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Primary infection of BALB/c mice with a dengue virus type 4 strain leads to kidney injury


Abstract and Figures

Background: Dengue is a disease caused by dengue virus (DENV-1 through -4). Among the four serotypes, DENV-4 remains the least studied. Acute kidney injury is a potential complication of dengue generally associated with severe dengue infection. Objectives: The goal of this study was to investigate the alterations caused by experimental dengue infection in the kidney of adult BALB/c mice. Methods: In this study, BALB/c mice were infected through the intravenous route with a DENV-4 strain, isolated from a human patient. The kidneys of the mice were procured and subject to histopathological and ultrastructural analysis. Findings: The presence of the viral antigen was confirmed through immunohistochemistry. Analysis of tissue sections revealed the presence of inflammatory cell infiltrate throughout the parenchyma. Glomerular enlargement was a common find. Necrosis of tubular cells and haemorrhage were also observed. Analysis of the kidney on a transmission electron microscope allowed a closer look into the necrotic tubular cells, which presented nuclei with condensed chromatin, and loss of cytoplasm. Main conclusions: Even though the kidney is probably not a primary target of dengue infection in mice, the inoculation of the virus in the blood appears to damage the renal tissue through local inflammation.
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Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 118: e220255, 2023 1|10
online |
Primary infection of BALB/c mice with a dengue virus
type 4 strain leads to kidney injury
Arthur da Costa Rasinhas1,2/+, Fernanda Cunha Jácome1,2, Gabriela Cardoso Caldas1,3,
Ana Luisa Teixeira de Almeida1, Daniel Dias Coutinho de Souza1,
João Paulo Rodrigues dos Santos3, Helver Gonçalves Dias2, Eduarda Lima Araujo1,
Ronaldo Mohana-Borges4, Ortrud Monika Barth1, Flavia Barreto dos Santos2,
Debora Ferreira Barreto-Vieira1
1Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Morfologia e Morfogênese Viral, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
2Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Imunologia Viral, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
3Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Patologia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
4Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, Laboratório de Biotecnologia
e Bioengenharia Estrutural, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
BACKGROUND Dengue is a disease caused by dengue virus (DENV-1 through -4). Among the four serotypes, DENV-4 remains
the least studied. Acute kidney injury is a potential complication of dengue generally associated with severe dengue infection.
OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to investigate the alterations caused by experimental dengue infection in the kidney of
adult BALB/c mice.
METHODS In this study, BALB/c mice were infected through the intravenous route with a DENV-4 strain, isolated from a human
patient. The kidneys of the mice were procured and subject to histopathological and ultrastructural analysis.
FINDINGS The presence of the viral antigen was confirmed through immunohistochemistry. Analysis of tissue sections revealed
the presence of inflammatory cell infiltrate throughout the parenchyma. Glomerular enlargement was a common find. Necrosis
of tubular cells and haemorrhage were also observed. Analysis of the kidney on a transmission electron microscope allowed a
closer look into the necrotic tubular cells, which presented nuclei with condensed chromatin, and loss of cytoplasm.
MAIN CONCLUSIONS Even though the kidney is probably not a primary target of dengue infection in mice, the inoculation of the
virus in the blood appears to damage the renal tissue through local inflammation.
Key words: DENV-4 - BALB/c mice - kidney - histopathology - ultrastructure
Dengue is a tropical febrile disease transmitted by
mosquitoes of the Aedes genus and caused by each of the
four serotypes of the dengue virus (DENV-1,-2,-3 and-4).
(1) According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
over 390 million infections occur every year, with 3.9
billion people living in areas with risk of transmission.
The four serotypes circulate simultaneously in many
countries, and, as of 2010, Brazil is listed among these
countries, due to the reintroduction of DENV-4.(2, 3) While
most cases of dengue remain mild or asymptomatic, one
in twenty cases evolve to what is called severe dengue
(SD), a condition closely associated with intense haemor-
doi: 10.1590/0074-02760220255
Financial support: This study was supported by Laboratório de Morfologia e
Morfogênese Viral, IOC, Fiocruz, FIOTEC to Debora Ferreira Barreto Vieira
[grant number IOC-023-FIO-18-2-58], FAPERJ to Flavia Barreto dos Santos
[grant number E-26/202.003/2016], CNPq to Flavia Barreto dos Santos [grant
number 302462/2018-0], CAPES and CNPq for the s tudent fellowships.
+ Corresponding author: ra
Received 06 November 2022
Accepted 07 March 2023
rhage, plasma leakage and multiple organ impairment.(4, 5)
Even though the liver is the most commonly affected or-
gan,(6,7) DENV has been shown to infect a wide range
of biological tissues, such as the lungs,(8) the heart,(9) the
brain(10) and even the kidneys,(11) among others.
Thus far, the alterations caused by DENV infection
in the kidney remain largely unexplored, despite reports
of signs and symptoms such as proteinuria, haematuria,
glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome and elevation
of serum creatinine levels.(12,13,14) More severe manifesta-
tions, such as acute kidney injury (AKI), rhabdomyoly-
sis, glomerulonephritis, haemolytic uremic syndrome,
and acute renal failure, are often associated to lethal cas-
es of SD.(11,15,16) Histopathological alterations described
in renal tissue include congestion of the glomerular cap-
illary, focal haemorrhage, oedema, inflammatory cell
infiltration, hydropic degeneration, formation of micro
abscesses, thrombus formation in the glomeruli, glo-
merular congestion and acute necrosis of proximal and
distal tubules.(6,17-22) On an ultrastructural level, these
necrotic tubular cells were shown to be undergoing
pyknosis, with dilated endoplasmic reticulum.(6) DENV
like particles have already been directly observed in the
kidney through transmission electron microscopy, sug-
gesting viral infection.(17) Viral antigens have also been
previously detected in the kidney, in tubular cells,(23) in
Arthur da Costa Rasinhas et al.
inflammatory cells,(24) in glomerular endothelial cells,
in mesangial cells,(21,2 2) in hematopoietic cells(25) and in
circulating macrophages and monocytes.(6) Addition ally,
the detection of DENV RNA through molecular tech-
nique has been reported in kidney.(8)
AKI is a renal manifestation of dengue that is often
reported in the literature. This condition is characterised
by a sudden decrease of kidney function, which can cul-
minate in death.(12) The severity of dengue increases the
risk of AKI, with it being reported in 11.8% of patients
with dengue with warning signs and in 28.6% of patients
with SD.(26) Around 10 to 20% of patients presenting
dengue-induced AKI may require dialysis following the
resolution of the disease.(27) Despite this, dengue-induced
AKI remains a poorly explored manifestation.(28,29,30) The
histopathology of AKI is characterised by proximal and
distal tubule necrosis, with lumen dilation, loss of the
brush border, simplification of the tubular lining epi-
thelium, and loss of nuclei.(31) Although the mechanisms
that lead to AKI are not yet fully understood, its appear-
ance is hypothesised to be due to a series of factors, such
as the direct cytopathic viral action, cytokine induced
haemodynamical alterations, deposition of antigen-an-
tibody immune complexes, rhabdomyolysis, haemolysis
and acute glomerular injury.(13,16, 27, 32)
Over the years, the BALB/c mouse has proven itself
to be a useful animal model for dengue infection studies,
replicating many aspects of the disease as it manifests in
human cases. These animals not only present immune re-
sponse against DENV, but also manifest histopathologi-
cal alterations in liver, lung, heart, kidney, brain, spleen
and skeletal muscle.(33 - 43) Furthermore, currently, DENV-
4 remains the least studied serotype of DENV, with
most studies focusing on serotype 2.(40) Since DENV-4
is known to cause milder cases of dengue,(44) it is unclear
whether the kidney is a target organ for infection. While
few studies focus on the renal manifestations caused by
dengue in BALB/c mice, alterations such as an increase
in glomerular volume and in mesangial cellularity, in-
flammatory cell infiltration, peritubular congestion, tu-
bular necrosis, loss of brush border microvilli, cytoplas-
mic loss, glomerular atrophy and focal haemorrhage have
been previously reported.(45,46 ) The viral antigen has also
been successfully detected in DENV-infected mouse kid-
ney, in tubular epithelial cells and in endothelial cells.(46)
Given the scarcity of data on AKI in humans and the
lack of histopathological studies on kidney, this study
aims to investigate the renal manifestations of dengue in
BALB/c mice infected with DENV-4.
Ethics statement - All the procedures performed dur-
ing the course of this study were in compliance with the
principles and regulations stablished by the Brazilian
College of Animal Experimentation and previously ap-
proved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Instituto Os-
waldo Cruz (IOC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz),
under protocol number L-023/2018.
Viral strain - The DENV-4 strain BR2972/2013, iso-
lated from a patient’s serum, was used in this study. Sero-
type was identified by real time quantitative polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR)(47) and by isolation into Aedes
albopictus cell line (C6/36 cells; accession number: CRL-
166 0),(48) performed by the Laboratório de Flavivirus, Fio-
cruz. A sample was kindly provided for use in this study.
Viral stock production - The viral stock was prepared
by inoculating the DENV-4 strain BR2972/2013 into 175
cm2 culture cell flasks containing Ae. albopictus C6/36
cells(48) at a concentration of 5x105 cells/mL. Briefly, for
virus propagation, Ae. albopictus C6/36 cells were grown
in Leibovitz medium (L-15, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation ,
USA) with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS) (Gibco, Ther-
mo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) in an incubator at 28ºC.
Prior to virus inoculation, L-15 medium was replaced,
2% foetal bovine serum was added and 100 μL of the
DENV-4 strain was inoculated and incubated at 28ºC for
five days. The virus was harvested by transferring all the
flask supernatant to a 15 mL centrifuge tube, centrifug-
ing for 10 min at 4000 x g at 4ºC. Supernatant aliquots
were stored at -70ºC for titration. After three cell pas-
sages, the strain presented a viral titre of 109 TCID50/mL,
and was used for experimental infection. The viral titre
was calculated using the Reed Muench method.(49 )
Study design - For this study, thirty mice were used.
Fifteen kidney samples were subject to analysis through
bright field microscopy, with ten mice being infected with
DENV-4 and five mice uninfected, used as mock-infect-
ed control. Another fifteen were subject to transmission
electron microscopy analysis, following the same afore-
mentioned criteria of ten infected and five uninfected,
with one kidney destined to ultrastructural analysis, and
the remaining kidney for qRT-PCR analysis.
Experimental infection - For experimental infection
with DENV-4, two months-old male BALB/c mice, pro-
vided by the Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia em Bio-
modelos, at Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were used.
During the experimentation period, the mice were housed
in the vivarium of Hélio and Peggy Pereira Pavilion, IOC,
Fiocruz (biosafety level 2), and separated in groups of five
per cage. Mice were inoculated through the caudal vein
with 100 μL of the DENV-4 strain diluted in L-15 me-
dium, which presented a viral titre of 10000 TCID50/0.1
mL. For the negative control, mice were inoculated with
100 μL of centrifuged C6/36 cell culture supernatant in
L-15 culture medium (Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, USA).
All the mice were euthanised 72 h post infection. Eutha-
nasia was performed using a lethal dose of ketamine (150
mg/kg), xylazine (10 mg/kg) and tramadol (10 mg/kg),
administered through the intraperitoneal route. Once the
anaesthetic effect set in, the mice were subject to cervical
dislocation and the organs were harvested.
Bright field microscopy - Following the organ har-
vest, the collected kidneys were placed on a glass plate,
and sectioned along the sagittal plane, in two equal
halves. Afterwards, the samples were and stored in a
histological cassette, and placed in a container contain-
ing Millonig’s buffered formalin. Subsequently, the tis-
sue was dehydrated in baths of increasing concentrations
of ethanol, clarified in xylene and embedded in paraffin.
Tissue sections 5 µm thick were obtained using a using
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 118, 2023 3|10
a Leica 2025 microtome (Leica, Germany) and stained
with haematoxylin and eosin. Finally, the stained glass
slides were analysed on a bright field microscope (Ax-
ioHome, Zeiss, Germany).
Histomorphometry - Glomeruli count and glomeru-
lar area were measured on kidney samples of BALB/c
mice. Ten glass slides containing kidney histological sec-
tions stained with H&E (Five from mice infected with
DENV-4 and five from uninfected mice, of the mock-
infected control group) were analysed on a bright field
microscope (AxioHome, Zeiss, Germany). For each glass
slide, 20 images of random areas were captured at 200
magnification using a coupled camera. For each image,
all glomeruli were counted and had their area quantified
using the open-source image analysis software ImageJ.
Statistical analysis - A database on the glomeruli
count and glomerular area of infected and uninfected
mice was created in Microsoft Excel and the mean of the
values was calculated. The resulting data was analysed
using the GraphPad Prism software version 8.0.1 and the
SPSS Statistics software version 25. The Shapiro-Wilk
test (p > 0.05) was used to assess the normality of data.
The Student’s t-test was performed since the data fol-
lowed a normal distribution and all results of p 0.05
were considered statistically significant.
Immunohistochemistry - Following deparaffinisation
and rehydration, the kidney samples underwent antigen
retrieval, while submerged in EnVision Flex target re-
trieval solution, high pH (Dako, USA), inside a pressure
cooker. Afterwards, a solution of hydrogen peroxidase
in methanol was used, to block endogenous peroxidase.
Samples were incubated with either anti-NS3 antibody
produced in rabbit (1:200), provided by the Laboratório
de Biotecnologia e Bioengenharia Estrutural, of the Uni-
versidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro or anti-flavivirus
envelope protein antibody produced in mouse (1:200),
provided by the Laboratório de Flavivirus, IOC, Fio-
cruz. Finally, samples were incubated with anti-rabbit
antibody horseradish peroxidase conjugate (Advanced
Biosystems, USA). Reaction was revealed with diami-
nobenzidine (Scytek, USA) as chromogen and sections
were counterstained with Harris’s haematoxylin (Dako,
USA). A reaction control was performed using only the
secondary horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antibody.
Transmission electron microscopy - Kidney samples
were fixated in 3% glutaraldehyde in sodium cacodyl-
ate buffer 0.2 M, pH 7.2, stored at 4ºC and processed
as described by Barreto-Vieira.(50) The resulting resin
blocks were sliced in ultrathin sections 50-70 nm thick
with a Reichert-Jung Ultracut E ultramicrotome (Leica,
Germany) and placed on copper grids. These sections
were then analysed on a Hitachi HT 7800 transmission
electron microscope (Hitachi, Japan).
Real time quantitative RT-PCR - For molecular anal-
ysis, kidneys were washed with phosphate buffered sa-
line and store at -80ºC. The samples were macerated in
L-15 culture medium (Invitrogen, USA) and centrifuged
for fifteen minutes at 10000 rpm at 4ºC. Extraction was
performed with 140 µL of kidney macerate supernatant,
with the QIAmp Viral RNA mini kit (Qiagen, Germa-
ny), following the protocol described by the manufac-
turer. Amplification was performed using the Super-
Script III Platinum One-Step Quantitative RT-PCR kit
(Invitrogen Corporation, USA) according to the kit’s
instructions, using the primers DENJ-4R (5’TCCACCT-
ATGATGCTGGTCG3’), and probe DENJ-4P (6-FAM
Reaction was performed in a 7500 Real-Time PCR Sys-
tem (Applied Biosystems, USA).
Histopathological, histomorphometrical and ultra-
structural alterations - Mice of the mock-infected control
group showed no signs of kidney injury. The glomeruli
presented a regular aspect, with normal sized cells and
well-defined parietal and visceral layers. Tubular cells
also presented no histopathological alterations. Renal
tubules had a healthy appearance, with well-preserved
lumen and brush border (Fig. 1A-B). Mice infected
with DENV-4, on the other hand, showed a noticeable
decrease of the area of the Bowman’s Space, due to an
apparent increase in the glomerular cellularity (Fig. 1C),
oftentimes making it impossible to distinguish the vis-
ceral and parietal layers. In some kidney sections where
the Bowman’s space was preserved, erythrocytes were
observed within, between the layers of the capsule (Fig.
1D). Clear vacuoles were seen in the cytoplasm of tubu-
lar cells, some causing the lateralisation of the nucleus
(Fig. 1C). The presence of inflammatory infiltrate was
discrete, but ubiquitous, represented by small but notice-
able clusters of inflammatory cells in the tubular inter-
stice (Fig. 1C-D). Capillary oedema was also observed,
although not a common find (Fig. 1D). Distal and proxi-
mal convoluted tubules going through different stages of
necrosis were present in the tissue (Fig. 1E). Small haem-
orrhagic foci were present throughout the kidney, both
in the medullar and cortical regions (Fig. 1E-F). Larger
haemorrhagic areas were present only in the kidney of a
mouse that tested positive for DENV-4 envelope protein
(Fig. 2A). Blood was present not only in the tubular in-
terstice (Fig. 2B), but also in the lumen of the thin part
of the loop of Henle (Fig. 2C-D). The frequency of each
histopathological finding is depicted in Table.
A statistically significant (p = 0.0451) decrease in the
glomerular count per analysed kidney was observed in
DENV-4 infected mice (Fig. 3A). Glomerular area was
also smaller in DENV-4 infected mice, although this al-
teration was not statistically significant (Fig. 3B).
Upon ultrastructural inspection, uninfected kidneys
showed no morphological alterations, both in the tubu-
lar and in the glomerular structure. Glomerular integrity
was well preserved, with a clear distinction of the Bow-
man’s space and its layers. (Fig. 4A-B). Analysis of the
kidneys of mice infected with DENV-4 offered a closer
look into the necrotic process of the tubular cells, which
presented intense loss of cytoplasm and condensation of
the chromatin within the nucleus, characteristic of pyk-
nosis (Fig. 4C, E). Loss of the microvilli that forms the
Arthur da Costa Rasinhas et al.
brush border of the proximal convoluted tubule was also
observed (Fig. 4C). Vacuoles of unknown origin, smaller
than the other described during bright field microscopy
analysis, and filled with a substance unlike water or lip-
ids, were observed inside cells of the distal convoluted
tubule, more commonly present in the apical region of
necrotic cells (Fig. 4D). In the glomeruli, Bowman’s
space was reduced, seemingly due to an expansion of
the mesangial matrix of mesangial cells. Capillary lu-
men was also noticeably reduced (Fig. 4F). Inflamma-
tory cells were identified circulating in renal the capil-
laries and in the tubular interstice, and consisted mostly
of lymphocytes (Fig. 5A) and neutrophils (Fig. 5B).
Antigen and viral genome detection - No immunos-
taining was observed in mice of the control group (Fig.
6A-B). Reaction control also did not show any immunos-
taining. While the NS3 antigen was not detected in any
of the tested kidneys, the envelope protein was detected
in the cortical region, in cells of the proximal convoluted
tubule (Fig. 6C), in its lumen (Fig. 6E) and in the endo-
thelium of capillaries (Fig. 6D). In the medullar region,
immunostaining was observed in cells of the loop of
Henle (Fig. 6F). The envelope protein was detected in
four out of eight (50%) tested kidney samples. DENV-4
viral RNA was not detected in any of the mice kidneys
tested through qRT-PCR.
Fig. 1: histological sections of BALB/c mice kidney stained with H&E (A, B: uninfected mice; C-F: DENV-4 infected mice). (A, B) Glomerulus
(Glo); distal convoluted tubule (DCT); proximal convoluted tubule (PCT); Bowman’s space (Bw); Macula densa (MD). (C) Glomerulus presenting
reduced Bowman’s space (dashed outline); tubular cells containing cytoplasmic vacuoles (Vac); inflammatory i nfiltrate ( Inf). (D) Areas of intersti-
tial haemorrhage (Hem); capilla ry oedema (Ed m); ery throcytes in the Bowman’s space (Ery) of the glomerulus (Glo); infla mmatory infilt rate (Inf ).
(E, F) Areas of interstitial haemorrhage (Hem); tubular necrosis (Ne); glomerulus (Glo). Magnification: (A, C, D) 200x; (B, E, F) 400x.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 118, 2023 5|10
Overall, the results described in this study are in line
with what is seen in human cases of dengue presenting re-
nal manifestations. Histopathological alterations observed
fit the descriptions of dengue-induced AKI published in
the related literature,(13 ,16) albeit milder, and non-lethal.
Vascular alterations induced by DENV seem to be
the main cause for acute tubular necrosis, due to a de-
crease in renal perfusion, which in turn leads to isch-
emia.(51) Rhabdomyolysis, a muscular manifestation of
DENV infection, while seemingly unrelated to kidney
injury, also plays a large role in the development of acute
tubular necrosis during dengue. This condition is char-
acterised by the necrosis of skeletal muscle cells, result-
ing in the release of proteins in the circulation. One of
these proteins, myoglobin, is known to deposit in the re-
nal tubules, causing tubular injury and tubular obstruc-
tion.(11 ,2 8) The loss of microvilli described here could rep-
resent the initial stages of proximal convoluted tubule
necrosis, characterised by loss of the brush border.(31)
Even though some tubular cells appeared to be undergo-
ing necrosis, the process did not seem widespread, and
could perhaps be self-limited, reversible even, following
the resolution of the disease. The vacuoles observed in
tubular cells of the cortical region through bright field
microscopy, though remarkable, are not completely un-
usual, at least in male mice. Even if these vacuoles were
not perceived in mice of the control group, their appear-
ance is said to be benign, and not a major histopathologi-
cal find.(52) The smaller unidentified vacuoles, however,
Fig. 2: histological sections of DENV-4 infected BALB/c mice kidney stained with H&E. (A, B) Areas of interstitial haemorrhage (Hem); col-
lecting duct (CD). (C, D) Thin part of the loop of Henle containing blood (LoH); collecting duct (CD). Magnification: (A) 100x; (B, C, D) 200x.
Frequency of histopathological alterations observed
in the kidneys of BALB/c mice infected with
dengue virus type 4 (DENV-4)
Histopathological alteration Po sitive/Tested (%)
Tubular necrosis 9/10 (90)
Inflammatory cell infiltrate 8/10 (80)
Glomerular enlargement 8/10 (80)
Cytoplasmic vacuoles 5/10 (50)
Erythrocytes in the Bowman’s space 5/10 (50)
Haemorrhage 4/10 (40)
Capillary oedema 2/10 (20)
Fig. 3: glomeruli count per analysed area (A) and mean area occu-
pied by glomeruli (B) of negative control (NC) and DENV-4 infected
(INF) BALB/c mice. *: p < 0.05.
Arthur da Costa Rasinhas et al.
were only observed through transmission electron mi-
croscopy, and could be a direct result of the necrosis of
the cells, since they were only seen in necrotic cells, in
cellular regions suffering from loss of cytoplasm.
While Póvoa et al.(6) did not detect the viral NS3 an-
tigen in the kidney of human fatal cases of dengue, nor
the presence of viral RNA, they did observe antigens
hypothesised to be either the envelope or the membrane
proteins in monocytes and macrophages. Jessie et al.(23)
have also detected DENV antigens in tubular cell epi-
thelium, with the absence of viral RNA in the renal tis-
sue. Both authors suggest that this could be due to these
different cell types reabsorbing the circulating immune
complexes, with the same happening during yellow fe-
Fig. 4: electron micrographs of BALB/c mice kidney sections (A, B: uninfected mice; C-F: DENV-4 infected mice). (A) Proximal convoluted t ubule
(PCT); microvilli (MV) that form the brush border; nucleus (Nuc); distal convoluted tubule (DCT); mitochondrion (Mit); endothelial cell (EC) that
forms the capillary (Cap); erythrocytes (Ery). (B) Podocytes (Pod) that surround the glomerular capillaries (Cap); mesangial cell (MC); visceral
layer (VL) and parietal layer (PL) of the Bowman’s space (Bw); erythrocytes (Ery). (C) Cells of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) presenting loss
of cytoplasm (*); nucleus (Nuc); proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) showing loss of microvilli (MV). (D) Vacuoles (Vac) of indistinct origin in the
cytoplasm of a distal tubular cell; nucleus (Nuc); mitochond rion (Mit). (E) Cells of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) presenting loss of cytoplasm
(*) and pyknotic nucleu s (red dashed outli ne); nucleus (Nuc). (F) Reduced Bowm an’s space (Bw); podocy tes (Pod); mesangial cells (MC) present ing
expanded mesangial matrix (red arrow); erythrocytes (Ery). Magnification: (A, C) 1.200x; (B, E, F) 1.500x; (D) 2.500x.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 118, 2023 7|10
ver infection.(2 3) The deposition of immune complexes
has been described in the glomeruli of BALB/c mice(53)
and the presence of glomerular immune complex depos-
its has been associated to mesangial cell hypertrophy,
observed through transmission electron microscopy.(54)
Wiwanitkit(5 5) has suggested that, due to the size differ-
ence between the dengue virus-immunoglobulin im-
mune complex and the glomerular capillary ― the latter
being much larger than the former ― entrapment of the
immune complex in the glomerulus should not easily
happen, unless there is a significant narrowing of the
glomerular diameter, due to lesion or infection.
In this study, although DENV RNA was not detected
in kidney, the envelope protein was present in tubu-
lar cells and tubular lumen, cells of the loop of Henle
and endothelium wall, suggesting that viral antigen re-
absorption is likely to happen in the tubular pathway,
should immune complexes end up being filtered by the
glomerulus. Endothelial cells, on the other hand, are
known to play a major role in the pathogenesis of den-
gue.(56 ) Some authors have previously suggested that the
envelope protein is capable of modifying the vascular
permeability of the endothelium, either directly, altering
the morphology of endothelial cells,(57) or through the in-
fection of monocytes, which, in turn, contribute to viral
replication and production of nitric oxide and cytokines,
and, consequently, to an increase in endothelial perme-
ability.(58) Cytokines and chemokines are also known to
damage the tissue, being secreted by macrophages and
T lymphocytes during the attempt to contain the viral
infection.(59,6 0) The cytokines IL-17 and IL-18, in particu-
lar, seem to be widely expressed in the kidney during
severe cases of dengue.(19) In a recent study, Oliveira et
al.(61) successfully detected the NS3 antigen in the kidney
of fatal dengue cases in children. The presence of the
viral antigen in mesangial and endothelial cells of the
glomerulus, and in monocytes and macrophages, sug-
gests that viral infection and replication can occur in the
kidney in severe cases of dengue.(61)
Also described in this study was the increased size
of the glomeruli, better observed through transmission
electron microscopy. This alteration is the result of the
expansion of the mesangial matrix of mesangial cells,
Fig. 5: electron micrographs of DENV-4 infected BALB/c mice kidney sections. (A) Lymphocyte (Lym) circulating in a capillary (Cap); eryth-
rocyte (Ery). (B) Neutrophil (Neu) circulating in the capillary; erythrocyte (Ery). (Cap). Magnification: (A) 6.000x (B) 2.000x.
leading not only to a decrease in the area of the Bow-
man’s space, through where the glomerular filtrate flows,
but also to the compression of the glomerular capillaries,
possibly diminishing filtration rates, and facilitating the
entrapment of immune complexes. Although the virus
was not detected in kidney, the envelope protein was pres-
ent. This could be a result of the circulation of the virus
in the blood. Like Jácome et al.,(46 ) we also observed a de-
crease in glomeruli count in each analysed kidney, sug-
gesting the possibility of glomerular atrophy. Curiously,
histomorphometrical data showed an actual decrease in
glomerular area. While these results conf lict with what
was seen during histopathological and ultrastructural
analysis, they were not statistically significant. Altera-
tions in the kidney function are also linked to glomerular
injury, and are often reported during dengue. These are
associated to several biochemical imbalances, such as the
increase of blood urea nitrogen and blood creatinine lev-
els, both in BALB/c mice and in humans.(6, 27, 41,6 2)
Haemorrhage and vascular leakage are hallmarks of
dengue and SD, probably induced by cytokines. TNFα,
IL6 and IL8 are known to alter the vascular permeabil-
ity of capillaries, triggering cases of vascular leakage in
dengue.(63) The reduced blood flow to the kidney likely
leads to an ischemic process, and is the reason for the
necrosis of tubular cells.(6) The presence of blood in later
portions of the nephron suggests alterations in the kid-
ney filtering capabilities. Furthermore, the increase of
vascular permeability induced by DENV infection could
also alter the filtration process, facilitating the passage of
blood through the glomerular endothelium and onto the
renal tubules. The areas of haemorrhage seen in the tu-
bular interstice also indicate the occurrence of these hae-
modynamic alterations, reinforced by the presence of the
viral antigen in the endothelial wall. Although blood was
never directly observed in the urine of mice upon clinical
inspection, the possibility of microscopic haematuria re-
mains.(64) Larger haemorrhagic areas in kidneys positive
for the envelope protein could indicate a correlation be-
tween the presence of the viral antigen and haemorrhage
severity. An interesting perspective for a similar study
would be the analysis of mice urine through urinalysis,
to investigate the presence of proteinuria or haematuria.
Arthur da Costa Rasinhas et al.
The histopathological alterations observed in this
study seemed much milder than those observed by Já-
come et al.(46) This could be due to the simple fact that
DENV-4 causes a less severe disease, when compared
to other DENV serotypes.(44) Another possibility is that
the kidney is not a primary target of dengue infection
in mice, at least not under normal circumstances. This
is not to say that infection of the kidney does not hap-
pen, just that it is less likely during a primary DENV
infection. Nonetheless, the inoculation of the virus in
the blood is enough to cause damage to the renal tis-
sue, either through the action of cytokines, of circulating
immune complexes and/or due to vascular permeability
alterations. In the end, as is with all topics surrounding
the pathogenesis of dengue, much is yet to be uncovered.
To the IOC for providing us with its technology and facili-
ties during the course of the research, the Laboratório de Fla-
vivirus, IOC, Fiocruz, for providing the DENV-4 strain used
in this study, and the Laboratório de Patologia, IOC, Fiocruz,
for the support in sample processing and technical analysis.
Conceptualisation - DFB, FBS, ACR, FCJ, GCC and ALTA;
formal analysis - ACR, FCJ, GCC and ALTA; funding acquisi-
tion - FBS and DFB; investigation - ACR, FCJ, GCC, ALTA,
DDCS, HGD, JPRS and ELA; project administration - ACR;
resources - FBS and RM; supervision - FBS and DFB; writing
- original draft – ACR; writing - review & editing - ACR, FCJ,
GCC and ALTA. The authors declare no conf lict of interest exist.
Fig. 6: histological sections of BALB/c mice kidney counter stained with Harris Haematoxylin (A, B: uni nfected mice; C-F: DENV-4 infected m ice)
(A, B) Kidney sections showing no peroxidase reactive cells; glomerulus (G). (C) Envelope protein reactive tubular cell (arrow). (D) Envelope pro-
tein reactive endothelium (arrow). (E) Envelope protein reactive lumen (arrow) of the proximal convoluted tubule (P). (F) Envelope protein reactive
cells of the loop of Henle (arrow). Magnification: (A, B) 200x; (C, D, E, F) 400x.
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Full-text available
Dengue virus (DENV) infection represents a worldwide public health concern and can cause damage to multiple organs, including the kidney. In this work, we investigated the histopathological changes caused by dengue virus infection along with the detection of inflammatory mediators, cytokines, and cell expression patterns in the renal tissue of three fatal cases in children. Hematoxylin and Eosin staining was performed to analyze these histopathological changes. Immunohistochemistry allowed for the detection of immunological inflammatory markers in renal tissues that were quantified and further analyzed. Vascular congestion, edema and glomerular infiltrate were observed in the three cases, in addition to the thickening of the matrix area around the glomerular capillaries and mononuclear infiltrate associated with vascular congestion in the medullary region. The renal tissues exhibited collagen deposition and high expression of CD68+ Mø, CD8+ T, CD56+ cells and MMP-9, and the cytokine profile was mainly characterized by the expression of IFN-γ and TNF-α. Additionally, the expression of RANTES, VEGFR-2 and VCAM-1 were observed. The replication of DENV was evidenced by the detection of the NS3 protein. These results contributed to clarifying the main factors that may be involved in changes in the renal tissue of fatal cases of dengue in children.
Full-text available
Dengue infection is the most prevalent arthropod-borne viral disease in subtropical and tropical regions, whose primary vector is Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The mechanisms of dengue virus (DENV) pathogenesis are little understood because we have no good disease models. Only humans develop symptoms (dengue fever, DF, or dengue hemorrhagic fever, DHF) and research has been limited to studies involving patients. Samples from serum, brain, cerebellum, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys from a 13-year-old male patient that died with hemorrhagic manifestations were sent for differential diagnosis at Adolfo Lutz, using both classical virological methods (RT-qPCR, virus isolation, ELISA, and hemagglutination inhibition test) and immunohistochemistry (IHQ). A DENV serotype 4 was detected by a DENV multiplex RT-qPCR, and the C6/36 cell supernatant was used for NGS using Minion. Lesions were described in the heart, liver, lung, and kidney with positive IHQ in endothelial cells of the brain, cerebellum, heart, and kidney, and also in hepatocytes and Kuppfer cells. A whole genome was obtained, revealing a DENV-4 genotype II, with no evidence of secondary dengue infection.
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Introduction and importance: Dengue is a common febrile illness caused by Dengue virus and spread by Aedes mosquitoes. The neurological complications like encephalopathy or encephalitis or immune-mediated neurological syndromes are uncommon though. Discrete neuroimaging findings in this setting are even rarer. We report a case of dengue encephalitis with uncommon MRI features in a young female. Case presentation The patient presented with complains of fever, vomiting, weakness in all limbs and difficulty in speech. Neurological examination revealed bilateral horizontal gaze palsy with impaired oculo-cephalic reflex, bulbar dysarthria and quadriplegia with bilateral planters up-going. Laboratory reported anemia, thrombocytopenia and positive NS1 antigen while excluding other tropical and immunological diseases. Brain MRI revealed extensive thalamic involvement as unique “double-doughnut” sign along with lesions in brainstem. The patient received supportive treatment in intensive unit and was discharged following improvement in clinical condition and laboratory reports. Clinical discussion Dengue can infect the central nervous system directly as encephalitis or can have neurological consequences following multi-organ dysfunction and shock as encephalopathy or post-infection immunological syndromes as Guillain-Barré Syndrome or cerebrovascular complications or dengue muscle dysfunction. The MRI appearance of “double-doughnut” sign points towards dengue encephalitis in appropriate setting. Conclusion A high index of suspicion is required to make a diagnosis of dengue encephalitis. The “double-doughnut” sign in MRI sequences has the potential to become a diagnostic marker for dengue encephalitis.
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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the least studied complications of dengue, but it carries high mortality rates and prolonged hospital stay. Due to the severity of this complication, the risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the increasing number of dengue cases reported worldwide, particularly in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Southeast Asia and South America, including Brazil, we embarked on this narrative review, aimed to update the epidemiology of AKI associated with dengue, elucidate the main pathophysiological mechanisms of AKI caused by the dengue virus infection, as well as discuss useful information on the prevention and management of AKI in patients with dengue.
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Rationale: Expanded dengue syndrome (EDS) is the phenomenon coined by the World Health Organization for cases of dengue fever (DF) with rare but dangerous consequences. EDS mainly leads to complications involving the vital organs, thus is also associated with a higher mortality rate. This case report presents the first-ever case where a patient developed EDS with both rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury and compartment syndrome of the limbs. Patient concerns: Our patient, an 18-year-old Pakistani male, presented with fever, colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dark-colored urine, and oliguria. Diagnoses: Dengue rapid NS-1 test came back positive. Along with myoglobinuria both serum creatine phosphokinase and creatine levels were abnormal. Hence, the patient was diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury. On physical examination, his right arm was painful and tender with restricted movement at the elbow. A Doppler ultrasound of the arm revealed thickening of the skin and underlying muscles, as well as edematous abnormalities affecting the entire right upper limb, both of which are indications of compartment syndrome. Interventions and outcome: The management included rehydration, administration of dextrose and bicarbonate (bicarbonate infusion) prepared by adding 150 mEq sodium bicarbonate in 850 mL dextrose 5%, pain killers, along with platelet, and packed red cell transfusions. Additionally, right upper limb was kept elevated at 90° for 30 minutes every 2 hours to reduce edema and crept bandages were applied. The patient was discharged after 11 days and the follow-up was uneventful. Lesson: Physicians should be aware that rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney damage and limb compartment syndrome are also possible DF consequences, and they should be on the lookout for any indications pointing to these complications in DF. A prompt diagnosis can prevent further complications and fatality.
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Dengue virus (DENV) infection by one of the four serotypes (DENV-1 to 4) may result in a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, with unpredictable evolution and organ involvement. Due to its association with severe epidemics and clinical manifestations, DENV-2 has been substantially investigated. In fact, the first emergence of a new lineage of the DENV-2 Asian/American genotype in Brazil (Lineage II) in 2008 was associated with severe cases and increased mortality related to organ involvement. A major challenge for dengue pathogenesis studies has been a suitable animal model, but the use of immune-competent mice, although sometimes controversial, has proven to be useful, as histological observations in infected animals reveal tissue alterations consistent to those observed in dengue human cases. Here, we aimed to investigate the outcomes caused by two distinct lineages of the DENV-2 Asian/American genotype in the lung, heart and skeletal muscle tissues of infected BALB/c mice. Tissues were submitted to histopathology, immunohistochemistry, histomorphometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis. The viral genome was detected in heart and skeletal muscle samples. The viral antigen was detected in cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells of heart tissue. Heart and lung tissue samples presented morphological alterations comparable to those seen in dengue human cases. Creatine kinase serum levels were higher in mice infected with both lineages of DENV-2. Additionally, statistically significant differences, concerning alveolar septa thickening and heart weight, were observed between BALB/c mice infected with both DENV-2 lineages, which was demonstrated to be an appropriate experimental model for dengue pathogenesis studies on lung, heart and skeletal muscle tissues.
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Ever since its brief introduction in the Brazilian territory in 1981, dengue virus serotype 4 (DENV-4) remained absent from the national epidemiological scenario for almost 25 years. The emergence of DENV-4 in 2010 resulted in epidemics in most Brazilian states. DENV-4, however, remains one of the least studied among the four DENV serotypes. Despite being known as a mild serotype, DENV-4 is associated with severe cases and deaths and deserves to be investigated; however, the lack of suitable experimental animal models is a limiting factor for pathogenesis studies. Here, we aimed to investigate the susceptibility and potential tropism of DENV-4 for liver, lung and heart of an immunocompetent mice model, and to evaluate and investigate the resulting morphological and ultrastructural alterations upon viral infection. BALB/c mice were inoculated intravenously with non-neuroadapted doses of DENV-4 isolated from a human case. The histopathological analysis of liver revealed typical alterations of DENV, such as microsteatosis, edema and vascular congestion, while in lung, widespread areas of hemorrhage and interstitial pneumonia were observed. While milder alterations were present in heart, characterized by limited hemorrhage and discrete presence of inflammatory infiltrate, the disorganization of the structure of the intercalated disc is of particular interest. DENV-4 RNA was detected in liver, lung, heart and serum of BALB/c mice through qRT-PCR, while the NS3 viral protein was observed in all of the aforementioned organs through immunohistochemistry. These findings indicate the susceptibility of the model to the serotype and further reinforce the usefulness of BALB/c mice in studying the many alterations caused by DENV.
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Background Dengue virus infection (DVI) is a major health problem in many parts of the world. Its manifestations range from asymptomatic infections to severe disease. Although cardiac involvement has been reported in DVI, its incidence has not yet been well established. Methods From July 2016 to January 2018, patients hospitalized at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand, with dengue virus infection confirmed by positive NS1 or positive dengue immunoglobulin M findings, participated in the study. We characterized the incidence and change in cardiac function by serial echocardiography and levels of troponin-T and creatine kinase-myocardial band (CK-MB) on the day of admission, the day of defervescence, the first day of hypotension (if any), and at 2 week follow-up. Results Of the 81 patients evaluated, 6 (7.41%) exhibited elevated biomarker levels. There was no difference in clinical presentation amongst dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS), except for the amount of bleeding. Cardiac involvement was found in 22.2% of patients: 3 (3.70%) had left ventricular systolic dysfunction, 3 (3.70%) had transient diastolic dysfunction, 6 (7.41%) had increased levels of at least one cardiac biomarker (troponin-T or CK-MB), and 6 (7.41%) had small pericardial effusion. Myocarditis was suspected in only two patients (with DHF); thus, myocarditis was uncommon in patients with dengue virus infection. Three patients developed DSS during admission and were transferred to the intensive care unit. Conclusion Cardiac involvement in adults with dengue infection was common, ranging from elevated cardiac biomarker to myocarditis. Abnormalities in cardiac function had resolved spontaneously by the day of follow-up, without specific treatment. We found that DHF was a significant risk factor for cardiac involvement. Echocardiography is the investigation of choice for evaluating the haemodynamic status of patients with DVI, especially in severe dengue.
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Dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) is, traditionally, the most studied serotype due to its association with explosive outbreaks and severe cases. In Brazil, almost 20 years after the first introduction in the 1990s, a new lineage (Lineage II) of the DENV-2 Asian/American genotype emerged and caused an epidemic with severe cases and hospitalizations. Severe dengue includes multiple organ failure, and renal involvement can be potentially related to increased mortality. In order to better understand the role of DENV infection in renal injury, here we aimed to investigate the outcomes of infection with two distinct lineages of DENV-2 Asian/American genotype in the kidney of a murine model. BALB/c mice were infected with Lineages I and II and tissues were submitted to histopathology, immunohistochemistry, histomorphometry and ultrastructural analysis. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was detected in blood sample accessed by cardiac puncture. A tendency in kidney weight increase was observed in mice infected with both lineages, but urea levels, on average, were increased only in mice infected with Lineage II. The DENV antigen was detected in the tissue of mice infected with Lineage II and morphological changes were similar to those observed in human dengue cases. Furthermore, the parameters such as organ weight, urea levels and morphometric analysis, showed significant differences between the two lineages in the infected BALB/c, which was demonstrated to be a suitable experimental model for dengue pathophysiology studies in kidneys.
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Objective Dengue fever is one of the most important arboviral diseases in the world, and its severe forms are characterised by a broad spectrum of systemic and cardiovascular hallmarks. However, much remains to be elucidated regarding the pathogenesis triggered by Dengue virus (DENV) in the heart. Herein, we evaluated the cardiac outcomes unleashed by DENV infection and the possible mechanisms associated with these effects. Methods A model of an adapted DENV-3 strain was used to infect male BALB/c mice to assess haemodynamic measurements and the functional, electrophysiological, inflammatory and oxidative parameters in the heart. Results DENV-3 infection resulted in increased systemic inflammation and vascular permeability with consequent reduction of systolic blood pressure and increase in heart rate. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in the cardiac output and stroke volume, with a reduction trend in the left ventricular end-systolic and end-diastolic diameters and volumes. Also, there was a reduction trend in the calcium current density in the ventricular cardiomyocytes of DENV-3 infected mice. Indeed, DENV-3 infection led to leucocyte infiltration and production of inflammatory mediators in the heart, causing pericarditis and myocarditis. Moreover, increased reactive oxygen species generation and lipoperoxidation were also verified in the cardiac tissue of DENV-3 infected mice. Conclusions DENV-3 infection induced a marked cardiac dysfunction, which may be associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and electrophysiological changes in the heart. These findings provide new cardiac insights into the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis triggered by DENV, contributing to the research of new therapeutic targets for clinical practice.