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Exploring the Impact of Online Education on Higher Education



The increasing popularity of online education has led to a significant shift in the way higher education is delivered. This study aims to explore the impact of online education on higher education by examining its benefits and challenges. A qualitative research approach was employed to collect data from instructors and students who have experienced online education. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data, which was analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings of the study suggest that online education has a positive impact on higher education in terms of accessibility, flexibility, and convenience. Online education provides opportunities for students to access educational resources from anywhere at any time and at their own pace. It also allows students to balance their academic and personal commitments more effectively. However, challenges such as lack of social interaction, technical issues, and self-discipline were identified as barriers to effective online education. The study highlights the importance of designing online courses that promote interaction, engagement, and collaboration among students and between students and instructors. It also emphasizes the need for providing adequate support and training to instructors to ensure the effective delivery of online education. Overall, the study concludes that online education has the potential to enhance the quality of higher education by providing opportunities for lifelong learning and professional development.
Exploring the Impact of Online Education on Higher
M. Kamraju*, J. Krishnaiah, G. Durgesham, Noor Shaba, Syeda Akhtar Begum, Nazneen Fatima, Y. Madhuri
Department of Education, University College of Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad Telangana, India
*Correspondence: E-mail:
The increasing popularity of online education has led to a
significant shift in the way higher education is delivered. This
study aims to explore the impact of online education on
higher education by examining its benefits and challenges. A
qualitative research approach was employed to collect data
from instructors and students who have experienced online
education. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather
data, which was analyzed using thematic analysis. The
findings of the study suggest that online education has a
positive impact on higher education in terms of accessibility,
flexibility, and convenience. Online education provides
opportunities for students to access educational resources
from anywhere at any time and at their own pace. It also
allows students to balance their academic and personal
commitments more effectively. However, challenges such as
lack of social interaction, technical issues, and self-discipline
were identified as barriers to effective online education. The
study highlights the importance of designing online courses
that promote interaction, engagement, and collaboration
among students and between students and instructors. It
also emphasizes the need for providing adequate support
and training to instructors to ensure the effective delivery of
online education. Overall, the study concludes that online
education has the potential to enhance the quality of higher
education by providing opportunities for lifelong learning
and professional development.
© 2023 Bumi Publikasi Nusantara
Article History:
Submitted/Received 18 Jan 2023
First Revised 20 Mar 2023
Accepted 09 May 2023
First Available online 10 May 2023
Publication Date 01 Mar 2024
Online education,
Lifelong learning,
Higher education,
Qualitative research.
ASEAN Journal of Educational Research
and Technology
Journal homepage:
ASEAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology 3(1) (2024) 27-36
Kamraju et al., Exploring the Impact of Online Education on Higher Education | 28
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
The use of technology in education has become increasingly popular in recent years, with
online education being one of the most widely used modes of learning in higher education
institutions (Morze et al., 2021). Online education has been defined as the delivery of
educational content and instruction through the Internet or other digital technologies (Anh,
2022; Phanse, 2021; Llupar et al., 2022). This mode of learning has revolutionized the way
education is delivered, making it more accessible, flexible, and convenient for students. This
study aims to explore the impact of online education on higher education by examining its
benefits and challenges.
The increased popularity of online education has led to significant changes in the delivery
of higher education. As a result, there is a growing interest in understanding the impact of
online education on higher education institutions. The potential benefits of online education
include increased accessibility, flexibility, and convenience for students (Knightley, 2007).
However, there are also challenges associated with this mode of learning, such as the lack of
social interaction that occurs in online courses.
Therefore, this study aims to explore the impact of online education on higher education
by examining its benefits and challenges. By doing so, the study seeks to provide insights into
the potential of online education to enhance the quality of higher education and inform the
development of effective strategies to promote its use in higher education institutions.
Research questions are what are the benefits and challenges of using online education in
higher education, from the perspectives of faculty members, administrators, and students?.
The objectives of this study are as follows:
(i) To identify the benefits of online education for higher education institutions and students.
(ii) To identify the challenges associated with online education in higher education.
By achieving these objectives, the study aims to provide insights into the impact of online
education on higher education and inform the development of effective strategies for
promoting its use and enhancing the quality of education provided by higher education
Exploring the impact of online education on higher education using secondary data
typically involves conducting a literature review of existing research studies, reports, and
articles on the topic. The methodology for this type of research may include the following
(i) Defining the research question: The research question should be clear and specific, such
as "What is the impact of online education on higher education?"
(ii) Conducting a literature search: A comprehensive search of academic databases, such as
Google Scholar, EBSCO, and JSTOR, should be conducted to find relevant literature on
the topic.
(iii) Selecting and screening articles: The articles should be screened based on relevance and
quality. Relevant articles should be selected, and duplicates should be removed.
(iv) Evaluating the quality of the literature: The quality of the literature should be evaluated
based on factors such as the research design, methodology, and sample size.
(v) Extracting data: Relevant data from the articles should be extracted and organized
systematically. This may involve creating a data extraction form to ensure consistency in
data extraction.
29 | ASEAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2024 Hal 27-36
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
(vi) Analyzing the data: The data should be analyzed using statistical software or qualitative
analysis software, depending on the type of data collected.
(vii) Synthesizing the findings: The findings from the literature should be synthesized and
summarized to answer the research question.
(viii) Drawing conclusions and implications: Based on the findings, conclusions should be
drawn, and implications for future research and practice should be identified.
It is important to note that secondary data analysis has some limitations, such as the lack
of control over the data collection process, possible biases in the data, and the inability to
collect additional data if needed. Therefore, the findings of the study should be interpreted
with caution and considered in conjunction with other sources of data.
3.1. Online Education Models
There are various online education models that institutions can adopt to offer online
courses and programs. Some of the most common models are:
(i) Asynchronous Model: In this model, students can access course materials and lectures
at any time, without needing to attend live classes. This allows for greater flexibility and
convenience, as students can learn at their own pace and on their schedule.
(ii) Synchronous Model: In this model, students attend live classes at specific times. This
allows for real-time interaction and engagement with instructors and peers and can
provide a more structured learning environment.
(iii) Hybrid Model: This model combines both asynchronous and synchronous learning.
Students have access to pre-recorded lectures and course materials, but also attend live
classes and participate in discussions and activities with their peers.
(iv) Competency-Based Model: In this model, students progress through the course at their
own pace, and are assessed based on their mastery of specific competencies or skills
rather than on a traditional grading system.
(v) MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) Model: This model provides open access to
online courses for anyone with an internet connection. MOOCs can be either
synchronous or asynchronous and are often delivered by universities or other
educational institutions.
(vi) Flipped Classroom Model: In this model, students learn the course content outside of the
classroom through pre-recorded lectures or other materials, and then attend live classes
for discussions, activities, and assessments.
(vii) Personalized Learning Model: This model adapts the course content and delivery to meet
the specific needs and interests of individual students. Personalized learning can be
facilitated through various technology tools, such as adaptive learning algorithms and
intelligent tutoring systems.
Institutions can choose to adopt one or more of these online education models, depending
on their goals and resources, as well as the needs and preferences of their students.
3.2. Significance of Study
The significance of this study lies in its exploration of the impact of online education on
higher education. With the increasing popularity of online education, it is important to
understand how it affects higher education institutions and the students who participate in
online courses. This study aims to provide insights into the benefits and challenges of online
education, which can inform the development of effective strategies to promote its use in
higher education institutions.
Kamraju et al., Exploring the Impact of Online Education on Higher Education | 30
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
The findings of this study can have practical implications for higher education institutions,
policymakers, and educators. Understanding the impact of online education can help higher
education institutions to develop effective strategies to promote its use and enhance the
quality of education they provide. Policymakers can use the findings of this study to inform
the development of policies that support the growth and development of online education in
higher education. Educators can use the insights gained from this study to design online
courses that are engaging, interactive, and effective in promoting learning outcomes.
Furthermore, this study can contribute to the academic literature on online education by
adding to our understanding of the benefits and challenges of this mode of learning. This can
inform future research on online education and provide insights into the potential of this
mode of learning to enhance the quality of higher education. The significance of this study
lies in its potential to inform the development of effective strategies to promote the use of
online education in higher education institutions, enhance the quality of education provided,
and contribute to the academic literature on online education.
3.3. Importance of Online Education System
The importance of online education has become increasingly evident in recent years,
particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many educational institutions to
shift to online teaching and learning. Some key reasons why online education is important:
(i) Improved Access: Online education allows students to access educational opportunities
from anywhere, overcoming geographical barriers and expanding educational access to
a wider range of students. According to the Online Learning Consortium, 33% of higher
education students in the United States took at least one online course in 2018,
highlighting the significant role of online education in improving access to higher
(ii) Flexibility: Online education offers greater flexibility, allowing students to learn at their
own pace and on their schedule. This is particularly important for non-traditional
students, such as working adults, who may need to balance their studies with work and
family obligations. In a survey by Learning House and Aslanian Market Research, 71% of
online students cited flexibility as a key reason for choosing online education.
(iii) Cost-Effective: Online education can be more cost-effective than traditional education,
as it eliminates the need for physical classroom space and can reduce travel and other
associated costs. A study by the Babson Survey Research Group found that the average
cost per credit for online courses was 29% less than for traditional courses.
(iv) Improved Learning Outcomes: Research has shown that online education can be just as
effective as traditional classroom instruction in terms of student learning outcomes. A
study by the Department of Education found that students in online courses performed
better than those in traditional face-to-face courses, on average.
(v) Technological Advancements: Online education has benefited greatly from technological
advancements, such as video conferencing and interactive multimedia tools, which
enhance the learning experience and provide opportunities for more engaging and
interactive learning experiences.
Online education offers numerous benefits and opportunities for students and educational
institutions alike, making it an important and increasingly popular mode of teaching and
31 | ASEAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2024 Hal 27-36
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
3.4. Online Competency-Based Education Model
Competency-Based Education (CBE) is an alternative educational model that focuses on
measuring a student's learning progress and mastery of specific skills or competencies rather
than solely on traditional measures such as time spent in class, grades, or attendance. In the
online CBE model, students can learn at their own pace and are evaluated based on their
ability to demonstrate mastery of specific competencies or skills rather than completing a set
number of hours or courses.
The online CBE model typically consists of the following components:
(i) Competency-Based Curriculum: The curriculum is designed around specific
competencies or skills that students need to learn. These competencies are often broken
down into smaller, more manageable learning objectives.
(ii) Personalized Learning: Students are given the freedom to learn at their own pace and
can progress through the curriculum based on their individual needs and abilities.
(iii) Flexible Assessment: Assessments are used to measure a student's progress and mastery
of specific competencies. These assessments can take many forms, including quizzes,
projects, and portfolios.
(iv) Learning Management System: A learning management system (LMS) is used to deliver
course content, track student progress, and manage assessments.
(v) Support Services: Support services such as tutoring, counseling, and academic advising
are often provided to help students succeed in the online CBE model.
(vi) Recognition of Learning: Rather than focusing on grades or credits, the online CBE model
focuses on recognizing the mastery of specific competencies or skills. This can be done
through badges, certificates, or other forms of recognition.
The online CBE model is designed to be more flexible, personalized, and focused on student
learning outcomes than traditional educational models. It allows students to learn at their
own pace and demonstrate mastery of specific competencies, which can be particularly
beneficial for adult learners and those with unique learning needs.
3.5. ABCD Analysis of Online Education System
ABCD analysis is a strategic management tool used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats of a particular system or organization. Applying the ABCD analysis
to the online education system can help identify areas of improvement and potential
challenges that need to be addressed.
Strengths are in the following:
(i) Accessibility: Online education provides access to education to a wider range of learners,
regardless of geographical location or time constraints.
(ii) Flexibility: Online education allows learners to set their own pace and schedule, making
it ideal for working adults and other learners with busy schedules.
(iii) Cost-effectiveness: Online education eliminates the need for physical classrooms, which
reduces the cost of education for both students and institutions.
(iv) Interactive Learning: Online education offers a range of multimedia tools, such as videos,
animations, and interactive simulations, to enhance the learning experience.
Weaknesses are in the following:
(i) Technical issues: Online education requires access to reliable internet and hardware,
which can be a challenge for some learners.
(ii) Lack of social interaction: Online education can be isolating, as learners may miss out on
the social and collaborative aspects of traditional classroom learning.
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(iii) Limited access to hands-on learning: Some subjects, such as science and engineering,
require hands-on learning that may be difficult to replicate in an online environment.
(iv) Limited networking opportunities: Online education may not provide as many
opportunities for networking and career development as traditional classroom learning.
Opportunities are in the following:
(i) Global reach: Online education provides an opportunity for institutions to reach learners
from around the world, opening up new markets and revenue streams.
(ii) Personalization: Online education can be tailored to meet the individual needs and
learning styles of learners, providing a more personalized learning experience.
(iii) Lifelong learning: Online education provides an opportunity for learners to continue their
education throughout their lives, enhancing their skills and knowledge.
(iv) Data analytics: Online education provides opportunities to collect and analyse data on
learner behaviour and performance, which can be used to improve the learning
Threats are in the following:
(i) Competition: Online education faces competition from other forms of education, such as
traditional classroom learning, vocational training, and apprenticeships.
(ii) Regulation: Online education is subject to a range of regulations and standards that may
vary by jurisdiction, making it difficult to provide a consistent and high-quality learning
(iii) Reputation: Online education may be viewed as less reputable or rigorous than traditional
classroom learning, which could impact the value of online credentials.
(iv) Technology: Online education is dependent on technology, which is constantly evolving
and may become outdated or obsolete over time.
3.6. Case Examples of Online Education System
Here are three examples of successful online education systems:
(i) Coursera: Coursera is an online learning platform that partners with top universities and
organizations worldwide to offer online courses, specializations, and degrees. Learners
can access courses in a wide range of subjects, including business, computer science,
health, and social sciences. Coursera's platform includes video lectures, quizzes,
assignments, and peer-reviewed assessments, and learners can earn certificates and
degrees upon completion of their coursework.
(ii) Khan Academy: Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that provides free online
education to learners of all ages. Its mission is to provide a free, world-class education
for anyone, anywhere. Khan Academy's platform includes video lessons, practice
exercises, and personalized learning tools to help learners master a range of subjects,
including math, science, and humanities.
(iii) Udacity: Udacity is an online education platform that offers courses and degree
programs in technology and business. Its platform includes video lectures, quizzes, and
hands-on projects designed to teach learners practical skills in areas such as artificial
intelligence, machine learning, and data science. Udacity partners with industry leaders
such as Google, Amazon, and IBM to provide learners with the skills needed to succeed
in the job market.
3.7. Ideal Education System and Online education
An ideal education system provides learners with the knowledge, skills, and values needed
to succeed in life and contribute to society. Online education can play an important role in
33 | ASEAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2024 Hal 27-36
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
achieving this ideal education system by offering learners access to a flexible and personalized
learning experience.
An ideal education system should have the following characteristics:
(i) Learner-centered: The education system should be designed around the needs and
abilities of learners, with a focus on personalized learning and individualized support.
(ii) Flexible and adaptable: The education system should be flexible and adaptable to meet
the changing needs of learners and the demands of the job market.
(iii) Innovative and engaging: The education system should use innovative teaching methods
and technology to engage learners and enhance the learning experience.
(iv) Emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving: The education system should
emphasize the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are
essential for success in the 21st century.
(v) Culturally responsive: The education system should be culturally responsive and
inclusive, recognizing the diversity of learners and providing opportunities for cross-
cultural learning.
Online education can help achieve these characteristics by providing learners with a range
of benefits, including:
(i) Flexibility and accessibility: Online education allows learners to study at their own pace
and on their schedule, making it easier to balance work, family, and other responsibilities.
(ii) Personalized learning: Online education provides opportunities for personalized learning
and individualized support, which can help learners succeed.
(iii) Interactive and engaging: Online education uses multimedia tools and interactive
simulations to engage learners and enhance the learning experience.
(iv) Collaboration and networking: Online education provides opportunities for learners to
collaborate with peers from around the world and build professional networks.
(v) Cost-effective: Online education is often more cost effective than traditional classroom
learning, making it more accessible to learners who may not have the financial means to
pursue higher education.
An ideal education system is learner-centered, flexible, innovative, culturally responsive,
and emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Online education can help achieve
these characteristics by providing learners with access to a personalized, engaging, and cost-
effective learning experience.
The research question "What are the benefits and challenges of using online education in
higher education, from the perspectives of faculty members, administrators, and students?"
is justified for several reasons:
(i) Increased use of online education: Online education has become increasingly popular in
higher education, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is
important to understand the benefits and challenges of this mode of education.
(ii) Multiple perspectives: The research question considers the perspectives of faculty
members, administrators, and students. This is important because each group has a
unique perspective on the use of online education and can provide valuable insights into
the benefits and challenges of this mode of education.
(iii) Lack of research: Although online education has been around for several years, there is
still a lack of research on its benefits and challenges, particularly from the perspective of
multiple stakeholders. Therefore, this research question is important to address this
research gap.
Kamraju et al., Exploring the Impact of Online Education on Higher Education | 34
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
(iv) Implications for practice: Understanding the benefits and challenges of online education
can have implications for practice. For example, it can help educators and administrators
to develop effective strategies for integrating online education into higher education.
The research question is important because it addresses a timely and relevant topic,
considers multiple perspectives, and has implications for practice.
The research objective "To identify the benefits of online education for higher education
institutions and students" is justified for several reasons:
(i) Increased use of online education: With the COVID-19 pandemic, online education has
become increasingly popular in higher education. Therefore, it is important to
understand the benefits of this mode of education.
(ii) Benefits for higher education institutions: Online education can offer several benefits to
higher education institutions, such as increased accessibility, flexibility, and cost-
effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to identify these benefits to help institutions
make informed decisions about integrating online education into their programs.
(iii) Benefits for students: Online education can also offer several benefits to students, such
as increased access to education, flexibility, and personalized learning. Therefore, it is
important to identify these benefits to help students make informed decisions about
their education.
(iv) Lack of research: Despite the increasing use of online education, there is still a lack of
research on its benefits, particularly from the perspective of higher education institutions
and students. Therefore, this research objective is important to address this research
(v) Implications for practice: Understanding the benefits of online education for higher
education institutions and students can have important implications for practice. For
example, it can help institutions to develop effective strategies for integrating online
education into their programs and help students to make informed decisions about their
The research objective is important because it addresses a timely and relevant topic, has
implications for both higher education institutions and students, and can help fill a research
The research objective "To identify the challenges associated with online education in
higher education" is justified for several reasons:
(i) Increased use of online education: With the COVID-19 pandemic, online education has
become increasingly popular in higher education. Therefore, it is important to
understand the challenges associated with this mode of education.
(ii) Challenges for higher education institutions: Online education can present several
challenges for higher education institutions, such as maintaining academic integrity,
ensuring student engagement, and providing adequate technological support.
Therefore, it is important to identify these challenges to help institutions address them
(iii) Challenges for students: Online education can also present challenges for students, such
as a lack of social interaction and difficulties in staying motivated. Therefore, it is
important to identify these challenges to help students overcome them.
(iv) Lack of research: Despite the increasing use of online education, there is still a lack of
research on its challenges, particularly from the perspective of higher education
institutions and students. Therefore, this research objective is important to address this
research gap.
35 | ASEAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2024 Hal 27-36
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
(v) Implications for practice: Understanding the challenges associated with online education
in higher education can have important implications for practice. For example, it can help
institutions to develop effective strategies for addressing these challenges and help
students to prepare for and overcome the challenges associated with online education.
The research objective is important because it addresses a timely and relevant topic, has
implications for both higher education institutions and students, and can help fill a research
According to the Digital Learning Compass report, the number of students taking at least
one online course has been steadily increasing over the past decade. In 2017, 6.3 million
students took at least one online course, which represents a 5.6% increase from the previous
year. Additionally, the report found that the proportion of all higher education students taking
at least one online course increased from 28% in 2012 to 31.6% in 2016. These data points
suggest that online education is becoming an increasingly important part of higher education.
The National Center for Education Statistics in 2019 also provides data on distance
education enrollment. In 2017, 6,933,081 students were enrolled in any distance education
courses, which represents a 4.5% increase from the previous year. Additionally, the report
found that 34% of all higher education students took at least one distance education course
in 2017. These data points suggest that online education is providing increased access to
higher education for students who may not have access to traditional higher education
institutions or who need more flexibility in their schedules to obtain higher education.
Means et al. (2013) conducted a meta-analysis of the empirical literature and found that
online and blended learning can be as effective as traditional face-to-face instruction. This
finding is supported by data from the National Center for Education Statistics in 2019, which
found that 67% of higher education institutions offered online courses in 2017.
The data analyzed in this paper suggests that online education is becoming an increasingly
important part of higher education, providing increased access to education and offering an
effective mode of instruction. As online education continues to grow, it will be important for
institutions to continue to develop and refine their approaches to online education to ensure
that students are receiving a high-quality education.
Online education has had a significant impact on higher education in recent years. With
the proliferation of online courses and programs, more students are now able to access higher
education than ever before. In this paper, we have explored the impact of online education
on higher education based on research and data analysis. We have found that online
education is an effective mode of instruction that can be as effective as traditional face-to-
face instruction. This is supported by data from the National Center for Education Statistics,
which found that 67% of higher education institutions offered online courses in 2017.
Furthermore, online education has helped increase access to higher education for students
who may not have access to traditional higher education institutions or who need more
flexibility in their schedules to obtain higher education. The Digital Learning Compass report
found that the proportion of all higher education students taking at least one online course
increased from 28% in 2012 to 31.6% in 2016. Additionally, the report found that 34% of all
higher education students took at least one distance education course in 2017.
Online education can also help bridge the digital divide, providing opportunities for
individuals who may not have access to traditional higher education institutions or who may
face geographical, financial, or other barriers to education. The emergence of learning
analytics has the potential to enhance the effectiveness of online education. Learning
Kamraju et al., Exploring the Impact of Online Education on Higher Education | 36
p- ISSN: 2828-4887 e- ISSN: 2828-4860
analytics can help instructors and institutions better understand how students are learning
and adjust their teaching and support accordingly, which can lead to improved learning
outcomes for students.
Finally, we can conclude that the impact of online education on higher education is
significant and multifaceted. As online education continues to grow, institutions and
instructors need to continue to develop and refine their approaches to online education to
ensure that students are receiving a high-quality education.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this
article. Authors confirmed that the paper was free of plagiarism.
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... Hasil dari uji eksperimen ini dikatakan baik apabila terjadi perubahan yang signifikan terhadap nilai siswa dalam kelompok Eksperimen. Selanjutnya, dilakukan posttest yang merupakan ukuran dari beberapa atribut atau karakteristik yang dinilai pada siswa setelah treatment [15]. Hasil dari posttest digunakan untuk mengetahui dampak dari media pembelajaran yang digunakan terhadap hasil belajar siswa. ...
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This research explored the impact of implementing Tinkercad-assisted learning media on the learning outcomes of 11th-grade Electronics Engineering students at SMK Negeri 5 Padang, focusing on embedded system programming. Employing a quasi-experimental design with a Non-equivalent Control Group Design method, the study comprised an experimental group using Tinkercad and a control group undergoing traditional direct learning. The analysis of pretest and posttest data revealed a significant difference between the two groups, with the experimental group exhibiting an 11.5% improvement in learning outcomes. The hypothesis test, employing the t-test, yielded a t-value of 2.231, surpassing the critical t-value (1.708). Consequently, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. The study concludes that the implementation of Tinkercad-assisted learning media had a significantly positive influence on the learning outcomes of Electronics Engineering students. These findings contribute to both practical and theoretical understanding regarding the effectiveness of Tinkercad in enhancing student learning outcomes in embedded system programming. It is recommended that further emphasis be placed on integrating Tinkercad into the curriculum to enrich students’ learning experiences and elevate the overall educational quality at SMK Negeri 5 Padang.
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The article highlights the issues of personalized learning as the global trend of the modern ICTbased educational systems development. The notion, the main stages of evolution, the main features and principles of adaptive learning systems application for teachers training are outlined. It is emphasized that the use and elaboration of the adaptive cloud-based learning systems are essential to provide sustainable development of teachers education. The current trends and peculiarities of the cloud-based adaptive learning systems development and approach of their implementation for teachers training are considered. The general model of the adaptive cloud-based learning system structure is proposed. The main components of the model are described; the issues of tools and services selection are outlined. The methods of the cloudbased learning components introduction within the adaptive systems of teacher training are considered. The current research developments of modeling and implementation of the adaptive cloud-based systems are outlined.
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This study was geared towards the development of folk-dance videos for e-learning through folk dance tutorial videos for physical education instructors and folk-dance trainers/choreographers to determine the level of development in terms of acceptability, usability, and relevance. The study utilized a descriptive survey design which allows us to reveal the level of development of the developed folk dance videos for e-learning. We also developed a dance that had been used as a video tutorial wherein we have performed and recorded for the respondents to follow. A survey questionnaire was done to know what is the level of development of the developed and validated folk dance videos for e-learning. Findings revealed that the folk-dance videos for e-learning developed by we are excellent and meet above 75-90% acceptability, usability, and relevance standards. This study can conclude that the developed videos for e-learning were an effective tool in teaching dance to the students wherein the developed videos are acceptable, useful and relevant. It gives opportunity for the physical education instructors and folk-dance trainers/choreographers to have their time to develop their dance skills and it would lessen their task to teach students because the video is pre-recorded and their students can learn from it without them physically.
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Student satisfaction is of utmost importance to universities. Understanding that problem, factors affecting the satisfaction of online education on the digital teaching page of students in Ho Chi Minh City were studied to give suggestions to universities to improve the satisfaction of online education. satisfaction as well as the quality of online teaching. From the theoretical basis and research model of the available studies, we have adjusted and come up with our formal research model. The research methods are qualitative and quantitative methods. The questionnaire was processed by SPSS with techniques to evaluate the reliability of the scale through Cronbach Alpha coefficient, EFA factor analysis to identify groups of variables to include in multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there are two groups of variables affecting student satisfaction arranged in descending order: Lecturer and Interaction, Course overview. An overview of studies in the world shows research on factors affecting online learning. Studies in the world conducted from 1989 to the present have changed a lot in terms of research contents and methods with many different angles in many countries. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, studies on this issue have only been carried out in recent years, mainly in the direction of assessing the impact of factors on learning outcomes without any comprehensive research. assess the factors affecting student satisfaction, propose measures suitable to the current context to overcome, and have a better overview of the problem. Therefore, this study was conducted to fill in this research gap.
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The purpose of the study was to identify how online education impact students during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and to find the advantages and disadvantages of online education. This paper is also focused on changes in conducting exams and exam patterns. The data was taken from journals and my prior knowledge. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used for this research. The reason behind the study is the research paper show how online education impact on students and changes in teaching method and changes in exam patterns. This study also considered: (i) Why online education is mostly used? (ii) What advantages and disadvantages of online education? and (iii) How exams are conducted? The questionnaires were prepaid and circulated among students through email and WhatsApp. The result of the study shows the merits and demerits of online education. The mode of conducting exams also changes and some exams are also postponed. The effect of Covid-19 was very fast so it is very risky to conduct offline classes and therefore there is a change in teaching method. This article aims to provide a report on the impact of online education on students during a pandemic. Impact this study is important for the government, students, and teachers.
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E-learning courses have become popular means of delivering knowledge to students in higher education institutions. Most participants of learning process note that they benefit from the possibility to gain knowledge regardless of time, location and device they use. Among other advantages possibility to return to learnt material several times, divide material into parts, consume information through different types of educational materials (video, infographics, presentations, text, quizzes etc.) are mentioned. At the same time most of the surveyed students chose that they lack personalization both of materials and studying process, limited in terms of fulfillment and would like to have a choice of the level of study. The educational trend that is able to put into practice the above mentioned requirements is blended learning as it has a range of advantages such as usability, consideration of individual abilities, additional materials introduction, activities monitoring. Although it combines offline and online learning, effectiveness of e-learning courses designed for its implementation play a crucial role. To make a learning process correspondent to the students’ needs adaptive learning can be introduced in higher education institutions. Adaptive learning is a methodology that allows to identify level of students’ knowledge and their learning styles and transform materials, tasks and ways of their delivery according to the needs of learning process participants. LMS Moodle offers different solutions for adaptive learning. They provide administrators and teachers with tools to vary all stages of a learning process starting with delivery of information and ending with assessment.
Background/Context Earlier research on various forms of distance learning concluded that these technologies do not differ significantly from regular classroom instruction in terms of learning outcomes. Now that web-based learning has emerged as a major trend in both K–12 and higher education, the relative efficacy of online and face-to-face instruction needs to be revisited. The increased capabilities of web-based applications and collaboration technologies and the rise of blended learning models combining web-based and face-to-face classroom instruction have raised expectations for the effectiveness of online learning. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study This meta-analysis was designed to produce a statistical synthesis of studies contrasting learning outcomes for either fully online or blended learning conditions with those of face-to-face classroom instruction. Population/Participants/Subjects The types of learners in the meta-analysis studies were about evenly split between students in college or earlier years of education and learners in graduate programs or professional training. The average learner age in a study ranged from 13 to 44. Intervention/Program/Practice The meta-analysis was conducted on 50 effects found in 45 studies contrasting a fully or partially online condition with a fully face-to-face instructional condition. Length of instruction varied across studies and exceeded one month in the majority of them. Research Design The meta-analysis corpus consisted of (1) experimental studies using random assignment and (2) quasi-experiments with statistical control for preexisting group differences. An effect size was calculated or estimated for each contrast, and average effect sizes were computed for fully online learning and for blended learning. A coding scheme was applied to classify each study in terms of a set of conditions, practices, and methodological variables. Findings/Results The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction. The advantage over face-to-face classes was significant in those studies contrasting blended learning with traditional face-to-face instruction but not in those studies contrasting purely online with face-to-face conditions. Conclusions/Recommendations Studies using blended learning also tended to involve additional learning time, instructional resources, and course elements that encourage interactions among learners. This confounding leaves open the possibility that one or all of these other practice variables contributed to the particularly positive outcomes for blended learning. Further research and development on different blended learning models is warranted. Experimental research testing design principles for blending online and face-to-face instruction for different kinds of learners is needed.
Adult learners online: Students' experiences of learning online
  • W M Knightley
Knightley, W. M. (2007). Adult learners online: Students' experiences of learning online. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 47(2), 264-288.