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Hyperuricaemia: prevalence and association with mortality in an elderly Finnish population



Objective To establish the prevalence of hyperuricaemia in an elderly Finnish cohort and to assess its association with comorbidities and mortality. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting Good Ageing in Lahti Region study, Finland 2002–2012 (mortality data analysed until 2018). Participants 2673 participants (mean age 64 years; 47% men). Primary and secondary outcome measures Prevalence of hyperuricaemia in the study population was detected. Associations between hyperuricaemia and mortality were assessed using multivariable adjusted Cox proportional hazards models. Methods Data from a prospective, population-based study of elderly people (52–76 years) in the Lahti region, Finland, were used. Information on serum uric acid (SUA) levels as well as several other laboratory variables, comorbidities, lifestyle habits and socioeconomic factors was collected, and the association between SUA level and mortality in a 15-year follow-up period was analysed. Results Of 2673 elderly Finnish persons included in the study 1197 (48%) were hyperuricaemic. Hyperuricaemia was extremely prevalent in men (60%). There was an association between elevated SUA and mortality which remained after adjustment for potential confounding factors (age, gender, education, smoking status, body mass index, hypertension and dyslipidaemia). The adjusted HR for all-cause mortality among clearly hyperuricaemic individuals with SUA≥420 µmol/L compared with normouricaemic individuals (SUA<360 µmol/L) was 1.32 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.60) in women and 1.29 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.60) in men. In slightly hyperuricaemic individuals (SUA 360–420 µmol/L) the corresponding HRs were 1.03 (95% CI 0.78 to 1.35) and 1.11 (95% CI 0.89 to 1.39). Conclusions Hyperuricaemia is very prevalent in the elderly Finnish population and is independently associated with increased mortality.
TimsansJ, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072110
Open access
Hyperuricaemia: prevalence and
association with mortality in an elderly
Finnish population
Janis Timsans ,1,2 Jenni Emilia Kauppi,3,4 Anne Mirjam Kerola,4,5
Tiina Maarit Lehto,6 Hannu Kautiainen,4,7 Markku Jaakko Kauppi1,4
To cite: TimsansJ,
KauppiJE, KerolaAM,
etal. Hyperuricaemia:
prevalence and association
with mortality in an elderly
Finnish population. BMJ Open
2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/
Prepublication history for
this paper is available online.
To view these les, please visit
the journal online (http://dx.doi.
Received 04 February 2023
Accepted 17 April 2023
1Department of Rheumatology,
Päijät- Häme Central Hospital,
Lahti, Finland
2Centre for Rheumatic Diseases,
Tampere University Hospital,
Tampere, Finland
3Unit of Physiatry and
Rehabilitation Medicine, Päijät-
Häme Central Hospital, Lahti,
4University of Helsinki, Helsinki,
5Inammation Center, Helsinki
University Central Hospital,
Helsinki, Finland
6Department of Clinical
Chemistry, Fimlab Laboratoriot
Oy, Lahti, Finland
7Folkhälsan Research Center,
Helsinki, Finland
Correspondence to
Dr Janis Timsans;
janis. timsans@ gmail. com
Original research
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2023. Re- use
permitted under CC BY- NC. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
Objective To establish the prevalence of hyperuricaemia
in an elderly Finnish cohort and to assess its association
with comorbidities and mortality.
Design Prospective cohort study.
Setting Good Ageing in Lahti Region study, Finland 2002–
2012 (mortality data analysed until 2018).
Participants 2673 participants (mean age 64 years; 47%
Primary and secondary outcome measures Prevalence
of hyperuricaemia in the study population was detected.
Associations between hyperuricaemia and mortality were
assessed using multivariable adjusted Cox proportional
hazards models.
Methods Data from a prospective, population- based
study of elderly people (52–76 years) in the Lahti region,
Finland, were used. Information on serum uric acid (SUA)
levels as well as several other laboratory variables,
comorbidities, lifestyle habits and socioeconomic factors
was collected, and the association between SUA level and
mortality in a 15- year follow- up period was analysed.
Results Of 2673 elderly Finnish persons included in the
study 1197 (48%) were hyperuricaemic. Hyperuricaemia
was extremely prevalent in men (60%). There was an
association between elevated SUA and mortality which
remained after adjustment for potential confounding
factors (age, gender, education, smoking status, body
mass index, hypertension and dyslipidaemia). The adjusted
HR for all- cause mortality among clearly hyperuricaemic
individuals with SUA≥420 µmol/L compared with
normouricaemic individuals (SUA<360 µmol/L) was 1.32
(95% CI 1.05 to 1.60) in women and 1.29 (95% CI 1.05 to
1.60) in men. In slightly hyperuricaemic individuals (SUA
360–420 µmol/L) the corresponding HRs were 1.03 (95%
CI 0.78 to 1.35) and 1.11 (95% CI 0.89 to 1.39).
Conclusions Hyperuricaemia is very prevalent in the
elderly Finnish population and is independently associated
with increased mortality.
A high uric acid level in blood (hyperuri-
caemia) is common and affects as much as
20%–25% of the general population.1 The
serum uric acid (SUA) level used to define
hyperuricaemia varies somewhat in different
studies, but the most widely used threshold is
360 µmol/L (approximately 6 mg/dL), which
is the precipitation threshold of monosodium
urate in the peripheral joints. The prevalence
of hyperuricaemia differs across geographical
areas2 and has increased significantly in the
recent decades, particularly in developed,
high- income countries.2–6
High SUA levels have been identified as an
independent risk factor for all- cause mortality
as well as for cardiovascular, renal and respira-
tory mortality.7–16 Several studies indicate that
the association between SUA and mortality is
U shaped, suggesting that extremely low SUA
levels are unfavourable, as well.9–13 The cut- off
point for high SUA associated with mortality
varies rather widely—from 238 µmol/L (4
mg/dL) to 506 µmol/L (8.5 mg/dL) and it
tends to be higher in men than in women.
A significant number of the studies have
been done in Asian populations and to our
knowledge there have been only a few studies
done in northern Europe on the association
The study is population based and includes a large
number of hyperuricaemic elderly individuals.
Abundant information available on many covariables
made it possible to adjust the main nding of our
study—the association of hyperuricaemia with all-
cause and cardiovascular mortality—for confound-
ing factors and the nding was not affected after the
The long follow- up period of 15 years enabled to
detect that mortality of patients with hyperuricaemia
starts to signicantly rise in comparison to patients
with normouricaemia after the 7th year of follow- up
in women and after the 11th in men.
The most ill and disabled persons of the age groups
studied were probably under- represented due to
lower response rate to the invitations.
Even though we know that a history of urate-
lowering therapy was rare during the active follow-
up period (years 2002–2012), we have only limited
information on the diagnoses of gout in the study
2TimsansJ, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072110
Open access
between hyperuricaemia and mortality and the evidence
for causality is still insufficient.17–19
There is insufficient evidence in favour for pharmaco-
logical urate- lowering treatment (ULT) for patients with
hyperuricaemia who have not had gout attacks. Indeed,
in current guidelines pharmacological ULT is generally
not suggested.20–22
We conducted a population- based study in a senior
population of the Lahti region in Finland to establish the
prevalence of elevated SUA levels and the association—
if any—between hyperuricaemia and mortality over a
follow- up period of 15 years.
Study population
The data for this research were retrieved from the
Good Ageing in Lahti Region (GOAL) study. GOAL is
a prospective, population- based study of elderly people
that started with baseline visits in 2002. Follow- up visits
were conducted in 2005, 2008 and 2012. Mortality
data are available up until the end of 2018. Three age
cohorts (52–76 years) were included—individuals born
in 1926–1930, 1936–1940 and 1946–1950. A total of 4272
subjects from the catchment area of the Päijät- Häme
Central Hospital (located in Lahti) were invited and 2815
(66%) responded to the invitation. The SUA level of
the study subjects was measured at baseline and at each
follow- up visit. The data on the study subjects included
socioeconomic status, psychosocial background, educa-
tion, income, lifestyle habits (smoking, alcohol consump-
tion, exercise), previously diagnosed medical conditions
(hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke,
cancer) and hospitalisation 12 months prior to the base-
line visit. The blood pressure (BP) of the study subjects
was measured at baseline three times and the average
was documented. Height and weight of the study subjects
were measured and the body mass index (BMI) calcu-
lated. The waist circumference was measured at a level
mid- way between the lowest rib and the iliac crest. In
addition to the SUA, the following laboratory tests were
made from the blood samples taken on each visit: creat-
inine, cystatin C, blood glucose, total cholesterol, low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol, high- density lipoprotein
cholesterol, triglycerides, C- reactive protein (CRP), high-
sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) and 25- hydroxyvitamin D. The
use of medication was also documented.
Data on mortality were provided by Statistics Finland.
Causes of death were classified according to the Inter-
national Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related
Health Problems, 10th Revision. The follow- up of each
subject started at the time of the first study visit (February
to August 2002) and ended on 31 December 2018.
Uric acid
We present the demographics and the mortality in three
SUA groups (<360, 360–419 and 420 µmol/L). The cut-
off point of 360 µmol/L (approximately 6 mg/dL) was
chosen because it is a precipitation threshold of monoso-
dium urate in the peripheral joints and it is used as a defi-
nition of hyperuricaemia in numerous sources.23–25 Other
sources use cut- off point of 420 µmol/L (approximately 6
mg/dL) to define hyperuricaemia26 27 and some use cut-
off point of 360 µmol/L in women and 420 µmol/L in
men.28 29 We decided to investigate the associations with
mortality separately in group with SUA of 420 µmol/L
(clearly hyperuricaemic individuals) and group with SUA
of 360–419 µmol/L (slightly hyperuricaemic individ-
uals) to detect if slight hyperuricaemia poses a risk for
mortality and does differ from the risk associated with
clear hyperuricaemia.
Statistical methods
Data are presented as means with SD or as counts (n) with
percentages (%). Statistical significances for the unad-
justed hypothesis of linearity across categories of the SUA
levels were evaluated by using the Cochran–Armitage test,
analysis of variance or logistic models with an appropriate
contrast. In the case of violation of the assumptions (eg,
non- normality), a bootstrap type of test was used. The
Kaplan- Meier method was applied to estimate all- cause
mortality and the log- rank test was used to test the trend
of the mortality function across three SUA levels.
Cox proportional hazards regression was used to esti-
mate the adjusted HRs and their 95% CIs. Age, gender,
education, current smoking, BMI, hypertension and
dyslipidaemia were used as covariates in these models.
The proportional hazards assumption was evaluated
by Schoenfeld residuals and log- log plots. A possible
non- linear relationship between mortality and SUA
was assessed by using 4- knot restricted cubic spline Cox
regression models. The length of the distribution of knots
was located at the 5th, 35th, 65th and 95th percentiles;
knot locations are based on Harrell’s recommended
percentiles.30 The ratio of observed to expected number
of deaths (ie, the standardised mortality ratio, SMR)
for all- cause deaths was calculated using subject- years
methods with 95% CIs. The expected number of deaths
was calculated on the basis of gender, age and calendar
period- specific mortality rates in the Finnish population
(Official Statistics of Finland). The normality of the distri-
bution of variables was evaluated graphically and by using
the Shapiro- Wilk W test. Stata V.17.0 (StataCorp, College
Station, Texas, USA) was used for the statistical analyses.
The study followed the guidelines of the Declaration
of Helsinki. All participants gave their written informed
consent prior to data collection.
Patient and public involvement
Patients and/or the public were not involved in the
design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans
of this research.
Of the 2815 individuals who responded to the invitation,
the SUA level was available from 2673 (1404 women, 1269
TimsansJ, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072110
Open access
men (47%)) representing 95% of all invited. If these
data were lacking at the baseline visit, the individual was
excluded from the study. The mean age of the partici-
pants was 64 years (range 52–76 years). The baseline
characteristics of the study subjects by SUA levels (<360,
360–419 and 420 µmol/L) are presented in table 1.
We found hyperuricaemia to be very prevalent in the
study population. SUA 360 µmol/L at the baseline visit
was present in 436 (31%, 95% CI 29% to 33%) of the
female subjects and 761 (60%, 95% CI 57% to 63%) of
the male subjects, p<0.001. The mean (SD) SUA level
of the whole study group was 357 µmol/L (86); in the
female population it was 330 (78) and in the male popu-
lation 387 (86). The distribution of urate levels in women
and men is shown in figure 1.
Adjusted HRs (adjusted for age, gender, education,
current smoking status, BMI, hypertension (systolic BP
140 mm Hg or diastolic BP 90 mm Hg) or antihyper-
tensive medication) and dyslipidaemia (total cholesterol
5.0 mmol/L or medication for lipid disorders) for all-
cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality are shown in
table 2. Also, the median age at mortality and time from
enrolment in the study to death in both men and women
are presented in table 2. Figure 2 demonstrates the
cumulative all- cause mortality by SUA levels during the
follow- up period. The change in the adjusted mortality
HRs by SUA level is shown in figure 3. The SMRs by SUA
level groups are presented in table 3.
The present study is one of the few studies that report the
prevalence of hyperuricaemia in the elderly population
of a Nordic country. It shows that elevated plasma urate
levels are very prevalent in the ageing Finnish population
and is, in general, consistent with previous studies.3 31–33 In
the current study population the rate of hyperuricaemia
appeared to be even higher than in other developed
countries and it could be explained by the fact that the
population of our study included only elderly persons.
The most important finding is the identification of
hyperuricaemia as an independent risk factor for all-
cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. The higher
unadjusted mortality in the hyperuricaemic population is
easily explained by well- known confounding risk factors
for cardiovascular diseases and mortality. Importantly,
however, the mortality of hyperuricaemic individuals
in the present study remained statistically significantly
higher than of normouricaemic individuals after adjust-
ment for age, gender, education, smoking, BMI, hyper-
tension and dyslipidaemia.
The pathophysiology of the association between hyper-
uricaemia and cardiovascular disease and premature
death is unknown. Some possible mechanisms have been
proposed. Uric acid has both pro- oxidative and antiox-
idative properties, and the pro- oxidative properties are
thought to be linked to cardiovascular disease.34 Another
mechanism contributing to cardiovascular disease and
mortality might be chronic low- level inflammation
induced by high levels of intracellular uric acid, which
is known to promote the expression of inflammatory
markers.35 In our study, we found a statistically significant
association between elevated levels of the well- known
inflammatory marker hsCRP and hyperuricaemia in both
genders. A similar association has been demonstrated in a
handful of Chinese studies36–38 and in a Nepalese study,39
but has not previously been unequivocally demon-
strated in Western populations. High level of hsCRP is
a predictor of myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral
arterial disease and sudden cardiac death in healthy indi-
viduals without a history of cardiovascular disease and
of recurrent events and death in patients with acute or
stable coronary syndromes.40
Hyperuricaemia is linked with insulin resistance and
diabetes and this might partially explain the association
between high SUA levels and mortality (both cardio-
vascular and all cause).41 Hyperinsulinaemia caused by
insulin resistance might be the driver of a process of
rising urate levels, since high levels of insulin in the blood
enhance the activity and protein expression of urate
transporter 1 (URAT1). This, in turn, leads to reabsorp-
tion of uric acid in the renal proximal tubules increasing
urate levels in the serum.42
Also, hyperuricaemia- induced endothelial dysfunction
and endoplasmic reticulum stress may increase cardiovas-
cular morbidity.43
Similar findings of hyperuricaemia- associated mortality
increases have been reported in several studies in other
populations.7–14 This raises a need for discussing the poten-
tial usefulness of treating hyperuricaemia also in asymp-
tomatic individuals (ie, individuals with no urate crystal
deposition disorder).44–46 There is already quite strong
evidence that ULT in patients with gout improves cardio-
vascular outcomes.47–49 The evidence favouring benefits
of ULT in asymptomatic individuals has, however, thus far
been generally regarded as inconclusive and guidelines,
at least in Western countries, do not recommend ULT in
such cases. In a recent large randomised controlled trial of
allopurinol therapy in elderly asymptomatic patients with
hyperuricaemia with ischaemic heart disease, the rates of
cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality were
similar in the group treated with allopurinol and in the
usual care group.50 The guidelines published by the Polish
Society of Hypertension, however, recommend striving
for serum urate levels of 5.0 mg/dL (approximately 300
µmol/L) or less in all patients with hypertension with
high cardiovascular risk.51 Treatment of asymptomatic
hyperuricaemia has been advised in the Japanese guide-
lines for over a decade, and a recommendation to treat
asymptomatic SUA of 9.0 mg/dL without complication
or asymptomatic SUA of 8.0 mg/dL with complication
(kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus,
metabolic syndrome) has been included also in the most
recent version of the Japanese guidelines.27
Some remarks are in order before ULT for asymp-
tomatic patients with hyperuricaemia is initiated. The
4TimsansJ, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072110
Open access
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study subjects according to SUA levels (μmol/L)
Women Men
n=181 P value*
n=416 P value*
Age, years, n (%) 0.001 0.024
52–57 345 (36) 87 (34) 43 (24) 177 (35) 85 (25) 121 (29)
62–67 345 (36) 89 (35) 66 (36) 179 (35) 148 (43) 147 (35)
72–77 278 (29) 79 (31) 72 (40) 152 (30) 112 (32) 148 (36)
Education years, mean
9.7 (3.3) 9.4 (3.4) 8.7 (2.9) <0.001 9.4 (3.4) 9.3 (3.3) 9.6 (3.4) 0.30
Retired, n (%) 591 (61) 160 (63) 129 (71) 0.015 311 (61) 230 (67) 282 (68) 0.082
Cohabiting, n (%) 617 (64) 154 (60) 103 (57) 0.062 423 (83) 280 (81) 326 (78) 0.059
Health behaviours
Current smokers, n (%) 113 (12) 31 (12) 23 (13) 0.68 127 (25) 73 (21) 71 (17) 0.003
AUDIT score C8, n (%) 2.2 (1.9) 2.4 (2.1) 2.5 (2.3) 0.30 4.0 (2.6) 4.5 (2.5) 4.5 (2.8) 0.009
LTPA, n (%) <0.001 0.060
Low 192 (20) 51 (20) 60 (33) 144 (29) 88 (26) 129 (32)
Moderate 407 (43) 114 (46) 71 (39) 198 (40) 138 (40) 178 (44)
High 353 (37) 84 (34) 49 (27) 157 (31) 116 (34) 98 (24)
Body mass index 27.1 (4.6) 29.6 (4.7) 31.5 (5.9) <0.001 26.5 (3.7) 27.5 (3.5) 29.0 (4.3) <0.001
Waist 89.1 (12.3) 95.7 (12.1) 100.7 (12.4) <0.001 96.6 (10.5) 99.7 (9.6) 103.9 (11.3) <0.001
Fasting glucose
(mmol/L), mean (SD)
5.46 (1.20) 5.63 (1.17) 5.99 (1.25) <0.001 5.94 (1.66) 5.84 (0.98) 6.10 (1.42) <0.001
Total cholesterol
(mmol/L), mean (SD)
5.88 (1.03) 5.90 (1.04) 5.88 (1.20) 0.92 5.63 (1.11) 5.58 (1.07) 5.65 (1.16) 0.79
HDL cholesterol
(mmol/L), mean (SD)
1.70 (0.46) 1.55 (0.41) 1.46 (0.41) <0.001 1.42 (0.39) 1.36 (0.35) 1.30 (0.36) <0.001
LDL cholesterol
(mmol/L), mean (SD)
3.57 (0.93) 3.57 (0.95) 3.53 (1.05) 0.70 3.58 (0.97) 3.53 (0.96) 3.52 (1.03) 0.34
Triglycerides (mmol/L),
mean (SD)
1.33 (0.63) 1.69 (0.84) 1.95 (1.14) <0.001 1.40 (0.75) 1.54 (0.81) 1.93 (1.83) <0.001
hsCRP 2.39 (4.77) 2.99 (3.23) 4.06 (4.94) <0.001 3.03 (6.91) 2.28 (3.30) 3.40 (6.03) <0.001
Blood pressure, mean (SD)
Systolic 145 (20) 146 (19) 150 (19) 0.002 145 (19) 145 (18) 149 (19) 0.003
Diastolic 84 (9) 86 (9) 86 (9) 0.001 87 (10) 88 (10) 88 (10) 0.031
DM 45 (5) 16 (6) 16 (9) 0.019 45 (9) 26 (8) 42 (10) 0.55
Hypertension 302 (31) 103 (40) 97 (54) <0.001 118 (23) 119 (34) 179 (43) <0.001
CVD 60 (6) 20 (8) 19 (10) 0.033 48 (9) 45 (13) 67 (16) 0.002
Respiratory diseases 87 (9) 17 (7) 21 (12) 0.59 21 (4) 19 (6) 35 (8) 0.007
Mental health disorders 66 (7) 15 (6) 6 (3) 0.080 23 (5) 16 (5) 17 (4) 0.76
Cancer 34 (4) 13 (5) 6 (3) 0.74 27 (5) 14 (4) 19 (5) 0.57
Neurological disorders 39 (4) 7 (3) 7 (4) 0.65 24 (5) 22 (6) 28 (7) 0.19
360 (37) 102 (40) 68 (38) 0.69 153 (30) 104 (30) 151 (36) 0.051
Urate lowering† 21 (2) 10 (4) 26 (14) <0.001 16 (3) 17 (5) 102 (25) <0.001
Antidiabetic‡ 35 (4) 12 (5) 13 (7) 0.031 37 (7) 22 (6) 32 (8) 0.84
TimsansJ, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072110
Open access
evidence for ULT reducing mortality and cardiovascular
morbidity is scarce, and some studies have not distin-
guished between patients with gout and asymptomatic
patients with hyperuricaemia. The results of the studies
have been somewhat inconsistent. A SUA threshold for
initiating ULT has not been established.
In our study, we found hyperuricaemia (defined as
SUA 360 µmol/L) to be very prevalent and treating all
patients with hyperuricaemia would mean prescribing
urate- lowering medication for 60% of the elderly male
population and to almost one- third of the elderly female
population. It would be irrational to recommend ULT to
such a substantial part of the elderly population and the
risks of it would very likely outweigh any benefits due to
adverse events. Although urate- lowering drugs are gener-
ally well tolerated, rare severe adverse events do occur
and the number of them would markedly increase if there
would be a surge of patients using ULT.
A higher threshold for considering ULT in asymptom-
atic patients would be more reasonable. In our study,
mortality was considerably higher in the clearly hyperuri-
caemic group (SUA 420 µmol/L) and that SUA level or
probably even a higher one (as recommended in the Japa-
nese guidelines) may be a feasible threshold for consid-
ering ULT for asymptomatic patients. A further uncertain
issue is the target of treatment in asymptomatic hyper-
uricaemia. In patients with gout, we strive to lower the
SUA level below 360 µmol/L, which is the precipitation
threshold of uric acid in peripheral joints. In asymptom-
atic patients with hyperuricaemia it might be reasonable
to accept slight hyperuricaemia (SUA 360–420 µmol/L),
but in cases of higher SUA values it might be prudent
to consider ULT, if the patient has other risk factors for
cardiovascular diseases.
More studies are clearly necessary to provide us with
conclusive evidence on the importance of uric acid as an
independent risk factor for all- cause mortality and cardio-
vascular mortality and on the usefulness of ULT in asymp-
tomatic patients with hyperuricaemia.
Our study has several important strengths. It is popu-
lation based and includes a large number of elderly
individuals. In this population, the prevalence of hyper-
uricaemia is high. There was an abundance of infor-
mation available on lifestyle factors, comorbidities and
laboratory parameters of each study subject and this
made it possible to adjust the results for many potential
confounding factors. The main finding—that is, that
hyperuricaemia is associated with mortality—was not
affected after adjustments for confounding factors. Thus,
hyperuricaemia was demonstrated to be an independent
risk factor for mortality. Another substantial strength of
our study is the long follow- up period of 15 years. We
Women Men
n=181 P value*
n=416 P value*
Antihypertensive‡ 241 (25) 95 (37) 97 (54) <0.001 100 (20) 104 (30) 159 (38) <0.001
CVD‡ 100 (10) 31 (12) 40 (22) <0.001 59 (12) 59 (17) 95 (23) <0.001
Lipid lowering‡ 126 (13) 44 (17) 27 (15) 0.22 60 (12) 77 (22) 94 (23) <0.001
Psychiatric‡ 56 (6) 11 (4) 4 (2) 0.036 16 (3) 8 (2) 9 (2) 0.34
*P for linearity
†Number of patients with a history of a urate- lowering drug purchase in the active follow- up period of the study (years 2002–2012).
‡Number of patients who used medication at baseline.
AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identication Test; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; HDL, high- density lipoprotein;
hsCRP, high- sensitivity C- reactive protein; LDL, low- density lipoprotein; LTPA, leisure- time physical activity, graded as low (exercise less
than once a week), moderate (from one to two times a week) or high (at least three times a week); SUA, serum uric acid.
Table 1 Continued
Figure 1 The distribution of urate levels (µmol/L) in women
and men. The distributions are based on the kernel estimate.
SUA, serum uric acid.
6TimsansJ, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072110
Open access
identified the difference in mortality between hyperuri-
caemic and normouricaemic elderly subjects, and found
that mortality increases most substantially after the 7th
year of follow- up in women and after the 11th year in
men. Thus, a long follow- up time is needed to evaluate
the mortality risks associated with hyperuricaemia.
There are some limitations in our study. First, invita-
tions were sent to a randomly selected cohort of subjects
of defined age groups in the Lahti region, and although
the participation rate was quite good (66%), there was
still a substantial proportion of persons who did not
respond, and thus the study might not represent the
entire population of this age equally. It would be reason-
able to assume that the most ill and disabled persons were
less likely to respond to the invitation, possibly leading
to under- representation of that group. The invitees were
instructed to visit a local study centre. Data were not
collected from inpatients in hospitals or from homes for
the aged.
The fact that our series does not include the most ill
population probably attenuates the findings. The invitees
who did not take part in the study would probably have
higher mortality rates and SUA levels than the average
population of this study. This is reflected by the finding
Table 2 Adjusted HRs for all- cause and cardiovascular mortality
All cause
Women, n 381 153 63 33
Age at mortality, years, median (IQR) 81 (76, 86) 83 (79, 87) 83 (79, 87) 82 (77, 87)
Time to mortality*, years, median (IQR) 11 (8, 14) 11 (8, 14) 11 (7, 15) 11 (7, 14)
Adjusted HR (95% CI)†
SUA <360 µmol/L 1.00 (Reference) 1.00 (Reference) 1.00 (Reference) 1.00 (Reference)
SUA 360–419 µmol/L 1.03 (0.78 to 1.35) 0.79 (0.50 to 1.25) 1.37 (0.72 to 2.61) 0.25 (0.06 to 1.08)
SUA ≥420 µmol/L 1.32 (1.01 to 1.74) 1.31 (0.87 to 1.99) 1.96 (1.05 to 3.65) 0.82 (0.30 to 2.22)
P for trend 0.045 0.56 0.039 0.17
Men, n 506 221 138 33
Age at mortality, years, median (IQR) 80 (74, 84) 80 (76, 85) 79 (74, 84) 82 (79, 87)
Time to mortality*, years, median (IQR) 10 (6, 14) 10 (7, 14) 11 (6, 13) 10 (7, 14)
Adjusted HR (95% CI)†
SUA <360 µmol/L 1.00 (Reference) 1.00 (Reference) 1.00 (Reference) 1.00 (Reference)
SUA 360–419 µmol/L 1.11 (0.89 to 1.39) 1.18 (0.83 to 1.67) 1.23 (0.79 to 1.91) 1.53 (0.65 to 3.60)
SUA ≥420 µmol/L 1.29 (1.05 to 1.60) 1.41 (1.01 to 1.95) 1.49 (0.99 to 2.45) 1.12 (0.47 to 2.66)
P for trend 0.018 0.040 0.042 0.97
*Time from enrolment in the study to death.
†Adjusted for age, gender, education, smoking status, body mass index (BMI), hypertension and dyslipidaemia.
CeVD, cerebrovascular disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; SUA, serum uric acid.
Figure 2 All- cause mortality in men and women during the
15- year follow- up period. SUA, serum uric acid.
Figure 3 The change in adjusted HR according to serum
uric acid (SUA) level.
TimsansJ, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e072110. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072110
Open access
that people with high SUA levels did have a significantly
increased mortality risk compared with those with normal
SUA levels, but still their mortality risk was on the level of
the general population of similar age.
Second, we have only limited information on the diag-
noses of gout in this population. We know, however, that a
history of ULT was rare during the active follow- up period
(years 2002–2012), but we do not have this information
about the second part of the follow- up (2013–2018) and
we do not have exact information on the doses and dura-
tion of the urate- lowering drugs in those who used them.
In this large population- based cohort study we found
hyperuricaemia to be very prevalent in the elderly Finnish
population. There is an independent association between
hyperuricaemia and all- cause mortality and cardiovas-
cular mortality. The findings imply that reducing the SUA
levels in persons with no history of gout attacks might be
beneficial from a cardiovascular perspective and reduce
mortality. Meticulous further research is required to
shed light on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce
serum urate levels and to maintain a scientific discussion
on the subject is important, since the outcome of more
information may carry substantial health benefits.
Acknowledgements We thank all the participants in the GOAL project.
Contributors All authors (JT, JEK, AMK, TML, HK and MJK) were involved in critical
review of the manuscript. JT, HK and MJK designed and conceived the study. JT,
JEK, AMK, TML, HK and MJK contributed substantially to interpretation of data. HK
conducted the statistical analyses. JT conducted the drafting of the manuscript.
JT, JEK, AMK, TML, HK and MJK reviewed the manuscript, tables and gures
and contributed in writing to the interpretation and discussion of data. JT is the
guarantor of the study. The study was supervised by MJK.
Funding The authors have not declared a specic grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not- for- prot sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were not involved in
the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Ethics approval This study involves human participants and was approved in
2002 by the Ethics Committee of Päijät- Häme Central Hospital, Lahti, Finland (ID
number: PHSP 2/2002/Q11 § 87). Participants gave informed consent to participate
in the study before taking part.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement Data are available upon reasonable request.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY- NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non- commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
is non- commercial. See:
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... Hyperuricemia is a risk factor for MASLD, and it is significantly higher in patients with MASLD than controls [6,7]. The SUA level used to identify hyperuricemia differs slightly between studies; however, the most commonly used threshold is 6 mg/dL, which is the level at which monosodium urate precipitates in the joints [8]. In MASLD, hyperuricemia is assumed to be mediated by increased hepatic XO expression and activity, which catalyzes the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and then to uric acid (UA) [9]. ...
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A.A.; Adel, A.; Hassany, M.; Shaheen, S.M. Allopurinol versus Febuxostat: A New Approach for the Management of Hepatic Steatosis in Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease. Biomedicines 2023, 11, 3074. https://doi. Abstract: Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) includes patients with hepatic steatosis and at least one of five cardiometabolic risk factors. Xanthine oxidase (XO) represents a treatment target for MASLD. We aimed to evaluate the effect of two xanthine oxidase inhibitors, allopurinol and febuxostat, plus lifestyle modifications compared to lifestyle modifications alone on improving steatosis. Ninety MASLD patients were assigned to one of three groups for three months. Patients with hyperuricemia were given either allopurinol 100 mg or febuxostat 40 mg daily, along with lifestyle modifications. The third control group was only given lifestyle modifications, excluding all patients with hyperuricemia due to ethical concerns. The primary outcome was to measure the change in the controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) score as an indicator of steatosis from baseline after three months. The secondary outcome was to measure the change in serum uric acid (SUA) three months from baseline. The study found that the CAP score decreased significantly in the allopurinol group (p = 0.009), but the decline in the febuxostat or lifestyle groups was non-significant (p = 0.189 and 0.054, respectively). The SUA levels were significantly reduced in both the allopurinol and febuxostat groups (p < 0.001), with no statistical difference between the two groups (p = 0.496).
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Background The causal relationship between hyperuricemia and cardiovascular diseases is still unknown. We hypothesized that hyperuricemic patients after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) had a higher risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Methods This was a large-scale multicenter cohort study. We enrolled patients with chronic coronary syndrome (CCS) after PCI between April 2013 and March 2019 using the database from the Clinical Deep Data Accumulation System (CLIDAS), and compared the incidence of MACE, defined as a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and hospitalization for heart failure, between hyperuricemia and non-hyperuricemia groups. Results In total, 9,936 patients underwent PCI during the study period. Of these, 5,138 patients with CCS after PCI were divided into two group (1,724 and 3,414 in the hyperuricemia and non-hyperuricemia groups, respectively). The hyperuricemia group had a higher prevalence of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, history of previous hospitalization for heart failure, and baseline creatinine, and a lower prevalence of diabetes than the non-hyperuricemia group, but the proportion of men and age were similar between the two groups. The incidence of MACE in the hyperuricemia group was significantly higher than that in the non-hyperuricemia group (13.1 vs. 6.4%, log-rank P < 0.001). Multivariable Cox regression analyses revealed that hyperuricemia was significantly associated with increased MACE [hazard ratio (HR), 1.52; 95% confidential interval (CI), 1.23–1.86] after multiple adjustments for age, sex, body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, left main disease or three-vessel disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, history of myocardial infarction, and history of hospitalization for heart failure. Moreover, hyperuricemia was independently associated with increased hospitalization for heart failure (HR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.69–2.83), but not cardiovascular death or myocardial infarction after multiple adjustments. Sensitive analyses by sex and diuretic use, B-type natriuretic peptide level, and left ventricular ejection fraction showed similar results. Conclusion CLIDAS revealed that hyperuricemia was associated with increased MACE in patients with CCS after PCI. Further clinical trials are needed whether treating hyperuricemia could reduce cardiovascular events or not.
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Background Allopurinol is a urate-lowering therapy used to treat patients with gout. Previous studies have shown that allopurinol has positive effects on several cardiovascular parameters. The ALL-HEART study aimed to determine whether allopurinol therapy improves major cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Methods ALL-HEART was a multicentre, prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint trial done in 18 regional centres in England and Scotland, with patients recruited from 424 primary care practices. Eligible patients were aged 60 years or older, with ischaemic heart disease but no history of gout. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1), using a central web-based randomisation system accessed via a web-based application or an interactive voice response system, to receive oral allopurinol up-titrated to a dose of 600 mg daily (300 mg daily in participants with moderate renal impairment at baseline) or to continue usual care. The primary outcome was the composite cardiovascular endpoint of non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or cardiovascular death. The hazard ratio (allopurinol vs usual care) in a Cox proportional hazards model was assessed for superiority in a modified intention-to-treat analysis (excluding randomly assigned patients later found to have met one of the exclusion criteria). The safety analysis population included all patients in the modified intention-to-treat usual care group and those who took at least one dose of randomised medication in the allopurinol group. This study is registered with the EU Clinical Trials Register, EudraCT 2013-003559-39, and ISRCTN, ISRCTN32017426. Findings Between Feb 7, 2014, and Oct 2, 2017, 5937 participants were enrolled and then randomly assigned to receive allopurinol or usual care. After exclusion of 216 patients after randomisation, 5721 participants (mean age 72·0 years [SD 6·8], 4321 [75·5%] males, and 5676 [99·2%] white) were included in the modified intention-to-treat population, with 2853 in the allopurinol group and 2868 in the usual care group. Mean follow-up time in the study was 4·8 years (1·5). There was no evidence of a difference between the randomised treatment groups in the rates of the primary endpoint. 314 (11·0%) participants in the allopurinol group (2·47 events per 100 patient-years) and 325 (11·3%) in the usual care group (2·37 events per 100 patient-years) had a primary endpoint (hazard ratio [HR] 1·04 [95% CI 0·89–1·21], p=0·65). 288 (10·1%) participants in the allopurinol group and 303 (10·6%) participants in the usual care group died from any cause (HR 1·02 [95% CI 0·87–1·20], p=0·77). Interpretation In this large, randomised clinical trial in patients aged 60 years or older with ischaemic heart disease but no history of gout, there was no difference in the primary outcome of non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or cardiovascular death between participants randomised to allopurinol therapy and those randomised to usual care. Funding UK National Institute for Health and Care Research.
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Background Serum uric acid (SUA) is a key determinant of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Studies have also shown that SUA independently impacts age-related health outcomes, although their findings differ between males and females. Furthermore, predictive data on all-cause mortality remain limited, particularly for the Japanese population. Thus, this study examined the association between SUA and survival prognosis among males and females based on a follow-up period of 7 or 19 years. Methods The study was based on 1,573 male (63 ± 14 years) and 1,980 female (65 ± 12 years) participants who participated in a Nomura Cohort Study in 2002 (Cohort 1) and 2014 (Cohort 2), and continued throughout the follow-up period. A basic resident register was referenced to derive the adjusted relative risk estimates for all-cause mortality. Finally, a Cox proportional hazards model analysis was conducted and was adjusted for possible confounders to estimate hazard ratios (HRs). 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were computed separately for male and female participants. Results Of the total 3,553 participants, 905 (25.5%) were deceased. Of these, 473 were male (30.1% of all males) and 432 were female (21.8% of all females). Hyperuricemia was defined in males with SUA levels of 8.5 mg/dL or higher, and in females with SUA levels of 7.5 mg/dL or higher, and was associated with a significantly increased HR for all-cause mortality (males: 1.67; 95% CI: 1.06–2.63; females: 2.17; 95% CI: 1.20–3.94). The data were further stratified based on age (< 65 years or ≥ 65 years), body mass index (BMI) (< 25.0 kg/m² or ≥ 25.0 kg/m²), History of cardiovascular disease, estimated glomerular filtration rate (< 60 mL/min/1.73 m² or ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73 m²), and presence of SUA-lowering medication. All stratified groups demonstrated a similar trend. The hyperuricemia group in particular reported a significant increase in HR. On the other hand, a U-shaped increase in HR was observed in those with BMI greater than 25 kg/m² and SUA-lowering medication, but interaction effect was not significant. Conclusions Hyperuricemia is a key risk indicator for all-cause mortality in male and female community-dwelling individuals in Japan.
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Xing Zhen Liu,1,* Ya Jun Tian,1,* Jie Fan,2 Lian Yong Liu3 1Department of Health Management, Hangzhou Aeronautical Sanatorium for Special Service of China Air Force, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Traffic Management Engineering, Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China; 3Department of Endocrinology, Punan Hospital of Pudong New District, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: Jie FanZhejiang Police College, No. 555 Binwen Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China, Tel +8613567198867, Fax +8657131161558, Email fanjie@zjjcxy.cnLian Yong LiuDepartment of Endocrinology, Punan Hospital of Pudong New District, No. 279 Linyi Road, Pudong, Shanghai, 200336, People’s Republic of China, Tel +8613564144866, Fax +862158892708, Email
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Hyperuricemia is a common metabolic syndrome. Elevated uric acid levels are risk factors for gout, hypertension, and chronic kidney diseases. Furthermore, various epidemiological studies have also demonstrated an association between cardiovascular risks and hyperuricemia. In hyperuricemia, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced simultaneously with the formation of uric acid by xanthine oxidases. Intracellular uric acid has also been reported to promote the production of ROS. The ROS and the intracellular uric acid itself regulate several intracellular signaling pathways, and alterations in these pathways may result in the development of atherosclerotic lesions. In this review, we describe the effect of uric acid on various molecular signals and the potential mechanisms of atherosclerosis development in hyperuricemia. Furthermore, we discuss the efficacy of treatments for hyperuricemia to protect against the development of atherosclerosis.
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Background: Previous studies have demonstrated an association between hyperuricemia and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The Framingham study confirmed that patients with high atherosclerotic risks (HARs) had worse prognoses. However, after adjusting for confounding factors, the association between serum uric acid (SUA) and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality remains unclear, especially for HAR patients. Objective: The aim of this study was to reveal the relationship of SUA with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in HAR patients. Methods: This multicenter cohort study enrolled 3,047 participants, and the follow-up was 68.85 ± 11.37 months. Factors related to cardiovascular and all-cause mortality were tested by multivariate Cox regression analysis. Restricted cubic splines (RCSs) with knots were used to explore the shape of the dose–response relationship with SUA and the hazard ratio (HR) of all-cause and CVD mortality. SUA transformed by RCS was added to the Cox regression model as an independent variable, and all-cause and CVD mortality scores were calculated. Survival receiver operating characteristic curves were produced using a regression model predicting the score. Results: SUA demonstrated a “U-shaped” relationship with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. SUA predicted all-cause and CVD mortality, with cutoff values of values of >370.5 μmol/L for males and >327.65 μmol/L for females and <180.5 μmol/L for males and <165.7 μmol/L for females, respectively. The survival ROC curve indicated that SUA is able to predict all-cause and CVD mortality, with areas under the curve of 0.702 and 0.711, respectively. The HRs of all-cause mortality (male and female) with hyperuricemia and hypouricemia were 2.08 and 2.01 and 2.04 and 1.98, respectively, and the HRs of CVD mortality (male and female) were 2.09 and 1.79, and 2.02 and 1.89, respectively. Conclusion: Abnormal SUA levels were significant and independent risk factors for all-cause and CVD mortality. Hyperuricemia and hypouricemia increased mortality in both males and females. Routine SUA evaluation and intensive management are needed for HAR patients. Clinical Trial Registration: , identifier: NCT03616769.
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Background: Our study analyzes the frequency and risk factors of hyperuricemia and the use of allopurinol in a representative cohort of the older Polish adult population. Methods: The analysis was a part of a cross-sectional PolSenior study on aging in Poland. The complete medication data were available in 4873 out of 4979 community dwelling respondents aged 65 and over. Serum uric acid concentrations were evaluated in 4028 participants (80.9% of the cohort). Results: Hyperuricemia was observed in 28.2% of women and 24.7% of men. Ten risk factors of hyperuricemia were selected based on multivariable LASSO logistic regression analysis. Nine factors showed significant odds ratios: eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (OR = 4.10), hypertriglyceridemia (OR = 1.88), obesity (OR = 1.75), heart failure (1.70), CRP > 3.0 mg/dL (OR = 1.64), coronary artery disease (OR = 1.30), use of loop-diuretics (OR = 4.20), hydrochlorothiazide (OR = 2.96), and thiazide-like diuretics (OR = 2.81). Allopurinol was used by 2.8% of men and 1.8% of women. The therapy was considered effective in 46.7% of men and 53.3% of women. Conclusions: Hyperuricemia was present in 23.1% (95% CI: 21.8-24.4) of the older Polish population. The frequency of hyperuricemia increases with age, reaching 30.5% in men and 33.7% in women aged 90 years or more. Chronic kidney disease, obesity, heart failure, hypertriglyceridemia, and the use of diuretics were the strongest risk factors for hyperuricemia in older adults. The treatment with allopurinol was ineffective in more than half of participants.
Introduction/objectives: Circulating cystatin C has reportedly been related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, apart from its traditional role in estimating the glomerular filtration rate. However, whether circulating cystatin C is related to hyperuricemia remains unclear. Method: We included 2406 men and 1273 women who attended their annual health checkups in this study. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured. Hyperuricemia was diagnosed as fasting serum uric acid > 420 µmol/L in men and women. Results: A total of 695 (18.9%) participants were diagnosed with hyperuricemia. Hyperuricemic patients had significantly higher serum cystatin C levels than healthy controls (0.91 (0.83-1.02) versus 0.82 (0.72-0.92) mg/L, P < 0.001). Serum cystatin C levels were positively related to the prevalence of hyperuricemia, which was 5.18%, 14.76%, 22.66%, and 31.24% in participants with serum cystatin C levels in the first, second, third, and fourth quartiles, respectively (P < 0.001 for trend). In stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis, participants with serum cystatin C in the fourth quartile had a more than twofold increased risk of hyperuricemia (OR 2.262, 95% CI 1.495-3.422; P < 0.001) compared with those with serum cystatin C in the first quartile. In subgroup analyses, the fourth quartile of cystatin C was related to increased risks of hyperuricemia in both non-obese and obese participants (OR 4.405, 95% CI 1.472-13.184, P = 0.008; OR 1.891, 95% CI 1.228-2.911, P = 0.004, respectively), in non-metabolic syndrome participants (OR 3.043, 95% CI 1.692-5.473; P < 0.001) but not in metabolic syndrome participants (OR 1.689, 95% CI 0.937-3.045; P = 0.081), and in non-non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (non-NAFLD) (OR 2.128, 95% CI 1.424-3.180; P < 0.001, respectively) and young and middle-aged participants (OR 2.235, 95% CI 1.492-3.348, P < 0.001) but not in NAFLD and elderly participants. Conclusions: This study revealed a positive association of circulating cystatin C with hyperuricemia. Key Points • Serum cystatin C is associated with an increased risk of hyperuricemia. • Serum cystatin C is a useful biomarker in distinguishing patients at high risk of having hyperuricemia.
Objective The URRAH (URic acid Right for heArt Health) Study has identified cut-off values of serum uric acid (SUA) predictive of total mortality at 4.7 mg/dl, and cardiovascular (CV) mortality at 5.6 mg/dl. Our aim was to validate these SUA thresholds in people with diabetes. Methods The URRAH subpopulation of people with diabetes was studied. All-cause and CV deaths were evaluated at the end of follow-up. Results A total of 2570 diabetic subjects were studied. During a median follow-up of 107 months, 744 deaths occurred. In the multivariate Cox regression analyses adjusted for several confounders, subjects with SUA ≥ 5.6 mg/dl had higher risk of total (HR: 1.23, 95%CI: 1.04-1.47) and CV mortality (HR:1.31, 95%CI:1.03-1.66), than those with SUA < 5.6 mg/dl. Increased all-cause mortality risk was shown in participants with SUA ≥ 4.7mg/dl vs SUA below 4.7 mg/dl, but not statistically significant after adjustment for all confounders. Conclusions SUA thresholds previously proposed by the URRAH study group are predictive of total and CV mortality also in people with diabetes. The threshold of 5.6 mg/dl can predict both total and CV mortality, and so is candidate to be a clinical cut-off for the definition of hyperuricemia in patients with diabetes.
Objectives: In older individuals, the role of serum uric acid (SUA) as risk factor for mortality is debated. This study investigated the association of SUA with all-cause and cardiovascular (CV) mortality in older adults participating in the large multicentre observational uric acid right for heart health (URRAH) study. Methods: Eight thousand URRAH participants aged 65+ were included in the analysis. The predictive role of SUA was assessed using Cox regression models stratified according to the cut-off age of 75. SUA was tested as continuous and categorical variable (age-specific quartiles). The prognostic threshold of SUA for mortality was analysed using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: Among participants aged 65-74, multivariate Cox regression analysis adjusted for CV risk factors and comorbidities identified an independent association of SUA with both all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 1.169, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.107-1.235) and CV mortality (HR 1.146, 95% CI 1.064-1.235). The cut-off value of 4.8 mg/dl discriminated mortality status. In participants aged 75+, we observed a J-shaped relationship of SUA with all-cause and CV mortality, with risk increasing at extreme SUA levels. Conclusions: These results confirmed the predictive role of SUA for all-cause and CV mortality in older adults, while revealing considerable age-related differences. Mortality risk increased at higher SUA levels in participants aged 65-74, with a prognostic threshold of 4.8 mg/dl. The relationship between SUA and mortality was J-shaped in oldest participants. Large interventional studies are needed to clarify the benefits and possible risks of urate-lowering treatments in older adults.