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An Adaptive Fatigue Detection System Based on 3D CNNs and Ensemble Models


Abstract and Figures

Due to the widespread issue of road accidents, researchers have been drawn to investigate strategies to prevent them. One major contributing factor to these accidents is driver fatigue resulting from exhaustion. Various approaches have been explored to address this issue, with machine and deep learning proving to be effective in processing images and videos to detect asymmetric signs of fatigue, such as yawning, facial characteristics, and eye closure. This study proposes a multistage system utilizing machine and deep learning techniques. The first stage is designed to detect asymmetric states, including tiredness and non-vigilance as well as yawning. The second stage is focused on detecting eye closure. The machine learning approach employs several algorithms, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree (DT), Logistic Regression (LR), and Random Forest (RF). Meanwhile, the deep learning approach utilizes 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The architectures of proposed deep learning models are designed after several trials, and their parameters have been selected to achieve optimal performance. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is evaluated using video and image datasets, where the video dataset is classified into three states: alert, tired, and non-vigilant, while the image dataset is classified based on four facial symptoms, including open or closed eyes and yawning. A more robust system is achieved by combining the image and video datasets, resulting in multiple classes for detection. Simulation results demonstrate that the 3D CNN proposed in this study outperforms the other methods, with detection accuracies of 99 percent, 99 percent, and 98 percent for the image, video, and mixed datasets, respectively. Notably, this achievement surpasses the highest accuracy of 97 percent found in the literature, suggesting that the proposed methods for detecting drowsiness are indeed effective solutions.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Sedik, A.; Marey, M.;
Mostafa, H. An Adaptive Fatigue
Detection System Based on 3D CNNs
and Ensemble Models. Symmetry
2023,15, 1274.
Academic Editors: Lorentz Jäntschi
and Sergei D. Odintsov
Received: 8 April 2023
Revised: 25 May 2023
Accepted: 5 June 2023
Published: 16 June 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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An Adaptive Fatigue Detection System Based on 3D CNNs and
Ensemble Models
Ahmed Sedik 1, 2, *, Mohamed Marey 1and Hala Mostafa 3, *
1Smart Systems Engineering Laboratory, College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University,
Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia;
2Department of the Robotics and Intelligent Machines, Faculty of Artificial Intelligence,
Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh 33516, Egypt
3Department of Information Technology, College of Computer and Information Sciences,
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia
*Correspondence: (A.S.); (H.M.)
Due to the widespread issue of road accidents, researchers have been drawn to investigate
strategies to prevent them. One major contributing factor to these accidents is driver fatigue resulting
from exhaustion. Various approaches have been explored to address this issue, with machine and deep
learning proving to be effective in processing images and videos to detect asymmetric signs of fatigue,
such as yawning, facial characteristics, and eye closure. This study proposes a multistage system
utilizing machine and deep learning techniques. The first stage is designed to detect asymmetric
states, including tiredness and non-vigilance as well as yawning. The second stage is focused on
detecting eye closure. The machine learning approach employs several algorithms, including Support
Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree
(DT), Logistic Regression (LR), and Random Forest (RF). Meanwhile, the deep learning approach
utilizes 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The architectures of proposed deep
learning models are designed after several trials, and their parameters have been selected to achieve
optimal performance. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is evaluated using video and image
datasets, where the video dataset is classified into three states: alert, tired, and non-vigilant, while
the image dataset is classified based on four facial symptoms, including open or closed eyes and
yawning. A more robust system is achieved by combining the image and video datasets, resulting
in multiple classes for detection. Simulation results demonstrate that the 3D CNN proposed in
this study outperforms the other methods, with detection accuracies of 99 percent, 99 percent, and
98 percent for the image, video, and mixed datasets, respectively. Notably, this achievement surpasses
the highest accuracy of 97 percent found in the literature, suggesting that the proposed methods for
detecting drowsiness are indeed effective solutions.
fatigue detection; drowsiness detection; deep learning; image processing; machine
learning; video processing; yawning detection
1. Introduction
The issue of drivers falling asleep while operating a vehicle has received considerable
attention from numerous researchers in the automotive field, who have dedicated their
efforts toward developing a range of drowsiness detection systems. This is an active area
of research that involves incorporating various components of the Internet of Things (IoT)
and application technology [
], such as sensors, cloud computing, facilities, smartphones,
and distributed data processing. To develop a reliable and effective fatigue detection
system, researchers typically employ three primary methodologies: behavior-based, vehicle-
based, and physical-based approaches [
]. Figure 1presents an overview of the distinct
characteristics of each of these methodologies.
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274.
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Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 2 of 21
Figure 1. Overview of the principal methodologies employed in fatigue detection systems.
Behavioral-based methods utilize computer vision and image processing techniques
to evaluate images and videos of the operator, with the objective of assessing their level
of alertness. This strategy is based on analyzing various essential physiological indicators,
such as eye blinking, facial expressions such as lip movements, yawning, eye closure, nod-
ding, and head posture, to ascertain whether the operator is awake, drowsy, or asleep [3].
A dierent approach, known as vehicle-based systems, involves incorporating a
driver fatigue detection system into the steering wheel of the vehicle using embedded
sensors and devices. This integrated system measures various indicators, including steer-
ing wheel velocity, steering wheel angle, steering wheel movement, hand position, lane
departure, and hand absence [4].
Figure 1. Overview of the principal methodologies employed in fatigue detection systems.
Behavioral-based methods utilize computer vision and image processing techniques
to evaluate images and videos of the operator, with the objective of assessing their level of
alertness. This strategy is based on analyzing various essential physiological indicators,
such as eye blinking, facial expressions such as lip movements, yawning, eye closure, nod-
ding, and head posture, to ascertain whether the operator is awake, drowsy, or asleep [3].
A different approach, known as vehicle-based systems, involves incorporating a driver
fatigue detection system into the steering wheel of the vehicle using embedded sensors
and devices. This integrated system measures various indicators, including steering wheel
velocity, steering wheel angle, steering wheel movement, hand position, lane departure,
and hand absence [4].
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 3 of 20
The physical-based fatigue detection methods employ human bio-signals such as
Electroencephalography (EEG), Electrooculography (EOC), and Electrocardiography (ECG)
to monitor the driver behind the steering wheel. In addition, some signs are involved in
these methods, such as breathing, respiratory, and pulse rates [5].
1.1. Related Work
The endeavors toward developing a system for detecting fatigue can be categorized
into two primary groups: conventional algorithms and machine learning algorithms [
Among the machine learning algorithms, CNN and SVM are the most commonly employed
and efficient classifiers [
]. Although SVM is quick and precise in analyzing small datasets,
its accuracy and speed decrease when utilized for larger datasets. Conversely, CNN
exhibits high accuracy and stability for both small and large datasets, but its training can
be time-consuming when utilizing CPUs and may incur high processing costs when using
GPUs [7].
The development of a fatigue detection system for driving is a crucial component in
improving driving safety measures. Previous efforts to employ behavioral-based techniques
entailed utilizing software to observe driving behavior by capturing real-time images of
the driver using infrared illumination [
]. This approach considers multiple parameters,
including PERCLOS, face position, blink frequency, nodding frequency, and eye closure
duration, to monitor the driver’s conduct. A classifier evaluates these parameters to
determine the driver’s level of alertness. Currently, this system surpasses other algorithms
as it has the capability to observe and analyze a wide range of factors and collect data in
both daytime and nighttime conditions.
Abtahi et al. [
] devised a simple method using image processing to detect signs
of driver fatigue. This approach involves capturing facial features, such as eye and lip
movements, to identify yawning and ocular languor and then monitoring the driver’s face
in the image. The concept identifies changes in the geometric properties of the driver’s
face to recognize fatigue. Flores et al. [
] put forth an Advanced Driver Assistance
System (ADAS) in their investigation, which employs a technique for detecting tiredness
by scrutinizing the driver’s face and eyes to evaluate their facial expressions and eye
movements. The authors conducted real-time testing of the system under varying lighting
conditions in contrast.
Several techniques, such as those described in references [
], strive to improve the
precision of fatigue detection by identifying the same facial characteristics as described in
reference [
]. To this end, Sigari et al. [
] developed a method that compares the driver’s
present head orientation to a pre-existing facial template and projects the top half of the
driver’s facial image horizontally to detect alterations in eye closure and eyelid distance.
A fuzzy-based approach that integrates both parameters was used to automatically activate
the algorithm, and it was found to be effective. Nonetheless, it faces difficulties during
daylight hours and is incapable of detecting fatigue when the driver is wearing glasses.
In a prior investigation [
], a deep neural network architecture was proposed to
address the challenge of identifying drowsiness. The approach involved analyzing the
driver’s facial characteristics from RGB footage using a feature fusion architecture devel-
oped with three separate convolutional neural network models: VGG16, InceptionV3, and
ResNet50. However, the accuracy of this approach was found to be limited, with a score of
78%. On the other hand, Galarza et al. [
] presented an interactive system for detecting
drowsiness that incorporated behavioral data, such as eye position, head posture, and
yawning frequency, utilizing an Android smartphone. This method offered several benefits,
including consistent performance across different settings (e.g., lighting conditions and
driver accessories, such as glasses, caps, or hearing aids) and an accurate detection rate of
drowsiness, achieving a detection accuracy of 93.37%.
Bassi et al. [
] conducted a study wherein they developed a fatigue detection system
that employed machine learning techniques, including local binary pattern, SVM, and
Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The primary goal of the system was to enhance the
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 4 of 20
performance of SVM by selecting the optimal linear, polynomial, and quadratic kernels
and assessing their effectiveness. The SVM model’s accuracy differed for different kernels,
with the polynomial kernel yielding the highest accuracy of 99%. However, this approach
was deemed computationally intensive, and its testing necessitated a considerable amount
of time, despite its efficacy.
In their study, Ouabida et al. [
] proposed a method for detecting driver fatigue using
an optical correlator for driver-eye tracking. Specifically, they employed the Vander Lugt
Correlator (VLC) to estimate the position of the eye center and filter out visual noise in
challenging settings. Their approach yielded an impressive 95% accuracy rate. However, a
notable disadvantage of this technique is its susceptibility to light reflections from external
sources, such as other vehicles or streetlights.
An alternative approach to detecting driver fatigue was introduced by Maior et al. [
who utilized computer vision and machine learning techniques to extract eye patterns and
monitor blink movements from video streams. This method employed SVM, RF, and MLP
algorithms and yielded a 94% accuracy rate. Nonetheless, this technique is associated with
relatively lengthy processing times.
In their study, Saurav et al. [
] presented a system that utilizes video streaming
technology to identify occurrences of yawning. To enhance the accuracy of fatigue detection,
advanced deep learning models, specifically Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-
LSTM) and CNN, were employed. The system also leverages a camera feed to capture data
from the mouth area and distinguish between typical mouth movements and indications of
fatigue. The effectiveness of the system was assessed by evaluating it against two datasets,
the Yawning Detection Dataset (YawDD) [
] and the National Tsing Hua University
Yawning Detection Dataset (NTHUDDD) [
]. The outcome of the evaluation showed a
high accuracy rate of 96%.
Biswal et al. [
] have devised an intelligent monitoring system that can detect and
caution against driver fatigue. The system relies on video streaming and blink analysis
techniques to estimate the distance between the eye and the face, as well as the Eye Aspect
Ratio (EAR). An advantage of this system is its ability to integrate with IoT modules for
traffic incident alerts. Another approach proposed by Jeon et al. [
] combines vehicle-based
and behavioral methods. This method captures data from the steering wheel and pedal
pressure sensors and employs Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for classification,
with a reported success rate of 94%. However, this technique’s accuracy is susceptible to
fluctuation due to alterations in the road environment, which is its primary limitation.
By contrast, a number of algorithms have incorporated machine learning and deep
learning models to create physical techniques that rely on input from EEG [
], ECG [
and EOG. These techniques represent a fusion of physical and behavioral strategies. For
example, Ko et al. [
] proposed a system that extracts Differential Entropy (DE) from EEG
signals and applies CNN for classification. This process generates hierarchical features
and class-discriminative information, enabling the detection of sleepiness via a density-
connected layer. Similarly, Zhu et al. [
] employed CNN to gather and analyze data
from wearable EEG sensors. They employed a pre-trained AlexNet model with CNN to
classify the collected EEG signals, resulting in a 94% accuracy rate. However, the primary
difficulty associated with this approach lies in the time delay between acquiring EEG data
and processing it with CNN.
1.2. Novelty and Contributions
Upon examination of the reviewed literature, it becomes evident that a multitude of
feature extraction techniques were employed to extract the essential features from the input
data. Additionally, various strategies were employed in the classification task to attain
optimal detection accuracy. Many researchers investigated fatigue detection methods to
prevent drivers from drowsiness [
], and others detect sleepiness from eye closure
rate [
]. Nevertheless, despite using robust feature extraction and classification methods,
the highest level of detection accuracy attained was 97% on a collected dataset using a
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 5 of 20
driving simulator with an ensemble machine learning method. The objective of this article
is to develop an enhanced system that can achieve a higher level of detection accuracy than
the existing systems presented in previous literature. This objective is achieved using a
cascaded decision system which comprises two stages. The first stage is requested to detect
yawning and tiredness, while the second one detects the eye closure state.
In addition, we deployed machine learning and deep learning, which have been em-
ployed in various applications, including emotion recognition [
], speech recognition [
image reconstruction [
], and medical diagnosis [
]. The present study suggests a
deep learning approach based on 2D and 3D CNNs for identifying fatigue in images and
videos. The proposed study’s contributions are as follows:
The process of feature extraction from images and videos is accomplished by the
utilization of the Haar Cascaded Classifier (HCC).
To investigate a cascaded system that detects both tiredness and eye closure. This
system is the first concern in this topic, to the best of the author’s knowledge.
To explore an improved approach to detect fatigue from images based on machine
learning methods utilizing SVM, RF, DT, KNN, QDA, MLP, and LR.
To design some deep learning models based on 2D and 3D CNNs to handle the input
data in RGB modality with specific hyper-parameters.
A comparison is carried out among the proposed models, which presents the optimal
one based on the accuracy of detection and testing time.
The remaining sections of this paper can be divided into four parts. Section 2outlines
the materials and proposed methods utilized in this study. Section 3presents a comprehen-
sive analysis of the results obtained from these methods. In Section 4, a brief comparison
between the proposed methods and previous works in the literature is discussed. Lastly,
Section 5serves as the conclusion of this paper.
2. Materials and Methods
This introduces a method for detecting drowsiness, due to fatigue, among drivers
by monitoring their conduct, specifically utilizing videos and images. The system is
composed of four principal phases, including feature extraction, preprocessing, scaling,
and classification. In the feature extraction phase, the Haar Cascaded Classifier is utilized
to extract the driver’s facial and ocular features from the captured videos or images.
Furthermore, the preprocessed facial images are enhanced by utilizing data augmentation
techniques to increase the amount of input data for the classification procedure. Moreover,
the enhanced data is standardized and scaled to be incorporated into the classification
models. The overall architecture of the suggested system is depicted in Figure 2. The
concept of the proposed system is to detect fatigue (tiredness), which is a primary cause
of drowsiness. The algorithm of the proposed system is shown in Algorithm 1. First, the
input video, which is recorded at a rate of 30 frames per second, is fed into the system.
Then, the face is extracted from the video frame in the “Face extraction” step. The extracted
faces are enrolled in to “Face detection” step for face and eye recognition. The classification
process to detect drowsiness from facial symptoms and yawning is performed in Step 3,
while the detection of drowsiness from the detected eyes is performed in Steps 4 and 5. We
deployed HCC to detect them to be fed into the classifiers to detect their state, whether
open or not. The steps of the proposed algorithm are as follows:
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 6 of 20
Algorithm 1: Steps of Drowsiness Detection in The Proposed System
Input Data
Step 1: Face extraction
Step 2: Face Detection
Step 3: Drowsiness Detection from face
if yawn;
else if tired;
end if;
else Go to step 5;
Step 4: Eye Detection
Step 5: Drowsiness detection from Eye
if yawn;
else Go to step 1;
end if;
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 6 of 21
Step 3: Drowsiness Detection from face
if yawn;
else if tired;
end if;
else Go to step 5;
Step 4: Eye Detection
Step 5: Drowsiness detection from Eye
if yawn;
else Go to step 1;
end if;
(Tensors Generation)
Train the Model
Model is
Fit ?
Validate the Model
Test the Model
Feature Extraction
(Haar Cascaded Classifier)
Deep Learning
Alert Tired
Non Yawn
Camera Module
Input Images
Figure 2. Proposed fatigue detection system (with a sample from database in [24]).
2.1. Image Augmentation
This paper presents a data augmentation technique based on a Generative Adversar-
ial Network (GAN), which has been shown to be eective in several applications. In this
study, we apply the Convolutional GAN (CGAN) method to augment the input images.
Unlike the standard use of GANs, our study uses them solely for data augmentation and
not for classication purposes.
Figure 2. Proposed fatigue detection system (with a sample from database in [24]).
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 7 of 20
2.1. Image Augmentation
This paper presents a data augmentation technique based on a Generative Adversarial
Network (GAN), which has been shown to be effective in several applications. In this study,
we apply the Convolutional GAN (CGAN) method to augment the input images. Unlike
the standard use of GANs, our study uses them solely for data augmentation and not for
classification purposes.
Specifically, our CGAN comprises a generator network and a discriminator network,
as shown in Figure 3. The generator consists of five convolutional transpose layers and
a denoising fully connected layer to generate feature maps from input images. The dis-
criminator comprises five convolutional layers and a denoising fully connected layer to
reconstruct the original image. The generated images are used to augment the available
dataset, improving the performance of the DLMs.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 7 of 21
Specically, our CGAN comprises a generator network and a discriminator network,
as shown in Figure 3. The generator consists of ve convolutional transpose layers and a
denoising fully connected layer to generate feature maps from input images. The discrim-
inator comprises ve convolutional layers and a denoising fully connected layer to recon-
struct the original image. The generated images are used to augment the available dataset,
improving the performance of the DLMs.
Figure 3. Proposed data augmentation technique.
2.2. Classication
Classiers such as DT, KNN, SVM, RF, and MLP with backpropagation, QDA, and
LR are used in the machine learning approach. In addition, the hyperparameters of the
proposed algorithms are mechanically chosen using the grid search method [44,45].
Additionally, the deep learning methodology consists of two deep learning models.
The rst model, namely the 3D CNN, comprises 16 layers. Its structure encompasses sev-
eral duties, including feature extraction, feature reduction, full connectivity, and classi-
cation. The feature extraction stage employs four 3D convolutional layers with lter sizes
32, 64, 64, and 128. Furthermore, the feature reduction task is accomplished through four
3D Max pooling layers, using a window size of 2. Both these tasks operate on the 3D mo-
dality to handle the depth of the input images, where the input video frames are fed into
the proposed model with an input shape of (162, 162, and 3). Consequently, this model
intends to account for any color changes that may occur within the frame’s color channels.
Another objective is the fully connected task, which is managed by utilizing a 3D
global average pooling (3D GAP) to process the output 3D feature map generated by the
convolutional and pooling layers sequence. The GAP layer is subsequently followed by a
series of dense layers that produce an eigenvector, which is then fed into the classication
layer. This classication layer consists of a dense layer equipped with a softmax activation
function. The architecture of the proposed 2D and 3D model is shown in Figures 4 and 5.
Conv2D Transpose
Conv2D Transpose
Conv2D Transpose
Conv2D Transpose
Conv2D Transpose
FC1 Conv1 Conv2 Conv3 Conv4 Conv5
FC1 Conv1Conv2Conv4Conv5
Conv2D Transpose
Figure 3. Proposed data augmentation technique.
2.2. Classification
Classifiers such as DT, KNN, SVM, RF, and MLP with backpropagation, QDA, and
LR are used in the machine learning approach. In addition, the hyperparameters of the
proposed algorithms are mechanically chosen using the grid search method [44,45].
Additionally, the deep learning methodology consists of two deep learning models.
The first model, namely the 3D CNN, comprises 16 layers. Its structure encompasses several
duties, including feature extraction, feature reduction, full connectivity, and classification.
The feature extraction stage employs four 3D convolutional layers with filter sizes 32, 64,
64, and 128. Furthermore, the feature reduction task is accomplished through four 3D Max
pooling layers, using a window size of 2. Both these tasks operate on the 3D modality
to handle the depth of the input images, where the input video frames are fed into the
proposed model with an input shape of (162, 162, and 3). Consequently, this model intends
to account for any color changes that may occur within the frame’s color channels.
Another objective is the fully connected task, which is managed by utilizing a 3D
global average pooling (3D GAP) to process the output 3D feature map generated by the
convolutional and pooling layers sequence. The GAP layer is subsequently followed by a
series of dense layers that produce an eigenvector, which is then fed into the classification
layer. This classification layer consists of a dense layer equipped with a softmax activation
function. The architecture of the proposed 2D and 3D model is shown in Figures 4and 5.
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 8 of 20
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 8 of 21
Figure 4. Architecture of the proposed 3D CNN model.
Figure 5. Architecture of the proposed 2D CNN model.
Figure 4. Architecture of the proposed 3D CNN model.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 8 of 21
Figure 4. Architecture of the proposed 3D CNN model.
Figure 5. Architecture of the proposed 2D CNN model.
Figure 5. Architecture of the proposed 2D CNN model.
3. Results
This section offers a thorough assessment of the proposed fatigue detection techniques.
Firstly, a detailed depiction of the datasets employed in this research is provided. Secondly,
the evaluation metrics employed to measure the effectiveness of the proposed methods
are presented. Thirdly, the hyperparameters utilized in this study are illustrated. More-
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 9 of 20
over, the results obtained from the experiments are outlined, accompanied by discussions
and comments on these findings. Finally, a comparative analysis of the endeavors is con-
ducted to provide a comprehensive comprehension of the strengths and limitations of the
proposed approaches.
The proposed techniques were assessed on a personal computer containing an Intel
Core i7 CPU, 8 GB NVIDIA GPU driver, 32 GB of RAM, and running on the Windows
11 operating system. These specifications were enough to handle the processing of the
videos with a frame rate of 30 frames per second (time interval of 33.33 ms), as shown in the
simulation results. The programming codes for the proposed approaches were developed
utilizing Python 3.8 and the Keras and TensorFlow toolkits and the design of the proposed
models, including the layers and learning parameters.
3.1. Datasets
The proposed techniques are executed on the “ULg Multimodality Drowsiness Database,”
commonly abbreviated as DROZY [
]. This database comprises two segments. The first
segment entails collecting data from 14 young, healthy individuals, comprising three
males and eleven females, utilizing video streaming monitoring. The data in this segment
was gathered utilizing Kinect technology and video sensors that are equipped with Near-
Infrared (NIR) sensitivity, resulting in a resolution of 512
424 pixels in MP4 format.
Illustrations of NIR intensity scenes generated from video frames are displayed in Figure 6.
This dataset is collected at the rate of frames of 30 frames per second (time interval of
33.33 ms) with a number of frames of 17,000 frames per person. Table 1illustrates the
number of images for each person involved in this dataset (publicly provided).
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 10 of 21
Figure 6. Examples of intensity scenes produced from DROZY video frames [46].
The second dataset is the drowsiness dataset [24]. This dataset comprises images of
the drivers with dierent eye and face symptoms, including eyes closed or open and
yawning or not. The objective is to distinguish among these states using the proposed
deep learning models. In addition, data augmentation is employed to increase the number
of images fed into the deep-learning models. Figure 7 shows samples of this dataset.
The datasets are shued and split into training and testing subsets with an 80/20
ratio. In addition, the training process is performed using k-fold cross-validation with a k
value of 10.
Figure 7. Sample of Drowsiness Dataset [24].
3.2. Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate proposed approaches, various evaluation metrics are used, such as accu-
racy, recall, precision, F1 score, and Mahews Correlation Coecient (MCC). These met-
rics (MCC) are dened by Equations (1)(5) [47]. The term False Negative (FN) refers to
the number of instances in which drowsy states are mistakenly identied as normal. True
Positive (TP) denotes the number of drowsy states correctly identied as such. True Neg-
ative (TN) pertains to the number of normal states accurately identied as normal. False
Positive (FP) refers to the number of normal states inaccurately identied as drowsy.
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠 100
)( ×
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑇𝑃𝑅 𝑇
󰇛1−𝐹𝑁𝑅󰇜 (2)
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑇
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 (4)
Open Closed Yawn No yawn
Figure 6. Examples of intensity scenes produced from DROZY video frames [46].
Table 1. Summary of the number of images in the DROZY dataset [46].
Person Number of Frames
Alert Non-Vigilant Tired
1 17,865 15,195 14,185
2 17,899 14,156 13,033
3 17,882 13,540 14,198
6 17,789 13,079 14,272
7 17,898 14,163 13,167
8 17,913 14,198 14,331
10 17,863 17,886 14,204
11 17,866 17,900 14,339
12 17,914 17,861 17,972
13 17,889 17,908 17,889
14 17,902 17,198 17,875
The second dataset is the drowsiness dataset [
]. This dataset comprises images of the
drivers with different eye and face symptoms, including eyes closed or open and yawning
or not. The objective is to distinguish among these states using the proposed deep learning
models. In addition, data augmentation is employed to increase the number of images fed
into the deep-learning models. Figure 7shows samples of this dataset.
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 10 of 20
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 10 of 21
Figure 6. Examples of intensity scenes produced from DROZY video frames [46].
The second dataset is the drowsiness dataset [24]. This dataset comprises images of
the drivers with dierent eye and face symptoms, including eyes closed or open and
yawning or not. The objective is to distinguish among these states using the proposed
deep learning models. In addition, data augmentation is employed to increase the number
of images fed into the deep-learning models. Figure 7 shows samples of this dataset.
The datasets are shued and split into training and testing subsets with an 80/20
ratio. In addition, the training process is performed using k-fold cross-validation with a k
value of 10.
Figure 7. Sample of Drowsiness Dataset [24].
3.2. Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate proposed approaches, various evaluation metrics are used, such as accu-
racy, recall, precision, F1 score, and Mahews Correlation Coecient (MCC). These met-
rics (MCC) are dened by Equations (1)(5) [47]. The term False Negative (FN) refers to
the number of instances in which drowsy states are mistakenly identied as normal. True
Positive (TP) denotes the number of drowsy states correctly identied as such. True Neg-
ative (TN) pertains to the number of normal states accurately identied as normal. False
Positive (FP) refers to the number of normal states inaccurately identied as drowsy.
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠 100
)( ×
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑇𝑃𝑅 𝑇
󰇛1−𝐹𝑁𝑅󰇜 (2)
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑇
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 (4)
Open Closed Yawn No yawn
Figure 7. Sample of Drowsiness Dataset [24].
The datasets are shuffled and split into training and testing subsets with an 80/20 ratio.
In addition, the training process is performed using k-fold cross-validation with a k value
of 10.
3.2. Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate proposed approaches, various evaluation metrics are used, such as ac-
curacy, recall, precision, F1 score, and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC). These
metrics (MCC) are defined by Equations (1)–(5) [
]. The term False Negative (FN) refers
to the number of instances in which drowsy states are mistakenly identified as normal.
True Positive (TP) denotes the number of drowsy states correctly identified as such. True
Negative (TN) pertains to the number of normal states accurately identified as normal.
False Positive (FP) refers to the number of normal states inaccurately identified as drowsy.
Accuracy =No.o f correctly detected ima ges
Total No.o f ima ges ×100
Recall =T PR =TP
=(1FN R)(2)
precision =TP
F1=2×precision ×recall
precision +recall (4)
×100 (5)
3.3. Hyperparameter Setting
This study conducts a grid search algorithm to perform hyperparameter selection for
both machine learning and deep learning approaches. The objective of this process is to
identify the optimal values of hyperparameters that result in maximum accuracy. Table 2
lists the hyperparameters utilized in the proposed methods, which are obtained through
100 iterations for each model. The model training process is carried out iteratively with
various hyperparameter values for the optimizer, learning rate, and activation function
of the deep learning layers to select the optimal hyperparameters for the deep learning
approach. Figure 8presents the learning curve for accuracy during the hyperparameter
optimization, demonstrating that the model performance improves with each run due
to the variations in the hyperparameter values. Moreover, Table 3displays some of the
iterations conducted for hyperparameter optimization for the deep learning model, while
Table 2illustrates the selected hyperparameters for the proposed methods.
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 11 of 20
Table 2. Hyperparameters of The Proposed Methods.
Model Hyperparameters
RF Number of estimators|79
Minimum samples leaf|1
Minimum samples split|2
CCP Alpha|0
Number of neighbors|1
Leaf size|30
Weights Distribution|‘uniform’
QDA Tol|0.0001
Number of hidden layers|2
Hidden layer_sizes|[44,45]
Maximum number of iterations|200
Fit intercept|True
Epochs|Automatic (using Early_Stopping technique)
Batch size|20
Activation function|‘relu’
Learning rate|0.01
Epochs: Automatic (using Early_Stopping technique)
Batch size|20
Activation function|‘relu’
Learning rate: 0.01
Table 3. Sample of iterations for Hyperparameter Optimization.
Hyper Parameter Accuracy
Learning Rate Optimizer
0.01 adam 1
0.001 rmsprop 1
0.01 adam 1
0.001 rmsprop 0.9990
0.01 rmsprop 0.9990
0.01 rmsprop 0.9990
0.01 adam 0.9990
0.001 adam 0.99904
0.001 rmsprop 0.9910
0.001 adam 0.9900
0.01 adam 0.9900
0.01 adam 0.9890
0.001 adam 0.9880
0.001 adam 0.9871
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 12 of 20
Figure 8.
Visualization of The Hyperparameter Optimization Process (Each color represent
an itration).
3.4. Simulation Results
This section comprises the simulation results of the proposed models for both images
and video datasets discussed previously. In addition, the proposed models have been
compared to accomplish the optimum method. The proposed methods are carried out in
three main scenarios. The first scenario includes three states, alert, tired, and non-vigilant.
The second one comprises four categories: eye open, eye closed, yawn, and no yawn. The
last scenario is a combination of the two scenarios, which comprises seven categories,
including those in the first and second scenarios. The following subsections discuss the
simulation results of each proposed scenario.
3.4.1. Simulation Results of DROZY Video Dataset
This research paper employs a fatigue detection technique that analyzes video frames
to determine the driver’s level of awareness, specifically identifying whether the driver
is alert, tired, or non-vigilant. The objective of this study is to develop an accurate model
with low testing time, utilizing both machine and deep learning models. The machine
learning approach implemented in this study includes SVM, RF, DT, KNN, QDA, MLP,
and LR, while the proposed deep learning approach involves 2D and 3D CNNs. Figures 9
and 10 present the learning curves of the proposed models, demonstrating that the model
performance improves during the training process. Table 4lists the evaluation metrics of the
proposed models, including precision, recall, accuracy, and F1-score. The simulation results
indicate that the SVM, RF, and KNN machine learning models have superior performance
for fatigue detection from videos, achieving an accuracy of 99%. Furthermore, the proposed
3D CNN deep learning model achieves an accuracy of 99%. Thus, the proposed models
offer effective solutions for video fatigue detection.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 13 of 21
3.4.1. Simulation Results of DROZY Video Dataset
This research paper employs a fatigue detection technique that analyzes video frames
to determine the driver’s level of awareness, specically identifying whether the driver is
alert, tired, or non-vigilant. The objective of this study is to develop an accurate model
with low testing time, utilizing both machine and deep learning models. The machine
learning approach implemented in this study includes SVM, RF, DT, KNN, QDA, MLP,
and LR, while the proposed deep learning approach involves 2D and 3D CNNs. Figures
9 and 10 present the learning curves of the proposed models, demonstrating that the
model performance improves during the training process. Table 4 lists the evaluation met-
rics of the proposed models, including precision, recall, accuracy, and F1-score. The sim-
ulation results indicate that the SVM, RF, and KNN machine learning models have supe-
rior performance for fatigue detection from videos, achieving an accuracy of 99%. Fur-
thermore, the proposed 3D CNN deep learning model achieves an accuracy of 99%. Thus,
the proposed models oer eective solutions for video fatigue detection.
Figure 9. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for DROZY dataset.
(a) Accuracy of 2D CNN. (b) Loss of 2D CNN.
Figure 9. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for DROZY dataset.
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 13 of 20
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 13 of 21
3.4.1. Simulation Results of DROZY Video Dataset
This research paper employs a fatigue detection technique that analyzes video frames
to determine the driver’s level of awareness, specically identifying whether the driver is
alert, tired, or non-vigilant. The objective of this study is to develop an accurate model
with low testing time, utilizing both machine and deep learning models. The machine
learning approach implemented in this study includes SVM, RF, DT, KNN, QDA, MLP,
and LR, while the proposed deep learning approach involves 2D and 3D CNNs. Figures
9 and 10 present the learning curves of the proposed models, demonstrating that the
model performance improves during the training process. Table 4 lists the evaluation met-
rics of the proposed models, including precision, recall, accuracy, and F1-score. The sim-
ulation results indicate that the SVM, RF, and KNN machine learning models have supe-
rior performance for fatigue detection from videos, achieving an accuracy of 99%. Fur-
thermore, the proposed 3D CNN deep learning model achieves an accuracy of 99%. Thus,
the proposed models oer eective solutions for video fatigue detection.
Figure 9. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for DROZY dataset.
(a) Accuracy of 2D CNN. (b) Loss of 2D CNN.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 14 of 21
(c) Accuracy of 3D CNN. (d) Loss of 3D CNN.
Figure 10. Proposed Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Scenario Learning and Performance
Curves for DROZY Dataset.
Tab le 4 . Brief Comparison among The Proposed Machine Learning Models for DROZY Dataset.
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Testing Time (ms)
SVM 100 99 99 99 187
RF 100 99 100 99 31
DT 92 92 92 92 20
KNN 100 99 100 99 16
QDA 68 68 68 68 40
MLP 95 95 95 95 30
LR 95 95 95 95 10
2D CNN 97 97 97 97 120
3D CNN 100 100 100 100 124
3.4.2. Simulation Results of Drowsiness Image Dataset
Another scenario is proposed in this paper, based on image capturing of the driver.
The proposed models are carried out on an image dataset comprising the symptoms of
the face. This scenario includes eye closure, opening categories, and whether or not to
yawn. Such as in the previous scenario, the proposed machine learning and deep learning
models are carried out. The learning curves of the proposed models are shown in Figures
11 and 12 for machine learning and deep learning, respectively. Table 5 illustrates the eval-
uation metrics of the proposed models. This scenario is more robust rather than the pre-
vious one. It can be noticed from the performance of the proposed models. The proposed
RF and LR machine learning models achieved an accuracy of 93%. In addition, the pro-
posed 2D and 3D CNNs achieved 95% and 98% accuracy, respectively. Therefore, in this
scenario, the proposed 3D CNNs outperform the other proposed models for detecting fa-
cial symptoms.
Figure 10.
Proposed Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Scenario Learning and Performance
Curves for DROZY Dataset.
Table 4. Brief Comparison among The Proposed Machine Learning Models for DROZY Dataset.
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Testing Time (ms)
SVM 100 99 99 99 187
RF 100 99 100 99 31
DT 92 92 92 92 20
KNN 100 99 100 99 16
QDA 68 68 68 68 40
MLP 95 95 95 95 30
LR 95 95 95 95 10
2D CNN 97 97 97 97 120
3D CNN 100 100 100 100 124
3.4.2. Simulation Results of Drowsiness Image Dataset
Another scenario is proposed in this paper, based on image capturing of the driver.
The proposed models are carried out on an image dataset comprising the symptoms of the
face. This scenario includes eye closure, opening categories, and whether or not to yawn.
Such as in the previous scenario, the proposed machine learning and deep learning models
are carried out. The learning curves of the proposed models are shown in Figures 11 and 12
for machine learning and deep learning, respectively. Table 5illustrates the evaluation
metrics of the proposed models. This scenario is more robust rather than the previous one.
It can be noticed from the performance of the proposed models. The proposed RF and LR
machine learning models achieved an accuracy of 93%. In addition, the proposed 2D and
3D CNNs achieved 95% and 98% accuracy, respectively. Therefore, in this scenario, the
proposed 3D CNNs outperform the other proposed models for detecting facial symptoms.
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 14 of 20
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 15 of 21
Figure 11. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for images dataset.
(a) Accuracy of 2D CNN. (b) Loss of 2D CNN.
(c) Accuracy of 3D CNN. (d) Loss o
Figure 12. Proposed Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Scenario Learning and Performance
Curves for Images Dataset.
Tab le 5 . Brief Comparison among The Proposed Machine Learning Models for Images Dataset.
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy
Tes ting Time
SVM 86 85 85 85 194
RF 93 93 93 93 39
DT 81 82 82 82 25
KNN 86 85 85 85 20
QDA 47 47 47 47 54
MLP 90 90 90 90 32
Figure 11. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for images dataset.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 15 of 21
Figure 11. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for images dataset.
(a) Accuracy of 2D CNN. (b) Loss of 2D CNN.
(c) Accuracy of 3D CNN. (d) Loss o
Figure 12. Proposed Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Scenario Learning and Performance
Curves for Images Dataset.
Tab le 5 . Brief Comparison among The Proposed Machine Learning Models for Images Dataset.
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy
Tes ting Time
SVM 86 85 85 85 194
RF 93 93 93 93 39
DT 81 82 82 82 25
KNN 86 85 85 85 20
QDA 47 47 47 47 54
MLP 90 90 90 90 32
Figure 12.
Proposed Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Scenario Learning and Performance
Curves for Images Dataset.
Table 5. Brief Comparison among The Proposed Machine Learning Models for Images Dataset.
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Testing Time (ms)
SVM 86 85 85 85 194
RF 93 93 93 93 39
DT 81 82 82 82 25
KNN 86 85 85 85 20
QDA 47 47 47 47 54
MLP 90 90 90 90 32
LR 93 93 93 93 15
2D CNN 95 94 95 95 12.4
3D CNN 98 98 98 98 16.9
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 15 of 20
3.4.3. Simulation Results of The Combined Dataset
To provide a general and robust scenario, we combined the image and video datasets
and fed them into the proposed models. This scenario provides seven classification cat-
egories, including the driver’s status and face symptoms. These categories can be sum-
marized as follows: alert, non-vigilant, tired, eye open, eye closed, yawn, and no yawn.
The proposed machine and deep learning models are carried out on the combined dataset
to be evaluated. Figures 13 and 14 show the learning curves of the proposed machine
learning and deep learning models, respectively. Furthermore, the simulation results of the
proposed models are illustrated in Table 6. The simulation results reveal that the proposed
RF model outperforms the machine learning models, while 3D CNNs do in the deep learn-
ing models. The superior models achieved 90% and 98% accuracy for RF and 3D CNNs,
respectively. Therefore. They can be considered efficient solutions for robust conditions.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 16 of 21
LR 93 93 93 93 15
2D CNN 95 94 95 95 12.4
3D CNN 98 98 98 98 16.9
3.4.3. Simulation Results of The Combined Dataset
To provide a general and robust scenario, we combined the image and video datasets
and fed them into the proposed models. This scenario provides seven classication cate-
gories, including the driver’s status and face symptoms. These categories can be summa-
rized as follows: alert, non-vigilant, tired, eye open, eye closed, yawn, and no yawn. The
proposed machine and deep learning models are carried out on the combined dataset to
be evaluated. Figures 13 and 14 show the learning curves of the proposed machine learn-
ing and deep learning models, respectively. Furthermore, the simulation results of the
proposed models are illustrated in Table 6. The simulation results reveal that the proposed
RF model outperforms the machine learning models, while 3D CNNs do in the deep learn-
ing models. The superior models achieved 90% and 98% accuracy for RF and 3D CNNs,
respectively. Therefore. They can be considered ecient solutions for robust conditions.
Figure 13. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for combined dataset.
(a) Accuracy of 2D CNN. (b) Loss o
Figure 13. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for combined dataset.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 16 of 21
LR 93 93 93 93 15
2D CNN 95 94 95 95 12.4
3D CNN 98 98 98 98 16.9
3.4.3. Simulation Results of The Combined Dataset
To provide a general and robust scenario, we combined the image and video datasets
and fed them into the proposed models. This scenario provides seven classication cate-
gories, including the driver’s status and face symptoms. These categories can be summa-
rized as follows: alert, non-vigilant, tired, eye open, eye closed, yawn, and no yawn. The
proposed machine and deep learning models are carried out on the combined dataset to
be evaluated. Figures 13 and 14 show the learning curves of the proposed machine learn-
ing and deep learning models, respectively. Furthermore, the simulation results of the
proposed models are illustrated in Table 6. The simulation results reveal that the proposed
RF model outperforms the machine learning models, while 3D CNNs do in the deep learn-
ing models. The superior models achieved 90% and 98% accuracy for RF and 3D CNNs,
respectively. Therefore. They can be considered ecient solutions for robust conditions.
Figure 13. Example of machine learning and performance curves (SVM) for combined dataset.
(a) Accuracy of 2D CNN. (b) Loss o
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 17 of 21
(c) Accuracy of 3D CNN. (d) Loss o
Figure 14. Proposed Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Scenario Learning and Performance
Curves for Combined Dataset.
Tab le 6 . Brief Comparison among The Proposed Machine Learning Models for Combined Dataset.
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy
Tes ting Time
SVM 83 82 82 82 214
RF 90 90 90 90 65
DT 82 82 82 82 53
KNN 87 86 86 86 33
QDA 42 41 41 41 27
MLP 89 88 88 88 41
LR 89 89 89 89 20
2D CNN 91 89 90 89 19
3D CNN 98 98 98 98 25
4. Discussion
4.1. Explainability and Features Impact
In this section, SHAP summary plots were employed to exhibit the ranking of the
features. The SHAP summary plot, as demonstrated in Figure 15, displays the features as
lines, with the dot denoting the impact of these features in a specic instance. The colors
on the plot denote feature correlation, with blue indicating low correlation and red indi-
cating high correlation. Analysis of the summary plot reveals several key observations: (1)
Feature “2865” exerts a signicant inuence on the overall decision; (2) an increase in this
feature has a positive eect on the overall score; (3) conversely, a decrease in the value of
features 3255, “4810”, “6724” has a positive impact on the overall performance of the
calculated score. Features with long tails in the right direction are likely to have a positive
eect on the total decision.
Figure 14.
Proposed Deep Learning Models for Multiclass Scenario Learning and Performance
Curves for Combined Dataset.
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 16 of 20
Table 6. Brief Comparison among The Proposed Machine Learning Models for Combined Dataset.
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy Testing Time (ms)
SVM 83 82 82 82 214
RF 90 90 90 90 65
DT 82 82 82 82 53
KNN 87 86 86 86 33
QDA 42 41 41 41 27
MLP 89 88 88 88 41
LR 89 89 89 89 20
2D CNN 91 89 90 89 19
3D CNN 98 98 98 98 25
4. Discussion
4.1. Explainability and Features Impact
In this section, SHAP summary plots were employed to exhibit the ranking of the
features. The SHAP summary plot, as demonstrated in Figure 15, displays the features as
lines, with the dot denoting the impact of these features in a specific instance. The colors on
the plot denote feature correlation, with blue indicating low correlation and red indicating
high correlation. Analysis of the summary plot reveals several key observations: (1) Feature
“2865” exerts a significant influence on the overall decision; (2) an increase in this feature
has a positive effect on the overall score; (3) conversely, a decrease in the value of features
“3255”, “4810”, “6724” has a positive impact on the overall performance of the calculated
score. Features with long tails in the right direction are likely to have a positive effect on
the total decision.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 18 of 21
Figure 15. Analysis of The Impact of The Input Features on The Decision.
4.2. Results Discussion and Comparison
This research paper presents a system intended for detecting drowsiness based on
video and image monitoring. The proposed system encompasses three key tasks: feature
extraction, preprocessing, and classication. The Haar Cascaded Classier (HCC) is uti-
lized to extract the required features, identifying the face and eyes in both images and
video frames. Following this, classication is carried out using both machine learning and
deep learning algorithms. The eectiveness of the proposed system is evaluated in diverse
conditions, including three-class, four-class, and seven-class scenarios. Additionally, the
proposed models are compared to identify the optimal method among the proposed al-
ternatives. Figure 16 illustrates a comparative analysis of the proposed models in dierent
Figure 16. Brief Comparison of The Proposed System in dierent scenarios.
Additionally, to demonstrate the eectiveness of the proposed methods, their perfor-
mance is compared to existing works in the literature. The strategy of this comparison is
85 82
99 93 90
82 82
85 86
47 41
95 90 88
95 93 89
97 95 89
100 98 98
Video Dataset Image Dataset Combined Dataset
Figure 15. Analysis of The Impact of The Input Features on The Decision.
4.2. Results Discussion and Comparison
This research paper presents a system intended for detecting drowsiness based on
video and image monitoring. The proposed system encompasses three key tasks: feature
extraction, preprocessing, and classification. The Haar Cascaded Classifier (HCC) is uti-
lized to extract the required features, identifying the face and eyes in both images and
video frames. Following this, classification is carried out using both machine learning
and deep learning algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed system is evaluated
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 17 of 20
in diverse conditions, including three-class, four-class, and seven-class scenarios. Addi-
tionally, the proposed models are compared to identify the optimal method among the
proposed alternatives. Figure 16 illustrates a comparative analysis of the proposed models
in different scenarios.
Symmetry 2023, 15, 1274 18 of 21
Figure 15. Analysis of The Impact of The Input Features on The Decision.
4.2. Results Discussion and Comparison
This research paper presents a system intended for detecting drowsiness based on
video and image monitoring. The proposed system encompasses three key tasks: feature
extraction, preprocessing, and classication. The Haar Cascaded Classier (HCC) is uti-
lized to extract the required features, identifying the face and eyes in both images and
video frames. Following this, classication is carried out using both machine learning and
deep learning algorithms. The eectiveness of the proposed system is evaluated in diverse
conditions, including three-class, four-class, and seven-class scenarios. Additionally, the
proposed models are compared to identify the optimal method among the proposed al-
ternatives. Figure 16 illustrates a comparative analysis of the proposed models in dierent
Figure 16. Brief Comparison of The Proposed System in dierent scenarios.
Additionally, to demonstrate the eectiveness of the proposed methods, their perfor-
mance is compared to existing works in the literature. The strategy of this comparison is
85 82
99 93 90
82 82
85 86
47 41
95 90 88
95 93 89
97 95 89
100 98 98
Video Dataset Image Dataset Combined Dataset
Figure 16. Brief Comparison of The Proposed System in different scenarios.
Additionally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods, their perfor-
mance is compared to existing works in the literature. The strategy of this comparison is
to include the works which deployed the same methods proposed in this work and those
carried out on the same datasets. Specifically, the deep learning approach introduced in
this study is compared to similar methods presented by Maior et al. [
], Biswal et al. [
Jeon et al. [
], Gwak et al. [
], and Bakheet and colleagues [
]. The algorithm proposed
by Gwak et al. [
] is included in both comparisons since it involves experiments in both
video streaming scenarios. A comparison between the proposed deep learning approach
and other video streaming-based algorithms is presented in Table 7. The simulation results
indicate that the proposed methods exhibit superior performance and outperform previous
efforts in this field.
Table 7. Brief Comparison of The Proposed Models and Works in The Literature.
Work Dataset Method Precision Recall F1-Score Accuracy
Maior et al. [22] DROZY SVM - - - 94
Biswal et al. [26] Collected CNN 97.07 97.13 97.65 97.1
Jeon et al. [27] ETS2 CNN 93.9 94.74 94.18 94.2
Gwak et al. [48] Collected Ensemble ML 97.1 93.5 94.9 95.4
Bakheet et al. [49] NTHU-DDD Naïve Bayes - - 87.84 85.62
Knapik et al. [34] Thermal Images CNN - - 87 -
Hemantkumar et al. [33] Mouth images Optimization - - - 84.66
Liu [35] FDDB CNN - - - 96.7
Proposed DROZY
SVM 100 99 99 99
RF 100 99 100 99
KNN 100 99 100 99
2D CNN 97 97 97 97
3D CNN 100 100 100 100
5. Conclusions
This paper has addressed the issue of fatigue detection and proposed an artificial
intelligence-based solution to tackle this problem. The suggested system comprises two
main tasks: feature extraction and classification. The HCC algorithm has been employed
to extract the relevant features, and several datasets have been used to evaluate the per-
formance of the proposed classifiers, including SVM, RF, DT, KNN, QDA, MLP, RL, 2D
Symmetry 2023,15, 1274 18 of 20
CNN, and 3D CNN. The results indicate that the proposed 3D CNN classifier outperforms
the other models and achieves superior performance. Additionally, the proposed models
exhibit high performance compared with those reported in the literature, making them a
promising and effective solution for fatigue detection.
Furthermore, the authors intend to expand the scope of their research in the future by
pursuing various ideas. Firstly, the proposed models can be implemented to offer a practical
solution to the market. This implementation can be performed using NBIDIA Jetson Nano.
Secondly, the proposed models can be subjected to validation using additional datasets
that include more categories. Finally, the authors aim to explore the possibility of fatigue
detection using fused features obtained from both visual and medical signal modalities.
Author Contributions:
Investigation, A.S.; Methodology, A.S.; Resources, H.M.; Validation, M.M. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number
(PNURSP2023R137), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Data Availability Statement: Data is available on demand.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Prince Sultan University
for paying the Article Processing Charges (APC) of this publication.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Jain et al. [25] and Sedik et al. [26] proposed an innovative approach by enhancing CNNs with a semantic layer (SCNN). Leveraging resources like Word2Vec, WordNet, and ConceptNet, they achieved an impressive 98.65% accuracy on SMS and Twitter datasets. ...
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These authors contributed equally to this work. Abstract: As social media platforms continue their exponential growth, so do the threats targeting their security. Detecting disguised spam messages poses an immense challenge owing to the constant evolution of tactics. This research investigates advanced artificial intelligence techniques to significantly enhance multiplatform spam classification on Twitter and YouTube. The deep neural networks we use are state-of-the-art. They are recurrent neural network architectures with long-and short-term memory cells that are powered by both static and contextualized word embeddings. Extensive comparative experiments precede rigorous hyperparameter tuning on the datasets. Results reveal a profound impact of tailored, platform-specific AI techniques in combating sophisticated and perpetually evolving threats. The key innovation lies in tailoring deep learning (DL) architectures to leverage both intrinsic platform contexts and extrinsic contextual embeddings for strengthened generalization. The results include consistent accuracy improvements of more than 10-15% in mul-tisource datasets, unlocking actionable guidelines on optimal components of neural models, and embedding strategies for cross-platform defense systems. Contextualized embeddings like BERT and ELMo consistently outperform their noncontextualized counterparts. The standalone ELMo model with logistic regression emerges as the top performer, attaining exceptional accuracy scores of 90% on Twitter and 94% on YouTube data. This signifies the immense potential of contextualized language representations in capturing subtle semantic signals vital for identifying disguised spam. As emerging adversarial attacks exploit human vulnerabilities, advancing defense strategies through enhanced neural language understanding is imperative. We recommend that social media companies and academic researchers build on contextualized language models to strengthen social media security. This research approach demonstrates the immense potential of personalized, platform-specific DL techniques to combat the continuously evolving threats that threaten social media security.
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Safe life extension work is demanded on an aircraft’s main landing gear (MLG) when the outfield MLG reaches the predetermined safe life. Traditional methods generally require costly and time-consuming fatigue tests, whereas they ignore the outfield data containing abundant life information. Thus, this paper proposes a novel life extension method based on statistical inference of test and outfield life data. In this method, the MLG’s fatigue life is assumed to follow a right-skewed lognormal distribution with an asymmetric probability density function. In addition, the MLG’s new safe life can be inferred through the Bayesian approach in which the test life data and outfield life data are used for prior information acquisition and Bayesian update, respectively. The results indicated that the MLG’s safe life was significantly extended, illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Numerous simulations also demonstrated that the extended safe life can meet the requirements of reliability and confidence and thus is applicable in engineering practice.
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As the number of road accidents increases, it is critical to avoid making driving mistakes. Driver fatigue detection is a concern that has prompted researchers to develop numerous algorithms to address this issue. The challenge is to identify the sleepy drivers with accurate and speedy alerts. Several datasets were used to develop fatigue detection algorithms such as electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and electromyogram (EMG) recordings of the driver’s activities e.g., DROZY dataset. This study proposes a fatigue detection system based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with machine learning and deep learning classifiers. The FFT and DWT are used for feature extraction and noise removal tasks. In addition, the classification task is carried out on the combined EEG, EOG, ECG, and EMG signals using machine learning and deep learning algorithms including 1D Convolutional Neural Networks (1D CNNs), Concatenated CNNs (C-CNNs), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree (DT), k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Quadrature Data Analysis (QDA), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), and Logistic Regression (LR). The proposed methods are validated on two scenarios, multi-class and binary-class classification. The simulation results reveal that the proposed models achieved a high performance for fatigue detection from medical signals, with a detection accuracy of 90% and 96% for multiclass and binary-class scenarios, respectively. The works in the literature achieved a maximum accuracy of 95%. Therefore, the proposed methods outperform similar efforts in terms of detection accuracy.
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The Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture has been remarkably successful in image restoration. For a while, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) predominated in most computer vision tasks. Now, both CNN and ViT are efficient approaches that demonstrate powerful capabilities to restore a better version of an image given in a low-quality format. In this study, the efficiency of ViT in image restoration is studied extensively. The ViT architectures are classified for every task of image restoration. Seven image restoration tasks are considered: Image Super-Resolution, Image Denoising, General Image Enhancement, JPEG Compression Artifact Reduction, Image Deblurring, Removing Adverse Weather Conditions, and Image Dehazing. The outcomes, the advantages, the limitations, and the possible areas for future research are detailed. Overall, it is noted that incorporating ViT in the new architectures for image restoration is becoming a rule. This is due to some advantages compared to CNN, such as better efficiency, especially when more data are fed to the network, robustness in feature extraction, and a better feature learning approach that sees better the variances and characteristics of the input. Nevertheless, some drawbacks exist, such as the need for more data to show the benefits of ViT over CNN, the increased computational cost due to the complexity of the self-attention block, a more challenging training process, and the lack of interpretabil-ity. These drawbacks represent the future research direction that should be targeted to increase the efficiency of ViT in the image restoration domain.
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Due to the rapid development of information and emerging communication technologies, developing and implementing solutions in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMTs) field have become relevant. This work developed a novel data security algorithm for deployment in emerging wireless biomedical sensor network (WBSN) and IoMTs applications while exchanging electronic patient folders (EPFs) over unsecured communication channels. These EPF data are collected using wireless biomedical sensors implemented in WBSN and IoMTs applications. Our algorithm is designed to ensure a high level of security for confidential patient information and verify the copyrights of bio-signal records included in the EPFs. The proposed scheme involves the use of Hahn’s discrete orthogonal moments for bio-signal feature vector extraction. Next, confidential patient information with the extracted feature vectors is converted into a QR code. The latter is then encrypted based on a proposed two-dimensional version of the modified chaotic logistic map. To demonstrate the feasibility of our scheme in IoMTs, it was implemented on a low-cost hardware board, namely Raspberry Pi, where the quad-core processors of this board are exploited using parallel computing. The conducted numerical experiments showed, on the one hand, that our scheme is highly secure and provides excellent robustness against common signal-processing attacks (noise, filtering, geometric transformations, compression, etc.). On the other hand, the obtained results demonstrated the fast running of our scheme when it is implemented on the Raspberry Pi board based on parallel computing. Furthermore, the results of the conducted comparisons reflect the superiority of our algorithm in terms of robustness when compared to recent bio-signal copyright protection schemes.
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The exponential expansion of Internet interconnectivity has led to a dramatic increase in cyber-attack alerts, which contain a considerable proportion of false positives. The overwhelming number of false positives cause tremendous resource consumption and delay responses to the really severe incidents, namely, alert fatigue. To cope with the challenge from alert fatigue, we focus on enhancing the capability of detectors to reduce the generation of false alerts from the detection perspective. The core idea of our work is to train a machine-learning-based detector to grasp the empirical intelligence of security analysts to estimate the feasibility of an incoming HTTP request to cause substantial threats, and integrate the estimation into the detection stage to reduce false alarms. To this end, we innovatively introduce the concept of attack feasibility to characterize the composition rationality of an inbound HTTP request as a feasible attack under static scrutinization. First, we adopt a fast request-reorganization algorithm to transform an HTTP request into the form of interface:payload pair for further alignment of structural components which can reveal the processing logic of the target program. Then, we build a dual-channel attention-based circulant convolution neural network (DualAC2NN) to integrate the attack feasibility estimation into the alert decision, by comprehensively considering the interface sensitivity, payload maliciousness, and their bipartite compatibility. Experiments on a real-world dataset show that the proposed method significantly reduces invalid alerts by around 86.37% and over 61.64% compared to a rule-based commercial WAF and several state-of-the-art methods, along with retaining a detection rate at 97.89% and a lower time overhead, which indicates that our approach can effectively mitigate alert fatigue from the detection perspective.
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Due to the increasing of traffic accidents, there is an urgent need to control and reduce driving mistakes. Driver fatigue or drowsiness is one of these major mistakes. Many algorithms have been developed to address this issue by detecting fatigue and alerting the driver to this dangerous condition. The major problem of the developed algorithms is their detection accuracy, as well as the time required to detect fatigue status and alert the driver. The accuracy and the time represent a critical condition that affects the reduction of traffic accidents. Several datasets have been used in the development of fatigue or drowsy detection techniques. These data are gathered from the deriver’s brain Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals or from video streaming recordings of the driver behavior. This paper develops two distinct approaches, the first based on the use of machine learning classifiers and the second depends on the use of deep learning models to produce a high-performance fatigue detection system. The machine learning approach is used to process EEG signals, whereas the deep learning approach is used to process video streams. In machine learning classifiers, Support Vector Machine (SVM) provides up to 98% of detection accuracy, which is the highest accuracy among the other five deployed classifiers. In deep learning models, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) provides up to 99% detection accuracy, which is the highest accuracy among the other two deployed models. The experimental results demonstrate that the two proposed algorithms provide the highest detection accuracy with the shortest Testing Time ( TT ) when compared to all other recent and efficient fatigue detection algorithms.
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This paper explores the issue of COVID-19 detection from X-ray images. X-ray images, in general, suffer from low quality and low resolution. That is why the detection of different diseases from X-ray images requires sophisticated algorithms. First of all, machine learning (ML) is adopted on the features extracted manually from the X-ray images. Twelve classifiers are compared for this task. Simulation results reveal the superiority of Gaussian process (GP) and random forest (RF) classifiers. To extend the feasibility of this study, we have modified the feature extraction strategy to give deep features. Four pre-trained models, namely ResNet50, ResNet101, Inception-v3 and InceptionResnet-v2 are adopted in this study. Simulation results prove that InceptionResnet-v2 and ResNet101 with GP classifier achieve the best performance. Moreover, transfer learning (TL) is also introduced in this paper to enhance the COVID-19 detection process. The selected classification hierarchy is also compared with a convolutional neural network (CNN) model built from scratch to prove its quality of classification. Simulation results prove that deep features and TL methods provide the best performance that reached 100% for accuracy.
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Emotion recognition is one of the trending research fields. It is involved in several applications. Its most interesting applications include robotic vision and interactive robotic communication. Human emotions can be detected using both speech and visual modalities. Facial expressions can be considered as ideal means for detecting the persons' emotions. This paper presents a real-time approach for implementing emotion detection and deploying it in the robotic vision applications. The proposed approach consists of four phases: preprocessing, key point generation, key point selection and angular encoding, and classification. The main idea is to generate key points using MediaPipe face mesh algorithm, which is based on real-time deep learning. In addition, the generated key points are encoded using a sequence of carefully designed mesh generator and angular encoding modules. Furthermore, feature decomposition is performed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This phase is deployed to enhance the accuracy of emotion detection. Finally, the decomposed features are enrolled into a Machine Learning (ML) technique that depends on a Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Naïve Bayes (NB), Logistic Regression (LR), or Random Forest (RF) classifier. Moreover, we deploy a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) as an efficient deep neural network technique. The presented techniques are evaluated on different datasets with different evaluation metrics. The simulation results reveal that they achieve a superior performance with a human emotion detection accuracy of 97%, which ensures superiority among the efforts in this field.
In this paper, novel convolutional neural network (CNN) and convolutional long short-term (ConvLSTM) deep learning models (DLMs) are presented for automatic detection of arrhythmia for IoT applications. The input ECG signals are represented in 2D format, and then the obtained images are fed into the proposed DLMs for classification. This helps to overcome most of the problems of the previous machine and deep learning models such as overfitting, and working on more than one lead of ECG signals. We use several publicly available datasets from PhysioNet such as MIT-BIH, PhysioNet 2016 and PhysioNet 2018 for model assessment. Overall accuracies of 97%, 98 %, 94 % and 91 % are obtained on spectrograms of MIT-BIH dataset, compressed MIT-BIH dataset, PhysioNet 2016 dataset, and PhysioNet 2018 dataset, respectively. Compared to the previous works, the proposed framework is more robust and efficient, especially in the case of noisy data.