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ReTrace: Topological evaluation of white matter tractography algorithms using Reeb graphs

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Abstract and Figures

We present ReTrace, a novel graph matching-based topological evaluation and validation method for tractography algorithms. ReTrace uses a Reeb graph whose nodes and edges capture the topology of white matter fiber bundles. We evaluate the performance of 96 algorithms from the ISMRM Tractography Challenge and the the standard algorithms implemented in DSI Studio for the population-averaged Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset. The existing evaluation metrics such as the f-score, bundle overlap, and bundle overreach fail to account for fiber continuity resulting in high scores even for broken fibers, branching artifacts, and mis-tracked fiber crossing. In contrast, we show that ReTrace effectively penalizes the incorrect tracking of fibers within bundles while concurrently pinpointing positions with significant deviation from the ground truth. Based on our analysis of ISMRM challenge data, we find that no single algorithm consistently outperforms others across all known white matter fiber bundles, highlighting the limitations of the current tractography methods. We also observe that deterministic tractography algorithms perform better in tracking the fundamental properties of fiber bundles, specifically merging and splitting, compared to probabilistic tractography. We compare different algorithmic approaches for a given bundle to highlight the specific characteristics that contribute to successful tracking, thus providing topological insights into the development of advanced tractography algorithms.
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ReTrace: Topological evaluation of white matter tractography
algorithms using Reeb graphs
S. Shailja1, Jefferson W. Chen2, Scott T. Grafton1, and B.S. Manjunath1
1University of California, Santa Barbara CA 93117, USA
2University of California, Irvine Medical Center CA 92868, USA
Abstract. We present ReTrace, a novel graph matching-based topological evaluation and validation
method for tractography algorithms. ReTrace uses a Reeb graph whose nodes and edges capture the
topology of white matter fiber bundles. We evaluate the performance of 96 algorithms from the ISMRM
Tractography Challenge and the the standard algorithms implemented in DSI Studio for the population-
averaged Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset. The existing evaluation metrics such as the f-score,
bundle overlap, and bundle overreach fail to account for fiber continuity resulting in high scores even
for broken fibers, branching artifacts, and mis-tracked fiber crossing. In contrast, we show that ReTrace
effectively penalizes the incorrect tracking of fibers within bundles while concurrently pinpointing posi-
tions with significant deviation from the ground truth. Based on our analysis of ISMRM challenge data,
we find that no single algorithm consistently outperforms others across all known white matter fiber bun-
dles, highlighting the limitations of the current tractography methods. We also observe that deterministic
tractography algorithms perform better in tracking the fundamental properties of fiber bundles, specif-
ically merging and splitting, compared to probabilistic tractography. We compare different algorithmic
approaches for a given bundle to highlight the specific characteristics that contribute to successful track-
ing, thus providing topological insights into the development of advanced tractography algorithms.
Keywords: tractography · dMRI · Reeb graphs · topology · evaluation · graph matching.
1 Introduction
Tractography is a technique utilized in neuroimaging to reconstruct white matter fiber pathways from diffu-
sion magnetic resonance images (dMRIs). The reconstructed fiber bundles provide valuable insights into the
connectivity between different regions of the brain. They play a crucial role in understanding neuroanatomy
and studying various brain disorders. For instance, tractography has been used to reveal brain abnormalities
across a range of conditions [1, 4, 9], including multiple sclerosis, cognitive disorders, Parkinson’s disease,
brain trauma, tumors, and psychiatric conditions. To ensure accurate interpretation of the obtained tractogra-
phy results, it is vital to evaluate the performance of tractography methods on these neuroanatomical bundles
and select appropriate metrics for assessment. Evaluating the performance of tractography methods is a com-
plex task due to the intricate nature of white matter pathways and the challenges associated with capturing
their neuroanatomical topology [5, 8, 16].
Empirical studies have examined the effectiveness of many tractography methods in investigating a range
of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s [21], as well as in measuring patient outcomes following the
utilization of tractography for tumor resection [20]. However, the comparison between tractography algo-
rithms remains mainly qualitative for the most part. These studies do not provide a comprehensive evaluation
Supported by NSF award: SSI # 1664172.
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2 S. Shailja et al.
of the tractography algorithms themselves, as they lack a ground truth reference for the reconstructed bun-
dles. This limitation hinders the ability to quantitatively compare standard tracking algorithms and obtain
meaningful feedback about their performance.
To quantify tractography, the FiberCup phantom dataset [3] is commonly used. The International Society
for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) organized a tractography challenge [10] on revised FiberCup
dataset to establish a ground truth and provide score using the Tractometer [2]. Tractometer provides global
connectivity metrics and facilitates extensive assessment of tracking outputs, fiber bundle detection accuracy,
and incomplete fiber quantification. As bundle analysis is crucial in neurological studies, the tractograms
were divided into 25 major bundles in the ISMRM dataset. To assess the performance of tractography method
on bundles, bundle coverage metrics were proposed [10]. These metrics transform the fibers into voxel
images, which results in the loss of fiber point-correspondence. They fail to account for many reconstruction
errors, thereby yielding inflated and potentially misleading scores. For example, the topological complexity
arising due to the geometrical structure and branching within valid bundles is often neglected in voxel-based
metrics. In other words, the existing tractography assessment metrics do not answer “how” the fibers are
connected but only analyze the connection percentages. Hence, there is a critical need for methods that can
quantify the anatomical validity of fiber branching, given the complex fiber topology [19].
Topology pertains to the organization of white matter fibers into structural networks of brain. It consid-
ers the fibers’ origination, termination, and branching, as well as their relationship to different brain regions.
Neurological disorders can induce topological changes in white matter fibers, such as physical disruptions in
cases like stroke, or spatial distortions as seen in brain tumors. To effectively assess the topology of the fiber
reconstruction in bundle tracts, we propose ReTrace. It is a novel graph matching algorithm that is based on
the construction of a Reeb graph [17, 18]. This graph matching algorithm enables a comprehensive quanti-
tative analysis of topological connectivity patterns by considering both global and local network features.
Further, for each quantitative assessment provided by ReTrace, a graph visualization of the bundle in 3D is
also associated. This visualization is crucial in analyzing the efficacy of the tractography. Finally, ReTrace
can also be tuned to explore the output of a given tractogram in different resolutions. The implementation
code and interactive notebooks for utilizing ReTrace are publicly available on GitHub 3.
2 Tractography evaluation
Quantitative metrics such as global connectivity-dependent metrics in Tractometer [2] and connectivity ma-
trix have been used to evaluate the fiber reconstruction [15]. They give information about the high-level
connection of brain regions. However for the assessment of a given bundle tract, they offer a snapshot of
valid bundle coverage with their ground truth counterparts and do not account for local topological features.
We describe the commonly used metrics in Fig. 1A. While the existing metrics are valuable in assessing vol-
umetric bundle coverage they fall short in capturing fiber continuity, branching, and crossing as highlighted
in Fig. 1B, C, and D respectively in the bundle. Some of these limitations are:
1. Voxel-wise agreement between the algorithm’s output and the ground truth is the main emphasis in
computing the existing metrics. This overlooks the intricate tractography errors, such as, spurious fibers
and incorrect connectivity patterns. Specifically, these metrics often neglect broken fibers as they could
still cover the volume despite their discontinuity.
2. Spatial localization is not considered to evaluate the errors between the reconstructed bundles and the
ground truth. Similarly, tractography errors cannot be attributed to specific inaccuracies in tracked fibers
within the spatial context to guide the design of better algorithms.
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ReTrace: Topological evaluation of white matter tractography algorithms using Reeb graphs 3
Voxel-based tractography evaluation
Branching topology
Ground truth No branching Discontinuous branching
Over-pruned bundle Discontinuous fibers
Discontinuous fibers Distorted crossing
Ground truth
Ground truth
Crossing topology
Fiber continuity
True positive = |M1 M2|
Valid streamlines = |M2|
Bundle overlap (OL) =
False positive = |M2 \ M1|
False negative = |M1 \ M2|
|M2 M1|
Bundle overreach (ORGT) =
|M2 \ M1|
Bundle overreach (ORVS) =
|M2 \ M1|
True negative = |M1 M2|
F1 = 2 TP
TP + (FP + FN)/2
Fig. 1. Traditional bundle coverage metrics and their limitations in tractography evaluation. (A) Mask M1illustrates the
ground truth bundle (black outline), while Mask M2reveals valid fibers (red outline) produced by a specific tractography
method. Bundle coverage evaluation uses these voxel masks. (B)-(D) display scenarios where the traditional metric falls
short. Gray fibers represent the ground truth, while orange fibers depict the reconstructed fibers. (B) highlights potential
errors in fiber continuity. (C) demonstrates potential inaccuracies in the branching topology of the tracked fibers, and (D)
exposes potential misinterpretations in crossing topology, which despite yielding high scores in bundle coverage, might
be anatomically implausible.
3. Branching in the reconstructed pathways is largely inconsequential in the computation of voxel-based
metrics. Typically, fiber bundles originate from functional regions, merge into larger pathways for ef-
ficiency, and branch out as they approach their respective terminal functional areas. Neuroanatomical
studies [5, 17] have pointed out the importance of branching in tractography. But, the conventional met-
rics (in Fig. 1A) may fail to detect errors related to this branching topology. As such, obscured connec-
tions within dense bundles could still achieve high scores despite inaccuracies.
4. Complex fiber orientations such as fiber crossing are not directly captured by the existing tractography
evaluation metrics.
Our proposed method addresses these limitations for evaluating tractography methods. It incorporates higher-
level tract analysis that considers the topological branching patterns and pathways. Additionally, our method
is sensitive to spatial localization, taking into account the precise anatomical locations of inaccuracies within
the reconstructed bundles. By addressing the limitations discussed above, our method provides a tunable and
robust evaluation of tractography algorithms in terms of accuracy and anatomical fidelity.
3 ReTrace: Quantifying topological analysis
ReTrace is an end-to-end tractography evaluation pipeline that starts by processing the given white matter
fiber bundles to generate a graph model. Then, it evaluates the quality of fiber reconstruction by comparing
two graphs taking into account many topological factors. The pipeline is illustrated in Fig. 2. It is based on
the construction of a Reeb graph that provides a topological signature of the fibers. This graph representation
makes the tractography evaluation amenable to graph and network theory methods.
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4 S. Shailja et al.
Topology of interest
Quantitative evaluation
and visualization
Increasing sparsity of ground truth graphs
Ground truth bundle (*.trk)
Multi-scale ground
truth Reeb graphs
Computation of
Reeb graphs
Candidate tractography
Quantification of
tractography algorithms
Best algorithm
Distance metric
Segmented bundle from
candidate tractography
algorithm (*.trk.gz)
Fig. 2. ReTrace evaluates tractography methods both qualitatively and quantitatively by comparing two Reeb graphs, R
and Rref. By setting appropriate parameters, Reeb graphs of different resolutions can be computed from the ground truth
data. Among the graphs of different sparsity, one is chosen based on the level at which tractography evaluation is desired.
Similarly, for the candidate tractography algorithm under evaluation, a Reeb graph is computed from the bundle using
the same Reeb graph parameters as the ground truth. The evaluation metric reflects the distance between the two graphs:
a higher metric value indicates larger discrepancies, and the candidate algorithm with the lowest metric is assigned the
first rank. For qualitative analysis, one can visually examine the Reeb graphs, locating nodes contributing to the distance.
3.1 Reeb graphs characterize the topology of anatomical bundles
A Reeb graph representation of white matter fibers has been recently proposed [17, 18]. It provides a concise
depiction of trajectory branching structures by constructing undirected weighted graphs. The given bundle
tracts (that is, a group of streamlines representing a major bundle) is represented as a graph. The vertices of
the graph are critical points where the fibers appear, disappear, merge, or split. Edges of the graph connect
these critical points as groups of sub-trajectories of the given bundle. The edge weight is the proportion of
fibers that participate in the edge. Three key parameters capture the geometry and topology of fibers:
1. εdenotes the distance between a pair of fibers in a bundle, controlling its sparsity. Smaller εvalues
result in denser subtrajectory groups, while larger values allow for sparser groups,
2. αrepresents the spatial length of the bundle, introducing persistence and influencing the extent of
bundling, and
3. δdetermines the bundle thickness to shape the model’s robustness and granularity.
By adjusting these parameters, we can explore the anatomical fiber structure at different scales of sparsity. In
this paper, we analyze the reconstruction of anatomical bundles in different spatial resolutions, demonstrating
the potential of graph-based tractography validation and evaluation.
Note: Throughout the paper, we overlay the Reeb graphs on raw fibers (in orange and ground truth fibers
in grey). In the graphs, the nodes are illustrated in red, while edges are shown in black.
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ReTrace: Topological evaluation of white matter tractography algorithms using Reeb graphs 5
3.2 Global network features
As discussed, representing the tracts as a graph allows the tractography evaluation to be compatible with
existing network and graph theory metrics. For a given Reeb graph R(V,E), we compute the global net-
work properties that provide a comprehensive view of the network’s structure and behavior. Global features
can be as simple as number of nodes (|V|), number of edges (|E|), or average degree (2E/N)to more so-
phisticated metrics such as diameter, assortativity [12], modularity [13], or transitivity depending on the
specific application. These network properties provide valuable insights into the structural characteristics
of anatomical bundles represented by the Reeb graph. For example, in the Reeb graph, diameter signifies
the longest sequence of merging and splitting events along the trajectories. However, global network-based
metrics lack specificity and can be challenging to trace back and localize. Therefore, we introduce a novel
graph matching algorithm that uses spatial location and provides a quantified distance between the ground
truth and computed fiber bundles using local node features.
Algorithm 1 Topological Distance Computation
function ONEWAYDISTANCE(R,Rref ,ε,γ)
IVref Nodes to be inserted
D/0 Nodes to be deleted
dedit 0Score
dpos 0Spatial score
dnet 0Network score
for ncVdo
cclosest node in Vref
if d(nc[pos′′],nr[pos′′ ]) <2εthen
Remove cfrom I Successful correspondence
if d(nc[pos′′],nr[pos′′ ]) <εthen
continue Equivalence (nothing added)
dpos dpos +d(nc[pos′′],nr[pos′′ ])
dnet dnet +d(nc[net′′ ],nr[net′′ ])
Add cto D
dpos dpos +|I| · 2ε(1+γ)Insertion
for niIdo
dnet dnet +d(ni,0)
dpos dpos +|D| · 2ε(1+γ)Deletion
for ndDdo
dnet dnet +d(nd,0)
dedit dpos/|Vref|+dnet
return dedit
function DISTANCE(R,Rre f ,ε,γ)
scmp OneWayDistance(R,Rref ,ε,γ)
sref OneWayDistance(Rref ,R,ε,γ)
return 0.5·(scmp +sre f )
3.3 Topological graph matching
For any given node vV, we calculate two sets of features spatial position-based features, denoted as
“pos”, and local network-level features, denotes as “net”. Each node of the Reeb graph is linked to its 3D
spatial location in the brain, so “pos” corresponds to the 3D coordinate yielding a 3-dimensional feature. On
the other hand, the network features are computed using centrality metrics at the node level: degree central-
ity, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, and eigenvector centrality [6], producing a 4-dimensional
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6 S. Shailja et al.
Our proposed graph matching computation algorithm is adapted from Siminet [11], enhanced to ac-
commodate additional parameters for robustness against noise in tractography and to incorporate network
metrics with spatial position as node features. It calculates an edit distance denoted by dedit between two
Reeb graphs, quantifying the cost of operations needed to transform one graph into another, as outlined in
Algorithm 1.
The algorithm begins by iterating through the nodes of the comparison graph Rand matching each node
with its closest spatial counterpart within a search radius. The algorithm determines node correspondences
by comparing the spatial distances (“pos”) between nodes and their counterparts against a threshold ε(inter-
fiber distance used in constructing the Reeb graph). The algorithm also accounts for insertions and deletions
by penalizing them with a score γproportional to the Euclidean distance between the centroids of node
locations for Rand Rref. The proposed metric dedit is computed considering the Euclidean distance in node
attributes: spatial positions and centrality metrics to compare graph-based representations of white matter
bundles, ensuring that layout similarities correspond to similarities in brain regions.
Note that the metric is not normalized, that is, it does not have the standard 0-1 limits. We opt to keep the
distances between graphs unbounded to account for relative variations (in some case, the distance could be
very large). The ultimate aim of a new tractography design would be to minimize this distance. A potential
limitation, or rather a feature, is that the user needs to select the resolution parameters based on the desired
comparison of the bundle tracts. While this might appear a manual step, the preset parameters generally
serve well as a great starting point for all the major bundle tracts. Also, the performance of all tractography
evaluation metrics, both existing and our proposed metric, depends on the quality of bundle segmentation.
Hence, further research on bundle segmentation could enhance metric performance.
4 Results
In this section, we apply the ReTrace pipeline to both synthetic and real diffusion MRI datasets to demon-
strate its efficacy.
4.1 The ISMRM 2015 Tractography Challenge
The challenge presented participants with a clinical-style dataset: a 2mm isotropic diffusion acquisition with
32 gradient directions and a b-value of 1000 s/mm². The task was to reconstruct fiber pathways using a real-
istically simulated replication of a whole-brain diffusion-weighted MR image. The challenge resulted in 96
tractogram submissions, available publicly for download4. These submissions collectively represent a broad
range of tractography pipelines, encompassing varied pre-processing, tractography, and post-processing al-
gorithms. This provides a diverse platform for quantitative and qualitative analysis of tractography methods.
We assign each algorithm a unique algorithm number, ranging from 1-96 (see the Supplementary Informa-
tion for the mapping of these ids to the original submission numbers).
For tractography evaluation, we compute the valid bundles for each submission using the ROI-based
bundle segmentation system proposed by the challenge organizers [14]. An expert segmented ground truth
bundle segmentation provided by the challenge allowed us to assess the submitted tractography methods
based on traditionally computed metrics, establishing a baseline for comparison. The extracted bundles were
then processed using the ReTrace pipeline. We can fine-tune the computation of Reeb graphs using the
robustness parameters (ε,α, and δ), adjusting the granularity of the desired analysis. In this study, these are
set to ε=2.5, α=5, and δ=5. The results for various bundles using our proposed metric compared with
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ReTrace: Topological evaluation of white matter tractography algorithms using Reeb graphs 7
Ground truth Top 3 algorithms by ReTrace Algorithms rated higher by other metrics
Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
1. CP
2. CA
#58 #57 #56
(rank 1 for VS)
(rank 1 for f1, FN, OL,
(rank 1 for f1, OL,
TP, FN, endpoints OL)
(rank 1 endpoints OR)
#42 #45
(rank 1 for endpoints OR
and ORVS)
(rank 1 for endpoints OL)
3. SCP right
(rank 1 for f1)
1a 1b 1c 1d 1e
(rank 1 for OL, FN, TN)
(rank 1 for endpoints OL
and VS)
2a 2b 2c 2d 2e
3a 3b 3c 3d 3e
4. SCP left 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e
#3 #75 #41 #25
(rank 1 for endpoints OL)
(rank 1 for endpoints OR
and ORGT)
5. Fornix 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e
#18 #16 #32 #77
(rank 1 for endpoints OR,
(rank 1 for f1)
Fig. 3. Evaluation of tractography algorithms using ReTrace for bundles in the ISMRM data. The leftmost column dis-
plays the ISMRM ground truth fiber bundles with associated Reeb graphs overlaid on the bundles. For the other columns,
grey streamlines denote the ground truth, overlaid by orange streamlines representing the candidate tractography algo-
rithm’s results. On top of these, the Reeb graphs are overlaid with red nodes and black edges. The bundles illustrated in
the figure are labeled from 1 to 5: CP, CA, SCPright, SCPleft , and Fornix respectively. For each bundle (in a row), the next
three columns (a-c) highlight the algorithms that achieved the highest rank according to our proposed metric. Notice that
the algorithms that are ranked high on existing metrics (displayed in columns d-e), do not show the best tracked bundle.
The reconstructions that do not capture the branches near the end of the bundles are ranked highly by other metrics.
Similarly, fiber continuity and distorted fibers in the reconstructed output are given high ranks with existing metrics.
the traditional bundle coverage metrics are illustrated in Fig. 3. When the candidate tractography has less
than 5 fibers, Reeb graphs are not constructed (automatically with the Reeb graph parameter δ=5) and the
algorithm is rejected without rank assignment. For a more dense analysis δmay be set to 0. The comparison
of existing bundle coverage metrics against our proposed dedit metric is presented in Table 1.
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8 S. Shailja et al.
# val # val # val # val # val # val # val # val # val # val # val
CP 59 1134 75 38 59 0.29 75 0.02 32 0.42 59 474 56 34 59 14 42 1 59 0.33 58 40.1
CA 37 603 60 72 37 0.59 60 0.05 49 0.43 37 876 38 75 43 22 49 2 37 0.52 37 7.3
SCP right 26 471 44 6 26 0.88 44 0 44 0.08 26 3467 57 1768 57 242 44 1 36 0.57 36 10.6
SCP left 26 440 34 12 26 0.89 34 0 77 0.05 26 3638 57 2245 25 352 34 0 16 0.63 3 10.9
Fornix 26 2698 77 40 26 0.75 77 0 77 0.07 26 7971 25 2595 25 698 77 3 46 0.57 18 8.7
Table 1. Comparison of dedit with existing bundle coverage metrics. The columns labeled as “#” represent the rank 1
algorithm number, while “val” denotes the respective metric values for each metric. Top-ranking methods according to
dedit differ from those determined by traditional metrics for most bundles. We demonstrate that the reconstruction ranked
the best using dedit effectively captures branching topology that is overlooked in evaluations using existing methods.
All submissions faced difficulties reconstructing the smaller bundles, such as the anterior (CA) and
posterior commissures (CP), which possess a cross-sectional diameter of no more than 2 mm. Due to the
minimal branching owing to fewer recovered fibers, ReTrace performs similar to the existing methods on
these bundles. However, as the number of fibers increases for bundles like SCPright, SCPleft, and Fornix (as
shown in Fig. 3), the importance of accurately branching towards the end of the fibers became apparent.
This leads to different algorithms being top-rank with our method as compared with existing metrics. As
an example, while algorithm 36 and 29 achieve high ranks for the ReTrace evaluation in SCPright, they
do not perform as well according to the existing metrics. It is notable that simply increasing fiber count
to cover the bundle volume without appropriate branching does not lead to a high ReTrace ranking. This
is evident in algorithms 26 and 31 (Fig. 3d and 3e) as they are ranked high according to OL, FN, TN,
endpoints OL, and VS metrics, but do not contribute significantly to the ReTrace ranking. The evaluation of
all other bundles in the ISMRM dataset using dedit along with their interactive visualizations are available on
our GitHub repository. Beyond the topological distance that we calculate here, various other graph attributes
such as variations in the number of nodes, edges, average degree, and diameter can also be computed and are
available in our repository 5. They collectively capture different facets of the graphs, and as a consequence,
highlight various properties of the tractography reconstruction.
Different tractography methods were employed by different teams. The most important preprocessing,
postprocessing, and tractography steps among top-performing algorithms are shown in Fig. 4. For exam-
ple, CP proved difficult to reconstruct for all algorithms, necessitating the use of extensive denoising and
correction methods, as well as probabilistic methods for fiber tracking. Conversely, for other bundles, min-
imal preprocessing was required and deterministic fiber tracking was sufficient for accurate branching. The
insights on the steps of the algorithms offer a topological perspective on designing advanced tractography
algorithms and pipelines for future studies. We observe that none of the algorithms perform consistently well
for all the bundles. So, an additional advantage of this exploration is that new tractography algorithms may
be designed, tailored to specific bundles or neuroanatomical properties of interest.
The results in this paper are in contrast with the ranking of tractography algorithms discussed in the ex-
isting literature [10, 14] but also confirm the findings of the importance of various steps in tractography [15].
The runtime of the pipeline depends on the number of fibers and the desired resolution of the Reeb graph.
After computing the graphs for a bundle, our evaluation method takes less than 120 seconds to obtain the
results on an Intel Xeon CPU E5-2696 v4 @ 2.20 GHz.
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ReTrace: Topological evaluation of white matter tractography algorithms using Reeb graphs 9
CP CA Fornix
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5
SCP left
SCP right
Fig. 4. Correlation between processing steps and the successful reconstruction of the major bundles as assessed by Re-
Trace. Different colors represent the ranking of methods according to the ReTrace pipeline for five different bundles
(rank 1 (dark blue) to rank 5 (yellow)). Y-axis indicate various steps of tractography: Preprocessing (from motion cor-
rection to upsampling); Tractography (diffusion modeling beyond DTI such as constrained spherical deconvolution, and
tractography methods beyond deterministic approaches such as probabilistic tractography); Postprocessing (incorpora-
tion of anatomical priors to streamline clustering). The importance of each step is evident with how prevalent it is in the
top ranked algorithms for each bundle.
4.2 Evaluating tractography algorithms in fiber-crossing regions
Tractography’s accuracy is influenced by the number of distinct fiber orientations per voxel, as fiber-crossing
regions pose considerable challenges. A probabilistic white matter atlas highlights these areas with high
fiber-crossing frequencies [19]. Conventional metrics may not fully capture an algorithm’s ability to accu-
rately resolve these complex regions, instead reflecting its capacity to generate copious or elongated fibers,
regardless of their neurological plausibility or accuracy.
For example, a tractography algorithm might generate spurious fibers connecting distinct bundles in
crossing fiber scenarios, falsely inflating the fiber count. This inflation could distort performance evaluations
if they rely solely on fiber numbers. Endpoint-matching metrics, such as overlap or intersection between
reconstructed and ground truth fibers, could also be misleading in the presence of crossing fibers: overlaps
may not indicate accuracy if the algorithm incorrectly generates disrupted or distorted fibers due to cross-
ing fibers. Spatial accuracy metrics, like the average or Hausdorff distance [7] between reconstructed and
ground truth fibers, could also be skewed by crossing fibers. These regions may compromise the algorithm’s
capability to accurately resolve individual bundles, resulting in spatial inaccuracies or increased distances.
HCP Dataset The efficacy of ReTrace is not limited to synthetic data alone. To demonstrate its applicability
to real datasets and to show how Retrace handles fiber crossing, we use the average HCP 1065 template,
constructed from the diffusion MRI data of 1065 subjects from the Human Connectome Project (HCP)6. We
use the 1 mm population-averaged FIB file in the ICBM152 space for fiber tracking in DSI Studio.
ReTrace handles fiber crossings effectively, as demonstrated in Fig. 5. We select a small region of interest
(a 2mm isotropic 3D region) from the probabilistic atlas in an area with a high probability (0.9) of double-
crossing fibers. We use the deterministic streamline tracking method implemented in DSI Studio7to compute
.CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseavailable under a
was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
The copyright holder for this preprint (whichthis version posted July 3, 2023. ; bioRxiv preprint
10 S. Shailja et al.
Single crossing
A. B. C.
D. E.
G. H. I.
Double crossing Triple crossing
Disrupted fibers Distorted fibers
Evaluation with ReTrace Extra node captures disruption Graph captures distortion
Ideal fiber tracking
Fig. 5. Evaluation of a tractography algorithm for fiber crossing. (A)-(C) show the center slice of the probabilistic di-
rections atlas. This atlas indicates single, double, or triple crossing by the probability of the presence of diffusion tensor
oriented in one, two, or three directions. A small ROI with high double crossing fiber probability (shown in green) is
selected. (D)-(F) demonstrate the reconstruction of fibers using the streamline method implemented in DSI Studio. (D)
shows successful tracking of fiber crossings with ideal parameters. (E) shows fibers that terminate abruptly near the
crossing as a result of reconstruction with different parameters. (F) shows bending or distortion of fibers when encoun-
tering multiple diffusion orientations. (G)-(I) present the constructed Reeb graphs overlaid on the computed fibers for
each case, respectively (shown below each reconstruction). An additional node is observed in the Reeb graph that cap-
tures the fiber crossing or bending. A thicker edge in (F) indicates bending of the fibers, whereas ideally, the fiber should
only cross without bending.
the fibers with the parameters set (angular threshold, step size, min length, max length, terminate if seeds,
iterations for topological pruning) to 35, 1, 70, 200, 1000, and 16, respectively. This allowed us to observe
successful tracking without broken or distorted fibers. To mimic the spurious broken fibers that tractography
methods may yield, we set the parameters to 35, 1, 0, 100, 1000, and 16. For observing the angular distortion
where the fiber bends and follows a different path, we set the parameters as 90, 1, 70, 100, 1000, and 16.
The resulting Reeb graphs clearly highlight how their nodes capture successful and unsuccessful tracking.
Nodes formed near intersections indicate broken or bent fibers, as shown in Fig. 5. Whenever fibers travel
together in a group, they form an edge in the graph. Any alteration within this group prompts a critical
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ReTrace: Topological evaluation of white matter tractography algorithms using Reeb graphs 11
event, resulting in a node in the Reeb graph. Consequently, if a fiber breaks or diverges, the associated group
changes, generating a node. This node, present at the merging point, contributes to a larger distance value.
In the topological distance computation, dedit, this node could be weighted more if the goal is to assess an
algorithm’s tracking ability in ambiguous fiber orientations. By providing a 3D location for our algorithm’s
attention, any discrepancy within that location can significantly affect the overall dedit computation. The code
is open source and can be tailored to specific needs.
5 Conclusion
This paper introduces ReTrace, an innovative evaluation method for tractography algorithms. This method
addresses existing metrics’ limitations by focusing on the topological accuracy of reconstructed pathways.
We applied ReTrace to both synthetic and real-world datasets to demonstrate the branching fidelity and
errors such as broken or bent fibers in tractography reconstruction. With the ISMRM dataset, we ranked 96
algorithms on different neuroanatomical bundles. The rankings proposed by our method are in contrast with
the rankings using the conventional voxel-based tractography metrics. We discuss this difference in ranking
and performance of different algorithms by highlighting the topological features such as branching, fiber
continuity, localization, and crossing. We demonstrated the utility of our method on the HCP dataset where
we show the importance of reconstructed fiber crossing and discuss the performance of standard tractography
algorithms. Our approach is disease-agnostic, does not require brain registration to an atlas, and works across
different acquisition protocols. It is important to note that bundle segmentation is a common bottleneck
in any evaluation metric. Therefore, advancements in segmentation research could greatly enhance these
evaluations. The results on tractography comparison presented here could be extended to be used as a cost
function for data-driven machine learning methods, like generative adversarial networks. With feedback
from neuroscientists, we hope that the results in this paper will pave the way forward in improving existing
tractography methods.
6 Acknowledgement
The authors acknowledge Vikram Bhagavatula for his assistance in a preliminary implementation of the
edit distance. Data were provided by The ISMRM 2015 Tractography Challenge and by the Human Con-
nectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil;
1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neu-
roscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.
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Since 2015, research groups have sought to produce the ne plus ultra of tractography algorithms using the ISMRM 2015 Tractography Challenge as evaluation. In particular, since 2017, machine learning has made its entrance into the tractography world. The ISMRM 2015 Tractography Challenge is the most used phantom during tractography validation, although it contains limitations. Here, we offer a new scoring system for this phantom, where segmentation of the bundles is now based on manually defined regions of interest rather than on bundle recognition. Bundles are now more reliably segmented, offering more representative metrics for future users. New code is available online. Scores of the initial 96 submissions to the challenge are updated. Overall, conclusions from the 2015 challenge are confirmed with the new scoring, but individual tractogram scores have changed, and the data is much improved at the bundle- and streamline-level. This work also led to the production of a ground truth tractogram with less broken or looping streamlines and of an example of processed data, all available on the Tractometer website. This enhanced scoring system and new data should continue helping researchers develop and evaluate the next generation of tractography techniques.
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Characterizing and understanding the limitations of diffusion MRI fiber tractography is a prerequisite for methodological advances and innovations which will allow these techniques to accurately map the connections of the human brain. The so-called "crossing fiber problem" has received tremendous attention and has continuously triggered the community to develop novel approaches for disentangling distinctly oriented fiber populations. Perhaps an even greater challenge occurs when multiple white matter bundles converge within a single voxel, or throughout a single brain region, and share the same parallel orientation, before diverging and continuing towards their final cortical or sub-cortical terminations. These so-called "bottleneck" regions contribute to the ill-posed nature of the tractography process, and lead to both false positive and false negative estimated connections. Yet, as opposed to the extent of crossing fibers, a thorough characterization of bottleneck regions has not been performed. The aim of this study is to quantify the prevalence of bottleneck regions. To do this, we use diffusion tractography to segment known white matter bundles of the brain, and assign each bundle to voxels they pass through and to specific orientations within those voxels (i.e. fixels). We demonstrate that bottlenecks occur in greater than 50-70% of fixels in the white matter of the human brain. We find that all projection, association, and commissural fibers contribute to, and are affected by, this phenomenon, and show that even regions traditionally considered "single fiber voxels" often contain multiple fiber populations. Together, this study shows that a majority of white matter presents bottlenecks for tractography which may lead to incorrect or erroneous estimates of brain connectivity or quantitative tractography (i.e., tractometry), and underscores the need for a paradigm shift in the process of tractography and bundle segmentation for studying the fiber pathways of the human brain.
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The manual brain tumor annotation process is time consuming and resource consuming, therefore, an automated and accurate brain tumor segmentation tool is greatly in demand. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to integrate location information with the state-of-the-art patch-based neural networks for brain tumor segmentation. This is motivated by the observation that lesions are not uniformly distributed across different brain parcellation regions and that a locality-sensitive segmentation is likely to obtain better segmentation accuracy. Toward this, we use an existing brain parcellation atlas in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space and map this atlas to the individual subject data. This mapped atlas in the subject data space is integrated with structural Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging data, and patch-based neural networks, including 3D U-Net and DeepMedic, are trained to classify the different brain lesions. Multiple state-of-the-art neural networks are trained and integrated with XGBoost fusion in the proposed two-level ensemble method. The first level reduces the uncertainty of the same type of models with different seed initializations, and the second level leverages the advantages of different types of neural network models. The proposed location information fusion method improves the segmentation performance of state-of-the-art networks including 3D U-Net and DeepMedic. Our proposed ensemble also achieves better segmentation performance compared to the state-of-the-art networks in BraTS 2017 and rivals state-of-the-art networks in BraTS 2018. Detailed results are provided on the public multimodal brain tumor segmentation (BraTS) benchmarks.
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Purpose Human connectomics necessitates high‐throughput, whole‐brain reconstruction of multiple white matter fiber bundles. Scaling up tractography to meet these high‐throughput demands yields new fiber tracking challenges, such as minimizing spurious connections and controlling for gyral biases. The aim of this study is to determine which of the two broadest classes of tractography algorithms—deterministic or probabilistic—is most suited to mapping connectomes. Methods This study develops numerical connectome phantoms that feature realistic network topologies and that are matched to the fiber complexity of in vivo diffusion MRI (dMRI) data. The phantoms are utilized to evaluate the performance of tensor‐based and multi‐fiber implementations of deterministic and probabilistic tractography. Results For connectome phantoms that are representative of the fiber complexity of in vivo dMRI, multi‐fiber deterministic tractography yields the most accurate connectome reconstructions (F‐measure = 0.35). Probabilistic algorithms are hampered by an abundance of false‐positive connections, leading to lower specificity (F = 0.19). While omitting connections with the fewest number of streamlines (thresholding) improves the performance of probabilistic algorithms (F = 0.38), multi‐fiber deterministic tractography remains optimal when it benefits from thresholding (F = 0.42). Conclusions Multi‐fiber deterministic tractography is well suited to connectome mapping, while connectome thresholding is essential when using probabilistic algorithms.
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Tractography based on non-invasive diffusion imaging is central to the study of human brain connectivity. To date, the approach has not been systematically validated in ground truth studies. Based on a simulated human brain data set with ground truth tracts, we organized an open international tractography challenge, which resulted in 96 distinct submissions from 20 research groups. Here, we report the encouraging finding that most state-of-the-art algorithms produce tractograms containing 90% of the ground truth bundles (to at least some extent). However, the same tractograms contain many more invalid than valid bundles, and half of these invalid bundles occur systematically across research groups. Taken together, our results demonstrate and confirm fundamental ambiguities inherent in tract reconstruction based on orientation information alone, which need to be considered when interpreting tractography and connectivity results. Our approach provides a novel framework for estimating reliability of tractography and encourages innovation to address its current limitations.
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Diffusion imaging enables assessment of human brain white matter (WM) in vivo. WM microstructural integrity is routinely quantified via fractional anisotropy (FA). However, FA is also influenced by the number of differentially oriented fiber populations per voxel. To date, the precise statistical relationship between FA and fiber populations has not been characterized, complicating microstructural integrity assessment. Here, we used 630 state-of-the-art diffusion datasets from the Human Connectome Project, which allowed us to infer the number of fiber populations per voxel in a model-free fashion. Beyond the known impact on mean FA, variance of anisotropy distributions was drastically impacted, not only for FA, but also the more recent anisotropy indices generalized FA and multidimensional anisotropy. To ameliorate this bias, we introduce a probabilistic WM atlas delineating the number of distinctly oriented fiber populations per voxel. Our atlas shows that the majority of WM voxels features two differentially directed fiber populations (44.7%) rather than unidirectional fibers (32.9%) and identified WM regions with high numbers of crossing fibers, referred to as crossing pockets. Compartmentalizing anisotropy drastically reduced variance in group comparisons ranging from the whole brain to a few voxels in a single slice. In summary, we demonstrate a systematic effect of intra-voxel diffusion inhomogeneity on anisotropy. Moreover, we introduce a potential solution: The provided probabilistic WM atlas can easily be used with any given diffusion dataset to enhance the statistical robustness of anisotropy measures and increase their neurobiological utility.
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Quantifying the similarity between two networks is critical in many applications. A number of algorithms have been proposed to compute graph similarity, mainly based on the properties of nodes and edges. Interestingly, most of these algorithms ignore the physical location of the nodes, which is a key factor in the context of brain networks involving spatially defined functional areas. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm called “SimiNet” for measuring similarity between two graphs whose nodes are defined a priori within a 3D coordinate system. SimiNet provides a quantified index (ranging from 0 to 1) that accounts for node, edge and spatiality features. Complex graphs were simulated to evaluate the performance of SimiNet that is compared with eight state-of-art methods. Results show that SimiNet is able to detect weak spatial variations in compared graphs in addition to computing similarity using both nodes and edges. SimiNet was also applied to real brain networks obtained during a visual recognition task. The algorithm shows high performance to detect spatial variation of brain networks obtained during a naming task of two categories of visual stimuli: animals and tools. A perspective to this work is a better understanding of object categorization in the human brain.
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) involves a gradual breakdown of brain connectivity, and network analyses offer a promising new approach to track and understand disease progression. Even so, our ability to detect degenerative changes in brain networks depends on the methods used. Here we compared several tractography and feature extraction methods to see which ones gave best diagnostic classification for 202 people with AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or normal cognition, scanned with 41-gradient diffusion-weighted MRI as part of the ADNI project. We computed brain networks based on whole brain tractography with 9 different methods - 4 of them tensor-based deterministic (FACT, RK2, SL, and TL), two ODF-based deterministic (FACT, RK2), two ODF-based probabilistic approaches (Hough and PICo) and one "ball-and-stick" approach (Probtrackx). Brain networks derived from different tractography algorithms did not differ in terms of classification performance on ADNI, but performing PCA on networks helped classification in some cases. Small differences may still be detectable in a truly vast cohort, but these experiments help assess the relative advantages of different tractography algorithms, and different post-processing choices, when used for classification. © 2015 Zhan, Zhou, Wang, Jin, Jahanshad, Prasad, Nir, Leonardo, Ye and Thompson.
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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a non-pharmacological treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD), and its efficacy depends largely on which anatomical structure (target) is stimulated. The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is one of the most commonly used targets, but stimulation of new targets within the posterior sub-thalamic area (PSA), comprising a group of white matter fibers known as prelemniscal radiations (Raprl), as well as the caudal zonaincerta nucleus (Zic), have proven to be superior at improving certain clinical symptoms. Despite their clinical usefulness, their anatomical connectivity has not been completely described in humans. We performed constrained spherical deconvolution of the signal in diffusion-weighted images and subsequent tractography as a means to non-invasively define the connectivity of the Raprl and Zic in a group of five patients with PD. Further, we used track-density imaging, a novel method to improve the spatial resolution of the acquired images, in order to visualize the small subregions that comprise the PSA with a voxel resolution of 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2 mm 3. Both Raprl and Zic demonstrated high probability of connectivity with the dorsal brainstem, cerebellum, subcortical nuclei (globus pallidum ven-tral, lateral thalamic nuclei), and cortical areas (or-bitofrontal cortex, primary and supplementary motor cortex areas). The connectivity patterns were reproducible between patients and were discretely organized as the tracts entered/exited the PSA, depending on their end points. These findings indicate that the PSA is part of the neuronal circuitry controlling movement, and the precise characterization of its connectivity will aid in our understanding of the networks involved in PD and how they can be modulated with DBS in order to alleviate symptoms.
This article addresses whether or not diffusion MRI, a noninvasive technique that probes the microstructural aspects of tissue, can be used to quantify the white matter connectivity of the human brain in vivo. It begins by studying the motivation, that is, the increasing trend to look at 'functional connectivity in the brain, which implies that the brain operates as a distributed network of active locations. A brief summary of diffusion MRI and fiber tracking is given and the early applications of diffusion MRI to study connectivity are reviewed. A close and critical inspection is then made of the limitations inherent in these different approaches, challenging the notion that it is possible to quantify brain connectivity in vivo with diffusion MRI. Finally, steps toward improving quantification of connectivity, by integrating information from other techniques, are suggested.