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Value-based Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study


Abstract and Figures

Background: Integrating value-oriented perspectives into the principles and practices of software engineering is fundamental to ensure that software development activities address key stakeholders' views and also balance short-and long-term goals. This is put forward in the discipline of value-based software engineering (VBSE) Aim: This study aims to provide an overview of VBSE with respect to the research efforts that have been put into VBSE. Method: We conducted a systematic mapping study to classify evidence on value definitions, studies’ quality, VBSE principles and practices, research topics, methods, types, contribution facets, and publication venues. Results: From 143 studies we found that the term ``value'' has not been clearly defined in many studies. VB Requirements Engineering and VB Planning and Control were the two principles mostly investigated, whereas VB Risk Management and VB People Management were the least researched. Most studies showed very good reporting and relevance quality, acceptable credibility, but poor in rigour. Main research topic was Software Requirements and case study research was the method used the most. The majority of studies contribute towards methods and processes, while very few studies have proposed metrics and tools. Conclusion: We highlighted the research gaps and implications for research and practice to support VBSE.
Content may be subject to copyright.
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015, pages: 107–142, DOI 10.5277/E-INF150106
Model Driven Web Engineering:
A Systematic Mapping Study
Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Computing, University Technology Malaysia,
Background: Model Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) is the application of the model driven
paradigm to the domain of Web software development, where it is particularly helpful because
of the continuous evolution of Web technologies and platforms. Objective: In this paper, we
prepare a survey of primary studies on MDWE to explore current work and identify needs for
future research. Method: Systematic mapping study uses for finding the most relevant studies
and classification. In this study, we found 289 papers and a classification scheme divided them
depending on their research focus, contribution type and research type. Results: The papers of
solution proposal (20%) research type are majority. The most focused areas of MDWE appear
to be: Web Applicability (31%), Molding and Notation (19%), and Services and Oriented (18%).
The majority of contributions are methods (33%). Moreover, this shows MDWE as a wide, new,
and active area to publications. Conclusions: Whilst additional analysis is warranted within the
MDWE scope, in literature, composition mechanisms have been thoroughly discoursed. Further-
more, we have witnessed that the recurrent recommendation for Validation Research, Solution
Proposal and Philosophical Papers has been done through earlier analysis.
Keywords: Model Driven Web Engineering, MDWE, Web engineering, systematic map-
ping study
1. Introduction
MDWE is the application of the model driven
paradigm in the Web domain [1–5]. The advent
of a new area of software engineering, focusing on
the special features of the Web environment, was
undertaken by the research community at the
beginning of the 1990s. At the beginning, this
research focused on new methods, models and
notations which were used in hypermedia sys-
tems. However, later the target were Web-based
systems that were presented through some ap-
proaches which included the Hypermedia Design
Model (HDM) [6] and the Object-Oriented Hy-
permedia Design Method (OOHDM) [7]. There
are a number of comparative studies and sur-
veys which investigate the evolution of this area
and have drawn attention to areas where fur-
ther research is needed to address a number of
clearly-identified gaps and shortcomings. Within
the Web engineering community, a number of re-
search groups are working towards suitable reso-
lutions to these gaps, which can be broadly clas-
sified within three areas: 1) There is a wide va-
riety of Web development methodologies, using
a multiplicity of different notations, models and
techniques. 2) No single Web development ap-
proach provides coverage for the whole life cycle.
3) There still remains a lack of tool supports for
Web development methodologies [8–12]. Instead
of traditional or conventional methods, special-
ized Web development methods were used [13].
The application of the Model Driven Ar-
chitecture (MDA) initiative has been applied
108 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
to numerous domains since 2001. In general, it
works better than those areas controlled by func-
tional requirements, well-structured models, and
accurate separation of concerns and standard
platforms. MDA has created potent advantages
in which Web engineering has essentially been
shown to be an application domain. As new plat-
forms emerge and changes in technologies occur
continuously in this area, MDA mainly permits
successful highlighting of interoperability, model
evolution and adaptation issues of Web systems
[14]. Due to the rapid evolution of Web tech-
nologies and platforms, MDWE was also devel-
oped by applying independent models, such as
the content, navigation, process, and presenta-
tion issues possessing various issues of Web ap-
plications. Moreover, these models are unified
and changed to codes, conversely. These codes
consist of Web pages, configuration data for
Web frameworks, and also traditional program
codes [1].
For the design and advancement of many
types of Web applications, MDWE approaches
already offer outstanding methodologies and
tools. By applying independent models (includ-
ing navigation, presentation, data and others),
these approaches reveal diverse issues, and are
sustained by model compilers that generate
a vast majority of the application’s Web pages
and the logic centered on these models [15].
The specification of the application is
built up step by step by alternating au-
tomatic generation and manual elabora-
tion steps, from the Computational Inde-
pendent Model (CIM), to a Platform Inde-
pendent Model (PIM), to a Platform Spe-
cific Model (PSM), to code. Today, most
approaches based on MDA are ‘elabora-
tion’ approaches, which have to deal with
the problems of model and code synchro-
nization. Some tools support the regener-
ation of the higher-level models from the
lower-level models [1].
A systematic mapping study is a way of
identifying and classifying research related to
the topic, it has been adapted from other dis-
ciplines to software engineering by Kitchenham
and Charters [16]. When used for a specific re-
search area, it categorizes different types of re-
search reports in various dimensions and often
provides a map of its results. Systematic mapping
studies have been recommended mostly when lit-
tle relevant evidence is found during the initial
study of the domain, or if the topic to be in-
vestigated is very broad [16]. In contrast to sys-
tematic literature reviews, systematic mapping
studies are conducted at a coarse-grained level.
They aim only to find and identify evidence re-
lating to research questions, and to identify re-
search gaps in order to direct future research.
In this context, we believed it would be appro-
priate to conduct a systematic mapping study,
since model driven Web engineering appears to
be a broader concept with multiple research fo-
cus areas. In this paper, a Systematic Mapping
Study for MDWE is presented from the per-
spective of the guidelines extracted from the re-
ports published by Kitchenham and Charters
[16] and Biolchini et al. [17].
There are a great number of journals, con-
ferences and workshops within the Web engi-
neering area and MDWE fields that were pub-
lished. These included the Journal of Web En-
gineering (JWE) [18], the International Jour-
nal of Web Engineering (IJWE) [19], and the
International Conference on Web Engineering
(ICWE) [20]. Wherever this topic is mentioned,
it is hard to get a comprehensive overview of
the state of the research. For controlling the
review papers and understanding the subjects
of the papers, we need a systematic mapping
study in MDWE.
Following this introduction, this paper has
been structured as follows: In Section 2, we
present a short overview of the context in which
the current study has been conducted, and we
justify its needs. Section 3 describes how the sys-
tematic mapping methodology has been applied.
The classification schemes and their various di-
mensions are discussed in Section 4. Section 5 is
dedicated to presenting the results of mapping
the selected primary studies, and the discussion
of research questions. We discuss the overall re-
sults and identify the potential limitations of our
study in Section 6. Section 7 consists of a con-
clusion and suggestions for future work.
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 109
2. Background and Motivation
There already exist literature surveys and sys-
tematic review works in this field resulting from
the swift progressed in Web engineering and
MDWE. Some investigators completed going
through MDWE methodologies [21], introduc-
ing a crucial assessment of earlier studies of
traditional Web methodologies and highlight-
ing the capability of the MDWE paradigm [2]
as well as systematic review of Web engineer-
ing research [22].
Several of the MDWE methods that have
been suggested are presented by Jesús and John,
2012 [21], who consider and investigate the
strengths and weaknesses of such methods asso-
ciated with the present trends and best practices
on Model Driven Engineering (MDE). Introduc-
ing every approach and investigating the models,
they suggest signifying Web applications, the ar-
chitectural factors in the changes, and the appli-
cation of present Web user interface technologies
in the code outcome are their aim. This is ac-
complished for the purpose of creating potential
research strategies for upcoming works on the
MDWE area [21].
A crucial review of the earlier studies of clas-
sical Web methodologies is presented by Aragón
et al. 2012 [2], who highlights the capability
of the MDWE paradigm to highlight lengthy
overdue issues of Web development, encompass-
ing research and enterprise. With respect to the
terms extracted from the literature, the chosen
key MDWE development approaches are investi-
gated and matched. The paper argues that cer-
tain classical gaps can be enhanced with MDWE
and shows that this new tendency introduces
a stimulating as well as novel method to create
Web systems inside practical projects. However,
this paper presents a general assessment of the
situation and investigates how MDE can over-
come the classical issues identified in Web devel-
opment in the past years [2], as can be concluded
from this introduction.
For the purposes of investigating the rigor of
claims ascending from Web engineering research,
Mendes, 2005, applies a systematic literature re-
view. The rigor is measured by applying a stan-
dard spooled from software engineering research.
The outcomes have indicated that just 5% of
173 papers reviewed by them could be consid-
ered methodologically rigorous. On top of show-
ing their outcomes, they offer proposals for the
betterment of Web engineering research founded
on lessons picked up by the software engineering
fraternity [22].
In many areas, systematic review has
achieved great attention amongst researchers
these days. In the application investigat-
ing statistical sciences, psychology sciences,
industrial-organizational psychological sciences,
education, medicine, health sciences domain,
and software engineering, it is extensively used.
The idea of Evidence-Based Software Engineer-
ing founded on medical practice by applying
systematic review was assessed by [23], and
presents a guideline for a systematic review that
is conducive for software engineering investiga-
tors [17]. As a result, numerous systematic re-
views were carried out in software engineering
after words and several article were published in
the Web engineering domain, such as: Mendes
reviewed 173 papers, only 5% of all papers re-
viewed were designed properly, were based on
a real scenario [22], Alfonso at al. to create
a comprehensive review and synthesis of the cur-
rent state of the art in the literature related
to the engineering requirements in the Web do-
main. To do this, a total of 3059 papers pub-
lished in the literature and extracted from the
most relevant scientific sources were considered,
of which 43 were eventually analyzed in depth in
accordance with the adopted systematic review
process [24]. Insfran and Fernandez presented
a systematic review of usability evaluation meth-
ods for Web development; total of 51 research
papers have been reviewed from an initial set
of 410 papers; the results show that 45% of the
reviewed papers reported the use of evaluation
methods [25].
Where continued investigation is required to
highlight a number of visibly recognized gaps,
and weaknesses, a few comparative studies and
reviews of Web development methodologies have
gained attention in these areas. Several inves-
tigative groups within the Web engineering fra-
110 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
ternity are pushing towards appropriate solu-
tions to these gaps which, already laid out in the
previous section, can be categorized into three
parts [2]:
Applying a diversity of dissimilar notations,
models and techniques, there is a vast range
of Web development methodologies.
The non-presence of a single all-in-one an-
swer because no single Web development ap-
proach offers coverage for the entire life cy-
cle, which means that Web developers need
to mix-and-match factors from diverse ap-
Web development methodologies remain in-
adequately supported via tool support. On
the contrary, there are inadequate methodi-
cal investigation and design components by
way of the majority of development tools.
By implementing a Model Driven Develop-
ment (MDD) paradigm, for instance MDWE,
these problems can be highlighted to a cer-
tain degree. Investigating approaches adapted
to the model driven paradigm is the chief fo-
cus which makes an innovative input from the
review paper. Concepts play the utmost sig-
nificance in MDWE, free of their representa-
tions. MDWE suggests applying metamodels
that are platform-independent together with
the representation of ideas. A set of transfor-
mations and relations among ideas that facil-
itate active development and guarantees uni-
formity between models supports the develop-
ment process. In some regions of software en-
gineering and development, the model driven
paradigm is being applied with outstanding out-
comes. This indicates it could also be adapted
for Web engineering. For example, MDE of-
fers an appropriate way to guarantee traceabil-
ity and product derivation in software prod-
uct’s lines [2, 26, 27]. Several articles on the
secondary study in the area of Web engineer-
ing, readied by the earlier reviewer, with differ-
ent sides of Web engineering methodologies and
MDWE, presented certain problems and meth-
ods for the development of Web applications. At
times, they did not present a systematic map-
ping for MDWE as it seemed a concrete work
for MDWE.
Systematic mapping studies belong to the
Evidence-Based Software Engineering (EBSE)
paradigm [28]. They provide new, empirical and
systematic methods of research. Although sev-
eral studies have been reported in the broader
MDWE (e.g. [2, 14, 15, 21]), we are not aware
of any systematic mapping study that has been
conducted in this field. Given the fact that var-
ious types of research have appeared addressing
varying focus areas at different levels of granular-
ity related to a broader topic of MDWE, there is
a need for a more systematic investigation of the
topic. Therefore, the current study is intended
to contribute to MDWE through a systematic
and evidence-based approach. This study may
help researchers in the field of MDWE through
providing an overview of the current research in
the area. Furthermore, it may serve as the first
step towards more thorough examination of the
topics addressed in it with the help of systematic
literature reviews.
3. Research Method
The process of continuing a systematic mapping
study in software engineering was expounded by
Petersen et al. [29]. By taking into account their
guidelines, we carried out the present study. Re-
ferring to our subject matter, we discovered de-
marcating certain explicit schemes apart from
utilizing the classification schemes suggested in
their task for some areas. As highlighted in Fig-
ure 1, it is based on the crucial process steps
of (1) Defining research questions. (2) Defining
search strategy. (3) Screening of primary studies.
(4) Defining classification schemes. (5) Mapping
of studies.
3.1. Research Questions
In Web engineering, acquiring a general idea
of the present analysis within the scope of the
model driven is the objective of this study. To
clarify this aim, we demarcated three research
RQ1: What MDWE subject matters are the
most analyzed ones and how far have these
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 111
Figure 1. The systematic mapping process [29]
subject matters been explored? In addition,
until now what kinds benefits have been
highlighted? At the design stage, by utilizing
various modeling illustrations, MDWE can
be supported in different ways. Which mod-
elling illustration has constructed MDWE
forms, the demarcation of our question. The
probability of recognizing complementary re-
search requirements would be the solution to
this question. Besides, based explicitly ex-
plicitly on the kind of contributions, this
question is meant to observe how far the-
seapproaches provide for the overall goals at
RQ2: To publish research on MDWE, which
methods are normally utilized? Early anal-
ysis revealed that Web engineering was the
subject matter of certain meetings devoted to
cpecificities and international journals whilst
MDWE was a workshop topic. By our inten-
tion to observe through the question demar-
cation, we seek other forums that are utilized
to publish the investigation in this field.
RQ3: What diverse kinds of investigation in
this literature has been highlighted and how
far has it gone? As explained in SWEBOK
and MDWE workshop guides [30, 31], to
heighten the integrity of the investigation,
the utilization of empirical studies and en-
hanced proven approaches is encouraged [32].
In this perspective, with regards to the par-
ticular scope of MDWE, we want to catego-
rize various research types available.
3.2. Search Strategy
With the purpose of ascertaining the largest
number of significant chief studies, we created
a definite pursuit approach. We label it from
three viewpoints: search scope, search method,
and search strings utilized.
As far as the scope is concerned, to identify
the highest quantity of the associated investiga-
tive tasks, we did not limit the scope of our
search to any specific research locations. But,
the investigative outcomes are narrowed to pub-
lications dated between January 2000 and Jan-
uary 2014. We selected this commencement date
because the highest publication regarding this
area commenced post-end 1999. Conversely, the
search scope for manual search (highlighted be-
low) is restricted to the periods indicated for
each location as follows.
In view of search techniques, manual as well
as automatic searches were carried out. The
search carried out by manually going through
journals or meeting events is our idea of a man-
ual search. At the same time, through the amal-
gamation of pre-demarcated search strings to lo-
cate the prime electronic dates is an automatic
search. As the manual search for certain journals
and meeting events published on those areas was
forecasted to be immensely time consuming, we
carried out automatic search for the bulk of lo-
Based on Table 2, we chose a number of jour-
nals and meetings for the manual tasking ma-
jority of the studies were MDWE, discovered
there during preliminary investigative searches.
We utilized the search string highlighted in Ta-
ble 1 for the automatic searches, being the for-
mer which is characteristic of four rudimen-
tary ideas connected to MDWE. By conducting
a number of initial searches on chosen electronic
data sources, the concluding string was created.
ACM Digital Library, IEEEXplorer, Science Di-
rect, Springer Link, Scopus, Engineering Village,
ProQuest, and Google scholar, as per Table 3,
112 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
Table 1. Search string used for automatic searches
Concept Alternative Used
Model Driven Web Engineering (model driven OR model driven OR model driven development OR
MDD OR MD OR modeling OR meta model OR meta-model OR model
transformation) AND (web engineering OR web engineering methods
OR web-based OR web application)
Table 2. Overview of publication forums for selected studies
Sources Name No.
Journal of Web Engineering 7
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 3
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology journal 3
international journal of Web information system 5
Global Journal on Technology 1
International conferences Web engineering 58
International Conference Web information system engineering 8
International Conference On Web Information Systems And Technologies (WEBIST) 14
International World Wide Web Conferences 14
International Conference Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 3
The Unified Modelling Language Conference 8
Proceedings edition of the Educators’ Symposium 3
International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications
Services 14
International Conference on Software and Data Technologies 7
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 5
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 1
IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution 4
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management
Applications 1
Workshops Model Driven Web engineering workshop 69
international workshop Model Driven Security 1
were the primary digital sources that were uti-
lized to carry out automatic searches.
The string provided in Table 1, utilized to
structure an accordingly equivalent string explicit
to each source based on the point that since the
tools furnished by different sources, including the
precise syntax of search strings to be used differ
between each source. For the application of the
search string for safeguarding uniformity, a du-
plicate set of metadata values (i.e. title, abstract
and keywords) covering all sources was chosen.
3.3. Selection of Primary Studies
As mentioned earlier, we utilized an amalgama-
tion of manual and automatic searches. The sys-
tem of choosing chief studies is highlighted in
Figure 2. To ascertain a preliminary set of pub-
lications, we started by conducting a number
of investigative searches on digital libraries pro-
vided earlier. In addition, we utilized six pre-
viously known papers [11, 21, 234, 258, 289] as
the initial point and according to the references
and citing publications. As a result, this step
produced 14 publications [1, 4, 15, 34, 35, 38, 46,
56, 67, 71, 139, 204, 245, 253]. To aid us in as-
certaining certain journals and meeting events
pertinent to our study; we utilized this prelimi-
nary set of publications. Hence, since they were
acknowledged to be famous among Web engi-
neering investigators and publications associated
with our study and probably were to be located
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 113
We discovered 253 publications, six from earlier known papers that very relevant papers in this area also any
person can find it easily, 14 from references of six papers, 233 from journals, conferences and workshops through the
manual step in total as shown in Fig.2.
Fig 2: Study Selection Process
Utilizing the search engines of electronic data sources i.e. IEEEXplore, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library, and
Springer Link, we conducted automatic searches in the following phase. The search string provided in Table 1was
utilized by us. Table 4 represents a general view of outcomes taken from the manual and automatic searches. In
addition, we performed the search string to Google Scholar. As a result, as shown in Table 3, we acquired additional
significant studies, and the overall number of studies is 1822.
Table 3: Digital Libraries Used in Automatic Search
Library No.
ACM Digital Library 77
IEEE Xplorer 646
Science Direct 72
Springer Link 347
Scopus 115
Engineering Village 214
Google scholar 120
ProQuest 231
Total 1822
Eventually, we discovered 2075 papers: 253 from manuals, 1822 from the automatic search after merging manual
search and automatic search.
After conducting manual and automatic searches, we did not include the identical publications. By matching
results acquired in this step, we discovered 315 papers identical in nature. Hence, the remaining papers total 1760.
Previously known
Determine initial
set of publications
Screen titles from
relevant journals and
Conference proceeding
Perform automatic
search, include unique
publication only
Read abstract,
Introduction and
Conclusion section
Duplicate publication
Relevant Study to
mapping study
Apply the
Figure 2. Study selection process
there as highlighted in Table 2, we made up
our minds to manually search for transactions
on Model Driven in Web Development, events of
the annual conference models and metamodels,
events of the transformation model conference
and MDWE workshop. We acquired additional
significant studies by screening titles in these ar-
eas, and the overall number of studies was 233.
For the purposes of obtaining a general view of
the area and to demarcate initial classification
plans, these publications were screened.
We discovered 253 publications, six from pre-
vious known papers that very relevant papers in
this area also any person can find it easily, 14
from references of six papers, 233 from journals,
conferences and workshops through the manual
step in total as shown in Figure 2.
Utilizing the search engines of electronic data
sources i.e. IEEEXplore, Science Direct, ACM
Digital Library, and Springer Link, we conducted
automatic searches in the following phase. The
search string provided in Table 1 was utilized
by us. Table 4 represents a general view of
outcomes taken from the manual and auto-
matic searches. In addition, we performed the
search string to Google Scholar. As a result, as
shown in Table 3, we acquired additional signif-
icant studies, and the overall number of studies
is 1822.
Eventually, we discovered 2075 papers: 253
from manuals, 1822 from the automatic search
after merging manual search and automatic
Table 3. Digital libraries used
in automatic search
Library No.
ACM Digital Library 77
IEEE Xplorer 646
Science Direct 72
Springer Link 347
Scopus 115
Engineering Village 214
Google scholar 120
ProQuest 231
Total 1822
After conducting manual and automatic
searches, we did not include the duplicate pub-
lications. By matching results acquired in this
step, we discovered 315 papers were duplicated.
Hence, the remaining papers total 1760.
To resolve about its inclusion or exclusion,
the authors took into account the Abstract, Key-
words, Introduction and Conclusion of each of
these 1760 studies acknowledged to this stage,
for the second time. Because of their shortfall
in significance or fulfilling one of the other ex-
clusion conditions, a total of 1471 studies were
not included either. Based on our selection cri-
teria, which are utilized for the mapping study,
we discovered that the the remaining number of
papers that were ready for systematic mapping
is 289 papers. A general view of outcomes ac-
quired from manual and automatic searches is
presented in Table 4.
114 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
Table 4. Presents overview of results obtained from manual and automatic searches
Sources Study re-
trieved Duplicate Exclusion Inclusion Ready to
Manual Search:
315 1471 289 289
Previously known publications 6
Determine initial set of publications 14
Journals, Conferences and Workshops 233
Online Search:
ACM Digital Library 77
IEEE Xplorer 646
Science Direct 72
Springer Link 347
Scopus Link 115
Engineering Village Link 214
Google scholar Link 118
ProQuest Link 231
Total 2075 1760 289 289 289
A listing of all criteria on the foundation of
which studies were included or excluded is given
Inclusion: We highlight some points to inclu-
sion of the papers that answer our research
Studies that clearly present an MDWE,
demarcating new structures into UML or
by utilizing its extension mechanisms.
Papers that demonstrate a distinctive an-
swer to certain metamodeling or model
transformation problem, or MDD, or
Papers that create a current MDWE in
practice and assess it.
Studies that suggest methods to mapping
Studies that merged the model driven in
Web application’s scope.
Papers that suggest rudimentary outlines
such as typical case studies for demon-
stration or substantiation of MDWE.
Exclusion: We highlight some points to ex-
clude the papers that do not answer our re-
search questions.
Based on abstract, papers which men-
tioned MDWE. This was needed because
in spite of the studies indicating MDWE
in their introductory sentences as a chief
concept, we found that these studies fell
short of highlighting it. Other concepts
such as MDD, MDA and MDSD were also
subjected to the same criterion.
Papers that address only recommenda-
tions, guidelines or principles, rather than
highlighting a useful approach to MDWE.
Initial papers for books.
Editorials, keynotes, tutorial outlines,
tool demonstrations and panel delibera-
tions, books, technical reports and other
non-peer-reviewed publications.
Identical reports of the same study dis-
covered in various sources.
Papers from industrial meetings, posters,
and non-English publications.
Papers unable to solve our research ques-
A general view of studies acquired by way
of manual and automatic searches is pre-
sented in Table 4. The number of studies
that were chosen in accordance to the inclu-
sion criteria highlighted in Figure 2 is shown
as well.
3.4. Defining a Classification Scheme
The classification schemes suggested by Petersen
et al. [29] were utilized by us (Fig. 3), and we
classified the publications into categories from
three viewpoints: (1) focus area, (2) type of
contribution and (3) research type. But, these
categories were altered to match the details
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 115
Table 4: Presents Overview of Results Obtained from Manual and Automatic Searches
Sources Study
retrieved Duplicate Exclusion Inclusion Ready to
Previously known publications 6
305 1471 299 299
Determine initial set of publications 17
Journals, Conferences, and Workshops
ACM Digital Library 77
IEEE Xplorer 646
Science Direct 72
Springer Link 347
Scopus 115
Engineering Village 214
Google scholar 118
ProQuest 231
Total 2075 1770
299 299
General view of studies acquired by way of manual and automatic searches is presented in Table 4. The number of
studies that were chosen in accordance to the inclusion criteria highlighted in Fig. 2 is shown as well.
3.4. Defining a Classification Scheme
The classification schemes suggested by Petersen et al. [29] were utilized by us, and we classified the publications
into categories from three viewpoints: (1) focus area, (2) type of contribution and (3) research type. But, these
categories were altered to details of our mapping study. We utilized an iterative strategy while categorizing and
mapping the studies into classification schemes. The concluded classification schemes are shown in Section 4.
Fig. 3: Building Classification Scheme
Techniques to lessen the time required in creating a classification scheme and making sure that the scheme
considers the current studies into consideration is key wording. Key wording is completed in two steps. In the
beginning, the reviewers go through abridgments and search for keywords and ideas that showcase the input paper. In
the process, the reviewer furthermore as certain the framework of the research. Following this, a comprehensive grasp
Sort Article into
Figure 3. Building classification scheme [29]
of our mapping study. We utilized an itera-
tive strategy while categorizing and mapping
the studies into classification schemes. The con-
cluded classification schemes are shown in Sec-
tion 4.
Techniques to lessen the time required in
creating a classification scheme and making
sure that the scheme takes the current studies
into consideration is key wording. Key word-
ing is completed in two steps. At the begin-
ning, the reviewers go through abridgements
and search for keywords and ideas that show-
case the input paper. In the process, the re-
viewer confirms the framework of the research.
Following this, a comprehensive grasp about
the nature and input into research is cre-
ated through a set of keywords from vari-
ous papers merged together. This aids the
reviewers in demarcating a set of categories
that is characteristic of the core population.
In addition, reviewers can choose to study
the opening or closing segments of the paper
when abridgments are found to be of terri-
ble quality to permit important keywords to
be selected. When an absolute set of key-
words has been selected, they can be gathered
and utilized to create the categories for the
map [29].
3.5. Mapping of Studies
As demarcated in Section 4, the real mapping
was undertaken by mapping each involved study
to a specific intersection set in the classification
schemes. Section 5 shows the resultant mapping.
4. Classification Schemes
As deliberated earlier in Section 3, publications
are categorized from three diverse approaches:
focus scope, contribution and research type as
shown in Figures 4, 7 and 8.
4.1. Focus Area
Chosen studies were separated into five research
focus scopes based on specific research subjects,
they addressed based on a broader outlook. Iden-
tifying these research focus areas was achieved
through the key wording method shown in [29].
The eight categories of research focus areas are
concisely described below and as well as in Fig-
ure 4.
Web Applicability: This category includes
studies that present software applications that
run in a Web browser and Rich Internet appli-
cations (RIA). Furthermore it presents articles
when related to the Web Information System
(WIS), Search engine, Semantic Web and cloud
application. Furthermore, represent any articles
that are related to MDWE with Web applica-
Testing and quality: This category reflects
papers that present Web system qualities, such
as QoS, testing Web software and Web security.
It also shows the papers that are related to the
quality of Websites.
Service and oriented: One of the most pop-
ular fields in Web software is Web service. This
category includes studies that present Web ser-
vices with Model driven Web services or partially
116 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
related to MDWE ones, such as Web services
with UML, Metamodel, and workflow in the Web
domain. It also represents studies related to Ser-
vice Oriented Architecture (SOA) with Model
Driven in the Web engineering.
Requirements and design: Requirements
and design are the software engineering steps;
this category presents studies that are related
to UML design and some steps in the design
process; also, report studies that are related to
functional and non-functional requirements.
Web economics: This Category presents stud-
ies of software economics; moreover it includes
articles focused on e-commerce, e-business, social
Web and social mashup Websites.
Modeling and notation: This category in-
cludes studies that present a modeling and a no-
tation on its own, or in some way, contribute
to the modeling process which uses some exist-
ing notation. This category reflects papers in the
fields: Metamodels (presentation model, naviga-
tion model and user interface), model transfor-
mation (CIM, PIM models), code generation and
adaptively, or other studies with the same con-
cept as MDWE.
Methodologies and development process:
While some studies focused on the methodolo-
gies or Web development process, this category
reflects papers that study the Web engineering
methodologies or the concepts of methodologies.
On the other hand, it represents papers that fo-
cus on the Web development process such a busi-
ness process or an agile process.
Web Management: Studies present a novel
method of weaving models, or present some so-
lutions related to management of the model for
Websites. In the future, they will include more
papers that work on Content Management Sys-
tem (CMS) or data management in the Websites.
The following figure (Fig. 4) shows the topics
of focus areas for MDWE with the percentage
value of each of them. In this classification of
finding topics, we use the SWEBOK guideline
and the guide call paper at the workshop of the
model driven Web engineering [30, 31].
Figure 4 shows the classification 289 papers
of MDWE for eight topics of research focus; we
found most of the papers in Web Applicability
Figure 4. Distribution of research focus
(31%), followed by modeling and notation (19%)
and service & oriented (18%). However, some
categories were very important in software de-
sign, but we could not find more of them, such as:
Requirements & Design (11%), Testing & qual-
ity (8%) whereas development processes covered
only (6%) and some categories have few publica-
tions, such as Web management (4%), and Web
economics (3%). However, we classified our re-
search focus on eight topics, but it was not easy
to select the research focus because the eight top-
ics were very general; so we classified each topic
into several subtopics by using SWEBOK and
MDWE workshop guides [30, 31], as shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 5 classifies 8 topics of research fo-
cus into 26 subtopics: (1) Web applicability
subtopics (Web Application, RIA, Semantic
Web, WIS, Search Engine, and Cloud Applica-
tion), (2) Testing & Quality has three subtopics
(Security, QoS, Testing), (3) Service & Ori-
ented that has only two subtopics (Web Ser-
vice and SOA), (4) Requirements & Design
subtopics are (Functional & non-functional re-
quirements, UML & Design), (5) Web Economics
subtopics (business, social Web, evolution) (6)
Modeling & Notation subtopics (Model trans-
formation, metamodel, adaptivity, code genera-
tion), (7) Methodologies & Development Process
subtopics (Methodology, agile, Development Pro-
cess), (8) Management sub topics (CMS, Weav-
ing, data-intensive). Figure 6 shows the 26 sub
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 117
Figure 5. Classification of the research related to MDWE
topics with a number of publications and refer-
Figure 6 explains the number of publications
per subtopics. The figure shows the majority of
publications in Web Applications (15.9%), Web
Services (13.5%), Model Transformations (8.7%),
minor publications in Cloud Application (0.3%),
Evolution (0.3%), and Data-insensitive (0.3%).
Other subtopics (between 0.7% to 6.6%) on the
other side of this figure represent the reference
of publications for e.g. RIA has 19 publications
where the references are [77–95], CMS has 9 pub-
lications where the references are [304–312], but
Cloud Application has only one publication where
the reference is [118], and so on.
4.2. Contribution Type
The contribution type is divided into five cate-
gories (see Fig. 7) described below:
Metric: The suggestion or application of met-
rics to effectiveness of MDWE is emphasized
through this contribution.
Tool: In the design of a prototype or a device
which can be assimilated with current outlines is
based on contributions that target on supplying
tool support for MDWE.
Method: Modeling, approaches, model changes
and model structure, which are provided explic-
itly through contributions.
Model Based on papers that theoretically de-
liberate or create contrasts, investigate associa-
tions, seek challenges, or create classifications,
Process: The papers contribute to the process
which is characterized through papers that ex-
plain the MDWE and furnish a depiction on
their assimilation in the general software devel-
opment process. Furthermore, certain specific is-
sues which are settled through these contribu-
tions are associated with MDWE.
Figure 7 shows major publications in the con-
tribution type which are are related to the Method
(33%) which minor in Metric (2%), between mi-
nor and major there is Model (24%), Process
(23%), and Tool (18%).
4.3. Research Type
The research strategy utilized in the main study
is reflected through research type. For the clas-
sification of research types (RQ3), we have uti-
lized a scheme suggested by Wieringa et al. [32].
A concise depiction of research kinds are as fol-
lows (see Fig. 8):
Evaluation research: Comparision with vali-
dation research, evaluation research focuses on
analyzing the answer which has been essentially
applied by now. It examines the practical appli-
cation of the solution.
118 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
Fig. 6: Number of Papers per Research Topic and References
The above figure (Fig.6) explains the number of publications per subtopics. The figure shows the majority of
publications in Web Applications (15.9%), Web Services (13.5%), Model Transformations (8.7%), minor
publications in Cloud Application (0.3%), Evolution (0.3%), and Data-insensitive (0.3%). Other subtopics (between
0.7% to 6.6%) on the other side of this figure represents the reference of publication for e.g. RIA has 19 publications
where the references are [77-95], CMS has 9 publications where the references are [304-312], but Cloud Application
has only one publication where the reference is [118], and so on.
2 (0.7%)
9 (3.1%)
4 (1.4%)
16 (5.5%)
25 (8.7%)
1 (0.3%)
14 (4.8)
18 (6.2%)
13 (4.5%)
39 (13.5%)
6 (2.1%)
7 (2.4%)
2 (0.7%)
3 (1%)
17 (5.9%)
19 (6.6%)
46 (15.9%)
0 10 20 30 40
process Development
code generation
model transformation
social web
UML & Design
functional & non
Web Service
cloud application
search engine
Semantic web
web applcation
Web ApplicabilityTesting & QualityService
& Desgin
Modeling &
& Development
[4, 11, 33-76]
[15, 194-211]
[1, 234-257]
[14, 258-272]
Figure 6. Number of papers per research topic and references
Experience paper: The personal experiences
of the author from a single or more real life
projects are reported through an experience pa-
per. It normally explains what was achieved in
the project and also how it was accomplished.
Opinion paper: The author’s own ideas on
the aptness or inaptness of a certain method or
instrument are reported through these papers.
Likewise, on the basis on explanations how cer-
tain methods or instruments should have been
developed etc., these papers are sometimes used
to share personal opinion.
Philosophical paper: To observe things that
are already present in a novel way through an ar-
rangement presented via theoretical suggestions.
However, it does not accurately overcome a spe-
cific issue. Taxonomies, theoretical outlines, etc.
will be maybe added to theoretical suggestions.
Solution proposal: By providing either an in-
novative answer or a significant extension of
an existing technique, a solution proposal over-
comes a problem. In addition, its advantages are
highlighted by either a case in point or in-depth
Validation research: The investigation of the
solution proposal that has not been essentially
put into use is the chief reason for validation
research. By way of systematic manner, valida-
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 119
Figure 7. Distribution of contribution type Figure 8. Distribution of research type
tion research is carried out and may pose any
of these: experiments, prototypes, simulations,
mathematical analysis, etc.
Chief and minor publications in the research
type are Validation Research (24%) and Opin-
ion Papers (7%) respectively; other publications
are divided into Solution Proposal (20%), Philo-
sophical Paper (19%), Experience Paper (17%),
and Evaluation Research (13%).
4.4. Scheme Mapping Study
In this study, we have 289 papers that are ready
for systematic mapping, after the extraction of
papers to form categories of the Research Fo-
cus (Fig. 4), Contribution Type (Fig. 7), and
Research Type (Fig. 8); we designed a mapping
study with a number of publications, as shown
in Figure 9.
The Map (Fig. 9) shows the classification
mapping study of 289 papers; these papers show
the number of applications with a focus on re-
search type and contribution type. We will dis-
cuss this in Section 5. For more information
about our papers, we designed a bar chart of
publications per year as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10 shows 289 papers per year be-
tween 2000 and 2014; the result of a bar chart
is the publication of continual MDWE growth.
In 2000, only one paper was found but in 2013,
there were 29 papers, with most publications
between 2007 and 2013. However, the result
for 2013 was such because probably, our search
in January 2014 found some unpublished pa-
pers. Hence, these results show this area is
a new and active area, which means that in
the last decade the researchers focused on this
area in publications.
5. Mapping and Discussion of
Research Questions
With regards to research type and contribution
type, a map covering eight current research tar-
get scopes within the setting of MDWE was
created in order to provide an overview of the
field (see Fig. 9). The framework of the focus of
the current investigation, together with a sug-
gestion of investigative divisions in the area, is
provided on the map. Most of the research pa-
pers are particularly devoted to furnishing model
driven development, and clarifying the related
processes as shown through mapping outcomes.
A higher degree of investigation has been under-
taken regarding the structure of Web engineering
methods, model driven development and model
driven architecture, within the scope of Web de-
velopment. However, we highlight our findings in
two divergent dimensions to the extent to which
analysis of MDWE subjects in current research is
concerned: (1) main subjects in the area together
with the magnitude of their coverage and con-
tribution types (RQ1) and research type (RQ3),
120 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
Figure 9. Map of research focus on MDWE
and (2) forums utilized for publishing the asso-
ciated research (RQ2).
The first dimension of our results, including
the major topics along with specifications of re-
search types, has been covered in the Sections
5.1–5.8. We have organized each subsection in
a way that briefly describes the studies selected
for each topic, while highlighting the extent and
nature of research. Furthermore, it identifies the
types of contribution made by each selected
study. The publications in this area can be di-
vided into eight major focus areas (see Fig. 4),
including Web Applicability, Service and Ori-
entation, Modeling and Notation, Requirements
and Design, Testing and quality, methodologies
and process, management and Economics. Fig-
ure 5 also shows the major topics addressed
by the existing research, divided into related
subtopics where possible. Figure 6 shows a sum-
mary of groups of papers identified per research
An overview of the volume of research se-
lected by major research focus areas is shown
in Figure 4. It shows that most publications
are covered by Web Applicability, at 31%, fol-
lowed by modeling and notation at 19% and
Web services at 18%. Another level is software
quality, which has a good coverage rate in the
publications, but 11% of publications cover re-
quirements and design, while 8% of publica-
tions cover software testing and quality, and
6% cover methodologies and processes. A very
small number of publications cover management
(4%) and economics (3%). Figure 7 shows the
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 121
33 34
32 32
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Figure 10. Publication per years
Table 5. Research and contribution types presented by 88 papers on Web applicability
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research [41, 48, 76] [47, 48, 103, 117] [47,53, 85] [103]
Experience Papers [40,55, 82] [33,40,61,66,92,
[11,39,57, 90, 92] [33, 57,59, 61,
71,72, 105]
Opinion Papers [93,113] [52,83, 93] [69] [82]
Philosophical Paper
[4,42, 43,45, 46,
79,80, 87–89, 99,
102,106, 118]
[35,45, 95,96,
99,110, 115]
[4,56, 65,80, 88,
89,91, 98,109,
[4,43, 56,67] [89]
Solution Proposal [58,75, 84, 97] [36, 64, 78, 101] [58, 64, 86] [97,104, 116]
Validation Research [50,73] [34,38, 44,49,
50,62, 63,68, 70,
74,108, 111, 112]
[60,94, 107] [37,38, 51, 54,
63,77, 107,114]
contribution type of publications, where 33%
contribute to method, but the model, process
and tool, have near percentages, which are 24%,
23% and 18% respectively. A small percentage
of publications returned to metrics, specifically
2% of publications. Figure 8 shows that, based
on research type, only 7% of publications re-
ported opinions, but 24% reported validation
research, 19% reported philosophical content,
17% reported real-life experiences, and 13% re-
ported evaluation research. Furthermore, Fig-
ure 10 shows the bar chart of publications per
year, but with most publications released in
2009 starting with 2005 it is still an active
field for publication.
5.1. Web Applicability
In this section, we briefly discuss different stud-
ies related to Web Applicability. Table 5 lists
the papers that focus on this topic. This is an
area where most research effort is spent. Also
in this section we discuss the sub-topics which
consist of Web applications, Rich Internet appli-
122 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
cations, semantic Web, search engine, and cloud
In the MDWE Web applications there is
an application program that is stored on a re-
mote server and delivered over the Internet
through a browser interface that is driven by
software engineering methods. With the publica-
tions’ growth in this field, Cheung [37] developed
a Web application design framework through
a tool and in [55] used a model driven process
for the development of Web applications.
Rich Internet applications (RIAs) offer rich,
engaging experience that improves user satisfac-
tion and increases productivity. Using the broad
reach of the Internet, RIAs can be deployed
across browsers and desktops. In [80], RIA was
defined as a new approach and was developed
through model driven architecture, while [86]
presents a RIA metamodel to deal with the new
technological challenges that have arisen with
Web 2.0 development [86].
Another type of Web application is the Se-
mantic Web that is represented in [96–112],
Web information system that is represented
in [113–115] and search engine that is repre-
sented in [116, 117], while a new field is cloud-
ing, as shown in [118]. In this paper Kumar et
al. used the Model Driven Approach for Develop-
ing Cloud Application. This paper was published
in 2013.
5.2. Testing and Quality
This category includes papers related to Model
Driven, with software testing, quality of ser-
vice and security. Escott [141] focused on
Model Driven in the development of test-
ing Web applications, Ortiz in [134] presents
a model-based approach to the implementa-
tion of QoS monitors, by describing them
as platform-independent models. On the other
hand, Nakamura [123] describes a tooling frame-
work to generate Web services security con-
figurations, using a model driven architecture
(MDA) as shown in Table 6.
5.3. Services and Oriented
One of the most popular fields in MDWE are
Web services, usually with some combination of
programming and data, and possible inclusion
of human resources as well. Table 7 shows the
papers related to Web services and Service Ori-
ented Architecture (SOA), for example, Achil-
leas et al. [151]. They propose a Model Driven
Web Service oriented framework that combines
MDE with Web Services, to automate the de-
velopment of platform-specific Web-based ap-
plications. In another paper, Bajohr and Mar-
garia [189] address the high availability of model
driven SOAs for applications that are orchestra-
tions of services and are defined by their (behav-
ioral) models.
5.4. Requirements and Design
This category includes papers that explain func-
tional and non-functional requirements that sup-
port Model Driven in the Web domain, and
also papers that focus on the UML design in
Web domains. Table 8 classifies requirements
and design publications. Aguilar et al. [197] pre-
pared an algorithm that has been defined in or-
der to analyze dependencies among functional
and non-functional requirements, and Guzman
et al. [222] showed Web 2.0 patterns require-
ments in MDWE.
5.5. Web Economics
Software engineering economics is about mak-
ing decisions related to software engineering in
a business context. The success of a software
product, service and solution depends on good
business management. Yet, in many companies
and organizations, software business relation-
ships to software development and engineering
remain vague. Table 9 has all the publications
that were founded on MDWE. Guotao and Du
[227] implemented e-commerce on the Web ap-
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 123
Table 6. Research and contribution types presented by 23 papers on software testing and quality
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research [121,135] [121,126, 130,135] [134, 136] [126, 132, 134–136] [135]
Experience Papers [139] [123]
Opinion Papers [122]
Philosophical Paper [128, 131, 140, 141] [128, 131] [131] [141]
Solution Proposal [120, 125] [120]
Validation Research [137,138] [127, 129, 133,138] [124, 137] [119]
Table 7. Research and contribution types presented by 52 papers on services and oriented
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research [144, 182, 187] [153,187] [155, 181] [144,182]
Experience Papers [160,176, 189] [189]
Opinion Papers [167] [171] [156, 167]
Philosophical Paper [152, 159, 165,
[142, 159, 185,
188,190, 193]
[161, 164, 165,
Solution Proposal
[145, 177, 178,
[146, 150, 157,
158, 169, 170,
172, 173, 175,
[150,170, 175,
178,186, 191]
Validation Research [148, 166, 184,
[143,149] [163, 166, 168,
[18,151, 154–
Table 8. Research and contribution types presented by 33 papers on requirements and design
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research [195, 198, 200,
[195, 200, 206,
[206,211, 218] [201,209, 210]
Experience Papers [194, 199, 208,
222] [222,225] [202, 204,208]
Opinion Papers [197]
Philosophical Paper [205,216, 224] [203,220]
Solution Proposal [213,214] [217,219, 221] [221, 223]
Validation Research [207] [15,196, 215] [207] [196]
Table 9. Research and contribution types presented by 8 papers on economics
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research
Experience Papers [230]
Opinion Papers
Philosophical Paper [232] [232]
Solution Proposal [231] [226, 233] [231]
Validation Research [227] [227, 229] [228]
124 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
5.6. Modeling and Notations
In this section, we briefly discuss different studies
related to modeling notations and the associated
notations. Table 4 lists the papers that focus
on this topic. This topic consists of metamod-
els, model transformations, adaptive and code
generation. Jiang et al. [273] propose MAWA,
a method for model driven development of adap-
tive Web applications. Koch and Kraus [268]
present a first step towards such a common
metamodel by defining first a metamodel for the
UML-based Web Engineering (UWE) approach.
[235, 236, 257] are papers that focused on model
transformation, but [282–287] are papers that fo-
cused on code generation in MDWE, as shown
in Table 10.
5.7. Methodologies and Process
This topic includes papers related to Web en-
gineering methodologies and processing, a list
of which can be seen in Table 11. Andrés and
Duitama [21] present some Web engineering
methodologies. In Rivero et al. [296] proposed an
agile approach to MDWE methodologies (called
Mockup-Driven Development, or MockupDD)
by inverting the development process. This can
be seen in Table 11.
5.8. Web Management
The last topic under MDWE is management
Websites through different models. This topic
covers papers that are related to CMS, weav-
ing and data management in this area. Ta-
ble 12 lists management papers in MDWE. Joao
and Alberto in [306] proposed the creation of
a model driven approach for the development
of Web-applications, based on Content Manage-
ment Systems.
6. Discussion
In this part, based on findings on future ex-
amination, we provide a summary of the legit-
imacy of threats, related to the crucial findings
of this systematic mapping study, and deliberate
regarding certain consequences of these findings.
We also highlight the limitations of this mapping
study that may represent threats to its validity.
In this paper we propose a systematic map-
ping study for MDWE, the primary studies on
MDWE to explore current work, and we iden-
tify needs for future research. A systematic map-
ping study is used for finding the most rele-
vant studies and classification. In this study, we
found 289 papers and classification schemes di-
vided them into classification schemes on the
basis of research focus, contribution type and
research type. The majority of 20% of the pa-
pers were on the solution proposal type of re-
search. The most common areas in MDWE ap-
pear to be: Web Applicability at 31%, Molding
and Notation at 19%, and Services and Oriented
at 18%. The majority of contributions are meth-
ods, at 33%. Moreover, this shows the MDWE
as a wide, new, and active area for publica-
tions. Whilst additional analysis is warranted
within the MDWE scope, in literature compo-
sition mechanisms have been thoroughly dis-
cussed. Furthermore, we have observed that a re-
current recommendation for validation research,
solution proposals and philosophical papers has
been presented through earlier analysis.
6.1. Threats to Legitimacy
The outcomes of a systematic mapping study
may be affected by diverse factors, for exam-
ple, the researchers who conducted the study,
the databases and the search string developed,
as well as the time limits chosen. As it will be
shown in the following paragraphs, when these
threats to legitimacy are taken into account, the
outcomes become more satisfactory and precise.
We conducted a systematic mapping study
and every stage was explicitly defined. The other
investigators were permitted to reprise the map-
ping study, since each step was shown explic-
itly. However, it is probable that certain articles
that were omitted would be counted in, and vice
versa, as a result of choosing articles which have
been conducted by diverse investigators, because
the decision about the exclusion or inclusion of
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 125
Table 10. Research and contribution types presented by 56 papers on modeling and notations
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research [259] [259,275] [238]
Experience Papers [14,239,244,285] [254, 260, 287] [244, 255, 266,
256,260, 287]
Opinion Papers [241,277] [1, 267, 270] [270]
Philosophical Paper [236,257] [250,252, 257] [250,252]
Solution Proposal [273] [248, 258, 268,
[235,247, 268,
269,278, 279,
Validation Research
[234,237, 246,
265,274, 280,
[240,242, 251,
253,262, 271,
[245,246, 251,
264,271, 280]
[240,253, 261,
262,264, 282]
Table 11. Research and contribution types presented by 17 papers on methodologies and process
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research [2] [289] [289]
Experience Papers [290,294] [297] [290] [291, 294, 302]
Opinion Papers [21,293, 300]
Philosophical Paper [292] [292]
Solution Proposal [295,296] [296] [299]
Validation Research [298] [301] [301] [287]
Table 12. Research and contribution types presented by 12 papers on management
Contribution Type Research Type
Process Method Model Tool Metric
Evaluation Research [314] [310] [309]
Experience Papers [311] [311]
Opinion Papers
Philosophical Paper [306] [303, 306,313] [313]
Solution Proposal [304,312] [304, 305, 312] [307]
Validation Research [308] [308]
126 Karzan Wakil, Dayang N. A. Jawawi
a specific article is based on the investigators
who conducted the mapping study. Yet, it is
highly improbable that the main conclusions de-
rived from the recognized set of articles would
be altered by these diversities, based on personal
assessments, which is a general categorization of
Acquiring a set of significant articles encom-
passing the said research subject was the tar-
get of the conducted mapping study. The out-
come set should be completed as soon as possi-
ble. Based on this motive, we derived the search
string in a systematic fashion. Because of the
number of significant articles discovered utiliz-
ing a search string, not all appropriate words
are used whilst creating a search string. For in-
stance, the word ‘Model Driven’ was added in
the search string, and ‘Web Engineering’ was
not included in the papers which have model
driven in software engineering only, including
model driven in Web engineering. Moreover,
some terms, for instance ‘Web Application’,
are used incongruously in literature. At times,
MDWE is not the only factor in ‘Web Applica-
tion’. In conclusion, a diverse set of final articles
might have been the outcome of diverse or added
terms utilized in the search string, but this would
only pose a negligible effect on the general clas-
sification obtained, and added articles could be
easily categorized based on the given classifica-
6.2. General Findings
MDWE, as the main target in modern software
development, is endorsed by results of the sys-
tematic mapping study, as there are many pub-
lications on this subject. As was proven by the
number of new publications, the topic has re-
ceived greater attention in recent years.
The advent of several suggestions, as a result
of recent suggestions in the sphere of MDWE
has focused mainly on the development of Web
applications. Nevertheless, there is still a rele-
vant task to be undertaken if we look at the
overall issues related to amalgamating MDWE
into an MDE setting. Models are the main aim
for envisaging an operable outlook of the system
in an MDE framework, and essentially acquiring
working software systemically, in an automated
manner. Therefore, the scope of modeling precise
and comprehensive behaviors of factors requires
more care, along with resolutions to identifica-
tion models so as to amalgamate factors into
this broader context. Up till now, minimal tasks
have been described in the literature (e.g. [21])
that have highlighted methodologies substanti-
ation, but even these substantiation methods
pose a restricted infrastructure to substantiating
methodologies, through execution only. Notwith-
standing the fact that a systematic substantia-
tion system cannot be replaced via verification
undertaken in this manner, it can cause other
issues. For example, it necessitates designers to
be aware of the exact details of advice transfor-
mations, hence leading to usability issues.
6.3. Limitations of Review
It has to be mentioned that this review has cer-
tain restrictions. These restrictions are compara-
ble to those of other systematic reviews. There
is some probability that certain significant ma-
terials were not added to the review, for exam-
ple dissertations, related books or white papers,
and some significant papers might not have been
discovered in the digital databases, by means
of our search and selection protocol. The lat-
ter is more of an issue regarding how investi-
gators write their abridgments, and how digital
databases categorize and locate published work.
The former is a restriction of our review, and
could be highlighted the following works. There
is actually no reason why a keyword search
would not return the entire published significant
material, if abridgments were prudently written
and keywords were inserted. Sometimes, cate-
gorization schemes in the literature are already
present, which can preferably be used again
or enhanced. Nevertheless this seldom happens,
and worst still, a sound categorization scheme
may often not be the case. On top of that, for
the currently published material, a thoroughly
planned categorization scheme might not be the
best option. Slowly developing the categoriza-
tion scheme when running through the abridg-
Model Driven Web Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study 127
ments of all the papers was the approach taken in
this review. One direct issue with this strategy
is that it might fall short of discovering some
breaks in the field. For instance, in a certain
categorization scheme there could be a missing
category. Had the category been inserted, the
significant breaks would clearly be noticed. In-
vestigators are encouraged to be very conversant
with the scope under assessment, creating the
categorization schemes that diminish the threat
of legitimacy from this restriction.
7. Conclusion and Future Work
A relevant progression in the development of
Web software systems that are more maintain-
able, extensible and reusable is an outcome of
the investigation in the area of MDWE. We de-
marcated some research questions and launched
a systematic mapping study, in order to acquire
an overall view of the present investigation in
this field. To satisfy the goals of the study, we
discovered 289 publications that retained highest
The chosen papers appeared between 2000
and 2014. The findings of this study show that
MDWE is a somewhat underdeveloped area. In
2001, the preliminary relevant contributions to
this area were shown (i.e. [63]). Most papers
come out in workshops and meetings, while some
have come out in journals.
As far as the answer to our first research
question is concerned, the main research topics
identified are: (1) Web Applicability, (2) Service
and Oriented, (3) Modeling and Notation, (4)
Requirements and Design, (5) Testing and qual-
ity, (6) methodologies and process, (7) manage-
ment, and (8) Economics of MDWE. To respond
to our second research question, we have deter-
mined that most research has appeared at con-
ferences (63%) and workshops (32%). Relatively
fewer publications (9%) have appeared in jour-
nals so far. As far as an answer to our third ques-
tion is concerned, most of the research (24%) is
validation research, while 7% are opinion papers,
20% of publications focus on solution proposal,
and 19% of papers are philosophical. 17% of the
papers are experience papers, and 13% are eval-
uation papers.
Finally, the result shows that MDWE is
a wide, new and active area for publication. Also,
some fields need to be improved, and this is
a good area for publication. This paper helps the
Web engineering researcher to find weaknesses
and strengths in this area, and to understand
which point or which side of this area needs to
be enhanced. With regards to future work based
on resulting maps in systematic mapping, re-
searchers can make systematic mapping one of
the research focuses, for example modeling and
notation in MDWE, Web management, Web ap-
plicability, requirements, designs and Web ser-
vices in MDWE. Furthermore, the researcher can
utilize the subtopics, including Semantic Web in
MDWE, CMS, social Web, and SOA in MDWE.
These can be potential areas for future work.
Furthermore, some ideas in the Web domain
have not appeared, or there can be be articles not
yet published, such as those related to Crawling
in MDWE. Also researchers can look for new
Web domains to be added to MDWE. There
is also a need for better empirical research, like
the use of application/validation methods used
for evaluation and validation research. Solutions
proposed within the solution proposal need to be
empirically validated, in order to strengthen the
empirical research. Furthermore, researchers can
use another method for classification and evalu-
ation in order to find the best result, for instance
for heuristic evaluations.
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In the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK® Guide), the IEEE Computer Society establishes a baseline for the body of knowledge for the field of software engineering, and the work supports the Society’s responsibility to promote the advancement of both theory and practice in this field. It should be noted that the Guide does not purport to define the body of knowledge but rather to serve as a compendium and guide to the knowledge that has been developing and evolving over the past four decades. Now in Version 3.0, the Guide’s 15 knowledge areas summarize generally accepted topics and list references for detailed information. The editors for Version 3.0 of the SWEBOK® Guide are Pierre Bourque (École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Université du Québec) and Richard E. (Dick) Fairley (Software and Systems Engineering Associates (S2EA)).
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The objective of this report is to propose comprehensive guidelines for systematic literature reviews appropriate for software engineering researchers, including PhD students. A systematic literature review is a means of evaluating and interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research question, topic area, or phenomenon of interest. Systematic reviews aim to present a fair evaluation of a research topic by using a trustworthy, rigorous, and auditable methodology. The guidelines presented in this report were derived from three existing guidelines used by medical researchers, two books produced by researchers with social science backgrounds and discussions with researchers from other disciplines who are involved in evidence-based practice. The guidelines have been adapted to reflect the specific problems of software engineering research. The guidelines cover three phases of a systematic literature review: planning the review, conducting the review and reporting the review. They provide a relatively high level description. They do not consider the impact of the research questions on the review procedures, nor do they specify in detail the mechanisms needed to perform meta-analysis.
Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications presents the state of the art approaches for obtaining a correct and complete Web software product from conceptual schemas, represented via well-known design notations. Describing mature and consolidated approaches to developing complex applications, this edited volume is divided into three parts and covers the challenges web application developers face; design issues for web applications; and how to measure and evaluate web applications in a consistent way. With contributions from leading researchers in the field this book will appeal to researchers and students as well as to software engineers, software architects and business analysts.