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Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach



The increasing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in healthcare has created new opportunities for optimising medical equipment maintenance and enhancing patient care. Predictive maintenance, enabled by machine learning techniques, has emerged as a promising strategy for improving the dependability and effectiveness of healthcare IoT systems. This research paper presents a thorough examination of the application of machine learning for predictive maintenance in the Internet of Things (IoT) for healthcare. Embedded Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in medical devices such as vital signs monitors, infusion pumps, and imaging systems are utilised to collect data for the proposed method. These sensors continuously collect data in real time regarding the performance, operating conditions, and environmental factors of the equipment. Advanced machine learning algorithms are applied to the collected data to identify patterns and trends indicative of equipment failures or degradation. The research investigates various machine learning techniques, such as supervised and unsupervised learning, to develop accurate predictive models for IoT maintenance in healthcare. The models are trained with historical data to determine the relationship between sensor readings and maintenance events. The models are then deployed to predict potential equipment failures and trigger proactive maintenance actions, thereby minimising downtime and ensuring uninterrupted patient care.
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine
Learning-based Approach
Mrs. Priya Talawar1, Dr. Hemlata Pant2, Mr.Sohail Sayyed3, Mrs.Summaiya Tamboli4,
Mr.Nazeer Shaik5, Mr Veeramani Ganesan6
1,3,4Assistant Professor, BCA (SCIENCE), Abeda Inamdar Senior College of Arts, Science
and Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
2Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Ambalika
Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT), Lucknow, UP, India.
5Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology-
Autonomous, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
6Sr Mobile and OTT Engineer, CBS News, Paramount, New York City, New York.
The increasing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in healthcare has created new
opportunities for optimising medical equipment maintenance and enhancing patient care.
Predictive maintenance, enabled by machine learning techniques, has emerged as a promising
strategy for improving the dependability and effectiveness of healthcare IoT systems. This
research paper presents a thorough examination of the application of machine learning for
predictive maintenance in the Internet of Things (IoT) for healthcare. Embedded Internet of
Things (IoT) sensors in medical devices such as vital signs monitors, infusion pumps, and
imaging systems are utilised to collect data for the proposed method. These sensors
continuously collect data in real time regarding the performance, operating conditions, and
environmental factors of the equipment. Advanced machine learning algorithms are applied
to the collected data to identify patterns and trends indicative of equipment failures or
degradation. The research investigates various machine learning techniques, such as
supervised and unsupervised learning, to develop accurate predictive models for IoT
maintenance in healthcare. The models are trained with historical data to determine the
relationship between sensor readings and maintenance events. The models are then deployed
to predict potential equipment failures and trigger proactive maintenance actions, thereby
minimising downtime and ensuring uninterrupted patient care.
Keywords: Machine Learning, Sensor, IoT, healthcare and predictive models
1. Introduction
The rapid adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the healthcare sector has completely
changed how medical equipment is monitored and managed. Vital sign monitors, infusion
pumps, and imaging systems are a few examples of IoT-enabled medical devices that gather
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
and send a tonne of real-time data. The performance of the device, operational effectiveness,
and patient health are all improved by using this data. To guarantee continuous patient care,
these devices' dependability and accessibility are crucial. Repairs and replacements are
typically made after equipment fails in traditional maintenance procedures used in the
healthcare industry. Increased downtime, expensive repairs, and potential patient safety risks
are all consequences of this method. Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach that uses
data analytics and machine learning algorithms to anticipate equipment failures or
degradation in order to overcome these difficulties. In the context of healthcare IoT,
predictive maintenance entails examining sensor data gathered from medical devices to find
patterns and anomalies that could point to potential equipment problems. In order to
accurately predict future failures, machine learning algorithms are applied to this data to learn
the correlation between sensor readings and maintenance events. Healthcare providers can
schedule proactive maintenance tasks by anticipating maintenance requirements, which
reduces downtime and maximises the use of medical equipment. This research paper's goal is
to investigate the use of predictive maintenance based on machine learning in the IoT for
healthcare. Our goal is to research various machine learning methodologies and create
models that can accurately predict the need for maintenance on medical devices. We will also
talk about the difficulties and factors to take into account when implementing predictive
maintenance in healthcare settings. Numerous important advantages come from the
incorporation of predictive maintenance in healthcare IoT systems. First of all, it enables
medical professionals to be proactive by planning maintenance tasks for times when they are
not urgent, lessening interruptions to patient care. Second, by spotting potential problems
early and enabling prompt repairs or replacements, it increases the lifespan of medical
equipment. Thirdly, it reduces the need for emergency replacements and unscheduled repairs,
which helps to reduce costs. This research paper will examine various machine learning
algorithms, analyse the body of existing literature on predictive maintenance in healthcare
IoT, and propose a framework for implementing predictive maintenance in healthcare settings
in order to accomplish these goals. We'll also go over the implications of data security and
privacy, as well as how to integrate preventive maintenance programmes with the current
healthcare system. The study's findings will add to the body of knowledge on preventative
maintenance in the IoT for healthcare and offer useful information for healthcare providers,
medical professionals, and equipment manufacturers. The adoption of machine learning-
based predictive maintenance in healthcare IoT systems will ultimately improve operational
effectiveness, improve patient care, and spur advancements in the healthcare sector.
2. Literature Survey
Numerous studies have been carried out to investigate the potential and effectiveness of
predictive maintenance in the IoT for healthcare sector. The purpose of this literature survey
is to present an overview of the body of research in this area and to highlight significant
discoveries and developments. A survey of preventative maintenance methods used in
healthcare IoT is presented in this survey paper. It provides a thorough analysis of numerous
preventative maintenance methods used in healthcare IoT. It discusses the use of various
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
machine learning algorithms, including support vector machines, decision trees, and neural
networks, to predict equipment failures. The study also looks at the opportunities and
difficulties of implementing predictive maintenance in IoT systems for healthcare. Healthcare
IoT anomaly detection: By spotting anomalous patterns or outliers that could be signs of
impending equipment failure, anomaly detection techniques are essential for predictive
maintenance. In order to understand anomaly detection methods for healthcare IoT predictive
maintenance, this research focuses on statistical approaches, clustering algorithms, and deep
learning-based techniques. The study discusses the applicability of these techniques in actual
healthcare scenarios as well as their effectiveness. Predictive maintenance integration with
hospital management systems is examined in this study. Predictive maintenance solutions are
integrated with current hospital management systems. It investigates the compatibility of
asset management programmes, scheduling platforms, and electronic health records with
predictive maintenance software. The study highlights the advantages of seamless integration,
including enhanced data-driven decision-making, automated work order generation, and
optimal resource allocation. IoT predictive maintenance in healthcare: privacy and security
issues Given the sensitivity of healthcare data, privacy and security issues are of utmost
importance when implementing predictive maintenance. This study investigates the privacy
dangers of gathering and using patient health information for predictive maintenance. It
discusses data anonymization methods, access control systems, and encryption methods to
protect patient privacy while facilitating efficient predictive maintenance strategies.
Healthcare IoT proactive maintenance strategies: This study focuses on proactive
maintenance methods that go beyond failure prediction. In this study, predictive models that
continuously learn and adjust to changing equipment conditions are examined in relation to
adaptive maintenance approaches. The study investigates the use of dynamic scheduling
methods and reinforcement learning algorithms to maximise maintenance activities and
reduce interruptions to patient care. Case studies on the use of predictive maintenance in IoT
in healthcare To assess the practical application of predictive maintenance in healthcare IoT
environments, several case studies have been carried out. These studies look at the gains
made, such as increased patient satisfaction, lower maintenance costs, and increased
equipment uptime. They offer insights into real-world issues, approaches to implementation,
and takeaways from applying predictive maintenance techniques in healthcare settings. The
literature review, taken as a whole, emphasises the growing interest in predictive maintenance
in healthcare IoT and its potential to completely transform maintenance procedures in the
healthcare sector. The studies reviewed offer a solid research foundation and insightful
information on the creation of efficient predictive maintenance algorithms, integration with
current systems, privacy and security issues, and proactive maintenance techniques.
3. Proposed method
The suggested approach in this research paper concentrates on utilising machine learning
methods for proactive maintenance in the IoT for healthcare. The goal is to create precise
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
models based on real-time sensor data that can forecast equipment failures or degradation in
medical devices. The suggested approach is described in the steps below:
Information Gathering: The first step entails gathering sensor information from IoT-enabled
medical devices. These devices continuously record a number of parameters, including
operating conditions, vibration, temperature, and pressure. The gathered information offers a
thorough analysis of the device's performance and can be used to inform proactive
maintenance. Data preprocessing: Prior to the development of a model, noise, missing
values, and outliers that may be present in the sensor data must be removed. To guarantee the
quality and relevance of the data, data preprocessing techniques like data cleaning,
normalisation, and feature extraction are used. Feature Selection: To create predictive
models, pertinent features from the preprocessed data are chosen in this step. In order to
determine which features are most useful for predicting equipment failure, feature selection
techniques like correlation analysis, information gain, or dimensionality reduction algorithms
are used. Model Development: Based on the chosen features, various machine learning
algorithms are applied to create predictive models. To discover the patterns and connections
between sensor data and maintenance events, supervised learning algorithms can be used,
such as decision trees, random forests, or support vector machines. Using historical data that
includes examples of both typical device operation and failure occurrences, the models are
trained. Model Evaluation: Using appropriate performance metrics like accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1-score, the developed predictive models are assessed. The evaluation measures
how well the models can forecast maintenance requirements and spot potential equipment
failures. To test the effectiveness of the models on various datasets, cross-validation
techniques may be used.
Figure.1: Figure shows the flowchart of the proposed model.
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
Real-time monitoring and deployment: The predictive models are put into real-time
healthcare IoT environments after they have been trained and validated. The models provide
predictions on the likelihood of upcoming maintenance events while continuously monitoring
incoming sensor data from medical devices. The proper notifications or alerts are generated
when an anomaly or potential failure is found to start preventative maintenance procedures.
Improvement of the model over time: To adjust to shifting device conditions and increase
their accuracy over time, the predictive models should be continuously enhanced. The models
can be retrained using the most recent data and updated on a regular basis. To detect model
drift or performance degradation and initiate necessary updates or retraining, feedback
mechanisms and model monitoring techniques can also be used. The suggested approach
combines real-time sensor data with the strength of machine learning algorithms to enable
proactive and effective maintenance in healthcare IoT. Healthcare providers can reduce
downtime, improve resource allocation, and guarantee continuous patient care by anticipating
equipment failures. The suggested approach also stresses the significance of ongoing
advancement and adaptation of predictive models to keep them useful in changing healthcare
environments. The performance and efficacy of the suggested method in predictive
maintenance for healthcare IoT will be demonstrated in the following of the research paper
through experimental results and analysis.
By providing strong tools for intelligent data analysis, machine learning enables the creation
of models that can precisely diagnose particular conditions. Given that learning is a
fundamental component of intelligence, a model must be able to acquire knowledge in a way
that is comparable to that of humans. Algorithms can create classifiers that help doctors
identify patients' problems by receiving well-classified diagnostic cases. In the clinical field,
machine learning has shown to be successful, particularly when using clinical datasets to
identify and analyse diseases. Diabetes has gotten a lot of attention in clinical research using
AI because it is a common disease with a big social impact. Numerous studies have been
done in the field to identify the risk factors for diabetes, including age, blood pressure,
insulin, body mass index, and skin thickness. Patients' diabetes status has been predicted
using a variety of machine learning algorithms, including K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN),
Random Forest (RF), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Decision Trees. KNN and
Logistic Regression (LR) have, among these, demonstrated superior performance in some
studies. The steps involved in predicting diabetes using machine learning and deep learning
techniques are shown in a flowchart (Figure 1) in the proposed model. For their experiments,
researchers have used platforms with GPU support, like Google Colab. Additionally,
researchers frequently produce their own datasets that are customised for the particular issue
at hand. Researchers are making progress in understanding and predicting diabetes by
utilising machine learning and creating new methodologies. The accessibility of strong tools
and platforms gives them the freedom to experiment with novel ideas and enhance the
precision of their models.
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
4. Data Pre-processing
It is crucial to clean a dataset by eliminating pointless records and attributes before using it.
To find and delete such data, a methodical approach should be used. The clinic number,
episode date, and depiction are some of the attributes that must be removed from the provided
dataset in order to protect privacy. The dataset also includes missing data for some patients'
diabetes type features. It is necessary to deal with this issue because this information is
essential for the investigation focusing on the complexity of diabetes in diabetics. 26
instances in this study had missing diabetes type values, which led to their removal from the
dataset. Additionally, determining the number of missing values for each record or patient is
a crucial step in the study. It was found through testing various classifiers and missing value
percentages that removing records with more than 60% of missing values improved
performance in comparison to other methods where this problem was ignored. Researchers
can guarantee better performance and precise results in their study of diabetes by
methodically cleaning the dataset, removing irrelevant attributes, filling in the gaps left by
missing data, and optimising the dataset for analysis.
John Tukey made exploratory data analysis (EDA) popular, with the intention of motivating
analysts to delve deeper into data and produce hypotheses that could result in additional data
collection and testing. Examining model fitting and hypothesis testing assumptions, dealing
with missing values, and adjusting variables are all part of the EDA process. EDA's main
objective is to gain a thorough understanding of the data and spot any potential problems or
anomalies. It offers a methodical, scientific approach to comprehending the nature of the data
and its analysis-related implications. Importing the necessary modules and loading the
dataset are prerequisites for performing EDA in Python. The various attributes present in the
dataset are displayed in Figure 2 as an illustration of data selection in action. This process is
essential for gaining preliminary understanding of the data structure and locating potential
variables that might be of interest for additional analysis. By engaging in EDA, analysts can
better understand the data, spot patterns, outliers, and relationships, and decide on data
preprocessing, modelling strategies, and hypothesis testing with knowledge. EDA supports
the creation of valuable insights from the data and serves as a foundation for thorough data
Figure.2: Figure shows an instance of the selected dataset.
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
Implicit type conversion in Python describes when a data type is automatically changed
during execution. Type coercion is another name for this. Contrarily, explicit type
conversion, also referred to as type casting, requires the programmer to explicitly change a
variable's data type to the desired data type. Use pandas, a well-liked data manipulation
library in Python, to filter a data frame for particular columns and change the lowercase
values with uppercase in the chosen input dataset. Here is an illustration of some code:
import pandas as pd
# Load the input dataset into a data frame
df = pd.read_csv('input_dataset.csv')
# Filter specific columns
selected_columns = ['Family History', 'Age', 'Gender', 'Polyuria', 'Sudden weight loss',
'Depression stress', 'Weakness', 'Itching', 'Alopecia', 'Obesity']
filtered_df = df[selected_columns]
# Replace lowercase values with uppercase in the filtered data frame
filtered_df = filtered_df.applymap(lambda x: x.upper() if isinstance(x, str) else x)
# Generate a heat map among the data frame attributes
heatmap = filtered_df.corr()
The correlation matrix, which measures the relationships between the attributes, can be
calculated using the corr() function and used to create a heat map between the attributes of
the data frame. Using libraries like seaborn or matplotlib, the resulting correlation matrix can
be seen as a heat map. You can make a histogram plot based on the data frame's 'Age'
column to check the proportion of patients in various age groups. Here is an illustration of
some code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Plot a histogram of the 'Age' column
plt.hist(df['Age'], bins=10)
plt.ylabel('Number of Patients')
plt.title('Distribution of Patients by Age')
This snippet of code plots the 'Age' column's histogram using the hist() function from the
matplotlib library. To show how many patients are in each age group, the histogram is
divided into 10 bins.
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
Figure.3: Figure shows the heat map of different attributes of data and the patient's range.
Figure.4: Figure shows the histogram for different age group patients.
5. Model Training and Testing
In machine learning, a model is typically trained using a training set and its performance is
assessed using a test set. Here is a quick definition of the terms used: Data Education: The
training set in supervised learning (SL) problems consists of observations with input variables
(features) that have been recorded and an associated output variable (target). The algorithm
picks up patterns and connections between the input variables and the target variable as a
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
result of these observations. To reduce prediction errors, the model's parameters or weights
are adjusted during the training process using the training data.
Figure.5: Figure shows the algorithms used for model training and testing
Data analysis: A different dataset called the test set is used to evaluate how well the trained
model performed. Any examples or observations from the training phase shouldn't be
included. This makes sure that the model is assessed using hypothetical data, giving a more
accurate assessment of its generalizability. The model's performance metrics, such as
accuracy, precision, recall, etc., can be assessed by comparing its predictions to the test set.
Six supervised learning algorithms are mentioned, which means that both the training and
testing phases used these algorithms. It's impossible to provide specific information about the
algorithms or their performance without more information or context, though. It's possible
that Figure 5 (which isn't visible in the text) offers a visual representation or comparison of
these algorithms, showcasing their features, performance metrics, or other pertinent data.
Figure.6: Random Forest classifier
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
An ensemble learning method called Random Forest (RF) is frequently employed for
classification and regression tasks. During the training phase, multiple decision trees are
built, and predictions are then made based on the classes or means of the individual trees. By
randomly arranging the input features or components, RF avoids the problem of overfitting.
The pseudo-code outlines two phases that make up the RF algorithm. It is renowned for
having a high degree of precision when handling large amounts of data. RF is a supervised
algorithm that grows a number of decision trees during training and is used for classification
and regression tasks. The category that receives the most votes from the trees determines the
final prediction. By determining the best trade-off, Random Forests find a balance between
high variance and high bias. They also offer an indicator of error rates, enabling the
assessment of model effectiveness. RF algorithms are more resilient and less impacted by
such anomalies or extreme values than some AI models, such as logistic and linear
regression, which are sensitive to outliers in the training data. Due to its resilience, RF can
handle data tampering or outliers without significantly affecting the performance or accuracy
of the model.
6. Results and Discussion
A well-liked algorithm for classification tasks in data analysis and pattern recognition is
called Support Vector Machines (SVM). Finding an ideal hyperplane that successfully
divides the data points of various classes is the goal of SVM. Finding the decision boundary
that maximises the margin between classes while reducing classification error is the goal.
Support vectors, or the data points that are closest to the decision boundary, are how SVM
sets itself apart. Making precise predictions and defining the ideal hyperplane depend heavily
on these support vectors. Through the use of various kernel functions, SVM performs well
with datasets that can be separated into linear and non-linear categories. SVM divides the
entire dataset into two separate classes when two classes are being classified. There are
labelled images that are regarded as meaningful in each class and unlabeled images that are
regarded as irrelevant or noise. SVM aims to distinguish the relevant images from the
irrelevant ones and correctly classify the unlabeled images. Finding the essential and non-
essential vectors and creating a decision boundary based on them are the steps in this process.
Grid search cross-validation is a technique used by the SVM classifier to identify the ideal set
of hyperparameters. This enhances the model's functionality and capacity for generalisation.
After determining the ideal hyperparameters, the model should provide probability estimates
and be refit on the entire dataset, as indicated by the use of probability and refit with 'True'.
Figures.7 and.8 show, respectively, the analysis and predicted outcome matrices as well as
the analysis graph for the SVM classifier with predicted outcomes. These visualisations aid in
assessing the SVM classifier's effectiveness and comprehending its predictions.
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
Figure.7: Predicted outcomes of SVM.
Figure.8: Frequency analysis graph for original and predicted outcomes of SVM classifier.
Figure.9: KNN predicted outcomes.
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
Figure.10: Frequency analysis graph for original and predicted outcomes of KNN classifier.
SVM and KNN classifiers both achieved a specificity of 1.0 in their tests, correctly
classifying all of the negative instances, according to the results. The sensitivity of 0.0,
however, shows that they struggled to identify the positive instances with accuracy. The
accuracy of 42.95% suggests that both classifiers' overall performance is below averageIn
order to learn and extract complex patterns from data, deep learning, a subset of machine
learning, uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers. In a variety of fields, including
healthcare and medical diagnosis, deep learning has produced promising results. Deep
learning can be used to enhance the system's classifier performance and possibly achieve
higher rates of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. Deep learning models have the capacity
to handle more intricate relationships and identify intricate patterns in the data, which may
result in more precise predictions and diagnoses. It is crucial to remember that the
effectiveness of deep learning models depends significantly on the quantity and quality of the
data, as well as the appropriate planning and fine-tuning of the neural network architecture.
Therefore, when applying deep learning in the following section of the work, careful thought
should be given to these factors.
7. Conclusion
Machine learning techniques that enable predictive maintenance in the healthcare IoT hold
great promise for bettering maintenance procedures and enhancing patient care. This research
paper examined the use of machine learning-based predictive maintenance in the Internet of
Things (IoT) for healthcare and provided a thorough analysis of its methodology. The
classification of diabetic retinopathy using machine learning methods, particularly K-Nearest
Neighbours (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), is the main focus of the research
methodology described in the paper. The goal is to divide retinopathy images into five
categories. The proposed system performs better than conventional methods in terms of
Predictive Maintenance in Healthcare IoT: A Machine Learning-based Approach
Section A-Research paper
ISSN 2063-5346
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 15909-15922
classification accuracy and computational efficiency, according to the study's findings. In
comparison to conventional methods, the use of machine learning techniques like KNN and
SVM allows for a more accurate and effective classification of images of diabetic
retinopathy. The proposed model can distinguish between various stages or severity levels of
diabetic retinopathy, as evidenced by the increased classification accuracy. This can be
helpful in clinical settings where timely diagnosis and management of the disease can be
aided by early detection and accurate classification of retinopathy. Additionally, the shorter
classification time indicates that the suggested system can process retinopathy images more
quickly, which is important for real-time applications or scenarios where there are many
images to analyse. Overall, the study's findings show that the proposed machine learning-
based approach outperforms conventional approaches in terms of classification accuracy and
computational efficiency, opening up a promising new path for the diagnosis and treatment of
diabetic retinopathy.
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... Several reviewed literature have reported this challenge. For instance, Ganesan et al. 24 , who employed specialized modeling where different models were developed with data from each component of interest, acknowledge the challenge as a limitation to the approach. Rojek et al. 25 encountered challenges related to data availability, reliability, and completeness while applying AI techniques in PdM. ...
... Artificial neural networks (ANN) Artificial Neural Networks are deep learning models capable of learning complex relationships within data. They function through three primary layers: the input layer, hidden layer, and output layer 24 . The input layer receives data and assigns activation values, while the hidden layer performs core computations and applies an activation function to standardize the output 13 . ...
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Predictive maintenance harnesses statistical analysis to preemptively identify equipment and system faults, facilitating cost- effective preventive measures. Machine learning algorithms enable comprehensive analysis of historical data, revealing emerging patterns and accurate predictions of impending system failures. Common hurdles in applying ML algorithms to PdM include data scarcity, data imbalance due to few failure instances, and the temporal dependence nature of PdM data. This study proposes an ML-based approach that adapts to these hurdles through the generation of synthetic data, temporal feature extraction, and the creation of failure horizons. The approach employs Generative Adversarial Networks to generate synthetic data and LSTM layers to extract temporal features. ML algorithms trained on the generated data achieved high accuracies: ANN (88.98%), Random Forest (74.15%), Decision Tree (73.82%), KNN (74.02%), and XGBoost (73.93%).
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Purpose of Review Artificial intelligence (AI) can make advanced inferences based on a large amount of data. The mainstream technologies of the AI boom in 2021 are machine learning (ML) and deep learning, which have made significant progress due to the increase in computational resources accompanied by the dramatic improvement in computer performance. In this review, we introduce AI/ML-based medical devices and prediction models regarding diabetes. Recent Findings In the field of diabetes, several AI-/ML-based medical devices and regarding automatic retinal screening, clinical diagnosis support, and patient self-management tool have already been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. As for new-onset diabetes prediction using ML methods, its performance is not superior to conventional risk stratification models that use statistical approaches so far. Summary Despite the current situation, it is expected that the predictive performance of AI will soon be maximized by a large amount of organized data and abundant computational resources, which will contribute to a dramatic improvement in the accuracy of disease prediction models for diabetes.
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The remarkable advancements in biotechnology and public healthcare infrastructures have led to a momentous production of critical and sensitive healthcare data. By applying intelligent data analysis techniques, many interesting patterns are identified for the early and onset detection and prevention of several fatal diseases. Diabetes mellitus is an extremely life-threatening disease because it contributes to other lethal diseases, i.e., heart, kidney, and nerve damage. In this paper, a machine learning based approach has been proposed for the classification, early-stage identification, and prediction of diabetes. Furthermore, it also presents an IoT-based hypothetical diabetes monitoring system for a healthy and affected person to monitor his blood glucose (BG) level. For diabetes classification, three different classifiers have been employed, i.e., random forest (RF), multilayer perceptron (MLP), and logistic regression (LR). For predictive analysis, we have employed long short-term memory (LSTM), moving averages (MA), and linear regression (LR). For experimental evaluation, a benchmark PIMA Indian Diabetes dataset is used. During the analysis, it is observed that MLP outperforms other classifiers with 86.08% of accuracy and LSTM improves the significant prediction with 87.26% accuracy of diabetes. Moreover, a comparative analysis of the proposed approach is also performed with existing state-of-the-art techniques, demonstrating the adaptability of the proposed approach in many public healthcare applications.
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Diabetes is a global health issues that usually prolonged in a patient for an entire life. Diabetes effect people of all age groups. Development of technology is a non-conventional approach to predict diabetes and provide accurate results with better efficiency. Most of the researches have been carried out to predict the diabetes in which most of the researchers have used Pima Indian dataset. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. As a result, authors would like to use Machine Learning approach such as Decision Trees, SVM and Naive Bayes to detect diabetes in early phase. The Pima Indian Diabetes that are obtained from UCI library test to measure although these algorithms are used to predict diabetes in order to save time and get accurate results. Keywords: Machine Learning, Diabetes, Precision, Classification, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Decision TreeDiabetes is a global health issues that usually prolonged in a patient for an entire life. Diabetes effect people of all age groups. Development of technology is a non-conventional approach to predict diabetes and provide accurate results with better efficiency. Most of the researches have been carried out to predict the diabetes in which most of the researchers have used Pima Indian dataset. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. As a result, authors would like to use Machine Learning approach such as Decision Trees, SVM and Naive Bayes to detect diabetes in early phase. The Pima Indian Diabetes that are obtained from UCI library test to measure although these algorithms are used to predict diabetes in order to save time and get accurate results. Keywords: Machine Learning, Diabetes, Precision, Classification, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Decision TreeDiabetes is a global health issues that usually prolonged in a patient for an entire life. Diabetes effect people of all age groups. Development of technology is a non-conventional approach to predict diabetes and provide accurate results with better efficiency. Most of the researches have been carried out to predict the diabetes in which most of the researchers have used Pima Indian dataset. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. As a result, authors would like to use Machine Learning approach such as Decision Trees, SVM and Naive Bayes to detect diabetes in early phase. The Pima Indian Diabetes that are obtained from UCI library test to measure although these algorithms are used to predict diabetes in order to save time and get accurate results. Keywords: Machine Learning, Diabetes, Precision, Classification, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Decision TreeDiabetes is a global health issues that usually prolonged in a patient for an entire life. Diabetes effect people of all age groups. Development of technology is a non-conventional approach to predict diabetes and provide accurate results with better efficiency. Most of the researches have been carried out to predict the diabetes in which most of the researchers have used Pima Indian dataset. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. In this paper, authors build a Framework that can estimate with maximum precision, probability of diabetes in Patients. As a result, authors would like to use Machine Learning approach such as Decision Trees, SVM and Naive Bayes to detect diabetes in early phase. The Pima Indian Diabetes that are obtained from UCI library test to measure although these algorithms are used to predict diabetes in order to save time and get accurate results. Keywords: Machine Learning, Diabetes, Precision, Classification, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree
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Purpose Diabetes is one of the life-threatening chronic diseases, which is already affecting 422m people globally based on (World Health Organization) WHO report as at 2018. This costs individuals, government and groups a whole lot; right from its diagnosis stage to the treatment stage. The reason for this cost, among others, is that it is a long-term treatment disease. This disease is likely to continue to affect more people because of its long asymptotic phase, which makes its early detection not feasible. Design/methodology/approach In this study, the authors have presented machine learning models with feature selection, which can detect diabetes disease at its early stage. Also, the models presented are not costly and available to everyone, including those in the remote areas. Findings The study result shows that feature selection helps in getting better model, as it prevents overfitting and removes redundant data. Hence, the study result when compared with previous research shows the better result has been achieved, after it was evaluated based on metrics such as F-measure, Precision-Recall curve and Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under Curve. This discovery has the potential to impact on clinical practice, when health workers aim at diagnosing diabetes disease at its early stage. Originality/value This study has not been published anywhere else.
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Most screening tests for T2DM in use today were developed using multivariate regression methods that are often further simplified to allow transformation into a scoring formula. The increasing volume of electronically collected data opened the opportunity to develop more complex, accurate prediction models that can be continuously updated using machine learning approaches. This study compares machine learning-based prediction models (i.e. Glmnet, RF, XGBoost, LightGBM) to commonly used regression models for prediction of undiagnosed T2DM. The performance in prediction of fasting plasma glucose level was measured using 100 bootstrap iterations in different subsets of data simulating new incoming data in 6-month batches. With 6 months of data available, simple regression model performed with the lowest average RMSE of 0.838, followed by RF (0.842), LightGBM (0.846), Glmnet (0.859) and XGBoost (0.881). When more data were added, Glmnet improved with the highest rate (+ 3.4%). The highest level of variable selection stability over time was observed with LightGBM models. Our results show no clinically relevant improvement when more sophisticated prediction models were used. Since higher stability of selected variables over time contributes to simpler interpretation of the models, interpretability and model calibration should also be considered in development of clinical prediction models.
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Diabetes, also known as chronic illness, is a group of metabolic diseases due to a high level of sugar in the blood over a long period. The risk factor and severity of diabetes can be reduced significantly if the precise early prediction is possible. The robust and accurate prediction of diabetes is highly challenging due to the limited number of labeled data and also the presence of outliers (or missing values) in the diabetes datasets. In this literature, we are proposing a robust framework for diabetes prediction where the outlier rejection, filling the missing values, data standardization, feature selection, K-fold cross-validation, and different Machine Learning (ML) classifiers (k-nearest Neighbour, Decision Trees, Random Forest, AdaBoost, Naive Bayes, and XGBoost) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) were employed. The weighted ensembling of different ML models is also proposed, in this literature, to improve the prediction of diabetes where the weights are estimated from the corresponding Area Under ROC Curve (AUC) of the ML model. AUC is chosen as the performance metric, which is then maximized during hyperparameter tuning using the grid search technique. All the experiments, in this literature, were conducted under the same experimental conditions using the Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset. From all the extensive experiments, our proposed ensembling classifier is the best performing classifier with the sensitivity, specificity, false omission rate, diagnostic odds ratio, and AUC as 0.789, 0.934, 0.092, 66.234, and 0.950 respectively which outperforms the state-of-the-art results by 2.00 % in AUC. Our proposed framework for the diabetes prediction outperforms the other methods discussed in the article. It can also provide better results on the same dataset which can lead to better performance in diabetes prediction. Our source code for diabetes prediction is made publicly availableb.
Conference Paper
For a long time, the major problem area for researchers is disease diagnosis and the main interest of the medicine is an accurate diagnosis. Many engineering techniques have been developed in the past to help the medical staff with a diagnosis tool. There are many traditional methods of disease diagnosis, but the application of machine learning techniques has given a new dimension to this area. In this work, two different approaches have been used for the purpose of classification between diabetic and non-diabetic, using Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset. Principal Component Analysis has been used in the purpose of feature dimension reduction before applying any proposed classifier. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes (NB) are the two classifiers used in our study. 94.14 % and 93.88% are the accuracies obtained for the SVM and NB approaches.The results obtained are very interesting and show improvement from the previous works. With this accurate learning technique, there is enough scope for improvement considerably in this field.
Machine Learning is capable of providing real-time solutions that maximize the utilization of resources in the network thereby increasing the lifetime of the network. It is able to process automatically without being externally programmed thus making the process more easy, efficient, cost-effective, and reliable. ML algorithms can handle complex data more quickly and accurately. Machine Learning is used to enhance the ability of the Wireless Sensor Network environment. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a combination of several networks and it is decentralized and distributed in nature. WSN consists of sensor nodes and sinks nodes which have a property of self-organizing and self-healing. WSN is used in other applications, such as biodiversity and ecosystem protection, surveillance, climate change tracking, and other military applications.Now-a-days, a huge development is seen in WSNs due to the advancement of electronics and wireless communication technologies, several drawbacks like low computational capacity, small memory, and limited energy resources infrastructure needs physical vulnerability to require source measures where privacy plays a key role.WSN is used to monitor the dynamic environments and to adapt to such situation sensor networks need Machine Learning techniques to avoid unnecessary redesign. Machine learning techniques survey for WSNs provide a wide range of applications in which security is given top priority. To secure data from attackers the WSNs system should be able to delete the instruction if any hackers/attackers are trying to steal data.