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Development of Strategic Human Resource Management towards Improvement Work Culture at Baitul Mal in Aceh



This study aims to determine Human Resource management and strategy in developinga performance culture at Baitul Mal throughout Aceh Province. Approach, directionand human resources synergize to achieve a goal and have great potential to manageBaitul Mal in Aceh Province as an Islamic Sharia Region. Therefore, researchers areinterested in researching how the strategy of human resources in the Baitul Mal of theProvince of Aceh in improving the welfare of the community regarding themanagement of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) funds in the Province of Aceh. Theapproach used in this research is qualitative. While the methods used are observation,in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. This research also collected data fromthe Baitul Mal of Aceh Province, West Aceh, South Aceh, and the Municipality ofBanda Aceh
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Development of Strategic Human Resource Management
towards Improvement Work Culture
at Baitul Mal in aceh
Mukhsinuddina, Mikral Rinaldia, Yantob, Rahil Imainul Aprilianb
aSTAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh, Indonesia
bUniversitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
The optimalization of human resources could achieve a goal and have great
potential to manage Baitul Mal in Aceh Province as an Islamic Sharia Region.
Thus, researchers are interested in researching how the strategy of human
resources in the Baitul Mal of the Province of Aceh in improving the welfare of the
community regarding the management of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) funds in
the Province of Aceh. This study aims to determine Human Resource management
and strategy in developing a performance culture at Baitul Mal throughout Aceh
Province. The approach used in this research is qualitative. While the methods used
are observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. This research
collected data from the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province, West Aceh, South Aceh, and
the Municipality of Banda Aceh. The result of this study is the development of
Strategic Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal in Aceh has been carried out
quite well. This is marked by an increase in the ability of Human Resources in
planning and realizing programs and budgets in Baitul Mal, so that Zakat, Infaq
and Sadaqah funds that have been collected can be distributed to people in need.
Article Info
26th December, 2022
20th June, 2023
30th June, 2023
F63, O15
Development, Management, Human Resource, Strategic,
Baitul Mal
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
1. Introduction
In 2020, Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) funds collected for all Baitul Mal in Aceh
amounted to Rp. 280,272,773,069, a considerable amount, if it can be used to
provide welfare and prosperity for people in need in Aceh. Baitul Mal in Aceh has
several assistance programs such as assistance to the poor, assistance to poor
communities, health service assistance, assistance to rehabilitate poor houses,
assistance to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as
underprivileged scholarships and Al-Quran hafiz scholarships. To manage this
amount of funds, qualified and superior human resources are needed to plan and
implement exceptional programs that benefit the community (Baznas, 2020).
For an organization or institution, the supporting factors for success are not limited
to the number of funds owned or technology. Danilwan and Dirhamsyah (2022)
emphasize that human resources are one of the factors that also play a role in
supporting the organization's success. However, this will not materialize if Human
Resources are not managed properly and correctly. With human resources who have
superior knowledge and expertise in Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah management, the
people's funds collected by the Baitul Mal can be managed as well as possible. To
manage Human Resources in Baitul Mal, good and organizationally sound Human
Resource Management is needed.
Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal is essential to maintain the
organization's continuity so that it continues to run well and grow, improve
employee quality, and create a harmonious work environment. To be able to achieve
organizational goals that have been planned, the organization certainly requires
strategic steps; Baitul Mal Human Resource Management must have actions and
strategic thinking in managing existing resources within the organization.
Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) is an approach that focuses on
mechanisms for achieving organizational goals through human resources through
strategies that are integrated into policies and practices (Boon et al., 2018). Strategic
HRM aims to generate strategic capabilities that can ensure that the organization
has skilled employees, willing to engage and motivated in order to achieve
sustainable competitive advantage (Bouaziz & Smaoui Hachicha, 2018). The
philosophical foundation of strategic HRM is based on a resource-based view,
strategic fit, and strategic flexibility. Strategic human resource management can
link human resources with strategic goals and objectives to improve business
performance and develop an organizational work culture that encourages
innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage (Moustaghfir et al., 2020).
Work culture is formed from the practice of good and correct strategic human
resource management in an organization, planning and implementing strategic
management that has been set to bring a positive work culture to the organization
(Sareen, 2018). Work culture will determine which way Baitul Mal will go in the
future, if strategic human resource development management brings a positive work
culture, of course Baitul Mal will become an organization that can bring benefits to
the people of Aceh, and vice versa a negative work culture will have a bad influence
for the development of Baitul Mal in the future, the negative impact is making
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Baitul Mal not optimal in managing people's funds that have been entrusted in the
form of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah. Research conducted by Anwar dan Abdullah
(2021), Chams dan García-Blandón (2019), Hamadamin dan Atan (2019) states that
Human Resources Management is very important for an organization and is the
main thing in determining the quality of employee performance. This can be
achieved by developing strategic human resources through employee training and
development. Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in
conducting research on the development of Strategic Human Resource
Management and its impact on Work Culture at Baitul Mal in Aceh.
2. Literature Review
Human Resource Management and Strategic Human Resource Management
Human resources are an important asset and play a role as the main driving factor
in the implementation of all agency activities or activities, so they must be managed
properly through Human Resource Management (Salamzadeh et al, 2019).
According to human resource management experts are as follows: According to
Stone et al (2020), human resource management is the withdrawal, selection,
development, maintenance, and use of human resources to achieve both individual
and organizational goals. According to Sukawati et al (2020) Human Resource
Management is a science and art that regulates the relationship and role of the
workforce so that it is active and efficient in helping the realization of company,
employee and community goals.
Strategic Human Resource Management is more interpreted as a mindset that
departs from the concept, which provides a basis for strategic reviews of
organizational context analysis. Human resource practice leads to choices in
strategic plans for the development of a distinctive human resource strategy (Lopez-
Cabrales and Valle-Cabrera, 2020). Nonetheless, Strategic Human Resource
Management does not only focus on strategic planning but also relates to strategy
implementation and strategic behavior of human resource specialists who work
with line managers to ensure the achievement of organizational goals and the
implementation of organizational values.
Work Culture
Human resources are an important asset for the company, companies that have a
good work culture are an advantage for the company. Work culture is important for
companies because work culture is a characteristic that distinguishes a company
from other companies (Naranjo-Valencia et al., 2016). Work culture is a process of
teaching certain knowledge and skills as well as attitudes so that employees are
more skilled and able to carry out their responsibilities better (Clardy, 2008).
Ideally, the work culture should be designed to realize organizational goals, while
at the same time realizing the goals of individual workers. In the context of Islamic
rules, work culture describes as performing tasks in meeting religious demands and
is categorized as fulfilling religious obligations, which is categorized as worship
(Dewi et al., 2020).
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3. Research Methods
Sources of data in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data.
According to Umanailo et al. (2019), the main data sources in qualitative research
are words and actions obtained from informants through interviews, the rest is
additional data such as documents and others. To obtain data and information, the
informants in this study were determined with a specific purpose or intentionally
where the informants had been previously determined. Informants are involved or
experience the process of implementing and formulating programs in research
locations. The research locations were the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province, Baitul Mal
of Banda Aceh City, Baitul Mal of West Aceh Regency, and Baitul Mal of South
Aceh Regency.
Data collection techniques were carried out in this study through three methods,
namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, data processing
and descriptive analysis were carried out to identify strategic human resource
development management and its implications for improving the work culture at
baitul mal in Aceh. Descriptive research is conducted based on descriptive data
from the status, circumstances, attitudes, relationships, or systems of thought of a
problem which is the research object. After obtaining the data obtained in this study,
the next step is to manage the collected data by analyzing the data, describing the
data, and drawing conclusions. To analyze this data using qualitative data analysis
techniques because the data obtained is a collection of statements. The process of
data analysis begins by examining all available data from various sources, namely
through observation, interviews, and documentation.
4. Results
Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal Aceh
The results of interviews with the Head of the Legal, Personnel, and General Sub-
Division of the Baitul Mal Aceh Province, Ms. Irmawati, the researchers obtained
information that the total number of human resources totaled 91 people, consisting
of 7 Supervisory Board members, 5 Commissioners, 11 professionals and 68 people
who are in the secretariat. With this number of human resources, running an
organization as large as Baitul Mal in Aceh province is very supportive. We hope
that enormous human resources can positively impact the carrying out of work
programs owned by the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province. From the educational
qualifications, five people have Strata-III academic qualifications, as many as 23
people have Strata-II educational qualifications, 43 people have Strata-I educational
qualifications, two people have Diploma-II educational qualifications, and 11
people with high school education qualifications.
The interviews show that the human resources in the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province
consist of various scientific disciplines, most of which are sharia, general and social
disciplines. With different educational backgrounds, the Aceh Province Baitul Mal
organization can be built from their respective fields of knowledge. However, it
cannot be denied that the existing human resources are not yet fully aligned with
the organization's needs. However, from the existing human resources, the
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organization makes the most of it for the benefit of Baitul Mal, even though the
educational qualifications differ from the assigned field of work.
The researcher asked informants about the process of recruiting or transferring
employees in the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province; from the answers of the informants,
it was obtained that the Baitul Mal agency submitted requests for employees needed
by the organization to the Aceh Province Personnel Agency, but in reality, when
there was an employee mutation, in fact, employees who enter the Baitul Mal
organization sometimes do not comply with the requests and needs of the
organization. Recruitment and employee transfer activities are mostly motivated by
political interests, so the Baitul Mal management of Aceh Province experienced
difficulties in efforts to develop human resources.
On the same occasion, the researcher conducted an interview with the Head of the
Baitul Mal Secretariat of the Aceh Province: Mr. Rahmad, regarding the
development of strategic human resources related to training, education,
workshops, and technical guidance programs associated with the development of
human resource capabilities in Baitul Mal Aceh Province. From the description of
the head of the secretariat, strategic Human Resource development programs
related to training, technical guidance, workshop, and so on for the Baituk Mal Aceh
Province already have these programs, the purpose of which is to improve
capabilities, skills, and skills for employees in the organization, even This activity
program is not only given to employees in Baitul Mal Aceh. Still, it usually always
provides equal opportunities for Baitul Mal at the district level in Aceh Province,
so that the human resource development program can provide the same
understanding and knowledge to all Baitul Mals. The mall in Aceh. Baitul Mal Aceh
Province also often becomes a facilitator for Aceh province if there are training and
technical guidance activities held by the national BAZNAS.
As an Agency or Institution at the Provincial level which has the authority to
oversee the Baitul Mal at the Regency level, the Baitul Mal of the Aceh Province
should have become the mover and facilitator in efforts to develop Strategic Human
Resources in the Baitul Mal in the Aceh Province. So education, training, and
technical assistance programs are very much needed to be given to Baitul Mal
Employees to create better capabilities in helping Baitul Mal become a Sharia
institution engaged in implementing Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah. It is hoped that by
being given training and education, employees will have a better character at work,
have a positive work culture for the organization, to be able to provide better
performance in the future so that Baitul Mal becomes an agency or institution
capable of providing welfare and prosperity. For the people of Aceh, from the
management of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah.
The Development of Strategic Human Resource Management must certainly have
a positive impact on the organization regarding the implementation of the
performance of the programs that have been planned so far at the Baitul Mal of
Aceh Province in recent years, in terms of the Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah collection
target and the Realization of Collection has not met the target that has been set
stipulate, so in terms of the target of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution and the
realization of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution has also not met the targets that
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have been planned. As an example of comparison in planning and realizing
programs and budgets, researchers set Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah revenue targets
and realized Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah revenues in 2020, and Zakat, Infaq, and
Sadaqah distribution targets and realized Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution in
2020 at Baitul Mal Aceh Province.
Graph 1. Graph of targets and realization of collection or distribution
of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah to the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province
Souce: Primary Data, 2020
From the graph above, we can conclude that for 2020 the target for collecting Zakat,
Infaq, and Sadaqah carried out by Baitul Mal Aceh Province is Rp. 98,073,009,315,
but only Rp. 82,544,196,511 that can be collected, or 84.16% that can be realized.
In the distribution of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds in 2020, the target is Rp.
70,250,190,000, only 89.38% or Rp. 62,792,935,767. The inability to realize
programs and budgets is caused by several factors. When viewed from internal
factors, it is caused by the inability of human resources in the organization. Still,
there are also those caused by external factors such as the Covid-19 Pandemic
period, which made the planned programs and budgets unable to be realized.
Effect of Developing Strategic Human Resource Management in Improving
Work Culture in the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province
From the results of observations and interviews that have been conducted, it can be
concluded that the development of Strategic Human Resource Management that has
been carried out by the Baitul Mal of Aceh Province in the form of training,
education, and technical guidance programs to improve the abilities and skills of
existing employees, has been able to influence which is good in increasing the
capacity of employees, as well as when viewed from the ability to work together in
Collection Targets Realization of
Total Rp98.073.009.315 Rp82.544.196.511 Rp70.250.190.000 Rp62.792.935.767
Graph of Targets and Realization of Collection and
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a unit or team, it can be seen that the existing human resources can establish good
cooperation in efforts to complete the planned program and budget.
However, when viewed from the level of discipline possessed by employees, there
are still disciplinary violations committed by human resources in the organization.
This indicates that strategic human resource development in the Baitul Mal of Aceh
Province, when viewed from an increase in individual capabilities and cooperative
abilities, has had a good influence on the organizational work culture, from the point
of view of disciplinary enforcement it has not been fully able to discipline the
existing human resources within the organization. There are still employees who
arrive late, go home early and sit in coffee shops during working hours.
It is hoped that with the development of Strategic Human Resource Management at
Baitul Mal Aceh Province, it can provide a good and positive influence on the
organizational work culture so that having an excellent corporate culture can
improve organizational performance to give prosperity and welfare to the people of
the province Aceh in general through good work programs and budget realization.
Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal City of
Banda Aceh
From the results of interviews with the Head of the Baitul Mal Secretariat of the
City of Banda Aceh, Mr. Wahyudi, the human resources in the Baitul Mal of the
City of Banda Aceh amounted to 36 people for the secretariat section, plus a
Supervisory Board of 5 people, and five people for the implementing agency. As
for the educational qualifications of employees in the secretariat, there are six
people with academic qualifications of Strata-II; for the educational qualifications
of Strata-I, there are 28 people, six people with Diploma-III educational
qualifications, and six people with high school educational qualifications. The
human resources in Baitul Mal, City of Banda Aceh, consist of various disciplines
and fields. From the results of the interviews, the organization still needs additional
professional workers to optimize the collection and distribution of Zakat, Infaq, and
Sadaqah funds in Banda Aceh.
For professionals, Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh conducts recruitment directly by
providing information on recruiting professionals through the Baitul Mal website
and mass media by making the required qualifications. The recruitment and transfer
processes at Baitul Mal in Banda Aceh City were carried out as professionally as
possible based on the organization's needs. However, there were also political
policies underlying the recruitment and transfer processes that occurred. It will
become a new problem for the organization if there is a transfer of employees
entering, but not by the needs of the organization, even if there are human resources
that have been needed by the organization suddenly transferred to another
organization. The current state of human resources at Baitul Mal, Banda Aceh City,
has not met the organization's needs. There are several areas of work that require
additional human resources to be able to maximize the performance that has been
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To develop strategic human resource management related to training, education,
and technical guidance programs, Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh does not yet have a
specific human resource development work program. Training, education, and
technical guidance programs are not specifically on the activity agenda in the Baitul
Mal DIPA, Banda Aceh City. So far, Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh has participated
in training, education and technical guidance held by Baitul Mal Aceh Province and
BAZNAS, as well as other institutions.
Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh will try as much as possible to follow every training,
education, and technical guidance agenda carried out by other institutions related to
the management of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah, so that the human resources in the
organization can develop themselves and their abilities for organizational progress.
Organizational leadership also directs human resources within the organization to
learn independently related to the areas of responsibility within the organization, of
course, by educational background.
The Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal Kota
Banda Aceh so far has been able to have a good influence on the organization in
realizing existing work programs even though it has not been fully able to realize
the programs and budgets that have been planned. As an example of comparison in
planning and implementing programs and budgets, researchers make targets for
Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah receipts and realization of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah
receipts in 2020, and Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution targets and realization
of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution in 2020 in Baitul Mall, Banda Aceh City.
Graph 2. Graph of targets and realization of collection/distribution of
ZIS at Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh
Souce: Primary Data, 2020
Collection Targets Realization of
Total Rp22.349.130.000 Rp16.902.591.998 Rp16.902.591.998 Rp15.385.281.000
Graph of Targets and Realization of Collection and
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From the graph above we can conclude that for 2020 the target for collecting Zakat,
Infaq and Sadaqah carried out by Baitul Mal Aceh Province is Rp. 22,349,130,000,
but only Rp. 16,902,591,998 that can be collected, or 75.64% that can be realized.
In the distribution of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds in 2020, the target is Rp.
16,902,591,998, only 91.02% or Rp. 15,385,281,000. The inability to realize the
targeted program and budget is due to the Covid-19 pandemic and internal factors
such as the lack of human resources in running the organization.
The Influence of Strategic Human Resource Management Development in
Improving Work Culture in Baitul Mal, Banda Aceh City
From the results of observations and interviews that have been conducted, it can be
concluded that the development of Strategic Human Resource Management that has
been carried out by Baitul Mal in the city of Banda Aceh through training,
education, and technical guidance has had an influence on the development of
organizational work culture, especially in improving employee abilities and skills.
that exists, when viewed from the culture of cooperation between individuals and
units, the development of strategic human resource management is already going
well, the improvement of cooperative relations looks more solid in carrying out the
realization of existing programs and activities.
It is hoped that with the development of Strategic Human Resource Management at
Baitul Mal, Banda Aceh City, it can have a good and positive influence on the
organizational work culture, so that having a good organizational culture is able to
improve organizational performance in an effort to provide prosperity and welfare
to the community aceh in general through good work programs and budget
Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal, West
Aceh District
From the results of interviews with the Head of the Baitul Mal of the West Aceh
District, Mr. Bachtiar, the human resources in the Baitul Mal of West Aceh Regency
totaled 46 people, as many as 19 people in the Secretariat section, 27 people in the
executor section, plus the Supervisory Board of 10 people. As for the educational
qualifications of employees in the sectariat, there are 3 people with educational
qualifications of Strata-II, for educational qualifications of Strata-I there are 22
people, 21 people with high school education qualifications. The human resources
in Baitul Mal, West Aceh Regency consist of various disciplines and different
fields. From the results of the interviews conducted, the organization really needs
to increase the capacity of existing employees, because most of them are high
school graduates who fill many ordinary staff positions in the organization.
The process of recruitment and mutation that occurred in the West Aceh District
Baitul Mal was left entirely to the policies of the West Aceh district government,
this is of course a separate problem in efforts to develop existing human resource
capabilities. The leadership of Baitul Mal, both orally and in writing, always asks
the Regional Leadership through the Personnel Agency to provide personnel or
employees who are in accordance with the qualifications needed by the
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organization, but it often happens that the mutation agenda that occurs does not
match the expectations of the organization. Several cases of mutations were caused
by political issues.
The Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at the Baitul Mal of
West Aceh District so far has been able to have a good influence on the organization
in realizing existing work programs even though it has not been fully able to realize
the programs and budgets that have been planned. As an example of comparison in
planning and implementing programs and budgets, researchers make targets for
Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah receipts and realization of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah
receipts in 2020, and Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution targets and realization
of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution in 2020 in Baitul Mal, West Aceh
The Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at the Baitul Mal of
West Aceh District so far has been able to have a good influence on the organization
in realizing existing work programs even though it has not been fully able to realize
the programs and budgets that have been planned. As an example of comparison in
planning and implementing programs and budgets, researchers make targets for
Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah receipts and realization of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah
receipts in 2020, and Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution targets and realization
of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution in 2020 in Baitul Mal, West Aceh
Graph 3. Graph of targets and realization of collection/distribution of
ZIS to the Baitul Mal of West Aceh Regency
Souce: Primary Data, 2020
Collection Targets Realization of
Total Rp12.574.384.555 Rp12.574.384.555 Rp12.574.384.555 Rp12.360.743.543
Graph of Targets and Realization of Collection and
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From the graph above we can conclude that for 2020 the target for collecting Zakat,
Infaq and Sadaqah carried out by Baitul Mal Aceh Province is Rp. 12,574,384,555,
100% realizable. In the distribution of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds in 2020, the
target is Rp. 12,574,384,555, it can be realized that the distribution is 98.30% or
Rp. 12,360,745,543.
Effect of Developing Strategic Human Resource Management in Improving
Work Culture in Baitul Mal, West Aceh District
From the results of observations and interviews that have been conducted, it can be
concluded that the development of Strategic Human Resource Management, which
has been carried out by the Baitul Mal district of West Aceh through training,
education, and technical guidance they have participated in can have an influence
on the development of organizational work culture from achieving realization work
program and budget when viewed from the culture of cooperation between
individuals and units, the development of strategic human resource management is
already moving in a better direction, to increase employee discipline, if more
attention is needed from the leadership of Baitul Mal so that the organization can
run optimally, many employees are not in place during working hours, and sit in
coffee shops during working hours.
It is hoped that with the development of Strategic Human Resource Management in
Baitul Mal, West Aceh Regency, it can have a good and positive influence on the
organizational work culture, so that having a good organizational culture is able to
improve organizational performance to provide prosperity and welfare to the
community west aceh through good work programs and budget realization.
Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal, South
Aceh District
From the results of an interview with the Head of the Baitul Mal Secretariat of the
South Aceh District, Mr. Asrijal Junaidi, the human resources in the Baitul Mal of
South Aceh Regency currently number 36 people, as many as 15 people in the
Secretariat section, 16 people in the executor section, plus Supervisory Board of 5
people. The education qualifications for employees are 3 people with Strata-II
education qualifications, 22 people for Strata-I education qualifications, 1 person
for Diploma-III qualifications, 1 person for Diploma-II, and 9 people with High
School education qualifications. The human resources in Baitul Mal, West Aceh
Regency consist of various disciplines and different fields. From the results of the
interviews conducted, the South Aceh District Baitul Mal is in dire need of
professionals in the management of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah, the organization has
recruited according to the required qualifications, but until this research was carried
out, no appointment letter had been issued by the Regional Government.
The recruitment and transfer process that took place at Baitul Mal in South Aceh
Regency was fully authorized and under the policy of the South Aceh Regency
government, currently almost all the secretariat members on duty at Baitul Mal
Aceh Selatan are of working age waiting to retire. The mutation system carried out
by the Regency Government has not been fully based on organizational needs, there
are certain political elements in the placement of human resources in the Baitul Mal
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of South Aceh Regency. The existence of employees who are waiting for retirement
is an obstacle for organizations in efforts to develop the capabilities and skills of
employees in managing Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds. So a policy was taken to
recruit young and potential workers as professionals in order to improve
organizational performance.
In an effort to develop Strategic Human Resource Management related to training,
education and technical guidance programs aimed at increasing the capacity of
Human Resources in organizations, Baitul Mal South Aceh Regency does not yet
have a special program related to this matter. Baitul Mal South Aceh District does
not yet have its own training program in their DIPA, so far the South Aceh District
Baitul Mal has participated in training, education and technical guidance programs
conducted by Baitul Mal Aceh Province and BAZNAS and other institutions. The
leadership of the West Aceh District Baitul Mal always welcomes and is very
enthusiastic about instructing its employees to take part in any training, education
and technical guidance held by other institutions, both at the provincial and national
levels. Because the leaders hope that by participating in the event, they can increase
their ability to manage Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah in the South Aceh district.
The Development of Strategic Human Resource Management at the Baitul Mal of
South Aceh Regency has so far been able to have a good influence on the
organization in realizing existing work programs even though it has not been fully
able to realize the programs and budgets that have been planned. As an example of
comparison in planning and implementing programs and budgets, researchers make
targets for Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah receipts and realization of Zakat, Infaq and
Sadaqah receipts in 2020, and Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution targets and
realization of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah distribution in 2020 in Baitul Mal, South
Aceh Regency.
Collection Targets Realization of
Total Rp7.000.000.000 Rp6.696.560.849 Rp7.000.000.000 Rp6.690.959.501
Graph of Targets and Realization of Collection and
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Graph 4. Graph of targets and realization of collection/distribution of
ZIS to the Baitul Mal of South Aceh Regency
Souce: Primary Data, 2020
From the graph above we can conclude that for 2020 the target for collecting Zakat,
Infaq and Sadaqah carried out by Baitul Mal Aceh Province is Rp. 7,000,000,000,
and can be realized as much as Rp. 6,695,560,849 can be realized by 95.66%. In
the distribution of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds in 2020, the target is Rp.
7,000,000,000, it can be realized that the distribution is 95.58% or Rp.
Effect of Developing Strategic Human Resource Management in Improving
Work Culture in Baitul Mal, South Aceh District
From the results of observations and interviews that have been conducted, it can be
concluded that the development of Strategic Human Resource Management which
has been carried out by the Baitul Mal district of West Aceh through training,
education, and technical guidance they have participated in can have an influence
on the development of organizational work culture from achieving program
realization work and budget. When viewed from the culture of cooperation between
individuals and units, the development of strategic human resource management is
already moving in a better direction, in an effort to increase employee discipline,
there needs to be an increase in discipline for working hours and discipline during
working hours.
It is hoped that with the development of Strategic Human Resource Management in
Baitul Mal, South Aceh Regency, it can have a good and positive influence on the
organizational work culture, so that having a good organizational culture is able to
improve organizational performance in an effort to provide prosperity and welfare
to the community south aceh through good work programs and budget realization.
5. Conclusion and Suggestion
This study focuses on how Strategic Human Resource Management could impact
the work culture well in Baitul Mal Aceh. It could be concluded that the
development of Strategic Human Resource Management at Baitul Mal in Aceh has
been carried out quite well. Following the development of Human Resources
through training and education and technical guidance is able to provide a better
work culture improvement for the organization. This is marked by an increase in
the ability of Human Resources in planning and realizing programs and budgets in
Baitul Mal, so that Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds that have been collected can be
distributed to people in need. The culture of cooperation is also increasing within
the Baitul Mal organization in Aceh, with increased cooperation being able to
contribute to better performance so that the impact on Baitul Mal's performance is
getting better. We hope that the development of Strategic Human Resource
Management it will be able to create discipline in the existing human resources in
the organization to improve better and create a positive work culture for the Baitul
Mal organization in Aceh.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The suggestions from researchers include, first, Baitul Mal as an institution that
collects and distributes Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah funds to be able to create human
resource development programs so that the capabilities and knowledge of human
resources in the organization can be increased through training, education, and
bimtek. Second, to the Provincial or District Governments to be more serious in
placing Human Resources in Baitul Mal, because during the recruitment and
transfer process the political element emphasized more than the element of
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Today's work scenario is characterized by a fast rate of change, intense pressure, constant decline, changing demographics, increasing use of technology have affected the lives of employees. A person working aims to find life-work balance in his personal life. Work-life balance has implications for attitudes, behavior, welfare and organizational effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to have an attitude of appreciation from a sense of diversity towards a religion and one's belief in the existence of God which is manifested by obeying His commands and prohibitions with all one's heart and soul which is called religiosity. Religious activities are closely related to religiosity, not only when performing rituals (worship), but also other activities including work. Thus, religiosity can predict a person's behavior at work. This article reviews the literature on the role of religiosity in the work-life balance domain for employees, which emphasizes the importance of work-life balance supported by the values of religiosity of the employees.
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Academic institutions like other business organizations strive to achieve, maintain, and sustain their competitive advantages. In this study, we examined the influence of the “strategic human resources management (HRM) practices” on the achievement of “competitive advantages” that will be sustainable, with an evaluation of the mediating role of “human capital” development, and the commitment of employees in an academic environment. Six hundred questionnaires were randomly distributed to the employees of selected universities in Erbil City of Iraq. Structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques were employed for the analysis with the use of Smart Partial Least Square PLS. Findings from our study revealed a linear and positive influence of the strategic HRM on the sustainability of “competitive advantages”; strategic HRM was also found to positively influence human capital development and the commitment of employees to the institutions; the influence of both human capital development and employees’ commitment were found to have a partial mediation in the strategic HRM practices and sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) relationship. Finally, theoretical and management implications were suggested.
Conference Paper
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This article aims to analyse the use of qualitative methods by students in carrying out their studies at Iqra Buru University, then explained about information, reason, and the orientation they have about qualitative methods. The approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative, by using interviews as a data collection model and data analysis techniques in the form of textual analysis techniques from the results of field note transcripts. Results from the field show the theoretical information of the qualitative methods possessed by informants is still low causing reasons for use because the field of science is studied, while the orientation of informants prioritizes the use of qualitative methods to complete the final task. Conclusions from field studies show that the use of qualitative methods is still considered a complement in the completion of the informant's study, so it is difficult to get research results that have contributed to the development of qualitative methods.
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This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework capable of analysing the contributions made by strategic human resources management (SHRM) to firm sustainability and competitiveness. Specifically, we identify different sustainable corporate strategies and the way in which they are supported by coherent sustainable HRM strategies. We propose different sustainable employment relationships considering two dimensions: inducements offered by an organisation and expected employee behaviours in order to comply with sustainable HRM strategies. All the above also necessitates a system of HRM practices (content of the employment relationship) that should be well defined and oriented towards sustainability. Accordingly, we suggest associations of specific systems of HRM practices, depending on the type of employment relationship and sustainable HRM strategy, in order to promote the expected ‘Triple Bottom Line’, and which also improve firm competitiveness.
Purpose Building on the little guidance in the existing literature regarding the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices, entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance, this study aims to generate theoretical propositions that underpin an integrative framework following a systematic literature review, then to test such a framework within the context of a small and medium enterprise (SME) to demonstrate how employees’ knowledge and competencies are translated into added value while fostering the company’s entrepreneurial capabilities and culture. Design/methodology/approach For the purpose of this research, a systematic literature review was adopted to build the propositions underpinning an integrative theoretical framework linking HRM practices, entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. A single case study approach was then followed to test the propositions of the integrative theoretical framework within the context of an SME, while adopting a triangulation methodology for data collection, including questionnaires, interviews and archival data. Data analysis was conducted following the procedures of a pattern-matching methodology. Findings This research confirms the strategic role of HRM practices in fostering the firm’s entrepreneurial orientation and capabilities, while nurturing, enriching and bundling employees’ knowledge, skills and distinctive competencies within the context of a company’s innovation-driven strategy. HRM practices through a strategic alignment with the company’s business strategy, contribute to shaping up organizational attitudes, behaviors and cultural determinants that are, in turn, conducive to better innovativeness, risk propensity and initiative-taking. Theoretical and empirical evidence shows how such corporate entrepreneurialism is then translated into adding value activities, individual and group productivity and overall organizational performance. Research limitations implications This research generates meaningful insights on how HRM practices contribute to shaping up corporate entrepreneurship attitudes and transforming them into both individual and organizational results while building on conceptual assumptions and empirical evidence. The authors believe such insights have the potential to lay the foundations of a comprehensive theoretical model that disentangles the complexities and the dynamics of how strategically-oriented HRM interventions could help an organization redirect its employees’ competencies into innovation and entrepreneurial capabilities to generate a competitive advantage in an ever-changing business environment. Future research should emphasize mainly on multiple case study approaches and ethnographic methodologies for the sake of result generalizability and holistic understandings. Practical implications This research draws significant conclusions for SMEs to cope with the change and the fierce competitive dynamics affecting current business environments. To consolidate and further develop their strategic positioning, this research suggests that SMEs could leverage distinctive individual and group competencies, through strategically aligned HRM actions and investments, to foster learning and generate entrepreneurially-oriented cultural values and management style conducive to innovation, performance and competitive advantage. Originality/value This research offers integrated and holistic views of how HRM practices affect organizational performance while leveraging on learning to create the necessary cultural and managerial conditions for corporate entrepreneurialism. This research builds on both theoretical propositions and empirical evidence to lay the foundations of a comprehensive model linking HRM practices, entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. From a practical perspective, the research findings suggest new human resource developmental venues while placing much emphasis on the value of creating the innovation-driven managerial culture and fostering entrepreneurially-oriented attitudes to achieve better performance results.
Today, firms are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of social, ethical, and ecological objectives. In addition to financial profit, organizations are setting themselves new goals, focusing on individual, communal, and environmental-friendly performance and development. One of the disciplines that is promoting “green” organizations is Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM). Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are achieved through the adoption of new ecological techniques by the organization’s human capital and by the integration of innovative sustainable strategies. This systematic literature review examines the key role of SHRM in developing a sustainable work environment and in facilitating the attainment of SDGs. Based on a selection of empirical and conceptual articles, this review identifies the antecedents and outcomes of SHRM and highlights the obstacles to sustainable implementation not only at the level of the firm, but also from an international perspective. Four propositions are formulated that might be empirically tested in future studies. Research gaps in the existing literature are identified and potential future directions are suggested for further research in the field of sustainable management.