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On the paradox of thriving cold‐water coral reefs in the food‐limited deep sea


Abstract and Figures

The deep sea is amongst the most food-limited habitats on Earth, as only a small fraction (<4%) of the surface primary production is exported below 200 m water depth. Here, cold-water coral (CWC) reefs form oases of life: their biodiversity compares with tropical coral reefs, their biomass and metabolic activity exceed other deep-sea ecosystems by far. We critically assess the paradox of thriving CWC reefs in the food-limited deep sea, by reviewing the literature and open-access data on CWC habitats. This review shows firstly that CWCs typically occur in areas where the food supply is not constantly low, but undergoes pronounced temporal variation. High currents, downwelling and/or vertically migrating zooplankton temporally boost the export of surface organic matter to the seabed, creating 'feast' conditions, interspersed with 'famine' periods during the non-productive season. Secondly, CWCs, particularly the most common reef-builder Desmophyllum pertusum (formerly known as Lophelia pertusa), are well adapted to these fluctuations in food availability. Laboratory and in situ measurements revealed their dietary flexibility, tissue reserves, and temporal variation in growth and energy allocation. Thirdly, the high structural and functional diversity of CWC reefs increases resource retention: acting as giant filters and sustaining complex food webs with diverse recycling pathways, the reefs optimise resource gains over losses. Anthropogenic pressures, including climate change and ocean acidification, threaten this fragile equilibrium through decreased resource supply, increased energy costs, and dissolution of the calcium-carbonate reef framework. Based on this review, we suggest additional criteria to judge the health of CWC reefs and their chance to persist in the future.
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On the paradox of thriving cold-water coral
reefs in the food-limited deep sea
Sandra R. Maier
*,Sandra Brooke
,Laurence H. De Clippele
,Evert de Froe
Anna-Selma van der Kaaden
,Tina Kutti
,Furu Mienis
and Dick van Oevelen
Greenland Climate Research Centre, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Kivioq 2, PO Box 570, Nuuk 3900, Greenland
Department of Estuarine and Delta Systems, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Korringaweg 7, Yerseke 4401 NT,
The Netherlands
Coastal & Marine Laboratory, Florida State University, 3618 Coastal Highway 98, St. Teresa, FL 32327, USA
Changing Oceans Research Group, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Grant Institute, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3FE, UK
Centre for Fisheries Ecosystem Research, Fisheries and Marine Institute at Memorial University of Newfoundland, 155 Ridge Rd, St. JohnsNL
A1C 5R3, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Department of Ocean Systems, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), PO Box 59, Den Burg (Texel) 1790 AB, The Netherlands
Institute of Marine Research (IMR), PO box 1870 Nordnes, Bergen NO-5817, Norway
The deep sea is amongst the most food-limited habitats on Earth, as only a small fraction (<4%) of the surface primary
production is exported below 200 m water depth. Here, cold-water coral (CWC) reefs form oases of life: their biodiversity
compares with tropical coral reefs, their biomass and metabolic activity exceed other deep-sea ecosystems by far. We crit-
ically assess the paradox of thriving CWC reefs in the food-limited deep sea, by reviewing the literature and open-access
data on CWC habitats. This review shows rstly that CWCs typically occur in areas where the food supply is not con-
stantly low, but undergoes pronounced temporal variation. High currents, downwelling and/or vertically migrating zoo-
plankton temporally boost the export of surface organic matter to the seabed, creating feastconditions, interspersed
with famineperiods during the non-productive season. Secondly, CWCs, particularly the most common reef-builder
Desmophyllum pertusum (formerly known as Lophelia pertusa), are well adapted to these uctuations in food availability.
Laboratory and in situ measurements revealed their dietary exibility, tissue reserves, and temporal variation in growth
and energy allocation. Thirdly, the high structural and functional diversity of CWC reefs increases resource retention:
acting as giant lters and sustaining complex food webs with diverse recycling pathways, the reefs optimise resource gains
over losses. Anthropogenic pressures, including climate change and ocean acidication, threaten this fragile equilibrium
through decreased resource supply, increased energy costs, and dissolution of the calcium-carbonate reef framework.
Based on this review, we suggest additional criteria to judge the health of CWC reefs and their chance to persist in
the future.
Key words: trophic interaction, carbon, nitrogen, respiration, recycling loop, ecosystem engineer, organic matter,
cold-water coral reef, climate change, food web.
I. Introduction .........................................................................2
II. Food supply to cold-water coral reefs ......................................................7
(1) Are cold-water coral reefs limited to locations with elevated food supply? ...................... 7
(2) Food pulses created by hydrodynamic processes ......................................... 9
(3) Seasonal variability of food pulses ................................................... 11
(4) The role of live zooplankton ....................................................... 12
*Author for correspondence (Tel.: +299 233 171; E-mail:
Biological Reviews (2023) 000000 © 2023 The Authors. Biological Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Cambridge Philosophical Society.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Biol. Rev. (2023), pp. 000000. 1
doi: 10.1111/brv.12976
III. Adaptations of cold-water corals to the feastfamine environment ...............................12
IV. How do cold-water coral reefs sustain their high food demand? .................................15
(1) The reef lter ................................................................... 15
(2) Recycling of metabolic wasteproducts .............................................. 15
V. Perspectives: cold-water coral reefs in the anthropocene .......................................18
(1) Disbalanced energy budget of cold-water corals ........................................ 18
(2) Reduced reef functioning on crumblingreefs ......................................... 20
(3) Conservation of cold-water coral reefs in the Anthropocene ............................... 20
VI. Conclusions .........................................................................21
VII. Acknowledgements ...................................................................21
VIII. References ..........................................................................21
IX. Supporting information ................................................................28
The deep sea is the largest habitat on Earth, located
below the continental shelf break from ca. 200 m water
depth (Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2010,2011). Here, far
below the productive waters at the ocean surface, cold-
water corals (CWCs, Fig. 1) form reefs of surprisingly
high biodiversity, biomass, and metabolic activity
(Fig. 2,Freiwaldet al., 2004; Roberts, Wheeler &
Freiwald, 2006;Cathalotet al., 2015;DeClippele
et al., 2021a).
CWCs encompass different taxonomic groups within the
classes Hexacorallia, Octocorallia (sensu McFadden,
Ofwegen & Quattrini, 2022), and Hydrozoa. In contrast to
their well-known warm-water relatives, CWCs occur at rela-
tively low temperatures (i.e. <14 C for reef-building CWCs;
Freiwald et al., 2004;Gomez et al., 2022), facilitating an
almost global distribution in the deep sea (i.e. >200 m water
depth, Fig. 3A). However, they can also occur at shallower
depths, e.g. at 36 m depth in Norwegian fjords, when ocean-
ographic conditions are suitable. Many CWCs create struc-
turally complex and diverse marine animal forests
(reviewed by Rossi et al., 2017), including soft coral
(Octocorallia) gardens (e.g. Long et al., 2020; Schejter
et al., 2020), black coral (Antipatharia) gardens (e.g. Rakka
et al., 2017,2020), lace coral (Stylasteridae) gardens
(e.g. Di Camillo et al., 2017), and stony coral (Scleractinia)
reefs. In this review, we focus on scleractinian CWCs that
can form or contribute to large, long-lasting carbonate reefs
in the deep sea (Table 1). Small coral polyps (<1 cm diame-
ter; Filander et al., 2021) secrete an aragonite (calcium car-
bonate) skeleton and together can form 1.5 m-high CWC
colonies (Fig. 1; Wilson, 1979). Live polyps are restricted to
the upper and outer parts of the colonies, as coral polyps in
the inner parts become shaded from food-delivering currents
and die (Fig. 2; Wilson, 1979; Mortensen & Fosså, 2006;
Hennige et al., 2021). The carbonate skeleton becomes
exposed to physical and biological erosion (Beuck &
Freiwald, 2005), which causes fragments to break off and
develop into new colonies around the original colony
(Fig. 2). The extending coral framework traps mobile
(e.g. resuspended) sediment, leading to framework cementa-
tion and formation of elevated, kilometres-long CWC reefs
(Dorschel et al., 2005; Roberts et al., 2006). Over time, CWCs
develop large carbonate structures such as the CWC mounds
at Rockall Bank in the North East Atlantic, which are 300 m
high and thousands to millions of years old (Roberts
et al., 2006).
The topologically complex reef framework, especially
the deadskeleton, provides habitat, feeding grounds
and spawning/nursery areas for a variety of associated spe-
cies (Fig. 2), including sessile suspension feeders, such as
sponges, other corals, and bivalves (Jonsson et al., 2004;
Mortensen & Fosså, 2006; Henry & Roberts, 2007,2016;
Cordes et al., 2008), mobile invertebrates, and commer-
cially and socio-economically valuable sh (Costello
et al., 2005;Henryet al., 2013;Kuttiet al., 2014). Further-
more, a diverse microbial community grows on and inside
the reef framework and associated with reef animals
such as sponges and corals (Schöttner et al., 2012,2013;
Cardoso et al., 2013; van Bleijswijk et al., 2015). The biodi-
versity of CWC reefs is on a par with tropical shallow-
water coral reefs (Jonsson et al., 2004;Mortensen&
Fosså, 2006; Henry & Roberts, 2007) and directly benets
humanity, e.g. through the provision of sheries species for
food and biotechnological resources for drug development
(Rocha et al., 2011;Armstronget al., 2014). Moreover, the
reefs form hotspots of biomass, metabolic activity, and car-
bon (C) and nitrogen (N) turnover in the deep sea (van
Oevelen et al., 2009;Cathalotet al., 2015;DeFroe
et al., 2019; De Clippele et al., 2021a,b). Due to their high
organic matter retention and biomass, CWC reefs have
the potential to sequester C for decades to centuries
(Dorschel et al., 2007;Titschacket al., 2009; Coppari,
Zanella & Rossi, 2019).
The high biodiversity, biomass and metabolic activity
of CWC reefs appear paradoxical, as the deep
seaoor belongs to the most food-limited habitats on
Earth (Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2010). Due to the absence
of light, CWCs lack zooxanthellae (Freiwald et al., 2004),
i.e. symbiotic dinoagellates that contribute to the
nutrition of most reef-building shallow-water corals
(Goldberg, 2013). Like most deep-sea benthos, CWCs
depend on organic matter produced in the sunlit surface
waters, such as phytodetritus (remains of phytoplankton),
zooplankton, and zooplankton remains (e.g. dead
Biological Reviews (2023) 000000 © 2023 The Authors. Biological Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Cambridge Philosophical Society.
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Fig. 1. Reef-forming or structure-forming cold-water corals (CWCs) (see Table 1). (A) Desmophyllum pertusum colony on the wall of
Baltimore Canyon, Western Atlantic (434 m). Credit: Deepwater Canyons 2012 Expedition NOAA-OER/BOEM/USGS.
(B) Enallopsammia cf. pusilla from the Hawaiian Seamounts (800 m). Credit: NOAA-OER, 2015 Hohonu Moana.
(C) Enallopsammia rostrata colony on the deep wall of the West Florida Escarpment (1900 m). Credit: Brooke et al.(
2022), NOAA-
OER/ROV Global Explorer. (D) Enallopsammia profunda from the coral mounds of the southeastern USA (770 m). Credit: Brooke
et al.(
2005), NOAA-OE. (E) Madrepora oculata from the coral mounds off Cape Canaveral, Florida (420 m). Credit: Ross &
Quattrini (2009); NOAA DSCRTP/CIOERT/USGS. (F) Madrepora oculata colony on exposed rocky habitats of the Florida
Straits, USA (400 m). Credit: Brooke et al.(
2005), NOAA-OE. (G) Madrepora carolina colony collected from the Rosalind Bank,
Nicaragua (162 m). Credit: Stephen Cairns, Smithsonian Institute of Natural History, USA. (H) Solenosmilia variabilis with
individual, larger polyps of Desmophyllum dianthus on the wall of Norfolk Canyon, Western Atlantic (1200 m). Credit: Deepwater
Canyons 2013 Expedition NOAA-OER/BOEM/USGS. Scale bars, green: 1 cm, blue: 5 cm, white: 10 cm.
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Cold-water coral reefs 3
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zooplankton, faecal pellets) (Duineveld, Lavaleye &
Berghuis, 2004;Duineveldet al., 2007;Naumann
et al., 2015;vanOevelenet al., 2018). Phytodetritus and zoo-
plankton faecal pellets aggregate and slowly sink from the
photic zone to the deep sea as exported particulate organic
matter (POM) (Turner, 2015). In addition, live zooplankton
perform diurnal and/or seasonal vertical migrations
between shallow and deep waters (Bandara et al., 2021). As
passive suspension feeders, CWCs require currents to
deliver food particles (Hamann & Blanke, 2022), which they
capture with their tentacles or with mucus nets (Zetsche
et al., 2016; Murray et al., 2019).
With increasing depth, the vertical ux of particulate
organic carbon (POC) decreases exponentially (Fig. 4A),
as zooplankton and bacterioplankton consume a substan-
tial fraction of the sinking organic material (Suess, 1980;
Lutz, Dunbar & Caldeira, 2002;Boyd&Trull,2007). In
the North Atlantic, 2.5 to 10 mol POC m
exported from the photic zone in coastal areas, but only
around 0.1 mol POC m
(14%) arrives in the
bathyal deep sea (>200 m; Fig. 4A, see online Supporting
Information, Table S1). On CWC reefs, 0.00033.5 mol
are deposited, as measured by sediment
traps deployed at 481850 m water depth (Fig. 4A).
At the same time, CWC reefs respire 445 mol
oxygen m
soft-sediment communities [respiration rates extrapolated
from daily measurements of reef-community oxygen con-
sumption on different reefs in the North Atlantic during
spring/summer (Cathalot et al., 2015; De Froe
et al., 2019)]. Assuming a respiratory quotient CO
1 (as estimated for CWCs; Khripounoff et al., 2014), this
leadstoaCturnoverof445 mol C m
(Fig. 4B;
note that C refers to organic C throughout this review).
To sustain this high C turnover, the reefs require an
amount C that is orders of magnitude higher than the
amount of POC deposited in sediment traps (Fig. 4B).
The reefs even seem to require a substantial part of the
entire primary production at the ocean surface [almost
100% of the local primary production above Mingulay
Reef (De Clippele et al., 2021a); 5% of the primary produc-
tion on the entire Norwegian shelf by all known Norwegian
reefs combined (Cathalot et al., 2015)]. This poses the ques-
tion: how can CWC reefs sustain their high biomass and
metabolic activity in the food-limited deep sea, given this
apparent mismatch in C supply (Fig. 4B)?
To approach this CWC reef paradox, we review the liter-
ature and open-access data and discuss the following ques-
tions: are CWC reefs limited to locations with elevated food
supply, and what mechanisms increase the food supply to
the reefs (Section II); how are CWCs adapted to their food
environment (Section III); how do CWC reefs function as eco-
system to maintain high metabolic rates (Section IV); and how
do anthropogenic threats impact food supply, coral adapta-
tions and reef functioning and jeopardise the existence of
CWC reefs; from a trophodynamic perspective, how can we
optimally protect CWC reefs? (Section V).
Fig. 2. Cold-water coral (CWC) reefs, hotspots of biodiversity.
(A) Reef framework formed by Desmophyllum pertusum and
Madrepora oculata on the Oreo CWC Mound (summit: 750 m
depth), SE slope of Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic; large crinoids
(orange) and stylasterid corals (white) live on the reef
framework. Credit: Research cruise 64PE4202F. (B) Large
colonies of D. pertusum on the West Florida Slope; these
mounds provide habitat for golden crabs (Chaceon fenneri),
which are shed commercially in the southeastern USA
(567 m). Credit DISCOVRE expedition 2010 USGS/
BOEMRE. (C) Live and dead structure of a D. pertusum colony
off Cape Canaveral, Florida (430 m) with a blackbelly rosesh
(Helicolenus dactylopterus) on the top of the colony, a galatheid
crab (Eumunida picta) and a Chain Catshark (Scyliorhinus
cf. retifer). Credit: Ross & Quattrini (2009), NOAA DSCRTP/
CIOERT/USGS. Scale bars (top of images): 10 cm.
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Fig. 3. Cold-water coral (CWC) occurrence, surface productivity and benthic current velocity. Data from OBIS (2022) and
Bio_ORACLE (Tyberghein et al., 2012; Assis et al., 2018). (A) Global occurrence of Desmophyllum pertusum,Enallopsammia pusilla,
Enallopsammia profunda,Enallopsammia rostrata,Goniocorella dumosa,Madrepora carolina,Madrepora oculata, and Solenosmilia variabilis.
(B) Annual mean of daily surface primary productivity. (C) Annual range of daily surface primary productivity. (D) Annual mean
of benthic current velocity. A QGIS version of BD can be found at
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Table 1. Colonial, reef-building and/or structure-forming cold-water coral (CWC) species, their colony morphology, the degree to which they are reef-building, their distri-
bution, depth range (mean ±standard deviation), and the number of publications mentioning each species (Google Scholar, 01 September 2022). All species are cnidarians of the
order Scleractinia. Only species that occur at >200 m water depth were considered. References for presented information: Zibrowius (1980); Cairns (1982,1995); Koslow et al.
(2001); Reed (2002); Freiwald et al. (2004); Hebbeln et al. (2014); De Clippele et al. (2017b); Corbera et al. (2019); Raddatz et al. (2020); Filander et al. (2021); Sanna & Freiwald
(2021); OBIS (2022) and
Species Colony morphology Reef-building Distribution
Depth range
(m water
Number of publications
mentioning species
Desmophyllum pertusum
(formerly Lophelia
pertusa; Linnaeus,
Bushy/bush-like to
Dominant reef-building CWC in North
Almost cosmopolitan (not found in
continental Antarctica)
480 ±184 Lophelia pertusa: 6630;
Desmophyllum pertusum:
Goniocorella dumosa
(Alcock, 1902)
Bushy Dominant reef-building CWC around
New Zealand
Only Southern hemisphere 462 ±239 198
Enallopsammia rostrata
(Pourtalès, 1878)
Fan-shaped, uni-planar Mostly secondary framework producer
on reefs formed by other species, but
some can also build reefs (E. profunda,
M. oculata,S. variabilis; the others are
considered structure-forming)
Almost cosmopolitan (not found in
continental Antarctica)
763 ±338 487
Enallopsammia profunda
(Pourtalès, 1867)
Irregular-fragile 667 ±212 173
Enallopsammia pusilla
(Alcock, 1902)
Bushy 568 ±233 12
Madrepora oculata
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Uniplanar zigzag-shaped
654 ±307 2530
Madrepora carolina
(Pourtalès, 1871)
Fan-shaped, uni-planar 225 ±218 68
Solenosmilia variabilis
(Duncan, 1873)
Bushy Almost cosmopolitan (not found in
continental Antarctica & North
1258 ±276 721
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(1) Are cold-water coral reefs limited to locations
with elevated food supply?
CWCs are supplied with food through primary production at
the ocean surface (measured as chlorophyll-a concentration
or net primary productivity), export of primary production,
ux of POM to the seaoor and/or currents (horizontal
and/or vertical) that carry food particles (e.g. Duineveld
et al., 2004; Kiriakoulakis et al., 2004,2007; Davies
et al., 2009; De Froe et al., 2022). To evaluate whether
CWC reefs are limited to locations with elevated food supply,
we rst reviewed modelling studies that predict habitat suit-
ability for reef-building/structure-forming CWCs (Table 1),
based on their environmental requirements including food
supply(primary production, export, POC ux and/or cur-
rent velocity; Table 2). Currents were identied as an impor-
tant predictor of CWC habitat suitability in nine out of
13 models that explicitly included currents (Table 2). The
importance of surface primary production and/or POM ux
varied between the habitat suitability studies: 40% of the
30 relevant models (i.e. models that included the relevant
parameters) describe the importance of primary produc-
tion/POC ux as (relatively) high, 27% as moderate, and
33% as (relatively) low.
Secondly, we carried out a global analysis to test speci-
cally whether surface primary productivity and/or benthic
current velocity were above global average at those sites
where either of the eight reef-building/structure-forming
deep-sea CWC species (Table 1) occur. Publicly available
data on the occurrence of these were obtained from
OBIS (2022; data sets are available at
5281/zenodo.7097065). Raster layers with values for (i) the
annually averaged surface primary productivity; (ii) the
annual range of surface primary productivity as an indicator
of seasonality; and (iii) the annually averaged current velocity
were extracted from Bio-ORACLE (Tyberghein et al., 2012;
Assis et al., 2018; resolution 5 arcmin, i.e. ca. 9.2 km at equa-
tor). Bio-ORACLE compiles a global environmental data set
for species distribution modelling, based on data sets pro-
vided by the E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information
(Assis et al., 2018). For a detailed description of the methodol-
ogy, see online supporting information Appendix S1; the full
R code for all analyses is available at
Our global analysis revealed that enhanced food supply
through above-average surface productivity and currents
drive the distribution of most reef-forming CWC species.
Firstly, ve out of eight species (i.e. Desmophyllum pertusum,
Enallopsammia profunda,Goniocorella dumosa,Madrepora oculata,
Solenosmilia variabilis) occur in locations with higher primary
productivity than the global average (Figs 3B and 5A,
Table 3, Appendix S2). Some species, however, occur in
areas of non-enhanced (Enallopsammia pusilla,Enallopsammia
rostrata) or even lower (Madrepora carolina) primary
Fig. 4. Paradox of thriving cold-water coral (CWC) reefs in the food-limited deep sea. (A) Organic matter export from the ocean
surface to the deep sea, measured by sediment traps, plotted as annual ux of particulate organic carbon (POC) over depth. Green
symbols show POC export from the photic zone (data from coastal water, 50 m water depth; export ux data from directly above
CWC reefs are lacking); black symbols show off-shelf POC ux through the water column (data from moored sediment traps);
blue symbols show POC ux close to cold-water coral (CWC) reefs (data from sediment traps on benthic landers). Dashed line
indicates transition from photic zone to deep sea at 200 m water depth. (B) Simplied organic carbon (OC) budget of CWC reefs,
illustrating the mismatch between high C turnover, high OC stock in reef biomass, and low POC deposition measured by
sediment traps. OM, organic matter. References for (A): Wassmann (1990); Antia et al.(2001); Bermuda Atlantic Time-series
Study (BATS), see Steinberg et al.(
2001); Smith & Rabouille (2002); Duineveld et al.(2004); Lavaleye et al.(2009); Mienis
et al.(
2009,2012); van Oevelen et al.(2009); Khripounoff et al.(2014). Data set summarised in Table S1. References for B: POC
deposition as in A; C turnover: Cathalot et al.(
2015); De Froe et al.(2019) and references therein; Reef OC stock: De Clippele
et al.(
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Table 2. Environmental parameters that best predict suitable habitat for deep-sea scleractinian cold-water corals (CWCs). The table includes only studies that explicitly ana-
lysed CWCs or CWC species (not CWC reefs) in relation to food availability (food parameter) and/or currents. From these studies, the most important predictorsare listed,
i.e. those environmental parameters that best predict the habitat suitability of CWCs: arag, aragonite saturation; aspect, easterly & northerly aspect; BPI, bathymetric position-
ing index; DIC, dissolved inorganic carbon concentration; nutrients, concentration of nitrate, phosphate, (silicate); O
, oxygen concentration; rugg, terrain ruggedness; S, salin-
ity; seamount, association with a seamount; shear, bottom shear stress; SST, sea surface temperature; T, temperature; TA, total alkalinity; terrain, combined terrain
parameters; v, current velocity; all parameters refer to bottom-water/seaoor, unless otherwise indicated. Food parameters are: chl-a, chlorophyll-a concentration at ocean
surface; DOM ux, dissolved organic matter ux to the seaoor; export PP, export primary productivity; NPP, net primary productivity; POC ux, particulate organic matter
ux to the seaoor. Studies where food availability and/or current velocity were important predictors are highlighted in grey.
Study Species Region Scale Most important
Food para-
Importance of
food as predictor
Importance of
currents as predictor
Davies et al.
D. pertusum Global Global TA, aspect, arag,
chl-a Moderate to high High
NE Atlantic Regional Aspect, depth, slope Moderate Relatively high
Tittensor et al.
Global seamounts Global
arag, O
, nutrients,
Export PP,
Low Low
Davies &
D. pertusum Global Global S, T, arag POC ux Moderate NA
E. rostrata Depth, T, arag Moderate
G. dumosa Depth, T, arag Relatively high
M. oculata Depth, T, arag Moderate
S. variabilis Depth, T, arag Moderate
Tracey et al.
E. rostrata New Zealand Regional POC ux, DOM,
POC ux,
High NA
G. dumosa Depth, seamount Relatively low
M. oculata Seamount, DOM High
S. variabilis Depth, seamount Moderate
Rengstorf et al.
D. pertusum
Irish continental margin, NE Atlantic Local Slope, T, shear NA High [vertical &
bottom shear
Georgian et al.
D. pertusum Gulf of Mexico Regional Hard substrate,
depth, BPI
POC ux Low NA
Rengstorf et al.
D. pertusum
CWC provinces, NE Atlantic Local Shear, BPI, slope,
vertical ow
NA High [bottom shear
De Clippele
et al.(
D. pertusum
Mingulay Reef Complex, NE Atlantic Local Depth, rugosity,
BPI, v
NA Relatively high
Bargain et al.
D. pertusum Mediterranean Sea canyons Regional
rugg, BPI, v, T NA High
M. oculata
Chu et al.
Canadian NE Pacic Regional O
, SST, arag chl-a Relatively low Moderate [vertical &
Georgian et al.
E. rostrata New Zealand +adjacent S Pacic Regional T, rugg, arag POC ux Relatively low NA
G. dumosa T, arag, rugg Relatively high
M. oculata BPI, arag, T moderate
S. variabilis rugg, arag, % gravel Relatively low
Barbosa et al.
D. pertusum Brazilian continental margin, W Atlantic Regional Depth, T, arag POC ux Relatively low Relatively high
[vertical]E. rostrata Depth, arag, T Relatively low
M. oculata Depth, T, arag High
S. variabilis S, depth, POC ux High
(Continues on next page)
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productivity compared to global values (Figs 3B and 5A). A
preference for sites with enhanced primary production does
not correlate with species-specic differences in depth range
(Table 1). Overall, the corals tolerate a broad range of
annual primary productivity (Table 3). Secondly, six out
of eight reef-forming CWC species occur in areas with
above global-average current velocity (Figs 3D and 5C,
Table 3). According to our analysis, reef-forming CWCs
occur under current velocities of 0.11 ±0.07 m s
(mean ±SD; Table 3). With their large, three-dimensional,
branching skeletal framework, the corals locally reduce cur-
rent velocities and create niches with optimal ow for their
prey capture (Hennige et al., 2021; Sanna, Büscher &
Freiwald, 2023), i.e. 0.05 m s
for phytoplankton (phyto-
detritus) capture and 0.02 m s
for zooplankton capture
(Purser et al., 2010;Orejaset al., 2016). Currents further
drive CWC distribution as they facilitate specic hydrody-
namic processes, which spatially and temporally increase
the food supply (see Section II.2).
In summary, food supply is an important driver of CWC
reef distribution and the combination of enhanced current
velocity and increased primary production (among other
environmental drivers) can act as powerful predictors of
CWC reef presence. However, food supply on and around
CWC reefs varies at small spatial and temporal scales, as
reviewed below. Accordingly, attempts to predict CWC reef
distribution are more or less limited by the resolution of envi-
ronmental data and the lack of true coral-absence data, due
to the high logistic effort and associated costs of surveys
(Davies et al., 2008; Georgian, Morgan & Wagner, 2021).
In the future, increasing resolution of environmental data,
especially of less-common parameters such as POM ux,
high-resolution hydrodynamic models and an increasing
number of benthic deep-sea surveys globally (Ramirez-
Llodra et al., 2010) will likely improve our ability to predict
CWC reef occurrences (Rengstorf et al., 2014).
(2) Food pulses created by hydrodynamic processes
Instead of a constantly low food supply, CWCs live in a
dynamic environment, where hydrodynamic processes cre-
ate periodic food pulses at different temporal scales, from a
few hours for processes linked to internal tidal activity
(e.g. Davies et al., 2009; Duineveld et al., 2012; De Froe
et al., 2022), to seasonal cycles (e.g. Mienis et al., 2009; Navas
et al., 2014; van der Kaaden et al., 2021) and multiyear cycles
such as decadal oscillations (e.g. Guihen, White &
Lundälv, 2012; Kazanidis et al., 2021b; Raddatz et al., 2022)
and millennial-scale oscillations (Portilho-Ramos et al.,
2022). Currents interact with the seaoor, especially with ele-
vated seaoor structures such as oceanic banks [e.g. Galicia
Bank and Rockall Bank in the North Atlantic (Duineveld
et al., 2004,2007; White et al., 2005)], continental margins
[e.g. the shelf edges of the Faroe islands and Norway
(Frederiksen, Jensen & Westerberg, 1992; Thiem
et al., 2006)], seamounts (globally, reviewed by White
et al., 2007), and fjord sills [e.g. in Norway (Rüggeberg
Table 2. (Cont.)
Study Species Region Scale Most important
Food para-
Importance of
food as predictor
Importance of
currents as predictor
Burgos et al.
D. pertusum Nordic Seas (Norway Sea, Greenland Sea,
Icelandic Sea, part of Barents Sea)
Regional T, depth, terrain POC ux,
Relatively high Relatively low
M. oculata T, terrain, depth Low Relatively low
S. variabilis Depth, T, v Low Relatively high
Kinlan et al.
US continental shelf, NW Atlantic Regional T, depth, chl-a chl-a High NA
Morato et al.
D. pertusum N Atlantic Regional T, POC ux, arag POC ux High NA
M. oculata T, POC ux, arag High
Sundahl et al.
D. pertusum Norwegian continental shelf Regional BPI, sediment, T, v chl-a Relatively high High
Georgian et al.
S Pacic off Peru Regional Arag, BPI, rugg,
nutrients, POC
POC ux Relatively high NA
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et al., 2011; Wagner et al., 2011)]. Similar currentseaoor
interactions are caused by large CWC mounds themselves,
e.g. in the Logachev mound CWC province at the slope of
Rockall Bank (Mienis et al., 2007; Cyr et al., 2016;
Soetaert et al., 2016; van der Kaaden et al., 2021).
These currenttopography interactions generate periodic
hydrodynamic events like internal tides, trapped waves, and
hydraulic jumps (Mohn et al., 2014; van Haren et al., 2014;
Cyr et al., 2016). For instance, if an elevated structure par-
tially blocks (tidal) currents, the isopycnals are depressed
downstream of this structure, resulting in so-called hydraulic
jumps(Mohn et al., 2014). Isopycnal depressions and
hydraulic jumps accelerate the downward transport of
organic matter, from typical particle sinking speeds of a few
to hundreds of metres per day (Riley et al., 2012) to vertical
transport at 10 cm s
, corresponding to >8.5 km day
(Davies et al., 2009; Juva et al., 2020). As a result, fresh organic
matter is transported from surface waters to CWC reefs in
less than 1 h [at the 140 m deep Mingulay reef (Davies
et al., 2009; Findlay et al., 2013)]. As the tide reverses, this
food pulse moves over the reef and supplies the entire reef
community (Davies et al., 2009). Accordingly, fresh, lipid-rich
(high-quality) suspended POM has been documented in the
bottom water above several CWC reefs/mounds in the
North Atlantic (Kiriakoulakis et al., 2007; Mienis
et al., 2007; Davies et al., 2009; De Froe et al., 2022).
Enhanced concentrations of fresh POM can occur in diurnal
or semi-diurnal pulses, linked to the site-specic internal tidal
cycle (Duineveld et al., 2007; Mienis et al., 2007; Davies
et al., 2009; De Froe et al., 2022). The downward transport
of surface organic matter is most pronounced on or close to
the reef crest or mound summit (Cyr et al., 2016); accord-
ingly, live CWCs are most abundant here (De Haas
et al., 2009; Lim, Wheeler & Arnaubec, 2017; Conti, Lim &
Wheeler, 2019; Maier et al., 2021). The fact that large
CWC mounds can induce a downward transport of surface
organic matter with their own structure (Mienis et al., 2007;
Mohn et al., 2014; Soetaert et al., 2016) represents a positive
feedback of these mounds on coral growth (van der Kaaden
et al., 2020), a remarkable form of ecosystem engineering
(sensu Jones, Lawton & Shachak, 1994).
Next to accelerating vertical particle transport, tidal cur-
rents and internal waves resuspend deposited organic
material into bottom or intermediate nepheloid layers,
providing another temporal food source for the reefs
(Frederiksen et al., 1992;Whiteet al., 2005; Mienis
et al., 2007). Besides tidally induced vertical transport,
Ekman drainage was proposed as yet another mechanism
D. pertusum
log(primary productivity annual mean)
log(primary productivity annual range)
log(current velocity annual mean)
E. profunda
E. pusilla
E. rostrata
G. dumosa
M. carolina
M. oculata
S. variabilis
D. pertusum
E. profunda
E. pusilla
E. rostrata
G. dumosa
M. carolina
M. oculata
S. variabilis
D. pertusum
E. profunda
E. pusilla
E. rostrata
G. dumosa
M. carolina
M. oculata
S. variabilis
Fig. 5. Primary productivity (A: annual mean, B: annual range)
and annual mean current velocity (C) at sites with cold-water
corals (in grey) in comparison to global values (in blue). Note
log-transformed values; for original data and units see Fig. 3
and Table 3. Boxes of boxplots indicate median, rst and third
quartiles, dotted lines show minimum and maximum values
without outliers. Asterisks indicate signicant differences
between coral sites and global values [P<0.05; Kruskal
Wallis rank-sum tests with post hoc Dunn tests; R package FSA
(Ogle et al., 2018); for detailed statistical results, see
Appendix S2.
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of food supply to CWC reefs at shelf break regions in the
North Atlantic (White et al., 2005;Thiemet al., 2006;Simp-
son & McCandliss, 2013). Here, an along-slope surface
current is deected at depth, at an angle of 90, due to
the Coriolis force (Ekman, 1905). As a result, organic
matter-rich bottom water from shallower areas above the
continental shelf is transported downwards across the slope
at velocities of ca.2cms
(White et al., 2005;Thiem
et al., 2006; Simpson & McCandliss, 2013). Due to lower
velocities and longer distances cross-slope, particle trans-
port from shallow to deep water by Ekman drainage is
slower compared to tidally induced processes, but faster
than passive settling (White et al., 2005; Davies
et al., 2009;Rileyet al., 2012;Juvaet al., 2020).
In summary, depending on the prevailing hydrodynamic
regime, food availability on CWC reefs can change drasti-
cally within a couple of hours, creating a feastfamine
environment. The relative contribution of different hydrody-
namic regimes to food supply is likely reef/region-specic,
but this remains to be studied.
(3) Seasonal variability of food pulses
Most reef-forming CWC species (six out of eight) occur in
areas where primary productivity shows higher than average
annual variation (Figs 3C and 5B, Table 3,AppendixS2).In
temperate regions, such as the North Atlantic and the South
Pacic, the seasonal cycle of light, temperature and nutrient
replenishment gives rise to a pronounced spring phytoplank-
ton bloom, followed by a peak in zooplankton abundance
(Lalli & Parsons, 1997). In the Gulf of Mexico, seasonal
upwelling, variations of mixed layer depth and riverine nutri-
ent discharge cause a strong variation in primary productivity
(Müller-Karger et al., 1991; Zavala-Hidalgo et al., 2006). Sea-
sonal variations in upwelling are also responsible for primary
productivity uctuations on the Mauritanian continental mar-
gin (Eisele et al., 2011) and in the North East Pacic California
Current System (Gruber et al., 2012;Gomez et al., 2018). Peri-
odic peaks of surface primary production create important
food peaks for deep-sea benthos (Billett et al., 1983). During
the seasonal phytoplankton bloom, POC ux, POC concen-
tration and zooplankton abundance on Tisler reef (North East
Skagerrak, depth <200 m) and Nakken reef (Norwegian fjord,
depth 200 m) increase by a factor of two or more (Lavaleye
et al., 2009;Maieret al., 2020a). Similarly, one/several annual
peaks of uorescence (ca. 30% increase) above the CWC reefs
in the Cape Lookout area (NW Atlantic) and the Gulf of
Mexico indicate seasonal pulses of fresh organic matter
(Mienis et al., 2012,2014). In between the seasonal food peaks,
the availability of phytodetritus on the reefs is low (Duineveld
et al., 2004,2007; Mienis et al., 2012,2014; van Engeland
et al., 2019). Alternative resources may then be available,
e.g. resuspended, more degraded organic matter (Mienis
et al., 2009;Maieret al., 2020a; van der Kaaden et al., 2021),
bacterioplankton, and dissolved organic matter (DOM)
(Wild et al., 2008,2009).
Today we know that daily, seasonal, annual, and decadal
cycles of primary production shape deep-sea ecosystems, just
like in shallow waters. However, the study of deep-sea sea-
sonalityremains difcult, especially in temperate and sub-
Table 3. Primary productivity (annual average and annual sea-
sonal range) and current velocity (annual average) at sites with
cold-water corals (CWCs) compared to the global mean.
Coordinates of CWC sites were obtained from OBIS (2022),
environmental parameters at CWC sites were provided by
Bio-ORACLE (Tyberghein et al.,2012; Assis et al.,2018), as
described in Appendix S1. For CWCs, values are given
separately for the indicated CWC species and pooled for all
species (CWCs pooled). Temperatures in CWC habitats are
additionally compared to the range of temperatures on tropical
coral reefs (Freiwald et al.,2004) because temperature inuences
physiological processes (Dodds et al.,2007). All given values are
model estimates, given at a resolution of 5 arcmin (ca. 9.2 km
equatorial), not accounting for small-scale variability.
Parameter Mean ±SD at
locations with CWCs
mean ±SD
annual average
(mg m
D. pertusum 8±10
E. profunda 5±2
E. pusilla 4±2
E. rostrata 4±4
G. dumosa 9±5
M. carolina 2±3
M. oculata 6±8
S. variabilis 8±2
annual range
(mg m
19 ±13 11 ±12
D. pertusum 24 ±14
E. profunda 21 ±9
E. pusilla 11 ±7
E. rostrata 8±6
G. dumosa 17 ±12
M. carolina 11 ±7
M. oculata 16 ±15
S. variabilis 16 ±7
velocity: annual
average (m s
0.11 ±0.07 0.05 ±0.04
D. pertusum 0.13 ±0.08
E. profunda 0.21 ±0.09
E. pusilla 0.06 ±0.06
E. rostrata 0.06 ±0.03
G. dumosa 0.05 ±0.03
M. carolina 0.14 ±0.1
M. oculata 0.09 ±0.09
S. variabilis 0.09 ±0.03
average (C)
5.1 ±3.1 Global:
1.7 ±4.1;
tropical coral
2029 C
D. pertusum 6.5 ±2.4
E. profunda 8.5 ±2
E. pusilla 6.1 ±3.3
E. rostrata 2.5 ±1.8
G. dumosa 6.4 ±2
M. carolina 13.5 ±6.8
M. oculata 6.2 ±3.7
S. variabilis 2.7 ±1.3
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polar areas, due to their difcult year-round accessibility.
Hence, seasonal C uxes to CWC reefs have only been
measured on few reefs, mostly in the North Atlantic, and
future studies should direct efforts to other CWC reefs
(4) The role of live zooplankton
Vertically migrating zooplankton export substantial amounts
of C, especially lipids, from the ocean surface to the deep sea
(Jonasdottir et al., 2015; Kiko et al., 2017; Bandara
et al., 2021). Most zooplankton spend the night in surface
waters, grazing on phytoplankton, and descend to deeper
waters (>300 m) at dawn to escape visual predators
(Zaret & Suffern, 1976). When passing CWC reefs, they
could create important, lipid-rich food pulses for the corals.
Vertically migrating zooplankton were observed on CWC
reefs over a large depth range, including the relatively shal-
low Tisler reef (Skagerrak, Norway, <200 m depth; Guihen,
White & Lundälv, 2018), Hola reef (Norwegian continental
shelf, 260 m depth; van Engeland et al., 2019), and Mingulay
reef (Outer Hebrides, 150 m depth; Duineveld et al., 2007),
and deeper reefs in the Santa Maria di Leuca CWC Province
(Mediterranean, 3001100 m depth; Carlier et al., 2009), on
the Campeche mounds and in the Viosca Knoll area [Gulf of
Mexico, ca. 500 m (Mienis et al., 2012; Hebbeln et al., 2014)].
Zooplankton are typically also abundant on and above sea-
mounts, sustaining high CWC abundance (Rogers, 1994;
Duineveld et al., 2004; Rowden et al., 2010). By contrast,
the large CWC reefs on the slope of Rockall Bank (North-
East Atlantic, 800 m depth) showed a low zooplankton abun-
dance (Duineveld et al., 2007; De Froe et al., 2022).
Site-specic differences in zooplankton abundance in the
deep sea relate to patterns of primary productivity
(Hernandez-Leon et al., 2020). Furthermore, local zooplank-
ton populations have specic depth ranges, varying from
300 to 600 m, e.g. at the Bermuda-Atlantic-Time-Series sta-
tion (Sargasso Sea; Steinberg et al., 2000), to >1000 m depth,
e.g. in the Gulf of Mexico (Ochoa et al., 2013; Ursella
et al., 2021). Finally, zooplankton overwinter at depth in spe-
cic areas like the Norwegian Sea at ca. 600 m depth,
whereas other areas like the deep Rockall Trough or shal-
lower Norwegian fjords show low zooplankton abundance
in winter (Heath et al., 2000; Campbell & Dower, 2003;
Maier et al., 2020a). Corresponding to variations in abun-
dance, the importance of live zooplankton in the CWC diet
varies among reefs (Duineveld et al., 2004,2007; Carlier
et al., 2009; van Oevelen et al., 2018) and seasons (Maier
et al., 2020a). However, most information on zooplankton
food for CWCs originates from the North Atlantic, and
future research is required to reveal global patterns.
In conclusion, CWC reefs occur in a highly dynamic
feastfamineenvironment, where food availability changes
substantially, depending on the season, the prevailing hydro-
dynamic regime, and presence of vertically migrating zoo-
plankton. During feast conditions, food supply likely
sustains reef C demand. For instance, during the productive
season, POC uxes of 367 mmol C m
were mea-
sured by sediment traps (Duineveld et al., 2004; Lavaleye
et al., 2009; Mienis et al., 2012; Khripounoff et al., 2014),
which is in the same order of magnitude as the reef C turn-
over of 11123 mmol C m
(445 mol C
, Fig. 4B). It should be noted that sediment traps
tend to underestimate POC uxes, especially when they tilt
under high currents (Khripounoff et al., 2014). Furthermore,
additional input of zooplankton and/or dissolved organic
carbon (DOC), which are not measured by sediment traps,
may ll the remaining gap. More precise reef C budgets,
however, require C ux data at higher temporal and spatial
resolution and the inclusion of C uxes through zooplankton
and DOC. The comparatively low food supply to the reefs in
famineperiods (Duineveld et al., 2004,2007; Mienis
et al., 2012,2014; van Engeland et al., 2019)isreected in
the large annual C mismatch (Fig. 4B) and suggests that other
physiological and ecological mechanisms are at play, as out-
lined in the following sections.
As established in Section II, CWCs live in a feastfamine
environment with strong temporal uctuations in resource
availability and hydrodynamic conditions. At the same time,
CWCs have a high C demand, as illustrated by the following
simplied annual C budget for Desmophyllum pertusum (Fig. 6),
the best-studied scleractinian CWC species. Respiration
rates of D. pertusum, measured by ex situ and in situ incubations,
range between 1.1 and 2.8 mmol C (g coral dry mass) year
if CO
=1 (see Section I; Larsson et al., 2013b; Larsson,
Lundälv & van Oevelen, 2013a; Khripounoff et al., 2014;
Maier et al., 2019,2020a; Baussant et al., 2022). C ux (loss)
associated with mucus release has been assessed in
fewer studies by ex situ incubations (Maier et al., 2011,
2016; Naumann, Orejas & Ferrier-Pagès, 2014; Maier
et al., 2019) and amounts to 0.2 mmol POC (g coral dry
(Maier et al., 2019; other studies used differ-
ent units, see Appendix S3). Together, the C demand of
D. pertusum amounts to 1.33.0 mmol C
(g dry mass)
(Fig. 6, Appendix S3); similar C bud-
gets for other CWC species remain to be investigated. Addi-
tional energetic costs incur for reproduction, but these are
less well established: it is known that D. pertusum,E. rostrata,
G. dumosa, and S. variabilis release a large number of small eggs
and sperm (i.e. organic C) once per year (broadcast spawn-
ing), while M. oculata produces several smaller cohorts of
larger eggs and sperm (Burgess & Babcock, 2005; Waller &
Tyler, 2005). The related C expenditure is difcult to assess,
but D. pertusum showed a 50% lower organic C content after
than before the spawning season (JanuaryMarch in
Norway; Brooke & Järnegren, 2013). This difference of
1.5 mmol C (g dry mass)
may correspond to the amount
of spawned C and suggests a relatively high reproductive
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cost (Maier et al., 2020a). In total, the annual C budget
of D. pertusum (Fig. 6) ranges from 2.8 to 4.5 mmol C (g dry
, or 1.1 to 1.8 mmol C polyp
an average-sized D. pertusum polyp of 0.4 g dry mass; Maier
et al., 2019). To maintain this C budget, each polyp has to
capture ca. 1702000 copepods per year [one copepod
0.9 to 6.5 μmol C (Grønvik & Hopkins, 1984; Orejas
et al., 2016; Höfer et al., 2018)] or 3 ×10
to 5 ×10
live phy-
toplankton cells per year [one phytoplankton cell
0.003 μmol C (Orejas et al., 2016)]; for calculations, see
Appendix S3.
CWCs seem to meet large parts of their annual C demand
by efciently exploiting large food pulses. As passive suspen-
sion feeders, CWCs rely on water ow for their food supply
(Gili & Coma, 1998). The corals are optimally adapted to
site-specic hydrodynamic conditions and food availability,
through variable colony morphology among and within spe-
cies (De Clippele et al., 2017b; Vad et al., 2017; Hennige
et al., 2021; Sanna & Freiwald, 2021; Sanna et al., 2023).
For example, fan-shaped colonies (M. carolina,E. rostrata)
often grow perpendicular to unidirectional currents, optimis-
ing prey capture (Fricke & Meischner, 1985). D. pertusum
adapts its morphology based on the prevailing hydrodynamic
conditions (Sanna et al., 2023), forming bush-like colonies
with more compact upstream branches under higher, unidi-
rectional ow velocities and symmetrical cauliower-shaped
colonies with thinner, ramied branches under more shel-
tered conditions with lower, multidirectional ow
(De Clippele et al., 2017b). These adaptations create efcient
suspension feeders. At concentrations of 100 copepods l
D. pertusum can catch around 1223 copepods polyp
depending on the ow speed (Orejas et al., 2016; highest
capture at 2 cm s
, lowest at 10 cm s
). This corresponds
to a C uptake of 11150 μmol C polyp
(using the cope-
pod C content range mentioned above; Appendix S3). Prey
capture rates increase further with increasing zooplankton
concentration (Purser et al., 2010). The smaller polyps of
M. oculata show lower capture rates of large zooplankton
compared to D. pertusum, but on the scale of a coral colony,
this effect is outweighed by the higher polyp density
(Tsounis et al., 2010). At high phytoplankton concentrations,
as may occur during rapid downwelling events in the produc-
tive season (Davies et al., 2009), D. pertusum is able to retain up
to 6 ×10
phytoplankton cells polyp
, i.e. ca. 200 μmol
C polyp
(Orejas et al., 2016). Hence, during such zoo-
plankton or phytoplankton food pulses, the corals might be
able to sustain 117% of their annual C demand in only
1 hour (for calculation, see Appendix S3). In situ data conrm
the potential of CWCs to exploit food pulses and their ener-
getic value: on the Norwegian shelf, D. pertusum changes its
polyp (feeding) activity in accordance with diurnal changes
in current speed and direction, which likely cause periodic
changes in food availability (Buhl-Mortensen, Tenningen &
Tysseland, 2015; Osterloff et al., 2019). On Nakken reef
(Norwegian fjord), D. pertusum doubled its organic C content
or biomass during the annual spring bloom (Maier
et al., 2020a), showing the importance of seasonal food pulses
for the annual C budget of these corals.
CWCs store excess assimilated resources from food pulses
or periods of high food availability as tissue reserves (Maier
et al., 2019). To store reserves, CWCs contain a substantial
amount of neutral lipids, i.e. triacylglycerols for short-term
storage and wax esters for long-term storage (Dodds
et al., 2009; Larsson et al., 2013a; Galand et al., 2020). The
Fig. 6. A simplied annual carbon budget for the cold-water coral Desmophyllum pertusum, showing C expenses (right side), leading to
estimations of C demand (left side) and corresponding food requirement (phytoplankton, zooplankton). For explanation, references,
and calculations see Section III and Appendix S3. DM, dry mass; OC, organic carbon.
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build-up of lipid reserves depends on the CWC species and
diet. Experiments showed that D. pertusum prefers a zooplank-
ton diet to build-up storage lipids (Galand et al., 2020). In situ
(Norway), this species formed lipid reserves after the zoo-
plankton bloom in summer, while the earlier spring phyto-
plankton bloom (phytodetritus peak) was mostly invested in
proteins (Maier et al., 2020a). By contrast, M. oculata benets
more from a phytodetritus or mixed phytodetritus
zooplankton diet to build up lipid stores (Galand et al., 2020).
The original hypothesis that CWCs draw on their lipid
reserves in food-limited periods was, however, not conrmed
for D. pertusum. When experimentally starved, the corals
showed either no decline in storage lipids (Baussant
et al., 2017), or a decline in storage lipids that was indepen-
dent of their feeding status (high versus low food; Larsson
et al., 2013a). In temperate areas, the lipid content of
D. pertusum did not decrease steadily over winter (Dodds
et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the species did show a seasonal
cycle of build-up and decline in lipids closely related to its
gametogenesis and spawning. Lipid reserves were formed
during summer, in the period of highest oocyte growth,
maintained until late winter (December), following which
>50% were released between December and February, pre-
sumably during a mass-spawning event (Brooke &
Järnegren, 2013; Maier et al., 2020a). Hence, CWCs seem
to use their lipid reserves rather to sustain their high repro-
ductive costs than to overcome low-food periods. It appears
likely that food availability governs the reproductive timing
of broadcast-spawning CWCs for two reasons. Firstly, syn-
chronising cost-intensive spawning with the approaching
spring bloom allows the resource-depleted adult coral colo-
nies to restock (Maier et al., 2020a). Secondly, the coral larvae
start feeding at 3 weeks of age and might prot from abun-
dant phytoplankton (Strömberg & Larsson, 2017). Increased
food availability may also trigger periodic spawners
(e.g. M. oculata) to produce and spawn gametes several times
a year (Waller & Tyler, 2005).
Conservation of tissue reserves, in spite of low food avail-
ability (e.g. in winter), could be facilitated by a switch to alter-
native resources. For example in the Rockall Bank area,
increased internal wave activity in winter resuspends sedi-
ment and resupplies the CWC reefs with more degraded
organic particles (Mienis et al., 2009; van der Kaaden
et al., 2021), which could, in turn, release DOM and attract
bacterioplankton. Feeding experiments demonstrated that
CWCs are able to consume these alternative resources,
i.e. bacterioplankton, detritus (D. pertusum; Mueller
et al., 2014) and DOM [D. pertusum,M. oculata (Gori
et al., 2014; Mueller et al., 2014)]. Their close association
with a species-specic microbiome (Hansson et al., 2009;
Schöttner et al., 2012) further allows D. pertusum to feed on
inorganic resources, such as inorganic C (coupled to nitrica-
tion), dinitrogen and ammonium. However, these chemoau-
totrophic pathways only contributed 2% to their respiratory
C demand (Middelburg et al., 2015). Two studies underline
consumption of alternative resources in situ. Firstly, the occur-
rence of E. rostrata and M. oculata in the New Zealand region is
driven by DOM concentration (Tracey et al., 2011). Sec-
ondly, D. pertusum in a Norwegian fjord switched from a
zooplanktonphytodetritus diet to more degraded mate-
rial/bacteria in winter, indicated by decreased δ
C and
increased bacteria fatty acid trophic markers (Maier
et al., 2020a). Other studies, however, indicate that
M. oculata is a less-opportunistic feeder than D. pertusum
(Galand et al., 2020) and therefore less adapted to variations
in resource supply (Chapron et al., 2020). Future research
should address variability in resource exibility among
CWC species.
Finally, CWCs may also conserve tissue reserves and
energy through low metabolic activity and growth. Facili-
tated by lower temperatures (Table 3), the respiration rate
of CWCs is almost 60% lower compared to their tropical
zooxanthellate relatives (Naumann et al., 2011). Correspond-
ingly, CWCs grow about 10 times slower compared to their
tropical, shallow-water relatives, i.e. at rates between
0.02% mass increase per day (D. pertusum) and 0.2% per
day (M. oculata) (Orejas et al., 2011a,b). Nevertheless, growth
rates vary considerably depending on the local environmen-
tal conditions and can reach up to 4 cm year
, rates compa-
rable to some shallow-water corals (Chapron et al., 2020).
While low metabolism and growth may represent general
adaptations of CWCs, their reaction to seasonal food short-
age differs among species. Under long-term (7-month) exper-
imental food deprivation, D. pertusum slowly reduced its
metabolic rate by 4050% in total, but maintained skeletal
growth rates (Larsson et al., 2013a; Baussant et al., 2017). By
contrast, its close relative Desmophyllum dianthus (a non-reef-
building, solitary CWC) immediately and strongly reduced
skeletal growth and metabolic rate in response to short-term
experimental food deprivation (Naumann et al., 2011). In situ,
D. pertusum maintained skeletal growth and budding in sea-
sons with reduced food supply (Lartaud et al., 2014; Maier
et al., 2020a). However, increased metabolic rates and
decreased skeletal growth during the period of highest oocyte
growth suggested an energetic trade-off between reproduc-
tion and skeletal growth (Maier et al., 2020a). M. oculata
(Mediterranean) showed more pronounced seasonal differ-
ences in budding (reduced in summer) and skeletal growth
(reduced in winter/spring) compared to D. pertusum, possibly
related to its periodic reproduction or a lower dietary exibil-
ity (Lartaud et al., 2014). M. oculata may be more sensitive to
varying food availability than D. pertusum (Lartaud
et al., 2014; Chapron et al., 2020). Species-specic differences
in CWC C budgets and adaptations to low-food periods may
explain differences in distribution and resilience; hence,
future research efforts should aim at including a broader
range of different CWC species.
Interannual growth patterns also relate to uctuating food
supply. In the NW Mediterranean, D. pertusum and M. oculata
grew faster (polyp budding and/or linear growth) in years
with higher seasonal downwelling intensity caused by epi-
sodic dense shelf water events (Chapron et al., 2020). Further-
more, in years with higher sedimentation, the CWCs grew
slower, related to less-efcient feeding and energetic costs of
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sediment cleaning; in years with particularly strong currents,
the corals formed thicker colonies and allocated energy to
polyp budding over linear growth (Chapron et al., 2020).
In summary, D. pertusum is well adapted to the feastfamine
environment through its high physiological exibility: (i) phy-
todetritus and zooplankton food pulses are effectively
exploited, but when absent, the corals switch to alternative
resources; (ii) growth rates are low, but can be boosted during
high food availability; (iii) build-up and expenditure of tissue
reserves, mostly for reproduction, are synchronised with the
seasonal changes in resource supply. Additional work is
needed on the physiological exibility of other CWC species.
By contrast, the accumulated knowledge on D. pertusum pro-
vides the chance to move from simple C budgets (Fig. 6)to
more complex dynamic energy budget (DEB) models
(Kooijman, 2000; van der Meer, 2006). While rarely applied
to deep-sea species due to limited data availability, DEB the-
ory provides a useful model framework to understand, for
example, how species can grow (in size, tissue reserves) and
reproduce under varying food availability in the deep sea
(Gaudron, Lefebvre & Marques, 2021).
Reef-building CWCs may be well adapted to their feast
famineenvironment, yet, the entire CWC reef community,
i.e. the corals and reef-associated fauna and microbes require
more food to sustain their high biomass and metabolic activ-
ity than they receive in terms of deposited particulate organic
matter (see Section I). Based on the literature reviewed here,
we suggest two interdependent mechanisms that may explain
this mismatch in the reef (organic) C budget: (i) the reef acts
as a mechanical and biological lter for phytodetritus
(POM); and (ii) recycling (re-use) of C and N within the reef
community limits material loss.
(1) The reef lter
A CWC reef represents a giant lter composed of different
lter mechanisms (mechanical and biological) and mesh sizes
(Fig. 7; Lavaleye et al., 2009; Soetaert et al., 2016; Maier
et al., 2021). The reef framework (Fig. 2) acts as mechanical
lter (Fig. 7) that bafes the ow and increases the deposition
of phytodetritus particles (POM; Dorschel et al., 2005; Mienis
et al., 2019). Accordingly, organic matter concentration in the
sediment below the reef framework is higher than in sedi-
ment off-reef (De Froe et al., 2019). Deeper sediment layers
below CWC reefs, however, show extremely low rates of
anaerobic C mineralisation, because most organic matter is
consumed and mineralised in the overlying reef lter
(Wehrmann et al., 2009). In addition, suspension-feeding epi-
fauna are highly abundant on CWC reefs (Mortensen &
Fosså, 2006; Henry & Roberts, 2007) and create a biological
lter for phytodetritus and zooplankton. Reef-forming
CWCs change the environment to optimise (their own) sus-
pension feeding, e.g. by modifying their hydrodynamic envi-
ronment (Hennige et al., 2021) and by reaching into the
upper, current-exposed benthic boundary layer (Buhl-
Mortensen et al., 2010). This benets other suspension-
feeding epifauna (Buhl-Mortensen et al., 2010). In a habitat
cascade, different epifauna taxa grow on top of each other
[e.g. bryozoans growing on bivalve shells (Kazanidis
et al., 2016; Kazanidis, Henry & Roberts, 2021a)] to access
fresh phytodetritus (POM; Duineveld et al., 2007). Suspen-
sion feeders have evolved a variety of feeding mechanisms
(e.g. active versus passive) and complex feeding structures spe-
cialised on different particle sizes (Gili & Coma, 1998). For
example, CWCs capture live zooplankton at high rates
(Purser et al., 2010; Orejas et al., 2016) when available (see
Section II.4). The large reef bivalve Acesta excavata
(Fabricius, 1779) shows extraordinarily high clearance rates
for phytoplankton or phytodetritus (Järnegren &
Altin, 2006), but only limited consumption of smaller-sized
bacteria (Maier et al., 2020b). By contrast, sponges such as
Geodia barretti (Bowerbank, 1858) or Mycale lingua
(Bowerbank, 1866) retain bacterioplankton with a near
100% efciency (Pile, Patterson & Witman, 1996; Maier
et al., 2020b). Similarly, suspension feeders have a specic
hydrographical niche, determined, e.g. by small-scale varia-
tions in ow (Henry, Davies & Roberts, 2010). Active suspen-
sion feeders are typically more reliant on POM
concentration than on POM ux (Lesser, Witman &
Sebnens, 1994). Accordingly, some active suspension feeders,
e.g. the sponge Hymedesmia paupertas (Bowerbank, 1866), pre-
fer current-sheltered reef sites (Henry et al., 2010). Small-
scale spatial segregation (Purser et al., 2013; Robert
et al., 2020) may reduce competition where dietary niches
overlap (van Oevelen et al., 2018). Acting as a mechanical
and biological lter, CWC reefs deplete phytodetritus
(POM) from the bottom water (Lavaleye et al., 2009; Wagner
et al., 2011).
The branched, porous reef framework brings abundant
suspension-feeding epifauna into close contact with detriti-
vores (Mortensen et al., 1995; Henry & Roberts, 2007) and
a diverse microbial community (van Bleijswijk et al., 2015),
giving rise to a complex food web (van Oevelen
et al., 2009). Particles mechanically intercepted by the reef
framework serve as a food source for detritivores such as
echiuran worms (Kiriakoulakis et al., 2004) or ophiuroids
(Maier et al., 2021). The tube-building polychaete Eunice nor-
vegica (Linnaeus, 1767) forms a symbiosis with D. pertusum: the
polychaete benets from stealing food particles from the
coral and at the same time it keeps its host clean from
accumulating detritus and stabilises the reef framework
by building tubes between the framework branches
(Mortensen, 2001; Roberts, 2005; Mueller et al., 2013).
(2) Recycling of metabolic wasteproducts
The high organic matter mineralisation on CWC reefs leads
to an accumulation of faunal waste products, e.g. detrital
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POM, DOM, dissolved inorganic carbon and nitrogen (DIC,
DIN) (Wild et al., 2008; Wagner et al., 2011; Khripounoff
et al., 2014; De Froe et al., 2019). For instance, CWCs release
mucus (Wild et al., 2008), a polysaccharideprotein complex,
for protection against biofouling and sedimentation and as a
feeding aid (Fig. 7; Bythell & Wild, 2011; Zetsche et al., 2016;
Murray et al., 2019). Mucus detaches from the corals (Wild
et al., 2004) and enhances the concentration of labile (high-
quality) POM downstream of the reef (Wagner et al., 2011).
Most of the mucus dissolves rapidly, creating a pool of labile
DOM (Wild et al., 2008). Typically limited in deep-sea water
(Carlson & Hansell, 2015), coral-derived labile DOM pro-
motes the activity and growth of bacterioplankton (Fig. 7;
Wild et al., 2008,2009). Bacterioplankton, in turn, provide
a high-quality substrate for reef sponges, as outlined above
(Pile et al., 1996; Leys et al., 2018; Maier et al., 2020b). The
recycling of waste DOMby bacterioplankton returns mate-
rial and energy to higher trophic levels (Fig. 7), correspond-
ing to the microbial loop in surface-waters (Azam et al., 1983).
Moreover, suspension feeders can directly consume and
recycle DOM (Fig. 7, Table 4). Deep-sea sponges are well-
known DOM consumers (Table 4), just like their shallow-
water counterparts (reviewed by De Goeij, Lesser &
Pawlik, 2017). Initially, symbiotic microbes were considered
responsible for the high DOM uptake of sponges
(Reiswig, 1981; Yahel et al., 2003; Ribes et al., 2012). Specif-
ically in high-microbial-abundance (HMA) sponges, micro-
organisms contribute 2035% to the total sponge biomass
(Reiswig, 1981; Hentschel, Usher & Taylor, 2006). Recent
research, however, challenged this paradigm: Firstly, low-
microbial-abundance (LMA) sponges consume and assimi-
late DOM at high rates (Table 4; De Goeij et al., 2017), but
host microorganisms at concentrations only equivalent to
those in the surrounding sea water (Hentschel et al., 2006).
Secondly, stable isotope tracer experiments demonstrated
direct uptake of DOM by sponge cells (Rix et al., 2020) and
incorporation of DOM-derived C into de novo-synthesised
and/or sponge-specic fatty acids (Rix et al., 2016;
Fig. 7. The cold-water coral (CWC) reef lterand recycling of C and N within the reef community. Filtration and subsequent
consumption of phytodetritus, a form of particulate organic matter (POM), are shown in green. Production and recycling of
organic matter are in turquoise, e.g. coral mucus [POM, dissolving to dissolved organic matter (DOM)], sponge detritus, or
bivalve (pseudo-)faeces. Production and recycling of inorganic matter is in light blue, i.e. dissolved inorganic C (DIC) and N (DIN;
ammonium recycling for example).
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Bart et al., 2020). Thirdly, several other suspension-feeding
taxa on CWC reefs consume and assimilate DOM, including
several scleractinian CWC species (Gori et al., 2014; Mueller
et al., 2014), hydrozoans, stylasterid corals, and bivalves
(Maier et al., 2020b,2021). The faunal and microbial com-
munity growing on and inside the reef framework meets
30% of its respiratory C demand by uptake of natural
DOM (Maier et al., 2021), demonstrating the quantitative
importance of this recycling pathway.
In a recycling pathway termed the sponge loop, sponges
recycle substantial amounts of assimilated DOM to particu-
late sponge detritus(POM; Fig. 7), which is consumed by
reef detritivores (De Goeij et al., 2013). Originally described
for tropical coral reefs (De Goeij et al., 2013), the sponge loop
nds an equivalent on CWC reefs (Rix et al., 2016; Bart
et al., 2021a). Other suspension feeders, such as bivalves, like-
wise recycle substantial amounts of DOM to detrital POM,
in this case bivalve (pseudo-)faeces, which can be consumed
by reef detritivores (Maier et al., 2020b). The prevalence of
DOM consumption by reef invertebrates (Table 4) suggests
that these suspension feederloops (Fig. 7; Maier
et al., 2020b; Bart et al., 2021a) are ubiquitous within the
CWC reef community and future research is likely to
reveal more.
Finally, DIC and DIN are recycled by reef microbes that
grow on and inside the porous reef framework and as symbi-
onts in invertebrates (Fig. 7). Nitrifying bacteria and archaea
associated with the reef framework (van Bleijswijk et al., 2015)
subsist on (faunal) ammonium, which they transform to
nitrate (nitrication; Maier et al., 2021); thereby gaining
energy for chemoautotrophic DIC xation. Furthermore,
HMA sponges and their diverse microbiome (Hentschel
et al., 2006) perform a variety of nutrient uxes together,
e.g. aerobic and anaerobic respiration, nitrication of
sponge-derived ammonium and coupled DIC xation, deni-
trication of nitrate to dinitrogen gas, and anaerobic ammo-
nium oxidation (anammox) (Hoffmann et al., 2009;De
Kluijver et al., 2021). Microbially xed C is transferred to
the sponge hosts (van Duyl et al., 2020), e.g. via the consump-
tion of microbes via phagocytosis (Leys et al., 2018). Mediat-
ing diverse internal and external recycling pathways,
sponges act on and connect several trophic levels and play
Table 4. Consumption of dissolved organic matter (DOM) by benthic invertebrates from cold-water coral reefs and deep-sea sponge
grounds. HMA, high-microbial abundance sponge; LMA, low-microbial abundance sponge. POM, particulate organic matter.
Study DOM substrate Species Phylum, class, (description)
Van Duyl et al.(
H-leucine (amino acid) Higginsia thielei Porifera, Demospongiae (HMA)
Nodastrella nodastrella
(formerly: Rossella nodastrella)
Porifera, Hexactinellida (massive, HMA)
Gori et al.(
2014) Dissolved free amino acids Desmophyllum pertusum,
dianthus,Dendrophyllia cornigera,
Madrepora oculata
Cnidaria, Anthozoa
Mueller et al.(
C-dissolved free amino acids Desmophyllum pertusum Cnidaria, Anthozoa
Rix et al.(
2016) Coral mucus (POM, DOM) Hymedesmia coricea Porifera, Demospongiae (encrusting,
Kazanidis et al.(
C-glucose Spongosorites coralliophaga Porifera, Demospongiae (massive)
Bart et al.(
C-DOM (from lysed
Geodia barretti Porifera, Demospongiae (massive, HMA)
Hymedesmia paupertas Porifera, Demospongiae (encrusting,
Vazella pourtalesii Porifera, Hexactinellida (massive, LMA)
Maier et al.(
C-DOM (from lysed
Geodia barretti Porifera, Demospongiae (massive, HMA)
Acesta excavata Mollusca, Bivalvia
Bart et al.(
2021b) Natural DOM Vazella pourtalesii Porifera, Hexactinellidae (LMA; massive)
Geodia barretti Porifera, Demospongiae (HMA; massive)
Geodia atlantica Porifera, Demospongiae (HMA; massive)
Acantheurypon spinispinosum Porifera, Demospongiae (LMA;
Maier et al.(
C-DOM (from lysed
Porifera Porifera
Stylasteridae Cnidaria, Hydrozoa
Protanthea simplex Cnidaria, Anthozoa
Alcyonacea Cnidaria, Anthozoa
Asperarca nodulosa Mollusca, Bivalvia
Pectinidae Mollusca, Bivalvia
Lima marioni Mollusca, Bivalvia
Ophiuroidea Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea
Hesionidae Annelida, Polychaeta
Chaetopterus sp. Annelida, Polychaeta
Polynoidae Annelida, Polychaeta
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an ubiquitous role in deep-sea ecosystems (Hanz et al., 2022).
CWCs also host a microbiome, enabling them to perform
similar nutrient uxes, but these play a minor quantitative
role in the total CWC metabolism (Middelburg et al., 2015).
Altogether, the microbial community contributes substan-
tially to the total organic matter mineralisation of CWC reefs
(van Oevelen et al., 2009; Maier et al., 2021).
In conclusion, the high ecological efciency of CWC reefs
may explain the mismatch in their organic C budget
(Fig. 4B). While the reef lterensures optimal retention
of zooplankton, phytodetritus, and bacterioplankton, sedi-
ment traps only measure the deposition of phytodetritus
(POM). Hence, sediment traps underestimate the actual
food retention by CWC reefs, especially under high current
velocities (Gardner, Biscaye & Richardson, 1997; Mienis
et al., 2009; van Oevelen et al., 2009). Moreover, diverse tro-
phic interactions and material recycling facilitate optimal
utilisation of the retained food and exploitation of additional
resources beyond deposited POM, such as dissolved organic
and inorganic matter. Nevertheless, the quantitative impor-
tance of recycling pathways and their link in the reef food
web remain vague. Modern mapping attempts of reef bio-
mass and metabolic activity detail the importance of CWC
reefs in the regional C cycle (De Clippele et al., 2021a,b). In
a logical next step, reef food web (C cycling) models
(e.g. van Oevelen et al., 2009) could be updated with recy-
cling pathways to estimate how much of the retained and/or
metabolised material is recycled, how ltration and recy-
cling contribute to reef (biomass) growth, and how much
metabolic wastematerial is lost from the reef ecosystem.
Another essential question in this context is the importance
of (functional) biodiversity for the ltration and recycling
capacity of the reef, and hence its biomass, metabolic activity
and resilience to changing conditions, which we discuss in
the following section.
In the Anthropocene, each of the mechanisms discussed
above that sustain CWC reefs in the food-limited deep sea
have become threatened. The ocean, including the deep
sea, is becoming warmer, less well mixed and more acidic,
with pollution, sheries and mining aggravating global
change (Gruber, 2011; Roberts & Cairns, 2014; Sweetman
et al., 2017). Anthropogenic environmental change disba-
lances the energy budget of reef-building corals (Fig. 8A)
and destabilises the reef framework, resulting in decreased
reef biodiversity and functioning (Fig. 8B).
(1) Disbalanced energy budget of cold-water corals
A disbalanced energy budget of CWCs is the result of
decreasing food supply on the one hand, and increasing ener-
getic costs on the other (Fig. 8A). As the ocean surface is
warming more rapidly than the rest of the water column,
the water column becomes more stratied (Bopp
et al., 2001; Gruber, 2011; Capotondi et al., 2012). Enhanced
stratication decreases the intensity of the hydrodynamic
mixing processes (Bopp et al., 2001;Liet al., 2020) that supply
CWC reefs with important food pulses (see Section II.2). In
addition, reduced upwelling of nutrient-rich bottom water
limits diatom growth, further reducing POM export (Bopp
et al., 2005).
At the same time, bottom-water temperature in the
bathyal is projected to increase by 34C by 2100 (Mora
et al., 2013; Sweetman et al., 2017). Increasing temperatures
spur the coralsrespiratory activity and metabolic costs
(Dodds et al., 2009; Dorey et al., 2020;Gomez et al., 2022).
Initially, CWCs may benet from higher temperatures,
through enhanced polyp activity, higher prey capture rates
(Chapron et al., 2021) and growth (Büscher, Form &
Riebesell, 2017; Büscher et al., 2022). Nevertheless, beyond
a certain temperature threshold (+4C), enhanced food
intake is no longer sufcient to offset the metabolic energy
costs (Chapron et al., 2021) or prey capture decreases, leading
to decreased growth, tissue reserves, and eventually death
(Gomez et al., 2022). Furthermore, even small changes in
temperature affect the CWC microbiome, with potential
consequences for microbially assisted nutrient acquisition
and immune responses (Chapron et al., 2021).
Moreover, high atmospheric CO
concentrations lead to
ocean acidication (Kleypas et al., 1999; Wolf-Gladrow
et al., 1999) and a projected decrease of 0.3 pH units in the
bathyal by 2100 (Sweetman et al., 2017). More acidic condi-
tions render calcication, i.e. the formation of calcium car-
bonate (aragonite) skeletons, more energetically costly
(Cohen & Holcomb, 2009). Due to the naturally low carbon-
ate (aragonite) saturation in their deep, cold habitat, CWCs
are particularly vulnerable to ocean acidication (Orr
et al., 2005; Guinotte et al., 2006; Lunden, Georgian &
Cordes, 2013;Gomez et al., 2018). Nevertheless, CWCs, par-
ticularly some genotypes, are able to acclimatise and main-
tain skeletal growth under long-term exposure to
experimental acidication (Form & Riebesell, 2012; Maier
et al., 2013; Hennige et al., 2014,2015; Movilla et al., 2014;
Büscher et al., 2017; Kurman et al., 2017; Gammon
et al., 2018). The metabolic stimulation by higher tempera-
tures may partially offset the negative impact of acidication
on CWC growth up to a certain temperature and pH thresh-
old (Büscher et al., 2022). At several sites, CWCs (D. pertusum,
E. rostrata,G. dumosa,M. oculata,S. variabilis) even grow under
aragonite undersaturation (Thresher et al., 2011; Bostock
et al., 2015; Baco et al., 2017). To calcify under low pH, corals
may upregulate their internal pH through ion transport
(McCulloch et al., 2012a,b; Wall et al., 2015; Glazier
et al., 2020). The involved energetic cost, however, increases
by 10% per 0.1 pH unit decrease in seawater pH
(McCulloch et al., 2012b), hence, the ability of CWCs to
locally acclimatise or adapt to acidied conditions may
depend greatly on the respective food supply (Georgian
et al., 2016).
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Other anthropogenic impacts additionally disbalance the
energy budget of CWCs, by increasing their energetic costs
to mitigate stress while at the same time decreasing their
prey-capture rates (Fig. 8A); these impacts include physical
abrasion and increased sedimentation through sheries and
mineral extraction (Fossa, Mortensen & Furevik, 2002;
Davies, Roberts & Hall-Spencer, 2007; Armstrong & van
den Hove, 2008; Huvenne et al., 2016), oxygen stress through
increasing deoxygenation of bottom waters (Dodds
et al., 2007; Sweetman et al., 2017; Hanz et al., 2019;
Fig. 8. Negative impacts of anthropogenic environmental change (in red) on (A) the energy budget of cold-water corals (CWCs) and
(B) CWC reef ecosystem functioning. OM, organic matter.
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Hebbeln et al., 2020), and pollution by oil spills (Weinnig
et al., 2020) and plastic (Chapron et al., 2018; Mouchi
et al., 2019).
In situ, CWCs already show signs of energetic shortfalls. In
seasonal periods of enhanced metabolic activity, possibly due
to reproductive tissue modications, D. pertusum showed on
average ca. 70% lower linear skeletal extension rates com-
pared to other seasons (Maier et al., 2020a). Likewise, in years
of low downwelling/water-column mixing intensity, the spe-
cies showed on average ca. 80% lower linear skeletal exten-
sion rates compared to high-mixing years (Chapron
et al., 2020). Furthermore, corals at heavily trawled sites are
non-reproductive, possibly because their energy reserves
(and colony size) are too low to afford sexual reproduction
(Waller & Tyler, 2005). Altogether, global change is pre-
dicted to reduce the habitat suitable for CWCs by 79%
(Morato et al., 2020) and CWC reef biomass by 38% (Jones
et al., 2014) by 2100.
(2) Reduced reef functioning on crumblingreefs
On the ecosystem level, decreased coral growth on the one
hand, and increased erosion of the reef framework on the
other hand (Fig. 8B), threaten the reef carbonate budget
(Perry et al., 2013; Büscher et al., 2019). Under low pH,
CWC skeletons are more porous and form a less stable reef
framework (Hennige et al., 2015). Furthermore, ocean acidi-
cation accelerates chemical dissolution and bioerosion of
the calcium carbonate reef framework (Wisshak et al., 2012,
2014; Hennige et al., 2015). Altogether, this coralporosis
produces instable, crumblingreefs of reduced structural
complexity, and in case of aragonite undersaturation,
CWC reefsconsisting primarily of live coral colonies with-
out a dead framework foundation (Hennige et al., 2020).
Reduced structural complexity will likely diminish CWC
reef biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Fig. 8B), similar
to tropical coral reefs (Nelson, Kuempel & Altieri, 2016;
Sunday et al., 2016; Doo, Edmunds & Carpenter, 2019; Dove
et al., 2020). A at reef structure does not induce downward
transport of POM-rich surface water, leading to (further)
diminished food supply and retention (White et al., 2005;
Mienis et al., 2007; Soetaert et al., 2016). Reef sessile suspen-
sion feeders cannot attach to strongly degraded reef frame-
work and coral rubble (Mortensen & Fosså, 2006; Maier
et al., 2021). Furthermore, suspension feeders appear partic-
ularly sensitive to temperature increase, indicated by their
reduced abundance under episodic, interannual tempera-
ture highs at the Mingulay Reef (Kazanidis et al., 2021b). Loss
of structural complexity and suspension feeders on CWC
reefs will likely impair the mechanical and biological reef l-
terand concomitantly food particle retention (Fig. 8B; see
Section IV). Reduced food availability and decreased biodi-
versity may restrain recycling pathways. For instance, lower
abundance of CWCs could result in lower production of
mucoid DOM, less recycling of DOM by the reef fauna,
and less production of detrital waste for detritivores
i.e. an attenuated suspension feeder (sponge) loop
(Fig. 8B). Reduced resource availability might lead to a
further decrease of biodiversity (Fig. 8B), creating a detrimen-
tal feedback loop that jeopardises the stability of the reef
community (Worm & Duffy, 2003). In conclusion, theAnthro-
pocene climate may substantially damage the functioning of
CWC reef ecosystems, but unlike for tropical coral reefs
(Hughes et al., 2010), virtually nothing is known about their
resilience and potential phase shifts. In a similar way, global
change will likely affect other complex deep-sea ecosystems,
such as coral gardens and sponge grounds (Rossi et al., 2019).
(3) Conservation of cold-water coral reefs in the
The vulnerability of CWC reefs and their importance as
ecosystem service providers (see Section I) has been recog-
nised by the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture
Organisation (FAO, 2009), declaring CWC reefs as vulner-
able marine ecosystems (VMEs), according to the United
Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution 61/105
(UNGA, 2007). VMEs require special protection,
e.g. through marine spatial planning with the designation
of marine protected areas (MPAs; United Nations, 2017).
Yet, effective marine spatial planning remains difcult, due
to limited scientic knowledge on global CWC distribution,
lack of historical baseline data (Duran Muñoz & Sayago-
Gil, 2011; Kazanidis et al., 2020; Lim, Wheeler &
Conti, 2021), and scarce data on MPA effectiveness
(Huvenne et al., 2016). Some stressors are not constrained
by protected area boundaries, including oil, other pollutants
and impacts from global change; however protected areas
can provide resilience to global stressors by maintaining eco-
system function. Continued mapping and characterisation
of CWC habitats is critical, but we argue that our improved
understanding of the cold-water coral reef paradoxshould
also be incorporated into ecosystem assessment and conser-
vation efforts. Live coral cover has been used as a proxy
for CWC reef health (Flögel et al., 2014;Juvaet al., 2020),
yet differences in CWC cover may be natural and do not
necessarily provide information on whether a reef is new
or on the verge of disappearing (Hughes et al., 2010). An
integrative approach to assess the environmental status of
CWC reefs was presented by Kazanidis et al.(
2020), includ-
ing biodiversity indices, coral cover, sh biomass, signs of
anthropogenic impacts, etc., as proxies for reef status. Based
on Sections IIIV, we suggest complementing these ecosys-
tem descriptors by including (i) organic and inorganic C
budgets for (a) CWCs and (b) the reef ecosystem, to evaluate
reef growth versus erosion; and (ii) reef functional diversity
and food-web complexity, to judge ecosystem functioning
and resilience to changing oceanographic conditions. Future
research should create a framework to facilitate the assess-
ment of these ecosystem descriptors. For 1a, the energetic
status (energy budget) of CWCs at different reefs should be
regularly measured, e.g. their metabolic activity and tissue
stores (somatic and reproductive). In addition, these mea-
sures could be introduced into DEB models, to assess coral
Biological Reviews (2023) 000000 © 2023 The Authors. Biological Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Cambridge Philosophical Society.
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growth under local and potentially changing environmental
conditions (e.g. temperature, food supply). Regarding 1b,
video transect annotations of CWC reefs can be combined
with predictive modelling to create reef-scale biomass, and
organic and inorganic C maps; newly developed machine-
learning algorithms will accelerate video annotations in the
future (De Clippele et al., 2021a). Regarding 2, future
research could develop a functional traits database for
reef-associated organisms (e.g. their feeding guild) plus
open-source code for simple implementation of food-web
models. This would allow evaluation of the trophodynamic
resilience of different CWC reefs without strong program-
ming skills. Based on these approaches, future research
may help to identify CWC reef refugiathat are likely to
persist during future global change (Morato et al., 2020).
Spatial measures protecting networks of these refugia from,
e.g. bottom-trawling sheries, appear to be our best chance
to preserve CWC reefs and their function as diversity
productivity hotspots in the deep sea.
(1) Recent major advances allow us to approach the paradox
of how CWC reefs sustain high biodiversity, biomass and
metabolic activity in the food-limited deep sea. Suggested
answers to this paradox reveal key drivers of CWC reef distri-
bution that are required to achieve effective conservation
(2) Most reef-building CWC species occur in areas of
enhanced primary production with high seasonal uctua-
tions and under elevated current velocity (relative to global
averages), indicating that food production and supply are
important drivers of CWC reef distribution.
(3) Food supply on CWC reefs is not constantly low, but
highly dynamic. Within a couple of hours, food availability
can change from very low to very high, depending on the sea-
son, the prevailing hydrodynamic regime, and presence of
vertically migrating zooplankton.
(4) The best-studied reef-forming CWC species D. pertusum is
well adapted to these extreme temporal uctuations in food
availability, by (i) high capture rates of phytodetritus and zoo-
plankton, (ii) high resource exibility (DOM, bacterioplank-
ton, inorganic resources), (iii) investing in large tissue
reserves for reproduction, and (iv) synchronising activity with
(seasonal) uctuations in food availability.
(5) On the ecosystem level, CWC reefs sustain high meta-
bolic activity and biomass. They achieve this rstly by ef-
cient retention of phytodetritus, zooplankton and
bacterioplankton in the reef lter, a combination of a
mechanical lter provided by the structurally complex,
porous reef framework and a biological lter consisting of
diverse, abundant suspension-feeding epifauna. Secondly,
diverse trophic interactions and material recycling facilitate
optimal resource utilisation and exploitation of additional
food sources, such as dissolved organic and inorganic matter.
(6) Climate change, ocean acidication, sheries, mining,
and pollution impact reef functioning in various ways,
e.g. by reducing organic matter supply, increasing the ani-
malsenergy demands, and dissolving the carbonate reef
framework, thereby decreasing structural and biological
diversity and ecosystem functioning. Research has only
started to reveal the vast complexity, drivers and functioning
of CWC reefs, but it is crucial to continue this path to facili-
tate knowledge-based habitat management for sustaining
these diversityproductivity hotspots in the future ocean.
We would like to acknowledge funding by the Netherlands
Organisation for Scientic Research (VIDI grant
864.13.007 to D. v. O. and S. R. M., VIDI grant
016.161.360 to F. M.), funding by the European Unions
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
(ATLAS project, grant agreement no. 678760 to D. v. O.
and E. d. F.; iAtlantic project, grant agreement no. 818123
to L. H. d. C.), funding by the Greenland Research Council
and the Greenland Self Rule Governments funding for
science support to S. R. M., and funding by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), by the
Bureau of Ocean Energy and Management (BOEM), and
by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to S. B.
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Additional supporting information may be found online in
the Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
Appendix S1. Detailed methods.
Appendix S2. Results of statistical analysis of comparisons
of primary productivity annual average and annual range,
and current velocity annual average at cold-water coral sites
with the global mean.
Appendix S3. Respiration, organic matter release, food
demand, and food capture of cold-water corals.
Table S1. Flux of particulate organic carbon (POC_ux)
measured by sediment trap at the indicated sites, depth and
during the indicated time span.
(Received 21 September 2022; revised 26 April 2023; accepted 1 May 2023 )
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28 Sandra R. Maier and others
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... The internal tide thus increases the exchange of nutrients and organic matter between the deeper and shallower layers of the ocean, and by extension also increases benthicpelagic coupling (Turnewitsch et al., 2016). Cold-water corals (CWCs) rely on organic matter that ultimately originates from primary production at the sea-surface (Van Engeland et al., 2019;Carlier et al., 2009;Maier et al., 2023). During its journey towards the deep sea, organic matter is degraded by organisms in the water column, decreasing the food quantity and quality for benthic life at greater water depths (Snelgrove et al., 2018;Nakatsuka et al., 1997). ...
... and OBIS (2022). From the NOAA database we selected all records of the main CWC reef-building species Desmophyllum pertusum (previously Lophelia pertusa), Enallopsammia profunda, E. pusilla, E. rostrata, Goniocorella dumosa, Madrepora carolina, M. oculata, and Solenosmilia variabilis (Freiwald et al., 2004;Maier et al., 2023), below 100 m depth, recorded from 1900 or later, with a horizontal location accuracy of 1000 m or less, and between the critical latitudes for the M2 tide of 70°N and S (15 629 records). ...
... Cold-water corals can benefit from the (super)critical reflection of internal tides because the increased wave action and turbulence increase downward mixing of organic matter and resuspension of the sediment (Hosegood et al., 2004;Lamb, 2014;Frederiksen et al., 1992;Hanz et al., 2021). (Super)critical reflection has also been associated with the entrapment of organic matter in nepheloid layers (Wilson et al., 2015;Lamb, 2014) that can benefit CWCs by bathing them in water with a large particle load; it has been suggested that this stimulates surface primary productivity (Frederiksen et al., 1992;Davies et al., 2009;Hanz et al., 2019), which can benefit CWCs by increasing the organic matter export towards the deep sea (Maier et al., 2023;da Costa Portilho-Ramos et al., 2022). ...
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Internal tides are known to be an important source of mixing in the oceans, especially in the bottom boundary layer. The depth of internal-tide generation therefore seems important for benthic life and the formation of cold-water coral mounds, but internal-tide conversion is generally investigated in a depth-integrated sense. Using both idealized and realistic simulations on continental slopes, we found that the depth of internal-tide generation increases with increasing slope steepness and decreases with intensified shallow stratification. The depth of internal-tide generation also shows a typical latitudinal dependency related to Coriolis effects. Using a global database of cold-water corals, we found that, especially in Northern Hemisphere autumn and winter, the global depth pattern of internal-tide generation correlates (rautumn = 0.70, rwinter = 0.65, p < 0.01) with that of cold-water corals: shallowest near the poles and deepest around the Equator, with a decrease in depth around 25° S and N, and shallower north of the Equator than south. We further found that cold-water corals are situated significantly more often on topography that is steeper than the internal-tide beam (i.e. where supercritical reflection of internal tides occurs) than would be expected from a random distribution: in our study, in 66.9 % of all cases, cold-water corals occurred on a topography that is supercritical to the M2 tide whereas globally only 9.4 % of all topography is supercritical. Our findings underline internal-tide generation and the occurrence of supercritical reflection of internal tides as globally important for cold-water coral growth. The energetic dynamics associated with internal-tide generation and the supercritical reflection of internal tides likely increase the food supply towards the reefs in food-limited winter months. With climate change, stratification is expected to increase. Based on our results, this would decrease the depth of internal-tide generation, possibly creating new suitable habitat for cold-water corals shallower on continental slopes.
... Wang et al. (2014) explained the magnitude of the offset by arguing that CWCs feed on the more abundant pool of surface-derived suspended particulate organic material (SPOM), as the δ 15 N of SPOM at depth is typically ∼ 4 ‰-5 ‰ higher than that of sinking PON (Altabet, 1988;Saino and Hattori, 1987). While CWCs are considered generalists with regard to diet (e.g., Mortensen, 2001;Freiwald, 2002;Carlier et al., 2009;Maier et al., 2023), a number of studies suggest that many species of CWC subsist predominantly on metazoan zooplankton prey (e.g., Naumann et al., 2011;Kiriakoulakis et al., 2005;Purser et al., 2010;Tsounis et al., 2010). A zooplankton diet should result in an approximate two-level or more trophic transfer between surface PON and coral tissue (e.g., Sherwood et al., 2008), closer to the observed 8 ‰-9 ‰ offset, potentially rendering coral-bound δ 15 N sensitive to spatial and temporal differences in the trophic-level food web structure. ...
... Nevertheless, periodicity and spatial heterogeneity in the food supply of CWC reefs implicate periods of lower food density (e.g., Duineveld et al., 2007). High currents, downwelling, and/or vertically migrating zooplankton temporally boost the export of surface organic matter to the seabed, creating "feast" conditions, interspersed with "famine" periods during the non- productive season (Maier et al., 2023). Regardless, our trials suggest that starvation, if pertinent to CWC communities, does not result in greater-than-expected trophic isotope offsets, at least for B. elegans. ...
... Despite evidence that zooplankton is the main dietary source for B. elegans at Friday Harbor, we acknowledge that this feeding strategy may not apply to corals of other species living in habitats that are hundreds to thousands of meters deep. As pointed out in a recent review (Maier et al., 2023), the presence of CWC reefs in the food-limited deep ocean appears paradoxical, and it is not likely that the food available to corals at Friday Harbor looks identical to food available to corals living at > 1000 m water depth. Indeed, Maier et al. (2023) suggest that the biodiversity and productivity of CWC reefs in the deep sea are supported by a number of processes, such as CWCs' ability to consume a range of dietary components in addition to zooplankton (dissolved organic matter, DOM; bacterioplankton; and inorganic resources such as inorganic C and ammonium), efficient resource recycling, and their ability to align their feeding strategies and growth with fluctuations in food availability. ...
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The nitrogen (N) isotope composition (δ15N) of cold-water corals is a promising proxy for reconstructing past ocean N cycling, as a strong correlation was found between the δ15N of the organic nitrogen preserved in coral skeletons and the δ15N of particulate organic matter exported from the surface ocean. However, a large offset of 8 ‰–9 ‰ between the δ15N recorded by the coral and that of exported particulate organic matter remains unexplained. The 8 ‰–9 ‰ offset may signal a higher trophic level of coral dietary sources, an unusually large trophic isotope effect or a biosynthetic δ15N offset between the coral's soft tissue and skeletal organic matter, or some combinations of these factors. To understand the origin of the offset and further validate the proxy, we investigated the trophic ecology of the asymbiotic scleractinian cold-water coral Balanophyllia elegans, both in a laboratory setting and in its natural habitat. A long-term incubation experiment of B. elegans fed on an isotopically controlled diet yielded a canonical trophic isotope effect of 3.0 ± 0.1 ‰ between coral soft tissue and the Artemia prey. The trophic isotope effect was not detectably influenced by sustained food limitation. A long N turnover of coral soft tissue, expressed as an e-folding time, of 291 ± 15 d in the well-fed incubations indicates that coral skeleton δ15N is not likely to track subannual (e.g., seasonal) variability in diet δ15N. Specimens of B. elegans from the subtidal zone near San Juan Channel (WA, USA) revealed a modest difference of 1.2 ± 0.6 ‰ between soft tissue and skeletal δ15N. The δ15N of the coral soft tissue was 12.0 ± 0.6 ‰, which was ∼6 ‰ higher than that of suspended organic material that was comprised dominantly of phytoplankton – suggesting that phytoplankton is not the primary component of B. elegans' diet. An analysis of size-fractionated net tow material suggests that B. elegans fed predominantly on a size class of zooplankton ≥500 µm, implicating a two-level trophic transfer between phytoplankton material and coral tissue. These results point to a feeding strategy that may result in an influence of the regional food web structure on the cold-water coral δ15N. This factor should be taken into consideration when applying the proxy to paleo-oceanographic studies of ocean N cycling.
... The formation of coral mounds is highly dependent upon environmental conditions and satisfactory sediment supply that allow for steady growth and stabilisation of these framework-forming organisms (Matos et al. 2017;Wang et al. 2021;Wienberg and Titschack 2017). Lateral and vertical advection of phytoplankton and organic carbon along with near-bed currents that enhance food supply are important for the continued function and growth of coral communities (Davies et al. 2009;Maier et al. 2023). Furthermore, sediment input is important for mound development as deposition composes greater than 50% of coral mound material (Titschack et al. 2009). ...
... Furthermore, sediment input is important for mound development as deposition composes greater than 50% of coral mound material (Titschack et al. 2009). Sediments become baffled by the coral framework and are deposited between the skeletal remains, preventing bioerosion of coral skeletons and hence stabilising the biogenic construction Titschack et al. 2009;Wienberg and Titschack 2017;Maier et al. 2023). Due to the nature of successive sediment deposition, coral mounds can be used as paleoenvironmental archives as they preserve the history of coral growth and decline through the stratigraphic record . ...
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Modern cold-water corals (CWCs) occur in a wide range of water depths, with Desmophyllum pertusum being one of the most common species. Pleistocene, Holocene, and modern coral mound formation by living CWC reefs have previously been described in the Porcupine Seabight from water depths greater than 700 m in the vicinity of the transitional zone between the Eastern North Atlantic Water and Mediterranean Outflow Water. Here we document occurrence of fossil corals retrieved from two cores at 370 m depth in the Macnas Mounds, a relatively shallow occurrence for mounds on the Irish shelf-edge. Both cores feature D. pertusum restricted to the upper two metres, immediately overlying an erosive surface and a coeval major down-core change in grain size from sand to mud. Radiocarbon dating of coral specimens indicates the CWC mounds initiated 7.82 Cal ky BP. Our study unequivocally documents the existence of Holocene shelf-edge coral mounds in the eastern Porcupine Seabight and highlights the possibility of other occurrences of CWCs in similar settings elsewhere in the northeast Atlantic. Given that no living CWCs were encountered in the study area, we suggest that the area previously experienced more favourable conditions for CWC mound initiation and development along the shelf-edge margin, possibly due to differing conditions in the European Slope Current which flows northward along the continental slope from south of the Porcupine Bank to the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Graphical Abstract
... This, in turn, restricts CWCs to regions with above global average surface primary productivity and currents with direct food supply from the surface 12-14 . However, they can also occur under contrasting productivity regimes with below average food supply or in highly dynamic environments with periodic food pulses that CWCs need to adapt to 12,15,16 . This can affect their ability to thrive and form a complex reef system, but also their ability to cope with environmental changes 12 . ...
... Consequently, the energy supply to CWCs will likely be more limited, potentially leading to reduced survival and calcification rates 25 . At the same time, the energetic demands of CWCs are expected to increase as environmental changes persist 12 . Elevated water temperatures are known to increase corals' metabolic activity 15,26,27 , but were also found to decrease their energy reserves 28 . ...
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The relationship between energy reserves of cold-water corals (CWCs) and their physiological performance remains largely unknown. In addition, it is poorly understood how the energy allocation to different metabolic processes might change with projected decreasing food supply to the deep sea in the future. This study explores the temporal and spatial variations of total energy reserves (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) of the CWC Desmophyllum dianthus and their correlation with its calcification rate. We took advantage of distinct horizontal and vertical physico-chemical gradients in Comau Fjord (Chile) and examined the changes in energy reserves over one year in an in situ reciprocal transplantation experiment (20 m vs. 300 m and fjord head vs. mouth). Total energy reserves correlated positively with calcification rates. The fast-growing deep corals had higher and less variable energy reserves, while the slower-growing shallow corals showed pronounced seasonal changes in energy reserves. Novel deep corals (transplanted from shallow) were able to quickly increase both their calcification rates and energy reserves to similar levels as native deep corals. Our study shows the importance of energy reserves in sustaining CWC growth in spite of aragonite undersaturated conditions (deep corals) in the present, and potentially also future ocean.
... A recent meta-analysis, + Light availability RelaƟve dependence of MAF on heterotrophy -+ involving six case studies of cold-water coral reefs in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, found that food supply exerted the strongest influence on coral growth over the past 20,000 years (Portilho-Ramos et al., 2022). Processes that provide food or stimulate food production for deep-sea MAFs include high primary productivity in shallow waters, vertical migration of zooplankton, vertical and horizontal (down-slope) transport of particles by currents, vertical mixing through internal waves, and recycling of nutrients (Maier et al., 2023). ...
Marine animal forests (MAFs) are benthic ecosystems characterised by biogenic three-dimensional structures formed by suspension feeders such as corals, gorgonians, sponges and bivalves. They comprise highly diversified communities among the most productive in the world's oceans. However, MAFs are in decline due to global and local stressors that threaten the survival and growth of their foundational species and associated biodiversity. Innovative and scal-able interventions are needed to address the degradation of MAFs and increase their resilience under global change. Surprisingly , few studies have considered trophic interactions and heterotrophic feeding of MAF suspension feeders as an integral component of MAF conservation. Yet, trophic interactions are important for nutrient cycling, energy flow within the food web, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and MAF stability. This comprehensive review describes trophic interactions at all levels of ecological organisation in tropical, temperate, and cold-water MAFs. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of available tools for estimating the heterotrophic capacities of the foundational species in MAFs. It then discusses the threats that climate change poses to heterotrophic processes. Finally, it presents strategies for improving trophic interactions and heterotrophy, which can help to maintain the health and resilience of MAFs.
... Several explanations already exist for the conundrum of highly productive reefs under seemingly food-limited conditions (Cathalot et al., 2015;van Oevelen et al., 2009). For example, cold-water corals typically occur at locations of increased export production (da Costa Portilho-Ramos et al., 2022;Maier et al., 2023;. Self-organization in cold-water coral reefs can be an additional explanation for how cold-water coral reefs can maintain a high productivity with many associated fauna in the deep sea, or simply an emergent characteristic of cold-water coral ecosystems. ...
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Complexity theory predicts that self‐organized, regularly patterned ecosystems store more biomass and are more resilient than spatially uniform systems. Self‐organized ecosystems are well‐known from the terrestrial realm, with “tiger bushes” being the archetypical example and mussel beds and tropical coral reefs the marine examples. We here identify regular spatial patterns in cold‐water coral reefs (nicknamed “tiger reefs”) from video transects and argue that these are likely the result of self‐organization. We used variograms and Lomb–Scargle analysis of seven annotated video transects to analyze spatial patterns in live coral and dead coral (i.e., skeletal remains) cover at the Logachev coral mound province (NE Atlantic Ocean) and found regular spatial patterns with length scales between 62 and 523 m in live and dead coral distribution along these transects that point to self‐organization of cold‐water coral reefs. Self‐organization theory shows that self‐organized ecosystems can withstand large environmental changes by adjusting their spatial configuration. We found indications that cold‐water corals can similarly adjust their spatial configuration, possibly providing resilience in the face of climate change. Dead coral framework remains in the environment for extended periods of time, providing a template for spatial patterns that facilitates live coral recovery. The notion of regular spatial patterns in cold‐water coral reefs is interesting for cold‐water coral restoration, as transplantation will be more successful when it follows the patterns that are naturally present. This finding also underlines that anthropogenic effects such as ocean acidification and bottom trawling that destroy the dead coral template undermine cold‐water coral resilience. Differences in the pattern periodicities of live and dead coral cover further present an interesting new angle to investigate past and present environmental conditions in cold‐water coral reefs.
... The final fate of particulate matter that sinks into the deep sea is either ingestion as food for benthic organisms and demersal fish or deposition on the seafloor for temporary deposition until the next resuspension. The benthic communities on seamounts are dominated by filter feeders that rely on this sunken POC as a food source, such as the cold-water coral reefs that live in the deep sea and feed on these particles (Duineveld et al., 2004;Maier et al., 2023). It is clear that the quantity Z. Wang et al. and quality of POC fluxes are important ecological drivers in the deep sea, and that deep-sea ecosystems are highly sensitive to changes in POC fluxes (Tittensor et al., 2011). ...
The export of particulate organic matter (POM) to deep-sea is crucial for deep-sea ecosystems. However, in situ measurements of large-scale POM export flux are scarce in the tropical and subtropical western Pacific, leading to reliance on biogeochemical models or sediment trap data from a few stations. To address this gap, the underwater vision profiler was used to measure particulate density and to calculate particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes along the Kyushu–Palau Ridge (KPR) in the Philippine Sea. The results revealed a significant latitudinal gradient of POC fluxes: 37% of the POC output from 200 m depth was preserved to 2000 m in the Western Pacific Warm Pool and up to 51% was preserved in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The near-bottom POC fluxes north of 25°N (1.64 ± 0.80 mg m-² d-¹) were significantly higher than the average near-bottom value of the entire transect (0.60 ± 0.43 mg m-² d-¹). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the chlorophyll concentration had a significant positive effect on the POC fluxes at all depths, except near the bottom, while local factors such as mesoscale eddies and the interaction effect between the topography and current velocity only had significant effects on the POC fluxes at depths of greater than 2000 m. Particle size spectrum analysis revealed that particles ranging from 64 to 323 μm in size exerted a dominant influence on the increase in the POC fluxes in the near-bottom layers situated north of 25°N. These findings indicated that the spatial heterogeneity of POC fluxes in the western Pacific was governed not only by upper ocean primary productivity but also by mesoscale processes, current velocity, and topography. These results provided crucial fundamental information for cartography of the distribution and simulation of the dynamics of deep-sea organisms along the KPR in the Philippine Sea.
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Framework-forming cold-water corals (CWCs) are ecosystem engineers that build mounds in the deep sea that can be up to several hundred metres high. The effect of the presence of cold-water coral mounds on their surroundings is typically difficult to separate from environmental factors that are not affected by the mounds. We investigated the environmental control on and the importance of ecosystem engineering for cold-water coral reefs using annotated video transect data, spatial variables (MEMs), and hydrodynamic model outputs in a redundancy analysis and with variance partitioning. Using available hydrodynamic simulations with cold-water coral mounds and simulations where the mounds were artificially removed, we investigated the effect of coral mound ecosystem engineering on the spatial configuration of reef habitat and discriminated which environmental factors are and which are not affected by the mounds. We find that downward velocities in winter, related to non-engineered environmental factors, e.g. deep winter mixing and dense-water cascading, cause substantial differences in reef cover at the broadest spatial scale (20–30 km). Such hydrodynamic processes that stimulate the food supply towards the corals in winter seem more important for the reefs than cold-water coral mound engineering or similar hydrodynamic processes in summer. While the ecosystem-engineering effect of cold-water corals is frequently discussed, our results also highlight the importance of non-engineered environmental processes. We further find that, due to the interaction between the coral mound and the water flow, different hydrodynamic zones are found on coral mounds that likely determine the typical benthic zonations of coral rubble at the mound foot, the dead coral framework on the mound flanks, and the living corals near the summit. Moreover, we suggest that a so-called Massenerhebung effect (well known for terrestrial mountains) exists, meaning that benthic zonation depends on the location of the mound rather than on the height above the seafloor or water depth. Our finding that ecosystem engineering determines the configuration of benthic habitats on cold-water coral mounds implies that cold-water corals cannot grow at deeper depths on the mounds to avoid the adverse effects of climate change.
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The three-dimensional (3D) structure of habitat-forming corals has profound impacts on reef ecosystem processes. Elucidating coral structural responses to the environment is therefore crucial to understand changes in these ecosystems. However, little is known of how environmental factors shape coral structure in deep and dark waters, where cold-water coral (CWC) reefs thrive. Here, we attempt to infer the influence of current flow on CWC framework architecture, using 3D scanning to quantify colony shape traits (volume compactness and surface complexity) in the reef-building CWC Desmophyllum pertusum from adjacent fjord and offshore habitats with contrasting flow regimes. We find substantial architectural variability both between and within habitats. We show that corals are generally more compact in the fjord habitat, reflecting the prevailing higher current speeds, although differences in volume compactness between fjord and offshore corals are more subtle when comparing the fjord with the more exposed side of the offshore setting, probably due to locally intensified currents. Conversely, we observe no clear disparity in coral surface complexity between habitats (despite its positive correlation with volume compactness), suggesting it is not affected by current speed. Unlike volume compactness, surface complexity is similarly variable within a single colony as it is between colonies within the same habitat or between habitats and is therefore perhaps more dependent than volume compactness on microenvironmental conditions. These findings suggest a highly plastic, trait-specific and functionally relevant structural response of CWCs to current flow and underscore the importance of multiple concurrent sources of hydrodynamic forcing on CWC growth.
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The anthozoan sub-class Octocorallia includes over 3500 nominal species of soft corals and gorgonian sea fans, many of which serve as critical foundation species in benthic marine ecosystems in shallow waters to the deep sea. Despite their familiarity and ecological impor-tance, the diversity and taxonomy of octocorals remain poorly known. All of the orders, subordinal groups, and a majority of families have been recognized to be poly- or paraphyletic, but poor resolution of the deeper nodes in mitochondrial or single-locus nuclear gene trees have hindered formal revision of the higher-level taxonomy of the group. We used sequence data from target-capture of 739 ultraconserved and exon loci to reconstruct a fully resolved phylogeny for 185 octocoral taxa represent-ing 55 of 63 currently recognized families. We use this phylogeny, sup-plemented with a gene tree for mitochondrial mtMutS for an additional 107 taxa, to guide a revision of the families and orders of Octocorallia. We (1) elevate the anthozoan sub-classes Octocorallia and Hexacorallia to the rank of Class; (2) replace the three currently recognized orders of Octocorallia (Alcyonacea, Pennatulacea, Helioporacea) with two new orders reflecting reciprocally monophyletic major clades; and (3) revise all families with the exception of the 15 recognized families of sea pens, which we accommodate within a new superfamily. The revised classifi-cation of Octocorallia thus comprises 79 families, including 18 that are newly described and three that have been reinstated or elevated in rank. In addition, two new genera are described and another three reinstated. We leave the family assignment of 46 of 413 genera as incertae sedis until further molecular or morphological data can be obtained to confirm their phylogenetic affinities.
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Physiological sensitivity of cold‐water corals to ocean change is far less understood than of tropical corals and very little is known about the impacts of ocean acidification and warming on degradative processes of dead coral framework. In a 13‐month laboratory experiment, we examined the interactive effects of gradually increasing temperature and pCO2 levels on survival, growth, and respiration of two prominent color morphotypes (colormorphs) of the framework‐forming cold‐water coral Lophelia pertusa, as well as bioerosion and dissolution of dead framework. Calcification rates tended to increase with warming, showing temperature optima at ~ 14°C (white colormorph) and 10–12°C (orange colormorph) and decreased with increasing pCO2. Net dissolution occurred at aragonite undersaturation (ΩAr < 1) at ~ 1000 μatm pCO2. Under combined warming and acidification, the negative effects of acidification on growth were initially mitigated, but at ~ 1600 μatm dissolution prevailed. Respiration rates increased with warming, more strongly in orange corals, while acidification slightly suppressed respiration. Calcification and respiration rates as well as polyp mortality were consistently higher in orange corals. Mortality increased considerably at 14–15°C in both colormorphs. Bioerosion/dissolution of dead framework was not affected by warming alone but was significantly enhanced by acidification. While live corals may cope with intermediate levels of elevated pCO2 and temperature, long‐term impacts beyond levels projected for the end of this century will likely lead to skeletal dissolution and increased mortality. Our findings further suggest that acidification causes accelerated degradation of dead framework even at aragonite saturated conditions, which will eventually compromise the structural integrity of cold‐water coral reefs.
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Cold-water corals (CWCs) are important ecosystem engineers in the deep sea that provide habitat for numerous species and can form large coral mounds. These mounds influence surrounding currents and induce distinct hydrodynamic features, such as internal waves and episodic downwelling events that accelerate transport of organic matter towards the mounds, supplying the corals with food. To date, research on organic matter distribution at coral mounds has focussed either on seasonal timescales or has provided single point snapshots. Data on food distribution at the timescale of a diurnal tidal cycle is currently limited. Here, we integrate physical, biogeochemical, and biological data throughout the water column and along a transect on the south-eastern slope of Rockall Bank, Northeast Atlantic Ocean. This transect consisted of 24-hour sampling stations at four locations: Bank, Upper slope, Lower slope, and the Oreo coral mound. We investigated how the organic matter distribution in the water column along the transect is affected by tidal activity. Repeated CTD casts indicated that the water column above Oreo mound was more dynamic than above other stations in multiple ways. First, the bottom water showed high variability in physical parameters and nutrient concentrations, possibly due to the interaction of the tide with the mound topography. Second, in the surface water a diurnal tidal wave replenished nutrients in the photic zone, supporting new primary production. Third, above the coral mound an internal wave (200 m amplitude) was recorded at 400 m depth after the turning of the barotropic tide. After this wave passed, high quality organic matter was recorded in bottom waters on the mound coinciding with shallow water physical characteristics such as high oxygen concentration and high temperature. Trophic markers in the benthic community suggest feeding on a variety of food sources, including phytodetritus and zooplankton. We suggest that there are three transport mechanisms that supply food to the CWC ecosystem. First, small phytodetritus particles are transported downwards to the seafloor by advection from internal waves, supplying high quality organic matter to the CWC reef community. Second, the shoaling of deeper nutrient-rich water into the surface water layer above the coral mound could stimulate diatom growth, which form fast-sinking aggregates. Third, evidence from lipid analysis indicates that zooplankton faecal pellets also enhance supply of organic matter to the reef communities. This study is the first to report organic matter quality and composition over a tidal cycle at a coral mound and provides evidence that fresh high-quality organic matter is transported towards a coral reef during a tidal cycle.
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Deep‐sea sponge grounds are hotspots of biodiversity, harbouring thriving ecosystems in the otherwise barren deep sea. It remains unknown how these sponge grounds survive in this food‐limited environment. Here, we unravel how sponges and their associated fauna sustain themselves by identifying their food sources and food‐web interactions using bulk and compound‐specific stable isotope analysis of amino and fatty acids. We found that sponges with a high microbial abundance had an isotopic composition resembling organisms at the base of the food web, suggesting that they are able to use dissolved resources that are generally inaccessible to animals. In contrast, low microbial abundance sponges had a bulk isotopic composition that resembles a predator at the top of a food web, which appears to be the result of very efficient recycling pathways that are so far unknown. The compound‐specific‐isotope analysis, however, positioned low‐microbial abundance sponges with other filter‐feeding fauna. Furthermore, fatty‐acid analysis confirmed transfer of sponge‐derived organic material to the otherwise food‐limited associated fauna. Through this subsidy, sponges are key to the sustenance of thriving deep‐sea ecosystems and might have, due to their ubiquitous abundance, a global impact on biogeochemical cycles. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
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Cold-water corals (CWCs) are the engineers of complex ecosystems forming unique biodiversity hotspots in the deep sea. They are expected to suffer dramatically from future environmental changes in the oceans such as ocean warming, food depletion, deoxygenation, and acidification. However, over the last decades of intense deep-sea research, no extinction event of a CWC ecosystem is documented, leaving quite some uncertainty on their sensitivity to these environmental parameters. Paleoceanographic reconstructions offer the opportunity to align the on- and offsets of CWC proliferation to environmental parameters. Here, we present the synthesis of 6 case studies from the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, revealing that food supply controlled by export production and turbulent hydrodynamics at the seabed exerted the strongest impact on coral vitality during the past 20,000 years, whereas locally low oxygen concentrations in the bottom water can act as an additional relevant stressor. The fate of CWCs in a changing ocean will largely depend on how these oceanographic processes will be modulated. Future ocean deoxygenation may be compensated regionally where the food delivery and food quality are optimal.
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Similar to their tropical counterparts, cold-water corals (CWCs) are able to build large three-dimensional reef structures. These unique ecosystems are at risk due to ongoing climate change. In particular, ocean warming, ocean acidification and changes in the hydrological cycle may jeopardize the existence of CWCs. In order to predict how CWCs and their reefs or mounds will develop in the near future one important strategy is to study past fossil CWC mounds and especially shallow CWC ecosystems as they experience a greater environmental variability compared to other deep-water CWC ecosystems. We present results from a CWC mound off southern Norway. A sediment core drilled from this relatively shallow (~ 100 m) CWC mound exposes in full detail hydrographical changes during the late Holocene, which were crucial for mound build-up. We applied computed tomography, 230Th/U dating, and foraminiferal geochemical proxy reconstructions of bottom-water-temperature (Mg/Ca-based BWT), δ18O for seawater density, and the combination of both to infer salinity changes. Our results demonstrate that the CWC mound formed in the late Holocene between 4 kiloannum (ka) and 1.5 ka with an average aggradation rate of 104 cm/kiloyears (kyr), which is significantly lower than other Holocene Norwegian mounds. The reconstructed BWTMg/Ca and seawater density exhibit large variations throughout the entire period of mound formation, but are strikingly similar to modern in situ observations in the nearby Tisler Reef. We argue that BWT does not exert a primary control on CWC mound formation. Instead, strong salinity and seawater density variation throughout the entire mound sequence appears to be controlled by the interplay between the Atlantic Water (AW) inflow and the overlying, outflowing Baltic-Sea water. CWC growth and mound formation in the NE Skagerrak was supported by strong current flow, oxygen replenishment, the presence of a strong boundary layer and larval dispersal through the AW, but possibly inhibited by the influence of fresh Baltic Water during the late Holocene. Our study therefore highlights that modern shallow Norwegian CWC reefs may be particularly endangered due to changes in water-column stratification associated with increasing net precipitation caused by climate change. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00338-022-02249-4.
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Cold-water coral (CWC) reefs are numerous and widespread along the Norwegian continental shelf where oil and gas industry operate. Uncertainties exist regarding their impacts from operational discharges to drilling. Effect thresholds obtained from near-realistic exposure of suspended particle concentrations for use in coral risk modeling are particularly needed. Here, nubbins of Desmophyllum pertusum ( Lophelia pertusa ) were exposed shortly (5 days, 4h repeated pulses) to suspended particles (bentonite BE; barite BA, and drill cuttings DC) in the range of ~ 4 to ~ 60 mg.l ⁻¹ (actual concentration). Physiological responses (respiration rate, growth rate, mucus-related particulate organic carbon OC and particulate organic nitrogen ON) and polyp mortality were then measured 2 and 6 weeks post-exposure to assess long-term effects. Respiration and growth rates were not significantly different in any of the treatments tested compared to control. OC production was not affected in any treatment, but a significant increase of OC:ON in mucus produced by BE-exposed (23 and 48 mg.l ⁻¹ ) corals was revealed 2 weeks after exposure. Polyp mortality increased significantly at the two highest DC doses (19 and 49 mg.l ⁻¹ ) 2 and 6 weeks post-exposure but no significant difference was observed in any of the other treatments compared to the control. These findings are adding new knowledge on coral resilience to short realistic exposure of suspended drill particles and indicate overall a risk for long-term effects at a threshold of ~20 mg.l ⁻¹ .
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Suspension feeders (SFs) evolved a high diversity of mechanisms, sometimes with remarkably convergent morphologies, to retain plankton, detritus and man-made particles with particle sizes ranging from less than 1 µm to several centimetres. Based on an extensive literature review, also including the physical and technical principles of solid-liquid separation, we developed a set of 18 ecological and technical parameters to review 35 taxa of suspension-feeding Metazoa covering the diversity of morphological and functional principles. This includes passive SFs, such as gorgonians or crinoids that use the ambient flow to encounter particles, and sponges, bivalves or baleen whales, which actively create a feeding current. Separation media can be flat or funnel-shaped, built externally such as the filter houses in larvaceans, or internally, like the pleated gills in bivalves. Most SFs feed in the intermediate flow region of Reynolds number 1-50 and have cleaning mechanisms that allow for continuous feeding. Comparison of structure-function patterns in SFs to current filtration technologies highlights potential solutions to common technical design challenges, such as mucus nets which increase particle adhesion in ascidians, vanes which reduce pressure losses in whale sharks and changing mesh sizes in the flamingo beak which allow quick adaptation to particle sizes.
Seawater temperature is one of the main variables that determines cold-water coral distribution worldwide. As part of an initiative to explore new areas of deep-sea habitats along the Southeast United States (SEUS) continental margin, a series of expeditions were carried out as part of the Deep-Sea Exploration to Advance Research on Corals/Canyons/Cold seeps (DEEP SEARCH) project. During these explorations, a cold-water coral reef complex composed mainly of Lophelia pertusa was located off the coast of South Carolina at 650–850 m depth. In this geographic area the species normally has a thermal tolerance between 6 and 12 °C with the capacity to form extensive calcium carbonate structures, thus creating complex habitat for a variety of associated species. Owing to the paucity of these structures and the unusual environmental conditions of this geographic area, with regular arrival of warm surface waters from the Gulf Stream, the main aim of this study was to understand the physiological response of L. pertusa to the variation in extreme temperature events in this region. Short-term experiments simulated the rate of temperature increase from the ambient temperature (8 °C) to the environmental maximum (14 °C) (heat-wave treatment). We found that temperature had a significant effect on the metabolic functions through an increase in respiration (0.108 to 0.247 µmol O2 g−1DW h−1) and excretion rates (0.002 to 0.011 µmol NH3 g−1DW h−1) at 14 °C. Oxygen to Nitrogen ratios (O:N) also showed an effect of temperature where corals switched from lipid-dominated toward a mix of lipid-protein and protein-dominated catabolism. To further characterize the metabolic response, feeding assays (capture rate of Artemia) were performed at the same temperature range with an overall three-fold decrease in capture rates under 14 °C compared to ambient temperature, thus increasing the probability of temperature-induced metabolic stress. Our results suggest that temperature variations affect the metabolic response of cold-water corals, particularly along the SEUS continental margin. Since the incursion of warm surface water to deeper zones is predicted to increase in frequency and duration due to climate change, L. pertusa may be implicated negatively, followed by ecological consequences for the survival and functionality for the ecosystem it supports.