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Sentiment Analysis of Literary Texts vs. Reader's Emotional Responses


Abstract and Figures

Sentiment analysis is a relevant task in natural language processing, which is often conducted on Internet texts to analyze reviews of products, services, posts, and comments on social media. Unlike most studies, our work focuses on literary texts in the Russian language written during the emotionally charged period of the early 20th century, when a change in the Russian political system and a fundamental shift in society's way of life occurred as a result of socio-economic upheavals such as wars and revolutions. It is assumed that literary texts from this period should also be rich in emotional vocabulary. The main goal of the research described in this article is to study the correlation between the results of sentiment analysis, performed on the material of Russian short stories using several automatic methods, and the average expert evaluation of the emotions that these same texts evoke in modern readers. The results of the study contribute to understanding the evaluative component of literary works vocabulary and can also be used to build recommendation systems aimed at selecting literary texts for readers.
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Sentiment Analysis of Literary Texts
vs. Reader’s Emotional Responses
Tatiana Sherstinova, Anna Moskvina, Margarita Kirina, Asia Karysheva,
Evgenia Kolpashchikova, Polina Maksimenko, Anastasia Seinova, Ruslan Rodionov
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg, Russia
{tsherstinova, admoskvina, mkirina}
{askarysheva, eokolpaschikova, pimaksimenko, arseynova, rarodionov}
AbstractSentiment analysis is a relevant task in natural
language processing, which is often conducted on Internet texts to
analyze reviews of products, services, posts, and comments on
social media. Unlike most studies, our work focuses on literary
texts in the Russian language written during the emotionally
charged period of the early 20th century, when a change in the
Russian political system and a fundamental shift in society's way
of life occurred as a result of socio-economic upheavals such as
wars and revolutions. It is assumed that literary texts from this
period should also be rich in emotional vocabulary. The main goal
of the research described in this article is to study the correlation
between the results of sentiment analysis, performed on the
material of Russian short stories using several automatic methods,
and the average expert evaluation of the emotions that these same
texts evoke in modern readers. The results of the study contribute
to understanding the evaluative component of literary works
vocabulary and can also be used to build recommendation systems
aimed at selecting literary texts for readers.
Sentiment analysis refers to a growing field of natural language
processing (NLP) and is aimed at detecting emotional valence
of text based on its content [1]. Most often, sentiment analysis
is applied to Internet texts, namely reviews of goods, services,
posts, and comments on social networks, in order to assess
consumer opinion [2], [3]. Sociologists and political scientists
actively use it to study and evaluate public opinion, as well as
the attitudes of specific social groups towards a variety of issues
[4]. Analyzing the results of such studies enables the
development of more effective strategies for promoting goods
and services, shaping public opinion, and conducting election
campaigns. Sentiment analysis tools are typically used to
characterize the underlying opinions in text in terms of their
positivity or negativity. More advanced approaches may also
take into account the emotions associated with the text, such as
anger, joy, surprise, sadness, and others [5], [6].
Sentiment analysis methods can be broadly classified into
two categories: lexicon-based and machine learning-based [7].
Regarding lexicon-based approaches, it should be noted that
they typically use not only dictionaries of emotive words but
also rules, including grammatical, syntactic, and the lexical
ones. The approaches that use dictionaries and linguistic rules
are based on the following logic. Each word in the dictionary is
associated with a sentiment score. Then, words from the
dictionary are co mpared with words from the analyzed text, and
their sentiment scores are calculated according to a proposed
formula [1]. When compiling dictionaries, it is worth noting that
pre-existing lexicons can be manually expanded to include
subject-specific terms. Typically, human assessors are
responsible for the markup of these lexical resources (e.g.,
WordNet, LIWC, ANEW, VADER, and others) [8]. Machine
learning approaches can be categorized as either supervised or
unsupervised methods [9]. Supervised machine learning
approaches typically use classification algorithms.
While the application of sentiment analysis methods to
literary texts may not have an obvious utilitarian purpose, it can
shed light on the lexical features of such texts. These methods,
along with classical stylometric techniques, expand the range of
quantitative methods available for philological analysis.
Successful examples of sentiment analysis applied to literary
texts include the following works: [10], [11], [12], [13], [14].
Our proposed quantitative study aims to explore the
relationship between the lexical tonality of Russian stories
written approximately 100 years ago, measured by various
computer methods, and the emotional responses of readers to
these texts, determined through expert evaluation. The results
of our study contribute to the understanding of the evaluative
component of the vocabulary in literary works. Additionally,
these results can be used to enhance the development of
recommendation systems that suggest literary texts to readers.
The study was conducted on a sample of 210 texts from the
Russian Short Story Corpus of 1900–1930, created to model the
language and style of Russian short stories prose of the period
under consideration [15], as well as allowing to conduct digital
studies of Russian literature. Unlike most philological resources
focused on presenting the legacy of the most famous and
popular writers, the Russian Short Story Corpus includes
literary texts from a broad range of Russian prose writers,
including well-known authors along with less prominent ones,
and even virtually forgotten [16], [17]. This resource is actively
used for various linguistic, literary, and DH studies [18], [19],
[20], [21], [22], [23].
The sample comprises 210 stories that were selected
randomly in a manner that accurately represents three historical
periods: 1) the pre-war period (1900-1913), 2) the period of
acute social cataclysms such as wars and revolutions (1914-
1922), and 3) the early Soviet period (1923-1930). To ensure
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proper representation, only one story per author was included.
The sample contains a total of 713,245 words.
Each short story was manually evaluated by 3 experts to
obtain an objective reader's assessment. A total of 630 texts
were read and annotated. The considerable amount of expert
work accounts for a relatively small sample size.
All the stories in the sample, along with their summaries, are
available on the Russian Short Story Corpus website
at [24].
А. Methodology for obtaining expert evaluation
To obtain expert evaluation, we conducted an experiment
designed to measure readers' perception. Participants were
asked to read each story and rate their emotional response by
evaluating each of the six basic emotions (happiness, sadness,
disgust, surprise, anger, fear) [25] they experienced while
reading. This list of emotions, originally proposed by Paul
Ekman, was chosen as it is also used in SentiArt, a tool for
sentiment analysis of literary texts [26] employed later in this
study. Additionally, participants were asked to rate each story
on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how much they liked it in general.
All participants were philology students at the Higher School of
Economics in Saint Petersburg.
To prevent the influence of writers' personalities on the
evaluation, the participants were not provided with the
information on the author. In anonymous form, the majority of
the stories are relatively unrecognizable, еven among philology
specialists. The only exception might have been Ivan Bunin's
“Light Breathing”. Each of the 210 texts in the sample was
evaluated independently by three participants in the experiment.
The reader's emotional response was evaluated on a three-
point scale, where 0 indicated no emotional response, 1
indicated a weak emotional response, and 2 indicated a strong
one. Additionally, the participants were given the opportunity
to add some comments and provide explanations for any of their
The overall impression of each story was evaluated using a
rating scale ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 represents the lowest
score and 10 represents the highest. The participants were
responsible for interpreting the scale, and the ratings have been
thoroughly analyzed in a separate study [27].
While it may be argued that the respondent pool for the
experiments lacks sufficient socio-demographic diversity, we
believe that students of philology are quite a sensible choice for
the research objectives. All respondents were instructed to
approach the task of reading the stories with a calm and neutral
emotional state, without any sense of haste or urgency. They
were asked to focus solely on reading the stories and assessing
their emotional response.
B. Data processing methodology
In order to summarize the data collected from the three
respondents, we employed a cumulative sum approach where
the points assigned to each emotion were totaled for each story.
The final score ranges from 0, if none of the respondents noted
a manifestation of the corresponding emotion, to 6, if the
emotion received the maximum score from all three
C. Results obtained
Fig. 1 shows six histograms reflecting the distribution of
cumulative scores for each emotion. Four out of six graphs
(happiness, disgust, anger, and fear) display a similar pattern,
where the predominant rating is “zero”. This indicates that
readers either did not experience these emotions while reading
the texts or only experienced them to a very weak extent.
However, one can see from the histograms that happiness and
disgust are more common than anger and fear. Surprise and
sadness are more typical reactions, with sadness manifested to
a much greater extent.
Fig. 2 contains visualization of the correlations between
different emotions evoked by reading. One can note a weak
inverse relationship between happiness and sadness
(r = −0.308) — high indicators of happiness, as it were, displace
sadness. Similar relationship, but expressed to an even lesser
extent, can be observed between happiness and negative
emotions: disgust (r = −0,272), fear (r = −0,15) and anger
(r = −0,157). There is a very weak direct correlation between
happiness and surprise (r = 0,140).
A weak direct correlation is observed between sadness,
anger, disgust and fear. It is most pronounced between disgust
and anger (r = 0,519), as well as between fear and anger
(r = 0,398). As for surprise, its correlation with negative
emotions is low in absolute values. However, one can notice a
greater variety of trends concerning this emotion, which
requires a separate study.
Table I presents the average values of the cumulative scores
for the sample as a whole and separately for each period.
Periods On
Happiness 1,457 1,662 1,870 1,662
Sadness 3,743 3,099 3,130 3,324
Disgust 1,614 1,394 1,754 1,586
Surprise 1,729 1,789 1,826 1,781
Anger 1,057 0,761 0,971 0,929
Fear 1,357 1,070 1,319 1,248
Table I shows that the most frequent emotional response
among readers is sadness. Almost all the texts (around 94% of
the sample) were characterized by at least one of the
respondents as evoking this emotion. Moreover, a significant
part of the stories was evaluated as very sad (with scores from
4 to 6). Surprise scores second in terms of frequency as its
average score is 1,78 (in 76% of the stories, at least one
respondent noted its presence). Happiness and disgust exhibit
close average values (1,66 and 1,59, respectively). Different
scores of these emotions are noticed in 70% of the texts. Least
of all, the readers experienced fear and anger since different
degrees of fear are noted in 59% of the stories, of anger in
ISSN 2305-7254________________________________________PROCEEDING OF THE 33RD CONFERENCE OF FRUCT ASSOCIATION
Fig. 1.
Distribution of obtained scores across stories for different emotions
Fig. 2. Visualization of correlation scores for different pairs of emotions, taking into account the period of the story's writing
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In this research, we use both dictionary-based and machine
learning methods.
1) Dictionary-based sentiment analysis
The open-source program used for calculations was Orange
[28], which facilitates machine learning and data visualization
and also supports sentiment analysis.
Orange provides a dictionary-based approach for sentiment
analysis, which relies on lists of evaluative vocabulary. Users
have the option to use the default list, which is the Multilingual
Sentiment Lexicons (MSL) collection developed by the Data
Science Lab [29], or create their own custom dictionaries. The
input requires two lists: one with positive words and the other
with negative words, each on a new line. Weighted scores are
not used here; each word is considered either positive, negative,
or neutral. We compare the results obtained by using the
Multilingual Sentiment Lexicons (MSL) and the RusSentiLex
(RSL) evaluative vocabulary, which is a well-known resource
for the Russian language [30]. To ensure comparability, we
removed the neutral vocabulary (marked as "neutral") and
context-dependent word forms (marked as "positive/negative")
from the RusSentiLex dictionary.
To measure the sentiment, Orange employs the technique
originally proposed in [31]. The overall sentiment of the text is
determined by subtracting the number of distinct negative
words from the number of distinct positive words, then dividing
the resulting value by the length of the document in words and
multiplying it by 100. Therefore, the frequency of words does
not impact the sentiment score, and the overall sentiment of the
text is primarily determined by the diversity of positive and
negative words as well as the length of the document.
When working with Orange, we conducted two sets of
calculations: the first set without any preprocessing of the texts,
and the second set involved lemmatization of the short stories.
Lemmatization was performed using the ru_core_news_sm
model of the spaCy library [32].
2) Dostoevsky library
Dostoevsky is a sentiment analysis Python library for the
Russian language. It is based on the FastText model which was
trained on the RuSentiment dataset introduced in [33].
RuSentiment is an extended database built on a sample of 6950
posts from social network VKontakte, written in Russian. The
authors claim that due to the choice of the platform, the
RuSentiment data sample differs in the variability of the
vocabulary used and the length of publications [ibid.].
The sample was compiled as follows: initially, 31,185 posts
were annotated, of which 21,268 were selected randomly. The
posts included in the sample “were 10-800 characters in length,
at least 50% of which were alphabetical, and at least 30% used
the Russian Cyrillic alphabet” [ibid.]. All links, postcards and
posts with a large number of hashtags were excluded. The
selected data (6,950 posts) was annotated manually by experts.
The test dataset for training consisted of 2,967 posts, which
were rated on a three-point scale (“positive”, “negative”,
“neutral”). The “positive” and “negative” labels were given to
the texts which contained an explicit or implicit expression of
an internal emotional state (“mood”) or attitude to an object
(“evaluation”) — positive or negative, respectively. Texts in the
“neutral” category were defined as not containing expressed
sentiment (e.g., factual questions, descriptions, commercial
information). Furthermore, the labels “speech act” and “skip"
were implemented. The “speech act” category included posts
containing speech acts frequently found in the data (expressions
of gratitude, greetings, congratulations), which were not
included in the “positive” category because they are “very
formulaic”. The “skip” label was given to non-Russian, “noisy”
or “unclear” texts [ibid.].
As a result of processing the sample using the Dostoevsky
library, all texts obtained the probability values for five labels
(“positive”, “negative”, “neutral”, speech”, skip”), ranging
from 0 to 1. The scores were calculated in three variants: 1) for
words, 2) for sentences, and 3) for a whole text.
3) SentiArt
SentiArt is a tool for sentiment analysis of literary texts
based on a vector space model, which was introduced in [26].
Unlike dictionary or word-list based sentiment analysis
methods, the methodology employed in SentiArt does not rely
on data that has been manually marked up according to its
valence. Instead, one starts with a list of labels, e.g., ‘good’ and
‘bad’ for positive and negative sentiment, respectively, and gets
the embeddings for the labels using a vector space model.
Words in a text are also vectorized via the same model. The
association degree between a word and every label is then
computed. When it comes to interpreting the values obtained,
as authors explain, “if a given test word is on average
more similar to a set of positive labels like GOOD than to the
opposite set, it will be classified as having a positive valence
and vice versa” [ibid.]. It should be noted that SentiArt proved
to achieve adequate results in predicting the emotional potential
of literary texts and outperformed other machine learning based
classifiers in sentiment analysis [ibid.].
We followed the logic proposed by SentiArt developers with
a few modifications. We have applied a vector space model for
measuring texts’ emotionality in the same fashion the experts
did, not getting to classifying data as positive or negative. First,
the labels were chosen as the words clearly representing six
basic emotions. One word represented one emotion:
ispugats’a” (“to take fright”), “zloj” (“angry”), “otvratitelnyj
(“disgusting”), “schastlivyj(“happy”), “grustny(“sad”), and
udivit’sa (“to be surprised”). The labels were chosen
intuitively as having strong correspondence to the given
emotions in their literal sense, being frequent and as stylistically
neutral as emotions could be.
For the nexts stage, we used Word2vec Continuous
Skipgram model trained on full Russian National Corpus. The
model under consideration contains 185K words and is
implemented in the gensim library [34]. During preprocessing,
the texts were lemmatized using stanza library [35]. Each word
in a given story received six scores based on how close it was
to label words in a vector space (from 0 to 1). Semantic
relatedness was understood as cosine similarity between the
embeddings obtained for the labels and the embeddings for the
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words in the texts. The final scores for 210 short stories were
then calculated as mean values for each emotion.
The emotional scores of short stories were calculated in two
different ways. The first way was to consider all the words. The
second way included a threshold, i.e. the mean was computed
only using cosine similarity values that are higher than 0,5. The
hypothesis was that leaving only words referring to emotions
more strongly would increase the differentiation in final scores.
А. Analyzing Sentiment with Emotive Lexicons
Calculations performed in Orange according to the
algorithm [31] can generate sentiment values that fall within the
range of -100 to 100. However, in our case, the final values
turned out to be very small in absolute value and mostly
negative, which indicates the predominance of words with
negative sentiment. Table II shows the main statistics for the
distribution of sentiment scores for the two used dictionaries
Multilingual Sentiment Lexicons (MSL) and RusSentiLex
Statistics MSL RSL
Min (negative) -5,848 -7,992
Max (positive) 3,992 4,403
Range 9,840 12,395
Mean -0,416 -1,453
SD 1,3556 1,718
Median -0,574 -1,778
The information presented in Table II suggests that using the
RusSentiLex dictionary results in a wider range of sentiment
values. In the context of sentiment rating, this broader spread of
values can be regarded as an advantage. Moreover, the average
sentiment values are shifted towards more negative ratings,
which can be explained by the larger size of the negative
dictionary itself [36]. However, the correlation coefficient
between the sentiment values obtained on lemmatized texts
processed by these two dictionaries turned out to be quite high,
namely 0.818. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, obtained
to compare the ranks of stories by sentiment, turned out to be
slightly less than 0.740.
The most negative short story, according to both lexicons,
was the story of Artyom Vesyoly “Pod krasnymi znamenami”
(“Under the Red Flags”) (1923), which tells about the civil war.
The most positive stories are different, however, depending on
the lexicon, but the story by Alexander Belenson-Lugin
“Egipetskaya predskazatel'nica” (“The Egyptian Fortune
Teller”) (1921) and the well-known story “Legkoe dykhanie”
(“Light Breathing”) by Ivan Bunin (1916), that can hardly be
called positive by content, received the highest values.
B. Results of Sentiment Analysis using Dostoevsky
Breaking down each story into words and sentences and
calculating the average sentiment score resulted in a significant
number of neutral values, which did not provide us with useful
insights. Therefore, we have chosen to exclude these results
from analysis.
It was decided to focus on the data obtained for the entire
text of the stories. Table III presents statistics on positive and
negative sentiment scores, each measured on a scale from 0 to
1. These data are summarized in the parameter Pos/Neg, which
represents the ratio of positive word sentiment to negative word
Statistics Positive Negative Pos/Neg
Minimum 0,052 0,207 0,155
Maximum 0,228 0,446 0,909
Range 0,176 0,239 0,754
Mean 0,125 0,305 0,416
SD 0,034 0,043 0,126
Median 0,119 0,301 0,398
Table III demonstrates that, similar to the results obtained
using the vocabulary method, the sentiment values produced
have very small absolute values, with a predominance of
negative lexicon.
Sergey Semenov’s “Sumerki” (“Twilight”) (1909) appeared
to be the most negative text, while Artyom Vesyoly’s leading
story in the vocabulary approach ranked only 25. The most
positive texts according to the algorithm are Ivan Kataev’s
“Avtobus” (“Bus”) (1929) and Ivan Bunin’s “Legkoe dyhanie”
(“Light Breathing”) (1916), while “Egipetskaya
predskazatel'nica” (“The Egyptian Fortune Teller”) was pushed
to a distant 41st place. The sentiment scores obtained for the
"positive" and "negative" scales were compared with the expert
values assigned to the texts by respondents.
С. Results of Sentiment Analysis using SentiArt
In contrast to the previous approaches, the SentiArt method
does not operate within a positive-negative dichotomy. Instead,
it measures the degree of expression of six different emotions:
happiness, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and fear. As
mentioned above, the calculation was carried out using two
methods: 1) cosine similarity between the words and the labels,
obtaining the mean value for each of the labels, 2) the mean was
computed with threshold — using cosine similarity values that
are higher than 0.5.
Table IV shows the statistics for all 6 major emotions
calculated using both methods. The statistics obtained by the
first algorithm give surprisingly similar values for all six
emotions. It can be assumed that such a picture is explained by
the fact that, from the point of view of distributive semantics,
the words denoting the studied emotions behave in a similar
way compared to all other words in the vocabulary. The range
of values is more widely spread with the counting option that
uses a threshold of 0.5.
The happiest short story, according to this distributional
semantics approach, was the story by Sergei Auslender
“Zanyatye lyudi” (“Busy people”) (1912), the saddest and at the
same time the most surprising was the story by Yevgeny
Zamyatin “Iks” (“X”) (1919), the greatest disgust was
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manifested in the story by Lev Gumilevsky “Obnazhennye
dushi” (“Naked Souls”) (1915), anger is shown to the maximum
extent in Alexander Lazarev-Gruzinsky's story “Forget-Me-
Nots” (“Nezabudki”) (1913), and fear — in the text by Mikhail
Sandomirsky “Verochka” (“Verochka”) (1915).
Statistics Happy Surprise Sad Disgust Anger Fear
Without threshold
Minimum 0,205 0,194 0,218 0,179 0,197 0,224
Maximum 0,248 0,232 0,252 0,207 0,225 0,264
Range 0,043 0,038 0,034 0,028 0,028 0,040
Mean 0,224 0,212 0,233 0,190 0,210 0,243
SD 0,008 0,007 0,007 0,004 0,006 0,007
Median 0,224 0,212 0,233 0,189 0,210 0,243
With 0,5 threshold
Minimum 0,503 0,501 0,503 0,518 0,501 0,506
Maximum 1,000 1,000 0,829 0,776 1,000 0,896
Range 0,497 0,499 0,326 0,257 0,499 0,390
Mean 0,587 0,771 0,571 0,570 0,613 0,582
SD 0,098 0,218 0,052 0,035 0,110 0,050
Median 0,540 0,750 0,557 0,561 0,587 0,576
The results obtained by the second method with 0.5 threshold
give a different distribution of data, while the final correlation
between the emotionality values is close to zero. The maximum
correlation coefficient was found for surprise (0.17) and
happiness (0.15), but these indicators are very small, the rank
correlation coefficient does not exceed 0.145 in absolute value.
Table V displays the correlation coefficients for the results of
each of the automatic sentiment analysis experiments with the
values of readers' emotional responses, which were obtained as
a result of the experiment described in Section III of the paper.
The correlation coefficients that were statistically significant at
the level of p < 0.05 are indicated in bold font, while the cells
in which the correlation coefficient was significant at the level
of p < 0.001 are highlighted in gray. The data for SentiArt were
calculated separately for each of the six emotions (happiness,
surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and fear).
Method Reader’s Emotional Responses
Happy Surprise Sad Disgust Anger Fear
Dictionary approach
RusSentiLex 0,247 0,102 -0,255 -0,205 -0,238 -0,289
MultiSentiLex 0,241 0,033 -0,222 -0,149 -0,237 -0,355
Positive -0,012 0,048 0,229 -0,038 0,032 0,008
Negative -0,281 -0,075 0,296 0,149 0,188 0,279
Pos/Neg 0,139 0,084 0,054 -0,099 -0,055 -0,127
SentiArt 0,089 -0,063 0,209 0,114 -0,004 -0,025
SentiArt (0,5) 0,037 0,022 -0,104 -0,148 -0,040 0,006
All of the correlations obtained are relatively weak. The
strongest correlations are observed for the emotions of fear,
sadness, and happiness, and the sentiment scores obtained using
the dictionary approach. The sentiment analysis method based
on the Dostoevsky library, although trained on social media
texts, produced similar results to the dictionary-based approach.
It also showed that fear, sadness, and happiness are the
emotions that can be identified most effectively. However, the
SentiArt method did not achieve the objectives of this research.
The correlations obtained using the SentiArt method are both
small in absolute value and not statistically significant. This
outcome is particularly disappointing as it undermines the
relevance of the method for our research purposes.
The findings suggest that the link between the sentiment of
a literary text and the emotional response of reader is rather
weak. In other words, the presence of negative vocabulary does
not necessarily provoke negative emotions in readers, and the
presence of positive vocabulary does not guarantee a positive
emotional response. While we cannot entirely discount the
possibility of a relationship between these factors, it appears
that other factors may play a more significant role in shaping
the emotional response of readers to literature. For instance, in
the case of the dictionary approach results, positive emotions
such as happiness and surprise have a positive correlation
coefficient, while negative emotions like sadness, disgust,
anger, and fear are negatively correlated.
The highest values of fear, sadness and happiness can be
explained by the fact that these are the most frequent and easily
recognizable emotions, which were more commonly observed
in the readers’ responses [27].
The results obtained with the SentiArt method appeared to
be the least convincing. Perhaps, this is an indication that the
method proposed by [26] for English literary texts requires
more significant adaptation for Russian.
The article presents the findings of a sentiment analysis
conducted on a sample of short Russian prose texts that were
written approximately 100 years ago. The sentiment analysis
was performed using three different methods, including both
dictionary-based and machine learning-based approaches. The
results of the sentiment analysis were also compared with those
of a reader evaluation experiment in which the same stories
were rated based on the emotions they elicited.
The study’s findings suggest that the presence of “positive”
or “negative” vocabulary in a text has only a weak association
with the reader's overall emotional response. However, it is also
important to note that the correlation coefficients obtained are
statistically significant and align with logical expectations.
Therefore, while sentiment analysis is a useful tool, it is not
sufficient on its own to create effective book recommendation
systems that consider the emotional impact on readers. Other
factors, such as plot, style, and narrative dynamism, should also
be considered.
The relatively low correlation rates observed between the
analyzed phenomena could also be attributed to the limitations
of the dictionaries and training samples used in the study. Both
are based on contemporary linguistic material and may not be
suitable for analyzing the vocabulary of literary texts written a
century ago. Therefore, it is essential to use appropriate
dictionaries and text datasets from the corresponding time
period when studying literary texts.
The comparison of results obtained by different methods is
challenging due to the variation in approaches used to analyze
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the material, particularly when transitioning from specific
emotions to the “negative-positive” scale and vice versa. To
overcome this challenge, a special technique proposed by [26]
may require further adaptation for use in analyzing Russian
literary texts.
The preliminary assessment of the results obtained from
different methods suggests that a dictionary approach using the
RusSentiLex dictionary is preferable as it shows the maximum
correlation value for all six emotions. However, for processing
literary texts, it is recommended to expand the dictionary with
bookish, poetic, and “obsolete” vocabulary.
This article is an output of a research project “Text as Big
Data: Modeling Convergent Processes in Language and Speech
using Digital Methods” implemented as part of the Basic
Research Program at the National Research University Higher
School of Economics (HSE University).
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ISSN 2305-7254________________________________________PROCEEDING OF THE 33RD CONFERENCE OF FRUCT ASSOCIATION
Full-text available
Social networking platforms have become an essential means for communicating feelings to the entire world due to rapid expansion in the Internet era. Several people use textual content, pictures, audio, and video to express their feelings or viewpoints. Text communication via Web-based networking media, on the other hand, is somewhat overwhelming. Every second, a massive amount of unstructured data is generated on the Internet due to social media platforms. The data must be processed as rapidly as generated to comprehend human psychology, and it can be accomplished using sentiment analysis, which recognizes polarity in texts. It assesses whether the author has a negative, positive, or neutral attitude toward an item, administration, individual, or location. In some applications, sentiment analysis is insufficient and hence requires emotion detection, which determines an individual’s emotional/mental state precisely. This review paper provides understanding into levels of sentiment analysis, various emotion models, and the process of sentiment analysis and emotion detection from text. Finally, this paper discusses the challenges faced during sentiment and emotion analysis.
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Sentiment analysis has become a powerful tool in processing and analysing expressed opinions on a large scale. While the application of sentiment analysis on English-language content has been widely examined, the applications on the Russian language remains not as well-studied. In this survey, we comprehensively reviewed the applications of sentiment analysis of Russian-language content and identified current challenges and future research directions. In contrast with previous surveys, we targeted the applications of sentiment analysis rather than existing sentiment analysis approaches and their classification quality. We synthesised and systematically characterised existing applied sentiment analysis studies by their source of analysed data, purpose, employed sentiment analysis approach, and primary outcomes and limitations. We presented a research agenda to improve the quality of the applied sentiment analysis studies and to expand the existing research base to new directions. Additionally, to help scholars selecting an appropriate training dataset, we performed an additional literature review and identified publicly available sentiment datasets of Russian-language texts.
The inherent nature of social media content poses serious challenges to practical applications of sentiment analysis. We present VADER, a simple rule-based model for general sentiment analysis, and compare its effectiveness to eleven typical state-of-practice benchmarks including LIWC, ANEW, the General Inquirer, SentiWordNet, and machine learning oriented techniques relying on Naive Bayes, Maximum Entropy, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, we first construct and empirically validate a gold-standard list of lexical features (along with their associated sentiment intensity measures) which are specifically attuned to sentiment in microblog-like contexts. We then combine these lexical features with consideration for five general rules that embody grammatical and syntactical conventions for expressing and emphasizing sentiment intensity. Interestingly, using our parsimonious rule-based model to assess the sentiment of tweets, we find that VADER outperforms individual human raters (F1 Classification Accuracy = 0.96 and 0.84, respectively), and generalizes more favorably across contexts than any of our benchmarks.
The paper deals with the study on rhythmic structures of phonetic words conducted on the base of Russian novelistic prose of the initial three decades of the 20th Century. Due to the revolutionary changes in the society, Russian language has changed a lot during this period, at least on lexical and stylistic levels, and one could expect to find some transformations on its prosody level as well. To check this hypothesis, rhythmic dictionaries for 30 Russian writers were compiled, then they were compared with the reference probabilities which are considered as the standard ones for Russian prose texts. In order to research changes of language rhythmic structures over time, language prosody models were built for each of the three consecutive historical periods – the beginning of the 20th century (1900–1913), the periods of wars and revolutions (1914–1922), and the early Soviet era (1923–1930). The results of the quantitative study have shown that although language style characteristics (as well as techniques of versification) obviously changed, the basic language rhythmic features remained unchanged. Furthermore, they are in general close to the characteristics of probability in the distribution of standard rhythmic structures of the Russian language. In addition, for selected Russian poets – who wrote prose – occasional iambs were found in prose texts, and the comparative study of the language and speech models of Russian iambic verse was conducted.
An important part of our information-gathering behavior has always been to find out what other people think. With the growing availability and popularity of opinion-rich resources such as online review sites and personal blogs, new opportunities and challenges arise as people can, and do, actively use information technologies to seek out and understand the opinions of others. The sudden eruption of activity in the area of opinion mining and sentiment analysis, which deals with the computational treatment of opinion, sentiment, and subjectivity in text, has thus occurred at least in part as a direct response to the surge of interest in new systems that deal directly with opinions as a first-class object. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis covers techniques and approaches that promise to directly enable opinion-oriented information-seeking systems. The focus is on methods that seek to address the new challenges raised by sentiment-aware applications, as compared to those that are already present in more traditional fact-based analysis. The survey includes an enumeration of the various applications, a look at general challenges and discusses categorization, extraction and summarization. Finally, it moves beyond just the technical issues, devoting significant attention to the broader implications that the development of opinion-oriented information-access services have: questions of privacy, vulnerability to manipulation, and whether or not reviews can have measurable economic impact. To facilitate future work, a discussion of available resources, benchmark datasets, and evaluation campaigns is also provided. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis is the first such comprehensive survey of this vibrant and important research area and will be of interest to anyone with an interest in opinion-oriented information-seeking systems.