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Reconstructing the Mind's Eye: fMRI-to-Image with Contrastive Learning and Diffusion Priors

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Abstract and Figures

We present MindEye, a novel fMRI-to-image approach to retrieve and reconstruct viewed images from brain activity. Our model comprises two parallel submodules that are specialized for retrieval (using contrastive learning) and reconstruction (using a diffusion prior). MindEye can map fMRI brain activity to any high dimensional multimodal latent space, like CLIP image space, enabling image reconstruction using generative models that accept embeddings from this latent space. We comprehensively compare our approach with other existing methods, using both qualitative side-by-side comparisons and quantitative evaluations, and show that MindEye achieves state-of-the-art performance in both reconstruction and retrieval tasks. In particular, MindEye can retrieve the exact original image even among highly similar candidates indicating that its brain embeddings retain fine-grained image-specific information. This allows us to accurately retrieve images even from large-scale databases like LAION-5B. We demonstrate through ablations that MindEye's performance improvements over previous methods result from specialized submodules for retrieval and reconstruction, improved training techniques, and training models with orders of magnitude more parameters. Furthermore, we show that MindEye can better preserve low-level image features in the reconstructions by using img2img, with outputs from a separate autoencoder. All code is available on GitHub.
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Reconstructing the Mind’s Eye: fMRI-to-Image with
Contrastive Learning and Diffusion Priors
Paul S. Scotti*,1,2, Atmadeep Banerjee*,2, Jimmie Goode†, 2, Stepan Shabalin2, Alex Nguyen1,
Ethan Cohen3, Aidan J. Dempster4, Nathalie Verlinde1, Elad Yundler5, David Weisberg1,2,
Kenneth A. Norman‡,1, and Tanishq Mathew Abraham‡,2,6,7
1Princeton Neuroscience Institute
2Medical AI Research Center (MedARC)
3Ecole Normale Supérieure, PSL University
4University of Toronto
5Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7Stability AI
Project Page:
We present MindEye, a novel fMRI-to-image approach to retrieve and reconstruct
viewed images from brain activity. Our model comprises two parallel submodules
that are specialized for retrieval (using contrastive learning) and reconstruction
(using a diffusion prior). MindEye can map fMRI brain activity to any high
dimensional multimodal latent space, like CLIP image space, enabling image re-
construction using generative models that accept embeddings from this latent space.
We comprehensively compare our approach with other existing methods, using both
qualitative side-by-side comparisons and quantitative evaluations, and show that
MindEye achieves state-of-the-art performance in both reconstruction and retrieval
tasks. In particular, MindEye can retrieve the exact original image even among
highly similar candidates indicating that its brain embeddings retain fine-grained
image-specific information. This allows us to accurately retrieve images even from
large-scale databases like LAION-5B. We demonstrate through ablations that Mind-
Eye’s performance improvements over previous methods result from specialized
submodules for retrieval and reconstruction, improved training techniques, and
training models with orders of magnitude more parameters. Furthermore, we show
that MindEye can better preserve low-level image features in the reconstructions
by using img2img, with outputs from a separate autoencoder. All code is available
on GitHub.
1 Introduction
The problem of decoding environmental inputs and cognitive states from brain activity is funda-
mental to the field of neuroscience, where improved computational approaches allow for further
understanding of brain mechanisms [
]. A neuroimaging methodology that has seen significant
success in this domain is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), where neural activity
is measured by detecting changes in blood oxygenation. fMRI decoding is already being used in
Equal contributions.
Core contribution.
Joint senior authors.
Preprint. Under review.
arXiv:2305.18274v1 [cs.CV] 29 May 2023
Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction
Figure 1: Example images reconstructed from human brain activity corresponding to passive viewing of natural
scenes. Reconstructions depict outputs from Versatile Diffusion [
] given CLIP fMRI embeddings generated by
MindEye for Subject 1. See Figure 4 and Appendix A.3 for more samples.
real-time clinical domains [
] and has potential for novel mind reading applications in brain-computer
interfaces. Previous works mapped fMRI activity to the embeddings of image generation models
via relatively simple mappings, usually ridge regression [
]. Here we propose MindEye, a novel
approach that involves mapping via large-scale multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), contrastive learning,
and diffusion models to achieve state-of-the-art image reconstruction. See Figure 1 for select samples
of reconstructions.1
MindEye learns to map flattened spatial patterns of fMRI activity across voxels (3-dimensional cubes
of cortical tissue) to the image embedding latent space of a pretrained CLIP [
] model. MindEye
has an MLP backbone and 2 specialized submodules for retrieval and reconstruction. The retrieval
submodule is contrastively trained and produces “disjointed CLIP fMRI” embeddings that have high
cosine similarity with the corresponding image embeddings but differ in magnitude. To reconstruct
images, we train a diffusion prior [
] to take in the outputs from the MLP backbone and produce
aligned embeddings suitable as inputs to any pretrained image generation model that accepts CLIP
image embeddings. In order to ensure that our reconstructions also match the original images’
low-level features (e.g., color, texture, spatial position), we train a separate encoder that directly maps
voxels to the embedding space of Stable Diffusion’s [
] variational autoencoder (VAE), obtaining
blurry image reconstructions that lack high-level semantic content but perform state-of-the-art on low-
level image metrics. Combining the high-level “semantic” pipeline with the low-level “perceptual”
pipeline in an img2img [
] setting allows MindEye to output state-of-the-art reconstructions across
both low- and high-level image metrics.
In addition to image reconstruction metrics, our disjointed CLIP fMRI embeddings attain state-of-
the-art performance on image retrieval and brain retrieval metrics. Image retrieval refers to finding
the original seen image out of a pool of other images given a brain sample, while brain retrieval
refers to finding the brain sample given an image. MindEye finds exact (top-1) matches in the pool of
NSD test samples with >90% accuracy for both image and brain retrieval, outperforming previous
state-of-the-art [
] which showed <50% retrieval accuracies. These results demonstrate that
MindEye brain embeddings possess fine-grained exemplar-level signal.
Our main findings are: (1) Specialized submodules for retrieval (using contrastive learning) and
reconstruction (using a diffusion prior) enable a single model to achieve state-of-the-art results across
both tasks even though the objectives exhibit a tradeoff. (2) Mapping to a deep MLP with a parameter
count orders of magnitude higher than previous methods does not produce overfitting and instead
directly benefits model performance. (3) A novel bidirectional version of mixup contrastive data
augmentation further improves model performance in this low-sample setting. (4) State-of-the-art
reconstructions for low-level image metrics can be obtained by independently mapping to Stable
Diffusion’s VAE latent space. (5) fMRI-to-image retrieval can find the exact original image even
among highly similar candidates, suggesting that fine-grained image-specific information is contained
in brain embeddings, thus allowing retrieval to be scaled up to large-scale databases like LAION-5B
to output images without generative models.
1Images containing each subject’s 982 test set reconstructions and retrievals are available on GitHub.
N images
fMRI voxels
N x 257 x 768
Diffusion prior
N x 15000
Low-level (perceptual) pipeline fMRI voxels
N x 4 x 64 x 64
High-level (semantic) pipeline
N x 257 x 768
MLP projector
MSE loss
Retrieval from LAION-5B
Contrastive loss
Autoencoder latent
Aligned CLIP-fMRI (for reconstruction)
Disjointed CLIP-fMRI (for retrieval)
N x 257 x 768
N x 64 x 16 x 16
N x 257 x 768
MSE loss Upsampling
N x 15000
MLP backbone
Figure 2: MindEye overall schematic. A high-level “semantic” pipeline maps voxels to CLIP embeddings for
image reconstruction (outputs from a diffusion prior feed through generative models like Versatile Diffusion) or
retrieval tasks (such as K-nearest neighbor querying of brain embeddings to the CLIP embeddings of LAION-5B
images). A low-level “perceptual” pipeline maps voxels to the variational autoencoder used by Stable Diffusion
to obtain blurry reconstructions, which are used as the initialization for subsequent diffusion-based image
generation. The contrastive loss for the low-level pipeline is omitted for simplicity; see Appendix A.2.2 for
2 MindEye
MindEye consists of two pipelines (see Figure 2), a high-level (semantic) pipeline where fMRI voxels
are mapped to the CLIP ViT-L/14 image space and a low-level (perceptual) pipeline where the voxels
are mapped to the image embedding space of a VAE. Both pipelines follow a common structure: a
residual MLP backbone followed by two task-specific submodules. For the high-level pipeline the
submodules are an MLP projector and a diffusion prior. For the low-level pipeline the submodules are
an MLP projector and a CNN decoder that performs 4x upsampling. For both pipelines we observe
that training the projector submodule with a contrastive loss and the second submodule with mean
squared error (MSE) loss gives best performance.
2.1 High-Level (Semantic) Pipeline
The high-level pipeline is the core of MindEye as it maps voxels to CLIP image space to be fed
through pretrained image generation models. We refer to it as a “high-level” pipeline because CLIP
embeddings are inherently more semantic than perceptual, since CLIP image encoders were trained
to maximize similarity with text captions (low-level features like color and object location are not
typically preserved in these captions). MindEye can be used without the low-level pipeline, which
simply aids to better preserve low-level image features during reconstruction.
The MLP backbone for our high-level pipeline maps flattened voxels to an intermediate space of size
257 ×768
, corresponding to the last hidden layer of CLIP ViT/L-14 (see Appendix 1 for PyTorch
model code). The backbone consists of a linear layer followed by 4 residual blocks and a final
linear projector. The embeddings from the backbone are fed to an MLP projector and a diffusion
prior in parallel. The whole model is trained end-to-end with the prior getting an MSE loss and the
projector getting a bidirectional CLIP loss. The projector outputs can be used for retrieval tasks and
the diffusion prior outputs can be used by generative models to reconstruct images.
Contrastive Learning: Contrastive learning is an effective method for learning representations
across modalities by maximizing cosine similarity for positive pairs while minimizing similarity for
negative pairs. CLIP [
] is a multimodal contrastive model that maps images and text captions to
a shared embedding space. MindEye is trained to introduce fMRI as an additional modality to the
embedding space of a pretrained CLIP model, keeping the CLIP image space frozen as done with
locked-image text tuning (LiT) [
]. We use the CLIP loss [
] as our contrastive objective. This loss
is bidirectional and helps improve both image and brain retrieval.
Recent work [
] has explored novel data augmentation techniques that offer several benefits like
improving performance, increasing robustness, and reducing training data requirements. Mixup [
is one such technique which trains models on synthetic data created through convex combinations of
two datapoint-label pairs [
]. Kim et al.
introduce MixCo, an extension of mixup that uses the
InfoNCE loss, and show that MixCo improves classification performance in a semi-supervised setting.
Based on the same principle, we modify the bidirectional CLIP loss to use MixCo. While Kim et al.
observed that MixCo gives largest performance benefit for smaller models, we observe that it
also helps large models in low data regimes.
To combine MixCo with CLIP loss, we mix voxels using a factor
sampled from the Beta distribution
with α=β= 0.15.
xmixi,ki=λi·xi+ (1 λi)·xki, p
i=f(xmixi,ki), pi=f(xi), ti=CLIPImage(yi)(1)
represent the
-th fMRI sample and image respectively.
ki[1, N ]
is an arbitrary
mixing index for the
-th datapoint and
represents the combined MLP and projector.
L2-normalized. The CLIP loss with MixCo is defined as:
LBiMixCo =
exp p
m=1 exp p
+ (1 λi)·log
exp p
m=1 exp p
exp p
m=1 exp p
(1 λl)·log
exp p
m=1 exp p
We term this bidirectional loss as BiMixCo. Here
is a temperature hyperparameter, and
is the
batch size.
Recent works [
] have shown that stopping mixup augmentation after a certain number of epochs
leads to better classification performance. As per these findings, we stop using mixup and switch
from a hard contrastive loss to a soft contrastive loss one-third of the way through training. This
improves our reconstructions without harming our retrieval performance (refer Table 4).
Our soft contrastive loss is inspired by knowledge distillation [
], where the authors argue that the
softmax probability distribution produced by a powerful teacher model acts as a better teaching signal
for a student than hard labels. To generate the soft labels we take the dot product of CLIP image
embeddings in a batch with themselves. The loss (with bidirectional component omitted for brevity)
is calculated between CLIP-CLIP and Brain-CLIP matrices as:
exp ti·tj
m=1 exp ti·tm
exp pi·tj
m=1 exp pi·tm
Diffusion Prior: Using a diffusion model to align the outputs of a contrastive learning model was
inspired by DALL-E 2 [
], where a “diffusion prior” was used to map CLIP text embeddings to CLIP
image space before using an unCLIP decoder to reconstruct images. We modify an open-source
implementation of the DALL-E 2 diffusion prior available on GitHub (see Appendix A.2.1). We use
the same prior loss as Ramesh et al. [8]. Our total end-to-end loss is defined as:
L=LBiMixCo|SoftCLIP +α· Lprior (4)
We use
α= 0.3
and switch from BiMixCo to SoftCLIP after one-third of the train cycle. All our
models are trained on a single A100 GPU for 240 epochs with a batch size of 32.
The diffusion prior is critical for reconstruction because contrastive learning only incentivizes the
CLIP fMRI embeddings to match the vector direction of the associated CLIP image embeddings. This
generates disjointed embeddings as observed by Ramesh et al.
. To rectify this issue, the diffusion
prior learns a distribution of CLIP image embeddings conditioned on CLIP fMRI embeddings.
] plots of disjointed CLIP fMRI embeddings next to aligned CLIP fMRI embeddings in
Appendix A.4 show how the diffusion prior addresses the disjointed embedding spaces problem. We
observe that the prior’s role cannot be fulfilled by simply adding MSE loss to the MLP projector
in Table 4. This is because there is a tradeoff between reconstruction and retrieval objectives and a
model cannot effectively learn a single embedding space that does well on both.
2.2 Low-Level (Perceptual) Pipeline
The low-level pipeline maps voxels to the embedding space of Stable Diffusion’s VAE. The output
of this pipeline can be fed into the VAE decoder to produce blurry image reconstructions that lack
high-level semantic content but exhibit state-of-the-art low-level image metrics. We use img2img [
to improve our final image reconstructions in terms of low-level metrics, with minimal impairment to
high-level metrics, such that we start the diffusion process from the noised encodings of our blurry
reconstructions rather than pure noise.
The MLP backbone for our low-level pipeline follows the same architecure as our high-level pipeline,
except that the final outputs are of size
. These are upsampled to
by a CNN
upsampler. An MLP projector projects the backbone outputs to a
dimensional space where
an auxiliary contrastive loss is applied. For more information on the low-level pipeline see Ap-
pendix A.2.2. See Appendix Figure 7 for example blurry reconstructions and Appendix Table 5 to
see the effect of changing img2img strength on subsequent reconstruction metrics.
3 Results
For all experiments, we used the Natural Scenes Dataset (NSD) [
], a public fMRI dataset containing
the brain responses of human participants passively viewing natural scenes from MS-COCO [
By utilizing MS-COCO, this dataset provides measured brain responses to rich naturalistic stimuli,
allowing us to study how well low- and high-level image features are reconstructed by MindEye. We
used the same standardized train/test splits as other NSD reconstruction papers [
], training
subject-specific models for each of 4 participants. We averaged across three same-image repetitions
for the test set (leaving 982 test samples) but not the training set (24,980 training samples), similar to
Takagi and Nishimoto
. For more information on NSD and data preprocessing see Appendix A.1;
for single-trial reconstructions see Appendix A.8.
3.1 Image/Brain Retrieval
Image retrieval evaluations reveal the level of fine-grained image-specific information contained in
the predicted brain embeddings. For example, if the model is given a dozen pictures of zebras and
the brain sample corresponding to viewing one of those zebras, can the model correctly find the
corresponding zebra? If the model can correctly deduce that the brain sample corresponds to an
image of a zebra but cannot deduce the specific image amongst various candidates, this would suggest
that category-level information but not exemplar-specific information is preserved in the CLIP fMRI
embedding. MindEye not only succeeds in this zebra example but also demonstrates 93.2% overall
accuracy for Subject 1 in finding the exact original image within the 982 test images (see Figure 3).
Although we use the full test dataset for retrievals in Figure 3, to compare our retrieval performance
to other papers we average top-1 performance across batches of 300 random test samples. For image
retrieval we compute cosine similarity in CLIP space between a given brain sample and each of a
random batch of 300 image candidates from the test set. This process is repeated for each of the
982 brain samples in the test set, and we average the overall accuracy across all samples and across
30 loops of this process to account for the variability in random sampling of batches. Each sample
is marked as correct if the correct corresponding paired image sample yielded the highest cosine
similarity, such that chance performance would be 1/300. For brain retrieval, the same process is
Given a brain sample:
Find the corresponding image that was presented
fMRI voxels
1 x 15000
1 x 257 x 768
MindEye finds the exact Top-1 image pair from
the test set of 982 images with 93.2% accuracy
(random chance = 0.1%)
Select image with highest CLIP cosine similarity
Retrieve nearest neighbor in CLIP space in LAION-5B database
Seen image Retrieval Seen image Retrieval Seen image Retrieval Seen image Retrieval
Seen image Top 1 Top 2 Top 3
Seen image Top 1 Top 2 Top 3
Seen image Top 1 Top 2 Top 3
Figure 3: MindEye image retrieval. Given a pool of candidate images, nearest neighbor search in CLIP space
enables searching for the original image based on brain activity. Top section depicts how, given 982 test NSD
images (many containing very similar looking images, e.g., over a dozen zebras), MindEye top-1 performance
is 93.2% for Subject 1. The ability to distinguish among confusable candidates suggests brain embeddings
retain fine-grained, image-specific information. Bottom section depicts scaling up to the LAION-5B dataset (see
Appendix A.3 for more examples). Even with billions of images, MindEye finds images similar to the original.
used except image and brain samples are flipped such that the goal is to find the corresponding paired
brain sample for a given image out of 300 brain samples. MindEye outperforms similar models by a
large margin on both image retrieval and brain retrieval evaluations (see Table 1).
We can scale up image retrieval using a pool of billions of image candidates. In Figure 3 we show
results querying the LAION-5B dataset [
] using our CLIP fMRI embeddings. The final layer CLIP
ViT-L/14 embeddings for all 5 billion images are available at, and can be queried for
K-nearest neighbor lookup via the CLIP Retrieval client [
]. For each test sample, we first retrieve
16 candidate images using this method (using a variant of MindEye that maps voxels to the final
layer of CLIP, see Appendix A.6). The best image is then selected based on having the highest
CLIP embedding cosine similarity to the CLIP fMRI embedding. This image retrieval approach is
especially well-suited for tasks involving fine-grained classification, and can be used as an alternative
to image reconstruction without a generative model (evaluations in Table 1).
3.2 fMRI-to-Image Reconstruction
The diffusion prior outputs from MindEye are aligned CLIP fMRI embeddings that can be used with
any pretrained image generation model that accepts latents from CLIP image space. We evaluate the
outputs of MindEye reconstructions across several models including Versatile Diffusion [
], Stable
Diffusion (Image Variations) [
], and Lafite [
]. Here we report results from Versatile Diffusion
since it yielded the best results, and we report results from the other models in Appendix A.6.
We qualitatively compare our reconstructions side-by-side with outputs from other fMRI-to-image
reconstruction models in Figure 4 and quantitatively compare against other models in Table 1,
demonstrating state-of-the-art MindEye reconstructions.
For each subject, for each test brain sample, we output 16 CLIP image embeddings from MindEye and
feed these embeddings through the image variations pipeline of Versatile Diffusion. This produces 16
image reconstructions per brain sample. For our reconstructions we use 20 denoising timesteps with
UniPCMultistep noise scheduling [
] and start the denoising process from the noised output of our
low-level pipeline (img2img). We then select the best of 16 reconstructions by computing last hidden
Ozcelik et al.
Gu et al.
Takagi et al.
Image seen
in MRI
Ozcelik et al.
Image seen
in MRI
Figure 4: Side-by-side comparison of reconstructions from fMRI-to-Image NSD papers. The same test set was
used across papers. All reconstructions come from Subject 1.
layer CLIP embeddings and picking the image with the highest cosine similarity to the disjointed
CLIP fMRI embedding. This automatic second-order selection was inspired by DALL-E 2 [
], which
used a similar process of selecting the best of 2 generated samples.
Method Low-Level High-Level Retrieval
PixCorr SSIM Alex(2) Alex(5) Incep CLIP Eff SwAV Image Brain
Lin et al. [11] 78.2% 11.0% 49.0%
Takagi... [3] 83.0% 83.0% 76.0% 77.0%
Gu et al. [25] .150 .325 .862 .465
Ozcelik... [4] .254 .356 94.2% 96.2% 87.2% 91.5% .775 .423 21.1% 30.3%
MindEye .309 .323 94.7%97.8%93.8%94.1%.645 .367 93.6%90.1%
MindEye (Low-Level) .360 .479 78.1% 74.8% 58.7% 59.2% 1.00 .663
MindEye (High-Level) .194 .308 91.7%97.4%93.6%94.2%.645 .369 93.6%90.1%
MindEye (LAION) .130 .308 84.0% 92.6% 86.9% 86.1% .778 .477
Ozcelik... (Low-, S1) .358 .437 97.7%97.6%77.0%71.1%.906 .581
MindEye (Low-, S1) .456 .493 87.1% 84.1% 61.6% 62.4% .992 .638
Table 1: Quantitative comparison of MindEye retrieval and reconstruction performance against other models.
Top and middle sections average across the same 4 participants (see Appendix A.7 for individual subject models),
except Lin et al.
which only analyzed Subject 1. Middle section reflects outputs from only the high- or
low-level pipeline, and metrics when evaluating images retrieved from LAION-5B. Bottom section compares our
low-level reconstructions to the low-level reconstructions from Ozcelik and VanRullen
which only reported
metrics for Subject 1. Image retrieval refers to the percent of the time the correct image was retrieved out of 300
candidates, given the associated brain sample (chance=0.3%); vice-versa for brain retrieval. PixCorr=pixelwise
correlation between ground truth and reconstructions; SSIM=structural similarity index metric [
]; EfficientNet-
B1 (“Eff”) [
] and SwAV-ResNet50 (“SwAV”) [
] refer to average correlation distance; all other metrics refer
to two-way identification (chance = 50%). Missing values are from papers not reporting all metrics or metrics
being non-applicable. We followed the same image preprocessing as Ozcelik and VanRullen
. Previous
state-of-the-art Ozcelik and VanRullen
results are directly comparable to MindEye as the same test set and
Versatile Diffusion model were used. Bold indicates best performance within sections.
Two-way identification refers to percent correct across comparisons gauging if the original image
embedding is more similar to its paired brain embedding or a randomly selected brain embedding.
Comparison was performed for AlexNet [
] (second and fifth layers), InceptionV3 [
] (last pooling
layer), and CLIP (final layer of ViT-L/14). We use the same settings as Ozcelik and VanRullen
our metrics. For more details refer to Appendix A.5.
3.3 Ablations
In this subsection we try to explain where MindEye performance improvements come from through
ablations. To study the effects of architectural changes and training strategies we train only the
retrieval pipeline (no diffusion prior) for 120 epochs with batch size 300. All models in this section
are trained on Subject 1. Table entries with * correspond to the final version of MindEye’s settings.
Architectural Improvements: To study the effect of model depth and parameter count we train
multiple MLPs of various sizes (Table 2). Among models that map to the last hidden layer of CLIP
ViT-L/14, we observe a clear trend of increased performance with added residual blocks. For 2 blocks,
the effect of skip connections is not too significant but at 4 blocks the model does significantly worse
without them, indicating that skip connections are important for training deeper models.
Method Param Count Image Retrieval Brain Retrieval
No ResBlocks 873M0.880 0.820
2 ResBlocks + No Skip 907M0.881 0.822
2 ResBlocks 907M0.886 0.837
4 ResBlocks + No Skip 940M0.836 0.767
4 ResBlocks* 940M0.896 0.822
4 ResBlocks + Only CLS 135M0.611 0.576
Table 2: Effects of varying the architecture of the MLP backbone on retrieval accuracy.
We also show a comparison with a 4-resblock model that maps to the final layer of CLIP (only the
CLS classification token). This model has
fewer parameters and does much worse than all other
models. This indicates two things: (1) MindEye strongly benefits from a large parameter count MLP
backbone and does not overfit even in the sample constrained settings of the NSD dataset, and (2) the
fMRI voxels contain fine-grained information about images, allowing us to effectively predict all
CLIP image embeddings instead of just the CLS token.
Training Strategies (Losses and Data Augmentations): We observe that with InfoNCE, MindEye
only does well on brain retrieval (Table 3). A similar trend was observed in Lin et al.
. We
attribute this to InfoNCE being a one-sided loss that only optimizes for one retrieval objective. Simply
replacing InfoNCE with CLIP loss significantly improves image retrieval. MixCo augmentation helps
both unidirectional and bidirectional losses.
Method Image Retrieval Brain Retrieval
InfoNCE 0.237 0.784
CLIP Loss 0.837 0.791
InfoNCE + MixCo 0.303 0.856
CLIP Loss + MixCo (BiMixCo) 0.884 0.841
SoftCLIP Loss 0.837 0.816
BiMixCo + SoftCLIP (MindEye)* 0.896 0.822
Table 3: Effects of different losses and MixCo augmentation on MLP retrieval performance.
We also show the effect of training with our SoftCLIP loss. SoftCLIP improves over hard CLIP loss
for brain retrieval but performs worse than BiMixCo. Our training regime combining SoftCLIP with
BiMixCo gives the best image retrieval performance.
Reconstruction Strategies: To demonstrate the need for a separate diffusion prior, we train a version
of MindEye where both contrastive and MSE losses are applied to the ouputs of the MLP backbone.
We observe that this model does poorly in terms of retrieval metrics, with a tradeoff between retrieval
and reconstruction objectives where it is difficult to learn a single embedding space. Inspired by
recent works in self-supervised learning [
], we decouple these losses using a separate MLP
projector, where MSE loss is applied to the outputs of the MLP backbone and contrastive loss is
applied to the outputs of the projector. This model does slightly worse in terms of reconstruction but
is much better at retrieval. Finally, we train a model with a diffusion prior but no MLP projector.
Contrastive loss is computed for the MLP backbone and MSE loss is computed for the diffusion
prior. This model is comparable to high-level MindEye in terms of reconstruction but does worse
in retrieval, giving further evidence of a tradeoff. Example reconstructions for these models are in
Appendix Figure 8.
Method Low-Level High-Level Retrieval
PixCorr SSIM Alex(2) Alex(5) Incep CLIP Image Brain
Only MLP Backbone 0.119 0.346 73.8% 84.1% 81.5% 82.6% 0.133 0.631
Backbone + Projector 0.154 0.296 73.2% 85.2% 75.2% 77.3% 0.888 0.849
Backbone + Prior 0.206 0.303 92.1%97.2%94.8%95.1% 0.934 0.901
MindEye (only BiMixCo) 0.195 0.290 91.1% 96.6% 93.7% 94.4% 0.974 0.942
MindEye (0.33 BiMixCo)* 0.198 0.302 91.6% 96.8% 94.6% 95.0% 0.972 0.960
Table 4: Effects of diffusion prior and MLP projector on reconstruction and retrieval metrics.
4 Related Work
In the 2000s, researchers demonstrated that visual information, such as spatial position [
], ori-
entation [
], and coarse image category [
] could be decoded from fMRI signals using
linear classifiers. With the introduction of generative adversarial networks [
], more sophisticated
decoding became feasible as researchers mapped brain activity to the latent space of these models
to reconstruct handwritten digits [
], human faces [
], and natural scenes [
]. More
recently, with the release of multimodal contrastive models like CLIP [
], diffusion models [
like Stable Diffusion [
], and new large-scale fMRI datasets [
], fMRI-to-image reconstructions
have reached an unprecedented level of quality [4, 3, 25].
Lin et al.
reconstructed NSD images by mapping voxels to CLIP space (see also Wang et al.
) and fed outputs through a fine-tuned Lafite [
] GAN (MindEye reconstructions using Lafite
in Appendix A.6). Differences from MindEye include using a convolutional model, no projector to
separate contrastive loss from MSE loss, InfoNCE instead of CLIP loss, fine-tuning of a pretrained
GAN, no diffusion prior, and mapping to both CLIP image and text space. Ozcelik and VanRullen
used a low- and high-level pipeline with Versatile Diffusion [
]. Differences include mapping
to CLIP space via ridge regression, no contrastive learning or diffusion prior, and mapping to a
] for low-level reconstructions. Gu et al.
used a low- and high-level pipeline and
extended on Ozcelik et al.
by reconstructing with IC-GAN [
]; they did not flatten voxels and
mapped to SwAV [
] features with surface-based convolutional networks. Takagi and Nishimoto
used ridge regression to map to Stable Diffusion latents and CLIP text latents, using different
voxel selections for different components. Overall, MindEye is unique in its use of reconstruction
and retrieval submodules, a deep MLP backbone with 940 million parameters, and a diffusion prior
for more accurate translation across brain and image modalities.
5 Conclusions
We present MindEye, a novel mental decoding approach that achieves state-of-the-art reconstructions
of natural scenes presented to humans in the MRI machine. These reconstructions retain semantic
meaning and perceptual similarity to the original images due to the use of a combined high-level
and low-level pipeline. The novel use of specialized submodules for contrastive-based retrieval and
diffusion-based reconstruction allow MindEye to learn mappings for both tasks in parallel. MindEye
can select the ground truth image out of a set of nearly 1,000 possible images (many easily confusable,
see Figure 3) with >90% accuracy, suggesting fine-grained image-specific signal contained in the
brain embeddings. MindEye retrieval can also be used when the original image is unknown by
querying large image databases such as LAION-5B. The diffusion prior submodule allows for
accurate translation of brain embeddings into pretrained CLIP space such that any model that accepts
CLIP image embeddings can be provided with CLIP fMRI embeddings without fine-tuning. This
flexibility suggests that MindEye reconstructions will continue to improve as newer, more powerful
image generation models are released.
Privacy Concerns and Societal Benefits: The ability to accurately reconstruct perception from
brain activity prompts questions about broader societal impacts. For instance, it should be possible to
generalize current reconstruction models from perception to mental imagery without training a new
model [5659]. However, current models are not capable of across-subject decoding and each NSD
participant spent up to 40 hours in the MRI machine to procure sufficient training data. Furthermore,
non-invasive neuroimaging methods in general require compliance because participants can easily
resist decoding by moving their head or thinking about unrelated information [
]. MindEye is
also limited to natural scenes such as those in MS-COCO; for other image distributions additional
data collection and specialized generative models would be required. While high-quality image
reconstruction via non-invasive neuroimaging is not currently practical for real-world applications,
technology is constantly improving and it is important that brain data be carefully protected and
companies collecting such data be transparent with their use.
Image reconstruction from brain activity can enable various potential societal benefits. Reconstruc-
tions are expected to be systematically distorted due to mental state, neurological conditions, etc.
This could potentially enable novel clinical diagnosis and assessment approaches. For example,
patients suffering from major depressive disorder might produce reconstructions where emotionally
negative aspects of images are more salient [
]. MindEye results also suggest potential for improved
locked-in (pseudocoma) patient communication via fine-grained visual communication beyond simple
classification [
], as well as brain-computer interface performance if adapted to real-time fMRI
analysis [63] or non-fMRI neuroimaging modalities.
6 Open Research: 100% Transparent Volunteer-Driven Science
MindEye was openly developed through volunteer contributions in the MedARC Discord server.
Source code was always accessible via a public GitHub repository throughout the lifespan of the
project. Research discussions were held via public Discord channels, and weekly video conference
calls were recorded and shared publicly. We continue to extend a global invitation to contribute to
MedARC Mind Reading Lab projects to cultivate an internationally diversified, volunteer-driven
research team composed of members from varied backgrounds possessing a wide array of expertise.
We contend that fully transparent open-research initiatives such as this and others like EleutherAI,
LAION, OpenBioML, and ML Collective could redefine the traditional framework of scientific
research, democratizing entry into machine learning and medical research through the harnessing of
crowd-sourced collective intelligence and community collaboration.
7 Acknowledgements
Thanks to the MedARC community, including Jeremy Howard, Tommaso Furlanello, Mihir Tripathy,
and Cesar Torrico for useful discussion and reviewing the manuscript. Thank you to Furkan Ozcelik,
author of Brain-Diffuser, for sharing his code and expert knowledge with our group. We thank
LAION for being the initial community where this project developed, and thank Romain Beaumont
and Zion English for useful discussion during that time. We thank Stability AI for sharing their
high-performance computing workplace and giving us the computational resources necessary to
develop MindEye. Thank you to Richard Vencu for help navigating the Stability HPC. Collection of
the Natural Scenes Dataset was supported by NSF IIS-1822683 and NSF IIS-1822929.
8 Author Contributions
PSS devised the project, led the team, developed the models, drafted the manuscript, and otherwise
contributed to all parts of MindEye development. AB drafted the manuscript, developed the models,
and contributed to all parts of MindEye development including creating the low-level pipeline,
conception of BiMixCo and soft CLIP loss, and modification of the DALL-E 2 diffusion prior. JG
developed the models, tracked/compared model variants, and significantly contributed to the MindEye
codebase. SS conceived of and implemented LAION-5B retrieval using the CLIP Retrieval client
and conducted various exploratory experiments. AN implemented the Lafite pipeline for MindEye
reconstructions. EC conducted various initial explorations into using a diffusion prior for aligning
voxels to CLIP space. AJD created the initial webdatasets used to train MindEye and created various
model architectures to compare different mapping approaches. NV conducted various exploratory
experiments mapping voxels to StyleGAN-XL [
] latent space. EY shared code to automatically
identify identical images for qualitative comparisons and added code to ensure LAION-5B retrieval
did not retrieve ground truth images. DW conducted various exploratory experiments and helped
with project discussions. KAN oversaw the project and contributed valuable feedback. TMA oversaw
the project, conducted initial explorations using VQGAN [
], and helped keep the project on-track
through MedARC and Stability AI communication.
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A Appendix
A.1 Additional Dataset Information
The Natural Scenes Dataset (NSD) [
] is a public 7-Tesla fMRI dataset containing the brain responses
of several human participants each spending up to 40 hours in the MRI machine passively viewing
images. These square-cropped images of natural scenes were sourced from the MS-COCO dataset
]. Each of 9,000-10,000 unique images was presented for three seconds at a time, shown three
times across 30-40 scanning sessions, totaling 22,000-30,000 trials of fMRI responses per participant.
fMRI responses correspond to session-wise z-scored single-trial betas output from GLMSingle [
Following the procedure used in other reconstruction studies that used NSD [
], we train
individual-subject models for the four participants who completed all scanning sessions (participants
1, 2, 5, and 7) and used a test set corresponding to the shared 1,000 images presented to every
participant. This yields a dataset consisting of 24,980 training samples and 2,770 test samples—we
average across the three same-image repetitions for the test set (leaving 982 test samples) but not
the training set, similar to Takagi and Nishimoto
. We use preprocessed flattened fMRI voxels in
1.8-mm native volume space corresponding to the “nsdgeneral” brain region, defined by the NSD
authors as the subset of voxels in posterior cortex most responsive to the visual stimuli presented
(between 13,000 to 16,000 voxels per participant). MindEye was developed using a training and
validation set of Subject 1’s data, with the test set (and other subjects’ data) untouched until final
training of models.
A.2 MindEye Architecture
PyTorch code for the MLP backbone and projector is depicted in Algorithm 1. Specifics on how we
modified the open-source implementation of the DALL-E 2 diffusion prior are discussed in A.2.1.
Algorithm 1 PyTorch code for MindEye MLP backbone and MLP projector
cl a ss B r a in M L P ( n n . Mo d u le ):
de f _ _i n i t_ _ ( s el f , o ut_ d im =2 57 * 76 8 , i n _d i m = 157 24 , cl ip _ s iz e = 7 68 , h = 4 09 6 ):
su pe r () . _ _i ni t_ _ ()
# i n_ di m c o rr e sp o nd s t o th e s ub je c t - s pe c if ic
# nu m be r o f vo x el s i n th e " n sd g e ne r a l " br a in r e g io n .
se l f . li n0 = n n . S eq u en t i al (
nn . L i n ea r ( i n _d im , h, b i as = Fal s e ) ,
nn . L a y er N o r m ( h) ,
nn . G EL U ( i np l ac e = T ru e ) ,
nn . D r o po u t ( 0 . 5) )
se l f . m lp = n n . M od u l e Li s t ( [
nn . S eq u en t ia l (
nn . L i n ea r ( i n _d im , h, b i as = Fal s e ) ,
nn . L a y er N o r m ( h) ,
nn . G EL U ( i np l ac e = T ru e ) ,
nn . D r o po u t ( 0 . 15 )
)for _in r an ge ( 4 )])
se l f . li n1 = n n . L in e ar ( h , ou t _d im , bi a s = Tr ue )
se l f . pr oj = n n . S eq u en t i al (
nn . L ay e rN o rm ( c li p _s i ze ) ,
nn . G EL U ( i np l ac e = T ru e ) ,
nn . L in e ar ( c l ip _s i ze , 20 48 , b i as = F al s e ),
nn . L a y er N o r m ( 20 4 8) ,
nn . G EL U ( i np l ac e = T ru e ) ,
nn . L in e ar ( c l ip _s i ze , 20 48 , b i as = F al s e ),
nn . L a y er N o r m ( 20 4 8) ,
nn . G EL U ( i np l ac e = T ru e ) ,
nn . L in e ar (20 4 8 , c li p _s iz e , bi as = T r ue ) )
se l f . c li p _ si z e = c li p _si z e
de f f or w a rd (se l f , x ) :
x = se lf . l i n0 ( x )
re s i du a l = x
fo r res_block in ra ng e (le n ( s el f . m lp ) ) :
x = se l f . ml p [ r es _ bl o c k ]( x )
x += resi d ua l
re s i du a l = x
di f f us i o n_ p r io r _i n p ut = se lf . l in 1 ( x ). r e sh a pe ( l e n (x ) , - 1, s e lf . c l ip _ si z e )
disjointed_clip_fmri = self.proj(diffusion_prior_input )
return di ff usi on _p ri or_ in pu t , di sj oin te d_c li p_fm ri
A.2.1 Modifications from DALL-E 2 Diffusion Prior
The inputs for the diffusion prior are
backbone embeddings,
timestep embedding, and
noised CLIP image embeddings, and the output is
denoised CLIP image embeddings. Unlike
the DALL-E 2 prior, we do not use learnable queries and instead directly predict denoised CLIP
embeddings from the noised embeddings. This significantly saves on memory and allows us to train
the backbone and prior end-to-end on a single GPU. We observe that adding absolute positional
embeddings to the noised CLIP embeddings improves performance in the absence of learnable
queries. We also observe that our prior can work with just 100 timesteps instead of 1000 as used in
DALL-E 2. This makes our prior much faster at inference time. We conducted experiments with both
causal and bidirectional attention and did not observe any significant difference in reconstruction
performance. For simplicity we use bidirectional attention in our final model.
A.2.2 Low-Level Pipeline: Mapping to Stable Diffusion Variational Autoencoder
To map to Stable Diffusion’s VAE latent space we use a low-level pipeline with the same architecture
as the high level pipeline. We use a separate residual MLP backbone with 4 residual blocks that maps
flattened voxels to a
16 ×16 ×64
dimensional latent space. The reconstruction submodule in the
low-level pipeline is a CNN upsampler that upsamples these latents by
to create embeddings of
. The CNN upsampler uses a similar architecture to Stable Diffusion’s VAE decoder,
which does an
upsampling. To create the targets for the upsampler we upsample NSD images to
512 ×512
through bilinear interpolation and encode them with the SD VAE encoder. The resulting
(64,64,4) embeddings form the targets for the high-level pipeline.
Recent works in low-level vision (super-resolution, denoising, deblurring, etc.) have observed that
mean absolute error performs better than mean squared error for pixel-level metrics like PSNR and
] due to better convergence properties. It has been shown that the 4-channel SD latent
space effectively compresses images, and latents can be converted to RGB images with a linear
mapping from latent space to pixel space [
]. We observe that the problem of mapping to SD
embedding space follows the same properties as low-level vision tasks, such that mean absolute error
performs better than mean squared error. We also experiment with using a "full reconstruction" loss
where we reconstruct complete images using the SD VAE decoder and apply the loss in pixel space.
This performs worse than only applying the loss in latent space and also requires significantly more
GPU memory.
The contrastive submodule in the low-level pipeline acts as an auxiliary loss to improve the perfor-
mance of the reconstruction submodule. It uses an MLP projector that maps the
outputs to
. Since we do not care about retrieval performance for the low-level pipeline,
we simply use SoftCLIP loss without BiMixCo. To maximize low-level performance we distill the
knowledge of VICRegL [
] ConvNext-XXL instead of CLIP ViT. VICRegL with
α= 0.75
specialized for low-level tasks and achieves state-of-the-art linear segmentation results, unlike CLIP
which has been trained with high-level text guidance.
A.3 More Reconstructions / Retrievals
Images containing all 982 reconstructions and retrievals for each subject are on GitHub. Figure 5
depicts a subset of randomly selected reconstruction examples from Subject 1 (first try random
selection of 30 samples). Figure 6 likewise depicts randomly selected examples from LAION-5B
retrieval. Figure 7 depicts randomly selected example reconstructions from the low-level pipeline.
Figure 8 depicts randomly selected reconstructions for the models described in 3.3.
A.4 UMAP Comparison
As depicted in Figure 9, the CLIP image and CLIP fMRI embedding spaces are disjointed before
being fed through the diffusion prior. While the MLP projector does improve alignment compared to
the outputs of the MLP backbone, the diffusion prior does a much better job at aligning the two spaces
as shown by decreased euclidean distance between data points following UMAP dimensionality
Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image ReconstructionSeen imageReconstruction
Figure 5: Additional MindEye reconstructions for Subject 1, randomly selected.
Seen image Retrieval Seen image Retrieval Seen image Retrieval Seen image RetrievalSeen imageRetrieval
Figure 6: Additional MindEye retrievals from LAION-5B for Subject 1, randomly selected.
Img2Img Strength Low-Level High-Level
PixCorr SSIM Alex(2) Alex(5) Incep CLIP Eff SwAV
1.0(Only low-level) .456 .493 87.1% 84.1% 61.6% 62.4% .992 .638
0.7.439 .416 92.7% 95.1% 90.0% 87.5% .803 .514
0.5.429 .389 96.3% 98.4% 94.7% 92.3% .674 .405
0.3.410 .358 97.5%98.8%94.7% 94.5% .638 .362
0.15*.390 .337 97.4% 98.7% 94.5% 94.6% .630 .358
0.0(Only high-level) .209 .318 92.8% 98.0% 94.5% 94.8%.635 .361
Table 5: Evaluations from Subject 1 varying img2img strength from 0 (no img2img) to 1 (only low-level
pipeline). The final MindEye uses an img2img strength of 0.15.
Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image ReconstructionSeen imageReconstruction
Figure 7: Example MindEye reconstructions for Subject 1 output from the low-level pipeline.
Seen image Only MLP
Backbone +
Backbone +
(only BiMixCo)
(0.33 BiMixCo)*
Figure 8: Example reconstructions for ablation models from Table 4
Figure 9: UMAP plots depict CLIP image latents (blue), MindEye MLP backbone latents (orange), MindEye
MLP projector latents (green), and MindEye diffusion prior latents (red). UMAPs were estimated from 1,000
random samples from Subject 1. CLIP image latents correspond to the last hidden layer of ViT-L/14. Euclidean
distance between the given MindEye embedding space and CLIP image space is lowest for the diffusion prior,
suggesting that the diffusion prior helps to align the two embedding spaces.
A.5 Reconstruction Evaluations: Additional Information
Two-way identification was performed in the same manner as Ozcelik and VanRullen
. For each
model, we computed the Pearson correlation between embeddings for the ground truth image and
the reconstructed image, as well as the correlation between the ground truth image and a different
reconstruction elsewhere in the test set. If the correlation for the former was higher than the latter, this
was marked as correct. For each test sample, performance was averaged across all possible pairwise
comparisons using the other 981 reconstructions to ensure no bias from random sample selection.
This yielded 982 averaged percent correct outputs, which we averaged across to obtain the metrics
reported in Table 1.
Retrieval evaluations for Ozcelik and VanRullen
were not reported in the original paper; we
calculated image/brain retrieval ourselves with the help of the Brain-Diffuser GitHub repository.
A.6 Reconstructions from Stable Diffusion (Image Variations) and Lafite
We also attempted reconstructions using Stable Diffusion (Image Variations) [
] and Lafite [
rather than Versatile Diffusion. Reconstructions from these models for Subject 1 are depicted in
Figure 10, with metrics reported in Table 6.
For Stable Diffusion (Image Variations) we use the same approach as MindEye + Versatile Diffusion
except we map from voxels to the
final layer outputs of ViT-L/14 (same architecture as
"4 ResBlocks + Only CLS" in Table 2). For the diffusion prior we fine-tune an open-sourced
implementation of the DALL-E 2 prior that was trained to generate CLIP image embeddings from
CLIP text embeddings using 250M image-caption pairs from LAION-Aesthetics. We note that
using this pretrained prior works much better than training from scratch, suggesting that a similar
large-scale pretrained prior for Versatile Diffusion might further improve fMRI reconstructions. We
use this MindEye model variant both for reconstructing via Stable Diffusion (Image Variations) and
for retrieving the top-16 nearest neighbors in CLIP space for LAION-5B image retrieval. This is
because the CLIP Retrieval client [
] only has precomputed CLIP embeddings for the final layer of
CLIP, not the last hidden layer as used by Versatile Diffusion.
For Lafite we tried to replicate the same approach as Lin et al.
but with inputs from the MindEye
MLP backbone. Lafite is a conditional image generation pipeline that uses the CLIP-aligned voxel
embeddings as "condition vectors". In particular, Lafite leverages a StyleGAN that uses the CLIP
embeddings as "style" vectors to generate images. Lafite’s discriminator is trained to distinguish
generated images from ground truth images and also to semantically align the CLIP embedding of
the generated image with the condition vector using contrastive learning. Here we train two mapping
that map voxels to the final layer of CLIP ViT-B/32, where
is contrastively
aligned with CLIP image embeddings and
is contrastively aligned with CLIP text embeddings.
Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction
Stable Diffusion (Image Variations)Lafite (CLIP-ViT/B-32)
Figure 10: Corresponding reconstructions to Figure 1 when swapping Versatile Diffusion with Stable Diffusion
(Image Variations) or Lafite.
We used the same contrastive learning schedule as MindEye with BiMixCo for the first one-third of
the training cycle and SoftCLIP for the rest. Note that Lafite doesn’t require training a prior so we
only train the MLP backbone. Once the mapping models
are trained, we follow Lin
et al.
to fine-tune a pretrained language-free Lafite model provided by [
]. Finally, we use a
low-level "perceptual" pipeline by aligning layer-2 ResNet features of the generated image with those
of the ground truth image using contrastive learning. The ResNet was trained using a self-supervised
VICReg loss [71].
Method Low-Level High-Level
PixCorr SSIM Alex(2) Alex(5) Incep CLIP Eff SwAV
Versatile Diffusion (S1) .390 .337 97.4%98.7%94.5%94.6%.630 .358
SD Image Variations (S1) .376 .350 95.7% 96.4% 92.5% 92.5% .734 .446
Lafite (S1) .241 .304 92.5% 98.1% 93.7% 87.0% .701 .436
Table 6: Evaluations for Subject 1 across three pretrained final image generation models (Lafite was fine-tuned
in the same manner as Lin et al.
). Both Versatile Diffusion and Stable Diffusion (image variations) used
an img2img strength of .15 with the low-level reconstructions output from MindEye (Lafite is a GAN and not
compatible with the same img2img process).
A.7 Subject-Specific Results
Here we depict reconstructions across the other 3 NSD participants in Figure 11, with individual
subject evaluations metrics in Table 7.
A.8 Single-Trial Results
In the main paper we report results from the test dataset following the standard approach of averaging
voxels across the three same-image repetitions. Reconstruction evaluations using only one brain
sample for each image is shown in Table 8, with example reconstructions in Figure 12.
Figure 11: Corresponding reconstructions to Figure 1 for the other 3 NSD participants.
Method Low-Level High-Level Retrieval
PixCorr SSIM Alex(2) Alex(5) Incep CLIP Eff SwAV Image Brain
MindEye (Subj 1) .390 .337 97.4% 98.7% 94.5% 94.6% .630 .358 97.2% 94.7%
MindEye (Subj 2) .318 .327 95.8% 98.1% 93.2% 93.7% .656 .368 97.1% 93.9%
MindEye (Subj 3) .265 .311 93.2% 97.8% 94.9% 94.9% .628 .353 90.7% 85.7%
MindEye (Subj 4) .261 .316 92.3% 96.6% 92.4% 93.0% .666 .387 89.4% 85.9%
Table 7: MindEye retrieval and reconstruction performance for individual participants. These scores were
averaged across participants for the values shown in Table 1.
Method Low-Level High-Level Retrieval
PixCorr SSIM Alex(2) Alex(5) Incep CLIP Eff SwAV Image Brain
MindEye .309 .323 94.7% 97.8% 93.8% 94.1% .645 .367 93.6% 90.1%
MindEye (single-trial) .255 .308 91.6% 95.9% 91.3% 91.6% .691 .398 80.3% 77.6%
MindEye (single-, S1) .329 .323 94.8% 97.3% 92.8% 92.7% .680 .387 89.0% 86.5%
MindEye (single-, S2) .267 .311 93.1% 96.9% 91.5% 91.2% .687 .398 88.5% 86.1%
MindEye (single-, S3) .217 .297 90.2% 96.3% 93.2% 94.0% .671 .381 75.3% 71.8%
MindEye (single-, S4) .209 .302 88.3% 93.1% 87.6% 88.7% .727 .427 68.5% 66.1%
Table 8: MindEye retrieval and reconstruction performance for single-trial brain activations, chosen randomly
out of three possible samples per unique image. Other than using single-trial brain activity, the same settings
were used as in Table 1.
Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction Seen image Reconstruction
Figure 12: Corresponding reconstructions to Figure 1 using brain activity from only the first sample of every
image. This is in contrast to Figure 1 which reconstructed from brain activity averaged across three same-image
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Full-text available
In neural decoding research, one of the most intriguing topics is the reconstruction of perceived natural images based on fMRI signals. Previous studies have succeeded in re-creating different aspects of the visuals, such as low-level properties (shape, texture, layout) or high-level features (category of objects, descriptive semantics of scenes) but have typically failed to reconstruct these properties together for complex scene images. Generative AI has recently made a leap forward with latent diffusion models capable of generating high-complexity images. Here, we investigate how to take advantage of this innovative technology for brain decoding. We present a two-stage scene reconstruction framework called “Brain-Diffuser”. In the first stage, starting from fMRI signals, we reconstruct images that capture low-level properties and overall layout using a VDVAE (Very Deep Variational Autoencoder) model. In the second stage, we use the image-to-image framework of a latent diffusion model (Versatile Diffusion) conditioned on predicted multimodal (text and visual) features, to generate final reconstructed images. On the publicly available Natural Scenes Dataset benchmark, our method outperforms previous models both qualitatively and quantitatively. When applied to synthetic fMRI patterns generated from individual ROI (region-of-interest) masks, our trained model creates compelling “ROI-optimal” scenes consistent with neuroscientific knowledge. Thus, the proposed methodology can have an impact on both applied (e.g. brain–computer interface) and fundamental neuroscience.
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A brain–computer interface that decodes continuous language from non-invasive recordings would have many scientific and practical applications. Currently, however, non-invasive language decoders can only identify stimuli from among a small set of words or phrases. Here we introduce a non-invasive decoder that reconstructs continuous language from cortical semantic representations recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Given novel brain recordings, this decoder generates intelligible word sequences that recover the meaning of perceived speech, imagined speech and even silent videos, demonstrating that a single decoder can be applied to a range of tasks. We tested the decoder across cortex and found that continuous language can be separately decoded from multiple regions. As brain–computer interfaces should respect mental privacy, we tested whether successful decoding requires subject cooperation and found that subject cooperation is required both to train and to apply the decoder. Our findings demonstrate the viability of non-invasive language brain–computer interfaces.
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Advances in artificial intelligence have inspired a paradigm shift in human neuroscience, yielding large-scale functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) datasets that provide high-resolution brain responses to thousands of naturalistic visual stimuli. Because such experiments necessarily involve brief stimulus durations and few repetitions of each stimulus, achieving sufficient signal-to-noise ratio can be a major challenge. We address this challenge by introducing GLMsingle , a scalable, user-friendly toolbox available in MATLAB and Python that enables accurate estimation of single-trial fMRI responses ( ). Requiring only fMRI time-series data and a design matrix as inputs, GLMsingle integrates three techniques for improving the accuracy of trial-wise general linear model (GLM) beta estimates. First, for each voxel, a custom hemodynamic response function (HRF) is identified from a library of candidate functions. Second, cross-validation is used to derive a set of noise regressors from voxels unrelated to the experiment. Third, to improve the stability of beta estimates for closely spaced trials, betas are regularized on a voxel-wise basis using ridge regression. Applying GLMsingle to the Natural Scenes Dataset and BOLD5000, we find that GLMsingle substantially improves the reliability of beta estimates across visually-responsive cortex in all subjects. Comparable improvements in reliability are also observed in a smaller-scale auditory dataset from the StudyForrest experiment. These improvements translate into tangible benefits for higher-level analyses relevant to systems and cognitive neuroscience. We demonstrate that GLMsingle: (i) helps decorrelate response estimates between trials nearby in time; (ii) enhances representational similarity between subjects within and across datasets; and (iii) boosts one-versus-many decoding of visual stimuli. GLMsingle is a publicly available tool that can significantly improve the quality of past, present, and future neuroimaging datasets sampling brain activity across many experimental conditions.
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Real-time fMRI (RT-fMRI) neurofeedback has been shown to be effective in treating neuropsychiatric disorders and holds tremendous promise for future breakthroughs, both with regard to basic science and clinical applications. However, the prevalence of its use has been hampered by computing hardware requirements, the complexity of setting up and running an experiment, and a lack of standards that would foster collaboration. To address these issues, we have developed RT-Cloud (, a flexible, cloud-based, open-source Python software package for the execution of RT-fMRI experiments. RT-Cloud uses standardized data formats and adaptable processing streams to support and expand open science in RT-fMRI research and applications. Cloud computing is a key enabling technology for advancing RT-fMRI because it eliminates the need for on-premise technical expertise and high-performance computing; this allows installation, configuration, and maintenance to be automated and done remotely. Furthermore, the scalability of cloud computing makes it easier to deploy computationally-demanding multivariate analyses in real time. In this paper, we describe how RT-Cloud has been integrated with open standards, including the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard and the OpenNeuro database, how it has been applied thus far, and our plans for further development and deployment of RT-Cloud in the coming years.