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Development of the information quality scale for health information supply chain type 2 diabetes mellitus management using exploratory factor analysis

SAGE Publications Inc
Journal of Public Health Research

Abstract and Figures

Background: Research on the quality scale of the healthcare supply chain is still limited. This study aimed to assess the information quality of the supply chain model with a focus on construct validity. Studies related to information quality measurement generally focus on measuring the dimensions of the completeness of medical records and consumer perspectives. We intended to assess the scale based on doctors needed as care coordinators on type 2 diabetes mellitus or the Non-Insulin-Dependent-Diabetes-Mellitus (NIDDM) program in primary healthcare. Methods: Sixty-four primary healthcare doctors with an age range of 24-51 years were involved in this research. The scale obtained was formed from the assessment of the point of view of a panel of experts through the content validity index (CVI). The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) method was used to explore the scale of information quality in the information supply chain model for the NIDDM chronic disease management program. Result: The data analysis results indicated three main factors that affected the quality of the information supply chain model of NIDDM, namely accessibility, safety, and efficiency of information related to NIDDM. The results of the validity and reliability of the data showed that the scale used in this research was valid and reliable with a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.861. Conclusion: The scale developed in this research could be used to explore the quality of the information supply chain of NIDDM management in primary healthcare. Each item on the scale could explain the variables according to their respective groups.
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Journal of Public Health Research
2023, Vol. 12(2), 1 –6
© The Author(s) 2023
DOI: 10.1177/22799036231170843
Journal o
Public Health Research
Original Article
Non-insulin-dependent-diabetes-mellitus (NIDDM) is a
chronic disease with high treatment costs because it will
last a lifetime for a person diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Patients with NIDDM require continuing medical care
with direct and indirect costs. Diabetes also has the poten-
tial to pose a risk of early complications if not treated prop-
erly. Diabetes and its associated complications impose a
significant economic burden on the health care system and
society, given the large expenditures spent on managing
these complications. Preventative measures are needed to
improve patients’ glycemic control, thereby preventing
diabetes complications, which could potentially reduce the
1170843PHJXXX10.1177/22799036231170843Journal of Public Health ResearchKarimah et al.
1Doctoral Program of Medicine and Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public
Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2Department of Health Science, Politeknik Negeri Jember, East Java,
3Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta,
4Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine,
Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta,
Corresponding author:
Lutfan Lazuardi, Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty
of medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Development of the information quality
scale for health information supply chain
type 2 diabetes mellitus management using
exploratory factor analysis
Rinda Nurul Karimah1,2 , Hari Kusnanto3
and Lutfan Lazuardi4
Background: Research on the quality scale of the healthcare supply chain is still limited. This study aimed to assess the
information quality of the supply chain model with a focus on construct validity. Studies related to information quality
measurement generally focus on measuring the dimensions of the completeness of medical records and consumer
perspectives. We intended to assess the scale based on doctors needed as care coordinators on type 2 diabetes mellitus
or the Non-Insulin-Dependent-Diabetes-Mellitus (NIDDM) program in primary healthcare.
Methods: Sixty-four primary healthcare doctors with an age range of 24–51 years were involved in this research. The
scale obtained was formed from the assessment of the point of view of a panel of experts through the content validity
index (CVI). The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) method was used to explore the scale of information quality in the
information supply chain model for the NIDDM chronic disease management program.
Result: The data analysis results indicated three main factors that affected the quality of the information supply chain
model of NIDDM, namely accessibility, safety, and efficiency of information related to NIDDM. The results of the
validity and reliability of the data showed that the scale used in this research was valid and reliable with a Cronbach alpha
coefficient of 0.861.
Conclusion: The scale developed in this research could be used to explore the quality of the information supply chain
of NIDDM management in primary healthcare. Each item on the scale could explain the variables according to their
respective groups.
Diabetes mellitus, primary healthcare, health information, supply chain, information quality
Date received: 5 August 2022; accepted: 1 April 2023
2 Journal of Public Health Research
health and economic burden on the public health care sys-
tem.1–3 Based on International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
data for 2021, Indonesia is globally ranked fifth with
19.5 million adults aged 20–79 years living with diabetes.
Referring to the IDF data, the number of people with
Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia is projected to increase to
28.6 million in 2045.4
The increasing prevalence of NIDDM in various coun-
tries in the world should be anticipated with preventive
and promotive actions by policy makers.5 NIDDM is a
non-communicable disease that has become a priority for
primary health care policies. Primary health services are
considered as basic health services in the community with
preventive, promotive and limited curative efforts.6–8
Doctors in primary health care facilities have an important
role as care coordinators.6 A clinical information system is
highly required to support the performance of doctors in
the NIDDM chronic disease management program.9 In the
management of chronic diseases such as NIDDM, patients
will require health services related to diabetes manage-
ment throughout their life, so that a good supply of infor-
mation is highly needed. The information supporting
clinical decision making by doctors must be presented in a
sequential and continuous manner.5,10,11 The NIDDM man-
agement program strategy of primary healthcare in
Indonesia is supported by the national health insurance,
specifically the Social Security Administrator for Health
(known as BPJS Kesehatan in Indonesia) through chronic
disease management programs to anticipate the economic
burden and risk of complications that can arise from
patients with NIDDM.12,13
There has been policy research on implementing NIDDM
chronic disease management program strategies in primary
healthcare and improving service quality with the support of
information systems for good data presentation. The study
on the application of digitization in the existing health ser-
vice supply chain has mostly focused on the supply of medi-
cal devices, blood, and medicine.14–17 Study on the supply of
medical data has not been widely conducted, and there has
been no research that has developed a standard scale for
measuring the success of strategies to improve the quality of
information through the data supply chain in supporting the
performance of doctors as care coordinators for the NIDDM
management program. This study was conducted to develop
a scale for measuring the quality of information supply
chain of NIDDM management programs in government-
owned primary services.
This research utilized an exploratory mixed-methods
(qualitative-quantitative) study design to develop an infor-
mation quality measurement tool for the supply chain
management of health information on the management of
the chronic disease NIDDM. In the first stage, a question-
naire with a qualitative approach had been produced,
namely through the stages of construct definition, domain
content, and assessment items. In the next stage, an evalu-
ation of the reliability and validity of the scale was con-
ducted with a quantitative approach. Scale development
requires additional time and research, since many proce-
dures have to be used to refine the scale with various prob-
lems related to finally acquiring the final form of the
scale.18,19 This manuscript is focused in detail on the dis-
cussion of the reliability evaluation stage by testing the
initial factor structure that had been formed with its items
through exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The EFA
method in this research was used to reduce the dimensions
of the observed factor variables, and were represented in
an easy-to-understand form. The processed data had been
analyzed by an expert panel consisting of eight experts:
Three lay experts and five content experts covering three
main factors that can explain the quality of information in
the supply chain management of health information on the
management of the chronic disease NIDDM. The ideal
number of expert panels is a minimum of 5 people and a
maximum of 10 people to obtain sufficient control of the
deal opportunities.20–22 The results from the expert panel’s
viewpoint judgment were assessed through the content
validity index (CVI), from three latent factors (construct),
where each factor has 5 items, which was reduced to 3
items each. Based on the CVI score criteria, the item
0.80 should be eliminated.22
The results of the CVI, including factors and items,
were then tested for construct validity using the EFA
method19,23 which was conducted by recruiting 64 subjects
in this research who work as doctors in the management of
the NIDDM chronic disease from 50 government-owned
primary healthcare facilities in a regency area in Indonesia
with an age range of 24–51 years. The number of subjects
in this research was in accordance with the standard num-
ber recommended by several literatures, where the mini-
mum sample size in a validation research should be 5–10
times the number of instrument variables or the ratio of
participants per variable or item (n:p) is 5:1.24,25 This
research consisted of nine items, and the minimum number
according to this statement must amount to 45 subjects.
This research involved 64 subjects, so it had met the stan-
dard number of subjects in the validation research. EFA
statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS 22 software
(IBM Corp., Armonk NY). This research had obtained an
ethical clearance from the Medical and health research eth-
ics Committee (MHREC) of Universitas Gadjah Mada
(number: KE/FK/0042/EC/202).
All 64 subjects who participated in this research had an
average age of 36.5 years, and were doctors in charge of
managing NIDDM chronic disease in government-owned
primary healthcare facilities. Table 1 shows the details of
the basic characteristics of the participants.
Karimah et al. 3
The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy (KMO-MSA) test and Bartlett’s Test are tests to
assess the feasibility of the question item variables for fac-
tor analysis. The results of the feasibility test of the ques-
tion item variables in this research are presented in Table 2.
The KMO-MSA results showed a value of 0.779 > 0.5,
which means that the sample in this test was adequate for
factor analysis. The significance of the value of Bartlett’s
test must be 0.05 for the factor analysis to be acceptable.
The results above showed a value of <0.000, which means
that factor analysis could be conducted in this research.
Table 3 shows how much the formed factors can explain
the variation of the data, and it can be concluded that the
three factors could explain 68.69% of the total variance.
The results of the extraction value should be >0.5, so
that the question items could explain the factors. Based on
the output in Table 4, it can be concluded that the nine
items were able to explain the factors. The best correlation
was found in the following factors:
1. The first factor contains question items number 1,
2, and 3;
2. The second factor contains question items number
4, 5, and 6; and
3. The third factor contains question items number 7,
8, and 9.
These were grouped based on the correlation value of the
largest variable contained to a certain factor. These three
factors indicated a value above 0.5, which means that they
were feasible to summarize the nine question items. Based
on the screen plot graph in Figure 1, the nine question
items were observed to form three factors or dimensions
(eigenvalue >1).
Internal consistency was applied to assess the reliability of
the questionnaire. Table 5 shows the cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of 0.861 above the threshold >0.6 is an accept-
able level of reliability, so it can be concluded that the
questionnaire formed was reliable.
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to assess the
construct validity of the scale. The scale tested for con-
struct validity was a scale that had been declared valid
based on the results of the CVI test. The scale in the form
of a questionnaire consisted of three main factors, namely
accessibility, safety, and efficiency, and was composed of
nine question items. This scale was intended to measure
Table 1. Characteristics of participants.
Variable No (N = 64) Percent
Female 40 62.5
Male 24 37.5
Civil Servants (PNS) 53 82.8
Non-Civil Servants (Non-PNS) 11 17.3
Working period as
primary care doctor
<1 year 9 14.1
1–3 years 15 23.4
3–5 years 4 6.3
>5 years 14 21.9
>10 years 22 34.4
Table 2. Results of the KMO and Bartlett’s test.
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy 0.779
Bartlett’s test of Sphericity Approx. chi-square 309.318
Df 36
Sig. 0.000
Table 3. Total variance explained.
Factor Initial Eigenvalues Extraction sums of squared loadings Rotation sums of squared loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 4.307 47.855 47.855 4.007 44.518 44.518 2.158 23.981 23.981
2 1.481 16.461 64.316 1.171 13.015 57.533 2.014 22.382 46.363
3 1.329 14.771 79.087 1.004 11.152 68.685 2.009 22.322 68.685
4 0.493 5.474 84.561
5 0.412 4.578 89.139
6 0.313 3.478 92.617
7 0.293 3.260 95.877
8 0.208 2.310 98.187
9 0.163 1.813 100.000
4 Journal of Public Health Research
the quality of information from the health information sup-
ply chain role model on the management of the NIDDM
chronic disease in primary healthcare in supporting the
performance of doctors. Details of the measuring scale are
presented in Table 6.
Factor 1 in the form of an accessibility construct con-
sisted of three question items that were developed accord-
ing to the needs of doctors in supporting performance,
namely ease of access, continuity of access, and fast
access. According to Wixom and Todd in 2005, the per-
ceived use value of information is strongly influenced by
information satisfaction. Accessibility is one of the most
Table 4. Rotated factor matrix.
Item Rotated factor matrixa
1 0.789
2 0.790
3 0.785
4 0.801
5 0.721
6 0.805
7 0.727
8 0.760
9 0.404 0.863
Figure 1. The scree plot graph shows the formation of the
three constructs/factors in the instrument.
Table 5. Cronbach’s alpha.
Cronbach’s alpha No of items
0.861 9
Table 6. Scale for measuring the quality of information from the Information Supply Chain of NIDDM.
No Construct Item themes Item definition
1. Accessibility Ease of access 1. Doctors are able to easily obtain the information needed for the care of NIDDM
patients with current medical record documents.
Continuity of access 2. The current medical documentation process supports doctors to continuously
write data on the progress of NIDDM patients.
Fast access 3. Doctors can quickly understand the information presented in medical record
documents, which are further needed to provide more reliable information during
patient care.
2. Safety Confidentiality of
medical data and
1. Doctors feel protected by using the medical record documents presented in
the management of NIDDM patients, because they have met the legality and
confidentiality aspects.
Reliability 2. Doctors can rely on continuous information on existing medical record documents
to prevent medical errors or medication errors for joint management of NIDDM
Early warning 3. Existing medical record documents have functioned as an early warning for doctors
in the management of NIDDM patients, regarding the opportunities for hypo/
hyperglycemia, allergies, risk of falls, infectious diseases, the impact of a pandemic,
7 Efficiency Costs of drugs 1. The current medical record document has met the quality and cost control aspects,
especially the integrated program related to the number and types of drugs in the
management of NIDDM patients at primary healthcare.
Costs of
complications and
2. Costs due to complications, emergency events, and referrals to NIDDM patients
can be controlled/reduced with the support of current medical documentation.
Costs of care 3. The current medical documentation process supports efforts to save time and
doctors as the coordinator of care related to the management of NIDDM patients.
NIDDM: Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
Karimah et al. 5
important items of a quality system. Accessibility is
described as the ease of accessing or extracting informa-
tion from the system.26,27 As stated by Eppler in 2006,
accessibility is defined as a continuous and unobstructed
way to obtain information.26,28 Referring to the combined
definition of Eppler in 2006 and Wixom and Todd in 2005,
accessibility can be perceived as information that must be
accessed continuously without many obstacles, which
means that it can be related to fast access criteria. Supply
chain management provides a significant impact on better
access to health services.29,30 This is certainly very useful
in supporting the performance of doctors in NIDDM
chronic disease services, where patients with NIDDM
need access to health services for the management of their
disease throughout their life.
Factor 2 is a safety construct consisting of three theme
items, namely confidentiality of medical data and legality,
reliability and early warning. The safety factor was chosen
in this research, because it was found to be correlated with
the quality of information from information systems on
health services, specifically on the management of chronic
diseases that require continuous data.31,32 Management of
chronic diseases with high costs and prone to emergency
complications, such as NIDDM, requires continuous med-
ical data support to assist doctors in performing quality
services. Previous research had suggested that supply
chain management provided significant benefits for
improving patient safety.17,30,33 Confidentiality of medical
data and legality play an important role in ensuring the
safety of doctors in carrying out their performance as coor-
dinators of health services.34,35 Researchers see this oppor-
tunity, especially in the chronic disease prevention program
at the primary healthcare. The program runs in collabora-
tion between health workers from the main health center to
a network in the form of Integrated Health Post for Non-
Communicable Diseases (POSBINDU-PTM) with a fam-
ily approach to increase the reach of community targets.
Documentation is a method of communication with mem-
bers of the care team, using medical records as an effective
method to support communication, collaboration, and
coordination of care.35,36
Factor 3 is an efficiency construct consisting of three
theme items, namely costs of drug, care, and complications
and emergencies. Research conducted by Joep Top in 2015
found a correlation between cost and increased informa-
tion.26 In this research, authors intended to identify the effi-
ciency construct based on health services, especially in the
management of NIDDM chronic disease, namely drug
costs, and complications and emergencies costs, as well as
costs of care, which include the time and energy that must
be spent by doctors in providing health services. Supply
chain management had an important impact on reducing
costs and improving performance in healthcare organiza-
tions.15,17,30 The authors found that the chronic disease man-
agement program at the primary healthcare does not only
involve doctors as care coordinators, but also other health
workers both at the primary healthcare and their network
service units. The supply chain management is realizing its
goals and collaborating among supply chain suppliers to
achieve system efficiency. Supply chain coordination and
cooperation are operating with connections throughout the
chain with materials and information flowing smoothly
throughout supply chain operations in achieving
The results of the study indicate that the compiled scale
has acceptable validity and reliability. Each item on the
scale can be explained according to its respective group of
variables. The results of the research showed that the com-
piled scale had acceptable validity and reliability. Each
item on the scale could explain the variables according to
their respective groups.
This study has practical implications for providing
guidelines for stakeholders to evaluate the quality of infor-
mation from the supply chain model in the NIDDM chronic
disease. The information supply chain model can help to
improve the performance of doctors as a care coordinator
in primary healthcare. This study has several limitations
since it is only focused on primary healthcare, and the
results may not be suitable for implementation in larger
hospitals with complex business processes.
The authors are grateful to Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan
(LPDP) Indonesia for the provision of assistance to conduct this
Declaration of conflicting interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article:
This work was supported by Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan
(LPDP) Indonesia.
Rinda Nurul Karimah
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Full-text available
Background: The Integrated Health Record System, locally known as the “SIB,” is the most used information system for recording public health services provided to the Iranian population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the success rate of the SIB using the Clinical Information System Success Model (CISSM). Methods: This is a psychometric and evaluation study. The CISSM has a 26-item instrument that assesses 7 constructs in 3 following stages: (1) the socio-technical stage (facilitating conditions, social influence, information quality, and system performance(; (2) the integrated stage (system use dependency and user satisfaction); and (3) success outcome stage (net benefit). A Persian version of the CISSM instrument was validated and applied in this study. Based on this instrument, the reliability and the validity of the CISSM were assessed. The SIB success rate was evaluated using a validated CISSM. The study participants were 758 SIB users from different disciplines and different levels. Results: Assessment of content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability showed acceptable psychometric properties of the CISSM instrument. The results demonstrated that the SIB success rate was in the moderate range (59.6%). Facilitating conditions and information quality were strong predictors of use dependency and user satisfaction, while both of these 2 constructs significantly influenced net benefit. Conclusion: The SIB success was in the moderate range, and it needs to be enhanced. Therefore, Iranian healthcare policymakers should consider working on the most important factors influencing SIB success (facilitating conditions, information quality, use dependency, and user satisfaction) to improve SIB success.
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease with high-cost treatment. This study aimed to analyze the cost-effectiveness of T2DM treatment in hospitalized patients with complications of kidney and peripheral vascular disease (PVD) in Indonesia by focusing on patients of Health Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). An observational study was applied by collecting data retrospectively from patients’ medical record at the biggest public hospital in West Java Province, Indonesia. Two perspectives of payer and healthcare provider were applied to estimate the treatment cost. We considered following inclusion criteria: (i) Hospitalized T2DM patients without complication, with complications of kidney and PVD during 2014–2017; (ii) member of BPJS Kesehatan; (iii) >18 years old patients; and (iv) patients with complete medical record data. The results showed that the majority patients were female (56.72%), 45–64 years old (69.40%), and had a length of stay at 4–10 days (54.48%). The greatest contributions in the total treatment cost were found to be hospital room, medical services and medicines for the treatment of T2DM without complications, with complications of kidney and PVD, respectively. From the perspective of payer, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of T2DM treatment with complications of kidney and PVD would be IDR 215,723 and IDR 234,591 per 1 mg/dL blood glucose reduction, respectively. From the perspective of healthcare provider, the ICERs of T2DM treatment with complications of kidney and PVD would be IDR 166,289 and IDR 681,853 per 1 mg/dL blood glucose reduction in both perspectives (1 US$ = IDR 13,451). In a comparison with T2DM without complication, reducing 1 mg/dL blood glucose in T2DM treatment with complication of PVD would require higher cost than in T2DM treatment with complication of kidney from both perspectives.
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Background Type 2 diabetes represents an increasingly critical challenge for health policy worldwide. It absorbs massive resources from both patients and national economies to sustain direct costs of the treatment of type 2 diabetes and its complications and indirect costs related to work loss and wages. More recently, there are innovations based on remote control and personalised programs that promise a more cost-effective diabetes management while reducing diabetes-related complications. In such a context, this work attempts to update cost analysis reviews on type 2 diabetes, focusing on France and Germany, in order to explore most significant cost drivers and cost-saving opportunities through innovations in diabetes care. Although both countries approach care delivery differently, France and Germany represent the primary European markets for diabetes technologies. Methods A systematic review of the literature listed in MEDLINE, Embase and EconLit has been carried out. It covered interventional, observational and modelling studies on expenditures for type 2 diabetes management in France or Germany published since 2012. Included articles were analysed for annual direct, associated and indirect costs of type 2 diabetes patients. An appraisal of study quality was performed. Results were summarised narratively. Results From 1260 records, the final sample was composed of 24 papers selected according to predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria. Both France and Germany revealed a predominant focus on direct costs. Comparability was limited due to different study populations and cost categories used. Indirect costs were only available in Germany. According to prior literature, reported cost drivers are hospitalisation, prescriptions, higher HbA1c and BMI, treatment with insulin and complications, all indicators of disease severity. The diversity of available data and included costs limits the results and may explain the differences found. Conclusions Complication prevention and glycaemic control are widely recognized as the most effective ways to control diabetes treatment costs. The value propositions of self-based supports, such as hybrid closed-loop metabolic systems, already implemented in type 1 diabetes management, are the key points for further debates and policymaking, which should involve the perspectives of caregivers, patients and payers.
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Universal health coverage (UHC) depends on a strong primary health-care system. To be successful, primary health care must be expanded at community and household levels as much of the world's population still lacks access to health facilities for basic services. Abundant evidence shows that community-based interventions are effective for improving health-care utilization and outcomes when integrated with facility-based services. Community involvement is the cornerstone of local, equitable and integrated primary health care. Policies and actions to improve primary health care must regard community members as more than passive recipients of health care. Instead, they should be leaders with a substantive role in planning, decision-making, implementation and evaluation. Advancing the science of primary health care requires improved conceptual and analytical frameworks and research questions. Metrics used for evaluating primary health care and UHC largely focus on clinical health outcomes and the inputs and activities for achieving them. Little attention is paid to indicators of equitable coverage or measures of overall well-being, ownership, control or priority-setting, or to the extent to which communities have agency. In the future, communities must become more involved in evaluating the success of efforts to expand primary health care. Much of primary health care has taken place, and will continue to take place, outside health facilities. Involving community members in decisions about health priorities and in community-based service delivery is key to improving systems that promote access to care. Neither UHC nor the Health for All movement will be achieved without the substantial contribution of communities.
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Primary health care offers a cost-effective route to achieving universal health coverage (UHC). However, primary health-care systems are weak in many low- and middle-income countries and often fail to provide comprehensive, people-centred, integrated care. We analysed the primary health-care systems in 20 low- and middle-income countries using a semi-grounded approach. Options for strengthening primary health-care systems were identified by thematic content analysis. We found that: (i) despite the growing burden of noncommunicable disease, many low- and middle-income countries lacked funds for preventive services; (ii) community health workers were often under-resourced, poorly supported and lacked training; (iii) out-of-pocket expenditure exceeded 40% of total health expenditure in half the countries studied, which affected equity; and (iv) health insurance schemes were hampered by the fragmentation of public and private systems, underfunding, corruption and poor engagement of informal workers. In 14 countries, the private sector was largely unregulated. Moreover, community engagement in primary health care was weak in countries where services were largely privatized. In some countries, decentralization led to the fragmentation of primary health care. Performance improved when financial incentives were linked to regulation and quality improvement, and community involvement was strong. Policy-making should be supported by adequate resources for primary health-care implementation and government spending on primary health care should be increased by at least 1% of gross domestic product. Devising equity-enhancing financing schemes and improving the accountability of primary health-care management is also needed. Support from primary health-care systems is critical for progress towards UHC in the decade to 2030.
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Abstract Aim To estimate the direct medical cost of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its complications in Vietnam. Methods Using the public payer perspective, the direct medical cost was estimated using routine data in the national claims database in Vietnam in 2017. People were identified as being diagnosed with T2DM if they were aged ≥30 years and who either (1) had at least one ICD 10 code E11 or (2) had been prescribed with oral antihyperglycemic medication on two separate visit records. The Diabetes Severity Complications Index was used to assess the presence of diabetes-related complications. All costs were standardized to 2017 United States dollars (USD). Results Of the 1,395,204 million people identified with T2DM, 55% had diabetes-related complications. The most common complication was cardiovascular diseases (34%). The total direct medical cost was USD 435 million, of which 24% was spent on hospitalization, 20% on outpatient care, 7% on emergency care, 36% on non-diabetes-related medication, and 13% on antihyperglycemic medication. About 40% of the total direct medical costs were attributed to diabetes-related complications. Conclusion The high proportion of hospitalization and complications costs in Vietnam suggests that the possibility exists to make economic savings through better preventative care.
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a widely used statistical method in traffic and transportation research, particularly for the development and validation of measurement instruments. This article critically examines current practices in conducting and reporting EFA in published transportation studies. One hundred and eighty papers published between 2016 and 2018 were examined, of which eighty-two were included in the present study after applying eligibility criteria. The review suggests that the quality of EFA reported in the field is routinely poor: (a) researchers fail to provide sufficient information to be able to adequately assess the appropriateness and quality of both the input data and the reported output; and (b) the decisions underlying the choices of EFA methods are not justified and rely mostly on procedures advised against, particularly the Little-Jiffy approach. In summary, a significant gap between current practice and experts' recommendations exists. We provide some guidelines that may help in conducting, reporting and reviewing EFA in transportation research.
The healthcare supply chain lags far behind supply chains in other industries in terms of performance and the deployment of best practices. Managers could bridge this gap and improve the performance of the healthcare supply chain by implementing digitalization initiatives. However, the erratic, disconnected digitalization of practices already deployed in the healthcare sector makes it difficult to maximize the potential of these initiatives. In order to generate the greatest benefits from digitalization while improving healthcare delivery, this article sets out a roadmap for implementing technologies. Unlike previous studies that focused on the entire supply chain or had been limited to patient flow, this study adopts the perspective of the hospital as a central launching point for digitalization initiatives. The roadmap, which involves both internal and external digitali-zation trajectories, is based on a research methodology that combines observations with an umbrella review of literature. This methodology enables us to capture the research challenges associated with the healthcare supply chain and show how digitalization initiatives can address them. The digitalization proposals put forward are structured in terms of priority and centered on hospitals. These proposals can help managers make improvements to the supply chain and also clinical flows.
Introduction The Diabetes Prevention Program, an intensive lifestyle change program, effectively reduces the risk of progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes but is underutilized. An implementation study using formative research was undertaken to increase Diabetes Prevention Program referrals at a primary care clinic. Study design A pragmatic, cluster randomized, mixed-methods study. Setting/particpants Clusters were teams of primary care clinicians from 2 primary care clinics. The 3 intervention clusters had 8–11 clinicians, and the 3 control clusters had 7–20 clinicians. Intervention Implementation activities occurred from December 2017 to February 2019. The activities included targeted clinician education, a prediabetes clinician champion, and a custom electronic health record report identifying patients with prediabetes. Main outcome measures The primary outcome was referral of patients with prediabetes to the institutional Diabetes Prevention Program. Study data, including patient demographic and clinical variables, came from electronic health record. Interviews with clinicians evaluated the implementation strategies. Generalized estimating equation analyses that accounted for multiple levels of correlation and interview content analysis occurred in 2019. Results Study clinicians cared for 2,992 patients with a prediabetes diagnosis or HbA1c indicative of prediabetes (5.7%–6.4%). Clinicians in the intervention clusters referred 6.9% (87 of 1,262) of patients with prediabetes to the Diabetes Prevention Program and those in the control clusters referred 1.5% (26 of 1,730). When adjusted for patient age, sex, race, HbA1c value, HbA1c test location, and insurance type, intervention clinicians had 3.85 (95% CI=0.40, 36.78) greater odds of referring a patient with prediabetes to the Diabetes Prevention Program. The 11 interviewed intervention clinicians had mixed opinions about the utility of the interventions, reporting the prediabetes clinic champion (n=7, 64%) and educational presentations (n=6, 55%) as most helpful. Conclusions Intervention clinicians were more likely to make Diabetes Prevention Program referrals; however, the study lacked power to achieve statistical significance. Clinician interviews suggested that intervention components that triggered Diabetes Prevention Program referrals varied among clinicians.