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In vitro bioassays for monitoring drinking water quality of tap water, domestic filtration and bottled water


Abstract and Figures

Background Location-specific patterns of regulated and non-regulated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) were detected in tap water samples of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. However, it remains unclear if the detected DBPs together with undetected DPBs and organic micropollutants can lead to mixture effects in drinking water. Objective To evaluate the neurotoxicity, oxidative stress response and cytotoxicity of 42 tap water samples, 6 treated with activated carbon filters, 5 with reverse osmosis and 9 bottled waters. To compare the measured effects of the extracts with the mixture effects predicted from the detected concentrations and the relative effect potencies of the detected DBPs using the mixture model of concentration addition. Methods Mixtures of organic chemicals in water samples were enriched by solid phase extraction and tested for cytotoxicity and neurite outgrowth inhibition in the neuronal cell line SH-SY5Y and for cytotoxicity and oxidative stress response in the AREc32 assay. Results Unenriched water did not trigger neurotoxicity or cytotoxicity. After up to 500-fold enrichment, few extracts showed cytotoxicity. Disinfected water showed low neurotoxicity at 20- to 300-fold enrichment and oxidative stress response at 8- to 140-fold enrichment. Non-regulated non-volatile DBPs, particularly (brominated) haloacetonitriles dominated the predicted mixture effects of the detected chemicals and predicted effects agreed with the measured effects. By hierarchical clustering we identified strong geographical patterns in the types of DPBs and their association with effects. Activated carbon filters did not show a consistent reduction of effects but domestic reverse osmosis filters decreased the effect to that of bottled water. Impact statement Bioassays are an important complement to chemical analysis of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water. Comparison of the measured oxidative stress response and mixture effects predicted from the detected chemicals and their relative effect potencies allowed the identification of the forcing agents for the mixture effects, which differed by location but were mainly non-regulated DBPs. This study demonstrates the relevance of non-regulated DBPs from a toxicological perspective. In vitro bioassays, in particular reporter gene assays for oxidative stress response that integrate different reactive toxicity pathways including genotoxicity, may therefore serve as sum parameters for drinking water quality assessment.
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In vitro bioassays for monitoring drinking water quality of tap
water, domestic ltration and bottled water
Beate I. Escher
, Jordi Blanco
, Josep Caixach
, Dora Cserbik
, Maria J. Farré
, Cintia Flores
, Maria König
, Jungeun Lee
Jo Nyffeler
, Carles Planas
, Paula E. Redondo-Hasselerharm
, Joaquim Rovira
, Josep Sanchís
, Marta Schuhmacher
Cristina M. Villanueva
© The Author(s) 2023
BACKGROUND: Location-specic patterns of regulated and non-regulated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) were detected in tap
water samples of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. However, it remains unclear if the detected DBPs together with undetected
DPBs and organic micropollutants can lead to mixture effects in drinking water.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the neurotoxicity, oxidative stress response and cytotoxicity of 42 tap water samples, 6 treated with
activated carbon lters, 5 with reverse osmosis and 9 bottled waters. To compare the measured effects of the extracts with the
mixture effects predicted from the detected concentrations and the relative effect potencies of the detected DBPs using the
mixture model of concentration addition.
METHODS: Mixtures of organic chemicals in water samples were enriched by solid phase extraction and tested for cytotoxicity and
neurite outgrowth inhibition in the neuronal cell line SH-SY5Y and for cytotoxicity and oxidative stress response in the
AREc32 assay.
RESULTS: Unenriched water did not trigger neurotoxicity or cytotoxicity. After up to 500-fold enrichment, few extracts showed
cytotoxicity. Disinfected water showed low neurotoxicity at 20- to 300-fold enrichment and oxidative stress response at 8- to 140-
fold enrichment. Non-regulated non-volatile DBPs, particularly (brominated) haloacetonitriles dominated the predicted mixture
effects of the detected chemicals and predicted effects agreed with the measured effects. By hierarchical clustering we identied
strong geographical patterns in the types of DPBs and their association with effects. Activated carbon lters did not show a
consistent reduction of effects but domestic reverse osmosis lters decreased the effect to that of bottled water.
IMPACT STATEMENT: Bioassays are an important complement to chemical analysis of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking
water. Comparison of the measured oxidative stress response and mixture effects predicted from the detected chemicals and their
relative effect potencies allowed the identication of the forcing agents for the mixture effects, which differed by location but were
mainly non-regulated DBPs. This study demonstrates the relevance of non-regulated DBPs from a toxicological perspective. In vitro
bioassays, in particular reporter gene assays for oxidative stress response that integrate different reactive toxicity pathways
including genotoxicity, may therefore serve as sum parameters for drinking water quality assessment.
Keywords: Water quality; Bioassay; Oxidative stress; Neurotoxicity; Disinfection by-products
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126–135;
Received: 1 March 2023 Revised: 26 May 2023 Accepted: 1 June 2023
Published online: 16 June 2023
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Department of Cell Toxicology, Leipzig, Germany.
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Environmental Toxicology,
Department of Geosciences, Tübingen, Germany.
Laboratory of Toxicology and Environmental Health, School of Medicine, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus, Spain.
Spectrometry Laboratory/Organic Pollutants, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain.
ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain.
Pompeu Fabra, UPF, Barcelona, Spain.
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública, CIBERESP, Madrid, Spain.
Catalan Institute for Water Research, ICRA, Girona, Spain.
University of
Girona, Girona, Spain.
Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, IMIM, Barcelona, Spain.
Present address: IMDEA Water, Madrid, Spain.
Present address: Catalan Water Agency, Barcelona, Spain. email: Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Water is a limited natural resource that is under pressure from
human activity. The quality of our drinking water is threatened by
the growing use of a wide range of chemicals that end up in the
water cycle [1]. The scale of the challenge posed by drinking water
contamination will increase in the future due to the increasing
need for clean water, globally growing water scarcity due to
climate change and a steep increase in the use of chemicals. We
are all exposed to a cocktail of contaminants in drinking water [2]
that may not be removed by standard treatments including
pesticides, pharmaceuticals, personal care products (e.g., UV
lters), ingredients from consumer products (e.g., poly- and
peruorinated compounds) and microplastics, or indeed are
generated by drinking water production itself, e.g., distribution
network materials, disinfection by-products (DBPs), and other
transformation products [3].
While drinking water contaminants are present in mixtures [4],
previous epidemiological research has focused on single chemicals
or limited chemicals groups [5]. All chemicals contribute to mixture
effects, even at low concentrations that, alone, might be below the
threshold of effect [6,7]. Animal studies suggest that the single-
chemical paradigm underestimates cumulative effects of chemical
mixtures [8]. The assessment of biological responses through
in vitro assays has emerged as a useful tool to evaluate drinking
water quality to provide insights into risks from (unknown) complex,
low-level mixtures of micropollutants and DBPs [9].
In vitro bioassays have been widely applied in the past to assess
drinking water quality in a comprehensive manner [9]. Source
water can be contaminated with a wide range of organic
micropollutants, which are typically reduced by drinking water
treatment but depending on the treatment technology may still
be present in drinking water, and with DBPs, which are formed
during disinfection processes. Organic micropollutants and DBPs
contribute to the mixture effects detected with in vitro bioassays.
It is possible to differentiate between the contribution of
micropollutants and DBPs to the measured mixture effect by
measuring the in vitro effect of the SPE extract of water sampled
directly before and after chlorination/disinfection [10]. Micropol-
lutants cause diverse adverse outcome pathways among them
endocrine disruption, reproduction toxicity, but also adaptive
stress responses and carcinogenicity/mutagenicity. Accordingly
diverse test batteries have been developed to capture the
diversity of micropollutantstoxicity (reviewed in [11]).
Most DBPs cause reactive toxicity, mainly oxidative stress
response and genotoxicity/mutagenicity [12,13]. The largest
database of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity data on Chinese
hamster ovary (CHO) cells dates back to 2000 [14] and has been
further expanded over the years [15] and applied in numerous
studies that tested drinking water [16,17] and other water types
[18]. Batteries of in vitro bioassays have been used to quantify
different aspects of reactive toxicity pathways [9,19]. The
oxidative stress response quantied with a reporter gene assays
indicative of the keap-nrf2-ARE pathway was shown to be a good
measure of the specic effects of reactive DBPs, also because the
soft electrophilic character of many DBPs lead only indirectly to
genotoxicity [19]. As genotoxicity occurs often at similar or only
slightly lower concentrations than cytotoxicity and cytotoxicity is a
more integrative parameter where all chemicals and DBPs
contribute to, albeit with different potency, water quality has also
been assessed directly by cytotoxicity in CHO cells [20,21].
DBPs have been reported to be neurotoxic [22] and activate the
Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response pathway [23] by reducing
intracellular glutathione and increasing ROS [24]. Further there is
some but not strong evidence that DBP exposure may adversely
affect neuropsychological development [25]. Therefore, we also
included for the rst time a novel neurotoxicity assay based on the
neurite outgrowth inhibition and cytotoxicity in differentiated
neuronal SH-SY5Y cells [26,27] in the evaluation of drinking water
and extracts of drinking water.
Testing water samples directly in in vitro assays has often not
resulted in detectable response. DPB mixtures in drinking water
have to be enriched up to several hundred times to show
measurable activity. For non-volatile DBPs, solid-phase extraction
(SPE) has shown best recoveries [28,29]. Volatile DBPs can be
enriched with a purge-trap method but as the known volatile
DBPs contribute only a minor fraction to the overall mixture effect
with non-volatile DBPs dominating mixture toxicity [28], most
studies to date applied SPE for sample preparation.
The Barcelona metropolitan area (BMA) exhibits unique and
valuable characteristics to make it a suitable setting to conduct
water studies. Drinking water is supplied from different sources
(mainly Llobregat and Ter rivers), providing diverse water zones in
a well-dened geographical area. This provides variability in the
chemical concentration and composition, which allows to identify
links with biological responses. In addition, the Llobregat river is
intensively impacted by human activity, leading to the eventual
Graphical Abstract
B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
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occurrence of chemicals of industrial origin [30]. Previous studies
in the area showed that levels of other drinking water
contaminants e.g. arsenic were very low [31].
Regulated and non-regulated DBPs were measured in tap water
samples collected at the 42 postal codes of the BMA [32]. DBPs
were also quantied in tap water samples ltered with activated
carbon (AC) and reverse osmosis (RO), as well as in bottled water
[32]. Drinking water samples were analyzed for 11 haloacetic acids
(HAAs), 4 trihalomethanes (THMs), 4 haloacetonitriles (HANs), 2
haloketones (HKs), chlorate, chlorite, and trichloronitromethane
(TCNM). The median concentration of total THMs, HAAs and HANs,
TCP, chlorite and chlorate in tap water were 42, 18, 3.2, 1.2, 53.9
and 214 μg/L, respectively. Chlorate, THMs, HAAs, and HANs were
quantied in 98100% tap water samples. Although both
brominated and chlorinated DBPs were present; brominated
species were found in a larger number of samples. AC lters
reduced DBP levels in the range of 2780%, and RO reduced DBP
concentrations 98% [32]. In bottled water, only chlorate was
detected in 3 out of 10 brands, with a median concentration of
13.0 µg/L [32].
The objective of this study was to complement the previous work
on exposure to regulated and non-regulated DPB in the BMA [32],
micropollutants [33] and micro(nano) plastic [34] by effect-based
method that capture the entirety of mixture exposure of extracted
micropollutants and DBPs with a focus on cytotoxicity, activation
of oxidative stress response and neurotoxicity. Iceberg modelling,
a specic form of mixture toxicity modelling, was used to identify
mixture effect drivers for the endpoint of oxidative stress
AC lters and home RO systems have become quite popular for
polishing tap water at the home. Previous studies have demon-
strated the variable removal efcacy of effects measured with
in vitro bioassays by point-of-use lters, ranging from 25 to 100%
depending on the lter type, age and condition. We also
evaluated point-of-use lter that were in use at 11 out of the 42
households, where tap water was sampled. Bottled water was also
extracted and tested for comparison with the tap and
ltered water.
Water samples
The sites were selected and sampling was performed as described
previously [32]. 42 water samples were collected from taps in homes across
different postcodes in the BMA. The sample codes are the postcodes. In
the homes of postcodes 08001, 08006, 08008, 08013, and 08017 pitcher-
type AC lters and in 08028 faucet AC lters were also sampled to obtain a
snapshot of the realistic exposure. Reverse osmosis (RO) was used in the
homes sampled in postcodes 08002, 08018, 08019, 08024, and 08029 and
both tap water and RO water were sampled. Out of the 10 bottled water
samples from the previous work [32], 9 were tested in the bioassays.
Physical parameters
The pH, total hardness was measured as CaCO
using EDTA titration, free
chlorine and total chlorine, conductivity and total organic carbon (TOC)
had been reported by Redondo-Hasselerharm et al. [32]. and are reprinted
in Table S1.
Chemical analysis
Concentrations of THMs, HAAs, HANs, HKs and TCNM as well as chlorite
and chlorate had been reported by Redondo-Hasselerharm et al. [32].
Inorganic chlorite and chlorate cannot be enriched by SPE. Since THMs and
TCNM are too volatile to be captured by SPE and would require specic
bioassay formats for volatile chemicals [35], the comparison with bioassay
data focused on HAAs, HKs and HANs, and the detected concentrations
[32] are reprinted in Table S2. This is also justied because volatile DBPs are
often less cytotoxicity than non-volatile DBPs [36] and under real-life
scenarios the volatile DBPs contribute less to mixture toxicity [28,37]. The
detected DBPs were MBAA, bromoacetic acid; DCAA, dichloroacetic Acid;
BCAA, bromochloroacetic acid; DBAA, dibromoacetic acid; TCAA, trichlor-
oacetic acid; BDCAA, bromodichloroacetic acid; DBCAA, dibromochloroa-
cetic acid; TBAA,tribromoacetic acid; 1,1,1-TCP, 1,1,1-
trichloropropanone(acetone); DCAN, dichloroacetonitrile; BCAN, bromo-
chloroacetonitrile; DBAN, dibromoacetonitrile [32].
Sample preparation for bioassays
Samples were extracted with SPE at the ICRA laboratories. Samples were
acidied with HCl to reach pH 2.53. Two liters of water were enriched for
each sample using 12 cc 500 mg Oasis HLB SPE cartridges. SPE blanks were
2 L of ultrapure water (HPLC grade) run in parallel to the samples in the
same setups. The cartridges were dried under vacuum and sent at room
temperature to UFZ Leipzig. They were stored at 20 °C prior to elution.
The cartridges were eluted without vacuum with 20 mL of ethyl acetate
followed by 10 mL methanol, then all extracts were blown down and
resolubilized with 1 mL methanol.
Relative enrichment factor of the samples
All samples were enriched from 2 L to 1 mL, yielding an enrichment factor
of the SPE of 2000. An aliquot of the enriched sample extract was then
added to a dosing vial, the solvent was blown down to dryness and the
sample was resolubilized with cell assay media. Therefore, the bioassay
contained no residual solvent. A solvent blank using the same volume of
ethyl acetate and methanol (10 mL each), blown down and reconstituted
with medium, was also run to ensure that there were no interferences from
residuals in the solvents.
The sample was transferred from the dosing vial into a 96 well plate and
serially diluted in test media and 30 µL of this dosing solution was
transferred to 384-well plates that contain cells in 10 µL medium.
The nal relative enrichment factor (REF) is the combination of the
enrichment of the extract and the dilution in the bioassay [38]and
represents the enrichment of the original water sample in each bioassay.
The REF is equivalent to concentration and is expressed in the units
water sample
AREc32 assay for activation of oxidative stress response
The SPE extracts were tested in the AREc32 assay for activation of oxidative
stress response. The AREc32 assay was performed according to [39] with
some modications. Briey, the extracts were serially diluted in DMEM with
10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and added to a 384 well plate containing
cells at a nal density of 8.33 × 10
cells/mL. The plates were incubated at
37 °C for 24 h, then luciferase production was measured using luciferin and
ATP as substrate and luminescence relative light units RLU were recorded.
The measure of effect was the induction ratio IR, which is ratio of the RLU
of the sample at a given concentration divided by the mean of the RLU of
the unexposed cells.
Live-cell analysis using IncuCyte S3 live cell imaging system (Essen
BioScience, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) was used to assess conuency,
which served as a proxy for cytotoxicity. Conuency was measured 48 h
after seeding (24 h after dosing) using phase contrast images [40]. The
extracts were tested up to a REF of 500. tert-Butylhydroquinone (tBHQ) was
the positive reference compound for AREc32.
An inhibitory concentration IC
for 10% cytotoxicity was derived from
the conuency measurements using a linear concentration-response
regression with intercept of 0 according to [40]. The cytotoxicity can also
be expressed as toxic units TU
, which is the inverse of the IC
TUbio ¼1
Only concentrations below IC
and up to a maximum IR of 5 were used
for concentration-response assessment of the activation of ARE. Here we
applied a linear concentration-response regression with intercept of IR 1
[39]. An IR of 1.5 corresponds to a 50% increase over the IR of the
unexposed cells, and the associated concentration was used as effect
concentration EC
Neurite outgrowth inhibition assay
The SPE extracts were tested in a neurotoxicity assay that was based on the
cytotoxicity and neurite outgrowth inhibition in differentiated SH-SY5Y
B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
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cells obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, 94030304 [27]. Briey, the cells were
plated in a collagen-coated black/clear at bottom 384-well plate (Corning,
354667) and exposed with the serially diluted extracts. Prior to testing the
methanol extracts were solvent-exchanged into medium to assure that the
effects were not impacted by the presence of solvents. The extracts were
tested in 11 different concentrations up to a REF of 300. After incubation of
the plate at 37 °C for 24 h, image analysis was performed with IncuCyte S3.
Cell viability was quantied from uorescence images after staining with
Nuclear Green LCS1 (Abcam, ab138904) and propidium iodide (Sigma-
Aldrich, 81845). The number of total and dead cells were derived to
determine cytotoxicity in neuronal cells.
Inhibition in neurite outgrowth was measured using phase-contrast
image and the length of neurite was quantied with IncuCyte NeuroTrack
software module. 10% effect concentration for cytotoxicity and neurite
outgrowth inhibition were expressed as IC
and EC
, respectively.
Narciclasine was used as positive reference compound for
neurotoxicity assay.
Direct testing of unenriched water samples in the neurite
outgrowth inhibition assay
The water was also tested in its entirety after ltration in another setup of
the neurite outgrowth inhibition in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells [27]. The
experimental procedure is detailed in Text S1.
Iceberg modelling for oxidative stress response
Bioanalytical equivalent concentrations (BEQ) can be used to compare the
predicted biological effect from the concentrations of the detected DBPs
with the biological effect. The concept of BEQ implies that chemicals act
concentration-additive as was demonstrated multiple times for designed
complex mixtures in equipotent concentration ratios and concentration
ratios of occurrence for the AREc32 assay [37,41,42]. The BEQ
can be
derived directly from the effect concentration measured in the sample by
relating it to the effect concentration of a reference chemical [38]. In
previous work we have used MCAA as reference compound for DBPs [43]
but given that MCAA was below the limit of detection in all samples and it
is of low potency we used DBAN, the most potent DPB in the AREc32 assay
among the tested DBPs [19] as reference chemical, as was also done in a
previous mixture study [37]. The DBAN-EQ
can then be calculated by
Eq. 2with EC
of 0.15 µM or 29 µg/L of DBAN.
ECIR1:5ðwater extractÞ(1)
If the concentration of the detected DBPs i,C
, is multiplied by their
relative effect potency REP
, we obtain the DBAN equivalent concentration
of this DBP i, DBAN-EQ
(i). If all DBPs act concentration-additive in
mixtures, which has been established for drinking water DBPs in the
AREc32 assay [37], the DBAN-EQ
(i) can be summed up to yield the
measure of the mixture effect of the detected DBPs, DBAN-EQ
(Eq. 2).
DBAN EQchem ¼X
DBAN EQchem iðÞ
The mixture effect from the detected chemicals DBAN-EQ
can now
be compared with the measured mixture effect in the bioassay expressed
to assess the contribution of the detected chemicals (Eq. 3).
%effect explained by detected chemicals ¼DBAN EQchem
Oxidative stress response
Some of the extracts were slightly acidic, as evidenced by a
discoloration of the phenol red medium and the pH of the
bioassay medium had to be neutralized with 0.3 to 0.5 µL of 5 M
NaOH solution. The pH shift could only be measured with pH
paper because the sample volume of 120 µL of the dosing vial was
too low to use a pH electrode.
The acidity in the highly enriched samples might have well
been caused by the dissociation of the HAAs when dissolving the
neutral form of the HAA eluted from the SPE cartridge with
solvent in medium that is only weakly buffered at pH 7.4, which
would lead to a dissociation of the HAA that leads to a proton
release and hence acidication of the medium. In the dosing vial,
the sample had an REF of 2000 and the decrease in pH was higher
for samples with high sum concentrations of HAAs (Fig. S1). The
samples with the highest acidication had sum concentrations of
HAAs of 0.05 to 0.25 µM at REF 1, which corresponds to 100 to
500 µM HAA at REF 2000, which could bring about such a pH shift,
when the HAAs deprotonate in the medium that is weakly
buffered at pH 7.4.
Although all highly enriched SPE extracts of the water samples
were slightly acidic, the acidity of the extracts was not caused by
the experimental procedure because blanks, bottled water and
water ltered by RO did not exhibit pH shifts, while the original
tap water and the AC-ltered water had pH values lowered by one
to two pH units (Fig. S1).
Even if the pH were not optimal, the AREc32 assay results would
not be impacted as we have demonstrated that AREc32 can be
adapted to growth on medium from pH 6.5 to pH 8 without
change in sensitivity towards chemicals and cells that were not
adapted but challenged with pH during testing also delivered
robust results (unpublished data). This is different from the
neurotoxicity assay, which is sensitive to pH shifts as
described below.
The positive control tert-butylhydroquinone (tBHQ) in the
AREc32 assay had an EC
of 8.34 ± 0.15 µM (Fig. S2a, Table S3),
which is in the range of previous literature data [39]. SPE blanks
had EC
values ranging from REF 81 to > 500 (Fig. S2b, Table S3),
i.e., were much less potent than the tap water, but in the same
range of effects of RO water and bottled water. The solvent blanks
showed no effects (Fig. S2c, Table S3).
None of the samples showed cytotoxicity (Fig. 1a) or activation
of oxidative stress response (Fig. 1b) without substantial enrich-
ment. The tap water had EC
ranging from REF 9 to 141
(example of one concentration-response curve in Fig. S2d, EC
in Table S3). Cytotoxicity occurred at 3 to 34 times higher REF (IC
for cytotoxicity in Table S3) than activation of oxidative stress
response. 12 of 42 tap water samples were not cytotoxic up to REF
500, which means that the tap water showed a rather specic
oxidative stress response. Water treated with AC lters had similar
oxidative stress response before and after ltration and cytotoxi-
city was small and not impacted by ltration (Fig. 1a, b, Table S3).
As discussed by Redondo-Hasselerharm et al. [32], these were
pitcher-type AC lters that were in households, so it cannot be
assured that they were well maintained and not overloaded.
After reverse osmosis even the low cytotoxicity had disap-
peared (IC
> 500) and oxidative stress response was active only
at REF > 150 (Fig. 1, Table S3). Bottled water showed no
cytotoxicity up to REF 500 with exception of one out of 9 bottles,
with an IC
of 246 and activation of oxidative stress response had
> REF 100 (example of one concentration-response curve in
Fig. S2e, Fig. 1, Table S3).
Upon direct comparison of sample types (Fig. 1b), it is evident,
that tap water and tap water after AC ltration had the same
ranges of effect concentrations and the water had to enriched 10
to 100-fold to case the 10% activation of the oxidative stress
response pathway (exception 08021, which had an EC
> 100).
Reverse osmosis-treated tap water and bottled water had
consistently lower effects in the range of the SPE blanks. One of
ve SPE blanks had a slightly increased effect, the source of which
could not be identied.
Fig. 2shows the spatial distribution of cytotoxicity and oxidative
stress response on a map of the BMA. On rst sight, the
distribution of effects appears quite uniform across the entire
BMA with slightly higher activation of oxidative stress response in
B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
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the Northwestern region of BMA, where also some cytotoxicity
was detectable. The site 08039 was higher than other sites at the
coastal region but that was a public water fountain where the
highest concentration of DBAA (13.9 µg/L) and TBAA (6.6 µg/L)
and DBAN (4.2 µg/L) were measured. Bromine containing DBPs are
known to be more toxic than their chlorinated analogues [44] and,
in particular, DBAN is the most cytotoxic DBP with the highest
activation of oxidative stress response included in the study
(Table S5 [19]).
Tap water samples. None of the directly tested tap water samples
showed any neurotoxic effects (Text S2). Unenriched water did not
induce diminution of cell viability (MTT) or increase of LDH
Fig. 1 Cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neurotoxicity. Comparison of the effect concentrations of the different water types: aIC
cytotoxicity in AREc32. bEC
for oxidative stress response in AREc32. cEC
for neurite outgrowth inhibition in SH-SY5Y cells (left y-axis)
and IC
for cytotoxicity in SH-SY5Y cells (right y-axis, grey symbols). Data are in Tables S1, S2. The line is at REF 500/300, the highest tested
concentration in AREc32/SH-SY5Y and the symbols stand for experiments without detected effect ( > 500/ > 300).
Fig. 2 Mixture effects. Distribution of mixture effects across the drinking water supply of Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) expressed as
inhibitory concentration IC
for 10% reduction of cell viability in the AREc32 cell line and effect concentration EC
for activation of
oxidative stress response. Data are from Table S3. The units are relative enrichment factors REF, and samples that did not show cytotoxicity up
to a 500-fold enrichment had no bar. The y-axis is inverse (1/IC
or 1/EC
) because a low IC
refers to a high cytotoxicity or effect
but the legend refers to the original IC
B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
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leakage (Fig. S3), nor did they increase the propidium iodide
permeabilization (Fig. S4). The neuronal phenotype differentiation
and neurite length of the differentiated SH-SY5Y cells were not
SPE extracts. Only selected SPE extracts were evaluated with the
screening neurotoxicity assay that was tuned for water quality
assessment [45] because of the challenge of the acidity of the SPE
extracts described below. The concentration-response curves for
cytotoxicity and inhibition of neurite outgrowth are depicted in
Fig. S5.
The EC
for neurite outgrowth inhibition of the positive control
narciclasine was 9 nM (Table S4), which is consistent with earlier
work. The SPE blanks showed no cytotoxicity nor effects up to REF
300. The high acidity of some of the extracts posed a problem for
this assay despite the attempt to neutralize the sample after
dissolving in medium and before dosing with cell debris as is
visible in the images of the neutralized extract of tap water 08008,
while tap water 08022 only showed decreased neurite numbers
and lengths and decreased cell number as compared to the
unexposed cells (Fig. S6).
Apart from 08025, which had an IC
of 98 (Table S4), none of
the tested samples caused cytotoxicity up to a REF of 100, three
tap water samples and all ltered and bottled water even up to a
REF of 300. The neurite outgrowth was inhibited by all tap water
samples (with exception of 08008, which had shown the pH
problems) and by none of the other samples. The EC
for neurite
growth inhibition ranged from 20 to 51, which means the water
had to be enriched 20 to 51 times to show 10% neurotoxic effects.
Although fewer samples were tested in the neurotoxicity assays
due to the pH shift issue, the same picture emerged (Fig. 1c) as for
AREc32 (Fig. 1a, b), although the AC lters removed the
neuroactive chemicals to below the limit of detection. We have
not ngerprinted single DPBs in this neurotoxicity assay yet, but it
is often highly responsive to pesticides and other water pollutants
that are more hydrophobic [45], so that the sorption to AC might
have been more efcient for the chemicals causing neurotoxicity.
Comparison of oxidative stress response with literature data
and other water types
The oxidative stress response was in the same range or slightly
higher than in previously tested drinking water (Hebert et al. [46]
and Neale et al. [10]) but clearly less active than in surface water
during rain events [45] and wastewater treatment plant efuent
(WWTP) (Fig. S7a). None of the tap water samples exceeded the
proposed effect-based trigger value EBT-EC
of 6 (REF) [41].
AREc32 can be impacted by both, DBPs and micropollutants,
but most of the oxidative stress response in unchlorinated
samples remained unexplained to date [41]. If one measures
activation of the oxidative stress response directly before and after
chlorination, it is possible to derive the contribution of DBPs to the
overall effect, but this is not feasible here because we only
sampled the treated or treated and ltered tap water, which is
much more realistic of human exposure than previous work on
drinking water treatment plants and assessment of DBP formation
potential [47].
There was no direct correlation between cytotoxicity and
activation of oxidative stress response (Fig. S8a). Cytotoxicity can
be considered an effect-scaled sum parameter for all chemicals
present in a sample and acting together, while only a fraction of
micropollutants [48] and many but not all DBPs [19] activate the
oxidative stress response.
Organic matter plays an important role for the formation of
DBPs [47] but neither the cytotoxicity (Fig. S8b) nor the activation
of the oxidative stress response (Fig. S8c) was directly correlated
with the TOC.
To our knowledge no neurotoxicity assay has been applied to
drinking water samples yet, so we can only compare to other
water types. The tap water showed equal to lower effects
compared to wastewater treatment plant efuent and surface
water collected during rain events (Fig. S7b). As effect concentra-
tions for individual DBPs in the neurotoxicity assay are not
available, iceberg modelling could not be performed. Only one
extract of water from postcode 08008 was tested in the
neurotoxicity assay before and after AC ltration (Table S4) but
due to the acidity only cell debris were observed. In contrast, after
RO no effects could be observed (Table S4) and there were no
issues with acidication, but no matching tap water sample could
be tested due to limited sample volume availability.
Comparison of detected DBPs and oxidative stress response
Iceberg modelling helps to understand the contribution of
individual detected DBPs to the measured effect and how much
of the mixture effect is contributed to by DBPs and micropollu-
tants not quantied or not toxicologically characterized. Here we
performed the iceberg modelling with the detected concentra-
tions of HAAs, HKs and HANs (Table S2 [32]), and their EC
taken from the literature (Table S5 [19]).
reported in Table S6 comprise the contribu-
tion of HAAs, HKs and HANs to the mixture effect. The sum of the
(i) of the HAAs, DBAN-EQ
(ΣHAA), contributed
very little to the DBAN-EQ
(Eq. 3, Fig. 3). DBAN-EQ
dominated by HANs (DBAN-EQ
(ΣHAN)), and particularly the
most potent DBAN (Fig. 3).
(ΣHAN) explained 5% to 460% of the DBAN-EQ
while the HAA explained a mere 0.005% to 5.6% of the DBAN-
. If present at all, the HK 1,1,1TCP contributed 8.4% to the
at postcode 08020 but was typically < 1% (Fig. 3).
exceeded DBAN-EQ
by up to a factor of 4
(Table S6) is most likely caused by differences in sample
preparation methods. The DBPs were extracted with group-
specic sample preparation and targeted analytical methods [32],
while the water was extracted with SPE. HANs are a technically
Fig. 3 Iceberg modeling. Comparison of the bioanalytical equiva-
lent concentrations DBAN-EQ
with the DBAN-EQ
percentage of bioassay response explained by the detected
chemicals. All data in Table S6.
B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
challenging group of DBPs: HANs are not volatile enough to be
captured by a purge and trap method but are also not well
recovered by SPE [28]. For chemical analysis HANs were extracted
by liquid-liquid salted microextraction and gas chromatography
but this extraction method would not keep the mixture intact and
not extract HAAs. Therefore, for water sample preparation for
bioanalysis, SPE remains the preferred method. Even if it does not
capture all individual DBPs with high yield, it captures a bigger
diversity than any specialized extraction methods [28]. The SPE
recovery of DCAN was negligible and that of DBAN around 20%
[28], which would explain the factor 4 overestimation of DBAN-
. HAA were recovered by SPE between 10 and 66% [28]. In
addition, HANs are instable in bioassay medium and form HAAs
[49]. Mono-HANs are fairly stable, but Di-HANs have been reported
to be reduced by 40% (DBAN), 68% (BCAN) and 85% (DCAN) in
plate-based bioassays and cell culture medium with 10% fetal
bovine serum [49]. As the HAAs are less potent than the
corresponding HANs, this would also explain part of the
overestimation of DBAN-EQ
The THMs chloroform (TCM), bromodichloromethane (BDCM),
dibromochloromethane (DBCM) and bromoform (TBM) had also
been included in the analysis in the previous study [32]. Due to
their high volatility, they were not extracted by SPE [28], but one
can estimate their additional effect load. Despite the relatively
high concentrations of 0.31 to 36.3 µg/L for TCM, 0.32 to 11.5 µg/L
for BDCM, 1.7 to 26.5 µg/L for DBCM and 0.17 to 57.7 µg/L for TBM
[32], due to the low effect potencies [19], the sum of THMs would
add less than 1% (0.04 to 0.87%) additional DBAN-EQ
to the
of the extracted mixtures, which is negligible (data
and calculations not shown). This is consistent with what has been
found in previous work where THMs were negligible contributors
to mixture effects [28,37,46].
Cytotoxicity was 3 to 23 times less sensitive than the activation
of oxidative stress response and therefore many samples were not
active up to REF 500. A comprehensive study of drinking water
from 6 US drinking water treatment plants found that the
mammalian cell cytotoxicity index (CTI), which is equivalent to the
TU used in the present study, was also dominated by the HANs
Spatial distribution of DBPs and effects
BMA receives water from Ter and Llobregat river, the latter being
richer in bromide concentration [51]. Therefore, the relative
portion of Br-BPs vs Cl-DBPs varies greatly within the region
studied as reported by Redondo-Hasselerharm et al. [32]. In the
Northwestern area of BMA, the water comes from the Ter river
with a lower concentration of bromide. There was a clear spatial
distribution of concentrations with chlorinated DBPs occurring at
higher concentrations in the North, brominated DBPs rather in the
South and East and 1,1,1TPP only in the Northwest (Fig. S9). While
HAAs and the HK were not detected in several sampling sites,
HANs were ubiquitous (Fig. S9). The concentrations in Fig. S9 were
already converted to DBAN-EQ
(i) to allow a direct comparison
between effect contribution of individual DBPs.
In the Northwestern area of BMA (postcodes 08006, 08013,
08016, 08021 to 08027, 08031, 08032, 08035 and 08041, 08042)
concentrations of DCAA, BCAA, DBAA, TCAA were substantially
higher than that of all HANs (ratio ΣHAA/ΣHAN > 9) but due to the
higher REP of HANs, the DBAN-EQ
(ΣHAN) were 32 to 5388
times higher than DBAN-EQ
(ΣHAA). In these samples the
concentration ratios DBAN/DCAN were smaller than 1, often even
smaller than 0.1 or no DBAN detected.
Despite these regional difference in contribution of Cl-DBPs and
Br-DBPs, the DBAN-EQ
was always dominated by HANs due to
their high potency, and HAAs had only a minor contribution to
(Fig. 4a and Table S6). 1,1,1TCP was only detected in
a few samples that were at the same time very low in HAA in the
postcodes 08006, 08013, 08016, 08021 to 08028, 08031, 08032,
080315, 08041. Sample 08018 had only HANs and no detected
HAAs or 1,1,1-TCP but was as potent as other samples. In the
coastal areas (postcodes 08001 to 08005, 08007 to 08011, 08014,
08018 to 08020, 08039) DBAN was 10 times higher than DCAN or
no DCAN was detected and HAAs were in a similar concentration
range as HANs.
Hierarchical clustering depicted in Fig. 4a only clustered the
sample locations and depicts DBAN-EQ
(i). In the Northwestern area of BMA (Fig. 2,
postcodes 08006, 08016, 08022 to 08026, 08031, 08032, 08035
and 08041, 08042) less than 50% of the effect could be explained
by the HANs presumably due to the absence or low concentration
of the brominated DBAN, but the HAAs also had less than 0.1%
contribution to the mixture effects (Fig. 4a). However, 1,1,1-TCP
was detected at these sites and contributed 0.4 to 8.4% of the
biological effect. Presumably other DBPs that were not in the
target analysis or not characterized in the AREc32 could have
contributed to the mixture effect.
In Fig. 4b, the DBAN-EQ
were compared with DBAN-EQ
well as TOC and cytotoxicity DBAN-EQ
(ΣHAN). The original
clustering was performed after scaling (Fig. S10) but in Fig. 4b, the
original data are plotted on a logarithmic scale for easier
comparison. DBAN-EQ
(1,1,1-TCP) and DBAN-EQ
clustered together and were an independent group from all
others, indicating that they did not inuence the mixture effect
very much due to their low potency. DBAN-EQ
then clustered
with the TOC concentration, which can be explained by TOC being
an important precursor of DBPs, although we had not observed a
correlation between TOC and DBAN-EQ
. Those two were
associated with cytotoxicity on the next level of clustering, while
the cluster with DBAN-EQ
(ΣHAN) connected all of them on the
highest level.
Efcacy of point-of-use lters
Consistent with the observations in the cell assays, where the AC
lters did not reduce the cytotoxicity and effects, the ltration also
had a low and variable effect on the removal of TOC and DBPs.
Three of six AC lter did not change the TOC concentrations, only
two lowered it and one even increased the TOC by 38% (Table S7).
While the concentrations of HAAs were reduced by 18 to 91% and
those of HANs by 47 to 100%, this did not directly translate to the
reduction of the predicted mixture effect DBAN-EQ
different DBPs were detected before and after the lter and there
was no consistent picture on the removal of DBAN-EQ
Sometimes the more potent DBPs were removed, sometimes
those of lower potency.
What is striking is that the measured mixture effect for oxidative
stress response (DBAN-EQ
) was only decreased by 49 to 72% in
three lters, but one lter showed no removal (4%) and for one
lter the toxicity increased by 44% and for another one it tripled.
As these lters were not run under optimal conditions but reect
real-life scenarios, we can conclude as in the previous study [32]
that domestic lters need to be used according to the
manufacturers instruction and sufciently often replaced when
the AC become saturated and DBPs and other chemicals can
break through. The lter that showed a three-times increased
oxidative stress response had a recent cartridge change reported
by the participant (personal communication).
In contrast, the ve RO lters all reduced the TOC (Table S1)
substantially and no more DBPs were detected (Table S2). This
aligns well with the substantial but not full reduction of mixture
effects described by DBAN-EQ
, which were reduced by 88 to
92% (Table S7).
This study builds up on three earlier communications of the
presence of DBPs [32], micropollutants [33] and micro(nano)
B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
plastic [34] in the same water samples but provides important
additional insights into the potential harm DBPs may cause.
Bioassays are useful screening tools for drinking water quality and
removal of DBPs. Even if DBPs fall below the limit of detection,
their concentrations are likely not zero but the non-detectable
DBPs still contribute to the mixture effect. Moreover, there are
many more DBPs than typically covered by chemical analysis and
we do not even know how many there really are. Therefore,
bioassays are complementary to chemical analysis and can be
used to assess the overall burden of DBPs already scaled for effect-
Although the pattern, type and concentration of DBPs showed a
substantial regional variability, the effects were much less variable
across the entire BMA. The mixture effects were mainly dominated
by non-regulated DBPs.
We propose to complement the chemical analysis of regulated
DBPs by bioassays because they provide a sum parameter for all
DBPs and other micropollutants present in a drinking water
sample. This requires the denition of effect-based trigger (EBT)
values, which differentiate acceptable from poor water quality.
Tentative EBTs values for oxidative stress response already exist
and none of the investigated water samples exceeded these EBTs.
Before bioassays can be used for regulatory drinking water
monitoring EBTs must be dened for all bioassays of relevance
for DBPs.
The data generated and analyzed during this study can be found in within the
published article, reference [32] and in the Supplementary Information le.
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We thank Patricia González, Anna Gómez, Sònia Navarro, and Lai a Font-Ribera (Public
Health Agency of Barcelona) for providing valuable information on Barcelonas
drinking water supplies. We thank Rita Schlichting for help with the data evaluation.
B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
BE, CMV, CF, MJF, CP, and JC conceptualized the study and designed the
methodology. PERH collected the drinking water samples. JS, CF and CP conducted
contributed to the laboratory analysis of chemicals. PERH and DCS prepared
databases of chemical concentrations. JL and MK performed the bioassay
experiments with SPE extracts, JB, JR and MS performed the direct neurotoxicity
testing of water samples. BE carried out formal data analysis, JN performed advanced
data analysis. BE drafted the manuscript, which was reviewed and edited by all
coauthors. BE, CMV and CF administered the project and acquired the nancial
This project has been partially funded by Ajuntament de Barcelona (Institut de
Cultura, Pla Barcelona Ciencia 2019. #19S01446-006), and partly funded by Instituto
de Salud Carlos III and co-funded by European Union (ERDF) A way to make Europe
(PI20/ 00829). We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation and State Research Agency through the Centro de Excelencia Severo
Ochoa 2019-2023Program (CEX2018-000806-S and CEX2018-000794-S, for ISGlobal
and IDAEA-CSIC, respectively), and support from the Generalitat de Catalunya
through the CERCA Program. MJF acknowledges her Ramón y Cajal fellowship (RyC-
2015-17108), from the AEI-MICIU. JR acknowledge Grant IJC 2018-035126-I funded by
MCIN/AEI and by ESF Investing in your future. We gratefully acknowledge access to
the platform CITEPro (Chemicals in the Environment Proler) funded by the
Helmholtz Association for bioassay measurements and nancial support of the work
at UFZ from the Helmholtz POF IV Topic 9 Healthy Planet- towards a non-toxic
environment.Wenally would like to acknowledge all the volunteers that
participated in the project by providing access to water samples. Open Access
funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
The authors declare no competing interests.
The study was approved by the Parc de Salut Mar Ethics committee.
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material
available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Beate I. Escher.
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B.I. Escher et al.
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2024) 34:126 135
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... The monitoring and assessment of the chemical quality of drinking water and its sources can, in addition to (non-) targeted chemical analysis (Brunner et al., 2020;Renaud et al., 2022) be performed with effect-based methods (EBMs) using bioassays (Neale et al., 2021). EBMs can quantify effects caused by (unknown) chemical mixtures (Escher et al., 2015;Escher et al., 2023;Oskarsson et al., 2021). More potent or higher concentrations of chemicals that elicit a particular effect will cause a higher observed response in the specific corresponding bioassay, resulting in a risk-scaled assessment of mixture toxicity. ...
Bioanalytical tools can be used for assessment of the chemical quality of drinking water and its sources. For water managers it is important to know the probability that a bioassay response above an established health-based 'effect-based trigger value' (EBT) indeed implies a harmful chemical (mixture) concentration. This study presents and applies a framework, based on Bayes' theorem, to derive such risk probabilities for bioassay responses. These were evaluated under varying (in silico) chemical mixture concentrations relevant to drinking water (sources), with toxicity data for six in vitro assays from the ToxCast database. For single chemicals and in silico mixtures, the negative predictive value (NPV) was 100 % for all assays. For water managers, this means that when a bioassay response is below the EBT, a chemical risk is reliably absent, and no further action is required. The positive predictive value (PPV) increased with increasing chemical concentrations (2 µg/L) up to 40-80 %, depending on the assay. For in silico mixtures of increasing numbers of chemicals, the PPV did not increase until higher sum concentrations (>2-10 µg/L). Hence, the ability to accurately signal a harmful chemical (mixture) using bioassays will be lowest for highly diverse, low-concentration chemical mixtures. For water managers, this means in practice that further investigations after an EBT exceedance will, in many cases, not reveal chemicals at harmful concentrations. A solution offered is to increase the trigger value for positive responses to achieve a higher PPV and maintain the EBT for negative responses to ensure an optimal NPV.
... Luben et al. elaborate and compare different exposure assessment metrics to trihalomethanes in epidemiological analyses of reproductive and developmental outcomes [12]. Escher et al. present in vitro assays to evaluate biological responses of including neurotoxicity, oxidative stress, and cytotoxicity in different types of drinking water samples (tap, bottled, filtered) [13] Isaacs et al. present newly developed automated workflows to screen contaminants of concern based on toxicity and exposure potential [14]. Dorevitch et al. develop a novel method to improve detection of particulate lead spikes [15]. ...
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A wide range of chemicals was measured in different types of drinking water and urine samples through target and non-target screening (NTS) to estimate human exposure. Tap water samples collected from 42 locations in Barcelona (August–October/2020, May/2021), tap water filtered with domestic activated carbon filters (AC, N = 6) and reverse osmosis (RO, N = 5), commercial bottled water (N = 10), and urine (N = 39) samples were included. 35 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), bisphenol A, and nonylphenol were analyzed using LC–MS/MS and GC–MS/MS, and NTS using LC–HRMS. 9 PFAS were detected in unfiltered tap water of first sampling (79% samples, median = 30 ng/L), 6 in the second (69%, median = 9.8 ng/L), and 5 in 13% urine samples. NTS tentatively identified pharmaceuticals and other industrial chemicals in drinking water. PFAS were removed by RO and not by AC filters. Findings provide valuable information for exposure science and water quality monitoring of emerging drinking water contaminants.
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Haloacetonitriles (HANs) are an emerging class of nitrogenous disinfection by-products (DBPs) formed in disinfected drinking water and have been reported to be more cyto- and genotoxic than the regulated DBPs. HANs are also known to hydrolyze under neutral pH and normal room temperature. However, the stability of HANs has not been well characterized in DBP toxicological assessments. Most toxicological assessments expose DBPs up to several days which may result in a mixture of HANs and degradation products that might have underestimated HAN toxicity. In this study, HANs stability was characterized in 1) a buffer solution in sealed vials, 2) cell culture media (CCM) in sealed vials, and 3) CCM in 96 sealed well plates with 5% CO2. Solutions were incubated at 37 °C for 3 days. MonoHANs were found to be stable in buffer and CCM except when HANs were incubated in CCM in plates where they could possibly be affected by volatilization and photodegradation during sample handling. However, di- and tri- HANs degraded between 70 and 100% in both buffer solution and CCM. They were also found to be less stable in CCM than in buffer solution possibly from HANs reacting with nucleophiles present in CCM (i.e., amino acids). Identified degradation products include corresponding haloacetamides and haloacetic acids for buffer solutions and only haloacetic acids and an unknown brominated compound for CCM. Results of this study suggests that reported toxicity values might have been underestimated and should consider changing CCM and DBP on a daily basis for a more accurate toxicity measurement.
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Potable reuse, the process of treating wastewater to drinkable standards, offers a reliable and sustainable solution to cities and regions facing shortages of clean water. However, implementation is hindered by perceptions of poor water quality and potential health threats. Herein, we compare water samples from potable reuse systems with conventional drinking waters based on the analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cell cytotoxicity contributed by disinfection by-products (DBPs) and sewage-derived anthropogenic contaminants. In all cases, the cytotoxicity of potable reuse waters is lower than that of drinking waters derived from surface waters. The median contribution to total cytotoxicity was 0.2% for regulated DBPs and 16% for the unregulated DBPs of current research interest. Nonvolatile, uncharacterized DBPs and anthropogenic contaminants accounted for 83% of total cytotoxicity. Potable reuse waters treated by reverse osmosis are not more cytotoxic than groundwaters. Even in the absence of reverse osmosis, reuse waters are less cytotoxic than surface drinking waters. Our results suggest that potable reuse can provide a safe, energy-efficient and cost-effective alternative water supply. Potable reuse provides a reliable and sustainable option to drinking-water supply. However, its implementation is hindered by perceptions of potential health risks. Here, comparing potable reuse water with tap water, the authors show a lower level of cytotoxicity in reuse water.
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Cell-based assays covering environmentally relevant modes of action are widely used for water quality monitoring. However, no high-throughput assays are available for testing developmental neurotoxicity of water samples. We implemented an assay that quantifies neurite outgrowth, which is one of the neurodevelopmental key events, and cell viability in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells using imaging techniques. We used this assay for testing of extracts of surface water collected in agricultural areas during rain events and effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), where more than 200 chemicals had been quantified. Forty-one chemicals were tested individually that were suspected to contribute to the mixture effects among the detected chemicals in environmental samples. Sample sensitivity distributions indicated higher neurotoxicity for surface water samples than for effluents, and the endpoint of neurite outgrowth inhibition was six times more sensitive than cytotoxicity in the surface water samples and only three times more sensitive in the effluent samples. Eight environmental pollutants showed high specificity, and those ranged from pharmaceuticals (mebendazole and verapamil) to pesticides (methiocarb and clomazone), biocides (1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one), and industrial chemicals (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, 7-diethylamino-4-methylcoumarin, and 2-(4-morpholinyl)benzothiazole). Although neurotoxic effects were newly detected for some of our test chemicals, less than 1% of the measured effects were explained by the detected and toxicologically characterized chemicals. The neurotoxicity assay was benchmarked against other bioassays: Activations of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor were similar in sensitivity, highly sensitive and did not differ much between the two water types, with surface water having slightly higher effects than the WWTP effluent. Oxidative stress response mirrored neurotoxicity quite well but was caused by different chemicals in the two water types. Overall, the new cell-based neurotoxicity assay is a valuable complement to the existing battery of effect-based monitoring tools.
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Background Knowledge about human exposure and health effects associated with non-routinely monitored disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water is sparse. Objective To provide insights to estimate exposure to regulated and non-regulated DBPs in drinking water. Methods We collected tap water from homes (N = 42), bottled water (N = 10), filtered tap water with domestic activated carbon jars (N = 6) and reverse osmosis (N = 5), and urine (N = 39) samples of participants from Barcelona, Spain. We analyzed 11 haloacetic acids (HAAs), 4 trihalomethanes (THMs), 4 haloacetonitriles (HANs), 2 haloketones, chlorate, chlorite, and trichloronitromethane in water and HAAs in urine samples. Personal information on water intake and socio-demographics was ascertained in the study population (N = 39) through questionnaires. Statistical models were developed based on THMs as explanatory variables using multivariate linear regression and machine learning techniques to predict non-regulated DBPs. Results Chlorate, THMs, HAAs, and HANs were quantified in 98–100% tap water samples with median concentration of 214, 42, 18, and 3.2 μg/L, respectively. Multivariate linear regression models had similar or higher goodness of fit (R2) compared to machine learning models. Multivariate linear models for dichloro-, trichloro-, and bromodichloroacetic acid, dichloroacetonitrile, bromochloroacetonitrile, dibromoacetonitrile, trichloropropnanone, and chlorite showed good predictive ability (R² = 0.8–0.9) as 80–90% of total variance could be explained by THM concentrations. Activated carbon filters reduced DBP concentrations to a variable extent (27–80%), and reverse osmosis reduced DBP concentrations ≥98%. Only chlorate was detected in bottled water samples (N = 3), with median = 13.0 µg/L. Creatinine-adjusted trichloroacetic acid was the most frequently detected HAA in urine samples (69.2%), and moderately correlated with estimated drinking water intake (r = 0.48). Significance Findings provide valuable insights for DBP exposure assessment in epidemiological studies. Validation of predictive models in a larger number of samples and replication in different settings is warranted. Impact statement Our study focused on assessing and describing the occurrence of several classes of DBPs in drinking water and developing exposure models of good predictive ability for non-regulated DBPs.
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Early life exposure to environmental chemicals can cause developmental neurotoxicity (DNT). The impairment of key neurodevelopmental processes such as neurite outgrowth inhibition can be used as endpoints for screening of DNT effects. We quantified neurite-specific effects using the ratio of effect concentrations for cytotoxicity and neurite outgrowth inhibition (SR cytotoxicity ). Baseline cytotoxicity, the minimal toxicity of any chemical, was used to quantify enhanced cytotoxicity (toxic ratio, TR) and neuronal-specific toxicity (SR baseline ) by comparing baseline cytotoxicity with the effects on cell viability and neurite outgrowth, respectively. The effects on cell viability and neurite length were measured based on image analysis in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Baseline cytotoxicity was predicted from hydrophobicity descriptors using a previously published model for SH-SY5Y cells. Enhanced cytotoxicity and neuronal-specific toxicity were more often observed for hydrophilic chemicals, which indicates that they are more likely to act through specific modes of action (MOA) on cell viability and neurite outgrowth. Hydrophobic chemicals showed a tendency to act through baseline toxicity without showing specific or enhanced toxicity, but were highly potent considering their low effect concentrations for both cytotoxicity and neurite outgrowth inhibition. The endpoint-specific controls (narciclasine, colchicine, cycloheximide, and rotenone), two carbamates (3-hydroxycarbofuran and carbaryl), and two redox cyclers (diquat and paraquat) showed distinct neurite-specific effects (SR cytotoxicity > 4). By comparing neurite-specific effects with enhanced cytotoxicity, one can explain whether the observed effects involve specific inhibition of neurite outgrowth, other specific MOAs, or merely baseline toxicity arising from hydrophobicity.
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This study reveals key disinfection byproduct (DBP) toxicity drivers in drinking water across the United States. DBPs, which are ubiquitous in drinking water, form by the reaction of disinfectants, organic matter, bromide, and iodide and are generally present at 100-1000× higher concentrations than other contaminants. DBPs are linked to bladder cancer, miscarriage, and birth defects in human epidemiologic studies, but it is not known as to which DBPs are responsible. We report the most comprehensive investigation of drinking water toxicity to date, with measurements of extracted whole-water mammalian cell chronic cytotoxicity, over 70 regulated and priority unregulated DBPs, and total organic chlorine, bromine, and iodine, revealing a more complete picture of toxicity drivers. A variety of impacted waters were investigated, including those impacted by wastewater, agriculture, and seawater. The results revealed that unregulated haloacetonitriles, particularly dihaloacetonitriles, are important toxicity drivers. In seawater-impacted water treated with chloramine, toxicity was driven by iodinated DBPs, particularly iodoacetic acids. In chlorinated waters, the combined total organic chlorine and bromine was highly and significantly correlated with toxicity (r = 0.94, P < 0.01); in chloraminated waters, total organic iodine was highly and significantly correlated with toxicity (r = 0.80, P < 0.001). These results indicate that haloacetonitriles and iodoacetic acids should be prioritized in future research for potential regulation consideration.
Humans are exposed to disinfection by-products through oral, inhalation, and dermal routes, during bathing and swimming, potentially causing skin lesions, asthma, and bladder cancer. Nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (NRF2) is a master regulator of the adaptive antioxidant response via the antioxidant reaction elements (ARE) orchestrating the transcription of a large group of antioxidant and detoxification genes. Here we used an immortalized human keratinocyte model HaCaT cells to investigate NRF2-ARE as a responder and protector in the acute cytotoxicity of seven haloacetonitriles (HANs), including chloroacetonitrile (CAN), bromoacetonitrile (BAN), iodoacetonitrile (IAN), bromochloroacetonitrile (BCAN), dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN), dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN), and trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN) found in drinking water and swimming pools. The rank order of cytotoxicity among the HANs tested was IAN ≈ BAN ˃ DBAN ˃ BCAN ˃ CAN ˃ TCAN ˃ DCAN based on their LC50. The HANs induced intracellular reactive oxygen species accumulation and activated cellular antioxidant responses in concentration- and time-dependent fashions, showing elevated NRF2 protein levels and ARE activity, induction of antioxidant genes, and increased glutathione levels. Additionally, knockdown of NRF2 by lentiviral shRNAs sensitized the HaCaT cells to HANs-induced cytotoxicity, emphasizing a protective role of NRF2 against the cytotoxicity of HANs. These results indicate that HANs cause oxidative stress and activate NRF2-ARE-mediated antioxidant response, which in turn protects the cells from HANs-induced cytotoxicity, highlighting that NRF2-ARE activity could be a sensitive indicator to identify and characterize the oxidative stress induced by HANs and other environmental pollutants.
Dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN) and dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN) are haloacetonitriles (HANs) produced as by-products of chloramine disinfection of drinking water and can cause neurotoxicity. The molecular pathways leading to HAN-induced neuronal cell death remain unclear. The nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2) is an important regulator of oxidation reactions. We explored the role of the sequestosome 1 (p62)–Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1)–Nrf2 pathway in DBAN- and DCAN-induced mouse hippocampal neuronal (HT22) cell injury. DBAN and DCAN reduced cell viability, increased lactate dehydrogenase release rate, and promoted apoptosis. Over the same treatment time, DBAN at lower concentrations caused cell injury, suggesting that DBAN is more cytotoxic than DCAN. DBAN and DCAN triggered oxidative stress by reducing intracellular glutathione and increasing reactive oxygen species concentrations. DBAN and DCAN activated the Nrf2 pathway. Furthermore, Nrf2 inhibitors (all-trans retinoic acid) attenuated DBAN- and DCAN-induced toxicity, whereas Nrf2 activators (tert-Butylhydroquinone) achieved the opposite effect. This indicates that activation of the Nrf2 pathway mediates DBAN- and DCAN-induced cell injury. Notably, the expression of p62, a noncanonical pathway that mediates Nrf2 activation, increased, whereas the expression of Keap1, another regulator of Nrf2, decreased. We noted that high p62 expression activated the Nrf2 pathway, and p62 was regulated through Nrf2, forming a positive feedback loop. N-acetyl-L-cysteine, a mercaptan substance, protected against DBAN- and DCAN-induced toxicity and inhibited the Nrf2 pathway. In summary, Nrf2 pathway inhibition and mercaptan supplementation prevent DBAN- and DCAN-induced HT22 cell injury, accordingly, targeting them is a potential approach to preventing HAN-induced neurotoxicity.
Microplastics (MPLs) are emerging persistent pollutants affecting drinking water systems, and different studies have reported their presence in tap water. However, most of the work has a focus on particles in the 100-5 µm range. Here, a workflow to identify and quantify polymers of micro and nanoplastics (MNPLs), with sizes from 0.7 to 20 µm in tap water, is presented. The analytical method consisted of water fractionated filtration followed by toluene ultrasonic-assisted extraction and size-exclusion chromatography, using an advanced polymer chromatography column coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure photoionization source with negative and positive ionization conditions (HPLC(APC)-APPI(±)-HRMS) and normal phase chromatography HILIC LUNA® column and electrospray ionisation source in positive and negative mode (HPLC(HILIC)-ESI(±)-HRMS). The acquisition was performed in full scan mode, and the subsequent tentative identification of MNPLs polymers has been based on increasing the confirmation level, including the characterisation of monomers by using Kendrick Mass Defect (KMD) analysis, and confirmation and quantification using standards. This approach was applied to assess MNPLs in tap water samples of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA), that were collected from August to October 2020 from home taps of volunteers distributed in the 42 postal codes of the BMA. Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyisoprene (PI), polybutadiene (PBD), polystyrene (PS), polyamide (PA), and polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS) were identified. PE, PP, and PA were the most highly detected polymers, and PI and PBD were found at the highest concentrations (9 and 1.9 µg/L, respectively). A principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to assess differences in MNPLs occurrence in drinking water, that was provided from the two drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) suppliers. Results showed that no significant differences (at 95 % confidence level) were established between the drinking water supplies to the different areas of the BMA.