect cost-savings due to the improvement of
business processes. Business process re-engineering can amount to deep organizational and cultural changes
of the organization [31] and, therefore, can also show impact at level L3, but still in the framework of the
institutional environment set by level L2. Therefore, we call these kinds of arguments L3/L4-level arguments.
In this section, we conduct the discussion bottom-up: we identify essential business communications
and analyze how and why they are realized with standard IT technology approaches, see Table 2 for an
overview. We call these essential business communications modes of business communications or just modes
of communications for short. The aim is, that (on the basis of such an analysis) it becomes easier to assess
the potential of blockchain technology. The idea is to bring the arguments about established and emerging
IT solutions that are around into a more systematic and coherent form. The modes of communication are:
Mode of Communication Addressed Problem
i Message Authentication forgery-proof message
ii Digital Document sender-proofs-sender timestamp
iii Digital Signature sender-non-repudiation
iv Digital Registered Letter receiver-non-repudiation
v Digital Contract sender/receiver-non-repudiation
vi Digital Order repeatable sender/receiver-non-repudiation
vii Smart Contract automatic contract enforcement
Mode of Communication Classical Trust/Enforcement Anchors
i Message Authentication trustworthy public key exchange
ii Digital Document trusted TSA (timestamping authority)
iii Digital Signature trusted CA (certification authority); (trusted TSA)
Digital Registered Letter trusted VAN (value-added network) provider; framework
contract (VAN with receiver)
Digital Registered Letter
(partially de-centralized)
legally trusted CA/TSA; obligatory (legally enforced)
de-centralized transaction logs
v Digital Contract trusted VAN provider; framework contract (VAN with all
Digital Order (symmetric) trusted VAN provider; message-related framework contract
(VAN with all parties); business-related framework contract
between all parties (justiciable business rules)
Digital Order (asymmetric) (trusted or (at least) trustworthy CA); business-related
framework contract between dominating consumer and
dominated supplier; supplier portal at consumer site (via
certified IT service provider)
vii Smart Contract xxx
Table 2. Modes of (trusted) digital business communications together with addressed problems and classical trust
and enforcement anchors.
message authentication, digital record, digital signature, digital registered letter, digital contract, digital
order, and smart contract. We will walk through all of them step-by-step, but first we need to explain the
importance of the concept of trust for business communications.
Trust is essential in business communications, but we need a deeper understanding of the difference
between just trustworthy and trusted parties, in order to understand, how the issue of trust actually shapes
business communication solutions. If parties trust each other unconditionally, we usually would say that
they consider each other as trustworthy. Scenarios of unconditional trust (“gentlemen agreements” [10]) can
be considered as non-standard scenarios in the professional business world. Rather, parties would like to
co-operate with each other, even if they do not trust each other unconditionally. Actually, when it comes to
auditability, a party must show that it does not simply trusts other parties unconditionally! Here is, where
the concept of trusted party emerges. The concept of trusted party makes sense only with respect to the
judiciary system. A party is trusted, if other parties have “enough reason” to believe that the party’s witness
statements would be believed in court cases (dealing with disputes involving business communications). The
level of formality of what is considered as “enough reason to believe” can greatly vary. For example, it
might be formalized by requiring certain certificates on the (technical) maturity of the trusted party, such
as would be required by auditors. At a very formal level, we would say that a party is a legally trusted party,
if it has been directly granted the status of an officially trusted party by respective legal regulations, or
(indirectly) granted by a state authority in accordance with respective legal regulations. A standard example
for such legally trusted parties are the certification authorities of national eID (electronic identification)
solutions [32–35].
Less precise, but in the same vein, we can talk about a trusted IT solution, if it allows for reliable,
replicable argumentation in court cases involving business communications that are supported by the solution.
Digital business communication solutions are large-scale solutions that consist of a technical design and an
institutional design, compare with Koppenjan and Groenewegen, 2005 [10] (with respect to [10], compare
also with [36]). We call the components (trusted parties; auxiliary technical/non-technical assets) of a trusted
solution also trust anchors.
Business parties turn to court to enforce their interests (in case of dispute). The judiciary serves as
enforcement system. The judiciary system might not be the only possible enforcement system. Interests
can be enforced by dominating (powerful) players in asymmetric business relationships. Similarly, the risk
of damaged reputation can serve as (trustworthy) self-regulating enforcement mechanism in some business
sub communities. Such business communities are often (relatively) small, at least, they show a low degree
of anonymity; often they show also an asymmetric distribution of powers among their players. Both of
the described scenarios are independent of the judiciary, instead, they rely on informal rules at level L3.
Now, the envisioned business models (products, platform etc.) based on smart contracts usually heavily rely
on the idea of establishing an enforcement system independent of the judiciary. In general, IT solutions for
business communications can be considered as composed of enforcement anchors. Trust anchors are a special,
ubiquitous kind of enforcement anchors. (Enforcement anchors are relevant to an existing enforcement system.
The enforcement system of trust anchors is the judiciary.) Table 2 shows the different modes of communication
together with the business communication problems that they address, on the one hand, and the classical
trust resp. enforcement anchors of their stereotypical IT solutions, on the other hand. Message authentication
(i) is a basic mode of communication that is independent of the existence of a judiciary. The vision of smart
contracts (vii) targets the independence of the judiciary and so do the usual smart contract business models
(products, platforms etc.), although, smart contracts could also be useful in emerging (classically) trusted
solutions. Solutions for the modes of communication (ii) through (vi) are usually always designed against
the background of the judiciary; although, some solutions might not be (perfectly) designed with respect to
it and/or not oriented towards it we will discuss such examples also, with solutions (iv-b) and (vi-b).
Message authentication (i) is a basic mode of communication that addresses the problem of forgery-proof
message. The business parties unconditionally trust each other, but they have the problem that some intruder
might tamper a sent message, or might sent a message claiming to be one of the parties. The problem can be
solved simply by trustworthy public key exchange so that, henceforth, a sender can authenticate a message
with its private key. We could call the authentication of the message a digital signature, but it is not. The
authentication of the message serves only the protection against a forgery attack and is (not yet) feasible
to proof that a sender has sent a message, exactly, because of the lack of a trust anchor that will be part
of digital signature solutions (iii). The simplest form of trustworthy public key exchange is to meet in the
real world. Also, they could be send via any other channel that is already considered sufficiently trustworthy
(e.g., snail mail).
Various definitions of electronic documents exist, each coming with different intentions: from the domain of
libraries (ISO 2709, MARC , Dublin Core etc.) over technical exchange formats (ODF, PDF etc.) to enterprise
computing (ISO 10244, Moreq etc.), compare also with [37–41]. In this paper, we use digital document (ii)
as the name of a communication mode. The purpose of a digital document is to add a timestamp to it,
so that a party can proof that it created/possessed a record of information at a certain point in time. A
standard use case of this is about saving intellectual property rights. A timestamp is a trusted piece of
information about such point in time. To stay in the picture of communication modes, we call the addressed
problem sender-proofs-sender timestamp, because it is about one party (sender) that wants to timestamp a
information record (message). This becomes clear, when we look into the standard solution for this problem.
In the standard solution, the interested party sends an information record to a trusted timestamping authority
(TSA). This TSA adds a timepoint information to is, authenticates the resulting document with its private
key and sends it back to the interested party. Actually, the TSA has digitally signed (iii) the information
record, just, the addressed problem is slightly different: the senders themselves want to proof that they have
sent messages, not a third party receiver. An alternative solution (Guardtime) that exploits a publication
mechanism is described in Sect. 7.1.
Digital signatures (iii) address the problem of sender-non-repudiation as follows. The receiver of a message
wants to proof that the message has been sent by the sender, often in combination with proving the timepoint
of when the message has been sent. Use cases emerge whenever the sender has confirmed/approved something
(e.g., a business certificate) or has committed to something (e.g., an order, compare with (vi) below). The
standard solution works as follows. The senders sign the messages with their private keys. The role of the
trusted CA is to confirm and to witness that a public key belongs to a sender. The sender and the trusted
CA together generate the private/public key pair of the sender. Henceforth, the senders uses their private
key to sign documents. A receiver can request a public key certificate (public key of the sender plus sufficient
identity information about the sender; signed by the trusted CA with its private key) from the trusted CA
(technically, typically via OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) [42]). So far, with this confirmation, a
scalable solution for message authentication (i) has been achieved. Requesting a public key certificate is a
means of scalable, trustworthy public exchange. But with the trusted CA even more has been achieved. The
trusted CA (or the issued public key certificate on its behalf) can serve as witness at court; and this way,
sender-non-repudiation is achieved. Often, a digitally signed document also needs to contain a timestamp.
But the timepoint of signature can be added by the sender before signing, there is no need for a trusted
TSA, because the addressed problem is sender -non-repudiation. It is the receiver who wants to prove that
s/he has received a message at a certain time; if s/he receives a message with a wrong timepoint s/he can
just ignore it as if not sent (getting a document with the correct timepoint is a different issue; however,
it makes no difference whether the receiver aims to get that for the first time or after s/he has received a
message with a wrong timepoint). Practically, we see that digital signature solutions also include a trusted
TSA, and typically the trusted CA would (at the same time) take the role of the trusted TSA. This is so,
because digital signatures usually appear in solutions for the more complex business communications digital
contract (v) and digital order (vi) that we will discuss in due course.
The digital registered letter (iv) addresses the problem that a sender would like to proof that the receiver
has received a message at a certain timepoint (in snail mail it is the resp. postal services organization that
serves as witness: registered letter). We call the problem receiver-non-repudiation. The problem of receiver-
non-repudiation is dual to the problem of sender-non-repudiation. It is often overlooked, that it is important
to distinguish cleanly between receiver- and server-non-repudiation. Actually, the problem of receiver-non-
repudiation is much harder to solve than the problem of sender-non-repudiation. It is not a sufficient solution
that the sender proofs that s/he has sent a message (as in sender-proofs-sender-timestamping (ii) above)
even if s/he can proof that, this does not proof that the message actually arrived at the receiver. The receiver
could always deny that s/he has received it, if the message is simply sent via an ordinary open network. The
ad-hoc idea to require a signed acknowledgment message from the receiver makes no sense: the problem is
exactly about the receiver claiming that s/he has not received the message (so s/he just would not send the
acknowledgement message as promised). A solution to this problem can be provided by the concept of value
added network (VAN) that has been used in typical EDI (electronic data interchange) [43] solutions in the
In the VAN-based solution (iv-a), the sender does not send a message directly to the receiver, instead,
s/he sends it to the trusted VAN provider with the receiver as addressee. The VAN provider stores the
message in a persistent message queue (i.e., technically, the VAN is a MOM (message-oriented middleware))
where it waits for being picked from the receiver. This means, that the message delivery to the receiver is
switched from push to pull. Now, in case of dispute, the VAN provider can witness that the receiver has
either picked the message (at a certain timepoint) or did not try to pick it from the queue. In both cases, the
receiver cannot simply claim any more that s/he has not received the message, which provides receiver-non-
repudiation. It is the responsibility of the receivers to pick their messages from the VAN. Such responsibility
can be formalized in a framework contract, in which the receiver commits to pick messages regularly. Here,
it needs to be the interest of the receiver to commit to such responsibility. The interest exists, because the
18 The uprise of EDI (electronic data interchange) was hand-in-hand with the deconstruction of the value chain
as described by the Boston Consulting Group. After the millenium, EDI was superseded by B2B (business-to-
business). Technologically, B2B was about a change to the SOA (service-oriented architecture stack) [44–46, 39,
47]. Conceptually, it was about the vision to transform asymmetric business relations into more symmetric business
relations on a large scale as such, B2B never took off. Independent, of whether EDI or B2B, the conceptual building
blocks of IT solutions remain the same.
receiver is interested to get engaged in certain business communications (and therefore transactions), i.e.,
contracts (v) and orders (vi) below. No trusted CA is needed in this solution. The trusted VAN can identify
both the sender and the receiver by their user credentials. Sender “send” messages to the VAN provider by
logging in into the provider’s systems (of course, as part of a secured API call) with their user credentials,
same with the receivers when they pick their messages. Therefore, the VAN provider exactly knows, who
and when has sent/received which messages via the VAN.
Other solutions can be designed to solve the problem of receiver-non-repudiation. Here, we describe a
partially decentralized solution (iv-b) as found in the nation-wide data exchange layer X-Road19,20 [48–50],
which is the enabling backbone of the Estonian e-government ecosystem, compare also with [51–55, 36]. X-
Roads is based on a PKI (public key inftrastructure) for nation-wide e-identities and digital signatures and
therefore has a legally trusted CA that at the same time serves as legally trusted TSA. Now, each authority
that participates in X-Road as an information system node maintains a transaction log (complete log of all
ingoing/outgoing X-Road messages) [50]. The transaction logs provide sufficient proof to ensure receiver-
non-repudiation. The maintenance of transaction logs is implemented in the standard implementation of the
X-Road security server.
We define the digital contract (v) as the communication mode, in which both parties agreed on and
committed to the content of a (timestamped) information record, so that the addressed problem is both
sender- and receiver-non-repudiation in sending and signing the contract back and forth. A solution can be
designed, e.g., again with a VAN as for receiver-non-repudiation; this time, all parties need to be obliged to
pick their messages from the VAN provider.
The digital order (vi) is the essential communication mode in B2B e-commerce. A digital order is a
contract between an consumer (sender) and a supplier (receiver). The contract is considered accepted by
both parties, if it has been sent by the sender and has been received by the receiver. Both parties need to
commit to that mode; therefore, it needs a business-related framework contract that also regulates further
justiciable business rules with respect to the orders (how much will the consumer order at least per month?
how much can the supplier deliver at most per month? how fast will products be delivered? etc.). If the
business-related framework contract is not a digital contract, a solution for digital orders just needs a solution
for digital registered letters (iv) as a basis. Otherwise, it needs a solution for digital contracts (v) as a basis.
In practice, digital orders are more complex and contain also messages send to the consumer (e.g., order
acknowledgement, compare with resp. EDI standards) that need to be provable. Therefore, digital orders
usually need a digital contract solution as their basis anyhow, compare with (vi-a) in Table 2.
In practice, other solutions for digital orders (vi) exist. (In practice, even in mission-critical supply chains,
orders are often just sent by email with little to no systematic measures for resilience the confidence in the
enforceability is accordingly low.) Today’s supply chains often show asymmetric business relationships, i.e.,
business relationships with a dominating (powerful) consumer and a dependent (much smaller) supplier.21 In
such scenarios, we can see solutions (vi-b) as follows. Again, there is a business-related framework contract,
however, this time the suppliers commits to pick orders directly from a server (as part of a supplier portal)
at the customer site (e.g. via Web service, REST service etc.). A sufficiently trustworthy CA, as well as
a certified IT service provider who runs the supplier portal, can be part of the solution. The objective of
such solutions is to streamline and advance the consumers procurement processes (supplier “enablement”)
and not, in first place, the legally solid proof of messages as other enforcement mechanisms (concerning
dependency/reputation of the supplier) gain more importance.
Smart contracts (vii) address the problem of automatic contract enforcement, i.e., they aim at providing
a contract enforcement system as part of their solution, please see Sect. 2.3 for an explanation of smart
contracts. Smart contracts (vii) are fundamentally different from the other modes of communication (i)
through (vi); and there exists no classical solution for them. Rather, smart contracts can be identified with
21 A great deal of the millennium B2B vision with its UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)
yellow pages approach was about “democratizing” business relationships. Democratizing business relationships is
an ongoing theme. Actually, many ICOs rely on it in their business model visions.
today’s canonical solution that is provided for the problem that they address. The smart contract solution
consists of
a (typically permissionless) distributed ledger (blockchain for short)
a cryptocurrency (realized by the blockchain)
a formal contract language that is rich enough to express self -enforcable (smart) contracts (in the
boundaries of the solution) in terms of
information in the ledger
accessible information outside the ledger (basic real-world embededdeness)
accessible (steerable) assets outside the ledger such as locks, signals, machines, i.e., all kinds ot IoT
(Internet-of-Things) devices (real-world embeddedness)
Smart contracts that are written in the contract language and stored in the ledger
A prominent smart contract implementation is the distributed ledger platform Ethereum with the cryp-
tocurrency Ether and the contract language Solidity. Now, how can a smart contract solution help in imple-
menting the essential business communication modes that we have identified in Table 2? We discuss this for
the communication mode digital order (vi) as it is the most encompassing one and can be considered the
essence of a stereotyical ICO aiming at disrupting the “way business is done” in a certain business domain
or in general. More concrete, we review the enforcement anchors in (vi-a) to conduct the discussion.
First, we want to discuss a potential solution that is “maximally” disruptive, i.e., aims at enabling business
independent of the established judiciary and currency, and independent of any dominating player. The
goal has to be that neither a trusted CA nor a trusted VAN is needed. Consequentially, the message-
related contracts (VAN with all parties) will also become obsolete in the solution. Now, both business-
related framework contracts and orders are stored as smart contracts in the blockchain. Now, the problem
of sender/receiver -non-repudiation that is addressed by the digital order (vi) is simply not an issue any
more. The messages are recorded tamper-proof in the ledger. The information in the ledger can be used
in contract enforcement. A question could be, whether the ledger information would be accepted by the
judiciary. We will turn to that later, but for now, it is not a question at all: we have said that the solution
is about getting independent of the judiciary and establishes its own enforcement system.
What happens if a contract is not fulfilled? It is the solution itself that reacts, according to what has
been specified in the smart contract. Types of reactions can be about enforcing well-behavior, punishing
misbehavior (penalty) or compensating misbehavior (escrow). All cases of potential misbehavior need to be
understood and appropriate reactions have to be programmed. For example, the product of an order could
delivered with an IoT lock (that is accessible from the contract language). The lock is only unlocked, after
the payment has been made. All of this can be programmed before the smart contract is signed. But what
happens if the product (that has been unlocked) is not working? The idea is that then the payment for
the product is automatically paid back. But how can the ledger decide that the product is not working
according to its specification? Can we program an automatic surveillance of the product (via sensors) that
decides that? Rather not. The parties can decide beforehand about a neutral arbitrator, whom they both
trust and who is asked (automatically) to decide in that case by reviewing the product in the real world. Does
this still adhere to the initial vision of fully automatic self-enforceable contracts? Is it not too complicated,
is it not even impossible to understand all potential eventualities and to design and program appropriate
reactions to them? Each transaction could be secured with an escrow. Escrow mechanisms are well-known
from established business communications. But only a small fraction of business transactions is actually
secured by escrows in today’s business world (rather, penalties are fixed in contracts to be enforced by
the judiciary). Securing each and every order in B2B is simply not possible, because for this, the needed
financial liquidity would be way beyond what could be considered reasonable we would like to talk about
escrow-superheaviness in case of such an approach.
To overcome the questions posed in the previous paragraph, a middle position is possible that aligns a
smart contract solution with the established judiciary and official currency. Here, the underlying ledger would
be permissioned. In the extreme case, in which the ledger is provisioned by a single player, the solution does
not differ a lot from a classical VAN-based solution. It still could be argued that a chosen smart contract
platform is (with its specific features) particularly appropriate for the indicated domain of digital orders
and/or that is favorable for other reasons (scalable, resilient, manageable, contemporary, future-proof etc.).
Conceptually, stepping from a single provider to a group of providers does not change a lot. It could be
argued that the resilience and/or the “trustworthiness” of such a permissioned solution is particularly high.
However, also the opposite can always be claimed, in particular, because there exist (to our best knowledge)
yet no documented approaches to make distributed ledger technologies auditable (to be assessed positively
in operational risk management audits).22 Similarly, a solution can only be as trusted as it is believed to be
believed in court cases (see the discussion earlier in this section) and again, from our current perspesctive,
we claim that there is still a severe lack of proven experience/approaches/standards that would provide a
sufficient level of trustability for distributed ledger technologies.
6 Intrinsic Technological Barriers
6.1 Scalability and Denial-of-Service
In this section, we investigate blockchain technology that follows the original blockchain paradigm, i.e.,
proof-of-work [1]. The findings are also relevant in discussions of alternative blockchain paradigms (following
other consensus mechanisms), as they reveal fundamental requirements for (permissionless) blockchain-based
There are several, mutual dependent technical barriers intrinsic in blockchain technology, i.e., protocol-
related denial-of-service (DoS) attacks (both from the user and from the operator), protocol-related scal-
ability (both with respect to usage and with respect to operation ) and the possibility of double-spending.
We say that the potential DoS attacks are protocol-related (and therefore intrinsic), because they arise from
the design of blockchain technology itself, i.e., they are not just DoS attacks that threaten every IT sys-
tem that operates in an open network. The same is for protocol-related scalability, where the potential of
double-spending is specific to blockchain technology anyhow.
If the block size of a blockchain technology is not limited, trivial DoS attacks are possible (for the user, if
transaction costs are achievable; for the operator always). Limiting the block size leads to limited scalability.
We define:
Nmaximal (limit) number of transactions per block
N0average number of requested transactions per block
Taverage time needed for mining a bock
N/T available performance of the blockchain
N0/T requested performance of the blockchain
N0/N load of the blockchain
N0/N >1overload of the blockchain
τthreshold value of N0/N rendering the blockchain impractical
τ0threshold value of N0/N collapsing the blockchain
The available performance of the blockchain N/T in (1) is neither a peak performance nor a maximal
performance measure. As Titself, N/T is an average measure and makes sense only when considering a
sufficiently large time period (sufficiently large number of (mined) blocks).23 The same is with the measures
N0/T ,N0/N etc. The requested performance of the blockchain N0/T comes from transactions requesting to
be added to the blockchain. Whenever N0/T is larger then N/T , we talk about an overload of the blockchain
(N0/N > 1), characterized by the existence of waiting/dangling transactions. An overload of the blockchain is
not a problem per se, it becomes a problem, when the requested performance is way larger than the available
22 The fact that many ICOs might propose blockchain technology as a solution to increase accountability in organi-
zations does not mean that blockchain technology itself is auditable.
23 For an ongoing statics of the Bitcoin blockchain, its size, average blocks sizes, average transactions per block, total
number of transactions etc., see:
performance (N0/T >> N /T ). The threshold τmarks the value of N0/N , from which the blockchain is
perceived as impractical. It is not possible to determine the value of τtheoretically, only empirically, i.e.,
it is a value determined by the users of the blockchain. The threshold τ0marks the value of N0/N that
would lead to a collapse of the blockchain, meaning, that the value of its cryptocurrency assets massively
diminishes (e.g., by users starting to withdraw their cryptocurrency assets on a massive scale). Obviously, we
have that τ0>τ > 1. Typically, we are interested in τ, when analysing scalability, whereas we are interested
in τ0rather when analysing potential DoS attacks. More precisely, let us assume that N0is composed of
transactions nand n0(i.e., N0=n+n0) as follows:
naverage number of requested non-incidental transactions per block
n0average number of requested incidental transactions per block (2)
Now, we could say that both τand τ0are analyzed as scalability issues if we assume that n00, whereas
we would analyse them in service of understanding potential DoS attacks if we assume that n0>> n. A typical
countermeasure against incidental/critical overload N0/N >> 1can be seen in the introduction of a lower
bound (so-called dust limit) for the amount transferred by a single transaction;24 at least against ad-hoc
occurences/attempts. Another protection against incidental/critical overload can be provided by transaction
fees, as a side-effect of their development, and only in so far as they have been developed.25 In both cases (dust
limits and transaction fees) there exists the question of the sweet spot between protection against overload
and enablement of microtransactions. Too high transaction costs contradict microtransactions. Note, that
the enablement of microtransactions was among the main objectives of the original Bitcoin vision [1].
An operator (or group of operators who conspire) with sufficient mining power can attack the blockchain.
Actually, more precisely, each operator can always (try to) attack the blockchain, but s/he needs sufficient
mining power to be successful with it. A well-known kind of attack is the so called double spending attack [1].
Here, the attacker replaces a previously done transaction by an updated one (here, the replaced/deleted
transaction was spent for a good/service that has been delivered to the attacker in the mean time). The
essence of the double-spend attack is that the attacker changes the blockchain history permanently; the fact
that this might be done in service of double-spending is just an instance of that more general scheme. We
would like to speak of an overwrite attack instead. If an attacker is successful with an overwrite attack, the
attacker can overwrite not just one certain transaction in the first block of the recent changed history (double-
spend) but all transactions in all blocks in the recent history. For instance, if the attacker creates blocks
that consist only of (void/dummy) transactions, this would amount to a severe DoS attack. The described
attack is more than a plain denial-of-service attack. It has some negative impact in terms of availability, but
its actual damage is in the level of business confusion that arises from all the reverted/lost transactions.
We assert that, in case of Bitcoin, it is rather unlikely that an overwrite attack is tried in purpose of a
double-spend attack given the expensiveness of an overwrite attack (given the current overall mining power
currently spent in Bitcoin) as opposed to realistic amounts in business transactions. If an overwrite attack
occurs, we would rather assume that it has been done in purpose of a DoS attack (the lost transaction fees
can be considered marginal as compared to the costs of the needed mining efforts in such case). An overwrite
attack is expensive. The more mining power, the faster it will succeed (in the sense of: expected time in case
that it succeeds). To show that, we develop a statistical model of overwrite attacks as follows. We model
the mining of blocks in the main blockchain and the attacker’s blockchain as two i.i.d. sequence of random
variables X(main blockchain) and Y(attacker blockchain) that are also mutually independent w.r.t. each
other, i.e.:
24 Today, 30th August 2020, the dust limit of Bitcoin is 546 Satoshi, amounting to 0.065 USD.
25 Today, 30th August 2020, the average Bitcoin transaction fee is 2.60 USD, i.e., 40 times higher than the dust
limit of 0.065 USD. Transaction fees can greatly vary over time, in August 2020 they have been oscillating roughly
between 1USD and 7USD. For an ongoing statistics of Bictoin transaction fees, see here:
X= (Xi: R)iN(3)
Y= (Yi: R)iN(4)
We have that is the set of all possible evolvements of the blockchain (with respective probability space
(Ω, Σ , P)as usual) after the attempt to attack has started. The attempt to attack starts at timepoint 0.
Assume that we name the blocks in the main chain and the attacker chain as follows:
· · · x3x2x1x0x1x2x3· · · (5)
· · · x3x2x1y1y2y3· · · (6)
The attack starts with mining x1and y1. The target of the attacker is to overwrite x0. Therefore, y1in
the attacker block points to the block before x0, i.e., x1. This way, y1“overwrites” x0.
Now, a random variable Ximodels the time that has been needed to mine and distribute the i-th
block xiof the main chain (more precise: the i-th block after the start of the attack). Now, we make a
typical simplification (in service of coming up with a model): we assume that the mining effort in the
mining/distribution is so dominant that we can neglect the time needed for distribution of blocks through
the network. This assumption greatly simplifies the scenario and our model. It immediately implies that we
do not need to model the differences between the timepoints at which a block arrives at different nodes of
the blockchain network we can simply assume that a block arrives at (is distributed to) all nodes at the
same time point. Now, the random variable Xn=X1+· · · +Xnmodels the timepoint at which (or: overall
elapsed time until) the n-th block of the main chain xnhas been mined. Similarly, a random variable Yi
models the time that has been needed to mine the i-th block of the attacker chain yiand so forth.
Note that Xand Yare both i.i.d. individually. Furthermore, they are mutually independent w.r.t. each
other. In general, they are not identically distributed as compared to each other. In the special case that the
owner of the main blockchain and the attacker have the same computational power, we have that Xand Yare
also identically distributed as compared to each other. In all other cases, they are not. If the computational
power of the attacker is weaker (stronger) than the computational power of the main blockchain owner, the
mean of Yis larger (smaller) than the mean of X, as then, on average, the attacker needs more (less) time
to mine a block than X.
At each point in time, the blockchain protocol decides for the longest chain in our model.26 The attacker
chain needs to pace up with one additional block, i.e., the block x0which is omitted from the attacker chain,
compare with (6). Therefore, the probability that the attacker succeeds with an overwrite has the following
PnN. Y n+1 < Xn(7)
In order to specify the average time needed to succeed with an overwrite, we first define the random
variable Hof first overwrite success times as follows:
H: R (8)
H(ω) = minn|Yn+1(ω)< X n(ω)(9)
Now, we can specify the average time needed to succeed with an overwrite as a conditional expected value
as follows:
26 At each point in time, the blockchain protocol decides for the strongest chain. We assume that the attacker and
the main chain proceed with the same difficulty in our model. Note, that a chain of equal length that is formed
later does not replace the main chain. (Often heard explanations such as that “the aggreed-upon blockchain is
always the chain that represents the most accumulative work” is not true. It is true in the long run, statistically,
as alternative chains get orphaned.)
nN. Y n+1 < Xn(10)
Whenever PnN. Y n+1 < Xn= 1, we have that H: Rand, therefore, the average time
needed to succeed with a an overwrite is obtained by E(H). Given a fixed X, we see that (10) decreases,
whenever E(Y)decreases. E(Y)decreases, whenever the mining power of the attacker increases.
The value of (10) depends on the kind of distribution of block mining times X(and Y). A natural
assumption is that Xis distributed approximately geometrically as follows. Mining is about repeatedly
choosing a value (by random, or by incrementation) as a nonce in the block until the block’s hash meets
a specified difficulty target. Now, we need to make two assumptions. First (“unit time”), we assume that the
time needed to compute a block’s hash is always the same. Second (“memorylessness”), we need to assume
that the probability that a block’s hash meets the specified difficulty target is equal for each chosen value
(which we can, approximately, if the set of values from which we draw nonces is sufficiently large). Based on
theses assumption, we would have that Xshows a geometric distribution (“number of tosses till success”).
6.2 Characteristic Neglection of the Physical Network
Blockchains are peer-to-peer networks [56]. Peer-to-peer networks are a distributed application model, in
which nodes are clients and servers at the same time. The nodes work together as equal partners (peers)
to achieve a common goal/service. Peer-to-peer networks often come with the attitude of democratizing
the Internet. But peer-to-peer networks are an application model, and nothing but a application model.
They are defined, established and discussed merely at OSI layer 7. They are overlay networks [57] and they
take for granted the existence of a functioning physical network. Figure 1 shows a typical visualization of a
peer-to-peer network, but Fig. 2 shows how the network actually looks like.
Fig. 1. Typical visualization of a peer-to-peer network.
Sending a transaction from one node to a neighboring node in a peer-to-peer network (Fig. 1) might
amount to sending the transaction actually (Fig. 2) via LANs (local area networks), WANs (wide-area
networks), IXPs (Internet exchange points), and ISPs (Internet service providers) with their typical NAT
translation (network address translation) with all their devices and equipment which are not owned and
therefore not controlled by the players in the peer-to-peer network. There seems to be (to be investigated)
a characteristic attitude of neglecting the existence of owners of the Internet machinery. The players of the
peer-to-peer network are the owner of the nodes. A network failure is considered a failure of a peer. Or vice
versa: it is not distinguished between whether a failure of a node has occurred accidentally of intentionally
(i.e., as a an attack conducted by the node). There seems to be a certain attitude to consider the underlying
Fig. 2. Peer-to-Peer network together with its underlying physical network.
Internet as an endless ocean of devices, but it is not: the Internet is strictly hierarchical, think of the IANA
(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) alone.
What is the problem? For example, there exist only a couple of hundreds of IXPs worldwide27. That is
not a lot. In a usual discussion of proof-of-work consensus it is considered unlike that 51% of the miners
conspire to drive an attack, because there are 1.000.000 miners. But what if the IXPs conspire? For example,
by just switching off at the same time (much more sophisticated kinds of attacks can be devised easily).
They cannot, you would say, because they are bound by thousand upon thousands of legal contracts (with
the autonomous networks). But is it not the peer-to-peer community that mistrusts all central authorities
and centralized organizations? Why not the IXPs? Actually, it does not need many IPXs; three or four IXPs
might be enough to cut off a whole country from the Internet. The whole point is, that the Internet companies
(ISPs, backbone providers, IXPs) are no peers in the peer-to-peer network, they are just suppliers. The core
of the cypherpunk scene is totally aware of all that. Playing with mems such as ‘piracy’ and ‘hacking’ is
actually an essential ingredient of their culture, and the neglection of the physical network (if it exists as
perceived by us) is rather a phenomenon in a extended, new generation of the peer-to-peer community. So
or so, when it comes to business decisions with respect to blockchain technology, it is important to maintain
a technological full stack perspective.
7 Working Blockchain Solutions
The solutions discussed in the section are related to permissioned blockchains. The Guardtime solution in
Sect. 7.1 is a document timestamping solution that has been created as early as in 2007 and consists of
concepts (distributed Merkle trees) that are today associated with blockchain technology and therefore, the
solution is knows as KSI blockchain (keyless signature infrastructure blockchain). The solutions in Sects. 7.2,
7.3 and 7.4 use a permissioned blockchain platform as a component in their software architecture.
7.1 A Tamper-Proof Timestamping Service
Document timestamping solutions that implement sender-proofs-sender timestamping (communication mode
(ii) in Table 2) are mission-critical in many organizational contexts. Organizations want to have tamper-proof
and provable document logs not only in the communications with other organizations; they also want to be
safe against failure (accidental or intentional) of their own members/employees. Equally, the state wants
to be confident with the operations of its authorities and, again, the authorities want to be confident with
the operations of their employees. Since 2007, Guardtime offers a document time stamping solution as a
service, i.e., the so called KSI blockchain (keyless signature infrastructure blockchain). In the Estonian e-
government ecosytem, the solution is successfully used to secure the healthcare registry, the property registry,
the succession registry, the digital court system and the state gazette [58].
Fig. 3. Root hash of Guardtime’s KSI blockchain hash calendar published in the Financial Times (Picture taken
The KSI blockchain achieves a practical implementation of an idea that goes back to Stornetta et al.
in 1993 [14], i.e., it stores timestamped document hashes in a Merkle tree [59] and publishes the root hash
of the tree periodically (e.g., once a month) in a newspaper (e.g., in the Financial Times, among others, in
case of the Guardtime solution), see Fig. 3. The idea is straightforward and effective: the published root
hash serves as a real-world trust anchor. However, to turn this idea into a robust solution that is highly
performant and at the same time highly available is a challenge, and this is exactly what is achieved by the
KSI blockchain [60,61] as follows. Time is divided into rounds (e.g., one second). Hashes of all documents
signed during a round are aggregated into a per-round hash tree. The root hashes of the per-round trees are
collected into a perpetual hash tree, the so-called hash calendar. It is the root hash of this hash calendar that
then is published periodically to newspaper(s). Now, the Merkle tree is distributed and replicated to make
the solution resilient, i.e., the nodes are deployed on several distributed servers. The servers are operated
by the KSI blockchain service provider, with a mix of owned servers at the premises of the KSI blockchain
service provider and servers of trusted third-party compute service providers, to make the solution even more
7.2 An Automated Manufacturing Software Ecosystem
There is a global trend and paradigm shift in manufacturing towards personal manufacturing [62]. In this
new paradigm, people and organizations would not buy a ready-made product [63]. Instead, they would
obtain raw material and produce products using their own (or locally accessible) automated manufacturing
(AM) machinery. People and companies have access to a lot of different types of automated manufacturing
(AM) machinery such as 3D printers, CNC mills, laser jets, and robotics to manufacture products locally, at
the point and time of need. The impressively fast adoption of these technologies, once more boosted during
the recent COVID-19 outbreak, even more amplified this increasing need strongly indicating that this novel
approach to manufacturing can become a key enabler for the real-time economy of the future [64].
Already now, software platforms such as 3DPrinterOS [65,64, 66] and ZAP [67] are available, which
cover the whole personal manufacturing workflow from the initial idea to the physical object using real-time
command-and-control of AM machinery to manufacture production-grade functional parts. Such platforms
automate the whole process, and allow for tracking different parts of a product at different stages of manufac-
turing such as CAD, simulation, conversion, slicing, 3D printing, supports removal, post-processing, surface
finishing, delivery of parts to an assembly line, assembly process, quality assurance, packaging and finally
–shipping the product to a customer. An important problem is how to ensure information integrity and
consistency through all the stages of AM; i.e., an intentional or accidental corruption or loss of information
can happen, which can affect the final quality and reliability of product parts and the final product. And if
such a product is used in a mission critical environment, this can even affect human life.
In this section, we further explain the 3DPrinterOS platform28. The platform realizes a mechanism to
securely deliver content to 3D printers from the cloud. The first generation of the solution [68] has been
introduced in 2015. Today, the 3DPrinterOS cloud has more than 123.000 users who have generated over
five million CAD designs and machine codes and have produced more than 1.500.000 physical parts on
40.000 3D printers in 100 countries; these values double every six months [69]. The technology is licensed to
Bosch, Kodak, and other popular desktop 3D printer manufacturers. Currently, the solution is completely
reworked [65] and extended to any type of manufacturing machine or complex IoT device with command,
control, and telemetry.
In the sequel, we describe how permissioned blockchain technology is used at 3DPrinterOS to ensure the
integrity of several critical manufacturing parameters of product parts and end products. We use Hyper-
ledger Fabric [70] as a microtransaction ledger solution for the 3DPrinterOS software ecosystem [64]. The
software ecosystem can be understood as a kind of broker: its purpose is to enable several organizations to
bring value to end users. The solution is sketched in Fig. 4.
The platform orchestrator R1 (using the configuration NC1 ) sets up and runs multiple ordering service
nodes O1· · · Onon different infrastructure providers such as AWS, Azure, GCE [71], this way forming the
private blockchain network N. The orchestrator of the ecosystem R1 is a network initiator in terms of
Hyperledger Fabric and has administrative rights over the network N. Both the nodes and administrators of
orchestrator R1 access the network Nthrough the usage of X.509 [72] certificates issued by R1 ’s certificate
authority CA1. Certificates issued by CA1 are also used for signing the transactions to be accepted into the
Other players (vendors, end users, external actors) of the ecosystem [64] are added to the network via
creation of consortia X1 · · · Xn (e.g., X1 and X2 in Fig. 4); then establishing channels C1 · · · Cm (e.g., C1
and C2 in Fig. 4) for storing information in corresponding ledgers L1 · · · Lm (e.g., L1 and L2 in Fig. 4). The
participating players R2,R3 and R4 establish certificate authorities CA2 · · · CAk to grant their employees
and their technology (IT systems, machines etc.) access to the ecosystem through channel configurations CC1
and CC2. Certificates issued by the organizations’ certificate authorities are used to sign all transactions.
Chain code is stored in smart contracts S1 · · · Sn (e.g., S1 and S2 in Fig 4). The applications of participat-
ing organizations A2,A3 and A4 can access corresponding channels C1 and C2, as well as the software
ecosystem’s application platform A1. This way, all participating users and assets such as 3D printers, CNC
mills, material batches can be identified; and therefore, it becomes easy to track responsibilities even on a
large scale. This increases the transparency of the processes, e.g., in case of part malfunctioning, it is easy
to track the participants and the involved processes. Established channels are private to participants (thus
only participating parties have access). The blockchain keeps all information in the ledgers. Ledger data
is updated using smart contracts. Smart contracts are executed only if they are confirmed by all channel
participants using a voting-based consensus mechanism. All information in the ledger is tamper-proof, and
all information is entered only if digitally signed by a responsible organization. All of these issues would be
hard to solve without permissioned blockchain technology.
7.3 An Electronic Identity and Digital Signature Solution
There are just a few countries in the world who offer convenient, fully integrated electronic identity (eID)
and digital signature solutions [34] to their citizens. The majority of e-signature services worldwide [73] still
use “flinstone” techniques for signing documents such as drawing a signature on the screen, or uploading
a picture with signature. There are many barriers to implement contemporary eID and digital signature
solutions in many countries in the world including EU in a secure, user-friendly, and scalable manner and
Blockchain network N
L2 L2L1
S2S2S1 S1
On-1 NC1
A2 A3 A4 MS Azure AWS
GCE ...
Ordering Service nodes
11 11 22 22
P3 P4
11 2
R2 R3 R4R3
R2 R3 R4R3
X1 X2
Fig. 4. Example Hyperledger Fabric setup of the 3DPrinterOS software ecosystem.
as a consequence to have them adopted by the citizens [74, 35, 75, 33, 76, 77]. As indicated by several
studies [78–80], eIDs and digital signatures are used mostly by major enterprises, whereas their usage by
SMEs (small/medium enterprises) and ordinary citizens is marginal due to the lack of a broad range of
e-government services and a low usability of the systems. This marginal use of eIDS and digital signatures is
mostly in online payments; and only a fraction is in contract signing [78, 73]. With the advent of blockchain
technology, easier and more secure solutions potentially became possible, which would allow for a seamless
user experience and would show (at the same time) a high scalability.
An example of such a solution is Agrello ID [81]29 a blockchain-based solution for eID and digital
signature. We describe the solution in detail in Fig. 5. The solution is based on elliptic curve key threshold
encryption [82, 83], where one part of the key is kept inside a smart device such as a smartphone, and the
other part is stored in the cloud. When these keypairs are combined, they are capable of providing a fully
functioning digital signature behaving in accordance with the eIDAS regulation [84].
Each physical object in the world is matched with a digital twin in an instance of the Ethereum [85]
blockchain. A person’s digital identity is a smart contract in the blockchain; also, objects such as cars or
apartments have digital twins in the form of chaincodes (smart contracts). Each participant of the private
network has a right to publish information about the identities of such objects. More specifically, the identity
of a person is confirmed by a know your customer (KYC) provider [86]. Each confirmation and validation
is done by executing chaincode on the digital identity smart contract, which activated the digital identity,
see Fig. 5. By using private keys, the owners of a digital identities can perform operations such as signing
service or sales contracts.
We analyzed numerous CA software products and found that none of them is scalable enough for our
purposes: country-wide authentications and digital signatures with millions of citizens performing many
thousands of operations per day. Also, the used solution should be future-proof. We found that solutions
based on permissioned blockchains have these capabilities, as they are already tested in the field. For Agrello,
we use a private deployment of Ethereum30 with proof of authority.
30 Ethereum verions 1.7.3 and 1.8.1
Real Estate AgencyKYC provider Car dealership Ledger
S3: Apartment ID
Service Contract
Sales Contract n
Trusted parties
Online services
Real Estate AppOnline Banking
Sales Contract
S2: Car ID
Car Sales App
S1: Person ID
Digital twins
Confirm and validate
Initiate transactions
Entities and propertieis
entities and properties
and sign
Fig. 5. The Agrello eID and digital signature solution conceptual view.
7.4 A Sensors-as-a-Service Marketplace
Permissioned blockchains can enable completely new business models. In particular, they have the potential
to allow for calculating and accounting microtransactions more precisely. Still, today’s mictotransactions
are often quite costly to maintain and audit. Blockchain technology has the potential to make this easier.
An example is Thinnect31, a SolaaS (Solution as a Service) platform that allows to use a comprehensive
hardware utilization and monitoring solution (including cloud-based connectivity dashboards for hardware
such as temperature sensors or CO2 sensors) using a pay-per-reading business model. Often, high quality
hardware is expensive and value can be created for the end customers only by utilizing a full-fledged solution;
therefore, businesses who need to make specific parameter measurements (food logistics, smart cities etc.)
need to invest a considerable amount of money to acquire hardware and to keep networks of sensors up and
running reliably outsourcing is not a solution here, as it is equally expensive or even more expensive.
A way out of this is yielded by a SolaaS model where companies only pay for the value they get - they
pay per measurement and are not involved at any stages of hardware purchasing, delivery or deployment.
Hardware is subsidized by the hardware manufacturer or a third party willing to invest and get interest as
shown in Fig. 6. Each party is paid trough micro-payments for each measurement. Solutions based on classical
database products and traditional ways of calculating and auditing the ledgers can take a lot of time and
money, because separate databases at different locations (at participants’ premises) can create a lot of trouble
in synchronization and finding out truth in auditing processes. Blockchains have the potential to make all of
this much easier due to their consensus mechanisms, uniquely identifiable and digitally signed transactions, as
well as the fact that they continuously check balances by their design. Thinnect uses Hyperledger Fabric [70]
blockchain as a micro-transaction ledger solution to keep track of the sensors readings batches, nonpayments
from actual users of hardware to Thinnect, and micro-payments to hardware manufacturers and investors
subsidizing the cost of hardware. To summarize, blockchain technologies have the potential to bring many
advantages to micropayments and nanopayments as needed in solutions such as Thinnect [87].
Investor n
manufacturer 1
manufacturer 2
manufacturer m
Investor 2
Investor 1
Smart City
Fig. 6. Thinnect’s innovative pay-per-measurement business model.
8 A Decision Maker Discussion
Permissionless ledgers are currently hyped due to their assumed, so-called disruptive potential. IT decision
makers are looking into the technology to understand its potential for their own IT strategies. In concrete
projects, this boils down to the question whether a distributed ledger should be considered as the required
technology. System that may potentially benefit from distributed ledger technology can be, very generally,
characterized as data exchange systems. In a data exchange scenario, we have several users who send messages
to each other. Each user has a personal ledger, which serves as a basis for some important decisions. Decisions
can be made by operators and users (both passive and active). For example, government agencies grant social
benefits to citizens on the basis of digitally signed applications that have been received. Now, the entirety of
all the individual ledgers can also be viewed as an aggregate ledger that reflects all information about data
exchange between parties. Given a data exchange scenario, distributed ledger technology is only one possible
solution among the following options:
distributed data exchange (without a central database, peer-to-peer),
trusted centralized service,
permissioned ledger, or
permissionless ledger.
Now, the question of whether a distributed ledger is required in a concrete data exchange scenario can
be approached more systematically in terms of the above options and respective requirements that make
them necessary. We have compiled this approach into a questionnaire-schema in Fig. 7. For the sake of
comprehensiveness, the questionnaire-schema needs to introduce some necessary over-simplifications (the
actual area of discourse is much more complex) as becomes clear in the subsequent discussion. Still, we are
convinced that the questionnaire-schema is helpful in concrete decision scenarios.
The first question to be posed is whether all users can make their decisions solely on the basis of their
personal ledgers. Occasionally, data from other parties is needed in decisions, but these data are requested
from the other parties to become part of the individual ledger as least as long as needed for a particular
decision. The parties in this scenarios trust in the correctness and accuracy of each other’s data without
further measures, i.e., they are peers. Similarly, non-repudiation is not an issue in this scenario. In such a
scenario, the system does not require the use of a trusted centralised service and distributed data exchange
is sufficient. Centralized services are still necessary in such scenario to synchronize distributed data in long-
running business transaction and coordinate cross-organizational business processes [44–46, 39]. However,
such centralized services are just another kind of “trustworthy” party (peer) in that scenario, i.e., they are
no trusted centralized services in the sense of this discussion.
Can all users make de-
cisions based only on
their personal ledgers?
The system does not require a
centralized service. Distributed
data exchange is sufficient.
Is a legal/natural person
sufficiently reliable to
serve as a trusted cen-
tralised service provider?
Trusted centralized service
is sufficient.
Can the provision of services
be entrusted to a fixed group
of legal/natural entities
(e.g. agencies, banks, etc.)?
Permissioned ledger
is sufficient.
May benefit from
a permissionless ledger.
Fig. 7. Scheme of requirements for the potential use of distributed ledger technology.
If distributed data exchange is not sufficient as a solution, we need to ask whether a legal/natural person
would be sufficiently reliable to serve as a trusted central service provider as the next question. Criteria
for reliability depend on the context, the application, the legal dispute resolution framework etc. They also
depend on a country’s laws, and therefore, the applicable laws of the country in question. If the answer to
this question is yes, then a trusted centralised service is sufficient as a solution. If a single legal/natural
person is not capable to serve as a trusted central service provider due to scalability issues, it is a standard
solution to build a hierarchy of trusted distributed services. As there is still a root trusted service, we count
such hierarchy of trusted services still as a “single” centralized service for the sake of this discussion.
If no single legal/natural person can be sufficiently trusted, we need to ask whether centralized services
can be entrusted to a fixed group of legal/natural persons (e.g. several public authorities, banks, etc.). In
the context of a country, this question essentially aims at whether the country as such can be trusted. If the
answer is yes, then a permissioned ledger is sufficient.
To conclude, a permissionless ledger may be required only to resolve tasks where neither a country nor
any consortium of private individuals nor a consortium of public authorities or private parties are considered
to be sufficiently reliable, or there is a request for protection against major powers that might affect any
9 Conclusion
We live in the postmodern age, which still might be characterized best through the lenses of the original
analysis provided by Francois Lyotard [88, 89]: as a paralysis of the grand narratives by the emergence
of a plethora of small, individualized mini narratives and sub-cultures. We feel very much, that the grand
narratives and the mini narratives are not only in tension; also, they are in dialogue. It is not just so that
the grand narratives are cannibalized by the new, emergent narratives [90]; rather, our social reality swifts
between the several grand and the many mini narratives, steadily transforming and re-adjusting all of them
and through each other. Furthermore, it seems as if we oscillate between more vibrant and less vibrant
interaction around the many narratives over the decades. Where the 1990s have been roaring [91], we saw
some slope of disillusion in the first decade after the millennium. Then, in the 2010s, we again saw, more
and more, a split of perceptions; mini narratives became micro narratives hand-in-hand with the emerging
fake news debate. One of the narratives that received massive attention in the past decade from industry,
academia and the public is the blockchain revolution.
In her speech at the Bank of England Conference in September 2017, Christine Lagarde said: “To be
clear, this [virtual currencies] is not about digital payments in existing currencies—through Paypal and
other »e-money« providers such as Alipay in China, or M-Pesa in Kenya. Virtual currencies are in a different
category, because they provide their own unit of account and payment systems. These systems allow for
peer-to-peer transactions without central clearinghouses, without central banks. For now, virtual currencies
such as Bitcoin pose little or no challenge to the existing order of fiat currencies and central banks. Why?
Because they are too volatile, too risky, too energy intensive, and because the underlying technologies are
not yet scalable. Many are too opaque for regulators; and some have been hacked. But many of these are
technological challenges that could be addressed over time. Not so long ago, some experts argued that
personal computers would never be adopted, and that tablets would only be used as expensive coffee trays.
So I think it may not be wise to dismiss virtual currencies.” [92]
With this paper we wanted to contribute to a more informed discussion of the potential of blockchain
technology. We wanted to look at blockchain technology from a neutral, analytical perspective. Our aim
was to understand technological and socio-economic barriers to envisioned blockchain technology solutions
that are intrinsic in the blockchain technology stack itself. We looked into the permissionless blockchain
and the permissioned blockchain, where the permissionless blockchain gained our major interest at least
in this paper (we have designed successfull permissioned blockchain solutions with large customer bases
ourselves, we have glimpsed over them shortly in this paper, in service of the big picture that we addressed).
The permissionless blockchain came first, i.e., it is the blockchain per se. Permissioned blockchain solutions
have a higher capability-to-perform, at the same time they have less fundamental disruptive potential; still
their corresponding initiatives gain (from a marketing perspective) from the perceived immense (seemingly
boundless) disruptiveness of the permissionless blockchain.
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Ahto Buldas is professor of cryptography at Tallinn University of Technology. Studied computer science at Tallinn
University of Technology (1985-1991). MSc on simulation techniques for Boolean circuits (1992). PhD on compu-
tational algebraic graph theory (1999). His research interests are related to applied cryptography. Time-stamping
related research started from 1997, during which he has published papers in Crypto, Asiacrypt and PKC conferences.
Participated in the development of the Estonian Digital Signature Act and ID-card (1996-2002). His current research
interests also include risk analysis methods, including attack-tree semantics and game-theoretical approaches to risk
analysis. Ahto Buldas is a co-founder of Guardtime and also of Cybernetica AS.
Dirk Draheim is full professor of information systems and head of the Information System Group at Tallinn
University of Technology (TTÜ). Dirk holds a Diploma in computer science from Technische Universität Berlin, a
PhD from Freie Universität Berlin and a habilitation from the University of Mannheim. From 2006-2008 he was area
manager for database systems at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Linz. From 2008-2016 he was head of the
data center of the University of Innsbruck and, in parallel, Adjunct Reader at the Faculty of Information Systems of the
University of Mannheim. Dirk is co-author of the Springer book “Form-Oriented Analysis” and author of the Springer
books “Business Process Technology”, “Semantics of the Probabilistic Typed Lambda Calculus” and “Generalized
Jeffrey Conditionalization”. His research interest is the design and implementation of large-scale information systems.
Takehiko Nagumo is Senior Managing Executive Officer of Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting. Also, Takehiko
is adjunct professor in strategic management at Kyoto University Graduate School of Management. Takehiko holds
an MSc in Development Finance from University of London and an MBA in Strategic Management from Georgetown
University. Takehiko is the first BSC Hall of Fame winner from Japan, selected by Professor Kaplan of Harvard
Business School. Numerous times, Takehiko’s research papers and case studies on Balanced Scorecard have been
published by Harvard Business School. Takehiko is one of the thought leaders in Japan in the field of digital economy
and society and is active in designing human-centric AI implementation in smart cities and governments in Japan and
globally: he is a member of the Japanese Government’s Regulatory Reform Promotion Committee, invited research
fellow at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AI Center), co-founder and Executive
Director of the Smart City Institute Japan and Fellow of the World Economic Forum, Centre for Fourth Industrial
Revolution Japan.
Anton Vedeshin conducts a Ph.D. in cloud computing and cybersecurity and received an M.Sc. degree in computer
science from Tallinn University of Technology (TTÜ). He has developed software since the age of 11. Author of
numerous cybersecurity and digital manufacturing scientific papers (IEEE, ACM, Springer) and patents. Anton
conducted reviews of numerous articles on cloud computing for IEEE Access. He teaches cloud computing at TTÜ
and data security at the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EUAS). Anton is the CTO and co-
founder of 3D Control Systems, Inc., works in the advanced manufacturing industry and deploys secured automated
manufacturing solutions for F500 enterprises. He founded his first software development company at the age of 20
with 25+ employees. Anton developed multiple security and e-government solutions for the Estonian government
and the EU Commission and worked in the Mitsubishi electric car data mining project. Anton designed numerous
blockchain solutions based on several platforms (Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Corda R3). His research interests
include cloud computing, cybersecurity, 3D printing, blockchain, machine learning and AI.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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We present a general theory of payment systems that is capable of describing both traditional and electronic forms of payment. Starting from the three basic functions of money and general non-functional requirements, we derive the necessary and sufficient properties of technical implementations of money and payments. We describe possible scalable implementations of e-money schemes based on a general description of their data structures (money distributions) and payments. We define the notion of bill scheme, in which the value units are bills with invariant values, and show that only the bill scheme allows for scalable and practically efficient implementations through decomposition, where the components have to process a considerably smaller amount of data and a number of payment requests, compared to the whole system.
Conference Paper
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Recently, we have witnessed the advent of personal manufacturing, where home users, small, medium, and Fortune 500 enterprises use devices such as 3D printers, CNC mills, and robotics to manufacture products locally. We have been developing a digital ecosystem of personal manufacturing for the last seven years. This ecosystem is currently used or being tried by 111 Fortune 2000 enterprises. In this paper, we focus on the creation of the cloud-based manufacturing operating system, 3DPrinterOS, to address an evolving critical problem of personal manufacturing. We introduce a novel software ecosystem architecture to sustain a massive communication load of command, control, and telemetry data to and from millions of manufacturing machines and users. Our solution allows users to create and deploy their own applications into 3DPrinterOS cloud operating system. Our long term experiments show that over the last five years, 95, 000 users have generated over three million CAD designs and machine codes, and produced more than 1, 030, 000 physical parts on 32, 000 manufacturing machines in 100 countries. Short term experiments showed that, on average, it is five times faster to perform a 3D print using 3DPrinterOS.
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The rise of blockchain has resulted in discussions on (new) governance models with multiple actors collaborating. Incidents and problems occurred due to flaws in blockchain protocols, smart contracts and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Often it is unclear how decisions are made concerning evolvement of blockchain applications. In this paper, we identify and analyze potential challenges regarding governance of blockchain initiatives in various types of decentralized networks using literature and case study research. The governance challenges are classified based on a framework consisting of different layers (infrastructure, application, company and institution/country) and stages (design, operate, evolve/crisis). The results show that in various stages and layers, different challenges occur. Furthermore, blockchain applications governance and blockchain infrastructure governance were found to be entangled adding to the challenge. Our research shows a specific need for further research into governance models for DAO applications on permissionless blockchains, linked to the products and services offered whereas in permissioned blockchains and other type of applications, existing governance models might often be feasible. For developing new governance models, we recommend learning from the lessons from the open source community.
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We are witnessing the advent of personal manufacturing, where home users and small and medium enterprises manufacture products locally, at the point and time of need. The impressively fast adoption of these technologies indicates this approach to manufacturing can become a key enabler of the real-time economy of the future. In this paper, we contribute a secure and dependable infrastructure and architecture for that new paradigm. Our solution leverages physical limitations of the computational process into a defense strategy that makes distributed file storage and transfer highly secure. The main idea is to replace asymmetric or public-key encryption functions with an unkeyed, collision, second preimage, and preimage resistant cryptographic hash function. Such a cryptosystem does not have an inverse function H-1. We challenge each block hash against the full hash table to recreate the original message. To illustrate the approach, we describe secured protocols that provide a number of desirable properties during both data storage and streaming. Similar to proof-of-work blockchain consensus algorithms, we parameterized the solution based on the amount of infrastructure available. Experiments show the proposed method can recalculate hashes for a 3-dimensional live matrix of 2563 at an average of 14 revisions per second, and one revision every 5 minutes for a bigger matrix of 40963. The increase in cloud infrastructure cost is insignificant compared to the level of protection offered.
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This research paper starts from the belief that digital government is a systemic process and that by studying the technical architecture it is possible to gain a better understanding of its behavior. Drawing on insights from system dynamics, systems theory, and complex adaptive systems, the paper hypothesizes that by including and reinforcing feedback loops in the architecture, it is possible to obtain significant performance gains. For the sake of testing the hypothesis, and to answer the research question: “How can Systems Theory be used to understand the digital government infrastructure of a country?” the case of Estonia is presented. As a result of the research, it is found that the presence of reinforcement loops in the technical architecture leads to performance gains, that it is possible to observe complex behavior in digital government infrastructure, and demonstrates that systems thinking may be used to analyze digital government systems.
The blockchain is considered to be the potential driver of the digital economy. The Blockchain technology outweighs the challenges associated with the traditional transaction business governed and regulated by the third trusted party. There is a growth in the interest among the researchers, the industry, and the academia to study and leverage the potential of Blockchain. Blockchain provides a decentralized and distributed public ledger for all the participating parties. Though it seems that blockchain is a viable choice and solution for all the centralized governed and regulated transactions (in digital online space), it has potential challenges that need to be resolved; opportunities to be explored, and applications to be studied. This paper utilizes a systematic literature review to study several research endeavors made in the domain of blockchain. To further research on blockchain adoption, the paper theoretically constructs an integrated framework of the blockchain innovation adoption process in an organization considering organizational and user acceptance perspectives. This would facilitate its widespread adoption, thereby achieving sustained leadership solutions. The paper offers 23 propositions to information systems (IS)/information management (IM) scholars with respect to innovation characteristics, organizational characteristics, environmental characteristics, and user acceptance characteristics. Further, the paper explores several areas of future research and directions that can provide deep insights for overcoming challenges and for the adoption of blockchain technology.
The adoption of blockchain technologies require the consideration of a broad range of factors, over and above the predominantly technology focus of most current work. Whilst scholarly literature on blockchain technology is only beginning to emerge, majority are focused on the technicalities of the technology and tend to ignore the organizational complexities of adopting the technology. Drawing from a focused review of literature, this paper proposed a conceptual framework for adoption of blockchain technology capturing the complex relationships between institutional, market and technical factors. The framework highlights that varying outcomes are possible, and the change process is focal as this shapes the form blockchain applications take. Factors presented in the framework (institutional, market and technical) interact and mutually influence each other. The proposed framework can be used by organisations as a reference point for adopting blockchain applications and by scholars to expand, refine and evaluate research into blockchain technology.
Countries that have a well-functioning e-governance ecosystem (infrastructure, processes, interoperability network, user-friendly e-services etc.) reach a particularly high e-governance maturity level. To ensure continuous development and adoption to the changing technological environment the systematic consideration of users’ needs is important in the definition of long-term strategical goals. Identity management is a corner stone of each mature e-governance ecosystem. This paper focuses on the process of creating the new Estonian strategy for identity management and identity documents and the analysis of this process from different aspects (responsibilities, engaged stakeholders and interest groups, key competences, scope, implementation). In addition, we give an overview of the underlying strategical and legal regulatory framework. The objective is to map the best practices and bottlenecks of the strategy creation process and propose a model for area specific long-term strategical documents. We aim at understanding best practices and bottlenecks in the process of creating the ID strategy. In service of this, we have conducted qualitative interviews with several high-ranking experts that have been involved as stakeholders in the strategy building process. Based on this, we propose a model for area-specific long-term strategical documents. Furthermore, the research results indicate that it is necessary to invest continuously into public-private partnership.
Conference Paper
The concept of Public-Private Partnerships has found a large variety of different approaches since the 1980s and each country has found its own interpretation. In later years, Estonia has also strengthened a collaboration between public and private sector, while a data exchange layer X-Road, initially developed for the public data sets to communicate, is now also been open for private entities to use and thus shows the great potential for Public-Private Partnerships to grow further. As there are still quite a small amount of private sector entities attached themselves to the X-Road, there must be the reason, why the private sector has not gone along with the platform. In order to find out how to design a unified platform for public agencies and private entities, authors have conducted face-to-face interviews as well as an online questionnaire among different private sector organizations. As a result, authors will provide various recommendations, in order to make a platform more acceptable for both public as well as private entities and to strengthen the intersectoral collaboration. The research was supported by the Estonian Information System Authority (EISA).